#my own little fanfiction for jttw!
hcdragonwrites · 1 year
I wrote something original and inspired by JTTW
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This however is too big to post to tumblr so I will link my Ao3
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complete-clownery · 8 months
Okay I wont get to work on this any longer tonight so imma just post this
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So this morning I have realised some stuff about my Macaque home hc
So first of all you can see the human disguised Macaque with Bai He,
and so Bai He wasnt there or "planed into the house" three days ago, but I decided that, that just wont do, I want her with Macaque, so im going to have to go back and alter my original ideas so it would fit the concept of Bai He also living there with Macaque (I have quit a lot of ideas for that, but ill get to them when I have the time)
But its not the main reason I wanted to talk about this even with half finished ideas under constructuion in my head
The big thing you already saw the random old lady and the antic Store/shop, so its no suprise im going to talk about that a for a bit,,, not a lot tho cuz I dont really got the energy for this
Soo--- She does not have a name, but Ill work on that, shes not fully thougt out, but nothing really when it comes to my ideas and headcanons (its kinda like eating halfbaked dough)
so shes 73 years old divorced lady running a little antic shop in the outer cirkles of Megapolis. I was thinking maybe it was her who originally selled the whole building to Macaque and rented the free space under the dojo.
She has a daughter and a grandkid (didn't decide on gender yet)
Shes kinda inspired by @/ladygreenfrisbee's oc in the fanfiction sunbreak, a snarky but sweet old lady whos not taking any shit from the brooding, shadow the hedgehog wannabe.
When she was younger she worked in a Museum in Megapolis, working with antient historical artifacts and megical weapons, but she pretty much knew everything about anything in there, with history and old stories being one of her passions,
Thus after she retired she decided to open and antic store. Even tho its an antic store, she can be one of those people that you bring an old piece of furniture or object in and they can tell you if its legit or not. She is also willing to trade and buy stuff from you if its to her likings. She's fair and not a con artist, she has just enough money for herself and thats completely fine by her, shes a simple woman when it comes to living.
She has a ton of degrees, Dr. And Phd tytels and what nots, extreamly smart and knows a lot about history and mytology and different eras of the past, making it easier for her and Macaque to connect over old stuff.
Also I was thinking, even tho she couldnt tell that Macaque was the Six Eared Macaque himself, she knew that they were wearing glamours, She studied artifects and worked with demons who were experts on the field of magics and glamours, she knows her shit
And even tho She had a decent relationshipp with Macaque I dont think Macaque would willingly let her see his true form, maybe after he was very exhausted, and injured after a fight they couldnt hold it up and were like-- fuck it who cares (maybe it was after the final fight with LBD) and she obviously knew who they were imidietly seeing his Six ears (that even tho he let her see one time hé continued to glamour like he would usually, only letting go of their human disguise)
So after that she would start asking him a whole lot of questions about the past and what was it like, carefully avoiding the questions involving the great sage equal to heaven, cuz she knew what happend from jttw
But yeah Macaque found it funny how a child and an old lady are looking at him with similar shimmer to their eyes as they interrogate him on the past
She loves a good tea and has her own little blends that calm the nerves and ease muscle pain and stuff like that. After She and Macaque became more friendly with eachother she gifted them some tea that helps him fall asleep better and relax. Macaque checked them for poison twice and couldnt find anything, but still wasnt willing to drink from them until he had a very fucked up breakdown yippeee ✌️
After Macaque lived there for some years they somewhat warmed up to eachother, they would hold little tea paties and talk about stuff (annoying husbands and divorce) after Bai He started living with Macaque these tea parties increased in numbers, sometimes the ladys grandchild joining in when Grandma was watching over them, maybe they get along well with Bai He, maybe they had a rocky begining to their friendshipp, but they warmed up to eachother and now are pretty good friends (maybe, ill think about it more)
BUT!!! this was it for now its already 2:40 am and im waking up at 6:40 so even tho I have more to say ill be going now
Bye thank you for reading ✌️☺️
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cloud-somersault · 10 months
This is in reference to your most recent post, but I honestly get so confused when people who watch LMK haven't read or at least done research on the source material(JTTW) because I feel like it dampens their experience of appreciating the characters. 
JTTW, which is what LMK is referenced from, is rich with tradition, meaning, and culture. Not understanding JTTW gives you a very one dimensional approach to all the characters but especially Wukong since he is currently one of the only original JTTW figures from the main cast. And in misunderstanding Wukong’s source material means that people really don’t understand shadowpeach like they should. 
Even if we were to only go from the context of the show, shadowpeach started out super toxic. LMAO! These guys were at each other’s throat constantly and were not amicable at all. The appeal is the fact that it is alluded to/shown that these two used to have a very close relationship but something happened to separate them. That’s where the intrigue begins, that’s what gets the gears turning in the viewer’s head. Something happened to make them this way and we want to know! In JTTW canon, Wukong did kill Macaque and it was actively against Buddha’s requests not to. Bro did not care, lol.  I think it is also important to realize that LMK and JTTW are still different BUT it’s honestly quite foolish, in my opinion, to completely disregard the book it is based on. And there’s nothing wrong with fans taking canon things from JTTW and applying it to LMK. Especially if it’s their own fanfiction or interpretation(like your fic). It has been a common theory that Wukong killed Macaque(pretty much since the show started), especially given a lot of the evidence we have been presented with. Disregarding one of the writer’s statements, it’s completely reasonable to make the connection between JTTW and LMK that Wukong did kill Macaque. Especially considering we are shown in the third season a flashback that they did have a violent brawl before his supposed death and subsequent resurrection. 
