#my name is nothing close to Muse so people looked at me like I was crazy when i said that
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Where does your nickname comes from, if you want to share <3
I came up with amusingmuse based on the Muses and their connections to creativity! Idk something about it just spoke to me so I grabbed it up :3 As for how "Musie" came about, that 100% stems from some of my close friends calling me that. I can't remember who started it first, but it stuck to the point that sometimes irl I accidentally refer to myself as "Musie" ��
#my asks#my name is nothing close to Muse so people looked at me like I was crazy when i said that#like haha oopsie!
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Phoenix - Damon Salvatore
Part two of the request I got the other day
part one is here
Plot: Y/N comes to mystic falls as a foster kid, knowing nothing of the supernatural world. The catch? Y/N lost all her memories, of the past 150 years.
Stefan had sworn both Elena and Damon to secrecy.
Damon had come storming in, his usual stony expression riddled with worry, interrupting Stefan and Elena, announcing the arrival of his old love - that somehow she had come back to life.
Elena was sceptical at first "Are you sure it's not just another doppelganger curse?" she asked, a frown on her face. The name rang bells in her head but she couldn't quite place why.
Stefan shook his head "No, she told Damon she had the Phoenix curse. Not too unsimilar from your one actually, apparently she when she dies she gets reborn again from the ashes, all memories wiped,"
"Except when she wore that necklace," Damon interjected "If we could just find it, we could get her memories back!"
And she would remember me, went unspoken.
Stefan sucked his teeth slightly. Part of him wanted to dismiss Damon's hope, but the other half recognized that this was the first ounce of humanity Damon had shown in years.
"What did you say her name was again?" Elena asked
"Y/N, L/N," Damon said "Apparently she's now living with your friend, the Bonnie," he raised his eyebrows at her, as if demanding an explanation.
Elena's eyes widened "Oh my god," she muttered to herself before turning back to Stefan "Bonnie said that her Grams had signed the papers to adopt this girl, Bonnie said it came out of nowhere. But then she died, and demanded that Bonnie's dad do it instead,"
"Y/N, from my time anyway, was very close to the Bennet witches," Stefan mused silently.
"Yeah they spent years looking for her, and failing," Damon added
Stefan then turned very serious "Damon if she is Y/N you cannot go near her. Remember she doesn't know you, and you don't want to scare her away,"
"I won't scare her away," Damon said looking mildly offended "I am the eternal stud, everyone loves me,"
Stefan rolled his eyes "We really need to find out if it is her first, or just some weird coincidence,"
"What so she can fall in love with some boring human?" Damon asked snidely.
Elena stood up, looking sympathetically at Damon, which he hated.
"Look she loved you once right? I'm sure she'll love you again," she reassured and Damon scoffed so she continued. "She'll be with Bonnie on Monday, I'll become friends with her first, then we can go from there,"
Damon grumbled, but seemed satisfied with that answer, and disappeared upstairs without another word.
Stefan walked up to Elena, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"As much as I hate to say it, he's not the same person he was when he first met her, and chances are she's exactly the same,"
Elena sighed "We'll see what she's like on Monday,"
Y/N was terrified. Dressed in her flares and green top that Bonnie had kindly bought for her, she faced herself in the mirror.
The thought of being in the same room as people she didn't know made her feel rather sick.
"You'll be fine," Bonnie reassured, leaning on the door "Come on, I'll drive you,"
Y/N nodded, brushing all negative thoughts out of her head as she followed her new friend out of the door.
She tried to focus on Bonnie's voice as she chatted at her, telling her all the school drama as if knowing that would help her fit in more with the rest of the group.
But all she could focus on was the outside world, and how different yet familiar it seemed to her.
"We're here," Bonnie announced "Come on, Elena and Caroline are meeting us inside,"
Y/N nodded, giving the other girl a grateful smile. Bonnie had already told her everything about the two others girls, Elena was the sweet one who's parents died in a car crash, and Caroline was slightly outspoken, but lovely when you got to know her.
Elena hadn't told her friends about Damon's history with the new girl, for some reason it didn't seem right. She didn't want to taint anyone's view of the girl before they met her.
Y/N hid behind Bonnie slightly, as they approached the two girls who were waving excitedly at them.
Caroline was quick to embrace Y/N in a hug "Oh I am so excited you're here! It's about time we got some new people in this town,"
Elena rolled her eyes with a smile "It's nice to meet you," she said
As Elena studied Y/N she couldn't help but think that she was nothing like she imagined. She pictured someone meddlesome, someone stony faced and cold hearted like Damon not - not this.
Elena watched as Y/N gave a shy smile, her head held high but fidgeting fingers giving away her nerves.
She reminded her of a baby deer...or lamb...or maybe an otter. Something vulnerable.
"How are you finding it? Have you ever been to school before?" Caroline asked. Elena smacked her arm
"Caroline!" she exclaimed and Caroline looked sheepish.
Y/N shook her head with a smile "It's okay, I don't mind answering questions. I - I actually have amnesia, I don't remember anything until I reached about sixteen? Then I was home-schooled by my foster mom,"
Caroline stared at her with wide eyes "So you've never been to a party?"
Y/N shrugged "I mean I might have done, I just won't remember it,"
"Well you're in luck, the founders ball is soon!" Caroline practically squealed "I won Miss Mystic Falls last year, so I can help pick out your dress!"
Y/N hesitated, the thought of entering the hall with yet more people was giving her heart palpations, but she also wanted to make friends.
"Sure, when?" she asked with a smile
"How about Saturday?" Caroline asked and Y/N looked to Bonnie for help.
"We'll be there," Bonnie reassured and Y/N sighed with relief, at least there would be somebody she knew.
"What class have you got first?" Caroline asked, reading Y/N scheduled over her shoulder "Oh no fair! You'll be with Elena and Bonnie," she sighed dramatically.
"ooo History with Mr Tanner, good luck," Elena said, giving Y/N a smile "He's evil,"
Y/N laughed "Surely he can't be that bad,"
Y/N was wrong.
Not only did Mr Tanner sit her at the back in between a boy called Matt Donavon, he also sat her behind another boy called Stefan Salvatore, who was so tall she had very little hope to see the board in-front of the class.
And then he had the audacity to ask her question's in-front of the entire class.
She was quite sure he face was utterly red, and Stefan turned round to face her, making the redness worse.
"It's okay, he did that to me the first time as well, he's a dick," he reassured and Y/N felt the sudden urge to hide under her desk.
"Thankyou," she whispered, her eyes lowering to her paper and Stefan gave her a soft smile, trying not to show his concern.
If he had any doubts now they were sealed. He only knew one person who looked that panicked when talking to people, and he could recognize that face anywhere.
Unfortunate it meant she was still the same person that she was before, and Damon wasn't.
After history Y/N was grateful to Caroline, who talked her ear off on who was hot and who was not, although she found herself growing weary of the constant chatter and found her gaze wandering across the courtyard.
A large crow caught her eye, as it stared at her unblinkingly.
"We're going to the Grill after school wanna come?" Bonnie asked, cutting Caroline off her rant as she did so.
"I'd love that," Y/N said softly, breaking her gaze from the bird.
"What have you got next?" Elena asked
"Er - maths," Y/N replied, checking her schedule.
"Ah shoot, we've all got Biology," Bonnie said sympathetically
"It's okay, Stefan has maths, he can show you the way!" Elena interjected, smiling at her friend.
Y/N grimaced, as much as she didn't have anything against the boy, she'd take getting lost as appose to having to strike up a conversation with a stranger.
"I don't want to bother him," she said quietly.
Elena shook her head, before waving Stefan over from where he sat on the bench.
"You'll like him, he's quiet like you," Caroline reassured and Bonnie rolled her eyes.
"Ignore her," she said smiling apologetically.
"What did I say?" Caroline frowned, but Y/N smiled.
"It's okay, I get what she meant."
Caroline smiled from ear to ear. She often felt out of place, constantly saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, or saying it the wrong way and getting reprimanded. But Y/N made her feel understood.
"Do you mind walking Y/N to maths?" Elena asked Stefan as he approached.
"Sure," he shrugged "I'll make sure you don't get lost,"
Y/N smiled gratefully, not quite meeting his eyes before waving goodbye to her friends and following alongside him.
"How are you finding your first day?" he asked eventually, noticing her fidgeting hands immediately.
"It's okay, just a lot of people," she shrugged, glancing around at the people shoving past her and she shrank a little.
"Must be overwhelming," he mused thinking slightly "You know there's a graveyard not far from here - sounds dark but I find it's the only place you can really get some peace and quiet,"
Y/N looked up at him, for the first time meeting his eyes. "Thankyou," she said earnestly. "I've only got a half day today, something about adjusting to school life, so I might go after then - where is it?"
"Turn right out of school, go down the road to the old bridge and turn left," Stefan said simply as Y/N hurried to jot it down.
Someone with her sense of direction had to be prepared.
"Great and er - how do I get to the Grill from there?" she asked nervously.
Stefan didn't judge "Follow the middle path into the woods, keep going and then go left at the second turning. Turn right when you get to the old building. Just follow that path and it'll lead you back to the street,"
She thanked him again, feeling slightly relieved that she wouldn't have to navigate it without help, nor would she have to ask a complete stranger.
After Maths, Y/N bid goodbye to the younger Salvatore brother, before texting the girls where she was going, and that she would meet them at the grill later. With Stefan's direction's written down, she was sure she wouldn't get lost, and too her relief she didn't.
So there she sat, next to a random grave, her head resting against the cool stone.
In her hands lay a notebook, the date marked clearly at the top as she jotted her thoughts down.
Her doctor had suggested a diary, after losing your memory for no apparent reason there was no evidence to suggest it wouldn't happen again.
She didn't notice Damon watched her from the shadows, a pained look on his face. He hated the way she looked so tense, her fingers often pulling at the strands of hair that had escaped the messy braid. He could even smell the blood that came from her bitten lips.
But what he hated most was how she was exactly the same. The same slight crease between the brows, the same nervous fidget patten, the same soft hum as she wrote.
It was like she had never changed, like nothing had ever changed her.
He wanted to speak to her, even for a moment but he stopped himself. She hadn't changed, but he had. Even if she did, even if she could, remember him, would she still love him after learning everything he had done? Everyone he had killed?
Would she be able to see past the scars he's obtained and his bloody hands and still be able to see him?
He didn't know. And that killed him.
So there in the shadows he stayed, watching and praying that she would be kept safe.
Y/N shut her book with a sigh, stuffing it back in her bag. She glanced at her phone and saw that it was time to go, surprised that she had been this long.
But it was nice, the quiet, it made her feel whole again.
"Right, to the Grill we go," she muttered, biting her lip slightly.
She slung her bag over her shoulder and started walking down the middle path. She was unaware the Damon was still watching her with the same pained expression.
She came to the turning and abruptly turning, feeling rather pleased with herself as she did so for not getting lost.
As she walked she took out the slip of paper she had jotted the directions down in, and to her absolute horror the ink had smudged.
"Oh no. Oh nononono," she muttered, looking around herself in horror. She remembered something about turning near a building but what building was that?
She turned, telling herself she would just go back the way she came and ask for help, before realising the path she was walking down was a forked path and she couldn't remember which one she had taken.
"Oh crap crap crap," she whispered.
She felt the air around her grow colder, her lungs fighting for air as she tried not to panic. She'd been lost before, she'd be fine. It's not like Mystic Falls was dangerous.
Behind his hiding place, Damon cursed himself. He looked at her panic stricken face, the face he'd seen a thousand times before when she was forced into social situations, and felt his heart tug slightly.
"You lost?"
Y/N whirled around, her eyes wide and heart pounding, before coming face to face with the man she met her first night of Mystic Falls.
"Damon?" she questioned, frowning slightly "What are you doing here?"
He shrugged, walking towards her trying to look as non threatening as possible. "I like it here, it's quiet,"
Y/N relaxed slightly "Stefan said the same thing - you're related aren't you? Same last name and all,"
Damon smirked slightly "Brothers," he responded. "So are you lost?"
Y/N's cheeks reddened slightly, a slight pout on her lower lip "If I say no, will you save me my dignity but help me anyway?"
Damon laughed "So you've got an abysmal sense of direction, it's not the worst thing to be bad at - come on, it's this way,"
"How do you know where I'm going?" she asked
Damon froze for a second before recovering "Stefan's going to the Grill too, I just assumed,"
Y/N shrugged, falling comfortably into step besides him. She couldn't tell what it was, but she felt more at ease with him than anyone she'd met so far at Mystic Falls. Like she already knew him.
"They go out a lot, I don't know how they do it," she mused, covering up a yawn.
Damon eyed her carefully, not wanting to come off like he was staring but also unable to tear his gaze away from her.
"You could just not go?" he offered but she shook her head.
"I can't, I need to go to the Grill anyway to ask about any jobs they've got going there," she sighed "These girls love shopping,"
Damon frowned "Job? Aren't you a little young to have to work? You should be out their partying," he smirked.
Y/N wrinkled her nose "Plenty people my age work Damon, I'm not a child. Besides, I don't have any family money...or any family and once I turn eighteen I don't get any support anymore,"
Damon said nothing at first. Money had never been an issue for him, he was a Salvatore after all, and his powers of persuasion meant he could get anything he wanted if he was smart about it. But she was just playing a human over and over again, with nothing to fall back on.
"Well I'm sure you'll find something," he said finally "Mystic Falls is fully of rich people, which mean nobody wants to work," he said amusedly and Y/N laughed.
"Alright Miss Y/N, you're here," Damon announced waving his hand in-front of his as if she would miss The Grill building right in-front of her.
"Thankyou so much Damon, that's twice you've helped me out now - I can't thank you enough," Y/N said sweetly, smiling up at him.
Damon swore he felt his dead heart stop.
"It's no problem - just do me a favour and don't tell my brother. He doesn't like me much,"
Y/N didn't question it as she waved goodbye to him and stepped into the restaurant to meet her friends.
Damon watched her through the window, still not wanting to tear his eyes away from her. His attention soon diverted to the bar manager coming out the store for his smoke break.
Within a flash Damon was next to him, forcing the man to look him dead in the eye as he did so.
"You are going to accept Y/N L/N into whatever job she wants, with whatever hours she requires and pay her double for working weekends," he said lowly.
Compulsion really was handy.
In the bar, Y/N was laughing with Caroline, the other two not appearing yet.
"So who's your date going to be?" Caroline asked gleefully, "I mean you don't have to have one, but you also kinda do if you want to go for Miss Mystic Falls," she added.
Y/N shrugged "I don't really know anyone Caroline, I'm quite happy just to watch and support you,"
Caroline's features softened slightly "You're so sweet," she gushed "Elena and Bonnie don't really like it, they think it's old fashioned,"
"Well it is," Y/N pointed out "But just because something is traditionally feminine doesn't mean you can't enjoy it,"
Caroline smiled "See this is why I like you, you just get it. So tell me, any cute guys caught your eyes yet?"
Y/N shook her head with a smile "Is that all that goes on through your head?" she asked.
Caroline shrugged "You'd only say that if you were deflecting!" she pointed out "Spill,"
"There isn't! I've met like, three guys since I've been here, one of the is Elena's boyfriend and the other is her ex!"
"So who's the third?" Caroline asked, her eyes widening.
Y/N blinked - she hadn't expected Caroline to catch onto that little detail. She gulped slightly, the feeling of tightness returning to her chest. Damon hadn't wanted Stefan to know about him helping her - and Caroline would surely tell him. But she also didn't want to lie.
"Oh erm...I met him on my first day. I got lost finding Bonnie's house and he helped me,"
Caroline clapped her hands together "Oh my goodness! What did he look like, was he hot? What was his name?"
Y/N laughed slightly, amused by the blonde's actions "I don't know, he was tall, dark hair. Really sweet,"
"Oh I bet it was Tyler! You know he's been staring at you all day," Caroline gushed and Y/N blinked.
"Tyler?" she questioned the name foreign on her tongue.
Caroline nodded "Yeah he's on the football team! A bit of a douche but when he likes you he's just the sweetest,"
Y/N nodded slightly, her gaze shifting round the bar "Does anyone at school work?" she asked nervously and Caroline's gaze shifted into one of sympathy.
"Yeah, Matt actually works here. And Tyler sometimes helps his dad with Mayor stuff,"
Y/N nodded, the gnawing pit in her stomach growing slightly. She hadn't even considered that people would look down on her for having a job before Damon's tone of voice told her otherwise.
"But don't worry, no one will care. A girl called Vicky used to work here, and nobody picked on her for having a job," Caroline reassured
Y/N then spotted the manager who was heading back to the bar. "Oop - there he is - wish me luck!"
"Good luck sweetie, hope you get it!"
As Y/N walked over, she mustered the courage to actually look the man in the eyes as she spoke to him, hoping that forcing herself to make eye contact would help.
"Hi," she gave a small awkward wave "I'm Y/N L/N, I was just wondering if you had any waitressing jobs going,"
The Managers eyes seem to shift a little, before he responded with a great smile on his face "Of course! Someone just left today so we have an opening. We can fit the hours around you, and you get double when you work on weekends,"
"Oh!" exclaimed Y/N, not expecting it to be that easy. In fact she was kind of upset since she had a whole speech written on how she would be a great worker. "Oh great, when can I start?" she asked.
"How about next Wednesday? Wednesdays are the quietist days, so we'll have plenty of time to show you the ropes,"
Y/N tried to hide her excitement "Great - thankyou so much!" she called over her shoulder as she practically raced back to the table.
Bonnie and Elena had arrived, sitting down in the vacant seats.
"Did you get it?" Caroline asked and Y/N nodded happily. The girls applauded her, giving her hugs and for the first time Y/N felt truly in place.
"What you can still come shopping with us right?" Elena asked worriedly and Y/N nodded,
"Yeah he said I start on Wednesday and I can pick my hours," Y/N said, taking a sip of her drink.
"Nice," Elena said approvingly "Well done Y/N,"
Y/N blushed a little "Thank Elena,"
Non of them noticed Damon, sat in the corner facing away from them, a small smile on his face.
Saturday rolled around sooner than Y/N had expected and she found herself slightly dreading it. As much as she loved her friends, they were richer than she was and whilst they would be looking at the prettiest dress, she would be looking at the price tag that came with it.
But as she entered the dress shop with her friends, all thoughts soon vanished as she laughed at Caroline's dramatics.
"I wish we could of found you a date - you would have had such a great shot at winning," Caroline said sadly but Y/N shrugged.
"I'd rather just sit and watch then have to dance with somebody I don't know," she replied.
"Well still...I'm going to try this dress on!" she announced picking up a blue number.
Elena patted Y/N shoulder "Ignore her, it doesn't really matter," she reassured. "Which one should I try on?" she then asked, holding up two almost identical dresses.
"Both of them," Y/N replied simply "We've got all day haven't we - and Bonnie why don't you try that green one over there, you'd look stunning!"
Bonnie smiled, grabbing the green dress to change.
It was then a dress in the corner corner caught Y/N's eye, it was a dusty purple, the slight jewels encrusting the top. It was beautiful.
She glanced at the tag.
Way out of her price range.
"Would you like to try it on?" The shopkeeper asked gently but Y/N shook her head.
"No it's okay, it's way out of my budget anyway,"
The shopkeeper bit her lip, "You can try it on anyways, no harm in a little dress up,"
Y/N looked at her hopefully.
The shopkeeper nodded with a smile and Y/N's smile brightened, as she rushed into the changing room.
The dress fit her perfectly, hugging her figure in all the right places before flaring at the bottom. The colour seemed to make her skin glow.
Too bad it was too expensive.
"Come on, let us see!" Caroline begged and Y/N sighed, opening the curtain and letting the girls squeal over it.
