#my ongoing obsession since i was like...14??
yazmati · 26 days
no one understands how important the zato/millia/venom toxic queer love triangle is to my psyche
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kiame-sama · 22 days
this is so stupid but im currently cracking up the idea of yandere lilia totally forgetting that his (somewhat new) object of obsession has not been informed of his actual age yet and trying to hit on them only to get like.
"Uh huh kiddo, what are you, fourteen?"
and just being stuck going 'no i swear to god im like 400 its a faerie thing please stop laughing i am a father of three-'
What Are you, Twelve? (Yan!Lilia x Reader)
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(Changed from 14 to 12 because that is my usual go-to age to guess when kids (under 21) try to hit on me (over 25))
Warnings; Yandere, yandere relationship, yandere behavior, yandere temper, age confusion, Silver/Sebek/Malleus have to vouch for Lilia, old man trying to have game,
"You know, (y/n)," you wanted to sigh when you heard him start up again, knowing the odd lad from Diasomnia was back at his usual antics, "I certainly wouldn't mind a moonlit tousle through the grass with you any night... Or any day, for that matter."
Part of you wanted to laugh and part of you wanted to scream in frustration. This had been ongoing since you met the oddly young vice-housewarden of Diasomnia, Lilia. He was a cherub-faced pallid creature with pointed ears that made him look like an elf, and he was obviously quite interested in you. Problem was, you weren't interested because you were almost certain he wasn't even old enough to attend Night Raven College, let alone be hitting on you in such a direct way.
You would give credit where it is due, Lilia often spoke as if he were an old man and he could occasionally speak as if he were wise beyond his years. Still, that didn't change the fact that you were almost certain he was a child who got in to NRC due to an older sibling. You viewed the black and pink haired boy the same way you viewed Ortho; as a child. Hence the problem you now faced as that same cherub-looking boy shamelessly made a pass at you for the fifth time that day.
It was easy to ignore when you were in class despite how the young boy tried everything in his power to get your attention. However, you were now in the cafeteria and just wanted a bit of peace and quiet. You had been spending time by the table Diasomnia students often occupied because others avoided it, but now you may have to rethink the strategy as Lilia would come bouncing over the moment he saw you.
"Lilia, I just want to eat lunch."
"I would love to eat too! Perhaps later I can have a taste of you?"
Enough was enough. You tried to not snap at others- especially housewardens and vice-housewardens- but this kid was not getting the hint and you were getting annoyed. It had to be something his older siblings put him up to, as even now you could see the Diasomnia students watching the interaction keenly. You hadn't had much time in classes with these magically-gifted students, but you knew enough about them to know which student was likely Lilia's caretaker.
So without a word to Lilia, you stood and marched right over to the table the typical Diasomnia students frequented. The one with white hair- who you knew to be NRC's own 'sleeping beauty' Silver- and stood directly in front of him with a hand on your hip.
"Call off your little brother."
"... Excuse me?"
You pointed to Lilia- who had happily joined your side- with an exasperated sigh.
"Your little brother, call him off or explain to him that children shouldn't flirt with others who are several years their senior."
This made an odd choking sound escape the green haired one sitting next to Silver. Though you didn't know that one's name, you knew enough to recognize he was the one most often yelling in any class he attended. Before he could respond, the slow rumbling lilt of the housewarden of Diasomnia hummed out.
"Lilia is not Silver's little brother."
"Okay," you gave an exasperated shrug, "then whichever of you is supposed to be keeping an eye on him, teach him some manners. Trying to sleep with someone older than him will not end well for either party."
"... Child of man, enlighten me, how old do you believe Lilia to be?"
"Too young to be chasing me."
It was then Lilia spoke up, his usual playful smile gone and replaced with a more contemplative frown.
"I'm old enough."
"Kid, what are you, twelve? I am way too old for you."
The lasting moment of silence almost made you wonder if your assessment of the boy's age was incorrect as those sitting at the table all shared a look. Lilia was no longer the bouncing excitable boy he typically behaved as, straightening up as if he were offended by your assessment.
"Twelve years-? Ah, it seems I've forgotten to inform you of my true identity. I am not human, (y/n). I am Fae. We age differently compared to humans-"
"Okay, so you're several decades old, but you are mentally tweleve. I'm still too old for you."
"... Silver is my son. I raised him, Sebek, and Malleus from infancy or near infancy."
"And I'm the Queen of Hearts. Lies are still lies, Lilia. No matter how well you spin them."
"No, I'm being serious. I am basically a father of three-"
"Lilia, I'm being serious as well. Stop chasing people older than you. It's not alright to ask someone older than you to sit on your face, okay? You shouldn't even be thinking about these things until way later in life."
You walked from the table, content that you had made your point clear as you went back to your own lunch. Lilia was beside himself with surprise and he couldn't help but look to his three sons for some kind of aid or assistance.
"I am not twelve."
"Father... I've told you, if you insist on acting younger than your age, humans are going to believe you are actually young."
"Then you talk to them, Silver. Or I may have to drag Crowley into this. My youthful appearance should not interfere in my attempts to gain their affections. That would explain why they look at me so oddly whenever I try to proposition them, though. Still, you don't want your dear father to end up a lonely old man do you?"
"Of course not, Father, you would be an excellent match for anyone-"
"Exactly my thoughts! So be a good son and wing-man for your father."
"... This is going to end poorly."
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crazedear · 6 months
No one asked for this…but I can sense my desperate brothers and sisters through the screen and have decided to quench their thirst through…
Ever since I’ve finished watching Hazbin Hotel, I’ve been absolutely obsessed with these two and their dynamic, as a result, I have been researching and stocking up on good (dare I say exquisite) fanfictions about these two psychopaths…so why not share my library with people who want it (ik there are some out there 🫵)
Also some things I need to mention:
Most of the fics recommended are gonna be very Vox and Alastor centered (Ofcourse with background and/or side pairs)
This list is not in any particular order and is also based on what I find good and satisfies my personal preferences when it comes to these two, so some of these may not be to your liking, but I still hope you can find at least one that you can enjoy!
all fanfics mentioned are sourced from Ao3
Most are either incomplete, ongoing, or just haven’t updated in a long time, BUT THEYR ARE STILL SO GOOD AND WORTH READING 🙏
Static Shock
Rated M
Chapters 10/?
Alastor, Altruist, Died for his Friends. That was the headline. Vox made sure it was plastered all over Hell the moment he'd seen that demon flee for his life. After he remained missing, Vox accepted that he really was dead. Dead and gone. No rival. He and the Vees were now free to rule Hell as the Overlords they'd always dreamed of being, and the plans were finally in motion.
Then Vox went out for donuts, and everything came crashing down. Because Alastor wasn't dead.
He was barely alive.
That one Tuesday
Rated E
Chapters 35/38
A chance encounter leads to new developments between Alastor and Vox, and things escalate far beyond anyone could have predicted.
Remote Access
x-UsoTsuki-x (its_not_reael)
Rated E
Chapters 12/?
In the aftermath of Alastor and Vox's electrifying on-air showdown, Vox finds himself unusually rattled. His usual suave demeanor is slipping, much to his cohorts' amusement – and concern. Velvet can do little more than roll her eyes at his antics. Valentino, on the other hand, is convinced that all Vox needs to do is get fucked and relax.
or, alternatively...
The tech-savvy overlord manages to snag a virus from a porn site and finds himself in the arms of his worst enemy.
5 Times Vox Flirted With Alastor and 1 Time He Did Back
Rated M
Chapters 5/6
A tiny series of continued one shots dedicated towards Vox's "unrequited" tomfoolery and how he was so horrid at expressing it, only to progressively get better at it over time.
You’re better than "paradise"
Rating none
Chapters 7/7
Based on the one shot 'better than paradise!' With permission!
Vox gets redeemed and sent to heaven but he doesn’t want to be there at all. And he will do whatever he can no matter how long it takes to get back to hell.
Vox gets redeemed after sacrificing his life to save Alastor in the middle of extermination day.
Pushing Your Buttons
Rating T
Chapters 6/19
After his crushing defeat at the hands of Alastor, Vox decides he needs to take a more hands-on approach in order to destroy the Radio Demon.
Of course, his best course of action is to exploit the other’s weaknesses… if he has any.
The only problem is that means Vox might have to get a bit closer to Alastor than he previously thought (in more than just one way).
Or; Vox finds out the Radio Demon’s true weakness — affection.
etched into your bones
Rating M
Chapters 13/14
Vox has never danced much, and certainly never with another male. He’s a little nervous, but Alastor’s here. He looks at the man’s face, and they’re about the same height. He’s still smiling. He smells like rot and decay and blood, but everyone does, at least a little. Vox can hear the static cackle in the air.
He wants to kiss him.
He doesn’t, not yet. But he wants to.
Throughout the years, things change with Vox and Alastor, and they stay the same, too.
Meant To Be Yours
Rating M
Chapters 3/3
He loves him, he loves him, he loves him. Vox has loved Alastor through all the decades they've known each other. And, in a moment of pure, drunken stupidity, he tells Alastor how he feels.
Five Times Vox and Alastor Danced and One Time They Didn't
Rating T
Chapters: 2/6
“I say, good fellow, what are you doing on the ground like that?”
The voice was perky, cheerful, and bright. It had a crisp mid-Atlantic accent, the kind Vox remembered being all the rage for stage and film performers back when he first entered the broadcast industry. The diction was crystal clear with every sound enunciated separately to maximise clarity, the consonants clicked and the vowels were broad. It was a performer’s voice.
A voice for radio.
Five times Vox and Alastor danced and one time Vox and Alastor didn't.
From their first meeting through their friendship, to their enmity and fighting. From infatuation to yearning to animosity. Dancing is a partnership, is it not?
Oh shit.
Rating T
Chapters 1/1
Vox decided to make a little gift and drop it off anonymously. But there's always an option to figure it out.
Video missed the Radio Star
Rating G
Chapters 1/1
Vox is haunted by his choices years after the fact. Nights when the static in his head got too loud, when he couldn't breathe, however artificial it was, where he grabbed that radio by his bedside and fiddled with the dials, looking for any present shows, any sign of his voice.
This absence was killing him, again.
Rating M
Chapters 1/1
Vox has been absent for two weeks. Alastor comes to the recently abandon Vs Tower to investigate.
To Please You, Deer (5 +1)
Rating M
Chapters 2/7
5 times Vox tries to court Alastor and one time Alastor courts Vox back~
Soul Safe
Rating T
Chapters: 17/?
Once Alastor’s back made contact with the brick wall and he had nowhere else to go, his smile more of a gruesome snarl with the corners of his mouth still tipped up in a mock smile and eyes radio dials, Vox was able to get close enough to notice a slight shade difference in his red shirt, just below his shoulder. His lower lip looked more swollen than normal too- no, Vox would not be admitting to knowing what shape it usually was to anyone besides himself- causing him to frown.
"Who did this to you?"
One-Sided Date Night
Rating T
Chapters 2/2
“You’re a great friend,” Vox said sincerely, placing a hand over the one on his frame, leaning into the touch. “Thank you, Alastor.”
“You’re welcome, Vox.”
This would be fine.
It was supposed to be fine.
Why did it feel like heartbreak?
Vox's Reality TV Special!
Bee-nut (wellthizizdeprezzing)
Rating T
Chapters: 9/?
After Sir Pentious fails to spy on the hotel Hazbin staff, Vox decides that in order to get back at Alastor he's going to offer to film the hotel for his new “reality TV show''. Charlie, wanting more sinners to flock to the hotel, accepts his offer. Vox is in for his reality check as the show reveals things about his feelings towards Alastor he didn’t expect.
Chaos abounds.
Rating T
Chapters 1/1
Alastor was a virus. A malware he couldn't erase, and it occupied his every thought.
And yet-
Rating M
Chapters 4/?
The image of Alastor trying to crawl on his wounded stomach, those delicate fingers curling helplessly in air, reaching towards Vox — a smile stitched-up and eyes that screamed — the essence of a soul that twisted on the palm. Help, the fragment of Alastor’s soul had pleaded. Please. Help. Help. Help. Pleading with his enemy. Alastor couldn't even recognize him. Vox hadn’t even paused to think as he grabbed Alastor's hand, and the smallest bit of his own soul twined around, deep deep deep, merging fully with that fragment of Alastor, anything to steer him away from the awful finality of nonexistence. Vox's mind rejected the notion. His conscience exorcised the option from reality.
