#my new Lucy heartfilia one won today
suit-of-cups · 4 months
Trying to decide which keyrings to have on my bag is the hardest part of getting ready
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itssokiee · 3 months
Smudged Happiness: Chapter three
Previous Chapter
First Chapter
It’s the first day of school and everyone is back together.
After a stressful first day, Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Natsu make plans to get after school ice cream.
Only, Gray and Erza never show and now Lucy is being driven to Natsu’s house by his emo older brother.
Lucy anxiously fidget with the zipper on her backpack during the drive to school. She hadn’t seen her friends for the entire summer - what if things were different? They probably all hung out all summer getting super close while Lucy was in Europe.
Poor Lucy she scoffed to herself. Complaining you spent your summer luxuriously traveling. Way to be spoiled. She half listened to her drivers ramblings of the usual small talk. Lucy must’ve forgotten to respond one too many times because she realized after a while he stopped. Finally they arrived.
“Thank you, and see you later.” Lucy said and she got out of the car.
“I will pick you up at 3:30 Ms. Lucy.” And with that her driver headed back to the Heartfilia residence.
Unfortunately, Lucy didn’t have time to catch up with her friends as she headed straight for the schools receptionist. “Hey there! My name is Lucy Heartfilia. I am a sophomore and I was in Europe during the open registration and have not gotten my schedule yet,” she said.
“Oh of course! I’ll go ahead and get that printed for you,” the receptionist responded. “Please take a seat while I look you up.”
Hopefully this doesn’t take too long Lucy thought. Next to her was a solemn looking girl with big blue deep eyes. She looked at the ground clearly not wanting Lucy to talk to her.
“Juvia Lockser?”
The girl got up and followed the lady back to her office. Seems like a new student.
“Lucy Heartfilia?” The receptionist called.
Lucy walked back up to her desk.
“So it looks like unfortunately, you missed the deadline for confirmation of residency and you were unenrolled from our school,” she said frowning.
Lucy’s body turned to ice. “Huh?”
“We will be able to reenroll you and get a schedule if you are able to provide this proof now,” the secretary said. After many phone calls to different staff of the Heartfilia residence, and creating a schedule from leftover sophomore classes, Lucy finally got her schedule 10 minutes before lunch.
“This isn’t how I thought today would goooo,” Lucy whined to herself. She made her way to the courtyard to the table she and her friends had sat last year. She felt her stomach fluttering with anxiety and a shocking sensation through her spine. they definitely forgot about you
“Yo Lucy! Where have you been?”
Lucy turned around to see Gray waving her over. Instantly The shocking feeling melted and Lucy smiled and she walked over.
“Hey Gray, Hey Erza! Levy, Mira how was your guyss summer!?” Lucy said smiling. Instantly she felt at home. She sat at the table and listened about how Gray’s swim team won state and about different clients Erza got to work with. Levy went on a month long trip to Honduras for habitat for humanity and Mira gained 10k followers on instagram showing off her skin care routine.
“Lucy, how was London?”
Lucy hesitated. Truthfully, she didn’t enjoy almost anything about her trip. Being under the microscope of her father, having to always appear presentable, sitting through boring meetings. But everybody else was so excited about what they did and she didn’t want to be the rich girl complaining.
“It was awesome I went to like five museums and attended so many fancy galleries with the craziest food I’ve ever seen,” she said excitedly.
“By the way guys, where’s Natsu?”
As soon as she said it though, she caught eye of a boy in all black matching smoldering hair and eyes walking straight towards them through the people in the courtyard. He was hurriedly writing on a piece of paper.
“Hey isn’t that Zeref, Natsu’s brother?” Lucy asked.
“Yeah I wonder what he wants,” Levy said nervously.
Zeref had a reputation at the school. He is a genial prodigy who got perfect grades without ever once putting in effort, he got a 1600 SAT score and 34 ACT score, and he is known for his cleverness. However, he took the bare minimum easy classes, constantly skipped, and overall was a cold sarcastic person. Lucy even hear a rumor that he would drink vodka in his water bottle. Often times, when he wasn’t alone, he hangs around the students either bad rap sheets, like Mard Gear. That’s why Lucy couldn’t get over the fact that the Senior darling Mavis was seemingly friends with them. Not that she ever saw them interact at school.
Zeref approached the table and dropped a folder towards the spot Natsu usually sat at. “Tell Natsu I finished his math homework,” he said while walking away.
Just as Zeref made his exit Natsu finally arrived. “AAAAHHH I JUST GOT CHEWED OUT BY MRS GATES FOR TEN MINUTES!! ALL JUST BECAUSE I TOOK A NAP!” He yelled.
“She doesn’t want you to fail a second time and up with you again flame-brain,” Lucy said teasingly.
Natsu’s mood switched like a match, “Yo Lucy! Did you miss me?”
“Ohhhhh he missed youuuuuu,” Mira sang, “he kept being like ‘I can’t wait to tell Lucy this.’”
Lucy and Natsu both went red. “No I didn’t…” Natsu stammered.
“Natsu, your brother has left your homework for you. You do realize that another student doing your homework is considered cheating,” Erza said looking at him sternly.
“Please Erza!! Let it go this once!!” Natsu begged.
“Only because Mrs. Gates doesn’t deserve you a third time.”
“By the way we totally all gotta hang out this afternoon. Before all the extracurricular and home really ramps up,” said Gray.
“Erza you want to drive us to get ice cream after school - now that you gotta fancy car?” Natsu asked.
“You do know I can’t resist that,” Erza said, “we can go right after school.”
“I can’t! The tutors having an informational meeting after school today,” said Levy.
“And I gotta take Elfman to a Karate tournament!” Said Mira.
“Ah well next time,” said Gray.
“Hello Erza,” said a a guys voice.
Lucy loooked over and saw a tall junior boy with a smug expression on his face. Jellal! Lucy looked over at Erza. She gave him her usual dirty look but something extra was in it. Could it possibly be… embarrassment?
“What do you want?” She asks coldly.
He pretended to look hurt. “I was just on my way to an emergency student council meeting. I thought I would do you the courtesy of letting you know about it. But if you prefer I’ll go,” he said smugly.
“Right now? Seriously? Alright I’ll come with you,” Erza said as she took her stuff to follow him.
For the rest of lunch, they talked and goofed around like nothing happened. Lucy couldn’t believe she felt so foolish. These were her true friends. The bell rang and Lucy finally went to her first class of the day - math. She saw the new girl in her class - Juvia.
She’s probably just nervous and lonely Lucy thought as she sat next to her.
“Hi my name is Lucy. I was new here last year, I know it sucks at first but there’s amazing people here to meet. What’s your name?”
“There’s no point. Nobody could ever care about me. I’m just an aura that exuded misery,” she responded.
“Who knows? Maybe I could be your firmed if you let me?” Lucy said smiling, “my friends and I are hanging out tonight if you want to come,” Lucy offered. Juvia got up and moved to a desk further back. So much for that.
Lucy’s day ended relatively smooth until those so called plans. Lucy met Natsu at the school parking lot when the dismissal bell rang.
“Where’s everyone else?” Lucy asked.
“I dont know,” Natsu said, “Erza and Gray won’t answer their phones. I guess we can wait a little longer.” Still, after thirty minutes there was no word.
“Crap!” Lucy exclaimed, “My driver! I forgot to text him!” Lucy quickly shot him a text apologizing.
“Wait but now we’re stranded,” Lucy said.
“Well I bet Zeref is still loitering around with his friends. We could get him to drive us. If your down to hang out at my house, my dad won’t be home til late,” Natsu said.
Go to Natsu’s house? Just them two? Granted they’ve hung out alone numerous times, but still, this felt intimate. “Like me go to your house?” Lucy stammered.
“Yeah, why not?”
“Umm uhh yeah sure!” Lucy said. Better than my house.
