#my phone uses different emojis so I can't tell which one you used lol
her-pale-shadow · 2 years
Help I’ve been soo much hornier since I came across ur blog a few weeks ago 😵‍💫 hope u dont mind one more eager slut popping into ur inbox, i just thought you’d like to know the effect ur blog is having on me 😳 really helping me figure out that my place is being a submissive little fucktoy 🥰 thanks for that. Since its ur blog that got me going down the hard kink rabbithole lately, its only fair that u get first dibs at making me ur bitch… ive never gotten it rough before, how would you break me in? -🪷
I love it when eager sluts tell me how my blog effects them 😍😍 And I don't know, it's sometimes hard to imagine being rough with someone I don't know anything about. I'd probably start gentle and build up to treating you roughly 😘
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nientedal · 1 year
my phone is being annoying but BOOK EMOJI
ahahaha omg 😂 ok so book emoji, talking about a fic i have in my head but have never written down!
stereotypical amnesia fic beneath the cut, lol
Roxanne gets into some kind of accident and hits her head. Wakes up in the hospital with her mother dozing in a chair. Mom is OVERJOYED Roxanne is awake; it's been sort of touch and go for a while as to whether she would wake up at all. She's had people working on a solution but this will be such good news, hooray, she's lucid, she's feeling mostly fine--
And then Roxanne sees the ring on her finger, and oh. Okay. She is not fine, actually. She's lost nearly all of the last three years, and several prior to that are exceptionally spotty.
Her mom is left with the unenviable position of navigating some...ah...fairly major news. Yes, you're very happy together. Three rings, right, wedding band and two engagement; you're sort of...well, also married to his best friend? What's that word your brother is...? Aromantic, queerplatonic, yes. Neither of them is anyone I would have ever picked for you, but you're happy and I do know when I'm beaten, so... well, anyway, the only reason your man isn't here is I made him go home to take a shower and a nap. And to start putting together a better MRI scanner so he would stop fretting over your charts. Yes, he's building it himself. And no I haven't said his name yet, and... yes you do probably already know him, it's just-- well, you see-- um-- tell, tell you what, let's call Wayne, shall we? I think this will probably sound a little better coming from Wayne--
So that's a thing.
Roxanne takes the news...not well, but not totally poorly either. Mostly she's just stunned. But if her mother can admit she's happy with Megamind, that says a lot. That's...promising. Reassuring. And Wayne confirms everything her mother has said, which is similarly reassuring.
Megamind, on the other hand, takes it VERY poorly. Wayne says she's awake and his heart leaps, and then Wayne says there's a slight problem, her last clear memory of you is from early 2009, and his heart sort of collapses in his chest. He's been working on his self-worth and has come a long way but he's had a long two weeks and right now, from where he's sitting, all he can think is that Roxanne was a miracle that is not going to happen twice. This is absolutely the end for them. He'll start researching divorce lawyers immediately.
(Roxanne is initially of the opinion that yes, that is probably for the best, but Wayne convinces her to at least give the little guy a chance. Come on, Roxie, for Minion’s sake. Please?)
From here it's sort of...Roxanne slowly regaining her footing. Traumatic brain injuries are a helluva drug; her mind works differently from how it used to and it's a struggle sometimes in ways she doesn't expect. And she can't remember things she wants to and it's SO disorienting, and Megamind and Minion are obviously both struggling as well for other reasons but they are being so lovely with her, and she keeps shying away and it's awful, she hates it. Megamind gave her a photo album to maybe help her put some things together, and it isn't really working yet but maybe if she just keeps at it she'll be able to remember just a little more-- okay, Wayne was right, he is worth trying, but come ON, brain, fucking WORK--
Megamind wanders down to the kitchen in the wee hours one morning a few weeks later for a snack or something and Roxanne is there with the album. She's...having a little bit of a moment. Little bit of a cry. She's sitting at the kitchen table looking at this one picture that someone took of all three of them-- Megamind and Roxanne and Minion when they were on some vacation somewhere together and Roxanne snuck up behind the other two to pounce on them and hug both of them at once. So she's in the middle with her arms around their shoulders and all three of them are laughing. And she's like, "I can't remember this and I WANT TO, we look so HAPPY and I don't know if I'll ever get any of this back-- you're so sweet to me now and your bed smells like home and I don't know why and I want to, I want to--"
He's been keeping his distance since she came home. Has been waiting and letting her initiate whatever contact between them. But he goes to her now and pulls her into a hug without thinking because he cannot fucking stand it, and she just wraps her arms around him as hard as she can.
"Okay," he says, patting her hair and trying to think of what to do and mostly just wanting to burst into tears right along with her. "Okay. It's okay."
It's not okay. It's not okay and she doesn't know how to make it be okay, but it's been a few weeks and Roxanne is tired of waiting to maybe remember and tired of hoping for something that isn't coming and tired in general, and so she asks him to come to bed with her. Just stay with her, please; she's freaking out and she wants to be held, and fuck it. Fuck it. Come to bed.
In the morning at breakfast, hearing all this, Minion says, okay. So, photo album isn't working, or if it is it's not working the way we were hoping for. New plan: let's go on another trip? Let's all go somewhere together. Traveling. Maybe go see some places we've seen already, definitely go see some places we've never seen. Maybe your old memories will come back and maybe they won't, but either way we'll make new memories and have a good time making them. Let's go.
.............And idk if that's the end of the story or if there's more story that's just them going around places. I haven't played much with the traveling itself
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Can you tell more abt static i like them...
OFC!!!!!! Here is a very long post about their lore lol.
So here's their "in universe" lore:
Static is basically a weird eldritch cryptid thing, that can mimic other things, how well they do so is based on how long they've been interacting with whatever they're mimicking.
Their story starts after episode 2 of SPTO, when Matthew acquires Gideon's company. He's been working and comes to the conclusion that he needs a bodyguard because using his mystic powers to summon the hipster demon chicks every time he needs a bodyguard is tiring. So he sends out an ad for a bodyguard, and specifies in it that he wants a human.
Cue Static, vibing in wherever they've decided to hide out for the day, when they come across the flyer. They read it and decide, "Human, huh? Yeah I can do that." And mimic the first three humans they see, before combining their appearances into an amalgamation that is inherently their own. Thus: Boom! That's why they look the way they do. However, there are some aspects of their mimicry that aren't, like, right? Where they look off. An uncanny valley type experience for people who look at them.
(I'm adding a keep reading thing because I wrote so much :o)
Anyway, they end up going to the secret lair for the job, and Matthew asks if they are going to fill out an application there or if they already had one. Not knowing what that is, they end up filling one out there, and Matthew ends up writing everything down to do a two for one interview session. So their application ends up looking like this:
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[Transcript for those who don't want to/can't decipher my handwriting:
Bodyguard Application
Name: (scribbled out mess); Age: 20 something (anything after the 2 is scribbled out); Do you have fighting experience? Y is checked off; Can you demonstrate that experience? Y is checked off again; When are you available? 24/7; How much do you want to be paid? None
[end transcript]
Afterwards, everyone who filled in their application is put into a tournament style fighting test, so that Matthew can gauge who is best at fighting and therefore the best at being his bodyguard. Static wins...of course.
Their job starts immediately afterwards, and they're taken to get a standard bodyguard suit n such.
From there they just stay by Matthew 24/7 because that's their job. Sometime before episode 5, them and Matthew end up dating due to a comedic falling mishap in which they fall into each other, accidentally kiss, and BOOM, Sparks!!!
They have their job until Matthew isn't CEO anymore, so they end up getting a job at a library, because when they had days off they'd end up going to the library to read. (They have read every single book there.)
That's all I have lore wise, but here are some fun facts too!
They love the rain, and they'll stand outside in it until it stops.
They blink the wrong way, and because of this they don't blink around other people
Their eyes are really sensitive to the blue light from screens so they have stronger than normal blue light glasses to mitigate this
At first they have next to no emoting ability. Their resting face is a smile, and they can move their eyebrows, but that's about it. The more time they spend with humans the more they can emote, because the easier it is to mimic them.
They love just saying fun facts they learned from all the books they read. However, if they are reading a fact from their phone around Ramona, she will pull up a picture of the nerd emoji and say it looks like them. They hate this.
Their height varies from 6 feet to, "a little too tall"
There is only one person who can't say their name, and she just calls them Static, everyone else just says it and thinks it's normal.
Bonus of the two times Ramona compared Static to the nerd emoji:
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And here is where I talk about their creation in general:
So they actually started off as a Mandela Catalogue OC, and they still technically are, there're just two different versions of them.
Anyway, around the time I was getting into Mandela Catalogue, my friends were talking about their SPTO ocs, and even tho the only context I had for the Scott Pilgrim media was the movie, I was like "Hey that sounds cool I wanna join" and my friends were like, "DO IT." so I ended up thinking about what I wanted to do. Anyway, then I made the Mandela Catalogue oc, and I was like "What if I used this design for my Scott Pilgrim OC?"
Their first design was then a human that just had a really wide smile and slightly too small pupils, BUT THEY WERE STILL HUMAN.
Then I started talking to my friends about them, and they started asking questions like, "Does he ever blink?" And to be funny, I said, "No." And it spiraled from there.
Their Mandela Catalogue design, vs first Scot Pilgrim design vs how I draw them now:
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And that's everything for now! Maybe I'll upload some of the little comics I've drawn at some point.
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good mooorning sunshine!! guess who?? love time to brighten you online classes (or playing lol)!! KITTIES GIF TT your boys are so>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cuties TT such little sunshines i've learnt that genshin has a character with my name and was so ??? it was so confusing at first when i was... reading fanfics... 'people are dumb' true. god bless them and give them the littlest bit of smth like our big brains. i didn't experience that but suffered another problem. katya is a common name so there always were a lot of katyas. once we even had 5 (five) katyas in the class. that awkward silence when teacher asked katya to answer... now i'm the only one, though, and i feel lonely(( 'MY CUTIE KITTY' omg TT i cried. funfact: my mom says she named me katya bc she used to call me kitty/kitten when i was born. in russian we have a word meaning kitty 'kotya (kotyona)' which is literally 1 letter difference. 'nicknames that make 0 sense' hhhdjs they're cute. 'im just very confused' lol as a linguist i can confirm that etymology is VERY confusing so they all probably have some story. but boyet is so idk it makes me laugh out of cuteness. 'but the guy in supernatural' I DON'T KNOW. ok i've done some research and i still don't understand if misha is actually his second name or it's written everywhere as his nickname but!! i learned that his mother named him misha after her ex-bf who was dmitriy and probably was called mitya but she mistook it for misha... can't judge her. i really am amused by the fact his brother is sasha but the sisters have jewish names. it's also interesting how jewish names are more spread on the territory of america and most of names known as slavik are actually greek (my name means innocence and pureness in greek lol)... probably it has smth with the religions but ok it's already too long. 'i dont have any of that experience so' it's ok you'll get your big shining moment. it's never late to learn and you'll definately get all you need when needed. i believe in you. you're already big brained, though, they're just not as high leveled. no but how you added crying emoji to the row of angry ones😭 relatable really... i usually cry when im, too mad. not to be annoying but how are the writing life (lol idk how to call it)? how are you? how is genshing? tbh, i feel a little useless when i'm not commenting on anything/ telling you something really big and interesting. hope i'm brining your mood up at least!! luv u!! have a nice day, catmom!! good luck with the classes or whatever you do!! take care!! love you <з
Hello my baby 💗
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Im actually in school right now so. pray for my ears we're doing a live sound check. That also means im going to be replying on my phone
nvm it was too hard to reply at school i waited til i came home
My kitties really be cutie huh 💗
Give them a bit of our big brains HAHAHAHAHHAHA.
i've learnt that genshin has a character with my name and was so ??? it was so confusing at first when i was... reading fanfics...
wait you read genshin fanfics? also i hat to look up katya genshin and SHE came up ew i hate her she's annoying af but her twin with the water even worse L
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'people are dumb' true. god bless them and give them the littlest bit of smth like our big brains. i didn't experience that but suffered another problem. katya is a common name so there always were a lot of katyas. once we even had 5 (five) katyas in the class. that awkward silence when teacher asked katya to answer... now i'm the only one, though, and i feel lonely((
i mean T_T people have dumb tendencies. lol i can kinda realate. hannahs pretty basic and i have met a bunch of hannahs in college, but lol i dont feel lonely when im hannah by myself HAHAH
'MY CUTIE KITTY' omg TT i cried. funfact: my mom says she named me katya bc she used to call me kitty/kitten when i was born. in russian we have a word meaning kitty 'kotya (kotyona)' which is literally 1 letter difference.
my baby muning mingming (idk why but we all call kitties in the ph mingming or muning even though the filipino for cat is pusa HAHAHAHAHHA idk i think it has to do with the sound they make???? HAHHAHAHHA)
'nicknames that make 0 sense' hhhdjs they're cute. 'im just very confused' lol as a linguist i can confirm that etymology is VERY confusing so they all probably have some story. but boyet is so idk it makes me laugh out of cuteness.
