#my partner and i both like AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
fooltofancy · 6 months
i've been playing paladin and i have NOT been playing drk and that was scary.
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yurioutofcontext · 2 years
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The Marriage Partner of My Dreams Turned Out To Be… My Female Junior at Work?! by Miura Kozumi
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shadowsofthegun-if · 1 year
Also, WILL THERE BE POLY?!??!? You don't have to if you don't want ofcourse, but please Please PLEASE consider it author!!! I'm begging on my hands and knees🧎🧎🧎🧎🧎🙏🙏🙏🙏🥺
Heyy!! so sorry it's taken me a while to respond. I honestly didn't have much planned when you sent this in. But I do now!! Here are a few things that I have planned and know probably won't change unless someone gives me better ideas
Mc is the child of the Mayor of District 8
This is the main reason they get picked to be in the 25th games (their parents aren't exactly fair to the people of their district)
Mc is 18 and turns 19 in early August
They have an older sister who is 20 years old
Mcs best friend was a tribute in the games just two years prior and they ended up making it pretty far into the games but ultimately didnt win
Mc may or may not have a lover😏
Mc has been to the capital a couple of times only because their uncle is very high up in the peacekeeper ranks and he brings them along to the big dinners/parties
Mcs district partner was picked because the people felt like they had a real chance of winning the games
Mcs district partner does not like them at all and thats going to cause a good bit of problems
Both district 7 and district 11 tributes will be playing a very big role in the games for Mc
The other tributes call Mc pretty boy/girl. This is purely my own self indulgence im not sorry about it
Okay, I've got a ton more info but ill save it for later🤞. I'm not sure if you're asking abt the poly for this game or Shadows of the Gun but for this one, I don't think there's any way I could make it happen. Mostly because the focus is on Mc trying to not get murdered and less on romance. For Shadows of the Gun, I'm trying so hard to find a place where I a poly could work. I promise that I'm trying it might just take me a bit 🙏
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spidersiren · 1 year
Anon fairy! Going around sending my favorite blogs some questions. How does Lorelai like to be kissed?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA thank you so much for this ask !! i'm so happy :0)
lor isn't the biggest on intimacy, at least not at first. kindness, gentleness, etc is all very foreign to her and something she doesn't quite know how to handle. she's blocked out a lot of good feelings in favor for numbness, so when she's presented with them, it's a little bit overwhelming.
she's good with being kissed hard and biting. she doesn't necessarily view kisses as intimate always, because she's good with dirty and quick and messy, and as long as the kisses are in that general realm, she's fine.
i think if she actually is able to be kissed without the intention of it turning into something else, she'd like kisses more. i think she'd like them more gently, too. something a little bit softer. she's always so used to rough hands, both hers and her partners, so she'd be a little clumsy with the softness of a sweet kiss, but i could see it becoming some sort of a craving, too! she actually very much craves intimacy. she just doesn't want to lose it so she doesn't let herself have it, but once she does, i think it's all over.
that's a long winded way to say she has a lot of fun with messy kisses that don't mean anything, but she would definitely like some meaning to them once she works on some of her intimacy issues lmao
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the-mask-with-a-will · 8 months
YAY IM SO HAPPY THAT YOURE EXCITED,, sorry I had classes yesterday and was too tired to respond D':
I THOUGHT OF QUESTIONS,, BUT ITS OK IF U DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT THEM SORRY UM UM so like,,, was the family like a big polycule then?? cuz u said that you were like romantic with everyone?? Im also curious of the dynamic of everyone ig cause usually ppl are really cold ab it </3 so like did everyone treat you nicely?? SRRY I HAVE MORE BUT IDK IF ITS LIKE WEIRD TO ASK AB ALL THIS AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
YES we were all very romantically involved we were banica and the 4 guys she picked up off the side of the rode and decided she wanted to kiss and then our two gremlin irregular children it was great
not sure if u mean everyones dynamic w each other or in like a family so ill do both
banica was the wine aunt, not the mom- arte and pollo called her mom but carlos fits the mom title more. eater fits as dad very well tbh. and my partner (who kins lich) said he called arte and pollo the cubs which i think is adorable. lich and i were like sassy gay uncles. and then ofc The Children
the twins were little pranksters to everyone but banica and eater. banica for obvious reasons and eater because uhhh. idk he big and nice :) lich and i had a mutual teasing sorta thing, banica liked to tease lich a lot esp b4 we were all actually dating bc he was SO obviously gay for her and carlos and she was just like "hm maybe we should try poultry~ <3"
,,,, there was a lot of erotic cannibalism taking place. since we were already dead our bodies could be fixed. there was a Lot of erotic cannibalism taking place. hence the poultry comment
everyone was very nicies to me. i was very undeserving of it but they loved me and helped me get better and i. sobs
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pathetichimbos · 3 years
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA hello. I was wondering for just some angst where fhe reader literally has to slice their hair to get away from an escaped victim who wanted to hurt them. (I'd prefer to not mention length or type so it'll kinda inclusive?)
