#my mom found her on the street right before Valentine's Day and we took her in like 7 years ago
h0dge-p0dge · 1 month
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Together Forever Chap.11
In 1939 the United States was finally starting to somewhat recover from the great depression and New York City wanted to celebrate. All over New York flyers were posted on every street corner about the World Fair, it was being called The World of Tomorrow. You couldn't walk down the street without hearing someone talk about it. It felt good to be able to see people happy about something after such a long period of time of most people struggling.
Bucky's birthday was coming up and Y/n was working overtime to be able to afford tickets to go to the fair. Y/n was so busy that she failed to notice Steve and Bucky planning something. Bucky finally felt like the time was right to propose to Y/n. His mom had given him the ring that George had proposed to her with, it was a simple ring but it was beautiful and Bucky hoped Y/n would love it.
Steve Rogers was happy for his twin and bestfriend but he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. Steve wanted to be happy and settle down with a girl but when he joined Bucky and Y/n out dancing, whatever girl Bucky had found to go out with him for the night always found a way to get out of dancing with him. He guessed he just needed to wait for the right partner.
It was somewhat easy for Steve and Bucky to plan the surprise for Y/n since she was usually busy working. Bucky planned on asking her on Valentine's day, her favorite day. Bucky had talked to the owner of the bar where they shared their first dance all of those years ago. The owner agreed to play their song before Bucky would get down on one knee to ask Y/n to marry him. It was a little expensive but Bucky hoped Y/n would say yes, he hoped that he hadn't waited to long to propose.
Feb. 14 1939
Y/n woke up to a knock on her bedroom door "Come in" she said still groggy from sleep. Steve walked in with a smile on his face and a dozen roses "Buck brought these over for you and wanted me to also give you this" he said before handing her a red envelope. Y/n smiled as she smelled the roses and looked at the envelope before opening it and reading it, instantly making her smile grow.
Happy Valentine's Day Doll,
I wish I could find the words to help me express how much you mean to me. I know it hasn't been easy and I know at times you have doubted my love and I'm sorry for that because you deserve nothing but the best. You mean the world to me Doll, you always have and you always will have my heart. Life without you wouldn't be the same and I wouldn't want to live in a world without you in it.
Before we got together I thought that I knew what love was but then I realized that I didn't. When I look at you I can't help but think about what our future maybe like, when I see you smile even when it's not directed at me I can't help but smile as well, when I hear you speak I think nothing could sound as sweet as you. You mean the world to me and today I plan on showing you just how much. Wear that dress you wore the first time we went dancing, I'll be over soon to come and get you.
Love Forever and Always,
Your Bucky
Y/n couldn't help but feel emotional as she finished reading the letter. After making sure the letter was in a safe place where it wouldn't get messed up Y/n got ready for whatever Bucky had planned for them. She couldn't help but be curious and when she asked Steve if he knew where Bucky was taking her he only gave her a knowing grin and said "Can't tell you that, it would ruin the surprise". Even when she pouted, which usually worked on Steve, he just shook his head and chuckled "Still not telling you. you're just going to have to be patient". he said while looking over at his twin.
When Bucky knocked on the door Y/n rushed to open it. She almost tripped over her own feet, making Steve laugh. Ignoring her twin Y/n opened the door and couldn't help but gasp at how good Bucky looked with his suit on and his hair slicked back. Bucky's eyes grew wide as he took in Y/n's dress, she looked absolutely breathtaking. Bucky felt his cheeks heat up with a blush when his eyes met hers. "Doll you look beautiful" he said with a smile making Y/n blush.
Y/n wrapped her arms around Bucky's neck before leaning in to kiss him. Bucky was quick to return the kiss, he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. Bucky and Y/n were out of breath when they broke a part after hearing Steve clear his throat. The blush on both of their faces grew. Y/n waved Steve good-bye before leaving with Bucky, their hands clasped together.
Y/n smiled when she noticed where Bucky had brought her "We haven't been here in a long time" she said while looking in the bar through the window. She could see many couples dancing and in the far corner she could barely see a band playing. "I wanted today to be special" Bucky said with a smile. Y/n looked up in his ocean blue eyes, she always felt like she could get lost in their depth. "Come on Doll lets go dancing" Bucky said pulling her inside.
Bucky and Y/n were both out of breath after dancing through three songs "Doll if you find us a seat I'll go get us drinks" Bucky said before making his way through the crowd of people. Bucky checked to make sure Y/n couldn't see him before finding the owner to tell him he would be ready when the band finished playing.
Y/n waved wildly to catch Bucky's attention when she noticed him coming back with their drinks. Y/n noticed Bucky looking around nervously "What's wrong Buck?" She asked slightly startling him "Nothing Doll" he said and tried to reassure her with a smile. Bucky tried to take a deep breath to help calm him down, he was starting to get nervous as he noticed the band playing their last song.
When the band finished playing everyone stopped dancing and gave them a round of applause. The owner walked over to the small stage and grabbed the microphone gaining everyone's attention. "I just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight to celebrate Valentine's day" He said making everyone clap their hands. "I do have a small request, if everyone can please leave the dancefloor so Bucky Barnes and Y/n Rogers can have a special dance" he finished as everyone stepped aside as a light shined down on Y/n and Bucky.
"Buck-" Y/n began but stopped as Bucky stood in front of her with his hand out "One last dance please Doll" he said with a smile that she returned as she let him take her to the center of the floor. She could feel everyone watch her and could hear people talk as they walked through the crowd of people. She gasped when she heard the start of their favorite song begin to play. Y/n wrapped her arms around the back of Bucky's neck as his hands found their way around her waist.
She placed her head on his chest and Bucky could feel himself calm down, this felt right. He couldn't picture doing this with anyone else. Bucky began softly singing along to the song in her ear as they danced around the room together. "Bucky this is beautiful thank you" Y/n said looking up at him before he spun her around effortlessly. "Not as beautiful as you Doll" he smiled, making her blush.
As the song was coming to an end Bucky spun her around one last time before stopping and getting down on one knee. He reached for her hand as he pulled out a black velvet box. "Doll I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to do this but I hope you know how much I love you. You mean the world to me and there is no one that I would rather spend the rest of my life with then you. You have always had my heart and you always will no matter what. Will you marry me?" Bucky asked before opening the box and pulling the ring out.
Y/n couldn't stop her tears as she nodded her head yes "Yes. Yes. Yes of course I'll marry you." She said as Bucky slid the ring on her finger before standing up and wrapping his arms around her waist and spinning her around. The people around them applauded but Y/n and Bucky were only focused on each other as they both said "I love you" before kissing.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
oh ok what about a blurb for sc where Daniel and Marigold go on their first date?
↳  A/N Such an iconic moment and such a simple yet special night🥺
↳ Word Count: 3793
↳ Seasons Change Taglist: @stuffofseaveyy @randomlimelightxxx @jonahlovescoffee @hiya-its-amber @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @21burritoseavey @queenseavey23​ @xkelsev - Please click the link in my bio to be added to the taglist!
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May 16, 2008
Daniel was sure that if he bit his lip any harder, he would draw blood. The high school hallways were bustling with students who all spoke and shouted over each other as they gathered their things after final bell before the weekend. The slamming of lockers and bumping of bodies didn’t even seem to phase Daniel as he stared right down the hallway to where Marigold was standing.
She had her hair in braids that day and she smiled so widely when Daniel gave her a weak compliment in first period. Even just thinking about it now had his stomach in knots. He had never been smooth and never been flirty and even that simple statement in passing made him nervous.
They had talked almost every day since they officially met in first period English. There was nothing Daniel looked forward to more than her sweet ‘Good morning, Daniel’ every day as she walked into the classroom and took her seat behind him. Talking with his friends at lunch led him to accept that he had a wholehearted crush on her and if he didn’t ask her out he would be royally doomed.
Thing is, Daniel made that realization only two weeks after they met and planned to ask her out on Valentine’s day but totally chickened out. Three months later, he was driving himself insane for putting it off so long. His friends said if he didn’t ask her out that week then they would do it for him and wouldn’t that be embarrassing.
It was Friday. After the last bell. He couldn’t put it off any longer.
With one more nervous pet to his hair and a straightening of his back, he made his way over. Marigold glanced up at him as he approached.
“Hey.” she grinned, “You never come visit me. What do I owe the pleasure?”
Daniel licked his lips nervously as he watched her tuck her binders into her rose patterned backpack.
When he didn’t answer, she looked back at him with a chuckle, “Hello?”
Daniel rose his eyes to hers and took a deep breath, “Do you wanna go out with me this weekend?”
A sweet smile played at the corner of Marigold’s mouth as she slung her zipped up bag over her shoulder and closed her locker, “I’m at my grandparents’ this weekend but I’m free tonight.”
Daniel’s eyes went wide, his breath stuttering in his chest for a moment, “Tonight? Tonight…y-yeah, okay, yeah, I can do tonight.”
“Okay.” Marigold nodded in agreement. “I gotta go…mom’s waiting…but message me on AIM with a time and place.”
“Yeah.” Daniel breathed out, watching her rush off past him with a hurried ‘bye!’ and into the hallway crowded with teenagers. He couldn’t hold back the little air punch in celebration for that and he hurried off into the crowd in the opposite direction before anyone could see his bit of a happy dance.
The moment Daniel got home, he was rushing towards the basement, “I need the computer! I need the computer!”
He nearly threw himself into the computer room, only to find his older brother already there.
“I’m mid-game.” Christian said without looking up. “You can have it after dinner.”
“No. No, no, I need it now. Please.” Daniel stood over him impatiently.
“For what?”
“None of your business.”
“I need to know to decide if it’s worth stopping my game.”
“It is! I need to get on AIM, like, now.”
Christian paused his playing and looked up at his brother, “Is it a girl?”
With the distraction that obviously worked, Daniel threw himself on his brother’s lap and unplugged the game controller and closed the window himself. Christian shouted at him in protest and Daniel did his best to hold his older brother back as he opened up AIM and found Marigold’s contact – labeled as ‘online’ - and drafted a super rushed message.
C u at 6 for dinner?
“Mom! Daniel is hogging the computer!” Christian shouted towards the stairs. “And rubbing his nasty butt on me!”
Daniel ignored him, muttering under his breath as he saw the typing icon pop up, “Come on, come on.”
Yes. Where?
I’ll pick u up
A smiley thumbs up emoticon came through as is reply just as Christian shoved him off his lap and onto the carpeted floor. Daniel only picked himself up with ease and tossed the controller at his older brother’s head.
“Go play your stupid game while I have a date with a real girl.”
He rushed for the stairs before Christian could smack him for the diss.
By 5:30, Daniel had showered and dressed in pants and a button-up and fixed his hair three times in the mirror in his room. He grabbed his jacket and keys and hurried for the door. He made it right out to the driveway before realizing he was forgetting something.
Marigold thought farther ahead than Daniel did – that wasn’t odd – and her address was waiting for him in their AIM messages when he returned to the computer. He scribbled it down on a scrap piece of paper and nearly tripped up the stairs on his way back upstairs to type it into the old GPS in his hand-me-down truck. Daniel wasn’t necessarily a clumsy guy but the nervousness that was pumping through him certainly made that his momentary unfortunate reality. He even forgot to take the car out of park before trying to back out of the driveway. A marigold flower that he had picked from his mother’s garden rested in the cupholder.
The robotic voice of the GPS led him through the suburban streets of West Hartford to a red brick Tudor house with lush gardens and a perfectly trimmed lawn. Daniel lingered in the driveway for a moment, staring up at the front door that was framed by two small lights, waiting for him. He took a deep breath, stepped out of his old truck, and walked cautiously up the few stone steps to the hedge trimmed front porch. He barely knocked on the wood door before it was pulled open, revealing Marigold on the other side.
His heart did a little skip.
“Hi.” she said sweetly.
Daniel tried to word his response as he stared at her with her long blonde hair left in their natural waves and her face dusted in light makeup. He finally got out a soft, “Hi. You…look so good.”
Marigold tucked her hair behind her ear, “Thank you. You look good too.”
Daniel shifted and held out the marigold flower to her, “I…would have brought more but this was kinda last minute.”
“Well aren’t you as sweet as sugar?” Marigold giggled as she took it from him and twirled it between her fingers, “But my favourite flowers are hydrangeas.”
“Shit.” Daniel muttered.
“Just remember for next time.” she said as she closed the front door behind her.
Daniel nodded lightly, “Next time.”
They headed to his truck and he opened the door for her and held out a hand to help her up the slightly large step into the passenger seat. Marigold thanked him with a smile and took his hand although the way she easily hopped in meant she really didn’t need any sort of help.
“Where are we going?” Marigold asked once Daniel turned the key in the rumbling ignition.
“It’s a surprise.” Daniel said, switching the truck into reverse and tucked his hand behind her chair to back out of the driveway.
Marigold smiled over at him, “I like surprises.”
“Don’t get your hopes up.” Daniel added quickly.
“Don’t second guess yourself.” she retorted, although her tone was gentle.
Their eyes met briefly from across the front seat of the truck and Daniel looked back quickly to the road, stuttering to a stop at a crosswalk. Marigold reached out a hand to the dashboard.
“Sorry.” Daniel said, “Not quite used to driving this thing yet.”
“That’s okay.” Marigold said easily. “I can’t drive at all so you’re already impressing me.”
Daniel smiled to himself as he continued driving more towards the centre of town. Marigold hummed softly and tucked the flower behind her ear, pulling down the sun visor to look in the small mirror to make sure it was sitting nicely.
“It’s a gorgeous shade of yellow. Did you grow it yourself?” she asked, tapping the petals gently before shutting the visor again.
“No.” Daniel chuckled. “My mom did. I don’t…know a lot about gardening.”
“What a shame.” Marigold tisked. “I love it.”
Her eyes went wide as they turned into a parking lot and she gasped as she threw out her hand to touch his arm. Daniel was sure shivers tore down his spine at her simple touch and he glanced over at her in surprise.
“Are we going to Wendy’s?” she asked.
“Is that okay?” Daniel retorted quickly.
“Yes!” Marigold grinned, clapping her hands together a little in excitement. “Wendy’s is my favourite!”
Daniel let the truck drift to a stop in the drive-thru lineup and he looked over at her, “Really? It’s mine too.”
“Wow. We sit next to each other for three entire months and yet we are still learning about each other.”
“I mean we talk more about Shakespeare than fast food and flowers in class but…yeah.” Daniel chuckled.
Marigold smiled at him, the sweetest giggle falling from her lips, and the dim lights from the restaurant sign and almost setting sun outside the windows cast a pretty yellow glow across her face. Daniel was sure he had never seen anything or anyone as beautiful.
She told him her order and he paid at the window and passed her the takeout bag to hold as he pulled out of the drive-thru. Marigold peeked open the bag and snuck a fry for herself before taking a second and holding it out in front of Daniel’s nose. He smiled shyly and leaned in to let her feed it to him as he drove. She folded up the top of the takeout bag and let her gaze drift out the window as they headed towards the outskirts of town.
“Where are you taking me?” she asked.
“You’ll see.” Daniel answered casually.
Marigold glanced over at him as he was focused on the road and she let a small smile come to her lips. He had this seriousness about him when he drove, or maybe that was just his first date jitters taking over, as his bottom lip stayed wedged between his teeth and his hands stayed wrapped around the steering wheel. He took them out of the suburbs and into the outskirts of town where the buildings moulded into farmland and the street lamps turned into rickety telephone wires. Daniel - who only had his license for a few months - drove extra cautiously as pavement turned into dirt roads. The sun was still just over the horizon but was dropping quickly and the hues of sunset were fluttering through the truck and across their faces.
Daniel finally pulled into an alcove at the side of the road, down a slightly narrow dirt path that somewhat resembled someone’s driveway. Marigold simply held their takeout bag on her lap and trusted his process. He did a slightly rusty three-point-turn to reverse at the end of the path and then parked.
“Where are we?” Marigold asked with a slightly nervous giggle.
“Come.” Daniel opened the door and hopped out onto the dirt below. Marigold followed him around the truck with the takeout bag and he opened the back to reveal the bed of the truck made up with blankets and pillows.
Marigold bit back her smile and turned over her shoulder to the vast expanse of farmland beyond and a perfect view of the sunset and the outskirts of the city in the distance.
“Is it stupid? You can tell me.” Daniel said quickly.
“No.” she answered right away. “I really love this.”
“Good because my other option was bowling and I really suck at bowling.” Daniel sighed.
Marigold laughed sweetly and climbed up into the back of the truck. He followed quickly and they got the pillows arranged to rest back on with the blankets under them to prevent the hard plastic of the truck bed from becoming too uncomfortable. They split their food and ate on their laps while watching the sunset. Daniel was almost too nervous to eat - he felt like he might be sick any moment - but he ate anyway and focused on the soft humming coming from the pretty blonde girl beside him.
“How’d you find this spot?” Marigold finally asked.
“By chance, honestly.” Daniel shrugged. “I was practicing my driving before I got my full license and I was up around here and pulled over to answer a call from my mom and...I dunno...it looked kinda nice.”
Marigold nodded in agreement through a bite of her burger before answering, “It is kinda nice.”
“You’re the first person I’ve taken here.”
“Oh really?” Marigold smiled over at him, “I’m glad. Maybe this can be our spot.”
Daniel bit his lip to prevent himself from smiling as wide as he possibly could back at her and he nodded, “Okay.”
They finished their meals in near silence and by the time the sun finally dipped below the horizon and sent the land into near darkness, they rested back against the pillows comfortably. Daniel pulled up one of the blankets over their laps to keep warm as night fell and the temperature started to drop. Marigold was entranced by the views, her gaze unwavering as she stared up at the stars starting to appear across the inky sky.
“You can never see the stars from town.” she whispered.
Daniel looked from her up to the sky himself and smiled lightly at the blinking stars staring back at them.
“They’re so pretty.” Marigold said.
He looked back over at her, certainly finding her much prettier than the stars. He couldn’t believe she was really truly there with him - after months of psyching himself out and putting it off. She was the prettiest girl in the whole school, Daniel was sure of it, not to mention the sweetest and thinking about the fact that she so easily agreed to go out with him made his heart jump in his chest.
As if reading his thoughts, she asked, “Why’d you want to ask me out?”
Daniel was startled by her question and when he didn’t answer right away she looked back at him expectantly.
“I...You...were the prettiest girl I’d ever seen when you walked into the classroom at the start of term and...so nice to me and so...sweet and...I’ve had a serious crush on you for weeks now but I was too scared to ever do anything about it.”
Marigold lolled her head back against the rear window of the truck and listened so intently to him that you’d think he was preaching the gospel.
“So why now?” she challenged.
“Truth?” Daniel asked.
She nodded.
“My friends said if I didn’t ask you out by the end of the week, they’d do it for me and I don’t think I could ever recover from that embarrassment if they did.”
“Ah, so you waited for the eleventh hour?” Marigold giggled.
“Yeah.” Daniel laughed lightly, looking back down to his lap where he was picking nervously at the loose threads on the blanket draped over them.
Marigold spoke quietly to him, her eyes focused on his face even when he wasn’t looking back at her, “Well you know I’m not shy by any means but...I kinda always got a little nervous around you.”
Daniel finally looked back at her, “What? Really?”
She bit her smiling lip and nodded, “I kinda had a serious crush on you too. I’d get all nervous before first period because I knew I’d be seeing you.”
“Shut up. You did not.” Daniel blushed, looking away from her shyly.
“I did. I did, I swear.” Marigold giggled. “You were just so cute and quiet and made me feel like a little kid all shy.”
“You shoulda told me.” Daniel mumbled, his cheeks flushed pink.
Marigold nudged him, “You shoulda told me.”
They looked back out to the stars, smiling to themselves quietly at the confessions of the other. By the light of the stars, Marigold slid her hand out and brushed over his wrist ever so gently. His eyebrows furrowed a moment in confusion and turned his left hand out palm up as if expecting her to pass him something but all she did was slide her fingers into his and held his hand. Daniel kept his eyes on the sky but gladly kept a snug grip on her hand, ignoring the sickening sweet butterflies that flew around in his stomach.
“My mom says I can get too friendly sometimes so if I cross a line just tell me.” Marigold said.
“You’re fine.” Daniel assured her with a whisper.
She shuffled closer and leaned her head on his shoulder and he swore the feeling of her so close had the most blissful warmth radiating throughout his whole body. He gently rubbed his thumb over hers and she gave his hand a squeeze. Is this what heaven felt like? Daniel never wanted to leave. Just to sit forever just them and the stars.
They sat just like that for a while, sharing whispered conversations about home and their families and their favourite movies. Even when their palms got a little clammy as the minutes moulded into hours, they didn’t move from their spot.
Their spot.
Curfew approached faster than they would have liked to admit and Daniel turned to look at her in their close proximity. Their noses touched as she was still leaned up into his side but she just brushed hers over his and they shared little shy giggles. He could have kissed her right then and there. The stars sparkled in her light blue eyes and he could feel the warmth of her body against his and she was staring at him like she wanted him to.
Daniel shifted slowly and dusted a kiss over her cheek instead before slipping his hand out of hers, “We should head back.”
His shyness made her smile and she let her gaze linger on him a moment longer as he gathered their empty takeout bag and shifted the blanket off of their laps. Daniel never often noticed the way she stared at him when he wasn’t paying attention, always with that same soft smile and adoring light eyes, ever since that very night of their very first date.
Daniel mentally beat himself up the entire drive back into town for not kissing her. The opportunity was right there and he chickened out. As they pulled into Marigold’s driveway, he told himself he was going to kiss her and end the date as it should end. He parked and took a deep breath before looking over at her.
“Thank you for tonight.” Marigold smiled. “I had fun.”
“You’re welcome.” Daniel replied quickly.
“Dinner was great...the stars...everything...it was incredible.”
Daniel only nodded, trying to find that perfect beat of silence so he could go for it but Marigold wasn’t really one to ever stop talking.
“I haven’t really been on dates before...but this one was certainly my favourite. Even the flower. Especially the flower.” she touched the yellow marigold that was still tucked behind her ear before grabbing her small purse and opened the door.
“I’ll walk you up.” Daniel said hurriedly and jumped out of the truck with her.
He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his pants as they headed up the front steps and she smiled widely at him.
“What a gentleman.” she complimented, a hint of teasing in her tone just to make him blush.
She reached for the door handle but turned back to him almost expectantly. Daniel almost went for it but she spoke again.
“So...are we dating then?”
Her question took Daniel by surprise but she smiled sweetly at him as she waited for his answer.
He licked his lips nervously but nodded, “Yeah. I’d...I’d like that.”
“Daniel, will you be my boyfriend?”
“I’m supposed to ask you!”
“You asked me on the date so it’s only fair I can ask you to date me.”
“That’s...that’s not...Marigold, will you be my girlfriend?”
“Only if you agree to be my boyfriend.”
“You’re so stubborn, oh my gosh.” Daniel laughed nervously.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yeah, obviously.”
“Yeah, obviously.” Marigold giggled, using his words as her reply too, their momentary banter falling into silence.
This was the moment.
Daniel stepped closer to her and leaned down slightly, sliding his hand to the side of her neck and gently tilted her head up towards him. They were only a mere inch apart before the front door was tugged open and Marigold, who still had her hand on the handle, went stumbling backwards with a gasp.
Marigold turned to her younger sister with a huff, “What, Iris? What is it?”
The blonde girl in the doorway - who looked a heck of a lot like Marigold apart from her slightly darker blonde hair and much greener eyes - continued loudly, “Do you know where my purple skirt is? I need it for this weekend!”
“You couldn’t have waited two more minutes for me to come inside?” Marigold scolded lightly.
Daniel shifted shyly on his feet and kept his hands in his pockets as she reprimanded her little sister.
“Hey,” the younger teenager looked past her to Daniel, “Aren’t you Anna Seavey’s brother?”
Daniel nodded stiffly, “Yeah.”
“Jesus! She’s like the coolest freshman in the entire school. Mari, are you dating Anna’s brother?!”
“Iris! You’re being rude. And don’t say Jesus.”
“Okay, but have you seen my skirt? Can you help me find it?”
Daniel chuckled at Marigold’s obviously unimpressed expression but she sighed in defeat, always too nice for her own good.
“Fine. I’m coming.” Marigold looked back to Daniel, “Sorry.”
He waved his hand between them casually, “Nah, it’s fine.”
“I’ll see you on Monday.” she smiled. “Thanks again for tonight.”
Daniel nodded and watched her be pulled inside by her fourteen-year-old sister. He lingered on her front porch for a moment before exhaling deeply and running his hands through his hair. Merely a few hours before he was pathetically pining over this girl from his english class and suddenly, by nightfall, he was her boyfriend.
Daniel drove home in his hand-me-down pickup truck that lingered with the scent of her floral drugstore perfume. No junior would ever say this, but he couldn’t wait until Monday.
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cressasdbfanfics · 4 years
Missed too Many
Paring: GoChi
Words: 1656
Summary: In which Goku makes up for lost time on a special day of the year-his first after being gone for years.
Prompt: None. Just Valentine’s Day. 
Fanfiction.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13820511/1/Missed-Too-Many
Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29478639
"Thanks for breakfast, babe! It was great!" I said as I rubbed my very full stomach.
Chichi's cooking was always amazing.
She smiled over her shoulder at me as she scrubbed our dishes. "You're welcome, Goku."
I stood from my seat at our kitchen table. "I'm going to go train! I'll back later today."
Chichi spun to face me, her eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute! Don't tell me you forgot about today!"
"Uh. Today?"
Chichi sighed as her shoulders slumped. "Never-mind," she said as she turned her back on me.
Gohan stared at me, his eyebrows raised. I glanced at Chichi to make sure she wasn't looking, and winked at Gohan. He smiled.
"What's today?" asked Goten.
I looked at him and shook my head.