“Alright I’ll text Zeref to get his ass over here so we can go. Follow me I know where his car is.” When they got there however, none other than Mavis Vermillion herself was there.
“Yo Mavis how’s it going!” Natsu said, grinning.
“Not bad, what about yourself,” she said smiling back at him.
“Are you waiting for Zeref?” Natsu asked.
“You could say that…”
“This is my friend Lucy!”
“Nice to meet you,” Mavis said sweetly.
“Oh we’ve met before,” Lucy said.
Then, at long last Zeref pulls up.
“Natsu if my departure time isn’t suited to your liking, get your ass on the bus and stop blowing up my phone-“
“Oh so your phone does work and you have been ignoring me,” Mavis said.
“Oh, hey Mavis… it’s not like that,” Zeref said taken back.
“What’s it like then?”
Lucy felt incredibly awkward caught between whatever this was.
“Well it doesn’t matter, Zeref. Because I have something for you,” she said slightly smiling.
“Y-you do? What?” He asked nervously.
“I can only show you at your house, so you better drive us all there,” Mavis said.
“But you drove here -your car -“ Zeref stammered.
“I guess you’ll have to drive me back in the morning,” she said opening the passenger door.
“And who is this?” Zeref said motioning towards Lucy.
“This is my friend Lucy we’re gonna hang out at home,” Natsu explained.
“Uh we’ve met before and you literally talked to me this morning,” Lucy said.
Zeref gave her a miserable look, “Alright let’s go then I guess.”
And with that they drove off to the Dragneel residence.
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petri808 · 5 years
Request NaLu Natsu cheated on lucy and now he is trying to win her back but she refuses and leaves him and 5 years layer they meet again and get together
Here you go, I hope you like it :)  it worked well for the Day 5 Nalu Week prompt too.  
PS, If anyone is waiting on an Ask request from me, I’m working through them as soon as I can :)     
Pilot Episode, Take Two
@nalu-week Day 5 Trial prompt.  
“Are you fucking kidding me!”  
“L-Lucy, I can explain!”
“We’re done Natsu…”
When she opens her eyes again, the professor was still rambling on about expository writing. She rolls her eyes and stretches her legs under the desk.  This class was such a bore, but it was a requirement for the Journalism degree. Lucy sighs, and props her head up. Why had she been day dreaming about him again?  It’s been almost five years since they’d broken up and while he’d tried to win her back during their remaining months of high school, once they graduated, she’d moved on to college in Crocus and never looked back.  Heck, the only commonality was senior year, shewas now in her senior year of college that is.  
The droning voice of the teacher made it easy for her mind to wander away, back to that final year of school.  First, Natsu had tried the ‘it wasn’t my fault, she kissed me excuse.’  Yeah, she didn’t believe him considering his hand was… let’s just say underthe fabric of the girl’s top.  Then it became the ‘you’re the only girl I’ve loved’line.  Mmhmm, if he loved her so much, he wouldn’t be making out with another girl.  He tried sweet talking, sending her gifts, phone calls and text messages… oh god, the text messages.  She had to hand it to him, Natsu tried really hard to get a second chance, but Lucy hadn’t been ready to forgive and forget.      
There were moments that she almost caved into his pleas because the truth was…  She loved him.  But maybe that’s what hurt her the most and why she just couldn’t open her heart back up to him so soon.  Oh, well, it was ancient history and in less than two months she would be graduating with her degree and moving onto the next stage of her journey.
‘Congratulations Lucy! I knew you could do it <3’
Her cell had been blowing up all afternoon with calls or messages from friends and family wishing her well about graduating, but as she stared at this message, Lucy was dumbfounded. She didn’t recognize the number except that it had a Magnolia area code.  
‘Thanks!  UwU.  Who is this btw?’
‘Just an old friend from hs.’
Well that didn’t narrow anything down.  Lucy had been fairly popular in high school, so the culprit of the cryptic message came from a long list of suspects.  She nibbles at her bottom lip, should she push for an answer or just let it go?  
‘What ur name?’
But no answer ever came. Oh, Well.  With all the parties, packing, and moving from the dorms, Lucy forgets all about the encounter, the message being pushed lower and lower as other’s come through.  Thanks to an internship position her junior year, she’d even landed a job at Sorcerer’s Weekly here in Crocus, effective immediately.  It was a great opportunity and place to start her career.
“Welcome, welcome, welcome!” Lucy’s editor shakes her hand.  “It’s so cool I get to work with you again!”
“Thank you,” she blushes. “I’m very excited to learn all I can from you Jason.”
“Oh, I don’t know, seems you’ve already got the inside track down,” he points to her desk.  “Someone is happy you’re here.  Wish I got flowers,” he chuckles.
Lucy looks at the cubicle and sees a large bouquet of red roses sitting on it.  “Who sent that?”  Jason just shrugs his shoulders.  She walks over with him in tow and finds the card, but all it says is ‘congrats on the new job Lucy’ with no sender given.  
“You’ve also been requested. It’s a really cool one too!!  We’ve been trying to line up an interview with them for months and they’ve told us no until now.  The lead singer asked for you by name.”
“Huh?”  Lucy is confused.  “But I don’t even know any singers.”
“Well he knows you,” Jason winks.
“W-Wait, who is he??”
“As part of the deal for the interview, we’re not supposed to tell you.  He wants to surprise you.  Oooh!”  Jason bounces from foot to foot in excitement.  “I wish I could be there to see it!”
“You’re not coming, I-I have to do my first interview alone?”
“You’ll be fine,” he claps her on the back, “and besides, you did good as an intern, so I know you’ll know what to do.  They’re out of town till next month, the date is written on your calendar.  Get settled in today and we’ll start tomorrow on your training.”
After Jason leaves, Lucy plops onto her chair.  Wow, that had been a rollercoaster!  Monday morning, first day on the job, flowers on her desk, and an interview already lined up. Had she won the lottery?  The date for the interview was three weeks away. Normally, Lucy wanted to know who she will be talking to, get some research in, and that way she’s prepared. She groans, this could turn out really good, or really bad.
Lucy picks up the card again to analyze it and the strangest feeling washes over her.  It reminded her of that text message she received two weeks ago.  She sits back, tapping the card on her chin.  Could it be the same person?  She pulls out her phone and scrolls down to look at it.  The verbiage wasn’t exactlythe same, but the creepy feeling had settled over her, that blaring alarm bell ringing and pointing towards a relationship.
‘Did you send me flowers?’  
‘Yes, did you like it?’
‘It’s very sweet of you, but it’s a little weird not knowing who you are.’
‘…… just think of it as me making amends.  Gotta run now.’
“Oh, no you don’t!”  She’s about to respond when one more message comes through.
‘I’m really glad you made your childhood dream come true Lucy.’
‘Please tell me who you are?!’
And just like the last time, the responses end.  “Ugh!” She drops her phone on the desk.  It was really irritating not knowing who the hell this secret benefactor was, but at least there were clues this time.  They knew about her goal from a young age and ‘Make amends…’  But who needed to make amends?  One blaring choice popped into her mind, but she hadn’t heard from himin years and didn’t think he even knew where she was.  Hopefully she’ll learn who this mystery person is some day.  
Over the next weeks, Lucy trains each day with Jason on the ins and outs of working for a magazine.  Their primary job was doing the interviews, but they worked closely with each of the different departments that puts the whole thing together from the photographers, writers, to the layout designer.  It was tiresome trying to learn so much, but she was having a blast doing it.  
Her anonymous benefactor hadn’t disappeared either.  At first Lucy was annoyed with this person’s seemingly intimate knowledge of her life, but as time progressed, she had to admit each act or gesture was endearing even when she didn’t completely understand what it meant.  From quotes or poems, she once loved to be being sent cute clothes in styles and colors she favored.  The things this person sent her never missed the mark!  They were spoiling her in such a charming manner, and it was driving her heart crazy.  
A knock at her door nearing 10pm, startles Lucy out of the zone she was in late one Saturday evening. “Pizza delivery.”  She hears from the other side.
