#my personal perverted version of rpf sorry
strnrdvr · 10 days
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doc-boredom · 6 years
i was worried i was being annoying and Too Much sending all these asks, i've only recently really gotten into the fandom side of t/wrp and ive been stalking through your stuff. so when you posted a fic about the cutest boy in the whole multiverse having a sexual awakening over my favorite lil shit ghoul i felt truly #blessed and not to like shit stir but it seems so weird to me the way some people in the fandom take sexual interest in the boys? Dirty Perverts Wrecking Our Thing type vibes ://
Welcome to hell. It used to be a lot worse. Maybe still is? But people finally leave me the fuck alone.
Um, I just feel like a lot of people in the fandom feel the need to white knight for the boys???? and I’m like cool it’s not gonna get you brownie points outside if your uptight lil friend groups. Like, I think yeah! Clearly you need to be respectful and aware and not make the boys uncomfortable at shows and on like, websites that they use for their business affiliated stuff like twitter and facebook and the reddit, but fan groups and tumblr and archive are kind of free game imho. Like, who are you to become a content police who demands how a fandom acts online of all places???
Also, they are grown men, they make their own decisions. They can take care of themselves. Any mistake they make is their own. You pointing it out and making a bigger deal of it is what causes problems.
(Sorry I’m thinking back to a few people last year insisting on just... making the biggest deal out of things that slipped through the cracks and it was DUMB.)
Moving on, I think a LOT of people cannot, for whatever reason, be like OH YEAH CLEARLY YOU’RE RIGHT ABOUT A FICTIONAL VERSION OF THE BOYS! Even when it comes to PB (Planet Booty if you haven’t entered that realm) like I’m friends with Josh and Dylan on FB and it’s not like I’m going “oh yeah, I need Dylan and Sung ooc to get it on.” LMAO no. No. For me personally there’s a lot of fantasy/sci fi elements going into what I write/create, but even then I’ve written TONS of rpf, and it’s just a switch on/switch off mentality for me. (I’ve also talked to Ryan Magee from Supermega about Shrekfest on Omegle last year and I’ve written some SHIT about that boy.)
I don’t expect or need anyone to agree with me, but I think people need to stay in their lane more. If shipping squicks you out, then yeah, you’re living your life and I don’t need you to change for my sake (or anybodys!) but you shouldn’t be an asshole about it either.
Also Sung’s hot. Like he knows. We know it. That’s all.
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