#my phone is about to die so i'm gonna put it away and be back later
moonchild-in-blue · 15 days
You can take one of my jelly beans if you want :)
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bodhrancomedy · 6 months
Guess who's on TV!
(Well, iPlayer until the 15th, that's when it airs on BBC One)
Hope Street episode 3.11, let's go!
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First of all, I'd say they did me dirty with this picture, but my university ID was exponentially worse.
Onto the spoilers!
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Our boy Matthew has arrived in Port Devine, looking a little concerned.
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For good reason when he's suddenly confronted by this lad, Dara.
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Ah, a fight which Matthew escapes by slipping out of his coat. (Pretty sure this is the take where we ripped it practically in two...)
Dara's questioned, he claims he's never met Matthew in his life. Hmm.
Police do some investigating (and some character stuff) before Dara makes his way to Matthew's mother (Louise)'s house to have a wee showdown.
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They both in a gang and Matthew's stolen a gun. Dara needs to get it back...
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Matthew's nay having it. "This is my way out. If they want the gun back, they have to let me go."
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Another fight. The gun goes off! (Poor Pete and I were convinced after take one to put some padding on. My arm looks bulky because I'm strapped up with squishy stuff and allergic to plasters so it has to be in a sock)
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Thank fuck no one was hurt. Dara gets the hell out of dodge -
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Leaving Matthew to contemplate his mortality. And other people's, but mostly his own.
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"Oh fuck, my bosses are gonna find me and murder me, oh shit. I'm far too young and pretty to die!"
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Time for Matthew and Louise to follow Dara's example and get the fuck out of here.
The police are now on the Halbridges' trail, but they discover the phone tracking them and leave it in a field.
Meanwhile, Dara's been arrested for drug dealing. He refuses to talk, clearly nervous.
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Ah, what's this on Dara's phone? So Matthew and Dara have been in a relationship for over a year now.
(The poor intimacy coordinator having to walk me through my just about second kiss in my entire life. And the third. And the fourth. And the fifth... Pete is a very sweet person. Made it all funny.) ("Relax your hand, Bodh. Just relax it. Open - open your fingers, just let me position your hand.")
They're both working for the same gang. Matthew was given the gun to hold onto by their bosses' and freaked out, running away with the weapon. His plan was to trade his freedom for the gun, but Dara was sent to get it back for the Brazier Brothers, notorious drug runners and gang leaders.
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These guys.
Unfortunately, now Dara's had to tell the Brazier Brothers that Matthew is refusing. They're going to kill Matthew and then Dara. Oh no.
But Dara has an idea where they might be hiding.
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At the caravan there's a standoff between the police and Halbridges. But when the Braizer Brothers are arrested, they're convinced to come out.
(Side note, my favourite picture of me, ever.)
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Oh no, the Halbridges are going to jail and Matthew's regretting his life choices.
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Matthew walked off to his new life inside a jail cell.
The end.
(This is where Niall Wright accidently sublexed my shoulder. To be fair to the man, I'd never mentioned it and he took his finger sliding in-between bone like a champ)
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Look, it's me!! I was on TV! Bit sad they cut pretty much all the uses of SSE (weren't allowed BSL because we still had to speak the lines), but I got to be queer and Deaf so that's pretty nice.
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sixosix · 5 days
hello six! since you put it on your example, can I request izuku, a charger, but fluff? :3 congrats on 5k!
a/n 1k words !!! anon sent this back in march…its now july… thank you so much anon! sorry i got to this late
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"Seriously? None of you have one? Not even you, Denki?"
Kaminari inspects your phone from all angles, humming. He eyes your charging port distrustfully. "No? What even is this?"
You bury your knuckle on his head. "Dipshit. It's a phone. A phone that's about to die because you fried my charger trying to blow your hair this morning."
Kaminari winces. "Oohh..."
"Hey." Ashido claps a hand on your shoulder, sympathetic. "I'm sorry, but that idiot's right, ya'know? This model is outdated."
Bakugou is about to walk past when he plucks the phone from your grasp and then studies it intently. His eyes narrow.
You beam up at him, hopeful. "Do you have one, Bakugou?"
He throws it back at you, and you fumble to catch it. "Nah. Deku's got the same one, though. The nerd will let you borrow one."
And then he leaves, just like that. You're not sure if you should yell at him for risking your phone or kiss him on the cheek for presenting a ray of hope that came in the form of Midoriya Izuku.
Ashido's eyes turn sly. "Oh? Midoriya, huh? Looks like you'll have to..."
You slap a hand over her mouth. Kaminari perks up, his expression a visible representation of his brain lagging behind.
"Hafta what?" he asks in a whisper.
"Nothing!" you squeak out before Ashido could say anything. "Nothing at all. Mina, you're acting weird. I'm just gonna borrow a charger from my classmate. What's so strange about that? Nothing at all."
Ashido giggles. "Right, right. Make sure you don't stay longer than three minutes, or else I'll just assume you're stealing a ki—"
"God! Seriously. My phone's about to die! I should go now. Bye, Denki. I hate you, Mina."
You pad away, phone clutched in a death grip as Ashido's laughter echoes in the hallway. Of course. Of course, Midoriya would be the only one in the class with the same charger as you because that makes sense. Your long-term crush would be the only person, obviously. Right. Duh.
You have a suspicion that Bakugou is aware of this crush of yours, and Midoriya isn't the only one who has the same type of charger, but you'd rather take Midoriya than--god forbid--Mineta. Bakugou can play Cupid if he wants.
You knock softly. "Midoriya?"
Once, twice, and the door swings open right away halfway through the third one. You and Midoriya stare at each other for a startled moment. Midoriya gapes, mouth dropping open almost comically.
"Y/N!" he exclaims.
"Hi," you mutter. "Sorry, did I disturb you?"
Midoriya glances back at his room. You follow his gaze, falling on his desk with a single lamp lighting the room, directed at notebooks and pens spread about. He must've been studying.
Midoriya turns back to you with a soft smile. "No, don't worry. Did you need something?"
"Oh, yeah." You show him your phone, wishing to every deity out there that he doesn't notice how your hands are trembling. "Denki fried my charger, and my phone's about to die. Do you have one for this model?"
Midoriya's fingers brush your skin as he takes your phone to inspect it himself. You thank All Might and his mother that Midoriya's too busy with your phone to notice that you're steaming, positively overwhelmed by this proximity. You've never been close to Midoriya like this before. He smells like freshly pulled laundry, his warmth emanating even at this distance. You find yourself gravitating, inching slightly closer.
Midoriya looks back up again. Your noses nearly touch. You both jump back.
"Sorry!" you both cry out. 
"Um." Midoriya's face is beet red. "I do have the same model."
You knew that, obviously. You move to reach for your phone, eager to leave before you do anything else stupid and embarrass yourself further. "Thanks a lot, Midoriya. You're heaven-sent."
But Midoriya rears back. "Would you like to come inside?"
Midoriya wilts. "I—I mean, unless you want to charge in your own room, I was just— Well, that makes more sense, actually. Nevermind. Forget I—"
You brush past Midoriya, saying, "Sorry for the intrusion!"
As your eyes take in the alarming cluster of All Might merchandise, you belatedly register the door clicking shut behind you. Midoriya bounds over to his bed, pulling out his charger. He makes a show of plugging it into your phone and displaying how your phone brightens.
"Thank you, Midoriya." You sigh and cradle your now-charging phone in your arms, like handling a wounded child. "I might have to go out later to buy a new one so I don't bother you again."
Midoriya laughs, settling back on his chair, but he faces you. "I don't mind, really. You can visit here anytime."
You don't see why you must 'visit anytime' when you can bring his charger to your room, but you wouldn't want to overstep when he's already lending you his things. And there's really no downside to it aside from your impending doom of humiliation; you wouldn't take down the offer of rooming alone with your crush. Not when he smells so nice, and he’s giving his undivided attention to you.
"So..." You set your phone aside. "Is that Preset Mic's seatwork?"
Midoriya glances over his shoulder, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah. I wanted to finish everything today."
"Do you mind teaching me?" you blurt out.
Midoriya blinks owlishly.
"I-If you want, I mean! I'll pay you back or something—"
Midoriya slides his chair closer to where you're sitting, beaming. "Sure. While your phone charges."
"Yeah," you say faintly. "Yeah. While my phone charges."
You stumble into Bakugou on your way out of Midoriya’s room, giddy and floaty, like Uraraka’s touched you with all ten fingers and left you to rot in space. You muffle a squeal as soon as the door’s shut. Bakugou arches a suspicious brow, looking at you up and down like you’ve done something particularly scandalous.
“What?” you ask defensively.
Bakugou huffs, smirking. “You took your sweet time there.”
“He offered for me to stay while I waited for my phone to charge.” And then you stick your tongue out for good measure.
“As if. Deku uses a faster charger. Your phone should’ve been done five hours ago, dumbass.”
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elmhat · 6 months
(The posts here are ordered from least to most recent, since I figured it was a better experience to read them chronologically.)
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🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
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Mwahahaha… They'll never find my evil lair where I do evil things. Evilly. That I gave them a compass to
#sorry for vagueing #everything I do is mysterious
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💿 fuckdream123 Follow
just said my final goodbyes before my inevitable death and my friend couldn't even be assed to put on a shirt??
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#cw nudity
56 notes
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💿 fuckdream123 Follow
boats are so fucking boring man send me some asks or something
🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
I'm about to kill you, can you please take this seriously
💿 fuckdream123 Follow
why'd you make it so fucking far away
🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
Sorry I didn't realize you were THIS SLOW
💿 fuckdream123 Follow
can you just give us the coords
🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
Then it wouldn't be dramatic
💿 fuckdream123 Follow
it's not dramatic when you're having a whole ass conversation about it either
💿 fuckdream123 Follow
fuck i shouldn't have posted that. who am i gonna talk to now i'm fucking lonely i have no one
🐝 what-if-bees-had-nukes Follow
💿 fuckdream123 Follow
no one at all
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🥇 dreamsno1traitor Follow
If you don't see one of your mutuals here please tag them, it's gonna ruin the moment if someone shows up late
🥚 baddestboi-withahalo Follow
🔥 murdered-yo-fave-pet Follow
134 notes
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💿 fuckdream123 Follow
#rigging is allowed
16 notes
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🐝 what-if-bees-had-nukes Follow
he has an elevator, we're doomed.
🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
Can you get off your phone. I'm trying to monologue
4 notes
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🔥 murdered-yo-fave-pet Follow
New ask game cause I'm sick of waiting, tell me what you think dream is doing rn and I'll tell you how much death I think he deserves
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🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
I'm kinda busy rn but can someone remind me later to post my villain monologue? It's only a first draft but I had to spend all my time setting up my lair. And also blowing up that country a few weeks ago
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🐈 antthecatmaid Follow
I stg punz is being so sus. what's he even waiting for. he better be paying by the hour
11 notes
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🐝 what-if-bees-had-nukes Follow
listen I think I'm gonna die dream is about to take my phone the coords are
2 notes
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🔥 murdered-yo-fave-pet Follow
Fuck this I'm going through @dreamsno1traitor
🥇 dreamsno1traitor Follow
13 notes
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💿 fuckdream123 Follow
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#cw nudity #again #can people please wear clothes around me thanks
2,577 notes
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🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
/ tw prison
/ tw loss of canon lives
/ tw near death experience
/ tw getting defeated by your archnemesis
I won't be able to post for a while.
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🦆 stabbyduck69 Follow
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ooooohhh look at me i'm skeppy! in the skeppy cage!! can't believe that fucker made this wtf is this place
🦆 stabbyduck69 Follow
okay i'm done now bad where did you go @baddestboi-withahalo i need to get out again @baddestboi-withahalo @baddestboi-withahalo @baddestboi-withahalo
💎 goodestboi-withahalo Follow
Thank you for accepting this job opportunity
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🟩 evilwarcriminal Follow
Guys get out of my inbox. Your hate anons aren't even effective if I don't have a phone in prison
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🧨 deadpresident2 Follow
Hey I'm back from the dead
💿 fuckdream123 Follow
🧨 deadpresident2 Follow
Sorry forgot the /j
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🥇 dreamsno1traitor Follow
Good job today guys. Yeah. Woo. I'm very happy.
#forgive me if I sound too excited
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🐝 what-if-bees-had-nukes Follow
#I need to be vague about this cause he follows me on here #but I think my best friend almost just traded my life for two pieces of plastic #it was a pretty stressful situation though #ig I can't complain too much #am I weird for thinking that's not normal for a friendship? #sorry #I'm probably being unreasonable #they were some really nice pieces of plastic #you can lmk what you think in dms if you want #just please don't send me asks about this situation #I really don't want him to see #neg #discourse
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🦆 stabbyduck69 Follow
it's great that we got dream but we need to go after @.bloodforthebloodgod next
🐷 bloodforthebloodgod Follow
what's happening what
🦆 stabbyduck69 Follow
go away i thought i blocked you
💿 fuckdream123 Follow
🐝 what-if-bees-had-nukes Follow
technoblade is cringe
🐷 bloodforthebloodgod Follow
you literally tagged me
🦆 stabbyduck69 Follow
yeah cause i needed my followers to know where to send the death threats
28 notes
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🔱 warden-of-the-vault Follow
Pandora's Vault is now open to visitors!
