#my siblings spent SO LONG putting this together and captioning it
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genaleah · 2 years ago
There’s some flashing images in the video, especially toward the end, so watch out if you’re sensitive to that.
Also, if you go to the Youtube upload and turn on captions, it’ll show you the name of every movie as it appears on screen!
I just realized I hadn't shared this one to tumblr. I'm still really happy with it.
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rubiatinctorum · 9 months ago
Photo albums should come back in a huge way. Think about it. We have so many photographs these days of so many of the fun things we do, and places we go, and people we love. It's pretty much easier than ever to take pictures. And, they're quick and easy to get developed, too. The kiosk charges, what 55 cents a picture? Maybe not even that? And it prints in seconds. Which makes it really easy to start building a photo album collection.
Older people have told me of back in their day, when photo film was expensive and photos took a long time to be developed. We don't have those restrictions anymore babey!!!!!!!!!111!!!!1! I like digital photography, and the ability to back up photos in lots of places. But, for all the photos we take these days, what will be the evidence in our homes of them? Lots of older people I know have at least one photo album. And photos in frames, too. I see the homes of people my age sometimes, and I don't see very many photos at all.
And then if more people made photo albums we could show our friends our pictures!!!!! :D I fantasize about showing people my photo album and I love looking at other people's photo albums and learning about their lives <3
"Rubia, my friends show me pictures already, and it's awkward as hell" listen I get it no one likes standing like an NPC while their friend searches forever through their phone, and you try not to look at the screen because it seems rude. BUT this is a specially curated book!!! You can turn the pages!!!! every page has something to see!!!!
And like it feels different than social media to me. Lots of social media is "look what I just did" but photo albums feel timeless. Photos from years ago. Photos from last week. Photos from this afternoon. All together, arranged personally. And you don't have to worry about accidentally double-tapping anything and then looking like a stalker lol. Instagram doesn't really feel like show-and-tell the way photo albums do
I hadn't really kept a photo album for years until I found one in the thrift store that looks just like my parents' photo album. I'd never seen another one like it before (they're not the exact same album lol I've seen them in the same room before). I thought it was so special, I might as well get it, and if I have it, I might as well put pictures in it.
I have spent HOURS playing photo album. I get to select pictures to print. Then I get to go on a walk to the store to go print them. Then I get to write captions on the back of all of them!!! And arrange them in ways that I think thematically work together!!!! And flip through them! And imagine in my mind I'm telling people all of this cool stuff in the pictures!!! And thinking of fond memories of places and people in the photos!!!!!!!!
I love my photo album. And it also inspires me to go out more, and visit different places in the city I don't really go to otherwise. Botanical garden. Cool ass tower on the tourism hill. Picnic in the park to do some writing. Anything is possible. It's also all very cheap (in part because I am a leech using my student ID to get into the botanical garden despite having graduated already).
It's also great for like, remembering that life is good. When things are difficult, and especially when grief sets in, it's hard to remember that sometimes. It's hard to imagine good things will happen again. But, looking at the photo album, it reminds me that a fun day can be going somewhere nearby and looking at the pretty plants and water, or getting up to nonsense with my sibling, or knitting, or writing, or anything. Life is good, and it will be good some more.
And, it makes me miss my favourite place a little less. I can look at the photos in print, and I can imagine I'm there again, and I can see years and years of joy there in photos.
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inkrabbit · 2 years ago
"Anonymous asked a question:
Sodo stealing either ur clothes, rings, bracelets and necklaces bc he wants to be around you all the time but he knows he can’t with how u have whatever u do n he has practice, maybe the other ghouls find out as well n tease him"
Okay here we go, the request that magically disappeared from my inbox. I'm so glad I don't delete these emails.
Anyway, Sodo on tour and missing reader since their scent has faded from the clothes he took. hope it's good <333 GN!Reader
He loved touring. He loved seeing the fans, interacting with the ghouls on stage and being able to be free. He loved how Papa gave them freedom and let them have the spotlight, even if the old man seemed reluctant a few times. He knew he pushed his luck on several occasions, but he couldn’t help himself. The screaming and cheering and the excited energy from the audience would light him up, adrenaline coursing through his veins. Humans were always said to be disgusting, only good as food sources or playthings.
That was all a bunch of bullshit, he decided. Sure, in the beginning it’s how he felt. When he was first summoned, he was given clear instructions that the siblings were off-limits during the day. But after curfew, well… Sister said that it was put in place for a reason. And he took advantage of it, stalking the nights to get his fill.
But there was one sibling he just couldn’t bring himself to harm and that was you. From day one, you had been nothing but cordial and polite to him, more than the others even had been. And he would admit, he loved that you decided to call him “Mr. Sodo” when you two first met. Okay, yes, hearing you call him that might’ve made him feel a type of way that he didn’t want to unpack for a long time. But when he saw you walking from the library, having fallen asleep inside and past curfew, he played along with your polite and sweet game. Though his tail had flicked back and forth as he took in your scent, he had let you link your arm with his and escorted you back to the dorms. He left you in the hall, right outside your room, a surprised expression on your face after he gave you the gentlest kiss to your lips. You two spent a lot more time together after that, even enough to where you had agreed to be his.
And as much as he loved touring, he found that he hated being away from you. He hated that he couldn’t feel your gentle touches or how you would play with his tail. He hated that you weren’t there to cup his face and kiss his forehead whenever he was feeling extra irritable. He hated how fast your scent would fade from your clothes.
Of course he had taken some of your things. Mainly one of the rings you constantly wore, along with a couple of your oversized hoodies, an old flannel you wore at every chance, and the old evil eye bracelet you had. He had laughed when you messaged him, saying how you couldn’t find a few things, and he may or may not have taken a picture of himself wearing your stolen property to send to you, the caption “that’s crazy” being typed out along the bottom.
He nuzzles himself further into your hoodie’s neckline, inhaling deeply to try and find your scent. His tail taps irritably on the couch when he notices that it’s hidden underneath his campfire smell, mingled in with everyone else. Maybe next time he would just find a way to sneak you out of the abbey to accompany him.
“Ya doin’ alright, mate?” Aether catches his attention, Sodo letting out a lazy hum. “Haven’t seen ya move in a while.”
“’m fine,” he mumbles. “Just kinda tired.”
Aether takes a closer look at him, something that makes the smaller ghoul growl. “Oh, I didn’t notice you took Y/N’s old ring.”
It’s true. The ring he took from you didn’t fit his finger. So instead, he had bought an extra silver chain to have hang around his neck. He would drop it into his shirt during the shows so no one could see it, but he preferred to have it out the rest of the time. Still, he lets out a scoff.
“Yeah, it is.” Aether gives him a pat on his knee, which had been curled up.
“Didn’t think you could miss someone so much,” he laughs softly, though he grunts when Sodo brings his leg up to kick his chest. Still, he smiles after he recovers from his daze. “We’ll be back home before you know it.”
Sodo gives him another soft grunt as he watches him walk further back into the bus. When the ghoul is out of sight, he goes back to scrolling through his phone, trying to hide the smile that wants to creep onto his face when he sees the silly little pictures you’re sending him.
For the most part, the others leave him alone. Cirrus and Cumulus had said how cute he looked, all snuggled up in your hoodie, and Rain had said he was happy his friend found someone he liked so much. Sunshine and Mountain had enough sense to keep quiet, and the shorter ghoul didn’t even hold his gaze for too long. Probably still shy and intimidated by him.
Finally, Papa comes onto the bus with a tired sigh, trying desperately to keep his hair slicked back. Originally, Sodo had tried to ignore him, instead focusing on his phone.
“Something wrong, mio figlio?” Copia’s voice forces him to look up, the man staring down at him with a cup of coffee in his hand. “You look unhappy.”
Before he can respond, Swiss is walking onto the tour bus with a pep in his step and a smirk on his face. “Ah, don’t worry about him, Papa.” He walks over, pinching Sodo’s cheek as he continues on in a mocking voice, “He’s just upset that he can’t smell Y/N on that sweatshirt anymore.”
The growl Sodo lets out is low and dangerous, claws lashing out and just grazing Swiss’s hand when he pulls back at just the right moment. While Swiss laughs about it, Copia has a genuinely concerned look on his face. Swiss goes to the back of the bus, rummaging through things as Copia sets his cup down on one of the tables.
“We’re gonna go out if you wanna join, grumpy pants,” Swiss calls to the smaller ghoul. “And we’re going now.”
“Yeah, I’m good.” With a “suit yourself”, the multi ghoul is heading for the front and soon exiting the bus, leaving Sodo alone with Copia. There’s normally an awkward feel in the air when being alone with the man, but this time, it’s more… gentle, loving. The same energy that Cumulus gives off.
“You know, Y/N wears your clothes too.” His voice catches Sodo’s attention again. “Those jackets you always wear? That black zip-up and the leather one?”
“How do you know?”
“I’m not blind, mio figlio.” He gives the ghoul a warm smile, along with a wink. “Trust when I tell you that the feeling is mutual.” He goes to walk past the couch. However, just like Aether, he gently pats his knee. “Do not worry too much. This tour will soon end and you will be back with your amore, ah?”
He can’t bring himself to verbally respond. So instead, he just gives him a soft grunt, along with a nod. Copia leaves after that, telling him that he would bring something back for him. When he’s finally alone, Sodo navigates to his message history with you.
Sodo: hey
Sodo: what are you wearing rn?
You don’t send him back a text. Instead, he gets a picture of you a few minutes later, wearing nothing but his leather jacket. He’d have to remember to thank Copia later for the little tip.
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chaerincore · 3 years ago
ARTICLE: "NCT’s Johnny and Rue from The Romantics’ Relationship is Finally Confirmed!"
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FEBRUARY 16, 2022
Rising speculations surfaced in December of 2021 at the Asia Artist Awards. The couple was seen exchanging fond glances amongst each other as The Romantics took home the Daesang for Artist of the Year, and NCT 127 was awarded Album of the Year — it was later revealed by a trespassing fansite that the two went home together that night, as well. Both companies revealed that the fansite is receiving legal punishment in response.
In a statement from JYP, the company explained that since they started dating, “Johnny has helped Rue develop more trust and confidence in herself and others, which we have known has been an issue for our artist since she joined the JYP family — it was a product of past dating & family issues that have now been handled properly.”
Fans of The Romantics have found this to be true, noting that once Rue mentioned in 2021 that she had spent the first three years of her career being afraid to give her ideas, and didn’t ever stand up for herself in moments of conflict. Many have also said that after 2019 ended, Rue gradually became more vocal and vibrant in personality, so the development of this relationship aligning with this period of time finally gives a potential answer.
Though both artists have asked for privacy, they decided to treat the fans by taking to Instagram not long after the statements were released — sharing a piece of their world with Nctzens and Sweethearts!
Johnny posted a candid photo of him and Rue in the winter with matching sweatshirts (left) — the caption read "winter is warmer with ru- i mean u." Rue’s post consisted of them together, dressed in more formal wear (right) with a precious caption: "i swear you put the sun up in my sky," she is rumored to be teasing lyrics from a new song on The Romantics’ upcoming album.
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Many hope that the couple shares more of their lives together with them, giving an overwhelmingly positive response to the announcement — the attention to congratulating the couple has seemingly outweighed the media’s negative reactions, but only time will tell.
What do you think? Will this couple last under the public eye?
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Here’s what we know (so far) about the timeline of PENTAGON’s Yuto & former TXT member Nako’s relationship, and why many think the couple is back together again!
The Romantics’ Aera shares a heartfelt letter as a introduction to their new album, but her emphasis and encouragement towards feminism is creating a major rift amongst fans
Idol siblings Changbin (Stray Kids) and Moon (The Romantics) share what it was like to work with F.HERO & MILLI for "Mirror Mirror" & more on their first project together!
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@skzfairies @m00niesk7
REPLY WITH “let’s fall in love!” TO JOIN THE TAGLIST!
reminder that Rue (or any of my ocs) is NOT real. the characters, relationships, and plot(s) are all purely fictional.
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rainythefox · 4 years ago
Nightfall (CH.15)
Synopsis: Pre-Resident Evil 1, slight-AU/Canon Divergence. Claire Redfield comes home to visit her  brother Chris for the holidays but gets caught up in a dangerous game of  cat and mouse with Albert Wesker, the Captain of STARS, after stumbling  upon dark secrets. She can’t call the law; Wesker is the law, and she  can’t tell Chris. She is trapped…Claire/Wesker & Slight Chris/Jill (There’s Wesker & William Bromance too lol). Rated M for smut, language, violence, adult content.
AO3 Link
Chapter 15:Infatuation
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Claire was awake when she heard Chris getting ready for work, but she stayed in bed. She didn’t join him for breakfast or a cup of coffee. She didn’t see him off. She just turned over on her side, away from her door where the hallway light creeped through underneath. She had endured a near sleepless night of tosses and turns, the aches in her muscles a stinging reminder of what she had done.
She must’ve fallen asleep for a couple of hours because she awoke to sunshine peeking through the curtains. The sun was out, reflecting off the snow that blanketed the city. Claire got out of bed and did her usual morning ritual: dressing, brushing her teeth, hopelessly trying to come up with a way to escape her grim situation. Funny how that last one had snuck into her daily routine. Her new normal apparently.
Claire made herself toast and orange juice for breakfast but barely touched it. She tried distracting herself with the newspaper, but there wasn’t anything interesting to read in Raccoon Times.
Umbrella Corporation opens new distribution center, creates 600 new jobs
Mayor Warren promises more funding for local orphanage
Kite Bros. expands Downtown travel with new subway tunnel
Clock Tower Plaza puts up traditional Raccoon City Christmas Tree
Even though Chris left her his truck again, she didn’t want to go anywhere. Where would she go? See a friend and potentially drag them into her situation? Try and get help from someone else that was under Wesker’s boot or on his payroll? Raccoon City seemed like an illusion now, a cesspool of collusion and extortion. As though the rose-colored glasses she had once viewed the city in were ripped from her eyes to expose all of the red flags and blood she couldn’t see before.
Besides, she felt bad for the fight she had with her brother last night. Despite Chris overstepping boundaries with his overprotective nature, he was just concerned for her. He knew she was hiding something and was worried. The Redfield siblings only had each other, for nearly nine years now. Chris had sacrificed time and time again for her, to make sure they could stay together, to make sure she could go to college, always making sure she had what she needed over himself. Even when Chris’s behavior got him discharged more than once, he always put her first.
He knew she could take care of herself. He made sure he taught her all he could. Most brothers were protective of their sisters, but Claire wondered if Chris’s...excessiveness was perhaps a form of PTSD from what happened to their parents. Stepping into that guardian role, he went right into the Air Force, just like their parents. He abandoned a normal future to ensure hers, to keep them together, and to somehow get closer to the parents they had lost.
That was why it was hard to stay mad at him. Even if this time he unmindfully didn’t know the danger he was putting them in with his good, albeit intemperate, intentions.
Claire decided she would apologize when Chris got home that evening. And so, she spent the day trying to be productive, to keep her mind from wandering. She studied for a while, and then cleaned the house for a bit, blasting Queen at high volume. However, no matter what she did, she couldn’t keep herself from thinking about not only her situation, but the man that now had her literally pinned under him. She worried what his next scheme for her would be. But she’d be lying to herself if she denied the excitement that also thrummed through her veins. The strange mix made her queasy.
By the time it started getting dark, Claire realized she had wasted most of her day deep in thought, trying to make sense of it all, plotting for a way out, and maybe spending more time than she’d care to admit thinking about what happened between her and Wesker.
Chris would be home soon, so she started dinner. While cooking, she turned on the television to keep her mind focused, but after a few channel changes, a local news station caught her attention with a caption that filled her lungs with ice.
“Raccoon University professor missing, linked to drugging and sexual assault of multiple students.”
Claire turned up the volume, perturbed, because she just knew which professor they were talking about…
“-ow long has this been going on, Alyssa?” asked the anchor.
The news reporter, a pretty, bob-cut blonde, was quick to answer while standing out in the cold in front of Raccoon University, wearing a white coat and a red suit. “I’m being told this may have been happening for over a year now. The RPD are keeping the victims’ identities under wraps at this time, but I do know there are at least four. Dr. Simon Lowery has been missing for a little over 24 hours, having fled after trying to drug a female student at the open house last night. We have yet to get a statement from his wife, but police are saying she had no idea of his behavior. We’ve heard the same testimonies from colleagues. This is one of those -”
Claire clicked the remote. The TV went black, silent. She stared at the screen, a shocked reflection looking back at her. The news story rubbed her wrong. Lowery was a bad man, she knew that much. He would’ve killed her over those documents, would’ve strangled her in the snow when they fought to keep her quiet over stealing whatever it was she had stolen. But not once did she get the feeling he was like that.
She’d bet money that the news story over Lowery was made up to cover up what really happened. She wasn’t sure if Wesker came up with the story or if it was any of his numerous pawns. Didn’t matter. It proved what she already knew, just like the other day when the news covered that Finley guy’s supposed “suicide” in his car. Just as Wesker had told her before, their fates were whatever he decided. Not just their deaths but their legacies, tainting and twisting them, dismantling and disgracing them, like a true god of death.
The city would never know what really happened to Finley and Lowery, whether they deserved their fates or not.
Claire shook out of her thoughts, a chill running over her as she recalled Finley’s head exploding, blood spraying all over the snow. Why had fate led her down that very same path that day?
A smoky, tangy smell pervaded her nostrils. Dinner was burning! Cursing, she raced into the kitchen to save it. The pork chops were burned on one side but other than that, the rest of dinner turned out okay.
Chris came in not long after she had finished cooking, silently walking over to her spot on the couch as she read a book. The couch shifted when he sat down, and so she looked up from the pages. Still in STARS uniform, her older brother scratched the back of his head, uncomfortable but presenting her an apologetic smile. It was hard to stay mad at him with a puppy-dog face like that.
