#my mom has realized that im getting really upset just over my dad constsntly pushing for me to find a new one and stopped talking about it
nothingbutalgae · 3 years
Im so irritated with my dad, he keeps trying to look for new bearded dragons and keeps suggesting that pet stores have them and just.... keeps bringing it up. And it's like, maybe I dont want another bearded dragon? Can I fucking mourn my dead pet and just settle into a new routine with not having one for awhile without this man talking about getting a new bearded dragon every time im around him? She was my pet, not his. He never cared for her, he just liked to take her out of the cage and have her hang out with him and would try to argue my care when he has no idea anything about them. And the fact he's just pushing nonstop to get a new one is grating on my nerves. I'll get a new beardie when and if I want to, I want to find one thats right for me and that I like how they look, I didn't get the option with Pancake bc I never even intended to get a beardie, she was a rescue that pretty much got dropped in my lap, and I was fine with that. But just let me handle my feelings (which I havsnt even been showing or expressing since the day she died mind you). My mom is doing the same kind of thing but she knows when to back off. She took Pancake to be cremated for me while I left for work that day and one of the first things she said when we talked and I started crying on the phone was "you can get another one!" And its like Jesus christ, imagine someone's dog died and that was the first thing you said besides "I'm sorry, you gave her a good life" ugh.
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