#my reasonings here are terrible but hey i tired
hoperaypegasus · 11 months
Wild Fang’s Pokémon Teams + Kakeru
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Litten naturally has the personality of Kyoya. Seriously, it’s just Kyoya as a Pokémon.
The kid’s whole personality is lion. I had to give him the lion-like Pokémon.
I mainly just wanted a dark type and I felt Umbreon fit with Kyoya’s season three design really well.
... Gengar looks like Kyoya during battles.
Persian is yet another lion Pokémon to add to his collection.
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Fennekins are known for being neat and orderly apparently and that just fits Nile perfectly.
Helio = sun and it’s a desert Pokémon. Also it could sit on his shoulder and that would just be cute.
... Do I really have to explain Cofagrigus?
Sandslash was just a vibe. Idk why, just a vibe.
Fire eeveelution to balance out Kyoya’s dark type one (headcanon that they got them together).
Mawile looks very done with everyone just like Nile’s attitude towards Kyoya during their battle with Gingka.
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Grookey could sit on his shoulder and it just fit really well. 
The anxiety Pokémon for the anxiety blader. Perfect.
Axew was an impulse add and yet I love it so much here.
Emolga was just a vibe and the yellow stripes in it’s ears kinda reminded me of Demure’e earrings so yeah.
Grass eeveelution for the kid who just said that they were from “the grasslands” (headcanon it was caught with Nile and Kyoya’s).
Girafarig was mainly due to me wanting some form of psychic type here and I thought it fit best with the team.
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I could just see Pignite helping him cook. That’s it. That’s my whole reasoning.
Tauros = The Bull aka Dark Bull.
Snorlax can also crush people with hugs like Benkei does. Idk, it’s cute.
Hawlucha is just based off Benkei during the World Championships.
Another fighting type that was added based on vibes.
Benkei would have a dog Pokémon that balances out all of Kyoya’s cat Pokémon, and this one’s a food pun for the chef man.
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Cyndaquil is just adorable and is a fire type that evolves to use a wheel attack like Kakeru does.
Baby lion because he idolizes his brother.
Klang because the boy loves to invent apparently (makes his own bey if I remember correctly).
Gible was just a vibe. That’s the whole reason.
Eevee that will probably be a Sylveon or Jolteon one day, just because Kakeru is like the sweetest kid.
What better Pokémon to encapsulate the differences between him and Kyoya than the fact that Kakeru is literally just like Plusle.
Edit: Completely forgot a bird Pokémon for Nile so feel free sub in Talonflame wherever you want on the team (thank you to the commenter that reminded me)!
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ikyw-t · 9 months
I do relate to olivia rodrigo in some ways for example I did have nightmares each week (every day for months) after that phone call in may (march). I fantasize (once every other blue moon) about a time where you're a little fucking sorry. except I do not hold my undying love (there is not even an iota of love, if there ever was) like a grudge and also I will never ever forgive bc you were indeed filled with vitriol. and unfortunately I also cannot let it go. it was six months (three years) of torture. I did NOT love you truly and I cannot laugh at the stupidity. I may have made some real big mistakes but you do indeed make the worst one look fine. like..............
#sorry i know this is cringe and something i should just journal about#ive just had a very shitty day and also kinda week#ive just been tired and lethargic for no clear reason for the past five days and it's very frustrating#bc i have homework due tomorrow that ive barely made any progress on#and i kinda rly need an A in this class to maintain my gpa. so if one bad week means i tank this assignment and get a B in this class#oh dread. unspeakable unsurmountable dread#also i went on a walk in the park w my mom which i haven't done in a bit and i just was unable to stop thinking#about my high school demon of a boyfriend who lives nearby. altho he literally never goes outside i sometimes get rly freaked out#and panicky that i might see him and have to deal with him again. like he did call (AND TEXT?!?🤢) me last march#and i was having nightmares for months after and feeling so paranoid that he might randomly show up at my house one day#bc that's the kind of shit he used to do regularly when we were dating to keep me from breaking up w him#and like ughhhhhhhhhh it just makes me so upset bc he literally would have the audacity.#it's just upsetting. i am soooo nonviolent as a person but when i think of him i suddenly feel not very nonviolent#again my apologies i know this should be journaled about instead. sorry u had to see all this#feel free not to read these tags like this is just for me. apologies.#while im here some other songs that make me think of him include would've could've should've. atw10 but only the terrible parts#uhh better by myself by hey violet is incredibly on the nose#also it's actually just a rly great song. also get out of my life by little hurt. okay im done now.#gonna go find something funny and cute to watch. maybe little witch academia.#sorry if u read all this 😵‍💫
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lynxgriffin · 14 days
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Eldritchrune - Dreemurr of Demons
1 | 2 | 3
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Asriel ventures back to Hometown while on the trail of trying to find out what happened to Kris, and stumbles across an unusual man who's all too excited to share his demon-warding knowledge! But it's unclear so far whether this knowledge will actually be of help to him...
Yaaay all done with this series back with the Dreemurrs! This one was definitely the longest, but also had some important info! What I'll tackle next is a mystery to me right now...
Alt text for these pages is under the read more:
Page 1 Panel 1: Exterior shot of a back alley in Hometown, with old barrels and boxes stacked behind medieval buildings. Asriel walks down the alley, wearing a striped shirt, glasses and scruffy blond hair, and carrying a large canvas bag over his shoulders. The annoying dog trots happily beside him.
Panel 2: The annoying dog drops his nose to the ground, sniffing at some interesting smell.
Panel 3: The dog bounds off ahead of Asriel to a haphazard collection of trinkets, boxes, jars and displayed charms, all partially covered with colorful cloths. A man is kneeling under one of the tent setups. Asriel walks to catch up with the dog, asking, "What's got your interest this time, dog?"
Panel 4: The man pops up from his odd collection and turns to Asriel with arms spread and a big smile. He has short curly hair, and is dressed in a medieval robe with a cape slung over his shoulders, and bone designs in his sleeve cuffs. He answers, "Just the finest assortment of handmade charms and magical meals made by yours truly, THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" The dog happily circles Papyrus, tail wagging.
Panel 5: Asriel is a bit taken aback by the introduction, but waves in greeting anyway, and responds with "…Oh! Howdy!" The dog sits in front of Papyrus, panting and wagging his tail.
Page 2 Panel 1: Papyrus leans down with a big grin to pet the dog and ruffle its face. "What a bright and clever fellow! Such a sweet face!"
Panel 2: "You're a good, good boy, aren't you?" Papyrus continues. However, the dog glances over to the side, as something has got his attention:
Panel 3: It's one of the charms Papyrus has on display: a large femur bone decorated with paint, beads and feathers.
Panel 4: The dog leaps up and snatches the charm in its mouth. Papyrus looks agape at this thievery, eyes cartoonishly wide. "Wh-HEY! That's my SPECIAL demon-warding charm!"
Panel 5: The dog goes running off further into the alley, the bone still in its mouth. Papyrus shakes his fist at it and yells after it: "You thieving scoundrel! I take back all the nice things I said about you!"
Panel 6: Papyrus quickly turns back to Asriel with a more apologetic look; even now he can't be too mean. He says, "I apologize, I didn't mean to yell at your dog. I'm sure he's normally better behaved!" Asriel waves off the apology with tired bemusement. "No, it's fine. He's not really my dog." Under his breath, he adds, "He just keeps following me around for some reason…"
Panel 7: Papyrus stands back up and gestures to his odd collection. "In any case, you at least are welcome to my little shop-in-the-works!"
Page 3 Panel 1: Papyrus leans in close to Asriel, observing him, and getting a bit into his personal space. "You look a little familiar, though! Are you perhaps related to Mr. Dreemurr?" Asriel nervously adjusts his glasses, and replies, "Heh, yes. I'm Asriel, his son."
Panel 2: Asriel holds up a hand and gives a little sideeye to the alley around them. "But, uh…I actually don't want my parents to know that I'm back in town, so I'd appreciate you keeping quiet about me being here."
Panel 3: Papyrus mirrors that sideeye, hands on his hips, as if recalling some recent incident. "Ahh…I know well the trials of avoiding family. Especially when they decide to try out some terrible new jokes."
Panel 4: Papyrus makes a lip-zipping motion with his hand and mouth. "Not to worry, my lips are sealed!" Asriel smiles back, and says, "Thanks, I appreciate it."
Panel 5: A wider shot of the two still standing within Papyrus's collection of tents and trinkets. Papyrus asks, "So, if it's not to see your folks, what brings you back around Hometown?" Asriel glances around them, and replies, "I'm looking for something. Or well…kinda hoping I don't find something here."
Page 4 Panel 1: Papyrus points up one finger, looking as if he's already solved this problem. "If you don't want to find it, then looking for it seems rather counterintuitive!"
Panel 2: Asriel looks a little taken aback by that logic. "Yes, well… Okay you have a point, but…"
Panel 3: Asriel keeps glancing behind him, as if expecting to see someone there. "This is kind of the next step in a trail of research I've been doing."
Panel 4: Papyrus puts a hand to a chest and puffs himself up, imitating his heroic poses from Undertale. "Well, if your research involves handmade charms and tasty foods both designed to ward off demons, evil spirits and the like… Then I'll be your most cited source!"
Panel 5: Asriel crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows, intrigued by this. "Really."
Panel 6: "You know a lot about demons, huh?" Asriel asks as he sits himself on one of the rugs within the tent setup. Papyrus keeps up his self-congratulatory pose. "I, the Great Papyrus, am a bonafide expert in such subjects! Sad that so few around here seem to recognize my talents."
Page 5 Panel 1: Asriel holds his hands up, willing to follow this strange thread wherever it might lead. "Well, I've got a question that all my research hasn't been able to answer for me, so perhaps you can…"
Panel 2: A pause as Asriel holds on to his thoughts, hands closed in front of his face. Papyrus sits down on the rug across from him.
Panel 3: Asriel lowers his hands, his face deeply serious. "How do you kill a demon?"
Panel 4: Papyrus looks back at him with an equally serious expression, then…
Panel 5: The seriousness is gone as he gives a casual shrug, and gives an answer. "Oh, that's simple. You don't!"
Panel 6: Asriel looks a little bit baffled, and disappointed. "…You don't?"
Panel 7: "No, silly. They're immortal, like angels!" Papyrus keeps up the casual shrug, as if this information is obvious.
Panel 8: However, Papyrus then seems to become aware of why this is being asked. He looks around the area frantically, his head whipping back and forth. "Why?! Are there demons around here that my detection flatbreads missed?!" Asriel offers an amused smile back. "Heehee… no, I don't think so."
Page 6 Panel 1: The seriousness returns to Asriel's face as he scratches at his nose, lost in worried thought. "I just…have this real bad hunch. I'm trying to prepare myself for all potential outcomes."
Panel 2: Papyrus ignores the seriousness of the situation, and just seems impressed. "Preparation! The hallmark of the truly intelligent!"
Panel 3: Asriel is still set on getting some information, and continues his questions. "Thanks. So, if you can't kill them, what do you do about them?" Papyrus holds up a finger again, happy to keep explaining: "Well, you got two options! First, you can banish them back to their own plane!"
Panel 4: Papyrus continues, "However, that's really only the ideal option if you're the one that summoned them in the first place. Otherwise it's a whole ordeal." In the background, Papyrus's point is illustrated with a little graphic of a cult member holding up a hand in rejection of a demon within a summoning circle. The demon looks confused and perturbed by the rejection.
Panel 5: Asriel says, "I see. What's the other option?" Papyrus continues his explanation across the two panels: "You bind the demon to something! Quickest and easiest thing to do is bind them to an object! Buuut, problem with that is, if your object gets broken or destroyed, now your demon's free and even angrier than before."
Panel 6: To illustrate his point, another background graphic shows a shocked human with a broken jar in front of them. A demon rises out of the remains of the broken jar, looking angry and ready to strike.
Page 7 Panel 1: Papyrus again continues his explanation across two panels. "Hardest and most time-consuming thing to do is to bind them to a place! Good option if you have the prep time, but then you can't really use that place anymore. Better pick a restaurant you hate and hope no one there minds you standing outside it chanting for three days straight."
Panel 2: To illustrate his point further, a scene (perhaps a flashback) shows Papyrus with his arms raised outside of a restaurant, supposedly chanting angrily at it, while another person stares back at him from the doorway, hands on their hips in annoyance.
Panel 3: Asriel watches as Papyrus finishes up the rest of his explanation: "Aaaand, last thing you can do is…bind the demon to a person! Which…"
Panel 4: Papyrus stops suddenly. For the first time, he looks actually disturbed and hesitant.
Panel 5: Asriel watches quizzically, waiting for him to continue.
Panel 6: When he doesn't continue, Asriel tries to prompt him on, tilting his head towards him. "…And?"
Panel 7: Papyrus quickly waves his hands in front of him, smiling nervously, clearly trying to dismiss the whole idea. "But you know, we don't need to go into the details of that!"
Panel 8: Asriel says nothing, but remains in nervous thought, one hand covering his mouth. It's clear that this is sticking in his mind the most.
Page 8 Panel 1: Asriel remains sitting with a hand to his chin in thought, but Papyrus has moved on to better advice. "But as I always say, an ounce of prevention's worth a pound of cure! You're much better off trying one of my charms or meals to-go!"
Panel 2: Asriel lets himself smile more at this suggestion. "Y'know? I'm sold. And also a bit hungry."
Panel 3: Asriel gets up, and drops a handful of coins into Papyrus's open hand, which Papyrus looks at in surprise. Asriel says, "Give me your best demon-warding meal."
Panel 4: Papyrus stares down at the coins in his hand, his eyes cartoonishly big and shiny, full of excitement. "WOWIE!! My FIRST ever sale!" he says with a big smile.
Panel 5: Papyrus leaps up and begins to rummage through some of the boxes and barrels around his collection. "This calls for my finest delicacy!" Asriel watches him from a few steps back, and mutters under his breath, "…First ever?…"
Page 9 Panel 1: Papyrus straightens back up, gesturing to a small sack that he is holding in one hand. He looks pleased with himself. "Spiced candied yam bites, from my home country!"
Panel 2: "Each one will purge you of evil spirits for a whole ten hours!" he continues. He hands the small sack off to Asriel, who takes it from him and says, "Sounds like a good deal." In the background, the annoying dog pops back up from behind some other boxes, holding something in its mouth.
Panel 3: Asriel hefts the bag over his shoulder again, and holds up the sack of treats in acknowledgement of the exchange. "Well, I know where to come if I need more info and good charms."
Panel 4: Papyrus stands proud, both hands on his hips, happy at being able to spout off his knowledge to a stranger. "Yes, yes! Tell all your friends about the fantastic advice and the culinary masterworks of the Great Papyrus!" he says excitedly.
Panel 5: Asriel heads off back into the alleyways, and waves goodbye to Papyrus. The annoying dog follows close behind his steps. Papyrus enthusiastically waves to the two as they leave, and says, "Safe travels to you and your annoying dog!"
Page 10 Panel 1: Papyrus turns back to his collection of trinkets and boxes with a determined look, hands on his hips. "And now to see where that criminal canine buried my special charm…" he says to himself.
Panel 2: While continuing on through the alleyways, Asriel opens the small sack and pulls out one of the candied yam bites.
Panel 3: Asriel glances back down at the dog, and notices that he's carrying something that's making a tinking noise. It's partially hidden from view. "Oh boy, what did you steal now?" he asks with a wry smile.
Panel 4: Asriel takes the yam bite and pops it into his mouth with a crunch…
Panel 5: …Only to then make a face, his eyes wide and his mouth scrunched up, as if tasting something indescribable.
Panel 6: "What IS this flavor?" Asriel asks to himself, although all but his back foot are off-panel. The focus is on the annoying dog, who is shown to be carrying a strange, heart-shaped metal lantern on a chain.
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getosbigballsack · 3 months
Random thought! - Husband Gojo x Wife Reader-chan #inside the diary
Hear me out! Gojo read your thoughts in your diary and came to realize that he was a terrible husband to you.
He knew he was a good lay, hence the reason he managed to knock you up three times. But as of lately, he came to realize that you weren't interested in having sex with him.
At first, he thought it was just because you were too tired, having to take care of the kids while he works, all day by yourself (in which he understands, and he praises you for being such a wonderful mother).
But that wasn't the case. He just happened to come home early from work while you were out shopping with the kids, and he got a hold of your diary.
Interestingly, he took it upon himself to skim through the pages of your book, just to see what's inside your little head. Nothing out of the ordinary, just little notes and reminders to yourself about the task you had to complete and a few words of encouragement here and there.