“Hey,” she mimicked.
“I’m sorry, Sis. About last night. I clearly went overboard. It’s been eating at me all day.”
“Chris, it’s -”
“Let me finish,” he pleaded. “I know you’re an adult. I know you can kick anyone’s ass. I’m overprotective because of what happened to Mom and Dad.”
She sighed. “I know.”
“But that’s no excuse to act the way I did. I trust you, Claire. And I believe in you. But I get so...obsessed with making sure you’re safe and-and fine that my stupid brain can’t see anything else! I let it get the better of me too much. So, from now on, I’ll work hard to keep myself from going overboard and to trust you more. N-Not that I haven’t trusted you! You’ve never given me a reason to doubt you. It’s stupid of me to act like you have. We’ve always had that unspoken pact that we can tell each other anything and it will always stand.”
Claire shifted uncomfortably in her spot. “A-Always.”
“I love you, Sis. I’m really sorry.”
The Redfield siblings were both stubborn and proud, and so sometimes it was Chris who apologized first and sometimes it was Claire. Although Chris usually gave in before she did. Despite that, this was still pretty soon for Chris to give in, as big as a fight they had. Claire wondered if something happened at work that made Chris come to his senses faster. Maybe Jill talked to him? Wouldn’t be the first time. She was her brother’s best friend, after all.
She decided it wasn’t important for now. She had been ready to apologize to her brother when he got home, and here he was apologizing as well. She was ready to put the whole fight behind them and move on...as best as she could in her predicament anyway. At least Chris had seemingly given up pushing her for answers. What a lucky break! Jill must’ve really lined him out.
Claire hugged Chris. “I’m sorry too, Bro. Love you!”
His strong arms wrapped around her and squeezed hard. For years growing up, it had been the safest feeling in the world. She always cherished it. Soon they pulled away, and got up to eat dinner.
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William paced, flipping through pages, catching important details and logging them away at a rate far faster than the average person. Wesker leaned against the wall, dressed in his STARS attire, watching him pace a trench in front of him. Always calm, always collected. How did he do it?!
The cable car shuddered, flicking the light overhead as it rose to the surface. He hated taking this hunk of junk! Normally, he didn’t have to, but they were meeting Irons in the sewers. Perfect place to find the slimy rat.
“No! Goddamn it, no! Why? They said Sheena Island was strictly testing and experimentation! That old bastard is moving my Hunter research there without my consent, and now the Tyrants? Mass production on a prototype? Even if they perfect the Epsilon strain, it’s nowhere near ready for cloning!”
“Are you truly all that surprised?” Wesker asked.
“No, I just…” William sighed. “It’s shit like this that tells me Spencer has no plans to put me on the executive board! If I don’t get in there, we’ll never be able to fulfill our plans! And there’s no way in hell I’m bartering the G-Virus for that spot. It’s my legacy, mine to completely control. He’ll have to pry it from my cold, dead fingers!”
“Best not tempt fate, old friend.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“At any rate, your tantrum is premature. With those numbers, the Sheena Island facility won’t be operable for any kind of mass production until August at the earliest. The research team on the Epsilon strain knows that the T-002 will be obsolete by the time it is finished. More than likely a new model is being developed and that will be the one they intend to manufacture. We have time to take this knowledge and use it to our advantage later.”
Birkin snorted. Lately Al’s “optimism” gave him anxiety. "Don’t you think we have our fingers in too many pies already? And toes at this rate. We’re wearing ourselves thin, Al. With too many enemies waiting for us to screw up.”
It was a reasonable concern. Sheena Island’s true motives were still mostly top-secret for now, going by this information sent by Alex. Roth must’ve bought this information from this other cohort of his, and was probably trying to haggle deals with Mueller, Lowery, and Bard. As well as Crawford and Finley. William made a mental note to thank Alex for this later. Wesker may have been a member of the Umbrella Intelligence Division as well, but he meticulously watched his dealings, aware of Spencer’s tabs on him. Alex didn’t have this problem, and so was their go-to source of anything they weren’t privy to.
His partner scowled. “That is such an absurd idiom. Regardless, we are committed at this point. Roth still has our stolen data and the plans for Sheena Island directly affects our goals. You admitted it yourself.”
The cable car shook and screeched, sliding to a halt. The light above the door turned green, and the robotic female voice told them to watch their step and have a good day. No, he would certainly not have a good day! He was having to deal with this and was about to meet a big rat in a stinky sewer. Didn’t the stupid voice know that? How insensitive!
“Yeah, I know. Guess we better be careful how we handle this.”
Wesker and William exited the cable car and walked side by side through the sewer facility. There weren’t many workers, but they all gave them a wide berth, keeping their heads down.
Wesker chuckled to himself, but William heard it over the water pumps and machinery.
“What’s so funny?”
“Just acknowledging that your prolonged bout of paranoia has made us change places. I’m usually the one telling you we need to be careful.”
They were both ruthless and ambitious, but Wesker had more patience and control. And although his back-and-forth stints of paranoia did make him more cautious, Will still hadn’t developed the patience or control that his partner had always had.
If only you knew why...what he’s making me do…
William frowned, rubbing his shoulder and quickly cleared his throat. “Well, no wonder you're so optimistic lately, taking after me. Like a little ball of sunshine!"
His partner didn’t respond to that, and William hoped it wasn’t because he had caught his nervous tic. In case he did, he quickly changed the subject. “So, did you get the kind of reaction out of Ada you were expecting?”
“More or less. I’m still annoyed by how you handled it though.”
“Look, you asked me to bring Claire up in a way to get a reaction from Ada to see if your suspicions were right and I did just that! You’re welcome, by the way!”
They reached the monitor room where they were meeting with Chief Irons. William entered first, and the Chief immediately noticed him, an Umbrella mercenary on each side of him. His pudgy eyes squinted testily and he opened his mouth to start his usual complaining. That is, until Wesker entered right behind him. His mouth quickly snapped shut. Ah, the benefits of having Al around!
Irons glanced around the room, his usual air of arrogance belittled and squashed like a bug. But there was nowhere to run in this room, nothing to protect him. He was at their mercy, but the tough-as-nails Irons wouldn’t be one to break so easily.
He half-laughed, half-snorted, attempting to cover his discomfort. “Now this must be a special occasion if you're both here. Rumor has it when you two are together, someone's going to die...or wish they would."
"Well, funny thing about rumors, Brian," William smirked. "There’s always some truth to them."
It was fun seeing the color drain from his face only to completely flush red like a cherry. He glared their way, fists forming tightly at his sides. "Oh yeah? And how exactly am I on you two assholes' shit list today? Considering all I do is cover your goddamn tracks and provide you with security all hours of every fucking day. Wait, don't tell me, you two have a rehearsed good cop, bad cop routine just for me?" He laughed. "No thanks."
Will nudged Albert. "Damn it, he guessed it! Wait, am I bad cop this time? I forget?"
"I'm always bad cop."
"No fair! We should take turns!"
Irons rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Just get to the point of why I'm here. If we're negotiating new deals, it's a bad time. I'm a busy man, after all."
"Funny you should mention that, Chief," Wesker sneered. "We're done negotiating with you."
The Umbrella mercs pulled their guns on the Chief. Irons froze on the spot, eyes bulging and going to the trained weapons, and this time he turned a bit green.
“Listen, Albert...let’s not get too hasty. Let’s talk like gentlemen. I-I’m sure we can come to an agreement.”
His resolve was cracking slowly, but William wouldn’t count the bastard out just yet. Irons had grown complacent in his position, taking advantage of anything he could get his grubby hands on. William and Wesker had allowed much of this behavior to slide in the knowledge that Irons would eventually get himself into a bind. And that’s where he was now.
“Of course, Brian. I am a sophisticated man, after all. Take a seat.”
The Chief of Police looked relieved at that and pulled out a chair and sat down. The Umbrella mercenaries stood at his back, guns still aimed to the back of his head. William and Albert sat down across from him.
William slid a sealed yellow envelope across the table to Irons. “Open it and take a good, hard look, Brian.”
Irons wiped his mustache, a little sweat forming on his brow. He slowly opened the envelope and sifted through the contents. Each page he flipped through he grew a shade whiter, until he was pasty like a ghost.
“What the fuck is this?”
William leaned back in his chair, hands behind his head. “Oh, I don’t know. You tell us.”
Irons trembled in his chair, both from anger and fear. He flushed again, one fat fist crinkling a page and he quickly stood. “You fucking bastards!”
One merc’s gun barrel pressed into Irons’ skull and he quickly remembered his place. He slowly sat down. He sure was sweating a lot now!
“You put yourself in this situation, Brian,” Wesker stated. “You know I keep tabs on you and yet you got sloppy. Arrogant, too, thinking you’d be able to set me up.”
“Your sick fantasies with the mayor’s daughter will be released to the public. Your replacement has already been chosen. You will die,” William continued.
“No! No, please! We can come to an agreement!”
“There are no more agreements to come to, Brian,” Wesker growled. “Just two choices. You can die like William so eloquently stated or you can sell the remainder of your pathetic soul to our cause.”
And unsurprisingly, the Chief went with the option that kept his sorry ass alive. “Deal! You got it!”
“And just so we’re clear. That -” William motioned to the envelope. “- never goes away. This is your last chance. Next time...well...there won’t be a next time. Just you dead and your dirty secrets exposed for all to see. Never forget how replaceable you are, Brian.”
Irons slowly nodded, guarded. “And exactly what are you two going to want me to do for your “cause”?”
“You will still perform your normal duties for Umbrella, and only report to me,” Wesker explained. “But if William and I tell you to do something, you do it. Even if it goes against your orders from Umbrella.”
“William will be taking over as your handler. You should thank him. It was my intention to kill you tonight and he convinced me otherwise. If he asks you to perform in the circus, I expect you to clap your flippers and balance that ball without any disinclination. Do I make myself clear?”
Irons ground his jaw and stiffly nodded. “You always do, Albert.”
William sat up a little straighter, a haughty grin spreading. Albert’s protectiveness of him always gave him a feeling of empowerment, feeding his ego, and made a darker part of himself more bold, more ambitious.
“Don’t worry, Brian,” Will said with a fake, friendly smile. “You do a good job and stay on my good side, I always pay really well, way more than Al does.” He added a postscript after seeing the Chief’s interested grin. “Get on my bad side, however, and you’ll be my newest experiment...just ask Lowery.”
The Police Chief’s relief was short-lived. The mention of Lowery’s name struck something in him. He scowled, stiffening once more, looking between the two partners in crime.
“So you two were behind what happened at the university?”
“Oh yes,” William bragged. “Which is partly how we found out about your little attempt to set up Albert.”
“Which brings us to our next order of business, Brian,” Albert added. “Who was with you when you met up with Aaron Roth?”
Irons shook his head, hands on the table, still aware of the guns at his back. “Look, Lowery and Bard paid me to keep their business dealings hush-hush. I think they were trying to coerce Mueller into selling key information on his project in exchange for getting some crucial research going down on some island.”
Will sighed. “Don’t make Al repeat himself, ya idiot.” He snapped his fingers. “His name? Who is he?”
“S-Some bigshot from Europe who works on this island. He’s partners with Roth, buying and selling research within Umbrella and other companies. Goes by Stefan Bennett, but I couldn’t tell you if that’s his real name or not.”
When Will glanced at Al, a subtle flex in his shoulder was all he needed to read him. Bennett wasn't anyone known to them.
"Where are they hiding out?"
Irons shrugged. "Don't know. I'm only being paid for their meetings. Bennett will be at Bard’s annual Christmas party. I don't know if Roth will be there. He acted like he had other plans."
Like selling my research, the bastard...
"Then I suppose a meeting with Nathaniel Bard is in order," Wesker announced, sunglasses glinting under the fluorescents as he looked to William with a dark grin.
William returned his partner's smirk. "Yeah...It's party time."
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(photo by IsmaelUchihaSan)
It was the perfect day for Jill to be off, or not have her shift until the evening anyway. Late morning, while Chris was stuck at the RPD, the girls enjoyed a light brunch and lattes at a quaint coffee shop before doing some last minute Christmas shopping.
Claire always enjoyed hanging out with the older woman. They had a lot in common and Claire was always learning something new with her company. She often found herself wondering if her oaf of a brother would ever romantically ask Jill out. It seemed like everyone could see it but them. Then again, perhaps they didn’t pursue their feelings because of their careers. Claire didn’t know the policies of STARS, but there might be restrictions there.
The two of them picked up Claire’s gift she had bought for Chris and took it over to Jill’s house. The box was tall and rectangular, about the size of a small adult. Though bulky, it wasn’t as heavy as it looked, and with each of them on one end, was able to carry it easily into the home.
They were greeted by Jill’s overly affectionate golden retriever, Bella. Claire flopped onto the floor to properly greet the fluffy, blond dog. Jill giggled at the sight.
“Hell of a guard dog, ain’t she?” Jill joked. “She’ll lick you to death.”
Better than getting my throat ripped out by Wesker’s dog…
Claire pushed aside that unpleasant memory and stood back up. Hard to believe that was only a few days ago. Her hand was already a lot better, but her ankle still hurt like a bitch.
They carried the box into Jill’s other bedroom that doubled as an office and home gym. The STARS Alpha member’s house was a three bedroom, two bath. She assumed the third bedroom was a guest room, but Claire wasn’t sure. Chris’s house was a bit bigger, with three bathrooms. They had their own in their bedrooms and then the guest bathroom in the hallway.
“Thanks for keeping this here for a bit, Jill.”
“No problem. I guess my home is the popular choice to hide gifts. Chris has yours here as well. I’m just waiting for Barry to ask to keep the girls’ gifts here, as if they don’t have enough space in that big house of theirs.”
“Well, you know how Moira is. She gets into everything. They can’t hide any gifts from her! She’s gonna be a handful as a teenager!”
They laughed and returned to the living room, Bella trailing behind them. Jill fetched them some water and the girls took a load off on the sofas.
“The punching bag was a good thought,” Jill declared. “I know Chris has been wanting one.”
Claire nodded, smiling as she watched Bella carry around her favorite plush duck toy. “Yeah. He’s been really wanting to start bulking up more. Although when we were playing on his guitar last night, I realized he needs a new toolkit for it. So I might have to go pick up one of those as well.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you play too. Why haven’t I got to see you play yet? I’ve watched Chris lots of times.”
Claire shrugged. “I guess we just never think about it when I'm visiting.” The Redfield siblings didn’t mind playing guitar in front of others, but they cherished playing together, reciting notes and melodies their father had played for them when they were young. “Chris told me you played piano? I need to see that!”
Claire didn’t get the piano at all. That was entirely different from the guitar.
Jill softly laughed. “Yeah. It’s ingrained from childhood. Had the meanest instructor ever. Chris jokes that playing the piano won’t ever do me any good, and suggests I learn something else.”
“He’s just jealous,” Claire joked.
Jill laughed at that. “He totally is. You know, I’m happy you two reconciled so quickly. Chris can be so stubborn sometimes.”
“He can be, but I’m not one to talk. Whatever you said to him, it must’ve worked. So thank you for that. I know he’s just trying to look out for me, but it gets old. I’m an adult and can take care of myself.”
The older woman furrowed her brows and shook her head. “It wasn’t me.”
“Huh? It wasn’t?”
“No, it was the Captain.”
Her heart flipped, twisting her lungs to where she choked on air before she could take a drink of her water. It took all in Claire’s power to keep a straight face and feign something catching in her throat. “I’m sorry?”
“The fight you two had upset Chris a lot, affected his performance when we were doing some training. I guess Wesker picked up on it. Apparently, they took a long lunch together, and the Captain helped Chris get his head straight. At least, that’s what Chris told me later.”
Claire was completely freaked out by that information but hid it, wiping her suddenly clammy hands on her pants. She drank half of her water in one gulp and squeezed the bottle so hard it crumpled in the middle.
“O-Oh, I figured it was you.”
“Not this time,” Jill answered. “But it wasn’t without a lack of trying. He just didn’t listen. Not until he had gone too far anyway, the ass. At least Wesker got through to him.”
“Yeah…” she cleared her throat and stood up. “Well, I should get going. I don’t want to take up all of your free time and I have some studying to do. Thanks for helping me pick that up and letting me hide it here.”
It was partially true. Claire didn’t want to take up all of Jill’s day off before she had to go in for night shift. But mostly the recent news had unsettled her and she needed to gather her thoughts on the matter.
Jill smiled, nodding as she patted Bella on the head as the retriever’s big brown eyes stared up at Claire with that duck still in her mouth, tail thumping hard on the hardwood floor.
“No problem, Claire.”
“Stay safe tonight, Jill.”
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“You’re not on the schedule...again.”
Ada sighed, crossing her arms and looking at the guard like he was stupid. He was. “I know that. But that won’t matter. William will still see me.”
The guard shifted uncomfortably, studying her suspiciously and then glancing at his list again. “Dr. Birkin is an extremely busy man. He’s been doing important tests all day and asked me to not allow anyone but Mrs. Dr. Birkin and Dr. Wesker entry. I’m sorry, ma’am.”
“I’m here on behalf of Albert. He’s busy at the police department currently. Just give him a ring and you’ll see.”
The guard hesitated, thinking and unsure. Clearly, he was scared to disturb his boss in the middle of his important work.
Ada smiled flirtatiously at him. “C’mon, Johnny. Help a girl out? It’s important.” She winked.
Johnny sighed. “Oh, alright.” He put a hand to his headset. “Dr. Birkin? I’m sorry to bother you, but Ms. Wong insists on seeing you. She says she’s here on behalf of Dr. Wesker.”
The spy didn’t miss how the camera up in the corner of the hallway turned down their way, aiming the attached machine gun right on their faces, blinking red light a far deadlier version of Candid Camera.