Cutting Ties
Includes: Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Bubba Sawyer, Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire
TW: Mentions of Violence, Threats of Harm, NSFW Implications, Freddy being a perv if you squint
AAAAAAAAA hello yes this is fun, esp cuz I just recently cut my hair (again) *que that one song ‘I cut my bangs with some rusty kitchen scissors’ fuckin country*
If there's anything you'd like changed or fixed, just lmk and I'll take care of it! I hope you enjoy!
Freddy Krueger:
When the victim gets their hands on you, Freddy sees red. Normally a cocky and confident killer, he's now terrified at the thought of you being hurt, or worse
The victim has their hand in your hair, any movement you make sending shock waves of pain through your skull as they harshly yank on you to make you stay in place
You take notice of the scissors on the counter beside you, and start running ideas through your head
You quickly grab the scissors, and in one quick motion, cut your hair and darted towards Freddy
Part of him wanted to make their deaths slow and painful, but he knew it was better to cut them short quickly, which is what he did
Afterwards, he's checking on you, making sure you aren't hurt, but quickly moves back to his sarcastic demeanor quickly, maybe it's to hide how scared he actually was, or maybe it was to make you laugh, either way, his normal self was back rather quickly
The first comment he made about your hair was rather,,, indecent.
"What the hell am I supposed to pull on now!?" "Freddy, I swear to God I will burn you again."
Overall, he'll probably just mirror how you feel
Sad about your hair? He'll be somewhat sympathetic and assure you that he still loves you with your new hairstyle
But all in all he doesn't actually care too much, because to him, despite his attempts to seem like an asshole, looks don't matter to him, as long as you're safe and happy, then he's happy
Michael Myers:
Michael had lost a victim, something that doesn't happen often
And when he found the victim trying to break down the bathroom door where you were hiding, he was beyond angry
After the victim was taken care of, you swung open the door and embraced him, a gesture he happily returned
When he noticed your hair now being significantly shorter, he's curious as to what happened
After you explained, he's furious
They broke into his home where his partner was and damaged them.
You had to calm him down again, but it wasn't easy
In his mind, you are his, and he is supposed to protect what is his, and he failed
He's angry at the victim and he's angry at himself, and he's not used to feeling anger because someone else was hurt
He may have to leave again so he can take his anger out on some unsuspecting people, but don't worry, he'll be back as soon as he's done to check up on you
He'll be softer and sweeter than normal, making sure that you're not hurt in any physical way, and if you're upset in any way he'll be there to comfort you in anyway he can
Turns out, Michael's not the embodiment of evil... Who could've guessed?
Jason Voorhees:
Jason's biggest fear is a victim getting their hands on you, and when it happens, he's terrified
He can't just attack them while they have you, he couldn't and wouldn't risk harming you in any way
But when he sees you take a knife to your hair and start running, the victim's done for
They're down in a second, no time wasted as Jason is immediately by your side, fretting over you
Are you hurt? Did they cut you at all? Are you bleeding anywhere? Are you--
His mind is running a hundred miles an hour and you and Pamela are both having to do your best to calm him down
"They're okay, Jason, they're okay. Don't worry, they aren't weak, they're alright."
After a few minutes he's more calm, but he's still worried and upset, how could he let this happen?
He's not going to be worried about your hair until the next day, instead spending the night fretting over your health and making sure that you're really sure that you're okay
When it does come up, he's first reaction is going to be "It's so cute!! Just like you!!! It looks great!!!!!!"
Even if it's completely uneven, he's going to tell you it's beautiful, and he's going to mean it
To him, everything about you is perfect, and nothing can ever be even somewhat unattractive about you, you are his world and he will never ever want to change a single hair on your head ;) pun intended
Bubba Sawyer:
When Bubba sees that a loose victim got a hold of you, he's panicking
His brothers are the ones that have to help you, given that Bubba is too frantic to be of any help at the moment
But during the process, you end up having to take a chunk of your precious hair out to get away and give Chop-top his chance to take the victim out for good
Bubba is immediately by your side, crying and babbling wildly in his own special language, holding you close
You didn't understand Bubba as well as Drayton did, but you could gather what he was going on about well enough
"I'm okay, Bubba, see, it's okay, I'm okay--"
It takes quite a bit of convincing for him to finally believe you and calm down, but he's still anxious the rest of the day
Similar to Jason, he's not worried about your new hairstyle, he's worried about you
But, when it does come up, he doesn't see an issue with it
If you're worried about hair y/n, he can always make you a mask with plenty of hair on it!!