I knew full well what the day was. Chichi's little sighs and the slump in her shoulders made me question my plan. Truth be told, I had far more than that little bit of upset to make up to her—missed anniversaries, missed birthdays, and missed Valentine's Days.
I had to make this one the best Valentine's Day ever for her and I knew exactly what to get her.
I went upstairs, grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a tan sweater Chichi knitted for me. Chichi liked me better in street clothes but I didn't want to mess them up while I set everything up for the evening.
"Now, I need some zenni," I murmured.
I grabbed the envelope containing money from our farm's first vegetable harvest. Chichi didn't know about that money yet. I promised Chichi I'd get a job when I got better from the heart virus and make us some money. Took me a while to keep that promise but I did. I stuck the envelope in my gi pocket.
I heard a creak outside our closed bedroom door and ran to our open window, wide-eyed. I dove out of it and landed on my feet on the grass as I heard our bedroom door open. I grimaced before I realized that was my chance to run into the kitchen and grab what I needed there.
Thankfully, the back door was unlocked.
"I thought you left already," said Gohan with an eyebrow raised.
I threw a look at Gohan I pressed a finger to my lips as I glanced at the hallway.
Gohan chuckled.
"I wont tell mom."
I had no idea when she would come back into the kitchen so I worked as fast and as carefully as I could. I grabbed our picnic basket and carefully stacked several dishes and a couple sets of silverware in it.
Gohan approached with the neatly folded family picnic blanket in hand. He handed it to me. "Thanks, son."
Goten watched us from where he sat at the kitchen table, drawing a picture.
"Don't tell your mom I was here, okay?" I said.
Goten nodded. "Okay. But why? Where are you going?"
I chuckled and said in a quiet voice, "You'll understand when you're older."
I heard the bedroom door open.
"Uh oh," I murmured.
I slipped out the way I came in with one last wink at the boys. I kicked into the sky and took off toward Satan City to find my first gift to her. While out on a recent family shopping trip for new clothes, Chichi stopped to admire a ruby necklace with a delicate silver chain in a jewelry store's window display, a small smile on her lips.
The shop was easy to find again, the same necklace still on display. Good thing I had enough zenni for it. The clerk placed it in a red velvet box the same shade as the ruby and put the box in a silver gift bag with a red bow matching the box. He bowed as he handed the bag to me.
Then it was off to Bulma's. I needed to ask her if Goten could stay at her place with Trunks, anyway.
The dragon ball radar beeped in my hand, showing me the location of the last dragon ball right under my feet. I was somewhere deep in a hot, sandy desert wasteland. Something glittered in the ground right in front of my clothes. I pulled the last dragon ball out of the sand, put it in the chest Bulma had given me to carry the dragon balls in, and took off toward home.
I landed in front of the giant apple tree. In addition to the radar and a nice chest for the dragon balls, Bulma had even given me lanterns for the sunset picnic. I smoothed the blanket over the grass and set the chest on a corner. I set the lanterns around our picnic blanket and lit them with tiny sparks of ki.
Once that was done, I changed out of my dirty gi and put on the sweater and jeans I grabbed earlier.
I nodded at my handiwork. "Now, we all we need is food."
I flew back to Satan City and got some takeout from one of our favorite restaurants. Our food was still nice and hot when I got to our apple tree with it. Instant Transmission really came in handy sometimes. I set out the meal and placed the lanterns around the picnic blanket, lighting them with tiny sparks of ki.
I flew home and climbed in through our open bedroom window. In the hallway, I knocked on Goten's door.
He opened it
"Hey, buddy. You want to go spend the night with Trunks tonight?"
Goten grinned. "Yeah!"
I chuckled. "Pack a bag. We'll leave as soon as you're ready."
Goten hurried around his room, stuffing clothes and toys into his backpack. He pulled on his shoes. "Ready!"
"Where do you think you're going, young man?" asked Chichi.
I winced and so did Goten.
"Oh. Ch-Chichi," I stammered. "Ah. Heh. Goten's going to go spend the night with Trunks. I already cleared it with Bulma."
Chichi put her hands on her hips. "Is your homework finished?"
Goten nodded as he turned big, pleading eyes on his mother. "Yep! Can I go, Mommy?"
Chichi's stern frown softened. "Oh, I suppose."
Goten dashed past Chichi and me and into the living room.
"Where's Gohan?" I asked.
Chichi sighed. "He left to go take Videl out tonight."
I nodded. "Good."
I walked past her and then winked over my shoulder at her. "Oh. And don't worry about dinner tonight. I want you to relax."
Her narrowed eyes softened.
"Let's go, daddy!" called Goten.
"I'm comin'."
"Thanks again, Bulma," I said.
Bulma smiled. "No problem, Goku."
I locked onto Chichi's energy and found her putting away chopped up meats and vegetables. I snuck up behind her, reached out—
Chichi spun around, a shoved slender a finger into my chest, and glared up at me. "You haven't been training. You're not even wearing that gi you always do."
"Heh, babe, I'll never understand how you do that."
Her finger dropped away from my chest. "Huh? Do what?"
"Know when I'm sneakin' up on ya."
Chichi's lips twitched up. "Oh, a woman has her ways." Her eyes narrowed again. "Now, what have you been up to?"
I took her hands in mine. "Why don't you come with me and find out?"
I led her outside and scooped her up. Chichi yelped and giggled when I kicked into the air. The flight to the apple tree only took a few seconds. I set her on her feet just off the blanket.
"Oh, Goku," said Chichi as she folded her hands at her chest. "This is what you've been doing?"
I nodded. "You do so much for us. I wanted to do something for you."
Her eyes welled up and my heart raced. I always panicked a little when she cried—even if she was happy. Chichi threw her arms around me before I could decide what to do or say. My arms settled around her and she turned her face up to me. Chichi pushed herself up on her tiptoes and pressed her soft lips on the corner of mine. My heart flip-flopped in my chest.
A growl echoed around the mountains and it took me a moment to realize the growl came from me.
Chichi laughed. "We better not keep that stomach of yours waiting."
I scratched the back of my head and chuckled.
After our meal, I handed Chichi the gift bag. She untied the bow with great care and opened the bag. With a glance at me, she held up the red velvet box and opened it.
Chichi gasped. "Oh, Sweetheart!"
She lifted the necklace out of the box and cradled the ruby pendant in her hand, letting the delicate chain dangle from her fingers. She undid the tiny clasp and put it on. Chichi asked me to put a necklace on her once when we were newlyweds and I broke it. I didn't dare try to help her now.
"It's beautiful!" said Chichi.
"You're prettier," I said.
Chichi giggled.
"One more thing," I said.
I picked up the wooden chest and set it in front of her.
One of Chichi's hands went to her chest. "What in the world?"
"Open it up."
Chichi opened the latch with a quiet click and lifted the lid. Her mouth fell open. The dragon balls' glow danced in her eyes. Her eyes welled up again, a hand going up to cover her open mouth as her gaze darted to meet mine.
I reached over the chest and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I want you to wish for whatever you want, Chi. Happy Valentine's Day. Sorry I missed so many."
Tears rolled down her cheeks.
I moved the chest aside and scooted up to her. I wiped her tears away.
Chichi wrapped her arms around me. "Just having you home is enough."
Yeah. I definitely missed too many.
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byunbaekby · 4 years
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to the one who ran away—park jisung.
warnings: none! word count: 2.2k series: letters never sent  summary: a collection of letters. never sent, never read, never shared, these words are for you and you only. they exist to simply remind you of your emotions, and how strong and all-consuming they can be. when you look back upon these notes, you’re reminded of all your failed love stories, happy endings nowhere in sight. will you ever find the one?  
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Your mom catches you staring at the neighbor’s son sitting on the grass across the street. 
“Honey, just go over and say hi.” Your mom beckons you, taking a box from your dad as he lifts it out of the moving van. You blink, staring at the boxes still left to be unsheathed. 
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm,” she encourages, already beginning to walk back inside the house. “I’m sure he’s nice, just go and introduce yourself. Just like I taught you.” She shoots an encouraging smile your way, but you continue standing. It’s not like you can help unload the boxes, you’re only nine for god’s sake. 
“Okay!” You agree, a gracious childish smile on your lips as you grab your doll, a little stuffed rag at this point, and skip across the street to the neighbor’s house; not without looking both ways across the road, though. 
The neighbor’s lawn is bigger than yours, with a big old tree in the middle of the green grass. Underneath that tree and resting under the shade, a little boy is playing with his toy train. He looks like he’s the same age as you. As you approach he doesn’t seem to notice you, even though you’re hopping and skipping with every step. The front door of his house is open, but his parents are nowhere to be found. 
“Hi!” You exclaim, probably a bit too excitedly as you jump on the grass right in his field of view. He looks up and his eyes widen comically. You don’t even give him time to respond as you jump into the introduction your mom had taught you: “Hi, my name is Y/N, I’m nine years old. My favorite color is purple, I’m an only child, I just moved in, and I want to be frie—”
You don’t get to finish, because the boy stumbles to his feet and runs inside the house, clutching his train to his chest. “H-Hey! Come back!” But he doesn’t, and you’re just left there standing alone. 
Perhaps you had come on a bit too strong. 
Narrowing your eyes, you try to gaze inside the house but to no avail. A sigh leaves your lips. 
Yeah, definitely too strong. 
You’re about to walk back home, swinging your raggedy doll, but a woman walks out from the door. She’s tall and slim, but behind her you see him again. That same boy, except now his toy is out of sight and he peers over at you with frightened eyes from behind his mom. 
“Hi,” the woman speaks, her voice soft and sweet. “Who are you, sweetie?”
You stare up at her tall figure, gulping before replying. “I’m Y/N, I’m nine years old. My favorite color is purple, I’m an only child, I just moved in, and... I want to be friends.” Unlike her son, she lets you finish your long practiced speech.
The eyes with which she gazes at you are sweet and awestruck. “Aw,” she coos, reaching behind her to rub her son’s dark hair. “Look Jisung-ie, she just wants to be friends with you.” He continues to peek at you meekly, still grasping onto his mom’s leg. “Do you want to be friends with Y/N?”
For a long moment, he just stares. He’s taking in your appearance, your pigtails, the bows on the tip of your shoes, and the doll you have in your hands. You try your best to look nice under his scrutiny, wearing the bright smile that you practiced in the mirror. He seems to take a long time to make a decision, but you and his mom wait patiently. 
“No,” he finally says before scurrying back into the house. 
—age nine.
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“So are you like, sad?”
You sit up and ask Jisung, who lays a couple feet away from you. You’re both on his front lawn, perched on the grass under the shade of the very tree you had first met him under. It’s the first time in the while that you’ve hung out like this,not since he decided suddenly that he had a crush on your classmate Kim Minju. 
Your best friend stops touching his phone for a second to think, as if pondering your question. A silence ensues. You expect him to be sad, it’s normal after all. His first relationship, down the drain. But how serious can a twelve year old’s romance be, anyways? He seems to come to this conclusion also, for he shakes his head. “Nah.” 
“Not at all?”
“Not really.”
You blink at him, not really understanding his point of view. He asks you next, “Are you sad? About Samuel?”
His question catches you a bit off guard, but after a moment you shake your head. You didn’t really like Samuel all that much other than the week after he had given you a candy bar for Valentines’ Day. That week, you were basically in love with him. But now, not really. You’d preferred Jisung’s company more than Sam’s. 
“No.” You respond, laying back down in the grass next to him. 
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, watching the sunlight slide between the dancing leaves, until he speaks up. “Good.” 
—age twelve.
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Dear Jisung,
To be honest, I have no idea what the heck I’m trying to write here. I was talking to my mom about you, and she told me that if I have so many things to say, then I should write a letter. So here I am. I don’t think she meant it seriously, though. But to be honest I’m getting real fed up with you, so I took her seriously. 
Here’s why you’re getting on my nerves, even though it’s already been a year since you moved. Actually, that’s why I’m mad at you. Because you left. 
Mom says that you had no choice, and that you were moving because you had to. But she’s wrong. Completely, totally wrong. She has absolutely no idea how I’m feeling right now. I’m not mad because you moved to a new town to a new house with a new school and a new best friend that you post on your MySpace feed all the time now. I’m mad because you moved without saying anything. 
You see, Jisung, when I met you that day I moved in, I knew you were going to be someone special to me. I was only nine (and taller than you, which I know you hated), but I knew you were going to be my best friend. You remember it, don’t you? The way I skipped across the street into your yard and demanded you be my friend? You were scared, stranger danger of course, but your mom encouraged you to play with me. I knew, I just knew in my little bones that you were going to be my best friend. 
And you were. 
For a short while, at least. Four years with me by your side, it must have been annoying huh? I know for me it was. I considered giving you away a couple times. Especially when you cut off one of my pigtails after I ate the last gummy worm! That was low, and even you knew it. 
But for the most part, I really liked having you as my best friend. It was nice, carpooling with you to school every morning in the back of your mom’s old van, then walking home together. It was even nicer always having someone to hang out with at any hour of the day, just across the street. We saw each other every day for four years, but I never got bored of being friends with you. For a long time, it felt like it was you and me against the world, even if the world we knew was just the street we lived on. Even though you eventually grew taller than me, I was always smarter than you. 
I was smarter than you because I figured out that you liked me before you even knew. 
That one day, when we were twelve, you saw Kim Samuel give me a candy bar on Valentines’ Day. Then the next day, I saw you holding hands with Kim Minju. She was your girlfriend for like, two weeks until Samuel started crushing on the new girl in our class. That was really dumb and stupid of us, little twelve year olds thinking we knew anything about relationships. But what can I say, we’re only fourteen now anyways. We might not know anything, but I know this: you liked me. 
First, I knew it because I saw the look in your eyes in the school hallway when Samuel gave me that Kit-Kat bar; you must have been jealous. I’ll admit, I was jealous too. I was jealous because Minju only lived down the street from us and you insisted on walking her home every day too. So then, our after school walks home and adventures grew to three people. 
And everybody knows that the sidewalk is only big enough for two people to walk side by side.
After you “broke up” with her (twelve year olds breaking up, how tragic), things went back to normal. But then we were thirteen and I heard from someone in our class that you liked me. They whispered it in my ear during art class, making me spill pink paint all over my blue sky. You liked me. Like, liked me. It should have been surprising but it wasn’t really. 
Because I liked you too. 
You must have known, the way I did. After that, I waited for you to confess to me. Why? I don’t know, I was lame okay? I thought that guys were always supposed to be the one to confess. It seemed romantic at the time but now I just wish I had spoken up. 
In some ways, I tried. Do you remember that one Friday when we were walking home, and I hooked my index finger around your’s? That took a lot of courage. You seemed fine, but when we got home you ripped your hand from mine without even saying goodbye. And then on my birthday, when you surprised me with that bracelet that I had been wanting from the mall, I tried to hug you, but differently. Instead of hugging your chest like I usually did, I tried to wrap my arms around your neck. It’s different. It’s more… intimate in a way. I had to tippy-toe. 
But you pulled away. 
Literally, you just slid your head under my arms and then rubbed your neck awkwardly before running back to your house. Imagine how that felt. 
And then one day, two weeks after school finished, I saw the moving truck parked in your driveway. I had been scared, running to my mom and almost running outside, but she stopped me. “Jisung and his mom are moving to Seoul,” she said. Tch, you didn’t even tell me. She said she knew for a week already, which meant you already knew since before school got out. She thought you’d told me already. But the thing is, you didn’t. 
I waited and waited, and guess what, I waited a little bit more. But you never came. 
And then two days later, you left. Just like that. Just in and out of my life. 
You didn’t even say goodbye.
While I was waiting, I saw you a couple times. From my bedroom window, I could see your driveway perfectly. Sometimes, while packing boxes into the truck, you looked over at my house. Once, I even saw you walk across the street, stop in the middle, then walk back home. Why did you do that?
Did our friendship not mean anything to you? Four years of teasing, walks home, sharing ice cream cones at the shop because we couldn’t afford two between us? I guess not.
You don’t even call anymore, and it’s not because you don’t know my house number. You knew it by heart, because you used to call me when you needed help with homework. It’s only been a year, but I wonder if you ever think of me. It can’t be that easy to forget me, can it? Even when I watched you and your mom drive away in that big old moving truck, with your head hanging out the window watching the street you grew up on slide past, I always thought you would come back. 
But you haven’t. And that’s the thing about you, Jisung. You always run away. From people, from things that scare you, from things that make you uncomfortable. You ran away when I wanted to be your friend. You ran away when the neighbor’s big dog got loose and jumped in front of us on the way home. You ran away when I tried to hold your hand. Always running. Doesn’t it get tiring? It annoys me so much. I would call you a coward but that’s a really mean word and in some ways I’m a coward too. 
My mom says that friends come and go, and that life will move on. I guess she’s right. So it’s time for me to let you go. I really don’t want to, but I guess it’s time. Trust me, this is the hardest thing I’ve done in all fourteen years of my life. 
I’m sure your new house in Seoul is nice, but I doubt you have a big tree in your yard to play cards under or a neighbor who will hang out with you whenever you’re bored. I really hope not, so you can remember to miss me sometimes. 
Bye, Jisung. Thanks for being my friend. 
From your neighbor,
—written at age fourteen. no address, never sent. 
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Chapter One - Hello Chicago
A/N: So this is my first crack at Chicago fire fanfiction, so don't judge too hard, alright? This will unfold from the beginning of season three, so if you haven't watched it yet, but plan to; SPOILER ALERT! I tried to follow along with the storyline of the show, but some things have been changed. Shout out to my superawesome beta @thorne93​, you rock! 
Fandom: Chicago Fire
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Beth (OFC) 
Warnings: None. 
Wordcount: 2975
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Three weeks ago: 
It was a beautiful summer day in Chicago, the sun was high in the sky while a warm breeze fanned the air, providing some much needed relief from the scorching sun. Beth had just moved into a cozy little apartment on West Wolcott, a seemingly friendly neighbourhood that she hadn't really had the time to explore yet. One thing she had noticed though, was the little bar on the corner, Molly’s. It reminded her of the last place she worked at back in New York before she picked up her life and headed for the windy city. On this particular day, she saw a ‘help wanted’ sign on the bulletin board outside, and without thinking twice, she climbed the three steps and walked inside. A little bell above the intricate mahogany door chimed, and before it even closed behind her, three confused faces looked up at her from a table near the bar. 
“Sorry, we’re closed,” the woman in the group said, offering Beth a friendly smile as she did. 
“Oh…” Beth started, looking between the three of them. The woman was a beautiful latina, around Beth's age, with a kind smile. One of the men, the older one of them, looked like he was in his mid forties maybe, and the other one was around Beth's age, maybe a couple years younger. He had big brown puppy dog eyes and a thick mustache.  “I just saw the help wanted sign outside, and figured I'd see if you had an application I could fill out,” she explained. “But I can come back later,” she suggested when there was no answer. It felt as though she had walked into something here. She didn't know them, but it seemed as if there was a sadness behind their smiles. 
“Nonsense,” the older man exclaimed, getting to his feet. “Come sit down.” 
Beth put down her groceries at the door and went to join them. 
“I'm Christopher Herrmann,” he introduced, shaking Beth's hand. “That's Gabriella Dawson-” Beth shook her hand too. “And this here is Otis,” he said, patting the guy's shoulder. 
“Brian,” the younger man corrected. 
“Nice to meet you all. I'm Beth Andrews.” 
“So you’re looking for a job?” Gabriella wondered. 
“Yeah. I just moved in down the street last week, and I saw the sign upfront today,” she explained. 
“You have any experience, kid?” Herrmann asked in a very prominent Chicago accent. 
“I do. Spent the last ten years working as a bartender in New York. Two different nightclubs for about five years and then nearly five year's at a neighbourhood bar like this,” she explained. “Then I moved here. I have references,” she added.
“Any other work experience?” he wondered. 
“Yeah. I was a paramedic with the New York Firedepartment for eight years. We were on 24 hours and off for 48, so it was easy enough to combine with other jobs.” 
The three of them shared an amused look and Beth wondered if she had said something wrong. 
“We all work for the CFD at house 51 here in town. Gabby is a paramedic, Herrmann and I are on truck,” Otis explained, and Beth chuckled at the coincidence.
“Paramedic for now,” Gabby corrected. “I've graduated from the academy, and hope to start fighting fires soon.” 
“Really? Congrats,” Beth offered. 
“Thank you,” Gabby said with a wide smile. “Are you looking to be a paramedic here in Chicago too, or?” 
“Not really, no. I got injured on the job and the more time passed, the harder it was to get back to it. I made a real effort about three months ago, but the job had changed for me,” Beth tried to explain, hoping that a fellow paramedic would understand. 
“Alright,” Herrmann dragged. “So why Chicago?” 
“Heard you guys were hiring. Couldn't let that opportunity slip through my fingers,” Beth joked with a coy smile, looking between the three of them. 
Gabby looked at the other two and nodded before looking back at Beth. “Welcome to Molly’s.” 
“Really?” Beth exclaimed. 
“Yep,” Herrmann confirmed. “Be here at five and we’ll get you settled in.” 
And that was how Beth landed her job at Molly’s. A job that she absolutely loved. Never had she imagined that a simple bartender job would come with such a wide network of people and friends, but Molly’s had that family vibe to it. It was a place where firefighters, police officers, and doctors came to hang their hat and try to find a good end to an otherwise shitty day at work, or a place to celebrate the good days. She found many acquaintances during her first three weeks, but also some good friends… like Gabby. 
After Beth had Gabriella and her fiancee - who was a lieutenant at firehouse 51 - Matt Casey over for dinner, Gabby had convinced her to come to the house and cook for them all, which she gladly did. One thing she had learned through her year's working at NYFD was that the fastest way to a firefighter’s heart was through their stomachs. 
Firehouse 51 was still mourning the loss of one of their paramedics, Leslie Shay, who had died on the job just a few weeks before Beth rolled into town. Her death still cast a shadow over the place, but they were all trying to get back to normal. A normal that would be hard to find before the lieutenant of Squad 3 came back from his furlough. Kelly Severide had been Shay’s best friend, and the one that took her death the hardest. No one had seen or heard from him since Shay’s funeral, and they were all starting to wonder if he would ever return to the station at all. 
Beth hoped that a good meal would help cheer them up a bit, even if it was just for a little while. 
“This smells amazing, Beth,” Cruz complimented as he hovered over her in the kitchen. “Where did you learn to cook?” 
“Yeah… Tell them the story,” Gabby said with a chuckle, not looking up from the magazine she was flipping through. 
“Alright,” Beth dragged, very aware that all eyes were on her all of a sudden. “I was dating this guy back when I was nineteen. He was a really nice guy, but I didn't really see it lasting very long, so when Valentine’s rolled around I didn't want to splurge on a big fancy gift for him. So I got him a pen,” she started explaining. 
“You gave a guy a pen for valentines day?” Cruz asked with raised brows. 
“Yeah - well- he was studying journalism and I had it engraved.. It was a nice pen, kay? My point is I wasn't too invested in the relationship at this point.” 
“As evidenced by the pen,” Otis chimed in, earning himself a bitchface from Beth. 
“But it seemed as though he was in a different place then I was at that time, so he gave me a gift certificate for cooking classes, worth about 500 dollars.” 
A round of ‘aww’s’ went around the room followed by Gabby’s “Wait for it.” 
“For about two seconds I felt really shitty about the 14 dollar pen I had gotten him, so I started telling him that I couldn't accept his gift. That it was too much.. Too generous. He shut me down and told me it was an investment in our future and that - and I quote - he saw real potential in me, but if we were to start a family, he needed to know that I would be able to cook for them.” 
Now there was a mixture of ‘eww’s’ and ‘oh, noes,’ going through the room. 
“So I took the gift certificate and left. Then I spent 6 weeks learning to cook all these delicious meals that he will never get to taste,” she concluded. 
“Good for you, Beth,” Sylvie complimented. She was the newest member of the firehouse, filling Shay’s position after she died. Sylvie was a small town girl that had this sort of careful nature to her. She was very sweet though. Beth liked her a lot. 
“I don't get it,” Cruz said with a puzzled look on his face. “He was planning a future with you, isn't that nice?” Coming from anyone else, this comment would probably piss Beth off, but she knew him, and knew that he didn't really mean anything by it. 
“He wasn't planning a future with me, he was planning my future for me,” Beth explained. “Look… being a stay at home mom is tough work, and I admire the shit out of those who do it, but at that point I had my own aspirations and goals for my future. It was pretty clear to me that even though he knew all of this, he didn't care as long as he got the family he pictured in his mind.” 
“Oh… well… when you put it like that,” Cruz said, an apologetic look on his face. 
“It's alright,” Beth assured before she announced to everyone that dinner was ready, and for all of them to dig in. 
Dinner had been a huge success and she left the house with an open invitation to come back whenever to cook for them, which was their way of telling her that she had been accepted into their little family. 
Now she was back behind the bar at Molly’s, which was easily her favorite place in the world right now. Lieutenant Casey had finally been able to track down and convince Lieutenant Severide to come back to Chicago, and they had all decided to throw him a little welcome home party at Molly’s.
Gabby had already been in Beth’s ear about Kelly Severide, warning her that he was a bit of a ladies man, but Beth assured her that she wasn't interested. She was excited to meet him though, besides being a ladies man, Beth had heard a lot of great things about him. 
There was a good crowd already at the bar when Kelly finally showed up. The first thing that Beth noticed was that the pictures of him at the station didn't really do him justice. However, it wasn't the ocean blue eyes, or the plump lips, or even the broad shoulders. It was the way he carried himself. Standing tall and confident in his shoes as he was welcomed into the bar with cheers and pats on the back. There were few things more attractive in a man than confidence, Beth thought to herself, but there was a really fine line between confidence and arrogance, and from where she was standing it looked as though he was on the right side of that line. There was something else that she noticed about him, something that saddened her in some inexplicable way. As soon as the charming smile fell from his lips, his expression hardened. Not in an angry or mean looking way, but more… stoic. Like a man carrying around a pain inside of him that he didn't want anyone to see. Like he was trying to hide his vulnerability by appearing unapproachable.
