#my only consolation atm is that if i infected anybody the list is short
onbearfeet · 2 months
Roommate Cryptid has the plague and maybe I do too?
So I got a text this afternoon from a friend, informing me that, after 4 years of dodging the bullet, she developed covid symptoms the day after she gave me a lift home from a 4th of July barbecue, and had now tested positive. I tested immediately, and was negative.
Roommate Cryptid tested positive. Later in the day, he developed mild brain fog.
This is a little odd because, while he was also at the barbecue, he left before Covid Friend arrived. It's possible that my negative is a false one and I gave him the plague despite still being asymptomatic, but we're currently playing a somewhat grim game of I Got It From Agnes. Results so far:
The hosts of the barbecue on the 4th: negative, asymptomatic
The hosts' children: asymptomatic, probably too young to provide a good sample for a home test.
My mother, whom I saw unmasked on Saturday the 6th: negative, asymptomatic
My friend T, for whom I did a favor on Sunday the 7th while she wore a surgical mask and I wore an N95: negative, asymptomatic.
RC's and my friend J, whom RC saw on Friday the 5th: positive, asymptomatic.
RC's sister, with whom he had dinner Friday evening: negative, asymptomatic.
Everybody in the grocery stores I visited on Sunday while wearing an N95: I'll never know.
Everybody in the Target RC visited on Sunday while not masked: ditto.
So maybe RC got it from me, and I'll test positive tomorrow. Maybe I'm actually negative, and RC got it from J, and the timing is a coincidence because there's so much plague about. Maybe somebody else at the barbecue was passing the plague around and RC caught it that way. I'll update this as I get more data if anyone's interested.
Any which way, this is your irregularly scheduled reminder to wear a fucking mask and get your jabs if you can because actual systematic anti-covid measures make Economy Jesus cry or something, and you never know when Roommate Cryptid will be asymptomatically buying USB sticks in your local Target.
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