If you get upset about it though, he'll be sure to comfort you, assuring you that his love for you will never change for anything, especially not this
You'll be treated like royalty after that, being showered in kisses and pampered, after all Bubba can't have you feeling down about any part of yourself, no matter what!!
Thomas Hewitt:
Tommy is livid when an escaped victim gets a hold of you, he's mad at the victim and he's mad at himself
How could he let this happen!? He's supposed to always be there for you, always protect you! What if you hadn't gotten away, what if he hadn't gotten there in time, what if they had hurt you?
How dare they try and lay a single harmful finger on you, did they know who you were!? You are Thomas' world, his precious love, his perfect person, how dare they ever even attempt to hurt you!?
He's immediately carrying you inside, there's no use in fighting it, for the rest of the day you are put in your shared room and taken care of, until Thomas is 100% sure that ever single risk is gone, you are not to come out of the room
"Thomas, I'm not made of glass! I can go to the kitchen myself!"
He's shaking his head, refusing to let you leave the room
As for your hair, he hates it
Don't get him wrong, in his eyes you are beautiful in every way shape and form, and if you had done it for any other reason, he'd love it
But to him, it's a reminder that he made a mistake that almost led to you being hurt, or even worse
Every time he sees you, his hands are in your hair and he's immediately beating himself up, his expression depressed and hurt
You'll have to spend a lot of time reassuring him that it wasn't his fault, and that you're okay, and that it's just hair, it's not some symbol of his failures
He'll start letting up on himself, but until your hair goes back to normal, he won't be able to help but blame himself for what happened
Brahms Heelshire:
Let's be real here, Brahms hates change
Which means he's going to hate your hair
After the grocery boy kept flirting with you over and over, Brahms finally lost his temper when he asked you out
He revealed himself and chased him through the mansion, and the grocery boy grabbed a hold of you, leaving you no choice but to cut your hair to escape into the walls
After he's disposed of, Brahms comes to find you in the makeshift room he had in the walls
He checks on you, but makes it very clear he's unhappy about your new haircut
"Sorry, Brahms, next time I'll just let him cut my throat."
"No!!! That's not what I meant!!!!"
He's going to pout after that, and insist that he gets to try and fix your haircut
Even if he's not good at it, he hates that the grocery boy was responsible for this change
After all, your his and he wants to be able to fix what's his, even if it's not good
Just let him try, Y/N, he'll throw a fit and give up after a few minutes and allow you to go to a hairdresser and get it fixed
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krshush · 3 years
NWEWY update time!
[NWEWY spoilers up to W2D2, major WEWY spoilers also]
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BITCH HELLO??? I have. MANY thoughts. but I JUST got to the start of W2D2 anD THEY DROPPED THIS SHIT? IT’S ONLY DAY 2
god. okay. OKAY.
Learning that Shiba is the Conductor makes me 100% certain Joshua’s on some ”keep your friends close, enemies closer” bullshit, because he and Mr. H knew abt the Shinjuku Inversion and I DEFINITELY think some Reapers showing up like hurt puppies to Shibuya after Shinjuku’s destruction is SUSPICIOUS and J def caught that
THAT SAID, he couldn’t save Neku during A New Day and insisted to Mr. H that Neku didn’t matter anymore, I wholly believe that was a lie, but to what end is a Big Question that hovers in my brain (though, given Mr. H also betrayed J to try and save Shibuya is... maybe bigger? HM) ((FOR ALL IT MATTERS NOW MR. H IS MIA HMMMMM))
SO MY THOUGHTS, CURRENTLY, are that Coco, Shiba & the Shinjuku Reapers are for some reason trying to destroy UGs? Started w/their own and have their eyes set on Shibuya now and have for awhile
Joshua and at least Neku also are trying to stop that.
Neku is stubborn and already did it once and WILL Do It Again (Threat), Josh is at least gotta be a petty bitch like “if I can’t destroy my UG, neither can YOU” but also J’s hands are tied as again like, a spy
I’m STILL?? I’m still thinking the Ruinbringers are like. Higher-Up Sponsored to tie up the Game OR Tsugumi, who I believe at this point might be the RB’s leader, is being led on by the Shinjuku Reapers after she survived the Inversion, and they’re tying up the Game that way
I DO NOT KNOW what stake Coco or ESPECIALLY Minamimoto have in this Power Play Game.