"Oh it fit's you perfectly!" Bonnie remarked "You need to get it,"
Y/N shook her head with a smile "And buy the first dress I try on?" she responded, not wanting to tell them that it was simply too expensive.
"See - she get's it," Caroline said with a laugh "No go change so we can try more stuff on," she pulled the curtain back over her friend.
She sighed, wriggling out of the dress with difficulty before placing it back on the hanger.
She handed it to the shopkeeper with a smile.
"It was beautiful but I just can't afford it," she said sadly.
The shopkeeper nodded understandingly "We have a sale section over there if you'd like?"
Y/N nodded, before spotting Caroline sorting through many dresses in her arms.
"Got enough there Caroline?" she asked amusedly and the blonde sighed in exasperation.
"I just don't know which one to pick, I wore blue when I won last year, but I've already worn blue," she tutted putting the blue dress back on the rails. "You found anything yet?" she asked.
Y/N thought back to the purple dress, but didn't want her friend to pity her.
"No, I might come back another day," she said softly. Or to another cheaper shop she added in her head.
"I'm starving, shall we go to the grill?" Bonnie asked.
"We go there all the time, I'm sick of chips and the smell of beer," Caroline whined. "Can't we go back the the Salvatore house, they always have great snacks,"
Elena hesitated. Her and Stefan were trying everything they could to keep Damon from doing something rash, and that meant trying to keep Y/N away from him.
"I'm actually kind of tired," Elena said, yawning. "Why don't we go to that smoothie place downtown and then we can all go home?"
That seemed to go down well with the rest of the group, and Caroline quickly bought Y/N's smoothie before the other two could notice, and before she could protest.
"Don't worry about it," she brushed off when Y/N tried to pay her back, so the girl just sipped her smoothie in peace.
When Y/N arrived home, she was utterly exhausted from the full day, and was about to collapse on the bed when she noticed a parcel on it.
She frowned, wondering who on earth would have put it there. She's been with the girls all day and Bonnie's dad was away on business.
Perhaps Elena had Stefan drop it off, or maybe Bonnie had snuck in whilst Y/N was downstairs.
She opened the box carefully and gasped.
Inside it was the same dusty purple dress she had tried on in the shop.
She gingerly took it from the box, looking everywhere for some kind of tag to say who it was from but there was nothing.
"Bonnie?" she called uncertainly, not knowing whether or not to be excited about it.
Bonnie came in, fresh out the shower and drying her hair. "You o - oh you bought it!" she gushed remarking at the dress.
But Y/N shook her head.
"No I couldn't afford it, it was just here when I got back,"
Bonnie frowned "Oh...maybe Caroline bought it for you then? You know what she's like,"
"Yeah," Y/N echoed staring at the mystery dress "Do you think I should wear it?"
Bonnie nodded "I mean it would be rude not to, and it is a beautiful dress. Besides what harm could a dress do?"
Y/N shrugged, putting the dress on the hanger and hanging it outside her wardrobe, admiring it in the light, before a tap on the window startled her.
She whirled around, only to see a crow staring at her unblinking through the glass pane.
"Oh shit," Bonnie muttered, her eyes wide "Y/N I'm just gonna make a phone call okay?" she said quickly, before practically running out of the room.
But Y/N attention was on the bird as she opened her window for it.
"You hungry?" she asked and threw the bird a bit of bread. It just stared at her some more, before flying away. She shrugged, closing the window.
Back at the Salvatore household, Elena and Stefan rounded on Damon with narrowed eyes.
"Tell me why Y/N has just received a dress that she didn't buy, but was trying on earlier today?" she asked with raised eyebrows.
Damon scoffed "I don't owe you an explanation," he said snidely.
Elena shook her head "You need to stay away from her Damon, she doesn't remember you. You're just going to end up hurting yourself,"
Damon shook his head "I didn't go near her did I? I bought her a dress that she wanted, and she doesn't even know it was me. Tell her Caroline bought it, she's always doing stuff like that,"
Stefan had so far said nothing, not even when Elena turned to him for backup. Instead he was looking at his brother with a saddened expression.
"It's okay," he finally said with a sigh "I mean, it's not like he's hurting her,"
Elena pursed her lips, not wanting to admit that she simply just didn't trust Damon around her new friend. But she had to admit, she met Damon when he was at his worst, and Y/N originally met him when he was still human.
Damon said nothing, but carried his bottle of bourbon up to his room.
"Maybe they should meet," Stefan said lowly "I mean, he's not going to kill her,"
Elena shook her head "So he can take his pain out on other people when she doesn't fall in love with him? You said so yourself, Damon's a monster - and Y/N just doesn't seem like the type to deal with that,"
Stefan stared into the fire, a thoughtful expression on his face. "What if they met here? That way we could keep an eye on Damon, make sure he doesn't do anything too rash, but at least he wouldn't be secretly trying to see her without us knowing,"
"Okay," Elena nodded, "But after the founder's ball next week, I can only focus on so many things at once,"
Y/N found herself in two minds over the founders ball. On the one hand, it was quite exciting to be getting dressed up and ready with her new found friends, but on the other hand, it was a long day to be around people.
She tried to push that thought out of her mind until Bonnie said,
"We're all having an after party at the Salvatore's, so I'll drive you there after,"
Y/N tried not to show her grimace "Do I need to bring spare clothes?" she asked and Bonnie shrugged.
"I'm pretty sure Caroline will change into another dress, but me and Elena will be going casual so it's up to you,"
Y/N then crammed a skirt and jumper into her bag, with some joggers in case it got too cold.
After Bonnie helped her tie the corset laces on her dress, the sudden restriction of breath was noticeable but not uncomfortable.
"You look stunning," Bonnie reassured, seeing the fleeting look o nerves overtake her friends face. "Now listen, I'm driving but me and Elena and Caroline all have to go upstairs because of the Miss Mystic Falls thingy, but we'll come find you as soon as we can okay?"
Y/N nodded, deciding against speaking for the fear that the nerves would make her be sick. She was nervous, and she didn't even have a part to play.
She was grateful for the three girls as they all chatted in the car, meaning that she didn't have too, and even as they left to go upstairs, Y/N gave them a small smile and wished them good luck.
Now what.
She glanced around the room, feeling suddenly very small as she realised she didn't really know anybody in there. She settled by grabbing a glass of champagne that she knew she wouldn't drink and settling in the corner, watching everyone go by in their dresses.
She watched and clapped as one by one the elected girls descended the stairs, each one getting an applause before moving to the middle of the room.
"That's a beautiful dress," Came a voice, and Y/N jumped slightly, turning towards the sound of the voice. Her demeanour relaxed slightly as she realised who it was.
"Hello Damon," she said, her smile more genuine. "And thankyou, I'm not entirely sure who got it for me, but I love it,"
Damon said nothing, but a small smile played on his lips.
"You don't look to be enjoying yourself," he acknowledged and she sighed.
"I know, I'm just...I hate crowds," she admitted "I'm so glad you're here, finally a face I recognize,"
Damon stared at her a little, the want to let all of his emotions tumble off his tongue was great, but he knew that it would be a disaster if he did so.
"You owe me a favour, Since I have rescued you what - twice now?" he asked teasingly.
Y/N rolled her eyes "Alright Mr Salvatore, what do you want?" she went along playfully.
"A dance," he replied simply, extending his hand and she laughed nervously.
"I'm a terrible dancer, I don't think I've ever even learnt!" she exclaimed but Damon's blue eyes met her wide ones and she relented a little.
"I'll lead you," he replied gently, taking her hand in his own. "Come on,"
Y/N accepted his hand, gracefully walking to the middle where more couples were now dancing with the original girls.
"This is going to be so embarrassing," she muttered, her eyes darting around as she saw that other people were watching her.
"Hey - look at me," Damon commanded, his tone soft. So she did, his blue eyes staring into her own and she felt her breath hitch slightly. There was something ever so familiar about them, like a safeness that she couldn't quite place, like somewhere she had been before but couldn't quite remember.
And they were dancing, in sync and ever so graceful, neither one of them ever breaking eye-contact with each other.
"Oh my god, is that Y/N with Damon?" Caroline ran up to Elena, horrified and Elena nodded with a grimace.
"It's complicated," Elena whispered back to her friend. "We think Y/N used to be an old friend of his - well old girlfriend - back when Damon was human. But she disappeared, and now she's back. And here's the catch - she doesn't remember any of it,"
Caroline's eyes widened "Y/N a vampire?" she whispered in shock but Elena shook her head.
"No she's cursed, every time she dies she get's born back into the same body, with no memory of the life before,"
Caroline looked at Damon, narrowing her eyes "If I didn't hate him so much I'd feel sorry for him - do you think he still loves her?"
Elena nodded with a sigh "Stefan said he never stopped looking for her after she disappeared,"
Bonnie grimaced "Can we please stop feeling sorry for Mr Killer over there, he's literally killed people Elena. We can't let him have Y/N, we both know he's end up hurting her,"
But as the trio watched Y/N and Stefan dance, even Caroline who hated Damon the most, couldn't help but admit the softness in his eyes when he looked at Y/N. Like a humanity that wasn't there before.
"You're an excellent dancer," Damon remarked, pulling her to the side after the song ended.
"I was only following you," she laughed, "Also why do all these drinks have alcohol in, what's wrong with something that actually taste nice," she said bitterly, setting down a champagne glass with a wrinkled nose.
"I'll get you something," Damon reassured "Wait here,"
Y/N didn't have chance to tell him that he didn't have to, he was already gone.
"I do hope my brother wasn't bothering you," Came the voice of Stefan Salvatore as he walked over to her.
She shook her head "No, he's actually really sweet," she said with a soft smile, glancing back to where he had gone too. "He's actually gone to get me drink since I don't like champagne,"
Stefan raised his eyebrows but didn't comment further on the matter, not daring to spoil her image of his brother.
"Where's Elena?" she asked.
"Gone to find her brother I think," Stefan glanced around to spot his girlfriend who was indeed chatting to her little brother. "I'm driving you all to the afterparty now, but I'm coming back for him because there's no room in the car,"
"I thought Bon was driving?" Y/N asked with a frown but Stefan shook his head.
"She's already drinking," he said amusedly
"No worried Brother, I'll take her," Damon had come back, standing besides Y/N and staring at his brother with an emotion Y/N couldn't quite place. "Got you some orange juice," he said, giving her a slightly smile. She thanked him.
Stefan hesitated, not wanting to start a scene, but also not having an excuse ready.
"Alright," he finally said after staring his brother back some more "We're leaving in ten minutes,"
Stefan then left, and Y/N eyed the que to the toilets with distaste. She didn't fancy waiting in the line just to get changed like many of the other girls were.
"Can we go back sooner?" Y/N asked, and Damon turned back to her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
"And why would you want that?" he asked and Y/N's cheeks burned.
"No - I didn't mean-" she stuttered slightly before gathering her thought's and frowning at him "I just want to get changed," she said defiantly.
Damon laughed "Relax I'm just messing with you, come on before Stefan think's I'm kidnapping you,"
Y/N rolled her eyes, put picked up her skirts so they wouldn't trail on the floor, before picking up her bags that she had left in the cloakroom. Or tried to, before Damon took them from her.
"And who would I be if I let a lady carry her own bags," he asked, raising his eyebrows.
She curtseyed playfully "Well thankyou Mr Salvatore," she said mockingly, a slight blush blossoming her cheeks.
She didn't understand why, but she felt more comfortable around Damon than anyone else she had met so far, except perhaps Elena, and she had been around him the least.
But there was something utterly familiar about him.
He gave her a cocky grin before opening the car door for her.
"How long are you going to keep up this gentleman act?" she asked as he got in the drivers seat. He put a hand on his chest in mock offense.
"What makes you think it's an act?" he asked, and Y/N laughed, which was quickly followed by a yawn. "You're sure you're up for a party?" he asked.
Y/N nodded, her head resting against the window watching the scenery drive by.
"Thank-you for being so kind to me," she said, glancing at him. His fingers tightened one the wheel slightly.
"You're welcome," was all he said. As she turned away, he tried desperately not to look at her, not to wear his heart on his sleeve like she wore hers.
"Welcome to the Salvatore party," he said when he arrived "Bathrooms down the hall, go right then wa-I'll show you," he said, realising that she would probably get lost.
He then noticed the slight frown on her face "What's wrong," he asked, concerned.
She shook her head "Nothing, It just looks really familiar,"
Damon shrugged "Looks like any old museum I guess,"
She smiled at him as he opened the door to the bathroom, shutting it behind her as she entered.
"Be quick, or I'll miss you too much," he called out and smiled to himself when he heard her laugh.
In the bathroom, Y/N was quick to get dressed, the only problem being she couldn't quite reach the laced up corset and she groaned.
Stepping timidly out of the bathroom she spotted Damon who was leaning against the wall, staring into space.
"Damon?" she asked, and he turned to her with raised eyebrows. "Ca you help untie me please?"
He froze for a second as she lifted her hair, turning her back to him.
His fingers danced carefully over her skin, the temptation to hold her almost overwhelming but he cleared his throat and pushed that thought out of his head.
He carefully undid all the silk ties, letting him fall beneath his fingers. Y/N clasped the front of the dress tightly, so not to let it fall down.
"There you go," Damon said quietly, almost whispering. Y/N turned to him, almost bumping noses with how close they were.
"Thankyou," she replied softly, glancing into his blue eyes as they studied her own, before clearing her throat and returning to the bathroom to get dressed once more.
Damon leant on the wall his hands rubbing his head.
He needed to get a grip he decided.
Y/N changed into the miniskirt that Elena had leant her, with an oversized jumper that barely brushed the bottom of the skirt.
"Okay I'm all ready," she announced and Damon smiled lazily at her.
"About time, the party is about to get started." he said, leading her away and to where numerous people were already standing and Y/N felt herself shrink behind him slightly.
"Y/N!" Elena announced, grabbing her friend by the arm and leading her away from Damon with a glare to the man. Damon watched, biting the urge to follow her down.
Y/N looked back to him, looking slightly regretful and giving him a soft smile, which he raised his glass too.
"So you and Damon?" Bonnie questioned, raising her eyebrows.
Y/N felt her skin burn slightly "He's really sweet," she said quietly
Caroline screwed her nose up "But-Damon seriously? He's such a dick,"
Elena rolled her eyes "Maybe he just really likes Y/N," she said pointedly to Caroline, who pursed her lips slightly.
For the rest of the night the girls kept a close eye on Y/N, not wanting her to see Damon but also not wanting her too suspect anything. However as the night drew on, the girls got more drunk, and Y/N remained sober allowing her to slip away.
It's not that she wanted away from them in particular, but the crowds were getting far too much for her.
So she found herself wandering the halls of the Salvatore building, the vague familiarity of it making her head spin a little. Her fingers ran down the walls as she walked, feeling the old wallpaper beneath her fingers.
She came to the double doors, and something in the back of her mind was begging her to open it, so she did and gasped.
A library.
It was beautiful, with even a seating area near an old fireplace and rows and rows of books.
She marvelled at the sheer amount, before picking a random one and collapsing on the sofa that was there. It didn't take her long to get comfy, curling up against the arm, the book on her lap.
Back at the party, Damon was looking for her, the slight worry settling in his heart.
He cornered Elena, frowning at her "Where's Y/N?" he demanded "I thought you wanted to keep her safe,"
Elena looked around "I thought she went to find you," she said, the worry edging into her voice, barely audible over the slurring of her words as she danced with an empty cup in her hands.
Damon glowered at her, if it was anybody else she would have had her throat ripped out, but he stopped himself.
"Guess I'll go find her," he said sharply.
It was then the thought occurred to him that Y/N said she found the place familiar, and he was sure that apart from in 1864, she had never stepped foot in the building.
And where did she go whenever there was a party?
The library.
He almost laughed when he saw her, curled up against the arm of the sofa, a book in her lap and utterly oblivious to the world around her.
"We were worried about you," he said smoothly, trying to mask the dying worry in his voice.
Y/N looked up with wide eyes, quickly shutting the book and scrambling to her feet. "Oh God I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. It's just...you have a library in your house," she said weakly, looking embarrassed.
Damon waved her off "You're welcome to use it any time you like, the door is always open,"
Y/N smiled gratefully at him, sitting back down in the seat.
Damon watched as she read, the uncanny similarity between now and when he first met her almost to real to bare. Yet she didn't know him now, just like she didn't know him then.
But maybe she didn't need to remember him, maybe he could get her to fall in love with him a second time.
Y/N shivered slightly, even her thin jumper not quite enough to protect her from the coldness of the large house, especially since the room itself was so big.
Damon eyed her "You look exhausted, want me to take you home?" he asked sincerely.
Y/N shook her head "I can't, Bonnie has the house keys and god knows where she is,"
"You're more than welcome to stay here," Damon said softly and Y/N looked up at him in surprise.
"I wouldn't want to intrude," she declined but Damon shook his head at her.
"It's a boarding house Y/N, we have tons of spare bedrooms for exactly that reason,"
Y/N bit her lip, her eyes downcast as she considered her options. "Only if you're sure," she said finally and Damon resisted the urge to celebrate.
"Come on then sleepy, up to bed," Damon said smirking slightly, helping out of her cozy position on the sofa. She groaned softly as she felt her joints click, but the warmth of Damon's hand in her own made it all worth it.
"Do we have to go through the party?" she whispered as she exited the library.
"God no, Elena would kill me," Damon said mindlessly.
"Why?" Y/N asked curiously and Damon froze, realising what he just said.
"I can be a dick," he responded after a beat. He didn't want to go any further, unsure on what she already knew, and the fear that she would then hate him was evident.
Y/N shrugged "Well, at least you admit it," she said a smile "First step to recovery I guess,"
Damon scoffed "I do not need to recover,"
Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from laughing, which Damon noticed with a slight smile. He opened one of the doors, allowing her to step inside.
"You should find everything you need in here, there's an en-suite so you won't get lost trying to find the bathroom, and there will be some clothes you can sleep in," he said in mischievous tone, a suggestive joke on the tip of his tongue but for some reason he stopped himself before he could say it.
"Thankyou Damon, really," Y/N said sincerely, after marvelling at the room.
Damon nodded at her with a smile, before going to close the door as he left.
"Damon?" Y/N asked, and he popped his head round the door lazily, his blue eyes never leaving hers. "For what it's worth, I like you,"
Damon felt his heart leap into his chest. It wasn't a love confession, he knew that, but she liked him. She wanted to be his friend, and that was a step in the right direction.
"I like you too sleepy, now get some sleep,"
Y/N nodded with a smile, staring at the door as he closed it behind him.
Part of her wanted him to stay, but the other part was content knowing she'd see him in the morning.
#damon x reader#damon salvatore x reader#damon salvatore x female reader#damon salvatore#damon salvatore fluff#damon x female reader#tvd#tvd universe#the vampire diaries
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NEEDD someone to write more about simp!miles and how he finally asks reader out. I love him w the trope friends to lovers i definitely feel like he would try to ask his s/o out and fail to so many times😭😭
Simp!Miles Morales x Gn!Reader
“Oh my god you’re clueless.”
2 + 1 Trope? Got that DOWN baby.
The first time Miles had ever met you, it had been the most bland, unimportant, nothing-burger of a day he’d ever been privy to living.
The weight of his classmates gazes settled uncomfortably, but familiarly, onto his back. The whispers they shared with one another having him strain to hear over the beating of his own finicky heart.
A boring, low effort slide show casted on a lazily erased white board was barely keeping him from falling asleep.
And yet his foot wouldn’t stop tapping, the nerves alighting something within him like sparks near a gas leak. The way his heart was beating wasn’t just from the whispers flown around he knows weren’t about him. (He couldn’t help it, what if they are?)
