#my money is on a solid attempt at 2 that morphs back into 1
vexing-imogen · 5 months
the way I see it, there are four possible paths for Liliana to take from here:
Return to Ludinus and the Weave Mind with her tail between her legs, accept whatever punishment is in store for helping Bell's Hells escape, become the Vessel, end the world, disappoint her daughter, etc etc (if the, uh...conversation? confrontation? with the Hells goes badly enough, I could see this happening, but I also feel like Matt is trying to honor that 31 Persuasion)
Return to Ludinus and the Weave Mind, but as a double agent, try to dismantle things from the inside. possible, but very risky to attempt around a telepathic hive mind that she is connected to. also runs the risk of her falling back into/staying in the mindset that the Vanguard's path is the only path
Return to Exandria and find somewhere secluded to hide away for the rest of her days. cowardly, but, as Imogen said, maybe it's her turn to run
Return to Exandria and face the music with the world leaders/war council. high risk of Keyleth doing a 9th level Blight on sight, however, between Imogen and Orym, they might be able to convince them to let her at least live long enough to disclose all of Ludi's plans (honestly, not optimistic about this one. Keyleth's rage is a fearsome thing. though, with a backdoor to the moon, they could certainly go about discussing how to unorbify Vax, and Liliana might know how to reverse the orbing, since she cast the spell in the first place)
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monomonomagines · 4 years
DR2 Boys as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 3
Wooh! I’m finally back writing and I had a ton of fun with this request if I’m entirely honest, especially since I had an idea on how to include Izuru as a fun bonus! I hope that you’ll all enjoy it as much as I did and expect for me to flesh out the lore with how Izuru and Hajime are tied together more in AO3 once we start uploding our more intricate Monster Au there! 
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Part 3 (Part 1 here) (Part 2 here)
Fuyuhiko (Dragon)
Just as another day starts, it just as suddenly ends in the same manner with a few customers streaming into the bakery just before the day came to an end.
In the same manner, as you had grown accustomed to, entered the usual straggler that bought up all of your sweets that didn't sell, standing tall despite his small frame.
Approaching the glass and peering in like a child at the zoo, he still kept that same tough look on his face as he spoke up, his boyish voice giving an order more than a request.
"Give me everything you haven't sold today."
His eyes the hue of new spring growth with a goldish tint, don't bother to meet yours other than for that fleeting moment when they flick up to meet your gaze.
If you weren't used to him already, you would've assumed that he's quite a rude or shady guy but despite the fact that he always came bundled up in trenchcoat and other accessories to hide the shape of his figure he never caused even a stir in the bakery.
He always took your remaining sweets off of your hands at the very end of the night only to show up the next day and repeat the process.
Nodding you simply begin to carefully package the treats and begin to calculate the total while those same eyes from before followed your every move.
It was a bit funny to see such a tough-sounding guy always buying all of your sweets but you knew better than to voice that as you proceeded to relay the price of his goodies to him in the usual manner.
Like usual he pulled out some money from the pocket of his trenchcoat and places in your hands with his own gloved ones before telling you to, "Keep the change," and disappearing.
Normally you would leave around this time, that was what was typical but with your usual latecomer leaving you with nothing for the Holidays coming up you had no choice but to stay late to work on some fresh treats for the coming weekend.
It was going to be a long night, you thought as you got down to work.
After hours of baking and mixing and pouring you were going to call for a break when a strange golden light seeped in from the back window in the kitchen, piquing your curiosity.
The light seemed to be coming from the nearby forest, not too far but far enough behind all the greenery and trees that you had to draw closer to make out what it was.
There stood your usual latecomer, the straggler in the trenchcoat now shedding his disguise as he revealed his body to be covered in beautiful golden scales with a pair of wings and a tail to match.
You hadn't meant to stare, you knew it was none of your business what species your customers were but before you could attempt to turn back it seemed that he had caught onto your whereabouts.
Growling out in a way that made his sharp teeth visible even in the dead of night, he turns to you, his small form morphing into a much larger one as he reveals his true form to you.
"Don't scream!" He says, picking you up in his mouth with his discarded clothes as he lifts off into the sky.
As much as you wanted to scream, you could feel the fight leave your body as you were lifted off the ground and high into the sky.
This couldn't be happening! Your usual was a dragon, a literal gold dragon! There was no mistaking that this wasn't a dream with his gentle hold on you as you two flew but you didn't know if you wanted it to be real.
By the time this inner turmoil began to swirl about like a raging riptide it was already far too late. As suddenly as you had been lifted off the ground you were soon gently placed on it again, feelings your legs shake as they relished the feeling of solid ground to stand upon.
Now it was time for your captor to return to his previous humanesque form throwing on the trenchcoat once again, this time leaving it open enough for you to see his body underneath still.
Once you took it all in, he had placed you before a traditional-style Japanese house, the type you had only seen on rare occasions with its size when he spoke up, those same golden-green eyes gazing upon you.
"All right, I'll get down to business, how much do you want to keep your mouth shut?"
Huh? That's what he wanted to talk about, he wasn't going to kill you? To your obvious confusion, all he could do was smirk. It wasn't a playful kind of smirk though, let alone even a snarky one. The kind of expression he gave off felt dangerous as though he was trying to convey that refusing to comply would make it useless for him to have brought you this far.
"I'm not bribing you to be nice, Human. I know you've realized what I am and who I am, anyone would know by the scales that I'm the head of the Kuzuryuu Clan after all and as easy as it could be to kill you, I don't want to lose my source for my horde. Either, you accept my money or you disappear. Those are the only options you get!"
Despite his overly malicious sounding tone, his eyes bore into yours and for a moment you felt as you saw more than a dragon and Yakuza head threatening you.
In his eyes you saw a piece of who he really was, he was like a child begging you to have another cookie. He was vulnerable because of the simple knowledge that he liked sweets and even if you technically had no choice other than to allow him that, you wanted to.
In that moment your answer was clear, you'd allow him, the head of the Kuzuryuu clan to bribe you for your silence so that he could continue to indulge himself with your sweets.
That was what began your new-found "comradery" with Fuyuhiko. Now he was not only your usual latecomer in a trenchcoat, now he was the Golden Dragon that bought all your sweets and ate a portion of his spoils in the safety of your bakery after hours.
At least he was for months on end that is. However, after eating and talking with you over his sweets in the bakery so many times he seemed to be not as fond of the setting as he asked you to come with him to the same house he had taken you to before.
He had respected your wishes not to fly, saying something along the lines of that It's "not like he gives a damn" as he waited for your arrival.
As impatiently as ever, he wouldn't waste a moment once you did, dragging you off to a room to show you an impressive horde of all kinds of gems and gold and other treasures.
"So, you think this is my horde right?"
He asks with bated breathe as his eyes scan yours searching for something as though he knew there was something for him to find, but at your affirmation those same eyes seemed to soften as he let out a deep sigh.
"Well, you're fucking wrong! None of this is my horde, it's just for appearances for the clan. My real horde, my treasures...I actually wanted to share them with you but you have to swear not to tell anyone about this! You have to or else I really will kill you!"
He grumbles out, seeming more embarrassed than actually hostile as he waits for you to agree once more before pulling you into a hidden side room.
Upon first glance, it didn't seem to be anything special but as soon as your eyes focused in on the giant stash of sweets you knew. These were all the sweets that you had been baking lately, most of his leftovers from the nights he visited.
But why did he want to give a piece to you of all people? You knew you had gotten close and you did have feelings for him after getting to see the more intimate parts of him that you got glimpses of but if this was some kind of custom it surely was lost on you.
All you could manage to do was to thank him as he handed you a fried doughnut with some kind of childlike anticipation.
"What the fuck do you mean thank-" he stops to pinch the bridge of his nose, as though to cut himself off purposely before continuing-"You really don't know what this means do you?"
Reluctantly biting into the doughnut you nod again, waiting for him to explain, a light dusting of red coating his cheeks as much as the powdered sugar on your doughnut.
"It means, I...I want to be mates, you idiot."
Hajime (Alien)
Although you were planning on having a quiet evening in away from excitement, it seemed that the world had decided to ruin your plans by bringing the excitement directly to your doorstep.
It was well into the night, at least midnight if you were to approximate when you heard a deafening sound come from your backyard.
It sounded like a huge collision, possibly a horrible car crash or some other type of terrible event, an event the likes of which you didn't wish to get up to witness.
However, even though you had decided to attempt to remain under your covers where the world seemed so deceivingly warm, you were wrenched from your peaceful thoughts as a firm but polite knock at your back door assaulted your eardrums.
Ok, so maybe you were exaggerating but with this being your day off you really wanted to stay inside without anything concerning you, and someone needing your help after a crash was not in your plans in the slightest.
This was the right thing to do though, you told yourself as you approached the door and noticed the brunette on the other side with a worried expression etched across his features.
"Hello, I'm sorry for bothering you so late. I was hoping if I could stay the night here, I'm afraid I have no way to get home and I'm not really feeling too well after crash landing."
Maybe it was the sleep deprivation from staying up most of the night the day prior to your relaxation day or maybe it was that the words "crash landing" didn't register in that moment but before you could internally scream at yourself you were already allowing him into your home witnessing his odd appearance.
Well, he wasn't all that strange. He seemed to look just like an average guy other than the weird clothes and fuzzy antennae on the top of his head bouncing with every step he took.
"Thank you so much for allowing me to stay here. I was beginning to feel a bit sick after having to destroy what was last of my ship with the emergency protocol. It's probably just from the motions of crashing and all so if you don't mind I'll just need to lay down for a moment."
Despite his polite tone, he did seem a bit off-centered as he wobbled his way to your couch, laying down like it was some newfound sanctuary that he couldn't wait to reach.