“Yes, sir. I understand. Will do,” Johnny said into his headpiece. He nodded at Ada and stepped aside. “You may enter. But please, keep it short. He has much to do.”
Ada waved him off. “Thanks, Johnny.”
She went through the automatic door, was sprayed down again, and strolled through the large, multi-room laboratory. She turned a corner, saw bright yellow and outstretched arms, and, on reflex, kicked the thing away from her.
“Ow!” came a muffled voice.
“Will, you idiot. Don’t sneak up on me like that,” Ada snapped.
The mad scientist pulled the hazmat suit’s helmet off, waddling over to the nearby safety station to strip it off and hang it up.
“I think that’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to scaring you!” William laughed.
Ada crossed her arms, glaring at him. “You didn’t scare me. You didn’t even startle me. You mildly annoyed me.”
“Ugh, you sound like Al. One day I will scare him. It’s on my bucket list. It might get me killed, but imma do it!”
The spy shook her head. “I don’t know about you sometimes.”
Birkin seemed extra...quirky today. He had an extra bounce in his step, grinning, humming as he left the safety station to his main desk. That’s when Ada noticed numerous empty energy drink cans and half a cup of cold, forgotten black coffee.
“How many of these have you had?” He did kind of look like one of those zombies Ada had seen being dissected in the Arklay lab, pale skin and dark circles under his eyes.
“Uhh…” he pondered, counting on his fingers as he twitched and quivered restlessly. “Five? I think?” He flopped down in his chair, shifting it side to side.
Ada leaned against his desk, glancing at the disorganized paperwork strewn about. Her sharp eyes caught many interesting and familiar things: G-Virus, Plant 43, Hunter Beta, Cerberus, NE-Alpha parasite, Lisa Trevor, T-Virus Epsilon. Then her eyes caught the interesting things that she had only seen once and was curious to find out more, now with associated words that intrigued her further: Prototype Virus, Project W, eugenics research, Progenitor, Ndipaya.
She had only a few seconds of absorbing these words before William snatched up the two papers that had anything on it. She watched him open his safe and put them inside, only accessible with a scan of his hand.
Ada acted like none of it interested her. “Five, huh? And how long have you been up, exactly? You look like shit. You smell like shit.”
William lifted his shirt and smelled. “I don’t know, when did Al and I go talk with Irons?"
“That was yesterday morning.”
“Oh...shit. Well, it’s been over 24 hours then.”
“I can tell.”
“So, how’d it go with Mueller?”
“As well as you’d expect. I’ve already relayed the info to Albert. Mueller won’t be a problem. In fact, he’s willing to help if it gets rid of Roth. I guess he feels scammed by the trade.”
William smirked, still swiveling slightly side to side in his chair. “I bet he does. Well, with Lowery no longer having a tongue and Irons and Bard put in their places, looks like we might be able to wrap this up by Christmas!”
Ada rapped her nails on the desk, frowning. “Albert told me the plan. Look, between you and me, I gotta ask...what’s the deal with him and Claire?”
Will chuckled. “What’s wrong? You jealous?”
“In your dreams. It’s just that...I mean, I don’t know the girl,” she lied. “But I thought he was just using her to get to Roth. Why have a fling with her? He doesn’t do that...at least not with just anyone.”
“You sure are a curious little kitty,” William half-joked, half-warned, leaning back in his chair. “What are you hoping to use this knowledge for?”
Ugh, she hated when he was an asshole. Then again, he was protecting Albert and so she should’ve known better. The spy sighed. “Fine. I’m just a little worried about Claire, alright? Can you blame me?”
She knew how Wesker worked. Claire was in way over her head. Didn’t matter how smart and strong she was. Despite being his type, she was still different than most and he did seem to have some kind of soft spot for her. And that is what both bothered and intrigued Ada.
“It’s not like you to worry about others like that. And I can blame you, actually. You got yourself tangled with Al. That’s on you.”
Ada bit her tongue. This wasn’t about her. “And poor Claire got tangled out of her control. C’mon, Will. I’ve helped you two a lot recently. Throw me a bone here. I deserve something in return.”
Will kept a straight face, thinking it over. Ada glared at him. Finally, the Golgotha creator grinned widely and leaned forward. Ada recognized the child-like delight, and knew he was about to spill the beans.
“Alright, alright! I think he has feelings for her.”
Ada laughed skeptically. “Whatever, Will! Tell me for real.”
She had to admit, she had thought something similar a few days ago when she spied Wesker nearly pinning Claire against his car. But she soon dismissed it. He definitely liked her and was attracted to her…but had feelings for her?! That was a little hard to believe.
“I do! He is obsessed, I’m telling you. The girl would’ve been dead a long time now had it been anyone else. He’s given her more chances than I’ve ever seen. He had the chance to pop her brother in the back without anyone knowing and didn’t do it! I don’t think he knows it himself, or he purposely keeps himself in denial, but...there’s something about her.”
Ada frowned, thinking it over. William had a point. All of Claire’s stunts to try and fight Albert should have ended with her dead a long time ago. And how her brother had been getting suspicious and snooping around, well, it should have ended the same with him by now.
“You think she reminds him of Anezka?” Ada asked.
Was that her name? Ada couldn’t really remember. She wasn’t around back then and had only heard all the different stories when she came here a couple of years ago.
“Nah...I mean they’re both redheads and feisty, but I don’t think that’s it. Anna jilted him, and besides being a little touchy over it, he’s moved on.”
“Is that really what happened?”
William shrugged. “I guess? No one really knows...not even Al.”
Ada wished she had been a fly on that wall when Anezka was still around. So many rumors and gossip about what happened. She practically disappeared, as though she was only a dream. But Albert remembered...resentfully. Ada knew him well enough that it wasn’t just his ego that got hurt. He actually had cared for her, and he hated that he did.
“Well, Albert’s given Claire all these chances to let her live. You think he will let her go when Roth is dealt with, as he has promised her?”
William scowled, leaning back in his chair. “What do you think?”
The double agent had no idea why, but her heart sank a little. As if she was hoping for something she knew better of. And here she thought her line of work had snuffed out all remaining optimism in her life.
“He won’t kill her. I guarantee it,” William boasted. “As obsessed and possessive he already is of her, she’s stuck. There will be conditions he gives her. I’m sure you know what those would be.”
“You sound happy about that,” Ada pointed out.
He shrugged, but the slight upcurve of his lips gave him away. “I like the girl. Sherry adores her. She’s proven to be quite resourceful and clever. She’ll be handy to have around. Besides, if Al actually has feelings for her, I gotta see where it goes! The geneticist in me really hopes he knocks her up.”
It may have sounded like a dark joke, but Ada knew the lunatic genius was dead serious. “I’m really disturbed by how obsessed you are with your best friend’s love and sex life.”
“I’m just looking out for him!”
Ada would never understand Wesker and William’s relationship. One of life’s greatest mysteries. But what was also another mystery still was why Wesker had feelings for Claire.
Was she the next Anezka?
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She parked right down the road. It was already nearly dark, but at least the temperature hadn’t dropped too much. Claire stuck to the recently salted sidewalks, hands stuffed in her parka. Her heart pounded in her throat, and her mind raced with what he could want this time.
Wesker called her while she was waiting for Chris to get off work, summoning her to his house for an “important discussion”. She was anxious for two reasons. One, the last time she saw Wesker just a couple nights ago, they had sex. And two, after learning from Jill that Wesker was the one who dealt with Chris, she wasn’t sure what that meant for her or her brother.
She was queasy, butterflies in her stomach, but she wasn’t about to lose her cool. More than anything, she feared her body would betray her once more, a dark excitement coursing through her blood.
Upon reaching Wesker’s house, Claire spotted a vehicle she didn’t recognize in his driveway. She didn’t get too close to it, but it looked like a ruby-colored Porsche Boxster. She didn’t know whether to be relieved or not about not being alone with the STARS Captain, but she took a deep breath and rang the doorbell anyway.
After a minute of silence, anticipation eating at her, the door opened. Her heart skipped when those familiar grey-blue eyes and dark smirk greeted her. Her stomach twisted, but Claire couldn’t tell whether it was from disgust or excitement.
“Good evening, Claire,” he purred. He stepped aside to allow her entry. “Please do come in. I don’t want you catching a cold.”
She rolled her eyes and stepped inside. “Thanks.”
He shut the door while she looked around. Odin padded over and sniffed her, docked tail wagging slightly. But she didn’t see anyone who could’ve owned the car outside.
Wesker’s hands brushed up her back. The bad thing was Claire realized she didn’t blench this time. No, this time she shivered in pleasure. She inwardly scolded herself as he took her coat off to hang by the door.
“We have much to discuss, dear heart,” he said, one muscular arm locking around her waist and pulling her deeper inside the house.
That’s when the younger Redfield saw a familiar face come into the living room from the kitchen, carrying a full glass of red wine. She nearly blurted Ada’s name, surprised, but quickly bit her tongue, hiding any reaction. Wesker didn’t know that she and Ada had already met personally. And it needed to stay that way.
“I sure hope you weren’t saving that malbec wine for a special occasion, Albert. I helped myself,” Ada said. When her eyes landed on Claire, she was the perfect actress. There was no recognition, no subtle signs given to Claire. “Is this her?”
“The one and only,” Wesker affirmed.
Ada took a long sip of her wine and sat it down on a coaster on the center table before walking over to them. Wesker stepped away while the double agent looked Claire over, one arm crossed and one hand on her chin as she thought. She walked around Claire and even grabbed her arms and lifted them and spun her around.
“Hmm...Yes, I can definitely work with this.”
“What the hell does that mean?” Claire grumbled. Ada spun her around again and grabbed at her hair. “Hey! What’s the big idea?!”
“Hold still, hun.”
Ada withdrew a tailor tape measurer. She measured Claire’s waist, chest, and height, even her arms and legs. Afterwards, she yanked Claire’s ponytail out and felt through her tresses.
“What are you doing?” Claire snapped.
“Taking measurements,” Ada replied. “Trying to figure out what to do with your hair.”
“I’ll explain later,” Wesker stated. His Doberman sat at his side, head cocked curiously as Ada got handsy with her measurements.
“Okay, finished,” Ada announced, rolling up her tape and putting it in her pocket. She retrieved her wine and took another drink. “I’ll have something ready by tomorrow.”
“What ready?” Claire demanded. “What’s going on?”
Wesker’s lips barely curled upward. “Oh, where are my manners? Claire, this is an associate of mine, Ada Wong. She originally was to pick you up at the university. Ada, you know Claire, I’ve told you all about her.”
The Eurasian beauty dipped her head. “Charmed.” Still completely in character, although Claire now saw something subtle in her eyes as she stared at Claire. Perhaps a warning? Or just acknowledgement?
“You too...I guess,” Claire said.
Wesker chuckled, catching their attention. “You do not have to pretend to be strangers on my account, ladies. I know you’re well acquainted.”
Claire ground her jaw, glaring at him. Ada didn’t even flinch, expressionless. Taking another sip of her wine, she shrugged.
“Can’t pull the wool over your eyes, can I Albert?”
“Oh come now, Ada, don’t be that way,” Wesker teased. He obviously sensed something from her that Claire didn’t. He stepped around the agent’s back and, besides her tensing barely, she didn’t look disconcerted. “You knew the risks when you decided to meet Claire behind my back.”
Ada didn’t say anything to that. Wesker’s dark grin grew a bit more.
“I’m quite curious of your intentions. You’re not the jealous type. And you’re not one to have concern for others. So why so curious about Claire? I know this has nothing to do with what Sergei asked of you.”
Jealous type? Claire glanced between them, not sure what kind of undertones she was reading here. She was missing something, that’s for sure. She could only infer that Wesker was gauging Ada for something.
“I was just curious what you saw in her, I guess,” Ada dismissed calmly.
Cool under pressure. Just like the man testing her.
“And did you figure it out?”
Ada’s eyes locked with Claire’s. “I think so.”
Wesker’s soft chuckle told them he didn’t believe her one bit. “You and William should give up trying to find something that isn’t there.”
Ada didn’t have to say anything. Her smile told it all. She was pleased somehow, as though she read deeper into Wesker’s words somehow. Claire wished she would tell her the secret. And also shake this weird feeling in her chest.
“Am I going to get filled in here on why she needed to take my measurements?” Claire grumbled.
“Yes, my apologies,” Wesker admitted, his full attention on her now, and the younger woman regretted saying anything. “Ada, you may go now. I’ll fill Claire in…” He smirked.
Oh god. Did he just…? Her stomach pitched and rolled. She knew what would happen once Ada left them alone. In his house. It was an instant body verses mind battle.
Ada shrugged and walked away. Claire never wanted someone to stay and leave all at once before. But the Eurasian woman plopped down on one of the leather sofas instead, resuming drinking her wine. Odin left his master’s side to plant himself in front of her, as if expecting Ada to give him attention now that she was sitting down. Claire released a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
Wesker scowled. “Or…make yourself at home.”
“I will,” Ada answered nonchalantly. “I’m not about to let this delicious wine go to waste.” She made a show of swishing the red liquid around in her glass. The wine complimented her burgundy fingernails.
Claire caught the agent’s honey brown eyes as she looked right at her while sipping from her lipstick-stained glass, a coded message for her. You’re welcome…
Claire swallowed mixed feelings and glared at the STARS Captain. “So what exactly are you making me do this time?”
“Relax dear heart, it’s nothing you’re a stranger to. We’re going to attend a party.”
His stereotypical college girl jab aside, it sounded easy enough. But Claire knew better. Whatever kind of party it was, with Wesker involved, there would be danger, deception, and death at every angle…
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Claire stared at the mirror, stunned. She wasn’t one to get dressed up, not this fancy anyway. Her red-brown hair was pulled up into messy curls with a few tresses hanging around her face. She had more make-up on than what she was used to. The jade-colored halter dress complimented her hair, eyes, and heels. She was only in the shoes for less than half an hour and her feet were already cramping. How did women wear these things all day?
The two assistants Ada had helping her with Claire were finally finished and departed from the big, spotless, and up-to-date bathroom. They were in Wesker’s living quarters in NEST. The younger Redfield tried not to think about what happened the last time she was here. Wesker and William awaited them in the very same room where she and Wesker fornicated, only having arrived a bit ago while Claire was still being made over.
Ada looked her over one last time, one final judgment for approval. Claire didn’t say anything. She really wanted out of this bathroom, but at the same time, she wasn’t ready for the next step.
Apparently, the crooked STARS Captain had meticulously planned tonight. Chris and Jill were working graveyard shifts while he was off and Claire had to tell her brother that she might would have to stay the night at William’s house babysitting Sherry if her parents had to work all night. All the chess pieces were in place so far. Bard’s Christmas party would last well into the night, and depending on how it played out, they might be there awhile. She could only hope nothing went wrong and would get to return home tonight.
“You’re a beautiful woman, Claire. There’s no doubt about that,” Ada said finally.
“T-Thanks.” She wasn’t expecting a compliment from the older woman.
She looked in the mirror again, distracted. This was a little too much for her, but she had to blend in with the other guests at the party.
“I won’t be surprised if Albert takes you home with him tonight after the party.”
Claire blushed, taken off guard, a near panic in her chest only broken by blood rushing like electricity through her veins. She turned to the double agent, holding her breath. Ada sounded so sure as she looked Claire over. As if she knew something the younger Redfield didn’t. Surely, Ada didn’t know…
“I know what happened between you two,” Ada admitted, reading her mind.
“He,” Claire started to blame her captor, but stopped. Could she honestly say it knowing she had decided to do it? Wesker may have manipulated her into wanting to, but she still chose it all her own, no matter how much she wanted to deny it.
“He what?”
She shook her head. “…Nothing.”
“I told you he always gets what he wants, didn’t I? He’ll make you want it, too. That tongue of his is far more deadly than any weapon he has on him. You have no idea how way in over your head you are, Claire.”
The college student glared at the Eurasian beauty. Was she serious right now?! “You’ve got it all wrong! It was just a one time fling. And as far as the rest of my situation goes, I think I’ve been doing pretty damn good considering!”
Ada sighed. “You’re clever, strong, and resourceful. You’ve handled yourself impressively this past week, but that’s partly why Albert’s so infatuated with you.”
Claire frowned, not sure what to say to that.
“Albert’s hardwired to manipulate and take advantage of anyone and anything he can. You give him an inch and he’ll hook his claws so deep in you, there’s no escape. You gave him way more than that.”
“So what? I’m trapped forever now? Is that what you’re saying?” Dread seized in her chest.
Ada looked to the door, as if suddenly paranoid Wesker and William could be listening in and slightly lowered her voice. “I don’t know. Look…yes, he’s using you to take care of Roth in exchange for your freedom, but William and I suspect that Albert may have developed…”
“What?” Claire urged when the agent trailed off.
Ada quickly shook her head, frowning. “Never mind. Just…keep your head. Do what you must to get Roth where Albert wants him for you and your brother’s freedom. Albert’s got a soft spot for you, he’ll likely keep his word if you’re good. As far as this affair is concerned, I cannot help you. That’s your business. My only advice is that you be careful.”
Soft spot? Where the hell was she getting that? There was nothing soft about that man. Then again, she and William, two people who knew Wesker best, kept saying that, so it had to be true to some degree.
Claire wanted to tell Ada that there wasn’t an “affair”. It was a one time slip up, a mistake, it wouldn’t happen ever again. But she couldn’t even believe herself, so there was no way she would convince the double agent.
“Ok…thank you, Ada. For everything.”
Ada exhaled through a small frown. “Don’t thank me just yet…” She turned, walking for the door and motioning for the younger Redfield to follow her. “C’mon, we have a party to get to.”