There was something else, like an anticipation boiling his blood vessels. Spidey-sense through the roof and heart rate accelerating.
He stanced his feet, twisting them slowly to shoot out of his seat when ready, as if a crazed, murderous version of him was going to burst the the door at any moments notice.
The handle twisted, his vision honed in, ears sharp-tuned to every movement the muse terry figure made.
And as the door swung open, the breath he was holding left him. Exasperation and amazement at the person in front of him, the harmless, beauty of a person.
“Ah. Mx.[Last Name], Pleasure of you to join us,” His Teacher snarked, adding a hasty ‘finally’ to the end under his breath.
Miles shot the man a dirty look before focusing back onto you, as seemingly everyone had.
You caught people’s attention from the get-go, aura leaking something trusting, something good. Like out of everyone in the world he could talk to, he knows you’d listen in earnest.
You made eye contact with him, your eyes glistening against the light of the projector, he almost sighed.
You looked away again, addressing your Teacher. “Sorry Sir, I didn’t exactly know where to go.” You politely laughed it off, disrespect to authority wasn’t exactly something you wanted on your track record the moment you got to this place.
“It’s—“ He dragged a hand down his face whilst you shuffled in your spot. “It’s fine. Just go sit next to uh.-“
Miles say up a little straighter, a silent competition with the other people in his class crawling for your attention.
“Miles. Morales raise your hand.”
He felt almost smug as he did Small huffs of disappointment coming from his undeserving peers. You smiled at him, waltzing over with a confidence he could only dream, and sat in the chair beside him. He watched you unpack your stuff as the professor drawled on, and when you caught his watchful eye, you waved.
He blushed. The whispers definitely weren’t about him now.
You were putting you books in your locker when a small tap was placed upon your shoulder.
Catching your attention, you stuffed the remaining books inside carelessly and turned to face the subject of curiosity.
The boy you had sat next to your first date stood shuffling foot to foot before you. Nervously scratching his neck and kicking his Jordans.
“Hey I- Uhh.” He coughed, scared his voice would crack in front of you, he almost cringed at the thought. “I’m Miles-“
“Morales. I remember you.” You smiled sweetly up at him, you did remember him. It was no lie, he was kind of hard to forget. “Oh, you do?”
“I mean, you were the only one in that class willing to sit next to a stranger. And you were pretty nice about it too.”
“Uhuh, yeah, that’s me.” Only one willing? With a person like you showing up? The entire room was glaring at him.
“Thanks for that, by the way.”
You closed your locker and turned back to him.
“Yeah, no problem. It was no big deal, really.” He rushed out, your presence alone making him nervous.
“Anyways I-,” he cleared his throat again. “I was wondering if you’d y’know..” He looked at you through his thick eyelashes, god he was pretty. “I’d…?”
You stumped for a moment, trying to figure out what he’d just said before laughing lightly. He swears he saw heaven the second you’d smiled at him.
“Yeah we can hang out, right now actually!”
Grabbing his arm and walking with him as you chatted. His breathing stuttered, unprepared for your misunderstanding of his intentions, but okay with the outcome. Having your arm linked with his, pulling him wherever you wanted to go like some puppy. Giggling and whispering to him something he couldn’t pay attention to over the sweetened sound of your voice. He was pretty damn okay with it.
It had been around three months since you had met Miles. And although you hated the thought, you only had your mean professor to thank. So, kudos to him.
You were into the boy, no doubt. His charming personality additional to the kind of dorky thing he had going on, you loved it. A month after the initial meeting, he had finally got the courage to ask you to hang out with him. It was probably the most adorable thing you’d ever seen watching him stumble upon his words.
Now you sat with him on the rooftop of his apartment building.
A picnic blanket had been laid for the both of you by Miles himself, and his mother had made snacks.
You had just met his mother, Rio. The sweetest woman you’d probably ever met. And by the way Miles and Rio interacted, you could only think how good of a man he was.
You can always tell the intentions of a man, by his treatment of his mother.
“Your ma is really nice.”
“You think? She’s kinda protective of me.” He turned to look at you through his peripheral, leaving enough space it wasn’t obvious. “I think it’s cute, she cares for you, y’know?” You shifted yourself to face him, the Sundown light glittering against his smooth skin. He looked beautiful here, you thought. He looks beautiful everywhere.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Good, ‘s always good to know you’re loved.”
Miles’ heart stuttered in his chest, sucking in a quick breath and turning himself to face you.
You looked up at him, leaning on your hand, drifting closer to him subconsciously.
He let himself drift as well, your voices quieting without either knowledge.
“Miles?” Your soft words questioned him, doey eyes gazing up at him, heart on your sleeve.
“I wanna—“ His sentence was cut off, a blaring siren sounding in his head, nerves.
“I think I might..—“
He huffed, mad at himself for being unable to speak.
“Do you want- Holy shit.”
You laughed, leaning back, a genuine glee in your eye.
“Do I want holy shit?-“ You giggled, he felt his heart flutter along with his disappointment (once more).
“-Not really, no.” You kept giggling, the serenity of your moment with Miles and his fumbling an apparent treat to you. He buried his face in his hands and groaned loudly. Only furthering your hysteria, “Leave me alone.” He dragged the ‘lone’ dramatically before flopping back against the blankets. Huffing and staring up at you from his spot. The smile on your face was a quick fix for his soured mood, not that it was that sour in the first place. But knowing a moment of undeniable spark like that, had you smiling and giggling after, even if it led to nothing. Had his hopes and his pulse rate rising.
Miles was head over heels for you. He was smitten, a total and complete dog for your affection. Sitting at home sulking when you weren’t there to hang out with him. Making you add his steam solely so he can play games with you.
A puppy of a man, god he wasn’t even ashamed.
“Dude, you just need’a ask ‘em out already.” Hobie served no help to his ever growing dilemma with you, but did serve to humiliate his seemingly non-existed romantic experience. “I’m *trying, man. They just keeps misunderstanding.” “Are they taking the hint?” “What hint?” He looked up from his slouched spot in his gaming chair. Spinning the thing in circles idly. “You haven’t given ‘em a hint?” Hobie blanched at Miles, like it was some obvious mistake.
“What. Hint.”
“Oh my god, Miles.”
He still didn’t get it, Hobie had explained his way of ‘hinting’ to someone he liked them. Through slight touches and subtle looks, a wink here and there. But not a cringey wink (Miles would argue they’re all cringey.), the ones where you feel like you’re part of a secret. This would be helpful to him, sure. If had hadn’t done everything with you already, except the winking, that is.
He did touch you, he did catch your eye when everyone else around looked away. He kissed your forehead and held your hand. You seemed borderline allergic to walking without you arm linked through his. All of there’s things that Hobie said were couple things, he’d already nailed. So why couldn’t you just.. date each other?
“I don’t know, it’s not like that.”
“But it is,” Hobie pointed to the centre of Mile’s’ forehead and flicked. “You guys are quite literally already dating.” “No, not really?”
“Oh my god you’re clueless.”
Hobie sighed, jumping off the bed and stretching his arms above his head. Miles grumbling a pouted ‘am not..’, Hobie settled him a look, taking a deep breath and continuing.
“Miles, mate, You both go to each other for comfort. You cry to each other, you find solace in one another. You touch and cuddle and sleep in the same bed.” He took another breath, seemingly needing a lot, “The only things you’re missing, are kissing each other for real. And calling each other your partners.”
“And if they end up saying no?”
“Then i’ll smash my guitar.”
Miles paused, considering the severity.
“Okay, okay i’ll do it.”
“Thank fuck.”—
Miles had spent the better of an entire afternoon hyping himself up (and subsequently psyching himself out), before he finally had managed to make it your door and knock.
He was beyond nervous, the jitters in his bones crawling under his skin like spiders. Worse than normal, he observed.
A shuffle from inside your apartment had brought him back down to Earth. Everything suddenly becoming very real to him as you opened the door grumpily.
“Oh i’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“Oh, Miles!” Your pout had almost instantly been lifted, a smile grazing your face sleepily, it was so late, he shouldn’t have come.
“I’m so sorry- It’s late. I should—“
It was your turn to get bashful, twisting the hem of your shirt in your hands nervously. “Stay Miles.”
He softened, posture relaxing at your tone.
“Don’t want you running away again.”
That caught his attention. “Wha-“ “I was wondering when you’d finally show up outta’ the blue.” You glanced down to his lips then back. The amber in his eyes haunting your dreams, in such a welcomed way.
Miles couldn’t take it, with the way you spoke, so soft and fragile. To the things you were saying, confident and headstrong. He couldn’t fucking take it.
His hands shot up to your face, caressing the curves of your cheeks and slope of your jaw. The trails of hair behind your ears his fingers just grazed. He brought himself down to your height once more, standing on your porch step. Like some sappy rom-com.
“Tell me to stop.” He was near breathless. You didn’t, you didn’t say a thing. You simply carded your deft hands over thick curls, and pulled him down to meet you. His eyes fluttered closed and lips met yours. He felt like crying.
Like after the months of pining for you. For trying and trying for your love, for your affection, that everything in his life had only ever led to this one point. And everything farther was his happy ending. The spiders under his skin stopped crawling, settling into the crooks of his bones and finding home. He wasn’t shaking. He was still.
And as you pulled away to breathe, ogling up at him with nothing but love to give he smiled and laughed just like you did.
(he is ⬇️)

#miles morales x reader#miles x reader#miles morales x you#spiderverse x reader#miles morales#hobie brown#miles 1610#2 + 1 things
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The Lakes
Lando Norris x fem!reader
Summary: in which, their peace is within their privacy.
Inspired by The Lakes by Taylor Swift
Little Birthday Celebration for Tay.
Warnings: fluff
Wordcount: 0.6k
The anonym voices of the media and all it’s hunters faded to nothing when he looked at her.
Spending the rest of the summer break in England was something Lando had barely done before. Usually spending his free time in Ibiza where he would be surrounded by friends and people of his kind. The loud ones with drinks in their hands and lost of their minds from the liquor in their cups. The system in their body overflowing with dopamine.
But with her, he didn’t need anything of that sort. Looking at her and feeling her body close to his was enough to make his mind go crazy.
The Windermere peaks in front of them, stretching out in front of them, making the eery world look like a perfect place to cry.
Laying on the soft patch of grass, notebook in her hand, he couldn’t stop watching her. The quiet engulfing them like waves in the ocean, taking them underwater, away from the loud noise of people talking and treating them with the luxury of just their presence. The soft scribbling of her pen on the paper adding a sweetness to it. Her thoughts roaming around words and metaphors, they were roaming around him.
“What are you writing about?” He asked, turning his head from the view out to the lakes towards her.
“You,” she answered simply, smiling down at him, her eyes ever so often flitting over to his own, lingering a moment longer every time. “My muse.”
As much as he’d like to dislike the name, he couldn’t help but feel appreciated through it. All her words that she could use on everything that the world had to offer, she was using them to remember him. To remember them and their time that seemed so limited through the outside world.
“Do you think people will say bad things about us?” They weren’t public, not yet at least. Rumours flew around their space, but that was everything. More reasons to hide, to be careful, to be honest.
They wanted to show themselves openly, not make a big announcement with it, but live normally like they would in any other life. Open with their love but still close enough to hear whispered shared in secret.
“You’re amazing, you know that right?” He asked, ignoring her question and running his hand through her hair. A faint blush creeping up her neck at the words and touch.
“Lando.” Rolling her eyes she took his hand in hers, holding it tightly to her lips. Mumbling against his skin. “That’s not an answer to my question.”
“It’s mine though,” he answered. His voice sincere and his eyes softening as he felt her fear radiating off towards him. The feeling rushing through his blood before finding no place to stay and leaving through his fingertips again, out into the lake. “I don’t care what people say, I just want you. I don’t wanna have to hide you to feel secure. It’d be foolish of me.”
“You are foolish though,” she argued, raising her eyebrows and smiling softly in contempt.
“Not like that.” Shaking his head, his voice dropped an octave lower. “I’m foolish for you, not for us. There’s a difference.”
Letting the words linger for a moment around them, engulfing them together in a heartfelt hug and pulling their invisible string tighter around their intertwined hands, they breathed in unison.
“I don’t deserve you.”
Shaking his head, Lando answered, “You deserve way more.”
“I don’t want more. I want you.
Poets have died for a love like ours.
I’m not gonna let this die because of people I don’t know.”
#lando norris x you#lando norris x y/n#lando norris x reader#lando x reader#lando norris#f1 fandom#f1 grid#f1 imagine#f1#f1 x reader#formula 1 x reader#formula 1 x you#formula one x reader#formula 1#formula one#the lakes#taylor swift#folklore
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ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna drabble-headcanon thingy part 2 | part I here w/c - 750 cw: manga spoilers (although I'm only on chapter 180 so if it kind of doesn't make sense with the rest I'm sorry!!)
ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna who wakes up a thousand years later, now trapped in a boy's body, unaware of the fact that you, too, had made a deal with the devil to satisfy your yet unmet need for revenge.
Hein Era
"You must be Kenjaku," you said, relief washing over your body. It has been three long years since you've decided to find the man, the journey wearing you out, turning you into an empty shell in tattered rags.
"May the traveler who knows my name introduce herself?" He proposed, not making the effort to turn around from his position over the cooking pot. The shabby hut you stood in and his mild demeanor hardly lived up to the reputation of the most vicious man to set foot in Japan in eons.
And so you do, with a deep bow and a mutter of your name, "I've come to an understanding that to kill the man I wish dead might take more than one lifetime," you proclaimed, "and I've been told you're the one to turn to."
Tokyo, 2018
ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna felt something strange the moment Itadori Yuji fell face-first into Tokyo Colony No. 1. However, he couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was, like the dull wistfulness of an old perfume. Itadori Yuji sensed it too, but had little time to muse over such things when he was too busy fighting to try to locate Higuruma Hiromi.
"Kogane, show me player Higuruma Hiromi," you order, looking at the information popping up, "his points are gone. Is he the one who changed the rule?" You don't wait for an answer before continuing, "It doesn't matter; he might still know something. Ikebukuro's close now."
You walk through the concrete and metal jungle; these people have built themselves miles upon miles of castles, you think, Sukuna probably enjoys watching them crumble.
When you approach the theater you were told Higuruma resides in, a boy walks out. As soon as he catches a glimpse of you, he halts, standing on guard on the other side of the road.
ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna has seen many faces, but yours was one that hadn't faded from his memory by the passing of time.
"I don't want to fight!" The boy exclaimed from across the road, but his shoulders were drawn back, fists curled near his pockets.
"I do not wish to fight either!" You shout back, thinking that another battle may wash off the remains of your strength. Besides, what good would it do to fight a young boy? Although only the look of his pink hair made your teeth clench and stomach tighten.
You watch the boy take a seat on the pavement, "Are you hurt?" You inquire, slowly drawing closer across the pavement.
"Just taking a breather!" He shouts, but you decide to approach regardless.
ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna who laughs. He howls like a maniac inside Yuji's head, sending strange vibrations throughout the boy's body.
"Are you alright?" You ask the boy, watching him nod as he gulps the water you handed him. The resemblance is striking, you think, but perhaps I'm just thinking too much of it.
"Thank you," he puts the empty water bottle by his side, "I'm sorry I drank all your water."
"It's nothing." You assure him, "Have you seen Higuruma here? I've a question for him."
"I don't think he's the kind to answer questions," Yuji reflected, getting up from the sidewalk.
"I won't leave him much of a choice." You asserted, watching the boy's doubtful expression, "Do you have any insight you may offer on his technique?"
"Well, I don't think I understand it, really, but.." Yuji starts explaining, watching your brows furrow as you nod along at his descriptions.
You thank him, parting curtly before turning away towards the theater.
"Wait!" Yuji exclaims behind you, "What's the question? Maybe I'll save you the trouble."
You doubt his words, but turn back to face him, "There's a man I'm looking to kill," you disclosed, "trust me, you'd want him dead too,” you chuckle, pausing for a moment, but deciding there's no harm in asking, "Sukuna, do you know where he is?"
Yuji freezes, his heartbeat quickening at the mention of the name, his wide eyes pointed straight at you.
"Didn't think so," you sigh.
ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna who pops out as a mouth carved in Yuji's cheek, causing you to jump back slightly at the bizarre sight while he taunted loudly;
"You're not going to tell her, brat?"
tag list: @saoirseirose, @marimeown, @http-dilflvr Thank you guys for the wonderful comments on part one, hope this one doesn't disappoint
#sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x reader#jjk x reader#sukuna x you#sukuna ryomen x reader#sukuna x y/n#ryoumen sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna#ryomen x reader#ryomen sukuna x you#ryomen sukuna x y/n#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen fanfic#jujutsu kaisen x you#sukuna#ryoumen sukuna x you
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Never Wield Such Power, You Forget To Be Polite - N.R
Summary: Where did all the time go? Years have passed yet memories are still fresh for both of them, especially Natasha. Would it still be after the rotten smell of the present? Digging up the graveyard of unknown feelings and innocent glances, their story is about the start... or continue?
Author's Note: GOSH! Finally I'm able to updateeee, sorry for making you wait for too long! Might update within this week again or the end of this week if I got free time! Mwa (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
Warnings: Mean Natasha!, asshole parents, cursing, degradation words, angst
Y/n's POV:
"Oh-... did I interrupt something?" I asked, genuinely worried if I did interrupt a conversation that was going on before I came in.
"No, no, it's fine. We just finished talking." Yelena, whom I learned earlier, said while walking past me, Natalia stayed silent as my gaze caught her figure on my peripheral vision. "If you'll excuse me, I'll head back inside now." I gave her a smile and nod following an awkward wave of my hand.
I gaze at the back of Natalia's head, my mouth agape a little as curiosity filled my wide eyes. "Hello..." I muttered, my voice almost coming out as a whisper.
I cleared my throat when I received no response from the red head, ducking my head as I stepped forward beside her, keeping a certain distance. I turned my head upwards, gazing at her side profile, my mouth still agape as I waited and waited for her to speak to me. To see me.
She grew so much! I remember a very brief and vivid memory of her, she surely does not look so beautiful like this. I wonder what she did to her face, maybe it has some make up on? I don't know much about make up, but it was said to have the power to transform people's faces.
"You won't get anything from looking at me, kid." I jumped a little, blinking my eyes as I closed my mouth. Interlocking both of my hands with one another, I averted my gaze towards our backyard.
"S-sorry... Uhm-... Hi?" I did my best not to look at her as I spoke, my heart started to beat loudly inside my chest.
"What do you need?" I heard her voice that was slightly husky and at the same time heavy. I gulped, fear started to crept up into me. God, I should've just told Dada that I don't feel well when he told me to accompany Natalia, not that it would work. What he says is to be done with no arguments or reasoning.
I tried to find the right words to say, but found nothing as I kept muttering. "I-... Uh..." I fiddled with my hand as my head slowly moved down, looking at the cast that was wrapped around my arm.
"Y/n." My head immediately perked up, but stayed facing away from her at the sudden call of my name after a moment of silence. "Do you know what will happen?" I frowned softly, my mind clouded with so much confusion. Golly, so many things have happened already, I'm starting to feel drained already.
"W-what?" I asked, gazing into the abyss.
I felt her pair of eyes burning holes to the side of my head, making me more nervous. We were once again met with silence, I kept shifting from one foot to another as I fiddled with whatever my hand will touch, trying my best not to meet her burning gaze. From my peripheral vision, I saw a blurry motion of her head moving side to side as if something had disappointed her, as if I disappointed her.
Gollly! I just want to be eaten whole by a big buzzing bee and fly me away from here! Maybe a dragonfly that will stung me in the back and carry me all the way to paris. Yeah, maybe the second one.