Even if you wanted to say that this was normal, you knew at this point that something was up. Why was he dressed so weird, what was he going on about, and really what's with the antennae? Despite the number of questions beginning to multiply within your mind all you could manage to do in your tired stupor was to wobble over to him yourself, outstretching your hands to feel the fuzzy dancing receptors atop his spiky hair.
"W-what are you!?" seeming to contort his own face in confusion or even skepticism akin to your own he remarks, "So that's how you're feeling. You're apprehensive of me, right?"
Perhaps this would be the moment to respond or to even acknowledge the fact that he seems to have the power to understand what you feel once you're within a certain proximity of him. Perhaps you should have some deep revelation in this moment but with your lovely evening ruined by this interloper you decided instead to ignore any revelation, giving the fuzzy sensory appendages a hard tug to see if they'd come off.
"Ouch! S-stop that hurts!" He yells out into your head, his teeth gritted.
Huh? Did he just speak to you telepathically? Immediately understanding your mistake you unhand him, the realization that there's a real live alien laying on your couch finally sinking in.
"I didn't realize that you didn't understand the situation. Are you sure you don't need to lay down now? You seem more shaken up than I am." He replies sitting up to make eye contact with you.
As much as you wanted to agree, you now had even more questions overwhelming your very senses. You needed to know why and how he was here, immediately. Why did he show up tonight of all nights and here when it's supposed to be your day off!?
"I hadn't realized that I'd cause such a disturbance, although I guess I can't say I didn't consider it. I really don't have anywhere to go though so please allow me to stay here, even if it's just for a few! I'll learn to do whatever I have to earn my keep!"
He gives you a determined look as you gaze back shocked by the sudden proposal. He couldn't work but it's not like you wanted to turn him away. Guess this means that you got yourself an alien housewife or so the joke goes.
Allowing yourself a moment to breathe you accept his proposal, on the condition that he takes care of the house, dinner, and anything else around the place that was necessary to bettering it.
You knew it was probably a small feat for an alien compared to a human and with his quick approval you knew that you two would have a new exciting relationship blooming, even if it was just a symbiotic one.
Months have passed now since that day and despite your and Hajime's growing relationship, one thing never seemed to change.
Hajime rarely seemed to show much emotion unless he could get a reading off of you.
It was something that had started endearing but with him asking for your assistance in acting more human you had begun to wonder how to make it so that he would act more emotional without basing his feelings at the moment on others.
That's when an idea struck you! You would take him to a "Haunted House" you knew of. It wasn't exactly haunted as far as you knew but it's not like he'd know that and with a good scare you'd be sure to see his expression change even if just a bit.
What you anticipated didn't happen though as Hajime seemed spaced out the entire time you were there. Try as you might, it seemed that nothing changed that blank expression of his as you weaved intricate scary stories, claimed to see things not there, and even asked him if he "heard that sound" repeatedly.
Just what was he so focused on anyway!? You cursed to yourself when a warmth on your hand snapped you out of those thoughts.
"S/o?" he asks, his hands on your own as his forest colored orbs peer back at you, "Is this like what the human couples do? At home, I've witnessed enough TV to presume that you did this in order to court me in accordance with your established feelings for me. Am I right about that?"
Oh, right he can read your emotions and all. How didn't you think of him knowing all this time?
Taking your silence as an affirmation, he gently smiles at you catching you off guard with this rare expression and the words that had joined it. "I...I know it may be a bit sudden, but I do feel the same. I know I'm simply supposed to be earning my keep but would you allow me to be your boyfriend as you put it?"
Izuru (???)
After your strange rendezvous with Hajime in the "Haunted House," you took him to, you imagined that all would be normal or at least the state of normalcy you were used to with your new alien boyfriend.
However, something seemed off since you two had returned. Hajime had begun to space out often, seeming to move around without any recollection of what had just happened.
It was of course worrying but it wasn't like you could do take him to a doctor when he was an alien. You were left with little to no options other than to wait for it to pass if it would and to try to support him no matter what.
As this process continued with Hajime's face going blank and his body moving without his knowledge you only grew more fearful.
Now even when you tried to sleep beside him you'd end up tossing and turning or waking up every few hours out of fear that you'd lose him.
One night in particular though, he wasn't in bed with you when you had woken up. Perhaps it had been because of the raging storm that your ears picked up as soon as you had awoken or that he had to use the bathroom but at the same time you just knew that couldn't be it.
Something had to be amiss with how he's been acting, you couldn't think of anything else even if you had nothing to back up your thoughts.
Feeling the adrenaline shoot through your body you tore your way downstairs to see his silhouette in the kitchen looking out of the window at the pouring rain, only snapping around to look at you when you called out his name.
"So, you've awoken." He remarks, sounding more deadpan than ever before as his eyes gaze upon you, those same forest green orbs seeming cold and analytical as though there wasn't an ounce of life left behind them.
This wasn't Hajime, this was something else, you thought as whatever was before you tilted its head.
"You are right," you heard within your own head. "I'm able to access his powers though meaning that we can speak like this."
Taking in his form, illuminated by a flash of lightening you noticed how he floated a mere inch or two off the ground as he continued to stare through you with that expressionless face.
"I can tell you're scared of me but I don't mean any harm. Do you remember that "Haunted" house you took Hajime to?"
How did he know about that? As much as your thoughts swam about in your head, he seemed to be calm as ever simply floating closer to you.
"I'm surprised you're not getting this already," he sighs still inside your mind causing you to shiver from the strange sensation as he continues, "I'm a ghost, I died out long ago but I stopped being human long before that. I was the product of an experiment, an alien experiment so I thought that possessing the very same thing that stole my humanity would be interesting."
Drawing closer, his gaze bores into you, feeling an icy breath as his lips rest just an inch or so away from yours unmoving as he finishes his previous speech.
"But, like with everything else in this world I'm still so bored."
As soon as it seemed like he would possibly kiss you the body of your boyfriend fell into you still deep asleep as though he had never stirred in the first place.
You were lucky you could catch him but you knew you'd need to tell him about what happened.
As you dragged the two of you back to bed, trying to muffle the memory of that horrifying event and the onslaught of rain you felt a single name roll off your lips before you fell into a deep slumber.
"Izuru Kamakura."
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chibimyumi · 5 years
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Art Report – ‘Elisabeth 2019’ TOHO ACT 2
【Click here for Act 1 】
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Act 2 commenced, and the audience was greeted by the radiant presence of Yamazaki’s Lucheni. He was dressed as a merchant who sold souvenirs of the Imperial Family in light of the Hungarian coronation. Lucheni held a tray with merchandise, including mugs and plates with Elisabeth’s print on it. The luckiest people sitting at the very front were lucky enough to receive these gifts from Lucheni personally.
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Lucheni warned the people that even though Elisabeth’s beauty was enough to literally enchant a nation into submission, one should not be fooled by her looks. Behind her beauty, a true egoist resided.
The Coronation
Lucheni lead us back into the 19th century, and finally the curtains rose. Franz I and Elisabeth were crowned King and Queen of Hungary, and the Hungarian people cheered. The King and Queen were lead on a chariot that gradually turned towards the audience. It weren’t normal horses that pulled the chariot, but Death Angels disguised as horses. The Death dancers’ dance was phenomenal. These Death Angels have always been one of my favourite parts about the Japanese version of ‘Elisabeth’. Sometimes they are minions of Der Tod, sometimes they are the noble guards. Furutod’s Death Angels did not seem sentient to me. The way they moved was so perfectly in sync with everything Furutod did, they felt more like the extension of his limbs, much like Sebas’ black miasma.
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The one who held the reigns of the chariot was of course none other than Der Tod himself. Like he foretold Elisabeth in Act 1, her presence would lead Franz’ Empire into ruins. Who would be more suitable to steer the Royal chariot onto the path towards the Underworld than Der Tod himself?
Lord of the Leeeegs
Furutod sat very majestically at the front, and his leeegs just went on forever. According to Death Angel Okazaki Hiroki, once when he was dancing underneath the the chariot and he jumped up just a bit higher than otherwise. But his boss’ legs were too long, so the poor man bumped his head into Furutod’s solid heel. I heard that after that performance, Furukawa changed his pose, and sat with his legs to the side. ( ´艸`)
“When I wish to Dance”
After the coronation, Elisabeth was full of confidence and declared her victory to Der Tod.
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♪♬ E: I won, did I not? T: Victory is mine E: Mine. I made people acknowledge me T: The world shall move according to my whims, as I dictate E: It is for nobody’s sake but my own T: You did so for my sake. But you did indeed outwit your enemy and for now you triumph E: I was once made to dance like a marionette, but now I have paved my own path. Even on my own I shall dance, and only when I wish to, to the music of my choice. When I dance, even at the moment my life ends, I shall dance, before you and beyond your reach. ♪♬
Here, Elisabeth provoked Der Tod, at one point even extending her hand as she walked down the stairs. Der Tod got down on one knee and extended his hand, but Elisabeth retracted her own, and gave him a vindictive smile instead.
This was a very impressive scene, as well as the perfect execution of what Furukawa said in this interview: "As Death, I wish to provoke Elisabeth and give her the energy to live on in their game. I hope I will manage to communicate [on stage] how Death is an entity who gives Elisabeth life energy, except that the controls are ultimately in his hands.”
Indeed, just like Elisabeth’s line “it is for nobody’s sake but my own” and Der Tod’s reply: “you did so for my sake”, we see how these two characters stimulate each other to constantly play up their own games in outwitting the other. Perhaps Elisabeth might have given up before, but if she had, then she would have given Der Tod the satisfaction of having an easy victory. Perhaps she did not really want to live on for her own sake, perhaps she just wanted to prove to Der Tod she was better. If that were true, then Der Tod’s reply would indeed have rang very true.
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Elisabeth was confident enough to not fall for Der Tod’s seductions anymore after his previous unsuccessful attempt in Act 1. She boldly swung the tail of her dress and pranced off stage.