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Just be aware that the entry process is a lengthy one with several waivers to sign. Plus there are a couple of annoying manual searches along the way. The prisoner is also highly dangerous, he will get inside your head and control your thoughts, transforming you into a servant to his every whim, destroying your very soul from within. I'd recommend not visiting at all actually. You can if you want but I wouldn't. If I were you. That's just me though.
#just me and him
103 notes
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(Here's another dsmp dash simulator post I made!)
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sathavious · 10 months
bro-code.ᐟ | y.itadori x f!reader
synopsis : You're megumi's little sister, that means hands off you according to bro-code, only problem is yuuji's so in love with you. Will he risk going against his best friend and breaking bro-code?
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warnings : profanity, somewhat mean yuuji, making out, megumi walks in, mutual pining, they’re shirtless.
wc : 2.5k
You were Megumi's sister, he'd known you since the start of high school, and his feelings for you just continued to grow.
5:10 pm
you heard a knock on your door, You open it and you see your brother's cute best friend Yuuji standing outside the door with what looked like a disk for a console game in his hand.
"Megumi home yet? He was supposed to be here to play with me"
Yuuji says breaking the silence.
You snap out of it, realizing you had been staring at him for the past 2 minutes.
"No sorry he isn't, You're welcome to stay inside and wait for him."
You shrug and give him an awkward smile pointing to the inside of your apartment, the tension in the air getting thicker and thicker.
"Sure! I'll come in and wait for him."
Yuuji says, entering your apartment and making himself comfortable on the couch.
You shut the door and follow him.
Although the both of you know each other, you've never had a conversation that lasted more than 5 minutes. 'This is going to be awkward' The both of you seem to share the same thought, unaware of how the other feels.
"Yuuji, why don't you text him."
You say trying hard to find any reason to talk to him.
"That's.. a good idea."
Yuuji says, pulling out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.
"Hey dude, how long until you get here? I'm already here, you're sister let me in."-5:16 pm
Yuuji texts Megumi, and his phone buzzes again a minute later.
"Got busy with something, be there by 8."-5:17 pm
He shuts off his phone and puts it on the coffee table, stretching his feet out and getting comfortable. 'I'm gonna spend almost 3 hours alone with her? I really hope I don't bore her or make her hate me.' Yuuji thinks to himself, looking at you.
"Megumi's gonna be home by 8, I'm gonna wait here for him, if that's alright with you."
Yuuji asks you, hoping you say yes.
"Yeah, sure if you don't mind being alone with me."
You respond, letting out a small laugh at the end of your sentence. He lets out an awkward chuckle in response.
'This is my chance.' The both of you think to yourself as you clear your throat trying not to let the conversation die.
"You said you were going to play with him right? How about we play to kill the time? I'm not as good as Megumi but I'm sure you at least won't die of boredom."
You say, your eyes lighting up with a glimmer.
"Sure, I hope you're not a sore loser because I'm not going to go easy on you."
He says as he gets up and turns on the TV and the console then proceeds to enter the disk, handing you the controller as he sits back on the couch.
"I'd like to see you try to win."
You say, clearly excited to play as you take the controller and ask.
"You ready Yuuji? Better start getting ready to lose now."
"As if, I'm gonna win."
Yuuji says as he sets up a custom FIFA match for you.
"Need a recap of the controls? Don't want you saying you didn't know how to do that after you lose."
"Nah I'm good."
You and Yuuji share a cocky smile as you divert your attention back to the screen. 3…2…1..START the TV screen reads as the room gets silent, the only sounds heard are the beeping of the controller and the game noises.
6:07 pm
Game over. Yuuji wins!
He looks at you with a mischievous grin on his face.
"Sucks to suck loser."
He chuckles and gives you a fake look of sympathy.
"That was only warmup, Let's play more, best of 3."
You say pouting and looking away.
"Sure princess. I'd be happy to defeat you a second time."
Yuuji says, leaning in closer to you as his voice gets deeper and his eyes glisten. He's clearly trying to flirt but doesn't want to make it too obvious.
You blush at the nickname but you try not to let it bother you. 'It probably meant nothing,' you say to yourself as you brush it off and give him a serious glare.
"Let's go then. The loser does whatever the winner wants."
"Sure what are you waiting for."
He says with a determined look on his face. He was gonna win at any cost.
You turn your attention back to the screen again as you play another round.
6:51 pm
Game over. Yuuji wins.
Your face turns into a face of defeat as you look down trying not to meet eyes with him.
"Getting shy now that you lost princess?"
Yuuji says as he moves in ever so close to you.
"The loser does whatever the winner wants."
He reminds you as you're rendered speechless, your face inches away from his as you feel yourself getting redder. You take a good look at him, analyzing his face.
He's so fucking pretty. He has pretty brown eyes, long eyelashes, plump pink lips, and a good smile, he has an undercut with pink dye and he smells like the ocean mist. He's not that muscular but just enough to the point where he has buff arms and toned abs. You're so in love with him and you've barely ever spoken to him. You just want to kiss him so bad. You snap out of your trance as you say.
"What do you want me to do pretty boy?"
Your crush on him is so fucking obvious, he doesn't seem to mind though, in fact, it looks like he's planning something.
'Shit, Megumi's gonna kill me for breaking bro code but I've come so far, no use backing down now.'
Yuuji thinks to himself, upon hearing you call him a pretty boy, his face is stained with a deep pink hue.
'I'm gonna do it.' he thinks to himself.
He leans closer to you his lips slightly parted.
"What? Are you too scared now pretty boy, You don't have to do it you know you could jus-"
He closed his eyes as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips, not wanting to pull away but he did, his mind started overthinking as he opened his eyes to look at you.
You're brains scrambled, and you're dazed for a second, it's clear you enjoyed the kiss, you pause for a second as you move closer to him, reducing the distance he put between you.
"If you wanted to do that you could've just told me, you didn't have to stop me mid-sentence. Although I'm not opposed to it either."
You say smirking as you look at him, your face turning to a dark hue of red as you give him a small but comforting smile.
"I've wanted to do that for so long, you have no idea. Wait does this mean you like me? Because I like you, I've liked you for so long, didn't know how to say it thought."
He says kinda embarrassed but also happy after that kiss.
"God yes, I like you so so much."
You say laughing as you grab his hand and intertwine it with yours.
"Does this mean we can y-you know um date and stuff?"
Yuuji asks, his eyes lighting up as he looks at you, curious about how you answer his question.
“Of course Yuuji my pretty boy”
You respond giving him a soft smile.
You both were still visibly flustered, eyes meeting each other, as you leaned closer feeling his warm breath on your face.
“I guess this is a good time…”
Yuuji says as he looks at your mouth, wanting to kiss you again, his eyes are still locked onto yours, waiting for you to say something.
“Good time to what?”
You ask, leaning in even closer.
“To do this princess.”
Yuuji pauses before he softly presses his lips against yours kissing you deeply with his eyes closed, his hands wrapping around you, he holds you close to him as he deepens the kiss.
“..so good…baby...”
You say mumbling as you grab onto him bringing him closer.
He kept going, closing his eyes as he kissed you. It was hard for him to stop now, not that he wanted to. He pulled away for a moment, opening his eyes as he breathed heavily.
“Your lips are so addictive I can’t stop.”
Yuuji looked at you as he spoke, slightly parting his lips. He was planning on doing something.
He got closer to you, kissing you again.
You felt his tongue run against your lower lip. His hands come over to your head, as they run through your hair.
“You’re making me want to do this princess.”
His tongue went further in, touching the roof of your mouth as his eyes stayed on yours.
“Don’t stop pretty boy…”
You say letting out soft whimpers and moans.
He had a playful look in his eyes as he kept going, he got a little more aggressive as his tongue got deeper.
You rake your fingers through his pink fluffy hair as your other hand cups his cheeks bringing him impossibly closer.
He let out a low moan when he felt how you were pulling him in closer. He was clearly very flustered.
Your hand pulls on his hair causing him to let out a few more moans as your other hand drops from his cheek to his shirt tugging on it.
He broke away from the kiss for a moment, pulling his shirt off as he threw it to the side cupping your face and kissing you again.
His actions were flirty and playful as he kept kissing you, you could see his toned body and muscles now.
“Gosh, baby you’re so hot.”
You say between muffled kisses as you stare intently at his body.
His face went a little red, his heart beating a lot more, you really were making him flustered.
“mm I’m really glad you think so princess.”
His tongue went deeper again as he kept kissing you.
You move your hand to his abdomen, tracing the outlines of his well-defined body as your other hand remains in his hair, pulling harder.
He gets a little more confident and seductive as he moves his hand down to tug on your shirt, pulling it off you.
Your face went redder, he was teasing you, and he knew exactly what to do.
“..your body is perfect just like you princess…”
He says completely pulling your shirt off you, now kissing and sucking on your neck as one of his hands grabs your waist pulling you closer and the other one fiddles with your chest then moves to your hair.
He leaves deep purple marks on your neck then goes back to kissing you.
All sounds drown out as the both of you continue making out completely mesmerized and your faces turning bright red.
7:37 pm
Just then the keys jingle and the door opens Of course the both of you, too involved with each other don't hear when it happens, and when Megumi walks in, he sees the both of you on his couch he says with his voice raised
Both of you pause for a moment as you pull away your eyes widening in shock. You turn around to look at a disappointed Megumi as he sighs
“You’re really breaking bro code I thought I told you my sister was off-limits.”
Megumi says to Yuuji as he facepalms himself.
“And you…”
He says turning around to you.
“You’re really not that innocent either. Kissing MY best friend on MY couch…”
He’s furious at you, you can feel it in his eyes as you look down avoiding Megumi’s gaze lips parted but not saying anything.
“You’re both shirtless too what the fuck were you even planning on doing. Is this a one-time thing that’s going to make it awkward for me to hang out with either of you again or do you actually like each other.”
Megumi is so mad. That's what you and Yuuji think as you both share a glance.
“I'm sorry bro but I really like her, I really do.”
Yuuji says pleading to Megumi as he hands you your shirt.
You put your shirt back on as you say.
“It's true Megumi I really like him too..”
You say trying to calm Megumi down and explain to him that you and Yuuji have liked each other for a long time and are dating now.
He freaks out a little but eventually comes to terms with everything.
“If you really like each other it’s fine. It's okay to break bro code if your feelings for each other are genuine. Next time though, don't make out on my couch.”
He says huffing as he looks at you and lets out a little laugh. Megumi really is the worst, you think to yourself.
You grab a pillow off the couch and hit him in the face.
“Go away now you’re ruining the moment.”
You say, Yuuji and you laughing at Megumi’s annoyed expression.
“Gross, get a room.”
He says as he walks away going to his room and putting headphones on.
“The moment’s ruined now isn't it?.”
Yuuji breaks the silence looking at you with a soft smile.
“Totally. Megumi’s a dickhead.”
You respond breaking out in laughter.
“I really do like you though princess.”
Yuuji says sounding a little more nervous now.
“Me too. I really like you too pretty boy.”
You say blushing a little more.
“Lunch date tomorrow? An official date now that you’re my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend. I’ll pick you up at 12.”
Yuuji shrugs, not meeting your gaze as he asks you.
“I would love to.”
You say giving him a kiss on the cheek.
He ruffles your hair and gives you a kiss on your forehead as he says.
“Gonna go hang out with Megumi’s now, bet he’s probably pissed. See you tomorrow, princess.”
He winks at you as he gets off the couch.
“Yeah, he’s probably pissed. I’ll be in my room then. See you tomorrow indeed, pretty boy.”
You say pouting as you get off the couch too making your way to your room.
He goes to Megumi’s room apologizes and then hangs out with him.
“I know you broke bro code but I think I can make an exception.”
Megumi says as he invites Yuuji next to him on the bed flicking his forehead and then handing Yuuji a controller.
“Thanks. I promise not to break her heart.”
Yuuji says smiling
“Good. I’ll kill you if you do.”
Megumi says with a serious expression on his face.
You walk into your room closing the door behind you as you plop onto your bed smiling after what happened. You look for your headphones as you listen to your playlist and text your best friend about what happened.
Both you and Yuuji were still smiley and blushing. Still thinking about each other.
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loveforeren · 1 year
I'm gonna fuck my love into you ➳❥ Eren x Reader
Jealous Eren I had my friend pick so I could write this.
Jealous!Eren heard from people every 2 seconds about what happened at yesterday's party. "Have you heard Y/N and Jean went upstairs alone together? They fucked for sure Y/N came down in different clothes." That was all he heard the whole day. You were throwing a small get-together of a few friends today so he was going to ask you about it after everyone left. He watches as Jean sits beside you and he clenched his jaw. His fist balls up tightly as Jean puts his hand on your thigh. Jealous!Eren looks away somehow maintaining his composure as Jean touches your body. That precious body of yours that he was ready to ruin.
"So what's up with you and horse face huh?" Eren asks keeping his eyes glued to his phone.
You turn to him, and laugh slightly thinking it was a joke. He's never had questions about anything like this.