Beth knew that underneath all that, there was a good man. Of course she hadn't met the man yet, but she knew that from the way people spoke about him. 
He didn't take a seat at the bar, instead he wedged himself in between two stools and leaned against the counter.   
“This is Beth, Molly’s new bartender,” Gabby said and Beth reached over the bar to shake his hand. 
“Kelly,” he said, his piercing blue eyes tracking her features. “Nice to meet you.” The hardness of his face melted away as he smiled politely at her, revealing a little gap between his front teeth. It was as though she caught a little glimpse of who he was behind the hard exterior. It was just a flash, a fraction of a second, and then it was gone again.   
“You too,” she offered. “What can I get you?” 
“Whiskey,” he said simply before he got roped into a conversation with Chief Boden and Casey. 
Beth did her best not to stare at the man, but throughout the night she caught herself looking for him, letting her eyes linger whenever they found him while her mind wondered who this man was underneath. Already then she knew she was in trouble 
“I knew it,” Gabby said suddenly into her ear. Beth hadn't even seen her approaching. 
“What?” she asked, pretending she had no clue what Gabby was on about. “I'm allowed to look,” she defended when her friend sent her a knowing look. 
“You’re allowed to do whatever you want to do,” Gabby said with a coy smile. “Just know what you’re getting yourself into.” 
“I'm not gonna get myself into anything,” Beth assured.
“Mhm… Anyway, Matt and I are going to head home. You okay to lock up?” Gabby asked. 
The bar was mostly empty now. Just Severide, Cruz, and Otis remained. “Absolutely,” Beth assured. She said goodnight to her friend and then made her way over to the three men. “Last call, boys. What can I get you?” 
The level of inebriation around the table was pretty darn high, but considering this was last call and they would be out soon, Beth didn't worry about it too much. As per their request, she grabbed them each a beer and then made her way back behind the bar to start getting ready to close up. 
“Hey, Beth,” Kelly suddenly called out, making her spin around. “Come have a drink with us,” he lightly demanded. 
She mulled it over for a second before she poured herself a glass of ice water and went to join them. 
“What's this?” Kelly asked, pointing to her glass with furrowed brows. 
“Water,” she stated simply. 
“You don't drink?” he asked, looking into her blue eyes. 
“Not at work.” Holy shit was he gorgeous, she thought to herself as she pried her eyes off of the freckles that peppered his nose. She hadn't noticed them earlier, but now that she was so close to him, she could clearly see them. She could still feel his eyes on her when she looked away, but she did her best to ignore the warm feeling that settled in her body under his gaze. 
“How are you liking Chicago so far?” Cruz asked. 
“It's good,” she said with a bob of her head. “Your pizza sucks though,” she added as an afterthought. 
“Oh come on,” Otis exclaimed. “Chicago style beats New York style every day of the week,” he argued, getting support from the other two. 
“Uhm.. no. Deep dish pizza tastes like tomato sauce and dough, and nothing more. New York style has the perfect toppings to cheese ratio on a crunchy crust. It's perfection.” 
“You’re wrong,” Cruz chimed in. “The thin crust does not support enough toppings. It's structurally unsound.” He gestured as he spoke, as if he was caught in a heated debate about the state of the world or something. 
That spiraled into a half an hour long argument about pizza and toppings, ending only when Beth said that she would prove them all wrong by coming into the fire house and cooking them some real pizza. This was met with much enthusiasm. 
“Alright, boys. Time to get out so I can close up,” she announced after checking the time. 
“You throwing me out of my own bar?” Otis asked as they all got to their feet. 
“Damn straight,” she said with a smile, trying to ignore the looks she got from the very handsome lieutenant.
“This because of the pizza thing?” 
“Absolutely,” she confirmed with a playful smile. 
“Never argue with the bartender,” Kelly noted. 
“Exactly,” Beth agreed. “Now get out so I can get home,” she ordered. 
The three men were still outside waiting for a cab when Beth locked the door behind her. From what she could tell, Kelly was trying to rope the other two into continuing the evening somewhere else, without much luck it seemed like. She felt for him, she really did. Being alone with your thoughts after losing a loved one was hard, she remembered all too vividly what that was like. 
“What about you?” he said, looking at Beth. “Wanna come have some drinks with me?” 
“Not even a little bit,” she said. It was a lie. She would very much like to go with him, but she knew how that would end, and tempting as it was, it wasn't really an option. “I'm gonna go home and slip into a light coma.” It seemed as though her answer surprised him, and she got the impression that he wasn't really used to getting turned down. 
“Can I walk you home then? Can be scary out here at this time of night,” he tried. 
“My apartment is right there-” she pointed a few houses down - “I'm sure I'll make it home before your cab gets here, so you guys can just keep an eye on me from here.” 
Cruz and Otis kept their eyes to the ground, trying to not get roped into this awkward interaction. They mumbled a goodnight as Beth left them, trying to hide their smiles from the lieutenant. 
“What just happened?” Kelly asked with a confused expression on his face. 
“You just got shut down, bro,” Cruz explained. 
“Twice,” Otis added, making the two of them laugh. 
Kelly watched as Beth made her way to her building, and just as the cab pulled up, she unlocked her door. He raised his hand and gave her a small wave before he got into the backseat of the car. For a while, he had the image of her bright smile, and big eyes in his mind, but soon enough she was replaced by Shay, and grief overtook him once again. 
If you want a tag, just shoot me an ASK and we’ll make that happen. 
If you like what you read, press that little reblog button, maybe leave me a little comment. Feedback is a great source of inspiration for me. 
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deans-baby-momma · 4 years
Mommy’s (Not So) Good Girl-20
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A/N: Only 5 more chapters after this one and GREAT NEWS!!!Only 5 more day of September so I will be posting a chapter a day until Sept. 30th. Then I am going on a small hiatus (again) to try and cope with this new “illness” and all it’s lovely side effects. 
I look at Dean wide-eyed as my mom’s voice sounds through the door. He jumps off the bed and I quickly crawl back under my comforter, pulling it up to my chest. 
“Yea Mom,” Abby says, her voice shaking. “Come on in.”
Mom opens the door and I can tell when she realizes that Dean is in my room. She looks at him shocked and stops halfway in.
“What are you doing in here?” she asks him.
“I wanted to make sure she was okay. I saw a dispute between her and that Coleman boy. I wanted to find out what that was about,” Dean explains and it looks as though my Mom buys it because she smiles sweetly at him and then continues on into my room.
“That’s sweet of him, isn’t it Abs?”
“Ye-yea,” I stutter out. “He’s a good stepdad.”
“Can I have a few minutes with her?” My mom asks as she looks at Dean. He nods and heads out the door, looking back over his shoulder at me once he is behind her. 
“What’s up Mom?” I ask as soon as he is out of sight.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry that your friend couldn’t make it tonight.”
“Huh?” I ask, confused.
“Your friend who you call ‘Daddy’.” she says, with a wiggle of her eyebrows. “You did invite him, didn’t you?” 
“Oh. Yea, I called him but he had to work,” I lie through my teeth. “It’s okay. It’s no big deal.”
“It was nice of Dean to give you a kiss at midnight though, wasn’t it?” she asks as she sits in the very same spot he had taken just ten minutes ago. “He really watches out for you and Ben. I think he’d make an excellent stepdad.” She pauses and then adds, “and a wonderful dad.”
I feel sick to my stomach! Is she insinuating what I think she is?!
“Mom, are you pregnant?”
“What?” she laughs as she answers. “No. I’m not pregnant. But the thought has crossed my mind. Dean lost so much when his brother died. He is the last living member of his immediate family. I just think it’d be nice to give him someone to carry on the Winchester name.”
‘Oh my god!’ I think to myself. ‘Mom is actually considering carrying Dean’s child! No, no no!’
“Yea, that would be nice. But-” I pause to be able to word my inquiry correctly. “Does Dean want kids? I mean sure he is awesome with me and with Ben but does he want his own?”
“I don’t know,” Mom says. “But if it were to happen, he’d have to be happy about it, right?”
“Mom, you cannot get pregnant without talking about it with him first.”
Mom sighs and then her shoulders slump. “Yea, you’re right. What was I thinking?!”
I breathe in relief that it seems that she has decided to forgo her plan of “accidentally” getting pregnant. 
I couldn't go to sleep after Mom dropped that bombshell. 
What was she thinking?! Did she actually believe Dean would be happy if she were to get pregnant? Would he? I know for a fact that they use protection, so he is trying not to knock her up right?
During Thanksgiving I had found an empty condom wrapper in her trashcan as I was gathering up the garbage in the house so I knew Dean, at least, had been thorough and had wrapped up.
I lay in bed,  staring up at the ceiling,  trying my best not to think of Dean impregnating my mother. That would just be so wrong!
Hopefully I talked some sense into her and she won't proceed with her nefarious and outrageous plan. I can only hope that if she were to get pregnant that it is after some honest discussion with the man and that he was on board with the idea as well.
Although, I don't think Dean is actually ready to settle down and have his own family.
Yes, he a excellent role model for Ben and the whole neighborhood thinks he and Mom are perfect for each other, they don't know he's also fucking me. Not so ideal now, is he?
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Once again the campus is inundated with decorations. Big, red floating hearts seem to be posted everywhere, along with cutouts of that stupid baby with the bow and arrow and balloons seemingly come out of nowhere, getting right in the way.
Why college students insist on celebrating this holiday is beyond me. It's just another excuse to get drunk and try to bang someone. So many of my classmates throughout the last couple of years have had to pull back on their studies or completely drop out because a good Valentine romp ended up with a nice little surprise come Thanksgiving; a surprise in the form of a cute little baby.
I refuse to be one of those girls who get so blindly drunk she succumbs to the lame attempts by fellow college guys and 9 months later, alone and with a child to care for.
I swat away at the millionth red bag of air as my phone pings in my hand.  I look at the screen and smile when I see 'Daddy' has sent me a message.
>Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart 
>>Happy Valentine's Day Daddy. I miss you.
>God, I miss you too. My party was boring without you here.
Mom had thrown Dean a surprise birthday party at the end of January but I'd had a big exam to prep for so I couldn't make it home to attend.
>>I'm sorry. I had to study. I'll make it up to you, I promise. 
>How about today? Right now?
>Look up.
My head jerks up and there he is! I look around and my eyes fall on that black muscle car I remember from my childhood. The one that's been parked in the garage at home for months; Dean's excuse to spend time with Ben fixing it up and keeping it running.
Leaning against the top of the shiny ebony vehicle is the man who plagues my dreams, at night and during the day.  The way the sun shines creates a flawless glow around his head, almost like a halo. I smile as I cross the street toward him.
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"What are you doing here?" I can’t help but to ask, but secretly giddy that he is here.
"Couldn't let today pass by without seeing you Abby. Thought you might allow me to take you to lunch, show me around your 'home away from home'," he says as I step toward him and he opens his arms. I gladly walk right into his embrace,  moving my books to one arm. 
I want to tiptoe and kiss him but I don't want anyone seeing anything that would raise questions, inquiries I didn't want to answer. Right now,  a hug looks innocent. Just a guy hugging a girl in greeting.
“Sure,” I say as I smile up at him. “I was just gonna drop my books off in my room and then go to the food cart down the way. C’mon.”
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As we walk toward my dorm, I can’t help but feel special, feel important. Dean took the day to come an hour away to see me, on the day of love no less. Wait, does that mean what I think it means? Is there a more significant reason he is here? Is he here to declare feelings for me? 
I shake those thoughts from my head, determined not to question his visit but just enjoy it. So what if he drove almost 70 miles? He does it because he cares. Nothing more than that. I’m not going to scrutinize it; no, I’m going to enjoy the few hours I get to spend with the man. What’s that old saying, ‘don't look a gift horse in the mouth’? Yea I’m not going to do that.
When we get my dorm room, I unlock the door and walk in, holding it open so he can follow. Thank goodness Sheila isn’t here because I really don’t want to share any time I get to spend with Dean with anyone else. For a few hours today, he is mine.
Placing my books on my desk, I turn to see Dean looking around the room with his head nodding slightly. 
“So, you want to go with me to the food cart or-” I say nervously. Wait, why the hell am I nervous? Oh yea, that’s right; there is a bed not even 5 feet away and the man I have dreamed of being in that bed right there. My dream could actually come through. Getting back on track, I clear my throat. “-we could go to the cafe across campus. It’s a bit of a walk but it’s decent outside today. You know, for the middle of February in the north.”
“Yea we can do that baby,” he says with a smirk. “As soon as you tell me what’s wrong. You’re acting all shifty. Should I have called first? Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?” He quirks and eyebrow at me.
I giggle and respond. “Uh, no.  No date. Just you’re in my room. And my bed is-” I explain as I point toward the furniture. “-is right here. I’ve dreamed of you and me in that bed, ya know.”
Dean steps closer and I can see the humor of the situation on his face. “And? What are we doing in the bed?”
I feel a flush come up my neck. Why am I embarrassed now? It’s not like we haven’t done it. “Fucking,” I answer honestly, which earns me a wide smile from the man in front of me.
“Well, how long will your roommate be gone?”
“Couple hours, I think.”
“Okay, so what do you say we go grab a bite to eat and then come back and make those dreams come true?”
Finally feeling bold again, I rip my sweater over my head and say, “Why wait?”
Dean hurriedly jerks his shirt off and I watch in awe. He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down his legs before standing up again. This man is going to be the death of me.
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“I need you Abby,” is all he says before I rush him, tackling him to the mattress.
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@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @deanwanddamons​ @hoboal87​ @marvelfanbrenda​ @vicmc624​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @elliloumom @stoneyggirl​  @kricketc29​
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
Hi, how about 7. Wrong Restaurant for the Genie Angie AU? With a magical yet still learning Angie wrong could mean anything or Stan might have got it wrong.
7. Wrong restaurant
Thank you for an Angenie AU ask, Anon, I fricking love that AU.  I actually had two different ideas for where to go with this.  One would take place before Stangie arrives in Gravity Falls, and one after.  After consulting a few people, though, I went with the former.  Maybe I’ll write the latter some other time...
Prompt List
              “But her aim is gettin’ better!” Stan said jovially to the oil lamp carefully buckled in the passenger seat.  Soft chuckling came from said oil lamp.  Stan grinned, glad the joke had landed.  “Y’know, not enough people appreciate my sense of humor.”
              “Then those people are fools,” said the genie in the lamp, aka his girlfriend, Angie.
              “I agree.”  Stan glanced at the lamp.  “Hey, uh, Angie, wanna get outta there?”
              “Um…”  Angie’s voice was small, and not just because she was speaking from inside the lamp. They had discovered early on that she got incredibly anxious if she spent much time in open spaces.  Even being outside of her lamp for too long could cause nervousness.  Stan had a feeling that this anxiety was a newer development, given that he had been the first to notice it.
              Can’t really blame her.  Who knows how long she was cooped up in that lamp before I found her?  When he’d broken out of a Middle Eastern prison, he hadn’t expected to find an oil lamp that housed a real-life genie.  But he wasn’t going to complain.  After all, now I’m rich and dating someone who’s definitely outta my league.  And I’ve still got one wish left!
              “C’mon,” Stan cajoled.  “You’re free of that lamp, you don’t have to spend so much time in it.”  After spending so much time locked up in various prisons, he hadn’t even considered not using his second wish to free Angie. Luckily, she’d stuck around after being freed.  Even more luckily, their relationship had quickly veered from platonic to romantic.
              “I…”  Angie sounded hesitant.  “Well, where are we?”
              “My old stomping grounds.  Glass Shard Beach, New Jersey.”
              “Oh, yer hometown?” Angie said, sounding amused.  “I better take a gander, then.  Ya don’t really know someone until ya see where they come from.” Stan grinned.
              I kinda like my girlfriend being the only genie with a southern accent.  Yellow smoke billowed out of the oil lamp, eventually coalescing into the form of a young woman holding the lamp on her lap.  Angie smiled at Stan.
              “I love how you dress, babe, but you might wanna put on something warmer,” Stan warned her.  Angie looked outside, saw the snow on the ground, and grimaced.
              “I hate the cold,” she muttered.  She closed her eyes.  Gold sparks twinkled over her clothes, changing her outfit.  In short order, her crop top and daisy dukes had been replaced with a sweater and jeans.  “Oh, I forgot the coat.”
              “You can borrow mine,” Stan said quickly.
              “I think I can magic up somethin’.”
              “Yeah, but usually, you pull off one magic trick and then completely fuck up the one after,” Stan reminded her.  Angie crossed her arms, pouting.  “Remember what happened when we were in New York?  It’s a miracle the Statue of Liberty is still standing.”
              “Rude,” Angie muttered.
              “I’m just telling the truth.”  Stan leaned over to kiss Angie on the cheek.  “I love you, babe, but your magic could really use some work.”
              And that’s an understatement.  Angie sighed.
              “I mean, yer right.  I ain’t the greatest genie in the world.”
              “Maybe not, but you’re the prettiest one,” Stan cooed.  Angie giggled.  “So, since we’re in my hometown, I figured we could go to my favorite diner.”
              “Aw, a romantic Valentine’s meal together!” Angie gushed.  Stan frowned at her.  “Sweetheart, it’s February 14th.  Valentine’s Day.”
              “Oh.  It is?”
              “Do you have a calendar in your lamp or something?” Stan asked.  Angie giggled again.
              “Maybe.  Where are ya takin’ me?”
              “It’s a place called The Juke Joint.”
              “Ooh, sounds lovely.  I bet they’ve got greasy burgers ‘n salty fries.”
              “The greasiest and saltiest,” Stan promised.  Angie groaned.
              “That sounds amazing,” she sighed happily.  Stan grinned.
              “You’re in luck, ‘cause…”  Stan came to a stop and looked out his window.  He trailed off.
              “Somethin’ wrong?” Angie asked.  Stan thumped the steering wheel.  “I’ll take that as a yes.”
              “They shut it down!” he groused.
              “What?”  Angie looked over.  She put a hand on Stan’s shoulder.  “Oh, I’m sorry, sweetie.”
              “I was pretty excited about eating there,” Stan muttered.  When Angie didn’t respond, he looked at her.  Her eyes were closed in concentration. “Wait, Angie-”  Gold sparkles manifested around her.  She opened her eyes.  “What did you just do?”
              “I tried to reopen yer fav’rite diner,” she said.  Her eyes widened.  “Hang on. I think it worked!”
              “Really?”  Stan looked back at The Juke Joint.  Sure enough, lights were on and he could see people inside.  “Holy shit, Ang, I think you’re right!”  Angie clapped her hands in excitement.  “Come on, let’s get something to eat.”
              The moment they set foot inside, Stan knew something was wrong.
              None of the waitresses are on roller skates.  Not to mention, the décor had completely changed.  Angie looked around curiously.
              “With yer description, I was expectin’ this place to be less, ah, high-end,” she remarked.
              “No, it’s definitely a bit of a dive,” Stan said quietly.  “I think…I think your magic messed up again, babe. This feels like some hoity-toity place where they have like, cloth napkins and shit.”
              “Oh, consarnit!” Angie swore under her breath.  “Well, uh, d’ya still want to eat here?”
              “Look.”  Stan took Angie’s hands in his.  “I love that you tried to use your magic to make me happy.  But…”
              “I turned yer fav’rite lil diner into an establishment ya have to dress up for,” Angie said.
              “I’m so sorry, Stanley, I didn’t mean to.”
              “It’s okay.  Honestly, even though it’s definitely not the kinda place I want to eat at regularly, I don’t mind that’s it’s still sorta open.  It’s not the Juke Joint I remember, but it’s still around.  I guess,” Stan said.  Angie managed a weak smile.  “But since we’re not gonna eat here, and we still gotta eat…”
              “Yeah, let’s get out of here.”  Angie stood on her tiptoes to kiss Stan.  “You owe me a greasy burger and salty fries, mister.”
              “Don’t worry, there are plenty of places around here to get that.”  Stan wrapped an arm around Angie’s shoulders. The two walked out of the restaurant. “Fast food, for one thing.”
              “Oh, no, yer a local,” Angie said firmly.  “We ain’t gettin’ McDonald’s.”  Stan laughed.
              “Okay, I won’t get you a Big Mac,” he said.  “Since it’s Valentine’s and all.”
              A couple hours later, Stan pulled up in front of a building that churned dread in his stomach.
              “Want me to come in with ya?” Angie asked.  After they’d had dinner and made out for a bit, she had retreated to her lamp again.  Stan shook his head before realizing she couldn’t see him.
              “Nah.  I’m a big boy.  I can handle it.”
              “All right.  If ya need some genie backup, just shout and I’ll hear ya,” Angie said.  “Since I messed up my last spell, I should be able to pull off my next one.”
              “Got it.”  Stan opened the car door.  “I should be back pretty fast.”  He got out, took a deep breath, and walked up to the very same door he’d been shoved out of years ago, when his father put him on the streets.  He knocked.
              The door opened.
              Stan got back into the Stanleymobile.
              “How’d it go?” Angie asked from her lamp.
              “Pretty well.  Mom was home, but Pops wasn’t.”
              “That seems like the ideal sit’ation.”
              “Yeah.”  Stan took a breath.  “It was.”
              “I’m sensin’ a ‘but’ comin’…”
              “But…”  Stan ran a hand through his hair.  “Mom told me that she hasn’t heard from Ford lately.”
              “Yer estranged twin?”
              “Yeah.”  Stan closed his eyes.  “Apparently, he called her pretty regularly, but for a few weeks now, she hasn’t gotten a single call from him.  And when she calls him, he won’t pick up.”
              “That don’t bode well.”
              “I thought ya were angry at him.”
              “I am.”  Stan swallowed.  “But even though I’m pissed with him, I still- I still care about him, y’know? He’s my twin.”
              “Yeah.”  Angie’s voice was even smaller than it usually was while she was in her lamp. “I understand.  So, are we goin’ after him?”
              “Depends.”  Stan started the car.  “How do you feel about Oregon?”
              “Honestly, I’d prefer somewhere without snow.  But I ain’t the one drivin’,” Angie said dryly.  Stan managed a small grin.
              “All right.  Gravity Falls, here we come.”
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marcholasmoth · 4 years
OSRR: 2386
okay so i just got the sweetest asks today?????? they're right below this and i'm cryin, i don't deserve you guys ;-;
okay so like,
today was pretty good. at first.
i went on an adventure to the apple store with joel and i even got to hold his hand as we walked through the mall (bc i was walking so slowly bc knee hurt but i wasn't about to question it) but apparently his allergy to lavender might not just be lavender?? he says perfume is spicy air to him??? so. allergy.
anyway, he got himself a new watch today. he really loves it. i'm glad. otherwise i'd need to kidnap it.
we got lunch from friendly's - he didn't realize there was one still around until i said something. when talking about lunch options, he said "i didn't realize there was a pizza hut around here," and i said, "yeah, it's just across the street from friendly's." his eyes got all big and he just went "WHAT" and i said "friendly's it is!" so we got chicken tendies and mini mozzarella sticks and fribbles for lunch. (idk if anyone doesn't know what a fribble is, but it's a friendly's milkshake, as opposed to a frappe, which is thicker.) (terminology is very important.) (even though a milkshake implies shaking milk, and that's just silly.)
but we went back to his house and watched tv for a while. we started watching eureka together since i wasn't terribly far in and everyone else i started watching with has already gone ahead and watched all of it without me.
the rest of this is like. not so good. so tw for depression, suicidal ideation, self-harm, and self-hatred from here on out, but also like, some good points for therapy.
around 7 i realized i needed to be home, so i went home. i was supposed to spend the evening playing diablo ii with andrew, but heading home meant i couldn't do that, and i felt pretty crummy about it, and i realized that my actions caused him to feel like an afterthought. which is the last thing i want him to feel like. he's one of my bestest friends, and realizing that i hurt him like i did kinda broke something in me. and it just... spiraled from there. (... honestly i almost rammed my car into a cliff face. i took my foot off the gas and hands off the wheel before i could do it though. it's been a long time since i last felt unsafe driving. yikes.) and then i realized what was happening was because of rejection-sensitive dysphoria. but just because of that, doesn't mean it wasn't accurate. that being a shitty friend isn't excusable by saying "i'm a disaster" or "i've been busy" or even "i can't keep things straight in my head" when it's really just all my fault. and there's no excuse to treat a friend like i've been treating him. and then i looked at all of my other friendships and relationships, and i saw that same pathetic disconnection in all of them, because apparently i can't make and keep fucking connections ever. because i don't get attached like normal people do. because i don't feel things like normal people do. because i don't see how my actions affect others like normal people do. and i don't get what i don't get. i'm grateful i have a therapist appointment in a little over a week. i should put a list together of things i need help with.
when i got home i was sure to send him a text and tell him how sorry i was because goddamnit if i can't be a good friend then what the fuck can i be, huh??? if i can't be a good fucking person what good things do i deserve???? none, that's fucking what. and as i drove home i started beating myself up over it. literally. when i got home, i did the same thing. it's been a long time since i last hit my head or slapped myself or punched something, never mind my own jaw. and as i was driving as i smashed my fist into the steering wheel repeatedly i said "no fucking wonder you don't have life insurance" because - surprise! - i got denied life insurance back in april or whatever when i got my new car insurance.
jesus fucking christ, even when i got home i just. couldn't handle it. my dad got me flowers for valentine's day - he always gets us stuff for valentine's day. it's always been a thing in my family - we always get things for each other. and i'm pretty sure that's why valentine's day is my favorite holiday. (i thought to myself after the cliff face passed me how awful it would be for people to process i killed myself the day before my favorite holiday, rip) but anyway, when i saw the flowers, i couldn't even continue into the room to watch tv with my parents. i just started crying again. i didn't stop crying until like 9pm. i got to give my parents their chocolates i got for them too, and i honestly didn't get to see their reactions because i took off my glasses before so i'd stop fucking crying on them. and it all just hurt so much. because i don't fucking deserve the kind things people do for me because i'm not a good fucking person. goddamn it. like, i get this is fucking stupid. "oh you're not a bad person" good people don't do what they do and not concern themselves with what others feel, especially when it's their closest friends. good people don't fucking fall apart at the slightest sign of something being wrong. good people don't fucking hurt their loved ones. so fuck if i'm a good person, because i'm fucking not. and i hate that. because if i'm not, i'm nothing. i have nothing going for me. at all. i'm really just a shit human who doesn't deserve good things. fuck.