Furutod had to reconsider his options now that seducing Sissi was out of the window. Luckily for Der Tod, the new option presented itself on a silver platter.
“Mama, Where are You?”
Enter child Rudolf who had been whipped and beaten into isolation from his mother.
♪♬ “Mama, where are you? Can you hear my voice? I am so cold, please hold me But everyone says that I am nothing but your burden And that I can’t be with you” ♪♬ - Child Rudolf
Rudolf had been pushed towards despair and insanity. His only company was a loaded pistol, and he even sung: “in order to test my courage, yesterday too I killed a cat.”
Der Tod knew that Rudolf would be his ultimate ace card to obtain his current favourite toy, and manifested before the child. Rudolf was startled, and asks: “who is this?” Furutod gave him a gentle smile and took the pistol from his hands, and replied in a soothing voice: “I am your friend.”
Furutod - The Shapeshifter
Furutod’s performance in the scene with child Rudolf was phenomenal to say the least. Though Der Tod had mostly been masculine-coded, once he manifested before Rudolf, he morphed into a willowy and feminine figure.
‘Death’ is understood differently by everyone. In the musical ‘Elisabeth’, Der Tod mostly shows himself in relation to suicidal persons. Suicidal tendency - when roughly translated -  is ‘yearning’ for death. We know explicitly that Rudolf yearned most for his mother, and thus we may understand that Furutod morphing into a motherly figure was him taking shape as the thing that Rudolf yearns for.
Through contrast, we also suddenly understand what Elisabeth had been yearning for. The way Furutod carried himself in front of Elisabeth was masculine and confident. Here we realise what Elisabeth longed for: namely a man who would respect her autonomy. She was very much in love with her husband at the beginning, but Franz’ spinelessness and lack of respect for her autonomy was quite a deal breaker.
On the other hand, ‘death’ is also ‘fear’ to most people. Elisabeth’s fear was to have her autonomy taken away. We did indeed also see how every time Furutod failed, it was because he crossed Elisabeth’s boundaries and scared her.
Please compare the following drawings of Furutod’s body language of when he is with Rudolf (at his most feminine) vs when he is at his most masculine (Dr. Seeburger** Will discuss later.)
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Hyper Detailed Acting
Furukawa is famous for his hyper detailed acting, and he obviously paid the same attention for detail to playing Der Tod.
Rudolf rejoiced as he finally found someone, anyone at all, he could talk to, and continued his song at the bottom of the stage, while Furutod remained on the platform. Furutod’s eyes never left the child during the song. He was constantly fidgeting with the pistol, and it was very clear that he was carefully weighing all his options in getting Elisabeth.
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Then, a glint appeared in Furutod’s eyes. As dictated by the script, Der Tod would point the pistol at Rudolf. All Der Tods I know of had pointed the mouth of the pistol at the child. Furutod however, aimed with the grip of the pistol instead.
Herewith, Furukawa brilliantly foreshadowed that Der Tod was not going to kill Rudolf, but instead make Rudolf commit suicide by shooting himself in the head.
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The Madhouse
The madhouse was a very powerful scene. Elisabeth was a VERY clever woman who studied her history. She knew of her royal consort senpais that the being a woman in public eyes was a very hard job. She knew that queens like Marie Antoinette were hated for spending too much money, while other queens were criticised for not living up to the royal reputation by being too economical.
Elisabeth managed to find a perfect middle ground; she would spend a lot of money like a proper royalty, but she would spend it on education, hospitals, madhouses, and other such beneficial places. “Whaddya gonna say then, huh?”
Elisabeth would likewise pay personal visits to madhouses, showing her care. In the madhouse, she encountered a woman who thought she was the Empress herself; Windisch. Windisch glorified the Empress’ life, but to Elisabeth it was but a very sour parody of her miserable existence.
♪♬ “ If only I were really you The only thing about you that is chained is your body But your soul is free. That’s right, you’re free I have been fighting every war, but what did I win? All I won is solitude I can no longer stand this I feel like I am going mad I could walk on, but where am I headed to, I cannot see I cannot see anything” ♪♬
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Madam Wolf and Madeleine
Despite Sissi’s inner torment, on the outside she was more successful than ever, and Sophiezilla hated how her son had become Sissi’s puppet instead of hers.
She blamed Sissi for having enchanted her son with her beauty, and was desperate to do something about it. She and her ministers had an idea. “An eye for an eye, a woman for a woman”. ♪♬
Sophie and her ministers arrange for a secret clandestine meeting between Franz and the most beautiful women of Austria. They invite Madam wolf to bring her girls. The most beautiful sex worker Madeleine - “the most ardent at her work, and carries an ‘occupational disease’“♪♬  - would be the one to enchant Franz instead
Franz was powerless against Madeleine’s charms and eagerness.
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Dr. Seeburger
Sissi realised that the power she held was due to her beauty, and that the moment her beauty faded, so would her power. She maintained a spartan exercise- and diet-routine to maintain her small waist to the point of becoming anemic, and fainted.
Enter Dr. Seeburger. It was Der Tod of course (who probably punched the real doctor K.O., stole his clothes and shoved him into the broom closet).
Here Furutod was exceptionally manly; his voice was low and growly, and his movements big and difficult, as though he were an old man. Furutod here was so manly that in comparison, even his earlier masculine-coded behaviour seemed entirely gender neutral. I really, really love how Furutod was gender-fluid in performance. Why would ‘death’ have a gender anyway?
Dr. Seeburger sat down on the bench where Sissi was lying, manspreading his leeeeegs as he undid her corset and ribbon. (It was very creepy, but also sexy... not gonna lie...)
♪♬ T: Let me feel your pulse E: I am fine T: You have a light fever E: It’s normal T: How pale the colour of your face. The symptoms of that disease have started to show ♪♬ - Dr. Seeburger
“It is the French disease”
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Sissi sprang up at Dr. Seeburger’s diagnosis, and claims it is impossible because she knew her husband to be many things, but not unfaithful.
♪♬ T: He too is but a mortal man E: He would never betray me T: And yet it is true E: If that is true , then I shall leave this palace! ♪♬  - Elisabeth
“No, I shall take my own life,” Sissi said, and Der Tod smirked and undid his disguise. Furutod didn’t waste another second to shed his ‘old skin’ and jumped onto the bench with swiftness previously unseen. “I have been waiting for this!”
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♪♬ T: “Now is the time to welcome you to the the netherworld! Come with me, the one who truly loves you!“ E: No, wait! From now on I will shut my heart from him If he committed any sin, it means that I'll be free! T: Stop pretending, you bear no love for him The one you truly love is no one other than me! E: You're wrong! I will not dance with you yet” ♪♬
Again with renewed determination to live, Sissi successfully kept death at a distance.
Rudolf meanwhile had reached adulthood, but was never able to free himself from the Imperial family’s chains.
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Miura Ryosuke’s (Joker) Rudolf was especially broken. Most other Rudolfs I have seen so far still had some battle spirit in them and truly believed they might succeed. Miuradolf however seemed to be convinced that everything would be in vain anyway, and was merely compelled to fight by external circumstances.
Rudolf strongly disagreed with his father’s way of ruling and was convinced that only joining the opposition and establishing a new Danube State would save the Habsburg rule. Franz warned his son that if he dared to become an ‘extremist’, he would take away his right of succession.
Rudolf was desperate, because on the one hand, the extremists (later the Nazis) did indeed have ideas that benefited the economy of Austria, but on the other hand, their extremist ideas were very hard to ignore. Rudolf sank to the floor.
Then, Furutod appeared again, literally helping Rudolf back onto his feet. When he asked Rudolf whether he still remembered him, he showed the pistol he took from him in his childhood before safely tucking it away again, as though saying: “I protected you back then, and now too I’ll protect you from harm.”
♪♬ T: The time of this long slumber has ended Do you still remember? That promise we made when you were just a child that when you need me I'll appear before you R: I would never forget a friend, it's just that I am... so consumed by fear that I am about to break T: I am now beside you! ♪♬
Rudolf was scared shitless and could only back away, but Furutod knelt down and caressed Rudolf when he was about to give up on the rebellion against his father.
♪♬ “Misfortune is drawing near, are you truly fine with looking on? Oh, my future Emperor.” ♪♬
Rudolf liked being addressed as Emperor alright, and quickly he scraped whatever energy he had left to stand up.
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The Hungarian Rebellion
Under Rudolf (manipulated by Der Tod) the Hungarian revolution went smoothly. When the revolutionaries finally seemed to be reaching their goal, the Death Angels revealed the Imperial guards arrival at the scene. The Revolutionaries try to flee, but the Death Angels guided them towards the guards one by one. When Rudolf found a window for escape, Furutod spun him at his heel and showed him Elemer who was wounded, causing him to miss his only chance for escape.
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Rudolf too was arrested and brought back to his father. His father was utterly disappointed and seemed determined to strip him of his succession right.
“Mama, You and I are like Mirror Reflections”
Rudolf was in despair, but fortunately his mother had just returned home since forever. Rudolf begged his mother to help him change the Emperor’s mind, but Sissi feared for her own skin, and rejected her son.
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Most Rudolfs in this scene fell to their knees to beg Sissi ( like Kimura Tatsunari did ⇈ ), singing the song in a genuine plea. Miuradolf however was already beyond hope. He did not kneel, instead he remained standing and his own song seemed to lack any effort. It was like he knew his mother would reject him anyway, so why bother trying?
When Sissi rejected Miuradolf, he merely sighed and looked up. “Mama too abandons me...” in a tone of utter defeat.
Mayerling Incident
Now that Rudolf stopped seeing the point of living, Furutod appeared again.
“You wish to die?”
