#my mom forgot to tell me she picked up my refills
rabbithaver · 1 year
yesterday i only took 150mg of my 225mg of Effexor because i thought i'd run out of 75mg capsules. i have been lowkey dissociating all fucking day because of it
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jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 15
The thing is… FF is aware that he should probably be medicated. You might be saying well isn’t he taking his ulcer medication? The answer is yes he is and when he is getting close to missing a dose Nicky’s usually the one that texts him with six frowny face emojis asking if he took his meds (they have a system, he takes his meds and then he texts Nicky)
No, he knows that he should probably get on something for his anxiety. Betsy has offered to get started on getting him on the right cocktail, his grandma thinks it’s a good idea, and Nicky has offered to get him as much weed as he needs to chill out, he knows a guy. Andrew is probably only going to stab him and threaten him not actually hunt him for sport, in his moments of clarity he can accept and understand that.
But there is nothing in this world that he wants less than to get back on anxiety medication. The world had been grey, it muted everything in the world for him, he faded completely into the background of his own life, and he couldn’t even grieve-
He was almost thankful for his step-dad’s sudden arrival in his life and how quickly his mom forgot about him to spend every waking moment she could on him and his children and then their children. It was two years of nothing and then his mom stopped picking up and refilling his prescription because it was too much of a hassle to keep picking up every month.
“He’s not anxious, see he’s fine. He doesn’t need it anymore.”
The withdrawal and the emotions that came afterwards had been hellish. He’d collapsed into his Grandma’s arms and begged her not to call his mom. He spent an entire month of summer vacation feeling like he was going to die and when he got back he found that no one had even missed him.
He swallowed the hurt, all of his emotions felt so much stronger now that he’d lost them for two years. If he has reactions like he’d had before he knows his mom will put him back on the medication.
The town is small and everyone talks. He knows about the dog walker’s poop flinging scandal, he knows about how the butcher’s left pinky got put back on wrong when he’d cut it off, he knows that the kid down the street paid $40 for a bag of oregano that he thought was weed, he knows that lil susie is in counseling because a girl should probably not be establishing cult rituals around her barbies.
He can’t react, can’t let people know he’s dying from anxiety because his math teacher sighs when he hands over his test. Can’t let anyone know that he has to put his head between his legs and take deep breaths before he can go into the cafeteria. His only solace is that all of the foreign language teachers love him, it’s easier to accept a compliment or comment in a language his family doesn’t use.
His step family treat him like the guards outside of Buckingham. Anything for a reaction y’know? He tells himself he does not care and for the most part he doesn’t.
He signs up for Exy in middle school because he just wanted something to do and it was the sport that had the same meeting days as his grandma’s bowling league. She picks him up from practice and they get ice cream together afterwards, she’s the only thing he has since Great Gran passed not too long after he got free of the medication.
He still feels her fingers checking behind his ears on occasion, a joke now that he’s off his meds referencing when he was too zoned out to care about hygiene. He still remembers her looking at him and feeling like she was seeing more than just him, “You’re a Smith. The last one when me and my daughter go. We’ll all be with you whenever you need us.” She promises.
He thinks it’s just respectful to get her favorite scent when he needs her help. He was raised to be respectful.  Lavender still makes him think of her and he hopes his grandma left some on her grave recently.
He knew he’d have to wait to go to college. His mom is putting on the pressure now that he’s 18 saying he will have to pay rent even though Greg is older and definitely isn’t. He plays Exy and thinks about how he’ll handle his life between 18 and 25, he puts all his anxiety into the game and maybe the coach notices something.
He must have noticed something.
The Foxes don’t offer positions to kids who don’t have something going wrong for them.
Coach Wymack and Dan Wilds wouldn’t be there in his little bum fuck nowhere town in Washington if his coach hadn’t sent a tape and an explanation.
He could admit that he knew about the Foxes. He looked up to the vice captain a fair bit not just for his game but also…well the Butcher was national news. Vice Captain Neil’s story was all over the news and maybe he was just a little bit in awe of someone who could stand his ground after all of that. Watching Vice Captain Neil Josten give shit to every last reporter who gave him any shit? Inspiring.
He just didn’t think it’d be a good fit for him.
He’s not like the rest of the Foxes. Dan talks about them all in broad terms, how they’re all fighting to become something and grow beyond the unfairness that was out of their control. FF is tough to convince but he’s a pretty good defensive dealer, Dan and Coach Wymack both want him.
Dan eventually has to go because she has an interview for a coaching position out this way but Coach Wymack just hands over the rental car keys and Coach Wymack stays.
Coach Wymack stays and they keep talking. FF talks about everything and Wymack eventually just says “Well, you’re still here despite all of that aren’t you? Sounds like a fighter to me. I think you’ve got what it takes to carry that weight with some help and I can promise that you won’t have to deal with those jerks past your high school graduation. You’re not going to be the first Fox who I help out from under some asshole parents and you won’t be the last.”