'but the guy in supernatural' I DON'T KNOW. ok i've done some research and i still don't understand if misha is actually his second name or it's written everywhere as his nickname but!! i learned that his mother named him misha after her ex-bf who was dmitriy and probably was called mitya but she mistook it for misha...
💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 so youre telling me misha collins isnt even really russian??? AAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH THE PLOT TWIST IS REAL AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH i mean that's what i get for assuming HAHAAH
can't judge her. i really am amused by the fact his brother is sasha but the sisters have jewish names. it's also interesting how jewish names are more spread on the territory of america and most of names known as slavik are actually greek (my name means innocence and pureness in greek lol)... probably it has smth with the religions but ok it's already too long.
yeah while i was looking through russian names i saw a lot of them were from hebrew and greek so very very interesting. there may be a widespread of jewish names because of the war/diasporas. i love that his brother's name is sasha <3 UGH CUTIE
'i dont have any of that experience so' it's ok you'll get your big shining moment. it's never late to learn and you'll definately get all you need when needed. i believe in you. you're already big brained, though, they're just not as high leveled.
thank you T_T
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no but how you added crying emoji to the row of angry ones😭 relatable really... i usually cry when im, too mad.
LOL i accidentally pressed it HAHAHAH but no youre so real for that. i cry when i get angry/frustrated. i hate raising my voice. i hate getting angry. it is the ugliest emotion. i vowed never to get angry ever again and id like to say im doing a pretty good job at it, as in calming myself from feeling massive and real anger. i hate angriness so much.
not to be annoying but how are the writing life (lol idk how to call it)?
ive been writing p3 of waiting for a lifetime and it think im halfway through. T_T im so annoyed im making everything so long i hate it. (also ive been trying not to curse T_T HAHAHHAHHHAH but SHAMPOO its hard T_T)
how are you?
i was really tired when i got home from school. i actually woke up pretty early today, so when i left i was checking to see if you sent me a message and i was like 'oh i didnt get a message today' so when i was at school and saw your message <3 <3 <3 i was so excited.
yeah anyway i could only reply right now because yeah i was tried and i had stuff to do T_T im luv u ok pls dont forget i will always reply to you
how is genshing?
LOL i dont care much for genshin as i used to ???? lol did i ever care much for it? idk i honestly only downloaded it to play with my friends online but i had to rank up to lvl 20? i think. and idk i only play it to kill the enemies (called hillichurls) and to explore AND TO GET CHARACTERS
and OMG i was so lucky my bros were like OMG YOU GOT THE NEW CHARACTER
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he's so pretty he's my pretty boy but hes so weak T_T because im weak and i cannot be bothered to level him up and farm for him. RIP
tbh, i feel a little useless when i'm not commenting on anything/ telling you something really big and interesting. hope i'm brining your mood up at least!! luv u!! have a nice day, catmom!!
T_T i love you so much, im so honored to have you be so interested in me. pls pls tell me about the things you like too. oh whatever happened to your subscription to HBO? HAHHAHAHAHH was it hbo or some other online service HAHAHAH. you're not useless if you dont comment or tell me anything big. you always bring my mood up i love you so much.
good luck with the classes or whatever you do!! take care!! love you <з
i hope youre no longer sick. i have a bunch of homework now T_T i promised myself id do them tomorrow because im too tired rn T_T i love you baby <3 i hope youre doing well with your studies too and that youre taking care of yourself
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duskwood-disco · 3 years
Ok the final stage 😈
I got most of them right?😂👍
Into the revenge game then....
Let's imagine our MWAF holds 4 people in captive in three different rooms in a house deep in dw forest,each room with a ticking bomb that'll put everyone to eternal sleep within an hour (imagine imagine 😌)
Behind the first door: Your crush😜 doing a live online concert 😌 (yeah, he doesn't know he's kidnapped,just go with the fantasy please😌)
Second: Dan in a hospital room injured
Third: Jake and Phil in the same room without any technology(without phone,pc etc) fighting each other😌
Rules,of course 😌
You have only one key that can open only one door out of the three
So if you use it for someother door other than the right one,you lost in 1st stage itself
If you use it correctly, then opening the other two doors is quite easy (no it's not easy😌)
Just shoutout a name of one of those kidnapped, that person will die😌 ,and the remaining two doors will open😌
If you lost the game (according to point 2.) then you have to sacrifice either Phil or Jake to MWAF 😌,other 3 will be saved
Noooo!! I don't want anyone to die!!!😌if you think that way,then all 4 can't be saved D:
If you're thinking of disabling the bombs, that'll automatically open the doors also😌for that,you have to kill MWAF (PS: you don't have any weapons with you😜, so I'm eager to know what you'd do here)
So if you think of skipping other points and doing the 7. Point,you can save all four and you too (btw I, who came up with this, don't know how to kill MWAF 😂)
And for the key part,I gave you clue here for opening the right door (find it detective😎)
Your task is atleast saving one person there,you have only 1 hour time,only 1 key to open only one particular door😌
Good luck discoD👍👋
Funny + cute = fute?😂
This is quite easy and lame, nothing serious as you imagined 😂,I think...
The final stage!!
This was hard to figure out, you're really good at making these, Omg 🤭😵
Is the "😌" emoji a clue? Dan is in a hospital room in a house deep in the duskwood forest?And my crush (Jimin❤️) is doing a concert? You definitely put those in there to make it more confusing 😉 I know it ! Yes 100%
So I have two answers 🧐
1) I guess the key is for the room in which Jake and Phil are locked in. I'll use it to unlock the door and bring them both out. And because they're out of the room and they're with me it means that they're not kidnapped anymore 😎 And then I'll call out either one of their names and open the other two doors and save Dan and Jimin.
But still I'm not sure if this is going to work 🤔 this could be wrong according to the rules 🧐
2) I'll kill the man without a face 😈
I'll use violence lol
First I'll punch him on his chin that way his head will go back and then I'll punch him in his throat, I have a key 🗝️ maybe I'll use that to poke him the throat multiple times as well 🙂
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According to Google he should be dead 😀
Damn that didn't sound like me at all 😂😂
But, seriously these were really good <3 I wonder how you came up with them ❤️
I think I might be wrong so ig you'll have to tell me the answer then 🤭
Yes you're fute
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
The Singer (Marcus Pike x f!reader)
Chapter Three
Warnings: Mention of food/alcohol, language, pure fluffy fluffiness (I'm such a softie I'm sorry 😭)
W/C: 4.2k
A/N: Notes at the bottom! And I'm running out of gifs to use of scruffy faced Marcus. I'm gonna have to shave him soon 👀 I hope you enjoy our soft boi in this chapter! 🥰
Just as a reference if you need help understanding the different formats:
«Phone conversation on their end»
Text messages
Song mentioned:
Chapter Two | Chapter Four
The Singer Masterlist
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Gif by me! Yes it's Teresa but it still fits & I only care that it's his hand lol
«Oh my god, I'm melting!» Celina yells in her phone enthusiastically. You giggle as you wait for her eagerness to calm down.
You had barely taken your shoes and jacket off after getting inside your apartment when you immediately dialed up Celina's number to tell her about the night. You feel like you're having an out of body experience. Sure, your heart is still guarded and unfortunately, you'll most likely have your doubts throughout the relationship, but you truly feel like this could go somewhere. You want to give yourself that chance and allow Marcus to help heal your heart, maybe doing the same for him in return.
"So he's picking me up on Saturday and I'm freaking out a little," you say and chew on the skin around your nail beds.
«Why? Don't be! Just treat it like how you did tonight!» She encourages.
"But it's a legitimate date this time, I have to do my hair and makeup perfectly and find the perfect outfit and-"
«Girl, have you seen your closet? You have nothing but perfect outfits!» She teases and you chuckle, lowering your fingers from your mouth.
«You don't need to try to be perfect hun, just be yourself! Be the girl he has already seen in front of him.» You smile at her heartfelt words. «I bet he's already in love with you!»
"Okay, you're not helping!" You laugh, placing your hand on your forehead. "I'll talk to you later, I'm going to try and get some sleep. I'll probably be calling you on Saturday so I can freak out some more."
You say your goodbyes and hang up, sinking yourself into your couch and smiling widely. Your head is buzzing from a sugar rush, but you can't tell if it's because of the pancakes or because of Marcus. You walk to the kitchen to make some sleepytime tea, hoping it'll relax your nerves enough for you to get some shut eye.
* * * *
You take a shower and climb into your comfy pajamas and the tea works its magic as you relax on your plush bed, surrounding yourself with pillows and your soft blanket enveloping you in warmth. Your eyes get heavy and you feel yourself on the brink of sleep when you hear your phone vibrate on the nightstand. You try to ignore it, but it vibrates again and you figure it's Celina probably sending you a funny video. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you reach over to grab your phone, the brightness from the screen stinging your eyes from the time they had adjusted to the darkness. You blink a few times until you can see the screen clearly.
555-9057: Hi Dulce :)
555-9057: Made it home. I had a great time :)
You bite your lip and smile at the messages on your lock screen, heat flashing through your head seeing him call you the nickname you gave yourself in his phone. And just like that, you're wide awake again. You unlock your phone and before you can type a reply, he sends another message.
555-9057: It's Marcus btw
Marcus groans to himself as he sends that last message. What the hell was that? Of course she knows it's you. Dumbass. He watches the screen and holds his breath when he sees the text bubbles pop up and he waits nervously for your reply.
Dulce💋: I'm glad you specified! Right after you dropped me off another guy took me out for dulce de leche pancakes and I also penned myself as Dulce in his phone 🤭
He chuckles out loud in the quiet atmosphere of his apartment, the sound bouncing against the walls and reverberating around the living room. Damn, she's good.
555-9057: Okay okay you got me, don't have to be so mean :P
So he's a classic emoji kind of guy, you smile as you make a note and file it in the little 'Marcus Pike' folder in your brain. You hit his phone number and tap the plus symbol to make a new contact in your phone. For some reason, you find yourself struggling as you try to figure out what to put his contact name as.
Agent Cutie
Nope, delete.
Agent Pike
What are you, his secretary? Delete delete.
Should I put an emoji? Which one? Can't be a heart. You are seriously overthinking this.
Marcus Pike
Yeah, okay. I guess.
Me: Why did it take so long to get home? Do you live far?
Marcus Pike: It was about 30 min from your place :) not too bad
Thirty minutes?! Great, now I feel bad.
Dulce💋: Wth if I had known I wouldn't have let you drop me off! 🙄
Me: Don't worry about it! I was more than happy to ;)
Shit shit shit I didn't mean the wink! Why are they right next to each other?! Do I say something? Oh god, way to go, you ruined it.
Dulce💋: Then I'll give you gas money!
Marcus takes a breath of relief when he sees that you sidestepped his accidental wink emoji. After he catches his breath, his phone chimes again.
Dulce💋: And I won't take no for an answer 😉
Okay, there's no way she sent that by accident. Is she flirting with me? Do I flirt back? Why are my hands so sweaty?