All Der Tods I have seen so far said the line “you wish to die?” either indifferently, or excitedly. Furutod however, spoke it in the SADDEST and most DISAPPOINTED tone ever! As though he could not believe the ‘ultimate key’ he selected was so spineless. As though he was disappointed that the son of the human he loved for her determination would give up so easily.
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Furutod took a deep breath, and suddenly all enthusiasm in his eyes disappeared. The Death Angels appeared and ripped Rudolf’s jacket off. Furutod took out the pistol again, and the Mayerling dance started.
Furutod was mocking Rudolf, abusing his privilege of leeegs and aaaarms to keep the pistol outside Rudolf’s reach. He did so while wearing the most disappointed expression that had ever disgraced Furukawa’s face. It was as though Furutod was hoping that Rudolf would show a tenth of the vigour his mother did, and would try a bit harder to get that damn pistol.
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But alas, all Rudolf did was basically begging Der Tod to stop the teasing. Miura’s performance was splendid, I’ve never seen any Rudolf as defeated before on stage. Furutod who suffered from ‘lethal apathy’ however, HATED it.
Der Tod stopped seeing the fun and just handed Miuradolf the pistol. Furutod was beyond cruel; he seemed to have concluded that if Miuradolf wanted to think himself as such a sad puppy, he’d let him. With pity in his eyes he caressed Rudolf’s cheek. When Miuradolf seemed somewhat uplifted to at least have affection from ‘his friend’, Furutod dropped his compassionate act, and made it a bit too clear to Rudolf that he was but ‘a boring nuisance’.
Miuradolf kissed Der Tod, but the latter did not even bother kissing him back.
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Other Rudolfs - Kyoumoto and Kimura
I did not see the two other Rudolfs, but I heard that Kyoumoto’s Rudolf managed to anger Furutod so much, he bitchslapped him before kissing him at one point, and did not even bother looking at Rudolf as he blasted his own brains out.
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Kimura’s Rudolf was apparently the only one who offered sufficiently much challenge/entertainment, and he was the one Furutod hated least.
Entertaining or not, Furutod still took Kimuradolf’s life as he really was nothing but a means to an end. I heard that as such, Kimuradolf was all the more hurt when his ‘friend’ appeared to have heartlessly used and betrayed him.
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Kimuradolf was allegedly the only Rudolf Furutod bothered ‘seeing off’.
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Rudolf’s Funeral
Sissi knew that if she had not rejected her son to save her own skin, then he might have been alive. She begged Furutod to take her life, and he seemed very content that he was about to win.
♪♬ “You took my son from me... Do not let me wait for any longer... do not let me suffer... I'll give it to you... take my life...! End my misery!” ♪♬ - Elisabeth
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Furutod leaned in to kiss Sissi, but he saw that she merely longed for death only to escape life.
♪♬ “You do not really desire me!” ♪♬ - Der Tod
He was SO angry his face contorted and his hands were shaking! “How DARE you fool MOI!? I am the one to toy with people, NOT the other way around!”
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After being a rejected by Sissi, Furutod had been behaving like a total baby. He had started a death orchestra where he plotted the death of one Habsburger after another. Franz found himself in this nightmare, where the Maestro - Furutod - stood on the platform, conducting the deaths of his family.
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♪♬ F: Where is my Empress? T: Elisabeth belongs to me F: She is MY wife! Know some shame! T: But the one she desires is me F: I gave her everything I have T: And yet only I can give her the one thing she wants, freedom! F: I need to save my wife! T: But only I can truly save her F: If she had wanted you, she would already have been yours! ♪♬
Furutod was like: “enough. I’ll show you. I can take anything I want, I am mofo DEATH”. Here Furukawa raised his hand and ‘wiped’ his beautiful mask off his face, and revealed the monster underneath. (I fear that my art can’t really express how terrifying and GOOOOOD the symbolism was...)
♪♬ “Lucheni! Quick, come and take it!” ♪♬
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Normally it is a bit hard for me to see how Elisabeth would go from rejection, denial and plain defeatism to ‘yes, I’m okay with dying!’. But now because Furutod had decided that the game is over, Elisabeth’s death was just everything abiding the law of nature.
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Elisabeth’s Assassination
Furutod had sent Lucheni to assassinate Sissi. Lucheni merely walked up to her, stabbed the dagger he had received from the boss into Sissi’s torso. The historical Sissi’s corset was so tight that she did not even notice she had been stabbed, and walked on as though nothing happened.
In the musical, her assassination also happened quite matter-of-factly, except that this time, it is because Der Tod had decided he was not interested in the game anymore; so there was nothing anybody could do to stop him.
Sissi entered the Underworld again where Der Tod welcomed her.
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♪♬ T: The time has come to welcome you to the nether world... E: Please take me with you, to the far away world of the dark to the place where my free soul can be at peace Both: If it is farewell to this sinking world anyway then embark on an eternal journey where time never ends E: I have cried, laughed, been disheartened and I have prayed There had been days where I tasted defeat in my senseless battle Regardless, I have entrusted my life to myself alone T:Regardless, you entrusted your life to me alone ♪♬
Furutod was the perfect prince charming again. Like he did before, he only guided Elisabeth with his finger tips, and gently caressed her hands. He let Elisabeth take the initiative of embracing and kissing him, and he kissed back very romantically.
When Elisabeth died and her body fell limp however, Furutod dropped his prince charming act. He transformed from lover to conqueror.
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Furutod took Sissi’s body and rammed her into the grave, pinning her there like a bio-specimen🦋. Oh boy, was he happy.
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The moment he had her however, he seemed to have lost interest again. The game was fun for as long as it lasted, but what next?
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Never mind, he won, that’s what counted. Furutod turned to the audience, and struck a pose telling us that he is mofo ‘DEATH’. "If you’re interesting enough you might be able to avoid me, for a bit.  But don’t you think you can escape me.”
Then he retracted three fingers of the hand he had raised, and pointed at the audience. I personally could not see it as anything else but: “You’re next.”
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“Later, maybe. No? Never.”
Like I said before in the report of Act 1, Furutod is easily the cruelest and the most skin crawling Der Tod I have ever seen.
He is like a little kid who’s spoiled beyond reason. But indeed, he is ‘death’. ‘Death’ is the biggest force of nature nobody can avoid, so it makes sense that Furutod never learned how to deal with rejection.
Concretely, Furutod’s mindset is: “Later, maybe. No? Never”.
The sketch below summarises the entire existence of Furutod and the musical ‘Elisabeth 2019���.
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(Doll Marie-Antoinette and Mozart on the ground, as he throws old favourite doll Sissi away.)
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yourarmynoona · 7 years
The Warrior & The Warlock || Chapter 2
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Description:  [Fantasy!AU] You have lost your home, your family, your tribe, and are wanted by a rival tribe for the murder of their general. On the run and seeking vengeance for the destruction of your people in the form of a Sacred Rune, you make an unlikely ally in the form of a wandering Warlock with his own secrets to hide. Your fates intertwine as you journey across to mysterious lands in search of the rune but when destiny has other plans, your journey becomes much bigger than you could have imagined.
Rating: M
Reader x Namjoon
Themes: Fantasy, Smut (eventual), Adventure, Murder, Mystery
Notes: If you haven’t already figured it out, this Fantasy!AU is a D&D!AU following a campaign I’m actually currently on. Yeah, yeah my nerd is showing but I’m hoping to update regularly as we go through our own journey! 
Notes 2: This chapter goes out to @kpopluvwriter because well, she deserves to have a good week and it’s the best I can do! (And she does amazing reactions fyi)
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
The last 24 hours had been a hell of a lucid nightmare for you. You were drugged, nearly abducted and sold into slavery, and now you were bruised and imprisoned for the unintentional destruction of a bar after a handsy bar patron thought it was a bright idea to touch you. Your head was aching, your face was bruise, your ankles were growing irritated with the dirty iron shackles you were currently walking in, and you were hungry and hungover. A winning combination you remarked to yourself sarcastically. Namjoon and yourself had been fetched from the cell you shared and walked to a large room with a single dark wooded table before a hearth and several bookshelves lined with an assortment of tomes, scrolls, and books. Your eyes scanned the room and Namjoon seemed to mumble something about the vast number tomes he has yet to see in the room. You were standing before the large table, your hands bound behind your back and the sound of your chains dragging across the floor as you settled into a comfortable stance while the jail guard stood behind the both of you.
“What do you think they want with us?” you whispered, leaning over to Namjoon at your left who was wearing a serious look. He leaned over slightly stating “No idea” before returning to his standing position.
“Ah, dey look positively fit for de job!” a voice behind the both of you announced. Namjoon and you turned your heads to a man in a brightly patterned caftan and covered in golden chain necklaces, rings, and bracelets. You raised an eyebrow. He was tall and somewhat plump, his round cheeks high into a searingly white smile that was a stark contrast to his dark skin and hair. You could tell he was a Turami like many other of the natives of Port Nyanzaru.
“Please, let dem out of deir cuffs. Dat is no way to treat guests!” he commanded the guard behind you, his hands expressively waving in the air as if batting something invisible away. With a clang, the iron cuffs were removed from your wrists and ankles, and you rotated a sore foot bare on the stone flooring of the room while Namjoon shook his hands out and squatted down to rub his own sore ankles. You scoffed and glared in the direction of the guard who was gathering the chains into his arms. If only you had your axe you would have massacred him by now.
“I am Wakonga, de purveyor of dis place and masta merchant for all of de port. I am sure you are aware by now dat you have done much damage to one of my many establishments. Not only did you destroy property, you started a war in dat tavern and it took a dozen of my men to get it under control.”