Claire inhaled deeply, gathering herself, and followed her out of the bathroom. They came into the den, where Wesker and William sat across from each other on the leather sofas talking. They were dressed in posh black suits. Claire berated herself for goggling Wesker. The bastard was so damn attractive anyway, but that suit was hot! She couldn’t believe how much it actually affected her seeing him in that outfit.
The men noticed them and stood up, but their eyes immediately went to Claire. She suddently felt exposed. William’s jaw dropped and he ogled too. The smirk that slowly grew on Wesker’s face as he took off his sunglasses to look Claire over was wicked. More so, it was hungry. He popped William’s mouth shut without taking his eyes off of Claire and closed in like a predator about to sink its teeth into its coveted prey. His eyes entrapped her, an instant, breath-taking spell, and then she was hungry too, felt it spreading through every inch of her body like wildfire.
Ada was right…Wesker would be taking her home with him tonight. And nothing was going to stop him.
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naturaldisasterfanfiction · 4 years ago
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I went alone for the walk today, doesn’t bother me but Robyn woke up late and also Fenty is being a little pain with her crying, so she stayed at home and I am alone. Being off social media has been a blessing, but I do find myself checking my phone and have nothing there to look on. I did try twitter, but I am not feeling it like that, it’s boring but Mijo has told me that I need to come back and take care of the business I left, Ant wants me back. I did like run off here, but I don’t want. to go back, I just want to stay here now. I am comfortable with the peace, the open fields and it’s a weird feeling to be spoken too like I am only normal, it’s calm “hi there” some older gentleman waved at me “you remember me? We met at the pharmacy” squinted my eyes at him yanking Zeus back as he tried to sniff him “oh yes, you told me you seen me around and you live around here. We meet again” getting my hand out to him “we do, I saw you yesterday, but you had your Rihanna with you, I didn’t want to harass you now” I chuckled “it’s ok, she won’t mind. She says I need to make friends; I am sure she won’t mind you now unless you’re a bad influence on me” he just laughed “maybe back in my youth but I have the missus at home, she is driving me crazy, so I walked out. You should come over and visit, I told the grandchildren I met a gentleman named Chris and they said Brown, I goes possibly. He is just a nice young man, and what a beautiful dog” looking down at Zeus “yeah, I bought him with me from Cali, I couldn’t’ leave him behind. I have so many other dogs but he made the cut” watching him pat Zeus’ head, Zeus is staring like he is about to give him treats “nice seeing you, we will meet again I am sure of it” nodding my head “and I will visit your home of course, I need to know my friend now” I chuckled “you do that son” he has such a weird and funny accent, it’s so strong too and I like it.
Throwing Zeus leash to the side, this home has been more entertaining and loud too like now. Taking off my jacket and making my way to where the commotion is, Robyn has been ever so happy with everything, like we are all getting along just the weakest link left the chat so who cares. I hope they ain’t annoying my daughter with all the loud noises and shit, they have music on too. I stopped midway just looking at Noella, Majesty and Robyn in the kitchen “you’re back!” Robyn half shouted over the music “clearly yes, y’all singing or cooking?” I questioned; Robyn stuck her tongue out at me as she made her way around the kitchen counter “I could stay awake just to hear you breathing” Robyn sang to me “Watch you smile while you are sleeping, while you're far away and dreaming” I laughed at Robyn being stupid “I could spend my life in this sweet surrender, I could stay lost in this moment forever. Where every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure. Sing with me!” Robyn placed the pan at the side before she came into me, wrapping her arms around my neck “Don't want to close my eyes, I don't want to fall asleep cause I'd miss you, baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing” Robyn sang to me “you’re stupid” laughing at her “we are singing and cooking, I love you” Robyn pressed a kiss to my lips “I love you too” mushing her forehead “also your boyfriend is back, he is his bedroom, Dennis that is” oh yes, Dennis is back “I will go and seen him, and Robyn” moving back from her “keep that smile, I love you” I am excited that Dennis is here.
Knocking on his bedroom door “it’s the maid” I said outside his door “I hope the maid bought snacks, come in!” he shouted, opening his bedroom door “my man, welcome the fuck back with extra luggage!?” his room is filled with cases “I am moving in, come here. I actually missed you” Dennis climbed over the case “Robyn calls you my boyfriend now” hugging Dennis “she is jealous, I was going to tag you in a post, and I see you deleted the page. I wrote such a beautiful post too” I chuckled “you can tell me in person, I been bored without you. What did you post!?” Dennis got his phone out of his pocket “I saw you struggling on Instagram, I felt really upset for you. Everyone was getting at you for nothing, innocent man I say. Yes here, I posted it anyways” he turned his phone to me, taking his phone from him “wow, look at that smile! Too many teeth showing” I laughed, this was taken on the wedding day in Mexico “the sparkle in your eye, the happiness on your face and I captured that. I mean nobody can see much but a white background from the wall but read it friend” looking at the caption “He is a friend which I have known longer then just the months I have spent time with, he is a good man and a good heart. Misunderstood to many but not to me, here is to more memories with this man, love looks good on you, the look of happiness and nobody will take that from you” I read out, that got me choked up “wow, thank you Dennis. Robyn made me get rid of it but it’s the best thing to do, clear my mind” Dennis nodded his head “not just me, when you deleted it many people were worried about you, I have messages under this post from fans” Dennis took his phone from me “oh please tell me Chris is ok but you are loved, but we have some more things to do. We have got more footage to do, voiceovers also, so work is not done” I can tell Dennis has his work cut out for him.
It sucks so bad that I can only smoke in the games room because it’s classed as my own room, Robyn said I can do it in other rooms but like what if Fenty is there, so I have to be good. A blunt a day keeps the stress away, and also I am having to facetime that bitch, when I say that bitch I mean Amikka but this time she said she will let me see Aeko on his own, the facetime connected and I can just see my son stood there looking “champ! What’s good my boy?” Aeko ran over to the phone “dad” he waved at me “you look so grown, look at your ginger hair” he touched his head “yes, your hair. I miss you; I really do. I love you” Aeko ran off “I play ball, look” he ran out of the camera, god knows where he is going to get “you’re getting ball, showing dad your skills?” I can hear Amikka say “tell him how you have been doing so good at practice” Aeko is staring at his mom ad he walked back to the camera with the ball in hand “my ball, you say it” he said to his mom “tell him, say daddy I did good” my son speak so well, proud of him “I did good” he dropped the ball “show him your award, go on. Get it” Aeko ran off again, my son is just everywhere right now “you don’t need to hide, if we have to speak it had to be about him and you don’t like that” I said to her “I rather not, go on show him your award” I grinned down at the phone as Aeko placed the paper all up in the camera “awwww, I am so proud of you son” he is doing well “I come dad house now” Aeko asked, the thing is Aeko hasn’t asked that unlike Royalty that does that a lot “you will be, we just need to sort some things out and you will see me” I am taking her ass to court.
Robyn held her hand out to me, holding her hand as I sat next to her “how is Aeko?” she asked, I didn’t think she would ask about my son in front of her family but she did “he is good, showed me his awards he got from football practice, super proud of him. He looks so grown, happy I would say and then he asked about coming to me which he never has asked that before. I am guessing she has been putting it in his mind, so I am like I need to take her to court quick. She didn’t come into the camera at all, she stayed away. I think she is getting it but like, I want to feel more towards my son. I see his happiness and he does make me happy but like, I need more” Robyn squeezed my hand “that will come once you remove the toxic bitch, he can come here, and we will help get you to feel more for him. He deserves to see your love too, things will happen. Don’t worry” Robyn is such a good woman to me “thank you, you think I could have them both here?” Robyn smiled “yes of course, I mean it’s a big thing, but I married you for everything around it, including the kids. I see us being happy, hopefully this Christmas. I would like Fenty to see them as their older siblings, to know them. I feel like Royalty is fine, but your son is a little I don’t know but we shall see, don’t worry” I sighed out “thank you” Robyn shook her head “so we are going bowling, just a little time out. Well mommy said it, Noella booked a place for us” nodding my head “that is dope, I am down for it. It will be nice to do something together” we can have some fun.
Fenty is not happy at all, she keeps on having these crying performances, but she is ok once she is picked up “you want me to put her in the car seat?” I asked Noella, Robyn is still upstairs but is coming down “we will wait until Robyn is down” she has a point, god knows how long she will be, my phone started ringing in my pocket “first family outing” Dennis said, his camera is out so he is working “and it’s a disaster, we are late” answering the call from Ant “what’s up nigga?” walking around Dennis “did you get the gifts I sent?” he asked, I paused thinking “no, when did you send them? You know the UK mail can be long” walking into the second living room “Zeus, come on boy” let me put him away while we’re out “should be there soon, I got the little princess some clothes and dresses. I wanted to actually ask you, when are you planning on coming back. We need to go through some things with you, being your manager I need to be in the know and I feel like I am not” opening the garage door for Zeus to go down “that is the thing, I am literally under Robyn. Like whatever Robyn want me to do, I will do it” closing the door and walking off to see what they are doing “Robyn’ bitch then?” he laughed “not exactly, it’s called being there for your other half. Ant, if I needed to hear you just be a dickhead to me I would have asked, I am doing just fine here. I don’t think I need to be going back to Cali when there is nothing for me there, just Royalty but I will be back for her” I was expecting Robyn to dress up but she stole my sweatshirt and made it look cute, she has put minimal makeup on, she just dressed up a little bit “we ready? I have packed it all” nodding my head “I heard that you are going under Roc Nation, you can deny it all you want but you will fall under that umbrella. Fenty Brown entertainment? That has been popping up, if you don’t need me then say it, I won’t be offended” I have no idea what is happening “Ant, I don’t know. There is a lot of things in the air. Once a special project is being done then it will be back to me” I mean what else does he want “well I will be waiting” I know a lot of people are.
Climbing into back of the car next to Fenty in the car seat “it’s the longest I have heard her silent you know” she is asleep “I know, she has been just wanting nothing but snuggles and kisses. I adore her so much Chris, she even smiled at me, but I am excited to be going out, well not out out but just something, you know” nodding head “yeah, it’s a change. You know what, I don’t get why people are angry that I am with you, like you are helping me. They are calling me your bitch, it’s like they want me to be in a dark place. They want me back in Cali” I thought I would tell Robyn this, she deserves to hear it “of course they do, we will go there Chris” squinting my eyes at Robyn “would you trust me to go back there alone?” I mean that is the real question, I am sure she doesn’t “honestly, probably not. And that is not because of you but what is around you. There is a lot of temptation around and I still think you are healing from the abuse you put yourself through, I feel like your friends are pieces of shit that want you back for their own gain, that is the truth. If you want to go Chris then, I mean who am I to stop you, I say that and I am your wife, but I feel like you are an adult, but I am just on the fence. If you want to go back then” Robyn drifted off “as your wife I will let you but deep down I don’t want you too, and I know it will be stupid shit. I know there will be something like Rihanna’ baby daddy seen out with another female you just was walking with, do I need that when I am trying to build an empire with us both and trying to push away my record label and telling everyone he is a changed man. Yes fuck their opinion but I can’t hide you, you need to be an adult too. But I think you at times have lose that sense, you have your moments” I couldn’t help but laugh, I don’t know why but it’s Robyn knows me “I have a lot of things there still, if England is my home then I do need to go there” Robyn is looking at me in fear, I mean it’s scary “not now but like maybe sooner then you will be going” Robyn is not impressed.
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claraswritings · 6 years ago
I See Nothing But You
Pairing: Jake Gyllenhaal x reader
Warnings: None
Requested by: anonymous
A/N: Title is from “Came in Close” by Pale Waves. Flashbacks are in italics. Still getting back into writing celebrity fiction
You listened attentively as your brother gushed about his new co-star. He’d recently started shooting for Far From Home and all you’d heard was “Jake did this” and “Jake said that,” for the entirety of your coffee run.
���Do you have a man-crush or something ” you teased your younger sibling gently
“What! No, just He’s a great guy...You’d get on really well with him actually, he’s such a good bloke and you both have the same weird sense of humour,” Tom added.
You elbowed your brother in the sides making his coffee slosh out of the top of his cup. “Less of the weird. I don’t care if you’re Spider-Man, I’m your big sister and I’ll still kick your arse,”
You shot him a over the top wide smile and downed the rest of your drink before he could elbow you back.
Even though your younger brother was considerably taller than you, you still liked to play the older sibling card.
Your little brother rolled his eyes “Fine, you share the same unconventional sense of humour.” He went on before you could say anything else. “I know you’ve got a week or so off at the end of the month, just come visit me, it’ll take your mind off work and your ex, plus Zendaya has been asking after you, the two of you got along so well last time,”
You nodded. You’d enjoyed visiting him on set before and his co-star had become one of your good friends. It’d be nice to just relax and enjoy all the perks of a movie set.
“Okay sure, It’ll do me good to get out of the office,”
**time jump**
The cast had just finished talking about the movie when the interviewer turned to Jake.
“So I have to ask...Jake, you’re dating...Toms sister, is that right,”
The two co-stars eyed each other before Jake proceeded somewhat carefully. You and Jake hadn’t hidden the relationship, you’d posted countless photos on your private Instagram but that was only for your friends and you’d been seen together multiple times...however since your brother had accidentally outed it, everyone seemed to know.
“Yeah, she came to visit Tom on set and that’s where we met,”
“And was it love at first sight,”
Jake sighed “Well I thought she was pretty as soon as I saw her, I thought maybe she was an extra or something. I spoke to her and she was so funny and sweet. I pointed her out to Tom like hey there’s a cute girl over there, and he then happened to mention it was his sister...”
The interviewer pulled a cringing face as Jake shrugged.
“In my defence he never told me he had an older sister,” he jokingly winced. “I thought he was the oldest,”
“Jake then kept asking me all these questions about her,” Tom cut in “Like what food does she like and is she single, and I was like yeah and Jake was like how old is she. I was all like she’s 28 and Jake was like ‘what’s that half your age plus seven,’ thing, I think she’s in my range,’ and I thought he was messing around so I was like dude knock it off, that’s my sister but Jake was like ‘yeah but seriously she’s great, I wanna ask her out, is that okay,’” Tom explained “And I said yeah sure because if Y/N found out Jake Gyllenhaal thought she was pretty and I didn’t let him ask her out, she’d probably kill me,” Tom stopped his ramble as the audience laughter took over, the sound filling the studio.
You nodded hello to the crew members as you wandered over to the large buffet table and helped yourself to a handful of grapes.
“Hey, Y/N, right? We met earlier,” at the sound of a voice interrupting your thoughts, you turned and found Jake Gyllenhaal in front of you. “I’m Jake,”
You gave him a smirk “I know who you are, my brother won’t shut up about you.”
“Only good things I hope,” Jake quirked an eyebrow.
“No, actually he says you refuse to come out of the trailer unless your Evian water has been triple filtered,” you quipped.
Jake pretended to frown for a moment “They gave me Evian? I asked for Fiji water double filtered,” he pretended to look about for someone. “Who has my Fiji water,” he raised his voice dramatically just enough to have a few of the crew look over.
You started to laugh “Oh my god, don’t mess with them, you’ll have some poor kid runner crying in a cupboard,”
The two of you fell into an easy back and forth for a few moments before Jake cleared his throat. He was watching you closely, those big blue eyes just studying you.
“Look, I meant to ask you earlier but I thought I should speak to Tom first because I might be way out of line here but...do you want to get food?”
Instantly you felt somewhat embarrassed and stepped to one side allowing Jake to access the food table you’d been standing in front of.
“Oh shit. Of course. Sorry, I’m blocking you,” you slid out of the way and gestured at the table. “Go ahead. The cheese is pretty good,”
Jake bit his tongue, cocking his head at you for a second before he let out chuckle “No I mean food later. With me, like proper dinner or a coffee or whatever you like,”
You were somewhat startled. “Uhh”. All of a sudden you couldn’t form the words you wanted to.
“Shit. Tom told me you were single and that you’d be...has he set me up? Do you have a boyfriend...I’m sorry I should have...”
“Jake.” You interrupted him “Jake it’s fine, I just didn’t expect you to...yknow ask me out...I’d love to have dinner with you.”
“So asking her out must have went smoothly then?” The interviewer asked.
Jake shrugged “I mean yeah, she said yes and we’re still together so I’d hope so, if not that makes the flowers I keep sending to her office...really awkward,”
The host continued, imploring your boyfriend to go on “And did Tom give you the ‘brother talk’?”
Jake took a long sip of his water, drawing it out to tease the waiting crowd.
“Yeah, have to admit it was a little surreal given that he was in his Spider-Man costume...,”
Tom shrugged “I’ve never had to give that talk before...let alone to someone who yknow is that ripped...” he gestured at Jake “but I just wanted to let him know not to mess with her, her last ex was a total -,”
Jake clapped his hand over the younger mans mouth “Hey hey hey, pre-watershed Tom,”
The interviewer beamed a warm genuine smile, both at the thought and Jake saving him from having to beep a swear, “And how did you respond,”
“Contrary to what the rumours in whatever trash magazine, I’m not a total asshole,” Jake paused “I love her, she’s great,” he couldn’t stop the smile spreading over his handsome face and he caught the eye of the interviewer
“Don’t worry I’m not about to go full Tom Cruise and start jumping on your couch shouting about it but yeah,” he grinned awkwardly. “She’s really really awesome,”
“Please feel free to, it would be ratings gold,” the interviewer winked in an over dramatic way. Jake made a move to get up in a playful manner only to sit back down.
“Has she met the family? Do they approve?”
“Well, my sister loves her, they went for dinner and spent the whole evening, telling what she called ‘big sister’ stories...which means they basically just shared at the dumb stuff Tom and I used to do,” Jake playfully rolled his eyes and patted Toms shoulder. “Bit embarrassing for us,”
You walked back into the shared hotel room, a huge grin on your face. Whether it was from the cocktails or the ammunition you had to tease your boyfriend, you weren’t sure.