Coco (my detested 💕) HAS briefly shown up as of W2D2 after being gone for presumably the whole 3 years after she killed Neku and she’s waiting for someone and wants to help her “dearest friend”. I believe from the Trailers and articles, her friend is Tsugumi but... how does that equate to Neku’s Death (remix)?
AND THEN. MOTHER FUCKIN SHO MINAMIMOTO. BITCH. I am not surprised at ALL that he leaves after he gets all the “data” or whatever on what’s going on w/Rindo. Is he also hunting Neku down? Or was Coco at the End of A New Day right and Minamimoto IS ACTIVELY CURRENTLY Neku’s partner while they both try to save the City?
Because, in fairness, while Sho’s always on his own bullshit for his own reasons ONLY, Mr. H did literally become a Fallen Angel to tell Sho who the Composer was, teach him how to make Taboo Noise AND fix his Revival Sigil so Sho was Alive and Tabootified to go face Joshua. SO LIKE... Mr. H, for God Knows Why, believed Sho an option to replace Joshua and keep UG and the city alive presumably. Was that faith misplaced? Or was it right and Sho is now working to keep it from destruction also?
BECAUSE ALSO. ALSO! SO. The tagline of this game in one of the trailers was “only the possibility of you can change our fate.” which is like, clearing  spinning on Rindo’s Replay ability (the fact they call him a “Replayer”... the layers in that title djkfh) but then like. It’s Important. That he changes fate, but does so very clearly by talking to more people, trying to understand other characters more (whether benevolently or with combat strat intentions) is important.
And the Reaper pins (contrast to the Player Pins everyone else has, HMM) Rindo and crew have awoke Other Latent Powers than the standard Players have generally. Were these given out on Very Rare Occasions and, as the Game reached a stalemate, was Team Save Shibuya (Neku, Josh Probably, Sho???? OTHERS??) looking for someone with this particular power and found it in Rindo, and so now all this weird shit is following him??
I can’t even talk abt Mikagi, he still has to be Swallow and if Tsugumi isn’t the Ruinbringers’ Leader, I think he is at this point. But also something Weird’s gotta be happening w/him if he’s been in the UG but also playing this FanGO game for Rindo to know him jkdhfg
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hawaiian-has-moved · 4 years
Do itttt brag abt ur partner!!
Oh we going more, okay!  Well obviously he’s fucking gorgeous. Like ugh the moment we meet in person I’m planting 1,000 kisses all over his face. He’s literally perfect in absolutely every way. He laughs at my jokes or when I have trouble getting out the words I’m trying to say, and his laugh just makes me melt. When he’s embarrassed he says “Oh my goodness” in the cutest way. His joy is warm and yellow in my mind. His art also reflects so much of him. Not what he draws, more of his style. It’s such a cute style and it reminds me of how cute he is if it makes sense. More so of a joke, but we also both find it funny that we just:
Beetlejuice kinnie  🤝 Adam kinnie                *starts dating*
But all in all I love them so damn much. Like fuck their my everything. He just AAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Wow. All mine. :)
ily @chrisrambles
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gOd. imma dump this here bc idk where else to go with this but. consider: el chico del apartamento 512 by selena inspired malec au. i think it’s generally a very sweet song and i can see magnus being a bi disaster over his new neighbor but holding back for Reasons (enter: trauma, uGh). very briefly mistaking izzy as alec’s partner and realizing he’d been crushing bc suddenly he’s very disappointed oh no but alec is his new FRIEND and he isn’t even sure alec’s queer or single or interested??? meanwhile, alec: “he’s so kind and funny and gorgeous. unbelievable.” maybe... alec asks him out on a date and magnus mistakes this as a friendly hang out?? no angst necessarily, but yes pining as alec kisses his cheek goodnight or smthn bc from magnus’ signals it seems like he wants to take it slow (meanwhile magnus doesn’t even KNOW this is a date) and they’re both like *sigh* but for different reasons obv. idk how long this goes on or if it’s even plausible tbh bc alec? not being 1000% transparent after he lets himself go for what he wants? unheard of. but then again: magnus still struggles with being undervalued by romantic partners and his friendships are beautiful and loving, so to him, alec cares for him very strongly, yes, but it must be totally platonic, right? hhhhhh i could go on
!!!!!! omg yes!!!!!!!!! also seriously keep dumping your stuff here this is literally all i want out of running this blog like i love these ideas
hell i can even incorporate that into that witch au i wrote a few days ago lmao like after a while they become friends and shit and somehow magnus hasn't met izzy before so when he does see her he's like "oh no" and realizes that maybe he has a crush on the weird grumpy guy who hears him ramble about witch stuff and genuinely worries about his business losing clients because of the mixup
but also ugh yeah i love me some "character A thinks it's a date and character B doesn't realize" shenanigans. and while you are absolutely correct about alec being 100% transparent he's also a respectful king so i totally think if he thought magnus wanted to take it slow he'd want to take it slow. also magnus is stupid and doesn't know how to take alec's very clear and intense attention so he's just like. oblivious. alec will straight up make him a declaration and he'll be like "ah yes... platonic friends. i wish he meant it the way i want him to </3" like an idiot lmao
like the misunderstanding would probably not last long but it would be great while it did if i do say so myself. then eventually alec sits him down to have a Talk like "do you really want to keep this going? i don't want you to feel forced into this or something" and magnus is like "hm?" and they sort it out aaaa
and alec is all like "oh my god did i not make it clear i was into you? this is so embarrassing i thought you wanted to take it slow and i was worried maybe i was coming off too strongly or something" and magnus is like "NO i mean im usually the one who comes off too strong" and they both get to be dramatic in love bitches with each other <3 aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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t nejilee owo
Miraculous Encounter 
 From an ice cream artisan’s negative emotion a monster arose on Pont des Arts. In an instant, the creature laid its rampage: covering everything in its passage in ice cream. Highly inconvenient really. Nonetheless, at the sight of trouble, Paris’ heroic duo is quick to jump in action. 