You were staring at him as he paced back and forth across the floor in front of you, his hands and face expressively detailing the incident to which you had barely any recollection. “De damage was so great, I had to shut down de place for repairs. Do you know how much dat costs me?” he did a quarter turn to Namjoon and yourself, waving his finger aggressively. You were about to speak when Namjoon cleared his throat, telling you to remain silent. Wakonga again spoke, his voice rising “It costs me more dan you would make in a yeah! So as you can see, de events of last night have affected my bottom line and as a man of business, I cannot just let that slide.” Wakonga walked slowly over to you, his footsteps echoing in the room against the adobe and mud dap walls. He looked straight at you, one of his hands to your face, the cold of his gold rings hard under your chin. You stared into his eyes as he evaluated you, your expression unperturbed.
“I have use for you, barbarian. And you, half-elf.” You could see Namjoon cringe out of the corner of your eye as he let your chin go during that statement and walked over to him. Wakonga stood before Namjoon assessing his clothing and his features before Namjoon spoke.
“I deeply apologize for our actions in your tavern,” he bowed deeply as he continued to speak, “It was not our intent to cause chaos or harm to anyone, much less damage your establishment. In what way can we repay you?”
Wakonga scoffed.
“You cannot repay me in coin, but I have use for your talents. You see, I have a friend from fa away that is sick…very sick. She has asked me to lend my services to her aid but my men are ill-equipped for such a venture. Dere is a plague, a death plague, where anyone who is touched by it will meet a true death. After dey are raised, deir body will slowly rot, waste, and dey will die. You cannot resurrect dem anymore. My friend, she is near de end and she wants to put and end to dis cursed wasting plague. With her magic she has sent two heroes from Baldur’s Gate on de Sword Coast. If you accompany dem an tour dem around de city, I will forgive your debt.”
Namjoon and you looked at one another. He must have been thinking the same thing as you; there was a catch.
“Say we did do this and act as their guides, would you really forgive the debt we have caused?” Namjoon spoke, an eyebrow arched in suspicion. Wakonga placed his hands up in mock surrender and stated with a playful smile “Yes, all will be forgiven and you may go on your way.”
You grimaced. Your brow furrowed before you inquired further “And if we do not comply?”
Wakonga frowned and shrugged nonchalantly before stating matter-of-factly “You will stay in here and rot or be sentenced to hard labor.”
Your frown deepened and you let your shoulders slump with a defeated sigh. It looked like you were going to have to comply with what he was saying. So much for getting the rune you needed and getting out of there.
“We’ll do it.” Namjoon spoke up before you had a chance to answer, his posture firm and his expression serious. Wakonga clapped his hands together excitedly, his chains and bracelets rattling. “Wonderful!” he exclaimed, his cheeks bunching up to his eyes, “I will see to it dat your contract is drafted by dis afternoon. Until den, gather your tings and meet back here at high noon. We will discuss de matter further.”
Wakonga walked around you and Namjoon and as he entered the doorway he stopped suddenly and turned around.
“Oh and barbarian, don’t break anymore of my tings.”
 The jail guards had gathered up your materials left in the jail cell as well as handed back your shoes, coin purse, and axe.  You made sure to check that they had not robbed you of coin and you let out a relieved sigh as all of your money was still accounted for. Namjoon sat beside you on a wooden bench in what would appear to be a moderately sized lobby area with two desks, a receptionist, and guardsman walking about on duty.
“So I guess we’re stuck together for a while.” He stated playfully as he slipped on his jacket and secured the buttons on his shirt sleeve beneath.
“I suppose so,” you said wistfully as you glided a hand across the face of your axe, inspecting it for undue damage from the previous night.
You both agreed to go about your business and meet back in an hour, gathering what material possessions would be needed for the day and so that Namjoon could gather some research from the library on exactly what you were facing off against. As you walked through the streets back to the inn to which you were staying, your mind began to wander. Though you had just met him, you knew you could trust him. He had saved you from being sold into slavery or worse and had upheld a warriors honor. In your culture, such an act of selflessness is to be repaid with servitude. As you imagined in what way you could best serve Namjoon to repay the debt for him saving your life not once, but what could be considered twice, you blushed.
You had begun to imagine his handsome face and warm smile which had somehow morphed into you imagining how his plush lips would feel on yours and if he would accept your body as payment for a life saved. This idea shook you to your core, forcing you to suddenly stop in the streets of the Red Bazaar as you quelled your racing heart and heated face. “What the heck am I thinking?! Of course someone like him wouldn’t do that!” you fought an inner monologue after your sudden stop, continuing to walk straight down the avenue filled with merchants and tourists.
It was not unusual that barbarians would offer a life of servitude to a master if they had been saved by someone of higher blood but it was also not unusual that barbarian women tended to offer themselves in payment for a debt to another warrior. You started to imagine how his caring hands would feel on the exposed part of your thigh, how he would look at you as you removed your breastplate and left yourself bare for him to see. Your mind was out of control and you hastened your pace, picking up speed through the bazaar and attempting to avoid people caught in the crosspath. Faster and faster you walked until your walk became a sprint through the crowd, dodging carts and shoppers. You thought you were in the clear until, BAM! You collided with a solid piece of metal, knocking you, and the metal to the ground with a giant timbre.
“PELANA!!” you yelled in your native tongue, your butt sore from hitting the ground and your bruised cheek throbbing from the impact. You glanced upwards to see what you had collided with and it was a young man with doe-like eyes and an elegant silver suit of armor graced with spirals of gold. His helmet was in hand and he seemed amused as to what had just happened. Just as you began to apologize he smiled and laughed heartily before reaching down to help you up.
“Are you okay? You ran into me pretty hard” he said, his eyes scrunching into crescent shapes. He was very handsome indeed with a moderate build that you could see, brown messy locks upon his forehead, a prominent nose, and large eyes that you could see were full of mirth.
“Yes, I apologize! I should have been watching where I was going!” you nodded apologetically.
“Don’t worry about it, you looked like you were in a rush. Besides, I’m pretty well protected!” he exclaimed, knocking a metal fist into his breastplate where it rang out loudly. “Just be safe and get where you need to, okay? See you around.” And with that, he continued on his way with a wave leaving you to contemplate how it was you were in the port for 3 weeks and all of a sudden, you’re just now meeting people.
After gathering your materials and paying your inn fee, you were feeling quite famished and had grabbed two kebabs and some fruit from a food cart near the inn. As you continued to meet back near the jail with Namjoon, you were giving one of your last looks to the city. Your time in this place was coming to an end and after this, you had decided you were going to travel up river into the jungle to Madukka, the Rainy City and see if they had any information on the Lost Runes.
Walking through the bustling streets you saw children playing with a rubber ball and small Thunder Lizards pulling merchant carts filled with goods through the streets and towards the docks. It was something you always found fascinating. The people of Chult relied on Thunder Lizards, reptiles of all sizes, for transportation and hunting. You had only ever seen them in Chult and you remember the first time you entered Port Nyanzaru from the ship, you almost attacked a small stray Thunder Lizard that was eating fish from a nearby fishing ship on the docks. When you had asked locals about it, it apparently was commonplace but you still could not wrap your mind around the fact they had tamed such incredible beasts.
When you had finally arrived and finished up your meal, Namjoon was waiting with a side pouch and what appeared to be a scroll in hand. His quarter staff was strapped to his side opposite his daggers and his frilled jacket laid out on top of his pouch, leaving him in a loose white shirt and patterned vest. He looked almost regal looking about the crowds. You waved out to him and he smiled, walking over to meet you halfway.
“___! Did you get everything you needed?”
“Yeah, I travel pretty light these days. What’s that scroll your holding?”
Namjoon looked to what you were pointing at and nodded for you to follow him to the outside of a nearby cafe that was near the jail. It was a large establishment that had an enclosed patio area filled with lounging cushions, smoking towers, and covered by fabric awnings and fairy lacrima hanging above the iron fence. He ushered you into a corner of the outdoor portion of the café and you both sat down on some large plush pillows before settling in. A waitress came over and offered a special tea, to which you and Namjoon accepted to quench your thirst in the thick midday heat. Taking a large sip of his tea, he released the scroll from his grasp and rolled it out on the floor before you. It was old and tattered and in a language you couldn’t quite understand but had symbols and drawings you recognized instantly.
They were Runes.
“___, I did some quick digging through our archives at the Academy and found something really interesting. This wasting disease….it isn’t the first time something like this has happened. There have been isolated incidents throughout history and most contributed to failed attempts at Necromancy or weak magic. But no, the things Wakonga was saying and the things this scroll said match up. I think the Wasting disease is related to these Runes right here,” Namjoon pointed at the familiar symbols “The scroll is damaged in some parts so I’m not exactly sure, but there is a tomb in the jungle here that may hold Runes that can stop the curse.”
You looked up at him in surprise. Namjoon wasn’t only good looking, he was highly intelligent, and apparently spoke and read multiple languages.
But he was out of his mind.
“You’re thinking of accompanying our visitors and going into the jungle instead of just being tour guides because….?”
“Because the Runes in this temple have great power. They can right wrongs, grant incredible powers, heal people, cure sickness, make them whole again, and….they can bring back the dead.” His last words were somber and sullen.
You gazed at him sorrowfully but with the realization that he too knows loss.
“Can I ask who you’ve lost?” you settled into the cushion, leaning a slight bit closer to him as if seeking to comfort him. His shoulders were down in defeat and his hands loose in his lap. You were sincere in your words, knowing that maybe you could help him here as part of your servitude. Slowly he looked up, his eyes were somewhat glossy.
“My mother and sister. They…there was war. I was away in the capital studying to become a great scholar and wizard. I wanted to make them proud.”
You frowned in concern.
“What about your father?”
“He...he left many years ago. It isn’t safe for Moon Elves to be near humans for too long. Humans can be vile and selfish, not to say elves cannot, but things are different for them. Elves live for many years longer than humans and live cloistered lives in cities hidden by magic. Their laws are different and life is spent in scholarly ventures and bettering society. Since elves live such long lives, most may take many lovers in their lifetime and have many children until they meet someone whom they wish to bond with until death. This is like human marriage but so much more sacred because of how long it lasts. Elves are prefer to choose mates of nobility or of high blood purity close to royalty. They call this Sacred Bone. Hence, it is frowned upon to marry a human and even more frowned upon to breed with humans because they value this blood purity.”