“Someone’s happy,” Jakes arms twisted around your waist and lifted you up from behind, spinning you around. “My two favourite ladies got on well?”
It was cute. How nervous he was. It was clearly important to him.
You nodded “Yeah, I think I like her more than you, she’s great, gave me this actually, which is adorable. I’m going to have it framed...or put on a canvas,”
A panicked look took over your boyfriends face when you reached into your bag and took out a picture of him playing Romeo in a school play. He looked like such a dorky kid, a far cry from the gorgeous man he was now. Still you thought he looked like such a cute little kid you couldn’t resist teasing him.
“Shame I wasn’t there...I’d have just loved to play Juliet,”
You held up the picture of him above your head which didn’t exactly do any good given how tall Jake was. He began to chase you around the room, eventually picking you up and throwing you on the bed, wrestling it out of your hands and making you squeal.
“I’m going to kill my sister,” he joked as he got up and put the newly acquired photo in a drawer. “I fell off the stage in that performance,”
You smirked “I know, just wish it was on video,”
He shot you a look that made you laugh
“Ah it’s big sister rules to embarrass your little brother,” you walked over to him, “I tell Toms friends embarrassing shit all the time,” reached up and traced a pattern on his cheek. “Now you going to kiss me now Romeo or do I have to ask twice,”
You didn’t have to ask again.
“And this whole relationship was confirmed by Tom is that right,”
Tom pulled an exaggerated “whoops” face as the host gestured at the screen.
The picture they showed was one that Tom had posted. Essentially it had been the photo that confirmed your relationship with his co-star .
It was a photo of you and Jake looking adoringly at each other in the background with Tom pulling a over the top disgusted face with the caption.
“I think I’m going to throw up,”
“The way you look at her is so sweet,” the host cooed.
“Well, can you blame me?”
Off stage, you covered your face with your hands as the audience let out a collective aww.
“Have you seen the way he looks at her, ladies and gentlemen,” the host prompted. “That’s true love,”
You thought you looked a mess in the photo but Jake’s eyes on you made you feel like the only girl in the room.
“So you’ve mentioned in the past you’d love to have kids someday, do you think that’s happening anytime soon?” The host pressed looking to Jake for an answer.
Before he had a chance to reply, a gargled protest came from your brother.
“I can answer that one for him...absolutely not,” Tom leant across and put on a serious voice. “Not with my sister, nope no way, not until they’re married,”
The audience began to laugh and you smiled to yourself backstage as your hand found its way to your stomach.
Something told you you’d have to tell your brother and your boyfriend separately.
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ncstings · 5 years ago
#7 having a phone call from the non sexual from of intimacy list - luke & charlotte
It’s been a long time since he’d been in this spot. Maybe in his early twenties when he’d be away from Scarlet, he’d find himself here. But there’s something about the open planes and the smell of the grass that makes him nostalgic for something wholesome.
“Hey bud,” There’s a voice behind him, and he turns around.
His dad’s finally looking like he’s aging. For a long time he’d looked like he’d been preserved in a glass case, forever thirty-three. But maybe it was the loss that did that. Froze him in time to the moment Mom got shot and he didn’t age until he found peace with it. Moved on.
Moved on in the shape of a six foot tall woman named Terry who looked a little bit like Sandra Bullock. She knits and goes to church every Sunday and calls her kids once a week to tell them everything they’ve missed in this bum-fuck town. She also sends Luke brownies on his birthday and he has no idea why they taste so good, or what she puts in them to make them hold up so well through postage.
But Dad’s happy and that’s all that matters.
“Hey,” Luke’s got his hands in his pockets, squinting from the light shining in from the hallway.
It’s not his childhood house. Dad moved out of there a long time ago. Both he and Terry work pretty good jobs, they were able to find some contemporary place on the edge of town. Big windows, hardwood. Modern. But how they built modern in the eighties.
“We’re all going to watch a movie downstairs. The kids picked.” He smiles. “I made the mistake of telling them about your famous popcorn and now they wont stop begging for it.”
Luke can’t help the lopsided smile on his features when his dad brings it up. Both of Terry’s kids have kids of their own. They’re cute. They call him Uncle Luke which makes his chest ache in a way he never thought it would. And his step siblings are nice. They don’t ask too many questions. The last time he saw them was when he went home after getting out of the hospital. Terry hovered a bit too much and her kids came by for dinner. One of his first meals in years he hadn’t cooked himself. It wasn’t too bad.
“Maybe in a bit.” He nods, looking at his dad. It’s hard to resent the man for years of neglect when really, he was doing what he could with the pain left at his front door. It’s not his fault Mom died. Not his fault he couldn’t handle losing her.
“Okay, bud.” He pats the door frame. “Happy to have you home.” Luke catches his smile in the light. It’s good to see it.
The man turns the corner and slides the door so it’s half shut, light still leaking in. Luke turns back around to sit on the edge of the bed, looking out the big floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the massive flat planes in front of their property.
He digs out his phone. He stares at the screen for a moment before he taps the button, holding it up to his ear.
It rings four times. By the fifth, he wonders if he should just hang up.
“I can’t come over.” It’s the first thing she says, and he can tell she’s tired. “It’s eleven-thirty.”
“Have you ever been the Wyoming?” He doesn’t answer Charlotte’s question, he just stands back up, stepping closer to the window.
There’s silence on her end, and she speaks. “I haven’t. Why?”
“I grew up thinking it was the most boring place on earth. Now I think I’m sort of getting the appeal.” He leans his arm against the window, watching the wind blow through the long grass.
“So you’re going to be moving out to Wyoming then?” She speaks the words slowly, still confused.
“No,” He presses his lips together. “I think I’m just appreciating things differently now.”
“Why are you calling me, Luke. I have to be up early in the morning.” She’s getting impatient with him. “Are you drunk?”
“I’m not drunk.” He looks down at the driveway where his rental car is sitting. Terry only keeps wine in the house and they drank it all last night. If he wanted some, he could get some. “I just wanted to talk to you.”
“To tell me you appreciate Wyoming?”
“To tell you I appreciate you.” He finger presses into the glass. He knows in his career life he’s moved at a mile a minute. But with Charlotte everything’s been so slow. So chaotic. There’s been yelling and bitter words and cold shoulders from both of them. But he likes when she speaks. Likes when she lays in his bed, or comes up next to him to try his breakfast in the morning. She likes her honesty and the way she laughs at his jokes. She doesn’t touch him with fear. She’s not repulsed by his body. She’s touched his scars not with some patronizing romanticism but with certainty.
“Oh,” She says after a few beats of silence. Luke’s not really sure what he’s trying to get out of sharing this. Maybe it’s that he’s not trying to get anything at all.
“I’m back home right now.” He continues, deciding not to wait for some type of answer. “I maybe come back once a year. Figured I’d come other than the holidays and see my old man.” He finger traces patterns in the glass, still a bit taken by the moonlight over the grass. Of being in the middle of nowhere. No cars. No trains. No people. Just this house. “I just spent all night wondering where you were, and what you were doing. I don’t know why. I think you just occupy my brain sometimes. And then I got back to my room after dinner and I kept looking out the window and--...” For once, he doesn’t know where his words were carrying him. “You ever just get the feeling of wanting to share something with someone?”
He can hear her swallow on the other end, followed by a, “Yes.” Which comes out a bit shaken, a bit breathless.
“I’ve had that feeling all weekend.” He steps back, sitting on the bed. Silence hangs between them. It’s thick. It holds onto them by the collar, and he wonders if her breath is caught just like his is. “I didn’t want to keep you long, you should go to bed if you’ve got an early morning.” He looks down at his lap. There’s a stain on the edge of his shirt. One he hasn’t noticed. How long has that been there? He always notices those right away.
“Yes,” She clears her throat. “I have to try Gianno’s Breakfast Diner in the morning.”
He hums. “I’ve heard they’re good.”
Silence wraps them again but this feels a bit more soft. It’s a touch to the cheek and he’s shivering.
“Will you call when you come back?” She asks, his hand shaking.
“If you’d like that.”
“I would.”
“Then I will.” There’s a lot of empty promises he’s made in his life time. But this was one he planned to keep. “Have a good night, Charlotte.”
“You too.”
When he hangs up, he sits there and stares out the window for what feels like hours. Watching the grass dance back and forth, it feels like it steady’s his heartbeat.
He gets up finally, squinting at the light from the hallway when he leaves the room. But he walks down the hall and slides open the door to the deck, where he steps out. It’s quiet. The crickets are loud in his hears and he’s pretty sure there’s owl somewhere, making itself known. The wind passes through the grass and the sound of green against green could put anyone to sleep. He lifts up his phone, turning on his camera, and capturing the moment for ten seconds. Stationary. With the grass moving in patterns to get lost in, and the bugs singing undying tunes to hear. He turns it off, and pulls up his chat box. He doesn’t send any caption with it. Just lets the shared moment speak for itself.
He goes back inside, tucking his phone into his pocket to be forgotten, and he trots down the stairs where the others have started their movie.
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queenandlionheart-rps · 6 years ago
pairing: jeyne westerling + maron greyjoy { @knightsandkrakens } universe: university au companion piece found here
Jeyne Westerling had wanted to attend Oldtown University from the time she was six. She’s a legacy; her parents had met there, one of her uncles had donated the main arts building, and her great-times whatever grandfather had been on the board when the school was founded back in 1807. Oldtown University is in her blood; it’s where she’s meant to be, and Jeyne spends most of her high school career ensuring that her grades are good enough to get in without her father having to make a call. Her mother, Sybell, had been a scholarship student from the wrong side of the tracks who had fallen in love with Gawen Westerling, and the resulting gossip about their marriage had ruined a great deal of social capital Gawen had built up as captain of the rugby team.
The result is this:
The Westerlings still have money but they no longer enjoy the social status of generations past, and at Oldtown, Jeyne soon learns that status matters.
Her name, however, matters more.
For all she’s worried about fitting in, she’s recruited by Theta Phi Alpha within a week of settling into her residence hall. The Thetas are the most popular girls on campus, throw the best parties, and always look as if they’ve stepped outside of a magazine. Joining them will mean her nights are late, her mornings are early, and she will rarely get a moment of privacy. Even knowing this, she pledges anyway.
Jeyne isn’t sure she fits in, but she ignores that cloying voice in her head and soldiers on.
[ Months later, as she’s enjoying her college life, she’s pleased she has. ]
She’s been in Theta for a year and living in the house for six months before she realizes that Maron Greyjoy’s eyes linger on her at parties a bit longer than others do. He’s a couple years older and a member of Sigma Chi, the most popular fraternity on campus. By definition, he can have any woman – or man, she supposes – at any given time.
He has a bit of a reputation, too. Family money, made through somewhat nefarious means, with a father she’s heard he can’t stand. That doesn’t stop him from spending his money, though, and every time Jeyne attends a party at Sigma, she’s surprised by how expensive and top shelf the alcohol is. Jeyne finds that Maron Greyjoy surprises her often, with the winks he teasingly throws her, the way even the most innocuous of touches to her skin sends her heart into spasms, and how much she longs to see the genuine smile he seemingly reserves for her.
For all of her time spent on appearance – perfectly manicured nails, purposefully tousled waves of chestnut hair, and hours spent in the gym working off Friday night parties – Jeyne is still a kind woman at heart. So when she sees the darkness in his eyes or hears the self-deprecation in his voice, she reaches out, promising that he’s wrong, making him laugh, and hoping that the feeling of her fingers carding through his hair show him that she cares.
Jeyne grows used to Maron surprising her more often than not. She’s not surprised, however, by his sense of humor and finds herself laughing more often with him than with any other man. Her dates appreciate this much less than she does.
And for all of his reputation, she’s never felt safer as a drunk woman than she does with him.
[ Sometimes she drinks a bit too much and wakes up in Maron’s bed, her clothes still on while he scrunches up in his easy chair. Jeyne ignores it when she thinks she’d rather he be wrapped around her instead. ]
That’s not to say that she’s ignored any other man in her vicinity. Jeyne’s slept with at least two of Maron’s frat brothers, though she can’t recall them being anything more than acceptable. It doesn’t matter, anyway, she thinks. They don’t matter.
They’re not him.
It’s mid-November when Jeyne notices his gaze on her legs. It lingers, more than she expects it to, and she’s reminded of how he had stumbled over his words one afternoon, how he’d sprained his ankle at a party just after catching her attention, of how his cheeks had turned pink when one of his friends had mumbled under his breath.
Alone, these bits of information mean nothing. But, together, Jeyne thinks they just might mean something.
Maybe he likes her, too.
It’s not popular in Theta, but Jeyne’s grandmother had taught her how to knit and so during her nights when she tells her friends she’s studying, Jeyne works on a sweater for Maron. It’s deep blue, like his eyes, and she knits a design of krakens around the hem and cuffs. Jeyne wraps it and sends it off with Maron at Christmas, making him promise he’ll wait for the holiday to open it.
[ When his sister posts a video on Facebook of him opening her gift and pulling it on over his pajamas, her heart might just grow two sizes. The photos his other siblings post make her smile widen and when his own gift arrives, it is so thoughtful that Jeyne cries for the first time on a holiday. ]
He shows up the night before New Year’s, wearing her sweater with a bruise around his eye and a solemnity that tells her she should wait for him to share before she asks. Jeyne finds out later that he fought with his father before leaving, that he packed a bag and hopped into his car [ a ridiculously expensive piece of machinery she still has problems pronouncing ] before coming to The Crag. They spend the rest of the holiday together, walking the shore, staying up late with movies and wine, and pretending that they aren’t falling asleep with each other on her family sofa every evening.
She’s touched that he chose to come to her, is even more touched that he chooses to stay, and for a second at midnight, she thinks he might change her life entirely.
He doesn’t.
But when they return back to Oldtown, it’s clear something has shifted. What isn’t clear, however, is just what that is.
What is clear, though, is that Jeyne is in a state of limbo. Weeks pass and still he does little differently. Weekends are spent at parties, drunken nights are spent sleeping in his bed while he sleeps in his chair, and he still gives her smiles that make her think he just might be The One.
And yet, Maron hasn’t paid her the attention she wants. So Jeyne takes matters into her own hands and she posts fairly regularly on Instagram, waiting first until she’s seen that he’s liked someone else’s post. It’s fairly tame, all things considered, but there’s a hint of her cleavage, her legs look like they’re on fire, and the background is one she knows he’ll appreciate. This becomes a regularity: Jeyne posts, Maron likes, and she finds herself waiting for more.
Nothing else changes. Until Spring Break.
She’d kept her plans open for some time, hoping that something else would shift, that maybe she’d be spending the week with him inside of her more than not. Since she’s been disappointed by that, Jeyne decides, last minute, to take a couple of friends up on their offer on a yacht trip to the Summer Isles.
Maron loves the sea, she knows, and it seems rather fitting, spending the weekend on Margaery’s father’s yacht with the sea behind her. She makes sure she has a world mobile plan beforehand and each day her Instagram story is filled with photos and videos of her, Margaery, and Sansa wearing bikinis and drinking cocktails, the blue of the ocean making the perfect backdrop.
There’s one photo, however, that she sends just to him [ oh, she’ll pretend it’s a mistake later, that she hit his username instead of my story, but in reality it’s much more calculated than that. ]. In it, her bikini straps are falling off her shoulders, the smile on her face is much more genuine than it is seductive [ it’s a smile she gives only to him and she hopes he recognizes it ], and she’s on a small island that appears to be mostly deserted. The caption is what makes it the most fun, however. Love my girls, but wishing you were here. When she sees it’s been read, Jeyne smirks and puts her phone away to have another bellini with her friends.
Let him stew on that for awhile. Maybe he’ll even wonder if she means him.
When her phone pings minutes later with a new notification, Jeyne allows herself a satisfied smile.
[ It’s nothing compared to the expression she will wear two days from now in his bed, when he’s done nothing more than make her scream his name as she falls into oblivion. ]
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maxxfabray · 4 years ago
First Date | Harry + Max
Who: Maxine Fabray + Harry Potter ( @drharrypotter )
When: Friday 12.4.20
What: Harry & Max go on their first date. 
Max couldn't remember the last time she went on an actual date. It was usually drinks and sex. Or going out and... sex. It was part of her routine when it came to interactions with others. So getting to dress up and go out to dinner with Harry, she jumped at the chance, even buying a red dress, just as the professor requested, and really made herself irresistible by the time he picked her up. "You look spiffy," she commented, running her hand over his chest as she leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek. This was an official date so she didn't have to refrain from more intimate touches if she didn't want to.
It had been a long time since Harry had met anyone he'd actually asked on a date, while he'd been writing the book his entire focus had been on getting it published and making sure that it was good enough. And before then, well he'd just wanted to make sure he was making enough for his family. Max was like the most refreshing and unexpected surprise in his life, she was beautiful and a little worrying at times but he always found himself thinking about her. He smiled at her when she arrived, god she was beautiful. "The lady in red." He teased lightly. "You look even more gorgeous than I thought you would." A light blush forming when she kissed his cheek.
Receiving compliments was something Max was a pro at, but coming from Harry made her feel some kind of way that she couldn't explain. Plus there was the way he looked at her that made her stomach flip. So she just smiled in response, backing up and doing a small spin to show off her whole body in the stunning dress she was proud of. "I did this all for you, Sir," she confirmed, pulling her curled hair over one shoulder, then grabbing her small silver clutch that matched her heels. "Ready when you are. She wrapped her arm around his. "I suppose tonight is going to be your treat as well?" She asked with a smirk.
His soft smile became something akin to an embarrassed grin when she said she had done it all for him. Giving her a small whistle as she twirled. “Well I’ll try very hard to deserve the effort. Though it’ll be a tall order when you look like that.” He told her, and then started leading her towards his car. “Naturally. A gentleman never lets a lady pay on the first date. My Ma would immigrate to Florida just to drown me in the ocean.” He laughed easily.