"Why? You ain't cared about this before Eren." You questioned him.
"I want to know. E'vryone and they fucking mommas are talking about how you and Jean fucked. So I wanna hear it from you." He stated blankly.
"It's none of your buisness 'Ren. You've never cared why start now?" You say getting irritated by how seemingly fascinated he was for someone who never cared out this type of shit before.
Technically you were right you guys were just friends. For now. It wasn't his business but you not answering the damn questions was pissing him off.
"Nah stop that shit. I asked a fucking question, and I want an answer." He growled straightening his position to look at you as he glared with his green eyes which seemed to pierce into your soul.
"Fine, we fucked I don't know why your ass is trippin' over my shit." You say while staring into his green eyes.
You watch as his eyebrows knit together and he starts to frown. He turns his head away from you and pretended to go to his phone to make it seem as if he wasn't as mad as he was.
"Ion want you around him no more." He stated not caring to look back at you
"What the fuck? You are my best friend, not my boyfriend. Get that through your thick-ass skull. I don't know why your trippin' over some shit like this." You say now genuinely annoyed at Eren's newfound attitude.
You watch as Eren lets out a deep breath with what started to sound like a growl and you roll your eyes. The two of you sit in silence not saying a word to each other, but then you felt bad for the way you approached things so you sigh deciding to be the bigger person.
" 'Ren." You tap him on his shoulder trying to get his attention.
"Leave me alone bro." He uttered now sulking like a child.
Was this nigga serious? Was he really sulking over this shit when he's not even your man?
"I'm not your bro, and just fucking listen." You sigh getting agitated again because of his attitude which you felt was unneeded.
You tap his shoulder again but before you could call his name again you get pulled to him. His lips crash into yours as he kissed you roughly pulling you into his lap. You were going to pull away but his heat and his touch was something to die for. His hands wrapped around your waist tightly. Your body seemed to have a mind of its own, as you slowly grind against Eren, trying to get any type of friction through your clothes. He pulls away, and you see your lip gloss and whatever makeup was on your lips now smudged on his. You feel him lean forward and start to plant kisses along your jaw down to your neck.
"..'Ren..mm you know maybe you shouldn't-.." you say but is cut off.
"But Jean can?" He questioned staring at you intensely as if waiting for you to give him the okay to continue.
You sigh and give a small nod letting him know it was okay to continue. The second you nod his hands work to pull off your shirt. He pulls it over your head and then leans back slightly to get a view of your body. His hands slide down your side gently. He pulls you back into a kiss while his hands continued to work around your body.
" 'Ren calm down" you breathe out.
This was the first time Eren had ever touched you like this. There may have been little things like him wrapping his arms around your waist jokingly. It was jokingly or at least you thought it was...Now that you think about it he was really touchy. He'd put his hand on your thigh while he drove, he'd carry you to bed when you drank too much, and more stuff a boyfriend would do. You thought it was normal since he was your best friend..but now thinking about it he always seems extra attentive to you.
Eren's lips crash back into yours as you melt under his touch. He pushes your body onto the couch you're now under him, and his hands are clumsy messing with the button on your pants.
"Eren." You say catching your breath.
"What?" He asked as he finally got your pants off pulling them off in a quick motion.
"Why are you doing then all of a sudden?" You asked you felt as if you knew but you wanted to confirm.
"I refuse to let that bastard take you from me." He murmured.
Eren went and kisses your stomach gently his hands gripping your thighs. His fingers gently massaged your clothed clit. Your moans echoed through the small apartment. Your moans went straight to Eren's cock. His mind races, never in his life has he been this hard. Never in his life has he craved..no needed someone so bad. His lips kiss your thighs leaving mark after mark as he continued to massage your clit. Your moans and whines was enough to make him cum right then and there.
"Y/N.." he groaned lightly as he sucked and kissed your thighs.
His fingers move to the hem of your underwear as his eyes stay on your face. His fingers move from the hem, and he slowly slides them off of you throwing them not caring where they landed.
"You know how I fuckin' felt when I heard you fucked Jean," he growled.
His fingers slowly spread apart your warmth open. His lips going to clasp onto your clit while his fingers penetrated you. He lets out a delighted hum when he heard you gasp for pleasure. His fingers pumped into you causing you to become a moaning mess. Your walls clenched around his fingers earning a small groan that cause you to yelp almost from the sensation.
"..' Ren slow down" you managed to slur out amidst your moans.
His tongue continued to explore your needy and wet cunt. You squirm in his touch as your voice continued to echo around the room and make his dick unbearably hard. You feel his fingers leave you and you clench around nothing feeling empty.
"Why did you stop," you questioned even though it came out as a mumble he heard you.
"I'm going to fuck you until you realize just how much I fucking love you." He growled.
"Love me?" You questioned.
He didn't answer he simply slipped his pant slowly off, doing the same to his boxers. He grabbed your hips pulling you closer as his erect cock gently rubbed against you.
"Since you can't seem to feel how much I love you, I'm gonna fuck it into you," his hands rubbed your waist.
"How l-" Before you could finish your sentence you feel Eren's cock enter you quickly.
You gasped as he pounded into you. His hands gripped your waist tightly as you moan uncontrollably. You could barely hear because of how long you were but when you were able to listen you could hear Eren. His grunts and moans between him spewing out praises and possessive words.
"You feel so fuckin' good y'know that." Or "I want you to be mines and mines only ya hear me." Was all you could hear. You could practically feel his jealously ooze off of him.
One of his hands moved from your waist and squeezed your face pulling you into a feverish and sloppy kiss. You could hear him groan as he kissed you. His thrusts were deep and fast giving you little to no time to catch your breathe between screams.
"Do you know much I fuckin' love you now? Do you?" He questioned, his pace not slowing down.
"Y-yes- Fuck- right there please" You yelled out shamelessly.
His lips trailed across your neck sucking, licking, and kissing everywhere he could.
You were too engrossed in the pleasure that you didn't realize your phone was ringing.
Eren looked at the phone and his face turned into a scowl as he picked up the phone with no warning.
"She's fuckin' busy." He said making sure to go deep and fast earning screams and moans.
He hung up throwing the phone back over on the couch. His thrust was starting to get sloppy, and you were about to cum.
"..'Ren too Much- slow down" you yelped out.
"I Know take Ma, bare with me for a little longer." He mumbled.
You feel him stretching you out and pounding into you. It was so much..it was too much. You feel him put your hands over your head and he thrusts one last time. You felt the knot in your stomach snap. You felt him fill you up. He was so lucky you were on Plan B. He continues to fuck you through both his and your orgasm. He leans down still in you and lays his head on your chest.
"You know I love you so much? I'm tired of this best friend shit." He mumbled
Your hand went into his hair raking through it.
"Gimme a chance" He mumbled hugging you tightly.
"..we can try..I don't want our relationship to be ruined..you know how I can be.." you whisper quietly to him.
"I can deal with all parts of you..I love everything about you." He whispered back.
"..I love you too.." you whisper quietly.
You feel Eren let out a sigh of relief and you chuckled.
Eren and you had been friends for years. Looking back you always loved him. You just took time to realize how much you loved him.
"Thank god." He whispers before sitting up.
"..what are you doing?" You questioned.
"We're not done yet. I want to fuck my girlfriend. Maybe I'll fuck a baby into you." He said with a grin.
GAWD. I took forever to finish this bc I'm lazy. I have one more Eren fic to finish and a Miguel Lil snippet and a Jean fic so gimme a little yall. I'm trying
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kaylalovesmaneskin · 1 year
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A/n:heyyyyy loves I’m back with another story i promise i will try to upload a lil more but I have been busy with my personal life and I would hope y’all would understand stand and I will get back also for my next story please comment or suggest someone bc I’m running out people to write but with out future a do let’s get into this story also by the way y/n will be in college in this story so she’s like around the age 20-24 and rheas her own age 🙌❤️‍🩹 Taglist @ellior1111 @tommy-lee-slash
Paring:Rhea Ripley xFem!reader
Warnings:lesbian sex teacher x student relationship and swearing and a whole lot of smut🤭
"Well that's stupid." Your friend muttered, looking at her phone. "Seriously. If I get stuck with Mrs Jackson. again, I'm going to die!" I cried out, hitting my head on the lockers. "Oh, you'll be fine. It's just one hour anyway." she said, putting away her phone. "Yeah, one hour that I could be spending with you...or sleeping." I added. She giggled, "Go to detention you trouble having ass kid." "Yeah, whatever. See you tomorrow." I chuckled. I sighed, flung my backpack over my shoulders and walked down the hallway. People passed by me, bumping into me without so much as a side glance. Just like the fucking airport... I scoffed and headed to my homeroom where detention is to be served. It's not like I was bad kid or whatever but I blame Ms. Ripley. Every since she fucked me in math class 2 weeks ago, I've been horny as hell for her. What does this have to do with detention? Well, I'll tell
"Duuuuuuude, I'm so fucking horny right now." I whispered to my bestie. "And you feel the need to tell me this why?" she questioned, looking up from her phone. "Because you're my bestie and you should know everything about me." I teased. ”l don't need to know that much about you. But just do it in the bathroom. No one's gonna catch you as long as you're quiet." she shrugged. I chewed my bottom lip. I didn't have much of a choice really. I can't keep ignoring it and I have Ms.Ripley next hour! My horny vibes are going to be through the fucking roof. I sighed and rushed into the girls bathroom, locking myself in a stall. I stayed quiet for a couple minutes, making sure no one would walk in. I slowly reached into my pants, moving down my stomach to my panties. I closed my eyes and pictured Ms. Ripley’s tits and the feeling of sucking on them. My mouth started to water just by the thought of it and I found myself quickly rubbing my clit on my panties. I let out soft whimpers, just wanting to touch her again. I held onto the stall, rubbing faster just about to reach my climax. I opened my mouth to let the moans flow out a little louder than before. Oh my God, it was so risky yet so fucking hot and I could feel my juices flowing down my inner thigh as I moved my hand into my panties. "Oh, Ms. Ripley.." I moaned, gently sticking a finger in. I rode my finger, wanting to scream with pleasure. I exhaled shakily, wanting more than a quick release. I wanted her body pressed against mine and our chest rising and falling as we fucked each other endlessly. Fuck, I want her so bad! I slammed my finger into me and I let out too loud of a moan. I covered my mouth as the bathroom door flung open. I kept going though, because I was so close and if I'm being honest, I loved the feeling of being risky. Loud heels clacked on the floor as my eyes rolled to the back of my head, about to cum. "Oh, y/n you naughty girl. Touching yourself without me watching is so bad." Ms. Ripley whispered through the door.
I gasped quietly, stopping all fingering movements. Oh fuck... I slowly pulled out my finger and unlocked the bathroom stall with my other hand. I hid my cum filled finger behind me. There Ms. Ripley stood, her black short hair beautifully hanging by her ears down her hourglass figure body. Her chest was bulging out of her shirt and she looked down at me with a smile."M-Ms. Ripley ..." I whispered, my pussy throbbing. "Y/n..." she replied, making me wet. "Hm...detention." was all she said. "W-What!?" I cried out, exposing my other hand. She stared at it before quickly grabbing my arm and holding it up. I whimpered as she licked her lips before sucking on my finger. She dropped my arm and trailed her eyes up my body. "Detention." she muttered, walking out.
So yeah, that's what happened. Am I mad.. yes. Hell yes. But she was so fucking sexy that I couldn't stay mad. I entered the classroom and threw my backpack on the ground next to my desk. I rolled my eyes to find an empty teacher's desk. Big fucking surprise. I scoffed just as the door opened and in walked the sexiest person alive. I gulped and sat up in my seat. She looked at me before turning around and locking the door. Oh...? She closed the blinds to the windows and stayed by the wall. "Here." she said, pointing in front of her. I quickly stood up and walked over to her. I stood so close, her tits were almost in my face. She had a fake thinking look on her face as she decided my fate. The air in the room was so thick you could cut it with a steak knife. "Now why. would you think it was okay to pleasure yourself without me?" she questioned, grabbing my tits. "I-“. "You.. you?" she squeezed. "I was just feeling really horny so I-" "Who did you think of?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "You." "Good girl." I blushed. She massaged my breasts for a little, making me wish she would just fuck me already. I bit my lip as she gave them one final squeeze before undoing my shirt. She pulled it over my body and stared at me and my exposed breasts. The more she stared, the more I wanted to hide. Her gaze was so intense it felt like she was judging my boobs. "You have amazing tits, did you know that?" she inquired, taking one in her mouth. "Oh I- ngg~gh" I moaned, as she sucked on one. "God, they're so good." she whispered, teasing the other one. Her tongue swirled around my tit, making it feel special. She roamed the well known tits, claiming them as hers. I resisted the urge to touch myself as I let her know how much I loved her mouth. She sucked on one making a long drawn out moan before letting it go with a loud POP. I exhaled with a lip bite as she slid her hands up my breasts so my tits went through the gaps in her fingers. I swear I'm getting high just by her touch my God. "On the desk for me." she said. I looked back before slowly backing into the desk so I could sit on it. I got on the desk, spreading my legs slowly just to tease her. She flashed her pearly whites and walked closer, grabbing the bottom of my pants and ripping them off of me. I gasped as she left me in my black panties. The cold air hit my legs, making me go stiff. "Relax...Lay back." she whispered, pushing me back against the desk. I lifted my legs waiting for her to do something. She pulled off my black underwear and threw them somewhere. My vision was to the ceiling as she kissed my pussy so gently I could barely feel it. I whined to which she slapped my thigh. I gasped and shot up. "Do that again." I demanded. "Again..? Like this?" she asked, slapping my thigh again. "Yes..." I moaned breathlessly, leaning back down.
