#my oc flare
wizard-legs · 10 months
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Another sun sprite/solar flairy!! Cannot get enough of these little fellas.
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dimorphodon-x · 8 months
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Little guys
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serendippertyy · 5 days
Jesterdoll fankid? 👉👈 (Ragatha x Pomni)
pincushion clown!! 💜🩷
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im genuinely so happy with how this one came out- if you can't tell by now I love adding patches to characters haha
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assassin-artist · 4 months
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oc practice
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localceilingdevil · 3 months
hello tumblr. slugcat designs
@skybristle held my family hostage for me to make these /SILLY they were so fun to create!!! myths, hope, flare, fields, and prosperity from descending order :]
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katiekatdragon27 · 27 days
It’s pieces like this that truly reflect how little I understand shading 💀
Kinda eye strainy but I promise it’s worth it (probably):
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Midnight art rush yet again. Felt an incredible need to cook. Did I tho? I think so. I did know that I had to finish in one go tho or else I would’ve lost motivation and gave up lol.
This is based on that one song from Chicago that became a trending audio lol. In a way, they both reached for "the gun". Anthony (and Abel) was the reason the whole war in Spaceland started. On the other hand, Zenith (someone I haven't posted yet) was the one to actually drop the first bomb. I love my media where everyone is at fault and super doomed.
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I will yap about Zenith and his beef with Abel in a later post, but for now you get a hand shot lol.
Have a good one dudes :))
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vellichorom · 3 months
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because it's not me 😔
BUT I STILL BE DRAWING FRIENDS' OCS so here are a beautiful other few i've drawn over the past couple months
( FEATURING! @chaos-canvas's peregrine, @prntrink's felix, & @satisfiedskye's flare & T !!!!! )
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j3llyf1shdust · 3 months
I request Sonic and Shadow reacting to their kid's first word; which is, either fortunately or unfortunately, a swear word. It's used in correct context, though.
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Flare's first word(s) -around a year old- was a response to dropping her favorite crayon, "God Damn it" She picked it up from shadow, because god isnt really a thing in mobian culture and Shadow picked it up being raised by humans. Flare tends to say little, but when she does speak its loud and passionate.
Dynamite is a case where he could speak but he simply chose not to. He's very softspoken, prefering to speak in a low voice rather than a loud one. "Dad, I don't like shirts. May i wear pants instead?" Was a response to having to wear shirt when not wanting to, and finally being too annoyed by it to stay quiet.
both Sonic and shadow were rather amused that their children were cussing back and forth, but amy scolded them for it
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Hehe, you guys have to spread it to your fellow buddies to burn them (affectionately)
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tsams-and-co-memes · 5 months
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Decided to draw SaMS Solar Flare meeting my Solar Flare (I usually just call him Flare) because why not. I created my Flare for a fic I was working on, then not long after, SaMS Solar Flare was introduced. I got really excited, and I've been meaning to draw them together ever since
In my mind, them meeting would be fairly amusing to witness, since they're both made to protect specific people, they've both dealt with an Eclipse in one way or another, and they both are pretty quiet and stoic about things. They're similar, even though my Flare would more than likely try to deny that
Time spent on this: 15 hours and 59 minutes
If you like this, please consider reblogging it!
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gopsnippers · 6 months
tidal + flare :3!
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wraithsoutlaws · 8 months
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Light me up
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doozyhazevip · 9 days
Art requests and gifts 9
To @ask-gadzooks
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The second one is concept art I scraped
I'm back from the screening void to continue art requests, starting back with Emerald Flare.
PS, Love her design, out side of color palette similarities there not the same at all ^^
Also I read your story Bound Elemental up to Entry 9: Freedom... Sorta and I love this story and will definitely finish it when I have the free time.
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assassin-artist · 4 months
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My X-Men OC, "Solar Flare". Infodump and random info below the cut
so first things first, she was originally a Destiny 2 OC. In d2 she was an immortal warrior with fire powers and complete amnesia about her past... When I first decided to revamp her into an X-Men OC I thought I should change that bc, umm, immortal with amnesia, that sounds like a familiar xmen character lol... but then I decided fuck it, she's my OC I get to make her however I want.
So, as an xmen OC, she is a mutant with a very strong healing factor, and the power to control/manipulate solar radiation, which mainly comes off in the form of fire. Her body naturally runs at a higher temp than normal, and though people assume this means she's resistant to heat, that's not true at all. Her body might be able to handle more heat than a normal human could, but she's still at risk of burning herself with her own powers if she's not careful - which, when it comes to herself, she's usually not. She's doesn't worry about it because of her healing factor, willing to burn herself if needed, but she is very worried about burning others or doing too much damage to the area around her. She absolutely hates the summer because of this, and loves the cold. Will have the AC blasting in her bedroom at all times lol
She still has complete amnesia regarding her past. Her first memory is of waking up in a decimated library on the outskirts of a ruined village in France. She sought information about her past for years, but kept "getting distracted" with wanting to help the people she came across in her travels. During this period of wandering, she went by a lot of different names - none of them chosen by her, though, as she enjoyed letting other people pick a new name for her to go by. She would eventually wind up making her way into America, where she ran into the early X-Men for the first time. After explaining her situation and powers, she's invited to join them in Xavier's school, but she's too hesitant to commit to a group that she doesn't fully trust, so she turns them down. Thus, she went back to searching for her memories.