Post-Finale. The Hotel finds Alastor right on the front lawn, unconscious and bleeding, still injured from Adam's blade. While he recovers, all of Hell scrambles to find out who his mysterious rescuer is.
Meanwhile, Vox tries not to freak out that he might have accidentally made a soul bond to save that deer asshole's life. All he had wanted to do was to scope out the ruins of Alastor's radio tower. Fuck him for being curious, he supposed.
You're on the Air
rillo (rillyrillo)
Rating M
Chapters 15/?
A series of short, daily conversations between a radio host and his avid listener, as the two learn more about each other’s lives over the air.
Set in the late 90s/early 2000s.
[HUMAN AU] [There's art included for the human designs]
Alastor, Altruist
Rating E
Chapters 5/?
When his microphone breaks, Alastor realises far too late that he may have underestimated the danger he was in.
Alastor's fight with Adam goes horribly wrong, and Charlie and her friends have to deal with the aftermath of a defeating loss. But is everything truly as it seems?
I Just Wanted to See Your Face
Rating none
Chapters 3/?
When you fall, you fall hard. Be that Hell or Love at first sight.
This is a story of how Vox met Alastor, their relationship and their falling out, before Alastor disappears for 7 years without explanation.
Rating none
Chapters 1/1
The idea of romantic affections and love never piqued Alastor's fancy.
In fact, the radio demon was sure he wasn't even capable of such emotions.
So when an unfamiliar ache starts blooming in his chest it catches the man quite off guard.
Especially considering it's directed towards his outspoken business partner.
Knife Through the Heart
Rating T
Chapters 13/?
After being grievously injured by an angelic weapon, Alastor unwittingly finds himself teaming up with Vox. Unfortunately, emotions are a bitch, and Vox still has some unfinished business with Alastor nearly fifty years in the making.
Rival Frequencies
Rating none
Chapters 2/?
Vox really didn't know what he was playing at. Watching the optimistic little idiots rebuild their pathetic hotel was not his idea of a good time, and he definitely wasn't watching for a flash of red and camera distortion, no, not at all.
misery meat
loveronmayday (nariaein)
Rating T
Chapters 1/1
Alastor offers a slice to Vox, who readily tries it. Savory and rich, with an underlayer of cognac.
If Vox didn't like it, he wouldn't lie, but he would never be rude. No, instead, he would propose his own liver to perfect the flavor. Anything Alastor wanted.
or: Alastor and Vox share a meal.
Radio Healed the Video Star
Rating M
Chapters 49/?
Alastor comes across an unconscious and battered Vox while out on one of his strolls. He feels compelled to bring him back to the hotel.
Bluest Monday
Rating E
Chapters 14/16
The year is 1989; Vox and his closest friend Alastor have maintained a strong allegiance for decades. Thus far, Vox has been the Radio Demon’s biggest admirer and protégé, always more than a few steps behind; always wanting more than friendship.The 80s bring with them a new era for televisual media; TV is finally becoming king, threatening to cause a rift between the two friends. Vox, desperate to keep Alastor in his life, doubles his romantic efforts. Alastor, desperate to maintain control and power, decides to indulge them.
A story in which Vox finally gets the man of his dreams; a flighty wicked demon who loves to push his buttons. A story about true friendship, true love, even; but also about how it eventually has to end in tears. A story about how there may be potential to salvage it, after all. Only time can tell.
Im definitely gonna keep updating whenever I find more, or if I recall any! Please give the authors and writers of these fics much love and support! They did amazing jobs and deserve so much! (Also please feel free to recommend fics to me or ones that you think should be added to the list!)
Love yallll!! 💕💕✨
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Hello Questies!!
This post has been a long time coming, and here it finally is. Willow, and more importantly, the Willow Fandom, changed my life, so, thank you all for everything!
Now Presenting…
How to Get a Girlfriend by Watching Willow 2022:
Step 1. See gif of Kit on top of Jade when she was saying goodbye like on Pinterest.
Step 2. Figure out the name of the show with the hot girls.
Step 3. Rewatch the original Willow.
Step 4. Watch Willow 2022
Step 5. Realize that the feelings about other women that you have been suppressing since you were 17 are coming back to bite you in the ass.
Step 6. Reject compulsory heterosexuality.
Step 7. Call your best friend in a panic.
Step 8. Try for weeks to try to get anyone you know to watch Willow. Fail.
Step 9. Sign back into an old tumblr account and start following people just as obsessed as you are.
Step 10. Read horny fanfic. A LOT of hot horny fanfic.
Step 11. Get your best friend so fed up with you that she invited you to an LGBTQIA+ friendly community event more than an hour away just so she doesn’t have to be the only person hearing about Willow anymore.
Step 12. Make lifelong friends!!
Step 13. After several months of trying to convince people to watch Willow literally steal the TV hookup and force people to watch it.
Step 14. Share the link to the Free Willow website in the Facebook group chat so everyone can watch more episodes.
Step 15. Get private Facebook message from girl wanting to talk about Willow.
Step 16. Make friends with said girl and get a huge crush.
Step 17. Start hanging out outside of group events.
Step 18. Be awkward.
Step 19. Continue to be awkward for several months until one half of the friend group pulls you aside, and one half pulls her aside and endure an intervention.
Step 20. Ask girl on date. (She says yes!!)
Step 21. Go on date and realize that despite the fact that there are over 12 years of university between the two of you, that you both read dozens of the same articles on Reddit and Quora about how to act on a first date, since neither of you have had one before.
Step 22. Get mutually pissed off at the lack of official peer reviewed research on how to have a healthy relationship. Decide to work on writing and publishing together. (So far, the only thing actually peer reviewed is our relationship, which only started due to peer review.)
Step 23. Make plans for more dates.
Step 24. Be happy!!!
Step 25. Realize that communication is hard and misunderstandings suck after reading more horny Willow fanfic.
Step 26. Write 5 page love letter in proper MLA Epistle format and give to girl.
Step 27. Become official girlfriends!
Step 28. Receive photos of her extensive collection of swords and blades.
Step 28b. Implode. (Like seriously. It was SO hot.)
Step 29. After being girlfriends for two months, bring up Willow again and find out that she doesn’t actually care that much about Willow?!?!?!!!! She likes it but was mostly using it as an excuse to talk to you?!?
Step 30. Consider breaking up with girl (not really!!) because she isn’t actually as obsessed with Willow as you are.
Step 31. Decide to share your gratitude with the ongoing Willow fandom for changing your life instead of worrying about making everyone in your life love it as much as you do. 😂
Thanks to the creators who helped me work through the emotions of steps 5 and 6 and those who helped with steps 10 and 25. @ksfreckles @geek-and-nina @ourlonelymoon @commanderbuffy @acre-of-wheat @wigster07 @vetiverriver @barmaid-anon @swashbucklery @spybrarian @isabrella @lowkeyed1 @savewillow2022 and so many others!
While I’m at it: Thanks to @ourlonelymoon for reminding me I don’t have to earn help, @acre-of-wheat for helping me remember that being on the spectrum doesn’t make me unloveable (and for reminding me that letter writing is valid communication) @commanderbuffy for proving that love isn’t just for teenagers, @wigster07 for showing second chances and that character growth requires tons of hard work @geek-and-nina for perfectly portraying the emotions and joy of falling in love, and @ksfreckles for being the first person I talked to online and for writing the story that means everything to me.
Thank you Willow Fandom and Willow Creators! I do not know where I would be today if it wasn’t for my lovely, Willow-obsessed online community. 💕 ⚔️ 😉
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susandsnell · 2 months
Jonathan Crane, 14 and 21
Character Ask Game
Hiya Mira! Thanks for sending these. <3
Jonathan Crane - Batman (various)
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
As hotly contested as the term/aesthetic is, unfortunately I can't really work around Dark Academia being core to our beloved Scarecrow; the patchy professor's outfits and the ostracizing comments they provoke are so key to the character from his inception, and I'd love to see more Batman media where he's drawn in it. Knitwear, argyle, button downs (with salaciously rolled up sleeves when in the lab, oh my!), sweatervests, neutrals, patterned ties (though throw in the bolo for our Southern boy!), camel coats, heavy emphasis on neutrals and houndstooth. Double-bridged glasses are my personal headcanon, but wire frames are solid regardless. I also love it when artists/fanartists incorporate dorky Halloween elements into his wardrobe/accessory; I've drawn him with Jack-O-Lantern patterns/patches on his sweatervests, I've seen him drawn with ghost ties, he might even have some more scarecrow-themed looks just to really rub it in...the man is a nerd, let's lean all the way into it! On top of being funny and kind of adorable, I genuinely find "Crane is obsessed with Halloween themed clothes" to be a great characterization mainstay since it's super humanizing for your otherwise cold, poised and intimidating scientist to still dress like what he also is -- a dorky middle-aged college professor.
21. If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favourite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
Oh, this is just delicious. Writing Crane, as with many villains, is a dive into the id -- he's Batman's drive for vengeance if it took a full nose-dive into Sweeney Todd territory, and I love getting to revel in that. I also really like to think "what's the most fucked up but still plausible thing I could have him do", but contrasted with "where might the weak spot be, and how do we get him to this point". Fear toxin inflicted on various characters is a wonderful gift-that-keeps-on-giving device in how it reveals so much about its victims, but I find that just as much, how Jonathan engages with inflicting it and with his victims' reactions really helps me work out just what kind of monster he is -- and where his empathy, should he have any left, lies.
As for what I don't like when it comes to writing him, I will say voice is hard just because he's so frequently underwritten, and I tend to write my headcanon version of him as a composite versus a more specific one (with that said, Nolancrow you beautiful bastard, let me capture your speech style you job-switching weirdo). This is more an insecurity thing (as is the would he do that? would he not? why? - the neverending tug of war that is trying to write believable and occasionally cute romances for awful people) than a problem with the character himself. The other big challenge with writing Crane is keeping it fresh; Batman himself has pointed out many times that he's one of the Rogues that evolves/learns the least with respect to MO and master plan (I guess because the field of science is always ongoing, fear is eternal, and revenge is almost as infinite in its scale?), and it's true he isn't really given much in the way of personal arcs. Because of that, I end up having to rely a lot more on trying to come up with new situations to put the old man in to try and nudge him in either-or direction.
Thank you so much for this!
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asykriel · 1 year
Love is the Death of Duty - 11.
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® do not repost or translate !
☆ Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Male! Targaryen OC
☆ Status: Ongoing 
☆ Summary:  
“He is half of my heart.”
War made monsters of them all, but it also brought the two second sons together in a flurry of death, love, deceit and delusion. The story of Aemond Targaryen and the eldest son of Daemon and Rhaenyra, Maegor Targaryen, second of his name. 
☆ Warnings: Sexual content, explicit violence, dark themes, targcest etc.
☆ AO3 ☆ || ☆ Wattpad ☆
☆ CHAPTERS: (Prologue) / ( 1 ) / ( 2 ) / ( 3 ) / ( 4 ) / ( 5 ) / ( 6 ) / ( 7 ) / ( 8 ) / ( 9 ) / ( 10 ) / ( 11 ) / ( 12 ) / ( 13 ) / ( 14 ) / ( 15 ) / (16 from now on upcoming chaps only on-  AO3  ||  Wattpad  )
☆ Masterlist ☆ ||  ☆ Spotify Playlist ☆
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➸ Next part
Lord Corlys, all I ask of you is spare a ship and a handful of men to take my brother to Dragonstone. 
I promised my mother I will keep him safe.
With dawn comes the clash of steel and wood, arrows whirring through the air, the roar of dragons echoing across the tumultuous sea and flames burning brighter than the sunrise. 
Maegor and Aemond flank Dorne's armada from opposite sides while Addam Velaryon with the Driftmark fleet meet them heads on. The two Targaryen Princes fly and torch in sync and this time Vhagar is not kept in the shadows as a backup plan.
Like the war machine she is, Aemond unleashes her and she seems to remember from the old days how the Dornish smelled when they got charred. It fills her with renewed vigor and youth because not even the few scorpions that manage to scrape her or latch into her flesh slow her down, instead they only make her burn with more fury. And perhaps even Saagael's ferocity reminds her of the times she fought side by side the Black Dread.