 “Why now of all times? I can’t lose this job!”, deplores Coccinelle as he meets up with Malchance on top of a roof. 
“Late on rent again?”, she asks already knowing the answer.
“When am I not…” They swing from building to building to catch up to the monster.
 “If Coccinelle and Malchance received a dollar for every time they saved Paris, we wouldn’t be struggling to make ends meet. LEFT!”
 Malchance yells out that last part to her partner. Coccinelle swiftly turns left and punches the humanoid ice cream’s finger off, it slowly grow back. The dance begins.
“I took a job far below my qualifications”, says Coccinelle while dodging sorbet projectiles. 
 “I feel you; anything’s better than unemployment”, agrees Malchance breaking the waffle glove the monster wore. 
 “At least the guy I like works there.” 
 “Did you mean me?” asks a man appearing suddenly. 
 “The Monarch!”, They both call out jumping away. 
 “My Coccinelle, as pretty as ever!” 
 “Shut up!” 
 “Coccinelle!”, Malchance calls out to get his attention, “The ice cream scoop the monster’s holding has to be where the akuma is hiding.”
 “Take care of it, I’ll handle the Monarch.” Malchance nods and takes off leaving them alone.
 “I missed you, so I thought André’s glaces de l’amour could help us reunite”, teases the Monarch.
“Solid logic”, retorts Coccinelle kicking ice cream at his adversary’s face. 
 As the Monarch jumps to his left to dodge it, he’s met with the hero launching at him. He blocks the punch in time but not the kick that follows. 
 “Alright, let’s make this short and sweet; I don’t have time to deal with you today!”, says Coccinelle before summoning his lucky charm. The ladybugs gather and give him a golf club.
 “What are you going to do with that?”, taunts the Monarch. 
 Coccinelle can think of one way to use it, but that’s probably not its miraculous intended use…He would’ve looked around to think of another way if it weren’t for the Monarch launching at him. He quickly counters his attack, but his club flies off. Whether it’s to defeat the ice cream monster or the Monarch, Coccinelle still needs it, but his enemy is blocking his way. He runs towards him; as the Monarch swings his cane, Coccinelle jumps. He lands on the cane successfully bringing in it and its wielder to the ground and jumps one last time to retrieve his club. 
 Unfortunately, Coccinelle realized too late that in doing so, the Monarch had seized his yo-yo. Coccinelle’s unsure which is worst, but he also needs it back pronto!
 The Monarch unrolls the string and gets into a fighting stance. Well, if it’s a fight he wants, who is he to deny it. Coccinelle quickly gets in position and initiates the fight. Their spar is a mess of punches, kicks, and counter kicks, Coccinelle fights as swiftly as he can, but he can hardly land a blow. What’s worse, the Monarch takes immense pleasure in reeling him in with the yo-yo string.
Something about the Monarch is different today. Or maybe he’s the one who’s off his game? Coccinelle can’t quite put his finger on it. Suddenly, he sees it: an opening. A feint, a punch, and a trip later, Coccinelle has his opponent pinned down. The monarch smiles and with a swift roll followed by a strong kick, throws the Coccinelle away towards the Pont des Arts.
 “Does your thingy come back like a boomerang?”, the Monarch asks before hurling the yo-yo in his direction. Coccinelle tries to catch it, but he’s slowed down by the string entangling him. He fails and the yo-yo flies through the bridge’s railing.