Your brow furrowed and you could feel the sadness in his voice. From what you knew, half-elves resembled their elven cousins but their lifespans were considerably shorter and they were not accepted by humans nor their elven blood because their existence is a taboo. You recall visiting the Western Highlands and seeing many half-elves be shunned by humans in their villages and by their elven brethren, hearing things like “mutt” and “half-breed” yelled openly. Slowly, you reached your hand over to his that was lying on the map in an empathetic gesture.
“When was the last time you saw him?” you asked softly.
He hesitated in response.
“I…I think it would have been about 23 or 24 years ago?”
You looked up quizzically. Namjoon couldn’t have been more than 24 or 25 so how did he remember his father at such a young age? Taking a sip of tea, you were trying to do the math on just how old he was. As if sensing your confusion Namjoon interjected “I was still young but I think it was when I was about 22 or 23.”
You choked on your drink, a small dribble of tea falling from your lips and onto your chin.
“H-how old are you?!” you stuttered out in shock, wiping the tea from your chin, only for Namjoon to look at you in surprise.
“____ I’m 46?”
You were in shock. When you did the math that means Namjoon’s father disappeared from his life when he was about 21 and you were barely a toddler. Trying to put your shock behind you and act like he wasn’t a 46 year-old man that looked like he was 20-something was difficulty for you to comprehend as you stared at his physical appearance. “If I can ask…when did you lose your mother and sister?” you asked carefully.
“Less than a year ago. My sister was only a couple of years younger than me. I miss them every day.”
Namjoon was looking downwards with a sad smile playing on his lips as he looked on at the map. “What do you say we pack up and go see about a contract?” he said with a heavy breath. With that, you both got up and paid your server and adjusted what equipment you were currently carrying. Straightening out your pelt skirt and ensuring your axe was secured, you wondered how he had been so open with you when he had endured so much loss. You wish you could have told him you know how he felt because you too had lost your family, but you yourself had yet to come to terms with it as well. Perhaps one day you could tell Namjoon that he wasn’t alone. For now, you were content offering whatever servitude you could.
As you entered the jail once more, the pair of you were escorted to the back room where you had first met Wakonga. The air was cooler inside but had a dank and musty smell inside, your nose scrunching in displeasure as you took a whiff of what smelled like day-old dirty, wet fabric and moldy wood. A guard ushered you towards the table to which you and Namjoon were formerly shackled before and on it you saw the contract that had been drafted up. Namjoon went over to take a look and was reading the detailed portion at an alarmingly fast rate when Wakonga made his appearance.
“Ah, my friends! So glad you are back. I see you have read de terms of de contract. Do you have any questions?” he walked around the table, his golden chains clanking as he walked. You looked towards Namjoon for some sense of confirmation. Unfortunately, you couldn’t read Common as much as you could speak it making the words of the contract beyond your comprehension. His brow was stern and focused as his eyes rapidly skimmed through the papers before looking towards you.
“It looks okay to me however, we are at the mercy of our patrons. Are you okay with that ____?”
You nodded in agreement.
“Okay Wakonga, we’ll sign it.” Namjoon stated firmly, being handed a quill and signing Kim Namjoon on the line. You thought it was odd in the manner he signed but realized that Shou and Mulan often put their surnames first. After he signed, he handed you the quill pen and gave you a confident nod. You signed your name in Common before setting the quill back in the ink pot. Wakonga clapped his hands happily before stating “Ah wonderful! Now let me introduce you to de heroes sent here by my colleague, Syndra.”
Just then, you heard a pair of rather footsteps walking across the stone floor and into the room. When you turned around you saw first, a very tall young man of about your age, fluffy blonde locks and light grey eyes wearing a rather unusual silk garment that was colored cream and a dark purple. The top hung loosely from his tall frame and was tucked into loose pants that were held up by a leather belt that had various pouches, small loops with viles attached to it, and what looked like a schmitar. He smiled a boxy smile as he turned to wave at the pair of you, a long silver earring swinging too and fro from his left ear and a charm hanging from the staff in his hand jingling lightly. You simply nodded in return before someone walking in behind him caught your eye. It was the guy in the suit of armor you ran head first in to earlier in the market! The stranger stood tall with his helmet in his hand before clearing his throat.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance. I’m Jungkook and this is my partner Taehyung. We’re looking forwards to  seeing the city with you.”
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year
If you were to ask me for an educated guess on the number of hours I said a mindless Im sorry in 2015, youd better have a technical calculator and some time to kill.
I failed way somewhere around 3 am on New Years Day.( Although odds are, the majority of members of those were justified .)
Apologies are like burps for me.
Unless you stymie my nostrils and cover my opening, they will operate out with foolhardy abandon.
Im sorry, I complain as I mine around for $0.86 in my purse, trying to avoid separating a $10 greenback for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
My palms are sweating, my hands are shaking and pennies are running everywhere.
I eventually succumb to handing over the $10, as to not inconvenience the convenience store clerk any longer.
Im sorry, this pitchers out of whole milk. Would you knowledge refilling it? I ask the Starbucks barista timidly, like Ive been hanging out at the self-service counter and guzzling it dry all day.
Excuse me, Im sorry, I squeak, trying to remove myself from the woman who is using the side of my figure to prop up her newspaper.
I’m sorry I wasnt able to morph into a better coffee table for her morning commute.
Apologies are the umm of our generation.
They are half-thought out space-fillers in gossips we dont feel like having.
Whether theyre genuine and justified in an attempt to avoid conflict or a simple way to wrap up a social interaction, Im sure weve all apologized a lot during the past year.
Well, its is high time to put your hoof down.
We shouldnt feel pressured to rush, settle or step aside for people who cant look up from their smartphones.
There will be no more cramming ourselves into the figurative or physicalspaces other parties have created for us.
Hell, if guzzling whole milk from a pitcher goes us going in the morning, makes not apologize for that either.
In any case, heres a register of 16 circumstances 30 -somethings should definitely stop rationalizing for in 2016 TAGEND
1. RSVPing No
You shouldnt have to justify not listening things.
We all have a lot on our plates.
If you find yourself panicked about driving two hours to a newborn rain on your only day off, stay home.
Send a check, going to go to bottom and take care of your own baby.
Ive spent times flowing myself ragged over happenings that suck time out of my weekend and coin out of my wallet.
Then, it ultimately dawned on me: Nothing who matters is deterring score.
It might sound harsh, but if we all stopped regarding each other to so many obligations, perhaps wed actually have time to connect.
2. Your Wardrobe
Your adolescence, teenage years and those scantily-clad eras of college are spent garmenting to impress everyone but yourself.
As you get older, wear what becomes you comfortable.
Dress for your figure. Dress for the occasion.
If you need bikini summaries that come up past your belly button to feel good on vacation, fasten those bloomers on and never look back.
I like to wear jeans, TOMS and solid-colored shirts every day of my life.
Guess what? Im a joyous little hipster.
3. Your Face
One of my favorite positions on this topic comes from Annette Bening in the movie The Women.
A department store salesman tries to sell her a “facelift in a bottle.”
She appears him squarely in the eye and acknowledgments, This is my face. Deal with it.
It seems everyone is peddling some make that promises to cringe your holes, get rid of your wrinkles, medicine your acne, prolong your lashes or vaporize your crow’s feet.
You shouldnt apologize for buying right into it( coughing) or slamming it down.
If you want to constitute your own vanishing cream out of avocados and egg whites, I think you’re squandering a perfectly good frittata.
But let me know if it works.
If youd rather expended $99 on 1 ounce of infomercial attention cream, write me.
I can provide you with the details.
4. Your Social Media Presence
Whether you post 20 times per day or have fallen entirely off the radar, theres no right or wrong way to do this stuff.
If youre paying that much attention to what others are doing on the Internet, youre clearly sitting on the Internet too much yourself.
5. Not Being In The Same Mental Space As Your Friends
Its tough, but we thrive apart.
If theres a shrinking roster of things you have in common with even the oldest of your best friend, its nothing to overcome yourself up over.
Some has the potential to are in conformity with very different places in their lives.
Your 30 s are a transitional age for everyone involved.
People are carving out the lives they picture for themselves, and were all walking around as different sculptors.
Some of us are a little more Donatello, while some are more Michelangelo.
The good substance ever bubbles back to the surface with a true sidekick, even if youre not currently jiving the route you used to.
6. Your Living Quarters
Owning property should no longer be the criteria by which we appraise our success.
You shouldn’t have to go into indebtednes to keep up.
If youre still living with a roommate, sibling, futon or even on a sofa, then who cares?
A living arrangement doesnt “ve got to be” permanent or pristine.
If you boomeranged back to your parents after a unpleasant breakup, so be it.
Its okay to declare youre unsure of your next stair, and youre not going to bank on circumstances until you are.
7. The Fact You Like To Move Dancing
This is more of a metaphor than anything.( Although, I do enjoy shaking my posterior plumage from time to day .)
You shouldnt apologize for wanting to dance out your demons.
Whether its in your living room, at a Zumba class, on a table or in a ballroom, rotate, baby.
8. Your Relationship Status
Theres something to be said for the latitude between RSVPing “no” and your relationship status.
But perhaps, youre simply over some crazy uncle asking why your boyfriend from six years ago isnt there.
Single, separated, divorced, rebuffed, cheating, happy, hopeful, lesbian or straight-shooting, you dont owe Uncle Frank an explanation.
9. Your Diet And Fitness Regimen( Or Lack Thereof)
While I ever prefer an unruly slew of nachos to a kale salad or protein shake, you gotta do what you gotta do.
This is another thing parties seem to like to peddle.