As more of the Dornish ships burn or get sunken beneath the waves by the Driftmark soldiers, Maegor steers his dragon and torches right through the enemy again, scorpions flying without precision, failing to hit the swift target. This time he doesn't turn the Cannibal to circle around and launch another attack, instead he keeps on flying straight ahead, leaving Aemond behind to assure the destruction of the fleet and the Seasnake's victory.
When the time is right, I will make my move. I trust Prince Aemond with my life, and so can you.
The black dragon soars through the skies, cutting through the clouds as his wings beat faster than ever before and Maegor has just one target in mind. 
Dorne, a land known for its independence and resilience, has become Maegor's obsession since last night, his mind churned with plans of conquest. And not only this, but a chance to prove himself once and for all in front of his family and anyone else that might dare question his worth.
I'll show you a real dragon.
House Martell was always too prideful, stubborn and hot blooded. It led to poor decisions and now they had to pay its long awaited due to House Targaryen.
It was Princess Alliandra Martell, seventeen of age, who became the current ruler of Dorne. Her father, Qoren Martell died at the hands of Daemon's spies, years after the first war in the Stepstones, while she was still just a child, not to young to forget however.
She has made a fatal error by sending the majority of her forces to conquer the same barren islands. An inexperienced and reckless choice enabled by her own small council. A mistake that Maegor intends to fully exploit, using her negligence to strike at the heart of Sunspear itself. Now the city is weak and it beckons to him like a ripe fruit ready for picking. 
The distance between the Stepstones and Dorne is covered quickly on the back of a dragon as fast as the Cannibal, and by the break of noon a shadow begins to grow larger and larger upon the sand walls and buildings in Sunspear.
Rare clouds in the sky casting their shadow on the lands, the Dornish think  at first, until the form becomes larger and clearer and they hear the deafening roar that turns their blood cold under the desert sun.
They don't get the chance to react. Maegor spares no time or mercy and he allows the Cannibal to do what he loves the most.
Mass hysteria settles in. The people below scatter in fear, scrambling with no direction, their voices echoing with cries of panic as they try to run for their lives and find a hole to hide in. 
But nothing escapes dragonfire.  
Fools did not keep a single Black Scorpion in the city, sending them all with the ships instead. Chaos erupts as the remaining soldiers scramble in a desperate attempt to defend their home. But the arrows shooting at the beast do nothing against the armor that were his dark scales. It was a futile struggle against the might of a dragon and the ambition of a Targaryen.
Every corner of the city is engulfed into blaze and panic. Maegor slowly becomes drunk with bloodlust and power, laying waste to everything below him. His ears pound with adrenaline. The hopeless screams of suffering fuel him more instead of making him take pity in them and cease his attack, while the Cannibal shows them why the smallfolk call him a harbringer of death.
By now half of Sunspear and its people were in flames. A blazing inferno.
The seat of House Martell is left untouched however, on purpose. Maegor wants them to watch from the balcony of their Old Palace how he turns sand into ashes. Break their minds first so that they will bend the knee easily. 
Burning the city continues, until he hears the loud rumble that reverberates through the air. The sign that Maegor was eagerly waiting to hear. It meant only long awaited victory and peace of mind for him, knowing that his lover is unscathed. Not that he ever doubted him or his dragon's might.
Aemond and Vhagar, having decimated the Dornish ships alongside the Seasnake's fleet, appear on the horizon and the older Prince's eye is fixed upon the blazing city, his nephew's masterpiece. The scorching ceases momentarily so that the two of them can be reunited in the air. Maegor wastes no time and takes the lead, flying the Cannibal straight towards the Old Palace with Vhagar on his tail, their presence a formidable display of power.
The two dragons land in front of the castle's gates, flattening whatever structures or humans were under them and the ground shakes under their sheer size. 
Aemond and Maegor dismount and they begin walking together in silence, stealing a few glances from eachother, towards the last feeble display of defiance. No one tries to oppose or stop them. The surviving Dornish soldiers, now faced with the terrifying presence of the Targaryen dragons, can only submit to their riders and they lay down their weapons as both beasts bare their sword like teeth.   
Even if she did not burn this time, the sight of Vhagar alone,  sends shivers down the spines of the Dornish people. The stories of Visenya Targaryen riding Vhagar during the time of Aegon the Conqueror have been passed down through generations. The dragon's flames had scorched the Dornish lands, leaving scars upon the sands that still whispered tales of devastation. 
Now, Vhagar's presence once again cast a long shadow over Dorne. The people see in her the  symbol of the Targaryen might that almost crushed their ancestors' resistance. And today might be the day when she might finish what she started decades ago.
As the two Targaryen enter the main hall of Old Palace, the Princess, her steward and two knights from her guard meet them halfway, the rest of her small council and the courtiers watch in fear and anxiety from the shadows, behind pillars or from balconies. Maegor notes how she immediately locks eyes with him and Aemond, walking with a regal aura around her, trying to seem like she is still in power while her city is smoldering.
Aemond watches her and her knights carefully, a hand on the hilt of his sword as his shoulder is pressed against his nephew's, both of them keeping close to each other at all times. If anything goes wrong he is confident him and Maegor alone could slice through all of them without the aid of their dragons.
"Alliandra Martell." Maegor calls out first, the tone of his voice cold and commanding.
"Maegor and Aemond Targaryen." She mirrors him but her tone is full of spite at the word 'Targaryen'. 
Maegor's jaw clenches slightly.
"Your pathetic attempts to claim the Stepstones have left your home vulnerable and weakened. Without an army too, I made sure of it." Aemond scoffs at her and the two knights exchange worried looks behind her back. A few gasps are heard throughout the hall at the news.
"Surrender now, and I will spare further bloodshed. Dorne shall bend the knee and unite under the Crown's rule with the rest of the kingdoms." Maegor wastes no time laying out exactly what he wants.  House Martell has no options left anyway. Him and Aemond could wipe out every trace of their bloodline, if bastard-making was not one of their main hobbies.
Hushed whispers begin to echo around the main hall, some blaming the poor decisions of the Princess and being in favor of uniting with the rest of the kingdoms. Even in Dorne, Targaryen loyalists emerge, especially in the face of death.
"Our sands have weathered countless storms, including you, Targaryens . We shall weather this one too." Princess Alliandra, her expression a mix of defiance and desperation, takes a step forward. 
"Dragonfire fire burns hotter than any Dornish sun, you should know this by now." Aemond says sharply.
"I'm being generous by giving you a choice, bend the knee and spare the rest of your city and people. I will take Dorne either way, it matters not to me if it's just sand and ash." Maegor was slowly starting to lose his patience going back and forth with her. The Princess needs to decide fast.
The courtiers' voices become louder by now but neither Princes pay attention to them.
"You're no better than Daemon Targaryen. He did the right thing by naming you after a mad tyrant. Perhaps you will have the same fate as him?"
"Watch your tongue." Aemond sneers at her, taking a step in front of Maegor, protectively.
The two Dornish knights both instinctively grip their curved swords.
The younger Prince places his hand on his uncle's elbow, rubbing an unseen thumb against the fabric of his coat to get him to relax. 
"Spare me the history lessons. You don't know anything about my house. And I'm starting to lose my patience." Maegor glares at her harshly. 
Time is ticking against the Martell. 
"Perhaps some more burning will make the Princess decide faster , wouldn't you say nephew?"
Before Maegor could answer his uncle, the steward excuses himself and takes Alliandra aside where they are joined by the rest of the Martell council. What begins as a hushed choir of whispers soon starts into senseless bickering and both Princes can feel their nerves stretched out to a breaking point, especially Maegor who was already irritated from the start.
"Your time has ran out Princess. I've been more than patient, considering I've been dealing with your Triarchy mongrels for a long time." Maegor barks, his voice echoing through the hall. This seems to finally get the Princess and her council to fall silent.
A subtle change is noted by both Princes, Alliandra Martell no longer holds her head high and confident, instead she is frowning at them with visible anger on her face.
Aemond keeps a close eye on her. Wary of the sudden change of attitude.
Instead of her coming before them again to speak, the steward, an elderly Martell man does, bowing his head and keeping it low when he closes some of the distance between them.
"My Princes, we accept your conditions and generous offer to unite under the same Crown, but we beg of you, spare the rest of Dorne."
This is it? All her initial defiance just to be outpowered by her own council?
Somehow Aemond is not buying it, but nonetheless he gives his nod of approval when his nephew glances at him, almost as surprised as him by the sudden change.
"Some wisdom at last." 
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(Art by me)
Time passes quickly and by the time the flames throughout the city die out, night settles in, as well as momentarily peace.
 Realizing that resistance is futile, the Martell Princess feigns submission and disappears from their sight, leaving her steward to invite Maegor and Aemond to a lavish feast in their honor as it was protocol. The Targaryen Princes, reluctantly accept the invitation, keeping their guard raised with a sense of caution lingering in their hearts, while the dragons still rest right where they were left, keeping guard and forbidding anyone to enter or exit the castle.
While preparations for the feast are taking place, Aemond never leaves his nephew's side. They are both given their own private quarters, but neither of them feel comfortable being alone in what not long ago was their enemy's lair. 
"We should send out ravens." Aemond suddenly speaks from the large divan he is lounging in. He raises his nose from a random Dornish book he picked to look at his nephew.
"I'm sure they found out from other sources by now." Maegor sighs, leaning back against the armchair he is sitting in. Weeks of build up exhaustion really caught up with him by now. All he wishes is to be done with this charade and fly out somewhere with Aemond where he would have some peace alone in his company. He's not exactly keen on breaking bread with the Dornish and faking enjoyment, especially since some hours ago he was burning down half of Sunspear.
"Which is why we should personally send ravens. Unless we want our families to go at each other's throat for this piece of land." Aemond puts down the book and stands up from the divan.
"You know they will either way. But if you insist, write the letter, uncle, I trust your words better than my own." Maegor closes his eyes, resting the back of his head against the armchair as he feels his uncle's fingers carding through his silver locks.
Just for a fleeting moment he wants to freeze time like this. Even behind enemy lines Aemond could put him at ease with simple gestures. 
"There's still some time left. Rest up my Prince." Aemond leans over to plant a kiss on his nephew's forehead before he takes a seat at the desk, paper and quill in hand.
The corners of Maegor's mouth twitch into a subtle smile and soon enough he dozes off, lulled by the sound of the hawk quill dragging ink against the paper.
With that, Aemond sets to work, allowing himself the freedom to carefully write a piece of information that none of the possible sources know. Not even his nephew, at least not yet. He keeps it short and brief, no need for bragging and boasting in a letter. 
They could do that later on when they would eventually return to the capital, or at least Aemond hopes they will. He still has to find a way to deal with his mother and grandfather and keep his drunkard and nosey brother at bay, if he wants to take Maegor back to King's Landing with him. For now their relationship needs to stay private, away from the prying ears and eyes of his Hightower side of the family. If the harsh slap that his mother would deliver to Aemond's face, would be the only consequence that resulted from their relationship becoming public, the Prince can gladly take it. But he knows there's no way the punishment will be so light. And worse, Maegor will surely suffer more gravely than him.
At least he comforts himself with the thought that Helaena would surely take their side and support them, she knows best what's it like to be unable to choose who you want to love.
Outside of the quarters, across the hallways, the ruckus of the servants making the final feast preparations grows louder. It doesn't take long for a guard to lightly knock on the door, without daring to enter. Aemond doesn't answer verbally, so that his nephew can be spared a few more moments of sleep. They'll attend the feast when they please, now that Dorne was under their rule.
Instead, he makes his way to the door and demands a raven cage to be sent over. Naturally the guard obeys and swiftly fulfills the command with no complaints. He is simply glad to be alive. Even if a lot of Dornish people hold deep hatred for the Targaryens, House Martell especially, they are now powerless. Between submission and dying an agonizing death ripped apart or burned to death by a dragon, the choice is obvious.
Once the letter is complete, the older Prince rereads it twice before writing another copy, sealing both of them with melted wax and the Targaryen seal.  Two ravens are sent with the letters, one meant for the Iron Throne and the other for Dragonstone.
I pen this letter with a heart filled with pride and admiration for my beloved nephew, Prince Maegor Targaryen, Second of his name. In the recent war for the Stepstones, Prince Maegor displayed unparalleled courage, determination, and leadership. He led our forces with unwavering resolve, fought fiercely in the battles, and ultimately triumphed in conquering Sunspear and the lands of Dorne. He succeeded what the Conqueror before us could not, uniting all Seven Kingdoms under the same rule.