So he signs a contract, he’s 18 he can do that AND buy cigarettes now (he won’t. That’s how Gran lost gramps when dad was still young but he COULD. Much like he COULD go into the town’s only sex toy shop but that would be back to his grandma faster than the cigarette purchase to be honest and he isn’t THAT interested in what’s in there.)
He finishes up school but the assistant coach is a friend of his step dad and mentions that he’s signed to the Foxes. It’s just one week between his graduation and when Coach Wymack is coming to grab him
Suddenly he exists in his house for the first time since they all moved into it after the wedding and it’s the WORST. The want things, they want promises, they want assurances, they want to pretend and act like he’s always been there.
He flees to his Grandma’s house and texts Coach Wymack asking if there’s ANY chance he can get picked up early because he doesn’t know if he’ll be able to talk if he calls the man.
Coach Wymack comes for him and shoulders him past his ‘family’ to the rental car but the panic attack he sees in the car ride to the airport when his family’s car follows them all the way to the rental drop off means that he HAS to see Betsy.
Betsy is nice. Betsy teaches him how to breathe through stuff. Betsy teaches him how to ground himself in reality. Betsy tells him that the Starbucks girl probably doesn’t hate him. Betsy suggests he get on some medication.
He said No.
He’s scared out of his MIND in Palmetto but it’s better than-
He prefers to feel things.
Betsy tells him that it shouldn’t have been like that. His mother should have taken him back and gotten his prescription adjusted until it wasn’t like that.
He still declines.
Andrew gets suspicious about him knowing Russian after that game of Never Have I Ever and Nicky keeps almost letting it spill right by him. His stomach hurts the CVS girl keeps pepto for him behind the counter.
He still declines.
He prefers to feel things.
You can’t enjoy the thrill of a 100% on a Kanji Basics midterms without the anxiety of the Oral presentation. You can’t feel the true satisfaction of getting a blender for 25% off + 50 dollars of in-store credit without the flop-sweat of the searching eyes of a woman wearing PINK branded lounge wear. You can’t keep friends if you have no ability to empathize with them even if you’re worried you’re annoying them or ‘humble bragging’.
Fear is better.
Betsy tells him if he’s ever ready then she will help him. His Gran tells him she loves him. Nicky says “Look there’s a strain called White Russian. That’d be funny right?!”and FF agrees but declines to sample it.
Right now, as Nicky smudges eyeliner under his eyes and tugs at his shirt for the 80th time, he thinks it might actually be better to feel nothing.
He’d woken up from his…nap? He might have fainted actually? But he did it on a bed and it lasted for like 4 hours? So does that count as a nap? He wants to ask but also doesn’t want to worry anyone, maybe he could ask Aaron that if a Friend faints and doesn’t wake up for four hours is that a nap or a medical emergency? Just curious.
When he had emerged from Nicky’s room Captain Neil and Andrew had herded them all into the Maserati and they’d gone out and gotten McDonald’s for a late lunch. The only comment he had gotten when he’d asked for a happy meal (his stomach could not handle anything more) was whether or not he wanted the toy.
“Yes.” He answered panicked at the sudden question.
He got his Megamind toy, accidentally shone it into Aaron’s eyes when he pushed a button. “Shit that’s bright” before he apologized and shoved it in his jacket pocket.
They hung out at the house for the rest of the day.
They watched movies, played Mario Kart (how is Captain Neil this bad when his reflexes on the court are so good?) and did some homework. Andrew seemed to actually like the brownies which is why FF probably woke up from his... still haven’t asked Aaron if it’s a nap or a medical emergency.
He has a square and even at room temperature they taste great.
When it started to get dark they all went to go get ready. FF had gone to get whatever clothes Nicky had prepared on but had found himself sat on the man’s bed (so much glitter, seriously how can one bed have so much of it?) and Nicky holding a pencil to his eye and telling HIM not to flinch.
“Gonna have all the….” Nicky pauses and adopts a look on his face that means that he’s thinking incredibly hard about something. “Wait how have we been friends for MONTHS and I have no idea how you swing?” FF is caught off guard for a few moments because it’s the first time that Nicky has verbally confirmed that they are, in fact, friends and…
That’s so nice.
He thought it was just Nicky’s innate inability to leave something to suffer needlessly that had the upperclassmen helping him. (FF has watched Nicky go out of his way to give cats food, turn turtles back onto their stomachs, and walk into traffic to stop cars so that a duck family could make it to a pond. He just sort of figured he was the same level of pathetic)
“Wait, what?”
“How do you swing?” Nicky repeats.
FF knows what he means but doesn’t want to. “With my left hand.” He responds and hopes Nicky drops it because the long and short answer is: he doesn’t know. He has no idea.
“Ohh dirty!” Nicky makes a jacking off motion with his left hand and FF feels embarrassed sweat cover his body, “NO! Don’t ruin my work!” Nicky yells fanning him with his hands so the eyeliner doesn’t run. “You know what I mean Smithy. Swing for girls, boys, both, neither? What am I working with here?” He asks wiping at FF’s cheek.