"Or like that?" she questioned, hitting my other thigh. I moaned loudly, knowing I would bruise later. She rubbed the spot she recently hit as she used her tongue to just get the surface of my pussy wet. I shivered, wanting more. She stopped rubbing and used her other hand to open up my flower. She moaned happily before applying her warm, wet, wonderful tongue to it. She stuck it in me and tasted every part, wanting to get to know me and my body. "Fuck, you taste good." she whispered."Fuck!" I moaned loudly, closing my eyes. She sucked my clit before adding in two fingers. I clenched, not ready but got used to it quickly. I sighed as my body moved with her fingers as she pleasured me. She used her thumb to rub small but quick circles around my clit as she licked and sucked other areas of my pussy. I squirmed on the desk, whimpering and moaning her name constantly. "Oh fuck I'm so close! Don't stop..." I begged, wanting to just cum all over her face. "Mmm.. cum all over my finger you naughty girl..." she taunted. My body was shaking and my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I reached my limit. I gasped as my cum shot everywhere on her fingers and boobs. I moaned, satisfied. "Oh, you didn't think I was done did you?" she asked, unbuttoning her shirt. "What?" I asked, trying to catch my breath. She let her shirt fall to the floor and she unhooked her bra with a smile. She leaned over the desk and her tits hit me in the face. "Suck." I stuck her tit in my mouth and did as I was told. Her moans turned me on as I kept going, rubbing the other one. She giggled, slowly but surely touching herself. Fuck, I feel another orgasm coming! She moaned louder as she took her tit away from me. She climbed on the desk, resting comfortably on my hips, her pussy just barely touching mine. "Scissor me mommy." I pleaded. She sat on my pussy and rocked back in forth. I hit the desk with my hand and moaned loudly. She went faster, so fast to the point where she had to hold onto the desk for support. The desk rocked with us as we fucked and our bodies become one in this classroom. I screamed happily as she rubbed directly on my clit again. “Fuck!" I moaned, her boobs moving with us. Her moans collided with mine as we both released ourselves together. I moaned tiredly as she got off me, panting. I rolled over, laying on my belly, trying to breathe. She smacked my ass and laughed. "Good fucking girl."
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stjernehiimmel · 4 months
haechan brainrot……….. also im sick so that inspired me to write this short thing
Your boyfriend is "sick" and he’s being dramatic about it 🐻
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“Are you just going to let me die here? All alone?” he asked you, pouting. He was laying on the couch, wrapped up in almost 3 blankets and had been supposedly ‘dying’ all day. According to himself.
“Babe, you said it's only a cold. You’ll be fine,” you said, sighing a bit at his dramatic behavior. “And besides, I’m just gonna go grocery shopping. I’ll be back in like 20 minutes.”
He looked like he was calculating his next response, but honestly, knowing him, it was probably something dramatic again.
“Alright, I’ll just suffer here in dead silence until you’re back…” he muttered, putting his head back against the pillow and closing his eyes.
You gave him a kinda sharp look, which he noticed when he opened one eye to peek at you.
“Hey, I’m just kidding! But uh, can you buy me something while you’re there?”
“Yeah, sure. What do you need?” you smiled a bit at him.
“A coffin. In case I actually pass away. You wont survive a day without me though.”
Your smile instantly faded into a frown. Then an annoyed expression.
“Hyuck, I swear to—“ you didn’t even want to finish your sentence, instead you got up and grabbed your grocery bag, while your boyfriend was feeling totally satisfied with himself. “Alright. How about this... I’ll buy us some chocolate and then when I come back, we can watch a movie or something. Will that help on your sickness?”
And then, it was almost like his cold was completely gone — the way he suddenly lit up. You almost couldn't help but wonder if he was faking being sick just to get your full attention. It wouldn't be the first time.
“Wow… It’s almost like you can read my mind,” he smiled. "What did I ever do to deserve such a beautiful and sweet partner?"
"I'll take that as a yes," you said, internally patting yourself on the shoulder for making him stop complaining so dramatically. "I'll be back soon. Don't die while I'm gone, okay?" you said before leaving out the door.
While you were almost finished at the store, some messages ticked in on your phone and immediately you check it.
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Guess you could let him get away with his fake sickness... But only because he's so damn cute.
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thebearer · 1 year
we need a carmy imagine for when she goes into labor with willow!
"Hey, Carmy." You sweet voice flooded through the phone from the other line, making him relax, pen tapping against the order forms for new produce, a few more replacement dish ware.
"What's goin' on, beautiful? You alright? Teddy ok?" Carmen asked, cradling the phone between his shoulder and ear.
"We're good. I'm on my way to drop Teddy off at Aunt Sugar's." Your voice lilted, rising to that cooing high octave that had Teddy squealing with excitement. "She's gonna watch her for a few days."
"What?" Carmen frowned, looking at his calendar. You didn't have anything planned, not that he could remember. "Why-Why would Sugar be-"
"Oh, I'm in labor." You said, plainly, a simple little hum like it was nonchalant.
"What?" Carmen boomed, dropping the phone and pressing it back against his ear.
"Yeah, my water broke about an hour ago." You hummed. "I packed the bag and called the hospital and Sugar, and-"
"-You called Sugar before me?" Carmen snapped. He took a deep breath, snatching his keys and jacket before bounding out of the office. "Are you driving right now?"
"Carmen, they're not that bad right now." You rolled your eyes. "They're still really far apart. We've got a long way to go. God, I hope it isn't as long as it was with Teddy. I thought I was gonna die-"
"-Listen. You get to Sugar's and-and stay there." Carmen said fiercely. "I will be there in a few, ok?"
"Alright, Carmy." You sighed gently. "I already-oh." You hissed gently a deep breath pulling out of your throat and out your nose slowly.
"What? What's goin' on?" Carmen was already in his car, shouting something to Richie about you being in fuckin' labor before peeling out into the street.
"Just a little contraction. It's alright." You sighed, your grip on the steering wheel tightening.
"Pull over, right fuckin' now." Carmen's voice was tight and commanding. "Now. And tell me where you're at."
"Carmy, I'm almost to Sugar's. I'll just-"
"I'm not doin' this with you. Pull over, now." Carmen hissed. "Please. Don't fight me on this, ok? I don't want anything to happen to you or Teddy or the baby, ok? Pull over. Tell me where you're at. I'll be there soon."
So you did, of course you did. Your brain going foggy when he used that tone, rarer now that you had a baby, but still clouding your brain into submission. "We're at Target. The one on the corner before Sugar's neighborhood." You put the car into park, running a hand over your stomach trying to rub out the cramp. "Carmen, I'm so close and I'm fine. I can just-"
"-Stay." Carmen's voice quipped with an edge that had you pouting lightly. "I'm five minutes away, baby. I'll be there soon."
Sugar and Carmen pulled in around the same time, Carmen fussing over you while he got you out of the car, tossing the keys to Pete to take. You peppered Teddy's face in kisses, soft coos and promises of a baby sister while Carmen drove you to the hospital.
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pablitogavii · 10 months
Secret weapon
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You were giving Pablo a silent treatment..why? Well, because you've asked him to put the dishes into the dishwasher this morning only to come back home exhausted from work to find them all piled in the sink.
When you confronted him about it while he played his stupid video games, he just called you 'dramatic' saying he will do it now. You just stayed quite stomping into the bedroom without another word.
After you took your shower and went to make yourself some stress relieving tea, you saw that all the dishes were placed in the dishwasher and that Pablo was walking towards you with a pout on his face. Not gonna work this time Gavira!
You sat on the floor placing tea on the table as he walked by you touching your arm gently before sitting behind you and trying to pull you close but you refused pulling away quickly. That made his groan in annoyance.
"Amor..I put the dishes away" he said but you just ignored him getting up and sitting on the bed instead grabbing your phone. He sighed getting up himself sitting on the table in front of you.
"I know you're angry I called you dramatic preciosa.." he said and you nodded your head completely forgetting that you were supposed to completely tune him out.
"But you have to agree this is such a silly think to fight about" he added and now you were pissed once again. Why couldn't he apologize like a normal person!?
"I really want to go to bed and cuddle now.." he added but you would rather die than give him what he wanted now..not without a proper apology Gavira!
"Princesaaa! I'll even let you play with my hair..how does that sound??" he said and although it was a good enough bribe you stayed cold and composed.
"Oof you're a hard one to crack aren't you?? But I know how to make you fold.." he smirked moving closer and you felt yourself getting nervous wondering what he had in mind now.
"Do you want me to show you my secret weapon cariño?" he smirked more and you looked into his dark orbs that were now filled with lust.
"You sure you can handle it preciosa...?" he whispered into my ear before kissing my cheek making it blush bright red in response. Damn it! He was getting exactly the reaction he wanted!
"So I happen to know one of your biggest weak spots mi anjo precioso...one thing that makes you melt into my hands like a precious little puddle" his hand rested on your knee as he spoke and you felt a shiver move down your spine in response to his warm touch.
"Hm..you know it's been awhile since I've had you preciosa" he said his voice becoming so deliciously low while hi hand moved between your thighs now massaging teasingly while you gulped.
"I can tell you're slowly folding.." he said after a few minutes of massaging your thighs so nicely that you closed your eyes completely engulfed in the feeling.
But when you heard his confident words, you suddenly closed your legs but one of his hands quickly snuck between them opening them up again and now your panties were ruined.
"Ah ah now you don't want to be bad anjo..or I might have to teach you a lesson?" he said moving even higher this time and you couldn't help the moan escaping your lips which made him very satisfied.
"Damn it!" you finally speak and he smirked nodding his head before standing up and pulling you up as well and you were face to face with each other now.
"I'm sorry I didn't do what you asked amor..and for calling you dramatic..but you have to admit my secret weapon works" he said raising up your chin smiling when he saw you blush harder.
"Maybe un poquito.." you whisper and he smirks nodding his head before leaning down and capturing your lips into a sweet and passionate kiss. The he told you to jump before carrying you to bed definitely making it up to you properly ;))
Ik it's ben awhile! I'm sorry! I've been so busy lately :))
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tojisbbygworl · 1 year
Before I Let Go - Yandere!Miguel O’Hara x Reader
Summary: A grieving woman comes face to face with her thought to be deceased husband and can't find it in her to care about how wrong this was. She missed him. So much.
WARNINGS: Thoughts of Suicide, Suicide Attempt
Words: 4,994
Tags: 18+, 3rd person, Angst, Emotional Smut, Desperation, Grief/Mourning, Yandere, Spying, Kidnapping, Minimal Spanish terms of endearment
author's note: hey y'all. I have another fic for you. I am so glad I finished it it's been sitting in my drafts for a minute. The yandere part of this isn't violent although there is some slight physical pain put on the reader during sex. Just a mention of choking and scratching it's not bad. It's more obsession if anything. Also, I wasn't even gonna try with the Spanish girl. The most he says is carina and hermosa and I know y'all are sick of seeing that atp. I barely even tried with the British for Hobie I'm not about to embarrass myself LMAO
I hope this makes y'all sad honestly I feel like I could have made it sadder but I'm still very happy with it. Anyway, enjoy! 🩵
AO3 version
My AO3
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The buzzing sound of a phone call is all that can be heard in the apartment. It has been a week since the funeral, and Y/N O’Hara hasn’t said a single word. She doesn't even remember what her voice sounds like.
Miguel O'Hara was everything to her. He meant the entire world. She would do anything he asked, but he never asked for much. All he wanted was her love. She was the same with him. A perfect partnership. She felt like she was on top of the universe. And then it was taken away from her. In a fucking car crash, no less.
He was the smartest person she knew. He was the head geneticist at Alchemax after all. He wasn't a stupid driver. No. It was the other driver's fault. But what could she do about it? It was just a kid. A teenager that had just gotten their license, but hadn't taken official driving lessons; no one really drilled into them the severity of texting while driving. How could she really blame them? How could she press charges? Miguel always told her that she was too forgiving. Too understanding.
He was right. But...she also couldn't help but to think it wasn't fair. That her beautiful husband had to die from their actions, and all they had to deal with was an insane insurance increase and a fucked up car that their parents were bound to replace. She would give anything to trade consequences. Anything.
Almost two months since his death, she's been wandering around her apartment frequenting the most common places she and Miguel would cuddle in. She always had a shared blanket, one of his shirts, or a pillow that had his hair on it to squeeze and cry into. If she sprayed it with his cologne and shut her eyes really tight, she could almost imagine he really was there. Almost.
These objects could never replace him. She missed his warmth. She missed his chest pushing her head up and down from his breathing. It would rumble when he chuckled. His hands were so large that her entire back would heat up when he held her gently. He was so tall, 6'6 to be exact, he would completely engulf her whenever they embraced. She felt so safe in his arms. She doesn't feel safe anymore.