 As soon as it comes back, the Monarch grabs it and pulls with all his strength. The string tied around Coccinelle’s wrist tightens around one of his legs and forcefully restrains him to the bridge. This is bad, Coccinelle realises, he has to escape, he cannot allow himself to be fully immobilized because then, the Monarch will be free to steal his miraculous. His free hand is suddenly pinned to the railing with the Monarch’s cane. Not good…  
The Monarch steps forward. 
 Coccinelle’s desperate at this point. He struggles to get away, but the Monarch’s advance is inevitable. With all the strength his position allows him, he tries to kick the monarch away, but he easily grabs it and holds it firmly at his side. So much for a last stand…
“That’s what I love about you: you never give up”, whispers the Monarch uncomfortably close. 
 “Bop”, says the Monarch lightly bouncing his index on Coccinelle’s nose.
The Monarch then smiles. If he didn’t know better, Coccinelle would say it’s a genuinely happy smile. But that can’t be it, right? The Monarch is their nemesis, an enemy who seizes every opportune negative emotion to terrorize the city, a menace bent on possessing the miraculous for his greedy needs, a villain whose ultimate plan must never be allowed to see the light of day. 
 “I’ll see you next time, my beautiful Coccinelle.” 
 With that, he steps away and a swarm of monarchs cover the Monarch’s escape. Malchance arrives soon after. 
 “What happened?”, Malchance asks kneeling to free her partner, 
“The akuma was called back, I thought maybe you defeated the Monarch, but clearly something else went down.” 
 “I don’t understand it either. He had me completely immobilized, you were too far to come to my rescue, he could’ve taken my miraculous. But he didn’t: he smiled and left…It worries me how uncharacteristically our encounter went.” 
 “I’d say he was off his game, but I mean look at you. Kinda funny, though.” 
“What could possibly be funny about our close call?”
 “He has a thing for you and here you are tied to Pond des Arts: love lockets bridge...”
 “That’s his game; flirting. But it doesn’t mean anything!” It doesn’t mean anything he repeats to himself.
“Who knows what goes on in his head…Five minutes before clean up?” 
 “Yeah, see you next akuma, Chance.” She turns around so he sees her roll her eyes, “Malchance.” 
 They part ways. Coccinelle heads back to work. When he’s close by, he finds a nice isolated corner to call out his creation powers and restores the city to its glory.
 “Spots off.” After the words are uttered, the little kwami re-emerges from the earrings she inhabited. Tikki grabs the macaroon her wearer produces and hums happily as she eats.
 “What do you make of our encounter with the Monarch?” 
 “Don’t worry, Neji. I’m sure our next time will go better.” 
 “Yeah…Well Tikki, time to get fired!”
 Neji enters back to the café to face his doom. To his surprise, his new employer’s quite understanding about the excuse he provides. 
 “Don’t worry! I have other employees who are absolutely terrified of the Monarch’s attacks. I myself was outside enjoying a mountain of ice cream that fell nearby. Go to the kitchen, someone probably reappeared from their hideout by now; they can start your training.”
 Neji thanks his employer once more and heads to the kitchen. There’s a man busy washing the dishes who doesn’t notice him, Neji recognizes him as the cute waiter he’s been crushing on for a while now. Gosh, how many times had he dinned there just to see him? Is he one of the employees who are afraid of the Monarch’s attacks? Neji feels an odd sense of pride knowing his heroic persona gets to protect him. 
 “Hey, I’m Neji!” 
 The man turns and smiles when he sees him, a smile he could live in Neji thinks. 
 “Hi! I’m Lee. You’re the new guy? Don’t worry, things here run smoothly. Come on, I’ll show you around.”
 Neji follows Lee as he shows him everything in the café. When they’re back in the kitchen, Neji notices a woman chopping fruits. Another co-worker! 
 “Tenten, this is Neji, he’s new”, introduces Lee. 
 “Oh, hey”, she says indifferently continuing her work. 
 “She’s a cook, so pretty busy. But she’s nice once you get to know her”, explains Lee. 
 “I just hope I’ll last long enough to actually get to”, Neji says that but he’s glad Lee’s the one who’s training him, 
“You have no idea how many jobs these attacks have cost me.” 
 “Yeah, they can get pretty wild; it’s only natural to be afraid.” 
“I’m not afraid.” 
 Lee is taken aback by the firmness of Neji’s statement, impressed. 
 “I just wonder about of this whole hero/villain stuff, what their motives are”, says Neji. He also wonders why he tells Lee that…  
“Hero complex I always thought.”
 “I meant the Monarch…” 
 “Oh. Fun”, says Lee without a doubt.