“I don’t…know.” He admits because deflecting is OBVIOUSLY not his strong suit. Twice in a row it’s brought up weird sex stuff.
“C’mon don’t be embarrassed. Even if you’re straight you’re obviously an Ally.” Nicky smiles.
“No it’s not…” he flushes okay he is embarrassed but that’s because he REALLY doesn’t know. Like how the hell did he get to college and have ZERO idea about what he’s attracted to or if he’s just not attracted to anyone? He’d been focused on not screaming for the last decade and that hadn’t really left a lot of room to consider how anyone looked. He’s getting used to having friends and three whole group chats (he’s bad at responding to them, overwhelmed by the idea that whatever he says can be revisited and picked apart forever but still, THREE!)
“I really have no idea.” He repeats.
Nicky blinks at him. “Okay well, college can be all about figuring that out then! No worries my sweet boy, we will figure this out.” Nicky pats his cheek.
He feels a little better.
“Alright, let’s go to Eden’s!”
Oh fuck that’s right.
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duckybarnes1917 · 2 years
Your Eyes Outshine The Town...Chapter 19
Bucky Barnes x Black Female Reader
18+ ONLY
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Summary: In the series finale, Bucky finds some solace in the arms of his sister...and starts to truly look forward to his future.
Warnings: EMOTIONS. Fade to black smut...but if this gets a lot of feedback maybe I will post a full smut for it.
AN: THANK YOU. This is the last chapter for this series 😭 I am so proud of this series and I really hope you all found joy in seeing Bucky get everything he ever deserved (even though I had to hurt him a bit along the way). Your feedback means everything to me, so please if you have read and enjoyed this series let me know with a comment, a reblog comment, an anon (or not) message! I'll take anything! Happy Holidays ❤
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
You refilled your drink, glad that Bucky would be the one driving them tonight, and sat on a plum velvet couch between Deena and Betty. You all laughed as you watched the many great-grandchildren fight for a turn hanging from Bucky’s arm. They had all been obsessed with him ever since he stepped through the door. The various parents gave up trying to teach them manners several hours ago. But Bucky didn’t seem to be bothered by their questions in the slightest. So many ‘whys?’ Why do you have it? Why is it gold? Why is it cold? Why won’t my mom let you show us how strong it is? 
You couldn’t hide your smile, Bucky was going to make a great father someday. A day you were starting to hope would come sooner rather than later. As if he could sense your thoughts, Bucky smirked at you and sauntered over to the couch. He picked you up easily and spun you around so he was sitting in your spot and you were  in his lap.
“I thought you forgot about me over here,” you teased as you snuggled into the warmth of Bucky’s arms. 
“Of course not.” Bucky squeezed your waist. “Had to come make sure Betty wasn’t sharing anymore embarrassing stories.”
You shook your head. “Just the one about you almost getting arrested for indecent exposure.” 
Bucky rolled his eyes. “That makes it sound much worse than it was!” 
The women laughed, and you kissed Bucky’s reddening cheek. You stayed there in his lap, giggly and tipsy, until the shadows grew long and the room quiet.
Bucky squeezed your waist. The feeling of you, warm and soft, underneath his fingers reminded him to check the time. As much as he was dreading the drive home, he was looking forward to getting you in his bed. 
“James, let your dame go and help me to my room. I need to lie down.” 
Betty stood without waiting for Bucky to respond. He was quick to follow, offering her his elbow.
They were quiet as they made their way to her guest room, and Bucky helped her settle onto the bed. 
“Can I get you anything?” 
“Sit down,” Betty patted the edge of the bed. 
Bucky did what she asked, still feeling–well, he didn’t know how to feel. Overwhelmed didn’t begin to cover it.
“You know I’m still older than you, right? I don’t remember you being this bossy.” 
Bucky looked up at her light blue eyes, and his joking demeanor dropped. “I missed you.” 
Betty opened her arms and Bucky fell into them without question. 
“I can’t believe you’ve been alive this whole time. I didn’t believe Connor when he told me. I didn’t think you’d actually show up. Thought he was crazy.” 
Bucky chuckled, holding her tighter. “I’m so sorry,” a wave of tears strangled his voice. 
“What in the world are you apologizing for?” Betty sounded exasperated, the same tone she used to use when Bucky didn’t play by her rules as a kid. 
He sat up and was surprised to find she had been crying too. Her voice certainly didn’t sound like it. 
“I–should have tried to find you.” 
Betty waved his words away. “Don’t be stupid. Now stop crying and tell me about the girl downstairs that looks at you like you hung the fucking moon.” 
“Language,” Bucky shook his head. It was so easy to slip into the big brother role again. “First, I brought you something.” Bucky gave her the blue velvet jewelry box and Betty gasped when she saw the diamond and emerald teddy bear pendant inside. 
“James–how much did you spend on this? What am I going to do with this? Wear it on my robe at the nursing home?” Betty snapped the box closed and tried to hand it back to him.