(goddamn i'm trying, but fuck if i'm succeeding.)
but eventually, i calmed down enough to watch tv. endgame was on by then.
i didn't really eat dinner. i got my mom food from mcnaldos and i feel bad because i transferred money to my account from here to get us both dinner but then i determined i didn't deserve it so i just got her food. i determined i deserved pain so i thought about canceling my orthopedist appointment for tuesday and stopping wearing my knee brace because i deserve the pain. i inflict it on others, so i deserve it myself. found the passing thought of trying to purposefully get corona or how to best tie myself up in tarps to keep my brains from splattering everywhere. driving home... was Bad. hence this. i also half-heartedly started making a list of passwords and accounts i'd need to write down for people to notify others of my death, of how to say goodbye without causing much notice.
jesus fucking christ i have problems.
and now reflecting on it it still makes sense to me. so i apologize to everyone. i'm a disaster and i'm sorry you gotta see me like this.
there's really no need to worry - i won't act on anything. that's just not something i'm brave enough to do. i'm a fucking coward, and that's something you can count on. i cry when people's voices are raised. anyone who thinks i can take the fast train to deadville via the fuckthis express doesn't know how much of a fucking coward i am lmao
fuck this though, fuck living. i'm so bad at it.
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shes-an-oddbird · 4 years
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Christmas at River’s End Mall
Summary -  A Christmas AU in which everyone navigates their seasonal jobs, relationships and Christmas spirit, or lack there of, through woven together tales inspired by holiday prompts.
So excited about this little challenge for myself. 25 Days of Christmas, 25 Holiday prompts and a dozen or more characters I love and miss. Each chapter should spot light a different character or relationship and the stories become more and more intertwined (think Valentine's Day). 
Chapter 1 - Decorating for Christmas
Prompt - Decorating for Christmas Relationship - Philindaisy Family Feels POV - Coulson
There was something magical about the River’s End Mall at Christmas time. The largest mall in the state and ideally suited for events all year round but an absolute must see come the holiday season. A massive tree, an indoor ice rink, sleighrides outside, lights, decorations and of course Santa himself.
All of this was made possible by the efforts of the mall’s event coordinator, Melinda May, who upon meeting, wouldn’t be pegged as the festive type. It would however be assumed that she was the type to be exceptionally good at her job. Whatever that job may be. She was an excellent event coordinator because she got things done. So, when it comes to Christmas, she hires the best.
A man who brings a winter wonderland to life within the walls of the mall.
A man who believes in putting the spirit back in the holidays, even in the most commercial of locations.
A man who loves a good suit, red or otherwise.
A man by the name of Phil Coulson.
And on occasion, Santa Clause.
“If you don’t lay off the cookies, you’re not going to need the pillow to stuff your suit this year.” Phil smiles as Melinda appears next to him. He’s got a mouth full of crumbs and can’t get his own quip out before she’s taken in the hundreds of decorations they’ve brought in. “You’re out doing yourself this year.”
He swallows down the last of the cookie and grabs a few more off the tray that was set out for the workers and volunteers. “We got so much publicity last year, national news remember, can’t disappoint now.”
“I see and when does the tree arrive?”
“It’s here, they’re trying to figure out how to get it through the door.”
Her eyes snap to his, “Coulson, we’ve driven trucks into the mall, exactly how big is this tree?”
“Could be worse, Rockefeller Center already had dibs on my first pick.”
May rolls her eyes at him but he knows it’s all for show. When May first came to him twenty-five years ago, inquiring about setting up a Santa Experience at the mall he knew she’d accept nothing less than the best and every year it got a little bigger and a little better. It had been great publicity for his business, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t trying to impress her just a little bit.
“When do my elves arrive?” His own crew of employees handled most of the setup, installing the ice rink, hanging decorations from the balcony, setting up the tree, but over time the mall had acquired a group of volunteers who came in to help hang ornaments and set up activity tables.
“Daisy and the other volunteers should be here shortly.” Phil nods and watches as May moves around the towers of boxes, inspecting the contents of each of them.
“We’ve got everything, enough ornaments to coat a forest, the undecorated ones for the activity tables arrived yesterday, we’re also on 100% low energy LED lights this year.” May nods along but clearly isn’t paying much attention.
“We’ve got an excellent wrapping paper source this year too, lots of variety, different colors.”
“Came up with a tag line for the print advertisements, Christmas at River’s End Mall, it’s a Magical Place.”
“I think the box you’re looking for is over here.” Finally with her attention back, he leads her over to a foldout table with a small box sitting at the edge. May peers inside to see it full of handmade ornaments and a small spark appears in her eyes. Shortly after they had started the Santa Experience at the mall May had partnered with the local orphanage to bring in the kids in to do crafts and receive gifts. It was that first year that they had met Daisy, an unlucky but optimistic little girl and accidently bonded with May. While most of the kids took their crafts home to decorate as best they could for Christmas, Daisy always gave hers to the grumpy coordinator. May would then hang the decorations on the large tree. He still remembers the look on Daisy’s face when she came back the second year and saw her messy glitter ornament front and center. Phil had watched the pair get closer every year from then on and to be honest he knows he’s gotten attached too.
“I know you’re not Santa you know.” She says, her tiny arms crossed and messy dark hair obscuring her face.
“Oh.” He doesn’t know if that means she doesn’t believe in Santa at all or just knows that he’s not the real thing.
She leans against the arm of his chair. “Yeah, but I won’t tell the other kids.”
“Well I appreciate that; do you still want to tell me what you want for Christmas?” He always played Santa with the kids from the orphanage. He handled it better than his other employees when all these kids ever asked for was a family.
“I don’t really want anything.” She’s admiring the tree they’re situated in front of, he can see the lights sparkling in her wide eyes.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, but can I hang out for a minute anyways?” She asks, still distracted.
He smiles. “Of course.”
Every year it was the same with Daisy. She wouldn’t ask for anything, just go through the line for show and sit with him and stare at the lights when it was her turn. He found himself looking forward to the few minutes they shared together but then one year she wasn’t there. He had gone to May immediately. His friend, he had thought had been in a bad mood since the start of the holiday season, but that day she seemed particularly distant. “No Daisy this year, was she adopted?” He asks. Several little kids look up at him with curious eyes.
After ensuring all the activity tables were covered, May gestures for him to follow her a few steps away. “They’ve placed her with a foster family.”
“Well that’s good, a step in the right direction.” May says nothing. “But you don’t sound convinced.” He jokes.
“Its happened a couple of times before, they always send her back.”
This shocks him. Daisy was such an easy kid. Didn’t ask for anything, helped with the younger children, “she seems like such a good kid.”
“She is, just not a good fit, that’s what Sister Anne said.”
“Maybe this time will be different.”
Coulson knows somethings up. He’s gotten pretty good a reading May over the years. “You don’t seem too thrilled about that possibility.”
“That little girl deserves some love and support in her life, if she’s with a family that will give her that then I’m ecstatic.”
Daisy was back the next year. Things hadn’t worked out well with her foster family and she had been sent back to the orphanage shortly after the new year. On the plus side May seemed merrier than she had the past year, even if it was just slightly.
When Daisy comes through the line this time she doesn’t sit on the arm of the chair and stare at the lights and she doesn’t mock him about his crush on May. Daisy was a very perceptive child. Instead she shifts uncomfortably and whispers, “I think I know what I want this year.”
“Really?” Phil perks up. Whatever this kid wants he’s prepared to make it happen for her. He’ll talk to May and they’ll make it happen. A pony, a car, whatever.
“Yeah, but I don’t think I’ll get it.”
“Oh no? Well I know you know I’m not really Santa, but I could still work a little magic.”
Daisy still doesn’t give it up but her eyes that normally stare at the sparkling lights are directed now at the activity table where May is helping some of the younger kids glue cotton balls to Santa hats.
“She’s teaching me to ice skate.”
“Yeah?” This surprises him if only just a little. He had found out not long after they first installed the indoor ice rink that she was an excellent skater but he’d yet to see her set foot on the ice.
“She’d be a good mom, I think.”
So that was it. “That is a pretty big request.”
“I didn’t say – “ She protests.
“I know, but also, I know.” Daisy gives him a small smile before it fell back to a frown. “Look,” he said softly, taking her hands, “I don’t know if I can make that happen but I do know that she cares a lot about you and so do I, it makes me really happy that you shared that with me.”
“Thank you Coul – um, Santa.”
“COULSON!” Phil is jarred from his thoughts in time to see Daisy spiriting up to him. She’s grown now into a young woman, with a passion for computer science and a close batch of misfit friends who she’s built a family out of. Its no longer just her and May and occasionally himself at the Christmas dinner table.
“Long time no see, how come you never visit anymore?” He pulls her in to a tight hug. Its been too long.
“I don’t know, maybe because I’m a busy working adult now.”
“All lies, you’re ten years old in my mind.” He steps back, “you’ve got time to help me decorate though?”
She beams back at him. “Always, but uh, where is the tree?”
Yeah he should probably check on that. He turns to May, who at some point during his reminiscing had answered her phone. “They just got it through the doors, Coulson I swear if this doesn’t fit – “
“I will personally go chop down a smaller one,” he promises. “You try to give her the best and she complains about it.”
“I’m not complaining I’m being rational; someone is going to have to take care of this tree.”
“I have been doing this for twenty-five years and never once had a tree die on me.”
“1999, 2007, 2013, last year – “
“Last years was sick, what did you want me to do put it out of the street, have you never seen a Charlie Brown Christmas.”
“Alright mom and dad," Daisy interrupts, "let’s just call this one a draw, its sounds like we’ve got a lot of work to do.” She looks eagerly at May and he knows she wants something. “And speaking of work, I brought my roommate, Jemma, you remember her, right?”
“She's the expert gift wrapper you mentioned?”
“Can she interview with you?”
“These aren’t really convenient hours, she knows that right?”
Daisy nods enthusiastically. “She does, absolutely does, her labs have her working weird hours, late nights and early mornings, so this should be perfect for her.”
May nods in agreement. “Sounds great, let’s go.” Daisy does a short victory jig and begins to lead the way. May starts to follow but stops suddenly. “Coulson - "
“The Tree.”
“I’ll ready the ax, Melinda.” She smiles a genuine smile and his heart thuds like he’d a kid again. Maybe this would be the year. Maybe.
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missnxthingg · 4 years
Hii~ A request for Tom Holland x Reader :3 well, i don't know how to explain (i hope my english is not too bad and understandable) but it would be fun if Tom and Reader were in love with each other, but one day their families set up an arranged marriage and they don't know with whom (when it is to marry Tom and Reader, they don't know that they both come from a wealthy family) and therefore they do their best to cancel this wedding separately
Summary: Tom and (Y/N) have been dating for a while now and both knew that they loved the other more than anything in the world. But when they received the news that they were going to marry someone else, they try everything to call off the wedding, without knowing the whole story behind it
A/N: I loved your request, I really did. Don’t worry about your English, it’s fine! Also, my first language is Portuguese (the hardest language to speak on Earth, to be honest), so I make my own mistakes sometimes and I apologize. I made up names for family members to give some reality to the story and I got a little carried away with 10K words. And sorry I took too long.
Words: 10.2K 
Pairing: Rich!CEO!Tom Holland x Rich!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cursing, alcohol.
masterlist | main blog | gif source | story’s playlist | song title
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Valentine’s Day was a very special day for many couples, especially for those who just got together and were really looking forward to having a nice date with their significant other. It didn’t really matter how cold the day was, the streets were full of couples trying to get to their dates and restaurants all booked up. For (Y/N) and Tom, it would be the very first time spending Valentine’s Day together. The had just got together, after meeting in each in a pub and started going out on dates together. It was fast but they really were completely falling for each other and that’s why today was so special for both of them.
The day started with (Y/N) getting a huge bouquet of flowers over her work dress and getting a lot of funny or jealous looks from her coworkers. And after a full day of work, both her and Tom rushed to their dinner reservation. Tom made sure to get the best place to have dinner with his girl, just because he wanted everything to be perfect. Somewhere that wasn’t crowded and the food was just so good. They almost lost their reservation because of the traffic, but luckily they made it to the restaurant just in time.
“Hi, darling. Happy valentine’s day.” Tom pulled her by the waist and kissed her deeply.
“Happy valentine’s day love.” She fixed his hair and smiled. “I’m sorry I’m late, it’s just… Traffic and work.”
“Yeah, I know. Me too.” He smiled and kissed her again. “Shall we go in?”
“Yes! I’m starving.” He followed her inside with a hand on the small of her back.
It was the perfect place for both of them. Not very crowded, lots of wine options, good music and good food. It was just so perfect, just the two of them, after a long day of work. They weren’t together for long, but judging by their faces when they were looking at each other, you could just know how in love they were.
“Thank you for the flowers earlier. Lilies are my favourite.”
“Just a little something for my favourite girl.” He searched for her hands over the table and rubbed circles with his thumb on the back of her hand. “How was your day?”
“Full. I had many job interviews to make and a really long and boring meeting. And I had to stick around a little longer just to choose the last outfits for tomorrow’s photoshoot.”
“Wow, you must be really tired.” He said and she nodded.
“Mostly mentally tired, but I’m okay now.” She tightened her grip on his hand and smiled. “How was your’s?”
“Tiring as well, but is mostly my dad’s fault. He’s been bothering me all week to come to dinner with both him and my mother and to be honest, it’s not something I’ve been looking forward to having because every time we are together, we fight.”
“Oh, I wish I could just go with you. It would be lovely to meet your parents. But my aunt is hosting a dinner tomorrow with a big part of my family and my mom said it’s important for me to be there.”
“It’s okay, darling. Maybe you can meet my parents some other time and I can meet yours. I just know that I’m dying to meet the two that graced us with your presence in the world.” He smirked and she laughed.
“That was cheesy.” 
“I know.” Both of them laughed and got excited to see their food coming in. “But yeah, I’m serious. I can’t wait to meet them because I really want this to be a serious thing.”
“I’m glad you are because I am too.” She blushed slightly, taking in her food for the first time. “Uhm, this is delicious.”
“I know right? I came here for a business lunch once and absolutely loved it!”
“It’s just so good. I don’t know if I’m starving or if this is really good.”
“I think both, darling.” He chuckled and she nodded, agreeing.
It was the perfect valentine date after a long day of work and stress, seeing each other and having a simple and nice dinner together was enough to calm their hearts. Tom couldn’t describe the way he felt about her. When she walked into the room was like she could just pull out every single particle of oxygen from the air and he needed her to be around so he could breathe again. She was literally breathtaking and Tom knew it since the first time they met. He also knew he wanted to marry that girl someday. (Y/N) literally felt the same and Tom somehow turned to be the person that really got her and he was the one that made her smile after a hard day. She couldn’t get herself to say, afraid that saying it would make it all go away, but she wanted to be with him for the rest of her life. Of course, they were taking things slowly and it was too early into their relationship to even start talking about marriage, but it was something both of them wanted.
“I’m so glad we did this today. Our first valentine’s day together.” (Y/N) said after they ordered dessert.
“One we’ll remember for the rest of our lives.”
“And we’ll tell our kids about it.” After they both realized what they’d just said, both fell into silence. “Sorry, I shouldn’t…”
“No, I started it.” He said looking down to the table. “But I really want this to be the first of many valentine’s days.”
“Me too.” She smiled. “And I’m sorry for rushing things and talking about kids, but I want it if you want it. Not right now of course, but if I had to have someone’s babies, I’d have yours.”
“I’d have yours too.” He blushed and both of them smiled widely for each other. 
“That’s cute, planning our future.”
“Really cute.” 
They were truly happy together and it was like nothing was going to tear them apart. What they weren’t expecting was the next day and the dinner they were going to have with their families separately. The end of their night was amazing, almost flawless. They ended up going back to her apartment and spending the whole night together with all their intimacy and everything. They woke up in each other’s arms but they quickly had to leave the apartment to go to work.
Working on the fashion industry could be hard most of the times, but (Y/N) loved every second of it. She spent the whole day working on a photoshoot for a fashion magazine interview and gathered new material to start some new small collection. It was a busy day, but she felt renewed after last night’s events and was really looking forward to spending some time with her family that she hasn’t seen in ages. So when the night came, she just ran to go get herself ready for a nice dinner with her family.
Of course, she found the nicest and most expensive dress in her closet just to go to that dinner. If there’s a thing she knew about her family is that they always noticed those little details like what she was wearing, especially after many investments in her fashion school. She needed to look absolutely perfect for them and she found the perfect dress for the occasion. It was a short white dress with a turtleneck and a long creme coat that fit her just fine and it was elegant, perfect for a family dinner.
Her aunt’s house was absolutely lovely. It was outside town and it kind of looked like a Victorian palace, but it was only her mansion that was so big that a person could easily get lost inside. Wasn’t much different from her old parent’s house, before they moved to a luxury apartment in the city, but her aunt’s was much bigger. She loved her family, but when it came to money and luxury, they’d never hold anything back to get it, coming to a point where they married her cousin Rufus with a girl, daughter of a big company in Paris, just to earn more money with the marriage. And years later she found out that Rufus was gay, which you repugned their forced marriage even more.
She parked her car in the middle of many other cars in front of the house, that was lit up with some amazing spotlights, making it look like a heavenly place. She rocked those heels making her way to the front door, trying to get a little bit more of quietness before she entered a place with a bunch of people bombing her with questions, but before she even rang the doorbell, the big wood door opened revealing one of her aunt’s butlers.
“Good evening, Ms (Y/L/N).” He said with a sympathetic smile on her face.
“Good evening, Mr Williams. Anyone here yet?”
“Everyone. And they were just waiting for your arrival.”
“Uhm, bummer that I’m so late for this.” She fixed her hair and he gave her some space to come in. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
(Y/N)’s aunt Amelia was the kind of woman that wanted everything perfect and in order, which meant that a simple family dinner could be easily turned to be a fancy dinner. Everyone was dressed nicely, which made you feel slightly underdressed. Her aunt herself was wearing a big black furry coat, expensive jewellery and Louboutins. Amelia welcome her niece like she was the most important guest of the night as if she was famous or something. She approached her with two glasses of Whisky in hand and a half-smoked cigarette between her fingers.
“(Y/N) darling, finally! We were already thinking you weren’t going to make it.”
“Sorry Auntie, I’ve been busy at work.” She replied with a smile on her face.
“Oh, so you must be really tired.” She extended one of the glasses towards her niece and winked. “Here, you might need to get some energy for tonight. I know how much you like Whisky with coconut water ice cubes.”
“Thank you, I’ve been needing this all day.”
“Come on, the whole family is waiting for you.”
The living room was filled with family, that including many of your aunts and uncles, cousins and their small families, your mom, dad and younger sister. Everyone was socializing, with drinks on hands and making nice conversation with each other. Very calmly, she made sure to say hi to everyone in particular. Her uncle Robert still made some bad jokes like every other uncle, some of her women cousins were having the motherhood fever and all they talked about was having kids. Her mom and dad were glad to see their older daughter again without any interruptions since she was too busy with work and secretly busy with a new boyfriend. Her younger sister was a little bored at that party, but she was trying to have a good time with her recently married husband and trying to get away from all the maternity talk. And for least, she met her cousin Rufus, sitting on the ground and playing with his twin little daughters while his wife was sitting on the couch with their newborn son.
“Hey Ruffie, so glad to see you here.”
“Hey (Y/N), glad to see you too.” He smiled at her while she kneeled down to meet with his daughters.
“Oh my God, Ronnie and Poppy are so big!” She smiled at him and he smiled back. 
“Time flies cousin. And now I have three kids.”
“And they are completely adorable.” She fixed Ronnie’s hair and picked her up in her arms. “Hey Ronnie, how have you been?”
“Good auntie (Y/N). Have you seen my dress? Dad said you made it for me.” She asked showing her beautiful yellow dress with little flowers all over it.
“That’s right darling, did you like it? I sent them to you and your sister as a gift.” 
“I loved it. And I’m sure Poppy liked it too.”
“(Y/N), for fuck’s sake, don’t get close to Veronica or Penelope with Whisky. It’s not good for them.” Her mother said from the couch, where she was holding her baby in the middle of all the girls.
“It’s not like I’m giving them to drink, Bonnie.” She replied back.
“Still, the smell is not good for them and it’s a bad influence. That’s why we don’t have any alcohol in the house.” She said to the other mothers. “We should drink around three little kids, it’s just… wrong.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes and rested Ronnie on the ground, finishing her drink right after.
“She’s just so annoying, isn’t she?” You sister, Olivia, asked on your ears.
“Don’t even start on that. She always gets on my nerves.”
“Well, let’s eat!” Aunt Amelia announced.
Dinner was fun, catching up with family and drinking the nicest bottles of wine one could possibly find with a great meal made by Amelia’s personal chef. Everything was just spectacular and everyone was having a good time. (Y/N) loved her family, even though they were messed up people and sometimes they married boring people just for the money and luxury. It was still great to be around them because after all, they were her family. (Y/N) was just glad that Olivia’s husband Wyatt was a decent guy and was treating everyone good. They all enjoyed a good meal together and almost gave up eating by the time dessert was served. After a couple of minutes, people started saying goodbye, going to their homes or to their rooms, leaving only (Y/N), her parents, Olivia and Wyatt, Rufus and his newborn son and Amelia.
Well, speaking of her aunt, she served herself and her son with a good glass of wine, saying that nobody would tell his wife, which he appreciated and drank the whole with excitement. Olivia finally said goodbye to everyone, leaving with her husband back to their house. Rufus finished his drink and went for a walk to try getting his son to sleep. Amelia lighted up a cigar and offered it to the ones left at the table, which all politely decline, except for (Y/N), who accepted it.
“Look at you, darling. So much like me. I’m very proud.” Amelia said.
“It just came to me that all of those times we left (Y/N) with Amelia, she taught her daughter to be a whisky and cigar appreciator.” Her dad said, cracking a laugh.
“That’s why she didn’t turn out to be a boring girl like you Harry.” 
“I just hope Olivia didn’t turn out to be like you two.” Alice said in the middle of a laugh.
“Uhm, auntie Amelia. Why exactly did you host this dinner? Cigars and my favourite whisky, also my favourite food and dessert. I know you like to please people, but not that much specifically.”
“She’s smart, Harry!” Amelia pointed her cigar towards her niece and sipped her whisky.
“Well, darling, we were talking to your aunt since Olivia got married and we were all just impressed that she got engaged before you did. Not to be totally rude, but you’re 27 darling and she’s 24.”
“I haven’t met someone special yet. Also, I’ve been really busy with work. You know that I need to sacrifice myself to get some good money as you all do.”
“Well, actually talking about money. We are trying to open the horizons for our company and after some long talks about how it happened before in our family and turned out to be just fine, we decided that you can help us get where we want.”
“What do you mean?” She did a confused face to her aunt and she laughed, looking back to Alice gripping tightly on her glass of wine.
“What your aunt is trying to say is that you’re the only single one left in the family and we are going to get you married to one of our associate’s son to unite the company’s. It would be beneficial for both you and him, also for the family business, since we’re all going to get a lot of money out of this. You can drop your work and work much less with us.”
“That’s completely insane! And disgusting. I’m not marrying someone I don’t love, or worst, someone I don’t know!”
“He’s a great kid and very handsome,” Amelia said, resting her glass on the table. “And you know we got to do everything to keep the family good. If we don’t do this, we might go bankrupt in a year.”
“I can’t believe you’re trying to do this to me, just the same as you did with Rufus and the same the rest of this disgusting family did for money. Marriage without love, that’s absolutely insane! You’re all insane.”
“Well, we’re not proposing it to you. We decided and you’re marrying that guy, rather you like it or not.” Harry said and (Y/N) dropped her glass on the floor. “The marriage will be here, a small reunion with just the important people and it has to be done in two weeks, only in time for you to choose a dress. Your aunt and mother took care of all the rest of the ceremony.”
“Just know that you completely ruined my life right now.” She left the table and ran for her car. Rufus was leaned against it with his baby pressed on his chest completely asleep. Some tears were already falling from her face and she tried to hide it.
“I know that’s fucked up.” Rufus said before she could get into the car. “I was also one of the few that was truly forced to marry someone I don’t like. And God, I wish it was because of money, but it was because my homophobic mother didn’t want to see me married with a guy.”
“It’s so unfair! I love someone and I was planning to spend the rest of my life with him, but they are taking it all away from me.” She said lost between tears. “How do you manage to not completely destroy yourself?”
“Hidden affairs. If Bonnie finds out that I’m gay, she’ll lose her mind. That’s why I try to be discreet and I always go out with other guys, but this is the only thing that keeps me sane. Also, my kids help me a lot, I love them no matter what.”
“That’s so sweet.” She smiled and cleaned some tears from her face. “Hey, how did you manage to have three kids if you don’t even like girls?”
“To be very honest, I don’t know. But it’s sex. if they do the right thing, it just turns out to be good.” She nodded, opening her car door. “Hey, (Y/N). I’m sorry you won’t get to be with your guy anymore, but you’ll make it work.”
“God, I hope so.” 