Whether youre training for triathlons, juicing the contents of your kitchen or house Cheeto strongholds in your living room, its your body.
Nobody has to occupy it but you.
Just try not to be too righteous about it.
Im not going to apologize for ingesting a cheeseburger any more than a staunch vegetarian might apologize for posting photographs of flax seeds all day.
10. How You Deduce Your Income
Money constitutes “the worlds” go round.
Whether you have a career youre passionate about, one youre lukewarm about or three part-time responsibilities strung together, its nobodys business how you compensate your bills.
11. The Fact You’re Turning Into Your Parents
This has been an interesting one to watch unfold.
Try as you might, its going to happen.
Theres no expend rationalizing for it because you never accepted a chance.
All those concepts you rolled your eyes at from the back seat of the Dodge station wagon?
Theyre winging right out of your mouth now.
I like to yell, Im not made of money! at my “cat-o-nine-tail” when we’re on our route home from the vet.
12. Being A Slug
If the pizza delivery guy would come instantly to my bedroom window, Id let my bathrobe belt down for him like Rapunzel let down her hair.
Bed pizza is a real and splendid thing.
Dont apologize for being a gross, lazy stinker sometimes.
The only way to reflect brightly in public is by wasting away in your own slothfulness behind closed doors.
13. Your Travel Style
Some beings operate first class and is necessary to stay in five-star hotels.
Others couch surf, hostel hop-skip or carry their adaptations on their backs.
Seeing the world is admirable , no matter how you make it happen.
You know Jay and Bey arent apologizing for yachting all over the French Riviera, so why should I apologize for getting bedbugs in Belize?
14. Your Voice
One of the most common concepts I apologize for is talking too loudly.
Others say sorry for not being heard.
Some people stutter and others have lisps.
There are the raspy express and the plainly high-pitched voices.
You can limit your articulation to a certain degree, but why bother?
Speak up, whisper, bellow, sigh, laugh, sing, squeal and clear your throat.
Just dont whistle. Nothing likes a whistler.
Definitely dont shush anyone; a shush is a personal attack.
15. Your Opinion
Granted, there is a period and a plaza, but how will anyone know how you feel if you dont speak up?
It’s worseif you apologize for doing so.
If done correctly and not for the sake of idle gossip, giving your opinion can become you into an opinion leader.
Thats a pretty good bench to be in.
If you opine in a systematically constructive way, parties will start to look to you for wisdom.
Thats a great route to positively influence the lives of others.
16. Your Truth
Whatever it is and however you find it, dont apologize for it once you do.
Dont apologize for how long it takes you, either.
If youve been hiding your truth in a lie youre finally free from, welcome back.
Step right in. The waters warm.
Its taken a lot of justifications, conformities and f* ckups to get us to this third decade of our existence.
So, lets take what weve learned and bask in that splendid wisdom of the ages.
We sort of earned it.
Grab your chisel( or your pepperoni pizza) and start carving out what works for you.
Stop apologizing for the pebbles that get left behind.
The post 16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2CLgXXo via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year
If you were to ask me for an educated guess on the number of hours I said a mindless Im sorry in 2015, youd better have a technical calculator and some time to kill.
I failed way somewhere around 3 am on New Years Day.( Although odds are, the majority of members of those were justified .)
Apologies are like burps for me.
Unless you stymie my nostrils and cover my opening, they will operate out with foolhardy abandon.
Im sorry, I complain as I mine around for $0.86 in my purse, trying to avoid separating a $10 greenback for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
My palms are sweating, my hands are shaking and pennies are running everywhere.
I eventually succumb to handing over the $10, as to not inconvenience the convenience store clerk any longer.
Im sorry, this pitchers out of whole milk. Would you knowledge refilling it? I ask the Starbucks barista timidly, like Ive been hanging out at the self-service counter and guzzling it dry all day.
Excuse me, Im sorry, I squeak, trying to remove myself from the woman who is using the side of my figure to prop up her newspaper.
I’m sorry I wasnt able to morph into a better coffee table for her morning commute.
Apologies are the umm of our generation.
They are half-thought out space-fillers in gossips we dont feel like having.
Whether theyre genuine and justified in an attempt to avoid conflict or a simple way to wrap up a social interaction, Im sure weve all apologized a lot during the past year.
Well, its is high time to put your hoof down.
We shouldnt feel pressured to rush, settle or step aside for people who cant look up from their smartphones.
There will be no more cramming ourselves into the figurative or physicalspaces other parties have created for us.
Hell, if guzzling whole milk from a pitcher goes us going in the morning, makes not apologize for that either.
In any case, heres a register of 16 circumstances 30 -somethings should definitely stop rationalizing for in 2016 TAGEND
1. RSVPing No
You shouldnt have to justify not listening things.
We all have a lot on our plates.
If you find yourself panicked about driving two hours to a newborn rain on your only day off, stay home.
Send a check, going to go to bottom and take care of your own baby.
Ive spent times flowing myself ragged over happenings that suck time out of my weekend and coin out of my wallet.
Then, it ultimately dawned on me: Nothing who matters is deterring score.
It might sound harsh, but if we all stopped regarding each other to so many obligations, perhaps wed actually have time to connect.
2. Your Wardrobe
Your adolescence, teenage years and those scantily-clad eras of college are spent garmenting to impress everyone but yourself.
As you get older, wear what becomes you comfortable.
Dress for your figure. Dress for the occasion.
If you need bikini summaries that come up past your belly button to feel good on vacation, fasten those bloomers on and never look back.
I like to wear jeans, TOMS and solid-colored shirts every day of my life.
Guess what? Im a joyous little hipster.
3. Your Face
One of my favorite positions on this topic comes from Annette Bening in the movie The Women.
A department store salesman tries to sell her a “facelift in a bottle.”
She appears him squarely in the eye and acknowledgments, This is my face. Deal with it.
It seems everyone is peddling some make that promises to cringe your holes, get rid of your wrinkles, medicine your acne, prolong your lashes or vaporize your crow’s feet.
You shouldnt apologize for buying right into it( coughing) or slamming it down.
If you want to constitute your own vanishing cream out of avocados and egg whites, I think you’re squandering a perfectly good frittata.
But let me know if it works.
If youd rather expended $99 on 1 ounce of infomercial attention cream, write me.
I can provide you with the details.
4. Your Social Media Presence
Whether you post 20 times per day or have fallen entirely off the radar, theres no right or wrong way to do this stuff.
If youre paying that much attention to what others are doing on the Internet, youre clearly sitting on the Internet too much yourself.
5. Not Being In The Same Mental Space As Your Friends
Its tough, but we thrive apart.
If theres a shrinking roster of things you have in common with even the oldest of your best friend, its nothing to overcome yourself up over.
Some has the potential to are in conformity with very different places in their lives.
Your 30 s are a transitional age for everyone involved.
People are carving out the lives they picture for themselves, and were all walking around as different sculptors.
Some of us are a little more Donatello, while some are more Michelangelo.
The good substance ever bubbles back to the surface with a true sidekick, even if youre not currently jiving the route you used to.
6. Your Living Quarters
Owning property should no longer be the criteria by which we appraise our success.
You shouldn’t have to go into indebtednes to keep up.
If youre still living with a roommate, sibling, futon or even on a sofa, then who cares?
A living arrangement doesnt “ve got to be” permanent or pristine.
If you boomeranged back to your parents after a unpleasant breakup, so be it.
Its okay to declare youre unsure of your next stair, and youre not going to bank on circumstances until you are.
7. The Fact You Like To Move Dancing
This is more of a metaphor than anything.( Although, I do enjoy shaking my posterior plumage from time to day .)
You shouldnt apologize for wanting to dance out your demons.
Whether its in your living room, at a Zumba class, on a table or in a ballroom, rotate, baby.
8. Your Relationship Status
Theres something to be said for the latitude between RSVPing “no” and your relationship status.
But perhaps, youre simply over some crazy uncle asking why your boyfriend from six years ago isnt there.
Single, separated, divorced, rebuffed, cheating, happy, hopeful, lesbian or straight-shooting, you dont owe Uncle Frank an explanation.
9. Your Diet And Fitness Regimen( Or Lack Thereof)
While I ever prefer an unruly slew of nachos to a kale salad or protein shake, you gotta do what you gotta do.
This is another thing parties seem to like to peddle.
Whether youre training for triathlons, juicing the contents of your kitchen or house Cheeto strongholds in your living room, its your body.
Nobody has to occupy it but you.
Just try not to be too righteous about it.
Im not going to apologize for ingesting a cheeseburger any more than a staunch vegetarian might apologize for posting photographs of flax seeds all day.
10. How You Deduce Your Income
Money constitutes “the worlds” go round.
Whether you have a career youre passionate about, one youre lukewarm about or three part-time responsibilities strung together, its nobodys business how you compensate your bills.
11. The Fact You’re Turning Into Your Parents
This has been an interesting one to watch unfold.
Try as you might, its going to happen.
Theres no expend rationalizing for it because you never accepted a chance.
All those concepts you rolled your eyes at from the back seat of the Dodge station wagon?
Theyre winging right out of your mouth now.
I like to yell, Im not made of money! at my “cat-o-nine-tail” when we’re on our route home from the vet.
12. Being A Slug
If the pizza delivery guy would come instantly to my bedroom window, Id let my bathrobe belt down for him like Rapunzel let down her hair.
Bed pizza is a real and splendid thing.
Dont apologize for being a gross, lazy stinker sometimes.
The only way to reflect brightly in public is by wasting away in your own slothfulness behind closed doors.
13. Your Travel Style
Some beings operate first class and is necessary to stay in five-star hotels.
Others couch surf, hostel hop-skip or carry their adaptations on their backs.
Seeing the world is admirable , no matter how you make it happen.
You know Jay and Bey arent apologizing for yachting all over the French Riviera, so why should I apologize for getting bedbugs in Belize?