Bucky laughed and refused it. “Well, if I knew you had so much money,” Bucky waved his hands around the elegant room. “I would have spent more. I made you a promise. Remember?” 
Betty went quiet for a moment, opening the box again as more tears welled in her eyes. “That you’d bring me something pretty.” 
Bucky nodded and squeezed her frail hand. He tried not to let that affect him, not now. He couldn’t think about how much time he may or may not have left with her when he just got her back. 
Betty dried her eyes and motioned to the drawer next to her bed. “Give me the black box in there. I have something for you, too.” 
Bucky did as she said and let out his own gasp when she opened it for him. 
“It was mom’s, do you remember?” 
Bucky nodded quietly and took the box with his shaking hand. Her wedding ring. A thin band with intricate lace-like metalwork. A European-cut sapphire sparkled in the middle, surrounded by little white diamonds. 
“It was always meant for you and I was the only one crazy enough to save it this whole time. Becca was pissed when I refused to give it to Charles when he got married. It’s yours.”
“Betty–thank you.” Bucky didn’t know what else to say. He remembered rolling his eyes every time his mother expressed her excitement to see it on the hand of his wife someday. The fact that she never would was enough to make him crumble. With the ring tight in his grip, he laid on his sister’s lap and sobbed. He thought he had suffered the worst of his eternal pain, but this felt new. The wounds were so fresh he could feel every rip of his heart. 
“I know it wasn’t, Buck—I know.” 
Bucky hadn’t realized he had been talking—yelling, really, about how unfair his whole life had been. Betty held him as tight as she could, her hand rubbing circles on his back. 
“S—sorry-sorry—I can’t—” 
“Deep breaths, take your time.” 
Bucky nodded, still trying to stop the sobs that were now making him hyperventilate. Betty was patient, humming to him until he fell quiet, silent tears still streaming down his face. He sat up and looked at the ring in his hand. The conflicting emotions were exhausting him… his mother wouldn’t be here to see it, but Betty would be. Sam would be, and you—he could really have a normal life after all.  
“Is she worth it?” 
“You have no idea.” Bucky sniffled, wiping his red eyes. When he looked up, he smiled at the way Betty’s face had lit up. She was happy for him, proud, and that’s all he had hoped for. 
Bucky was not looking forward to the drive home. The day had been amazing but draining. As he said his last goodbyes and loaded the copious amounts of leftovers Deena insisted he take, Bucky kept his smile in place. But as soon as his car door shut, he let out a tired sigh. 
“You better not fall asleep on me,” he told you as he put the car in reverse. “You made me a promise. It’s the only thing that’s gonna get me through this drive.” 
“Actually,” you smiled mischievously, “I have a surprise.” 
Bucky raised a brow as he exited the driveway. “Is that so?” 
You nodded, quickly typing an address into the car’s gps. “Just follow the directions.” 
You gave him no other information, just sat back in your seat with that teasing smile on your lips. 
About an hour later, Bucky was pulling up in front of a cute white house in the suburbs. 
“Whose house is this?” Bucky sat on the brakes in front of the house. 
“Come on, pull into the driveway.” You nudged his arm, and Bucky did as you said. 
Before he could ask any other questions, You were out of the car and waving for him to follow. Bucky shook his head and let out a little huff, but quickly turned the car off and joined your side. 
“You gonna fill me in now?” Bucky asked nervously as you turned the handle on the front door. 
You opened the door and turned to face him. Bucky took a quick glance around the inside of the house before sending you a questioning look. 
“It’s ours for the night,” you beamed. “Go get the bags out of the car.” 
Excitement thrummed in Bucky’s veins, and normally he would ask a hundred questions, but tonight, he didn’t care. He ran back to the car and found the bags you had snuck in at some point. You were giggling as he jogged back to the front door with a big smile on his face. 
“Don’t move,” he huffed as he slipped past you and set the bags in the hall. He stepped back outside and lifted you into his arms, bridal style. “I don’t know how you did this, but I’m gonna ruin you, sweetheart.” 
“It’s just an Airbnb,” you giggled, running your hands through his hair as he carried you through the house. 
It was cute, but Bucky would have to appreciate that more in the morning—maybe while he was making you breakfast—fuck, why did that just make him hard? 
He pushed the bedroom door open and laid you on the large bed, immediately joining you. “You couldn’t wait until we got home, could you?” His fingers worked frantically to pull the zipper on your skirt down.
You scoffed but helped him pull your skirt and tights down your legs. “I didn’t want you driving all the way back tonight; it’s been a long day.” 
Bucky stopped and looked up at your face. A lump caught in his throat. He loved you so damn much he felt he might burst. 
“What’s wrong? We don’t have to if you’re tired, baby.” 
“Sweetheart, you have no idea how much I want to.” Bucky kissed the insides of your thighs. “But you’re about to.” 
“Fuck,” you mumbled, still running your fingers through his hair. 
“Now, lay back and let me relax.” 