Dulce💋: It's time for bed, those pancakes made me sleepy 😴 good night Marcus ☺️ See you Saturday!
Marcus smiles to himself and he anticipates seeing you on Saturday. He sends you another text and walks to his restroom to take a quick shower before climbing in bed.
Marcus Pike: Can't wait :) good night!
There's no way you can sleep now, but you said good night for his sake; he had a long day at work, plus he took you out and then had a long drive home. You know he must be tired. Your heart races as you scroll through your short text conversation, rereading the messages and giggling softly.
Did he mean to wink? It was probably an accident, considering he types out emojis instead of using the newer, more convenient ones. You just couldn't help but send one back, though; hiding behind the screen helped you to flirt openly with him. You roll onto your side to face the TV on your dresser, turning on a true crime documentary and letting it eventually lull you to sleep.
* * * *
Saturday comes around quickly, much to your delight, but as you wander around your room looking at the many outfits you laid out on your bed, your dresser, even on your couch, the nerves set in fast. You pray to whoever’s listening that you don’t seize up when Marcus picks you up. Which is in fifteen minutes. You already have your hair and makeup done, all you need is to pick an outfit. Simple in theory. Just pick one! You chew your lip nervously out of habit before stopping as soon as you realize you probably just messed up the red lipstick you had applied earlier.
You rush to the bathroom mirror and sure enough, there's a bare spot on your bottom lip and the lipstick has transferred to your front teeth. You groan in frustration and grab a makeup wipe to carefully remove the ruined lipstick and you brush your teeth again until it's all gone. You reapply the same shade of red, pleasantly surprised with yourself that it came out better than the first time. You take a deep breath and try to calm down, telling yourself that the first outfit you land your eyes on will be the one you wear. You count down from three in your head and enter your bedroom.
Okay, maybe not that one. You decide to close your eyes and try again. When you open your eyes, they land on a different outfit. Not that one either. You sigh harshly through your nose. Why is this so hard? You walk over to your nearly empty closet for the umpteenth time and your eyes catch on to a dress hidden in the corner that you had surprisingly missed before. This one.
It's a spaghetti strapped, black, bodycon dress with a lace overlay, flowers printed on the fabric throughout. It hugs your body in all the right places, reaching down to your knees, and you take a look in the floor length mirror next to your dresser as you put on your black, open-toed heels, smiling brightly as you feel confidence shooting through your veins.
Adrenaline gets mixed in as soon as you hear a knock on your door. Five on the dot. You grab your black cardigan and purse off the couch and open the door, your breath taken away by the handsome man in front of you. He's carrying a box of chocolates and it fumbles in his hands, nearly falling once his wide eyes see you. He looks at you from head to toe, making your heart race as you feel heat rushing over your body in line with his gaze and you shift your weight from side to side anxiously.
"Wow," he says breathlessly, unable to say anything afterwards.
"Wow yourself," you smile, looking over his own outfit: a navy blue suit and a black, button up shirt underneath, paired with black dress shoes. He slicked his hair back and cleaned up his beard slightly. He really is a gorgeous man.
"Uh," he stutters and glances to the box in his unknowingly tight grasp. "These are for you," he smiles shyly as he hands you the chocolates.
"Thank you," you say, giggling at the indents his fingers made on the sides of the box and you turn around to leave them on your entryway table.
You turn back to face him and see his eyes look up quickly and you wonder if you just caught him staring at your bottom. Your suspicion is confirmed when his cheeks flush pink. You laugh softly and he holds his arm out to you.
"Ready?" He asks and you can hear the nervousness in his voice.
You nod and link your arm in his, letting him help you down the stairs. You're starting to love the way his arm hugs yours as you walk and the warmth of his body mixing with yours. Your footsteps even sync up together in a slow cadence. He walks you to his car, letting you hold your weight with his arm as you slowly lower in the seat, your movement restricted by your tight dress and high heels.
You thank him once you're seated, buckling your seatbelt, and he walks to his side, sitting down and starting the car. You notice the radio is on this time, playing at a low volume, and you think to yourself that he probably only forgot to turn it on last time.
The aura is tense in the car, both of your nervous energies dancing in the air together to the music. You try to think of something to say, resorting to looking through your mental file of basic conversation starters. The weather? No, too basic. Say something about the music. No-
"You look really beautiful," Marcus finally breaks the silence. Your head snaps up to look in his direction and you share a smile, thanking him and returning the compliment.
He takes his eyes off the road for a couple of seconds to look at you with a soft smile and turns his attention back to driving straight. He would keep his eyes on you if he could, but he'd rather not get into a car accident and ruin the night. So he just waits patiently until the next moment he can steal a glance. He takes a peek at you while you're stuck at a red light and he sees you picking at your cuticles nervously. He rubs his clammy palm on his pant leg, hoping to dry up any sweat present as much as possible. Before he can think twice about it, he reaches his hand over to grab yours.
Your heart jumps in your throat from the action and you look down in shock at his large hand covering yours completely. The blood rushes to your cheeks; his hand is rough from work, but soft and gentle enough that it's not uncomfortable. And warm. So warm. You stop picking your cuticles immediately, now memorizing the fine wrinkles in his hand and the ridges on his knuckles.
"Are you okay?" He asks, not moving his hand from your lap as he starts driving again.
"Yeah," your voice makes an embarrassing harmony, splitting in two different octaves from disuse. You swallow some saliva to lubricate your vocal cords and try speaking again.
"I'm just a little nervous," you admit.
His hand is still resting on top of yours; you're not sure if you should open your hand up to face your palms together and hold his hand as well. Alas, you take too long to make a decision and he pulls his hand away to grasp the steering wheel, bracing for a left turn.
"Please don't be nervous," he smiles with his pearly white teeth and it only makes you more nervous. How is he this handsome?
"It's just me," he adds as he pulls up to the restaurant, putting the car in park and removing the key from the ignition.
"'Just you'?" You quote him inquisitively. He nods and you shake your head with a small chuckle.
"What?" He chuckles with you.
"It's not 'just you' though, is it?" You reply softly.
You wonder if he's uncertain of himself and his ability to make women — i.e. you — weak in the knees. He seems oblivious to it and it makes him all the more charming to you. You see his eyebrows furrow and before he can ask what you mean, you turn to open the car door.
"Wait," he tells you, rushing out of his seat and over to you to help you out.
You wanted to manage it yourself, but you know you must look ridiculous with how bad you're struggling to get out of the car. He chuckles at the sight once he's on your side and he holds his arm out. You hold onto his forearm tightly and pull yourself upward as he lifts you as well until you're firmly planted on your feet.
"Maybe this dress wasn't a good idea after all," you giggle.
"I think it was," he flirts and you look away as you smile shyly.
You walk together up the steps to the front of the restaurant and Marcus apologizes for not warning you about the stairs. You tell him not to worry and though you can feel the ache in the arches and heels of your feet, you don't complain. He holds the door open for you and you walk in, your eyes instantly catching on the glimmering, crystal chandelier hanging in the waiting area. The lights are dimmed in an amber glow and there are pillars with intricate carvings and vines wrapped around the stone throughout the entirety of the establishment.
You gasp to yourself; this place must be expensive. How did you go from pancakes at grandma's house to a fancy, Italian restaurant like this? Your ears catch the sounds of a violin, but it's too close to just be playing from a speaker. Sure enough, you look further into the restaurant and see a man in a suit playing a violin. A live violinist?! Marcus joins your side again and notices the look of astonishment on your face.
"What's wrong?" He asks and you jerk your head to look at him, not even realizing he was standing next to you.
"Marcus, this looks like it's going to be really expensive."
You whisper in his ear so you don't offend any of the staff members and the height from your heels allows you to reach his head a little better now. The hot breath from your mouth tickles his ear and a bolt of arousal shoots down his spine. He laughs it off and leans his mouth to your ear in return.
"I like to make a fuss," he says, the deep tone of his voice giving you goosebumps. "Don't worry about it," he says in his normal tone as he stands up straight again.
The maître d' greets you two as you walk up to the host stand and Marcus gives the man his name for the reservation. The maître d' informs Marcus the table is not quite ready yet, adding that you're welcome to wait at the bar. Marcus looks at you to get your opinion; you say yes and Marcus lightly places his hand on the middle of your back, guiding you as you walk over to the bar top together. You take a seat in the soft barstool; it's easier to sit on since it's basically at standing height. Marcus removes his hand from your back to take a seat, his fingers gliding against the delicate lace of your dress across your spine and you shudder. Thankfully, it goes unnoticed.
The back of the bar is riddled with an assortment of different liquors, both American and Italian, and they're resting on lit up shelves. You look at the drink menu and your mouth opens in horror at the prices listed. This is definitely too much money. The bartender comes your way and Marcus orders a campari and grapefruit juice, immersing himself fully in the Italian culture. You say you'll stick with water and excuse it as you not feeling like drinking tonight. Marcus doesn't question it further.
The two of you comment on the decor of the restaurant, mainly the paintings hanging on the walls, and you mention that you love the lilies resting in the painted, ceramic vases and Marcus takes note of that fact. A waitress walks up to you and Marcus to let you know your table is ready and he finishes the last of his drink and stands, offering you his hand this time instead of his arm. You smile as you take it, your heart thumping in your chest as you let him guide you while you both follow the waitress.
The restaurant is bustling; heavy sounds of conversation and cutlery clinking on plates as you walk through what seems the entirety of the restaurant until the waitress leads you to a small, private patio. A round table is seated there, covered by a red tablecloth and adorned with a single, tall candlestick, burning a light glow. There's a cylindrical basket full of bread sticks and two water glasses, condensation running along the sides and onto the cloth. Marcus pulls your chair out for you, helping you to sit and scooting you in and sits down across from you. You hang your cardigan and purse on the back of your chair and take the menu the waitress is holding out to you.
You both thank her and she leaves, stating she'll be back soon to take your order. You marvel at the privacy Marcus planned for you two and you take a sip of your ice cold water, reveling in the relief washing through your dry throat. You flip open your menu; the options are minimal and are all expensive. You immediately scan for the cheapest dish: a $30 plate of chicken cacciatore. You feel guilty; you never want Marcus to break his bank trying to take you on a date. You glance at him and wonder why he would do all of this just for you. Did he really think you were that special?
You find yourself missing that little pancake diner and the time you shared there. There, you only felt the budding emotions consistent with a high school crush, but in this moment now, it's real life and mature adult feelings and you feel it much stronger in this environment. Marcus senses your mood change and leans forward to ask if you're okay, but he's interrupted by the waitress. You order the 'cheap' chicken cacciatore and he orders the tajarin al tartufo. Whatever that is.
"Why did you order the cheapest dish?" Marcus asks once the waitress leaves.
"Because I wanted to," you give him a sly smile to convince him otherwise, but he sees right through you, giving you a look of disbelief. You sigh.
"Because Marcus, it's too much money," you say sadly. "I mean, how much was it to get this private patio set up?"
"That's not important to me," he shakes his head. "This is our first proper date and I wanted to make it special."
Damn it. Why is he so thoughtful? And so damn cute?
"It's not that I don't appreciate it, I'm blown away by this, but I'm just... I'm not used to it," you pull your lips into your mouth slightly, mindful of your lipstick.
"Is that why you didn't order a drink?" He asks. You give him a lopsided frown and shrug your shoulders, your expression answering him instead of your words. He sighs and tilts his head to the side.
"I don't want you to worry about how much everything costs when you're with me; let me spoil you. You deserve it."
Let me spoil you. You deserve it. His words float around in your head, your eyes filling with fondness at the thought. You didn't think you deserved to be spoiled; your ex made sure of that much. It's exhilarating to say the least; this man you barely know ready to do anything for you at any time. But you like it, and you think in time, you could learn to love it. Learn to love him. You blink wildly and you inconspicuously shake your head at that last thought.