He usually doesn't read through your thoughts, always thinking that if you had an issue you'd come and talk to him, so he was about to put your diary back where he found it because he didn't want to pry further into your thoughts, but that's until one page in particular caught his eye.
I find it difficult to enjoy sex with my husband nowadays and I don't know why?
Words in blue handwriting are written beautifully on the paper. He kept on reading, and as he continued to move further down the line, he felt his heart break.
It’s just me, but I don't think I'm attractive enough to have sex with my husband.
I wanted to suggest the last time we had sex [that was a month ago], but I didn't wanna ruin the moment for him because he looked like he was having fun.
Satoru came home today and wanted to have sex. I told him no. He never forced himself on me. He only kissed me goodnight and left to go sleep in the guest room. I know he was upset but did he really have to leave?
It's been 2 months, and Satoru hasn't tried touching me since that night. Am I not worthy of loving anymore? He doesn't even buy me flowers anymore or take me out on dates.
He doesn't compliment me anymore, doesn't tell me that I'm beautiful. He doesn’t even call me baby girl, doll or even honey.
No more I love you, only kisses to the forehead and peck on the lips before he leaves for work in the morning.
He comes home late, I'm always alone with the kids, no more family dinners, no more kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom conversations. No more late-night kisses, no more holding me tightly in his arms while he sleeps.
Does he not want me anymore?
Sometimes I wanna visit his office with the children but I’m afraid that he’ll find my presence a bit annoying. I feel lonely without him here with me.
I should've said yes that night and spread my legs for him,
That's my duty as his wife.
To have fulfilled all my husband's needs without complaint.
But it hurts to have sex, I'm just not in the mood. I'm too tired, I just need my husband to hold me, but he's not there.
I can't complain, he's the reason I don't have to work.
But is it so bad to ask my husband to love me without having the need to touch me?
The last entry to your diary reads.
I'm going to do it today, bare the pain and have sex with my husband, just so that I can feel his love once again. 
Now he knows the real reason you won’t have intercourse with him, or let's say the reason you don’t enjoy having sex with him. You feel as though he doesn’t love you anymore, and he needs to fix that. So, until he can figure out a way to prove to you just how much he loves you, he’ll have to deprive himself of your warm loving touch. 
Later in the day when you came home with the kids, you saw your husband cooking up a storm in the kitchen. “Hey baby girl, want something to eat? It’s been a while hasn’t it.” too stunned to even say a word, you just watched as your kids, ages 3, 4 and 6 ran over to their dad and engulfed him in a big hug. He giggled and stopped whatever he was doing to bend to his children’s height and kissed every single of them on their cheeks. “Hey boys. Did you all take your mom out shopping today?” Oh, that’s right you’re a boy mom. You managed to pop three boys, all of them came out looking just like their dad, especially your eldest son. 
The boys chatted away with their dad until he excused himself and walked over to you and wrapped his arms tightly around your body. You're in a state of shock, unable to move for a moment until he whispers, “can I get a hug back?” and you did give him a hug. 
“Welcome home, have a seat, dinner’s almost ready. I cooked vegetable curry today, I know it’s your favourite,” and indeed it is your favourite. For the rest of the day, he spent time in the kitchen cooking while chatting with his kids, not without taking small glances at you. You all ate dinner together, got the kids ready for bed when night falls, before preparing for bed yourselves. 
You remembered that you wrote in your diary that you were about to try and have sex with your husband, all for the sake of feeling his love again, but that didn’t happen. Instead, you found your husband already waiting for you on the bed, fully dressed in pjs, a cup of your favourite tea in his hand and a warm loving smile on his face. 
He immediately started up a conversation with you, asking you about your day and your trip to the shopping centre. You had no clue what was going on inside your husband’s head, but it’s been a while since he last sat down and had small conversations like these, and you weren’t about to miss this opportunity. 
So with a smile on your face, you told everything that happened today and even the fact that you had to buy a bag of grapes you had no intentions of buying, but you did so because your 3 year old son stole and ate a few while you picked up a bag of oranges. The conversation went all a while until he sighed. 
“Y/N,” he whispered in a serious tone. “We need to talk. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I can’t bear the fact that my wife would be going to bed with doubts about our relationship and my love for you.”
You swallow thickly and rest your now empty cup against the nightstand before turning to face your husband fully. He reached his hand out for you, and you gently placed your left hand in his. He wrapped his large hand around your finger and gently pulled you until you were straddling his lips. You swallowed that thick lump yet again, before whispering, “So what is it that we need to talk about.”
“Why do you always refuse to communicate your feelings with me?” he asked as he let go of your hand and wrapped both hands around your waist and rested his head up against your chest. “I know I haven’t been a good husband to you these past few months, but I don’t want you to think that I don’t love you or that you’re not worthy of loving.”
“I don’t understand what you mean.”
He sighed heavily before taking a deep breath. “I found your diary in the living room when I got home, and I read through your notes.” Your body tensed up in his lap, your mind immediately racing towards negative thoughts. Is he angry? Why did you have to carelessly leave your diary out in the open for him to see. 
“I’m sorry for reading through your diary, but I’m happy that I did because my wife won’t communicate with me,” he said with a frustrated sigh. 
You frowned, “Would you have listened even if I tried?”
“I would’ve dropped everything and listened to whatever it is that you have to say. I know it's my duty to ensure that my wife is living her best happy life, and that it’s also my responsibility to take care of your wellbeing, but I can’t always know what's going on with you if you don’t communicate with me.” 
Communication on your end has always been a big issue in your relationship with your husband. It bothered him and he’d hope that after a while you would’ve grown out of your bad habit, but he guess he’s wrong, because here you are now after 8 years of being a relationship total and that includes the four years of marriage, and 3 kids later, you still struggling to figure out a way to communicate your feelings with him. 
“I broke my heart when I read that you thought that as my wife, your duty is to only provide for me sexually or even the fact that you don’t think that you’re attractive enough to have sex with me. What hurts me the most is that you have so many doubts about my love for you. Y/N you know that I love you right?”
“I do,” your voice trembled slightly as you answered. 
“Then why are you doubting my feelings for you? I apologise for leaving you to sleep in the guest room that night, it was wrong of me to be upset all because you told me no.” There was a moment of silence, you figured he was waiting for a response in which you never gave.
“I know I don’t say this as much as I need to, but I love you. I LOVE YOU so very much. I love you as my best friend, my wife and I love you even more as the mother of my children.” Tears started to obstruct your vision as you stared off at your wedding portrait that was above your bed and listened as your husband poured his hurt out to you. 
“I need you to stop thinking that you are not worthy of loving because you are more than worthy. You’re an amazing woman, an amazing wife, and an amazing mother to our children. Just the fact that you're a mother makes you worthy of loving.” 
“Satoru… I- I,” you stuttered, trying to formulate the words inside your mouth, but even if you did, what are you going to say to your husband? You had not one clue. 
“I’m not a mind reader Y/N, so you need to start communicating your feelings with me, because if you don’t tell me, I’m not going to always know,” he said to you as he snuggled his head against your chest. 
“I- I’ll do better.” 
“I’m happy to hear that, and I promise to show you just how much I love you and do whatever it is to ensure that my wife is happy, because your happiness means the most to me. I’ll get you those flowers you want, and I’ll try my best to buy you loads of flowers in the future. And about visiting my office.”
“Yes?” you said. 
“I would love for you to pop up at my office one day with the kids and surprise me. My workers have been dying to meet my beautiful wife and children. And about the late-night work meetings. I can’t promise you that there won’t be any more late-night meetings, but I'll do my best to get home as early as I can to be with you and the kids. I don’t want you to feel as though I’ve abandoned you with the kids. I’ll take a few days off from work too and take the ends out. You’re right we barely have family time.”
“Thank you,” you said smiling as you allowed those tears to run down your cheeks. 
“I’ll do better as your husband. It wasn't my intention to not cuddle and hold you tightly while we sleep. Baby you know you can always smack me in the head or do that cute silly little thing you do and crawl underneath my arms if you want to cuddle with me,” he said to you, and you let out a small giggle. 
He chuckled too as he removed one hand from around your waist to cradle your cheek. “Lastly, this is about our sex life. If I make you feel physical pain, or uncomfortable at any time during intercourse you need to let me know because the last thing I want to do is hurt you. In your diary you said that you wanted to suggest the last time we had sex. I want you to tell me what it is.”
Your face heated up immediately, why would he have to bring that up now. Couldn’t he have waited until a better time. But nonetheless despite the obvious look of embarrassment on your face you whispered, “I was wondering if… if…”
“I was wondering if we could try something outside the usual vanilla sex,” you said to him, and he cocked his eyebrow towards you. “It’s not that I don’t enjoy vanilla sex, I love having vanilla sex with you and you know how to be rough when you need to be. But I thought it would be nice if we could do something different.” 
“What do you suggest?” he asked with a sunning grin on his face. 
“Maybe we could try using some sex toys.” 
“Sex toys heh?” he said, and you quickly covered up your face with your hands. “I’m open, I don’t mind getting a few sex toys here and there for us to use. I can order us a few online on another day.”
“Good girl. I love you.” he whispered as he kissed your lips. "I promise I'll be a better husband for you."
“I love you too, Satoru.”
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Hi. Can I request a Regina imagine? High femme lesbian reader. She/her. Looks are exactly my profile picture.
Reader overhears people spreading terrible rumours about Regina. Reader defends her and Regina eventually finds out. Just pure fluff.
Thank you!
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Description: Reader is usually the level headed one of her relationship. However, she is hanging on by a thread. The thread snaps when she hears a football player talking shit about her girl.
WARNINGS: none really. pure fluff. regina being all heart eyes for reader. reader yelling at men
Y/N was on her last straw.
All week for some reason, people wouldn't stop talking shit about her girlfriend.
Regina George.
It was no secret that people disliked her girlfriend. She knew that. She knew when her and Regina first got together. People would tell her all the time, it's not like she could forget.
But this was different.
It was more constant than usual.
It was like every day there was a new rumor about her girlfriend.
"Regina is cheating on Y/N with Aaron Samuels."
"I heard Regina is pregnant with Jake's baby."
Y/N was tired of the shit talking. She was one little inconvenience from exploding. Luckily for her, it would happen soon.
Unluckily for Shane Oman, he was about to endure Hurricane Y/N.
Regina knew all the rumors about her weren't true, but it still hurt to hear them. Gretchen and Karen were working to kill all the rumors as they started but it was hard when they kept coming.
Regina had no idea how Y/N was reacting to the rumors. She hadn't seen the girl all day due to them not sharing any classes together. So she had no idea what to expect.
She was waiting for the girl in the cafeteria, foot tapping impatiently. Gretchen and Karen were with her, glaring at anyone who looked at Regina badly as they walked past. The blonde felt vulnerable. She just wanted her girlfriend here with her.
Her day just got incredibly worse when Shane Oman came up to their table.
"Hey babe, you wanna hang out later?" Regina cringed. "Shane, you know I'm gay and have a girlfriend. Leave me alone." The boy smirked and leaned closer to Regina. "Oh come on, Regina. Remember how much fun we used to have? All you need is the right guy to straighten you out."
Regina went to reply but was interrupted by someone pouring a smoothie on the boy's head. He whipped around to see a smirking Y/N standing there with an empty cup.
"Hi there, Shane. Let me go ahead and explain something to you. You're going to back away from my girlfriend, and I won't tell the entire school that you have herpes. Got me?" The boy stared at the girl with rage in his eyes.
"Try it. No one would believe you." Y/N smiled at the boy. "Sure, they won't. But, I can very easily get medical documents that say that you not only have herpes but maybe I'll throw erectile dysfunction in there. Imagine how much action you'll get after that."
Shane blushed in embarrassment and stormed off, leaving a trail of smoothie behind him.
The cafeteria was silent, all staring at Y/N in disbelief. The girl stood on the table and addressed everyone.
"Okay. Since we seem to have a gossip problem at this school, allow me to tell everyone now. If I hear a fucking peep about my girlfriend, you can go ahead and sign your fucking death wish. Everyone got it?" The cafeteria seemed to all agree and go back to their business.
Y/N smiled in satisfaction and stepped down, instantly being pulled into Regina's lap. The blonde pulled her into a kiss, causing Gretchen and Karen to squeal.
They pulled away after a minute and Regina brushed her thumb on Y/N's cheek. "Thank you baby. I really appreciate it." Y/N smiled and kissed Regina's forehead. "Anything for you baby."
Needless to say, the rumors stopped and no one messed with Regina again.
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mcflymemes · 2 months
PROMPTS FROM GHOSTBUSTERS (1984) *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary. who ya gonna call?
i want you to concentrate.
you can't see these, can you?
i'm getting a little tired of this!
what are you trying to prove here, anyway?
will you excuse me for a second?
we're close on this one. i can feel it.
you are a legitimate phenomenon.
this is big, [name], this is very big. there is definitely something here.
that would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.
i hope we can clear this up quickly and quietly.
back off, man. i'm a scientist.
listen! do you smell something?
this happened to you before?
could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please?
one of us should actually try to speak to it.
i'm gonna take back some of the things i've said about you.
the possibilities are limitless!
this is preposterous. i demand an explanation.
your methods are sloppy and your conclusions are highly questionable.
you don't know what it's like out there.
for whatever reasons... call it fate, call it luck, call it karma, i believe that everything happens for a reason.
where are we going to get the money?
i think this building should be condemned.
hey, does this pole still work?
wow, this place is great. when can we move in?
you gotta try this pole.
hey, we should stay here tonight! sleep here! you know, try it out!
you wanna come in for a mineral water or something?
are you troubled by strange noises in the night?
have you or any of your family ever seen a spook, specter, or ghost?
we're ready to believe you!
you can't park that here!
i bet you like to read a lot, too.
i collect spores, mold, and fungus.
i'd like to talk to someone, please.
what i'm about to say may sound a little unusual.
i'm sorry, i don't believe in any of those things.
if something's gonna happen here, i want it to happen to me first.
you don't act like a scientist.
i'm gonna go for broke. i am madly in love with you.
i bet you're going to be thinking about me after i'm gone.
hey, anybody seen a ghost?
did you ever report it to anyone?
i hope we can take care of this quietly.
well, no sense worrying about it now.
i think we'd better split up.
don't move. it won't hurt you.
i feel so funky.
there's something very important i forgot to tell you.
wait wait wait! i've always wanted to do this.
well, that wasn't such a chore now, was it?
we came! we saw! we kicked its ass!
you're a big celebrity now.
so who the hell was that?
i'm not at liberty to say.
i want to know more about what you do here.
that's a big twinkie.
do you have any excedrin or extra strength tylenol?
listen, maybe if we start dancing, other people will join in.
that's a different look for you, isn't it?
do you want this body?
i want you inside me.
you said before you were waiting for a sign. what sign are you waiting for?
i have a terrible feeling that something awful is going to happen to you.
i think that would be extraordinarily dangerous.
how about a little music?
you had your chance to cooperate, but you thought it'd be more fun to insult me. well, now it's my turn, wise ass.
i'm not interested in your opinion.
if he does that again, you can shoot him.
i am going to get you a nice fruit basket.
i was in no way prepared for that.
you wanna play rough?
are you a god?
let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown!
i couldn't help it. it just popped in there.
well, that's something you don't see every day.
sorry, [name]. i'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought.
i feel like the floor of a taxi cab.
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boozenboze · 1 year
141 and male reader who is angry and when he’s angry, he goes in the gym area they have and just punches the punching bad with bare fists for hours on end and basically breaks the punching bags but keeps putting new ones up. his fists are bloody and bruised and everyone is looking for him and they can’t find him so they search everywhere and find him with blood running down his hands from the countless hours of punching and they have to practically drag him out of the gym and they make him lay down which he wont go down without a fight but YA
Calm Down!
Summary: After a certain soldiers constant slip ups and slacking off Lieutenant Rage gets angry.
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Females She/Her and She/ They DNI
Today hadn't gone so well, in fact it went terribly. For starters two of the new recruits lost the files that the team had been sent to retrieve. Secondly, one of the same men had flunked out during training, only to later be seen running about with some of the other soldiers. And the cup of tea to pull everything together he did something he shouldn't have. That thing being talking about one of the higher ups, Lieutenant Rage, also known as M/n. The h/c haired male had his eyes on the recruit since the beginning, knowing that he'd be trouble from the start. The childish acts, the constant slacking off, and always holding everybody back by getting injured. It was clear as day that the man shouldn't be in the military for those exact reasons. The mans carelessness for himself and others would get them all killed.
"Captain do you not understand what i'm saying?" The h/c haired male asked as Price hummed, showing that he was paying attention to the males words as he filled out some papers.