You did as he said and Bucky pushed you to the head of the bed so he could lie on his stomach between your thighs. With the first taste, so uniquely you, he felt his muscles relax and his stress dissipate. 
Finally in bed, Bucky snuggled against your back, holding you as close as he could.  
“Thank you for doing this with me,” he whispered as he placed a kiss behind her your. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“I’d do anything for you, Bucky.” 
Bucky’s chest burned pleasantly. “I love you. Get some sleep.” 
“Love you more,” you mumbled. 
Bucky held you tight until your breathing evened out, and he knew you were asleep. The ring, now safely tucked away in his backpack, was all he could think about. It wasn’t even a question of if he would do it. It was a question of when and how. He never thought he’d even get the chance, maybe in another life, but here and now? Suddenly, he felt like things were moving far too quickly in this new life of his. He never let himself want anything, because he never thought he would have anything. And now so much had been dropped right in his lap in a matter of months. He sat up and took a few calming breaths before he opened the little box again. The ring looked even more beautiful in the moonlight. He could already imagine it on your finger, the sapphire and diamonds sparkling against your skin; the smile he’d put on your face when he asked. How would he do it? How did people propose these days? He’d have to ask Sam for help, of course. Maybe he could do it in Louisiana. Would that be too soon? He’d already been stupid enough to ask you to have a baby with him–and it was definitely too soon for that. But you weren’t running away. He glanced over his shoulder. You had turned on your side, facing him, probably seeking his warmth. His dog tags still hung around your neck and you looked almost innocent as you slept so deeply. He briefly considered never sleeping again if he got to look at you like this every night. 
He snapped the box closed and hid it away. He’d ask Sam. Sam would know what to do. 
Don’t forget to reblog! 😉
*Tumblr is not letting me add links to the prev or next chapters. Please see the masterlist pinned to my page for the rest of the story!*
Taglist: @delaber @mannien @raindrcpsangel @cjand10
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bitchylandtyphoon · 3 years
Sugar on Honey🍯
A/N: Hellooo I hope you guys are doing great I just wanted to try writing a Jim Hopper fic since I barely see any like come on he's so fine and ugh. Ahem anyways pls enjoy the story if u have any recommendations feel free to comment! If u have a request feel free to send a message to me! I'm still new to Tumblr so I'm not really sure how to work any of this sorry about that! ------------------------------------❈---------------------------------------- Hopper didn’t understand how you were so calm with Eleven. He tried, he really did. He took care of Eleven as if he was her own but he couldn't be as gentle and soft as you were. “This is an apple ok? It's red, sweet and a fruit. This is a cucumber, it's green and a vegetable!” Hopper watched as you taught Eleven basic English. “Ok, now you try” You hold up a bunch of grapes. “These are...grapes, sweet, blue and...fruit?” Eleven guessed while squinting hard at the grapes. “Heyyyy not bad! You're doing great, you just mixed up purple with blue but no biggie. Do you wanna do another one?” You said encouragingly. Eleven nods and proceeds to pick another product to investigate. “Oooh~ Hopper watches as you two laugh and learn, he couldn't stop himself from smiling, he appreciated what you were doing especially since Eleven was on house arrest. You were the only one he could trust. He absentmindedly takes a sip of his dark coffee hissing as it was too hot to drink. “You ok?” Hopper looks up to see you looking at him with a worried expression on your face. He loved that face, it was pretty cute. He chuckled “Ye, just too hot to drink” “Be careful before you burn your tongue off for good” You start cleaning the food off of the ground. “Yeah yeah, I won't mom” Hopper jokes as he goes into the kitchen. “Very funny Hopper haha” You give a playful glare “What is so funny? Ha...ha?” Eleven asks, seeing you two joking around not understanding the sarcasm. “Oh it's just sarcasm honey, try finding it in the dictionary, you'll find the meaning there.” You give a gentle smile while pointing to the thick book. “Well, there you go word of the day.” Hopper comes back into the hall sitting in the big chair stirring his spoon in the white coffee-stained mug. You wondered how much coffee he really drinks in a day. “S-A-R-C-A-S-M? the use of i- irony to m-mock or con-convey contempt?” Eleven read trying to read the words correctly. She looked at you for guidance and approval. “Good job kid, you’re doing so well, I need to go now, be a good girl for me ok?” you kissed her crown and gave a hug feeling her arms slowly wrapping around your bottom. “Bye-bye now~” “Bye (Y/N)” Eleven gave a small shy smile as she watched you look for your coat. “Here you go, make sure to zip up” Hopper gives you your coat helping you put it on. “Mm thanks, Hopper” “You want a ride?” Hopper suggests side-eyeing you while he refills his coffee. “I think ill manage, il call if anything happens” “Nope nope it's freezing, not letting you go out alone especially when it's night,” He says sternly as he puts on his coat and boots grabbing his keys on the way to the door “I'll be fine-” “Come on, let's go” You sigh “Ok fine” You trudge to his truck knowing he wouldn't let you win the argument. Giving a small wave to Eleven through the window. You pull his hand stopping him from going too close to the truck. “What, what's wrong, did you forget something?” Hopper asked “No you did” Hopper gives you a confused look “Eleven” “What about her?” “You didn't tell her bye” You take your hand backcrossing it against your chest as you look at the chief disappointed. Hopper sighs and goes back to the house, you watch as he tells Eleven bye” “Happy?” He says with his arms out as he walks towards you. “Depends,” You say as you open the truck door. You wait until he starts the car and starts moving out of the parking area. “What did you tell her?” “What?” “What did you tell her?” “I told her to keep the doors locked, not go out, keep windows and curtains closed-” “Hopperrr” You interrupt him,