Nearly two months of hunching over on the floor of her apartment in pain. She wailed into the ground. Coughing and scratching whatever she could hold onto, because the pain was too much to bare. Oh, the pain. She wouldn't wish this kind of heartbreak on anyone or anything.
The apartment was large, courtesy of his checks. He could already afford it on his own, then, the both of them married just a few years ago and he didn't expect her to pay a dime, despite how much she insisted. Instead, she bought food and handled upkeep. If it got too expensive, then he would chip in. She would have to move out eventually, his remaining income and life insurance the only thing keeping her afloat. Just another thing that she can’t fathom.
It was 3 bed, 2 bath. One was their bedroom, the other was his office, she's been going in there a lot as well, and they always wondered what they would do with the last room. For so long, it was empty even before she moved in with him. He never knew what he could use it for. He had hoped that she would turn it into a hobby room, she loved to paint and she played the violin a little, but there was a beautiful terrace attached to the apartment that she opted for instead and she insisted the living room had the best acoustics so the room remained a mystery. Until last year, when he dropped a bomb on her.
It was an extremely average day for the both of them. They were both home from work, nothing interesting to report, and were deciding what to eat for dinner. She suggests something they could cook, and he agrees. As the night goes on, something seems off about Miguel. He's quiet and zoning out a lot. Something has to be on his mind, right?
"Babe," she calls for him snapping him out of his trance.
"Everything alright?" She puts her hand on his shoulders and gives him a worried look. Miguel swallows his spit then turns towards her grabbing her hand and placing his on her waist.
"I've been thinking..." His voice is small. She starts to grow anxious as she had never seen him look so timid. He was more nervous than when he asked her to marry him.
"W-What is it?" She stutters. He kisses her knuckles.
"It's just something that I've been wanting for a while now. And if you don't, then It's completely fine. I care about your happiness above everything."
"Miguel, stop being so cryptic and tell me what's up," She half jokes.
He nervously bites his lips and looks away. Then, taking a deep breath, he looks into her eyes and says, "I want to have a kid."
She felt it was best to pretend the work-in-progress nursery didn't exist. In her mind, the room is still empty. There wasn’t a crib set up. The walls weren't in the process of being painted. They didn't have arguments about what to put on it because they didn't know the gender. In fact, gender of what? They weren't planning for a baby. The third room is as empty as she is.
The both of them were foolish, deciding to get everything set up before she got pregnant instead of winging it like everyone else. She should have winged it. Then maybe she would still have a piece of him with her.
It was so fucking hard to focus on what mattered. She was hanging on a thread that thinned out every single day. Before the funeral, she wondered what would be her breaking point? The point where she finally got up and decided to keep going.
The weather was very fitting for that day. The sun was gone, and the rain came in waves. Her tears, however, never stopped. It was a stupid decision to make it open casket. She gazed upon his resting face for the first time since he died in the hospital then turned and ran to the nearest bathroom to empty her stomach. She hadn’t even gotten to say her speech; Miguel’s mother read for her instead.
Something inside her snapped. Sometimes the pain is a dull ache in her chest, and she’s numb everywhere else. Other times it’s a sharp twang that she can feel in her back. She has to lay or sit down when that happens. Sometimes it courses through her entire upper body and she can’t even move. But this…this stabbing, twisting, and searing pain that ripples through her heart and travels to the tip of her fingers and toes…she hasn’t felt this before.
This was the breaking point, but it did the opposite. She didn’t talk for the rest of the day, her and his family begging her to stay with them. She didn’t listen.
It was nights like tonight that she felt completely alone. She knew she wasn’t, if she just picked up the phone and texted someone, then maybe she would be okay. She just needed to stop looking at the ceiling, turn to her nightstand, pick up her phone, and call her mother. But it was 1 in the morning, and Miguel looked so happy in her lock screen picture…
Her and Miguel had been up here on the top of the apartment building so many times before. They liked to dance, he would watch her play or paint, they had picnics together, it was perfect when they wanted to get out of the apartment, but still have some privacy.
The view was nice. They could see across the entirety of Nueva York. Central Park in the fall was especially amazing to gaze upon. But now it fills her with grief. As she steps on top of the edge, she decides that if this couldn’t make her feel better, then nothing could.
She’s glad she’s doing this in the middle of the night, where no one could see her and call for help. She was sure that she would traumatize a couple people when morning came, a problem that she couldn’t be bothered by. She was ready to be back in his arms. So she walked off. And closed her eyes as she plummeted through the air.
She’s scared. But excited. She only has to feel excruciating pain for a second and then never again. It’s almost over.
She hits something, or more so, something hits her. She’s still flying through the air, but it’s different now. There’s a warm body holding onto her for dear life, and she’s soaring upwards into the night sky. Opening her eyes to gaze at her savior, she sees a masked silhouette. It-it’s Spider-Man…but he looks completely different. She can barely see him, the only source of light being the moon, but she could swear that this wasn’t his mask.
They land on the rooftop again and he puts her down. She crawls away from him, embarrassed and ashamed at what she’s done. She was still alive and now she was in more pain than ever before. Wailing on the floor, she glared up at him in vitriol.
“Why did you save me?” She yelled, her voice powerful for a woman who hadn’t been verbal for a week. Spider-Man didn’t answer. She wasn’t even sure if he was looking at her. “I didn’t want to be saved.” Still, he said nothing. So she continued to cry, and she cried harder and harder until she felt a sensation on her back.
He was trying to comfort her, but when she turned he backed off, holding his hands up instead. Her lips quivered, then she threw herself into his arms. His hold on her body was snug and comforting. Her anger for him dissipates immediately as she accepts his affection. For the first time in a while, she felt safe. She didn’t want him to let go.
And he didn’t. He stayed until she fell asleep in his arms. Then, he picked her up, gazing upon her peaceful face with the light from the inter dimensional portal, then walked into it with no intention of coming back.
This wasn’t her room.
She sat up in the bed and took in her surroundings. These weren’t her sheets, that wasn’t her wallpaper, the blinds were different, the floor wasn’t carpeted, everything even the floor plan of the room was different. This isn’t her home.
Her heart begins to pound. Where was she? She was still in her clothes, but that’s the only comfort that she had. Immediately, she shoots out of the bed, the comforter tangling in her feet making her fall onto the floor. The large thump that her fall makes scares her. She stays on the floor, still and quiet as a mouse. There's no noise for a couple seconds. Then, the sound of someone walking.
She hyperventilates, quickly removing herself from the blanket and standing up. But she realizes that she has no where to go. There's a small closet in the room, and space under the bed, but those the only hiding spaces she can think of. And the footsteps were getting closer. What can she do, she wonders as she backs into the wall.
The door swings open. And her heart stops.
Miguel stared at his wife's variant in concern and turns on the light. The woman blinks and shields her eyes, but the bewildered look that she sported quickly comes back. "What happened?"
When he spoke, she gasped and took another step back. She smacked her hand over her mouth. Her eyes glistened with tears, her breath shuddered. "You're alright?" Miguel asked her again. She didn't answer.
For what felt like the longest time, they just stared at each other. He was afraid of approaching her thinking he may scare her away. She was in completely disbelief at what she was seeing. Miguel raised his hands and stayed near the door way. "Please, don't freak out," he began.
She let out a sob, tears escaping her eyes when she did. Placing her hand on her chest, she lifts herself from the wall. Miguel takes this as a sign to keep going.
"I know you must be confused. You're probably upset and angry. I understand." She took a step forward. "But if you would just left me explain..." Another step. Then another. And another. And she held her hand out in front of her. As she approached him, he realized how badly she was trembling, and it only got worse the closer she got. But still, she moved forward.
The speech Miguel had been practicing before she woke up died in his throat. He was speechless as he watched her courageously close the space between them. When she finally stood right in front of him, she hesitated. He could hear her soft gasps and cries. Then finally, she softly touched his chest. He looked down at her hand, then up at her face. Even though she was crying profusely, she looked upon him in wonder. He just wants to reach out and grab her, but he holds himself back.
She begins to rub his chest and torso, appalled by his presence. He looks back down at her hands. Then, they trail themselves up to his neck, stopping right under his chin. He lifts his head up. They both hold their breath for a second. Then, with a gasp from her, and a sigh from him, she finally touches his cheek. Miguel closes his eyes and leans into her palm. He lifts his arm up, and encases her hand in his, keeping it in place.
Her lips begin to move. With a tiny shaky breath, she whispers, "It's you."
Miguel's face is troubled. He has a small frown and his eyebrows were upturned. He twists his head in her palm to give it a small kiss.
Her eyes flicker all over his body. It is him...but he's different. He's taller now. His build is thicker and he feels tense. Miguel was a gym buff, but this man...this kind of definition is not built in the gym. His frown is deep, and so are his wrinkles. His eyes were more troubled than hers, and had the slightest hint of red. And his teeth...she could feel his sharp canines with her thumb.
"No," she realizes. "It's not you."
Miguel opens his eyes and stares at her. He can see the fear growing on her face, and he starts to panic. He moves his hand to her wrist to hold it gently. But he's prepared to squeeze it if she tries to run. "I'm not him. But-"
"But you look like him." She continues, her voice on the precipice of hysteria. "And you sound like him." She holds both of his cheeks and caresses his face with her thumbs. "And you feel like him..."
Miguel winces as he watches her cry louder and louder with every observation. "Cariña, please," He takes her hands off of his face and kisses her knuckles. She completely breaks down crying. Miguel reaches his arms out, and she throws herself into his chest, sobbing into his neck. "You don't have to cry anymore. I'm here now."
"But who are you?" Her voice muffled by his shoulder.
He gulps. "...I am Miguel, but-"
"But you're not my Miguel, are you?" She lifts her head up to stare at him. She looked anguished, her brain not being able to process what was going on. He doesn't answer. "Did you save me?" He nodded. "Why?"
"I had to, baby. I-"
"Where did you come from?" She pushes herself off of him, and Miguel can't find it in him to hold her there. He let's go of her, knowing that there is no where she can really run where he won't find her. "No, where have you been?"
He furrows his brows and tilts his head. "What?"
"Where the hell have you been?" She screams at him in unbridled rage. Her tears were never ending, and her glare was fierce. "I was in fucking agony when you died. I couldn't live with myself. I couldn't get over you. I didn't want to. I missed you so much." Her anger turned into desperation and she falls to her knees on the floor, weeping into her hands. Miguel looks on in desolation, his eyes filling with tears as well. He walks to her and leans down, trying to get her to stand. She flips her head up at him. "Who are you?"
"Please, let me explain." He sits on the floor with her, holds her face and leans into it. She doesn't pull away, instead, she kisses him first, her cries never ending. Her hands tangle themselves in his hair. Miguel wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her into him. He sits back and pulls her into his lap.
The kiss lasts until they run out of breath, then they pull away, panting in each others' faces. "I...am Miguel." He starts. "But not your Miguel. And you are not my Y/N."
She shakes her head and scrunches up her face. "Just listen." Her mouth closes again, and she relaxes preparing herself to take in every word he says...
...Miguel spent a lot of time watching her. His Y/N, across the multiverse. In each one, they are together. It's fate. And in every one...she dies. No matter what that universe's Miguel does, she dies. That must be fate, too. Then he found a universe where that didn't happen. He died instead. He took a chance, and when he replaced himself he was the happiest he had ever been. And then everything was destroyed. An entire universe...gone. He swore to never interfere with fate again. He whispered a soft 'sorry' to every Miguel he found after that.
He saw her, Y/N on Earth - 548. Happy as ever with her devilishly handsome husband. He felt for him. He had no idea the heartbreak he was about to experience. But, for the second time in his studies, he was the one who died. He cried, knowing that he could never do anything about it. When she became a shell of her former self, he focused all of his attention on her. Putting all of his work on Jess and Peter, he monitored her. He watched her cry, she spent all of her time off from work at home rolling around in her bed as if the emotional pain was so strong that it was physical as well. He watched her touch herself at night, whispering his name into the empty air, him joining her from where he was spying groaning her name as well, wishing his cum was dripping from her cunt instead of down his hand. He called for her, hoping that his prayers to keep her safe would reach who ever was listening. They didn't.
He knew that when she sat up like a ghost from her bed that fateful night, she was about to do something rash. He held his hand over his watch, ready to jump as soon as he felt he needed to. When she began to walk to the edge, he decided to not even risk it and hopped into the portal.
He didn't expect her to turn and scream at him the way she did. He hadn't heard her beautiful voice for some time, he missed it so much, and the first thing she did was yell at him. He was stunned. He couldn't believe she was right in front of him. He looked at his watch. No indication of a canon event. There was nothing. Which meant...she was never supposed to die.
He was impulsive, he knows that. But, it worked out in his favor. She was supposed to be alive. He had done right. And now he had a decision to make. Does he leave her here to figure everything out on her own, or does he take her with him...and let her family think she's dead…
“You were watching me?”
Miguel refuses to meet her eyes. She didn’t move, but he tightened his grip around her just in case. Her voice was wavering.
