#my screenshot folder is gonna have a fuckign heart attack once I play finished Find Me
tzalmavet · 6 years
Ahh, okay, thank you for answering my question! I also want to say I've read your Find Me fanfics and I really like how you wrote them honestly! ^W^ (Kinda want to make my own now but I need to get around to playing the demo first XD)
No problem!  I’m glad you like my Find Me fics, but yeah you should definitely play Find Me’s demo before writing any fic yourself (the most recent one is 3.2) if you want to be accurate; my fics will make a lot more sense after you’ve met Jadon in-game, too (though “Changing Hands” was written before 3.2 came out, it still matches pretty good with the current canon).  I’m mostly able to write them because I took a lot of screenshots of locations and dialogue while playing, because I’m not the best at memorizing all the little details.
I want to write about Malachi, Gaius, and the other characters someday, but I stick to Jadon for now since I understand his thoughts and mannerisms better than I do theirs.  I’ll branch out a little more once once the game is complete and I have more lore to work with.
Good luck on writing your own Find Me fics!!
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