She didn’t order any pizza. Cautiously, and leaving the chain on, she cracks opens the door, “That can’t be mine…”
“Internet order for Lucy Heartfilia, one medium pineapple pepperoni pizza and a bottle of diet Coke.”  The boy chuckles, “gotta say it’s an odd combo but well it’s already paid for ma’am so you might as well take it.”
Lucy blinks, it’s exactly what she would order, had she been the one who’d placed it.  “Alright.”  She accepts the delivery and puts it on her coffee table with an exasperated sigh. Oh, this had to be the myserious person.
‘Pizza at 10pm?!’
‘Guessed you still write late at night.  You tend to forget to eat when you do.’
She balks and stares at the response.  It was true and all but, ‘look thank you, I appreciate it but you are driving me crazy with this whole secrecy thing!’
‘I promise to reveal myself soon.  Sweet dreams Lucy <3’
On the morning of the interview, she’d shown up to work and to another ‘gift’ waiting on her desk.  Delivered directly by the jewelry store, it was a small gift box containing a charm bracelet.  Of all the presents, this was by far the most expensive to date.  Jason was freaking out just as much as Lucy was over her luck.  Each charm represented something truly special to her.  Ballet slippers from her youth, star is a love she shared with her mother, white dog marked her first pet, pen for a dream of writing, pink heart was her favorite color, but the sixth charm made her heart stop.  A flame.
“No…” she breathes out. “It can’t be.”
“What is it?!”  Jason bounces next to her unable to contain his excitement. “Spill it!”
“M-My ex…. I-I think it’s from my high school boyfriend.”
Jason’s eyes widen.  “Cool!!!  You should wear that to your interview, it’ll look good on you!”
“N-No, I-I can’t,” Lucy shuts the box and slips it into her purse.  She gathers her recorder, pad and pen, “I better get going, the car is waiting to take me to the interview now.”  Then takes off out of the office before Jason could say anything more.
During the whole car ride to the recording studio where the interview would take place, Lucy couldn’t get her heartrate to slow down.  Over and over she replayed all the anonymous contacts they’d had since graduation night.  The clues had all been there, but she’d never let herself believe it.  Five years…. Five years!  Why was he back now?!  And why was she so flustered?!  Ugh! She couldn’t go into this interview with her mind racing like this!  
“We’re here,” the driver breaks her out of her inner rant.  
“Oh,” Lucy looks up at the building.  “Thank you.”
She gets out of the car and a studio personnel takes her straight to a conference type room, explaining along the way that she’ll be interviewing the lead singer of an up and coming band.  The employee asks her to please wait there in the room, he’ll be there shortly.  Lucy fidgets in her seat.  ‘Calm down, calm down,’she chants with her eyes closed, ‘get through the interview, go home and scream…’
The door opens.  Lucy looks up and the person that greets her was the one person she didn’t know if she wanted to see.  
“Natsu…”  She jumps up from her seat as he comes closer.
“Hey Lucy,” he nervously cups the back of his neck.  “Sorry for the…”      
“It was you!” she punches his chest.  “All this time!  All this time…” she hits him over and over as all of the pent-up emotions she’d been feeling erupts, and tears stream down her cheeks.  “Why?!” Lucy finally stops and slumps against his chest sobbing hysterically.
Natsu had expected a harsh reaction, knowing Lucy’d received the bracelet that morning and it gave too pointed of a clue for her not to realize its sender.  He says nothing and simply wraps his arms around her, just letting the woman release everything she’s been holding in for probably the last five years. As her sobs slow, he cradles her head gently against his chest, rubbing small circles along her back.  He buries his nose in her hair, oh, how he’s missed her scent, and kisses her crown.
“I’ve missed you so much Lucy.”  When her only response is a sniffle, Natsu continues.  “I was an idiot in high school to have lost you and these last five years have been empty because of it.  So, I had my manager help me track you down and that’s how I knew about graduation, your new job, and stuff.”
Her voice is soft, and the anger had dissipated from her tone.  “Why didn’t you just tell me it was you?”
“I didn’t know if you would answer if you knew it was me.  I gave up winning you back once when I was too dumb to realize…” he lifts her chin, “so this time I wanted to show you how much I still love you.”
“You do?”
He nods his head, eyes crinkling when he smiles and gazes back at her.  Natsu smooths a thumb over her cheek, “you are still so beautiful Lucy…”
She averts her eyes. It was all so much to take at once. Not only was her ex the anonymous person but finding out he’s a singer in a band that was growing in popularity. How would she know that this was real and that one day some groupie wouldn’t come along, and she’d catch him cheating again?  
Lucy sucks in the corner of her lip as she processes the situation, but Natsu knows that tell instantly. “Lucy, I swear on my mother I will never hurt you like that again.”
“You can’t make a promise like that.”
“Why can’t I?  The fact I haven’t had a girlfriend since you left me should tell you something.  I know now, I don’t want anyone else but you.  And if you still don’t believe me, just ask Gray yourself, he’s still my best friend and knows everything I’ve done this whole this time.”  Natsu takes her hand, “please just give me a second chance Lucy.”
She was so torn.  A part of her still loved him too, and she wanted to believe this could work…
“Really,” his eyes brighten, “you’ll be my girlfriend again?!”
Damn it his grin was still irresistible!  “Yes,” she exhales and squeezes his hand back, “I’ll be your girlfriend again. But so, help me Natsu if you screw around this time, I will cut something off!”
“Oof,” that sent a phantom pain to his groin, but he couldn’t blame her for the comment.  “You won’t regret it, I swear it.”
Lucy nods and stands up straight, recollecting her thoughts.  “Now that that’s settled, am I still doing an interview or was that just to set up this meeting?”
“Oh!  Right!” Natsu chuckles, “that’s real.”  He grabs her hand and pulls her towards the door, “I’ll introduce you to the rest of the band first…”  
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fairyqueennerd · 6 years
NALU prompt-5- Blessing
The day Natsu entered her life, she thought her life would become a living hell but he was a blessing in disguise.
She was a news reporter and he was her cameraman, their channel was well known and always topped the charts and Natsu was pretty famous for creating all the troubles but since he was a close relative of their chief he was not fired but he was always fired up.
Before meeting him she had heard a lot about him, like how in the editing department he edited a article telling good things about a project to a one that wanted to find faults in it, while in printing department a fire broke out and the machines were damaged when he was on duty, while in the writing department he trolled a politician so much that they got notice after its release, and making caricatures; he was horrible at it the chief granddaughter got nightmares about whatever he drew.
She sighed loudly when she learnt that now he wold be working for the channel and not the newspaper department and his work would start as a cameraman, that too to her.
“yo! I am Natsu Dragneel, nice to meet ya”
“Lucy Heartfilia, nice to meet you too.” They shook hands and she noticed how handsome he was, his charcoal black eyes with green flakes in them, toned abs and muscle, his boyish smile and casual attire.
This job was suitable for him, she and her assistant Happy helped him through it he had to struggle initially about the holding and keeping then keeping a firm hold, the focussing to the background whenever needed, zooming in and out.
For the first few days it was just to click good quality picture, and he did take awesome pictures of hers and their interaction increased and he was pretty easy to talk to.
Then for few weeks the shooting was done in the studios practice shooting, talk shows and debates, he was part of them all observing the small details and praising her for her work. She liked how dedicated he was to learn and gain everything he can in all the practice session.
Then they started for their first live telecast, it was about the arrival of a big celebrity and he realised how much struggle it was to get a nice footage and relevant interviews with all the other reporters there, but it was a nice experience.
The training ended and he was kind off professional now and they were doing great work together, now she thought that whatever she had heard about Natsu before were just rumours or bad omen for him and their channel.