sighing with your head down “What have I told you, give be gentle with her. She’s smart and strong, she can handle herself if anything happens. All you have to do is give her a simple bye and a hug” You put a hand on his leg “I know you're trying Jim, I really do know that. I've seen some progress and I'm really happy for both of you. Don’t be so harsh on her ok? She’s just a kid” Hopper sighs calming under your touch. “I know, I know I just. I feel like if I don't be hard on her, she’ll run away, get in some serious trouble and go meet her boyfriend.” Hopper rolls his eyes thinking of Eleven and MIke together. “Well if I was on house arrest and a teenager I would've run away to see my boyfriend too,” You say taking your hand off of his leg. “No you wouldn’t, you wouldn't even go out to the park, you were too much of a wuss,” He says as he looks for something in his coat. You dramatically gasp “Ok first of all, you're right, I would've never run away. Second, I have strict parents and you know that. Third I am not a wuss I just like staying home,” you sigh “who am I kidding I hated going out and being around people, especially with those dumb kids running around” You shake your head thinking of how introverted you were as a kid. Hopper laughs, throwing his head back watching you jokingly pout at him. He takes a cigarette out of his right pocket. “Well you were always the kid in the back of the room, quiet and shy, never understood how you could keep your mouth shut for so long” You grab the cigarette out of his mouth throwing it away somewhere in the car making him give you a glare “You know how my parents are, “be quiet,” “be good,'' “do good in school”, “no boys”” You say, quoting your parents' famous words. “Well at least they raised a good person,” He said, giving a genuine compliment your way. “Hah, that was all my doing” Frowning remembering how horrible your parents were at raising a child. You saw Hopper turning the radio on. You knew what he was doing but you weren't going to stop him at all. He turned it to the classic rock channel starting to sing and rock his head. Ah, how you loved him. Hey hey baby when you walk that way, Watch your honey drip, can't keep away Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh, ah, ahOh yeah, oh yeah, oh, ah, ah. “Here comes Jim Hopper, everyone missing members of Led Zeppelin'' You say as if there's a crowd. I gotta roll, can't stand still Got a flamin' heart, can't get my fill You laugh at how amusing he sounds, he's not half bad for the chief of police. Eyes that shine, burnin' red Dreams of you all through my head You throw your head back clutching your stomach, you just couldn't stop laughing. “Come on singggg, I know you know this one” Hopper says encouraging you to sing. “Noooo, are you crazy?!” You yell at him “Come onnnn” He pushes you You roll your eyes as he starts singing again. Hey, baby, oh baby, pretty baby Move me like you're doin' now- “Who knew the kitten could sing huh?” Hopper looks at you while you start singing with a big smile.
Didn't take too long 'fore I found out What people mean by down and out
Spent my money, took my car Started tellin' her friends she gonna be a star~ ------------------------------------❈---------------------------------------- “Thanks for the ride, really appreciate it Jim. Goodnight. Make sure to get some rest ok?” You say as you close the door “Yeah yeah mom, I get it” You give him a glare through the window door. Giving him a wave you turn around to your place. “Hold on!” You hear Hopper's voice shout behind you. Stopping in your tracks you turn around to see Hopper speed walking towards trying not to slip from the thick snow on the ground. The night was so beautiful, the snow was thick and flowing down like paper, it wasn't too cold but just cold enough to make the tip of your nose red. The street lights were on looking like yellow stars in the dark blue sky. It was perfect. “You forgot your bag,” He said, giving it to you. “Oh? OH thank you” you said, giving him a thankful smile while reaching for the bag. “It's fine, it's not like I'm gonna steal it now” Hopper chuckles putting his hands in his coat pockets. “Well, why would anyone steal a gift they gave to someone else?” You said giggling as you put the bag on. He grins “It looks good on you by the way, really suits you” “Oh, thanks” You blush at the comment while brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “I was just thinking, you don't have to if you want, but I just wanted to ask you if u wanted to go on a date? I was thinking of a restaurant but only if u wanted to go there, we can go somewhere else, really up to you," he sighed "I'm gonna shut up now, have a goodnight” Hopper turned on his heel and started leaving but felt a tug on his coat. “I would love to go on a date with you Jim,” You said, giving him a gentle smile. You stood up on your tiptoes giving him a peck on the cheek. It felt different because of the stubble but you liked it. The butterflies in both of your stomachs were going crazy, fluttering around as if they were being chased by a bird. You wanted to stay in his warm embrace but fell back down due to the height difference.