Max smiled at the mention of his mom. She normally didn't pay much attention to what other people said, but she remembered this being the second time he mentioned his mom. "You're really close to your mom, huh?" She asked with small smile. She wondered what it was like growing up with normal families and having normal mothers. "I promise I'll let you do all of the gentleman things tonight then," Max couldn't have timed it better herself. "And that includes opening all doors and pulling out all chairs." It was exactly the kind of behavior that was expected in the circles she grew up in, so all was good there.
Harry shrugged, it was odd to think that nobody knew about him or all of his siblings here that he had a separate identity when back home everything that he was attached to them. “I’ve got a big family, and I’m the oldest so I’ve always tried to help my Ma out.” He explained. “So she’s sort of like my best friend as well as my Ma.” The Irishman said with a smile. “Of course, you can’t sit down if I don’t make sure the chair doesn’t have a pine come on or something.” Harry joked lightly trying to show that he wasn’t always serious. However when they reached his car he did open the passenger door for her.December 7, 2020
"I've got pretty big family too," Max added. "But I'm pretty sure that's the only thing our families have in common. Your mom sounds sweet though." Max shrugged, not really caring to continue the conversation about her family. Some of the things he said were odd, but she was sure the same could be said about herself. "Or you were just taught to be a gentleman, which is cool." She slipped into the car once he opened the door and took a moment to scroll through her phone while he climbed in on the other side. Taking a selfie or two for her social media. When he was situated, she leaned over, pressing her head onto his shoulder and holding her phone up on the camera screen. "Smile."
“Oh yeah, you Fabray sisters are pretty famous with the faculty.” The irishman told her honestly. “A quartet of blondes.” He teased just a little. “Are you close with your sisters?” He asked her, hoping that the question wasn’t an uncomfortable one. He got into his side of the car and was a little surprised when she put the phone up. But he gave her a smile all the same, not minding humouring her even though he usually hated having his picture taken. “Gonna put that in your burn book?” He asked, as he started the car.
"Are we?" Max asked with an arched eyebrow. It amused her and she honestly was used to attention being on her and her sisters. Especially back in Connecticut. At his question, she shook her head and scrunched her face. "I'm fairly close to my sister Jo, but as for the other two not really." It was hard to be close to your sisters when you were always competing for your parents' love and affection. "I think it's cute that you know what a burn book is. No, this is going to be be posted on Instagram. First date vibes." She showed him the finished product with the caption and dropped her phone onto her lap. Max planned on takin advantage of him spoiling her for the night and waited for him to come around and open the door for her. It was a bit ridiculous, but Harry seemed more than happy to do it. "Are you one of those Dominants who like ordering for their dates?"
“Yeah for sure, I mean maybe I hear it more often because I’ve been guilty of bringing you up.” Harry shrugged with a slightly guilty smile. “That’s fair enough, I wouldn’t say I’m that close to all of my siblings either.. though there are thirteen of us all together and I’m old enough to be a fair few of thems Da.” He laughed. “I don’t think I’ve ever had any first date vibes posted on Instagram. So thanks.” Harry smiled, parking and then coming around to let her out. “I can be, I’m not forceful about it. Especially on a first date, wouldn’t want you to be stuck with something shit just so I can feel like a big man. Are you a switch who enjoys that?” He countered, he didn’t know all that much about her in a D/s sense and he was keen to do that too.
At this point, Max could not contain the smile that followed his words. "You've brought me up with the rest of the faculty?" She asked, leaning over the table to run a finger over his hand. "You really must like me." She bit at her bottom lip, getting lost in his accent as he talked about his family. She couldn't imagine having that many siblings. Her parents would have gone even more crazy than they already did trying to keep all of them in line. They didn't even manage that with 6 kids. She licked her lips and closed the menu, sliding it back. "I'm a Switch who enjoys submission just as much as I enjoy domming. And I'm curious to see what you would get me. I don't have any restrictions, so go wild, Sir." She paused and tapped her chin. "Oh, but make sure the wine is red."
“Well could you really expect me not to?” He asked. “You showed up at my office like a hurricane, I had to know more. Then you lured me out with sweets you didn’t have by the way. You fascinate me.” He teased, though she was right he did really like her. He was secretly pleased that she wouldn’t mind him ordering for her. Harry liked to Dom, but he didn’t want to be one of those guys who came on too strong especially when she was a student. Didn’t want to get thought of as weird. He browsed the menu. “Well I know it can’t be boring, so none of the ‘classics’ and you always order white wine with fish so that rules that out. I think we’ll both get the house special, glass of red for you and a beer for me.”
The way Harry talked about her really had her going. Like a hurricane. She’d been called that before but never in a way that made her smile the way she was currently smiling. “I do like to be fascinating.” She wasn’t sure how he was going to react to her willingness to take on a more submissive role and was pleased when he just went ahead and ordered for them both. When the waiter went off to get their food, Max leaned in a bit. “I think this is the portion of the date when we ask each other extremely personal questions, right? I’ll go first. How the hell are you single?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.
He laughed when she asked if it was time to ask personal questions, he couldn’t remember the last time anyone had asked him anything about his private life. “I guess because I’m sort of boring? I spent most of my adult life writing a book that most people would consider deadly boring. And when I wasn’t doing that I was helping my Ma with my siblings.. it’s not exactly sexy. Plus I never went to one of these finishing schools, I just went to the library and sort of willed the hot girls to start lining up.” He joked awkwardly. “How about you? We’ve established your always the most interesting person in a room. Why are you single?”
"And did the hot girls line up?" She asked with an amused grin. He was not the typical type of person that normally caught Max's attention but here she was, completely smitten. "Well, the thing about being the most interesting person in the room is I'm always on the go and hardly fully satisfied." Max shrugged, pausing so the waiter could pour her glass of wine. She smiled and immediately took a small sip. "I'm single because people lose patience with me quite early on. And I just move on to the next thing." She held up her glass when he got his beer. "A toast to our flaws that keep us single."
Harry laughed. "No, they did not. I think they were busy getting their own degrees and having a life." He shrugged, almost glad he'd never really met anyone until now because he couldn't imagine they'd measure up to Max Fabray. "You're right, how could the most interesting person in the room ever be satisfied by us mere mortals." Harry asked with a raised eyebrow, her next statement made his heart sink a little because he didn't see any way that it could really be true. Raising his glass he clinked it against hers. "Agreed... "
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mara-twins · 7 years ago
3 Years - Part One
Author: @weird-sensation
 3 years. You have known these 7 wonderful guys for 3 whole years. To be quite honest, it didn’t even feel like that long. You used to be a waitress at a restaurant downtown, and it was actually your last week there, when they all had piled in. The hostess sat them in your section, and told you it was a group of 7. You rolled your eyes, not really caring for groups larger than 4. They tend to be louder and not tip very well. Pulling the strings on your apron a bit tighter, you walked over to their table and low and behold, there they were. On the outside you were calm and collected (you were still at work, so you had to be professional), but on the inside, holy cookies and cream ice cream you were a wreck. This was your first encounter with someone famous, and it wasn’t just one, IT WAS ALL SEVEN OF THEM AT YOUR TABLE. Long story short, you got along nicely with them. Anytime you walked away to visit other tables, and go put orders in, you’d take a quick sneak peek at them, still dazed by the fact that your favorite male group was here. They stayed longer than most groups, just having a good relaxing time and truthfully, you didn’t want them to leave yet. By the end of the night, they were ready to head back to their hotel and prepare for a photo shoot they had the next morning. Everyone of them was so kind, they even wanted to hang out with you outside of your workplace. Thus, began a friendship that changed your life, obviously for the better.
 3 years ago, you met them. You had accumulated a bunch of vacation days at your job, and decided you wanted to use most of them to go visit your seven lovely friends. It clearly wasn’t the first time you had flown out to see them, and it wasn’t going to be your last either. Getting off the plane and navigating through the airport seemed all too familiar, seeing as you’ve done this same routine every time you visit. They’d always tell you they want to pick you up and drive you to your hotel, but you’d always decline, knowing how crazy it’d be if someone spots them. Each time you visit, you stay at the same hotel, and ironically enough, the same room. You were always curious how that room was always available when you were here. Unpacking your clothes and hopping into a shower was the first things you did when you arrived. That long plane ride always wore you out, even if you were sleeping for most of the flight. Stepping out of the almost boiling hot water made you feel like a whole new person. It was already cold in Seoul, so the hot shower really livened you up after freezing your butt off at the airport. You never told them how long you’d wait for a ride, especially when it was cold out, because knowing them they’d rush to where you were to pick you up. You would always meet up on your second day, giving yourself ample time to rest and relax before you become face to face with a bunch of hyper crazed boys.
 3 years of jokes, laughter, late nights, and take-out. You couldn’t have asked for better friends. They were always there for you, even if they had their own problems to deal with. At first, you never wanted to talk about things going wrong, always thinking your ‘normal people’ problems would be boring to them, even if they asked. Yet soon enough, you would all cram together in their dorm living room and vent. Obviously, their problems reside with; being sore from practice, jet-lagged from all the flights they take, missing home, and not getting enough sleep or enough to eat. Ah, the idol lifestyle. Your problems were more mundane; people in your classes were annoying to be around, professors giving way too many essays to count, rude and obnoxious customers at work, and not getting enough sleep some nights because you procrastinated on a project and need to get it done in the next 24 hours or you fail that class for the semester and then you’ll have to take it again which is a waste of money and time. You know, the ‘normal people’ lifestyle. They encouraged you to talk to them, even if they couldn’t give you a solution, just wanted you to know that all of them were there to listen and help any way they could. You did the exact same thing with them. Knowing some of them weren’t the type to express their problems or what they’re stressed about, you’d continuously tell them that you were always available to listen and help if you could. Even though it was normally just Jackson, Bambam, and Yugyeom who would talk about what was causing them to stress out so much, you still felt as if you were the happiest person alive. Yes, the things they’re expressing to you may not exactly be in your ball park, but you were always willing to listen and help, and they appreciated that. Sometimes, they would be missing their families while they were away, and they would send you a quick text saying how they were feeling particularly down that day, and you would drop whatever it is you were doing and send them the longest text you could. Explaining how you understood how they were feeling, and that their schedules would clear up soon, so they can go back home and spend time with their parents and siblings. You’d explain how you felt for them, but let them know that there are so many people out there right now who are eagerly waiting for their next concert, vlive, a video from their YouTube channel, or even simply a tweet or post on Instagram. You’d tell them that they are making so many people happy, by doing what they’re doing, and no matter what, they’d always have the love and support of their fans. After a while, they would thank you for the kind words you said, and tell you that they appreciate you as a friend. You would always be there to listen, even if it is Bambam texting you at 3am letting you know that he just picked out his flashy outfit for tomorrow, which would include 17 pictures of him in it from every different angle you could imagine.
  Plopping yourself down onto the bed, you pull out your phone and post a new picture on Instagram. Nothing special, just the TV in the background and a thumbs up. You wrote a caption to go along with it,
“Made it. Flight was long as always, but I’m used to it. Got the same room as I always do, not sure how that happens, but I’m not complaining. Feels good, feels familiar. Ready for a great vaca. Get to see my fave boys tomorrow.”
Not even ten minutes later, you’re getting notifications.
‘333cyj333 liked your post and commented, jacksonwang852g7 liked your post and commented, mark_tuan liked your post and commented, bambam1a liked your post and commented, prdsdef liked your post, yu_gyeom liked your post and commented, pepi_jy_ liked your post.’
Looking at what they had commented, you smile at their dorkiness and sweetness. Your friendship with them wasn’t a secret, you had posted pictures with them all the time, and they did the same. One time, you had tagged along on one of their filming’s of Weekly Idol and you stood behind the cameras watching them dance around like idiots the entire time. On their breaks from filming, you’d sit next to them talking about whatever was coming to mind at that moment. Their crew knew you were friends, the filming crew knew you were friends, and now the hosts did too. They even came around and asked how you all met. You would laugh and explain to them how they walked into the restaurant where you worked and practically spent the whole night there, eating and talking to their hearts content, just having a good time off. You liked thinking back on all these memories you shared with them, it always made your heart swell with the love you have for the seven of them.
 The next morning, you woke up to knocking on your door. You weren’t even awake when you dragged yourself up and out of the bed to answer the constant bumping of knuckles on wood. Slowly opening the door with hooded eyes that were ever so slightly closing with every breath you took, you see Mark and Youngjae beaming at you. Blinking once more, you turn away from the door and walk back over to the bed and crawl back under the covers, mumbling very quiet profanities the entire time. Hiding in your cocoon of blankets, you hear a door close and feet walking towards you. The pillow you had your head rested on gets yanked out from underneath you, and starts hitting your coma-like-state body. You didn’t need to see who it was, because you already knew. Youngjae always seemed the most excited when you visited, and you were the closest to him out of all the guys, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to act like this.
“Isn’t it 8am? Why are you here? Why are you up?”
You groaned, rolling onto your other side,
“Who cares? We need to get an early start. You’re here now, so get up.”
Youngjae spoke, a little too enthusiastically for this hour,
“Youngjae, get off the bed and let her wake up properly.”
You hear Mark say as he pulls the younger one by his arm. Slowly emerging from the bedding, your rub you face, staring at the two, who were now sitting on the nearby chairs.
“Let me get ready, I guess. You two are buying me coffee...waking me up this early. Youngjae doesn’t even wake up until noon on your days off, so why are you this chipper?”
“You’re here! We haven’t seen you in almost 7 months.”
It was true, it has been awhile since you last got together, and you did miss them, so you couldn’t be mad at the kid. Walking over to the dresser, you grab the clothes you planned on wearing, and headed off to the bathroom to get ready.
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After you finished, you open the door and see them watching TV waiting for you. It had only been around 30 minutes, but they got bored quite fast. Grabbing your bag, you nod your head to the door to let them know you were ready.
  20 minutes later you arrive at their dorm, and you were mentally preparing yourself for the wave of excitement you were about to receive. Mark went in first, followed by you and Youngjae. You barely got your shoes off when you were hit by an over-excited Jackson. Screeching and high-pitched laughs were all you could hear coming out of that boy’s mouth, you could only just make out an
“You’re here!”
Making it past the entrance was when the others had begun greeting you, expressing how they missed you after all these months. It was always fun when they were all together like this, it made everything feel more relaxed and comfortable. Walking over to the couch, you all started talking, laughing until everyone’s stomach was in pain, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
  The day had gone by as fast as it had arrived, you all ordered take-out and didn’t even leave the living room the entire day. Stories of their concerts and their meet-and-greets were shared with you, and you told them stories of your school days and funny customers at work. It was around 10:30pm when you were saying your goodbyes. You would normally stay longer, but they had an early meeting in the morning, that you didn’t want them to be too tired for. You all had made plans to go out and do something tomorrow, maybe bowling or an amusement park. You loved going on the rollercoasters, but sometimes Jackson wouldn’t want to go on, so you always opted to hang back with him and gossip about the other guys while they were away. He’d enjoy the time it was just the two of you, because you both had a very bubbly personality. You never minded not going on certain coasters, Jackson would make up for it by being his usual extra af self, which would make you laugh your butt off.
  You said goodnight to everyone followed with a hug. Leaving their dorm and heading back to your hotel room, you’d peer into nearby store windows, even though the contents never really changed over the many visits you’ve had. You had gotten so used to walking this route, it felt like a second home. There was never a day where you didn’t look forward to the next time you’d fly out here and see them. Both parties were quite busy, so whenever they had time off, they’d let you know, so you can try and maneuver your schedule to match theirs. It was easier for you to plan out when you’d need time off, rather than them, because, well, they live the idol life. Cancelling a concert to hang out with a friend isn’t really appropriate.
 You had big plans for tomorrow once you guys came back from having your day of adventure. While you were still back home, you knew your 3 years of friendship was coming up soon, so you went shopping for the occasion. You knew almost everything about the seven of them, so you used your vast knowledge and your recollections from past conversations with them to your advantage. Of course, you weren’t worried about the price, because they were well worth every penny. Most of the things you purchased, you had to search long and hard for, scouring the internet to find exactly what you were looking for. Some of the items took months to find, but in the end, you had all seven gifts. Wanting to do something special, you got each of them the most meaningful present you could possibly think of. You wrapped each gift with different wrapping paper and wrote in a card specifically pertaining to that person. Pouring your heart out in each letter, you felt as if you were the lead role in a soap opera, saying your last goodbyes before you leave forever. That wasn’t the case though, you were just being over-dramatic, or should I say, being very Jackson? Planning on making an excuse to go back to your hotel room after you returned, you’d bring everything over, and hopefully see their faces light up. You went to bed, excited for tomorrow, marking your 3 years with the seven of them.
 The alarm you had set the night before had gone off, blasting music throughout the space of your room. Normally you’d have to throw yourself out of bed, but not today. NOPE. Today was a special and important day. Do they know its been exactly 3 years since they waltzed their beautiful faces into your restaurant? Probably not, but that doesn’t matter. As long as you remembered, and they didn’t laugh at you for making such a big deal of it, is just okay. Rushing into the bathroom to do everything you needed to do and quickly getting ready,
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you sprinted out the door and made a bee-line towards their building. They offered to pick you up once they finished with their meeting, but you declined, knowing they would need time to change. Well, six of them would only need roughly 5 minutes, but Bambam would need to check the weather, how the moons are aligned, see the others’ outfits so he wouldn’t clash, check his horoscope to see if it read anything about a good color to wear that day, so on and so forth. He always needed to look 1000% fashionable or he wasn’t leaving his room and you’d constantly tease him for it, but when it came down to it he was the best person to go shopping with, and he never turned down a shopping spree with you. Knocking on the door, Mark opened it to see the huge smile plastered on your face,
“Hey, you all ready?”