   Once they were to get a live telecast but she arrived at the venue late the reason being her hangover from the night before for drinking so much with her friends. Later in the evening she was called to by the chief for explanation, but Natsu promptly said that it was him that was late and Lucy was just waiting for him, after that chief said no more just warned him to take things seriously or change department again, he hastily  cut him off that he would be more sincere next time and there is no need for change of department.
 For the rest of the day she sulked to herself not talking much to him, so after work hours he dragged her to the nearby restaurant on her treat and cheered her up.
“Aww, come on Lucy I didn’t lie I too came late just a bit before you for taking live takes, the old man is just cranky don’t mind him”
“But, this never have happened before.”
“sometimes or a while it is worth a try, don’t always try to be in your good two shoes, just be lively.”
“yeah ofcourse.” She still sulked.
“How many times have you been to the chief before”
“Never for a complain but few times for compliment.”
“That’s a good sign, he is gonna forget it sooner than you, just let it be a little reminder for you and else I will take care of.”
“Come on Lucy now chill what has happened now can’t be changed don’t let your mood turn down in this beautiful evening.”
She looked out of window and then at him blushing slightly she nodded.
After their dinner, they got drunk again but this time in limits, it would not have happened last night if it weren’t for Cana but now both of them knew it could endanger their job so three glass each was decided. Like last night Natsu dropped her home, she was letting him to spoil her. In his presence she could be herself chubby, forgetful and relax not as if somebody is going to come at her neck if she did one step wrong. She forgot a lot of things, her keys, their appointments, deadlines some times it was genuine and many a times it was intentional she liked it when he would call her up for those small things and always having her back.
Now she just couldn’t imagine how could she think such a blessing in her life to be a curse.
  Lately they were hanging out a lot, it was as if you can’t contact Lucy then contact Natsu and vice a versa, 99%chances were they would be together.
Nowadays, they were having all three meals, going to shopping, movies, karaoke, and gamming together.
It was the weekend plus the last day of the month so Natsu and Lucy were at her apartment watching a movie.
There was one thing that was bothering her from the time she came to know him better but somehow she could not manage the courage to speak it out, but today she felt the urge to ask him-
“Ne Natsu?”
“Were you always interested in journalism?”
“Nah! It was just my uncle, I mean our chief after the sudden death off my father I used to live with him, since I was not good at anything he made me join him.”
“I see, but I have noticed that you are a good learner.”
“I mean when you started working with me, you didn’t even know hoe to handle the camera properly but you were focussed at learning the techniques and now see you are a professional, you put in a bit of effort and you do things perfectly, so I was wondering why such a blessed man had to change departments so frequently?”
He visibly tensed hearing her thoughts and she realised it was bad thing to ask and all her previous thoughts to keep her thoughts to herself was the best thing for them.
“Ah! Let it be, it must be coincidence” she laughed nervously to change the topic but before she could make an attempt he sighed and answered- “It was because of you.”
“What??” she was baffled by his answer, what had she done she kept wondering and he spoke again.
“Before I joined here, I didn’t see the channel nor read the newspaper, but when I joined it first day I say your talk show going on, and all I wanted was to work with you, idk why must be your professionalism I thought, and told uncle the same but he said he knows I am not good at anything, and since the channel and particularly your shows were popular he didn’t want me to be a part of it, so I intentionally did everything so that he would change me from department to department till I got to you.” He smiled widely at her and she was completely speechless, never expecting this to be the reason.
“Hey! Don’t look at me like that.”
“Oye! What are you sorry about? Did I just creeped you out? Ha I knew it so didn’t want to let you know but the day when uncle said to change department again, I declined hastily and thought maybe you got to know this too.”
“Huh! This thought never ever crossed my mind.”
“I didn’t want you to know this, still wanted to tell this that you have always interested me Lucy, from day one I liked everything about you and just wanted to know you better.” He looked at her with searching eyes as if her face would answer his silent questions.
“Well I liked you too, and thought whatever I had heard about you were just rumours. I was right and here we are best buddies in the world.” She specified on buddies because it was what he used to call her a lot.
“Yeah buddies.” His voice held a little sarcasm.
“What Is it Natsu?”
“Nah! Nothing let’s go have dinner.” He got up and started for her kitchen but she caught his hand and pulled him back beside him.
“You suddenly seem upset, you can tell me we are best friends.”
“That is the problem Luce, We are best friends. I don’t want this, I want something more, something like… forget it, what I want right now is food.”
This time he rushed to the kitchen.
“Are you trying to ask me out Mr.  Dragneel.”
He freezed on his spot and slowly turned towards her to find her blushing and smirking at him.
“Well, I always thought that dating was not your cup of tea Natsu, well I was right you can’t even ask a girl out directly.” She interwind her fingers behind her back and walked towards him teasingly.
“And to think the girl you wanted to ask out was me. Ha! I should have known Mr. Oblivious is not so oblivious to the girls around him.”
“stop it Luce.”
“Oh! And from day one wow that was unexpected but expected I am like a fairy .”
“You don’t like to loose but it’s a fact the one that falls for the other first is a looser.” And she started to laugh hard.
“ok that’s it”
And he kissed her so fiercely that it took all her breath away and ceasing all her laughter, she never thought his lips would be so soft and her first kiss would so great.
After feeling the need of oxygen they parted, looking each other with hooded eyes,
“I won.” Natsu suddenly said.
“You are mine now, so I won.”
The word mine kept repeating in her mind and she just nodded blushing profusely.
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ycmiis-blog · 7 years
now recording {chapter three}
When upcoming YouTuber Lucy Heartfilia finds herself collaborating with popular channel Fairy Tail, she ends up getting more than she bargained for. ( ff.net // ao3 )
( ONE  TWO )
'can lucy be here every week.'
'i will literally give all my organs to have lucy be a regular.'
'Are you guys sure this is the first time Lucy's met any of them? She fits in so well!'
Lucy scrolls through the comments of the most recent Fairy Tail Friday video. It's only a few hours before she has to go record the next one, and she's still mulling over her answer. While she knows that she doesn't have to answer today, she wants to, because after today, she doesn't know when she's going to see all of them again. She may have Levy's number, but she's the only one she knows how to contact. Note to self: remedy that.
The thing is, she's ninety-nine per cent sure of her decision. She's found a place close to the studio that allows pets and has a decent rent, even if it's smaller than her current address. Mirajane ran the numbers with her before she went home the previous week, which was nice of her, so she knows what she would be paid if she joined them. Not that it matters. They could be paying her with those fake chocolate coins and she would be happy to join them. It's not her willingness to join that's the problem.
It all comes down to how spontaneous she thinks she's being. Everything is happening so fast, it's so difficult for her to wrap her head around, yet she doesn't want this opportunity to pass her by. That would be disastrous. And looking back, some of her best decisions have been made without too much preparation. Her running away from home had truly been a rash decision fuelled by one last argument with her father tipping the scales toward her breaking point, and now she feels more free than she ever did growing up. Starting her YouTube channel had even been a product of boredom one lazy Sunday when she had nothing to do, but her mind was full of thoughts about the book she just read, and she had to let her thoughts out somewhere.
She looks at Plue, who is once again resting on her bed. "What do you think, Plue? Should I do it?"
Plue barks and wags his tail, and she thinks it's as good a sign as any.
"Alright, let's do it."
When Lucy walks into the studio, she comes face-to-face - well, actually, face-to-chest - with Elfman, who's carrying several crates of electrical equipment. She quickly jumps back and peers around the crates so she can see him properly. "Hey, Elfman!"
Elfman shifts the crates to one arm like it's no big deal and her eyes widen, shocked at how damn strong he is. She knows he works out, it's all over his channel, but what she sees in his videos is nothing compared to seeing him in real life. He doesn't seem to notice, just greeting her with a brief wave and a grin as he walks over to the corner and dumps the creates on the ground.
"How's it goin', Lucy?" he asks, dusting his hands off. "Ready to sing your lungs out?"
Lucy's smile tenses. "Well, as ready as I'll ever be, I guess. I'm not the best singer, but something tells me that's not going to matter."