It was definitely way too soon to be thinking like that and it scared you that it entered your mind at all. It must be the ambiance of the restaurant. You think about how you should protect yourself in case this takes a wrong turn and you debate on placing that in the priority spot in your mind. Marcus can see you fighting your own thoughts and he tries to lighten the mood.
"I also might be trying to impress you for real now," he smiles.
You chuckle and shake your head. Marcus thinks to himself how beautiful you look under the moonlight that's shining through the glass awning above your heads, face lit up by the glowing candle. He can't stop his mouth from saying what he wants to say, not in this romantic atmosphere.
"I think you're a wonderful, beautiful woman and... I really like you," he adds, reaching across the table for your hand and you let him hold it, tangling your fingers with his.
You're positive he can feel your pulse through your fingers or hear your heart pounding, the blood whooshing in your ears muffling any other sounds from coming in. As much as you want to protect yourself, the look in his eyes only draws you in and you can't hide the truth from him or yourself, your confession spoken out loud for the first time for you both.
"I like you, too, Marcus." He smiles happily at you.
There must be something in the water here.
"Do you think it would be okay to keep this up?" He asks, meaning the dates, and you can't stop your head from nodding yes and you give him a sweet smile.
Marcus lets go of your hand, letting his rest in front of him and you take a deep breath, trying to shake your nerves from the exchange that just took place between you. You grab a bread stick and attempt to take a small bite; you and Marcus laugh together as your small bite accidentally turns into a big one, the stick breaking in the wrong place and leaving a large chunk of bread hanging from your mouth. Of course, leave it to something awkward happening to you to break the tension. But anything to see his face come together in joyous laughter.
* * * *
"Thank you again Marcus, that was actually very delicious," you say while Marcus begins the drive back to your apartment. "I see why it was so expensive." He hums in agreement; his smile hasn't left his face since the restaurant.
You listen closely to the new song that comes on the radio, trying to make out the tune until it gets louder and you realize it's "At Last" by Etta James.
"I love this song," you say under your breath. Marcus hears you and turns up the volume slightly, earning a bright smile from you. You look back out the window and sing the lyrics softly.
At last, my love has come along,
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song.
Marcus's heart races as he listens to the lyrics being sung by you and they hit a little too close to his heart. You don't realize at first the meaning behind them, only enjoying singing along.
At last, the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover,
The night I looked at you.
You now realize the words are identical to how you feel. You wonder if you're falling too fast for Marcus. This was only your second date and there is still so much to learn about each other. You have a whole past to open up about, which will be a defining moment for your relationship. But as you look over at Marcus and you feel the tender organ in your chest beating fast, you think to yourself that it can't get much better than this. What's the harm in trying?
Chapter Two | Chapter Four
The Singer Masterlist
A/N: Okay just wanted to explain what Marcus ordered if you're interested! *DESCRIPTION OF FOOD/ALCOHOL COMING UP* I'm not an expert so correct me if I'm wrong! According to Google:
Campari is an Italian bitters made of fruit & herbs & you usually mix it with juice or club soda (hardcore Italians drink it straight up) & it's a pre-meal drink
Tajarin al tartufo is an egg pasta, made with more egg whites than traditional egg pastas, & topped with white truffle. Idk it sounded fancy & expensive 😂
Also, here's their outfit inspos! Just a couple of things I described differently like his shirt being black & her dress having lace instead of mesh.
Ofc Marcus in this suit 🥵 I copied the description lol
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@hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @giselatropicana
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akaluan · 3 years
📚📔📖 thats 3 different book emojis i found on my phone but pls tell me as many as you want to!
You know, it's really hilarious to me how differently emojis are displayed between interfaces. These are still all books, but they look COMPLETELY different between my phone and my laptop XD Anyway!
📚 (a stack of books on my comp): So i might have mentioned this one here, and i KNOW i've mentioned it on my discord server, but.. a P5R+Strikers/Bleach crossover, where Persona 5 MC is related to Ishida Ryuuken, and the PT place that Ryuji goes to after P5R is done is in Karakura, and P5-MC's parents see that MC is missing his friends, have a quiet talk with each other, and decide that, while they can't impose on Sakura-san again so soon after doing so, they CAN arrange for Ishida Ryuuken to be parental-stand-in so that they can send MC to Karakura to be with Ryuji and (significantly closer to) his other friends that he made. The story itself starts after P5R is complete, and ends up covering bits of Strikers and Bleach's first arc, with some timeline finagling to make it all work out because lol that's a LOT for a single summer break.
Also featuring Joker making the Karakura folks go ?????????????? a lot (especially Kisuke), Akechi being Actually Dead But It's Okay, We Find Him Within Ten Seconds Of Breaking Into Soul Society (and make the Karakura folks go ??????????? even more), and Hoo Boy There Are A Lot Of Palaces In This Here Seireitei, Let's Fuck Em Up Team (making the Karakura folks go ???????????????????????????????????????????????????)
I want to write this one so bad but I need the brainspace for it because this ends up being a LOT OF CHARACTERS to balance, loool
📔 (a book with a parchment yellow cover): I have a sort of "swan-bride" AU with Erich/Ukitake/Kyoraku, except it's less "fae captured by person wanting partner" and more "Erich is a dragon that can shed his scales into a cloak and look human, and Ukitake and Kyoraku have to occassionally go into the fae-woods just outside the city in order to collect special herbs for Ukitake's illness, and they've managed to capture Erich's attention and his curiousity and they REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT THIS, OH NO, WE'RE DOOMED, WHY IS A DRAGON PAYING ATTENTION TO US AAAAHHH and Erich's just over here like "i am gifting you things, do you like them? have i pleased you? i think I might start courting you two because you're Interesting" and no one realizes that they're talking past each other until way late in the game.
📖 (open book): And in a completely different fandom, I have two whole time travel AUs in the Code Vein verse that I want to write. One of which is Jack being sent back (or getting visions? He's not sure and neither is the author!) to the moment he first gets his relic and fucking shit up from there in an effort to make fewer people die this time. The second is Code Vein MC and crew going back in time to the moment that the first mistle is created (so before even Operation Queenslayer starts, when the only thing everyone has to worry about is the Horrors) and being end game badasses in pre-pre-PRE-story territory and absolutely fucking shit up on purpose and with malice aforethought. MC's kinda along for the ride since he remembers none of this, but he's down to make the world a less horrifying place.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: bitch you better have hidden all MY baby pics!!! Janis: obvs my number 1 priority Grace: mhmmmmmm don't be letting that boy see me looking like that Grace: as if our house isn't cringe enough Janis: what, a child? Janis: still got those chubby cheeks, cutie Grace: ew don't even Grace: I learned how to contour for good reason thank you Janis: mhmmmmmm Janis: curse this family and its DNA Janis: [sends her all the baby Grace pics we don't have] Grace: STOP Janis: 😂 Janis: n'awh Grace: you're so annoying it's no wonder you're their new fave Grace: so who's more 😍😍 for him, mum or dad? Janis: bit rude to their old fave Janis: giving you a place to bunk, have some manners Janis: 🤔 hmm, it's close Janis: probably the mother, chatting about some art project he has to do so Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: like if you're not gonna offer to do it for him, hush babes Janis: the idea of her coming at me with a 📷 got me like Janis: [suitably grumpy child pic] Grace: 😂😂😂😂 Grace: does he have to use 📷? she could just get one of her old 🎨 out Janis: oh yes, 'cos the idea of posing for a portrait thrills me more Janis: I think it can be any medium, it's his thing Grace: you only have to sit there tho Janis: not trying to spend any more time here with them tho Grace: 👌👌 true Janis: strictly dinner kinda deal Grace: I'm so sure dad made soooo many courses anyway Janis: I told him to be chill Janis: so naturally he hasn't Grace: ugh Grace: do not miss his dinner time check ins Janis: its only been a couple of days Janis: wouldn't get comfortable not missing anything Grace: UM can you not remind me that I have to come back Grace: so rude Janis: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: cute that you miss me tho hun 💜 Janis: like I'll be here hun Grace: you invited him there 🤞🤞 that you EVER see him again Janis: no I didn't Janis: I wanted them off my back, that's the plan Janis: now and I can leave and they won't freak Grace: he's still meeting them Janis: ? Janis: he'll get over it, it's one night Grace: !!! & 😱😱😱 Grace: it's mum & dad how long do they even need to make you wanna die Janis: it's more funny when you don't care Janis: worry about yourself Grace: I'm fine thanks so much Janis: were you waiting to talk about yourself Janis: 'cos go ahead Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: never stopped you before Grace: excuse you Janis: hm? Grace: really nice catching up, babes Janis: hm Grace: see you soon or not Janis: toodles Grace: 💜👋💜 Janis: call off your bitch, will you Grace: ??? Janis: who do you think Janis: why does she even watch my stories Grace: idk or why you think I haven't already told her to get over it Janis: fuck's sake Grace: why do you even care if she watches your stories? literally everyone is rn Janis: I don't care if she watches but tell her not to message me Grace: I obvs will but she obvs isn't gonna listen to me Janis: if she doesn't she's getting a slap Grace: LOL Grace: you know who her dad is, you can't Janis: no I don't Janis: though she'd like to think everyone does Grace: OMG just block her Grace: you wanted mum and dad OFF your back Grace: literally why bring him to dinner to start more drama Janis: they don't like her either Janis: it's not drama Grace: Duh she'll cause it if you hit her Janis: then she better shut up then hadn't she Grace: what's she even saying? Janis: does it matter Grace: if you want me to message her after days of not Grace: like I'm gonna just hit her up without knowing anything Grace: I'd look mental Janis: you know what Janis: forget it Janis: god forbid you inconvenience yourself however slightly Grace: OMG just tell me Janis: it shouldn't fucking matter Janis: let her tell you since you're so keen to side with her already Grace: I can't even take sides if I don't know anything Janis: I'll sort it myself Grace: by fighting her Grace: for god's sake Janis: and what Janis: your approach has worked so well? Grace: okay so it's all my fault Janis: thanks but that admission don't really help Grace: STOP Grace: & just talk to me Janis: why Janis: so you can act like she's not your best friend Janis: that you don't know that she's been like this to me for years Grace: you're my sister Grace: I can give you a million secrets you can use Grace: tell me how bad it is first Janis: I ain't interesting in playing your little games Grace: so what do you want me to do? Grace: I'm literally saying I'll be on your side Janis: You brought her, you get her to go away Grace: okay Janis: good Grace: for you, sure Janis: how do you always make yourself the victim Grace: how do you have the nerve to ask me to do something & still act like a bitch Grace: you said it, she's my best friend Grace: this isn't gonna backfire on you Janis: She's already fucking me over, it doesn't need to backfire Janis: and it's no one's fault but you're own that she's your friend Janis: don't expect sympathy Grace: you think she can't do worse than a few DM's Grace: oh honey Janis: I'm not scared of her, get a grip, for fuck's sake Grace: so happy for you Grace: you know what, handle it yourself Grace: hit her, do whatever Janis: yeah no shit Janis: you've not done anything about her a day in your life Grace: yeah cos it's so easy Janis: poor you Grace: don't talk to me Janis: make your mind up jesus Grace: go away Grace: I'm so done with you & this Janis: get the fuck over yourself Janis: you were buzzing at the chance for more petty mean girl bullshit with her Janis: do something with your life and she might give a shit again, you're not using me for your in Grace: I wanted to help you Grace: until you reminded me why that's THE WORST idea ever Janis: you never help anyone Janis: saying you're nice and helpful but then never doing it 'cos everyone else is THE WORST Janis: don't make it true Grace: oh please Grace: I've never said I'm nice or helpful Janis: oh please, you do constantly Janis: you can't take responsibility for shit, it's me, it's her, it's your shitty exes, yeah? Janis: maybe it's you, Grace, you're the common denominator Grace: okay thanks Grace: you're really helpful Janis: I don't want to help you Janis: let's be clear Grace: Great, so shut up Janis: no Janis: this is your fucking fault, you should get an nth of the bullshit I get Grace: me and Mia aren't the same person Grace: if I had any control over her I'd have used it way before now Janis: you think you're any better? Janis: at least she's upfront about it Janis: got some balls Grace: 👌👌👌 Janis: you really are pathetic Grace: wow Janis: what Grace: if that's