"Rage look, I understand your concern but I haven't seen anything wrong with the seargent." Price explained as M/n glared into his skull.
"Besides maybe your overreacting-"
"I AM NOT OVERREACTING!" The male finally snapped as that cold glint in his eyes that would normally only be seen on the field was now visible. Price flinched at the males change of tone, it was hot yet scary.
"That bastard could get us all killed at some point and your sitting on yer ass like that's ok. THAT IS NOT OKAY!" The male yelled as Price shook slightly from the males booming voice. He was the males Captain, he shouldn't be getting yelled at like this. With one final huff of anger the male stormed out as Price sat in his chair stunned.
The h/c haired male stormed down the hallway, knocking a solider down in the process.
"Hey! Whats your problem....." The soldiers voice dragged as he realized it was his Lieutenant. "I-i'm sorry sir!" The soldier squeaked as he ran down the hallway. M/n was already breathing heavily out of anger, and that anger seemed to double after that small accident. He had to let off some steam at this point. If he was pushed any further he'd end up killing someone. The man was speeding over to the training area that he knew would be empty considering that it was around the time the soldiers would go to their barracks. The h/c haired male couldn't do that, his adrenaline was high and that would only keep him awake longer. He just hoped that he could blow off some steam before going to bed.
Timskip (Gaz pov)
I just came from Prices office and he seemed to be deep in thought. I asked if everything was oky but he said no. He told me about the conversation he had with M/n and from how he explained it, it seemed like he was pissed off. M/n was always the most aggressive out of us all, hell he'd probably yank a mans head off if he could.
We were all walking around the base looking for our beligerant soldier known as M/n. The man could do the unthinkable when he's angry so we hope he isn't doing anything crazy.
"We've checked everywhere for the man it's clear he isn't here!" Soap complained, getting tired of feeling like he had been walking circles. I looked at the man before turning my attention to Ghost. Seemed like he didn't wanna be here either, but he had no choice. We passed the training area and heard a loud slam which caught our attention. Price gave us a look before opening the door. I was surprised to see M/n standing over a punching bag, i'm guessing he broke it considering that the chain that the bag was connected to wasn't there anymore. The man was out of breath as he picked up the punching bag and throwing it to the side.
Ghost had walked over and put his arms under the shorter males arms. The man immediately threw a fit, he was kicking and yelling incoherantly and the men were only able to hear snippets of his words.
"Get the fuck off me-BITCH!" The male yelled as he whipped his head back hitting Ghosts mask. Ghost grunted from the sudden pressure being put on his face as he crouch down to the floor with the male still in his hold. The taller man had the h/c haired male pinned to the ground as the position they were in restricted his movements.
3rd pov
"M/n calm down, we can stay like this for as long as we have to, to make your relax." Price said as M/n huffed angrily. Slowly but surely the mans breathing steadied, despite that he still wasn't calm. Gaz had held the mans hand and furrowed his brows at the sight of the males bleeding knuckles. Ghost had already noticed the mans hands, so he picked him up and walked to the infirmary.
Ghost was seated on the couch next to Ghost, who was currently sipping on some tea as the h/c haired male groaned in annoyance. The slurping sounds aggravated him but he couldn’t since Ghost had him wrapped up in a blanket. He looked like a burrito, a angry one at that. The lieutenant looked at him for a moment before offering the male a biscuit, to which he took. He may be angry, but when snacks are offered there can’t be much of an argument. The male muttered a “thank you” while chewing the savory treat. In that moment Soap and the others came into the room in their pajamas. The Scot almost laughed when he saw the position the private had been put in.
“Well ain’t this nice to see.” Soap said while ruffling the males hair to which the male attempted to bite his hand. Soap laughed and poked the males side before sitting down.
“L/n...look, I thought about what you had said and your right.” Price said as M/n looked him dead in the eye.
“We’ll be terminating him tomorrow, he won’t be bothering anyone else.” Price explains as M/n visibly relaxed. Seems like the removal of that one recruit made a big difference in the males mood which made them all happy.
“Alright...Lets watch a movie since we’re still up!” Gaz said happily while the other men hummed in agreement as M/n squirmed under the blanket.
“If one of you dont get me out this hot ass blanket we’re having problems.” M/n said as Soap hurriedly tool the blanket from around the male. The sound of the movie could be heard as all the men sat back and relaxed. M/n had his head on Ghosts shoulder while Soap had his head on M/n’s. Seems like they would be having a peaceful night.
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redrose10 · 3 months
I’m still working on the next chapter of The Interlude Inn. Things have been crazy lately and I’m sorry it’s taking so long, but thank you for staying with me. In the mean time here’s just something small I had stuck as an idea for a while and wanted to put out there.
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Warnings: Angst, Lots of Crying, Breakups, Arguments, eventual fluff
Summary: Who knew that some old yarn and a knitted beanie would be what helps to mend yours and Yoongi’s broken hearts.
Word Count: 2,703
You stood back against the door with your arms crossed. “Seriously Yoongi, don’t you have anything to say?”
You glared at your boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend, as he removed his headphones once again.
“What do you want me to say Y/N? You’re unhappy in this relationship and you want to end it so go. I’m not going to get on my hands and knees and beg you to stay.”
You rolled your eyes almost involuntarily. He was kind of right. You were the one that showed up at his studio unannounced and broke up with him out of nowhere, but it was mostly his fault that you got to this point.
After three years together you were just tired of feeling alone and unappreciated. His work was always put before you and your relationship and you were done with it.
“This is what I’m talking about Yoongi. You don’t care at all that I’m walking out. I guess the last three years were a waste of time since I mean nothing to you.”
Yoongi hastily spun his chair around and put his headphones back on before you could see his tears begin to fall. Scoffing you grabbed your jacket and purse and stormed out letting the door slam behind you before you finally released your own river of tears.
It had been almost six months since you and Yoongi broke up and neither of you had made any effort to contact one another. Jin ended up being the mediator brining you a box of your stuff from Yoongi’s and you gave him a box to take back to him as well. The last reminisce of the relationship you once had with each other.
Even though it had been six months the pain still hurt more than any other breakup you’d ever encountered. You really felt that he was the one you’d spend the rest of your life with and now that it wasn’t happening you were having a hard time coping with that. Jin claimed that Yoongi was struggling too. He wasn’t eating, stopped working on music for a while until the company got on his case, and Jimin claims to have seen him crying in his car while parked at the company building several times.
Yoongi seemed to be doing just fine in your eyes though. Always smiling and laughing in interviews and performances. Rumors even circulated about him dating a fellow idol and you had to admit the pictures looked pretty convincing. As much as you tried to tell yourself that he had every right to move on it still hurt.
It finally passed the busy season at work so you decided to treat yourself with a week off. Nothing fancy. You just wanted some time where you could shut off your alarm clock, maybe do a deep clean of your apartment, and eat as much greasy terrible for you, but tasty food as you wanted. The first morning of your vacation you heard your phone ringing from its place on the night stand next to you. You had made it absolutely clear to your boss to not contact you for any reason whatsoever so you knew it wasn’t work. Your friends would get the hint after a call or two that were missed, but whomever was calling was persistent. You stayed still trying to just ignore it, but after the eighth missed call you decided to roll out of bed and check to make sure nothing bad had happened.
To your surprise you found fifteen missed calls all from Namjoon and Jin. They hardly ever called you even when you and Yoongi were together so you were confused as to what was going on. Suddenly you got a notification for a voicemail and you clicked play,
“Hey Y/N, this is Namjoon. I’m really sorry to bother you right now. I know it’s still pretty early, but we’re having a bit of a situation. Something is wrong with Yoongi. We’re not sure what’s going on, but if you could give me a call back I’d really appreciate it. Thanks, Bye.”
You tossed the phone on your bed before plopping down. Namjoon’s voicemail repeating in your head. By now they all definitely knew what had happened between you two so it kind of irked you that they would call you of all people for help. Yoongi or anything Yoongi related was no longer your problem. You had every intention to just ignore it, but then in the back of your mind you started to worry. There will always be a part of you that will love and care for Yoongi and you couldn’t stand the thought of something happening to him because you wanted to make a point.
Grabbing your phone you quickly dialed Namjoon’s number and he answered on the second ring.
“Hi Y/N, thank you for calling me back. I really am sorry to wake you.”
“No it’s okay Joon. What’s going on?”
He let out a deep sigh, “Well we’re not 100% sure. We just got back today and Yoongi started flipping out. He tore through his suitcase. He made the stylist give him access to our wardrobes and he went through those too. It took Jimin and Hoseok two hours to help them put everything back together. He’s made a bunch of phone calls and now he’s just sitting in the corner of the room sobbing and mumbling something about a hat. We were hoping you’d know what was going on with him.”
You bit your lip trying to recall anything about a hat, “No I’m sorry Namjoon. I have no idea what it could be.”
“Well I was afraid of that. We’re supposed to leave to go to an interview in like fifteen minutes and I have no idea how we’re gonna get him to cooperate. He’s just completely inconsolable.”
You were really hoping you weren’t going to regret this but you took a deep breath and continued, “Would you like me to talk to him? Maybe I could get it out of him.”
“Oh my Yes! Thank you so much Y/N.”
After a few seconds and some distant mumbling you heard a few loud sniffles in the phone followed by the softest “hello” you’d ever heard.
“Yoongi what’s going on? Why are you so upset right now?”
It was like your voice set him off again and you could hear the sobs coming from deep within his chest followed by words you couldn’t make out.
“Yoongi calm down please. I can’t understand what you’re saying. Take a few breaths. Remember how we used to do it.
Do we need to take a few more?
Okay now tell me what’s going on so I can try to help.”
A few moments went by and you were starting to think you’d never find out what happened, but then he cleared his throat,
“M-my beanie. The b-blue one. I lost it.”
Trying to think back to what hat he was talking about you continued, “Yoongi what beanie?”
“The soft blue one. I lost it somewhere. I can’t find it.”
“Yoongi it’s okay. You can get another one easily. I’m sure you could even order it online and have it delivered within a day or two.”
“N-no you don’t understand. You made that hat for me and it’s the last thing I had left from you. I’ll never have one like that again.”
It sounded like his crying was picking up again and that’s when it hit you.
Years ago you were hanging out at the dorm when Taehyung came walking by with some yarn he had used for a crafting thing he did with his siblings and not wanting the yarn to go to waste you took it and knit Yoongi a beanie. It was a blue color and very soft and fuzzy. That same night you gave it to him he asked you to be his girlfriend. You didn’t even know that he still had it.
Your heart did break at the sound of how upset he was getting over this. You had no idea how much that meant to him.
“Hey Yoongi it’s okay. Just breathe alright. I’ll make you a new hat. It’ll even be the same color and everything. I can have it done by tomorrow morning.” You really didn’t m feel like having to spend your day off knitting a new hat for your ex, but if that’s what got him to cooperate and get to the interview then you’d do it to help out the other members.
There was some silence followed my more sniffles, “I appreciate that Y/N, but it’s not the same. I don’t want a new hat. It won’t have the same memories with it.”
“Listen Yoongi, I know you have to get to an interview soon because you still have a job to do. The rest of the group is counting on you. Why don’t you go ahead and get that done and then we can try and fix this. Does that sound okay?”
You felt like you were tying to compromise with a toddler, but knowing he was this upset over something of yours did pull at your heart strings a little.
He didn’t say anything, but you could still hear his cries and what sounded like Jimin in the background trying to console him. Not long after Namjoon came back on the line, “So it sounds like you’ve figured it out?”
You chuckled, “Yeah kind of. It was this beanie that I had knit for him years ago. I guess he lost it while you guys were on tour.”
“Oh yeah that blue one right? He hasn’t let it out of his sight since he packed up your stuff for Jin to drop off. Hoseok swears he cuddles with it in his sleep. I’m surprised he lost it.”
That information felt like a stab to the heart. Maybe the breakup did really hurt him.
“I’m gonna try and fix this. I think I’ve convinced him to go to the interview so hopefully you guys can get done what you need and I’ll be in contact later.”
After traveling to four different craft store and six hours later you had knit an exact replica of the hat. Somehow you managed to find the same yarn in the same color and you were quite happy with your work. Your plan was to just tell Yoongi that one of the stylist found the lost beanie tucked away in a random suitcase somewhere after you had asked to take a look. You figured what Yoongi didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Standing outside Yoongi’s studio you felt a million different emotions. The last time you were there still burned into your brain. After a quick few knocks the door swung open and the sight taking your breath away. He looked terrible. Definitely slimmer and paler which you weren’t sure how that even happened. His skin was red and raw from the crying. His eyes widened when he realized it was you standing there.
“Here, one of the stylists found the hat in a suitcase.”, you managed to get out pushing the blue beanie to him.
Gently he took it from your grasp. As he looked it over you noticed the slight tremble to his hands. When he finally looked up at you he had tears threatening to fall. He shook his head handing the hat back to you, “This isn’t it.”
“Yes it is Yoongi. It’s the one I made you. Look at it.”
“No it’s not Y/N. The first one you made me years ago has a little hole on the side where we had to cut it when one of your earrings got caught.”
You remembered that day. The two of you were cuddling on the couch watching a movie when he went to get up and get more snacks but was stopped by you yelping in pain as your ear was pulled in his direction. You both tried for over twenty minutes to get your earring loose, but ended up having to just cut it out. You had promised to fix it, but never got around to it.
“Yoongi I’m sorry that you lost that hat, but please just take this one. Maybe over time it’ll mean something to you too.”
He began to sniffle and you had to force yourself not to pull him into a hug.
“Yeah it’ll be a reminder of how I lost the best thing that ever happened to me.”, he cried.
“Yoongi it’s just a hat. And not even an expensive designer one. I hardly think it’s the best thing that ever happened to you.”
He couldn’t hide the slight chuckle that escaped him, “I meant you Y/N. Not the hat.”
“Oh, I see”, you could feel your cheeks heat up from embarrassment.
“Y/N, please give me a second chance. I’m sorry that I had put work before you so many times. It was selfish of me. I thought I was helping us both by being as successful as possible, but now I know that all this money and success is nothing if I don’t have you to share it with.”
Watching as he wiped away a tear you sighed, “Yoongi, I just…I don’t know. How do I know that things won’t immediately go back to the way they were?”
“I don’t know Y/N. I can speak a thousand promises, but whether you choose to believe them or not is up to you. But if you give me another chance I’ll work harder than ever to prove to you that things will be better between us.”
“Okay, I’m not saying that things will instantly return to normal, but I think that we could try and work up to it.”, you sighed.
Yoongi bit his lip trying to contain the smile threatening to come through, “Thank you Y/N. I can work with that. I won’t let you down. C-Can I give you a hug?”
Smiling you took the blue beanie in your hands and placed it on top of his head before stepping forward wrapping your arms around his neck feeling like things were finally on the right track and thankful to be back in his arms.
Four years later…
“Oh my goodness, Jungkook these are the cutest little booties I’ve ever seen.”, you smiled holding up the pair of blue knit baby booties for everyone at your baby shower to see. “Little Baby Min is going to absolutely love these.”, you continued before handing the box over to Yoongi so he could get a look.
Yoongi stared down at the gift with his brows furrowed. “How did you have these made? I know you don’t knit.”, he asked the younger man. “Well my girlfriend knows a lady who takes old fabric and yarn and stuff and makes keepsakes. So I gave her the blue hat that Y/N had knit for you and asked if she could make baby booties. I knew that hat was important to you both and now your baby can enjoy it too.”
That seemed to only cause more confusion for Yoongi, “But that hat is upstairs in one of my drawers. I just saw it this morning.”
Jungkook smiled while shaking his head, “No, this is the original hat. You know the one you thought you lost.”
You felt Yoongi’s tense up next to you. Namjoon gasped from the corner.
“That’s very sweet Kookie. How did you get that hat by the way?”, you asked.
“Oh after we got back from the tour I found it in my luggage. I think it was tucked away in a sweatshirt I had grabbed.”
Yoongi cleared his throat, “So if you knew I was looking for it and you found it then why didn’t you say anything?”
With nervousness you looked between your husband and Jungkook repeatedly before reaching over and taking Yoongi’s hand in yours trying to brace him for the answer.
As nonchalantly as possible Jungkook replied, “You never asked me.”
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writeforfandoms · 1 month
Fast Car 1
Find my Ghost masterlist
My second submission for the Ghost Challenge hosted by @glitterypirateduck
You can't believe your luck when you find what looks like a functional car, an excellent way to repair your own car. Turns out you were right not to trust your luck. The truck has owners, and those owners are not happy to find you rummaging around. Oops?
Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader
For this one, I used a few different prompts through the whole fic - have fun finding each of them! #'s 3, 9, 14, 18, 27
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Canon typical violence, light violence, swearing, zombie au, mention of cannibals.
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You slowed when you spotted the truck. The truck itself wasn't that unusual - they existed aplenty out here in the country, away from the remains of civilization. 
But this one had fresh tire tracks behind it, the ground still a little soft with the rains from last night. 
You hadn't seen a working vehicle in… months. Maybe a year. 
Of course, you could have a working vehicle of you could find a replacement part. 
Maybe you'd take a look. Real quiet and sneaky like. Just a little look. Just in case you could find a complementary part. 
You weren't stupid, though. You looked around carefully, checked the footprints around the truck. Checked for any movement. Listened hard too. 
But there was nothing. Whoever had come in the truck was long gone, but could be back any time. If you wanted to try grabbing the part, the time was now. 
The doors were unlocked, half luck and half the times. No need to lock the doors when there was nobody around to rob you blind. It was easy to pop the hood. One more look around showed that the coast was still clear. 
So you pushed the hood open to investigate, humming to yourself. 
“You need a tune up,” you muttered to the truck with sympathy. “I can tell. Too bad I'm not sticking around to help.” 
You patted the headlight but continued to look. You needed to hurry up now. 
You spied what you needed and smiled. Close enough to work. 
The shout made you jump and very nearly bang your head on the hood, and you jerked around to spot someone walking towards the truck quickly, long strides eating up the distance. 
You took off. No way you were sticking around to get in an argument with the owner. Or skip straight to getting killed. 
You didn't get very far before someone grabbed your arm, nearly wrenching it with the force of his yank. You yelped, the sudden pain startling, and swung around with his pull. 
The man was huge, not just tall but broad. Dark makeup smeared around his eyes made him even more imposing. 
“Let go!” You kicked out at him, clumsy but determined. 
He moved out of the way easily, not even shifting his grip. One more tug sent you off-balance, and he twisted your arm behind you and up, your breath hitching in your throat. 
“Stop struggling.” The rough words made you pause, swallowing hard against the noise of pain that wanted to escape. 
The one approaching the two of you seemed in less of a hurry now that you were subdued, adjusting his hat as he eyed the two of you. Mainly you, probably. You narrowed your eyes at him, tempted to bare your teeth. 
“What were you doing, eh?” He stopped, one hand planted on his hip, the other holding his gun. 
Well. You'd survived two years of fucking zombies and zealots and shit, only to get killed because of a car. Seemed fitting. 
“Looking for a snack,” you drawled, wincing when the man behind you tugged your arm a little higher. 
The hatted one eyed you, shrewd and cold, calculating. A sudden, terrible thought made you swallow hard. 
“Promise I'm not a good snack, though,” you said, going up onto your toes to try to alleviate some of the ache in your arm and shoulder. “Definitely not edible.” 
The man in front of you blinked, apparently caught off guard. 
“You sayin’ you've run into cannibals?” The man behind you asked, incredulous. His grip didn't waver. 
“Well, I ran away from them,” you pointed out, very reasonably. “Does that mean you're not interested in eating me?”
“Not even close.” The one in front of you snorted, stepping closer so he could look down at you. “Why were you poking around in the car?” 
“Looking for kittens,” you snarked, even as pain tightened your voice. “They like warm spots, you know.” 
You yelped as your arm wrenched higher, shoulder straining against the pressure. Tears sprang to your eyes, unbidden and unwanted. 
“Got any friends hiding out?” The hatted one didn't change his tone, still watching you. 
Sure, you could keep mouthing off. But your shoulder ached now, and you were worried they'd dislocate it and then leave you. That would be a death sentence, just a slow one. 
“No,” you grumbled, head dropping. “It's just me. Just been me for a while.” 
To your surprise, the man behind you dropped your arm and stepped back. You stumbled from the sudden release, quickly pulling your arm in to your chest. The throbbing hadn't stopped yet, but at least it didn't hurt so badly. 
“What did you do to the car?” Though there was no visible change to the two men, you didn't doubt they'd grab you again if needed. Being released was a reward for honesty, leaving you with a choice to make. 
“Nothing.” Sulking just a little, you crossed your arms over your chest. “I was looking for a part, but I didn't get a chance to grab it. The car is fine.”
“Hm.” He tipped his head, studying you more closely now. “You a mechanic?”
“I was,” you said, a little wry. “Not much to work on anymore, with most of my customers dead or worse.” 
The big guy made a soft noise of amusement. You eyed him for a moment before returning your focus to the hatted man. 
He nodded once, slowly, gaze still focused on you. “Looking for somewhere to settle, then?”
You shrugged, feeling a little squirrelly now. ���Haven't decided.” 
“Tell you what.” He shifted his weight forward, arms crossing over his chest. “We've got a safe place. A town.” 
“Do you?” You didn't bother to keep the skepticism from your voice, even as you rocked back on your heels. “Heard that one before.” 
“If you're really a mechanic, you're welcome in town.” He continued as if you hadn't spoken. “Your choice. Think about it. If you want to come with, meet us there.” He nodded at the decrepit gas station not far from where you all stood. “Tomorrow morning, an hour after sunrise.” 
You eyed him suspiciously. It could be a trick still, a way to get you to lower your guard. It could also be legit. Maybe. Possibly. The chance was very low… but not zero. 
Neither of them moved when you took a careful step back, then another. 
“Tomorrow morning,” the one reminded you, gaze fixed on you still, far too intense for your liking. 
“I'll think about it.” You hadn't really meant to say that, but, well… oh well. You backed away to a safe distance before you turned and walked away. 
You listened for footsteps behind you, and took the long route back to where you'd stashed your things for the day. You even paused multiple times to check behind you and around you. 
And not just to check for zombies, either. 
You didn't trust them, not even a little. The ache in your shoulder hadn't gone away yet, either. 
But… if they were telling the truth… Safety was the rarest commodity nowadays. 
You hadn't been kidding when you'd mentioned running away from cannibals. 
You settled back in a corner, pack held between your knees as you rummaged around for something to eat. You couldn't lie, the idea of somewhere safe to stay, at least for a while, was tempting. 
If you went, it sounded like you'd be stuck in the car with the big guy who'd grabbed you. Eh. You'd just not sit next to him, and undoubtedly once you were in town, it would be easy to avoid him. You didn't have to like him, just tolerate him enough to get in. 
And then avoid him like… Well, like a zombie.
You snickered at your own humor. 
Mind more or less made up, you settled in to have your dinner and rest for the night. You'd already blockaded yourself in pretty well. No zombies were getting in while you slept. 
And tomorrow you'd see if they really had a safe town.
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dimepdf · 1 year
masterlist. / taglist. / tip jar. synopsis. jealousy is a terrible disease, and you and Eren are both suffering from a severe case of it.
✧. ┊    notes. back on the eren d rider train I need more fics of him BAD like there is a shortage of bad bitches that write for eren on my feed and I need that to be fixed real soon. | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
✧. ┊    word count. 3.2k (23 min read).
✧. ┊    genre and warnings. +18 nsfw under the cut. minors dni | slight eren/mikasa in the beginning | (fr)enemies | established relationship | hurt/comfort | miscommunication | misunderstandings | sexual tension | jealousy | post-break up | make up sex | porn with feelings | grinding | fingering | unprotected sex | cowgirl | riding | hair pulling | we ignore typos here | title inspired by this song.
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EREN WAS CONVINCED you were batshit crazy, that would be the only reason why your brain would always find some new reason to push him away enough to have him chase after you like you had a pretty pink leash around his neck hooked to a collar with his name on it. 
You would always manage to push his buttons just enough to tip him off, and in return, you weren’t the type to just sit back and let some man yell at you cause he certainly was not your father nor your mother.
The arguments you two would be involved in usually led to very amazing angry sex, clearing out a grace period enough to last until the next time you chose to push his buttons.
Well, this time it was different—at least that was your claimed reasoning for telling your friends why you and Eren were on another one of your famous relationship breaks. 
This one happened so fast that Eren wasn’t even sure what the hell he was talking about until you stormed out of his apartment and blocked his number for an entire week, holding onto the smallest things that reminded him of your existence. 
Wincing every time he would see your post on your Instagram story all dressed up and going out with your friends looking so unfazed. Maybe this time it actually was different, and the thought of that scared the absolute shit out of Eren. The heavy feeling of the thought of you losing you left with him a constantly collapsing moping pit forming in his stomach.
It was settled between his friends that they wouldn't let him mope around his place alone any longer, tired of hearing and depressed, mentioning your name on his lips, convincing him enough to coax him out of his apartment littered with reminders of you to hang out at some house party.
What those said friends failed to mention was that you would be there as well, with about seventy people scattered from the front yard to the pool in the back with music raging so loud he could feel the vibration from where he sat lounging watching you from his seat on the back porch.
He was supposed to be having a good time, getting messed up enough to not remember your name. Yet there he was, sitting slouched a few feet away from you, his heart on his sleeve. 
A blunt caught between his lips, minding his business as best as he possibly could, but it was just so hard to believe that he could hear the familiar pitch of your laughter filtered through the music.
"Dude," Connie sighs, interrupting Eren’s growing annoyance, his attention yanking away from where you stood, hugging up a little too closely for comfort to the smirking Armin. 
Eren hands the blunt over with a groan, his legs spreading comfortably and shifting back to lean with his back against the patio chair.
With his head resting on the headrest pillow, he closes his eyes tightly, praying for his high to hit him like a truck so fucking soon, wishing for just one night where he wouldn't have to deal with his annoying emotions for you. "Shit, my bad man, I didn't even know that she would be here." 
Connie rests his hand on Eren’s shoulder, helping ground him back down to earth. "But hey, are you gonna be alright?" The question lingered in the stale air before Eren could process the rigid tone behind it, his eyes fluttering open to Connie eyeing down someone from across the yard with a knowing horny spark in his eye, knowing that his friend was a natural-born player and that it would be just so unfair to hold him back from his natural element.
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead, man, I’ll be here." forcing a tight grin from his lips, Eren’s hand waving away his friend with a coaxing hand. "All alone.." he sighed under his breath once Connie had finally stalked away, leaving the dark-haired brunette to sit with his own flooding thoughts.
The sight in front of him making him feel as if he was witnessing a kamikaze from just a few steps away from how hard his heart was throbbing watching you completely ignore his existence as if you weren't just sprouting I love yous and kissing all over each other not even a few weeks ago.
He needs to move to get you out of his sight before the swallowing feeling can take up his entire mood and ruin his high. Stumbling around the large crowd of people, he parted through the crowd, finding the unknown kitchen counter that was decorated with enticingly labeled cheap liquor bottles and mixers that were calling his name. 
He hadn't even managed to get one cup down before the slush of his drink was met with the white of his graphic t-shirt, a curse hidden under his breath turning ready to spit the first insult on his mind he could spout from the large cloud of frustration festering from his annoyance only to be cut off. 
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry, dude." His attacker was a very apologetic and cute woman, with short dark hair, warm olive skin, and a very bold red bra peeking through the white cropped cami she wore, catching his attention embarrassingly quick enough for him to forget that it was better to actually make eye contact when speaking to another person.
His first initial words were punched back into his throat, a lazy smile taking their place instead. "It's already, uh, the drink tasted like shit anyways." He nervously chuckled, like he couldn't really help the nervousness that waved over him standing in the presence of a pretty girl who had introduced herself quite cheerily as Mikasa. 
If you had told him a few hours ago when he first arrived that he would actually be having fun, let alone sitting with some random girl in his lap, Eren would have called you crazy, yet there he was genuinely grinning ear to ear face to face with Mikasa, who had made it her personal mission to make Eren have a much better night than he was. 
The two getting awfully close in such a short span of time, sitting down clinging onto each other, sprouting out about absolutely nothing important but the genuine want to talk to each other, not to mention that It helps that Eren absolutely finds her stunning, their bodies sharing warmth sitting so close, it was only natural for the flushed feeling to take over with the rake of her nails tangling in his shaggy mullet.
He couldn't even use drinking as an excuse, babysitting the same drink she had remade for him as an apology for spilling the last one. There was really no real reason why he had suddenly leaned in and caught his lips against hers so hungrily. 
It doesn't help that Mikasa kisses him back with the same amount of eager roughness, practically straddling him on top of his lap at this point, the two heavily making out in the open.
With hands wandering, Eren reaches out a hold around her hips, his mind betraying him just a bit, not being able to fully push away the comparison to your figure. The thought makes him react with a wince, parting from the kiss with his tongue dragging over his parted lips.
Mikasa leans back, pushing his hair from his face while letting out a breathy fit of giggles, not discovering the hidden uncomfortable shift in Eren’s behavior. It wasn't her fault, he couldn't blame the girl for him being so caught up with his ex to the point where even when he was kissing other women, he couldn't help but get his mind off of you.
"If you want, we could go upstairs." Mikasa whispers in his ear, leading a shiver up his spine with a flash of sexual excitement. He is pleased at the end of her offer, locked in with the peck of her lips against his jawline.
The offer is absolutely knee-jerking, and if it were any other situation, Eren probably would have let this really pretty girl he just met jump his bone, but all the confidence that had been built up from the night had instantly drained the second he had caught your gaze from across the room. 
Both staring at each other pointedly, Eren’s lashes fluttered under your unflinched, hard glare as Mikasa continued to litter kisses with the promises of hickeys around his collarbone.
He wanted to feel so smug, wanted to use the new attention as a way to finally get back at you for making him feel the way that he felt watching you dance with Armin, but the revenge just didn't feel right, and his mood soured further at the thought of using some poor innocent girl to get back at you.
The intense eye contact is cut off by Mikasa bringing her face closer to his, seeking out another kiss. Eren squeezes his eyes closed, wanting nothing more but to get the looping image of you and Armin out of his damned head.
"What do you say?" being reminded in a soft whisper of the intimate question still in the air from earlier, the creep of her fingers dawning down his chest and rubbing with intention at the crotch of his jeans, Eren grabbing her wandering hand before it could do any more active damage.
"Maybe...maybe we shouldn’t right now," Eren sheepishly responds, his eyes searching for any ounce of rejection on her features,trying to shake the sight of you from his attention.
Mikasa doesn't seem all that hurt, if anything, she nods her head in understanding, taking no for an answer without another word, pulling her hands away and wrapping them around his shoulders instead, her head turning enough to show that she knows his attention is entirely too spent on someone else.
"What a player," she chuckles knowingly, not quite catching a glance at you, yet her eyes still scan around the room. "Something tells me I should go get another drink before whoever you're looking for comes and bites off my head." And just like that, Eren's perfect distraction slips through his fingers, and he's left alone once more, kicked back with the same emotions he had coming into the party.
His attention is rudely pulled back towards you as you appear in front of him. It was like you were hunting, searching for the perfect moment when he had his guard down to strike.
You placed your hand on your hips as he dared to stare up at you through his lashes, his body too at ease with the disappointed expression twisted on your face. "Are you fucking drunk right now?"
"Well, is this not a party?" Eren replies almost too easily, his tone has deepened enough to get a shifted, sneering reaction from you at the snappy comeback. Watching your movements a bit too intensely as your arms crossed over your chest, Eren didn't bother to look away from how plump your breasts looked in the pretty little crop top you managed to squeeze them into.
"I was going to ask if you wanted a ride home since I saw Connie dip with someone, but excuse me, I see that you're too busy tongue-fucking any random slut willing to give it out tonight, huh?" Your insults dig deep, even with the drooling sight of your tight-skirted figure dancing right in front of him. Eren sucked in a breath at the acknowledgement.
"You broke up with me." He spoke straight to your thighs, his tongue tracing over the bottom of his lip now that he could see just how good you looked tonight. All dressed up with your makeup done, his heart didn't want to imagine what you were hoping to get into if his presence wasn't there to ruin the mood. "Remember?"
"Fine, walk your ass home." Rolling your eyes and storming away, knowing that he was in the right, Eren let out a sigh before sleazily trailing behind your grumbling every step.
Watching the sway of your hips as you walk in front of him all the way to your car, slumping into the passenger side without any word even as you continued to have a one-sided conversation about how much of an asshole he was for not saying bye to his little girlfriend he was kissing on even though Eren was pretty sure Mikasa would be more understanding than what you were giving her credit for. 
The drive home is tense, the soft pitter of rain hitting the windshield wipers as the streetlights leech orange and white colors through your tinted windows. The radio played lowly, not loud enough to recognize the soft melody of something playing but not quite low enough to have you both sitting in complete silence.