Elfman's laugh is boisterous, echoing around the entrance. "Nah, it won't. Most of us can't hold a tune to save our lives."
"Good thing we're not saving any lives then," Lucy says, heading inside to the main set. Everyone else already seems to be there, and she's quickly spotted by both Mira and Levy. They rush over to her immediately.
"Lucy!" Mira greets her by giving her a big hug, which Lucy definitely wasn't expecting, but she isn't about to push her away. She's always down for hugs. "How was your week?"
She just shrugs before Levy goes in for a hug as well. "Same old, same old. Nothing really interesting happened this week. My daily vlogs weren't really daily, they were just a weekly wrap-up, really."
And it's true. Her life seems to pale in comparison to her time spent with the Fairy Tail members, and she's not sure whether that's because she's had their offer bouncing around her head for the whole week or if she's always felt this way and it just took their influence to bring that side out of her. She doesn't think it matters either way. She's already applied for the apartment, she's ready to resign from her current job, and she's more than ready to join the others with their company.
Before any of them can say another word, Erza speaks up from the set, "Alright, guys, let's go!"
Everyone heads to the set's sofas, Lucy taking a seat between Natsu and Cana. Natsu grins at her and she waves back, not as uneasy as she was a little over a week ago when she'd seen all those comments on Levy's video. The shipping comments had, admittedly, freaked her out a little, but texting Levy had helped ease her worries. This was what came with being high-profile.
'It's nothing to worry about!' Levy had texted. 'People ship all of us together all the time, so you can just ignore it!'
Lucy took that advice and has forgotten about it completely. Natsu's a friendly guy, so of course he would treat her as though she's one of them. It's best to let the fans think what they like.
Warren does the usual countdown and Mira jumps into frame like she's a talk show host, which isn't entirely wrong. "Hello, Fairies! Welcome back to Fairy Family Friday, and we're once again here with the lovely Lucy," she gestures to Lucy, who waves, "and we're about to make fools of ourselves again, because today we're singing until our lungs shrivel up and turn to dust."
"I don't think lungs can do that," Laxus says, but he's ignored.
"Today, we'll be singing duets, and the pairings will be decided completely and utterly randomly in the most cliche way possible - drawing names from a hat!" Bisca tosses the cowboy hat she often wears and Mirajane drops a bunch of papers inside after she catches it.
The pairs are drawn after that, completely at random. Natsu and Kinana, Max and Lucy, Bickslow and Nab, Jet and Elfman, Cana and Bisca, Droy and Levy, Alzack and Mira, Laxus and Lisanna, Gray and Laki, Erza and Evergreen, and Vijeeter and Freed. Lucy is slightly nervous because she doesn't really know Max, but when she catches his eye from across the room, he gives her a thumbs up. It's a small gesture, but it's reassuring. She doesn't know what it is about the Fairy Tail members and their ability to put her at ease, but she's here for it completely.
Long story short, most people's singing is abysmal. Kinana is a diamond in the rough, her voice sweet and clear as she sings alongside Natsu's questionable vocals, and she even seems in her element. Lucy wonders if she's done this before. Kinana is one of the only members who doesn't have a personal channel of her own, though she often appears in everyone else's videos, securing her spot as a permanent fixture in Fairy Tail. Perhaps she's had experience performing? Lucy makes a note to herself to ask her about that later.
Mira, Lisanna, and Vijeeter are contenders for the next best. Lucy isn't surprised by Mira and Lisanna, since she's heard their voices before in several of their vlogs, but Vijeeter catches her off-guard. She can't help but clap after he and Freed are done, and she isn't the only one. Freed asks him how he ended up being so good and he responds with, "I can't be a professional with just one talent, not in this economy."
In the end, Vijeeter and Freed are the winners and Bickslow and Nab slide into last place, only just behind Erza and Evergreen (who is sulking after Jet made a comment about her unique singing style).
"Whaaaaaaat?" Cana whines, flopping down on the couch without looking and almost suffocating Gray in the process. "But I wanted to continue my winging streak! I have an amazing voice!"
Gray snorts, pushing Cana to the side. "Are you crazy? I've heard how you sing in the shower, do you know how many times the neighbours have complained?"
Mira does the outro and Warren finishes with a, "That's a wrap! Great job, guys."
Lucy lets herself relax, wiggling her arms around to get rid of the nervous tension she'd been building up throughout the whole thing. As much as she feels at ease around the Fairy Tail members, there is still that sense of self-doubt that comes with being in a new environment, especially one that she never thought she would be in. Filming is fun, but exhausting. Yet she wouldn't change that for the world.
Before she can do much else, Natsu takes the spot beside her with his usual charismatic smile. "So, Lucy, thought about our offer yet?"
Lucy isn't even surprised that he jumps straight into what he wants rather than making small-talk. It's clear from his videos that this is the type of person he is, but she actually quite likes it. It's a nice change to the people she's surrounded herself with her whole life. She wishes she was able to be so candid all the time, but whenever she tries, she just overthinks things.
"Well, actually, I have," she starts slowly, trying to stop the grin from spreading across her face too early. She's been ready to tell the others all day. "And, well, I've applied for an apartment that allows pets and I've got all the forms ready quit my job, so I don't see why not?"
She didn't think Natsu's smile would be able to get any bigger, but he proves her wrong. "Seriously? That's great! Time to celebrate, I should check what we're having for dinner, but first -" He cuts himself off and stands on the couch, his sneakers staining the leather with dirt. "Hey, guys! Lucy agreed to join us! Permanently!"
There is a chorus of cheers and Lucy is reminded of just last week when all of them agreed that they wanted her here. She covers her mouth with her hands and looks down, trying to hide just how happy she is, but she doubts it's working. Not with everyone looking at her like she's just done something impressive or won some award, and honestly? She can't help but feel the same way.
"So, new member, you know what this means," Lisanna says, swatting Elfman's arm off of her head, which he was using as an armrest. "Party at Yajima's!"
Yajima's ends up being a restaurant in town called 8-Island. Lucy vaguely remembers it being mentioned in the Raijinshu's videos of all things, and she thinks she's seen the place in some of their videos, since the interior looks familiar despite her never having been here before. The few patrons who are still in the midst of their meal look up at the large group. The only person who doesn't seem perturbed by their arrival is the man behind the counter, and Lucy assumes he's Yajima from the way everyone greets him as they approach.
They're given the longest table in the place, and even then they have to push tables together and move chairs around so they'll all fit. This isn't the first time Lucy has attended such a large dinner - actually, she's attended dinners with far more people than this, but those were all high-class and uptight, so they don't count - but it's the first time she's felt as though she can be herself at one, and that is a success in itself. It helps that this is a party to celebrate her, even if it's just an excuse for everyone to run around and get drunk. Providing Cana doesn't hoard all the alcohol for herself.
"Order what you like, I'm paying!" Mira says, waving her menu around, almost whacking Elfman in the face.
Cana raises her still-empty glass with a, "Mira, the light of my life, my queen, my everything!"
Lucy giggles as she opens her menu. There's more of a selection than she originally thought, and she becomes absorbed in all the delicious-sounding dishes for a good few minutes. It's only when she hears a, "The Spaghetti and Meatball Supreme is the best, I'm just putting it out there."
She looks up at Natsu's grinning face for a brief moment before searching for the spaghetti dish on the menu, finding it beneath the 'Bestsellers' title. "Well, I guess I'll have to give that a try, won't I? I'll probably have a milkshake with it."
"Not a beer? Just checking, 'cause Cana's gonna have drunk it all in the next half our if you're not quick," he says, and sure enough, Cana's glass is now filled to the top.
"I'm driving, remember?" Lucy reminds him, setting her menu down. "I'd rather not get pulled over for a DUI."
From Lucy's other side, Erza says, "Are you sure you'll be alright driving home tonight? I know you took your car, but we could look after it and drive you home ourselves, we don't mind."