the best you can do, it's obvs why you wanted me to deal with her Janis: working with the material I'm given Janis: which is fuck all really, isn't it Janis: but no, you're known for your acerbic wit and silversharp tongue Janis: my mistake, please tell her off like you've never managed before Grace: are you like done yet or not? Janis: nope Janis: you actually thought I would ever come to you for help Janis: when have I ever needed you Grace: well you actually did so Grace: how awks Janis: It's actually awkward that you think me venting to you so you know what you started is a genuine cry for help Janis: your thing, can't take that from you Grace: if it's my thing I know the difference between venting & asking surely but go off babes Janis: Diego has less miscommunication in his life than you Grace: 👏 Janis: Genuinely Janis: you should really get help at school Janis: some kind of delay there Grace: yay we're back to how stupid I am Grace: been a min Janis: N'awh, not stupid Janis: probably a syndrome Janis: bet it's got a name, have a google Grace: 💜 Janis: let us know, get everyone to start talking really slowly at you and all Grace: I'm fine with none of you talking to me Grace: thanks though Janis: yeah Janis: that's why the only place you have to go is your sisters Janis: you've got no one but them so I'd get back on the 💜 train Janis: who the fuck would have you that ain't bound by bloodties and duty Grace: way ahead of you, babes Janis: stop slagging them off then as if you and me have a thing in common Grace: stop policing what I say Janis: say something worth hearing Grace: to you, no thanks Janis: to who Janis: already pointed out you have no one if you ain't got Mia Grace: obvs to no one then duh Janis: obvious for two reasons then Grace: sure Janis: 💔 Grace: yeah Janis: kiss and make up because everyone is sick of it Grace: 👌👌👌 Janis: Serious Grace: Chill, I'm sure she'll be my date to the vow renewal Grace: are you done with dad I need a q & a? Janis: what Grace: it's a simple question, hun Grace: literally need to talk catering so like are you done or not Janis: what are you talking about Grace: Rio and Buster being the most extra couple ever Grace: like hello? did mum and dad not fill you in Janis: you better be fucking joking Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: if you send one more emoji I'll shove that phone down your throat Janis: are you serious Grace: like I'd make up a 2nd wedding Grace: get a grip Janis: this is bullshit, obviously not Grace: they're already married, babes, they have a kid, you're kinda too late to object Janis: fuck off as if you support it Janis: no one does, no one wants to go to that that's why they had to do it alone Grace: exactly, they could care less if I do or not Janis: well no one cares what you think Janis: it's irrelevant Janis: the point is, why have another wedding no one wants Janis: this is the last thing anyone needs Grace: cos they are holding their breath waiting for your RSVP or opinion I'm sure Grace: he asked & she said yes, that's how it works Janis: shut the fuck up Janis: this is the most selfish thing I've ever Janis: she's so full of shit Janis: it won't be happening Grace: it literally is happening though Janis: no it isn't Janis: not when she gets called out on what a hypocritical lying cunt she is Janis: see how much you feel like celebrating then Grace: as much as this fam ever does Grace: one big party 24 7 Janis: nah, fat chance Janis: they've not destroyed enough they wanna rub everyone's face in it, don't think so Janis: 3 lives they utterly fucked, there's no celebrating that Grace: not the way they see it Grace: & it's how they see it that matters to them so Janis: It's easy enough to change their mind Janis: fuck's sake Grace: How? Janis: not going to be you that does it so what's it to you Janis: roll over quicker than anyone asks, you Grace: it won't be you either Grace: he'd have to tell her to call it off for her to listen Janis: like fuck it won't Janis: someone has to say it Janis: she was here last time and she ain't no more Grace: & what did it change? Grace: they did it then & they'll do it now Janis: You're a quitter, I'm not asking you to get on board Janis: she's gonna listen Grace: If any of us told you to stop seeing Jimmy, you wouldn't Grace: they love each other, get over it Janis: and she ain't me Janis: if she cares even a degree of what she fakes Janis: she won't want another death on her hands Janis: it's not hard when what they're doing is sick and wrong Grace: stop it Janis: nah, like fuck Janis: if you cared about those kids like you fake, you'd want them taken off them Janis: the shit they're going to get Janis: and you cry every day about your shit life Janis: he should know better, his parents being what they were Grace: None of us want any of this Grace: but it's too late Janis: it's always too late with you Janis: no you can't do anything 'cos you're fucking weak and you need them all Janis: I don't need any of you, you can all rot Grace: Janis, don't Janis: fuck this shit Janis: fuck you Janis: fucking catering are you out your fucking mind Janis: over my dead body Grace: Stop saying that Grace: OMG Janis: You act like she was the crazy one Janis: she did the only thing that made any sense Janis: getting away from this toxic fucking family anyway she could Janis: you aren't even a real person and it's their fault and you do nothing about it Grace: Please don't fucking go Janis: Why would I stay Janis: why would you Janis: they have no right to miss her, none of them Janis: they all gave her reasons to get so far out her head that she'd fucking Janis: fuck Rio, fuck mum and fuck dad Grace: I can't do this on my own Janis: We've never been together Janis: you'd pick them every time Janis: you'd help her plan her bullshit wedding that's about nothing but showing off how much she gives a fuck about no one but him Grace: Give me something to do that isn't leave or kill myself Grace: I'm going mental here Janis: you should hit up Ollie, see if he's about it Janis: can be just like her Janis: she's doing just fine Grace: There's worse things to be than like her Janis: there's nothing worse Grace: at least she's happy Janis: she will be until one of hers dies Janis: then she'll be broken and pathetic like mum and dad Janis: and she doesn't have the excuse of not knowing better Janis: she helped kill Edie and then thought of ways she could make that situation even worse Janis: she's worse than them and has the nerve to act like what, some kind of mother figure doing her best for all of us Grace: She cared about Edie & she cares about us Janis: not enough to do the right thing Janis: they never do Grace: it wouldn't have saved her Grace: you know that Janis: that makes it alright then Janis: if mum did it first Janis: break her some more Janis: damage already done Janis: too late Janis: you're so fucking brainwashed and what do you get from it Janis: are you happy Gracie Janis: 'cos you're fucking collateral Grace: of course I'm not Janis: then stop drinking the kool-aid and telling me how good it tastes Grace: Rio's trying to help me, she's the only one who is Janis: yeah her saviour complex done everyone real well Janis: Junior's life isn't fucked at all because she had to live it for him Grace: I'm just saying I'm not gonna walk away from her cos Edie would want me to Grace: Junior's life is fucked cos he has shit taste in men & goes along with what everyone else wants Janis: This family loved to surround itself with dead girls it was trying to help Janis: and you're happy to be one of 'em Janis: don't pretend you want other options Grace: I don't wanna die Janis: 🤞 she has a baby for you that she won't give you then Janis: you're never gonna be the one 'helping' Janis: you aren't her or mum Janis: that is your role if you don't get out the fucking show, Grace Grace: we've established I'm not helpful, babes Janis: we've established you aren't a person Janis: even this, you can't be real Janis: what the fuck will it take Grace: you don't want real from me Grace: you literally never have Janis: you've never offered Janis: and I ain't waiting around for you Grace: Every time I try & talk to you, you shut me down Grace: you obvs aren't waiting for anything from me Janis: When have you ever tried to talk about something that matters Janis: I'm not talking to you about hair when people are fucking dying Grace: when have you ever let me Grace: you're a bitch way before then Janis: why would I be nice to that Janis: You don't like me, I'm not begging you either Grace: nothing that matters to me matters to you Janis: the colour of your fucking lip doesn't matter period Grace: that isn't real Janis: You've never been real Janis: you don't give me a fucking chance Grace: I can't be real with you cos you just make fun of everything that I say or feel or do Janis: and you and your friend don't Janis: nah, everything I do hasn't been fucking wrong to you since before we got our periods Grace: I've never backed her up on anything she said Grace: I don't call you stupid or ugly or any of the shit you call me Janis: you just call be a bitch and annoying and weird Janis: so if all of that's fake, everything you roll your eyes at because I just don't get it, just admit, you don't want to be real with me Janis: never fucking have, pretending it's 'cos I don't wear heels has always been an excuse Grace: You are a bitch and I do find you annoying and weird Grace: & you don't get me or any of the things that are hard for me cos they aren't for you Janis: that makes it alright then, you can say whatever you like to me because you perceieve yourself as life's victim and it's all fine for me Grace: we have different problems Grace: I'm not saying your life is perfect, I'm not that stupid Janis: just better than yours so why should you even try to be nice Janis: landed you with a great crowd, that Grace: you think you're better than me Grace: you literally always have Janis: no, you think I'm better than you Janis: and I didn't tear myself down so you could use me to build yourself up Janis: you aren't her and I'm not you Janis: why do you think you fell into that kind of relationship Grace: you are better than me & it makes it really hard to be around you, okay Janis: thanks Grace: it's not like any of this is how I want it Janis: how can you sit here and expect sympathy Janis: when I'm the one who's left with no one Janis: you can deal with the shit and have friends and have them, I can't do that Grace: you think I'm dealing? LOL Janis: deal with theirs Janis: and they'll love you for it Janis: none of them are gonna call you a doormat, just me Janis: 'cos they need a yes man Grace: well maybe I wouldn't be here if they did call me out ever Grace: at least you tell me the truth Janis: well maybe it gets exhausting being the only one telling the truth Janis: do you think she liked having to have every conversation be a confrontation Janis: do you think I Grace: it's exhausting being fake too if you were thinking about swapping Janis: like I said, you've got plenty of company Janis: they all are Grace: Yeah but I'm the only one getting told to see a therapist Grace: like I'd know where to start Janis: told you Janis: love a dead girl Janis: breeding and 'fixing' people when they've got no business is this family's shared hobby Janis: reason they ain't try to section me, section her Janis: take your shoelaces, where's the fun in actually doing something Janis: say you will, fucking say you have, did Janis: but never actually do Grace: they couldn't section you, you're not mental Grace: her either Janis: give her a case when I say I'll top myself if she goes ahead with this wedding, won't I Grace: No Grace: if being angry was all it takes half this fam would be gone Grace: & the wedding wouldn't happen cos he's the worst for it Janis: they should be, that's the fucking problem Janis: seperate cells, all of 'em Janis: and yeah, he's a cunt Grace: You don't have long if you really wanna stop it Janis: yeah? Grace: they are rushing but obvs won't tell me why Grace: maybe they think people will try and stop them idk Janis: Brazil one probably wasn't even legal Janis: why should I care about their kids really Janis: why should I try and help any of them Grace: they're just babies, they didn't ask for any of this Janis: maybe not but maybe those two deserve for those kids to grow and turn 'round and tell them how much they hate them for doing this Janis: fuck it, I can't think straight Janis: maybe that's enough, maybe I just won't go, I'll be gone Grace: you'll come back though, right? Janis: can't think about that Janis: I should be happy right now Janis: but no Janis: can't Grace: you can be happy Janis: how can I Janis: it never stops it never goes away Grace: idk just worry about yourself like you always say to me Grace: forget about them Janis: can't do that when you're here Grace: forget about me Janis: no I mean Janis: I can't be here, I can't be anywhere near any of you and be happy Janis: and one reason to stay doesn't outweight all the reasons to go Grace: you're saying you're gonna leave him, aren't you Janis: this isn't fair on him Grace: it wouldn't be fair to do that Grace: on you either Janis: I know that, all he needs is someone who can stay Janis: I can't do it Grace: he loves you so he needs you Grace: you love him Janis: yes Grace: he'd go with you if you asked him Janis: the kids can't come Grace: why do they need to? he's got a dad, right? Janis: no Janis: they need him Janis: and he needs them Grace: oh Janis: it's not easy Janis: even if it feels easier than staying Janis: it's still so fucking hard Grace: I love you & if you only listen to one thing I ever say then Grace: you're really gonna regret it if you fuck things up with him Janis: I know Janis: but I should have never have let him in Grace: but you have now Grace: not to be that it's too late bitch again Grace: but like Janis: bad things happened to him too Janis: happen Grace: so don't hurt him Janis: that's all I ever do Grace: no Grace: that's faker than anything I've ever Grace: shut up Janis: I don't want to Janis: she didn't either, I don't think Janis: it's just Janis: seems like the only way to end it all, all the suffering Grace: nobody wants to, I don't think even Mia wants that, way deep down Janis: you can't end other people's, only your own Janis: but causing it means you're having some effect, right Grace: she had so much love in her, that's how she could do it, hurt people that deep Grace: so do you Grace: but you don't have to be like her Janis: I don't know what the alternative is Janis: like I said, it feels like someone HAS to be saying these things Grace: I think it's this Grace: trying Grace: being honest means being honest about like everything Janis: it's hard to do both Janis: that's the problem Janis: how can you tell Rio she's a hypocritical bitch that has ultimately put herself first and tell her she still held it down all those times we needed her to Grace: I know, babes, trust Grace: cos they can both be true Grace: I hate you & I love you Grace: nothing's just a or just b Janis: I guess the thing is, they get the rest from everyone else Janis: like you said Janis: you wouldn't be here if I didn't tell you the bad shit Janis: no one would Grace: you can still be the call out queen Grace: if he's the only person who sees the real you, maybe that's okay Grace: maybe its like that anyway Janis: it feels wrong Janis: we didn't always hate each other Janis: all of us Grace: I didn't always hate myself Grace: it's just Grace: things happen Janis: too many things have Janis: that shouldn't have Grace: Yeah exactly so don't make yourself unhappy Grace: there's been so much of it Janis: she died for nothing Janis: if more and more keeps happening Janis: just makes it more true Grace: she died for nothing anyway Grace: she was 16 Janis: and if I act like it, it's a problem Janis: but Rio gets to openly ruin more kids and we're meant to be happy Janis: I refuse, I won't do it Grace: she's just trying to be happy Grace: like you want to be Janis: no Janis: you don't get to try at the expense of a helpless fucking kid Janis: that you made Janis: that's not how it works, this is what I'm saying Janis: we aren't doing this again and pretending that that's alright Grace: I'm not saying don't tell her what you think Janis: how could she Janis: twice Grace: I don't know Grace: I don't know how she could fall in love with him or any of it Janis: it's not love Grace: she thinks it is, & she let it happen Grace: I don't understand that Janis: she's selfish or it's trauma-bonding Janis: she can have either Janis: but she won't admit it regardless Grace: of course she won't Grace: so just let it go Janis: no Janis: there's consequences to the shit you do Grace: they're her consequences to deal with Janis: and one of them is that I hate her and I'm not going to let her forget that Edie died hating her too Janis: it's not enough to yet again put it on some kids Janis: say hey, wait to see how bad the bullying gets and the doubt and all of it Janis: then turn around and say why the fuck did you two do this Janis: they hurt people Janis: and they still are Janis: they should care Grace: I think they do Grace: but idk if that's enough or not Grace: or what'll happen to those babies or any of us Janis: it isn't enough Janis: they aren't Grace: what I know is if you keep hating like Edie did it'll hurt you like it hurt her Grace: you have to stop Janis: we should be hurting Janis: she shouldn't be happy Janis: none of us should Grace: we are Grace: that doesn't mean you have to ruin everything for yourself Grace: that you can't ever be happy Janis: I'm not ruining anything Janis: it's ruined Janis: nothing has changed Janis: so no, we shouldn't be happy Grace: Edie literally wanted you to be Grace: & we were 12 so much has changed Janis: like what Grace: like you letting someone in Grace: being happy even if you think you shouldn't Grace: we're talking now that wouldn't have ever happened Grace: if you hate me more than you did 4 years ago that's still change, babes Grace: you can't stand still for her Janis: I'm not going to pretend we're blessed to live to make more mistakes Grace: do better like everyone says they are gonna but don't Janis: no thanks Janis: I'm not righting all this family has done wrong Janis: that's what they think they can do Janis: Rio and Buster, and they've already failed Grace: I'm not even talking about them though Grace: just do better for you Grace: stay with him, feel something idk Janis: I don't know if I can Grace: I can't answer that for you Grace: do you wanna try or not? Janis: It's not that simple Grace: with that attitude no Janis: no, it just isn't Janis: you haven't been in love, have you? Grace: no Janis: well it's like Janis: sometimes what you want, and even what they think they want, might not be what's right for them Janis: and if you really loved them Janis: you'd want what was best for them, wouldn't you Grace: you are what's best for him though Grace: I've seen you together, wayyyy more than I wanted to Grace: & I lowkey stalked him before that so Janis: lowkey is debatable Grace: thank you for focusing in on the right thing OMG Janis: I'm not trying to be a cunt for once right now but you know Janis: I don't think you can say what's best for him Janis: me either, really Janis: idk Janis: I wish I did know then I'd just do it Grace: so let him say it Grace: be there to give him the chance like Janis: that's not me Janis: I can't be the one getting left Grace: & he can? Janis: no Grace: so do you love him enough to let him really hurt you or not Janis: its all stupid anyway Janis: we only just met Grace: I don't think that's the point, babes Janis: it is, even some of yours lasted longer than this and you weren't in love with them Grace: hello I'm fake Grace: & a hoe Janis: I didn't intend to be real Grace: he can't do fake that's not your fault hun Grace: his face is a dead giveaway like literally always Janis: you can take hints then Janis: just ignore 'em Janis: good to know Grace: I'm not brain damaged Grace: you just wish I were Janis: why would I want that Janis: sounds dead irritating, if anything Grace: cos otherwise I'm just stupid Grace: no excusing that Janis: you're not you're just infuriating Grace: cute but yeah I am Janis: nothing cute about it Janis: it's ugly all the shit you pretend Grace: duh it suits me then Janis: yeah yeah Grace: yeah we can pretend that's why no one wants me instead of what the truth is Janis: what's the truth then Grace: that I am just ugly Grace: so my personality might as well be Janis: nah Janis: truth is, you don't wanna die, like you said Janis: if that's what it takes for you to survive Grace: I'm too scared, like I am of a lot of things Grace: but like I also said, things change Janis: it's scary Grace: if I ever do it get mum's old oujia board out & I'll let you know what happens next Grace: like a liveblog Janis: oh great Janis: here's me thinking I'd get some peace and quiet, like Grace: EW what if heaven's like a really amazing nightclub vibe & they don't let me in Janis: what do you wanna go to heaven for Janis: it's like here without all the interesting bits Janis: at least hell is offering a bit of something new Grace: UM cos I'm not into bdsm unless the boy's like really fit Janis: you'll be fine then Janis: Lucifer is famously too hot for heaven, like Grace: oh yeah I totally forgot Janis: grand scheme of bible teachings, probably encouraged to be a bit quiet on that one Janis: black nan be buzzing Grace: catch me sinning really hard from now until I kms so he's into me Grace: sorry nan Janis: really gonna try and be his favourite sinner Janis: 😏 Grace: You'll love it cos I promised Rio no boys & she'll be really 😠😠😠 Grace: 💜me perdoe, irmã eu tenho que pecar💜 Janis: 😂 Janis: gonna point out that there are 7 other sins Janis: and those are just the deadly ones, like Grace: yeah but like Grace: it's the one that'll get his attention easiest Grace: boys are so quick to get jealous Janis: the devil has and always will be a gentleman, babe Janis: not a fuckboy Janis: rethink the tactic probs Grace: excuse me that gluttony & sloth aren't moods for an attractive corpse Janis: hello it's your soul you're taking Janis: not a zombie fuckfest Grace: UM I still need all my exes devastated at my funeral thanks Grace: don't let anyone touch my hair though or I will haunt you Janis: ha your plastic weave gonna be there long after the rest of you is dust Janis: as for your exes Janis: got to think numbers Grace: RUDE Janis: alright for you to say, you won't be handing out sausage rolls to however many identical unimpressed looking white boys Grace: neither will you Grace: a glance to check I'm in there & you can go, babes Janis: oh please Janis: can't make me go to this farce of a wedding but doubt I'm getting out of a funeral that easy Grace: I'll literally write in my will so bye bitch Janis: cute you think the dead's wishes are getting honoured around here Janis: whether she wanted us to be miserable or happy, we're all doing shit regardless Janis: can't say she wanted us to muddle through ad infinitum Grace: she still died we can't just move on ASAP Janis: why it's better to be team miserable Janis: a case can be argued even if we aren't committing enough Grace: I'm sure your bf will be down his face is always 😒 Janis: you fancy him not me Grace: ew Janis: mhmm Grace: you can go ahead and put that wayyyyy into past tense thanks so much Janis: 😏 Janis: convincing Grace: I literally only wanted to hook up with him Grace: not gonna do that now so Janis: that's all you do with any boy so Grace: duh Grace: he's only special to you Grace: no boy is to me Janis: don't be gay Janis: x2 Grace: don't be homophobic Grace: it's gross & retro Janis: whatever Janis: every gay I know is a twat Janis: tell me it ain't related Grace: same tbh Grace: 🤔🤔 Janis: doesn't help they're related to me and all but when I'm right, I'm right Grace: you don't know any others? Janis: dunno anyone do I Janis: if you cunts are boring, not like the ones at school are any better craic Grace: idk who you hang with now bitch Janis: 🙄 Janis: yeah decided I want loads of mates Grace: you got a bf so who knows Janis: told you that was a mistake Janis: accident, whatever Janis: not a habit Grace: you could be making friends by mistake Grace: obvs so likeable Janis: I'd rather not Grace: 👌 Janis: every twat's the same 'round here Grace: true Janis: nah no more people Janis: undecided what I'm doing as is Grace: it's a mood Janis: bollock Janis: you hate being alone, famously Grace: duh but idk what I'm doing Janis: hiding at Rio's rn Grace: thanks Grace: not what I meant tho Janis: then you'll have to be more specific Grace: whatever Grace: how are there no parties tonight??! ugh Janis: probably for the best Grace: it's really not Grace: school's gonna start soon Janis: astute Janis: you check the calendar Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: do you know of any I don't? Janis: wouldn't tell you if I did Grace: that's so rude Janis: forgot why you've got a pity sofabed atm or what babe Grace: that wasn't a party & I wasn't gonna invite him to be my date tonight Janis: makes no odds, and dates a pretty loose term for 'you can frig me off in a random's lounge whilst their parents are out' as well Grace: it is shorter to type though so Janis: ha Janis: hilarious Grace: no just why I used it Janis: stick to babysitting Grace: I'm going out it'll just have to be somewhere else Janis: not doing this again Janis: got things i need to do now thanks to this awful fucking news Grace: not stopping you Janis: yeah right Grace: literally can't Janis: if you didn't want stopping, you wouldn't fucking tell me Janis: not after last time Janis: but I'm telling you, I ain't gonna be in any state so leave it out Grace: excuse me if for someone with no friends you have a lot of party invites Janis: called being likeable Janis: try it Grace: obvs & I obvs can't Janis: you don't try very hard Grace: LOL Grace: like I said, being fake is exhausting too babes Janis: well stop Janis: that's why no one likes you Janis: you're too much it weird everyone out Grace: I literally just said I can't Grace: but thanks Janis: how hard is it to shut your mouth for 5 minutes Grace: for you very Grace: so like idk why you're telling me to Janis: cos like idk I'm trying to help you! Grace: no you're not Grace: you're trying to get me to shut up cos you have so much to do Grace: you can just go Janis: sadly not Janis: waiting Grace: feel free to wait in silence Janis: why would I do that Grace: why not Grace: so easy Janis: nah Janis: I'm likeable, dying to hear what I've got to say Janis: too likeable to be off my phone rn so you'll have to deal with it Grace: 💜 Janis: I mean it, make sure one of them is sober Janis: I've got plans here Grace: I don't need you Grace: do what you want Janis: blatantly untrue Janis: made a massive twat of yourself last time Janis: which was, by the way, 2 days ago Janis: consider you have a problem Grace: & I'm so sure I will again but like it's my problem Janis: not though is it Janis: you checked out this entire convo Janis: affects all of us Grace: read back your own responses where everything is shit & we all deserve to suffer & nothing matters Janis: so sit and think about what you've done all alone Janis: that is suffering Grace: no thanks Janis: cool just ruin my night Janis: again Grace: it's not about you Janis: yeah it is Grace: no Janis: yep Janis: already ruined one plan so tah Janis: have to carry out this one after Grace: 👌👌 Janis: in a bit, cunt Grace: 👋 Janis: you really aren't subtle Janis: you know how easily I could forward this all to Rio, like Janis: think on Grace: then do it Grace: you love telling on me it's your thing now Janis: it is funny Janis: acting out doesn't really work if you keep telling before you do it Janis: not your thing by a long stretch Grace: I'm going out it's not a dramatic storm out Janis: yeah to get fingered 'cos you hate your ugly, stupid self, by your own admission Janis: so casual Janis: so not why the therapists are being booked Grace: literally so done talking to you now Grace: this convo has gone on forever Janis: it's cool it's forwarded Janis: 4G is amazing, idk where the fuck I am Janis: still, so fast Grace: wow Grace: I'll be impressed later like Janis: won't have the time Janis: though the drive back to mum and dad's is a fair while, yeah, you could use that time to really reflect Grace: I'll obvs make it for you, babes Janis: obvs Janis: fucking sad Grace: 💔 Janis: bet that felt like a moment Grace: mhmm Janis: n'awh Grace: yeah Janis: if you don't get some standards, honestly Grace: that's really working for you, yeah? Grace: it won't be any easier when he hates you than when he loves you, you know that Grace: get a grip Janis: like you'd know the first thing about it Grace: like you do either Grace: duh why you're terrified Janis: love a bit of projection Grace: okay sure Janis: not the one that freaks out when boys touch her Grace: so Grace: you're still gonna be alone anyway Janis: and? Grace: it doesn't matter if you push him away & if I'm getting pushed away by whatever lad Grace: even if you wanna use things I've said against me rn Janis: and you're the one that can't stand being alone Grace: oh sure keep pretending you love that but I'm so fake Janis: if I was fazed, I would've done something about it before now, what with how likeable I am to boys and girls Janis: no begging from my end Grace: you love him you literally admitted it Grace: stop Janis: and that matters because Grace: he loves you too Grace: you can't act like that doesn't matter Janis: sure can Janis: don't push me Grace: You're so stupid Janis: awh Janis: you are if you think there's any salvaging already Janis: like I could stick around with all that you threw at me Grace: me? Janis: yes, you Grace: how are you so delusional actually Janis: you couldn't want to tell me all about the stupid wedding Janis: you didn't have to Janis: mum and dad didn't for a fucking reason clearly Grace: you pushed me like you always do Janis: nah Janis: you dropped that like it was nothing Grace: you were being horrible for no reason like you always are Janis: the reason is you and your self-confessed shit personality but sure Janis: if it makes you feel better about the whole thing Grace: the reason was Mia but sure blame me again Janis: give a shit about Mia Janis: it was the wedding and you know it Janis: and you knew it and that's the only reason you said it Grace: I can't take it back now Janis: yeah well me either Grace: I didn't mean to just drop it on you like that Janis: whatever Janis: you want some attention, have at it 'cos I'm about to undo tonight Grace: why can't you stop Janis: why would I Grace: that's obvious Grace: undo whatever you've done to him instead Janis: how Janis: how the fuck do you reckon I can do that Grace: however he needs you to Grace: grow the fuck up & be sorry & try Janis: go to hell Janis: you're so fucked Janis: you care more about him than you do me what the hell is wrong with you Grace: I care about you Grace: for god's sake Janis: that's why you ain't once asked where I am or who I'm waiting for Janis: stop fucking talking about him Grace: cos I'm really scared what the answer is Grace: don't you understand that Janis: well it ain't Drew so my odds of leaving unmolested are slightly up Janis: though not his type, I don't reckon Grace: Every time you do this I freak out that it'll be the last time Grace: you won't come back cos either you don't want to or you can't Grace: if he's the only reason for you to stay then of course I want you to be with him Grace: I'm not sorry for that Janis: Well I can try for you but I don't think going catatonic and then bolting off is much of a turn-on Janis: 'specially not Janis: nah Janis: she kept this up for ages, good times, eh Grace: Talk to him Janis: gonna need to take this shit first Grace: Please don't Grace: I'm sorry for everything I've said and done literally ever okay Janis: yeah Janis: know you are Grace: Janis Janis: sorry alright Janis: and I never sent nothing to Rio so you can go Grace: I'll come to you Grace: wherever Grace: you don't have to Janis: I really meant it when I said idk where I am Grace: we can figure that out Grace: & I'll tell him it's all my fault, whatever you want Grace: he knows what a nightmare I am Janis: it's my fault Janis: this would've happened at some point yeah Grace: it's me, I'll fix it Grace: just give me a landmark to aim at first Janis: he was from Janis: Ballyfermot, yeah Janis: even worse than Tallaght, I remember she said Janis: don't come here I just need to Janis: aim back Grace: I can't just sit here like 🤞🤞 Grace: that's all this fam ever does Janis: shit Janis: this was really stupid he was horrible Grace: are you okay??? Janis: okay, I'll put my location on but I'll start moving, just meet me halfway Janis: one of Edie's old dealers/boyfriends Janis: said she had the right idea, yeah Grace: I can't even with that Grace: I'm in a car now so just move Janis: who is it Grace: just me obvs Grace: I'm not getting any of them involved Grace: I have an app for a reason like Janis: right no Janis: good Janis: just don't tell your uber driver I'm packing Grace: duh Grace: what are you gonna do with it though? Janis: can't just chuck it Janis: what if a dog eat it Janis: or a little kid Janis: kinda looked like some weird sour sweet you know Grace: find a really really gross bin Janis: or, could keep it and take it when he won't speak to me eh Grace: that's not funny Janis: I know Grace: I can't even breathe rn Janis: told you I couldn't pick you up Janis: tweaked driving is probably marginally better than drunk but still Grace: if he did something to you, you literally have to tell me Janis: he didn't, I swear Janis: he was just Janis: chatting about how he missed her and I wanted to ram his meth teeth down his throat Janis: bet he barely remembers her name Grace: that's horrible Grace: fuck Janis: he looked so old Janis: but I'm thinking it was just the drugs taking their toll, no way did she Janis: I hope not Grace: I don't wanna think about it but like Janis: I wanted to mug him, like Janis: show I ain't no hypocrite Janis: but I couldn't Grace: you can't do this again ever Janis: I don't wanna make promises I can't keep Janis: but like Janis: I don't even wanna take it, it smells and looks so Janis: toxic Grace: I will literally kill you if you die Janis: I don't know how much longer I can do this Janis: 4 years and I Grace: stop Grace: I'll help you Grace: I mean it, I'll do whatever you want Janis: I'm just so angry all the time Janis: and mean Grace: you can shout at me rn if you wanna, I'm already crying Grace: this driver has seen some shit Janis: people should be nice to you Janis: sorry your friends are dicks Grace: I should be nice to people Janis: fucking state of us Grace: idk how to be different Grace: it's been so long, before Edie even Grace: literally who am I? Janis: me either Janis: if I give up being angry Janis: give up her Janis: what have I got Grace: you never have to give her up Janis: I think I do a bit Janis: she couldn't make herself happy, I can't do it for myself and her Grace: she'd want you to be happy, I was so serious Grace: she was coming to see you Janis: us Grace: no Grace: she hated me & it was totally mutual Janis: but she loved you and that was too Janis: can't not Grace: if anything she was coming to ruin whatever tween celebrations I had planned cos that'd make you happy Janis: I can't remember anything about that day Grace: me either Grace: how can it not feel real when it's the realest thing that ever happened Janis: how did we find out Janis: who told us Janis: I don't know, genuinely Janis: not like when I pretend I've forgotten things Grace: I feel like it was dad but maybe I've made that up Grace: cos of after Grace: idk Grace: we should know that, shouldn't we? Janis: yeah Janis: that's the problem, right Janis: 9 kids, to tell Janis: sort of thing you want to do one on one but then some would know before ithers and how Janis: how would you do that 9 times Janis: he must've just, Janis: it must've just came out Grace: how would you even do it once Grace: I can't talk about anything ever Grace: literally not an exaggeration Janis: I told Jimmy she ran away for good Janis: not that she's dead, that we know where she's gone Grace: you don't owe him the story if you don't wanna tell it, babes Grace: everyone knows so much of our business Janis: their mum Janis: they don't know where she is Grace: like she just left? Janis: I think so Grace: how old was he? Grace: that's so sad Janis: I don't know, I don't ask he's just Janis: we've both said some stuff Janis: but Bobby is 6 so Grace: you wanna talk, can't relate but Janis: sometimes it feels almost right, like he'd get it Grace: yeah Grace: A lad once said to me 'you don't fuck like you've got a dead sister' like word for word that's what he said Grace: what does that even mean, you know Janis: people are so fucking weird Janis: does he mean you weren't sobbing at the time or that you weren't giving it your all like you've seen death so you know life now Grace: I didn't ask for clarification Grace: I just threw up and left Grace: but like it'd be nice if someone understood it, maybe Janis: nicer than that doesn't take much but Janis: maybe it's worse Janis: and maybe I'm a dick for comparing Grace: but maybe he wants someone to understand too Grace: it's really lonely getting left all the time Janis: Grace Grace: ?? Janis: are you sure you don't want him Grace: EW Janis: you'd be much nicer Grace: no I wouldn't Janis: well you wouldn't run Grace: yeah I would Grace: just not like physically cos 👠 Janis: if he fucks Mia I'll cry I think Janis: then kill her Grace: he would never!!! Grace: he hates her and she's livid about it Grace: like same but I'm relieved Janis: it's only been a few hours right Janis: maybe I can Janis: oh God, I'll have to explain the entire Buster and Rio saga if I even want to explain tonight Grace: I'll drop you off if I ever get there Janis: hope your driver isn't the kidnap kind Grace: Don't that would be the perfect end to my evening Grace: he lives by nan & grandad, right? maybe I'll go there Janis: k but you'll have to share the bed if he won't let me in Grace: lowkey would have to give you the bed cos it's my fault so 🤞🤞 he does Grace: so over sofas OMG Janis: should make Saint swap you Janis: he'd fall for it Grace: my back hurts so much okay I haven't done yoga since I was like 8 Janis: should join mother on the lawn Grace: 😱😱😱 Grace: mhmmm LIVING for any direct comparisons between me & her Janis: defs gonna slutshame her into dressing her age Grace: ughhhh Grace: how could you ever sit him down for dinner with them Janis: you know, take the piss out of them relentlessly behind their back Janis: feel him up a bit under the table, standard Grace: thanks for that mental 📷 I didn't want or need, hun Janis: soz Grace: he's hot but like you're also there so Grace: awks Janis: I won't take offense Janis: though my ego is wounded Grace: nbd I just haven't been a hoe for a while & that's obvs everything I am rn Janis: didn't you Janis: fair boy Grace: the one who left or the one who you kept blowing up my phone every sec I was with Grace: cos either way no Janis: oh Janis: well, doubt you're missing much on either score Grace: I know exactly what I'm missing with my ex thanks Grace: & I don't hook up with 19 year olds who lie to me Janis: not good Grace: like you said, this town is full of the same kind of people Janis: how is it so crap Janis: with some lads Janis: like Grace: they don't care Grace: I've spent hours memorising every clip they like but there's no getting any of the same back Janis: relatable but still Janis: felt more getting a checkup at the drs Grace: you have to put it in for most of them cos they don't even understand the layout but they'll still ask you if it was good Grace: imagine being that confident Janis: I am Janis: but not gay Janis: soz ladies Grace: 💔 Janis: don't you 💔 weirdo Grace: it's for the one hot white boy you stole by being hetero so Janis: I offered and you ew'd Janis: let the record show Grace: shut up Janis: he's probably so single now Grace: STOP Grace: it's been like a hour or something Janis: I ran away Janis: he's gonna be so Grace: Babe Grace: just make him understand Janis: no pressure Grace: well duh Grace: there's a reason I don't let boys that close to me Janis: you're saying it like I don't know Janis: not my first rodeo Janis: it just happened Grace: you know what you did, that's more than any ex I've ever had Janis: well Janis: done now Grace: Yeah Janis: should I wait or tell him I'm alright now on here Grace: I'd wanna know you were okay but you know him Grace: is it better to just show up? Janis: I think he'd wanna know too but like Janis: ugh fuck it Janis: wish me luck Grace: obvs
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sunofrainbowdash · 8 years
The Metaphorical Death of the Sun
Sophie: [Sophie's been avoiding everything having to do with the Dae's. It was a hard, realizing that she couldn't even go two measley? weeks without seeing one of them. And it was the mother, of all of them. Let's ignore the fact that she'd pretty much cut Mina out of her life, and Sun, forget him as she tried, she still found herself thinking about him. Moreso as she was sitting down in his house chatting up with his mother. It was like old times, as if nothing happened, but this time, sitting at the coffee table she was wishing he'd actually not turn up. There wasn't any hint of hope for a ~surprise sun~ anywhere in her thoughts. It was obviously so opposite, and though she'd already felt a little more happiness in her life with her chat of Miss Rainbow Dash coming to an end, she knew that was about to be over with. So the Mrs? excused herself with a phone call, swearing to come back after-- which is probably what she never did-- and as Sophie was about to pick up her purse and make her way out, well I'm assuming Sun is there to metaphorically slap her in the face. wait i'm lying, there's a suzy for that lol]
Sun: [Sun's been at his internship all day, and he's ready to relax, and have a nice time hanging around his house (Suzy is in fact coming over, but he's, again, gonna find a way to sneak her in, like he probably has been all of this time. Yike.), but AS IT SEEMS, his family does not tell him when they will be having company, and I'm sure there's something about the air that gives it away immediately that Sophie is there. So when he walks into the living room and sees that she actually is there, his shoulders sag over, and he just sighs, thinking of the last conversation they had. He says nothing to her, as he figures, yup, she probably wants that. He's on his couch. There we go.]