“6 pm Friday at Johnnie's?” “I would love that, casual dress code?” “Why would we need a dress code?” He joked “Hoppperr” You hit his chest distancing yourself heading to your house. You stood on the porch seeing him waiting for you to go in your house safely. You lean against your doorway. “Goodnight Jim” God he loved it when you called him by Jim, it was like sugar on honey. “Goodnight kitten” You smiled at the nickname.
Heading inside you close the door, leaning against it. “EEEEEEEEEEE he actually asked me out, oh my god” You laugh at how excited you were acting. You couldn't wait. --------------------------------------❈-------------------------------------- Hopper headed to his truck getting in and turning the radio on. “Good job Hop, good job” He chuckled as he drove off. He couldn't wait.
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theramseyloft · 2 years
4/8/22 Report
God dammit! I forgot to cancel the Chewy order. I'mma be up to my eyes in food.
10/8 cups of Royal Wing Classic Mix, plus 1/8 cup each of Safflower seeds, basic wild bird blend, and finch blend were given to Cheeto and Cotta yesterday.
10/8 cups total remained today.
The inside feed bucket needed refilling today.
It takes 5 measures.
It's filled with 3 measures of Versele Laga classic pigeon blend 15% no corn and two of Royal Wing Classic Mix, alternating.
Cheeto and Cotta will share 1, 1/8 cups of that blend, plus 1/8 cup each of Safflower, generic wild bird blend, and finch blend today.
Tomorrow's leftovers will be measured.
Titan is still fluffed up, hunchy, and unwell, so he and his mom will stay in quarantine.
He drank 4/5 of his medicated water.
His samples are concerningly insubstantial.
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Bruce drank half his medicated water.
All samples left since yesterday are idea in color and consistency. The untrampled ones are perfect.
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In the hand, his keel was tangible, but not sharp, thisckening at a steady gradient up his sides.
He's lost a little muscle mass during his confinement that should return with the opportunity to exercise.
High 4 on the body scale.
He has returned to the loft.
Diamond drank 2/3 of her water and appears to have tracked seeds and some trampled pieces of samples into her water dish during bouts of agitated pacing.
All samples have been trampled, but are good size, color, and consistency.
In the hand, her keel is ideally tangible. Easily found, with muscle thickening at a smooth gradient up to her sides.
There is further tangible thickening along her lateral line, where her wings connect to her torso, indicative of some excess fat.
Low 6 on the body scale.
With the space to move, I expect her to lose this.
She has returned to the loft.
Nobu drank about 1/3 of his water.
Samples range from olive green to sandy brown and remain distinctly granular, siggesting that he went from a high concentration of Safflower seeds back to a high concentration of millet.
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In the hand, his keel is tangible with thick muscle, making him feel a little barrel chested.
Maybe a mid 6 on the body scale.
He has returned to the loft.
Jack drank his dish dry. Aaaand trampled all his samples into his spilled seed and tore up his paper pacing and trying to lift the door.
In the hand, his keel is tangible, but he's barrel chested.
High 6 on the body scale.
He has returned to the loft.
Ness drank about 1/4 of his medicated water.
He's done lots of pacing and trampled nearly all of his samples, but you can still tell volume, color, and consistency from them.
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He boxed me quite powerfully when picked up!
Solid 7 on the body scale.
This is a little boy who takes after his very slender mother, so a thick barrel chest with tangible keel puts him higher on the body scale than the other birds of bulkier breed blends.
He has returned to the loft.
Titan has been moved over to the #1 slot.
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He feels a little lighter in the hand than he should. His parents are big, chesty breed blends, so what would be a solid 5 on the body scale for a racing homer is about a low to mid 4 for Titan.
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It's hard to get clear photos through the bars of the way he stands right now, but you can see him a little fluffed in this irritated defensive pose.
Thankfully, his appetite seems better.
He's eating while he's digging. Seems very excited for the smallest peas in the Versele Laga blend.
Ibis has drunk about 2/3 of her water dish, which is significantly larger than the little hospital dishes.
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Her samples are mostly wet and sloppy, but a few are more substantial and at least close to solid.
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I think she may like Jack's slightly more shallow dish.
Samples on the Loft's social surfaces range from perfect to trampled.
In the time it took me to fill the refuse bin with 2/3 of the loft's leftovers, Sterling came to see me three times.
When he wasn't on my shoulders or in my lap, he was preening my hip or side.
He's become probably my present favorite.
Jack immediately re-paired with Taffeta, who looks very happy to see him. Two more on the keeper list so far.
One of the brightest silver linings to the prospect of a long term shut down is having time to see how the young birds' temperaments develop.
Will Sterling and Orchid stay that lovey?
We'll see!
With five fairly large birds returning to the loft, feed has increased to 16 measures.