All the way through town, while (Y/N) was arriving at her aunt’s house, Tom was leaving his last meeting of the day to go to his mother’s house. All he truly wanted to do was go to his own apartment and just enjoy a beer alone, or maybe invited his girlfriend over to watch a movie and order something to eat. But since she wasn’t even home and that dinner somehow meant a lot for his mother, he drove directly to her house, which was slightly close to his work. His mother was waiting outside by the time he got there.
“Hey mum, I’m home.” She smiled to see her son parking in front of her house.
“Hello love, oh, I missed you.” She threw her arms around him a pulled him into a hug.
“Why are you outside. It’s cold out here.” He said once his hands got in contact with her cold skin.
“Oh, I was just getting some fresh air while your father finishes dinner.” She fixed his hair and smiled. “I’m so happy to see you.”
“I’m happy to see you too.” He genuinely was and that made him smile. Tom could be worried about having a fight with his parents or maybe he was too tired to be there, but he missed his family and just being with them without having to worry about anything.
“Let’s go inside, everyone is waiting for you.”
Harry was the first one to find Tom when he came into the room, hugging him tightly with a big smile on his face. Paddy came to him second, letting his video game go just to meet with his big brother. Sam waited for Tom to get to the kitchen along with his dad since both of them were doing dinner. The whole place still felt a lot like home, so memories made in there and it always felt nice to be there, especially with the homemade food smell in the air along with some of his favourite people. Their parents decided to ditch their personal chef and make Tom’s favourite food from when he was a kid, homemade lasagna.
“Son, I bought your favourite whiskey.” His dad said, pouring some for Tom.
“Oh thanks, dad!” He smiled and took some of the liquor.
“You can take it home afterwards if you want it.” Tom nodded and thanked again.
Even though his brothers seemed normal and treating it like a normal family dinner, Tom noticed his parents were acting weird, a little spaced out and worried about something. He didn’t want to bring it up in the middle of dinner, especially while his twin brothers were talking excitedly about their new projects and their girlfriend and his younger brother talked about college, but he would definitely bring it up later.
“So I’m thinking about proposing to Elysia soon.” Sam said and everyone cheered, happy for the guy. “We’ve been together for a long time now and maybe it’s time for us to take the next step.”
“It would be lovely, darling.” Nikki said with a smile, surprised with the revelation.
“And what about you Harry?” Tom asked and his brother smiled.
“I don’t think I’m taking that step just yet with my girlfriend, especially now that I’ve been busy with my job. I think I’m just okay with the way things are.”
“How about you Tom, seeing anyone?” Paddy asked and his parents started to pay more attention to the conversation, shutting up to listen carefully. Tom wasn’t sure if it was time to talk about his girlfriend just now, maybe he wanted to keep it all to himself a little more so he could just enjoy her alone.
“Uhm not really, I mean, I’ve been dating some people but nothing serious. You know, same as you Harry, work’s been hard and I haven’t found the right girl yet.” He lied to their faces and everyone seemed to believe in his story. 
“I’m sure you’ll find the right girl soon.” Paddy smiled. “I’ve found a really nice one in uni, haven’t asked her out yet but she’s really cute.”
“I’m glad you found someone.” Tom smiled widely, happy to see that every brother found someone that they truly liked now.
The rest of the dinner was really nice, just catching up in each other’s lives and having fun with the bad jokes thrown around the table. He really didn’t regret coming to their parent’s house today and was really glad to see his family again. By the end of the night, Harry said he had to leave early because of the job that required him very early in the morning. Sam and Paddy started cleaning the living room together, leaving right before they finished it. Tom stook around a little longer to help his mom do the dishes and clean the kitchen, which meant that it was the perfect time to ask them what was wrong.
“Okay, you’ve been acting weird all night.” Tom said pointing to both of his parents. “Like really weird. Spaced out and worried faces. What’s going on? And why the dinner in the middle of the week?”
“We wanted to talk to you about something, sweetie.” His mother said, sitting next to Dom and looking at his son with a worried glance. “You’re 27 Tom and you haven’t even met someone yet. You’re the only single brother left in the family and it’s getting harder and harder to see you finally marrying someone.”
“Also, your mother and I have been talking a lot about expanding the business. We talked to one other enterprise we wanted to associate with and the owner only offered us one way to unite the companies.”
“Which is?” Tom frowned and crossed his arms.
“You have to marry one of the owner’s daughter.” His mom continued and Tom's eyes widened.
“In two weeks.” 
“What the fuck? Are you serious?”
“Yes, we are very serious. And you don’t have another choice.”
“I don’t even know this girl.” He spits in anger and his mother held back.
“I know. But you’ve been single for so long, maybe it was meant for it to happen that way. You know Tom, maybe she’s a really nice girl and it’s the perfect woman for you.”
“I don’t want perfect. I want to marry someone I love. I don’t even know the other girl.” 
“Please, you need to do this. If you don’t, we might get sued.” His dad begged and Tom shook his head.
“I can’t talk about it right now. I gotta go.”
“Tom…” His mother called but he didn’t look back, going straight to his car and shutting the door behind him.
Tom had a hard time driving home, blinded by the tears falling down his face. He tried to work through everything he just discovered and all he could think about was (Y/N). He could never leave her to marry someone he doesn’t even know. He truly loves her and couldn’t imagine himself being with anybody else but her. (Y/N) wasn’t exactly in the best place right now, crying out of anger and sadness. She made her way home much quicker than it usually takes, rushing to just get to her apartment and crumble in her own bed. They didn’t even know what to think about, only wanting it all to be just a lie.
“(Y/N)?” Tom called his girlfriend once he got home.
“Hey, Tom.” She said softly, trying to cover her own crying voice.
“Are you already home?” He asked and she hummed. “Uhm, I had a really bad night and I just wanted to hear your voice.”
“I had a bad night too. Do you wanna talk about it?”
“No, definitely not.” He shot back quickly. “Do you?”
“Not right now. I wanted to hear your voice too. God, I wish you were here.”
“Promise me we’ll have dinner tomorrow.” He pleaded, making her smile for the first time.
“You can come over to my apartment and we’ll see what we can find for dinner. But I’m not in the mood for going out for dinner. I just wanna cuddle up in my PJs with my favourite boy.”
“I’ll be there.” He said and both of them paused for a second. “I love you.”
“I love you too. So much.” Both of their hearts ached when they said those words, so true and so painful.
“Good night my love.” By that time, Tom was already lost in his own tears.
“Good night Tommy.” She said between her own as well and quickly hung up before breaking down. 
It was the hardest night of their lives. (Y/N) cried herself to sleep that night, not even bothering on changing from her clothes before lying down. Tom cried a lot too, but he couldn’t get himself to sleep, spending almost the whole night alone in the door, lightened up only by the television light trying to entertain him somehow. Both called in sick the next morning, not only because they didn’t feel like leaving the house, but mostly because they were trying to avoid any family member. 
Tom started his day differently. He opted for black coffee instead of his usual tea, trying to find something to make him stay awake. He didn’t shower right after, coming back to bed once he finished and calling his best mate Harrison, because he needed to vent and he knew that Harrison was the only one who would understand him.
“You’re kidding me, right? Arranged marriage Tom? That’s completely insane? It’s the 21st Century, we don’t have arranged marriages anymore.”
“Try saying that to my parents Harrison.”
“I’m really, truly sorry for all of this. I know I’ve only met (Y/N) once and your relationship is new, but I know how much she means to you and how much you love her.”
“I was going to marry that girl, Haz. Now I’m marrying the girl I’ve never seen before. God, it doesn’t even make sense!”
“You don’t need to marry the other one.”
“My parents could get sued if I don’t marry her. I don’t know what to do, really. I love (Y/N) so much and I don’t even know how to have such a conversation with her.” He started crying again and Harrison remained silent.
“I’m truly sorry Tom. If there’s anything I can help you with, I will.”
“Thank you Haz, you’re my best mate.”
“You’re mine too Tom. I’ll call later to check on you, just… Today pretend you don’t have anything going on. Have one last good night with her before you tell her.”
“That’s a good idea, I’ll try it.” 
Tom had everything planned for his last night with her. He bought flowers and some food from the restaurant they had their first date. He drove early to her house, not wanting to be away from her much longer and found her baking in the kitchen. The smell was so good, as homemade chocolate cake should smell like. It was Tom’s favourite and she knew it was since they had it on their second date in her apartment, where she baked some just for him.
“Uhm, this smells so good,” Tom said, hugging her from behind and kissing her neck. “I got here in a good hour.”
“You took to long to get here.” She mumbled, finishing the cake’s cover.
“I actually came earlier.” He turned her around and pulled her into a kiss. She leaned back in the counter, pulling him by the neck, deepening the kiss.
“I know, it’s just… I’m still bummed out by last night and all I wanted was to just be with you.”
“I’m here now.” He kissed her temple and hugged her. “Let’s do something to forget about our horrible night.”
“Uhm, thank you.” She mumbled against his chest and smiled.
“So… I bought us dinner. A little something from the restaurant we had our first date."
"Oh, that's so nice! I love that restaurant."
"Also, I bought you these." He gave her the flower bouquet and she opened a wide smile.
"Oh my God Tom, this is beautiful. Thank you! I love carnations." She brought the flowers to her nose to smell it. "You're full of surprises today."
"I just wanna see a pretty smile on my girl's face." He leaned in and kissed her cheek.
"I haven't bought you anything, Tommy."
"Oh it's okay, you made my favourite cake. Already good." 
"Maybe I can pay you back later if you stay the night." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back into a kiss.
"I was hoping you'd ask that, darling." He mumbled between kisses and she smiled.
"Come on, there's some wine in the fridge."
"Oh, and I bought some appetizers."
Tom and (Y/N) had a lot of fun together that night. They shared a bottle of wine and danced together to every song that was playing. During a slow one, he swayed her side to side, chin resting on top of her head, eyes closed and bodies as close as possible. Both of them wish that moment wouldn't be over at all, because they knew that it might be the last time they were so close like this. The only thing was that they didn't know that the other knew it was their last night and they had to take advantage of it. Earlier that day, (Y/N) decided that she would tell him later because tonight she just wanted to have one last good night next to him.
"Thank you for being here." She whispered against her chest. "I love you."
"I love you too, darling." He tightened his grip around her and kissed the top of her head "And I'll always be right here with you, no matter what happens. I promise you."
"I promise you too." She tried hard to hold back her tears, letting only a small one go down her cheek. Her heart ached in pain because she wanted to be with him and have a happily ever after along him.
"Should we eat something? I'm starting to feel a little hungry."
"Yeah, sure." She nodded and he pulled her to the kitchen. "What did you get us?"
"Some pasta, roasted meat and those amazing cheesy potatoes they have." Tom picked some pans to heat their dinner and re-do everything he got for them.
"Sounds delicious." She hugged him from behind and buried her nose on the back of his neck. She was gonna miss that smell and he was gonna miss those hugs while he was cooking.
"It not only sounds like it, but it is indeed."
"Uhm, anything's good for me." she was needy and whining. Somehow, she didn't want to let him go.
He finished the dinner and both ate it in the living room while they talked about everything that came into their mind, sharing more stories about each other and just bonding over a delicious meal and good background music. Tom fell in love with her every time he looked at her, she was absolutely perfect, sitting there in a pretty pink dress, hair falling over her shoulders and a pretty smile on her face. Absolutely flawless, almost angelic. And she would say the same about him because looking at him right now made her realise he was the only one she wanted next to him for the rest of her life. And that was the moment they both thought “I have to do everything I can to cancel the wedding because there was no way they would give up on their love just yet. 
So the next morning, when they both woke up for a short night sleep, they both needed to leave for work, but both of them went to meet with their parents. Tom went to his parent’s office in the official headquarters and found them drinking some tea and replying to emails, as they normally do by the morning.
“Mom, dad. I know you won’t like what I have to say but I won’t marry that girl. And I really don’t care what you think, because I love someone else and I can’t see myself marrying someone I don’t truly love.”
“I’m sorry Tom, but if you won’t do it the easy way, we’ll do it the hard way.” Dom started saying, resting his glasses over the table.
“And what’s the hard way?”
“First of all, you’ll get fired from your job and we won’t make you a recommendation letter for a new job, nor we’ll give you money for surviving.”
“What the fuck? You wouldn’t do that.”
“Yes, we would. Also, you have to consider that if we don’t go through with this wedding, we’ll lose tons of money.” His mother said and he sighed, closing his eyes.
“This is so fucked up…” Tom rubbed his face and sat down in front of his mom. She tried to reach him to comfort him, but he dodged her hand.
“At least give the other girl a chance.”
“I don’t know, okay? I mean, I hope you know you’re literally ruining my life forever, you know that? And I hope you know that for the rest of your lives, looking at all of your sons, married to the girls they love and knowing that one of them doesn’t love his wife as the other ones do.” They all fell into silence and Tom sighed. “I’ll meet the girl, but I’m not promising I’ll appear for the wedding.”
“I can arrange for you two to meet.” Dom said and Tom nodded.
“And she’s on board with all of this?” He asked and both his parents nodded. “Fucking pathetic…”
“When are you free this week?”
“I don’t know, talk to her and I’ll see what I can do.” Tom exited and Nikki ran after his son, finding him waiting for the elevator with tears in his eyes.
“Son, please. I know this is the worst, but you gotta make sacrifices for the family. We’re about to go bankrupt and if you marry that girl, her family promised to help us get back on our feet.”
“I know this is important for the family mum, but you know, I always thought about marriage and how I someday wanted to marry someone I truly loved. And I found her and she’s spectacular. But now I can’t marry her because of this stupid shit you’re pulling and I’ll do it anyway because I care too much about you all.”
“I’m so sorry Tom.” She said and he stepped into the lift.
“No, you’re not.”
While Tom was confronting his parents, (Y/N) completely ignored her own work, driving to her aunt’s office where she knew she would find both her parents and her aunt. They were about to have a serious conversation and they were gonna have to listen to her ramble on about everything on her mind. Luckily they were found having a meeting on a reserved room and it was so confidential that security tried to keep you away, but when your aunt noticed something going on, she allowed her niece to come in.
“We need to talk.” She said, throwing her bag on a chair and not even bothering sitting down. (Y/N) crossed her arms and stared at her parents and aunt. Harry and Alice stared at her with concern in his eyes, but Amelia lifted an eyebrow and leaned back into her seat.
“Come in, (Y/N).” She said, pouring herself some water.
“We need to talk about the wedding.” She said and her aunt nodded, pointing to a chair.
“Sit down, darling.” Her father said and she did, trying to remain calm because the screaming wasn’t going to get her anywhere.
“First question, why are you doing this? How is it good for the family or the company?”
“Well, the family that owns the other company is almost going bankrupt by themselves, but a little research said that if we unite both our business, it will be beneficial for all of us.” Her aunt started and (Y/N) frowned.
“And why do I have to get married for the companies to come together?”
“Because technically we can’t just simply say we got together because of the money, it would look bad for press and the industry. A marriage would be the perfect reason to unite both companies and that’s why after we do it, we’re gonna ask you to leave your job in the magazine to come lead around here, with a big rise.”
“Oh okay, so first you want me to marry someone I don’t even know and then make me leave the job I absolutely love?”
“It’s for everyone’s good, my love.” Her mom said for the first time and (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“At least can I have a name?”
“We don’t know his name.”
“Fucking perfect.” She chuckled and crossed her arms.“What if I don’t? What will happen?”
“Their company will go bankrupt in less than a month and we’ll lose popularity quickly, and it will coast us a lot of money, maybe it’ll coast everybody’s job around here.” (Y/N) sighed and leaned back into her seat.
“It’s just so unfair, you know. You do it ALL the fucking time and I’m getting tired of seeing people in this family only married because of the money or because you don’t approve their significant others, like Rufus.”
“What about my son?” Amelia leaned up and frowned, making (Y/N) laugh.
“He’s gay, auntie. And you made him marry a rich blonde girl because you couldn’t accept the fact that he was in love with an actor.”
“Shut up!” She shouted, making her niece laugh harder.
“Don’t worry. I’ll think about doing your little dirty job, but I wanna meet the guy, tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? Isn’t it too early?” Her dad asked and she rolled her eyes again. God, she was getting tired of rolling her eyes.
“Not for someone who’s marrying a guy they don’t know in two weeks. I already think it’s too late.” She walked to the door, rocking her heels, but turned back before she left. “Oh, just so you know, if I do what you’re asking me, you’re all guilty of my unhappiness since I’m not marrying the one I wanted to.”
Nobody dared to say another word and she left after a small nod from herself and a crooked smile. She had to see that guys face for once but was ready to run away with Tom after that. The day was hard for both of them, would they go through with the wedding and leave the person they loved the most or would they help their family? It wasn’t easy to decide and they needed time. Tom denied the request of meeting the girl tomorrow since he had a big meeting and she understood, not bothering much about meeting him because it would be pointless.
The week went by and both of them couldn’t get together to meet the one they were about to marry, too busy with work for that, but always finding time to go to each other’s apartment to spend the night together. They couldn’t tell the other what was going on, it was too painful and they had to enjoy it all until there was no time left. Tom lied awake almost every night he had her on his arms, thinking how hard it will be to tell her and maybe come up with a way to tell her soon because he couldn’t keep lying to her.
During the last week before the wedding, (Y/N)’s sister went dress hunting with her and they both had a long conversation about weddings and about everything that was going on. Olivia was getting married soon, but she was lucky enough to pick her own husband and being so in love with him that no one could break them apart and that was all (Y/N) wanted.
“I’m disgusted with what they’re doing to you.” Olivia said from outside the cabin. A nice lady was adjusting the dress in your body. “I mean, it’s so unfair. It makes me want to call off my own wedding because I don’t think it’s fair to you.”
“No, Liv. Seriously, don’t do this. Marry that guy because I know he’s incredible and this is what you deserve.”
“But this is not what you deserve, (Y/N).” She said and (Y/N) lowered her eyes to her dress.
“Okay miss, I think it’s good.” The lady said and she stepped out of the cabin to show the dress to her sister.
“Wow.” He sister started, jaw-dropping in a second. The dress was transparent, all decorated with little shinning rocks, forming a beautiful rosé dress. She looked absolutely stunning. “You look amazing!”
“I don’t know, maybe I should go with a simple white dress. I don’t even am excited about this wedding.”
“Babe, no! You’re already doing something you didn’t want to be doing. You deserve at least a pretty dress.”
“I wish I would be wearing this to marry Tom.” She said, with eyes full of tears. “God, leaving him will be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
“I’m really sorry, darling.” Olivia held her sister into a tight hug. “Just know that you look absolutely gorgeous.”
“Thank you.” She cleaned a tear away and smiled at her sister. “Now, let’s go find your dress darling.”
Tom’s mom picked is suit for him because he couldn’t even bring himself to choose what to wear because he decided to do it for his family and he still hasn’t met the girl. Harrison was the only one besides the family that knew and was invited for the wedding. Tom said he couldn’t do it if Harrison wasn’t there.
“It’s two days before the wedding and I haven’t even met my wife, or told (Y/N) about everything. And I don’t think I’ll even have one last night with her, because she said she’ll be away for a job this weekend.”
“This sucks. But I guess you’ll just have to call her or something. I don’t know, you can’t marry the other girl without telling (Y/N). She’s the love of your life and she deserves to know why you’re leaving her.”
“I know, I’ll call her, I promise.”
But Tom kept postponing it while (Y/N) kept avoiding him and suddenly the day of the wedding came. Tom hadn’t slept all night, too worried about what was going to happen and that (Y/N) wouldn’t take his calls. (Y/N) also didn’t sleep much that night, but got some rest close to dawn. The wedding was going to be in her aunt’s backyard and since early in the morning there were people setting the wedding and making everything look perfect, even though it was a corrupted wedding. She slept in the house and was woken up by her sister with a good breakfast.
“I know today will be awful, but I want to at least try pleasing you with a good breakfast.”
“Thank you, Liv.” (Y/N) smiled at her sister and took the cup of tea she got. “I’m nervous and I’m avoiding Tom.”
“You shouldn’t and you know that.” She nodded and her sister fixed her hair. “Finish your breakfast and call him, please.”
But she didn’t, not because she didn’t want to, but because her room started to get crowded with people wanting to get her ready for the wedding. They did everything they possibly could do with her such as facial masks, a good shower with hair hydration, finishing with the makeup and hairstyle. Her face was gorgeous and they left her alone for a while before putting the dress on. That was when she found the time to run to the balcony and have a cigarette to calm her nerves and maybe find somewhere quiet to have the hardest conversation of her life.
While she was lighting up the cigarette in the balcony, Harrison parked his car where he was supposed to park with Tom sitting right next to him, completely distracted and with dark bags under his eyes. He was still glancing down to his phone, waiting for a reply or maybe a sign that she was still alive somehow. Maybe he could still get to say he loved her for the last time before ruining everything or before knowing she was upset with him, especially to be doing this over the phone. And just before he started dialling her number, his phone started to ring.
“Tom?” She asked.
“Hey, baby. I’ve been calling you.” He said and the pain in his chest started to come out again.
“I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been avoiding you. We should talk.”
“Yeah, we should.” He stepped out of the car and started to walk towards a bench in the front garden. “I’ve been avoiding you too.”
“First, before we talk, I need you to know that I love you so much and that you’re the love of my life. I know it’s too early to say something like that because we’ve not been dating for long, but I feel it deep in my heart.” She started to tear up, which made her sit down on the ground, feeling her legs turning to jelly.
“I love you too. And I don’t care if it’s too early because I love you more than anything in the world.” He started crying himself. 
“That’s why what I’m about to say to you is the hardest thing in the world. I tried to postpone it the most and it sucks that we’re having this conversation over the phone.” Tom started listening to her saying the sentence twice as if she was close. He started to look around to see if it was something from his own head and it probably was. “But we have to break up because I’m about to do something I’ll regret for the rest of my life just to help my family and it sucks that its price is our relationship. I’m being forced to marry some guy today and I don’t even know him, all of this just to help the family business.”
“Wait, what?” He asked, frowning. “I was calling you to tell the same thing.”
“What the fuck? Tom, where are you?”
“I’m at the wedding, in the front garden.”
(Y/N) hung up and ran for the front garden as fast as she could, not even bothering on putting some clothes on or even shoes. And there she was barefoot, running in her silky robe with only her underwear underneath it. She left Tom confused and calling her name when she hung up. A lot of people tried to talk to her such as her own mother, aunt and even her cousin Rufus, but she didn’t care what they were saying. Could Tom be the one they were forcing you to marry? She got the confirmation once she stepped outside the house. Harrison was standing right next to her, but all she could focus was on the guy standing in front of the bench, talking to his phone with tears in his eyes.
“(Y/N)?” He called one more time and she smiled.
“I’m right here Tom.” She spoke softly and Tom turned to her, hanging up the phone and keeping it in his pocket. Harrison slowly walked into the house, closing the door to give them some privacy.
“Oh my God.” He ran to her and pulled her off the ground, spinning her around as if he didn’t believe what was in front of him. “You’re the one I’m supposed to marry today?”
“I guess so.” She said with a big smile on her face, rubbing his cheek with her thumb. “God, I had no idea it was you.”
“If I knew it was you, I would have been on board with all of this since day one.”
“Me too.” She said and he finally closed it with a long passionate kiss. “I love you so much.”
“I love you so much too.” He said between kisses and finally settled her on the floor. “I had no idea how to tell you about everything and it was the worst feeling in the world, knowing I would have to walk away from you and never come back. It was so unfair.”
“I know it was, but it’s okay, we’re okay now. I don’t think it could be more okay than this.”
“Marry me, (Y/N).” He whispered against her lips and she nodded, pulling him into another kiss.
“Yes, I will, a million times yes!”
By that time, the whole front garden was crowded with their whole family wanting to know what was going on, finding them kissing and wondering what was going on. How did they know each other and how’s this happening. The only one smiling was Harrison because he was the only one who knew what was going on.
“What the fuck is happening here.” Alice, (Y/N)’s mother, asked once she saw her daughter kissing the boy.
“Mom, dad, Liv. I would like you to meet my boyfriend Tom. Coincidentally he’s the one I was supposed to marry today.”
“We didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” Her father said and she smiled.
“It’s because I never told you about any of my relationships and this one wasn’t much different.” 
“So, are you all happy with the wedding after all?” Harry asked and they both nodded, looking into each other’s eyes.
“That’s how you end a good love story.” Harrison mumbled and Tom smiled at him.
“Okay, this is confusing.” Her aunt said and (Y/N) suggested that they should go inside so they could all talk.
So they all catch up on what was happening and what actually happened the past two weeks and it was completely crazy but everyone understood it. Tom and (Y/N) couldn’t believe what was going on and what was supposed to be a sad day turned to be the happiest day of their lives.
“What are you waiting for, you idiots? Go get ready!” Olivia said and they both rushed to finish getting ready.
Soon the whole place was crowded with important people, like family and friends from work. It was going to be a small ceremony and super simple. But since it was with the right person, nothing else mattered, because they would do it even if they were all alone. Amelia did a good job decorating her backyard and everything looked so simple and beautiful, with lots of flowers and fairy lights. It seemed perfect, but yet, maybe it was the occasion that made everything better.
Tom was over the moon and nervous at the same time. He walked down the small aisle and waited for his bride anxiously, sometimes looking at Harrison to get some reassurance of what he was doing, receiving some comfort from his best friend. He nodded, still too nervous to think. But (Y/N) stepped out of the house with her father and she looked absolutely flawless like some heaven-sent light lied over her and all he could see was her, all he could hear was their heartbeats. She could take his breath away with a simple smile and right now she was killing him in every possible way. He fought the urge to cry once he saw her but he couldn’t, tearing up once she approached him. Tom was all she could see as well and he looked fantastic. It was meant to be, she knew it because it wouldn’t have happened that way if it wasn’t meant to be. 
“You look so beautiful.” He said between tears, facing lighting up once she touched their hands.
“You look beautiful too.” She said with a wide smile.