"Are you guys talking?" Eren’s voice is still deep, almost cushioning from how gently he posed the question, almost as if he were so loud that he would be afraid to scare you away.
Your fingers clench around the leather of the wheel, eyes glancing away from the road for just a split second to give him a knitted-brow look. "What, who are you talking about?"
Eren feels like he’s back in middle school again, fidgeting with the bottom hem of his shirt, all nervous around you. "You and Armin, you guys looked pretty close at the party." He could almost taste the bitterness on his tongue, his head leaning back on the headrest, looking how desperate he had to look, practically pining over you with his broken-hearted expression.
"I should ask the same for you then." You ignore him, reaching to dial the music just a bit louder, not wanting to sit in silence if it meant opening up a question and answer panel between just him and you. 
The statement hurts, both physically and emotionally. Eren gets reminded of the pit still forming in his stomach.
The frowning emotion threatening a knot in his throat, having to swallow down the absolute word vomit of apologizes and begging he has threatened to spill from his throat in your honor, "Well, I’ve missed you." Was all that he could manage before he had to physically turn himself away from you, using the pressing cold glass to help aid the burning firepit of emotions he had covering the rest of his reasonability in dark, thick sud.
You didn't react, at least not in line of sight, even if you heard him, you hadn’t shown any acknowledgement of his heartbreaking confession. Not even when you pulled into his driveway had you bothered to give him a glance other than the action of you sliding off your seatbelt and letting him sit in the car for a breath before he was trialing after you once more.
Trudging through his apartment, even with you inside the home walls, you still felt a sense of lonesomeness. "Ren…" 
"Do you wanna come to bed?" Your voice sounds through the halls, following back to his bedroom, the door left ajar enough to see you lying in the place right where he had thought you belonged, blankets lifted open, enticing him to lie down next to you with a sobering small smile.
Crawling under the blankets right next to you without another word, cuddling against your chest, wrapping his arms around the front of your torso, and hugging close enough for you to lean with your back resting against the mattress as his face rubbed against the plush of your falling and rising cushioning breast.
"I’ve…missed you too." You lowly admit, using your acrylics to softly comb through the back of his hair, easing back his tension farther with a small kiss pecked on the top of his forehead.
The sound of the blanket shifting as it carries with Eren’s movements, his arms ankling at both sides of your head, holding himself up from pressing you with his entire body weight as he slots himself between your part legs.
Your fingers twining tighter into his scalp as he leans down for a kiss, the muffle of his moan pressing against your seeking lips, letting you slip your tongue inside of his mouth, adding to the rising heated makeout session.
The pace never lets up, growing with more eagerness. Eren frees one of his arms, letting his hands wander down, squeezing your thigh part by the bend of the knee, and having your skirt ride up unwearable to your waist.
Knuckling aside the lace of your panties away from your pussy, he used the pad of his thumb to tease at your clit only adding sinking two digits into the equation. Your cunt welcomed them with a greedy buck at the buck of your hips against his touch, kicking off his jeans awkwardly.
Eren is already sweating from the grouling press of his hard cock miserably untouched against your thigh, grinding shamelessly against your leg while his fingers pistoned with a lewd wet squelch from your coated arousal inside of you.
Pausing only when your fist tugs with a knot full of his hair tangled between your knuckles, your other hands push him away by the press of your palm against his chest.
Switching positions with Eren almost a little too obentaintly with you sitting straddled on his lap in an all too familiar position, you look angelic on top of him with your hair dawning over your face knocking out of his daze with a hiss at the slow teasing feeling of your fingers wrapping around the length of his cock and pressing his tip at the folds of your entrance. 
"I’ve missed you." The soft brush of your coo fans against his face from how close you were, and with your noses brushing, you both react breathlessly to the feeling of you lowering yourself down on his cock. The thrusting clench of his hips living up from the mattress and intruding deeper inside of you left him whimpering under your touch. "I’ve missed you so, so much, Ren."
The pace of your bouncing hips is relentless, starting at your own brutal pace and grounding yourself with heavy palms pressed against his chest.
Eren couldn't do anything but lie back and whine against your mouth, as you used him for your own release from the mental war he had to not end the fun for which he had been craving all week. Whimpering at the amazing feeling he missed so badly at your pussy squeezing against him so snuggly as if your body had just been made for him so perfectly. 
Eren’s hands help guide the grind of your hips as your muscles tense and tremble on top of him suddenly, your body going rigid, hugging your collapsed body against his hold, begging a string of nonsense as your cunt continues to milk him until his very last drop.
His hips don't bother halting, switch positions as he lays on top to help with his lazy, slow strokes, listening to your soft whines as you hug him closer to you, wrapping your trembling legs against his hips and pulling him as deep as you possibly could.
“I missed you too baby.”
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zuhuan · 9 months
BSD men x S/O after an exhausting day •ू♡ (pt.2)
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Characters: Chuuya Nakahara, Ranpo Edogawa
Summary: The reader starts to get completely exhausted from the everyday trials and the following characters help s/o through it all.
Genre: fluffy comfort
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Chuuya Nakahara:
Have you ever dreamed of what the perfect relationship is like? You and Chuuya have exactly that kind of love relationship. You discussed everything with each other, a caring and loving boyfriend (who is quite overprotective) and these same qualities can be said for you as well. Everything seemed perfect, but things haven't been right with you lately. And you were also worried that your boyfriend works a lot of overtime at the port mafia, and you know, even if he asked Mori for a few days off, he wouldn't get it because he was assigned such important tasks that only he can do (due to his ability).
One day, when you got home from tiring school, where you wrote a lot of final exams, you felt that you had to release all the anger and sadness you had accumulated. You didn't even hesitate, you changed your clothes, washed your face and drank a glass of water and then entered the bedroom you two shared. You laid down on the bed and let out a big sigh and started sobbing. After a while you suddenly heard the front door handle open and you thought "Someone broke in?" "Or... Chuuya got home early from work today..?" That would have been the worst possible outcome, so you quickly wiped away your tears and peeked out the door. You saw Chuuya just taking off his coat. You calmed yourself down and went over to greet him "Welcome home, my love". You buried your head in his neck so he couldn't see your teary red eyes. Chuuya sensed that something was wrong with you (you can't hide anything from him, he'll figure it out anyway). At first he just hugged you and said hello. There was concern and sadness on his face that what could have caused you to cry. He grabbed your shoulder and stood facing you, looking straight into your eyes. You tried to hide your face but you couldn't. "What happened baby?" He looked serious. You didn't answer him, you stood silently. Sighs and looks at you - "Do you want to talk about it?" No reaction from you. Looks at you, and strokes your hair.
You sat next to each other on the sofa and the silence was only broken by your soft sniffles. It was quite unpleasant for Chuuya, he didn't know what to do and it hurt him terribly that you were crying and he couldn't help you. He felt that you were angry with him for having to work so much overtime. But he only wanted good for you with that. Suddenly you start crying again from the tension, then you get up and want to walk away from Chuuya, but he grabs your hand and pulls you close. "Umm, can you tell me why you started crying, darling? I want to understand the reason behind this." You mutter. "Why do you have to work so much overtime? You hardly have time for me and I miss you a lot..." He pulls you closer and hugs you tightly. "Hey, hey there, stop crying please." "Now I'm here for you and everything is fine, I promise I'll try to get home from work as soon as possible and spend more time with my little darling." Chuuya's reassuring words made you feel relieved and safe, nothing and no one could hurt you now. You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he caressed your cheeks and whispered soothing words in your ear. You fell asleep peacefully on the couch hugging each other.
Your boyfriend wanted you to be loved by him, so he wanted to spoil you in as many ways as possible. Since money was not a problem for him, he took you to a huge mall and bought you everything you looked at. But of course he knew that love and happiness cannot be bought with money. That's why he arranged with Mori to get 2 days off every week to spend with you. He even arranged for you to be with him during this time when he got a non-dangerous job. You were very happy and so was he, that he could spend so much time with his love.
Chuuya is a very caring and interested boyfriend who tries to do everything for the happiness and safety of the two of you.
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Ranpo Edogawa:
You and Ranpo have quite an interesting relationship, since Ranpo gets along best with people of the same intelligence level as him, but that 200 IQ is not so easy to achieve. You know Ranpo has a childish and immature persona, to hide all of the grief and darkness he’s seen. You can't have many secrets in front of Ranpo, since he finds out about all the mysteries and your secrets anyway, or already knows about them but doesn't tell you. He really likes when you take care of him a lot, he is very demanding, but he also likes to reciprocate this.
Ranpo usually spends most of his time in the office, except when the great detective has to solve mysteries. When he finishes work and leaves the agency, the first thing he does is call you and ask how your day was. He called you as usual, but you didn't pick up the phone. At first, your boyfriend thought that you had work to do and were not up to it. He was calling you almost every 20 minutes and that was enough for Ranpo to start worrying about you. He rushed home as fast as he could, ran up the stairs to your apartment, opened the door and immediately looked around every corner of the apartment, but he couldn't find you anywhere. He tried to call you one last time but was unsuccessful. He immediately began to wonder where you might be or with whom. It occurred to him that you might be at the shared favorite places in Yokohama Park, because you used to go there often when you were mentally ill. It was late afternoon when Ranpo got to the park, but he didn't see you anywhere. Your boyfriend has always been calm and handled such situations calmly, but now somehow he was completely upset and nervous. He was very worried about you.
He looked for you everywhere until he finally saw you sitting alone on the beach. The soft wind blew your hair and the gentle waves on the shore barely touched the soft skin of your legs. Ranpo slowly started walking towards you and when he got there he leaned over you. "What is my honey doing here?" He smiled at you as you looked into his eyes in surprise. "Nothing. I just came here to escape from my thoughts." He looked at you suspiciously and then spoke "And that's why you can't answer my calls?" You could sense that Ranpo was mad at you, but even with that you didn't want to tell him the truth (not that you needed to tell him). "Who was that?" He asked calmly as he placed both hands on the back of his head. You were very surprised when he said that, but as expected of him, he already knew everything about what happened in advance. He wanted to sound solid with the previous question, but it didn't go well. You stood up and faced him, tugging at the bottom of your shirt. He hugged you and then held your hand. "It will rain my love, let's go home and talk about everything that happened." You two headed home. During the walk, Ranpo asked you how your day was and similar questions. Talking to him completely took your mind off the bad things. His hand was warm as always and he held your tiny hand protectively and tightly, it gave you peace.
When you got home to your apartment, your boyfriend made you two hot tea and you sat down at the table in the living room. You poured your heart out to him, he listened carefully and tried to provide you with solutions to your problems. If you swayed even a little during the conversation and started to cry, Ranpo sat closer to you and put his hand on your thigh. "My my, so sensitive, my poor sweetie." He smiles and kisses your nose. "Let's do something together to distract you, okay?"
He's a bit sarcastic and makes a lot of jokes when it comes to things like that. But if all this happens to you, then he try to do his best and put his childish behavior aside.
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rafesapologist · 7 months
the set up — rafe cameron; part nine
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
warnings: swearing, some angst
author's note: hi my loves. so terribly sorry for the extensive wait it took for this chapter to be released, between school starting and things going on in my personal life taking an abundance of my time, it has been difficult to sit down and make the time to write. with each chapter, i always want to curate a piece that you all will enjoy n i never want to give you guys something half-assed. anywho, i have seen and read all ur comments about updating this series i promise, ur requests have not been ignored! thank u for being patient <3
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The car ride to the chateau was quiet and tense. Your eyes stayed glued to the window, rather than looking at Rafe, who you instinctively knew was pondering a thousand reasons as to why you had a sudden shift in your demeanor. At some point, he had placed a gentle hand onto the top of your thigh, but much to his dismay, you shifted your legs towards the passenger door. His brows furrowed at your reaction, confused as to why you were rejecting his touch as though you weren't just begging for it merely an hour ago.
You hated being so callous towards him, especially without giving him an explanation as to why you were exactly, but you knew it was for the best. Your loyalty still belonged to the Pogues.
"We're here." Rafe blurted out rather dryly as the car came to a halt. With the lack of sound from the tires moving or the engine running, the atmosphere became even more unpleasant than it was prior. Your eyes shifted from the window to your lap while you fiddled with your thumbs in an attempt to form a sentence before parting ways with the boy sitting next to you, who happened to be surveying your every movement, unable to come to a conclusion about what was happening in your mind.
"Hey, I'm sorry if what we did made you uncomfortable or was too much. I don't want to overstep your boundaries or anything." He coughed, scratching the back of his head as a subtle display of his nerves taking over.
"No, it's okay," you shook your head, eyes staying locked onto your hands, "It's not that I promise. I just - Forgot I had something to do tonight and it hit me last minute." The little white lie you chose to go with was minor and meaningless, yet you felt an immense guilt at the pit of your stomach for the deception you were fronting right before Rafe's solemn face.
"Oh," Rafe sighed as he nodded, "okay yeah, that's alright. Well in that case, I guess I'll see you later. Maybe we can go out sometime this week." He flashed you a weak smile, with partial intent to try and ease the tension in the air, and another to try and convince himself that things between you two were okay and that you weren't pushing him away all of the sudden.
"Yeah, maybe so, Cameron." You replied with a forced smile that went unnoticed by Rafe, nodding quickly as you hoped to brush his comment under the rug for the time being. "Thanks for driving me, by the way. I appreciate it." You thanked him, a conciliatory approach to your final goodbye in hopes that it would clear Rafe's wondering mind of any doubt between the two of you.
"Of course."
You pushed aside your incentive for a short second as you leaned across the seat, placing a gentle kiss onto the blond's cheek, a small residue of your strawberry chapstick temporarily tattooed onto his skin. He soaked up every bit of it.
"See you later, Rafe." You breathed quietly against the side of his face as you backed away, taking in one last glance of the stunned boy as his eyes fluttered back open, just before hopping on out the car and trailing up the steps of the chateau. You made sure to turn around and wave to Rafe one last time before entering, a signal to assure him that you were safe and that he could finally drive off.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with-" You cut Kiara's prying short as you were in desperate need to relay your newfound information amongst your friends.
"Rafe and Ward are shipping out the gold tonight, like literally within the next thirty minutes." You blurted out frantically.
"Wait, what? Are you sure?" John B questioned, his eyes wide with disbelief.
"Pretty damn sure, considering he just told me about it. That's why I came here as soon as I found out," You stated in urgency, "we don't have much time before it happens. He's heading to meet his dad right now."
"We gotta go." Pope interjected immediately, an unfamiliar sterness in his tone.
"And do what, Pope? How are we supposed to stop them with no plan ahead of time? Kiara asked, raising an appropriate question to the matter. The news came so last minute that none of you really had time to digest what was happening, let alone come up with an elaborate plan to stop something that had been in the works for weeks prior.
"We'll find a way. We always do." JJ spoke up as he rose confidently from the couch, which in turn earned an eye roll from you at his gesture and stupidity.
"Don't be naive, JJ. We can't just magically stop Rafe and Ward, especially since you know they probably have backup here to keep anyone from getting in their way." You spat back in annoyance while the grudge you held against JJ from the day before lingered in the forefront of your mind, causing everyone to look between you and JJ in confusion.
"Right.." Kiara interjected, attempting to cut the tension that was heating up in the room amongst two of her closest friends, "Well, if none of us have any solutions then what can we do." She huffed, her face ridden with apprehension.
"Actually, I might have an idea." You heard the voice of Sarah Cameron join in on the conversation, eliciting everyone in the room to turn their heads in the direction of the blonde Pogue.
"It might be a longshot, but, why don't we just distract Rafe and Ward, and the rest of us go in during the meantime and get the gold before they realize?"
"Who would be doing the distracting?" Pope Inquired with his arms crossed, hesitation at the forefront of his demeanor, yet there was still a hint of agreeance that became evident by his curiosity.
"Well, y/n can call up Rafe, pretend there's an emergency or something. While she's doing that I'll go meet up with my dad, then you guys can go in and do what you need to do. We can at least hold them off for a bit, it should give you guys enough time." Sarah proposed the calculated scheme. It wasn't a bad one, far from it actually, but part of you hated it at the same time. You weren't too fond of the idea of lying to Rafe for the second time in a row, all within a 24 hour time span. It made you feel peccant and iniquitous, which went against everything you stood for morally, but you had to look at the bigger picture and push aside your guilt for the moment. This wasn't about you, it was about doing what's right for your friends and defending them. After all, you were their biggest hope.
"Alright, I'll do it. But I can't promise I can hold him off for long, he seemed pretty eager to get there to meet Ward." You heaved.
"That's okay, we should only need a few minutes." Pope nodded, a smile peaking through at the corners of his mouth, his eyes glimmering with a newfound sense of hope in them.