It is with great honor and privilege that I announce to you all that, in recognition of his valor and dedication, I proclaim Maegor Targaryen as the Prince of Dorne and Ruler of Sunspear. His tireless efforts and sacrifices have earned him this title, and I have no doubt that under the Crown, Dorne will see a new era of unity, prosperity, and peace.
In the name of House Targaryen and the Iron Throne, I ask all the Lords and Ladies of the Seven Kingdoms to recognize Prince Maegor  Targaryen as the rightful ruler of Dorne and offer their loyalty and support to his rule and rightful claim.
Prince Aemond Targaryen.
The older Prince is positive his nephew will be as shocked as the recipients of the letters when he finds out about his titles. But he deserves them, and who else is better fit than Aemond to give them to him? 
Poor Maegor is still sleeping soundly in that armchair, exactly how his uncle left him. Aemond lets out a silent chuckle and barely brings himself to stand from the desk. He does not want to do this, but they need to show their faces for a few hours in the main hall at least, unless they want House Martell to get delusional ideas once again.
"Ñuha jorrāelagon, dombo ēdrugon." The older Prince whispers against his nephews ear.
Maegor jolts awake, finding Aemond looming over him, hands on both sides of the armchair.
"Qybor." Maegor groans at Aemond, his body relaxing in an instance at the familiar face so close to his own.
"It's time for the feast, nephew. You can rest more, after." Aemond smiles at his annoyed face. His hands are itching for more contact, but if they want to ever reach that feast he needs to keep himself in check. And his nephew.
Maegor groans louder in annoyance, rolling his eyes. He doesn't want to endure any second longer in the presence of any Martell or Dornishman.
"Don't worry, we can leave as soon as dawn breaks and we settle our affairs here. I've already sent out the letters." Aemond reassures him.
"No. We leave after the feast, I'm not planning to exceed my stay in Dorne." Maegor stands up stretching  his tired arms. Even at night the heat and dry air of the desert is unbearable, especially since he was still cladded in his dragonrider garments.  He could swear he has sand in his boots too.
"Our dragons are tired as well as we are. You especially. When was the last time you had a good night's sleep, Maegor?" Aemond rubs over his eyepatch, turning back to the desk to dispose of any drafts he started. 
Tiredness is slowly creeping on to him as well but he can endure it longer, after all his arrival is still a recent one. It was Maegor who had weeks of fighting before him and he's surprised that his nephew is still holding himself out so brazenly. It's to be expected, he's a dragon and a warrior.
"If my head wasn't spinning from all the Arbor wine that night, I'd say when I had you in my bed." Maegor follows his uncle, closing the distance between them. He hugs Aemond from behind, pressing him against the edge of the desk. 
In a year at most, Aemond is sure that Maegor will reach his height, if not even surpass him.
"You can have me in your bed again. After the feast." The older Prince emphasizes and turns around to face him. 
Maegor scoffs at the sound of that dreaded dinner again and drops his hands to his uncle's waist.
"Or I could have you now and we can forget about that whole charade. We can have our own celebration in private." The younger Prince presses his lips against the side of his uncle's neck.
Aemond exhales a shaky breath. He can feel his willpower and composure slowly slipping. His nephew is turning into a cunning fiend right before his eyes, but he has to resist the temptation.
"You know how things work, Maegor. Bare with it for just a few hours." He runs a hand through his nephew's hair, untying the messy half ponytail that were keeping his silver bangs from Maegor's eyes.
Teeth suddenly sink into the side of his neck and Aemond lets out a soft wince. Someone clearly doesn't agree with him.
"Fine. But you need to make up for this, uncle." Maegor sighs dramatically and raises his head from his neck to look at him.
"Ao gīmigon kesan, ñuha dārilaros." Aemond chuckles. His nephew's childish stubborness and playful antics are like a breath of fresh air after the recent events.
A glint of something shines in the younger Prince's odd colored eyes.
Suddenly Maegor presses his lips against his uncle's and Aemond soon enough finds himself with his back flat against the desk, his nephew's body  pushing down on his own. 
Aemond groans in his mouth and Maegor keeps kissing him like his uncle is his sole lifeline. Wild and desperate. Maybe it was the pent up anger and exhaustion that gathered during the weeks at war, but he's starving and hungry for Aemond, worse than before their first night together.
A knock at the door reminds the older Prince that he needs to recollect his scattered thoughts and find his willpower again to be able to attend to their duties. However, Maegor doesn't seem to pay attention to it. 
His uncle's fist in his hair yanking his head back snaps Maegor out from his feverish state. They stare at each other a little longer and Aemond notes how wide his nephew's pupils are blown. 
You'll be the death of me.
Aemond clears his voice. Another knock, and the steward's voice excusing himself can be heard from outside the quarters.
Maegor slams a fist against the desk, groaning in annoyance as Aemond stands up, fixing his clothes before fixing his nephew's garments as well.
The feast is held in the grand hall of Old Palace, with house Martell courtiers and Targaryen loyalist nobles gathering to witness the pivotal moment. 
Much to both of their irritation, the Princes are seated opposite from each other at the high table. Maegor next to the Martell Princess at one end and Aemond at the other end next to the steward.
The younger Prince could feel his blood boil the moment he sat himself in the chair and felt Princess Alliandra's presence uncomfortably close to him. This arrangement was on purpose, he's sure of it. 
Aemond watches him all the time and begs him silently to keep his calm, for his sake at least.  Maegor swallows down his anger and keeps his usual stoic facade in front of all the eyes that are upon him. Only one matters however, his uncle's violet gaze is the only ounce of comfort that keeps him grounded and collected.
All kinds of lavish dishes and drinks are brought out, carried by the servants on huge plates. Neither Aemond nor Maegor touch anything before they make sure everyone around them does. After all, if pride is the first thing house Martell is renowned for, poisons are a close second. They have to be vigilant.
Maegor tries to zone out and shut off all the noises and voices around him until he feels a light touch on his arm that makes his anger flare out instantly.
"Prince Maegor, I offer my deepest apologies. My house and people have a lot of pride, it's not like us to bend the knee so easily, surely you can understand." Alliandra Martell speaks in a smooth voice, rubbing her hand over his forearm.
For a swift second Maegor contemplates if he should rip her hand off but sucks in a sharp breath instead, removing his arm from her touch politely as he hums in approval. If he speaks now he'll say something that he'll regret. What is the Princess even playing at? First she wishes death upon him and now she's trying to seduce him.
At the opposite side of the table Aemond buries his nose in a wine cup so that the anger that makes his expression contort at the sight displayed before him doesn't become so obvious. His nephew meets his violet glare with an apologetic one and Aemond shakes his head. It's not Maegor's fault. They both have to bear this night without deciding to burn down the other half of Sunspear still standing.
The Martell Princess doesn't quite catch the hint unfortunately and keeps touching and trying to make conversation with Maegor. He's so tensed up he can feel his flesh hurting.
Suddenly she stands up, and the hall falls silent, the courtiers moving their attention to her. Aemond glares daggers at the Princess but it seems like she either does not see him or simply ignores him. 
"After many thoughts and advice from my council I wish to come forth with a proposal, one that will perhaps solidify the union between Dorne and the rest of the kingdoms." Alliandra says looking at Maegor with a smile on her lips, fake obviously, as she raises her wine cup.
The Prince raises an eyebrow and only nods, feigning interest. He's certain delusion runs deep through house Martell but he needs to play along for now.
"I propose we marry each other, that way we can strengthen our houses and forget about our clashes." 
Aemond's slams his empty wine cup loudly against the table, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword at the audacity. All attention falls to him now.
However, before Aemond can utter a word, Maegor lets out a harsh, mocking laugh that reverberates through the grand hall. 
"Marry you? Have you forgotten your place, Princess? Shall I remind you that I've brought Dorne to its knees along with you? You must confuse the term prisoner with betrothed." Maegor lets out another chuckle, staring at the Martell from his chair.
"I haven't, but I believe this marriage would be beneficial to the realm and our houses." Alliandra's expression falters but she tries to keep her composure and deceitful smile.
The Prince scoffs, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He stands up from his chair, towering over the Martell Princess as he looks down on her.
"Half of Sunspear is in ruins, your army is charred and you've lost your kingdom. This isn't an alliance proposal, it's an act of pathetic desperation. And even if the circumstances were different, I already belong to someone Princess, someone who will have my heart until the end of time." Maegor eyes search for his uncle's for a moment then they return to lock with Alliandra's.  
With her plan crumbling before her, Princess Alliandra's expression turns dark with anger and her facade of hospitality is shattered as she returns to her true self from the beginning.
"You dare to mock and reject me?" she hisses, her hand reaching into a hidden pocket of her dress from behind, from an angle where Maegor can't see.
But Aemond can. And his sharp eye is following her closely as all of his senses are on high alert. 
"Have I not been clear enough, Princess? Stop embarrassing yourself any further in front of your whole court while I'm still asking nicely." Maegor scowls at her, clenching his jaw and fists and doing his best to control the anger that was boiling under his skin.
"Prince Maegor, Prince Aemond, I wish to make a toast." The old steward suddenly calls to the Targaryens as he stands up from his chair next to the older Prince, wine cup in hand.
This brief distraction is all that Alliandra needs. In a fit of rage and swift motions, she pulls out a small vial from the hidden pocket and quickly brings it to her lips. 
By the time Aemond snaps back his attention towards his nephew it's too late. 
With a sinister smirk, she forcefully presses her lips against Maegor's, forcing him to swallow down the liquid.
Gasps echoes through the hall as the horrifying scene unfolds before the courtier's eyes.
Maegor grabs her by the throat and she laughs in his face. He tries to choke her out but almost instantly he feels all the strength draining from his body. His knees buckle under his weight and he falls against the table, his vision clouding. A surge of immense pain follows and he grits his teeth trying to cling to consciousness.
"You treacherous harlot!" Letting out a snarl of desperation Aemond jumps over the table, drawing out his sword in the process and slicing through the steward who, no doubt had a big part to play in this sick plan. Only two foolish guards try to stop him from reaching the Princess, the same two from earlier. 
"I'll send your father my deepest condolences." Princess Alliandra leans over Maegor, whispering in his ear. 
"A shame though, you were such a looker." She traces a nail over a thin scar across his left cheek.
Adrenaline courses through his veins. Acting on instinct, Maegor musters all remaining strength left and, with a fierce determination, he hurls himself from Alliandra's embrace against the floor. He shoves his fingers down his throat, retching until he manages to vomit all of the contents of his stomach in an attempt to rid his body from the poison before it's too late.
Aemond mercilessly cuts through the guards, blinded by sheer fury before he rushes to his nephew's side.
"Seize her!" Aemond shouts but no one dares to move yet, too frozen with shock or fear or perhaps they are all part of her plan. 
The loud growls and restless rumbling of the two dragons right outside the castle walls reminds them of their presence and they quickly make up their minds. By now both beasts sensed something was wrong, especially the Cannibal through his strong bond with Maegor. Eventually house Martell's own guards finally seize their former ruler, awaiting further orders from the older Targaryen.
Princess Alliandra simply stares at Aemond with a satisfied smile on her lips. She knows the outcome of this, but if she can take at least one Targaryen with her, it's a victory in her book.
"Qibor.." Maegor coughs and lets out raspy breaths. 
"Shh Maegor. Ȳdra daor ȳdragon, vīlībagon. Nyke kostagon daor ojughagon ao." Aemond's hands tremble as they cup his nephew's face. Suddenly panic settles in, the thought of losing Maegor like this before they even got the chance to spend their days together is unbearable.
Whatever the poison, it is a very potent one and Maegor would surely be dead by now if it wasn't for his quick thinking. Judging by his state, there are still some traces of it left in his system.
Rushing to the table, Aemond grabs a bowl of salt and pours it into a water pitcher before running back to his nephew.  He forces Maegor to drink large gulps of salt water and waits until his nephew starts retching and vomiting again until there's nothing left to come out from his body.
"You fool, he already swallowed some of it. Your nephew will die and you will make sure to watch." A sudden laugh makes Aemond see red. 
The urge to cut Alliandra's head off her shoulders gnaws at him, but he can't allow her such a sweet, painless death. No. She needs to suffer the same way she made Maegor suffer.