Lucy shakes her head. "No, it's fine. I've driven longer trips at this time of night."
"If you're sure," Erza says, leaving it at that as Yajima himself comes to collect their orders.
Once everyone has decided what they want to eat and drink, Lucy asks both Erza and Natsu, "So, you guys come here a lot, right? Do you guys know Yajima personally, or do you just like this place that much?"
"Both," Natsu says, leaning back in his chair. "You know Makarov, right? Laxus' grandpa, he's in a shitload of our videos. He and Yajima are old friends and it was him who introduced us to the place, thought it would be great for it to get some exposure on our channels. Yajima told us not to go overboard, though, so we just end up vlogging while we're here. We make sure we mention the name and everything."
Lucy definitely remembers. It's hard not to when the old man stands out like a sore thumb despite his height. In contrast to Laxus, he's enthusiastic and ready to take on any challenge the team or the viewers give him despite his elderly status. If Lucy didn't know any better, she might assume that he was thirty years younger than he actually is.
"That's so nice of you," she says in a soft voice. "And from what I've seen of it, this place deserves recognition."
"Just wait 'til you taste the food," Gray says from the spot across from her (wait, where did his shirt go?), and Lucy figures he's been listening the whole time. "Then you'll know just how great this place is."
Lucy doesn't have to wait that long to test his claim. Their food arrives faster than she expected, especially with so many of them here, but when she asks about it, Erza just tells her that 8-Island has the best customer service out of all the restaurants in their area. Lucy doesn't know whether she's saying that because it's true or because she's biased, but she doesn't mind. She would be the same way.
"This smells amazing," she says as the smell of her Spaghetti and Meatball Supreme invades her senses. She's sure her mouth is watering.
Natsu nudges her, his mouth already full with steak. "It tastes amazing, too!" he says, though his voice is muffle by his food.
Lucy wastes no time in digging in, and she isn't disappointed. The pasta isn't soggy, but it isn't hard. The meatballs are the perfect size to fit in her mouth. The sauce, the Sauce, just tops everything off. Whatever method Yajima uses to get his dishes out so quickly doesn't lower the quality by any means. She doesn't talk for so long, just letting herself enjoy her meal, and she almost forgets that she has a strawberry milkshake to go along with it. When she does remember, she takes one sip and almost sighs in contentment. It should be illegal for food to be this good.
"Having fun?" Natsu asks, his steak now completely gone, leaving only a trace of sauce on his otherwise clean plate.
She nods eagerly as she rushes to swallow the meatball in her mouth. "This is amazing. I haven't had food this amazing in ages."
He laughs, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before reaching out to steal one of her meatballs. It's gone before she can react, going straight into his mouth, and she gasps in surprise. "How dare you! What is it with you and stealing my food?"
"I like food," he says simply. "Besides, your reaction when I steal something of yours is hilarious."
She points her fork at him, as if doing so is a legitimate threat. "I will stab you with this."
His laughter only grows from there, and she's unable to keep her own down, bursting into a fit of giggles. It only stops when Natsu's phone goes off, and he snorts as he checks his messages. She raises an eyebrow, an unasked question, though she doesn't speak aloud in case it's a personal message.
"It's just my little cousin, Wendy," Natsu says as he replies. "I dunno if you've seen her in our videos or whatever, but she's mad we went to Yajima's without her. She's studying for exams right now."
Lucy does remember Wendy. It's hard not to when she's in most of his vlogs, since she lives with him, and she's sometimes even there for Fairy Family Fridays. She's adorable. Lucy can't imagine her being mad aside from the adorable little pout she sometimes does when Natsu makes fun at her expense, though even that is a rare occurrence. Everyone seems to love and protect Wendy around here.
"Tell her I said good luck. She's a high school student, right?" Lucy says, finishing the rest of her pasta, leaving only one meatball that she quickly claims with her fork before Natsu gets any ideas.
Natsu nods and types again before setting his phone back down on the table. "She is. She and Romeo - you've probably seen him, too, he's like our mini-intern? That's what I call him, anyway - are in most of the same classes, so they're studying together with Chelia, another friend of theirs. They're cat-sitting while we're here, too."
Lucy wants to ask about the cats when Cana interrupts all conversation by tapping her fork against her glass as she stands on her seat. If Yajima notices, he doesn't care. "Alright, alright, everyone finished? It's time for a toast!" She raises her glass even higher as everyone else grabs theirs. "To Lucy!"
"To Lucy!" everyone repeats, though Lucy stays silent. She finds it strange to make a toast to herself, but she raises her milkshake and takes a long sip anyway, just so she can join in the festivities.
They all leave not long after that, and it's only because of Yajima's coaxing. They're cutting it too close to closing time, apparently, but by the look on the older man's face, he doesn't mind that much. Lucy wonders if this is a common occurrence. With this group, she wouldn't be surprised.
Everyone starts piling into cars, and Lucy starts heading for Erza's when the woman in question lightly tugs on her arm, signalling for her to stay. Lucy blinks as she turns to Erza, though she's sure she hasn't done anything wrong. She quickly goes over the night's events in her head. Did she ask too much? Did she eat too quickly? Should she have spoken during the toast?
"Don't worry, you're not in trouble," Erza says with a light laugh, as though reading her mind. "I just wanted to talk to you about something."
Lucy lets her shoulders sag, just a little. "Alright, sure."
Erza presses her lips together for a moment before speaking again. "I know this offer came up very quickly and it may seem very relaxed, but something we do with all our new employees is a background check of sorts, just to make sure you are who you say you are, that you're safe, things like that. We haven't done anything official yet, just a Google search. I just wanted to know if it's alright to proceed with the background check."
Lucy's stomach drops, but not because she's done anything wrong. A background check means risking the exposure of her past, and she doesn't know if she'll be able to handle that, not when she feels so at home with all these people. She hasn't told anyone in this new life of hers. Even Plue wasn't with her in her previous life; he's a stray puppy she found while running away.
Still, she says, "Yeah, that's fine," in a quiet voice.
Erza pauses again. "If this is about the Heartfilia Konzern, I already know."
The nauseous feeling in Lucy's stomach triples. "Does everyone know?"
"No," Erza says, and Lucy sighs in relief. "Just me and Mira. We won't ask why you left and we won't tell anyone else if you don't want us to. Just know that we aren't here to know Lucky Lucy Heartfilia of the Heartfilia Konzern. We just want to know Lucy."
Lucy just stares because she doesn't think anyone has actually said that to her before. There are people back home who care about her, like Spetto and Bero, but she always wonders whether they were only pretending for the sake of their jobs. They addressed her as 'milady' and the like, and went above and beyond to make her happy, but they shouldn't have had to. All she wanted was a friend to talk to. She didn't (and still doesn't) what this class divide, she doesn't want anyone to feel as though they have to be nice to her, she just wants friends. And that's exactly what Erza is offering her here.
She doesn't realise she's crying until Erza starts panicking. "Lucy, are you alright? I didn't say anything wrong, did I?"
Lucy smiles and shakes her head as she wipes her eyes. "No, it's just - what you said means a lot to me, that's all."
Erza's panic subsides. "Okay, good. Just know that we're here for you to talk to if you need it."
"Thank you," Lucy says.
"C'mon, you guys, get in the car before I start driving this thing myself!" Cana shouts from the passenger seat.
Erza rolls her eyes, and Lucy laughs as she slides into the backseat, forcing Gray to move closer to Natsu so they're side-by-side. Their bickering only makes things more entertaining, and she hopes that things can stay this way for a long while yet.
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riverofmemoriesft · 8 years
. Between the Lines . 174
The third day of the Games arrived bright and early. It was with great reluctance on the doctors' behalf that Lucy was allowed to leave the room she'd been in and go to watch. The only reason she'd demanded as much was because it was Natsu's first day doing something in the Games. So, with Happy on her head and Gray's willful help, the blonde had successfully made her way to the stadium.