“This dress…” He was breathless and couldn’t get to say the words. “This dress can take anyone’s breath away.”
“You know, when I went to try on dresses, I didn’t want this one because I imagined getting married to you in this and I didn’t want to marry some other guy with this one.”
“I guess it was all meant to be.”
It was a simple ceremony, where there were beautiful things said to each other, an exchange of rings and a big kiss in the end. They couldn’t be happier with what was happening. They loved each other and they would love each other through all eternity. The party was so good, with good food and drinks and lots of music. Also, it was an opportunity for them to meet the family.
“Liv, this is Tom, the one I talked to you about.” (Y/N) said, introducing them.
“It’s so good to finally meet you.” Tom said standing his hand in the air, which Olivia slapped it away, pulling him into a hug.
“We’re family now and I’m glad you’re here to make my sister happy.”
“I’m glad I’m here too.”
“It’s good to meet you too, Tom.” She leaned back and they both smiled. “I’m glad it all worked out in the end, (Y/N) was devastated that she wasn’t marrying you.
“Well, Tom was devasted as well.” Harry approached them and rested one hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Can I finally meet the girl you lied to us about.”
“You lied about me?” She asked raising her eyebrows and he laughed.
“I just said I didn’t have a girlfriend, you did the same thing silly.” He bumped her nose and (Y/N) stepped forward to hug Harry.
“Nice to meet you, Harry.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, (Y/N).” They smiled and Tom chuckled, pulling his wife into a hug. 
“I wish we all had met in another circumstance but this is nice.”
“Come on, you idiots! Let’s dance.” Harrison pulled them to the dancefloor where everyone was enjoying the party.
It was a different wedding, a weird one, but they’d do it all again. There was the sign of the universe that they were meant to be together and it was just amazing. The wedding was perfect in its own way and of course, they’d do another one in time with all of their friends and everything. But this one represented so much more for both of them. So they danced to every song and had the time of their lives. Also, it was a great opportunity to meet the family, which they all did. Tom couldn’t get his hands off his wife, or his eyes at all. She was perfect and everyone got to agree with him.
“(Y/N), can I talk to you?” Amelia said, pulling her niece alone to the side and she nodded. “I wanted to apologize to you because after looking at you and Tom together, I can see how much you love that kid. You were really meant to be and if you married someone else, it would make you miserable.”
“Thank you, auntie. I really appreciate it.”  
“I bought you both a little something. I was already giving it before and I made sure to get the best place to redeem myself, but here are your tickets for the honeymoon.” She said giving her some tickets to Greece.
“Oh, this is great, thank you!” She held the tickets between her hands and tried to find Tom with her eyes, but found Rufus having a fight with his wife. “Actually auntie, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Anything, (Y/N).”
“Please let Rufus divorce his wife and finally be happy. You know he deserves to be happy. It would be the biggest gift for me and I would even give these back to you if you want it.”
“Keep it.” Her aunt said and looked at Rufus still arguing with his wife. 
“You know he’s unhappy, think about it.” She said and her aunt nodded.
“Maybe this whole thing taught us all a lesson.”
“I hope it did.” (Y/N) smiled and walked away to find Tom, who was doing shots with his brothers in the back with his tie already up around his head.“Oh my God, baby, don’t get trashed at our own wedding.”
“I married the woman of my dreams!” He shouted and kissed her passionately. “I love you, baby. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” She gave him another quick peck and showed him the tickets. “Tom, we’re going to Greece for our honeymoon!”
“That’s amazing!” He shouted and she smiled at her dorky husband. “I’m truly happy.”
“I am too.”
“Lovebirds. The driver is waiting to get you to your hotel room.” Olivia said and (Y/N) frowned.
“Hotel room?”
“A little gift from me and Wyatt. Enjoy the little surprises I have for you there.”
“Come on Tom, let’s go.” 
(Y/N) pulled him and they said goodbye to everyone, leaving right after. They made out a lot in the car, starting what was going to be an all-night thing. They were extremely happy and everything was now perfect. The hotel room was one of the nicest they’d ever seen, with a lot of gifts all over it, such as alcohol and even some sex toys which made you both embarrassed and excited for tonight.
“Your sister is naughty.” He said, pulling her into a kiss mid-laugh.
“I know, she’s such a pervert.” She said kissing him again.
“You know darling, I love you in this dress but you look so good without it.” He ran his hands down her body, grabbing her ass tightly.
“So come take it off.” She pulled him to bed and he sighed.
“Oh, fuck, I will.”
That was the perfect ending for the perfect day and they felt more intimate than they ever felt before. I was so good that they didn’t even notice the sun coming up, too busy being each other’s to care. In the end, they could only get the conclusion that they were meant to be.
bold means i can’t tag you (send me a message to solve it!)
Taglist: @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou , @tinyplanet-explorers , @spideyyypeter , @princezzariel , @pastyoverlord265 , @dumandbass, @lilgaga98 , @chatnoirfangirl1624, @heartofholland, @tomshufflepuff, @deathofthethrones , @unicornslothfish, @coonflix , @itsjustahuman, @legendsofwholock , @emistrash, @starlightfound, @sandran04 , @paaaam97, @pure-ghost, @unconditional-love-and-support, @janieavalos, @jug7eun, @jacobsppsleeve, @cosmicholland​
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
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Here’s another story about the characters Micah and Chloe from my novel What Hindered Love. I’m sure no summary is really needed based on the images above! This is also inspired by the story I have heard my whole life about how my dad proposed to my mom. (Spoilers, naturally.)
Words: 4k and some change
Rated: eh, a light T
Tagging:  @snowbellewells​​​​​​​ @teamhook​​​​​​​ @xhookswenchx​​​​​​​ @ekr032-blog-blog​​​​​​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​​​​​​ @superchocovian​​​​​​​ @thislassishooked​​​​​​​ @ohmakemeahercules​​​​​​​ @kday426​​​​​​​ @onceuponaprincessworld​​​​​​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​​​​​​ @nikkiemms​​​​​​​ @kmomof4​​​​​​​ @hollyethecurious​​​​​​​ @bethacaciakay​​​​​​​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​​​​​​​ @welllpthisishappening​​​​​​​ @wellhellotragic​​​​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​​​​ @captainswanapproved​
Chloe stood in front of her mirror, noting the blush rising to her cheeks as she fastened the clasp of the necklace Micah had given her for Valentine’s Day years ago. Her fingers trembled slightly, and she kept gnawing at her lower lip. It was completely and utterly ridiculous for her to be this nervous. Sure, they were calling this their “first” date, but it was far from a normal one.
“Mommy, stop staring at yourself! You look perfect already!” Her six year old cried out behind her. His voice was equal parts whiny, breathless, and excited. She laughed at his reflection in the mirror. He was jumping on her bed, alternately flinging his entire body down on the mattress then bouncing to his feet again. Luke was a mass of constant motion with a perpetual sheen of sweat and constantly mussed hair.
And Luke was the reason it was ridiculous to call this a first date. Since he inherited that dark, thick mass of messy hair as well as his bright blue eyes from his father.
“Do you think Daddy will bring you flowers? Will he take you to a ball?”
Chloe narrowed her eyes and put her hands on her hips. “A ball? Where do you think we live, Disney World?” Then she reached down and tickled her son – their son – until he was squealing with laughter. Lincoln then came bursting in, yelling, “Me too, me too!” as he tugged on Chloe’s skirt. She complied by tossing the three year old on the bed, tickling both boys anew until they were both breathlessly begging her to stop.
Just as Chloe let them go, she heard the doorbell ring. Both boys yelled, “Grandma!” and raced down the hall. Chloe glanced through the peep hole to check that it was indeed Elizabeth Barrett, then let Luke pull the door open. Both boys showered her with hugs and kisses. It warmed Chloe’s heart to see how the entire Barrett family treated Lincoln with the same love and affection as they did Luke.
Elizabeth rose from greeting the boys and gave Chloe a hug of her own. “Oh, Chloe,” she enthused, still grasping her by both arms. You look stunning.”
“Thank you,” Chloe told her as she shook out the skirt. The top of the dress was simple; black, sleeveless, and form-fitting with a scooped neckline. But the A-line skirt had an overlay with gold embroidery. It was simple, yet elegant, and accentuated Chloe’s figure without being overtly sexy. Kate, who had gone shopping with her, had gasped that it fit her personality perfectly, and Chloe had to agree. It was even comfortable, believe it or not. “Micah said he was taking me somewhere that had to do with Christmas, and gold and black works, right?”
“Absolutely,” Elizabeth agreed with a smile, “red is so overdone at the holidays. Of course, I think Micah would love you even in a paper sack.”
Chloe brushed off the compliment, that infernal blush rising to her cheeks again, and hurried into the kitchen to show Elizabeth the leftovers for dinner. She found herself rambling on about bedtime, then trailed off when she realized that Elizabeth had been taking care of Luke since he was born. But the woman just nodded and smiled. Then the doorbell rang again.
“Daddy!” Luke screamed at the top of his lungs as he darted for the door.
Elizabeth caught him in a bear hug from behind. “No, no, little man. Let your Mommy and Daddy say hello to each other.”
“Why? They say hello all the time.”
Chloe shook her head and laughed at her son’s answer, then took a deep breath and pulled the door open. She blinked as she took Micah in with a heated and appreciative gaze. Would his handsome looks ever cease to take her breath away?
“Wren,” he breathed out with an equally appreciative look on his face, “you are absolutely exquisite.”
Chloe ducked her head and blushed. Then she ran her gaze up and down his frame before giving him a crooked smile, “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
The smile that lit his face dimpled his cheeks and crinkled his eyes. His tailored suit with a shirt of deep blue and a black tie made her relieved that she had picked a fancier dress. They just stood there for a moment staring at each other as if the clock had rewound about seven years until Luke came barreling past Chloe to collide with his father’s waist.
Micah had to greet both boys and attempt to explain for the hundredth time to Lincoln why all four of them couldn’t go before he and Chloe managed to get out the door.
“Maybe I should have picked you up,” Chloe quipped as Micah helped her into the passenger’s side of his truck.
“Nonsense,” Micah argued back, “no gentleman would agree to that arrangement.”
Chloe rolled her eyes at that. “So, where are you taking me?”
“Well,” Micah told her, shifting slightly in his seat as he pulled out of Chloe’s apartment complex, “we’re driving into Boston to see a production of The Nutcracker.” He scratched behind his ear as he glanced at her nervously. “Is – is that okay?”
“Okay?” Chloe replied hoarsely, tears filling her eyes. “It’s way more than okay. I haven’t been since Sarah passed.”
He let out a deep sigh of relief. “That’s what I thought.” He then lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss there. It was so incredibly thoughtful, and so like him to remember. Chloe had always dreamed of going to see the ballet when she was a little girl, so when Sarah had adopted her, she had made a point to take her every Christmas. Even Micah had tagged along that year they were dating.
Micah didn’t release her hand. At first. But the longer he clasped her hand, the more jittery he became. She was used to him rubbing his thumb across her knuckles, but tonight his hand seemed to be going into spasms. And either Chloe was imagining it, or his hand was getting clammy. Chloe finally slipped her hand free and set it in her lap. She eyed Micah curiously. Had he gotten sick but didn’t want to cancel their date?
“Are you okay?”
Micah gave a nervous chuckle, “Sure, I’m fine.”
Chloe narrowed her eyes at him, not completely buying it, but she said nothing further. She put on a bright smile and started telling him about Luke and Lincoln’s antics at the park today, but when it dragged on into a one-sided conversation, she petered out. She gnawed on her lower lip as she gazed out the window at the fresh blanket of snow on the ground. They normally had no problem talking for hours over nothing at all, but tonight, on their first official date now that they were a couple again, he was strangely silent.
But then they arrived at the theater, and he flashed her that gorgeous smile of his. He gallantly insisted on opening her door, then took her arm like he truly was escorting her to a ball. She thought of Luke’s childish questions and couldn’t help smiling. Once inside, they were preoccupied with finding their seats, and Chloe was in awe as she always was of the theater itself. The silence between them now was a comfortable thing, and as the lights dimmed, Chloe slipped her arm through Micah’s and squeezed it. He smiled adoringly at her, and she rested her head on his shoulder as the lights came up on Clara, Drosselmeyer, and the enormous Christmas tree.
As the show went on, however, Chloe became concerned again. Micah pulled away from her to lean forward, resting his chin on his fist. Then his legs were bouncing. But the thing that concerned Chloe most was when she pulled her eyes away from Grandmother Ginger to see him kneading his left knee. She swallowed down her concern and concentrated on the remainder of the ballet.
Afterwards, Micah took her to a fancy Italian restaurant down the street from the theater. It was a gorgeous place, intimate, with fancy tablecloths and flickering candlelight. But Micah still didn’t seem like himself. Their conversation kept stalling, and he just couldn’t seem to stop fidgeting. Chloe could only nibble at her chicken parmesan and sip at her wine because of the dry lump in her throat.
On the drive back to Lightport, Micah asked her about work, and Chloe gladly talked on and on about every little thing from one of the other nurse’s new pregnancy to the new Doc McStuffins stickers that all the kids seemed to love. She actually went on a five minute tangent about how the children’s show was doing wonders to help her calm kids down when they were getting an exam. Anything to keep them from lapsing into silence again.
“They should have made a kids show about a doctor for toys ages ago,” Chloe’s chuckle sounded strained, even to her own ears. She sighed with relief when the town sign came into view.
For the first time since Boston, Micah turned to her with a tender smile. “Want to go for a walk along the beach?”
“Are you serious?”
Micah’s face fell, and a look of confusion darted across his eyes. Chloe hadn’t meant her words to come out so clipped and harsh, but what did he expect? It had been one of the most awkward dates in her entire life. With someone she thought she knew better than anyone in the world.
“Why wouldn’t I be serious?”
Chloe barked out a sarcastic laugh. “You can’t be that dense, Micah. You’ve acted the entire night like you’d rather be somewhere else, and now you want to take a romantic stroll along the beach?”
Micah blinked rapidly. “Chloe, you don’t understand . . . I never meant . . . that is to say . . . “
He had turned the deepest shade of red Chloe had ever seen, and he was rubbing at that knee of his again. The way he’d been acting tonight, you would think . . . Chloe gasped. When she spoke, she tempered her words carefully, “You’re not taking the pills again, are you?”
“What!” Micah yelled. “How could you think that?”
“Then answer the question!”
“Of course I’m not! You have that little faith in me?” He had gotten so upset, he had pulled the car over. He shifted in his seat to face her, rubbing the back of his neck agitatedly.
“What am I supposed to think? You’re jittery, your palms are clammy,” Chloe counted off the symptoms on her fingers, “you’re unable to focus, I mean, what else could it be?”
The color had drained from Micah’s face as she spoke, and suddenly another possibility washed over her like ice cold water.
“Or . . . “ she swallowed, her eyes filling up with tears. She shook her head briefly, and cut the tears off. “Take me home, Micah,” she whispered.
“Chloe, no, please,” Micah protested, reaching for her. Chloe shook off his hand.
“So can you explain why you’re acting so uncomfortable tonight?” Chloe sat there with her arms crossed, watching him as he stared out the windshield, his hands squeezing the steering wheel, and his jaw clenching.
“No,” he finally whispered, defeated, “I guess I can’t.”
Wordlessly, he put the truck back in drive and headed back to her apartment complex. The silence between them now was a painful, tangible thing. When he parked right outside her unit, Chloe shifted in her seat, clutching the pendant of her necklace in her fist to give her courage.
“Micah, remember how you told me that you wouldn’t push me for more than I was ready for in this relationship?” At his curious nod, she continued, “Well, that’s true the other way around. I don’t want you forcing this because . . . I don’t know, because you think I need you or because Luke wants it so badly. If the spark just isn’t there anymore, then –“
“Chloe,” he said, cutting her off, “check the glove compartment.”
He said it with almost resignation, but when she glanced at him, he had a tiny, wry smile on his face. He gestured with his hand. “Go on, just humor me. Open it.”
Chloe took a deep breath as she reached for the glove compartment. She couldn’t help flashing back to Thanksgiving seven years ago when she opened Micah’s glove compartment and an almost empty bottle of pain pills fell into her palm. But this time, she saw a small velvet jewelry box. Her mouth fell open as she cut her gaze back to Micah. His grin had widened and he gave a rueful shrug. With trembling fingers, Chloe pulled out the box and opened it. Inside glittered an engagement ring. A simple, round diamond with two other tiny round diamonds set on either side of it. Chloe blinked, her mind reeling.
“This,” she whispered, “is why you were so nervous tonight?”
“Aye.” There was a long pause before he continued. “I know it sounds crazy, since this is only our first date since we got back together. But, Chloe, that ring is honestly seven years overdue. When I bought you that necklace, I looked at rings first. I almost bought one. Maybe I should have.”
Chloe placed a hand gently on his arm. “No, Micah. We weren’t ready then.”
He pulled in a deep, shuddering breath and nodded. “But I’m ready now, Chloe. I’ve wanted this for years, if I’m being completely honest. And like I said, I know it might seem fast, but think about it. We’ve actually been dating for eight months anyway and were just in denial about it.”
Chloe was able to chuckle at that. “You sound like Maggie.”
Micah managed a nervous laugh himself and then shrugged. “Well, she was right.” He ran his tongue nervously along his bottom lip as he shifted closer to her and clasped both her hands in his. She could tell he was completely earnest and sincere right now, but all she wanted to do was grab him and kiss him.
“So, Chloe, will you marry me?”
That was it. She couldn’t hold the tears back any longer. They poured down her cheeks, and he grasped her face tenderly, wiping them away as they fell. She managed to nod, and then finally to speak. “Yes, yes, of course I will.”
He kissed her then, and her tears turned to deliriously happy smiles. He managed to slip the ring on her finger, despite the way she kept peppering his face with kisses. Then their lips met again, with passion this time, and it was all Chloe could do to pull herself away. She laughed at Micah’s whimper of protest, but grasped his face and rubbed his nose with hers.
“Sorry, but we’ve got a kid inside who is going to flip out over this news.”
Micah wholeheartedly agreed. They hurried inside to find both Luke and Lincoln asleep on either side of Micah’s mother. She looked up at them sheepishly, knowing she had been caught spoiling them, but Chloe cut off her apologies by holding out her hand to show off the ring. Micah’s mother leapt from the couch, pulling Chloe immediately into a tight hug. When she pulled away, tears shone in her eyes, and she held both hands up to her mouth. When she finally spoke, her words shocked Chloe.
“It’s about time.”
Micah laughed and leaned down to brush a kiss to his mother’s cheek. Chloe decided to refrain from reminding her how she felt about the two of them getting married seven years ago.
“Mom, we want to go ahead and tell Luke,” Micah whispered.
Elizabeth nodded her head in understanding, quickly gathered her things, and hurried out. Chloe and Micah then knelt beside the couch and began gently shaking their son. Finally, his eyes blinked open and he frowned at the sight of the two of them.
“Waz – goin on,” he muttered as he rubbed at his eyes.
“Look what Daddy got Mommy,” Chloe told him, showing him the ring on her finger. Luke furrowed his brow and rubbed at his hair as he stared at it.
“That’s nice,” he finally muttered, collapsing back down on the couch, his eyes falling shut.
Micah laughed as he shook the boy again. When Luke finally opened his eyes again, Micah explained, “We’re getting married, little buddy. Mommy and Daddy are getting married.”
Luke sat bolt upright at those words, his eyes growing as wide as saucers. “Seriously?” he asked. Chloe and Micah nodded. “Yes!” Luke cheered as he leapt from the couch. “This. Is. Awesome! Are we all moving into Daddy’s apartment? Or will we get a house? Do I need to pack right now? Will Lincoln call you Daddy now too? Awesome, awesome, awesome!”
Chloe and Micah laughed as they watched Luke run circles around the room. Getting him back to bed proved to be impossible, so Chloe and Micah both changed out of their fancy clothes and cuddled up with both boys on the couch to watch Star Wars: A New Hope. Amazingly, Lincoln only woke up long enough to mutter unintelligibly and then curl into a ball on Micah’s lap.
They woke up like that the next morning, Chloe in the crook of Micah’s arm with Luke’s head in her lap, and Lincoln splayed across Micah’s chest.
Her engagement ring sparkled in the light of dawn.
Eight weeks later, Chloe is standing in front of the sanctuary doors of Community Fellowship, dressed in a form fitting, white lace gown. Her hair is in a low bun, a simple veil tucked into it. Luke is clutching her right arm, bounding on his heels, and her left hand clutches her simple bouquet of pink roses. In some ways, it’s hard to believe they pulled this off in only eight weeks.
In other ways, it had been the longest eight weeks of her life.
Of course, when your fiancée, his brother, and your two cousins run a catering and event business, pulling off a last minute wedding is nothing. And Micah’s dad being a pastor meant they had no trouble reserving the church – for free. On Valentine’s Day.
Yes, it is Valentine’s Day. If someone had told Chloe even a year ago that she would be marrying Micah today, she would have laughed. She laughs now, thinking about her phone call to Micah a year ago exactly and how she mistakenly thought he was dating someone else.
“What’s so funny, Mommy?” Luke asks.
Chloe shakes her head, “Nothing kid, I’m just happy, that’s all.”
Luke grins broadly, revealing the two front baby teeth he recently lost. “Me too, Mommy.”
The first notes of the song “God Bless the Broken Road” by Rascall Flatts begins to play from inside the sanctuary. It’s their cue. With a deep breath, Chloe pulls the doors open and steps inside. As she walks down the aisle, every word of the song rings true for the journey that brought them here. She is torn between locking her eyes with Micah’s at the end of the aisle to looking down at their son, who looks happier than she’s ever seen him. As for Micah, his grin threatens to split his face, and his eyes are filled with so much tender awe, that it almost makes her start crying already.
The song ends as they reach the front, and she can’t tear her eyes from Micah’s. Pastor Ryan, who is officiating, opens by asking, “Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?”
“I do!” Luke shouts enthusiastically, shoving his hand up in the air. Everyone chuckles at his exuberance. Luke then turns to point to Lincoln. The three year old was the ring-bearer and he’s currently attempting to share Elizabeth Barrett’s lap with the flower girl, Josiah and Kate’s little girl Haley. “And my brother, too. We’re both excited for Mommy and Daddy to get married.”
The congregation laughs again, especially when Luke fist bumps his father before going to join the rest of the family on the front row. Once it has died down, Ryan glances at the couple mischievously before beginning the homily.
“Well, I think all of us here at Community Fellowship would agree on one thing: It’s about time!” Ryan’s opening is greeted not only with laughter, but even a few amens. Behind Micah, Josiah shoves him teasingly in the shoulder. Chloe glances back to see Maggie giving her a smug look.
“I also think,” Ryan continues, “that we all got a little tired of watching these two date while swearing they weren’t.”
Micah rolls his eyes at Ryan, but his smile shows that the ribbing doesn’t really bother him. As for Chloe, she can’t seem to wipe the stupid smile off her face. Ryan wraps up his short message, then tells Micah to share his vows. Chloe turns and gives her bouquet to Maggie and almost loses it when she sees Kate and Hannah wiping at their tears. She takes a deep breath as she turns to Micah and takes his hands in hers. She anchors herself in his bright blue eyes.
“First, Chloe,” he begins, “I have to say that I don’t deserve you –“
“Stop,” Chloe breaks him off with a hand to his lips. She blushes as she glances at Ryan. “Sorry, I just can’t let him say that.” She looks back at her groom. “Micah Barrett, you are a good man, and I am honored to become your wife.”
Micah smiles as her fingers slip from his lips, and he quirks a brow at her. “I thought I was the one saying my vows right now.”
Chloe ducks her head, blushing slightly as the congregation laughs once more. Kilian releases one of her hands and grasps her chin gently. He tilts her face to look at him, and he says his vows while his thumb ghosts along her jaw.
“Chloe, I think we have an advantage over some newlyweds. We already know that neither of us is perfect. And we understand that we don’t have to be. We choose to see the best in each other, and I vow to keep doing that every day for the rest of my life. It always amazes me how you can’t see how big your heart is. The way you forgive. The way you never give up on people. And I vow today to make it my job to cherish you. With my words and my deeds. Forever and always.”
Chloe can hear several people sniffling in the audience when Micah finishes, but for some reason a calm has settled over her. Micah’s gaze is like a peaceful place in the storm. She grasps the hand that still cups her cheek and kisses it before clutching both his hands firmly in hers.
“Micah, if I’m being honest, I’ve longed for this day since I was 19 years old. Then I thought I had to put that dream aside. But look what God has done. Using our son to bring us back together.” Her voice falters for a moment, her tears threatening to spill over. Micah gives her a tiny nod of encouragement. “And so I choose today to look forward, not behind. When we were young, we were lovers. Now we’re best friends. And today my vow is to take it one step further: to be your soulmate. Your partner in all things. Forever and always.”
Her tears are slipping down her cheeks now, but she doesn’t care. Micah reaches out and catches one with his thumb. The rest of the service goes by in a blur, from the exchanging of rings to Kate and Hannah’s duet. Then Ryan is giving them a knowing grin.
“I am blessed and honored, in front of all these witnesses, to now pronounce you husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no one put asunder.”
There is a long pause, and finally they both glance curiously at Ryan. For Micah, it’s more of a glare.
“Oh, did I forget something?” Ryan asks, feigning ignorance. Once he’s gotten sufficient laughter from the crowd, he smiles and says, “That’s right. I forgot. You may kiss the bride!”
Chloe surprises Micah by pouncing first, grabbing him by the lapels of his tux and hauling him in. He catches up quickly, though, kissing her back with fervor that elicits hoots from the crowd. He then dips her dramatically. He holds her close as he sets her back on her feet, and whispers for only Chloe to hear.
“What was that you said years ago about not feeling comfortable making out in church?”
