#my past few ninjago drawings kinda feel. weird?
nyaskitten · 1 year
"Now you shall witness my true wrath, the wrath of the Skull Sorcerer!"
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ninjakitten1699 · 5 years
Ninjago Pride Week Day 2 (25/6/2019) - Date
@evelinaonline Ninjago Pride Week!
Date you say? Well, I can’t write nor draw a date to save my life *is writing First Date for the TheyDeservedBetter* So, I guess this is the best I got.
Pairing/Ship: DigitalTime/Cynix/Acronix x Cyrus Borg/Futureshipping (I will make this ship known)
This was as neat as his hair could get. He had it brushed back multiple times. For once, he just wanted it to be a tamed mane, but no, some of the strands just kept sticking up and out. He huffed, setting down the brush before stepping back and looking into the mirror.
He was wearing something that would be considered casual, no armor, no weapons, not even his trademark mask while his hair was still down and frazzled-looking. He wondered how he even got into this.
The Time Twin had accidentally bumped into him in public. He was quick to apologize for it and help him out, but Cyrus being the genius he was had figured out who the civilian in disguise was. Acronix winced at that and made himself leave, only to be grabbed by his arm.
It took a lot of convincing for Acronix to stick around but he eventually did. Cyrus chuckled at his stubbornness and it made Acronix stay a little longer.
By then, he was interested in making conversation with the inventor. For Borg, it wasn’t unwelcomed, even if he did get bombarded with questions. He had to tell him to slow down and ask him one thing at a time, but other than that, he was nice to have as company.
One time changed it. “Think there’s anything you want to do that’s... not this?” Acronix asked him, obviously motioning to the work Cyrus had placed before him. The man in glasses sighed and looked away from the work. “It.. It would be nice to get out.”
“Out?” Acronix looked unsure. “Oh.. I don’t know. You still have a lot to catch up on.. especially after... everything.. that’s..” He could only sigh and listen to the famous inventor now. “I know it’s too much to hope for at this point but...” Cyrus looked out to the door. “It would be nice to get away from work.. even if it’s for a little while.”
Acronix wasn’t thinking when he asked, “Would you like to?” Cyrus looked up at him but Acronix looked down and away from him, shifting on his feet. “I mean.. it would probably be for a short while like you said... and I wouldn’t want to get either of us in trouble but.. would you like me to.. take you out of here for a bit?”
Cyrus looked in disbelief before smiling widely and nodding with tears at the corner of his eyes. “Yes.” It must’ve been a long time since he ever went out for himself.
Now here Acronix was, trying to keep calm and look like a civilian. But who was he kidding? He was a nervous wreck. At least on the inside, but still! His thoughts got interrupted when he felt a hand on his shoulder. “AAHH!” He jumped into a fighting stance, having a brush in his one hand. “Brother, calm down. It’s just me.” Krux spoke.
He placed a hand on his chest. “Hhhhh... Don’t do that!” He yelled at him. Krux looked confused. “Do what?” “Sneak up on me!” “I wasn’t sneaking up on you. You were just distracted.” Acronix growled and crossed his arms, pouting like a child. Krux rolled his eyes at him. “And it looked like you needed help.”
“Oh yeah and what would you know about dates?” He raised an eyebrow. “You really think I did nothing but plan for our takeover all forty years?” Krux raised an eyebrow back at him, obviously mirroring him. “Well learning that you still played piano wasn’t too much of a surprise.”
The older twin chuckled and lent a hand out for the brush. “Fine. You can help.. You were better at my hair than I am.” Acronix sighed and handed it over, letting Krux fix up his hair. “I mostly learned from our mother. You know that.” Acronix nodded at that. She did know how to style his hair when he wanted it to look different.
“Besides, I told you not to make a mess of my old suit. It’s a classic look and it’s hard to find it in the right material anymore.” Acronix only nodded before looking down while the usual pony tail in the back got pulled out. Krux noticed his expression. “Brother... What’s wrong?”
“Nothing just...” Acronix chuckled. “I’m just kinda jittery about this.” Krux rolled his eyes. Ah yes. He remembered feeling like that when he went out on a date for the first time. “You’ll be alright, brother. I know you will.” Acronix looked to him. “You think so?”