"I'll make you pay. You and all of your treacherous leeches that aided you. Take her outside." The tone of Aemond's voice drops to a dangerously calm.
Throwing his nephew's arm over his shoulder and wrapping an arm around his waist, Aemond heaves him up. Maegor feels like he was threading the thin line between consciousness and total darkness while the sharp pain still tears through him, from head to toe. His legs feel boneless as he is suddenly raised up, but he struggles to stand despite the pain and helplesness and stumbles along, supported by his uncle. The guards follow, Alliandra now silent behind them. 
Even in this state, Maegor is raging in his head, angry that he ended up being defeated so easily. 
Angry that he cannot rip the Martell bitch limb by limb with his bare hands.
At the entrance of the Old Palace, the dragons are restless and distraught under the night sky. At the sight of his rider's weak body getting dragged by Aemond, the Cannibal lets out a roar, seething with fury. The beast lowers his head bearing his teeth and growling dangerously at Aemond. Vhagar rumbles and snaps her jaws in the air, close to Saagael's head as a warning.
"Daor! Lykirī!" The older Prince shouts at the two beasts. The last thing he needs is for them to start ripping each other apart.
Maegor groans painfully trying extend a hand to his dragon. The moment he lets go of his uncle however, he almost crumbles to the ground if not for Aemond to pull him back against his body.
The Cannibal lowers his head further, bringing it closer to his rider. He inhales and exhales deeply, taking in the scent of the young Prince before he lets out a low, silent cry.
"Ziry gōntan bisa." Aemond tells the beast and there's no doubt that he immediately understands by the way he reacts.
 Slitted sapphire eyes like Aemond's gem get locked on Alliandra's form. Her face suddenly drains of color when she meets the Cannibal's cold glare.
"Bring her over."  
The guards reluctantly obey and approach the Princes, all while both Vhagar and Saagael watch, sizing them up with a predatory glare as the men cower in fear before them. 
There's no trace of pride or ambition left on the Martell's face. All of her previous confidence and foolish bravery is now replaced by dread and fear.
"Mazverdagon zirȳ hīghagon." 
A final command is given.
Make them scream 
Before the guards or the Princess can react, both dragons lower their head in synch, opening their massive jaws and closing them around the three at the same time, with Alliandra being in the middle. Despite their sheer size, both Vhagar and the Cannibal act with precision, careful to keep their main target alive long enough to be able to feel the pain. The two guards are ripped apart swiftly and almost too painlessly, they aren't the main course however. Alliandra has the privilege of getting torn apart methodically, limb to limb like Maegor wished until her agonizing screams turn into a gurgles and eventually die out completely just as quick as they started. 
If they had any time to spare Aemond would have personally dealt with her, but Maegor is the priority now and he can feel him get weaker by the minute. There's no time to waste. He needs to take him to be tended by maesters as fast as possible.
Staying in Sunspear is not an option. After the scheme that Alliandra pulled on them, there's no one trustworthy in Dorne and he's not stupid to risk getting Maegor poisoned again and killed under the pretext of receiving medicine and care. 
The Stepstones are the closest, but even if the Seasnake's maesters are skilled, there's isn't a lot they can do with the few rations left and even less medicine.
The second closest option is King's Landing. That plan too falls through as Aemond can't risk suddenly bringing Maegor in such a vulnerable state. He barely got away with flying to the Stepstones in the first place, after much nagging from his mother and grandfather. It will raise up too much suspicion if he suddenly shows up with his nephew like this and it will surely cause an even bigger rift between their families as he's certain both Daemon and Rhaenyra would misinterpret and accuse him of poisoning the younger Prince instead.
So Aemond chooses the third option, the safest bet. For Maegor at least.
Ñuha jorrāelagon, dombo ēdrugon = My love, wake up
Qybor = Uncle
Ao gīmigon kesan, ñuha dārilaros = You know I will, my Prince
Ȳdra daor ȳdragon, vīlībagon. Nyke kostagon daor ojughagon ao = Don't speak, fight. I can't lose you
Ziry gōntan bisa = She did this
Mazverdagon zirȳ hīghagon = Make them scream
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megumi-fm · 7 months
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this week fortnight on megumi.fm ▸ the last leg
is that a pun referring to my aching ankle? yes. is resting at home for another week gonna ruin my mental health? yes. but am I exaggerating and throwing a tantrum for something that's probably not a big deal? also yes.
📋 Tasks
💻 Internship // progress tracker ↳ biopython model replication ✅ ↳ code for obtaining single fasta from overlapping sequences ✅ ↳ running HMMer and superfamily script✅ ↳ output analysis 🔁 ↳ literature review on transport proteins 🔁 ↳ transport protein family analysis 🔁 🎓 Uni ↳ our paper is finally out! there's a doi and everything now <3 it's not open access though :/// I might do some totally legal things to ensure more people can read it ↳ collected the hardcopy of my LOR ↳ collected my gradecard ↳ visited my advisor and updated her on stuff 🩺Radiomics Project ↳ radiomic features finalized✅ ↳ data cleanup 🔁
📅 Daily-s
🛌 consistent sleep [14/14] 💧 good water intake [14/14] 👟 exercise [/14] just basic stuff to maintain ankle mobility
Fun Stuff this week
💗i went to uni to watch one of my friends present something to the juniors! then I spent the afternoon chatting with my guide and later on went window shopping with my best friends (in retrospect i should not have done this because my ankle got infinitely worse the next day and now I'm stuck resting at home for an additional two weeks) 🎮playing undertale with @muakrrr 📺 ongoing: Marry my Husband, Cherry Magic Th, Perfect Propose, Doctor Slump, Flex X Cop 📺 binged: Blueming, Roommates of Poongduck 304 📹 Started watching Going Seventeen // so I've been listening to SVT for a while now and I did watch their Don't Lie II eps like two years ago but I never really checked anything else... however, considering that I'm stuck at home and that @zzzzzestforlife (who has impeccable taste) has mentioned it often on their posts, I decided to check out GoSe properly and. wow. I started with their mystery episodes [fav scenes under cut] and now I'm watching GoSe2020 in chronological order and !!!!!! The concepts, the storylines, the acting, the humour, the editing, even the subtitles are all so so good. I've been watching this show for two weeks now and I am now officially a cubic <3
📻 This week's soundtrack
Wk1: The Best of ATEEZ // I've been real obsessed since their 2024 world tour clips started showing up on social media; I was a casual enjoyer up to this point and then I went and checked them out and it's all so dystopian and immersive. My favourites would be Intro: Long Journey (which makes me feel like I'm in Pirates of the Caribbean), the Symphony version of Wonderland (for its musicality and Jungho hitting those notes), MATZ (that is insane in it's the visual storytelling in the MV) and Wake Up (whose performance choreo ended me) Wk2: The Best of BTS // in an attempt to revive a project I abandoned a year ago, I spent wayy too much time curating this playlist to get the most satisfying BTS transitions ever and I can confidently say that I'm nowhere close to my goal T-T but I kind of like the way it is now so I am simply going to give up
[Feb 12 to Feb 25 ; week 7+8/52 || this was not supposed to be one post but then... idk what happened... I feel very dull lately because of my ankle and just when I thought it was getting better it's become painful again... my friends and parents keep chastising me (and fairly so) for trying to move around even before I fully heal but patience has never been my strong suit. sitting still is really the biggest punishment for a hyperactive ADHD kid like me... i'm sure plenty others have it worse but... yeah... GoSe really carrying my mental health right now ]
my fav GoSe scenes
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ineadhyn · 6 months
Writer interview
@vixstarria tagged me and I finally get to do it! Thank you <3
I am tagging @sky-kiss @scuttlingcrab and @thedomesticanthropologist
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
13 and some are multi-chapter. All are BG3 except for a german Inkheart one
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
85.408 -that is a surprising amount of words for being active less than a year
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
His consort, his god - I finally wrote smut for a popular ship XD (bloodweave)
At her mercy - kinky sapphic Karlach x Durge smut
Natures most beloved treasure - Halsin x trans masc Tav smut
Direct from Hell Logistics - ongoing Raphael x Haarlep comedy/angst/smut/plot - this one has it all
A song of snow and embers and Copper Hearts share this place. one is a F/F/F/F foursome and the other my Astarion x male Tav longfic
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I appreciate every single comment and try to show that. There's nothing better than the e-mail that says "comment on your work" and it can make my whole day. Sometimes I don't know what to respond if it's just a word or a keybord smash, but rest assured I see you and I love every one of those, too.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Angsty ending hmmmm. Because some of my stuff is not completed yet I am not gonna spoil anything but Dust and ash about Astarion's backstory was naturally quite angsty
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Not. gonna. spoil XD
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. Maybe I could count Copper hearts because I took Francys from my original work and planted him into Bg3
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, not yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do. I am exploring all kinds atm with preferably queer pairings wlw or mlm or nb. I can also write mlw from the men's perspective but not the other way round :D
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Boy I wish.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No and I am not sure if I could commit to a project like that.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmmmmm ... Raphlep probably
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My german Inkheart fic with a genderbent lesbian Basta. Damn I was invested in creating this character, but gave up after a while because it was a lot of work and it being german and a niche topic in a small fandom was not very rewarding tbh. I know I should not care and maybe I'll come back to it when the Inkheart obsession comes over me again.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I am good at setting the scene. Atmosphere and small mundane details that make the setting feel alive. I have always liked that in reading as in writing, because it makes you feel like you are actually there when you can hear and smell and taste the scene.
Also I am okay at developing coherent plot, but that's mainly practice from writing a lot of og work before I started with fics.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
I still struggle with english grammar and punctuation at times so I always have a beta reader. And I am lucky to have great ones.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I am not a fan. It confuses me. Singular phrases and such yes, but not entire dialogue. Especially if it's german in an english fic I get super confused.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
*digs through her files* So, my first works were basically fic for my best friend's story. (I was in my early teens.) But since she was the author the lines between canon and fic are blurry and the "fandom" consisted of three people of which one was the author XD
So if we don't count that the first one would be Hunger Games - It was one chapter and I never published it
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
We'll see what posesses me next I guess, though I think Bg3 will stay with me for a considerable amount of time. And ship wise ... I feel Durgetash creeping up on me.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Definitely Direct from Hell Logistics. I am having so much fun with it. It constantly makes me laugh and sheme and I also feel all the angst. Also it is ongoing and I get to explore the story alongside the readers (though I have a rough plot structure to keep me on track).
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scyllas-revenge · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @lordoftherazzles and @i-did-not-mean-to (although compared to idnmt's 550+ fanfics this will look pretty sparse XD
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
14! One is a collection of a couple of short fics, the others are all stand-alones.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Tolkien, pretty exclusively. I don't know many other fandoms well enough to be comfortable writing in them for now
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Burn Like Cold Iron takes first place for everything as my only long fic. Then How to Cope with a Middle Earth Bed Shortage, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?, Customer Service, and A Helping Hand.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! There are a few here and there that slip through the cracks when I just don’t have enough spoons to reply, but I do my best!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write happy endings as a rule lol, so this is tough. The closest to angst might be Burn Like Cold Iron just because it will have some bittersweetness thrown in alongside the happy ending, but I definitely wouldn't call it an angsty ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Considering most of my fic endings are pretty equally happy, my favorite is The Floor Is Molasses, because I just want Boromir to be happy and hanging out in the Shire.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A few times on FFN in the past. I’ve been lucky enough to avoid it almost entirely on AO3. Which is good bc it does not take much to make me cry 😂
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have posted one (1) explicit fic and we shall NEVER SPEAK OF IT (I am easily embarrassed and it’s a miracle I posted it at all)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nooooo, they've always intimidated me. Between all the canon characters and OCs I don't have room for anyone else!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oof I hope not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be honored!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t done much more than brainstorm with fandom friends about plot points and stuff. But it sounds like fun and I hope I can cowrite something with one of my much more talented mutuals someday!!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I haven’t been super obsessed with a ship in years, so this is a tough question, especially since I’ve been focused on OC pairings lately. I’ve been pretty into Boromir/Theodred lately (but it’s such a tragic pairing and my poor heart can’t stand it), but hmm...my all-time favorite?? I'm a big fan of Nina and Matthias from Six of Crows, and Katniss and Peeta from the Hunger Games, and OOH Jaime and Brienne from Game of Thrones! There that's the one. All-time favorite. I did it. Phew.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I fully intend to finish my one ongoing WIP, Burn Like Cold Iron, and beyond that I really don’t want to start a fic I don’t think I’ll finish.