Chloe leans back to see the cocky, slightly rebellious smirk of a smart-ass pastor’s kid. She then pulls in close and whispers back, “You’re my husband now, making out with you is considered holy.”
Micah waggles his eyebrows. “As a PK, I can confirm that your opinion is scripturally and theologically sound.”
Chloe rolls her eyes and kisses him again for good measure, thrilling slightly at the teasing reprimands from the rest of the family. They’ll just have to get used to it. Because forever and always is a very long time.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Decryption_Error: “Unlocked”
Summary: Y/N’s dad did some digging and shares what he found out about E Corp, and later, Elliot gives her a Valentine’s Day gift from the heart.   
A/N: Savor the last bits of Soft Elliot™️. I’m so sorry for what’s next 😔. I kept this chapter short to emphasize a few important plot points. 
Decryption_Error: All Chapters
Word Count: 1900
Tags: @sherlollydramoine @rami-malek-trash​ @teamwolf2411 @limabein @txmel @alottanothing @ouatlovr @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @moon-stars-soul @free-rami @ramimedley @hopplessdreamer @sweet-charmie @polarcrystall @hah0106
Warnings: Wee bit of sex
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“Are you sure there’s nothing after this, Dad?” I asked as my eyes scanned over the transcript of the grand jury record.
After a class action lawsuit was lost in 1998, another ambitious prosecutor went after E Corp for falsifying records not just at the Washington Township facility but at two other plants upstate. In 2000, 23 people, in accordance with New York state law, sat on a grand jury and all but one juror voted to indict E Corp, sealing the supermajority needed to move the case to trial.
But then—
“Nothing. Someone made it all disappear.”
My father and I locked eyes.
“Look at all of this evidence,” I said, looking down at the transcript again. “The prosecutor has eye-witness testimonies, dates, documents—everything. The grand jury met for over two months!”
“It looks like it would have been a solid case.”
“E Corp is responsible for those deaths. I’m sure of it. They should have compensated those families!”
“It wasn’t about the money, sweetheart. You’re too young to remember the lawsuit, but it sent a shockwave down Wall Street. Nearly everyone had done business of some sort with E Corp by then, so we were all watching closely. If I remember correctly, the biggest pushback from E Corps was the contingency for new safety protocols—it wasn’t cost-effective to retool their entire system based on one hazard that no one could prove directly caused the deaths of those employees.”
“So, it’s perfectly normal for people who all work in the same building to all get diagnosed with cancer all at the same time?”
“Of course it isn’t.”
“You believe there was a coverup.”
My dad got up and went to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. He took a long drink before he said, “Y/N. You never ask me for anything. Why did you ask me to look into this?”
“Elliot’s dad worked at the Washington Township plant.”
Dad put his water down on the counter, leaning forward as he chose his next words carefully, “If you give Elliot this information and he pursues it, it won’t be hard to figure out where it came from. I tried to be smart, but I did pull some strings to get access to this transcript.”
“I never thought you’d find anything, Dad. I’m sorry I put you in this position.”
“I trust your judgment, sweetheart. I’ve never had to worry about you, not like your sisters and your brother. But this is . . . a grey area.”
“I know.”
“Just promise me you’ll think about it before you give him the transcript?”
“I promise,” I said as my phone trilled.
I looked down, and despite the seriousness of the information I had just been inundated with, I smiled when I read Elliot’s text.
“He still makes you smile like he did all those months ago,” my dad observed.
“He does—it is Valentine’s Day, after all,” I said with a grin.
“A holiday you swore was, and I quote, ‘Nothing more than a fool’s errand.’”
“It is an impossible holiday, Dad. I told Elliot as much, but he’s up to something. He’s a pretty terrible liar.”
“Don’t act like you aren’t a little bit excited to spend a special evening with a special someone,” my dad teased.
“Just because you and Mom still act like romance isn’t dead doesn’t mean the rest of us have to.”
Dad chuckled as he walked over to kiss the top of my head.
“Your cynical act is not fooling anyone in this room—let yourself be happy,” he said as he gave my shoulder a squeeze.
“Thanks again for digging this up,” I said as I stood and tucked the transcript into my bag, and in my haste to catch my train, I forgot to snap the closure shut.
“Just . . . think about it,” Dad called as he cautioned me once more.
I glanced back after I opened the door and gave my dad a reassuring smile. He was right: I did need to think carefully about how much of this—if any—I should share with Elliot.
But he was wrong about something, too.
I didn’t need to let myself be happy; I was already happy.
* * * * *
I had known that Elliot was up to something, but I had no idea what. A few days ago, he had come up to see me, my secretary beaming as she announced his presence.
Elliot really was a terrible liar, and I took pity on him as he tried to casually ascertain my after-work plans on a day which just happened to be February 14th.
I called him out on it, and he turned an entirely new shade of reddish-pale as he tried to assure me it was just a coincidence. I told him I planned to stop by my parents’ apartment and that I’d probably be home around 8:00 pm.
Elliot thanked me for the information and left my office while I muffled my laughter.
But when I walked into my apartment at 8:00 pm on February 14th, any possibility of laughing at Elliot’s attempt to be romantic was instantaneously knocked out of me.
Carefully organized on the kitchen island was a recreation of everything we had made together for our mock-picnic over Memorial Day weekend.
He had clearly spent hours preparing everything from the pasta salad (with tri-color noodles, of course) to the burgers to the—
And my inventory of the picnic food was cut short as my eyes took in the sight at the end of the kitchen island; there stood Elliot, wearing my white Columbia t-shirt and holding a single red rose.
I felt like an idiot as my eyes filled with tears, but I was so moved by his sweet gesture. This was exactly the sort of thing Elliot would do—something simple, something soulful.
I moved out of the entryway, shrugging out of my coat and dropping my bag haphazardly on the floor, not caring as its contents spilled slightly out and onto the floor.
“This looks exactly like my mother’s chocolate cake,” I said as I took a few steps into the kitchen.
“I followed her recipe exactly, but I can’t guarantee it will taste like hers.”
“The recipe?”
Elliot’s tongue poked out to swipe over his bottom lip before he pulled it between his teeth. He tried to tamp his shy grin as he explained, “I called her. She was really nice about it and even offered to help me make it.”
“You didn’t take her up on her offer?” I asked, brow raised.
“I wanted to do something for you all on my own.”
“You’ve certainly succeeded in stealing my heart all on your own, Elliot Alderson.”
“I got you something,” he said, moving from the end of the island to close the distance between us. “This is for you,” Elliot said as he handed me the rose along with a tiny white box he had pulled from his pocket.
I gave Elliot a curious glance, but he was watching my fingers, clearly a little uncomfortable in this strange role of being a romantic.
I pulled the lid off the box and my heart fluttered as I picked up the key to Elliot’s apartment.
He ran his hand nervously through his hair as he was now watching my face.
“I know it’s not—”
“This is perfect,” I said, cutting him off with a hug.
When I felt his body relax under my touch, I kissed the corner of his jaw before whispering, “Thank you.”
“Are you hungry?” he asked, his eyes sparkling.
“Starving,” I answered, knowing my eyes were mirroring his in their projection of happiness.
* * * * *
Elliot’s fingers had crept under my t-shirt and were tracing down my spine, a whisper of a touch in the dark.
We had gone to bed kind of early, full to bursting thanks to Elliot’s surprise; I glanced at my alarm clock and saw that it was 1:03 am.
“Are you awake?” he rasped, his voice shaking off the thickness of sleep as his fingers continued to trace over my skin.
I rolled over, tucking my hands under my pillow, waiting for my eyes to adjust so I could see him.
“Hi,” I smiled.
“Hey,” he smiled back.
I reached over and cupped his face, my thumb brushing over the slight stubble on his chin.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Elliot sat up on his elbows, and my hand trailed down to his bare chest as he looked at the clock on my nightstand.
“I think it’s over.”
“Is it?” I asked moving my hand underneath the sheet.
I could feel the vibration from Elliot’s chest as he silently chuckled.
I could almost hear him as he bit his lip.
“Isn’t it?”
It was my turn to chuckle as my fingers crawled down his belly and dipped under the waistband of his boxer-briefs.
Elliot’s hand moved over mine, encouraging me to grasp his half-hard cock. When I wrapped my hand around him, he sucked in a breath before letting out a low groan.
I moved closer to his body, close enough to nuzzle into his neck before I started to kiss him, up and over his jaw and to his waiting mouth.
It was one of those moments I wanted to live in forever; I could feel him growing hard in my hand and I shivered at the sweet little moans coming out of his mouth between our kisses.
Elliot shifted, working off his underwear before he rose up to push me onto my back, his fingers pulling at the hem of my t-shirt. I sat up so he could pull it off, and Elliot reached down to tug my panties from my hips.
His fingers were buried in my hair as I guided him to my slick entrance, his body lying flush on top of mine, his warm weight making me feel safe, and when he thrust inside of me, satiating that deep, deep ache, I felt loved.
* * * * *
I shut off my alarm, vaguely remembering the kiss Elliot pressed to my temple an hour or so ago. He had left early in the morning, something he was in the habit of doing when he spent the night during the work week.
I rolled over, intending to pull his pillow close so I could inhale his scent, but I was distracted by the note he left on his pillow, probably knowing I would do this exact thing as soon as I woke up.
          Use your key tonight. 
                                Love, El
I tucked Elliot’s neatly written note into my bedside drawer and smiled as I clutched his pillow to my chest. It wasn’t lost on me how important it was that Elliot had decided to share his space with me, and when I got up, I put my favorite playlist on shuffle and sang along as I got ready for the day.
As I dashed into the kitchen, I noticed that Elliot must have picked up my discarded coat and tote from last night because my bag was sitting neatly on one of the kitchen stools and my coat was hanging off the back, ready for me to pick up and slide into as I rushed out the door.
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luctisonusx · 4 years
Homecoming Dance || Drabble
Small summary: Halloween Homecoming starring Lisa, Christina, and vague bits of the prince himself, Roman.
“C’mon, Caleb, please?” The blonde-haired vixen known as Lisa batted her eyelashes at Caleb who scrunched his nose at her pleading. Saying no once had been hard enough but she seemed set on getting him to repeat himself again. Yet guilt bridled his gut, so he searched his brain for an excuse, finding one in his step mom’s annoying ways.
“Lisa, I doubt my stepmom would even let me go,” Caleb argued, but Lisa didn’t budge. In fact, she slipped her hand into Caleb’s back pocket and took his phone. How she even knew his password was beyond him, but it wasn’t as if he made it anything dangerously hard. The password was his birthday, but he hadn’t expected her to even know that.
“Hey!’ he tried to snatch the phone back, but she dodged him effortlessly, finding his step mom’s number and typing in a quick text. As she waited for a response, she continued to dodge the boy, much to his annoyance. When the phone finally vibrated in response, Lisa’s face lit up.
“She says it’s fine.” Lisa held his phone out to him and he eyed the screen. She had indeed texted her and asked if he could attend the dance. Her response had been a yes. The only thing was that Lisa would have to give him a ride to and from. Lisa moved to text again before handing the phone back to Caleb after hitting send. The look on Caleb’s face was one of obvious discomfort, but it didn’t seem like Lisa noticed and if she did, she simply didn’t care.
“So you’ll be my date to the homecoming dance. I’ll pick you up at 5.” She concluded. Caleb scrunched his nose again before tucking his phone back into his back pocket. He made a mental note to change his phone password, but it was likely that he wouldn’t change it still.
“Yeah. Alright. Fine. I just don’t have a costume and it’s so short notice.” Caleb mumbled, again trying to think of another excuse. Lisa eyed him down and Caleb cringed uncomfortably. She grabbed his shoulder and spun him around before letting out a laugh.
“No. I have something you’ll fit in nicely.” She said with a wiggle of her eyebrows, “And I’ve got a wig to match oh and I can do your make-up!” Lisa clapped her hands together as she got more excited. Wig and make-up? What was this big idea? “You’ll see.” She answered his unspoken question, “5 o clock on the dot. Be ready to be Halloween-a-fied!” She gave him a kiss on his cheek then and ran off to her car. Caleb blinked before realizing his bus was going to leave soon and ran off to catch it. Tonight was going to be very strange.
“I don’t know about this,” Caleb mumbled as Lisa put on eyeshadow on him. She was going for a smoky sort of look. Her idea for his costume was a Wednesday Adam’s costume she had bought last year but had gotten “too fat” to wear. It seemed to fit him perfectly and the pair of leggings she found for him also worked well. It didn’t necessarily feel bad, but he did feel a little self-conscious about this.
“No. You look great.” Lisa said, giving him a quick kiss on his lips before starting to do his lipstick. His brows furrowed as he looked at her. She’d kissed him before, especially at school in front of her friends, but he had never agreed to anything with her. Still, she seemed under the impression that they were something, but the what was a mystery in and of itself. “Now shut up so I don’t fuck up, okay?” She added, focusing on his full lips. When she pulled away she looked at her handy work, her own make-up was simple. The tip of her nose was painted black with whiskers. She was going to be a catgirl.
“What if people stare?” Caleb asked once she was done, but she motioned for him to  rub his lips together, which he did begrudgingly. 
“If people stare, it’s because they wish they could be as hot as you, Cal. Now let’s go before the dance dies down.” She went to go grab her keys and her bag and Caleb stood up with a sigh. Lisa said goodbye to her mom and dad. Her sister was sitting in the living room and gave Caleb a big-eyed look as they passed by, but Lisa urged him to keep walking. She locked the door and they both got into Lisa’s car.
“The last dance I went to was in 6th grade,” Caleb noted, feeling anxiety building up in his stomach. The real reason he was worried was that he wondered if Roman was going to be there. He knew he shouldn’t be concerning himself with the playboy, but ever since the first day of school, Caleb couldn’t stop thinking about him. Even with his reputation, heard from both loud cheerleaders and from Lisa herself, he couldn’t make his mind deviate to something or someone else. It was beyond frustrating.
“How’d that go?” Lisa asked as she backed out of the driveway and began the trip back to Hemlock Grove High. Caleb chewed on his bottom lip as he glanced out the window. There were kids trick or treating already with their superhero costumes or witches or zombies or skeletons. It did nothing to help his turning stomach.
“I think ... I ended up leaving with my ex. She uh lived down the street so we went to hers, I think. I don’t remember really. I just remember getting into trouble after.” Caleb scrunched his nose a bit, “Do you always go to these dances?” He changed it to something about her, regretting bringing up the memory. 6th grade had been dark times for him. The beginning of an end it had felt like.
“Oh. Sorry.” Lisa said as she focused on the road, “Uhm yeah. I guess so. I think it’s fun.” She looked over to Caleb and gave him a soft smile, “Hopefully this will be fun for you. Maybe get rid of some bad associations?” She tapped his knee before retreating her hand back to the wheel. He sighed as they pulled up to the school. His eyes looked over every car they passed and it didn’t take long for Caleb to spot it, the red jaguar. Shit.
“Shit?” Lisa repeated and Caleb realized he’d said his thought out loud. His freckled cheeks turned crimson before shaking his head. He’d asked her a few questions about Roman when they’d first met, but she’s taken it as mild curiosity and not a full-blown crush. He tried his best not to give her any reasons to think otherwise.
“Nothing. Just thinking too much.” Caleb admitted. When he was met with silence, he felt a bit relieved. She could be a bit pushy about wanting to know information when she felt it was being withheld, so he was glad she didn’t ask any further questions about it. Lisa pulled into a parking spot and turned the car off.
“Well, no more thinking. Just partying, okay?” She cupped his face in one hand and he gave her a half-hearted smile. He understood that she was trying to comfort him, but with things in his past, it made it hard to accept her affection. That and the fact that he didn’t have eyes for anyone but Roman Godfrey. It wasn’t that Lisa wasn’t pretty, it was just ... she wasn’t him.
“Okay.” He agreed as he turned away. Yet he knew he likely wouldn’t be able to hold to that promise. Especially considering what he knew now. His eyes had already begun to search the crowds heading for the school gymnasium from the front windshield. He knew he was here but where and who had he brought with him?
“I’d kiss you, but I don’t want to ruin your make-up,” Lisa said. He tried not to visibly cringe at the indication. Yet he didn’t know how to tell her this wasn’t what she thought it was. She looked so happy and excited and he surely didn’t want to be the cause of ruining her night and also she was his ride back home after all.
“It’s okay.” He mumbled and after a few awkward seconds, they both got out of the car. They soon merged with the crowd of people and Lisa hooked her arm around his so that they wouldn’t be separated. It seemed the school was taking some precautions because of the murder of a girl at a local school. Brooke Bluebell had been her name. His stepmom hadn’t been her teacher, but had known of her and so had forced Caleb to attend her vigil. He didn’t want to think about that now though or the fact that people had been whispering about Roman Godfrey’s absence even then.
The line moved quickly enough and soon they were in the gym. It was all flickering lights and people dancing or drinking punch. Teachers walked around like hawks to make sure that no one was engaging in inappropriate activity. Lisa led them off towards the dance floor instantly and Caleb scrunched his face.
“I’m not really a dancer. My dance teacher back in middle school said I have no rhythm.” Caleb tried to argue, but his eyes were admittedly searching the dance floor. Eventually, he found what he was looking for. Roman was dressed in a suit with his hair slicked back. Caleb wondered what he was supposed to be. It reminded him a bit of James Bond. Still, the tall male wasn’t dancing and the girl at his side -- Ashley Valentine -- didn’t seem too happy with him.
“Party. No thinking.” Lisa said, redirecting his attention back to her. She was swaying back and forth to the music and he gave her a small smile, trying his best to match up with her. When the song ended she gave him a hug, one he returned half-heartedly. His eyes looked back to where he’d seen Roman, but he was gone.
“Let’s get some punch, yeah?” Lisa suggested and before he could agree, she was pulling him towards the punch. That was when Caleb spotted him again, but he quickly looked away when Roman seemed to glance mildly in his direction. Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out.
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Lisa asked as she handed him a cup of punch. He took it but didn’t take a sip. He wondered if someone had managed to spike it with alcohol like they did in typical teen movies. This kind of felt like one right now.
“Just not feeling too hot. I’m gonna go sit down for a bit okay? Go dance with your friends. I’ll be fine.” Caleb waved her off and though she gave him some puppy dog eyes, she relented as he went over to the bleachers and took a seat alone. He sniffed at the cup then and decided he wasn’t going to risk it, setting it down behind him.
“Hey.” A soft feminine voice reached his ears over the music and he looked up to see the girl who had helped him after dropping his books his first day. What had her name been again?
“Uh hey, Christina.” The name came to him upon speaking and he felt relieved, but the look in her eye at him saying her name made him wish for a moment that he had forgotten completely. She bit onto his bottom lip and gestured to the spot beside him.
“Is this seat taken?” She questioned. She was dressed like some sort of fairy, he noted. It seemed fitting for her soft demeanor. Yet he couldn’t help but feel like something dark and sinister was hiding behind it all. Perhaps it was his overactive imagination.
“Guess not,” Caleb replied, and then out of nervousness, he picked the cup back up and took a sip. He visibly cringed at the taste and yeah someone had definitely put something in it. He spat it back out into the cup and put it back where he’d had it before as Christina sat down beside him. There was barely enough space between their legs.
“I think you’re the only guy here cool enough to wear a dress,” Christina noted, staring out at the crowd of people. His eyes went to Lisa who looked like she was having the time of her life dancing with her friends. He wished he could share that moment with her as a friend, but she’d made it next to impossible now.
“Thanks.” He had to resist the urge to try to drink the punch again just so that he had an excuse not to talk to Christina. She didn’t seem like she was going to be leaving him alone any time soon either. Her own eyes had laid on her friends, twins, who seemed to constantly be getting into trouble with the teachers for dancing in a way that was too provocative. How an innocent girl like her had befriended the two girls was beyond Caleb.
“Is Lisa your girlfriend?” Christina asked after a few awkward moments and Caleb turned to look at her. Her lip was jutted out a bit in a pout and his brows furrowed. Did everyone think that was what they were? He certainly didn’t like the implication, especially since he didn’t want Roman to think anything like that of him. It was frustrating how his brain always went back to him.
“No. She’s just my friend, though I don’t know if she knows that. I never asked her.” Caleb said and Christina’s head canted to the side, “She kisses me without asking and touches me when I don’t want to be touched. I just don’t know how to tell her to stop.” His shoulders sagged and he was about to say something when he noticed something black and long slithering towards the dance floor. It didn’t take long for everyone else to notice and everyone began to scream. Caleb stood and Lisa was somehow instantly by his side. 
“Everyone evacuate immediately!” The principal said over the mic, “It seems the school snake had been released. I repeat, evacuate immediately!” Caleb gave one more glance to Christina, who didn’t seem at all panicked before Lisa was pulling him away. As they rushed out of the school, Caleb looked to where Roman’s car was, seeing Roman in it alone. He seemed to take a swig of something before speeding off. Caleb had a feeling Roman had done it and whispered a quiet thank you in his departing direction.
“Guess the party’s over.” Lisa pouted as they headed back to her car. She did seem thoroughly disappointed, but Caleb couldn’t be assed to care. This all and all had been an awkward night.
“Guess so,” Caleb said.
“Let’s get you home.”
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in which you’re bestfriend with Kyungsoo, and he called you muffin
(re-upload, ‘Muffin’, on AFF 2018)
“Have a nice day.” You said.
“I won’t.” he coldly replied.
You rolled your eyes and left his side to walk with Chen. “If only he could be nicer.” You mumbled and Chen chuckling beside you.
“Then what? You gonna date him if he’s nicer to you, muffin?” Chen teased you with the nickname you got from him.
“Shut up.”
“Ah, sorry, you have a boyfriend.”
Chen continue laughing while you grumbling. You’re waving your hand to your friend, “Wendy! Wait!”
You semi run towards Wendy leaving Chen and your grumpy childhood bestfriend, Kyungsoo.
“How’s the exam?” Wendy asked while sipping her slushie.
“Surprisingly good!” you grabbed her slushie and sip it. “Can’t believe I answered all the question.”
“Hey, ladies.” Wendy’s classmate, Suji greet you and her. You’re not very close to Suji but she’s a pretty and nice girl, “wanna go grab lunch?”
You remember you promised Kyungsoo to have lunch with him after he handed the paper, “I’ll skip, I’m going to have lunch with Kyungsoo later.”
“He’s your boyfriend? I’m in the same science class with him.” Suji said.
“No, no,” you gestured your hands like an X, “we’re just childhood friends.”
“She has a boyfriend.” Wendy pointed at you, “Lay, from Art major.”
“Oh, I see… and Lay’s gonna join you for lunch later?” Suji asked.
“Uhm, no… he got another paperworks… so…”
“And he’s fine with your relationship with Kyungsoo?” 
“Of course,” you laughs, “they’re friends… I know Lay from Kyungsoo.”
You’re waiting for Kyungsoo at the College park and you saw him walking with Chen and Kai, “Dyo!” you called him by the nickname you gave him, it’s from his surename, Doh.
He turned to see you and nod, “what?”
“So what are we having for lunch?”
He raised his eyebrows a bit, “lunch? I just had lunch with them.” He pointed the two other boys.
“Well, I’m hungry after finishing the paper.” He said it calmly, “you haven’t eat? It’s almost 3 pm.” 
“Because you—“ you harshly inhaled air and finally said, “yeah I haven’t eat, I’m just gonna grab whatever in the convinience store and eat it while walking home.”
You turned around and fished your cellphone from your bag and call your boyfriend.
“Hey, babe.” He answered.
“Where are you? I’m hungry, wanna go grab lunch?”
“I had one, you haven’t eat?”
“Not yet…” you sighs.
“I can’t go anywhere now, I’m still working on my final project.” He said. “You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine… bye…” you hung up and walking towards your house, it’s not close from the Campus but you feel like enjoying the nice weather.
You knew who’s voice it was but you keep walking.
“Where’s your lunch?” Kyungsoo jabbed your shoulders while panting after he ran after you.
“I haven’t buy one.”
“Let’s go.”
“Huh?” he pull you to a small market and next thing you know you’re sitting in front of bibimbap stall and Kyungsoo already order one for you.
“Even tho I told you to have lunch with me, if you’re hungry then go eat by yourself first.” He said while mixing the rice for you.
“I’m unlike you,” you said, “if I promised something to someone, I’ll keep it.”
He laughs, showing his cute gummy, “good girl,” he patted you head, “now eat.” 
You shove the spoon to your mouth and you know he’s watching you.
“Where’s Lay?” he asked.
“Busy with final project.” You shortly replied.
“Neglected again~” he sang the last part just to make you pout.
You scoffed while busy chewing your food.
“Hey, I saw you talked to Suji before.”
You turned to see him with squinting eyes. Kyungsoo never asked about a girl like this before. “Yeah.”
“She’s pretty like cupcakes.” He said.
You rolled your eyes, you have a history about you nickname that related to Kyungsoo and cupcake.
“We’re at a same class.” He murmured.
“Yeah, she told me that—“
“What if you set me up with her?’
You almost choked on your food, “you… w-what? You like her??”
“Well,” he shrugged his shoulders, “she’s cute.”
“You don’t like cute girls!”
“And who are you deciding what kind of girls I like?” he mocked.
You munch your food slower, “so… you like Suji?”
“I don’t know yet… but I think she’s cute.” Kyungsoo chuckles.
it wasn’t a double date since you were on a date with Lay and you told Suji if she wants to join, and you saw a brighter smile when you mentioned that Kyungsoo might be there too.
Lay and Kyungsoo talked about games they were playing and Suji seems to enjoying the conversation and you can’t help but observing how Kyungsoo being gentle to Suji. He likes the girl. You knew.
Moreover when Kyungsoo offering to walk her home.
He likes her.
You knew.
“How is it with her?” you asked Kyungsoo when you met him in front of your Campus gate.
“Come onn… you know whom I was talking about.” You took the cola from his hand.
“We talked a lot on the way home.”