"We came here all the way to New York and you won't give me a normal conversation?" There was a mused tone in her voice, I couldn't put a finger on what kind of expression she was wearing, or what kind of message she was trying to give me.
I bit my bottom lip, once again trying to find words. "I-... What... I mean, I don't know what you're talking about, Natalia..." I confessed with a gentle voice, which is just my normal voice as I tried to cover up the raging storm inside my head. I looked up to meet her gaze that was already on mine the moment I averted my eyes upwards.
I saw a glint in her eyes before she looked away, a smirk visible on her face. "Pathetic... stupid dipshits." I heard her whisper, I know that was what she said. I have a good hearing, Lucy cleans my ear weekly.
I gulped, immediately looking down. My heart is breaking at the humiliation and degradation I had just received from someone I don't even know. I should be used to it already, I got it daily from my parents, but I am not. Lucy always tells me that I am not what they call me. Always reminding me that I am not someone who they pertain to me.
I could accept it easily from my parents, but from someone, I just can't. But, hearing it from Natalia, my stomach did a backflips, it is different from what I have felt from the others. Maybe, it's because I've known her before, or maybe it's because she was my first ever friend to call.
I smiled a little at the vivid memory of her giving me that yummy cupcake! I was devastated that day when I finished my tutoring class and found her gone. Lucy told me I'll see her next time, but that never came. Now, I saw her again. But, she's different. Not just physically. She's just... different.
"Uhm... Did you like the foods? Is there uhm... is there anything I uh... I could entertain you with? Oh, would you like a tour of the house?" I asked, looking anywhere but her, still facing her as I rambled. I heard her let out a sigh, almost like an out of boredom one. "We- we have a music room..." Finally looking up at her face, I saw how her head swayed away from me, as if she was already gazing at mine, I waited for her eyes and mine to meet.
I eyed her pointed nose first, how it widened ever so slightly as she took deep breaths, then down to her sharp jaw, it is so well defined, just like her green forest eyes along with those thick eyelashes and eyebrows. I almost felt like an insecure kid with how perfect she looks, my jaw's not the sharp, my eyelashes may be thick but it looks messy, not like hers.
As the light from the moon and stars cascaded down on us, mixing up with the electric lights that radiate from our house, I could see how smooth her skin is, how freckles littered along the curves of her face.
"Seems like you're the one who's getting entertained here." My eyes immediately snapped to meet her, widening as she gave me an amused look, a smirk appearing on her face as she looked down on me.
Blush crept into my face, heating it up with a crimson red color. "I-I'm sorry..." Looking down immediately, I crossed my arms on my front, finding the atmosphere rather too cold for my liking as goosebumps littered my skin, mixing up with the embarrassment I just fell into. "I didn't- I didn't mean to stare, I'm really sorry." I said, genuinely concerned. Stupid, Y/n.
"I'm not talking about you." Once again, my head snapped up to look at her, confusion written all over my face as I took in what she said. Did i hear it right? What was she talking about? Am I deaf? "I meant... you're not... pathetic." She continued, sounding so unsure of what she was saying. Hesitation flew by in her eyes, almost wanting to take back the explanation she just made.
My mouth is agape a little in an O shaped, nodding my head as relief flush inside my chest. I wanted to ask who she was talking about, but asking questions is not my forte, especially with what I would usually get from doing it. "You should head back inside..." She started, her head turning away from me as her gaze averted to somewhere unknown. "You're getting cold." She said, still avoiding meeting my gaze.
Without knowing it, I blurted, "Lucy told me it's not nice to not look at people when you're talking to them..." I muttered, slowing down as I realized what I was saying. Her eyes are averted to meet mine, raising an eyebrow as she lets out a small chuckle that I almost didn't hear. "Well, Y/n..." She began, turning her whole body to face mine, just then did I notice how tall she is than me. I must be just under her chin, or maybe her chest since I'm wearing sandals with 3 inch heels. "Let's just say... I'm not nice. How about we start with that?" She finished, her crossed arms were pulled away and down to her sides.
My eyes went down from her captivating eyes, down to her nose, then to her lips. My mouth opened, trying to find the right words to say. "I think..." Averting my eyes up to look at her again. "I think you are." She looked like she was taken aback from my 'bold' answer, if you could call it that. But, it is the truth. I do think she is nice. Maybe, she just did not want to look at my ugly face while talking to me? Or maybe, she just didn't want to strain herself while talking and looking down on me? Golly! I shouldn't have quoted Lucy.
I heard her clear her throat, both her hands going inside the pockets of her pants. "You don't know me." She said gently, but I heard the edge on her voice, as if she wanted to say something more. "It's nice to see you again, Y/n. I'll see you again soon." With that, I was left outside, the cold breeze passing right through me as I was left frozen in time. Oh gosh, oh gosh, did I offended her? Did I say something wrong- oh, maybe I delivered that in the most wrong way!
I'm dead.
Natasha's POV:
"Maria, can you go to the penthouse and call the service to do a general cleaning. Restock everything, foods and all the necessities. Also, remember the room at the end of the hall, across mine? Order new furniture, clean especially that room." I demandedly rambled, signing every paper that was presented in front of me by Clint. I saw in my peripheral vision how she and Bucky looked at each other suspiciously, but I chose to ignore it, knowing that they wanted a further explanation.
"Also, uhhh, Bucky, can you take care of the delivery in Philadelphia and Brooklyn? I'll let Clint and Steve handle those ones in Europe." I continued before finally looking up at them.
They looked at me skeptically but nodded. "Good, we'll have a busy week ahead, make sure to give a heads up on everyone." I finished, just then Bucky started talking.
"You never told us what happened with the dinner you had with your parents." I stopped on my track, remembering what happened last the day before yesterday.
After that night, I immediately ordered Maria to book me a flight from Hawaii to New York. I don't know why, but my feet are itching to get as far away as possible from that land. I felt different, maybe it's because of the difference in the atmosphere between New York and Hawaii, maybe it's just my parents.
"There's nothing to be told." I opposed, continuing my work as my mind came running back to that small girl once again.
She's been plaguing my mind, waking me up all night with no resolution. I hated every second of it, I felt imprisoned by those... eyes. Her voice that sounded like a melody kept ringing in my head until I felt like my eardrums are shattering with how angelic it sounded.
She's grown... so much. I still remember as clearly as the blue sky and ocean how she looked back then. I still remember the first conversation I had with her, how I didn't get the chance to meet her again, how I kept something that must have been one of her prized possessions as a child.
Innocent child.
"... Nat? Did you hear me?" The sound of fingers snapping in front of my eyes, almost close to my face brought me back from whatever trance I was in. Looking up, I saw a frowning Maria with Bucky looking just as confused and worried as her.
I faltered for a moment, hiding my embarrassment with how absent minded I became while thinking about a complete random person. I cleared my throat as I shook my head, blinking vigorously as I avoided their gaze and focused on cleaning up my desk, I'm finished already anyway. "Sorry, what is it?" I asked, trying to mask up the raging storm inside my head while putting all the papers together.
"Buck asked if you're up for tonight's night out...? Stark will be there, I bet Maximoff too along with Strange and the others." She explained. I hummed quietly as I thought for a moment. After everything, I think that will be a very much needed thing. My kind of breath of fresh air.
"What time?"
Tags: @transparentflapfarmsludge @dvrkhcld @esposadejoyhuerta @natsxwife @justspance @cheekysnake-blog @wandasreallover
#lhecxzsa#natasha marvel#natasha romanoff#natasha romanoff angst#natasha romanoff fanfic#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff imagine#natasha x reader
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König couldn't help but smile while he watched you standing in the middle of the square, looking back and forth between the screen of your phone and the nearby streets with a confused look on your gorgeous face. You were lost, he could easily see that.
It was one of those rare occasions when he was off-duty, visiting his family in Austria without having to protect his identity with the usual veil. Yes, he felt naked, almost anxious again, but he reminded himself that everything was okay. He was alone. No one was following him. No one recognized him. It was all good.
So he laughed to himself quietly before walking over to you. "Excuse me," he began, already raising his hands in defense since he knew you would freak out because of his size alone. When you gulped and locked the screen of your phone, he went on. "You seem to be lost. Can I help?"
You hesitated, but your eyes never left his face. Were you just cautious and kept an eye on him to make sure he behaved? Or was there another reason? Maybe something was on his face? When he cocked an eyebrow at you, you cleared your throat and kicked the cobblestone sidewalk.
"I have the goddamn GPS in my phone and I'm still lost," you murmured angrily with an adorable nose scrunch. "I'm looking for this address," you told him once you found the email it was in.
He took a good look at the screen, and he couldn't help but smile. "I'm going right across the street, I can show you the way if you'd like," he offered.
Nodding, you put the device back to your pocket. "That would be great, thank you."
The two of you walked in silence for a while. König had a series of questions on his mind, starting with one about your name and one about whether or not you were a local. Even he got lost sometimes after being away for too long, so he wouldn't be that surprised to find out you were living in this city.
But he remained silent, and instead of opening his mouth, he silently observed your features, taking in the details as if he was trying to remember his girlfriend's looks. But you weren't his girlfriend, although a part of him desperately wanted to ask you out before you parted at your destination.
The great Colonel König was back to his anxious self because of you. His mind was in overdrive, one moment he was just about to open his mouth, the next he wanted to run away and hide from you. It was a terrible feeling, one he didn't have to face on the battlefield. Oh, how he wished he was back there.
"You're tall. And big," you suddenly mused as you turned to him with a smile. "I'm sure a lot of people tell you that, sorry."
He couldn't help but laugh at this. "Yeah, I get that a lot. And you're cute," he added without even thinking.
You came to a sudden halt and turned to him with your hands folded behind your back. "You think I'm cute?"
Damn it. Where the hell did that filter between his mouth and brain go? "I–I... It's not... Yes," he eventually admitted guiltily.
With a laugh, you moved closer to him and playfully nudged his arm with your shoulder. "You don't look bad either. Maybe we could meet later."
"As in going on a date?" You nodded with a smile. "I'd love that."
König knew you were close to your destination, so he pulled out his phone and gave it to you. "Can I get your number to discuss the details?" he asked.
Without answering, you took the device and typed your number along with your name before giving it back to him. "Give me a call or send me a text."
He looked at the new contact and couldn't hold back a smile. "I like your name."
"Speaking of names, you never told me yours," you noted with a pout.
"It's König."
"That's all? Hmm... mysterious. I like it."
The rest of the trip passed in silence, mostly because you wanted to avoid spoilers. We'll have time to talk on our date, you said. He was okay with that. But when he stopped in front of the building where you were heading, his heart sank. He didn't want to say goodbye yet, but there was nothing he could do.
Before he could register what was happening, you stood on your toes and gently pulled down his head to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for showing me the way," you whispered to him.
"Anytime," König told you.
#könig x reader#könig#konig#konig x reader#konig cod#cod konig#cod könig#könig cod#modern warfare#mw2#call of duty
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Carved in Sin | Dokyeom

<<<previous chapter | next chapter>>>
Pairing: Art.student!reader x Mafia.Leader!DK
Trope: Forbidden love
Warnings: Slow Burn | Hidden Identity | Your Muse | Fluff | Flirting
Word Count: 0.7k
Author's Note: Ahhhhhh i dunno what to feel about this chapter TT

Chapter 2 – Shadows and Sculptures
You stare at the unsent message on your phone screen, your fingers hovering over the keyboard.
Unknown Number: Tomorrow. 3.30 PM. Bring whatever you need.
That’s all he said when you asked for details. No specific location, no explanation—just those clipped words. It was frustratingly vague, yet something about it made your pulse quicken.
You finally press send:
You: Where am I supposed to meet you?
Seconds tick by.
An hour.
No response.
You sigh, setting your phone down, convincing yourself he probably changed his mind or was just messing with you. After all, he agreed to be your muse for free—which should’ve been your first red flag. No one does something like that out of pure generosity.
But then, just before midnight, your phone vibrates.
Unknown Number: Bold of you to assume I’d give you my location so easily, sweetheart. Unknown Number: Check your texts in the morning. Sleep well.
Your heart stutters. His words sit heavy on your screen, laced with amusement yet carrying an unspoken weight. You don’t know him. That much is clear. But instead of feeling uneasy, your curiosity only deepens.
And that should’ve been your second red flag.
The next afternoon, true to his word, another message arrives.
Unknown Number: Sunset Lounge. Private floor. Ask for me at the entrance.
Your brows furrow. Sunset Lounge? That wasn’t just any café or workspace—it was one of the most exclusive private lounges in the city, known for hosting celebrities, politicians, and people with money and influence.
What the hell was he doing there?
Still, you don’t hesitate. You gather your supplies, take a deep breath, and head out.
The moment you arrive, you immediately feel out of place.
The lounge is nothing like the cozy café where you work. The air is thick with quiet conversations, polished marble floors reflecting the glow of golden chandeliers. The staff eyes you carefully, their gazes sweeping over your simple attire, clearly noting you don’t belong.
A tall man in a fitted black suit stands near the entrance. He doesn’t have a name tag, but something tells you he isn’t just a regular employee.
“I… I’m here to see someone,” you say, hesitating. “He told me to ask for him.”
The man doesn’t react right away. Instead, he subtly tilts his head, pressing a finger to the earpiece in his ear.
A pause. Then—
“Follow me.”
You swallow hard and trail behind him as he leads you toward an elevator at the back of the lounge. He swipes a keycard, and the doors slide open silently.
A private floor.
This wasn’t normal.
You step inside, and the moment the doors close, a thought crosses your mind.
This could be a really bad idea.
The private floor is silent, save for the faint sound of jazz music playing from hidden speakers. The space is wide, dimly lit, and elegant—like a penthouse with a view of the city skyline stretching beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows.
And there he is.
Dokyeom sits lazily in one of the velvet armchairs, his long legs stretched out in front of him, an untouched espresso on the table. His eyes flicker to you the moment you step inside.
“You made it.”
Your breath catches for half a second.
In the daylight, he looks even more striking than you remember—tall, sharp-jawed, eyes dark with amusement.
“You weren’t exactly specific,” you huff, dropping your bag on the floor. “Sunset Lounge? Really?”
He shrugs, unbothered. “Would you have come if I told you to meet me in some abandoned warehouse instead?”
You pause. Okay. Fair point.
“Well,” you sigh, pulling out your sketchbook, “let’s get started.”
Dokyeom smirks. “So eager to get me out of my clothes?”
You roll your eyes. “Shirt off. Pants stay on.”
That makes him laugh—a deep, velvety sound that sends a shiver down your spine. But he obliges, standing up slowly, fingers working on the buttons of his black dress shirt.
And then—
Your breath catches.
The moment the fabric slides off, exposing broad shoulders, sculpted muscle, and golden skin, your artist instincts momentarily fail you. But that’s not what shocks you.
It’s the scar.
Long and vertical, engraved deep into his skin, running down the length of his spine. And within it—Chinese characters carved into the flesh.
黑 暗 降 臨.
Darkness Descends.
Your fingers tighten around your pencil.
Dokyeom notices.
“Something wrong?” he asks, voice low.
You hesitate. For a moment, you consider asking. Who did that to you? What does it mean? But something in his gaze—half warning, half challenge—keeps you silent.
Instead, you shake your head and get to work.
The first thing you notice as you work is how still he is.
Most people fidget when being drawn. They shift, stretch, exhale loudly.
Not him.
Dokyeom remains perfectly poised, one arm resting on the back of the chair, head tilted slightly downward, as if he’s done this a thousand times before.
“You’re unusually good at this,” you murmur, dragging your pencil over the page.
He raises a brow. “At what?”
“Holding still. Most people—”
“I’m not most people.”
The casual way he says it sends a chill down your spine.
You continue sketching, trying not to let the weight of his words distract you.
Your pencil glides over the curves of his collarbones, the sharp lines of his ribcage, the tension in his stomach. You study the way his chest rises and falls, the way the light catches on the ridges of his muscles.
He watches you, too.
Your hands. Your eyes. The way your lips part slightly when you concentrate.
And when your gaze flickers up, you catch him staring.
The room suddenly feels smaller.
“Tsk,” he exhales, voice huskier than before. “You should be careful, sweetheart.”
“Careful?” You frown. “Of what?”
He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Of looking at me like that.”
Your breath stills.
A loud knock suddenly breaks the moment.
The door swings open, and a man in a black suit steps inside, looking serious.
“You’re needed downstairs.”
Dokyeom’s entire demeanor shifts. His expression darkens, his playful smirk vanishing in an instant.
Without another word, he stands, grabbing his shirt.
Before leaving, he glances at you one last time.
“Don’t go anywhere.”
The door closes.
You sit there, heart pounding.
And for the first time, real doubt creeps in.
Who the hell is he?
And what exactly have you just gotten yourself into?
...To Be Continued
Taglist: @lixisoul99
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CHANGED | part two
Description: You have found that there are different types of love. Self-serving ones who grovel when abandoned in pity for themselves. However, there is another greater form of love, one that creates life. What happens when your husband uses you in the creation of the rings?
Pairing: Annatar/Reader reincarnation trope that i am a sucker for
PART ONE || (graphic depictions of violence warning!)

Halbrand reminds you of a thing that you once knew... "You remind me of something," you suddenly blurt out.
He raises an eyebrow, non-verbally asking you to continue.
It happened thousands of years ago when all you knew were the green fields of Valinor — carefully tucked under the guiding hands of your ruined mother, Iellas.
Mother would accompany you in gathering the flowers near the valley, and songs of life would play in the background...You could only see the water from where you stood.
"Back then, I had never seen a ship before. My mother was a follower of Lord Ulmo, and every day, he would request my presence. He'd tell me to sing so the fishes of Yavanna would appear to him. I'd strike up a conversation and ask him questions about ships. I always wanted to see one." You smile at the faint memory.
Halbrand seems to be flooded with memories of his own.
"This is hardly a ship." Halbrand chuckles.
"It floats," you looked around with a smile.
After hours of silence, your eyes suddenly light up at the sight of land — the statue of Ulmo!
Something truly divine is at play here, from being forced to return to the Grey Havens to being caught in a shipwreck and landing in Numenor with a man named Halbrand.
This must be the work of Lord Ulmo.
"Ulmo," Halbrand muses, able to recognize the statue in front of you.
"They are a proud nation of seafarers; I assume that you are not fond of the lord of the seas?" You look at him with a knowing smirk.
"It is him who is not fond of me," he scowls.
"You cannot always blame the Valar for your suffering, Halbrand." Your voice turns soft again, optimistic, and filled with faith. Faith is the thing of the righteous, the pure, the clean. Faith is not for people like him. The men standing guard wave down their raft.
Halbrand does not doubt the power of your presence — he is sure they can see that you are an elf. One of the most powerful elves.
You cross your arms, staring at him from head to heel.
He looks nothing like the well-groomed elves of Lindon. His hair was brown and dry. His clothes are torn, wet, and smelling like the sea. There were scars all over his forearm, presumably stretching across his chest and littering his body with cuts and bruises. He did not have a slender body; he had a strong shoulder and the body of a bull.
A shiver runs down your spine, flashes of a man with auburn hair and sea-green eyes...you try to forget your dreams. They are merely visions that you can see due to your overactive imagination.
This is the real world that you are living in, Artanis, you sharply remind yourself. "Thank you for saving me, Halbrand." You thanked — and as if automatically, you press a kiss to his cheek.

Halbrand stares blankly at the ceiling. It has been a week, and not once has the encounter evaded his mind. His existence has been nothing but a black dread for millennia, but the feeling of your lips on his cheek... brought him back to memories he's fought to stay hidden.
He closes his eyes.