Though she was afraid to commit to being a full time member of their group, she was still willing to help them in combat if she was nearby, and she still formed bonds with some of the members. In general she was easy to get along with, as others found her to be very patient and easygoing, she didn't like to argue over things. She became very fast friends with Wolverine due to their similar amnesiac circumstances, and he liked to call her Red-Hot as a nickname. She also got along well with Hank McCoy and liked having philosophical and religious conversations with Kurt Wagner.
Her personality is very... calm. She likes to just 'go with the flow' of things in life, so she rarely gets angry or loses her temper. Insult her and she'll probably just laugh it off, or ask why you're in such a bad mood. She loves kids and animals, and she tries to always be patient with others, especially those who are difficult to get along with. She's of the belief that the people who are hardest to love are those who might need it the most, and she's always willing to extend a helping hand to others with little in return. Patience is her strongest virtue.
Her biggest flaw is her fear of commitment. She's afraid of joining the X-Men as a full time member because she's worried she won't want to stay, she didn't want to be in any relationships despite being in love with someone because she was afraid she'd get flighty and want to leave it, and she won't even pick a proper name for herself because she's worried it wouldn't be right for her.
Eventually, with a lot of time and soul searching (much of which was done in deep, hours long conversations she would have with Nightcrawler from time to time), she decided to leave the past behind and instead enjoy the present and look forward to the future. She made peace with not knowing who she used to be, and finally decided to settle on the name of "Claire", instead of hopping from name to name.
She also has a god-awful sense of humor. Very punny. Nobody ever laughs at her jokes. RIP Claire's pride
Cringe is dead, we love selfshipping and oc/canon on my art blog, so I like to ship her with Wolverine :3c (of course I give Wolverine a redhead girlfriend). Look I even filled out this silly ship chart for them lol (I put Logan down as "?bisexual?" bc apparently there are multiple comics where he's with men? I haven't read them but we love a bisexual short king).
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Logan the canonical truck freak fr... She liked him from the moment they met, but as they got to know each other, her feelings grew deeper. At the time she realized these feelings, she was still deeply afraid of commitment, and so she kept it to herself and tried to just be a good friend. Eventually, when she got over her fears and was a valued member of the X-Men for good, she finally asked him out on a date (right after a very tough mission, and she was still giddy with adrenaline and feeling bold lol). They've been together ever since 👍 Claire tries to be a calming influence on Wolverine, but honestly, sometimes she agrees with him when he loses his temper at awful people. She sees him as someone who's willing to do whatever it takes to get a job done, and he sees her as someone too kindhearted to be getting her hands dirty with the work he does. She only wishes he were kinder to himself, and chides him when he gets self-deprecating.
Now for a few random facts about her, hrm... Her favorite food is watermelon. She has a sweet tooth and likes to bake, she often drops by random classes at Xavier's with home-made goodies for the kids. She loves the idea of having children but is worried she won't be a good mother. The kids at Xavier's know that if they want something and Logan says no, they could probably go to Claire and beg her for it. She's a softie towards kids and can't say no when they get their puppy dog eyes out...
It's become a running joke to celebrate her birthday on a random day since they don't know when her real one is. They pick a new date every year. She's got a decent singing voice and is trying to learn the guitar from Hank McCoy. She jokes about Northstar having a messy love life, and calls Dr. Nemesis a crotchety old man even though she might be older than him.
Mmm... that's all off the top of my head. I'm the kind of person who likes to make a new OC every time I have a cool idea, so I have a ton of them... maybe I'll make posts about other ones as well some day.
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localceilingdevil · 7 months
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just like. a ton of thumbnail drawings i made for all my iterators and their skin mods :]
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octoberarts · 1 year
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You have no idea how much I adore @gayaest 's Mori Kei character, Rawiya...she's adorable and I put all my other art on hold for this XD
[Image Description: A drawing of a person standing, with one leg crossed over the other, leaning on two yellow forearm crutches. She's smiling, and has a red flower head wrap on. She has brown skin and vitiligo on her face, arms and legs. They have a brown long scarf with blue dots. They also have a long, short sleeved beige knit cardigan, with multi-layered clothes underneath, including two different skirts with many different patterns. She is wearing brown socks and red fuzzy slippers.]
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