14. Your Voice
One of the most common concepts I apologize for is talking too loudly.
Others say sorry for not being heard.
Some people stutter and others have lisps.
There are the raspy express and the plainly high-pitched voices.
You can limit your articulation to a certain degree, but why bother?
Speak up, whisper, bellow, sigh, laugh, sing, squeal and clear your throat.
Just dont whistle. Nothing likes a whistler.
Definitely dont shush anyone; a shush is a personal attack.
15. Your Opinion
Granted, there is a period and a plaza, but how will anyone know how you feel if you dont speak up?
It’s worseif you apologize for doing so.
If done correctly and not for the sake of idle gossip, giving your opinion can become you into an opinion leader.
Thats a pretty good bench to be in.
If you opine in a systematically constructive way, parties will start to look to you for wisdom.
Thats a great route to positively influence the lives of others.
16. Your Truth
Whatever it is and however you find it, dont apologize for it once you do.
Dont apologize for how long it takes you, either.
If youve been hiding your truth in a lie youre finally free from, welcome back.
Step right in. The waters warm.
Its taken a lot of justifications, conformities and f* ckups to get us to this third decade of our existence.
So, lets take what weve learned and bask in that splendid wisdom of the ages.
We sort of earned it.
Grab your chisel( or your pepperoni pizza) and start carving out what works for you.
Stop apologizing for the pebbles that get left behind.
The post 16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2CLgXXo via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year
If you were to ask me for an educated guess on the number of hours I said a mindless Im sorry in 2015, youd better have a technical calculator and some time to kill.
I failed way somewhere around 3 am on New Years Day.( Although odds are, the majority of members of those were justified .)
Apologies are like burps for me.
Unless you stymie my nostrils and cover my opening, they will operate out with foolhardy abandon.
Im sorry, I complain as I mine around for $0.86 in my purse, trying to avoid separating a $10 greenback for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups.
My palms are sweating, my hands are shaking and pennies are running everywhere.
I eventually succumb to handing over the $10, as to not inconvenience the convenience store clerk any longer.
Im sorry, this pitchers out of whole milk. Would you knowledge refilling it? I ask the Starbucks barista timidly, like Ive been hanging out at the self-service counter and guzzling it dry all day.
Excuse me, Im sorry, I squeak, trying to remove myself from the woman who is using the side of my figure to prop up her newspaper.
I’m sorry I wasnt able to morph into a better coffee table for her morning commute.
Apologies are the umm of our generation.
They are half-thought out space-fillers in gossips we dont feel like having.
Whether theyre genuine and justified in an attempt to avoid conflict or a simple way to wrap up a social interaction, Im sure weve all apologized a lot during the past year.
Well, its is high time to put your hoof down.
We shouldnt feel pressured to rush, settle or step aside for people who cant look up from their smartphones.
There will be no more cramming ourselves into the figurative or physicalspaces other parties have created for us.
Hell, if guzzling whole milk from a pitcher goes us going in the morning, makes not apologize for that either.
In any case, heres a register of 16 circumstances 30 -somethings should definitely stop rationalizing for in 2016 TAGEND
1. RSVPing No
You shouldnt have to justify not listening things.
We all have a lot on our plates.
If you find yourself panicked about driving two hours to a newborn rain on your only day off, stay home.
Send a check, going to go to bottom and take care of your own baby.
Ive spent times flowing myself ragged over happenings that suck time out of my weekend and coin out of my wallet.
Then, it ultimately dawned on me: Nothing who matters is deterring score.
It might sound harsh, but if we all stopped regarding each other to so many obligations, perhaps wed actually have time to connect.
2. Your Wardrobe
Your adolescence, teenage years and those scantily-clad eras of college are spent garmenting to impress everyone but yourself.
As you get older, wear what becomes you comfortable.
Dress for your figure. Dress for the occasion.
If you need bikini summaries that come up past your belly button to feel good on vacation, fasten those bloomers on and never look back.
I like to wear jeans, TOMS and solid-colored shirts every day of my life.
Guess what? Im a joyous little hipster.
3. Your Face
One of my favorite positions on this topic comes from Annette Bening in the movie The Women.
A department store salesman tries to sell her a “facelift in a bottle.”
She appears him squarely in the eye and acknowledgments, This is my face. Deal with it.
It seems everyone is peddling some make that promises to cringe your holes, get rid of your wrinkles, medicine your acne, prolong your lashes or vaporize your crow’s feet.
You shouldnt apologize for buying right into it( coughing) or slamming it down.
If you want to constitute your own vanishing cream out of avocados and egg whites, I think you’re squandering a perfectly good frittata.
But let me know if it works.
If youd rather expended $99 on 1 ounce of infomercial attention cream, write me.
I can provide you with the details.
4. Your Social Media Presence
Whether you post 20 times per day or have fallen entirely off the radar, theres no right or wrong way to do this stuff.
If youre paying that much attention to what others are doing on the Internet, youre clearly sitting on the Internet too much yourself.
5. Not Being In The Same Mental Space As Your Friends
Its tough, but we thrive apart.
If theres a shrinking roster of things you have in common with even the oldest of your best friend, its nothing to overcome yourself up over.
Some has the potential to are in conformity with very different places in their lives.
Your 30 s are a transitional age for everyone involved.
People are carving out the lives they picture for themselves, and were all walking around as different sculptors.
Some of us are a little more Donatello, while some are more Michelangelo.
The good substance ever bubbles back to the surface with a true sidekick, even if youre not currently jiving the route you used to.
6. Your Living Quarters
Owning property should no longer be the criteria by which we appraise our success.
You shouldn’t have to go into indebtednes to keep up.
If youre still living with a roommate, sibling, futon or even on a sofa, then who cares?
A living arrangement doesnt “ve got to be” permanent or pristine.
If you boomeranged back to your parents after a unpleasant breakup, so be it.
Its okay to declare youre unsure of your next stair, and youre not going to bank on circumstances until you are.
7. The Fact You Like To Move Dancing
This is more of a metaphor than anything.( Although, I do enjoy shaking my posterior plumage from time to day .)
You shouldnt apologize for wanting to dance out your demons.
Whether its in your living room, at a Zumba class, on a table or in a ballroom, rotate, baby.
8. Your Relationship Status
Theres something to be said for the latitude between RSVPing “no” and your relationship status.
But perhaps, youre simply over some crazy uncle asking why your boyfriend from six years ago isnt there.
Single, separated, divorced, rebuffed, cheating, happy, hopeful, lesbian or straight-shooting, you dont owe Uncle Frank an explanation.
9. Your Diet And Fitness Regimen( Or Lack Thereof)
While I ever prefer an unruly slew of nachos to a kale salad or protein shake, you gotta do what you gotta do.
This is another thing parties seem to like to peddle.
Whether youre training for triathlons, juicing the contents of your kitchen or house Cheeto strongholds in your living room, its your body.
Nobody has to occupy it but you.
Just try not to be too righteous about it.
Im not going to apologize for ingesting a cheeseburger any more than a staunch vegetarian might apologize for posting photographs of flax seeds all day.
10. How You Deduce Your Income
Money constitutes “the worlds” go round.
Whether you have a career youre passionate about, one youre lukewarm about or three part-time responsibilities strung together, its nobodys business how you compensate your bills.
11. The Fact You’re Turning Into Your Parents
This has been an interesting one to watch unfold.
Try as you might, its going to happen.
Theres no expend rationalizing for it because you never accepted a chance.
All those concepts you rolled your eyes at from the back seat of the Dodge station wagon?
Theyre winging right out of your mouth now.
I like to yell, Im not made of money! at my “cat-o-nine-tail” when we’re on our route home from the vet.
12. Being A Slug
If the pizza delivery guy would come instantly to my bedroom window, Id let my bathrobe belt down for him like Rapunzel let down her hair.
Bed pizza is a real and splendid thing.
Dont apologize for being a gross, lazy stinker sometimes.
The only way to reflect brightly in public is by wasting away in your own slothfulness behind closed doors.
13. Your Travel Style
Some beings operate first class and is necessary to stay in five-star hotels.
Others couch surf, hostel hop-skip or carry their adaptations on their backs.
Seeing the world is admirable , no matter how you make it happen.
You know Jay and Bey arent apologizing for yachting all over the French Riviera, so why should I apologize for getting bedbugs in Belize?
14. Your Voice
One of the most common concepts I apologize for is talking too loudly.
Others say sorry for not being heard.
Some people stutter and others have lisps.
There are the raspy express and the plainly high-pitched voices.
You can limit your articulation to a certain degree, but why bother?
Speak up, whisper, bellow, sigh, laugh, sing, squeal and clear your throat.
Just dont whistle. Nothing likes a whistler.
Definitely dont shush anyone; a shush is a personal attack.
15. Your Opinion
Granted, there is a period and a plaza, but how will anyone know how you feel if you dont speak up?
It’s worseif you apologize for doing so.
If done correctly and not for the sake of idle gossip, giving your opinion can become you into an opinion leader.
Thats a pretty good bench to be in.
If you opine in a systematically constructive way, parties will start to look to you for wisdom.
Thats a great route to positively influence the lives of others.
16. Your Truth
Whatever it is and however you find it, dont apologize for it once you do.
Dont apologize for how long it takes you, either.
If youve been hiding your truth in a lie youre finally free from, welcome back.
Step right in. The waters warm.
Its taken a lot of justifications, conformities and f* ckups to get us to this third decade of our existence.
So, lets take what weve learned and bask in that splendid wisdom of the ages.
We sort of earned it.
Grab your chisel( or your pepperoni pizza) and start carving out what works for you.
Stop apologizing for the pebbles that get left behind.
The post 16 Situations All 30 -Somethings Should Stop Apologizing For This Year appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2CLgXXo via IFTTT
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