He cannot remember your face.
He has forced himself to forget about your features, your voice, your scent — because it was the very thing that Morgoth used to ruin him. The Dark Lord would make up visions, scenarios in which you are the subject of torture, and it ruined him a thousand times more. The sound of your voice against grating steel, the sound of your voice writhing in pain as your skin is stripped from your body.
It haunted him. It continues to haunt him.
"Mairon, our child will surely adore this bed." You place a hand on the wooden crib, it is littered with paintings of flowers, and a bed made of duck feathers makes it comfortable.
He hears the joy radiating off your voice. You were in the fifth month of your pregnancy, and the child inside of your belly grew by the minute, according to the healers — the child was big and healthy. Growing with all the light that radiated off you and your husband.
"Tell me already. Is it a son or a daughter?" You pleaded, leaning deeper into his embrace.
An amused chuckle escapes his mouth, pressing baby kisses on the crook of your neck. "It does not matter," he whispers.
"Yes, but I have to think of names." You pouted.
He presses a kiss to your lips.
"Artanis or Inglor, whatever shall it be?" He continues to tease.
"Annoying," your eyes narrowed. He laughs again.
He wraps you in a warm embrace, lingering in your presence. He feels utterly blessed to be alive — to have you waiting for him and the promise of a child that shall be a testament to the love you share. Every day is filled with joy and safety, and he knows that tomorrow shall be the same, for today is the same as yesterday.
He takes a deep breath again.
But he feels like something is missing, that life shouldn't be filled with this tranquil feeling of rest — it should have a purpose, should it not? Knowledge, innovation, making things easier.
He breaks free from the embrace.
He looks at you and — he realizes that your face is paler, no longer shining with the light of the two trees.
"Lover," his voice comes out as a whisper. He places both hands on your shoulders; there is no light hidden behind your eyes. "You are Sauron," his ruined name escapes your mouth.
His gaze trails down to your lower body.
Blood pools on the floor, between your thighs.
"...you chose the darkness over your family. You fell into temptation because you are not strong enough to stand against Illuvatar's test." The voice that comes out of your mouth does not sound like your own — your voice sounds like nothing but a cheap impersonation.
"Lover, please." He begged.
"You wish to return to the Grey Havens to seek salvation, but you are not welcome there, you are not welcome anywhere but the dark void that your master is cast-off to." You continued speaking, eyes boring deep into his. "You are ruined, and you will find no salvation."
"Lover," a whisper escapes his mouth before a cacophony of screams leaves him deaf and breathless.
"Halbrand," you place a hand on his sleeping figure, seeing that tears were falling down his irises, staining his cheeks.
He snaps awake — about to hit you, but you stop him with a hand. "Halbrand, are you well?" You asked with a concerned frown.
He looks around in a confused manner, surprised that he was able to sleep, but sleep never does come for a maia like him. It was nothing but a vision, his subconscious fighting against him, eating him alive with guilt. "What are you doing here?" His voice is rough.
"I wanted to speak, the pendant that you were wearing — I remember it to be the emblem of kings," You informed with a gentle gaze.
"It passed down from my father," he looks to the side. He wonders all the ways he can use you to his benefit. "It is a heirloom." Your lips pursed into a thin line. "I am not related to any king," He raises an eyebrow. He wants that idea inside of your head.
"Well, you have the pendant." You made an observation. Your breath is lodged inside of your throat once you realize his...indescribable stare on your face like he wanted to eat you alive or ravage you.
"Even if you are not king, I require a figurehead, a leader that shall guide men." You continued, certain that he'd accept your generous offer. It is not every day that a man becomes King.
"You would make me a King?" He stares again, licking his bottom lips.
"I do not desire to stay here for long. The darkness marches forward, threatening to engulf the realm with rot. Every moon counts, every day that we spend coddled near the fire, their numbers grow. I am asking you to be their leader, my friend. The man that they can look towards as they raise their banners." You carefully honeyed your words.
"My friend?" He opts to focus on the word that you used to describe him. He looks behooved.
"You are my friend now, for you shall help me." You insisted.
He flicks the blanket off his body, rising in his feet, pretending to march in the other direction. "I've found good work here. I'm not returning to that shite sea." Halbrand turns to look away.
His heart stills for a second; there is a small chance that you will deny his offer and find another human to pester. But, he knows that rejection is the best way to strengthen your faith in him — to make his alibi seem believable once cracks of his facade break.
He cannot seem too optimistic. He needs this to be your idea.
"Think about it, Halbrand." You placed a basket on his bed.
Casting him another glance before exiting his chamber.

"Halbrand," your voice floods his senses.
He pretends not to see you, opting to focus on forging a necklace. He had forged this necklace before when he was still in the Grey Havens. Your favorite flowers are roses...he resists the urge to chuckle. He still cannot understand why your favorite flowers are roses.
He finds roses to be boring, but that certainty is also what draws him to you. He used to be certain of your love. He used to be certain that every day would be the same — and that you would choose him regardless of his sins. He thinks about your spirit trapped in another elf's body — or perhaps a human, a hobbit, or a dwarf.
He thinks about you wrapped in the arms of the sun, and suddenly, Sauron turns back into Mairon, and he cannot bear the thought of you in the arms of someone who is not him.
"Halbrand, are you still there?" You wave your hand in front of his face. "What?" His voice comes out harsher than he intended.
You flinch.
"I'm sorry for interrupting you; I was saying that roses are my favorite kind of flowers." You smiled, showing him your dimples.
His grip on the axe loosens. His breath stills, and in this light, your face and smile look much like his wife. He has to manually fight against the urge to reach for your face and litter your lips with kisses.
She is not my wife, he reminds himself. You are merely an elf that he must use to further his position in Middle Earth. "— I'll buy whatever you're crafting, but you must promise to escort me to Middle Earth." You continued once more with your campaign.
A satisfied smile ghosts his face, but it returns to normal before you can notice. "Unless there is someone in Middle Earth that would be greatly offended seeing you in my company," you winked.
A sigh escapes his mouth.
He reminds himself to add more dimension to this Halbrand character. "I have a wife," he looks away, returning to his craft. "All the more reason to return home," you persuaded.
He does not know where home is.
"The gods have taken her." He says, pounding harder on the metal. Your face drops to the floor. You take a step backward. "Oh," your tone sounds apologetic. "I am sorry, Halbrand." You apologized.
A strange feeling enters his heart at the sound of your apology.
You lift your body until you are sitting on the wooden table, feeling the vibrations of the pounding of metals on your thighs. "When I was younger, I used to make up these scenarios inside of my head," you tried to distract him away from the previous subject.
He looks at you, his eyes a little more forgiving, and a smirk is plastered on his face.
"Well, I still make scenarios in my head, but I assure you that they are not as creative as they once were...Remember that story with my aunt and her husband?" You say, avoiding Sauron's name. "Yes," he nods his head, pretending to have no interest in your story.
He grabs one of the fine tools, beginning to create the intricate details of rose petals. "Mother was her closest friend, and she'd tell me stories. She'd say that my aunt is the fairest of Illuvatar's creations because her fea was strong — she was guided by Yavanna. She fell in love with a maia — one of the few of our kind to do so." You smiled, remembering the story of old.
"Mhm," Halbrand continues.
"All was well until Morgoth came and sang discord into Valinor. He took my aunt's husband, tortured him, and taught him the darkest of crafts. Grief made her feel weaker until she could not find happiness even in the Grey Havens." You stared off to the far distance.
As if the scene happened right in front of you.
Halbrand stopped forging in those very seconds, his glare on you was so intense — his eyes were watery with tears, but you were far too carried off in your story to realize.
"Her fea was not enough for her child's spirit to continue...and my cousin faded. My aunt faded, and she begged in the Halls of Mandos to be freed of this world, but she was brought back to us because our souls are chained to this land. Our family came to Lady Yavanna, and she agreed to grant my aunt a new life, so she shall have no memory of her husband — or her child..." Tears fall from your eyes, staining your cheeks.
You turned to look at him, and he looked away, pretending to have been forging the entire time. "You must understand how much this journey means to me, Halbrand. The darkness has already taken too many of my loved ones. It must end," You persuaded.
In your eyes, he knows nothing of the pain that you feel. Your mother, your friends, your aunt...have all been taken by the darkness.
"We are too weak to stop what has been standing for so long," he clears his throat, his emotions seeping deep inside the necklace that he is forging. He caused his own child's demise.
"It can be vanquished, I promise." You nodded.
"Lady Artanis?" a herald peeks through the closed doors of the forge.
"I shall speak to you again, Halbrand." You placed a hand on his shoulder, walking away once more.
"What is it, herald?" he hears your voice fade away.

Halbrand places the necklace on your palms. "What is this?" Your eyes narrowed, lips forming into a smile. "I liked your story yesterday. You can have the necklace, I've never been fond of sparkly things." Halbrand tries his best to sound like a lowborn human male.
"Thank you!" You beam with happiness, quickly attempting to place the necklace on your neck — but you struggle because of your hair.
"Let me help you," he blurts out.
You hand the necklace to him, turning around and waiting until the cold metal is securely on your neck.
He lays it on there, flicking your hair away, hooking the gold metal loops together. His calloused fingers dance against your nape, and he shivers. "It is beautiful; you should not have." You whispered, staring intently at the beautiful details of your new necklace.
It is beautiful, lover, you should not have, he remembers the words that exited your mouth a dozen lifetimes ago.
"You are truly blessed with the skill of forging. This type of detail, I have only ever seen Lord Celebrimbor do it." You complimented him. "My father was a smith before he died of sickness." He lied. His father is Eru Illuvatar — and he is now a disowned son.
"— your speech yesterday was convincing. I have decided to take up your offer." He agrees to your proposal.
"Really!" You beam with joy again, wrapping him in a warm embrace.
"The best news that I have heard the entire week!" You cheer, and the humans around you begin to look at you with raised eyebrows. "Easy, lass." He pats your back.
"I promise that the seas will be forgiving. No more of that raft." You smiled, dragging him away from the city center, entwining your fingers together as you began to lead him to the castle.
Halbrand finds himself marching inside the Numenorian library. He needs to read all books written about being born again...although he doubts that any of these humans could have written anything about such a divine topic.
His hands land on a book, its cover feels different, almost familiar. He takes the book off the shelf, landing it on the table in front of him. 'Reincarnation by ___, wife of Arnaur.' He reads the author's name has been scratched off the leather, and to his surprise, there is no table of contents — he must skim through all these pages.
A reincarnated soul does not lose their true identity. It is their soul that is changed, not their heart, Lady Yavanna says. The body that holds their spirit shall suffer dreams of the past and their loved ones...the Valar says they will dream of them, too, until their identity is made known. My daughter has been suffering from these dreams. I find myself dreaming of you, my friend.
Halbrand's eyebrows merged, all the other pages past these were tattered, covered by letters that he recognized as dark speech. He clenches his fist — this book is the only one in the entire world written about reincarnation, and it seems to him that Morgoth got his paws on the author before she was able to finish.
He stares at the cover again. "Wife of Arnaur," he mutters under his breath. The name sounds familiar (and he has been saying familiar a thousand times now.) Arnaur, noble fire. He has said that name before... Who are you, Arnaur?
"Are you ready to leave, Hal?" You asked, and he nodded.
He carries your shared bag on his back, not much to carry when you came here, almost wearing nothing. You offered a handshake before boarding the ship, "To vanquish the darkness?" You smiled.
"To vanquish the darkness," he flashes an indescribable smile.
As you turn your back to him, his eyes turn dark.
Middle Earth shall kneel to the might of its dark king, from the ocean to the land, from the moon and to the stars. All shall fear his name.

@louiselouve @justmasblack @anakinishotdoe
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ooooh! Could you do something for Elliott from Stardew Valley? Or perhaps Mr. Qi? Elliott’s my favourite character, but Mr. Qi has that “omnipotent stalker with a weird sense of humour” vibe that would fit perfectly.
Thanks in advance!
Ooh, okay! As much as I think Mr. Qi is the most likely out of everyone in the cast to become a yandere, I can't help but that I just wanna cuddle a delusional yandere Eliott. Thanks for the Ask btw!
Anon Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Yandere Elliott

I feel like Elliott is the delusional stalker type.
Like when he and the farmer (aka you) first meet it's love at first sight for him.
He's been in a creative rut for so long, bored out of his mind and replaying the same words over and over again in his mind.
He heard about the new farmer coming into town from Leah, and thought nothing of it really. It wouldn't effect him and his work.
Oh how wrong he was. From the moment Elliott met you the man became a simp.
He watched you run around town foraging for anything good to sell, he always admired how keen your eye was for the little berries that'd grow in the bushes and the flowers nobody thought to pick.
He looks at you like you hung the stars and the moon in the sky. Like you've moved the heavens and the earth to make space just for him and his little whimsical fantasies. And in a sense you kinda did.
After all, it was you who brought him out of the bored gloom he'd had been living in for the past months.
So it'd only make sense that you'd become his one and only muse.
The man could write thousands of sonnets and haiku's in your name. He hasn't gotten that far yet, but he's getting closer everyday.
He's sickly sweet, that lovey-dovey puppy-dog expression crosses his face whenever he so much as thinks about you. [Which is all the time btw]
He is totally and completely enamored with you, fallen for you like a fish falls for the bait. Which is unfortunate for him as you don't seem to have fallen for him.
But it's fine! Maybe you're just shy, that's okay, he'll just need to be a little more forceful in his affections.
"Darling! There you are. I have been looking all over for you. Come along now, I have made another poem for you to read. It'll be wonderful."
Which doesn't work...in fact it seems to make you even more reserved.
But thats okay to! You guys will work on that together.
He just keeps on pushing and pushing and pushing, and it never seems to stop.
It isn't until you blow up on him, calling him a creep, that he backs off. But only for a little bit.
He see's this as just a small argument between you guys, it'll pass over in a few days once you cool down.
But then he see's you talking to Sebastion in the saloon. You twirling your hair between your fingers, laughing at his jokes, blushing when he gets a little too close for comfort, and looking up at him with sweetest expression he's ever seen from you.
For the first time in a long time, Elliott feels rage. And not the normal kind, oh no no no, I mean blinding rage.
The kind that makes you act on your violent thoughts. Which is exactly what Elliott ended up doing.
In a flash he's on Sebastion, beating the poor boy within an inch of his life.
The other people at the Saloon try to stop the raging Elloitt, but all of the get knocked on their ass and get to scared to do anything.
Once Elliott was done with Sebastion, he turned to look at you. No longer did he look at with that sweet puppy-dog face, no instead his eyes were filled with nothing but apathy as he grabbed your chin with his bloody thumb and directed you to look at the dead body of your best friend.
"Look at what you've caused dear. This is what happens when you try to make me jealous."
#FINALLY!#THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG I'M SORRY Y'ALL.#Finals are next week so the past couple weeks have just been me focused on that.#But anyway thanks for reading you guys!#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere boyfriend#sdv elliot x reader#Sdv Yandere Elliot x Reader#sdv elliott#Sdv yandere elliot#Sdv#yandere scenarios#yandere headcanons#Delusional Yandere#anon-yan writings 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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vincent x lovely actors!au | happy new year everybody! i hope 2025 treats you all well. as my gift to you i shall present you with none other than the unedited version of chapter one of this idea that i talked about ages ago. i've had this chapter written for like about a month and a half but don't get your hopes up for the remaining chapters 😭 i'm gonna try but i honestly can't write for shit and i have no motivation. but if you guys like it, i'll try harder ig lmao
cw - actor au obvi, directors!angel and david, love at first sight but it's literally just lovely and vincent flirting immediately (they don't actually fall in love until later), lovely being a bit insecure, mainly lovely's pov (it switches to angel and david for a second), korean!vincent and lovely, mentions of vincent being adopted by william at ten years old for unspecified reasons, we're ignoring the drama going on between them rn okay, darlin shows up for half a second and sam for even less, says 'laughs' way too much, i know nothing about acting and auditions and whatnot okay 😭
wc - 3.6k
hope you enjoy!
“You’re going to be a star.”
Lovely’s been told that close to a billion times in their life. It used to make them really happy when they were a kid. They’d grin up at their mom when she would tell them about all the awesome movies and TV shows they would act in once they were older. They’d practice in front of a mirror for hours at a time, reciting the few lines they were expected to memorise as a little eight-year-old. Even at that age, they wanted more. More lines, more chances to prove themselves worthy of the big screen, more of the spotlight. They only wanted to shine as bright as possible, to make their family proud.
“You’re a star.”
It feels egotistical to them, to say that they’re a star. But it would be completely ignorant of them to pretend they hadn’t made it far. Getting recognized every time they stepped foot outside, having people stand in line for autographs, people using their name and face for school projects, and not to mention, getting thousands of dollars just to say the name of a brand. As much as it warmed their heart, it got to be quite disorienting at times. To think that they went from being a complete nobody outside of their school plays and small commercials to being so… well known.
It was also really privacy-invading. Paparazzi was going to be the death of them.
But that’s the price I pay, Lovely muses to themselves as they try their best to breeze past the flashing lights and cameras being shoved in their face while they try to walk into the studio.
“..they could be a little less obnoxious about it though. Can’t believe this shit’s legal.”
Lovely looks up and squints to regain steady vision from nearly being blinded. Belatedly, they snort when they see Darlin glaring at the door they had just walked through.
“Yeah,” They say breathlessly, slipping their jacket off.
Darlin pats them on the head, “You need anything before they call you in? They said in about half an hour.”
Lovely leans into their hand, “‘M okay. I’ll just play games on my phone. Did Sam go in already for Daniel?”
The (slightly) taller of the two nods and gently leads Lovely over to a few seats in a slightly secluded area, “He should be done a little while though. I already went so do you want us to wait with you before you go in? We can take you home.”
Lovely was tempted to say no, say that they don’t need to look after them. They wanted to say that they weren’t a baby (even though they were significantly younger than both Darlin and Sam) who needed to be coddled.
But when Darlin guides them to sit down, fixing their hair, they only exhale softly. As long as they don’t need to call an Uber.
“Yes please. If it’s not too much trouble.”
Darlin grins, “Never for you, spark.”
Lovely huffs and pouts up at them, “Don’t call me that, weirdo.”
They only laugh and sit next to Lovely, sliding their phone out of their back pocket.
They rest their head on Darlin’s shoulder, going to scroll on their own phone to kill time.
Lovely inhales sharply when their name is called out along with someone else. They clear their throat, and stand up, “Wish me luck, I guess.”
It shouldn’t still make them so nervous to do auditions after doing so many of them in their life. And it usually doesn’t. However, not only was this film one of the bigger ones they were called in to audition for, their agent said this one was right up their alley. And after they read the summary and script, they agreed. This one was perfect for them. The character Kaia was perfect for them. They wanted this role more than they’ve wanted any role in their life.
The male lead Lucas also happened to be their ideal type but that was neither here nor there.
“Good luck,” Sam flashes them a smile, “This is easy work for you.”
Darlin nods, “Don’t stress, you’ve got this in the bag.”
But what if someone better comes around?
Lovely leaves that unsaid, now was not the time to be insecure. They needed to have confidence.
But really they couldn’t help themselves, they read a couple hate comments too. Of course, they tried to tell themselves that the positive outweighs the negative and that the good comments were always so much more detailed and substantial than just “they’re not pretty”.
They take a deep breath and nod once, hardly noticing the other actor who stood up at the same time, walking back into the audition room. They smile back at Sam and Darlin before turning around.
They’re a star.
Lovely walks slowly into the backroom where the auditions were being held, seeing only one other person standing around the door. They were so stuck in their own head about the person they would be acting with that they failed to notice the person they would be acting with.
