#my moots my beloved
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goldrose-star · 9 months ago
Chibi Keychain Charms
Thank you all for tagging me 💖 and sorry for being so late my beloved 🙈 @the-pinstriped-hood @mintgalaxia @bluecoolr
Picrew link
Tagging: Whoever wants to play this as well 💖
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bluecoolr · 2 years ago
Dylan 🤝🏻 The Patron
Simping so hard for a gal (Cheryl/Ophelia) you're willing to kill or hide a crime scene for her.
Honestly? Get you a man like them ✋🏼😩💕
Ladies, if your man doesn't help you hide the body, does he even love you? 🤨
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rindousfavoritewife · 2 years ago
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shonkgobonk · 2 years ago
Me to all of my moots, I love yall and I love that we get to watch funky little horror movies together and just joke around
Did you ever just feel so lucky for knowing someone you met online? Like.. I was one click away from not following you. I was one second away from never even knowing of your existence.  I would never have been this happy. 
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v1x3n · 10 months ago
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sunnydbeam · 1 month ago
Hey, random question for Biohazard from the past/Gamma
Describe the best and worst things about your job :)
CW language
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a simple man with simple needs
The chair joke will be a recurring thing in this AU ( Why do you need two robots to fight Biohazard when you can use chairs )
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sun-e-chips · 5 months ago
Do the boys fluster easy? Like if y/n ever grew a backbone and said literally anything-
Like the smallest thing or like, taped a flower to suns rays or moons headdress (does it have a specific name please tell me if it does) how would the boys react?
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I get a break because of the storm so I’m digging into my inbox! >:D
Great question! I would say yes to the boys flustering easy but they fluster differently if that makes sense.
Moon: Moon I would say flusters the easiest. Though he handles “flirts” from guests with ease, (giving a witty/charming one-liner to keep it professional and lighthearted) he knows it’s part of the job and nothing is serious, but if y/n did or said anything flirtatious to Moon he would freeze up XD
With guests this usually happens during luau’s between when he’s performing or working the bar. Moon realizes guests are just enjoying themselves and mean nothing inappropriate when they’re having fun with flirtatious banter, it’s part of his job to be engaging and pleasant so he doesn’t really mind. That’s why y/n showing any affectionate interest in him would come as such a shock, he never thought about someone being genuinely interested in him that way. Poor guy needs some time to adjust.
Sun: Now Sun is an oddball to me, I’m still trying to understand him and his emotions myself haha. Sun REALLY blurs the lines between platonic and romantic affection, he is in general a very loving guy. With guests personal space is a foreign concept to him, of course he is still very professional and can judge an appropriate situation/person, but he just has a talent for being able to connect with guests so their comfortable with his playful antics. With Y/N however his actions areeeeee a mixed bag I guess, (think of it like a magic fruit basket, Sun is giving you a variety of fruits in one package, if you choose to only take out oranges then it’s an orange basket, if you want to take out apples and oranges then it’s an apple and oranges basket, pick out whichever you like it’s all there but you don’t have to accept anything you don’t like, he’s letting you decide what you want your basket to be made up of) weird analogy I know but it’s what I thought of
Anywhoo for Sun to catch on that an act is flirtatious it has to be clear or at least catch him off guard! Little note here, Suns pupils disappear when he’s flustered from y/n. It’s a lil scary at first, in the illustrated instance this is the first time of this happening and it may be mistaken as Sun freezing but he was very much there and would have returned the gesture if not for the pool noodle -whack- lol
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goldrose-star · 1 year ago
@bluecoolr-main @solmints-messyocdiary for you both, and also for everyone else who isn't feeling their best (today) 💖🫂
🌹 a flower for everyone not feeling their best today
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brenninthetaylorverse · 1 year ago
my mutuals deserve all the love in world<3
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goldrose-star · 1 year ago
Heya moots! I just wanted to ask if some of you would be interested in a ~1.2k oneshot for Clayjay? If so, please comment or like so that I know and can tag you in it 😊
@bluecoolr @rottent33th @slaasherslut @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @solmints-messyocdiary @myers-meadow @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @shonkgobonk @sketchbook-of-shadows @devil-doll13 @visceravalentines @flower-crowned-lady @tahlalilian
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bluecoolr · 2 years ago
About Me
tagged by @the-pinstriped-hood my beloved
Nickname: Blue, Bluey, Bloo Blue ♡
Age: 22
Height: am smol 5'1"
Sign: Cancer ♋️🦀 snip snip put me in a rangoon
Last Google search: *shoulder grip meme* which I sent to Plant in the DMs
Last song stuck in my head: "I Do" by ABBA for a while now...
Sleep: I usually hit the hay at around 11 pm or later. Then I get up at say 7 in the morning for coffee/breakfast.
Dream job: If I had it my way I'd be a fulltime artist or a screenplay writer or even a librarian - far away from the career path I chose.
Wearing: These slutty purple cheerleader shorts and a white tanktop. Dress everyday like you're trying to impress Bo Sinclair ig
Favorite Songs: Milkman's Son - Ugly Kid Joe and Interstate Love Song - Stone Temple Pilots <- never gonna get tired of these songs
Favorite instrument: the guitar ♡
Aesthetic: Normcore. I am outwardly unremarkable.
Favorite author(s): Cornelia Funke, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell (?) <- The only authors I actively sought out. Nowadays, I hone in on a book's genre/theme than who wrote it. They also heavily influenced the way I write.
Favorite color: Blue :D
Favorite animal sounds: When cats make the polite "mmrrk/mrreeow" sounds when they wanna be pet
Last song: IDGAF - Dua Lipa
Last series: The Last of Us - HBO
Random: I'm left-handed
Tagging (but no pressure!): @probably-a-plant-thing @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @shonkgobonk @devil-doll13 @slaasherslut @tahlalilian @solmints-messyocdiary @ventiswampwater @raccoonspooky @visceravalentines @6lostgirl6
Only if you want ofc ♡
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goldrose-star · 2 years ago
Awww bluey baby my beloved!! 💖☺️
@rottent33th @slaasherslut @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @solmints-messyocdiary @myers-meadow @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @shonkgobonk @sketchbook-of-shadows @devil-doll13 @visceravalentines @flower-crowned-lady @tahlalilian
My moots my beloved 💖
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chiyune · 6 months ago
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whoa my hand slipped what happened
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cipher-the-sidhe · 2 days ago
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“As Above, So Below”
Have y’all read Weal and Woe by the very cool artists and writer @pure-plum ? You should. Wanna be a D&D style warlock with Eclipse and his theatric attendants as your patron spirits? This fic. Go go go.
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str0yberries · 2 months ago
Ooooh AidaIro….
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Oooooh you love me so much…
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goldrose-star · 2 years ago
That's so difficult 😩 but for male OC I guess I'd choose either Darrell (belongs to @bluecoolr), Clay (belongs to @rottent33th) or the Patron (belongs to @solmints-messyocdiary and/or for female Ellie (also belongs to @rottent33th) 👀
I know it's almost impossible to choose but if you had to choose one of your mutuals OCs to add to your main timeline who would you pick? Answer in the tags
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