When she arrived, she was warmly greeted by everyone in the guild and Makarov had pleasantly told her he was pleased that she was feeling better. Mavis had even greeted her, praising her for her bravery.
Lucy had wanted to demand they stop with the praise.
"Is Natsu already down there?" she asked as she carefully seated herself beside Jellal. Gray dropped down beside her, Juvia on his other side. She beamed at him and he hesitantly allowed her to lean on him.
Jellal nodded. "He and Gajeel both." He offered a smile. "I am glad that you are back on your feet."
"Thanks," she said with a smile in return.
"Your room smelled funny again," Happy retorted, wrinkling his nose. "You did, too. But it's gone now."
"I'll have Natsu look into it," Lucy sighed, hugging him. The others offered them curious looks, but nobody said anything.
"Welcome to the third day of the first annual Grand Magic Games!" the announcer suddenly boomed. "The Council is pleased to report that after yesterday's first battle match, Miss Lucy Heartfilia is recovering and has even come to witness today's events."
Cheering rang out and Lucy covered her face in her hands. "I wish they would stop discussing it," she complained.
Jellal chuckled and informed her, "Quite a few people have come to us asking after your health. Some were even previous residents of Bosco."
Lucy blinked. "Really?"
"Really," he confirmed. "It turns out that several countries have revealed magic, including Bosco. The citizens of Bosco quickly found out about your status as a mage when the Council unlocked the news articles for them to read and most of them are in an uproar."
Leaning around Jellal, Erza added gently, "Many are supporting you, Lucy. They remember the strangers that had sometimes surrounded Layla and some claim that Loke was with her when she passed through towns and cities. They recognize him as the man that was with you in Bosco a few months ago."
"That's good," Lucy sighed. "At least they aren't as aggressive about it as Fiore...I'm thinking I'll run back to make a speech or something after this is over if that's the case." She smiled at Jellal and Erza gratefully. "Thank you for informing me, I appreciate it a lot."
"Today's game will be a race," they were pleasantly informed. "The contestants will be sent to the edge of Crocus, were a Council mage and a few other mages are watching. They'll race around the entire perimeter of Crocus and the will receive points dependent on their place."
Lucy snorted. "Natsu's going to race? This ought to be easy for him. He's got so much energy, he makes the rest of us look old and slow." She paused. "Then again. Some of the members of the guild actually are old and slow…"
Cobra gave an awkward cough that told Lucy he was trying to hide his laughter about what she'd said. She flushed, glaring at him over her shoulder. She was shocked to discover him seated right behind her. Kinana was nowhere in sight and when she arched a brow, he said with a huff, "She wasn't feelin' too good. Said that something in the air was makin' her sick."
"Huh." Lucy furrowed her brow. "I hope she gets better soon, then."
Lucy did a quick run over of the people in the arena as the announcer called out their names. She grinned when Gajeel and Natsu could be seen exchanging quiet words with Sting. The blond dragon slayer looked nothing like the upset and apologetic man from the day before. He was confident and cocky as he teased Natsu and Gajeel, a cocky grin on his face.
"To up the excitement and shorten the time," the announcer continued suddenly, "Each contestant will be placed on a motorcycle and shown how to operate it."
There was a moment of silence in which they all stared into the arena. The three dragon slayers in it stared up at the box that held the announcer.
And then Natsu collapsed with a shouted, "That's not fair! I finally get to play a game and you guys throw me into a death trap!"
There was laughter from both guilds. Those in Sabertooth and Fairy Tail all understood their despair.
Cobra laughed near hysterically behind them. His cackling made Lucy giggle harder as he cried, "Look at their faces! The looks on their faces!"
Beside Lucy, Gray roared with laughter, too. His eyes glowed with amusement, his lips curved into a grin. Juvia laughed as well. "Ha!" Gray crowed. "So much for your win, Natsu! You've screwed us just by being you!"
Lucy snorted, looking amused as he continued to chuckle, even when a set of motorcycles were rolled in and brought to each of the contestants. Natsu looked ill on the screens above as he watched the man point out all of the controls.
"Poor Natsu," Erza sighed. "It appears we can forget winning points for this round, hm?"
"Don't count him out quite yet," Jellal countered. "I believe he'll come through, even if it doesn't go well. Natsu will want to make us happy - particularly Lucy after yesterday. It'll all turn out fine, Erza."
Lucy was pleased with his faith.
It took a while for the group to be sent out of town. The Council member Lucy had spoken to - Mest - teleported each contestant and their vehicle out of the area. Sting went last, grimacing. And when Mest was done, he looked exhausted.
"Mest is a good man," Jellal said quietly.
None of them chose to question why he thought as much.
Instead, they focused on the Games when the announcer shouted for the contestants to begin.
Lucy screamed for Natsu to do well alongside several other people. Cobra sarcastically commented on how quiet everyone was, but Lucy chose to ignore him. Blue Pegasus and Mermaid Heel screamed past the other two guilds alongside Lamia Scale. The last three wobbled along and brought laughter from most of the crowd.
"Why the hell couldn't I have been assigned to today," Gray said with a huff. "I ride stuff like that all the time ! I make it with my magic on jobs!"
Lucy patted his arm. "Maybe next year, Gray."
It wasn't a surprise when Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, and Lamia Scale won first, second, and third place. The mages of the respective guilds were pleased, chatting with one another by the end.
It was a huge surprise, however, when Natsu caught fourth. Gajeel managed fifth, and Sting came in sixth, though he didn't seem to care as he slunk from the vehicle and curled up on the ground beside the other two dragon slayers.
"Tsk," Cobra muttered. "Pathetic."
"I'll throw you on one," Lucy threatened.
"Try it, Blondie. I dare you," he growled.
Lucy grinned as he followed her down to the arena. Cobra was like the stupidly annoying brother she'd never wanted and it was obvious that he wasn't pleased with Sabertooth's actions the day before as he glared in their direction. He stood a few steps behind Lucy as she crouched beside Natsu, poking at his arm and offering him a bottle of water she'd stopped to grab for him.
It seemed like forever before she could get him upright. Even then, he leaned heavily against her, telling her that if Erza and Wendy didn't kick ass, he'd burn the city to the ground.
Cobra cackled the entire way back to where the guild had gathered for a group lunch.
"Good luck today, Erza," Lucy said later as they ate. She took a sip of her tea, smiling at the scarlet-haired woman. Erza looked pleased by the wish for good luck. "You're against Mermaid Heel's Kagura, aren't you? I've heard she rivals you."
"She does," Erza admitted. "I'm excited for this battle. I've been wanting a challenge for quite some time.."
"You'll get it," Jellal informed her quietly. Something was off about him, Lucy realized, frowning as he climbed to his feet. He wished Erza luck, admitted he wouldn't see the match later, and then wandered off. When Lucy, Natsu, and Happy looked expectantly to Erza, she smiled faintly.
"When he was possessed," she said quietly, lifting her drink to her lips. "He killed people and Kagura's family was included in that number. She was informed of the person behind it and the reason, but he doesn't think that she will forgive him even so."
Lucy studied Erza for a long moment. "You're awfully close to him. Do you have something you want to tell us, Erza?"
Natsu grinned, catching on. Still feeling sick from the morning game - not nearly as sick as Gajeel, who was face-down on the floor with Levy seated on a bench beside him - he was sipping only at water and eating nothing. Happy, on the other hand, was downing a fish like it was nothing. "Yeah, Erza," Natsu crowed. "Got something you want to tell us?"
Erza turned as red as her hair. "No," she said a little too hastily.
From where he sat beside her, Gray elbowed her. "I'll give a secret if you give a secret," he offered, smirking, and that only made her blush harder, displeased with him.
"We went on a date, but that is all," Erza finally mumbled. Suddenly, she hissed threateningly. "If you tell anyone, I will cut you."