When he didn’t answer, she continued. “Why didn’t you save him?”
He looked up at her that time. Above everything else, she was melancholy. “I couldn’t.”
“I just couldn’t, mi amor. You don’t understand.”
With her face contorted in pain, she released a choked sob. Her mouth was hung open. If she chose to believe this imposter, than hearing that nothing could have been done about the love of her life brought her no comfort. It wasn’t fair.
She gripped Miguel’s shirt letting her head fall forward into his chest. He held her for a long time while her shoulders shook. “Please, believe me.”
She doesn’t say anything, but her cries stopped. He began to worry, but she soon lifted her head up and looked into his eyes. His flicked back and forth between hers, and the both of them dive into another passionate kiss. This time, they don’t let up from each other. It gets more intense. Miguel’s breath picks up as his hands begin to explore her back and waist. She pushes her body up against his, rubbing their chests together.
She’s the one who pulls away opting to kiss down from his cheek to his neck. “Just come to bed with me. Please?” She begs into his skin.
Miguel, in a daze, whispers “Okay.”
He lifts her up and lays her down onto his bed, kissing her sweetly as he climbed on top of her. He felt so much bliss, he never imagined he would be able to do this again.
The way she grabbed his face made him never want to physically leave her side again. This was where he wanted to stay for the rest of their lives. She kissed him with so much despair, so much need, how could he ever leave her mouth? But, the strain in his pants and the grip she had on his back get worse, and he finds a reason to pull away.
She whimpers, missing the way his tongue caressed her mouth, leaving her lips swollen and shiny. Her eyes open, silently asking him where he was going, until he reached under the hem of her shirt and lifts it off of her, exposing her beautiful breasts. She gasps when he begins to rub his hand between them, eventually grabbing one to hold and play with. Miguel grins at her while she watches him rub his thumb across her hardened nipple. Which turned into her watching him dip his head down to her sternum and leave the smallest, lightest kiss.
The restraint he had on himself as he trailed his mouth down her body was unnatural. His claws had long since come out, ripping into the bedsheets as he tried so hard not replace them with her luscious hips. She was responding unbelievably well, making him happy he didn’t listen to Lyla tell him how terrible of an idea this was.
Lyla was wrong, he told himself when he heard her soft cry as his tongue played with her nipple. She began to squirm from frustration, and he just had to push his hips in between her open legs, the heat from his dick making her rub her wet panties along his shaft. Miguel moaned with her nipple fully inside his mouth, her moaning with him from the vibration against her chest.
She’s not scared of me, he thought as he leaves her nipple and kisses down her body. His lips finally met up with her panties, opting to push them to the side instead of taking them off completely. He places a kiss on her sensitive clit, his precum staining his underwear when she yelps. Miguel takes a moment to look at her glistening pussy, then he closes his eyes when he finally licks it.
And she doesn’t hate me. Miguel looks drunk when he starts eating her out. His eyebrows are raised and he gently placed her hand on her spread thigh, caressing the soft skin. Her whines making him even more desperate to please her, he presses his tongue into her center harder. His lips are covered with her fluid. Miguel gives her thigh a nice squeeze, then a slap, then he stands up straight.
When she opens her eyes to look at him, her heart races. His eyelids were low, and he towered over body making her feel smaller than she was. His stare was filled with infatuation, wiping off his lower face with one swipe of his large hand. Without breaking eye contact, he rips his shirt off and swipes his pants and underwear down, his large member bouncing back up. Miguel spit into his palm and started jerking himself off. Then, he climbs onto the bed, aligning his hips with hers.
He drools onto her pussy, her shuddering as his spit meets her clit and runs down her lips. It does well to lube her up with Miguel rubbing his tip in between her folds. “Ngh…fuck,” he mutters, the feeling of her wet cunt on his sensitive head giving him a feeling of euphoria.
She grew impatient, while Miguel was trying to take his time and savor her, she was ready to feel him split her apart. This was something she’s been dreaming about since she lost him. She waited for the day his naked body would engulf hers, his face on her cheek whispering filthy insults and sweet praises into her ear. As she remembers how sex used to be with her love, she starts to tear up.
“Miguel,” she whined making him look at her worriedly. When his eyes open, the red she noticed before is even more prominent. His mouth was opened slightly so she could barely see his fangs. How he could look so similar yet so different from her Miguel, she doesn’t know.
“Yes?” He asks her.
“Please, I can’t wait any longer. I want…” She moves her hips on him again. Miguel looks down at their hips and holds hers still.
He doesn’t respond, just pushes his length into her slowly. He grunts as he sheathes himself inside her warmth, reveling in her cries. “Shit, baby.” She’s tight and squeezing him so nicely, he can’t stop until he's inside of her fully.
She’s breathing heavily with her head thrown back and her eyes closed. Her back is arched lifting her naked chest into the air. “Look at me,” Miguel commands. She lifts her head up giving him what he wanted. Her eyes are filled with tears. It hurts, but feels so good. She missed him so much, and now they were one again.
Miguel whimpers at her beautiful face. “Hermosa,” he reaches out to her cheek to hold it. “Don’t cry.”
“But I love you,” she tells him.
He gasps. His hand lifts from her face. Freezing, he stares into her eyes in disbelief. “W-What?”
She takes his hand and brings it to her lips, leaving a gentle smooch. Her eyes close and the tears fall. “I love you, Miguel.”
His eyesight gets blurry as well, and soon Miguel is crying profusely. “Oh, baby,” he leans over her and pulls his hips backwards. Then he slams himself back down, making her yelp. She grabs his face and kisses him. “I love you too.”
As Miguel fucks her slowly, neither of them can find it in them to stay quiet. Miguel has to tell her how terribly in love with her he is. She has to let him know how much she missed him. He leans into her neck and whispers how he missed her too, and to stop crying because he’s here now. Even though, he can’t stop crying either.
She’s so happy to hear that he will never leave her side. She decides to believe him, accepting happiness instead of reality. She ignores his red eyes, his sharp fangs that press against her neck, as if he can barely hold himself back from biting her. She ignores how different the rumbling in his chest is from her Miguel. It’s not soft or sweet nor does it make her content. This one is predatory and dangerous, it makes her nervous.
She dismisses the way he grabs her neck; tight, leaving her with no air, whereas her Miguel knew that she didn’t like it rough. Honestly, neither did he. This Miguel went faster and harder. He grunted into her ear. But, she doesn't care.
She completely ignores how different this Miguel was. Her wishes were answered. She got him back. It doesn’t matter that his hold on her hip was so strong that he’s scratching her. That he didn’t stop or slow down when she came making her overstimulated. She let him cum inside her soon after, knowing that she wasn’t on anything.
“I miss you so fucking much,” she wailed when he slipped his dick out of her, his cum following suit and staining the bed beneath her.
Instead of getting a warm towel, Miguel laid down next to her and pulled her into his arms silencing her cries. “I told you baby, I’m right here.” But she doesn’t correct herself. She doesn’t calm down. She grips him for dear life and Miguel grows nervous.
Lyla was wrong…right?
“You know she will never love you the way she loved him. It will never be the same. Miguel...are you listening?”
“Lyla…shut down.”
ending a/n: Heyyyyy, did y'all like it? This will definitely not be my only Miguel fic but rn I don't really have any ideas for him. My brain is filled with thoughts of Hobie, and I need to stop neglecting my baby daddy Toji, lmao. So I'll be working on a real quick Hobie imagine and my AO3 stories as well for now. Unless I think of something else. I've been thinking about requests but I will fuck around and make a whole story from it cuz idk how to stop writing so damn much. Y'all I rly dk if I want to make another part to JFTN I rly like how it ended and I can't rly think about how I would continue it. Y'all might just have to deal idk girl. I love ya though! Anyway, I'll see y'all in the next story!🩵
AO3 version
My AO3
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vioartemis · 1 year
Falling for her (part 2)
(ghostface! Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After months of dating Tara, you find out she killed people, dressed in a Ghostface costume. Looks like you have a type... Part 1 || Part 2 Warnings: blood, injuries, death, angst (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
It has been five months since you and Tara started dating. Everything was perfect. You dates, the time you spent together, her. It was as if you were living in a dream.
It was rare to see one without the other, you were constantly on each other, cuddling, holding hands, or kissing. Which annoyed your friends, but you didn't care. You were happy with Tara, and hoped it would last.
Even with the recent murders that occurred, you weren't too affected.
Unfortunately, Tara wasn't with you right now, she had to go to the library to study, and you were bored. You thought you might study too, but you couldn't find your notes. Then you remembered where they were.
It was night, and the streets were dark and empty. You shouldn't be outside with a killer on the loose, but you really needed these damn sheets of paper. If only she didn't forget to give them back to you during the day...
A few days ago, you let one of your classmates, Ava Bennett, borrow your notes so she could complete hers. She wasn't supposed to keep them a whole week.
When you arrived at her house, you were surprised to find the door slightly opened, as if someone forgot to close it. You pushed it hesitantly, not wanting to see things you were not supposed to.
The first thing you saw was how messing the house was. Everything was upside down, vases broken on the floor. Suddenly, you heard a sound of broken glass coming from the kitchen.
Without thinking twice, you ran in that direction - dumb decision - only to be met with the sight of Ava's bloody form on the floor. You let out a horrified scream, before realizing she was not alone in the room.
The killer looked at you through his Ghostface mask, tilting his head slightly. You took the taser Sam forced you to carry out of your bag with shaky hands.
Fortunately, the killer ran away, probably thinking you were not alone.
A sudden movement made you jump. It was Ava. She wasn't dead! You let the taser fall to the ground, getting on your knees beside her, applying pressure on her wounds to stop the bleeding with one hand, taking your phone with the other.
You dialed 911.
"Please I need help! M-my friend has been stabbed she's bleeding!" you said as soon as someone picked up, tears in your eyes
"Miss, calm down, what happened exactly?"
"We don't have time for that! She's going to die if you don't come!"
You didn't listen to what the man said to you, quickly giving him the address before putting your phone down and put both of your hands to better use.
You grabbed a towel on the counter and applied more pressure on the bleeding wounds.
"I-it's gonna be okay.. I called 911... they'll be here quickly..." you said, in an attempt to comfort the girl.
Or maybe you were trying to convince yourself everything would be okay.
When the ambulance arrived, followed by the police, your hands and jeans were soaked with the girl's blood. She was still alive, you could feel it.
Some ladies helped you getting up, and led you to the back of an ambulance to see if you were hurt. A police officer then came so you could tell him what happened.
The rest happened really fast; they took your phone and called Sam, registered as the person to call in case of emergency, they told you they would need to keep it as an "evidence". Then Sam arrived.
She talked with a police officer, looking at you with worried eyes, before they finally let her pick you up.
She was about to hug you, but you stopped her, holding your hands in front of you.
"I wouldn't want to ruin your clothes..."
When you finally got home, Tara was waiting for you in the living room. She got up the second she heard the door.
"Y/n! Are you okay??"
She didn't wait for your answer and hugged you tight. The warmth of her body made you feel a little better.
"I have to see my therapist, can you take care of her while I'm gone?"
"You can go.. I'll be fine..." you said before Tara could answer
Sam nodded, still worried, before leaving.
"C'mon, let's clean you up.."
You both went to the bathroom, where Tara helped you take the blood off your hands, before giving you a new pair of jeans and throw the blood stained one.
Then, you headed to your room. You got under the covers, feeling safe with the blanket on you, while Tara sat beside you on the bed, stroking your hair gently.
She placed a soft kiss on your lips.
"You want to talk about it...?"
There was not much to say, as you arrived too late. You told her what you saw, Ava, stabbed several times, laying on the floor of her kitchen.
"He looked at me... he looked at me, and when I took the taser... he just- he ran away..."
"Don't worry, the police will catch this fuckhead soon. We already survived two Ghostface, we can survived one more, don't you think?"
"Yeah, I hope so.."
Then it hit you.
"... How do you know it was Ghostface...?"
You looked at her, sitting up in your bed. She stayed silent.
"Tara, how to do you it was Ghostface...?" your voice broke on the last words
"Y/n I-"
"Answer me."
That silence said everything. You couldn't hold back your tears.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me..."
"I'm sorry! You weren't supposed to learn it like that... I-"
"I'm not doing that. Not again."
"I- I never would've hurt you I'm not-"
"The last person who said that tried to stab me five minutes later."
"I know but you have to believe me! I love you so much... I would never lay a hand on you-"
"Get out."
"No Y/n please listen..! She wasn't a good person, she-"
"Tara. Get. Out."
The look in your eyes hurt her. You didn't care. You got up. She took a step back, looking at you with teary eyes.
"Y/n please..."
"Get the fuck out of my room."
Without her realizing it, you made her walk out. You slammed the door shut as soon as her back hit the bathroom wall, locking it from inside.
You sat in the opposite corner, knees against your chest, face buried in your arms. Tara was banging on your door, trying to talk to you. You could hear the despair in her voice, the guilt.
But you couldn't do this again.
You covered your ears with your hands, head resting on your knees, tears flooding down your cheeks.
When the door opened, she stopped trying. You didn't hear anything for a solid five minutes, before someone, probably Sam, knocked on your door.