"Thank you, y/n. We couldn't do this without you." You were taken by surprise with the embrace of your sanguine confidant, who held onto you like you had just given him the world. Your body relaxed in his arms as you hugged him back, giving him the assurance that you were going to do your best to help him in whatever way you possibly could.
"I should probably call Rafe then, I don't want to waste anymore time than we've already lost." You stated, pulling back from your friend. Pope responded with a head nod as he gestured you away.
You flashed your friends a small, insincere smile as you walked off into one of the bedroom of the chateau. Your heart raced at what you were about to do, worrying that if Rafe senses any ounce of deception it'll all blow up in your face, or worse, he'll lose all trust in you.
You took in one last deep breath as you unlocked your phone and went straight to your contacts, scrolling until you found Rafe's name. Your finger hovered shakily over the 'call' button as you stared at it for a few seconds, wondering what you were even going to say to him. Your eyes wandered around the room as you tried to ground yourself for a moment, bracing for whatever was to come for you and your friends. You didn't want to do this, but what other choice did you have? This wasn't about you, this wasn't about what your feelings or what you felt was right or wrong. It was about the people you cared about the most, and in that moment, they needed you greatly.
You allowed yourself to fall back into the mattress, letting your body sink deeper into the foam as you gazed at the ceiling in deep thought. You could hear the sound of the front door opening and closing in the living room, alerting you that your friends had left, leaving you to do your part of the deal.
"Y/n? Is everything okay? I thought you'd be asleep by now."
"I'm not okay right now, Rafe. I need you."
taglist (sorry if i missed anyone, please let me know if you'd like to be on it!): @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87, @augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @ilovesteveharrngton
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Get your shit together so I can love you.
Pairing: human!jake sully x female!human!reader
CW: angsty, so angsty, established relationship, MIGHT BE TRIGGERING for some audiences, disabled person feeling insecure about their body, fluff, crying, yelling, cursing, sexual language, hurt, comfort, sexual content, mentions of sexual fluids, foreplay, mentions of fingering, jake touching reader's pussy. Please, tell me if I'm missing something 🥲
Author's note: This AU is set on 2009. Jake is just a regular 24 year old former marine who ended up losing the movement of his legs permanently after an unfortunate accident that happened while he was fighting for his country, amidst a terrible, unforgiving war. The reader is a 21 year old regular human girl. There is no sci-fi or aliens involved. I totally understand if it's not your cup of tea as it's almost not canon at all to the Avatar Universe. I guess I just kept most stuff canon to Jake as a character. As I said, it's an AU. Just call me Miss Marvel and call this a version of Jake that exists somewhere in the wide multiverse 😂 guys I'm way too sleepy and exhausted that I'm starting to sound a bit drunk... gonna shut my piehole up now. I hope you guys like it. ✨ I need to sleep ughhh ✨
Not proofread. Sorry, my babies, momma is always too tired n running low on time.
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I tapped on your window on your darkest night
The shape of you was jagged and weak
There was nowhere for me to stay, but I stayed anyway
You fire off missiles 'cause you hate yourself
But do you know you're demolishing me?
And then you squeeze my hand as I'm about to leave
Renegade (Big Red Machine feat Taylor Swift)
You walked to your boyfriend's house, watching the starry dark sky above. It was a full moon night, its pale light bathing your skin as you thought about how you missed Jake. You had just gotten back from a family trip yesterday and hadn't had time to go over to Jake's house to see him yet. You were so anxious to see his face again that you didn't even bother to call him to let him know you were about to come over.
When you got there, as soon as you opened the door with the copy of the keys Jake had given to you, you saw a miserable looking man sitting on a wheelchair, staring at the wall, eating a burger and fries and drinking beer. You swore to God one day you'd slap his hand and tell him to eat healthier. He ate junk food and drank way too much. His face was grumpy and a little sad at the same time. But it was your Jake. It didn't matter to you that he always looked like he was done with everything, he was so freaking handsome and charming, so, you could get past his moodiness. At the end of the day, you loved him so very deeply it made you feel like there was not enough space for so much love inside your body.
"Hey, babyyy!" You say, locking the door behind you "Sorry for not calling before coming over. I'm gonna stay the night, okay? I missed you so much..." You walked towards Jake and kissed his warm cheek, leaving the keys on a piece of furniture nearby
"Hi, baby. I missed you like crazy. I'm so glad my girlfriend is back here with me." He smiled at you. That was the first time he smiled, in a truly happy way, that night. You were the light of his life, he always felt better when you were around. He had missed you like a mad man, especially at night, when he looked at pictures of you/the both of you together on his black laptop. "And I gave you the keys for a reason. No need to say sorry. It's not like I go out on Wednesday evenings anyway.. Or any night of the week" He laughed in sarcasm. "I'm always here at this time." You laughed a bit and he took another bite of his burger
"I'm gonna take a quick shower, ok? Be right back" you said loudly as you walked to the bathroom
The day you and Jake had decided to be in a serious relationship, after you let the words "I love you" slip off of your mouth, by accident (you didn't even know if he crushed back on you, let alone reciprocating your feelings), Jake was so insecure, thinking you were just playing him, that it took him one week after that happened to finally say "I love you" back. You were getting sadder and more impatient as time passed. When he finally did, it was through texting. When you saw the message in your cellphone screen, your heart raced like a wild horse in a big forest.
Later that night, you and Jake were cuddling, half sitting, half laying on the couch. Jake watched a movie on the television as you tried to read a book. But your attention span was equal to zero. You felt your boyfriend's warmth beneath your body, so comforting, so inviting. You wanted him so bad. You two had been together for almost one year and no sex had ever happened. You were starting to think that maybe he didn't find you that attractive, after all. That thought was like a rusted knife digging into your heart.
You closed your book since you couldn't go past the same sentence you were reading and re-reading all over again, too many times.
You moved your body from where it was and sat on top of Jake's legs, straddling his lap, taking him by surprise. He looked at you wondering why you suddenly gave up on your book if you had been bugging him for months about how bad you wanted to read it, but, you preferred reading a physical copy, as you told him, so he bought a copy for you that he found on sale just so you could stop talking to him about the same thing over and over. But he was actually just kidding, inside his own mind. He bought it for you because he knew you were gonna get really excited, just like a little child, and thank him by showering him with kisses. He loved being kissed by his pretty girlfriend.
"The book wasn't interesting enough, babe? Weren't you dying to read it?" He chuckled and then smiled, placing his big, warm hands on your thighs, making the small, thin hairs of that part of your body stand on end
"I just can't concentrate right now. That's all..."
"Is everything alright?" He noticed the angst in your expression
"Jake... We've been together for almost one year now, and... we haven't had sex yet. Don't you... don't you feel the need to do it with me? Do you still feel attracted to me? Why do you never try to initiate anything other than kisses and caresses? You've never even tried to touch my boobs... and you told me you loved them, over texting"
"Wait, slow down a bit" Jake asked of you and you stopped to breathe a little "Of course I feel attracted to you." He put a small lock of your hair behind your ear, so he could see your beautiful face better "I want you so bad... so fucking bad, you got no idea, girl. You drive me insane, my girl. I can't resist you when you're sitting on my lap like this" He caressed your face softly, light blue eyes staring at your own
"Then don't. Don't resist me. You don't have to. You just have to let me kiss you and touch you and show you how wet you make me, without even doing anything crazy, just by touching my skin like this and letting me sit on your lap."
"Baby, I...I can't" Jake looked down, sadness clouding his beautiful face. You hated to see your boyfriend like that. Why didn't he realize he didn't need to be so insecure? You loved him, all of him. No matter how badly he always talked about his legs or the fact that he couldn't do even basic day to day activities easily, because of his disability, you didn't care. You loved him. Freaking loved him to death.
"Why not?!" You were desperate for an explanation
"I could never be all you need. I wish I could but that's wishful thinking. Don't fool yourself, (y/n)."
Your eyes got filled with tears and you felt a lump forming in your throat. It was like your chest was sore, bruised from his harsh words.
"You are all that I want! All that I need, Jake! Why can't-"
"Don't make it harder than it already is, (y/n)!" The blonde guy interrupted you, his words colder than ice, burning your skin, already so sensitive from from taking all the hurt Jake was causing you by not letting you just simply love him right, be his girlfriend... "Get off me, please." So freezing cold...
You were a crying mess already, so, you felt so weak you just obeyed him and stood up, leaving him free from your body. Jake transferred himself from the couch to his wheelchair as fast as he could. He then started wheeling himself away from where you were
"Please...Please!" You say, chasing your crazy boyfriend like an idiot, while he moves his wheelchair fast towards his small room "stop being so insecure and just lemme love you." Jake stops, his freckled pale arms turning the wheels around so he could look at you
"Why do you insist on being tied down to a cripple?! Don't you get it?! You are so, so damn beautiful, (y/n). Your smile, your hair, your body... Jesus, your fucking body... You're so hot. You deserve... a man who can give you all that a relationship can offer. I can't be that man. I will never be him. I'm sorry you don't get it, but it's time for you to move on!!!" He yelled. You've never seen Jake so angry. His face was red, his eyes were gleaming, tears starting to roll down his face. He felt like his heart was breaking in a billion little pieces. He'd rather go through war, become traumatized and then have his spine injured all over again, because, honestly, it would hurt him less than what he was doing to you right now. But he knew he had to do it. "I love my (y/n) so much, I always will. But she should be happy, free from me." He thought
"Stop running away from me, Jacob Sully!" You ordered, as soon as you catch up to Jake, getting inside his room, your breath heavier than normal "I'm warning you, I will take you in my arms, no matter if you say you're too heavy, and I will lay you on this bed, against your will, if that's what I need to do so you will stop pushing me away! And don't ever call yourself a "cripple" again! I swear to God, you're testing me tonight! I won't let you speak like that about yourself. Never again! Do you understand me?!" You almost screamed
Jake sighed heavily, in defeat. With both arms, he started to support himself on his wheelchair, moving his body to the bed.
One he was settled there, sitting down with his back against the cushioned bed frame, he spoke: "Baby, I'm sorry for yelling at you like that... it was wrong. You don't deserve that. Please, forgive me." Looking at you with those eyes he had you on your knees, every single time.
"It's okay..." You looked hurt but your forgave him. You wanted to try and forget that had ever happened.
"I love you... so much."
You gazed at him and felt a need to comfort him
You sat on his bed, beside him and held his hand. After some time, you and Jake were cuddling, you sitting on his lap. He brought his mouth to yours and kissed your lips. You missed his kisses so much that you got wet so easily, just like a virgin would.
Jake grabbed the back of your head with care and deepened the kiss, using his tongue to massage yours. The way he kissed you was leaving your lips slicked with his saliva. You moaned and he held tight on to your waist, heavy breathing, his warm breath colliding with your own, the two of you getting drunk on each other. His lips were crushing against yours and that felt so amazing.
Out of nowhere, he stopped the kiss and when you tried to kiss him again he gently pushed you away, seeming uncomfortable.
"I gotta stop, baby... I can't pleasure you more than this..." he looked defeated
"Of course you can. You have fingers and a mouth, don't you? Then put them to use, baby. Your girl is begging you to pleasure her. Don't you want to help me out a bit?" You started to kiss his neck gently but sloppy. You breathed his scent in. It was so familiar, so comforting to you. He smelled like home. Home, for you, was wherever Jake was, right by your side.
Jake was starting to slowly give in and he let out a breathy moan. You felt happiness creeping in your head, your heart beating faster.
Jake did something that in his mind, was so damn bold. He dared to touch you in a very intimate way - he was as nervous as a teenager having his first sexual experience - moving his hand from the bed sheet until it got to your entrance. Jake's breath faltered as he touched your coated folds gently, his chest tightening while he looked at your face. His light brows furrowing, his demons still trying to convince him that you could not be turned on because of him.
"Sweetheart, you're so soft... just so... so wet." He was getting shaky, aroused as hell, feeling how wet you were for him
He was finally ready to just relax and enjoy the moment, as he touched your coated pussy.
"Wait a bit, will ya?" You ask, getting off his lap, standing on your feet and then stripping down to him. Your clothes were laying on the floor, as you felt a little shy but excited to see his reaction to seeing your naked body for the first time.
"Fuck, my baby. How did I get so lucky? Your body is so fucking perfect...." He put his hand up in the air, towards your own hands and you grabbed it and let him sit you back on his lap.
Jake started to touch your breasts softly, his mouth slightly open, desire scorching his insides. Your skin burned so good beneath his fingers. Then, he placed his big fingers on your slit
"God, this fucking wet pussy..." he was having trouble breathing but he loved the way you messed with his head
"I'm all yours, baby. Please, just let go and make love to me. I need you so bad it hurts me physically." You begged him to put an end to your misery
"Is that what my babygirl really wants?" He murmured, his voice low and sexy, ringing on your ears
"Yes, my love. Please... I'm so wet, Jake... only for you, my baby." You felt his fingers touching your pussy and your body became limp
"I love your pussy, baby. So velvety, warm and juicy. Can't wait to slide my fingers inside of you over and over again until you're all sweaty and whimpering"
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muffinsin · 11 days
Well, Howdy! 🤠
::tips cowboy hat::
Hope you're right as rain and I gotta ask cowpoke,
::takes toothpick out of my mouth::
How you think those Dimitrescu gals sleeping arrangements with their misses be like?
I bet they have themselves wrapped around their beau like a rattlesnake strangle hold. Interested in your thoughts partner, but I gotta tumble with some cattle rustlers over yonder.
::jumps on a horse and rides into the sunset::
Yehaw translation:
Hey muffin, hope everything is going well on your end and I wanted to ask how do you think the Dimitrescus sister's sleeping arrangements with their s/o?
‐The Thirsty Anon
Howdy partner!🤠 What an interesting ask👀 I think I’ve mentioned sleeping arrangements and positions in past posts, here and there, so let’s make this one the official one🙌
Let’s get to it :)!
She doesn’t sleep a lot, really
That is especially so before meeting you, too
Drowning in her work, sleeping usually meant a 1 hour nap, maybe 3 hours max on a daily, in her office
And not on a sofa or bed, either
No, merely passed out in her chair, her cheek smudged against the papers on her desk
She didn’t particularly care about her lack of sleep, nor the way she slept
Her bed was mainly unoccupied during those times
With you, this changed
She sleeps more, or tries to, at the very least
She goes to sleep with you, cuddled up in her big bed
A queen-sized bed, really, with red or black sheets and satin covers and pillows
It lacks stuffed animals and only holds two pillows. The bare necessities, really
And still, when sleeping with you, Bela normally has her head on your chest anyway
Soothed by your heartbeat, this is her favorite sleeping position
Her body curled up a little, her hand in yours, the other holding onto her blanket. Her head rested on your chest
She loves hearing your heartbeat and the rise and fall of your chest calms her, she claims
You almost feel like she feels it even when she sleeps, for she always stirs when you purposefully hold your breath to stop such motions of your chest
There are absolutely bonus points for combing your fingers through her hair to help her fall asleep, too. She loves this and will purr have her flies buzz loudly long before slumbering and even keep this up as she is asleep
Should you ask her to spoon, she’ll agree, though likely be the bigger spoon
She likes sleeping with her arms around you
Thankfully, Bela is a quiet sleeper. No snoring, no moving. You won’t be awakened by the blanket snatched and snores in your ear
She’s a very light sleeper, though, waking up at every little sound
Often, she wakes up from small things, such as maidens dropping things, birds outside, the wind blowing harshly against the closed windows
She hates this, and is often quite frustrated when she is so terribly tired and keeps waking up
For this reason, another favorite sleeping position of hers, and an effective one at that, is with her head held in your hands
You cover her ears gently, hold her face close to your chest
It doesn’t ever block out all sounds, but your hands and loud heartbeat help her sleep through most nights
She’s immensely thankful for this
And, of course, there is a last sleeping position to explore, which the two of you usually find yourselves in during winter
You sleep with Bela tucked close to you, the majority of her in the form of her body, while some parts of her flies have broken off to sleep by your thighs
Bela claims she loves the warmth there
She’s wrapped in at least three thick blankets and sleeps in a warm clothing item of yours
Like this, you get to hold her and keep her warm and protected
She tends to get a little paranoid as it comes to sleeping in winter, both from genuine caution and awful experiences from her past
And still, your arms around her and your body radiating heat under the blankets has her feel as safe as one can be
She feels indifferent about sleeping.
Yes, she enjoys it, certainly. She loves the feeling, the concept of it. The mystery there is to sleeping and dreaming. She loves basking in the sun and sleeping on the windowsill as it hits her just right. She loves feeling sleep overtake her
But, she dislikes the time lost by doing so! She could have been hunting! She could have been playing! She could have found new weapons!