"Hey, Mirajane!" Their heads snapped around as Cobra shouted. Quiet fell. No one was used to the usually quiet and grouchy dragon slayer speaking so loudly and they were all curious on what he wanted to say.
Horror flashed over Erza's face and Lucy remembered just how good Cobra's hearing was.
"Yes?" Mirajane asked hesitantly.
"Titania and Jellal Fernandes went on a-"
Before he could finish, Erza had nearly tipped the table in her rush to attack. Natsu yanked Lucy out of the way so her hot tea wouldn't spill on her and Gray was left staring blankly at his missing plate. Cobra cackled as he pranced out of Erza's reach.
"What has gotten into him?" Lisanna asked from Natsu's left.
"I have no idea," Kinana informed them from where she sat a few seats down. Her eyes were wide. "He's gotten very gutsy though, I will give him that."
Mirajane sidled over to stand near them, blue eyes gleaming. "Did they go on a date?"
Natsu watched where Erza was fighting Cobra. And then he grinned and practically whispered, "Yep."
Erza stopped dead in her tracks and turned a deadly look on Natsu, but he was already sprinting full speed for the exit. "Natsu Dragneel!" she cried, stomping after him as the guild roared with laughter. "You come back here this instant!"
Mirajane clapped her hands together with a pleased look. "At last! I thought they never would!"
From where he was pouting and clutching a bruising jaw, Cobra smirked. "Wanna know what else they did?"
All eyes turned on him.
"...just how far did they go?" Gray suddenly asked, frowning.
"Erza's going to throttle you," Lucy sighed.
"They didn't," Wendy stammered with red cheeks. "They just kissed."
"Oh, no," Happy whispered in horror. "We've lost Wendy, too, now."
"Just keep your mouth shut," Lucy hissed with an amused smile as Natsu was hauled back in by his scarf. Erza looked furious. "And pretend you know nothing."
Instead, Happy opened his mouth and asked curiously, "Why would you kiss Jellal, Erza? That's disgusting."
Lucy buried her face in her hands and shook her head as Erza looked in their direction,a malicious smile appearing on her face. "What was that, Happy?"
He faltered.
There was a moment of silence in which Erza stared at Happy. And then she lunged and Lucy found herself tipped backwards. Happy flew up with a shriek, trying to escape, but there was no escape from Titania Erza and she had his tail in hand in seconds.
"Anyone else?" she asked quietly.
"No, Erza," most people said hastily. Lucy echoed them.
"No regrets," Natsu rasped when he'd hauled himself back over to Lucy. "No regrets."
"You'll have plenty of regrets when that black eye forms and Wendy won't fix it," Lucy reported.
He only pouted and blinked innocently at her until Lucy sighed and called for Wendy to come and look.
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edo-salandria · 8 years
SUMMARY: Natsu and Lucy have been targeted. A mysterious tattoo appears on both of them that changes their relationship in ways they could never have imagined. RATED: M AUTHOR’S NOTE: Also can be read on: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12234990/1/Sensory-Overload
Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3 ; Chapter 4 ; Chapter 5 ; Chapter 6 ; Chapter 7 ; Chapter 8 ; Chapter 9 ; Chapter 10 ; Chapter 11 ; Chapter 12 ; Chapter 13 ; Chapter 14 ; Chapter 15 ; Chapter 16
The light was shining brightly in Lucy's small bedroom. She laid on her side gently welcoming the start of a new day. Unwilling to open her eyes yet while squeezing the soft fluffy blanket to her chest. Absentmindedly, she scratched the itch on her left wrist. It was that moment she heard the obnoxious sounds that started coming from her stomach.
For Lucy Heartfilia to wake up feeling so ravenously hungry was strange to say the least. She always boasted to her piggish partner on her ability to graze all day long on healthy snacks to keep her figure and hunger in check. She didn't earn the nickname Bunny Girl just from her costume choices alone.
Tossing her sheets off she decided it was time for breakfast. Walking into her sorry excuse for a kitchen she rifled through her ice box looking for all the ingredients to make her favorite go-to breakfast - a veggie omelet. While rummaging she happened to also snatch up sausage and bacon she kept for Natsu and Happy. 'Oh and is that milk behind the orange juice, yay! I thought those heathens drank it all!' before she knew it she was looking down at a heaping plate of eggs, bacon and sausage along with toast. To the right was glass of milk and a slightly smaller glass of OJ. A look of horror started to creep into her face at the spread before her "What the hell am I doing!" but the pangs in her stomach took over and she dug in.
Fighting her urge to succumb to the food coma that was starting to rear it's ugly head she found her way into the bathroom. "Time to get this show on the road" she encouraged to herself, that couch was just too comfortable looking.
She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror examining the details of her creamy smooth skin, 'I have to apologize for being a jerk to Natsu and Happy, maybe I will buy them lunch for kicking them out of the house.' Thinking back, even though she could barely admit it to herself, she secretly got a tingling thrill hearing the surprised expletives Natsu screamed as he felt her boot kick his ass out her window.
Bringing her arm up to inspect a possible blemish, Lucy noticed something pink just under the cuff of her sleeve. She quickly pushed her left sleeve up to find a strange marking on her wrist. "The hell is this?" she questioned to absolutely no one. Upon further examination she saw a pink heart surrounded by links, kind of like a bracelet. She tried rubbing it to see if it would come off with no luck. Totally puzzled as to where it came from, she tried to recall last nights events in order to determine where it came from.
'A day of mostly successful writing - lunch - Natsu and Happy came over and started playing 'toss paper into Lucy's cleavage - kicked them out which left me flustered for some totally unreasonable reason - more writing - then bed'. Lucy quickly went into her bedroom and started searching the windows and floor on the way to her bed. She started tossing her bedding around looking for evidence of midnight intruders with no success 'they must have broken in again and did this while I was sleeping!'
A horrifying thought ran through her mind and she ran to the mirror stripping off all her clothing and examining her body for any more mysterious tattoos. "They are dead meat" she fumed and briskly walked back into the bathroom to take a quick shower.
Still absolutely livid over marking on her lovely skin, Lucy decided her first stop of the day will be the guild hall. Not to apologize for kicking them out like she was going to originally but to give Natsu and Happy a piece of her mind for their stupid prank.
Natsu stretched his arms out over his head breathing in a breath of fresh cool morning air. "Mornin' Happy" he yelled over his shoulder.
"Natsu it's cold, shut the door already" Happy was whined out from the open doorway "It's crazy cold and you're just running around half naked like Gray!"
"No way in hell I am anything like that arctic asshat" Natsu finally realizes that it is way too cold to be out in anything less than his boxers and briskly rubs his arms while running back into the cottage. "I feel a little hungry Happy, how's about some breakfast!" Natsu looked into his kitchen with all the dirty dishes and empty food packages on the counter trying to locate something edible.
Happy was finishing up his plate of fishies while Natsu leaned back in his chair patting his stomach. "I think I am going to take a quick post breakfast nap before we get to the guild." He then tossed himself onto his couch allowing a billow of dust particles to escape and closed his eyes. Tossing from one side and then to the other, for some reason he just couldn't get comfortable. As the agitation started to grow, his mind was racing with thoughts. They started to become more focused, replaying the day before in his mind.
'Massive snowball fight with Happy, I won - threw down with Gajeel, nailed it - had a snack - took a nap - had lunch - sparred with Laxus, got my ass handed to me - visited Lucy, she was trying to write at her desk, wearing tight black legging and a snug baby blue really deep v-neck sweater that barely covered her ass… hair all crazy in the bun she does sometimes, biting on the end of her pen… - got kicked out of Lucy's for messin' with her - had dinner at the guild - slept'
Natsu jumped off the couch in complete aggravation, wondering why the hell he was thinking about yesterday for. Tossing on his pants and overcoat he turned his direction to Happy "Let's go buddy - I think today is gonna be a good one!" He couldn't shake the feeling that the next time he saw Lucy he was in for one hell of a beating.
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