"Please go away..." your voice was low and broken
No one else tried to talk to you after that.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
You spent the next three weeks avoiding everyone, especially Tara. You still couldn't believe your sweet girlfriend killed Ava. Maybe she killed the others too. You weren't sure of anything at this point.
Despite all your efforts, one night, Sam managed to catch you in the kitchen, while you were grabbing some food.
"I'm worried about you... you don't talk to anyone, you almost don't eat... What happened that night...?"
"Y/n please... Tara's not doing well either, she feels really bad... I'm afraid she does something she'll regret... I don't know what she did, but you could talk about this, don't you think...? Or at least talk to me... maybe I can help..."
"You can't help us... We- I have to deal with this myself... But I can't right now, it still hurts too much..."
Before she could add anything, you got back into your room.
What could you do? Tell the police, and send the girl you loved in jail? No, that was not an option.
Forgive her, and hope she doesn't try to kill you? You wanted to. Yet you couldn't help but remember what happened with Amber. You thought you could convince her, and she tried to kill you.
The next day, while you were walking to class, you heard someone call your name. You turned around, already pissed.
"Y/n! Can I talk to you?"
It was Luca Harris, Ava's boyfriend.
"Uh... sure" you sighed
"Can we to go a.. more private place?"
You didn't really understand but you followed him behind the gardener's cabin.
"What do you want..?" you asked
"I'd like to talk about Ava..."
You glupped.
"What about her?"
"I wanted to thank you, for trying to save her."
"How do you know-"
"My dad has friends in the police. They told him they found you next to her, hands covered in her blood, trying to stop the bleeding..."
"That's what happened yeah..."
You didn't see where he was going. The only time you talked to him before was after you walked in on them having sex, to apologize.
"C'mon Y/n... we both know that's a lie"
"My dad's friends told him who you were. Y/n L/n, ex girlfriend of Amber Freeman. The psycho responsible for the Woodsboro massacre last year."
You felt your heart miss a beat.
"W-what are you trying to say...?" you asked
"Isn't it obvious? You killed Ava. Because you're as crazy as your ex. Because you were jealous of her."
"What...? Of course not..! Why would you-"
"Stop lying, I saw how you looked at me when you saw us in Ava's bed. You blushed so hard you were as red as a tomato."
"Because you were fucking naked!" you said, but he wasn't listening to you
"Your girlfriend can't satisfy you, can she? You needed someone else to take care of you properly, I can understand that. But you could've just asked, I would've done it with pleasure."
You tried to back off, but he wasn't ready to let you go.
"Why did you have to kill her? Now I have to kill you too... to avenge her"
Saying that, he took a pocket knife out of his jacket, and pressed a button to open the blade.
Luckily for you, Tara was watching from afar. The shine of the blade caught her attention.
In less than thirty seconds, she was here.
"What exactly do you think you're doing with that knife?" she asked the boy
"Ah, I was wondering when you would come. I was about to slice her open, just like she did to Ava."
"Don't you dare touch her."
"And what are you going to do, huh? Slap my knee? You're like 5'1! No wonder you can't satisfy her."
You tried you take a step closer to Tara, but Luca was faster than you. He put the knife against your throat, pushing the tip slightly into the soft flesh.
Everything happened so fast you barely understood what was going on.
Tara kicked the back of his knees and pulled him by his collar, making him fall slightly backward, before taking the knife out of his hand.
"No one touches my girlfriend dickhead."
With that, she stabbed him in the eye. Blood splattered on her shirt.
His body fell to your feet. He was dead before he even touched the ground.
You started to panic. There was tons of people only a few meters away. The body would be found before the end of the day.
You took a tissue in your pocket before bending down to remove Tara's fingerprints from the knife. Then, you took the boy's hand and wrapped it around the weapon, just in case, before taking off your sweater and throwing it at Tara.
She looked at you, mouth agape.
"Put it on, you're covered in blood."
She did as you told, before asking:
"So you don't hate me...?"
For the first time in weeks, your gaze met hers.
"Of course not..."
You saw her eyes shining a little with hope.
"Y/n I-"
"Can we talk about this later..? After classes? When we will be far away from his dead body?"
You didn't say that in a mean way, just worried someone might come here for whatever reason and catch you.
"Let's go before someone sees us..."
You both headed to class, hoping you didn't leave any evidences next to the body. Every time a teacher spoke, you were scared they had found the body.
Tara, on the other hand, was more relieved than scared. All she could think about was you. You didn't hate her. You gave her your sweater, her favorite one with your perfume on it.
It was too big for her, and you always told her she looked so cute in it. She spent her day thinking about all your dates and the moments you spent together.
Until an announcement was made.
You were in history, one of the only classes you had together, when the speakers turned on. The director started talking. They found the body.
You gave Tara a worried look across the class.
"Classes will end now. You must go home and lock the doors. Don't walk alone, always be with someone. Don't take any risks, if you see something suspect, call the police immediately."
Everyone started to talked as soon as the announcement ended, quickly exiting the classroom to find a friend to walk home with.
You walked to Tara, feeling sick.
"You okay..?"
"Yeah I think... let's just... let's go home..."
She nodded, and was about to take your hand, before stopping, not sure you wanted her to. You looked at her for a second, and took her hand.
"... I'm sorry I didn't try to talk to you... It just brought back memories I wanted to forget..." you said
You were both sitting on your bed, decided to explain yourselves.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing, I knew what Amber did, I saw how you felt after that, and I did the same... But the simple thought of someone wanting to hurt you makes me sick to the core... I... I just wanted to protect you..."
You placed your hand on hers softly.
"Why did you kill Ava..?" you asked gently
"I... I heard them, her boyfriend and her. They were talking about you.. He was telling her what happened at Woodsboro, the murder, that you were Amber's girlfriend, and probably her accomplice... They wanted to blackmail you, using that information..."
You didn't say anything, taking a minute to register the informations.
"And... and the others...?"
Once again, she explained everything to you. These ones wanted to take you away from her. It was true that they had been flirting with you for a month or so, and became more and more insistent.
"... You're not mad...?" she asked
"I can't say I'm happy about that... but you did this to protect me so... Thank you..."
Your lips curled up into a little smile.
"Does that means.. does that means we still have a chance..?"
"At first, when I learnt you did.. what you did, I thought you were like Amber... But I had time to think, the past weeks, and... Now that you told me everything... I realized you couldn't be more different... She was ready to kill me realizing I would leave her... You killed people to protect me from getting hurt, even if it meant me being mad at you"
You brought her hand to your lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles.
"I love you so much Tara... I'm sorry it took me that long to talk with you... but please stop killing people, I don't want to take the risk to lose you..."
"I'll try. For you"
She came closer to you, sitting on your lap, and cupped your cheeks. You tilted your head up slightly to look at her, before her soft lips met yours.
"I missed you" you whispered against her lips
"I missed you too"
[Previous part]
׺°”˜`”°º×•°¯`•• ♡ ••´¯°•×º°”˜`”°º×
By the way, I'm opened to requests, so if there's something you'd like me to write, feel free to ask ;)) you can see who I write for here (along with the rules to request)
@captainbeat @faunusrubyrose
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Oooh please relationship headcanons (nsfw & sfw) for gojo, chuuya and fyodor (or whichever one they choose)... including what they would be like as a partner and what they would go for in a partner?
Oooh!! Nonnie, I'd love to. I don't write for Fyodor YET, but I do write for Chuuya and Gojo.
I'll do Chuuya today and Gojo tomorrow ☆☆☆
Chuuya Nakahara:
Sfw headcanons.
♡ He is the sweetest thing, and nobody can change my mind about that. He's the type to just stare at you, and when you ask him about it, he's just like, "I can't help it. You're just too pretty."
♡ He loves it when you wear his clothes, even better if you're (somehow) shorter than him. Sometimes, he'll take off his hat and put it on you, kissing your cheek as he looks at you. He's a hopeless romantic.
♡ I can see him being like, "I don't have a type." before he got a girlfriend, now that he has one, if anybody asks—he's just like, "My type is my girlfriend."
♡ The second you and him made it official, he RAN to his phone and called Dazai. "GUESS WHAT YOU SON OF A BITCH, I GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" "Good job, Chuuya. It only took you twenty years." He got mad and hung up.
♡ He's so scared of losing you, so he just never let's you go. Hugging you from behind, holding your hand, hand on your thigh while driving, any sort of physical contact makes him feel comforted.
♡ He's so protective over you. He LOVES YOU SO MUCH, and he just doesn't ever wanna lose you. If you're in the PM with him, he'll try not to let you fight much and just shield you and did that even before you got into a relationship. You found it kinda weird how he would go out of his way to protect you and nobody else, and when you brought it up, he just mumbled "shut up" and walked away like a gremlin.
♡ He loves it when you play with his hair. He has never felt such a soft touch, and it makes him feel so fuzzy and warm when you softly run your fingers through it. It's long and pretty, and you both love it. When you're making out with him and gently grip the back of his hair? That leads to something more.
♡ He gets really confused if you try internet couple trends on him. "W-what are you saying?? I'm a grown man, I'm not a baby girl!!"
♡ You gets mad really easily, but with you, it's not anger. It's just flusteredness and cute blushies. He literally can't get mad at you, no matter what, he just loves you.
☆ He's a dom. Sometimes he's rough, sometimes he's gentle. If you tease him too much, he'll be a bitch and tease you until you're begging. "Awe, what's wrong, doll? Can't take it? Then behave like a good girl."
☆ His voice??? HELLO??? Why does nobody talk about it??? His dub voice is just-... Hearing his accent makes you wet. And he takes full advantage of it. He'll lean real close to you and lick your ear, smirking into your skin, "Baaaabbbbyyyy... You look so pretty tonight... Do you even know what you do to me? Let me show you."
♡ About the hand on your thigh while driving? Yeah, that's how car sex happens. It's just the way he looks driving one-handed, the feeling of a gloved hand on your thigh, how he only "Hms" in his groggy voice to everything you say.
♡ His biggest kinks are probably dry humping. He loves it when you sit on his lap happily while watching a movie, especially if it's a romantic movie. A sex scene suddenly pops up? He'll grab your hips and slowly grind you against his boner, moaning and whining into your ear softly. (Maybe a mommy kink too but I don't wanna talk about it)
♡ If you're BOTH a part of the Mafia, like I said— he'll be protective. But sometimes, when he sees you fighting another man? He'll get jealous. So, what does he do? He fuckd you in front of them. He's gonna kill the man anyway, he's just gonna die with cum on his face.
♡ His hands. There shouldn't be any other words, but I'm saying more anyway. They're long and skinny, and they can curl inside of you so EASILY. He's skilled with them. He'll delicately flick your soft nipple and make it hard on a sweet day, or roughly grab and pinch them on a bad day. He loves when you suck on them, sometimes not even sexually, you'll just be sitting or walking and he'll put his finger in your mouth.
♡ He's the definition of Short King Anthem. I'm not gonna say anything else.
♡ He does this thing where he'll grind his hips in circles, and when I tell you, you've never felt more pleasure in one night. Ever. He KNOWS how good it feels, well, at least judging by the way you scream for him.
♡ You've made him cry during sex. A lot. And it's only because he adores feeling you, hearing your breath, hearing you moan for him and only him. He never thought he'd feel so loved, and he wants more of it. The crying only got into an emotional breakdown ONCE, and it was the first time you had sex. You didn't mind, which made him cry more.
♡ He's a big softie at heart and just wants to be touched. Aftercare with him is godly. He makes sure he didn't hurt you, makes sure you're okay and everything. He'll pick you up and take you to the bathroom to get cleaned up and does all the work. After that, he cuddles with you all night, pressed as close as physically possible to you.
He's a lover boy, change my mind.
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oizysian · 5 months
All Eyes on Me masterlist
Word count: 1.5k
It was early in the afternoon when I heard my phone go off. I groaned, the sun blinding me as I turned over and opened my eyes, trying to locate my phone. I reached over to the coffee table in front of me and grabbed for it, falling off the pullout couch I was laying on as I did so.
"Fuck." I let out a groan, grabbing at my shoulder and sitting up.
After rubbing the temporary hurt, I picked up the phone and checked who was texting me.
???: Hey, Y/N! It's Lizzie! Do you still wanna meet up for lunch? I know a cute little bistro by your hotel if you're interested. Let me know, okay?
It took me a moment to register what I was seeing before realizing that it was Elizabeth texting me about our lunch date. No, stupid, not a date - she's married, stop that.
I checked the time, nearly 10:30am. I sighed and sat up against the couch, eyeing the bed where Brie was still asleep. What was I gonna do about her? Maybe I'd bring her some food back if she wasn't up by the time I was ready to leave.
With a little bit of a struggle, I got up from the floor, my body stiff and my head still spinning a little bit. Even though I had way less to drink than Brie did, I still had a little bit of a hangover. She was gonna have the worst headache of her life when she woke up.
I went into the bathroom, splashing some water on my face to wake myself up. This was the day I'd been waiting for forever. The woman who I had the biggest crush in the world on, who I had just met last night, was meeting me for lunch. I had to be on the top of my game.