 “Fun? What could possibly be fun about remorselessly putting people in danger?” 
 “Collaterals. Think about it, since everything returns to normal by the end of the attack, the Monarch’s actions are inconsequential. Therefore it’s like a recess where everything goes, a moment where chaos can be set free.” 
 “Provided the Coccinelle’s there to clean up, but what happens when the Coccinelle’s tired of playing janitor?”
 “I don’t think that’s possible. That’s what I love about him, he never gives up.”
 Neji looks at Lee, registering what he had said…for someone this cute; he sure doesn’t make a lot of sense. 
@alumort aaaaaaaaaaaaaa I did not forget you it just took me like a week to write, weesh the rarepairweek sucked me dry of ideas T^T i think imma take a break of writing because ouffff with that said it was really fun to write, hope you enjoy it and that youre doing well <3
@meloodles the nejilee miraculous au i was telling you about ^^
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yaoiwarning · 8 years
@captain-fanattic tagged me in a Fucking meme like its 2012 
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, HAVE FUN!
A - Age: 18
B - Biggest fear: My parents finding out about my sexuality/being outed/my parents going through my things (are you seeing a pattern because I sure am)
C - Current time: 7:57 pm
D - Drink you last had: Water
E - Every day starts with: Me going back to sleep for .3 seconds and wishing from the bottom of my heart that I was dead
F - Favorite song: It changes REALLY FREQUENTLY but I really like Tim I Wish You Were Born A Girl  and Poor Grammar  pretty much all the time, most recently my new favorite has been Southwestern Territory and Let’s Take a Ride Like We Used To (I’m sorry I really love music) 
G - Ghosts, are they real: I’m already overwhelmed with life as it is do you honestly believe I think about this anymore 
H - Hometown: St. Louis, I’m still here and I’m staying for at least four more years I’m so , fucking, thrilled 
I - In love with: My PARTNER !!!!!!! 
J - Jealous of: People who talk to and trust their family ?? And people who don’t get sick Every Single Day of their Life and actually LIKE THEMSELVES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
K - Killed someone: My heart says no but my violent intrusive thoughts and unwanted dreams scream yes 
L - Last time you cried: It can’t have been more than a couple of days ago honestly, time sort of blends together lmao
M - Middle name: Elizabeth
N - Number of siblings: 1, a younger brother 
O - One wish: To like,,, actually be happy and comfortable with being alive 
P - Person you last called/texted: My partner,,,,, for both,,
Q - Questions you’re always asked: “Are you feeling ok” “Are you sick” “Have you showered” “Have you done ________ yet” 
R - Reasons to smile: IM ALMOST OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL !!!! AND DOGS ! 
S - Song last sang: I lost my voice screaming Boomerang in the car yesterday, along with the rest of the Mia Pharaoh album
T - Time you woke up: Around 8:30am, I wish I could have slept longer 
U - Underwear color: Unfortunately pink ones with white dots, my bra is black though, which reflects my usual color choice lmao
V- Vacation destination: Michigan,,,, going out of country kinda terrifies me 
W - Worst habit: Biting my tongue, sitting/laying down in the shower for an hour and not actually washing myself, overreacting 
X - X-rays you’ve had: A couple on my right arm, a LOT on my left ankle from my break and surgery, and quite a few from my orthodontics and oral surgeries.... I love my ankle ones the most they’re very disturbing, my favorite is the one they took when my leg first broke and my ankle was still dislocated 
Y - Your favorite food: Pastas and soups, generally the only things that don’t make me feel like I’m dying?? I really like chicken and dumplings but also udon is mcfucking good (and spicy food in general) 
Z - Zodiac sign: Leo, thats why I’m such a fucking furry
And I’m NOT gunna tag anybody because I’m fucking... I don’t actually care but if you see it and want to do it go for it and @ me bc I totally wanna see it
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pinkpeccary · 5 years
tldr: i have a philosophy assignment to work with a partner to lead a discussion on Janet Halley’s  “The Move to Affirmative Consent”, a piece that i think is well argued and articulates a lot of things about the movement that i struggle with, as well as going into why radfem influences in this are dangerous and conservative, specifically in the legal context. my partner has opposing opinions to mine which i don’t want to deal with because they feel like they come from a place of emotionally charged kneejerk reaction rather than actually considering the argument. (i might be being harsh here, idk i’m tired and annoyed). 
under readmore bc it got long enough i don’t want to make people scroll
in my philosophy class we got paired up at the beginning of the semester to do a seminar presentation, meaning each pair picked one of the readings to research and present on during the day we were discussing it in class. my partner picked Janet Halley’s “The Move to Affirmative Consent” and i didn’t really have a preference so that’s what we ended up with.