Sophie: [She looked away immediately, having to tear her eyes away from the gorgously dressed Sun. And on the inside she wanted, and almost acted on impulse to swing that bag of hers at him. She would have rather GONE BLIND, than to see him so fine and dandy, and dresed almost too much to her appeal. So with a sinking and feirce eyeroll, she gritted her teeth to force back the, well, the betrayal, and the sadness inside of her. And though she knew it wasn't an outright betrayal--something he could not have done purposely, he had to have known what he did to her. He had to have known how insanely he made her feel, and if he didn't well, she would surely tell him.] I just don't understand... [She takes a step towards him.] how you sleep at night. [She scoffs.] How can one person treat someone so... [and she stops there because she's trying to find the word.] Disgustingly. If you didn't want anything to do with me, why would you push me so hard?
Sun: [He definitely had not been expecting her to say anything to him. He honestly thought she'd just pick up her stuff and leave. So when he heard her speak, he might have jumped a little, and he sunk into the couch when it registered that he was being, well, chastised. She confused him /so/ /much/. She'd taken everything back, right? So why was he still being yelled at? He looked away from her, casting his eyes to the floor. Normally he'd be throw the attitude back at her, but he just couldn't right now. So, all while she was speaking, he didn't look at her. Though, when she presented a question to him, which he presumed was not rhetorical, he looked back to her, and sighed. He ignored the statement before the question, because it was ridiculous to say that he'd not wanted anything to do with her.] Pushing you how, Sophie?
Sophie: Do I really have to go over this with you? [She's shaking her head right now, because honesly she's vibrating with a small rage because wTF sUN.] I never wanted any of this. I told you I didn't, and you pushed me. You p l a y e d with my mind, and then finally when I had fully convinced myself that you were right, entirely right for me [EXASPERATED SIGH.] You know I was mean, REALLy mean to you, but you can't even fathom-- you can't even comprehend how you've been treating me. And I thought we were friends. Friends don't do this to each other. So now what, Sun? I have to apologize to Mina and your mom, and explain to them that I can't stand their ~Sun enough to even come over? Is that fair Sun?
Sun: Sophie, that's not even... [He wanted to argue that everything she'd just said wasn't fair for him either; that she gave him no inclination of liking him for any reason other than what he might have on that day, and that her behavior was /confusing/ for him. But she appeared to have it in her head that only he was in the wrong, and it wasn't possible to fight Sophie when her mind was made up.] I don't know what you want me to say to you. I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do, okay? I wasn't /playing/ you. It's- It's complicated.
Sophie: Complicated? No. You don't get me to realize I have feelings for you and shove them down the drain when you want. You don't get to use my own words against me. You weren't just a lapse in judgement, and you fail to see that. But I see everything now, and you can sit there and diminish it all to one "complication", but it doesn't change the fact that I cared. And it wasn't fair to you to turn me away like that, not when you and your family are such a big part of my life. And you don't get to just say "sorry", Sun. Not if you're going to be this much of a jerk. [So huff, and there's a turning away because she's sad again, and let's not say anything more because she's gonna cry like an enormous baby heading towards the door bye sun.]
Sun: [So he feels bad. Really bad, as he should, because he's a lying, triflin' ho. He's frowning a really big frown, and he still isn't sure of what to do, because Sophie showing emotion was still a foreign thing to him, and so he didn't know how to react or what to say to her. All he did know was that he didn't want her feeling whatever way it was she was feeling. (Robot Sophie was easy to deal with. Sophie with feelings? Yikes.) So, when she turns to go to the door, for the first time I'm guessing, ever, he's gonna get up off the couch, and start to follow her out.] Sophie. That's-- I didn't mean it like that. I'm just-- it's--. [He just makes a face, because he's not sure how to finish that sentence. She's taken the ability to speak from him. How lovely.] I will /never/ be able to do that. Ever. Not really. [I think it's clear which part of her rant he's answering, but boy saying that is gonna bite him in the butt in a second.]
Sophie: [Not once did she turn around, okay. Not once, because she was too busy finding her own composure. So she really didn't see that wierd face he made towards her, she couldn't even force herself to turn around a take his words in, and she couldn't make herself spin around to see if they were true or not by the look in his face. Because they probably weren't, that was her opinion. So the muttering shadow behind her fought with his words, and her eyes were on the door in front of her. Before twisting the door knob, however, she had decided that maybe it was time to face that ice cream boy. So she did. There was a tiny spin, face to face, and so yeah, maybe she did believe him, because she felt like she was seeing a completely different part of the guy. Maybe they were capable.] Either way, it's too late isn't it? You've already made it evident that you're not to be trusted. [So with a nervous sadden laughter she shrugged.] There's nothing you can say to make me f e e l any better.
Suzy: [SO, somebody had sent Sun a text in between the time he got up from the couch and now. (HE LEFT HIS PHONE IN THE LIVING ROOM, ROOKIE MISTAKE.) Suzy assumes the twisting of the door knob is Mr. Dae coming to open the door, because Sophie has impeccable timing. So when the doorknob stays stationary, she is confused. She just k n o c k s on the door, like 'hello????', and perhaPS, she calls Sun's name, like 'wyd bf?']
Sophie: [As if to cement her last statement there is a voice heard from outside, and she cuts her eyes at that Sun.] I'm sorry, am I interrupting something? [SO THE DOOR IS OPENED. THANKS PARRIsh, and the ReVEALING OF SUZY IS LIKE THE REVEALING OF THE PHANTOMS BIG UGLY BURNT UP FACE. THANKS PARRISH, Actually it's not even like that, beause Sophie is not surprised. So arms folded across her chest there is an eyeroll and a sARCASTIC ADDRESSING.] Mina's friend, wonderful of you to join us. [though her eyes are occupied on Sun as they are shooting AVADA KEDAVRAS AT HIM.]
Sun: [Sun's eyes go wide. Like, terror spreads across his whole face, for real. When he sees that face of his ~girlfriend~, now looking confused because of the fact that Sophie is standing there with him, he wants to run up to his room and lock the door. But none of that terror could have amounted to the PURE TERROR he felt when his eyes landed back on Sophie, who was looking at him with a face akin to that of this https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/image...] S-Suzy. [He gives the most awkward and scared of smiles. And then he mumbles.] You're early.
Suzy: [As I said, Suzy's looking at Sophie with much confusion, because WHY is she here? Why is she standing here ALONE with Sun? And WHY is she speaking to her in such a way. She looks to Sun.] I texted you to tell you I was here. [And then back to Sophie, because reALLY. She's giving the biggest upside down smiley emoji face right now. AND THEN BACK TO SUN AGAIN.] I'm still Mina's friend, am I?
Sophie: [And though the girl looked at her with much confusion, Sophie stood her ground, not even taking a step backwards to let the SUZY IN. And honestly there was a scoff at the idea, having to text someone when you're at the Dae residence, rather than walking right in as Sophie did. So to Suzy: http://33.media.tumblr.com/953dfa1f74743..., just because] She asked a question Sun. Answer it.[There is an eyebrow raise towards him, and more of those evil stares, but imagine a softening because, answer it Sun and don't be wrong.] What else, no, who else could she be?
Sun: [Under the gaze of both of the women in front of him, Sun was starting to sweat. His eyes kept flashing back and forth between both of them rapidly, because, boy he was in DOO-DOO.] She's-- uh... She's-- uh... Suzy? Just Suzy... [He gives Suzy this look like WHY ARE YOU SAYING THESE THINGS. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE /SECRET/.]
Suzy: [Now this, as you could imagine, has Suzy annoyed, angry and V V UPSET. She gives a look expressing all of these things to Sun in response to what he'd just said. So she huffs, angrILY, ANNOYED at the idiot known as Sun Dae. With no regard for Sun, because there has to be some UNDERLYING REASON as to why he didn't want Sophie to know, she turns back to the other girl.] I. Am. His. Girlfriend. So, maybe, you should let. me. inside. [Said through grit teeth, oh jesus.]
Sophie: [Have to admit that word has got a Sophie real sHOOk THANKS PARRISH. So sure, she WAS looking at Suzy with a wild condescending look before because step off, but now it appeared she was the one to be stEPPINg OFF. So again to Sun trying to hide the hurt in her eyes, but come on, she REALLY LIKES HIM AND SHE CANT DO THAT OMFG.] Is it true? [And turn to Suzy.] Don't speak. [Holding up a hand to that one, like no.] I'd like to hear a confirmation because a second ago there wasn't a complication, right? [A THIS LOOK http://i.imgur.com/dryDpEy.gif ALRIGHT.] I guess I didn't realize it was Mina's friend.
Sun: Suzy! [And he's gonna sound angry, and mean, and v pissed, because how daRE she take that into her own hands, and just decide to tell someone (especially Sophie) that they were together? He looked at Sophie when she spoke again, and seeing the look on her face- one he'd never really seen before- it was like his heart sank just a little bit, because onlY NOW does he see that, yup, he was cruel to her as well. Just in a different way than she had been to him.] Soph... I--... Y-Yeah. Yeah she's-- it's true. Yeah.
Suzy: [UNFAZED BY THE BOY GETTING ANGRY WITH HER, TBH.] Right. His /girlfriend/. So, if you could let me in please?
Sophie: [And cut those eyes back to Suzy.] Congratualations. [A this look. http://i.imgur.com/3WJbUV5.gif] You seem perfect for each other, I could go for punching you both in the face right now. [BUT SHE DOESN'T, though there is a WONDERFUL SHOVE, and she makes her exit.]
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