They’re going over their lines in their head as they step into the hallway, reminding themselves to breathe when a voice knocks them out of their train of thought.
“So, you’re my Kaia.”
Lovely’s face prematurely scrunches in disgust before they even turn to look at whoever this guy was, not registering his tone and utterly annoyed they had to act with one of those guys. Again. They’ve worked with people like him before, revolting middle-aged men who only looked younger and thought it was okay to touch and sleazily flirt with their young co-star because they played love interests. Every other film they’ve acted in since they were 18. They were sick and tired and really wanted to enjoy this one so they turned to face this supposed middle-aged man so they could tell him off and set some boundaries.
However, they were met with the most handsome face they’ve ever seen in their life. He was smiling, not smirking, at them, his eyes shimmered even in the bright fluorescent lights, and his face looked sculpted by the gods. Lovely couldn’t help but let their eyes trail further down, scanning his body that they could somehow tell was just perfect underneath his hoodie and baggy jeans.
He laughs and—holy shit, Lovely thinks they’ve died and gone to heaven, he was so beautiful. Lovely snaps out of their little trance and meets his eyes properly, his beautiful brown eyes, when it clicks.
Oh my god, this is Vincent Solaire.
They also hadn’t known him personally, they acted in very different genres. They hadn’t even been a fan, per say. But he was just as well-known as they were. William Solaire, his father and agent, was a director they had worked under and that was one of their favourites.
Lovely inhales when Vincent brushes his hair out of his face.
“I would say you match Kaia’s description perfectly but.. I think you’re better.”
“Oh yeah?” Lovely laughs breathily, “Do you flatter all of your co-stars like this, or am I special?”
Vincent looks them up and down slightly and Lovely swears he looks at their lips, “You’re definitely.. special, Lovely was it?”
They nod, “Vincent?”
“In the flesh,” He grins.
Lovely smiles back, not having it in them to feel ashamed at the blush spreading across their face, only because he was blushing too.
“You don’t usually act in rom-coms,” Lovely hums, leaning back against the wall, “Why this one?”
Vincent’s grin widens, “You keep tabs on what I act in?”
Lovely shrugs, “I mean you’re not a nobody, I’ve seen you around. And where you are, Sam is. Gotta support my best friend’s man, you know?”
Vincent breathes a laugh, “Ah, that’s right. You’re Darlin’s twin flame.”
“In the flesh,” They repeat with a matching smile.
Vincent scoffs playfully, “Copy cat.”
Lovely snorts.
“Well,” Vincent continues, “I just wanted to try something new, you know? You can only act in thrillers and shit like that for so long before you need to switch it up to something more lighthearted.” He says, still smiling.
Lovely senses that wasn’t the whole truth but they nod, “I see. I’ve only acted in a handful of horror movies but I get it. They’re a little draining.”
“Oh yeah, you were in Locked Down.” He recalls, “I love that movie, you were phenomenal in it. Your acting was so realistic.”
Lovely smiles slightly, they always got a little sheepish whenever they got praised for their acting or any skill at all. You’d think they’d be used to it by now.
“Yeah well,” They clear their throat, “Screaming so much made my head hurt for days so I would hope it was good.”
Vincent laughs a bit hesitantly, “I’d say it paid off.”
Lovely laughs as well, going to say something else but the door in front of them swings open a little. They glance over only to freeze at the familiar face of Angel Shaw themselves standing in front of them.
Not familiar on a personal level, of course not. Lovely had never met them personally, but they and their husband were some of the most famous actors turned directors in North America. Lovely grew up watching Angel on TV and they were part of the reason Lovely even wanted to act in the first place. But even as they rose in popularity, Lovely always admired Angel and David and any film they directed. It was another recent dream of theirs to act under them, and this was their chance.
Angel looks at the two actors standing around the door and they smile, stepping out to show their full body, “Good morning, you two! Good to see you again, Vincent. We’ll be right with you both in a moment.” They turn to look at Lovely specifically, “Hi, there. I know we talked over the phone once and I’ve spoken with your agent but it’s nice to see you in person.”
You wouldn’t believe how happy I am right now, Lovely cried internally, trying to hide the star struck look on their face.
They clear their throat, “I-It’s nice to see you too. I’m a really big fan of your and David’s work.”
Angel laughs softly, “Why, thank you! That means a lot. We also enjoy watching you act, it’s truly beautiful.”
Lovely nearly died on the spot and they prayed to whatever god was listening that it didn’t show on their face. They barely squeak out a ‘thank you’ before Angel settles back into their professionalism.
They look at their clipboard, “So, you’ve both been called in to play the main characters and love interests Kaia and Lucas obviously. This “audition” is mainly just to see how well you two act together. Your chemistry, if you will. You’ll have like five-ish minutes to talk with each other and introduce yourselves and then we’ll start, okay?”
They both nod and Angel looks back up.
“Okay!” They smile and peer back into the room, “David? Are we good to go?”
“Yeah, send ‘em in.”
Angel nods towards the inside of the room, “Come on in then.”
Lovely dazedly steps into the room.
The room was bigger than it looked from the outside. There was a long table with six seats, four of which were occupied, the one to the right of David Shaw was empty, Lovely assumes that’s Angel's seat.
Angel points to the small table, “You guys can sit over there and get to know each other a little better and we’ll call you over, alright?”
Lovely and Vincent both nod and step in sync over to the corner. They both sit down and smile at each other.
“So Vincent, where are you from?” Lovely asks.
Vincent grins, “Well, I think it’s common knowledge that I was adopted by William when I was 10. But my birth parents were Korean and so were most of my foster parents until William adopted me.”
Lovely’s eyes light up, “Oh same!” They pause with a small laugh, “Not that- not that I was adopted but my parents are both Korean immigrants.”
Vincent laughs as well, “Really? Do you speak Korean then?”
Lovely’s nose scrunches, “I’m like- fairly fluent. I’m not as well-spoken as I am in English. My dad dogs on me for it all the time. You?”
“God, I have the speaking ability of a fourth grader.” Vincent scoffs, “Obviously, since I was adopted at 10 by a non-Korean man, my Korean just stopped ageing with me once I stopped putting in effort.”
They nod with a smile, “I get it. Have you tried learning more now that you’re an adult?”
“Not really? I think I tried a couple times when I turned 21 but I got impatient. But hey, maybe you could teach me,” Vincent tilts his head to the side, smiling at them.
Lovely stops breathing as they glance down at his lips.
“Yeah… I could.”
They blink when Vincent laughs, focusing back on his eyes.
“Mesmerized, Lovely?” He hums, beaming from ear to ear.
Lovely scoffs playfully, “You wish, pretty boy.”
“Think I’m pretty, huh?”
“Yeah well,” They smile a little more shyly, “I’m not blind.”
They delight in seeing the slight pink tint that spreads across Vincent’s cheeks.
He grins slightly, returning the small glance down at Lovely’s lips, “Yeah? I think you’re pretty too. Gorgeous, even.”
Lovely breathes a short flustered laugh, “Jeez, is this a part of the script? This is a lot of flattery for getting to know my co-star for an audition.”
Vincent laughs a little louder, “I’m only getting into character, of course. My Kaia.” He reaches over to gently hold Lovely’s hand laying on the table.
And Lovely feels their entire stomach light up brighter than a Fourth of July night. They swallow, forcing themselves to keep their breathing stable. They sigh shakily, “Yeah…”
Neither of them realize how long they’ve been looking into each other’s eyes until David’s voice calls from the other side of the room.
“We’re ready to get started, you two. Are you ready?”
Neither of them flinch. Not at all.
Vincent looks away first and gently drops Lovely’s hand, nodding at the directors. The two stand and walk over to stand in front of the table.
“Alright,” Angel looks up from the papers in front of them and smiles, “You can start whenever you’re ready.”
Vincent and Lovely both nod at the directors and then at each other, settling themselves into their roles. By the light waltz music starts playing softly in the background, they are both fully immersed into another world.
Vincent smiles completely poised in a way that is unlike earlier, holding his hand out towards Lovely, “Kaia. I’ve heard a lot about you from your father.”
Lovely grins back at him hesitantly, taking his hand, “That so? Lucas, is it?”
He hums as he pulls them into a slow dance of swaying back and forth, holding onto their waist loosely with his free hand, “That’s me. Prince of the House of Solaire.”
Lovely rests their right hand on Vincent’s shoulder, “Not the typical name for a royal, hm? I saw a picture of you and assumed James or Alexander.”
Vincent laughs.
David leans over to whisper in Angel’s ear as the other casting directors spoke to the two, “They’re really good at this. I could hardly tell they were reading off a script.”
Angel snorts, tapping their pen against their paper, “Uh huh.”
He furrows his brows, “What, you don’t think they’re good?”
“No, no, not that. They’re wonderful,” Angel shakes their head with a laugh, “They’re just uhh- it feels like a little more than acting, no?”
David shrugs with a small smile, “I don’t know, Angel, maybe they’re just good at their job.”
“Right.” They roll their eyes, “And they were eye-fucking over there without the script for fun.”
“You shouldn’t speak about your actors like that, Angel.” David breathes a laugh, “And you know how insane actors are these days when it comes to getting into character. Remember Milo and the FBI Agent Incident?”
Angel stifles a louder laugh, “Oh god. They weren’t even using real guns for the shoot, he didn’t need to go to a shooting range everyday for a month.”
David bites his tongue with a grin, turning back to the two once Babe had finished speaking. He writes something down on his sheet of paper, “That was great guys, thank you so much. That’ll be it. We’ll get back to you in the next week.”
Angel bids the two goodbye and rests their head on David’s shoulder once they’re out of the room, looking down at his papers and snorting, “Didn’t need any time to think about it, huh?
David shakes his head, “God, no. They’ve had the job since they walked in here.”
Vincent holds the door open for Lovely as they leave, to which they snort.
“Thanks, prince charming.” They pat his shoulder playfully.
He laughs and closes it behind him. Lovely jerks their head to the side to indicate Vincent follow them back to the main part of the building with a confidence they did not feel.
Vincent sticks his hands in his pockets, “Not to sound too proud, but I think we nailed that.”
“Obviously,” Lovely nods with a smile,”You could have looked at my lips a little less though.”
His eyes scrunch up into those little half-moons again to emphasize his amusement, “Well, who could blame me? They’re very nice to look at.”
Lovely raises an eyebrow, stopping once they reach the end-of-hallway door, “Only to look at?”
Vincent, once again, glances down at their lips as they spin around to face him whilst leaning against the door. He breathes a barely there ghost of a laugh, “Maybe more. Who knows?”
Lovely can’t contain the wide smile that overtakes their features, squeezing a fist behind their back to attempt to contain their excitement. Vincent looks back up at their eyes after a moment, shifting back into focus.
His head tilts slightly and he smiles sincerely, “You have beautiful eyes, Lovely.”
How they didn’t collapse right then and there, they’ll never know. Feeling crimson creeping onto their cheeks, Lovely laughs lightly and scratches their nose.
They had never been able to take praise of any kind without feeling like their entire body was on fire. They always laughed the compliment off or redirected it out of pure embarrassment. Recently, that is. Being in the spotlight so often since the age of 17 had indirectly forced them to be better at accepting the praise. Being ‘The Star of the Big Screen’ meant being continuously lauded all over the internet and often to their face during interviews or fan-meetings. They had spent so many hours in their bedroom, in cars, or in hotel rooms practicing their “poker face” and willing themself to never show a single person outside of their close circle how much a little praise flustered them.
The way Vincent spoke to them undid all of that. The tone of his voice, his gaze, his fucking confidence. If their body was on fire when it came to anyone else, he made them feel like they had just been thrown into a volcano.
And they could only thank whoever was listening that their days of tripping over their feet, choking, or sometimes straight up running away were over. The only thing that would be more humiliating than being complimented by the most beautiful person they’ve ever seen would be fumbling themself in front of him.
Shaking off their inner-monologue, they grin at him again, “Thank you. All the compliments today, are you sure this is still ‘getting into character’?”
“Of course, I have to really step into Lucas’ shoes.”
“Uh huh,” Lovely shakes their head with a laugh, “Sure.”
“Really! In fact, I’ll do the most Lucas thing ever and ask for your number!” He grins again, reaching into his back pocket for his phone.
They stare at him with barely concealed mirth, “The most Lucas thing ever? Really?”
“Nah,” He snorts, unlocking his phone, “It’s a Vincent thing for sure.”
Lovely doesn’t think their heart is supposed to skip that many beats but they chuckle and accept the phone offered to them, typing in their number quickly.
“Thank you kindly,” Vincent says, taking his phone back. Lovely hums and leans off the door, swinging it open and stepping in time with Vincent back to the entrance.
They both wave to Sam and Darlin’ still sitting there in the corner. Sam stops talking when he sees the two of them, waving back and the two stand up.
“Hey.” Darlin says, stretching their arms, “How’d it go?”
Lovely and Vincent exchange a short look.
“Good,” They both say at the same time, sharing a smile.
Sam raises an intrigued eyebrow but he smiles back, “That’s good. Do you know when you’ll get the call back?”
“Ah, David said within the next week,” Vincent says.
The two in front of them nod and Sam glances to the door.
“Is William picking you up, Vincent?”
Vincent nods and takes a look at his phone, “And he’s already here.” He looks up with a little smile that was mostly directed at Lovely, “Bye, guys. See you later.”
Lovely waves back at him, letting their gaze linger a little longer than normal until Darlin’ clears their throat.
And whatever confidence Lovely had vanished the second they were alone with Darlin’ and Sam.
so uh, i meant to post this before 12am where i am buttttttt.... it's surely still january 1st somewhere 😄
#redacted audio#redacted asmr#redactedverse#redacted darlin#redacted sam#redacted david#redacted vincent#redacted lovely#redacted william#redacted fanfic#redacted asmr headcanons#redacted solaire clan#kae's fics
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Bet on it ( Bradley Bradshaw x reader ) PART THREE
Summary : it the night of the gala an awkward start til the two break the silence that leaves them going down memory lane to simplier time with the ice breaking and thawing bradley starts to realise somethings like how good his name sound coming from her lips , how beautiful she truly is and the two get closer and closer
warnings : goofy , fluffy fun , allusions to smut rooster is older than reader by like 8 or something years so aging him up in og top gun timeline
previous part
It was odd , it was awkward as hell and a silent car ride as the both went to talk,opening their mouths and yet closed a second later . going from enemies and friends wasn’t so clear cut like in the movie where they were instant besties . sure they didn’t squabble or insult each other much as before still few slip ups here and there . now she kind wish its like in the movies anything would be better than this and when she tried to kill the silence words failed her . she also felt old feeling coming to the surface which she could only hate more for the timing . she never hated him , never truly a part of her always loved the man. a drunken confession to jake after a particularly bad time between the two that night . she confided in what happened all the years ago maybe it was dramatic reaction from her side but he did truly hurt her and now she was questioning if he really knew that , something they could talk about some other time she wasn’t going to make an already awkward moment even worse . it didn’t help how good he looked not that he wasn’t hotter than the fucking sun before but rooster in three piece suit should of been a crime how good he looked and even more happy she wasn’t driving or they would be heading to a hospital instead of a hospital charity gala .
Why couldn’t he talk , He of all people having trouble speaking when all he did was talk . it was like bagman not having an ego and yet the woman currently sitting in the passenger seat of his bronco had him either silent or a blubbering mee . the same woman who made his blood pressure rising had it rising or a whole different reason . “ say something jesus anything” he cursed himself internally.
“ music” he asked quickly to which she just gave a polite nod to . “ least it was something “ he mentally wondering how it was so bad , how it was like this to the point they couldn’t even talk to each other without the rest of their friends around , tapping his finger on the wheel as he listened to the music pretending he wasn’t cringing inside then it came on the radio a song from their childhood , a regular in the hard deck .
“ you shake my nerves and your rattle my brain” that voice it wasn’t him ,
“ too much love drives a man insane” she could sing since well , he remember she and his father did but a three year old rendition of twinkle twinkle like star.
“You broke my will , but what a thrill “ he joined turning to see her smiling .
“ GOODNESS GRACIOUS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE “ they screamed before bursting into a fit of laughter ,
“ erm excuse me mini mitchell why the hell have i not heard you sing before” he asked.
“ well you hated me so i wasn’t gonna sing you a lullaby now was i “ she snorted.
“ i disliked you never hated you but i regret all that really wish i could change it all if i could we could be touring america singing jerry lee lewis” he winked.
“ as much as i love your rendition nothing will ever beat your dad’s what i’d give to hear him singing it again” she smiled softly .
“ nah what i would love is his and your version of twinkle twinkle little star , i mean you both made that a ballet” he chuckled.
“ we did rock that one , but i think our rewrite of bingo was better “ she snorted.
“ oh yeah the one where you made bingo like a twenty letter word and some numbers in there too “he mused yet playful lilt to his tone.
“ hey i was exploring art through music and i was also a toddler all words were big back then “ she mock offense .
“ hey now your taking me up wrong i am a fan and so was my dad as he was able to follow along he was your biggest fan “ .
“ and my dad is your biggest fan we lucked out on the godfather train huh ? …. Well sort of “ she grimace realizing how it came out.
“ hey your dad’s maverick i might be an orphan godchild soon with how he take risks “ he grinned was her laughter always this way and why did he wanna hear more of it .
“ my dad is maverick that man is gonna outlive us all”
the venue was bigger than she though it was bigger event than she thought . in a way it was better it meant more fund for her department , more resources, more bed.
“ im not going to get tackle when we walk in her am” he joked .
“ i mean beth might … nah you should be fine i'll tell them it was a misunderstanding or something” .
“ beth the lady i talk to cause if so i will use you as a shield” .
“ chivalry isn't dead after all” she smirked .
just as she went to get out of the car only for him to run like hell to her side opening the door even held her hand as she got out the full gentlemen treatment seemed to be on the cards as they walked in the entrance. to say he was nervous seeing the same security guard eyeing him up til she smile and shook her head signaling is all is good . the security guard made him nervous but the glare on beth face well had him standing behind y/n when the woman made her way over.
“ sweet pea blink twice if you need help “ she whispered.
“ most wonderfully divine miss beth its ok we sorted it out , bradley this is the wonderfully divine beth most skill nurse beth this is bradley bradshaw master of piano and super hornet jets” y/n stood pulling him forward and yet it wasn't the nervous it wasn’t fear of this southern woman who had a sweet nurturing smile but looks to kill , it was fact it was first time she said his name his actual name , not his callsign or surname but his name . it felt good it felt better then good it made things inside him stir and a dopey grin to form on his face . she got him up in this gala smiling like he was dopey from the snow white and the seven dwarves all because she said his name and this was not good this was not what he thought would happen so early on to the bet , he needed to and yet couldn’t squash feeling erupting inside himself that honestly made him feel shit.
Through out the night he stood taller , smiled wider everytime she introduced him to a coworker or shit he hope newer people would come in just to do it all again. Laughing and joking around with her coworkers , the pride that shouldn’t have been there yet burst out of him when they praise her on the good work , how she impacted the patients or just what an honor it was to know or see her do her thing .
“ i swear she is only doc i’ve seen that would sing along to the messed up nursery rhymes and not bat a lid and kids love her “ beth cooed as he listened to her coworkers gushing about her.
“ or trying to get people to come visit the kids she got people dressed as superhero’s last time ” marcus a fellow doctor asked.
“ hey happy patients happy doctor “ she shrugged taking a sip of her drink .
“ we should say it to your dad get the dagger squad to come” bradley clapped excitedly.
“ the staff and kids would be happy “ beth winked . “ not you i’m still on fence about you pretty boy “ .
“ hey deserved but i hope if her dad says yes i can win you over “ he batted his lashes at the woman as she tried to keep her stance .