All in all though, Cassandra gets a good one hour nap throughout the day, two; tops, when the sunny spot in her Mother’s room is unoccupied
With you in the picture, she likes to pull you to bed with her for this, or rest her head on your lap and sleep when you’re busy
Her bed itself is large, and more like a nest, really
It holds many pillows, most that don’t even belong to her
For example, she has two black pillows set up in the bed; her own. Aside from those, she has three deep red ones stolen from her older sister. Then, you can always spot the pink and green pillows of Daniela’s bed sticking out. And lastly, you can always spot the large, white pillow stolen from Alcina’s room. Cassandra particularly enjoys sleeping on top of it and rolling around on it a little
Additional to that, it is full of blankets and clothing items stolen from you and her family
When attempting to remove them, she merely snarls a little at you and pretends she can simply get a replacement
Something you explore early on is that Cassandra dislikes sleeping anywhere but in certain spots picked out by her
Sleeping in new locations is difficult, so when asked to sleep in your room and share your bed, she refuses religiously
She likes to sleep in your clothing, though wouldn’t admit how safe and happy they make her feel
Cassandra, as much of a loner she can be, dislikes sleeping on her own when she could be sleeping with you instead
She likes to sleep on your lap or chest, curled up and grabbing your hand or thigh
At other times, she enjoys dragging you to bed with her. Then, a couple positions can be assumed
For one, Cassandra loves sleeping right on top of you
The warmth, the safety, your weight under her, your heartbeat and pulse loud enough for her to hear, safety in the knowledge you cannot leave or get up without catching her attention
She loves it! It calms her
Bonus points of course for holding her. She likes your hands best in her hair, her back, hips or ass
She will absolutely snarl and bite should you attempt to reach her thighs, though, so you avoid these at such times…they’re ticklish
When spooning, she prefers being the big spoon
She likes to feel you within her grasp
It also ensures her that you’re safe at night, which calms her greatly
She isn’t too fond of being the little spoon, but will gladly fall asleep holding onto your arm
With her head rested on it and her arms wrapped around it, her fingers holding onto it and her soft breath hitting your skin, she falls asleep easily
And lastly, two other positions she often finds herself waking up in, and you often have her sleep in
For one, on top of your lap, with her teeth grazing your neck still
No longer piercing, only scratching a little
Her lips soft against your skin, little whines escaping them as she awakens
Truly, after a long day, Cassandra is known to fall asleep drinking from your neck
And you can’t think of anything cuter
And last position is when she is curled up on you
Sleeping peacefully, her head on top of your stomach, her nose buried in your clothing
Her arm around you, the other around herself, her legs thrown over yours or tucked to her chest
At these times it almost seems as though she wants to take up the entirety of the bed. She only rolls her eyes when you point this out in the morning
Daniela loves sleeping
She’s a little like a puppy in that aspect
She likes sleeping, little naps, dozing off, all of it. Though sometimes she is frustrated when it takes away time she would’ve liked to spend otherwise
She doesn’t necessarily need herself a bed to sleep in, either
Instead, you often find her napping on couches, window sills, carpets, armchairs, and- one of her favorites, it seems- right on top of a stack of Alcina’s clothing
Her bed, though, is incredibly comfortable
The first time you see it, you nearly gasp in surprise at the vast amount of things on top of it
Pillows, some her own, others stolen from her family members, and many crafted dolls and stuffed animals set up against them
Thick, warm blankets, some fluffy, some satin, some in green, some in red, some in dark blue
As it comes to you, she also loves to sleep either on your lap, or in bed
On your lap, she often sleeps right after feeding from your neck
Then, she slumps down and cuddles up against your front, her fingers wrapped around your wrist or fingers, her lips brushing up against your neck or collarbone with every breath
She loves when you hold her to you like this, safe, secure, close enough to feel and sense you with every part of her being
When in bed, there are a couple sleeping positions she loves to find herself in
Spooning is one of her favorite cuddling and sleeping positions of all time
Unlike her sisters, Daniela loves being the little spoon, though
She loves your arms around her, your chest pressed up against her back
Sometimes, she’ll be spooned facing you, at other times she’ll be turned away and hold onto your hand and a stuffed animal as she sleeps peacefully
At other times, Daniela falls asleep on her side, her head rested on your chest, her leg thrown over you
Sometimes, you hear light snores, at other times only soft breaths as she sleeps
Her favorites times are the ones when the two of you cuddle up and read together before falling asleep
And lastly, Daniela enjoys the times you fall asleep after being intimate
Tangled into one another’s arms, lips close to one another
Your warmth shared underneath the blankets
Your exhaustion quick to have you fall asleep
Happy, in one another’s embrace
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brbsoulnomming · 9 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 21
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | AO3
He doesn't tell Steve.
There hasn't been a chance to tell Steve, he reasons with himself.
Steve comes back with Robin and Dustin, and has somehow also acquired Lucas and Max. Not long after, Nancy comes by with Mike and El.
He does actually try to hide with Steve in the kitchen while Steve puts together some kind of chicken noodle casserole, but apparently the check in tonight includes how talking with his uncle went, so Eddie has to be too actively involved with it to get a chance to get Steve alone.
By the time everyone's gone, Eddie's exhausted, and he needs to lean on both Robin and Steve to make his way back upstairs.
They've only just made it when the doorbell rings.
Steve groans. "What do those little shits want now?"
Robin laughs at him. "They're your children, Steve," she teases, wrapping an arm around Eddie's waist in preparation for Steve peeling off from them.
Eddie bumps her hip with his, shooting a little grin at her. "You're on shithead wrangling duty tonight," he informs Steve as he and Robin continue on to the bedroom.
"I'm always on shithead wrangling duty," Steve grumbles to himself, but he does head back downstairs.
Eddie assumes one of the party forgot something, and doesn't really think too much of it as he drops down onto the bed, watching Robin start adjusting the pillows.
Or at least, he doesn't think too much of it until he hears Steve call up the stairs.
"Hey, babe? Have you seen Munson hanging around the kids recently?"
Robin freezes, looking at him wide eyed, and Eddie's pretty sure he's holding himself just as still.
Not one of the hoard.
"Stay here," Robin whispers, like Eddie had any intention of doing otherwise.
"Did we join the neighborhood watch or something?" Robin yells back as she heads out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Eddie waits, trying not to vibrate out of his own skin.
Jesus Christ, he's so fucking tired of hiding and waiting.
Fortunately, it's only a few minutes later that Steve and Robin come back, and they look… unhappy, but not terribly panicked.
"It was Jason Carver and the only two lackeys he's got left," Robin says.
Eddie breathes out, relaxing just a little. Not ideal, but better than the police.
"One of them saw your uncle driving away from here with Dustin," Robin continues. "They asked about you, but I think they were just fishing."
"Great," Eddie mutters, flopping back dramatically on the bed. "Should've called me the freak, make it sound like you're on their side."
Steve snorts. "I don't want them to think we're on their side."
Which is sweet, but - "It doesn't matter what they think, Stevie, I'd still know you guys were on my side no matter what you said."
"Aw, Eddie," Robin says, and Eddie looks up at her just in time to see her plop down on the bed next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
He tips his head away, trying to hide his flush.
"It's not that," Steve says. "If they think we're on their side, it opens us up to having them come around more. They'll loop us into things, sure, which wouldn't have been bad for knowing their next moves, but they'll expect things from us. It's a bad idea when you're hiding here. Plus…"
He trails off, considering, and he's quiet until Robin makes a little hum of encouragement.
"I think Jason's too far gone," he says finally. "But Andy and Eric? They're not as convinced. If I treat this like it's stupid, like there's nothing here and they're wasting my time, like it's boring, they might start to reconsider sticking with Jason on this."
"King Steve, huh?" Eddie asks quietly.
Steve shrugs one shoulder, a little too careless. "It's not like I don't still know how to navigate all of that. It just doesn't matter anymore. Everything it means, it's just… pointless."
Eddie looks over at Robin, to find her looking just as contemplative as he feels. Robin looks back at him, and yeah, he's pretty sure she's thinking the same thing he is.
They scoot apart at the exact same time.
"Come here," Robin says, as Eddie reaches out and makes grabby hands at him.
Steve looks between them, giving a little crooked smile, then he kicks off his shoes and climbs up onto the bed, settling in the middle of the two of them.
Robin pillows her head on Steve's chest, and Eddie squishes in so he can rest his own head on Steve's shoulder. Eventually, they'll have to get up and get ready for bed, reconfigure themselves into their usual sleeping arrangement, but for now?
For now, this is perfect.
Eddie's surprised to find he feels good when he wakes up, despite overdoing it the day before.
Knowing that his uncle is safe, that he isn't out there worrying over Eddie - or hating him - is like a massive weight off his chest, makes it a little easier to breathe.
He lets the good mood carry him through getting up and helping make breakfast, refusing to let himself get bogged down in everything he hasn't worked out yet.
Robin is completely on board, it seems, and she and Eddie make a nuisance of themselves while Steve tries to resist getting caught up with them.
A losing battle, when both Eddie and Robin are so determined to distract him. It means some of their pancakes burn while Steve throws chocolate chips at them and they have a competition over whether Robin or Eddie can catch the most of them in their mouths, but it makes Steve laugh and Robin shriek happily whenever she gets a few in a row, so it's worth it.
Eddie likes a little charcoal taste with his breakfast food, anyway, and syrup covers almost anything.
Both he and Robin have syrup in their hair, though Robin's is way more obvious, and she bitches at him as she wolfs down her pancakes before heading upstairs to shower.
It's just him and Steve, then, sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table, half eaten pancakes still on their plates, and Eddie feels too good to want to mess this up with any kind of talking.
"She's just trying to get out of helping clean up," Steve grumbles, but he's still smiling, and the morning sun lights him up all golden and gorgeous.
"Wishing you thought of that first, huh, pretty boy?" Eddie teases, all wide smiles and the same reckless thrill he'd gotten hot wiring the camper for Steve to drive.
Steve's smile doesn't slip, his expression doesn't go pinched, but because Eddie's so close to him - because he keeps being close to him, keeps greedily memorizing everything he can about him, his soulmate - he sees the way something shutters in his eyes.
Did he push too far, this time? Eddie pulls back, falling hard into straight teasing and away from playful flirting. "Ah, I see His Majesty does not favor being compared to a fair maiden, my mistake. Perhaps he'll forgive-"
Steve is shaking his head, though, cutting him off with, "That's not it."
Eddie raises one eyebrow, a silent invitation to continue.
"It's just - it's always an insult. Like come on, pretty boy, let's see what you've got or wow, it's a good thing you're so pretty, Steve. I know you don't mean it like that, I do, but it's not a compliment when people usually say it, you know?"
"I wouldn't know," Eddie says, mostly to buy himself some time to figure out how to really respond to that. "Pretty's not usually something people call me, insult or otherwise."
Now Steve's expression goes pinched, brows drawn down like he's personally offended, and whoops, nope, he can't let Steve go off on that tangent.
"No pretty boy, then," Eddie says hurriedly. "You don't like it, I won't say it."
Steve blinks at him, a little thrown. "…just like that?"
"Just like that," Eddie agrees. "Steve - you don't owe me an explanation about anything, you know that, right? I'll listen if you want to give me one, and it'll probably help me understand, but if I do something that you don't like, you can just tell me, and I'll stop."
Steve considers that for a moment. "I like - this," he says, gesturing between them. "I didn't want you to think I wanted you to stop all of it."
Both of Eddie's eyebrows shoot up this time. Yeah, he kind of figured Steve liked the banter and teasing thing they have going on, or else he wouldn't have continued it, but he didn't expect Steve to flat out acknowledge it.
"All of this is just me being my obnoxious self," Eddie points out, because he can't just leave well enough alone.
Steve rolls his eyes. "Yeah," he says simply. "I like that."
Oh god, Eddie can feel his cheeks heat up, and he ducks his head and hides behind his hair so he doesn't have to look at Steve.
Forget the demobats, his stupid soulmate is going to be the death of him.
"There's plenty of other words besides pretty, anyway," he says, once he's reasonably sure he can nail playful teasing again without sounding flustered. "I'm just going to take this as a challenge to find them."
"Please don't," Steve says dryly, but Eddie can see how hard he's fighting not to smile, and he knows he has him.
"Whatever you say, beautiful," Eddie replies, batting his eyelashes at him.
Steve's ears go a little pink, and oh, that's still just as nice as the first time Eddie saw it. It only makes him latch onto his dumb plan even harder.
"Shut up." Steve shoves him.
"No," Eddie replies, so fucking delighted he can't help but grin all wide and gleaming. "My soulmate's so fucking beautiful it makes me want to weep, look at you."
The pink on Steve's ears deepens, and he gives Eddie a look that is probably supposed to be venomous, but his eyes are gleaming with affection and it only makes him more attractive.
And this is - everything that Eddie's ever wanted, everything that he thinks he could actually have if he asked. After the butterflies, he's more than pretty sure that Steve wants Eddie the same way that Eddie wants him, and more than that - he thinks Steve is brave enough to go for it, even with how messy and complicated things might be.
It's just that Eddie isn't.
He knows he has to stop this, knows he needs to pull back and stop fucking flirting, because it feels like this is it, this is the thing that's leading them both to something else, and god, he can't do something else.
But he can't seem to make himself stop.
Not when Steve keeps looking at him, and Eddie is starting to be able to read him well enough to recognize what these looks mean. He knows that with the way the glint in Steve's eyes has sharpened and the corner of his mouth half turned up, he's thinking of something that Eddie'd probably brushed past and thought he'd successfully deflected. He knows that Steve's about to open his mouth and prove that nope, he still remembers that and he isn't letting that go and -
"Do you mind being called pretty?" Steve asks.
"No," Eddie's saying before his brain catches up with him. "I mean, like I said, wouldn't know. But no, I don't mind it. In theory."
Steve twists a little, upper body turning so he can look at him headlong instead of from the side, planting his hand on the ground for balance - so close to Eddie that if he leaned just a little, he could brush Steve's arm. Steve's other arm is resting on his propped up knee, loose and relaxed. It's stupid, how effective that is, how it opens Steve up to him and creates a little barrier from the rest of the world with his body, like Eddie's got all of Steve's attention now and he's shutting out the rest of the world.
"You are really pretty, Eds," Steve says.
It should sound smooth and practiced. Eddie tries to remind himself that it's a fucking line, that Steve's probably said it to dozens of girls, but when Steve says it now it comes out a little breathy and quiet and so fucking earnest that Eddie's throat closes up.
"I'm sorry that everyone's been too stupid to notice it, or not brave enough to tell you." It sounds just as genuine, and fuck, the way Steve is looking at him. "I'm more sorry that I used to be one of them."
Eddie swallows. "But you're not now?"
"I'm not now," Steve agrees.
Is he closer? Eddie's pretty sure he's leaned in closer, and the hand Steve's got on his knee twitches like he's thinking about reaching in to touch Eddie - maybe Eddie's own knee, maybe he's going to cup his chin and hold him steady as he -
The doorbell rings.
"Fuck," Eddie swears.
Steve's eyes dart toward the stairs, like he's considering going to get Robin out of the shower to answer the door with him again, then he exhales sharply and shakes his head.
"Hide," Steve says.
"Where?" Eddie asks, his heart still pounding, though for an entirely different reason now.
"Anywhere. No, wait, not the kitchen, just - don't tell me where, just go, somewhere I can't see you," Steve replies.
Eddie pushes himself up, darting down the hall to the double doors that have always been closed, and ducks inside them. It's an office, the smell of old leather and dust heavy in the air. He considers leaving the door open a crack so he can hear, but he doesn't want to be too obvious, so instead he just presses himself up against the wood when it's closed so he can try to hear through it.
It's muffled, but he can just pick up the sound of Steve opening the door, an indistinct conversation, and then footsteps down the hall.
"How do you take it?" he can hear Steve asking from the kitchen.
"Just cream, thanks," one voice says, followed by a second saying, "Cream and two sugars."
There's the sound of dishes clanking around.
"Thanks for letting me know," Steve says. "Like I said, I haven't been out of the house yet this morning. Had kind of a late night with my soulmate - she's up in the shower now."
"Do you have any idea who might have done this?" the first voice asks, and Eddie recognizes it now - Chief Powell.
"I don't want to put blame on anyone without evidence," Steve says, his voice a little reluctant like yeah, he does have an idea - giving them something to press him for.
The other voice, the one Eddie's guessing is Callahan, immediately jumps on it. "But you do have an idea?"