“Well, it’s not like you’d be worse than me.” Krux chuckled when Acronix gave him a pouty lip before he answered back with, “Yeah you’re right.” Krux feigned looking offended but they both ended up chuckling. “But in all seriousness, you’ll be fine. Just make sure you’re back before it gets dark.”
“Sheesh. You sound like our mother.” Krux rolled his eyes and pulled Acronix’s hair back, setting it in position for a low ponytail and tying it with a red ribbon that contrasted against the ebony mane. “There. That’s better isn’t it?” Acronix looked with a second mirror and smiled. “Yes it is.”
To be honest, he looked weird without their trademark mask, armor, etc., but it was sacrificed when they both had to blend into society but somehow he made this look work. Better than Krux did when he was Dr. Saunders. “Just be good, brother and everything will turn out fine.” Acronix nodded.
“Now if you can excuse me, I have to make sure that little man stays sleeping while you leave.” Ah Yes. Little Wu. He managed to convince Krux to keep him until they could find the Ninja. It’s taking longer than it should, but so far Krux adjusted better to parenting like how Acronix adjusted to the future.
Krux left the room and he waited until he was out of an earshot to sigh softly. Okay.. It’s just a day out. No one hasn’t recognized you yet so everything should be fine. He thought to himself, brushing out the wrinkles in his shirt and fixing his hairtie on his low ponytail. Acronix finally decided to walk out the door, heading out into the city. It’s either now or never.
It’d been past ten minutes. Cyrus looked back up from his watch with a sigh. He shouldn’t feel so impatient to leave this towering building, since he made it his second home in the first place, but he was just so... excited to finally be out for himself.
But Acronix was late. Granted, he doesn’t know the city routes by heart like Cyrus did but it’s a little disheartening to not see him be there on time like he promised. Especially since he was a master of time before his powers were taken away. The inventor sighed softly before his mind decided to turn down a worrisome road. What if something happened to him along the way? What if he got hurt? Or he’s lost? What if-
“Mr. Borg!” Oh Thank the Departed Realm! Cyrus looked to him and smiled softly at Acronix. “Sorry I’m late. I had a little trouble with some things.” He motioned to his hair which actually looked much neater in the ponytail. “I can see that.” Cyrus chuckled softly. “It looks quite handsome.” Acronix blushed softly and chuckled. “I guess it does.”
“And it’s Cyrus. You don’t have to address me so formally.” He looked over his outfit and chuckled. “And you didn’t have to dress so formally either.” “Well, my brother took the date thing a little seriously and he let me borrow his suit from when he was younger so here I am in this.” Acronix motioned to the suit.
It actually looked quite nice on him. It took him a moment to catch Acronix’s words before chuckling. “You really think this is a date?” The younger Time Twin was embarrassed. “Well... I mean.... I just thought that... hehe.” Cyrus chuckled softly before smiling. “It’s alright. I don’t mind if it’s a date.”
“You don’t?” Acronix looked at him, relieved. “Not at all.” Cyrus kept his soft smile. Oh it made the former Time Elemental feel so giddy inside. “Shall we then?” He asked. Acronix nodded and began pushing the wheelchair on their way through the city. “You need to get yourself a set of legs, Cy.”
“Oh very funny.” Acronix chuckled at him while Cyrus crosses his arms, looking away from him. “Oooh, Cy, you know I don’t mean that.” Borg kept his gaze away from him. When nothing happened, he suddenly felt Acronix’s hands go down and stop on his ribs. He looked up at him. “You wouldn’t-.” “Oh would I?” The Time Elemental raised an eyebrow and began tickling him.
No-no-no-no. Hohohoho... Ahahahah~ Acronix~ Everyone’s looking~” He laughed out. Acronix rolled his eyes, knowing it was just a few people. “Oh let the heteros look. You’re adorable.” Cyrus covered, trying to keep his laughter in. He was obviously failing but Acronix eventually stopped when Cyrus asked to breathe. The former master of time chuckled and kissed his forehead, making the inventor blush brightly.
“You’re precious, Cy.” He smiled. “Oh let’s just get on with our date.” Acronix chuckled at his little demand and began pushing the wheelchair again. “As you wish, Mr. Borg.”
“It’s still Cyrus.”
“Whatever you say, Cy-bug.”
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