i like this piece a lot. the main argument is basically that the push for affirmative consent policies is coming from the radfem desire for social control through punishment by reducing the definition of consent to the subjective concept of “desire” or “unwantedness”, which is pretty much impossible to gauge in a court of law, and that parts of the definition given by the California laws specifically are heading dangerously close to the realm of “guilty until proven innocent.” Halley is a legal scholar, and as such is approaching this issue from a legal standpoint, questioning the desire to make the law the decider of what is consent especially when the definitions given can be interpreted in so many different ways and the concept of unwantedness alone is too subjective to be used as the sole basis for legal proceedings.*
i do get that this is a hot-button issue. parts of her argument really are her saying “these policies make it easier for men* to get convicted of crimes they didn’t commit” which is easy to misinterpret as “we need to protect poor innocent rapists whose lives will be ruined by these accusations”. but really what’s going on is she’s saying it’s not okay to set a legal precedent for putting the burden of persuasion on the defendant, and that the push for it is not out of genuine goodwill but comes from the radfem belief that because of the patriarchy if a woman ever has sex with a man it’s coerced by societal norms and therefore all men who have sex with women are evil rapists. (she does a much better job of arguing this than i am in summarizing it)
anyways. i skimmed this piece a month or two ago to get a sense for it leading up to the presentation and my initial response was “cool, this seems like good thoughts? would have to read more in-depth tho.” then i ignored it for a while. but tuesday is our presentation day, so we decided to meet up to work on it today. so i did a very close reading of it while waiting for my partner to tell me when she was free, and realized that i really do agree with most of what she’s arguing, and that she’s putting into words a lot of things i’ve struggled to express about my feelings towards consent***
so i came out of this thinking, “great! i can talk about this!” but we need to give a critical response, which includes both what we found compelling and what we disagree with (or why we don’t disagree with anything). so i started trying to come up with something to disagree with, but the problem was at that point any potential counterclaims i could come up with were too easy for me to rebut.
then my partner arrived 30 minutes late, and first off: clearly had not read the entire piece. which was annoying. but she had opinions about it. and she found opinions about it on reddit. and her opinions were very counter to mine. 
basically, she was upset that Halley was criticizing affirmative consent because it’s such an important thing. we have to have a practical connection to some sort of event or something that we analyze through the lens of the piece, and her suggestion was “maybe we could find an example of a case where affirmative consent was necessary, to show she’s wrong about it”. at one point i brought up the bit about how since consent is defined so loosely and subjectively it often comes down to he-said-she-said, and it’s problematic to put the burden of persuasion on either party, and she said it was better to have the law set up to be manipulated against the accused rather than the victims because “women wouldn’t do that.” and the big one that really bugged me is she said something about “why is this even a conversation we need to be having” because obviously this isn’t relevant in the current social climate because the issue is too much sexual assault going unchecked (when actually that’s precisely why it’s a conversation that’s happening, she’s saying that affirmative consent as a response to that issue is problematic in its current implementation from a legal standpoint and we should maybe talk about that but yknow whatever)
and this is not a fight i want to get into. i don’t like confrontation and i especially don’t like confrontation where i’m on the side that doesn’t have the fun buzzwords that make people side with you regardless. and i have no idea how the rest of my class feels and my school is small enough that i don’t want to rock the boat too hard and it’s just. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
like i wish so hard that i had a partner who agreed with me because i would love to talk about this piece i have a lot of feelings about it. but i’m having to compromise my feelings about it with her opposite feelings about it and pretend to be much more neutral than i am which, also, is likely going to lead to the fun unintended side effect of me being more defensive of the piece than i should be. it’s not flawless. but i know that if i have to lead a discussion in which we pick apart all the terrible evil things she says about defendants have rights and how dare we not immediately believe an allegation of sexual assault immediately no questions asked in a court of law, i’m going to start getting a lot less willing to acknowledge those flaws.
* i’m not summarizing it super well but that’s the gist of it
** the piece is responding to the typical narrative of male perpetrator and female victim, so throughout the piece the genders of each party is indicated as such. 
*** this is a whole nother post that i might have already talked about but basically the big thing is i’m super uncomfy with the definition of consent at my school specifically including the phrase “enthusiastic yes” because i am neutral towards a lot of things and have a complicated relationship with attracted and if my partner (sexual partner not project partner) wants to do something and i’m fine either way than if i agree unenthusiastically it’s still consent and to claim otherwise is to push me towards performing enthusiasm i don’t have and subsequently questioning whether or not i’m actually consenting bc it feels fake; anyways she doesn’t go into that specifically but it relates a lot to what she’s saying throughout
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