But I’ve written bits and pieces of a Middle Earth murder mystery I was really excited about, and I don’t have high hopes for actually fleshing that one out. I’ve never plotted out a murder mystery and would need to do some hardcore planning and plotting and scheming for it first and my brain is just not there right now XD
16. What are your writing strengths?
Aaahhh I am not good at complimenting myself (my therapist made me compliment myself last week and I almost cried lol) but I think I’ve gotten pretty good at writing engaging dialogue. I also am happy with a lot of my OCs, especially in my all-OC fic Something Burrowed, Something Blue, although I want to keep working at developing more complex characters in the future.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My writing speed. I’m so slow. So so slow. Dear lord.
That and detailed plots and worldbuilding. Basically I need to brainstorm more before I start writing, and get a better sense for where things are going and how they'll turn out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I could probably throw some Italian into a fic without much trouble lol. But Tolkien languages like sindarin honestly intimidate the hell out of me- I will jump through SO many hoops to avoid it. I am a coward
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior cats. I was 12 and submitted it to my English teacher for extra credit. I had no shame 😂
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It’s probably unfair to my other fics to say Burn Like Cold Iron since it’s so much longer than everything else I’ve written. So besides that one, probably What Could Possibly Go Wrong? I had fun exploring different characters’ points of view and sprinkling in lots of foreshadowing and dramatic irony for future plot points.
Tagging: @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book, @hobbitwrangler, @jaimehwatson, @frosticenow, @fishing4stars, @sotwk and anyone else who wants to play!
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erosauriarts · 8 months
AU Idea - Grim Reaper
I really wanted to type this before I forgot. I'm already working on like 6 other fanfics. It's unfortunate I have the 'don't-post-till-its-finished' curse. But *twirls* alas.
Content warning- Canon typical suicide mentions.
There is no separation of ADA and Port Mafia. This is a modernish AU. I really like the aesthetic of flip phones and box TVs; so this would be set in 2005-2010. It's inspired by Ghost Whisper and Poltergeist.
There is no religion in my afterlife lore. The grim take souls to shift them to the next step. They are unable to fully grasp what fate gives people. To become a grim; death themself has to accuse of trying to cheap it. He punishes them for taking their life for granted. Death is also super lenient as they are unforgiving. Grims have a physical form; but quite a bit of them are ashamed to live among people.
Spirits can actually escape grim. This being an ongoing issue where it can be hard to locate some souls since it happens unexpectively. Sudden death [ex: murder] makes it hard for Grim to sense the human body passing. The smell of the dying to Grim smells sweet; depending on the stength of the smell is how close they are to death.
The ghosts that's refuse to pass are called the remained. They grow attached to people or objects; depending on the obsession can determine their power. There is no good energy after a human soul is exposed to the in-between. What starts off as someone who wants to protect loved ones; will then switch to controlling them and/or shift to killing them [psychology].
There is a privately owned agency that specializes in ghost interactions. They get called to talk and communicate with the dead to remove them from the home.
The Agency
Instead of Dazai being obsessed with suicide because he's trying to fill some achievement; he should be obsessed with it bc he wants to communicate with the dead. He's heard about the connection can be achieved by near deaths. The grim are aware of this, so they avoid letting him die. He comes off as immortal. He has the ability to see and hear ghosts; however they are severely repelled by the curse death gave him.
Atsushi was nearly killed by his foster father. He was teetering when a grim took pity on him and asked for a second chance for the kid. Death allowed it. Atsushi tries to remember and find the grim that saved him; but is unable to complete this mission. He is only able to hear ghosts and has severe empathy to their emotions [consider it like a second set of emotions]... this tends to get him possessed if the remained is strong.
Ranpo was 14 when he nearly died in a gas leak. The event tolled him of everyone he cared about and nearly took his own life. He did die for a brief moment; seeing the grim take his family. However; the fire department saved and cpr him. He demanded to die too, but the grim told him not yet. He openly despises the grim; leading conflicts with relationships since many see grim as a part of life. He can only see visions if he presented with evidence of their death. This makes the moving on process much faster.
Kunikida was a math teacher that nearly took his own life. Halfway through the act, however, he sees a little girl nearly doing the same thing. He saves her but in the process falls and dies. The grim assigned to him was unsure what to do, they decided to bring him back as a second chance for him to appreciate something he just saved. His goal is to figure out what exactly they want from him and refuse to except it's because he deserves a second chance.
Yosano was a natural born meduim. She can see, hear, and smell ghosts. Her soul allures the ghosts, and for years the remained tormented by angery ghosts that want to be listened to. They would keep her up, make her uncomfortable, and even psychologically torment her till she did what they wanted. However, her parents did not entertain this idea, accusing her of lying. She was submitted to psychiatric help when a teen. The ghosts there were worse. Ranpo had a vision, and Fukuzawa ends up saving her.
Akutagawa joins on the mission to kill death itself. He was sickly as a kid and would beg for release but he still survived. His goal become concrete when his school friends all pass in a bus accident. He feels death is tormenting him in specific. He has no connection to ghosts, but has knowledge in remedies and rituals to contain, summon, or sooth some souls. He's also opinionated with the grim; calling them slackers and they should have just kill whoever asks for it.
Fukuzawa is the owner of the company. His family was a long line of natural born mediums. He started the company to try to help Ranpo be able to use his visions for good. He ultimately found out his agency became a safe haven for tormented mediums.
Other members are to be decided; or to be added in later dates.
The Grim
The first grim; Mori. He tends to be the one that runs everything. I keep debating if I want to make him death himself. He tends to be lax with who dies; and is often the one to greet Dazai when he attempts. He's chill and rather happy for a grim. He became a grim because he died by suicide after he found out his daughter was murdered. He's been around the longest and since decided he likes being a grim.
Poe is a grim that gets assigned to keep an eye on the agency. He's shy and asocial with his approach; but ultimately decides to hide since Ranpo keeps chasing him off. He's responsible for helping the remained move on when the agency purges them. Since he's important; this leads to conflict with Ranpo and Akutagawa. He became a grim after he dies from starvation and substance abuse. The grim called him "the one that wrote his death" since he finished an entire novel while he suffered. Death felt it was ironic; making him a grim to teach him that there is more to life than a legacy. Poe struggles to see this through most of the story; but the agency makes him see.
Chuuya is half grim. Like I said earlier, grim also have a physical form. He's... not blessed because he can kill people; and/or can smell death. He has a naturally instinct to touch people who are dying and help them pass. However, this does not go well. Several of his elders call him the devil's touch. He covers his hands and remains physically isolated. He later finds out he is also able to draw life back, but to his younger self thought death was the next step. He is able to hear, see, feel, and can touch the dead.
Paul is a grim that takes the position to watch over Chuuya. He takes quite a bit of his time teaching him about his partial grim abilities and was ultimately the one that lead Chuuya to join the agency. He, however, hates Dazai and will purposely make shit as hard as he can. He's cold and blunt and often comes off as merciless. He became a grim because he used to be a killer. Death accused him of playing the part of death, now he must see true suffering. Paul was forced to assist the death of people he cares about; since then has changed his opinion.
I'll add to this slowly; but this is what I day dreamed enough.
Any questions or ideas for other characters; I would love to hear- I love creating so xD
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williamrikers · 1 year
you're making me consider watching those east asian (korean? japanese?) romantic tv shows you watch. do you have any recommendations for someone who tried to watch one (1) k-drama once (1x) and quickly stopped because the genre conventions were very different from what i was used to and that made it take more energy than i was expecting. (was expecting a typical romantic comedy plot like i'm used to and like, i think it was a typical romantic comedy plot but just like, not western)
like, is there a show that's relatively easy to get into? did i get unlucky with that one k-drama (and my own capacity for adjustment in that moment)?
also something that can help me watch stuff is episode summaries to read beforehand, if you're the kind of person who reads episode summaries sometimes and if so, do you have a recommendation for where to read them?
if this ask feels like work to you, please don't answer it. but if this feels like a nice chance to get someone into a thing you're into, i'd love to hear your recommendations
also i'm guessing they don't speak english in thesee shows, nor dutch, so like, would the first result on google for "show name watch free online" typically have good subtitles or are there things to watch out for or look for?
hi bestie, thank you so much for sending me this ask! i'm really happy to hear that my obsession has made you want to check out what the fuss is all about 😍 i've been almost exclusively watching shows from thailand for the past few months, and i'll gladly recommend some! (as for the episode summaries thing, i'm sorry i can't help you, i never read stuff like that.)
many of these shows are free to watch on youtube, and they usually come with english subtitles of varying quality. lately, gmmtv shows have had really amazing translations, but you need to be a bit forgiving with some of the older shows and shows made by other studios.
that said, let's get into the recommendations!
personally, i started this journey with kinnporsche the series (2022, 14 episodes), but that's like being dropped into the ocean from 500 feet above ground with no warning and expected to stay alive by any means necessary. the experience was absolutely amazing and 100% life-changing for me, and i've been showing kp to as many of my irl friends as possible because in my opinion, everyone should watch it, but as a first foray into thai bl it is... a LOT. (if that sounds intriguing to you, message me privately about where to watch it.)
however, here are some other suggestions in case you want to ease into the whole thing:
are you into comedy?
bad buddy (2021, 12 episodes) free to watch on youtube
this one became an instant classic and has a HUGE fandom here on tumblr. two college students have a shared history as the kids of two families who hate each other, and have been made to compete in everything since childhood... however, what their parents didn't plan for was the two of them falling in love. amazing chemistry between the main couple, will make you ugly cry.
my school president (2022, 12 episodes) free to watch on viki
super sweet romcom about a group of school friends who are in a band and are trying to win a battle of the bands type competition. the main love story is cute, heartfelt and very moving and you're going to end up wanting to adopt all of the kids.
care for some higher heat?
only friends (2023, ongoing) free to watch on youtube
if you want to get into something that's currently airing with a vibrant and active fandom, try only friends. everyone is problematic, morality is for losers, it's incredibly erotic, it's been three episodes and almost all of the main characters have already had sex scenes. plot what plot/insane college friend group without plot.
in case you would like to sob uncontrollably:
laws of attraction (2023, ongoing) free to watch on youtube
a man's niece is killed in a car accident that might actually be a murder. said man hires an unhinged lawyer to investigate. still airing (final episode will air on saturday), WILL twist your heart in such a way that you're probably going to need therapy. insanely heated chemistry between the main pairing, absolutely incredible acting from film thanapat.
moonlight chicken (2023, 8 episodes) free to watch on youtube
a poor restaurant owner is struggling dealing with raising his nephew, his own trauma and the pressures of capitalism. also, some guy he slept with keeps hanging around his restaurant because he wants to teach him to love again. this show makes you feel pain but it always hands you a cup of hot chocolate and caresses your back right after. aftercare for the viewer done right.
free philosophy classes wanted?
not me (2021, 14 episodes) free to watch on youtube
local group of gay anarchists are trying to bring a capitalist to justice. they discuss the concepts of justice and morality at length. what exactly is the power of art? if the law is unjust, then how to define justice? and how can we change the world for the better? made by a trans woman, a must-watch in the genre.
be my favorite (2023, 12 episodes) free to watch on youtube
what does it mean to live a good life? how can we ever know what choices to make? what if you could go back and change the things you did wrong? very gentle, compassionate and kind storytelling. this is my personal favorite bl after kinnporsche and about as far from kinnporsche storytelling-wise as anything could possibly get.
why not go for the classics?
until we meet again (2019, 17 episodes) free to watch on youtube
two college students discover they have a soulmate bond and get flashes of memory from their previous lives, making one of them incredibly traumatized as they try to find out what really happened back then. this one is truly a classic bl: filmed on a potato, atrocious audio quality, trope-heavy. however, the way this show manages to sneak up on you and threaten your entire life is unparalleled and i'm still not over those final two episodes.
he's coming to me (2019, 8 episodes) free to watch on youtube
this one is a hidden gem. there's almost no fandom for it on here but it's a show that i can recommend wholeheartedly. a guy falls in love with a ghost he keeps seeing in the cemetery and tries to help him unravel the secret of his violent death. features a whole bunch of actors who are now considered veterans/heavy hitters.
i hope this was helpful! message me if you have any more questions 😊
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practically-an-x-man · 2 months
14, 11, 7 and 4 for Katherine? 🎬, 🤩 and 📖 for you?