“We are…”
he gestured toward the five guys that were plastered on the couch,
“I knew Bambam would take a long time.”
You commented, walking into the entrance and slipping off your shoes.
  Headed straight for the lanky-legged boys room, you knocked a couple of times until he swung the door open as he was putting on what looked like the 5th shirt,
“Oh, hey, you’re here already?”
“Mhm, been here for about 30 minutes.”
You lied, just to see the reaction on his face,
“Really? Sorry, I’m almost done…I think.”
You walk in, to see the sprawled-out mess of clothes on his bed,
“I’m joking, I just got here. So, what do we plan on wearing today?”
You ask, looking through the many things he had hanging in his closet,
“I’m not sure, nothing is really standing out to me.”
A nod of your head was all the response you gave, as you still looked through his closet,
“Well, it’s cold outside, you need to remember that, so even if it looks good, you aren’t leaving this room unless you’re warm.”
“Yes mom.”
You shot a glare at him, but you both ended up laughing,
“Okay, what about this, it says ‘Chic but still fashionably warm’?”
You held up a black and gold patterned long sleeve, that you put inside one of the many black leather jackets he had.
“You can pair it with black jeans with a couple of rips, not too many though or else your legs will fall off, and maybe those black boots you have with the gold accents on the zippers?”
He squinted at you and shoved you out the door.
“It was just a suggestion!”
You shout at the now closed door. Queue your eye roll as you headed for the couch,
“You tried to help him, didn’t you?”
JB asks,
“Yeah, apparently that was a nono. Such a diva.”
The seven of you laughed, as you turned your attention to whatever was playing on the TV. JB had YouTube streaming and it was playing through a bunch of music videos,
“Oh oh! There was this amazing song that I had on yesterday, you mind if I show you guys?”
They shook their heads no, never minding if you wanted to play something in particular. You took the tablet off the table and began typing what you wanted them all to see. Pressing play, it was ‘You Are’ and they all fell back into the cushions with a collective sigh. You liked playing their songs around them, seeing their faces as they listen to themselves sing. When the chorus began, you started singing along, swaying side to side, linking your arms with Youngjae’s, getting him to join you. By the second round of the chorus, they all piped up and loudly scream-sang with the lyrics, and when it was winding down to the end, everyone turned their head to see a FINALLY dressed Bambam emerge from his room to scream the last couple of words.
“Glad you’re not a vocal.”
You said, shaking your head at the screechy sound emitting from his mouth,
“Oh. Look at you.”
A smile instantly found its way to your lips, as you saw what Bambam was wearing,
“You took my suggestion?”
He nodded his head,
“I tried it on, and it turns out it looked great. Good eye.”
You couldn’t help but smile even brighter, you always enjoyed when he took your fashion advice.
  All 8 of you climbed into a van, as JB drove you all to the nearest amusement park. Everybody was excited for today, getting to act like children was a fun time. The whole car ride there was filled with singing and laughter, you wouldn’t have guessed it took nearly an hour to get there. JB found a parking spot close to the entrance, which is great because toward the end of the day they’ll be tired from all the running around they’ll have to do. After purchasing an arm band each, you took a map and plotted out where you all wanted to start. Jinyoung made a point to start with the nearest attractions, and loop your way back around, so you’d end back at the entrance, leaving you all enough time to ride the first roller coaster one last time. Everyone agreed with his plan, and followed the leader. The first few coasters were fun, they weren’t too extreme, so Jackson also got on with no fussing, but once he was sat down and locked into his chair, is when the high pitch death scream shot out from his lungs. The third one is when you really felt sorry for Youngjae because he was the one who had to share the seat with him. No one realized that the coaster comes to an abrupt stop, as the track was ‘broken off’, then went backwards to land you right back at the beginning. As it was making its way to the ‘broken’ end of the track and suddenly stopped, you grabbed your seat partners hand is sheer terror. That hand just happened to be Mark’s. Once it halted and started its journey backwards, you let out a small yelp, clearly surprising you. He turned his head to look at you, then down to your clasped hands,
“You okay?”
One eye opened slightly, checking for any immediate danger, then the other followed suit.
“Hm? Oh, ha, yeah. I’m okay, just gave be a bit of shock, is all. Wasn’t expecting that…thought I was going to die a little.”
A breathy laugh escaped his throat as he took in your displeased state,
“They wouldn’t have let us on if it was actually broken.”
“Well pardon me for having a normal human reaction, mister ‘I fear nothing’.”
Both of you laughed, as the coaster pulled back into the starting position, getting ready for the next group of people. The bar that had been placed over your laps had lifted up, letting everyone out of their seats, that’s when the two of you realized your hands were still holding on to one another,
“Oh, I’m sorry. I think I grabbed it when the coaster stopped back there.”
You say, as you slowly released his hand and stepped out onto the platform.
“No, it’s okay. It happens.”
Little did you know, the moment your hand let go of his, he felt an instant rush of loneliness, already missing the contact of your smaller hand encased in his. The eldest member had developed a crush on you a year ago, when they had used some of their off time to go visit you. He hadn’t even truly realized it until he’d see you with the other members. You were close to all of them, but you and Youngjae were quite the duo, and normally when you and he would hang out, it was nothing to Mark. When he started feeling a sense of uneasiness when he’d see the two of you cling on to one another, is when he sat back and wondered when he began feeling this way about you. Turns out, it had been for a couple months, that’s when he came to the conclusion that he had a crush on one of his closest friends.
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awritersescape · 7 years ago
2017, Growing Pains
Uhh kinda late on this whole thing huh? Aww well.
2017 was all-n-all a pretty meh year for me. Between all the shit going on in the news and stuff in my life, it was a miracle that I found myself content in the place of my life right now. I have learned a lot in this year about myself and the world around me. What I had thought was going to be a lull in my life was actually one of the most formative times of my life.
Lesson #1: Your parents are more than just your parents. They're people too.
Your parent(s) at one point of their lives were just like you. Full of dreams, ambition, and youth. They liked to hang out with friends, they had to work menial jobs to get by, and they failed too, a lot. Still, you might see them as the disciplinarian in your life, the bank maybe, or just...your mom/dad. They're more than that.
And whatever differences I may have with my parents or how much they don't know their boundaries, I have yet to find a love so unconditional than theirs for me. My time living at home made me see how, despite their aging bodies, they will go above and beyond for my siblings and I without hesitation. All they ask from us is that love back. And while it took me sometime to find, I hope they can see that I have it there for them.
Lesson #2: Nobody knows what the fuck they're doing.
Yup. No matter how well put together a person may seem, you will not find a person with all the answers to every problem in the world. Everyone, at least I have found in my post grad life, is kind of winging it as they go. Yeah, they may have a job or maybe got into graduate school, but that is only part of the big picture. Which brings me to my next point:
Lesson #3: Social Media is the biggest front in everyone's lives.
You ever heard the phrase, "Don't judge someone's highlight reel to your life?" That's basically what social media is. People go out of their ways to make themselves look good on Instagram, Facebook, etc. Some even will go out of their way to stage certain pictures for that all important caption. It's not real life. Nothing on social media is. The likes, the shares, the followers...they all don't matter.
Lesson #4: Quality > Quantity
This isn't a new one for me, but I feel like it's just been reinforced in 2017. The number of people of your life only matters when those people are worthy. I can count on just two hands all the people who matter to me and I truly care about because those people are the ones I can count on. The ones who know the real me and decide that I am worthy enough in their own lives. I don't care if my phone isn't exploding with "friends" because at the end of the day, the only people I care enough to talk to are already at the top of my inbox.
Lesson #5: There are some things you just can't do.
This isn't a put down, but more of a...realistic slap in your face. Especially to all my fellow people pleasers. You can do your all, give a 100% of yourself to something or even someone, and it may still not matter. Shit happens.
Opportunities you spent hours, days, months, preparing for, fall through and you're left scrambling to pick up the pieces. Like a supervisor bailing last minute on your letters of recommendation for graduate school (still bitter).
People you thought you once knew, even the worst parts of them, you learn that you were still blind to their faults. Such as, despite knowing you for the greater part of 8 years, that person will throw every reason out to anyone who will listen that it was your fault for how things fell through, instead of just asking you when things changed (¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
Things will never go as expected and while it's easy to be angry--and okay to be angry for an appropriate amount of time--you must learn to let go. Tell yourself you did everything that you could and whatever happens is out of your hands. That is still something I'm trying to learn.
Lesson #6: Keep things special, by keeping them intimate.
In a time where everyone tends to overshare on all kinds of social apps (I recognize I'm talking about social media a lot, but it's been a big part of the year), it's almost expected of you to share details of your life from the lame to the extraordinary.
News flash: you don't have to.
You don't owe anyone to the ongoings of your life. So, just keep the surprise bouquet of flowers from your SO to yourself and relish in the feeling of the moment. Keep your hardships to those who have shown compassion to you in real words not computer hearts.
But you're allowed to celebrate and share when you feel that it's right. Like that acceptance letter to that dream school or maybe that new bundle of joy expected in a couple of months.
Just remember, to keep some moments to yourself otherwise they stop being yours.
Lesson #7: Difference of opinion, doesn't mean you're right and they're wrong.
In the current political climate, it is easy to condemn the other side, especially when they don't agree with you. But it's not an "us vs them" thing. We're all people and we all live here (yes, even the dumb ones). And yes, it's easier to write them off as stupid and ignorant, but ending the discussion before it even starts? Well, that may make you as ignorant as them.
I don't expect people to agree on things, but respect goes a long way in understanding someone. I don't have to agree with you in order for me to respect you. And I expect the same from you. When you don't respect me, well...you can very well fuck off.
Thanks 2017
You may not have been the most epic or even the best, but I learned a lot about myself this year. Stuff that I know I will carry on throughout my life. But really, here's hoping 2018 comes with some happier times :)
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fy-choisooyoung · 8 years ago
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cr: ch0sshi
(caption under the photo: Sooyoung is known as the member who knows the best places to eat. "I'm the type of person who has to take the members when I find out about a good, tasty place." Sooyoung has the utmost love and friendship for her members.) -Girls' Generation's 10 years of friendship according to Sooyoung Even when we go to overseas concerts now, we gather in one room and chat. Most of the members have shared a third of their lives together. Sunday morning, August 5, 2007. Inside a 45- seat bus heading to the SBS Open Hall in Deungchon-dong, Seoul. It was the ride to their first stage on SBS 'Inkigayo' following the release of their debut single 'Into the New World'. Inside the silent bus, the members couldn't look at each other. Because they thought they'd cry if their eyes met. In order to avoid making eye contact, they looked outside, but they couldn't see properly. At the time, the outside of the bus was wrapped with Girls' Generation's photo. While looking out at a scene they couldn't see, the members tried their best to hold back their tears. And they got up on their first stage. Girls' Generation held back their tears and completed their stage. While returning to the waiting room, the members started crying, one by one. Their parents, who came to congratulate them on their first stage, cried with them. The tears were hotter than any shed during their time as trainees, at the shortest 3 years and longest for 7. The girls returned to their dorm and cried again. We met Sooyoung at the SM Entertainment company building on the 21st, and she reminiscenced. She said, "I remember looking out a window you couldn't see out of, sniffling. It was a stage that we went on after practicing our kick for 1 year," and smiled. The kick Sooyoung is talking about is a point in the choreography for 'Into the New World'. "The secret to our 10 years is friendship and being considerate/respectful, beyond the members." What might be the secret behind being able to maintain the group for 10 years? "It's the closeness between the members. We've been able to come a long way because we aren't simply connected through work, but meet as friends. Just because one person is older, they don't try to control another member. I think we've been able to come this far by being respectful, considerate, and yield to one another regarding what each other might like or dislike." If it's been 10 years, don't you end up not meeting as often? "We still have a lot of things to talk about. Being together for 10 years is really an amazing thing. Most of the members have shared a third of their lives together. Half of my life that I've lived so far has been spent under my current company (SM Entertainment). It's to the point where I don't have friends my age other than my members. We talk about everything from our worries, work, and family. The members are all those kinds of friends." I heard during your early debut days, you had time to talk everyday.
"We had a '5-minute talk' time for a while. Everyday, we would have mandatory talks together. While ending our day, we would talk about things like what was sad, things we should pay attention to and improve on. (After leaving the dorm) Everyone got their own space, or started living with family, and we haven't been able to do that, but we did for a while. Even when we go to overseas concerts now, we gather in one room and chat." Do you talk about dating or works (dramas, etc.)? "We talk about the littlest things like 'What should I wear tomorrow?', as well as work advice like, 'Do more of this in the future'. Because we are hearing about a different female celebrity who has also been doing this for 10 years, it works as a stimulant and challenges us." Is it an obligation going to support another member when they do something different? "I think the most important thing to the members isn't money, but time. Not too long ago, I felt sorry asking my members to come to a benefit concert. Because they have to use that precious time. But Tiffany took the time out herself and came, already assuming 'she's probably not asking because she feels sorry'. And she even performed. I also go and support the members when they release a solo album or film a drama. That's the biggest and most valuable present to one another."
"10th anniversary album, the best event we've anticipated since last year." Following the release of their 5th official album, 'Lion Heart', in August 2015, Girls' Generation has been doing individual activities. This year, in particular, Yuri took on her first lead role in the SBS drama 'Defendant', and Seohyun will be starring in the MBC weekend drama 'Bad Thief, Good Thief' starting in May. Yoona enjoyed the success of her first film 'Confidential Assignment', which released in January. Sooyoung started acting early on in November 2011 through the daily sitcom, 'Unstoppable Marriage'. Yuri and Seohyun seem to be rising as actors. "For her role in 'Defendant', Yuri studied a lot about the occupation of a lawyer. She worried a lot about her Girls' Generation image overlapping with her character. But as the episodes went on, she seemed to adapt to the character. As a friend, I feel like she overcame it well, so I was proud. Seohyun has good emotions. She always surprises me. I worry if she will be able to do something well, and she does. She's the youngest sibling that does everything well without us having to worry." Of the 20 years of Korean girl groups, Girls' Generation takes up 10 years. The pride you have must be great. "Until 2 years ago (promoting as a group), I didn't realize how much meaning the work I've done so far had. I think I didn't understand how difficult and big of a deal it was winning a daesang, going on overseas tours, and doing other things as a girl group. I was busy just doing what was in front of me, and getting on stage. Doing individual activities made me think how the things I do as Girls' Generation is the most valuable thing I can do. I've received love that exceeds my abilities. I was able to ride the ship called Girls' Generation because it was with all 8 of us." I feel like you would have felt the most empty(?I think) when your debut colleagues Wonder Girls broke up. "I really admired seeing Wonder Girls transform into a band. If someone told us to attempt a change like that after putting on performances for 10 years, I wonder if we could have done it. I was curious about their transformation, so I looked up all of their interviews. Wonder Girls were a good stimulant, and we were a good driving force to one another. (Their breaking up) made me sad as a fan, but I'm still supporting them as colleagues. Because we can still listen to their music." I heard your 10th anniversary album releases in the summer. "We are going to do (a 10th anniversary album), it's matter of fact, and all the members showed a desire for it since last year. It's the biggest event the members have been anticipating."
"Hope to be remembered as the byword for Girls' Generation forever." 'Into the New World' was sung by Ewha Women's University students to unite them during a rally. It also rang out during the candlelight protests, pressing the impeachment of Park Geun-hye. Girls' Generation was like a language amongst those in their 20s who enjoyed idol culture. The language of the heart that makes you feel united through music. What meaning does 'Into the New World' hold for Girls' Generation? "I think it's a classic amongst girl group debut songs. Haha. The thing idols have to keep up to appeal to the masses is self-confidence. Having a song that people of different generations can sing together is something worth being happy about." According to Yomiuri in Japan, TWICE is being focused on as 'the K-pop group to succeed Girls' Generation'. "I'm proud that they're being introduced as a group 'to succeed Girls' Generation'. During our generation, every rookie was called 'the 2nd BoA'. Now, 'the 2nd Soshi' is going to be coming out." How does it feel seeing girl group juniors nowadays? "They're really pretty and do well. Our girl groups don't show their personal emotions. Because we always have to smile/laugh. How can you be happy every day; I want to applaud them for maintaining a smiling face all the time." What's Girls' Generation's strength? "We try to take after each other's good points. If one person works hard, the others do as well. If one person does a good deed, it influences the others. Another strength is that we greet people well. More than anything, we didn't succeed at once, so we don't forget our 'hungry mindset'. We also know how precious popularity is." What's a good way for Girls' Generation to be remembered? "I hope we will be the 'byword' for girl groups forever." If you had to pick a crisis during Girls' Generations 10 years, it would have to be Jessica's leave from the group. I think that might be what made Girls' Generation become stronger. Sooyoung recited a well-known line from a popular drama. "I liked everyday we spent together. Because the days were good, because the days were not good, because the days were just enough...”
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agirlinjapan · 8 years ago
Red Data Girl: World Heritage Girl (Week 23)
Red Data Girl: World Heritage Girl By Noriko Ogiwara A Translation
Miss the last piece? Read it here!
Check out the RDG Translation twitter!
We’ve started the last chapter of RDG 4!
Also, did everyone see my new scary story translation, “Cursed Chain Mail”? It’s a fun/somewhat creepy story about what happens when you don’t forward that annoying chain mail letter in your inbox.  At this point I’m just shamelessly plugging my side translations and I know it but that’s okay because I’m excited about them.
Red Data Girl: World Heritage Girl By Noriko Ogiwara Chapter 4: Boundary Part 1 (1 of 3)
The next morning, Izumiko could not bring herself to go to class.
After saying goodbye to Mayura, she returned to the dorm, received headache medication from Ms. Saijyo, the head of the building, and spent the next hour or two lying in bed.