“ what am i missing?” marcus asked.
“ well we didn’t get along for a while but now we’re cool rooster has redeemed himself tonight “ she swirled the class and yet it he suddenly felt a sting at the fact is wasn’t his name.
“ so when did you become a couple “ the man asked excitedly only for both to choke on the liquid in there mouth.
“ no no no ha no we’re just friend , buddies “ she laughed grabbing napkins
“ yeah friends what she said i mean come on girl like her with dude like me “ bradley chuckled til he seen her face drop and the hurt on it . “ i didn’t mean it like that i mean you are wow beautiful .. oh my god am i having a stroke tonight or something” he groaned.
“ i think what baby eyes is trying to say is your too good for him and if it not well it what we know”beth god he could kiss that woman if she didn’t scare the hell out of him .
“ exactly what i meant i didn’t mean i was better or hotter than you “ he stumbled stuttering over his words.
“ boy just shh not making it better.. Now take her to dance that dress is too good to be sitting here all night ” the woman hushed.
“ yes ma’am … would you wanna dance with me i think my feet work better than mouth “ he turned as she gave a little yes . now he really did hope his feet worked better than his mouth or was he going to make more of a fool of himself.
Hand on hers as she place the other on his shoulder and his other hand to her hip . gentle swaying he could do as that much it wasn’t too complicated and yet he felt his heart beating hard in his chest he was nearly expecting to see it on his shirt and then she looked up at him and his knees almost buckled . he never wanted her to look at him any other way than that , never wanted to hear rooster coming out of her mouth , then he tried to think of the past something to get his head in the game, he couldn’t lose his resolve so quick a month into the bet he needed to think of how he felt back then the way he felt when it all started . his motivation to keeping strong and yet he couldn’t the rational part of him was coming to effect and he decided one night to not think of it , one night to think of everything but enjoy the moment at hand.
As guest filtered out and some memories of her bosses she never wanted to member they stood out of the venue and chill air of night hit . when she saw bradley bradshaw at her door she didn’t think she would have one of the best nights of her life . she never thought feeling she buried so deep would break and come back in ten fold . it was crazy , borderline insane to how she felt by end of night and that was it she didn’t want the night to end , she didn’t want to say goodbye and things to go back to normal . she hated it knowing it was stupid to think this way fucking hell they just started being some what friends the last month. The shiver down her body and then she felt the warm weight of his jacket on her shoulders and his hand out to lead her back to the car . the whole timeshe willed herself to stop to think clearly to think of how he hurt her all those years ago when she felt like this first. But she couldn’t all logic and reason quashed by the beat of her heart . . she fell harder than she ever did. Pulling her up outside of her apartment she should of said goodnight leave the good to stay good in that moment .
“ you wanna come in for a drink” was all it took for another shift to happen a new direction to run it course and what she would find out the worst idea she’s ever had .
Nervous of being in a small space together , nervous of new but old feeling coming back and nervous to the doubt of everything and anything. Few beers and glasses of wine took the worry , the nerves and the caution away . relax and giddy finding a trip down memory lane filling in the spots of being apart . she told him about med school how hard and crazy it was especially giving she was youngest of her class , old boyfriends and friends . he told her of collage still a little sore spot not going to the naval academy but she wasn’t so happy with her dad for that either . then how surreal it was following in the footsteps of his dad and pete mitchell both daunting and exciting . more drink flowing as they laughed and joked around about the good side of memory lane .
“ i can’t believe we missed out on so much huh ?” she sighed sadly .
“ we really did , least we friends now right or did my stupid mouth and bad dancing scare you away?”he teased.
“ you know bad dancing and mouth aside tonight has been so fun , really i mean you haven’t fully won beth over but you have won me over bradshaw” she beamed up at him .
“ please call me bradley i like it better when you say it i mean anyone else no eww but when it’s you makes me happy when you say name “ he leaned forward she felt herself pulled like a magnetic force .
“ bradley “ she whispered and just like that all resolved went out the window and something snapped as two crashed against one another clash of teeth and tongues , hunger and adorations . stars aligning , fireworks , sunshine and fucking rainbows . a kiss and a fear of what was to come next .
A blinding light and a thumping headache . a personal jackhammer living in the confine of she sat up and the sun making it harder to open her eyes feeling around for her phone til her hand hit something that makes the hangover the least of her problems as she force her eyes open and see a sleeping rooster naked in her bed . buzzing of her phone on the floor as she dove make sure not to waking the sleeping pilot crawling out the room not ready to deal with what happened just yet as she hit the little green icon .
“ hey darling did ya have fun with chicken ?”
“ more than i should of “ she gulped .
part 4
taglist : @djs8891 @peachmartini @shanimallina87 @kawaiiskeletondragonbanana @paisleebubbles
#top gun fandom#top gun fanfiction#bradley rooster bradshaw#top gun maverick#jake seresin#bradley bradshaw x y/n#bradley bradshaw x reader#bradley bradshaw x you#bradley bradshaw x female reader#bradley bradshaw#bradley rooster x you#bradley rooster x y/n#bradley rooster x reader#top gun rooster#rooster x you#rooster x reader#rooster top gun#rooster x y/n#hangman#jake hangman seresin#natasha trace#natasha phoenix trace#javy machado#javy coyote machado#mickey fanboy garcia#mickey garcia#reuben payback fitch#reuben fitch#robert bob floyd#robert floyd
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Whiplash (8)

Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader x Felix
Warning: Mentions of blood, car accidents, guns, etc
Genre: Friends to lovers, street racing
Word Count: 2.8k
Taglist: @sheala--marie @kayleefriedchicken @chartrucewhore @cookiesnmilfx
@thicccurls @aznstoner @velvetmoonlght @dvbkie099
Everything Taglist: @wife2straykidss @piscesrising01 @baby-stay92 @kisses-too-the-moon
@dwaekkiiracha @silly250 @rylea08 @imperfectlyperfectprincess1
@satosugu4l @gabriellamarie @tsunderelino @iovecb97
@1810cl @lordmaahes-nsc @sailorkoss @minh0scat
@pixie0627 @50-husbands @jinnies-muse @yaorzu-blog
@anskiiz @joyofbebbanburg @number1jeonginstan @skzooluvr
@jisunglyricist @ambersnowxxx @ayyonoona @31maze13
@stay-tiny-things @thegingerthatwaited @hoesheez
Previous Chapters
A/N: i really hope you like this version more than the other one!!
You stare at the man, you now remembered was named Mingi. “Who was it?” You ask, your heart pounding, it felt like it was going to shoot right out of your chest. Your palms were getting sweaty as he stood there just smiling at you, not saying a word. He nods towards the sound of the crash.
“Go see for yourself.” He murmurs, taking a puff of his newly lit cigarette. You turn around, walking away from him. Your speed slowly picked up, until you were running as fast as your leg would take you, moving past the groups of people who were just standing around, while others rushed towards the smoke that was filling the air.
You pushed your way through the group of people, pleading in your head that if it was Hyunjin and Felix in that crash, that they weren't seriously injured. You watch as a group of guys each pry the doors of the familiar car open, helping Felix and Hyunjin out. You hadn't realized that you were holding your breath until you saw both their faces, a little bruised and cut up, but they were alive, standing there laughing as they walked away from the car that came so close to being wrapped around the tree.
“Baby.” Hyunjin breathes, rushing towards you, Felix just steps behind him.
“Are you okay?” Felix asks, wrapping his arms around you, with Hyunjin on the other side.
“Me?” You scoff. “The two of you were just in a fucking crash. Are you two okay?” You ask. You were feeling all over their bodies, trying to make sure nothing was broken and that they were both truly okay. You can vaguely hear the others in the group, looking over the car, assessing the damages. The smell of burnt rubber, dripping gasoline filling your nostrils as you just take these two men in, thanking whoever that they were alive, despite whoever tried to interfere. You watched as the beads of sweat rolled down their faces, mixed in with the dirt and the blood. Fuck that was close.
“Are you sure?” You sniffle. “Are you both really okay?”
“I'm fine.” Felix laughs.
“I am too.” Hyunjin smiles. “Where were you?”
“I was on my way to the bathroom and I got stopped by Mingi.” You explain, rolling your eyes. You can feel both men tense up at the sound of his name.
“Was San there?” Hyunjin asks.
“I didn't see him.” You say. “I think Mingi caused the crash.” You whisper.
“Yeah I wouldn't be surprised. Someone cut the fucking breaks.” Felix spits.
Felix wraps his arm around your shoulders, while Hyunjin wraps his arm around your waist, the three of you walking away from the scene.
As you all approach the area where the rest of the racers and onlookers stand around, the crowd begins to slowly disburse. You try to bring Hyunjin and Felix to another car, wanting to take them home when an extremely expensive looking car pulls into the lot, parking not far from the three of you. You watch as two large men get out of the passenger and driver's seat, opening the back door for someone else. You can hear Hyunjin and Felix mutter to themselves as the scariest man, yet an extremely handsome man, in the nicest suit you'd ever seen, begins to walk towards you.
“Oh fuck.” Felix hisses, glancing at Hyunjin. “Where's Chan?” He asks, looking around, trying to find their leader.
“Y/N, go look for Chan. Now. Please. Go.” Hyunjin urges you.
“Hyunjin! Felix!” The man yells, sending shivers down your spine. You look back as you're walking away, the smile on his face even more terrifying. You looked around for a few minutes before you finally found Chan and it didn't take him long to notice the panicked look on your face.
“What's wrong?” He asks, grabbing onto your arms. “Did something else happen to Hyunjin and Felix?” He asks, holding onto you tightly.
“Um, No… well maybe? I'm not really sure.” You murmur. “There's a man. And Hyunjin and Felix didn't look happy about it. They told me to find you.” You murmur.
“A guy? What did he look like?” Chan asks.
“He was really hot… but also terrifying.” You answer.
“Fuck.” Chan snaps. “It's Soohyuk.” He says to Changbin. Both men leave you standing there as they rush towards Hyunjin and Felix. You weren't sure what was going on but you didn't have a good feeling about it.
You follow slowly behind Chan and Changbin, the knot in your stomach growing with every step, the closer you get to the man. You see San, Mingi and the rest of their group standing across from Hyunjin and Felix with the rest of the guys. None of them look happy, they're all frowning. You keep your eyes on the man, Soohyuk who seems to be scolding both groups. The closer you get the more you get an eerie feeling radiating off of him. He smiles as he talks to them, but his eyes. His eyes show nothing. No soul, the man is completely empty.
“Now.” Soohyuk says in a relatively calm voice. “What the fuck happened tonight?” He asks.
“San and Mingi cut our fucking breaks lines.” Hyunjin spits.
Soohyuk looked over at the two who cowered from his gaze. “Is that true?” He asks.
“I only did it for San's sake!” Mingi yells. “I got tired of him bitching about their girl.” He finishes, motioning towards you. The groups separate, revealing you standing there, looking over at Hyuniin and Felix who now look worried.
“So you almost killed two of my best fucking racers over a goddamn girl?” Soohyuk laughs.
“She was mine first!” San yells.
“Like 6 fucking years ago. Get over it.” Felix snaps back.
“I can solve this problem right fucking now.” He suggests, pulling a gun from the waist of his pants, cocking it and pointing it directly at you.
“Woah, woah!” Hyunjin and Felix yell, trying to rush towards you but they're both stopped by the big bodyguards.
“Okay, Soohyuk, put the gun down.” Chan suggests, slowly walking towards you, trying to protect you.
“Why?” Soohyuk asks. “If you guys are doing this shit, neither of you are out there trying to win me my fucking money.”
“They'll stop. Right, Hongjoong.” Chan says, motioning to him to agree.
“Uh, yeah… yeah They'll stop.” Hongjoong murmurs, Keeping his eyes on Soohyuk. He keeps the gun pointed at you as one of his guards, who is on the phone walks up to him, whispering in his ear, making Soohyuk smile.
“You know what? That's not a bad idea. Tell Mr. Jung, I like it.” he says, lowering his gun, tucking it back into his waist.
“Here's how it's going to go. Her, what's your name?” He asks, pointing to you.
You don't say anything. You feel like you're frozen in your spot, your brain isn't registering like it's supposed to. “What’s your fucking name?” Soohyuk shouts.
The sound makes you jump. “Um Y/N.” You mumble, your body shaking.
“Good. Now, things are going to change around here. I've got some investors, if you will, that want to watch some good fucking racing. And I want some good competition between the two of you. So Y/N, you're coming with me.” Soohyuk smiles.
“No!” Hyunjin yells.
“Over my dead body!” Felix says.
“Well that can be arranged.” Soohyuk smiles. His grin sends shivers down your spine. "If you want your fucking funding to continue, youll do as I say."
You didn't like him, you could tell he was nothing but a fucking monster. But you couldn't let anything happen to Hyunjin and Felix. They were always protecting you, so now it was your turn to protect them.
“I'll go.” You say.
Soohyuk grins. “That's a good girl. Come willingly. It'll make things a lot easier for me.” He says, walking towards you. He places his hands on your shoulder, leaning in closely to you. “Because now I don't have to hurt you.” He whispers.
You hold your head high as you let him guide you towards his guards. You mouth “I'm sorry” to Hyunjin and Felix as you fight your tears. You didn't want them to know how fucking terrified you were right now.
“We'll get you back!” Felix yells. “I love you!”
“Be safe baby. I love you.” Hyunjin yells. You try to turn around to tell them you loved them, but the guard shoves you forward towards the car, opening the door for you to get in. You slide in the passenger seat, your heart racing. It was getting harder to breathe. This was a bad choice. You feel like you fucked up. Soohyuk stayed with the other for a few more minutes. You wished you knew what he was saying.
“Now you both have something to fight for.” Soohyuk smiles. “We're starting over. You're all at zero point. You'll be racing those you've raced before, and when you do, there's no rules. Win at whatever cost. The more violent the better. If you make it to the final, and you fucking better.” He says, motioning to San, Hyunjin and Felix. “The winner gets Y/N. New rules for the final will be announced closer to the date.” he smiles. “Questions?”
“What if we don't make it to the final?” Hyunjin asks. “What happens to Y/N?” He asks through gritted teeth.
“Don't worry, I'll be giving you some incentives to win. The three of you are my most entertaining racers.” He chuckles. “But if that doesn't work, then tour precious Y/N, goes to whoever fucking wins.” Soohyuk finishes, turning around to walk towards the car. “I'll be in touch with information about your first race.” He yells back, putting up his hand to say goodbye.
You're sitting in the car, absolutely fucking terrified about what the hell was going to happen to you. Soohyuk slides into the other side of the back seat, watching his guards slide into the front, and drive away. You turn around to look back at a defeated Hyunjin and Felix. Your heart breaks at the sight of them. You continued to stare until they were finally out of view and you were stuck with three men you didn't know and had no idea what their intentions were.
The entire car ride was silent. You tried to control your breathing but it was so hard. You just wanted to hyperventilate but instead you watched through the window as you passed the city you knew, leaving it behind, heading to an unknown destination. It took an hour, after leaving the city for the driver to pull into a gravel driveway, having to stop a large gate to put in a code before heading onto cement, pulling up to a ginormous house. your jaw drops at the sight of it. You forget for a moment who you're with.
“You live here!?” You exclaim.
He chuckles. “Yeah this is where I live.” He says as the car rolls to a stop. You get out of the car, unable to pick your jaw up off the ground as you're guided inside. You're trying to take everything in but the place is just so big you don't know where to look. You're taken to a large living room, where you sit on a couch. Soohyuk sits across from you, resting his arms on his legs as he leans forward.
“Go ahead. Ask.” He says.
“What are you going to do to me?” You ask.
He laughs. “It's not what you think. You're not my type. Not to mention, my wife would cut off my balls and shove them down my throat if I did anything with anyone else.” He chuckles. You watched his facial expressions as he talked, and they looked so forced. Like he was trying to be nide but you could see right through the pretend nice guy act. You couldn't let him know, you needed to play along as best you could
“How did you get involved in this?” He asks.
“It just kinda happened.” You say. You weren't going to let your guard down too much. “Hyunjin, Felix and I had been friends for years and somewhere down the line my feelings changed. And so did theirs. And then we got together.” You explain. “But the whole street racing thing came out by accident. I had no idea.”
Soohyuk nods his head. “And San?”
“I used to hook up with him years ago. It was never anything serious. Ever. If I'm being honest, he's been nothing nut a fucking nuisance since he's reappeared in my life.” You sigh.
“I heard about the accident.” He says. “How's your head now?” He wonders.
“It's good. I get headaches sometimes.” You explain.
“Well let me know if there's anything I can do for you and what you need to make your stay more comfortable.” He smiles. “This is Chae, she'll be keeping an eye on you and helping you with anything you need.” He says, motioning to a lady behind you. You turn around to look, seeing a very nice looking woman, waiting for you.
“Thank you.” You say, giving him a small smile.
“One more question before you go.” He says. “If you had to choose between Felix and Hyunjin, who would you choose?” He asks.
You laugh. You'd never thought you'd need to.
“Honestly?” You ask.
He nods his head.
“I could never choose. They have my whole heart.” You say, walking towards Chae Who was waiting for you.
You leave the main house, Chae showing you the guesthouse, which is where you were going to be staying.
“This entire place? For me?” You ask. She laughs. “Yes, Mrs. L/N, just for you. Is there anything I can get for you?”
“I'd just like to shower and maybe eat?” You say.
She nods her head, showing you the bathroom. “Take your time. I'll be back.” She says, turning to walk away. You get undressed, starting the large walk-In shower. It felt so nice to scrub the smell of dirt, worry, gasoline and stress off of your body. But you were still so worried about Hyunjin and Felix. Are they worried about you? Were they going to come get you? Did they even know where Soohyuk lived? You had so many questions, your body began to fill with anxiety once again.
You finished your shower quickly, grabbing a towel from the rack to cover yourself. When you opened the bathroom door, there stood Chae, a pile of clean clothes for you to wear.
“Thank you.” You whisper, smiling at her, taking the clothes and closing the door. You get dressed, and surprisingly they fit you perfectly. When you left the bathroom, you headed back to the living room where there was a platter of food waiting for you. You were too anxious to eat a full meal, so you decided just to snack on a few things.
“Can I call Felix and Hyunjin?” You ask nervously. You Knew the answer was going to be a no, but you needed to ask just to be sure.
“No contact until Mr. Soohyuk says it's okay.” She answers. You figured. But you knew you'd feel uneasy until you were able to talk to them, to tell them you were okay. And no one was going to hurt you.
Or so you thought.
It took a few days, but eventually you had been told there was going to be a race. Hyunjin and Felix had gotten a new car and were the first ones to race against some entry level racers. You were terrified for them, especially considering there were no rules.
“Yeah, okay fine.” Soohyuk snaps, holding a phone to your face.
“Baby, you're okay?” Hyunjin asks.
“We miss you so fucking much.” Felix groans.
“I'm okay, it's okay.” You smile. “Please be safe. I love you. I love you!” You yell as the phone is being pulled away from your face.
“There. Win this one and you'll see her again. Don't win and see what happens to her.” Soohyuk spits, hanging up the phone and sliding it into his pocket. You still weren't sure about Soohyuk. He was so happy one minute and then a split second later, he was screaming and raging out. You felt sorry for his wife, at least you were able to hide in the guesthouse. You went back to your bed, instead of watching the race. You couldn't take it, the anxiety of what would possibly happen if they lost. You laid on your bed, in the dark as you heard the cheering from the crowd who was watching. You must have dozed off, because when you woke up, there was a man you didn't recognize standing in your bedroom, a sinister smile on his face.