Thank you so much!
OC/Ship Ask Game: Firsts
14. First time facing their fears
She was aggressively bullied throughout school, especially for her curvy build and her vitiligo, so for a lot of her teenage years her biggest fear was dressing in a way that showed off her figure. Moving to New York and starting art school helped, since she was suddenly around a lot of openminded and creative people who helped her feel more comfortable in her skin; and of course Ahk and his unconditional love for her helped shake the last of that selfconsciousness too.
Her first time really facing that fear was Homecoming, sophomore year of high school. She'd found a dress that she really loved, though she had to weigh that against the potential discomfort of being seen in it at the party, and she finally decided to commit to it and face her fears.
11. First "big purchase" they ever made on their own
When she was about 12 and getting more involved with art, she learned that Copics were The Good Markers and decided she really wanted a set, so she moved lawns and babysat her neighbors' kids all summer until she'd saved up enough to get a nice array of colors.
7. First time they experimented with their personal style
This is tied to the answer for 14 - it was about when she got into art school, escaped her high school bullies and found that more welcoming crowd, and started to build the confidence to dress the way she wanted. Really, it's still and ongoing process, and she does sometimes fall back into her old self-consciousness, but she's gotten a lot better about it.
4. First time experiencing grief
She wasn't in touch with a lot of her biological family, but she grew up in a really interconnected neighborhood and really saw all of them as her extended family. Her first time experiencing grief was when she was a kid, and her "Uncle" DeMarcus down the street passed away from a cardiac event.
🎬 - First fandom(s) you wrote for, and if you still write for them
I remember writing like 4 pages of fanfic in the Terfy Wizard Fandom when I was about 8 years old and didn't even know what fanfic was, if that counts. It goes without saying that I absolutely do not write for that fandom anymore, it can die in a fire.
However, the first fic I wrote with the active knowledge and intent to post it as fanfiction was the X-Men fandom, and I do still write very actively for that fandom lol.
🤩 - First big inspiration for writing (an author? a piece of media? a plot idea?)
Honestly... it's a lot of things. I was a super avid reader as a kid (and still am), so I was just really inspired by a whole lot of different stories. My dad read Tolkien (among other books) to me and my sister when we were kids, and I think that played into my love of the hero's journey and epic tales like that. I also got really obsessed with Percy Jackson, Wings of Fire, Maximum Ride, and other YA adventure series like that, which I also drew a lot of inspiration from (the first piece I really remember setting out to write was effectively a Maximum Ride clone lol). And of course, comic books were a huge inspiration to me, with everything about superheroes and grand tales and fast-paced action.
📖 - Piece you'd recommend as a "first piece" for a new reader to enjoy
In general, I prefer to recommend pieces based on the person's individual interests and preferences, since my writing tends to vary a bit in length, tone, and style. I mean, you could read whumpy oneshots with Eris, or you could read longfic romantic fluff with Jasper and Kyle (though there's angst to come), and the people who will enjoy those stories don't always overlap.
But if I had to make a generalization... I'd say Taking Flight (Kestrel's main fic). It's in a small fandom, but I've written it so that you can go in completely fandom-blind and still enjoy the story. It's some of my more recent writing so the quality is good, and I'm especially proud of the worldbuilding and fantasy elements (both how I've worked with canon and expanded on it).
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transrightsyamaguchi · 9 months
thoughts on volume 14 of real
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celebration aside this version of yama that now needs supplemental oxygen and has a carer, this is the happiest we've seen yama since. like. volume 5. i think the "technological advancements" in duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment that the characters were talking about here happened As The Serialization Was Ongoing so the bait-and-switch with yama's mortality makes sense in that context. also i was mad at first that they didn't name yama's disease, i had Figured it was dmd just based on how yama was talking about it, but we got confirmation in this volume that that's what it is.
ough i love yama so much. guy of all time.
I COULD CHANGE MY URL TO BE ABOUT HIM holy shit. i just need to take out the g. i'm not going to. (but i could)
nomiya has been given some Advice from some Old Friends and it seems he's creeping ever closer to finding out what he's made for. one of those friends was natsumi!! hi natsumi!! not a fan of the whole "character gains weight to indicate that they've hit rock bottom" but this was 2014 so i can let it slide a little bit.
we have nomiya's arc meeting up with kiyoharu's through the character of ota, one of nomiya's old coworkers, who's quit martial arts and gone into nursing care and physical therapy. he's yama's carer. when yama comes to the tigers' practice, they have a brief little moment of recognition. i hope this goes somewhere in regards to nomiya's character arc.
azumi is. in london. in school. with No Conclusion on the Unresolved Romantic Tension. :killing: and fumika is not handling her new manager position very well.
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and takahashi is bald again. i redact what i said in volume 6 about his hair. but his character development is still barreling forward!! and so is the man himself. he's realized that he needs to be able to move faster in his chair to keep up with the dreams and that's his temporary short-term goal. he wants to be a big scorer like fujikura, but the other people on the team are nudging him toward trying to learn from nagai. in the dreams' game in this volume, nagai was a Big Deal on the court, but since takahashi was so focused on fujikura we never found out why. nagai and takahashi are probably the same point class and i'm still waiting for that to come up.
while i'm obsessing over side characters i like aoki a lot. did we ever learn his first name?
ough. One More Volume and then i'm caught up. i am not ready for this
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sfbanana · 2 years
Anu sithara old pics
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#Anu sithara old pics movie
#Anu sithara old pics serial
#Anu sithara old pics movie
She has received numerous awards such as 65th Filmfare Awards South, Nandi Awards, Filmfare Awards South, 2nd South Indian International Movie Awards and CineMAA Awards etc. She was born on 8 April 1988, in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Nitya Menon is an Indian film actress and singer who mainly works in Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi films. She worked in more than 14 Malayalam films. Malayalam movie actress Parvathy has worked in many successful south Indian movies as “ Ennu ninte moideen, Take Off, Notebook, Uyare, Virus, Charlie, Bangalore Days, Maryan and Koode etc. However, the name Menon has not been used on any of his identity cards or school documents. Malayalam actress Parvathy Thiruvothu also known as “Parvathy Menon” but She objected that she has never used the name “Menon”. She has won 2 times Filmfare Award for Best Actress Malayalam, 2 times Kerala State Film Award for Best Actress and IFFI Best Actor Award (Female) for movie Take Off. Usha Kumari, both are lawyer by the their profession and has a brother Aum Thiruvoth (Karunakaran). Malayalam actress Parvathy Thiruvothu made her Malayalam film “ Out of Syllabus” in 2006. Parvathy Thiruvothu is an Indian film actress and model who primarily works in Malayalam, Telugu and Tamil films, She was born on 7 April 1988, in Kolikode (Kozhikode), Kerala, India. She has worked on more than 40 Malayalam films. Malayalam movie actress Manju is one of the leading Malayalam actress and worked in many successful south Indian movies like “Thooval Kottaram, Sallapam, Ee Puzhayum Kadannu, Asuran, Lucifer and Odiyan” etc. She has won 6 times Filmfare Award for Best Actress – Malayalam and also National Film Award. Warrier started her film career with Malayalam film “Sakshyam” in 1995.
#Anu sithara old pics serial
She first appeared in the Malayalam television serial Moharavam, which was telecast on Doordarshan. Kerala actress She is one of the most successful actresses of Malayalam film industry. She was born on 10 September 1978, in Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. Shooting for the movie was an amazing experience.Manju Warrier is an Indian film actress and dancer who mainly works in Malayalam films. We just finished the shoot, dubbing is ongoing. So, I consider myself very fortunate to be a part of Mamaangam. "Period dramas are rare in Malayalam cinema. Malayalam cinema is focusing on movies with great scripts nowadays as well," she added.Īnu said she is very excited about her next movie Mamaangam, a period drama, starring Mammootty in the lead role. As long as the script is good, then I'd take it up. I am not very keen on being a 'heroine' in all the movies. Presently, I am looking at how comfortable I am with the script as well as the character. Now I'd like to focus on doing Malayalam movies. "Earlier, to get a foothold into the industry I would take up any movie. And this one was definitely interesting." Speaking about her future projects, Anu said she intends on focusing on Malayalam cinema at the moment. "I got to learn from them," she added.Īnu called her role in Subharathri, "an extremely different character." She said, "I usually take on characters I am very comfortable with. She added, "Dileep is an actor I have been seeing since my childhood, it's probably because of that, and because he made me feel so comfortable, that I felt like I was acting opposite someone I've known for a very long time." Anu also said she enjoyed the opportunity to learn immensely from senior actors such as Siddique, KPSE Lalitha, and Nedumudi Venu to name a few. However, ahead of the shooting, he had called, and we spoke about the movie." "It's my first movie with Dileep, and honestly, I was initially stressed out about starring opposite him. Speaking about her own character Anu said, "Sreeja is someone who is obsessed with her husband, kids she lives in a small little bubble of her own. It is relatable and connects with viewers with the simplicity and the social message that needs to be heard." Co-starring Dileep, Siddique, Asha Sharath, and a legion of other veteran actors, Subharathri is also the first time the 23-year old is starring opposite Dileep.Ĭritics in Kerala are calling director KP Vyasan's Subharathri a story that stays away from the stereotypical portrayal of Muslims. She added, "It's a wonderful movie based on human goodness. "If I reveal even a tiny detail, even a character sketch, I will ruin the movie for viewers," laughed the actor. In a candid chat with City Times ahead of the movie's release today, the actress was extremely secretive about the movie's plot. Subharathri or 'Goodnight' is a movie packed with much-needed goodness, according to its leading lady Anu Sithara.
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amoc94 · 3 years
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My Yandere BTS Fanfic Recommendation.
Read the warning carefully. As with any yandere story, expect some gory scenes, non consensual / dubious consensual sex, some dark kinks. (Everything under the term, you know the risk).
Minors DNI 🔞
If you hope for more stories from those authors, please do something to support them. By giving shout out, comments, and reblog their works. It's how tumblr works, people.
Damn, been a while since I updated this list. Now finally got the time to read again.
For non yandere recommendation, check full Navi here.
1. Allurement , Yandere Namjoon. Series of Drabbles, Slick and deceptive yandere CEO Namjoon.
2. Beloved, long oneshot. Yandere King Min Yoongi - My all time favorite, if you like asian historical dark romance, you'll love this.
3. Excitus Acta Probat, oneshot. Soft Yandere, Mafia Yoongi, feat. OT7.
4. The Tarot Series, A Collection of yandere oneshots based on Tarot Card.
5. Charming, oneshot. Cinderella AU, obsessive Prince Park Jimin. This is very beautiful the way the author describe the scenes and everything.
6. Ultimatum, miniseries. Yandere Sugar Daddy Taehyung, feat. Jimin.
7. Case Closed, miniseries. Yandere Detective Namjoon.
8. Boys Don't Cry, miniseries. Yandere husband Yoongi, feat. Hoseok.
9. Beastly Gods, oneshot. Yandere hybrid Taehyung, feat OT7.
10. Level of Restraint, long oneshot. Office AU, Yandere Jimin and Namjoon. BDSM undertone.
11. Something Wicked, series. Yandere CEO Seokjin.
12. Let The Villain Win, oneshot. Yandere thriller writer Namjoon.
13. Baby Mine, oneshot. Yandere mafia Yoongi with OC.
14. Poison Apple, mini series. Yandere Taehyung feat. Yoongi. This is not for the faint heart. Proceed with caution. Hard non con.
15. A Dangerous Game, Yandere Mob boss Namjoon x reader. Long series, there is sequel. Hard non con in one of the chapters.
16. Solar Eclipse, long oneshot. Yandere Hoseok, time travel / after life AU.
17. The Stranger, long oneshot. Yandere Doctor Seokjin.
18. Persephone, long oneshot. Yandere mafia leader Namjoon.
19. Bad Guy, ongoing series. Mafia boss Seokjin. This one is not really yandere, per se, but the way Seokjin loves the MC is quite you know...obsessive.
20. Addiction, long oneshot, yandere student Jungkook x reader. He was insanely lusting over you and just how much he was willing to pay for it?