After ten though, she reluctantly got up. Staying in the silent dorm was steadily making her more and more agitated. It was not a place where she could hole up in and feel secure. At least, that was how she felt at that moment. Strangely, the empty dorm, left behind by its inhabitants for the day, only invited loneliness.
Izumiko knew that she should stay out of the public eye as much as possible when she felt so badly. If a doctor had come to see her, she was sure he would have told her to go back to sleep until noon.
When she looked at her face in the mirror, she saw that her eyes were rather swollen from crying long into the early morning. She quietly turned a bit of her attention to her braids which were currently messy and unattractive after being slept on. There was no way she could suddenly stop wearing her signature hairstyle.
…But didn’t someone compliment me when my hair was loose the other day?...
Just thinking about this was enough to make her reconsider her previous thought.
Izumiko gently ran the tips of her fingers down her braids.—The goddess had done that too, the concept seemingly strange to her. Uncertainty poked at Izumiko from inside her stomach. However, the feeling was something she would just have to deal with as long as she wasn’t shutting herself away somewhere for the rest of her life.      
Mom’s seal probably isn’t all gone yet. The goddess has only come out at random times so far and she hasn’t shown us any of her destructive abilities… We haven’t seen any power that could create a natural disaster…
She thought about this as she gazed at reflection. The goddess thought that the braids were restrictive. That meant that Izumiko herself could maintain the seal. It didn’t have to be Yukariko.
If I talk myself out of this here and now, I’ll be even more scared than ever and I won’t have the courage to meet anyone new ever again. So, I’ll go to class… Just like I always do… Before school ends and I see Miyuki at student government.
The goddess’s tale of the past and future made her uncomfortable but she didn’t let herself think about that too seriously. It had a far removed feeling from the things Mayura and the others had told her about the World Heritage Candidate. The information contained in the goddess’s word had little meaning to her and she couldn’t force herself to focus on them. To Izumiko, the difficulties she had to overcome were here and now.
She wondered how she should face Miyuki when they met.
The confusion was still there. She had had no say in what had been happening lately and as a result, everything felt very unfinished.      
On top of everything else, the troublesome problem of where Wamiya had taken up residence had also come to light. Rather than dwelling incessantly on this though, she supposed it was better to take her mind off of it with her classmates’ everyday chatter.
Izumiko told Ms. Saijo that she was going to class and left the girl’s dorm. It was third period and first year Class C was having their classical Japanese lesson. When she arrived, one of her classmates was laboriously reading out loud from the textbook. Izumiko opened the classroom’s backdoor a crack and slid inside. The teacher gave her a questioning look but said nothing while the student read on.    
Izumiko went to her seat, pulled out her textbook and notebook, and opened them to the right pages. Then she let out a breath.
Classical Japanese was probably her best class. Her grandfather, Takeomi had instructed her in it when she had been younger. Because of this, she could find her place in the lesson without any trouble even though she had come in half way through. It was something she could have only done with classical Japanese. When she felt comfortable enough with the lesson, she peaked towards the desk diagonally in front of her where Manatsu Souda was sleeping peacefully in the shadow of his propped up textbook.
Due to the seat changes that had taken place in September, Izumiko’s seat was now behind Manatsu’s. She hadn’t been well aware of it before summer vacation but Manatsu slept through classes often. It was as if his consciousness turned off when he wasn’t moving. Obviously he was going to have a hard time when finals came around.
…Mayura did say that her siblings were a huge burden… Izumiko thought absently.
She wondered if Mayura’s little brother would hold someone who was crying with as much patience as Mayura had. She knew that he would hold his sister like that but what about someone else? If he would hold someone else like that, would he hold Izumiko?...
What am I thinking?
The thought struck her suddenly and just like that she was painfully aware that it was all she could think about. Maybe this was something that everyone across the world knew but Izumiko didn’t have the first clue about it.
…When someone holds someone else, how different is it from when they hold a sibling? How different is it for people of the same gender to hug versus people of opposite genders?...
They might not have been important questions but for some reason, Izumiko was desperate to understand. Still, it wasn’t as if Miyuki would ever go out on a date with her.
But what about me? What would I do?...
The bell rang, signaling the end of third period. It was already lunch.
The students immediately burst into action, exiting the classroom as quickly as they could.
Manatsu had woken up a few minutes before the bell and had been impatiently waiting for it to chime. He stood up quickly, looking around at the students filing out of the room. Finally, his eyes caught on Izumiko.
“Ah, you came, Izumiko.” Manatsu seemed to be the only person who had noticed her. “Today during lunch, the class group in charge of cooking for the festival is having a strategy meeting. You’ll have to give up eating lunch with Mayura until the festival’s over. Class A’s running a rival food stand, you know.”
“Oh, are they?”
“We’ll all be dressed in black with the student government for the whole first day so I guess it really doesn’t matter though,” he added.
It sounded like the class had talked about the festival that morning. The big event was taking place this weekend on both Saturday and Sunday and it was clear to see that the classes’ competitive spirits were already on the rise. The real competition wouldn’t begin until each class’s contribution to the festival was ready to go but every class, regardless of whether they were putting together a food stand or a performance, was already hyped up for the big day.  
“I didn’t expect to hear you two catching each other up on what we talked about this morning but here you are.” Karin Hasegawa, the leader of the cooking group, broke into their conversation. “I guess you want to strengthen Class C’s teamwork. Izumiko, were you sick? Are you feeling better now?”
Finding herself standing next to Karin’s solid form, Izumiko hurriedly replied, “I’m okay now. I’ll join the lunch meeting.”
“You were one of the princess models at the kimono demonstration, right? There’s a picture of you going around everyone’s cellphones and computers like crazy. It has a caption on it that says, ‘Who is this?’.”
“What? I didn’t know that!” Manatsu’s eyes went wide. Unlike his sister, Manatsu didn’t play around on the internet. Now that Izumiko had used Daisei’s computer to search the web a little, even she was probably better at using the internet than him.
“It was horrible how long it took people to figure out it was you! I thinkyesterday someone finally wrote, ‘It’s Izumiko Suzuhara from Class 1-C’.”
“Did you really model, Izumiko” Manatsu asked in disbelief at Karin’s words.
“Yeah… It wasn’t planned…” Izumiko answered, blinking. Truthfully, she had already filed the unexpected modeling event away in her head as something that had happened in the past. As a result, her reaction to his question had been delayed. It was also true that she hadn’t been on the web at all on Saturday so there was no way she would have seen the picture.
“The middle school student didn’t come and they needed someone else fast. I was the only substitute available…”
“I wasn’t at school that day. I missed out!” Manatsu said, sounding disappointed.
Izumiko shook her head. “It wasn’t a big deal. It was just something I couldn’t say no to.”
Karin laughed. “Knowing you, they forced you into it. But still, if you look at the picture, you’ll see this unbelievably gorgeous person standing there.”
“Seriously. That’s why there was so much uproar about wanting to know who it was. Everyone knew who your sister was the moment they saw her picture, even though she was dressed as a princess.”
“Oh, I saw that, too— The picture of Izumiko dressed as a princess!” Miyuu Hatano said, appearing as if out of no were and joining the conversation. “I didn’t attend the lecture but I wanted to know how it went and I was looking everywhere for pictures. You were so pretty, Izumiko. You know what else is popular these days? Pictures of ghosts.”
“Pictures of… ghosts?” Izumiko and Manatsu repeated at the exact same time. Karin looked doubtful.
“Uh, but aren’t they just someone’s idea of a bad joke?”
“Maybe but they keep showing up one after another. Everyone’s been posting pictures of places around the lecture hall lately. People look at them really closely and start seeing things here and there,” Miyuu said. She sounded nothing but amused. Clearly, she wasn’t frightened at all. “There are lots of people who think there are plenty more ghosts to find in that area if you search hard enough. I bet there’ll be a lot of people out looking again tonight.”
This was a topic Izumiko couldn’t ignore. Whether it had anything to do with the goddess or not, she couldn’t just stand there calmly and keep listening.
“What kind of pictures have they been taking?”
“They’re just like normal ghosts pictures that you usually see. Floating human-like shadows and faces, hands and feet in places you’d never believe…”
“…How about my picture? Were any of those things in it?”
Sensing Izumiko’s discomfort, Miyuu grew hesitant and uncomfortable with the topic at hand. “There wasn’t anything like that in your photo. I’m sorry. Ignore what I’m saying. There’s so many pictures of you, Izumiko. I bet you’re embarrassed.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Karin said firmly. “People who believe in pictures of ghosts are idiots, anyway. They’re just illusions made by tricks of light and the photo manipulation we can do nowadays.
“Yeah, it’s all just for fun,” Miyuu said vehemently as well. “Everyone’s getting pumped up for the upcoming festival, I guess. Hey, I heard a rumor saying that the third years are putting together a really awesome haunted house. I bet that’s why everyone’s been talking about ghosts.”
Izumiko forced a smile onto her face and nodded. All the same though, she had a vague feeling that something else was going on in the school.
Keep reading!
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latesthollywoodnews · 7 years ago
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin's Dating Timeline: All The BEST Moments
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin's Dating Timeline: All The BEST Moments
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin’s Dating Timeline: All The BEST Moments, List Of 2017 Hollywood Films.
New Hollywood Celebrities 2019, Hollywood Celebrity News 2019, Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin’s Dating Timeline: All The BEST Moments.
Pixar News 2018 Celebrities List famous Cartoon Network Studios is an American animation studio based in Burbank, California. It is owned by Cartoon Network and Turner Broadcasting System, which are both subsidiaries of Time Warner.
Is Hollywood Celebrities Anywhere free?
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Congratulations to Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin on their engagement! Of course we have to break down all of their dating history from beginning to now.
in 2014, Jelena fans were heartbroken because Selena and Justin broke up and he started spending a lot of time with Hailey. At the time, HollywoodLife reported that QUOTE, “”Justin has a new muse and it’s Hailey,” a source told the site. “She’s different from the other girls Justin has been with. She’s really fun, feisty, and could care less about Justin’s fame and fortune. Hailey’s birthday was on November 22, so when she got to New York, Justin made sure to spoil her and treat her like a princess. He totally took care of her and took her shopping. He’s definitely on the rebound from Selena.” He began to post a lot of photos with Hailey as their friendship blossomed. In December of 2014 they both denied dating rumors. E! News chatted with Hailey in New York and she said, “I’ve known him since I was so young—since I was like 13—and we’ve just been good friends over the years. We have just stayed close and there’s nothing more to it than that.” Justin posted this photo to clear up any rumors. They spent New Year’s together that year. And then when Summer came around, there were some photos in Miami where the two were looking cozy…this sounds familiar. But then when December 2015 came around, he went on vacation with his dad, siblings, and Hailey! And when he posted this video to his IG. We all let out a collective AAAHHH. Around New Year’s of 2016 is when they took it to the next level and we were all like WOOOAAAH. Justin posted this pic with no caption needed. So some people don’t even know all of the history between Justin and Hailey. Or the fact that Justin talked about marrying her before! In 2016’s GQ’s March issue, “I don’t want to put anyone in a position where they feel like I’m only theirs, only to be hurt in the end. Right now in my life, I don’t want to be held down by anything. I already have a lot that I have to commit to. A lot of responsibilities. I don’t want to feel like the girl I love is an added responsibility. I know that in the past I’ve hurt people and said things that I didn’t mean to make them happy in the moment. So now I’m just more so looking at the future, making sure I’m not damaging them. What if Hailey ends up being the girl I’m gonna marry, right? If I rush into anything, if I damage her, then it’s always gonna be damaged. It’s really hard to fix wounds like that. It’s so hard.… I just don’t want to hurt her! Hailey responded to the those comments during a chat with E!
Hailey said it wasn’t about Justin, but they split around that time. Then after Selena and Justin split this year and after Hailey and Shawn Mendes both confirmed that they were single. Hailey said something very interesting to The Times UK. She said, “Justin and I were friends for a long time. I met him when I was really young and he was one of my best friends. Everybody knows that at a certain point in time that turned into something else, but that just happens when you’re 18, 19. It was what it was. We went through a long period of time when we weren’t friends. We didn’t speak for quite some time and there was a lot of weirdness that went on. We’ve moved past that.” Then in things started heating up in June when they were spotted in Miami. They attended a Church Conference, went to dinner, Club Liv, the pool and a source told E that they were “inseparable the entire weekend.” Then they were spotted in New York and took it as far as making out in Brooklyn. And things continued to escalate from there and it went from are they together to they are for sure together to WOOOAAAH Justin proposed. Justin confirmed he’s engaged to Hailey with this Instagram post.
Hailey responded with this tweet saying, “Not sure what I did in life to deserve such happiness but I am so utterly grateful to God for giving me such an incredible person to share my life with! No words could ever express my gratitude.” And a source told Us Weekly earlier this week that they are QUOTE, discussing having a very small wedding. Justin loves Canada and is at home there. It’s a special place for him and he’d love to get married there.”
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Get The Latest & Current Celebrity News, Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin’s Dating Timeline: All The BEST Moments.
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abridgedpause · 7 years ago
After eight years as an idea and four years in active making, Vision Éternel’s long-anticipated boxed set “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes” is finally out! Released through Abridged Pause Recordings, the collection features five compact discs, one cassette, two stickers, six business card flyers and a two-page postcard insert.
The five compact discs include all five Vision Éternel extended plays released to date, covering 2007-2015: “Seul Dans L’obsession” (2007), “Un Automne En Solitude” (2008), “Abondance De Périls” (2010), “The Last Great Torch Song” (2012) and “Echoes From Forgotten Hearts” (2015). The cassette compilation, “Lost Misfortunes: A Selection Of Demos And Rarities (Part One)” features nineteen rare and unreleased b-sides, demos and alternate versions spanning 2007-2010. All of this audio content has been remastered and most of it appears in a physical format for the very first time!
The collection also includes a handful of bonus material: business card-sized reproductions of the original promotional flyers for each of the five extended plays as well as the 2009 flyer for the Japanese-exclusive compilation; two stickers: one of the 2008 band logo designed by Jeremy Roux and another of the 2017 band logo designed by Christophe Szpajdel; and two postcards with original artwork by Rain Frances and Pierrette Bourdon backed by liner notes. The assortment is packaged in a deep blue keepsake box, limited and hand-numbered.
An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes Boxed Set by Vision Éternel
An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes Boxed Set by Vision Éternel
The idea of the boxed set originated in early 2010, following Abridged Pause Recordings’ release of Vision Éternel’s third extended play “Abondance De Périls“. The year prior, Japanese record label Frozen Veins Records released a compilation of Vision Éternel’s first two extended plays; 2007’s “Seul Dans L’obsession” and 2008’s “Un Automne En Solitude“, both originally released through Mortification Records. The Japan-exclusive compact disc, titled “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes“, included three unreleased b-sides and was bundled with a poster. When that compilation was released, on February 14th of 2009, the future of Vision Éternel was uncertain and it was promoted as a sort of discography of the band.
Once more material was released in 2010, Vision Éternel founder Alexandre Julien started planning a follow-up compilation compact disc for Frozen Veins Records, which would have combined “Abondance De Périls” and its eventual sequel, 2012’s “The Last Great Torch Song“. Unfortunately, Frozen Veins Records folded in the early months of 2010 and the release was briefly put on hold. Within a month, the compilation was re-conceptualized into a boxed set. This boxed set was to re-use the title “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes” because Alexandre Julien found that it perfectly represented the mood and theme of the band. The collection was upgraded to include every Vision Éternel song ever released. During the four years that followed, a long list of record labels offered to release the boxed set, including Winterreich Productions, Valse Sinistre Productions, Dedicated Records, Dunkelheit Produktionen and Broken Limbs Recordings, which resulted in drastic changes in the formats and contents of the collection. Ultimately, Abridged Pause Recordings took the reins, following the record label’s release of Soufferance’s boxed set “Travels” in August of 2013. Thus ensued the long and emotional task of putting the boxed set together.
Between March of 2014 and March of 2018, many different parts of the boxed set were designed, crafted, purchased, manufactured and printed (and a great many parts had to be re-designed, re-manufactured and re-printed due to ongoing problems). Alexandre Julien envisioned the “An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes” boxed set as the definitive Vision Éternel collection, not limited to every Vision Éternel song released, but rather to every Vision Éternel song recorded. This would normally only be attainable if the boxed set was completed and released after the band calls it quits. But Alexandre Julien found another way; release the boxed set in an impressive package in the spring of 2018, but leave room in the box for yearly “add-on packages”. With that in mind, the keepsake box used for the collection was intentionally crafted bigger than it needed to be, so that as future albums are released, a limited edition pressing will be manufactured to retroactively fit in the boxed set. The yearly add-on packages will also include bonus material such as stickers, flyers, postcards and other memorabilia made to subsequently fit in the boxed set.
The boxed set can be purchased directly through Vision Éternel’s webstore as of April 14th 2018.
Release Credits:
All music composed and performed by Vision Éternel. Vision Éternel is the creation of Alexandre Julien. Music recorded, produced and mixed by Alexandre Julien at Mortified Studios from January of 2007 to December of 2014. Mastered by Adam Kennedy at Vital Philosophy and Garry Brents at GAB Recordings. Remastered by Alexandre Julien at Mortified Studios in January of 2017. Artwork, illustrations, paintings and photography by Alexandre Julien, Marina Polak, Jeremy Roux, Rain Frances, Pierrette Bourdon and Christophe Szpajdel. Layout by Alexandre Julien. Released on April 14th of 2018 through Abridged Pause Recordings – APR16. All songs released are exclusively registered to Abridged Pause Publishing. An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes is dedicated to Pierrette Bourdon.
Vision Éternel – An Anthology Of Past Misfortunes Boxed Set After eight years as an idea and four years in active making, Vision Éternel's long-anticipated boxed set "
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