“You're lucky Felix and Hyunjin won tonight.” He chuckles. “Cause the second they don't win, you're mine to give them incentive.” He says, turning to walk away. “Oh.” he pauses, looking back at you. “And I like to play rough.”
#straykidsland#mirohsaurorasociety#skz#stray kids#lee felix#felix#skz fanfic#skz felix#hyunjin#hwang hyunjin#skz hyunjin#stray kids writing#skz writing#stray kids imagines#skz imagines#kpop writing#kpop fanfic#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#kpop
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Prompt 1 - Incantation
@wolfstarmicrofic June 1, word count 855
A continuation that is definitely going to end up as a mini-series, (I can't help myself 🤣) of Summer Camp AU. It's been taking up space in my head since I wrote it and I need to write more so here we go 😁
First part
As they neared the wiggling legs, Sirius rushed forward and launched himself onto the back of a tall raven-haired boy with glasses. He wrapped his legs around his waist and demanded a piggyback.
“James, come meet Remus,” Sirius told James as he tried to turn the boy’s head away from the upside-down legs. James turned around and grinned a broad smile at Remus.
“Hi, Remus, it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you. This is Peter,” he pointed at the base of the willow tree. “He’d say hello as well, but he’s a bit preoccupied at the moment.” James and Sirius burst into laughter as the feet kicked out angrily and a muffled voice shouted at them. Remus could only guess that it was a stream of profanities aimed at James.
“Hi,” He said, shyly. He wasn’t used to talking to people his own age. He didn’t have any friends, and he’d spent most of his childhood talking to nurses.
“Remus, you look like a smart fella,” James began speaking to him again, the smile on his face seemed to be a permanent fixture. “We really don’t want to have to go tell Minnie we did something dumb again, so do you think you could help us pull Peter out?” Remus looked at the slightly pudgy boy in the ground and hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he was strong enough. He’d always been frail, it was only recently since the doctors finally figured out what was wrong with him that he’d started to put on muscle mass.
“I’ll-I’ll try,” He moved towards Peters's bottom half and inspected the hole. “I think we might need to dig a bit of the edge out, widen the hole. Maybe soften the soil with water.” He mused aloud.
“Remus, I think we’re going to get along famously,” James said as he awkwardly wrapped an arm around his shoulders. It took everything in him not to flinch away from the touch.
“Let the poor boy go,” Sirius grunted as he pulled at James’s arm. They ended up tumbling to the floor as Sirius looped his foot around James’s leg, trying to find purchase.
Once they’d dusted themselves off, they started working on freeing Peter. Sirius had found a sturdy stick that he was using to gently poke around where Peter was stuck, dislodging pieces of earth. James poured three bottles of water over Peter, and they grabbed Peter’s legs.
Remus and Sirius had the left one and James had the right on his own. He tried not to think about how close Sirius was to him.
“Right ready? On three. One. Two. Three!” They heaved and he didn’t budge an inch. “Damn it! He’s not coming loose!” James huffed as he loosened his grip on Peter’s leg.
“That’s because we haven’t said the incantation.” Sirius raised his stick, pretending it was a magic wand. “Bibbidi bobbidi boo!” He chanted and slapped the stick across Peter’s arse. The ground vibrated with Peter’s angry yelling.
“Sirius!” James chastised. “Okay, let’s try again. On three. One. Two. Three!” They pulled as hard as they could and, with a grunt, Peter came loose. James helped him to his feet and tried to dust him off. Peter flapped his arms at James, slapping him away.
“Thanks for getting me out,” Peter finally said as he rubbed dirt from his eyes. “Remus, you’re my new best friend.” Remus didn’t know what to say to that, so he just bobbed his head.
“What is all the commotion going on over here?” A stern voice said behind them. There were suddenly four very straight backs.
“Minnie, my love, nothing’s going on. I’m just introducing Remus to everyone.” Sirius turned to look at the woman standing behind them and took on a relaxed stance and plastered on the most dazzling smile Remus had ever seen.
“Mr Black, I have warned you about calling me by that name. It is Minerva or Ms McGonagall.” Sirius didn’t seem the least bit put off by her words. “Why exactly is Mr Pettigrew covered in dirt?” She asked, her nostrils flaring.
“I’m sorry Ms McGonagall,” Peter began, apologising, “James and I were talking, and I wasn’t paying attention and fell in the hole. James, Sirius and Remus helped me out.” He smiled weakly at the second in command of the camp.
“Uhuh,” She hummed, clearly not believing a word. “Mr Lupin,” She said, turning to Remus. He bristled at being addressed. “Welcome to Camp Hogwarts, I advise you not to get in too deep with these miscreants.” Sirius and James dramatically feigned outrage. She smiled warmly at him, ignoring James and Sirius. “If they give you any trouble come and find me.” She glared at the other three and spun around to yell at another group of boys dragging bedsheets around the camp.
“Don’t worry, Remus,” Sirius grinned at him. “We’re not that bad.” Remus followed the three boys into the cabin, thinking maybe the two weeks wouldn’t be quite as bad with the four of them. That was when Sirius turned around and winked at him. He felt his stomach flip. Or not.
Next part
#wolfstar#wolfstar microfic#wolfstar fic#wolfstar au#remus lupin#sirius black#remus john lupin#sirius orion black#james potter#peter pettigrew#minerva mcgonagall#sirius x remus#remus x sirius#remus and sirius#sirius and remus#summer camp au series#peters stuck#Bibbidi bobbidi boo#incantation
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F!Reader x Therapist Yan OC Sheila~
Tigers in the Garden🐅✨
Her Info: 📋❤️🔥
Was a Drabble i swear… Part 1~
Next Part—>
CW: F!Reader, Reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, use of strap on reader, fxf, strap in readers v, reader SH(Before it starts, not described, just mentioned and implied in convo), sub and slightly bratty reader, reader is a stoner, reader wears makeup, imbalanced power, DUB-CON(coercion and blackmail), reader has hair(not described), nipple play(a little), choking, not proofread, rough sex, rough with reader in general, spanking, lemme no if i missed any! :3 names for reader(brat, slut, whore),smut with barely any plot in this part, power imbalance
“Okay,” You shrug. “Whatever, i guess” The ‘good’ people in white coats guide you down a sea-green, sterile-smelling corridor.
Youre finally being let out of your mandatory three day stay at a mental health facility(more like prison). They’re letting you out on the condition you see the therapist they’ve set you up with.
Sheila Reichsgraf.
You’ve got nothing but the clothes you came in with in a plastic baggie with your phone, wallet, and keys. They gave you clothes that don’t quite fit or look good on you, and a piece of paper saying where you are to go tomorrow. For tonight? some well earned weed and munchies to go with. Maybe some masturbating too, you’ll see where the night takes you.
Now sitting in front of this woman(more like tigress), you slouch down into your seat. Her gaze is unreadable but scrutinizing.
“I’ve, of course, been informed of your admittance to Fir’s Rest. Would you like to talk about it?” She asks, while typing on her computer.
“Nope.” You sag further into the black velvet chaise lounge.
“I’d like you to talk about it.” She slides her keyboard out of her way, and folds her hands in front of herself.
“I’d like you to kindly shut it about that actually.” You snap.
“Take off your clothes.” Her voice is stern, but no louder than before.
“Ex-fucking-Scuse you!?” you exclaim, what the fuck is she on!? like sure you think she’s way too hot for this plane of existence but like ???
“Take off your clothes.” she interrupts your thoughts, repeating the same thing over again in the same tone. “Unless…” She continues before you can pipe back, “You’d rather go back to the facility.” she takes something out of a black leather padfolio before closing it, and sighing heavily.
You roll your eyes. “What, so you’re like, coercing me now? what’s next ?? threaten to tell my mother?” that would be terrible cause after all you’ve been through for that woman you at the very least want your share of the inheritance.
“Exactly that, darling~” As she walks toward you, you watch her in shock, or disbelief. She extends perfectly manicured, dark skin hands toward you, with a fan of polaroid photos of you in a mental hospital, butt hanging out of your polka dot gown, grippy socks and a trailing IV and all.
“Are you fucking serious right now? You’re sick! You’re a lunatic! If you even think that i’ll—” your voice is completely halted when she roughly grabs you by the cheeks and squeezes your lips into a fish mouth. You scowl up at her deeply. You think about spitting on her, but think better of it. thankfully.
“Listen to you, a brat like you needs to be put in her place.” A smile spreads across her cheeks, dimples pop out near the angled tips of it going into her cheeks.
She really is hot.
You swallow.
She roughly lets go of your face as you pull away. your hair muses and gets in your eyes but you don’t blink and lose eye contact for a second.
Sheila grips your arms to pull you up out of your chair, and throws you hands first into her desk.
Stunned by how fast this all happened, you remain there long enough for her to wrap herself around you.
You let out a cute little whimper as she pinches your nipple through the fabric. You weren’t expecting it, and the shock that got sent directly to your clit.
“Such a good whore under there, already whimpering for me~?” You hear the smile in her voice, as her head buries into the crook of your neck. It tickles and you jump, your ass slamming back into her body. she clings onto you tighter, to hold you still. Somehow you feel like she completely envelops you.
Your core is already hot as she quickly and roughly removes your clothes, feeling up your skin and grabbing everywhere she can as soon as it’s bare. From your hips, to your belly, down and even back up to your ribs, down your arms. Everywhere on you that enters the light, she roams. Her mouth isn’t far behind, kissing and biting you, devouring you fully.
Sheila spreads your legs, one at a time, and puts your hands back on her desk so that your leaning forward. You’re too out of breath and dumb right now to even think of moving. Your back is arched and your ass wiggles slightly on its own, beckoning her and her throbbing clit. She’s equally out of breath, dripping just like you are, her heels click on the wood as she removes her clothes, staring at your swaying backside all the while.
“You’re going to take all of this, aren’t you slut?” Her big beautiful strap on flings out to attention. Your head falls to one shoulder so that you can glimpse it… You swallow harder than before, your brows peaking as you start to imagine the stretch around that thing. You nod.
You don’t have to imagine for long before she’s grabbing your neck to pull your body up against hers. Hard nipples poke your back and you shiver. Delicious, you want those in your mouth, don’t you? “I won’t go easy.” She coos menacingly, and squeezes your throat gently until you see stars.
She rubs her cock against your entrance, prodding, and poking, slowly diving into your needy, wet hole. You’re already stretching around just her head and feeling so good at the same time, whining and whimpering until, she plunges it inside you. All at once and you bite your lip, unable to breathe anymore.
“FUCK!” You puff out the last of your air with one word.
“Soon you’ll be screaming Doctor…” She whispers into your ear before pulling away as far back as her arm will allow, so that she has a better vantage point. Watching your ass as she pulls her strap out, that looks like it’s as far in as your tail bone or further, her clit sends ripples of pleasure throughout her body.
She licks her lips and slams into you this time. She’ll have to savor watching it slowly get swallowed up by your tight pussy later. This time she pulls out faster and pushes back in just as fast. She sets a pace that’s both brutal and blissful to you, as the pain lessens the pleasure grows, and it grows exponentially.
Her nails dig into your throat and her other comes around to tweak your clit, it makes you start to shake and twitch, your arms wobble trying to keep you upright.. Her own orgasm building as the strap rubs her back with every thrust, she moans behind you, you tighten around her, and open yourself up more to take her better.
“D-Doctor!” You practically beg, not knowing what for; more, less, faster, slower! But she was right, and you yell, “Doctor!!” again. She gets faster and faster, your butt is hot from the force of her slamming into you. the slapping of skin against wet skin, combined with stuffed groans and more hoarse “Doctor”’s fill the office.
Blackened tears streak down your face as you cum around her cock you shake and convulse barley able to hold yourself up against the low desk, even with the help of her hand still wrapped around your throat. She keeps pounding you. Ruthlessly. Through your orgasm and straight into your crashing next two. “Who would have thought you’d be such a good girl under that attitude.”
Suddenly she pushes in deeper than ever before, stealing even more air from the depths of your soul. You swear you can feel her hitting there too. “Take all of me,” her hand runs down your hair and back. Then she slowly pulls out, letting you really feel the thick vein that twists around her length. You shudder around her, and whimpers keep falling freely from your open, puffy lips, you’re spent.
She plays with your hair gently, before spanking your already warm ass. You jump, “Wha-!” Your too dumb to even form one little word. Her hand rounds where she just slapped and you think she’ll slap you in the same spot when she pulls away, you brace for impact. You yelp! when she slaps your raw pussy instead.
The phone rings…
You don’t see her look at the caller ID, but you hear her sigh.
“This session is over. Come back next week.” She completely pulls away leaving you cold on the outside but still burning for her on the inside.
“What about—?” You start, before she interrupts.
“Session’s over.” she says while buttoning her shirt, then pats down her skirt, before turning back to you, and winks, “Like I said, come back next week” Your heart pounds. Can you even wait a week?
What are you even thinking right now!?
You glance back at her. She licks her lips.
She’s on the edge of her desk and watching you get dressed, you walk out the door with a slight limp and her eyes, practically ticklish on your back.
You have to catch your breath outside the thick wood doors.
Sheila groans before picking up the receiver.
“Hello, mommy dearest…” She makes her voice higher pitched and ready to please.
#my oc#yandere#oc x reader#oc x you#yandere x reader#yandere x you#my fic#tw yandere#dead dove do not eat#fem reader#f!reader#therapist yan#therapist x you#therapist yandere#therapist x reader#x oc#x you#x reader#yandere oc#yan smut#female yandere x you#female x female#female yandere oc#female yandere#yandere female
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Warning: DRAMA, forced relationship, just Aqua being the creepy manipulative dork he is, two stalkers playing, sorta friends to enemies? Enemies to menaces. Not really yandere?
Summary: You come to realize your friend had been trying to stab you in the back. Being a skilled stalker works well in these situations.
In all honesty, he couldn't be doing anything wrong. These were just tricks to get her close, to make sure things went his way and he could breathe easy, every once in a while, he deserves it. For everything to succeed, there's hardships first so if he took the time to brace through the storm, he could have the puzzle pieces.
But perhaps, he underestimated how mentally strong one can be, all the things that are supposed to hurt her and get her to ask for help, resulted in a rather odd reaction. She ended up getting stronger, more independent, and more capable than before.
And she didn't come running to him.
He even made sure to offer help, standing there willingly so that she could see him as clearly as day, spoke to her, and reassured her, however, his plans had holes in them.
She did not ask for help. From him. They did not get any closer than they already were. She even avoided him, building invisible walls, and he had to wonder if she knew he controls the situation to his liking and pushes some to fall in place. A manipulator.
Even though her reputation had been torn down and shredded into bits, she smiles. She smiles.
He could have given up, let her be, let her breeze through peacefully but should he admit defeat so early on? He can't, he won't. How long can a person withstand verbal harassment before breaking down? Not forever, he can be her ally, her best friend.
He had to make himself impossible to ignore. He just had to make her come to him.
"Hey." he approached her sitting at her marked bench, and she hadn't noticed him watching her from a distance, did she like to pretend?
"Hi. Is there something wrong?" she replied, shifting over to make space between them.
"O... Kay? Then, what's up? Did you find the one behind the rumors? You did say you would but you don't need to worry about it." she grinned, looking away to the ground, anything to not make eye contact. Was she secretly ashamed?
"I don't break my promises," he said, crossing his arms as he leaned back, "you didn't make a promise though." she raised her eyebrows, blinking a couple of times before turning away.
"I appreciate it, but I have a hunch on who did it." she swayed her legs back and forth, maintaining her smile, "I'm not too sure yet."
"How do you know?" he asked.
"Oh, you know, just connected the dots, and boom! I found it, but there were only three people who knew about it, my tendency to play around with anyone sure is troublesome but eh what can I do?" she mused, pouting.
"But you know, I realized an interesting clue. No one who could have spread it is any better than me, so I think it's someone I know but haven't quite yet gotten to know them." she looked at him, stretching her smile wider she kept her gaze on him, "But, yeah like I said, I'm not sure, because I can't care about everybody hehe." she quickly turned her face dropping her smile and softly glaring at passengers.
"You know..." she slowly started, "we don't know each other that much, right? Strange, even though we've been friends for months," she stated, sitting up straight she glanced back at him, "the other day, I'm pretty sure I followed you around, and you didn't even notice me." she frowned, quietly waited for the response she had envisioned in her head.
However, he had nothing to say but his face surely indicated some of the things his poker face couldn't hide.
"I even made sure to call out your name, but at last, you didn't even see me." she sighed louder, "Pity really, we could have been best friends." she got up, staring down at his facade.
"I hope you go to hell." she hissed, disgust was written over her face, and no matter what he said, nothing would change in the slightest, she had already walked away and left him behind.
Maybe he isn't as good as he thought himself out to be, he's let pride rust his brain.
Just as he had ruined her reputation, she ruined his, doing plenty to hurt him in the long run, and he didn't like how it stung, how despite being careful, he wasn't careful enough, she could have been the special tool he could use, but she had more personas than one.
How was he going to recover her?
Who told her he was behind the rumors, did she figure it out herself by following him around? Could she still have dirt on him she could use to threaten him with, when had she trailed him? He couldn't have mentioned anything about his final plan.
He couldn't afford another slip-up.
He had to get her on his side.
A fake love confession seemed to be his only chance if she's got more tricks up her sleeves, then he would have to dig deeper to find her darkest secrets. Her weakest points. He couldn't sit back and let anyone give him what he doesn't want.
The next time they had a project together, he'd get her to come, alone. She wasn't anybody special, and he won't let her top him.
The fun part was, nobody wanted to be partners with him, so by default, pulling some strings to get someone to exchange with him wasn't hard. Since, well, both of them were outcasts at this point.
"Hm... You are one hell of an enemy," she muttered to herself, pushing her face against her palm as she looked outside, "by now, you could have saved yourself, I'm sure people would believe you more than me, but oh well, they sure would be blind then." she giggled.
"I want to meet you after school." he bluntly uttered after ignoring her words, "What a joke, you want to confess to me or something?" she smugly stated, intently side-eyeing him.
"Even if you were sincere about it, you're an actor," she smirked, "you are supposed to fool everyone with your charm and looks, and most of the time, it works." she shrugged.
"Alright, if you insist." he wanted to shut her up anyway, so taking a quick look at their subject teacher, he pulled her face to his and dismissed the shocked face of his classmate when he kissed her. As soon as it began, it ended.
This way, it was sure to spark more gossip. Bring her to him even if she didn't want to.
And it worked, she and he were a thing in the eyes of the people. Even if, she hadn't accepted his confession, he wasn't going to give her a choice. Everything should be going his way.
He's going to make sure she falls in love.
"We should finish this project today." he stopped her by the entrance, grabbing her wrist and making it impossible for her to leave. "I'll come if you want."
"No need," she argued, softly attempting to pull away from him without causing a scene, "It would be better if you let go now. I don't want to report you for sexual harassment and make your career a burning pile of garbage."
"Would they believe you?" he spoke, "I'm the one with connections, not you. So let's make some concessions."
"I don't care, let go! Don't touch me!" she forced her hand out of her grasp and made haste to the exit, and if anyone had paid attention to them, he hopes it makes them think they are closer than anybody else in the whole world. Because the last thing he wanted is for his plans to fail.
She was making it harder for him.
At this rate, he was going to lose her.
With her help, he's sure they can easily overpower his wicked father, he needs this relationship to work. He will make it work.
He will fall in love and so will she.
#yandere imagines#yandere#yan yan#Yandere aqua hoshino#Yandere aqua#aqua x reader#aquamarine hoshino#oshi no ko x reader#oshi no ko#aqua hoshino#yandere oshi no ko#Yandere aqua x reader#yandere one shot#yandere oshi no ko x reader#hikaru kamiki#oshi no ko aqua
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