21. See No Evil, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Namjoon.
22. Nightcall, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung, mafia au.
23. Lovesick, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung is your sister's ex-boyfriend.
24. Trigger Happy, oneshot. Yandere mob Jungkook, undercover agent reader.
25. Visitation of a Lover, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Jin.
26. Until I Saw You, oneshot. Yandere mob Namjoon.
27. Fucked Up, yandere OT7. Polyamorous - Idol AU. This is actually a series, look in the author's masterlist. The full version is in author's AO3. (Beware tho, the long version is just like the title says, pretty fucked up, lol.)
28. Illicit Photography, series with a sequel. Soft yandere Jungkook with reader as his teacher.
29. Promise, long oneshot. Yandere boyfriend Jimin.
30. Break My Mind's Eye, series. Jungkook as mob boss x fashion designer OC, yandere undertone.
31. Every Breath You Take , oneshot. Stalker Jungkook x reader, feat. Namjoon & Hoseok.
32. Butterfly, oneshot. Your stepson, Yoongi, fucks you in the kitchen while your husband eats breakfast. 
33. Actually, The Devil Wears Gucci, oneshot. Wicked CEO Taehyung with assistant reader.
34. Positive, quite long oneshot. Yandere richman Yoongi, waitress reader is pregnant.
35. Forbidden Fruit, long oneshot. Jhope as mafia member, reader has inability to feel fear.
36. Predator, oneshot. Vampire Jungkook stalked on reader. I felt goosebumps reading this, nothing too gory tho.
37. Brother Knows Best, ongoing short story. Yandere Jungkook, reader is his step sister.
38. Tea For Two, oneshot. Yandere Prince Namjoon x reader, arranged marriage AU.
39. Falling for A Lounge Singer, oneshot. Yandere mafia Taehyung, reader is a singer.
40. Black Swan, long one shot. Swan Prince Jimin x reader as a Princess. I'm not usually fond of story about faeries, this one is an exception. Hard to describe this, along with the hair that stood on my nape and that tingling feeling of fear and excitement while reading this. A truly masterpiece.
41. Making of A Lover, yandere Jungkook with his assistant reader. It's short but darkly entertaining.
42. Expectation x Reality, oneshot. Jungkook x reader, Taehyung x reader. Some hard dub con. With plot twist. 🤭
43. Delphinium, long oneshot, King Taehyung x queen reader. Soft yandere, angst. Beautiful with, ... again, plot twist.😈
44. In The Pain Of The Roses, long one shot, yandere king Yoongi x princess reader. Beautiful, poetic narrative. Read the tag warning, because it's really dark.
45. Anti Hero, long oneshot, yandere Yoongi x idol reader. Not many yandere story in idol universe, this one is not only one of the few, but also oh so so good.
46. Broken, oneshot. Seokjin x reader. Some dub con borderline to non con. Proceed with caution, because it's quite dark. I read this like a year ago, but everytime I read it again, it never failed to give me a shiver. It's on AO3.
47. Infatuation, series of one-shots. Light reading, darkly entertaining. Always fun to reread. It's on AO3.
48. Cardio, long oneshot. Personal trainer Jungkook x rich wife reader. Infidelity, angst, thriller. Very well written. On AO3.
49. War Lords, miniseries. Namjoon x Detective reader x Hoseok, both men were crime lords. Heavy angst, very well written. Totally NSFW! You probably soak your panties in front of your colleagues or classmates if you do read it during work.🤣
50. Deviant Affairs, long one-shot. Jimin was your stepbrother who was crazy in love with you.
51. Motive, long one shot. College AU. Jungkook x reader x another girl. Angst, thriller, love triangle. It will keep you on edge dragged by your curiosity before 💣💣 boom! There it go, the plot twist.😂
52. Still With You, one-shot. King Jungkook x servant reader.
53. The Mansion, long one-shot. Jimin x another man's wife reader. Very good, give you those old house horror scenes vibe.
54. Énouement, long one-shot. Doctor Taehyung x trophy wife reader. It's a part of interconnected stories with other members. Look at the author's masterlist. This is the one that I like the most.
55. Polarity, miniseries. Yandere Jungkook x reader. Infidelity around bestfriend relationship entangled with twisted obsession. It's really good!♥️
56. Arte Factum, long oneshot. Yandere android Jimin x reader. Jimin is a sub here.
57. Knight in Bloody Armor, club owner Hoseok x reader. Ongoing series. Very well written and chilling. It's on AO3, and you need to log in to be able to read it.
58. House of Serpents, ongoing series. OT7 x high class escort reader in organized crime AU. A shitload twisted men with twisted sex flavor. I have no words to say other than it put me on variety of different emotions until its latest chapter, and I have love and hate relationship with all of the men here. Polyamorous dynamic, heavy BDSM vibe. It's very well written on AO3. As always, read the warning.
59. Love Pages, long oneshot. Yandere Jimin x slight yandere reader, inspired by "Death Note".
60. Kill to Kiss You, long oneshot. Jungkook as mob boss x escort reader. I got cold hands and feet reading this. Chilling and put you on edge till the end.
61. Lesson Learnt, miniseries. CEO JK x ex gf reader. My ultimate weakness, BTS members as CEO with power and obsession. This one is pretty dark, read all the warning.
62. Code Red, one shot. Doctor Jimin x patient reader.
63. Saving You, short oneshot. Yandere husband Tae x reader.
64. Single Side Line, mini series. Yandere tennis player Tae x reader as ball girl. There are two alternate endings.
65. A Thriller Film, movie director Jungkook × reader as his stylist. It's well written and chilling.
66. Killing Me Softly, yandere OT7 x reader. Polyamorous AU but quite realistic thus give you chill to imagine what you would feel if this indeed is real.
67. Daffodil Dreams, yandere patient Taehyung, MC is his therapist. There are two parts - Dreams and Nightmare. Chilling and hair-raising.
68. Cruel Intentions, yandere mobster JK x reader in South Korea setting, my favorite AU. Love it❤️
69. Mindless, patient Hoseok x psychiatrist reader. Oneshot.
70. Roses, oneshot. Yandere dynamic between JK x reader. Just, wow.
71. Sinner, oneshot. Yandere fugitive Jungkook x detective reader. I reread like ... 6 times? That's just how good it is😙
72. The Broken Vow, attorney JK x reader as his ex wife. This one is so well written, leave you with mixed emotion, love and hate at the same time. Just ❤️
73. Cabin in The Woods, Jungkook as werewolf, reader as his mate and prisoner? Lol. Stockholm syndrome. I can't hate him here. Somehow he indeed protected her.
74. Cathexis, three parter, Jimin x reader. Based on Firestarter movie. 'There was no way in hell he would let anything happen to you and he would raise literal hell to make sure you were never hurt. If anyone tried to take you from him he’d burn the entire world down'.
75. Snatched, two parter ongoing. Yandere harpy Taehyung x nurse reader. Dystopian AU, dark and chilling. Very well written.
76. Obsesión, oneshot. Yandere pro rugby player Jungkook x sport journalist POC reader.
77. Code of Conduct, long series. Finally got the time to indulge in another long series. Just ♥️
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@sweetwolfcupcake @bang-tan-bitches @flowesona @bangtans-apollo @lemonjoonah @chaoticpuff17 @jooniyah @deepdarkdelights @sweetbunnykook @worldwidemochiguy @jingabitch @jkeuphoriadreamland @flowerwrites06 @junqkook @yandere-society @smileyoongle @nomnomsik @persephoneyss @chummywchimmy @ddaenqu @lovetalkhendery @chinkbihh @jessikahathaway @darkestcorners @99liners @yanderebts @jimlingss @smasmashie @bebejungkook @taechaos @girlmeetsliv3 @sombreboy @explicit-tae @lolabangtan @jungk0oksthighs @roses-ruby @lleldey @girl8890 @bahbah-bee @thvlouvre @go1denjeon
Let me know if I mistyped the tag list on author's name.
I still have a long list fics to read, need to catch up later.
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gokailyger84 · 2 years
Decided to do a little fic rec list, since I’m reaching the rereading phase of my ironstrange obsession.
This list consists of ironstrange fics, where they go into the past and try to fix things.  Several are unfinished and may never be completed and while that can be disheartening, I can’t say that I regret reading them.
(these are not in any particular order.  They’re all ridiculously amazing.  Also providing my own summaries so y’all can give them more of a chance.  Be sure to read all the tags and ratings)
The Futurist  by shadowscribe        (unfinished)
After Tony’s funeral, Stephen uses some of the stones to travel to a parallel universe where he dies in the car crash.  He saves Tony in Siberia and tells him his goal is for Tony to be happy.        
       De Novo  by MagiQueen   (unfinished)      
Tony dies in Siberia.  Stephen from a future lost to Thanos, travels back in time to save Tony, knowing he is key to victory.  Something goes wrong and they are both sent back in time to before the first Avengers movie.  (this one got me on board with Friday being more than just an AI)
     for a hundred visions and revisions  by   aventria, iluxia     (unfinished)
Stephen is unsatisfied with the state of the world after the defeat of Thanos.  An encounter with Morgan Stark, has him drowning in guilt.  He finds a way to go back in time.  First to after the first snap and picks up Tony when Pepper is pregnant, then they go further back and pick up Loki from the beginning of Infinity War.  The three return back to just before Iron Man 2 and make changes to avoid the future Stephen came from.  (this is one that really hurts that it will likely never be completed.  It’s just so good! Especially the beautifully growing bond between Stephen and Tony)
     A Blast to the Past by SassyAngel    (unfinished)
  Tony snaps in Endgame to get rid of Thanos.  He’s somehow thrown back into the past, just before Civil War.  Stephen shows up, sensing the infinity stones which are still in the gauntlet and demands an explanation.  Tony is vague with his answers, intent on doing everything on his own but eventually let’s Stephen in(he’s pretty persistent).   Tony builds a new team and gains the family he’s wanted and builds a better future for himself.    
       Anew.   by    IViv         (complete)
Tony dies in Siberia.  He wakes up in the past during Iron Man 2, due to a future intervention. Tony is determined to do things right this time and seamlessly pulls Stephen into his chaotic life.  (this is the fic series that got me hooked on time travel fix it fics.  It’s so good and so intricate and their are four parts and they are all complete!!!)
Back to the Future Rules Apply    by   atypicalsnowman     (complete)
Tony comes to Stephen for help with the civil war.  Stephen reluctantly refuses and comes to regret it.  Using a spell to save Tony, things continue up to Infinity Way, ending up with them losing in a very different way and the infinity stones intervene, giving them a chance to redo Infinity War.  (the whole reason for this fic still cracks me up.  I have never seen such determination to explain a weird moment with a certain character)
     Tether   by   Shortsnout       (complete)
On the flying donut, headed towards Titan, Stephen ends up jumping back and forth through time, learning more and more about Tony. (this one was so interesting and such a different way of having Stephen fall in love with Tony.  most use the 14 mil futures for his love but I gotta say this was a great and fresh take on that concept.)        
     We Can Do Better   by Zeethulhu       (ongoing.  updated weekly)
Infinity War ends up being the losing timeline and not giving up, Stephen manages to send himself and Tony to the past to the moments of their births.  The two grow up separately and together and make changes along the way, making sure that they will win against Thanos next time. ( man, this fic. this fic right here. i have no words for how amazing this story is.  Usually, i can’t stand pre-canon fics but this one has made me want to go back to all the college and high school aus i skipped.  this story is super long and it just now reached the first Iron Man but it is worth it.  the journey is amazing!)
     code my love, soul born  by graveltotempo    (complete)
After Tony’s funeral, guilt-ridden Stephen makes a bitter Friday a body and sends her into the past before Age of Ultron. As Tony Stark’s daughter, she works to change the future and make sure her Boss doesn’t die this time around. (i had skipped this one before because, i couldn’t wrap my head around Friday being a main character but De Novo changed that for me.  I really liked the development she went through, especially with how she regards Stephen and it was a nice change of pace to see things from an AI’s perceptive and how Tony having a daughter shifts things.)
Well, that’s pretty much it for the time travel ones.  I may have missed some but these really stood out to me.  
I many do another rec list for fics that have Stephen present in Tony’s life from the beginning(Iron Man).  There are some really good ones for that plot point. 
Off the top of my head definitions of indefinable things      by  w_space    is one of the really good ones.  (frustratingly unfinished though)
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