Steve sighs. "Jason Carver was here last night. I think he's pissed at me for talking in the town meeting, and he kept insisting that I must have been, like, hypnotized into Eddie Munson's cult or something."
"…but you haven't, right?" Callahan asks.
Steve snorts, and Eddie can just picture the bitchy look that he's making. "Come on, really? Eddie Munson leading a cult? The guy failed Zoology because he felt bad dissecting frogs."
That's not completely why, but Eddie can still feel his cheeks heating up. He hadn't known Steve remembered that.
"Look, I feel for him, but Carver wants someone to blame, and it kind of seems like he doesn't care who that is." Steve's voice dips a little lower. "I knew Patrick and Chrissy, you know? Patrick was a good guy, a great basketball player, and Chrissy was nice to everyone. They deserve better, they deserve real justice. I just think Carver should keep his nose out of it and leave the investigating up to the actual professionals."
"Hear, hear," Callahan says, sounding pleased.
It must have not been a lie, but Eddie's pretty sure Callahan and Powell aren't the professionals Steve means.
"Did the neighbors say they saw anyone?" Steve asks.
"Not last night, but they did mention you have quite a few people coming and going," Powell says. "You know who they might mean?"
Steve hums thoughtfully. "Robin Buckley, my soulmate, she's here most days. Nancy Wheeler and her brother are over a lot. Jon Byers, he's visiting from California, and he usually comes with his friend Argyle and his little brother and sister. Lucas Sinclair, he's on the basketball team? And his soulmate Max. Then there's Dustin Henderson, I still babysit him sometimes when his mom's working late. I think it makes her feel better, you know, with everything going on."
"Checks out," Callahan says. "So, are you thinking you want to press charges if we find out it was Carver?"
Steve's quiet for a moment. "No," he says finally. "I meant what I said about feeling for him. Just, maybe talk to his parents? Before he goes too far and does something stupid he can't go back from."
"Good man," Callahan says. "Thanks for the coffee, this is way better than the crap we get at the station."
"Let me make you a thermos to go," Steve offers.
There's more clanking, then the sound of footsteps walking away - though only one pair.
"You don't happen to know where Eddie Munson might be, do you?" Powell asks.
Eddie holds his breath, suddenly and ridiculously afraid that if he even breathes too loud, Powell will know.
"Honestly, I have no idea where he is right now," Steve says.
Powell hums. "If you do see him…"
"Yeah, sure, I'll tell him you're looking for him," Steve says.
"And tell him he's not our top suspect anymore," Powell adds. "We just want to ask him a few questions."
"Sure," Steve says again.
There's a long silence.
"We'll talk to the Carvers," Powell promises, and then Eddie can hear footsteps receding.
The front door closes, locks, but Eddie still waits until he hears clanging in the kitchen again before he steps out.
He finds Steve setting a pair of cups in the dishwasher, a new pot of coffee percolating in the maker.
"Hey," Eddie says.
Steve closes the dishwasher, looking up at him. "You hear any of that?"
"Some," Eddie admits. "What did Carver do?"
Steve breathes out, forearms braced against the kitchen island as he leans forward. "Keyed up my car, smashed my tail lights in. Spray painted a little message on the driveway."
Eddie has to get moving, way too full of nervous energy, so he makes his way over to the cabinet to take out another mug. "What did it say?"
"Does it matter?" Steve asks, sounding tired.
Eddie slams the cabinet door shut. "What did it say."
Steve's quiet, and when Eddie turns around, he finds him looking at him far too closely.
"What?" Eddie demands.
"Eddie," Steve says, pushing himself up to come stand next to him.
Despite himself, Eddie finds some of the tension bleeding out of him. "What?" he asks, softer this time.
"You're my soulmate. Okay? You're my soulmate. It could have said anything, and I wouldn't care. He could do it again, with something else, and I'll be pissed, but I won't regret having you here."
Eddie closes his eyes, rocking back to lean against the kitchen counter. "Stop knowing what I'm upset about before I do," he mutters.
Steve huffs out a little laugh. "No."
"What does it say?" Eddie asks again.
"Traitor," Steve replies.
Eddie snorts.
"Yeah," Steve says.
They're quiet for a moment, and Eddie listens to the sound of the coffee hissing.
"I'm going to turn myself in," Eddie says after a while.
"What? No."
Eddie opens his eyes. "Come on, Steve. If I don't - do you really think Carver is going to stop now? What if he decides just to break in here, huh? What if I can't hide quick enough next time?"
Steve jaw sets, and Eddie can tell he isn't happy about it, but he can't seem to think of a good counter argument. "Then I'm going with you."
Eddie grimaces, but yeah, he'd been expecting that, and he pulls out his trump card. "Only if Robin agrees."
Unfortunately, Robin agrees.
He frowns at her in utter betrayal while Steve gets El to put Hopper on the walkie and gives him a rundown of what happened.
Robin shrugs at him. "You should know by now that Steve's never going to let himself be sidelined when someone he cares about decides to throw themselves off the bench."
"You two and your sports metaphors," Eddie grumbles, but he has to admit - at least to himself - that she's right.
If they tried to stop Steve, he'd probably find a way to come anyway.
Hopper agrees to meet with Murray again today, then come over tomorrow to make a plan for the actual going to the police station part, and Eddie trudges upstairs to call his uncle at the hotel.
Uncle Wayne doesn't like it, Eddie can tell, but like Steve, he can't think of an argument good enough to beat Eddie's, so he just agrees to meet them here tomorrow, too, and makes Eddie promise not to do anything until they all agree on a plan.
Eddie really wishes that he could just get this over with, now that he's decided he's going to do it, but unfortunately, they all have a point.
So he just takes his own shower, gets the syrup out of his hair as best as he can, and tries not to be pissy about more fucking waiting.
When he gets out of the bathroom - Steve's sitting on the bed, clearly waiting for him.
"Hi," Steve says. "Can we talk?"
Eddie swallows. "Now?"
"I don't want to keep waiting, man, especially not if we're doing this tomorrow," Steve says.
And yeah, okay, Eddie can't really protest that, so he just nods, sitting on the bed next to Steve.
"It's just - I'm really, really into you," Steve says, his voice soft and low and his eyes warm and earnest. "And it kind of seems like you're into me, too."
Steve huffs out a soft little laugh, running his fingers through his hair. "I mean, maybe I'm wrong, and I have no idea how to tell if a guy's interested in me like I usually can with girls - I'm kind of still new at the guys part - but I thought, you know. What if I'm right, what if I'm missing out on something great? And I figured even if I went for it and I was wrong, you'd be good about it. You wouldn't like, punch me or anything."
"Steve," Eddie breathes out, touched by the sentiment despite the fact that he can already feel his heart breaking over what he knows he's going to have to do. "That's a lot of trust in me there."
"I trust you," Steve says, like it's that easy, no hesitation. "Plus, you know, I'm your soulmate, so you're stuck with me no matter what."
He sounds confident, and if Eddie didn't know him so well, he's not sure he could hear the little hitch in his voice, or see the hint of fear in his eyes.
"You're my soulmate," he agrees, rushing to get that out before anything else. "I'm not going anywhere, no matter what."
Steve shoots a tiny relieved smile at him, leaning in so their shoulders press together. They sit like that for a few moments, silence resting between them - it's warm and cozy despite the tension, like melted marshmallow being stretched longer and longer.
"But?" Steve asks after a bit.
Eddie swallows, running a hand over his face to try to buy him some time while he figures out how to say this without either lying or hurting them both even more.
"You're not wrong," he says finally. "I am into you. Steve, I - I love having you as my soulmate. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. I'm happy with you, okay? I am."
Steve nods, though his expression has shut down a little, and Eddie can't quite read what's in his eyes anymore.
"But…" Steve prompts again.
Eddie closes his eyes, taking the coward's way out so he doesn't have to look at Steve while he says it. "But I don't think I could handle sharing if we were romantic soulmates."
There's silence again, and Eddie can hear Steve pull in a ragged breath and let it out.
"Okay," Steve says after a while.
Eddie opens his eyes. "Okay?"
Steve frowns at him. "What am I supposed to say?"
"I don't know," Eddie admits. "You could be a little bit of a dick about it? Tell me I don't know what I'm missing, that I could be having the full Steve Harrington experience here? Yell at me for breaking your heart?"
Steve snorts. "There's no full Steve Harrington experience."
Eddie gasps, mock affronted. "There is, didn't you listen to the gossip? I would be most aggrieved if I didn't get it."
Steve rolls his eyes, shoving him. Then, "My heart'll live. You are, shockingly, not the first person who's had to shoot me down like this."
Eddie thinks of Nancy Wheeler, feels his stomach clench a little at being on the same level as that whole mess. "Sorry," he says quietly.
"I mean, I'm not going to pretend like it doesn't suck, but I'm happy with you, too, okay? I want you as my soulmate, no matter what."
Eddie groans. "What did I tell you about saying stuff like that to me?"
Steve gives him a little smile. "I'm still not going to stop."
It's quiet again, not quite like the comfortable silences Eddie'd gotten used to with Steve, but something close.
"So. Boys, huh?" he asks after a while. "Who'd have thought that'd be something Steve Harrington was into."
Steve fixes him with a look. "Boys, huh?" he mimics. "Who'd have thought that'd be something Eddie Munson was into?"
Eddie shrugs one shoulder, conceding. Eddie'd worked very hard to be the freak, to be the type of metal-loving, Satan-worshiping, drug-dealing scary guy that people were afraid would steal their daughter or girlfriend or sister away. Granted, most of it hadn't actually been work, but it still wasn't really who he was.
"Mostly boys," he says, if only to actually say it outloud, to let himself be purposefully vulnerable with Steve even though they both already know. "There's been a few girls-" He tries hard not to think about Chrissy Cunningham's sweet smile and bright laugh. "-but mostly boys."
"Opposite for me," Steve says quietly. "Mostly girls, but - yeah, a few boys."
Eddie's eyebrows shoot up. "A few boys? Steve, are you telling me I'm not the first boy you've had eyes for?"
"Shut up," Steve says, shoving Eddie away when he makes grabby hands at him. "You're the first boy I ever wanted to be my soulmate, but yeah, all right, not my first crush."
Eddie lets himself feel all soft and gooey for a moment before he goes back to hassling Steve to tell him who.
"Ugh, fine," Steve groans. "But you can't tell anyone."
"Cross my heart," he promises.
"Jonathan," Steve mutters.
Eddie's forehead crinkles. "Byers?" He takes the silence as agreement, and grins at him. "What, get a little too into being up close and personal with him when you guys had that fight?"
Steve groans. "No. Believe it or not, I've experienced too much getting knocked around to get off on it, thanks. No, it was after, when we were fighting the demogorgon. Jonathan grabbed my hand to pull me away, and I just kind of instinctively grabbed it back, and then we were holding hands and I just - it was nice. I thought about it later, and realized I really liked holding his hand."
And that, well. Realizing that you like boys because it was really nice when a boy held your hand in the middle of fighting a monster is so Steve that it makes his heart ache, that it kind of makes him want to say fuck it and kiss him.
"Yeah?" Eddie asks instead, wiggling his eyebrows. "Whose hand holding is better, then, me or Byers?"
Steve's expression doesn't change, but his eyes shutter - Eddie can see it now even more than he could when he called him pretty boy, can see the flicker of pain there before he just shuts himself down.
"Oh," Eddie says quietly. "Should I not?"
There's a moment where Steve considers that.
"No," he says after a while. "That was okay. But I think we might have to put a pause on too heavy innuendo, or too many jokes about me wanting you. Just for a little bit."
"Yeah," Eddie mutters, feeling his heart crack a little more. "I can do that." He pulls his legs up, arms wrapped around them. "Sorry."
"It's not your fault, man," Steve says.
Eddie rests his chin on his knees, ignoring the slight sting from the tug of his stitched together skin. "Kind of feels like it is, a little," he admits. "I mean, Robin's okay with sharing."
Or at least, he assumes she is. He knows there's no way Steve would confess romantic feelings for him if Robin didn't know about it or wasn't on board.
"That's different," Steve says.
And - yeah, true. Robin's got another soulmate waiting for her, too, and maybe that makes it easier to share a romantic soulmate.
Steve looks a little troubled, though, and he leans just a little to bump their shoulders together. "I don't - I don't expect you to be Robin, you know that, right? Platonic or romantic, it's different."
Eddie snorts. "Well, yeah, I'd hope things would be a little different if we were - you know." It's half teasing and half serious, and he considers for a moment before adding, "I know you don't expect that."
Steve nods, and Eddie can hear him breathing out, feel a slow release of tension. There's quiet for a little longer, then Steve says, almost haltingly, "I don't… think romantic relationships mean more than platonic. I used to, but, uh. Almost everyone who's ever really meant anything to me has been platonic. Once I got out of high school, and with the Upside Down stuff, I just… I don't know. But Robin and you and the kids - you're the most important people in my life. You always will be."
He doesn't know what to say to that. It touches too closely on what's been pulling him into the party and pushing him away from it this whole time - he doesn't really know how to let people see the real him, not after so long of keeping up his walls to protect himself.
Or he guesses - he doesn't know what to do now that there are people who've seen the real him, and who still want to keep him. Eddie's only ever had Uncle Wayne like that, and he doesn't know how to be important to people, how to be more than just a band member or a dungeon master.
He's terrified of messing it up.
"I'll keep that in mind," he says finally, which seems to be enough for Steve, who bumps his shoulder and then pushes himself up, heading out to go join Robin.
It wasn't a lie, obviously, so Eddie believes that Steve doesn't think romantic soulmates mean more than platonic ones. The thing is - does Eddie believe that romantic soulmates mean more?
And it's.
He does.
Which means he guesses there's more he has to think about.
Eddie: well at least Steve and I are totally on the same page now, now all I have to do is turn myself into the police and reevaluate my opinions on platonic and romantic soulmates, sounds good
Part 22
Steve: wow I am 2 for 2 on confessing to my soulmates and getting gently shot down, platonic for life it is
Tag list (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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leporellian · 7 months
Fuck it. Opera dashboard simulator
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🐲 fafner Follow
hey whichever one of you left a tenor with a sword outside my lair can you come get him like i guess he's kind of fun to watch on the doorbell cam but he won't shut the fuck up
#i did not kill my brother and morph into a dragon to deal with this shit man
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🦉 troubadoursma Follow
I need to vent to you guys about something that happened to me sorry
(warning: child kidnapping/death, burning, etc)
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🍭 rosinethegingerbreadwitch Follow
You know you can use roasted baby in a lot of really good recipes if you want to salvage the situation
🦉 troubadoursma Follow
What the fuck
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🦜 dervogel-fanger Follow
i think i'm getting desperate lol are any of my mutuals single and fem-identifying and down for a committed relationship? if your special interest is birds too that's a big plus. dm me if interested
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🌞 suntemple-official Follow
I'm gonna be real we've been kind of hatefollowing that vogelfanger acct for a while and we're losing it over his recent posts... 'are any of my mutuals single' DO YOU HEAR YOURSELFFF - Mod S
🌌 star-blazing-queen Follow
(unblocking you just to talk about this sorry) FOR REAL i get commissions from him so i have to follow him but he's so fucking annoying like just die already dude please
🌞 suntemple-official Follow
No offense I thought you were the worst user on this site but then I saw him and thought Actually no she's not that bad - Mod S
🦜 dervogel-fanger Follow
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🛡️ herodsoldier54 Follow
the one day i skip work and its the day our boss's stepdaughter went insane stripped for him and then made out with a decapitated head in front of everybody 😭😭😭😭
#my coworkers had to kill her and everything?????
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🌺 la-tosca Follow
🌺 la-tosca Follow
🌺 la-tosca Follow
493 notes
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🏵️ deverteallure Follow
The legal system here is so shit I'm gonna have to hire my fucking ex to be my lawyer. Fucking hate living in Seville man
#marcy speaks #also my ex really hates the defendant which i guess is really funny #for some reason they kind of look a little alike??? if you squint
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🦢 lohengrin Follow
kids these days dont know anything about online safety
🎇 wotanswilddaughter Follow
Bro isnt your url just your real name
🦢 lohengrin Follow
You didnt see that .
1,023 notes
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💃 lahabanera Follow
Here can you guys fill this out for me stat
847 notes
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🌊 sentaaaaa Follow
I want that ghost man carnally
48 notes
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🐇 ilcatalogoilquesto Follow
So fucking tired of my terrible boss/roommate/crush maybe?/abuser hes being so fucking annoying rn. Wish i didnt have to deal with him
🐇 ilcatalogoilquesto Follow
17 notes
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