He’s turning to see you, “I like her.”
You stop walking.
“Muffin?” he stopped and turned his heels and stretched his arms out, “my cola.”
The following week you saw Suji’s social media when he posted her picture with Kyungsoo and the caption was: love.
“Oohh~ my Kyungsoo have a girlfriend~” you teased him when you met him later on at the subway station.
He smiles widely, something he rarely done. “we went out just us few more times before I told her if she wants to be my girl.”
“Tell me the details!!” you asked when he pull you to the train and he found you both seats.
“What details? We went out for a meal and on the way home I told her that I like her, she said yes.” He plug the earphones on his phone and scroll the music directory, press play to a song and offer the other end of the earphone to you.
You took it without saying anything, “you happy?”
He nodded, “told you, I like her.”
“Valentine’s coming, do we have plans?” you asked Lay.
“Of course.” He kissed your hair, “dinner?”
You nodded while looking at him designing something on his computer tablet, “I hate your projects.” You murmured.
Lay laughing, “why?”
“I’m jealous that you put more attention to them than to me.”
Lay clicked ‘save’ and put it down on the table, then he joined you on the bed, his bed, “you missed me, aren’t you?”
“I’ve told you that million times but you always said: my final project this, my final project that.” You pouts and he kiss the pout away.
“Let’s go on a date on val’s day. I’ll book a place for us.”
He said that but he was the one coming to you asking, “have you book a restaurant for us?”
You can’t  help but furrowing your eyebrows.
“Hey, Soo.” Lay greets Kyungsoo who walks with you towards your class together.
“Me? Do I have to book it for us?” You raised your voice.
Lay looks confused, “yeah, no?”
“No.” You replied, “you said you’re gonna book a place for us, you told me that! Oh my God, Lay, I can’t believe—“
“You guys can join me and Suji.” Kyungso cuts you before you explode.
“Why would us??” you shout at him.
“Hey, babe, come on, we can join Kyungsoo and Suji… come on…” Lay tried to hug you.
“Yeah, me and Suji is gonna celebrate val’s day at the french restaurant down the street, it’s new, the place’s nice and the price is good, not gonna robbed us as student.” Kyungsoo explained.
“Let me go!” you escaped yourself from Lay and left them.
“Book another table for us, please.” Lay said to Kyungsoo and go after you.
You know you should’ve been mad to your boyfriend when he called you saying that he couldn’t make it to the val’s day dinner, but you really can’t because he said he’s stuck on train from Seokchon to Seoul due to heavy snow.
Then Kyungsoo came to your house. Alone.
“Where’s Suji?”
“She has to go to the hospital.” He said.
“Everything’s okay??”
He nods, “her little sister fell from bike and she has to be with her mom because her father is out of town.”
“Why don’t you come with her?” you asked.
Kyungsoo shook his head, “I haven’t being introduced formally to her parents.”
“Isn’t it the good time to be introduced to her mom at least?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “she said otherwise.”
You didn’t say anything for a while, looking at the bright winter afternoon, you two just sitting side by side on your house’s patio.
“Cold.” Kyungsoo murmured.
“Let’s get inside.” 
“Let’s just go to the restaurant.” Kyungsoo suggested, “I already made reservation, my reputation is at stake.”
You crinkle your nose, “you made two reservations, right?”
“Yeah, but the other one is under Lay’s name… just let the restaurant thinks that guy is irresponsible.”
It’s a set menu you got, pretty appetizers for each, steaks as the main course and one nice vanilla cake and ice cream as dessert for both of you to share.
Kyungsoo read a table tent that said something about special menu.
“Have you ever tried caviar?” he asked.
“Not yet, but I really want to try one… people said it’s amazing.”
“Who’s that people?” Kyungsoo raised one eyebrow.
“Uhm, some people on TV.”
He scoffed, “they give it for free as special val’s day menu.”
Kyungsoo showed you the promotion then you raised your hand to call a waiter.
“Can I help you, miss?”
“Yes, uhm, can I have one sweet potato crème fraiche caviar?” you said, and Kyungsoo silently cooing at how you pronounce a hard name.
“Oh that special menu?”
“Yes,” You said, “it’s free, right?”
“Correct! It only have one super easy requirement to get that menu.”
You both raised your eyebrows, “requirement?”
“Just kiss your partner.”
“You don’t really want that caviar…” he said.
“I’m curious, and this actually a good chance I can taste that expensive shit…” you murmured, “but… well, damn you Lay Zhang!!” you cursed your MIA boyfriend, “where are you when I need you.”
“Okay let’s call that waiter and claim the caviar.” Kyungsoo said.
“What??” You saw him staring at you. “but the req—“
“Don’t act like we’re not each other’s first kiss.” He said just above whispers, and you’ll lie to yourself if you said you didn’t feel that bubble inside your chest.
“But that was…” you didn’t continue because hell, you were friends for ever with him and there’s no way you feel this way, and there’s no way he’s involving any extended feeling when he pick up that first kiss topic again.
Yes, you were each other’s first kiss, but that was because the 12 years old you and him were curious about how it feels when lips meet other lips, and it happened after you two watching a foreign TV series where the heroine kissing the love of her life.
“Have you ever kissed someone?” Kyungsoo asked one day when you both walked home after a piano lesson.
“Yeah.” You murmured.
“Okay, never, but I know how to kiss.” You said.
Kyungsoo scoffed. “how?”
You gestured your fingers, putting it together, “pout your lips and go forward and stick it to—“
“Stick it???” Kyungsoo flinched, “stick??”
You sulked and walked away while he was laughing.
“Stop calling me that!” you walked faster.
He ran after you and pull your shoulder, “let’s try.”
“Try what?”
“Kissing.” He said.
“Okay then be a lip-virgin forever.” Kyungsoo walked passing you.
“Huh?” you started to worry, will someone kissed you later? or you will be a lip-virgin forever. “Dyo! Wait!”
“Stop calling me that!”
“Kiss me!”
he turned around, “huh…?”
you stood right in front of him, and your height was similar to him, it was years before he suddenly grew much taller than you. 
He was staring at you, and you can’t help but lowering your gaze. And when you’re looking at him again, he immediately avoiding you.
“So, w-what should I do first?” he asked.
“Just… uh…” you really can’t lift your gaze, suddenly he put his palm on your shoulder, and his feet move forward.
“look at me…” he said.
You lift your face and realised how close you were. Then you saw him started to close his eyes, and so do you, and after a long excruciating second, you’re finally feel something soft touching your lips.
His lips stayed there for another few second before detached them from yours. It was just a long innocent peck. But you and him were walking home in silence after that.
And no one talking about it again.
Until today.
“Are we really… gonna…” you search for Kyungsoo’s ‘I’m just kidding’ but you saw his flat face.
“Yeah, why not.” He shrugged, “I never had caviar, you too, and the requirement is only kissing you… easy.”
“Easy?” you scoffed, “kissing me is easy?”
“Lay knew better I bet, but, come on, nothing to lose, we would only gain two crème fraiche caviar in roasted sweet potato.” He made a yummy gesture by kissing his thumb and index finger together.
Yeah, what would be so hard with kissing him, right?
“Okay.” You said and Kyungsoo casually raised his hand to call a waiter.
“Can I help you, sir?”
“Can we get the caviar?”
“Of course, just show me your love to your girl, sir.” The waiter smiles.
And Kyungsoo reached out to palmed your jaw, briefly caressing your cheek before lift his gaze to meet yours, and your brain start telling you that this isn’t right. You should stop him, you shouls say no, you should—
His face is getting closer, and closer, and he tilt his head.
You hold your breath.
He stop for one milisecond before capture your lips.
You gulp when he touches your lips.
And he kissed you.
And you kissed him back.
And he move his lips between yours.
And you don’t know when and how but your hand is on his nape.
You pulled away and he’s startled. The waiter didn’t seem to notice because he’s smiling happily while preparing the caviar for both of you.
You couldn’t focus on whatever happened after the kiss. And the caviar that served tasted bland.
“You haven’t forgive me.” Lay sat across you in a fast food stall near your college.
“For stuck inside the train in the middle of the snow storm that made me unable to spent val’s day with you.”
“That was two weeks a go.” You continue your meal.
“Yeah, and you act so cold since then.” He tried to get you feed him.
“I’m fine, I’m always fine… even if you’re never there for me, I’m fine.” You fake a smile.
“See… you’re mad at me.” He sighs.
“Do you love me?” you stopped eating.
Lay stop trying to steal your food and looking at you instead, “that’s another way to say yes.”
“A lazy way to say yes.” You corrected him.
Lay shrugged his shoulder.
“You never said you love me, you choose lazy way to answer me when I asked if you ever love me. God…”
“Are you on period?”
“This has nothing to do with my period, Lay, you’ve been so insensitive and deserting me a lot! And I’m tired of trying to understand you!”
“Whoa-whoa… wait, babe, when did I—“
“When? When, huh? It was when you always put you final project whatsoever first.”
“But that’s for my future!” he said.
You stopped.
“You’re being selfish.” Lay said.
“Oh…” you paused, “am I?”
Lay nodded.
“Okay, let’s put your future first…” you said, “go focus on your future first… and if we meant to be together, let’s meet in the future.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“Let’s not see each other again as couple… let’s just be friends.”
“You break up with me?”
You nodded, “I’m sorry for disturbing you from focusing on your future.”
“But babe…”
“Stop calling me that.”
“You’re just mad, babe…”
You stood up and Lay also standing up, “I’m not kidding, Lay, I’m tired of this relationship where I was the only one trying to hold on the thin thread that connect us… I’m sorry, but I really can’t continue this.”
You didn’t cry on the first day you broke up with him, but cried the day after. However, it was a year full of him. Something is definitely missing.
And Kyungsoo, someone who suppose to be your bestfriend is busy with his girl, you knew they’re get along well when Wendy told you that Suji introduced Kyungsoo to her family.
“So… now the family already know you?” you match Kyungsoo’s pace on the way to subway station.
He was a little startled but then he look straight ahead again without giving you any answer.
“I texted you yesterday.” You said.
“Oh, I haven’t replied?”
he hasn’t even read it.
“I called you few days a go.”
“I saw the missed call but I was out with Suji.”
You just nodded while glue your lips together. There was stung in your heart to find out that Kyungsoo doesn’t even know that you broke up with Lay. He didn’t even give you a chance to tell him.
He stepped inside the train. Without pulling you in.
He stand in the corner, the train wasn’t packed but he didn’t go finding a seat either. So you stand beside him.
“Sit there if you want.” He said pointing at an empty seat.
“No, i—uh, I wanna talk to you.”
He pull out his cellphone and plug the earphone. You were lowkey waiting for him to give you one earphone but the hope crumbled when he said,
“Hello, hey, I’m at the train right now… you’re already at campus?”
He’s calling Suji and left you awkwardly standing next to him.
Two stops later you find an empty seat near you, and you left Kyungsoo to sit down, didn’t realised that Kyungsoo finished the phonecall and staring at your sad face.
Next day kyungsoo waited for the subway but he didn’t find you, and the next day, also the day after. You weren’t avoiding him, you just went to Pohang because one of your older cousin’s getting married.
At the fourth day, you were already at the station waiting for the train when Kyungsoo appear beside you.
“Where were you?” he asked but the train coming and the pulled you inside and found seats for you, then he pulled his cellphone, you looked away, trying not to care if he’s going to call Suji again, but then you feel him slip the earphone into your ear.
“Listen, new song I discovered.” He said.
You didn’t say anything, keep your face away of him, and slowly release took the earphone off and give it back to him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing.” You stood up and standing near the door even tho your destination is still three stops away.
Somehow you couldn’t understand what you feel about him, is it about the kiss? Or your disappointment towards him because he wasn’t there when you’re down after broke up with Lay.
“Why you’re sulking?” he asked when you both get off at your stop and walking towards the campus.
“Me? When?”
“Now.” He said.
“Oh, since when you know me that well till you know that I’m sulking?”
“Well, it doesn’t need to be genius to see how you fold that face into an ugly frown.” He shrugged.
“Don’t talk to me as if we’re close.” You walk faster.
“Huh? What do you mean? We are close.”
“You think so?” you turned to him, “are we still close now? Because as far as I remember, I didn’t neglect you when I have a boyfriend but look at you! You didn’t even reply my messages, you didn’t pick up my calls, you didn’t talk to me!”
“I didn’t ask you to do all of that to me while you have boyfriend.”
“Oh, so you think if you’re dating someone, you could just throw away your friends??” you raised your voice.
“I never threw you away! I’m just being a normal me, and I’m sorry if my girlfriend is actually paying attention to me, unlike your—“
“I broke up with Lay.” You said, “more than a week a go. And I’m trying to tell you this, I need you but you’re busy with your life!”
Kyungsoo called you but you runaway.
you murmured the nickname he gave you. Muffin. It was from the incident of your birthday years a go, when you had your 11 birthday, when you specifically asking for a cupcake for your birthday and Kyungsoo gave you muffin instead, telling you that they looked similar. You sulked for day and he teased you by calling you that, until now.
And as the courtesy of how Kyungsoo love to get you on the edge, he always giving you muffin in your birthday and told you to eat the cupcake.
You told him it’s a fake cupcake, muffin is not pretty like cupcake, muffin is ugly and by him calling you muffin, you knew he lowkey telling you that you’re ugly like muffin.
“Kyungsoo’s here.” Your mom knocked on your door.
You sat on your bed when he’s get into your room.
“Hey muffin…” he said.
“Stop calling me that!”
he smiles and gave you a cute box.
“If you dare buying me another dozen of muffin, I’m gonna hit y—“ you opened the box and found cupcakes inside.
He sat beside you and took one of the prettiest cupcake and feed you.
“How’s it?” he asked while you munch.
You only responds with a hum.
“Do you like this better?”
you never care about how it taste but actually it tastes like a birthday cake, a classic vanilla with overly sweet icing.
“Do you know why I prefer to call you muffin than cupcake?” he asked.
“Because I’m not pretty enough like cupcake?”
He shook his head, “because muffin tastes a lot better than cupcake.”
You didn’t say anything, just let him continue.
“muffins has various flavour inside, could be banana muffin, choco chips mufin, blueberry… and all flavour is inside the cake… unlike cupcake, cupcake is just a vanilla cake with icing. A plain cake with over decorating outside. And for me, you’re pretty inside, not outside.”
“So, I’m not pretty?”
“Hm, of course you’re gonna take it wrong.” He sighs, “who says muffin is not pretty? Muffin is honest… do you think cupcake is pretty without all the icings?”
“You mean cupcake is like girls with thick make up?”
You tried to hold your smile. “I’m gonna tell Suji you said her make up is too thick.”
“When did I said that?”
“Hey! Remember you told me Suji is cute like cupcake?”
“When did I??”
“You did!”
Kyungsoo waved at you in dismissal. “Anyway, I’m sorry about you and Lay…” he caress your back.
“It’s fine… it’s time… I’ve been very patient for too long.” You said, “and you’re right, my boyfriend is not paying attention to me like your girl…”
He chuckled, “you’ll find someone who deserves you soon, muffin.”
You talked to him for another hour before he bid himself goodbye, and when you walked him outside, you realised you want to see him longer.
 He startled when he heard you calling him with that name, not Dyo.
“Have you ever think of not being friends with me anymore?” you asked.
He shook his head, “when you were mad at me yesterday, I thought I lost you as my friend, and I don’t want that.”
And that brought you back to your place. He doesn’t want you and him to be more than this. “w-what about something else… other than being enemy.”
He stopped, but his gaze linger, he was staring at you and from his eyes, you knew he get what you mean. You saw the complication in his eyes.
“Sorry, I mean—“
“I have a girlfriend.” He said.
And so time flies, spring’s here, the flowers bloom and the weather getting warmer. Kyungsoo still remind friends with you, only he’s few feet farther than before. Many things changed after the whole blurry confession you told him, and you never blame him.
Lay finished his final project and he called you, he even went to see you several times, telling you that he’s sorry and if there’s another chance for him but you haven’t give him answer.
It’s still breezy but you decided to drive yourself to the beach at the city side. Suddenly you saw someone walked towards you, someone very familiar.
“Muffin…” he smiles.
“How did you know I’m here?”
“Your mom.”
You made an ‘O’ with your mouth.
“All good?” he asked.
“Lay wants to reconcile.” You told him.
“Oh…” he walks beside you, “and?”
You just shrugged your shoulders.
“You don’t love him anymore?” he asked.
“I don’t know if I could love him again when I have someone else occupied my mind…” at this point, you don’t care. You knew you like Kyungsoo and if he can’t like you back, and he feels disturbed by your confession, he can leave and you two can stop being friends.
“Oh…” he still walking beside you. “I broke up with Suji.”
You stops, letting him leaving you behind. But after few steps he turned around, “I can’t stay being his boyfriend while my mind is occupied by someone else.”
You can’t help but asking, “who?”
“A friend a kissed on valentine’s day.” He murmured.
“You choose a muffin instead of a cupcake?”
He nodded, “always choose a muffin, because it tastes better.” He smiles.
You scoffed.
“Soo…” he stepped closer, “instead of just thinking about each other… why don’t we date each other?”
“Since when did you like me?” you asked when he come even closer to you.
“Since I called you muffin for the first time.” He put a strain of your hair behind your ear.
“That long?”
“Hmm… but I’m afraid to ruin what we had…” he whispers.
“What about now? You’re not afraid to ruin what we have?”
Kyungsoo pull you into a hug, “being with or without you ruining me in different ways, and I choose to live the present, to show you how much I want you more than a friends do…” he kissed your hair, “muffin… I want to be with you for the longest time.”
You snugged deeper in his chest, “me too…”
He pull away a bit just to tild his head, “be my girl…” he said before leaned down to kiss you before you could say yes.
But you knew, he knew you’d say yes, because you kissed him back.
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– four seasons. | frost
here’s part three, one more to go in this little mini-series. pls enjoy and leave me some love xoxo mira tag list: shameless-pope  bellastellaluna  the-scarletsandwich @its-my-little-dumpster-fire
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“Love is in the air,” Lisa called from the backseat of the car, handing a slightly crumpled flier to you in the passenger seat. “And I’m sick of it,” Frank retorted, despite the handful of pink foil wrapped chocolates he had in his hand. “Says the idiot who got a billion secret valentines,” Lisa shot back. “She does have a point,” Maria chimed in from the driver’s seat as you examined the paper Lisa had given you. It was a flier for tonight’s Valentine’s Day dance, despite the actual holiday being on Sunday. “You going, Lisa?” you asked, catching her gaze in the rearview mirror. 
She gave you an indifferent shrug, but something about the way Frank nudged her made you think she felt anything but indifferent about it. “She doesn’t want to go because no one asked her,” he said nonchalantly, to which Lisa stared at him, mouth gaping. “Hey!” Maria cried out, pulling to a stop at a red light, “You don’t need anyone to take you, Lis.” “I know!” Lisa grumbled back.
“Then why don’t you wanna go?” you asked, your tone a lot softer than Maria’s. “Amanda got a new boyfriend,” Lisa explained, referencing her best friend of three years, “And that’s the only thing she cares about now. I don’t want to go just to be a third wheel.” You cast a careful look over to Maria, who met your own concerned gaze with one of her own. “That’s a tough situation,” Maria agreed after a moment.
“So what?” Frank Jr. said, finally getting back into the conversation, “Aunt Y/N third wheels all the time.” “Hey!” Maria called out, giving her son a Look from the rearview. “She does!” he muttered under his breath, to which you sighed. There was truth in Frank Jr.’s words, if anything, you fifth wheeled the entire Castle family.
“Honestly, it’s not that bad,” you said to Lisa, turning your head to face her in the backseat, “And it’s worth putting up with a lame-o guy if it means sticking with your friend.” “Dad’s not lame,” Lisa replied back, unable to hold the smile back from her face. “You get what I’m saying,” you said, your smile mirroring Lisa’s. 
She gave a dramatic sigh and replied with another shrug of her shoulders, “I guess I’ll go.” “Atta girl,” Maria replied, giving you a smile.
“What’s been up with you and Bill?” Maria questioned over the quiet murmurings of the TV. The two of you had spent the last hour or so dressing Lisa up and sending her off to her school dance with the promise that a friend’s mom would drop her off after the event was over. Frank Jr. had no intentions of being caught up in your ensuing wine night and had scurried over to a nearby friend’s house before you had left to drop Lisa off. That left you, Maria, and a bottle of wine. You sighed into your glass of white wine, recalling the past few weeks of tepid exchange between you and Billy and the cusp at which you two had been on before everything seemed to change.
The weeks of holiday prep at your office had you wrapped up in end of year business as well as a flurry of office events. Your video calls with Billy became scarce in those few weeks, but you sent him prompt replies to his emails. You filled them with details of work, the time you spent with Maria and the kids, and other things he seemed to crave knowing, normal things.
It was about two weeks after New Year’s Day and you were in the middle of a rare video call with Billy, in the middle of talking about a funny office incident that had occurred the day before when Billy interrupted you. “Did it snow?” he asked, the tone in his voice making you a little uneasy. Billy often sat attentive as you talked and talked, that’s the way he liked it from what you had judged. “Yeah…” you replied slowly, turning your laptop so that he could see at the frosted window past you. 
“Sorry,” he muttered, his hand moving up to touch his brow bone, “You were saying something…” “Billy,” you said, unsure of what had just happened. “Are you okay?” you asked, despite knowing he hated that question. “I’m fine,” he replied, his hand still tapping his brow. “Okay,” you breathed, doubt sitting in the back of your mind.
You went on with your story, not knowing if he detected the lack of enthusiasm that you had previously. You said your goodbyes soon after that, the blank screen leaving you alone in the quiet of the early morning. Sitting in a sea of doubt, you went through the rest of your day quietly enough for it to be noticed by a few of your coworkers. You assured them it was nothing, but it sure as hell didn’t feel like nothing.
“I thought it was going good,” you said, more as a question than a statement. Maria nodded softly, quietly urging you to continue without interrupting. “He just seemed to pull back out of nowhere,” you said, pausing to take a long sip of wine. “Frank does that too,” Maria commented, and this time, you looked towards her with quiet patience. “He pulls back, he doesn’t want what happens there to touch us, the kids, me.” You sighed, feeling a bit at ease upon hearing a possible explanation for Billy’s behavior. “It’s not something that’s easy to understand, and not everybody is cut out for it,” she continued. Something about her words prickled you, not so much what she said but the way she was looking at you now, eyeing you like she was sizing you up.
“I know that,” you said with a little more fire than you meant. “I’m just looking out for you,” Maria assured, “The both of you.” You nodded, putting your figurative fighting hands down, “I know, I know.” “It’s hard,” she continued, moving her hand to rest on yours to squeeze it in comfort. “It’s really hard,” you agreed, pouting a bit.
“But you’re strong,” Maria assured you, “And you have an incredible friend backing you up.” You giggled, a probable byproduct of the wine you had been drinking, “A beautiful friend.” “Well,” Maria said with an over dramatized roll of her eyes, “If you say so.”
Hours later, you were in the back of an Uber, a smart decision because you were a smart person, on your way home. In your still slightly tipsy stupor, and without the responsibility of driving, you opened up your last e-mail correspondence with Billy, to which he hadn’t replied yet. You had remained decent enough not to double e-mail him as not to seem obsessive but as you sat in the back of a Honda Civic, you thought to yourself fuck the rules.
“Right on, sister,” your Uber driver agreed, making you realize you had said your thoughts out loud. You smiled sheepishly, but sat up to construct an e-mail to express your thoughts to a guy who wasn’t your boyfriend.
Hey. Billy.
It’s me. how are you doing. I miss you a lot. And it’s so stippid how you keep tryibg to push me away. I hate it, I hatee iyou. I hate beeing away from you. Or you being away fromme. Come back. I’ll give you a millio n bucks. Stop being a jerk. I lik eyou lots.
Love Y/N
The Uber driver pulled up near your apartment building just as you had pressed send on your spelling riddled e-mail. After assuring the kind lady that you could get into your apartment alone and paying a small fortune with a good tip, you bid her good night as you left the car. Taking a minute to adjust your footing in the frosty snow lining the sidewalk, you told yourself you’d hopefully make it alive to your apartment if you just took it… one step… at a time.
Your breath turned into little puffs of clouds as you walked towards your building, carefully placing one foot in front of the other. Despite the wine dampening your cat-like reflexes, you still caught a shadowy figure up the steps in front of your apartment building and you immediately were put on guard. “I have a knife and I know how to use it,” you called out, reaching into your bag for anything sharp. The man stepped into the soft light cast by the porch light, pulling his hood away from his face.
“Hey,” he called, his cheeks thinned out from when you last saw him and hair shorter than when you had ran your fingers through it. “Billy,” you called, standing at the bottom of the short flight of steps  dumbfounded. “Hey you,” he called again, leaving his duffel bag near the building door as he moved towards you.
Clarity had found you once more, even through your wine buzz, but you could not believe he was standing in front of you. You stepped back, wanting space to take it, to take him, all in but in the urgency of it, you slipped only to have Billy grab your arms, steadying you. “H-hey,” you called back, shakily. “Hi,” he said earnestly, “It’s the third time I’ve said that. We should probably move past that.” You laughed at his words, although he looked different and you still weren’t sure if he really was in front of you, any doubts you had for the past few weeks melted away.
“We should proba-,” you said, casting a gaze up at the dark sky, catching a glimpse of white. “Oh,” you said, caught off guard by the fresh snow falling. Billy laughed softly as snowflakes fell into your hair, brushing his fingers across your cheek to cup your face. “We should probably what?” he whispered as he drew his face down towards yours. “Get out of the cold?” you whispered back, making no movements to do so. “We should,” he agreed softly, closing the distance between you to press his lips against yours. 
Frost continued to fall but you and Billy stood there under the soft light of the street lamp for a few more moments, just the two of you.  
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