I brushed my teeth and got dressed, deciding on a simple outfit, not much different than the one I wore the night prior. I took two aspirin and a glass of water and placed it on the nightstand next to the bed on the side closest to Brie so that when she woke up, she'd see it and maybe it would lessen her hangover. Maybe.
As I was putting on my shoes, my phone went off again. It was Elizabeth letting me know she was downstairs. Okay, this was it. I could do this.
I took a deep breath and collected my belongings. I looked back at Brie to see if she had woken up and when I was absolutely sure she was still asleep, I left, closing the door behind myself as quietly as I possibly could.
I nearly ran down the hall towards the elevator, beyond excited to be meeting Elizabeth fucking Olsen for lunch. I got in the elevator, wringing my hands nervously as I quickly approached the lobby.
Don't say something stupid, don't say something stupid.
I held my breath as the doors opened. I stepped out, discreetly looking around for her as I exited the building.
"Y/N! Hey!" I heard a feminine voice call me and I turned to see Elizabeth waving at me just a few feet away from where I was standing.
"Hey." I greeted her back, walking up to her and only being slightly surprised at the giant hug she gave me as a hello.
"I'm so glad you decided to have lunch with me before you left for New York."
"How could I say no?" I smiled at her and she linked her arm with my own, leading me down the street.
I looked down at our arms interlocked and I could feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. This closeness was a lot to take in.
"This place makes the best sandwiches and the coffee is to die for. Do you like coffee?" She asked me and I nodded.
"Iced mostly, but I drink it."
"Me too. I love iced coffee. And smoothies. Pretty much anything cold. Especially ice cream."
"I love ice cream." I smiled at her enthusiasm, wondering where she got all this energy from so early in the day.
"What's your favorite flavor?"
"Hm ... jamoca almond fudge. A Baskin Robbins exclusive. What's yours?"
"Pumpkin. Or caramel crunch. With toffee."
"Pumpkin?" I make a face. "Yuck. Absolutely yucky."
"No!" She cried out, tugging on my arm. "You have to try it! There's a place in the east village that has the absolute best pumpkin flavored ice cream!"
"I'm not sure how I feel about pumpkin flavored anything." I chuckled, watching as she pouted at my words.
"Please, just once! Come with me to get pumpkin ice cream, you won't regret it, I promise."
I looked at her for a split second and nodded, giving in rather easily. Even though the thought and idea of pumpkin flavored ice cream disgusted me to my very core, I would try it for her.
"Next time you're in New York we can try it."
"Yes!" She cheered, bouncing slightly on her toes as we continued to walk.
Before I had a chance to respond we had arrived at our destination. She led me inside and spoke to the hostess, confirming her reservation and she led us to a secluded table outside where we got comfortable and started looking at the menu.
"Everything sounds so good." I murmured to myself, flipping between the lunch section and the drinks.
"This is what I recommend."
She pointed out a few items and I hesitantly chose one that she picked out, wanting to try something new but afraid of my pickiness getting in the way.
"You'll love it. The chicken here is so good."
"I trust you, Elizabeth. I know you won't steer me wrong."
"Call me Lizzie. People only call me Elizabeth in a professional sense."
"Okay. I trust you, Lizzie."
She smiled brightly at me and I nervously took a sip of my water. Damn, why did she have to be so cute.
"So, tell me more about your video games."
"I can only tell you about how much I love them, 'cos that's all I know."
She giggled, resting her chin in her hand and leaning her elbow on the table.
"Are video games all that you love?"
I blushed slightly, shaking my head at her words.
"No, I love other things too."
"Oh? Like what?"
"Sleeping. I sleep a lot."
"Mm, I wish I could say that." She looked at me for a moment before speaking again. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
I shook my head.
I shook my head again.
"I'm very single. I haven't had a girlfriend for quite a few years."
She nodded at my words and leaned back in her seat when the waiter arrived to take our order. She waited for them to leave before striking up the conversation again.
"You seem really close to Brie." She was no longer looking at me, her attention now on the glass of water in front of her. "Do you guys ... like each other?"
What an odd question. I took a moment to think about it before answering her. Did I like Brie? Of course I did, but did I want to date her? I mean, maybe if I had met her before knowing about the existence of Elizabeth. I had a huge crush on her and despite the fact that I had only just met her, I got butterflies when she was around and I just didn't feel that way about Brie.
"Not like that. On my end, at least. I can't speak for Brie."
She nodded in understanding, taking a sip of her water.
"I would've guessed differently from the way you were both acting yesterday."
"Yeah, I know." I smiled slightly. "We're just really good friends. We have a lot of the same interests and she's a really great person to hang out with."
"Maybe I should get to know her more myself." She spoke and I nodded.
"You could always play video games with us. We could teach you Mario Kart."
"Oh, I love Mario! I wanna play as Princess Peach."
"I usually play as baby Daisy. Brie seems like a Dry Bones kinda guy."
"Dry Bones?" She questioned and I realized that she probably hadn't played any Mario games with the newer characters in them.
"We gotta catch you up with Mario lore." I laughed and she scrunched up her nose in amusement.
"I think that'll be fun."
We ate our lunch, chatting about nothing and everything. She insisted on paying and I let her, but only after she promised she'd let me pay when she came to visit New York. I bought Brie something small to eat and we left, her arm linked with mine once again as we made our way back to the hotel.
Elizabeth Olsen was seen having lunch with a mystery woman today. Sources say the duo met last night at the most recent Marvel afterparty.
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Elizabeth, seen here, enjoyed lunch and spoke animatedly throughout the meal.
EDIT: Sources say the mystery woman is Twitch streamer Y/N, known as y/n_gaymergod on the internet.
@oh-thats-cute @marvelwomen-simp
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mahitomylove · 2 months
i am so glad you take requests 💕💕 i always get nervous when writing them, but i don’t know why. could you write mahito x reader and mahito comes home after a really bad fight and he’s so scared bc he thought he was gonna die, and he’s just clinging to reader because he’s scared 💕 and the reader has to comfort him? thank you 💕 (also can i be 🌪️ anon pls)
Thanks for the request! Oh my god I love this idea so much 💜💜
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Mahito x Reader, Fluff, you comfort Mahito after he has a deadly fight
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It was midnight, and you couldn't bring yourself to sleep. Perhaps, it was the absence of Mahito that made you feel uneasy, your house was so lonely without him. You grabbed your phone, mindlessly scrolling when you heard your window open. The sound would've freaked you out had you not been used to Mahito randomly breaking in your house to say hi.
You turned your phone off, putting it to the side. It was completely dark, making it hard for you to see his expression. You had a glimpse of his face for an instant, his face showing absolute horror. He softly said your name, his voice trembling a bit.
You immediately stood up, "Mahito? Is everything alright?"
"Why are you awake right now?" he said, gently dropping to the floor without making a single sound, as if he was floating.
"T-That doesn't matter, are you okay?"
He took few steps towards you, pushing you and forcing you to sit on on the ground. His arms enveloped your waist. He buried his face in your chest, his grip on you tightening. You patted his back and returned the hug. What was he doing?
"Mahito? What happened?"
He remained silent. You could feel the warmth of his body, which was odd, since he was a cursed spirit. . He was shivering in your arms. You've never seen him like this before. Concern engulfed you, unable to find the right thing to do. What made it even worse was that he wouldn't respond.
"Mahito... I'm worried."
"I had a pretty... intense fight."
"Almost died. I'm scared Y/N... I'm so scared. I don't know what to do."
"Aww. Dear... But you're okay, right?"
"I couldn't even move properly. My legs wouldn't move. If the enemy didn't hesitate, I would've died..." He pulled away, clinging on your neck this time. You felt his breath right on your cheek. "I don't want to die... Please." You knew he wasn't talking to you at this point. He was, perhaps, talking to himself. But you remained still, silently listening to his venting.
"Just when I thought I've mastered my technique... Fuck. What do I do?"
"It's okay, Mahito, it's okay. Everything is fine."
"And..." he was on the verge of tears, "I thought I'd never see you again."
"But you're alright now. Look at me, dear. I'm here." You gently caressed his hair. "Baby, everything is alright. Don't be afraid. Next time, I'll come with you, okay?"
He nodded in response.
"If you feel like crying, that's okay, I won't judge."
"It's not that... I just..." he sighed, closing his eyes as you were caressing his hair. "The only thing at my mind when I thought I was dying... was you. If there is an afterlife, I know we'd probably never meet there. I don't know what I'd do without you..."
"Mahito, don't you know I'd always choose hell if it meant I'd be with you?"
This was the first time you saw this side of his. He was beyond horrified, trembling. His voice was shaky. Normally, it would've been the other way around, not like this. Was the fight really that bad?
"Let's look at the bright side, you're alive, and in my arms right now!"
"Promise me."
"That you'll never leave my side again."
You chuckled, "I promise, Mahito! Next time, take me with you and I'll beat the shit outta these."
"Mahito, if it will make you feel better, how about we cuddle?"
"Y-yes please. And thank you."
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luvyeni · 1 year
hiiii! may i request a yandere enhypen one shot? its fine if you don't want to!!
- 💘 anon
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pairings. yandere!heeseung x fem!reader
wc. 0.9k
warnings. yandere, manipulation, oral (m. recieving), unprotected sex
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i hope you like it , you didn't specify which member, so i did heeseung 💓 !
he knew you were gonna come crawling back to him , now you have to make it up to him...
you knocked on the door , head hung low as you swipe through the countless number of horrible text messages you were receiving, 'why won't you die' 'you're such a slut , you never deserved heeseung." you frantically started to bang on the door.
heeseung watched you through the peephole , a smirk evident on his face , he knew why you were here , he just wanted to see you stressed. after a while , he opened the door. "hello baby." you didn't say anything , eyes trained to the floor. "did you come here just to stare at the floor?" you held your phone up , showing him the messages.
"those are some pretty mean things princess." he said , biting back his smirk. "did you start this?" he feigned innocence. "no baby , why would you think things like that , maybe they saw you out with beomgyu last night , i told you not to hang out with him , you never did listen." teardrops fell from eyes , that's exactly what heeseung wanted to see.
"why are you here? i thought you didn't want to see me anymore." he smirked , you had said that a few weeks ago , you felt like he was too controlling and you were sick of it , breaking up with him. but now , now he was the only one who would even talk to you. "i...i did but- but what princess?" you bit your lip , standing on the balls of your feet
growing frustrated , he pulled you into his apartment , closing the door , caging you against the door. "spit it out princess." he hovered about you , his body practically swallowing you. "you're the only one who will talk to me , my roommates won't even let me in the dorms , i don't want to go back there." you sobbed , wrapping your arms around him.
"poor baby , they're being mean to you." he raked his hands through your hair , you nodded. "i told you , they were just waiting for a reason to shut you out , i can make this away." he pulled away , caressing your cheek. "is that what you want?" you nodded , "p..please."
"does that mean you'll move back home with me , and listen when i tell you not to hang out with certain people?" you nodded , heeseung's cock grew in his jeans at how fragile you looked right now , he knew image was most important to you , that's why he did it this , that's why he sent those pictures , that's why he sent those pictures of you and beomgyu , no one had known you to had broken up , so it was a perfect set up.
"i..i will , i'll come back , please make it go away." you begged , he loved hearing you beg. "consider it done princess , by tomorrow no one will be talking about this." he said , pulling you into a kiss , his tongue exploring your mouth , biting your lip as he pulled away.
"i'm glad your back princess , but you really hurt my heart , leaving me like you did." he took your hand , guiding it down to his pants. "how about you make it up to me." you looked up at him , your eyes glassy , nose red from crying. "be a good girl , and make it up to me , yeah?" you nodded , and he smile guiding you to the couch.
"good girl."
he watched you sink to your knees , pulling his pants down , watching his cock slap against his stomach , standing tall , pre-cum bubbling at the tip of his red cock. "go ahead , put it in your mouth, princess." you gave his cock a few kitty licks , making him hiss ,"take me all the way in."
you gathered spit in your mouth , spitting on his cock before taking his tip into his mouth. "oh fuck , princess , i missed that mouth of yours , fuck." his head was thrown back against the couch , groaning as you bobbed your head up and down on his cock , he grabbed the back of your head , pushing your head down , your throat flexing around his cock , you gagged , tears wielding in your eyes , cascading down your cheeks.
"that's it princess -shit- i feel so much better already , you promise not to leave me again right." you hummed around his cock making him. "good girl , shit im gonna cum , gonna swallow my cum for me." you nodded , and he began to buck up into your mouth , before pushing your head down to match his , cumming inside your mouth , his warm seed filling your mouth , curse words falling from his lips.
"oh shit baby , don't you ever think of leaving me like that again." he pulled you up , pulling your pants down , along with your panties. "i...i won't." he knew you won't , or at least he knew you'd always run back to him , he'd make sure of it , spreading whatever rumor he had to , to have people shut you out again , sending you running back to him , tail tucked between your legs , he was the only person who loved you , and the sooner you'd realize , the better.
"come on , you aren't finished making it up to me , come sit on my cock." you straddled his legs , sinking down on his cock. "h..heeseung so fucking big." he watched you bounce on his cock , moaning his name. "fuck."
"that's it princess , make it up to me."
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