Shadowpeach IS inherently toxic, especially before there’s any character growth between them, and I personally feel like it’s okay to acknowledge that and embrace it. I understand people tend to gravitate away from any forms of toxicity because, yeah, it feels weird saying you like a ship of two people who hate each other. But that’s the fun thing about enemies to lovers! And shadowpeach has so much more depth to it because it can be interpreted in so many different ways. I wholeheartedly believe that their versatility and depth as a ship is largely the reason why they are one of the biggest ships in the fandom. And their depth comes from the fact that they are inherently flawed characters.  
This need to uphold Sun Wukong on a pedestal he does not deserve ultimately ruins the thing that makes them special. And that's how undeniably human he is. Someone wouldn’t know that just from watching LMK, especially since the show either glosses over the darker parts of JTTW or alters them entirely. Stripping Wukong specifically of the overflowing amount of wonderful source material he has completely dumbs down the beauty of his character. I think playing around with the idea that he did kill Macaque(in regards to LMK canon) doesn’t really change where they come from very much. Idk if anyone else has noticed, but the season 4 special is obviously still not the full picture. That little fight in the mountain is 100% not what makes them hate each other so much. That much animosity for an altercation like that?? It doesn’t make any sense. We still don’t have the full picture, and people are basing their attitude towards each in seasons 1-3 on insufficient evidence. 
Anyway, sorry lol. Seeing people not appreciate shadowpeach for the mess it is makes me so unbelievably disappointed and frustrated(especially if they know nothing about JTTW) and the internet is a great place to bounce off opinions. I promise this isn’t directed towards anyone in particular and it doesn’t come out of anger, I just think there is a common misunderstanding of shadowpeach’s complex foundation and I refuse to stand for it. /lh /nm
Okay, my weird rant is over, haha. I completely understand your irritation with comments like that, though, and I am so sorry you have to deal with them. 
Damn, I don't really have anything to add to this. I think you said it all. I can pack it up and go home LMFAO Can this be my new pinned post
Oh, I will say one thing. The fandom is def afraid or in denial that shadowpeach, in any iteration, is toxic. In order for it not to be, they'd have to be grossly out of character, and then guess what friends? That's not shadowpeach!
But a lot of people do that and are content with that. Which, okay, but stay off my porch LMFAO
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glitchyko · 7 months
Hello, I'm a LMK fandom newbie, as in I stayed up until 5am binge-watching the show and hopped onto tumblr and ao3 for the fanart and fics before I finished S4 and got jumpscared by what I thought was spoilers only to proceed finishing the show and discovering those ideas are way too prevalent for them to end up...not in the show at all. So I'm wondering if there's like, some extra material I missed asides from the four seasons and specials, like. I would presume Macaque and Sun Wukong's backstory comes from The Actual Journey to the West the fandom decided to use because ain't nobody killing anybody here, JJK round two there for a minute and I was baffled...but I'm wondering where the other stuff comes from, there's so many characters I don't see in the show, I paused typing this for a minute to look up the origin of the Bai He stuff so I know that now lmao, but Princess Iron Fan and Macaque being siblings?? Ello? And I paused again while typing this because I was still baffled by the varying different "why did SWK kill MQ" takes that ain't no way that's all coming from a single story and apparently it was implied in S3 helloooooo 😭 fandom phenomenon of fanworks going so hard for no reason the expectations I built up on the final episode going "okay this is it, then I sleep, this has to be the one with the full flashback right...right?!" I think that's what fandom might've done with the side characters too lol.
Alright, so there’s a number of things to address here, but I will do my best to try and explain everything to the best of my ability-
So firstly, yes in JTTW, Sun Wukong kills Macaque, they weren’t sworn brothers or anything like that, they didn’t have any sort of relationship, Macaque swooped in, pretended to be Sun Wukong, fought Wukong a lot while literally everyone is trying to figure out who is the real one, but eventually Buddha exposes Macaque, and Wukong kills him. There is evidence to support that Wukong did kill Macaque in LMK as well, since in season 3 LBD says she brought Macaque back to the mortal realm, and Wukong and Macaque are shown to have fought, with Wukong coming out victorious, so it’s safe to assume yes, Wukong did kill Macaque in lmk as well, the reason behind why he did so is unknown currently, some people think it’s because Macaque attacked the gang in an attempt to save Wukong, but we don’t have a reason for it in the show, but I do hope we get one.
Regarding Princess Iron Fan and Macaque being siblings, that is just a headcanon the fandom made, at this point there’s nothing even implying such a thing in the show as far as I’m aware, I understand why you’d think that’s canon because when I first got into lmk, I thought that was true too. The lmk fandom does like to use characters that aren’t in show, but do appear in lmk Lego sets, such as Rumble and Savage, or characters from jttw, like Wukong’s four generals, Marshals Ma, Beng, Ba and Liu, for lmk fanfiction and au’s. Ultimately it does take some research to figure out what is actually canon, and what is just a fandom headcanon, a lot of side characters in lmk, like Jin and Yin, sadly don’t have a lot of chances to shine or do anything really noteworthy more than maybe once or twice, so we don’t get to really know too much about them, so we take what we can and add more to it, make our own interpretation and put our own spin on things.
I hope I was able to help clear up any confusion you might have, I’m sorry if I didn’t really help that much or if I missed anything or got something wrong, this is my first time being asked about something like this, but I hope that this helped, even just a little bit!
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