1/2 Versele Laga classic blend 15% no corn and 1/2 Royal Wing Classic Mix blended by alternating measures into a 5 gallon bucket.
Orchid spent some time on my shoulder to preen my face.
Terra hopped on my back to start an argument with Sterling over who had the right to be there, which Sterling won handily by shoving him off.
Hope sat on my head for a bit.
Observed Granite expel a huge sample, ideal for a broody hen. (Her egg is fake.)
Still no news about the fungal or viral panels. I'm trying not to worry. The last one took almost two weeks.
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Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
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An Advent Calendar of 24 Normal Human Tasks As Performed By A Huge Man Baby.
Day 16: A Vicious Assault
Warnings: Bad Language words, some minor smut (18+, NSFW)
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  As if we are 16 days in already. Only 8 more instalments left of mine, @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and @jennmurawski13​ ‘s Real Life Task tales. In today’s episode, our poor reader has a cold…and it falls to Ransom to play Nurse…
Series Masterlist. 
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“How are you feeling?” Ransom asked, placing his hand on your forehead and you gave a groan, turning awkwardly onto your side on the sofa, head resting on the arm, your right hand laying feebly on your bump.
“How do I look like I feel?” You coughed, irritation lacing your tone and Ransom hesitated.
“Is that a trick question?”
“Well, last time you asked me that and I said ‘like shit’ you slapped me.”
You blinked and then shrugged, he was right, you had. “No, it’s not a trick.” You coughed again.
“Well, if going off how you look is a measure then you must be feeling pretty bad.” He sighed, not an inch of teasing in his tone as his hand brushed down your cheek. “Can I get you anything?”
“I can’t take anything thanks to you impregnating me.” You wheezed, sighing. “This sucks.”
“Why don’t you go back to bed?” Ransom suggested.
“I don’t wanna.” You pouted a little childishly “I’m sick of laying in there.”
With a sigh, Ransom settled on the sofa and guided your head onto his lap, his hand running through your hair. You knew he could tell how sick you felt with the lack of ‘whilst you’re down there’ quips he made.
“Try to get some rest, Princess.” His deep baritone was soft, his fingers running up and down the back of your neck in a soothing manner as you shifted a little, another cough wracking your chest and you let out a groan of frustration. But with Ransom comforting you and the warming heat of the fire, it wasn’t long before you were lulled into sleep.
Ransom felt Y/N’s shoulders relax and he glanced down to see his wife’s eyes were closed, lashes fluttering against her cheeks. He hated seeing his girl sick, she was normally the one soothing him when he was dying of man flu or SARS or some other horrific, tropical disease that he beat normally in a day or so of moaning like a bitch. But he was at a loss. She wouldn’t take Tylenol or anything else for that matter because she was pregnant so other than keep her supplied with water, cuddles and the occasional hot, sweet tea there wasn’t much…
Oh. Oh. Oh. Ransom Drysdale was a fucking genius.
With a little smile he gently lifted Y/N’s head from his lap, placing a cushion where his legs had been, before gently lowering her back down and quietly making his way out of the room, throwing one last glance over his shoulder. Closing the door to keep the heat in the lounge he pulled out his phone and walked into the kitchen.
“Ransom?” his mother’s voice was surprised on the other end of the phone. “Long time no speak.”
Ransom rolled his eyes, he couldn’t be fucked with listening to her moan about his lack of contact “Phones work both ways, Linda.” He drawled and smirked as she gave an annoyed tssk on the other end at his use of her name.
“What can I do for you? I mean I’m assuming that’s why you’ve called, you need something.”
“Not me, Y/N.” he clarified “She’s full of a bug and won’t take anything because of the baby but I was wondering, when I used to get sick and Grammy was around she used to give me a hot drink. What was in it?”
There was a pause and he heard his mom take a deep breath before she spoke again “Yeah, she used to give that to me, Walt and Neil too.” And whilst Ransom couldn’t see her, he could tell she was smiling “It’s just hot water, a good squeeze of lemon, a drop of honey, a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper-although that isn’t necessary, it just helps clear your nose- and a teaspoon of sugar, if needed. Depends how sweet Y/N takes her tea I suppose.”
Ransom crossed to the little blackboard on the wall in the kitchen that was used to list the shopping requirements on and quickly jotted it all down, reading it back to his mom. “Water, lemon, honey, pinch of cayenne and sugar. Got it.”
“Was that everything?”
“Yup.” He said simply, cutting the call without so much as a thank you or goodbye.
He set about looking for the ingredients, and was pleased to discover they had everything. There were a few fresh lemons and a bottle of lemon juice for when those were used up, a jar of honey, a little glass spice shaker of cayenne and even though the sugar bowl was empty he knew there was a replacement packet in the cupboard as he had unpacked the shopping that had been delivered a few days or so ago. He smirked as he remembered Y/N’s face when the truck had shown up, her hands on her hips as he’d turned to her smugly and informed her that she’d told him he needed to DO the grocery shopping, not that he needed to GO DO the Grocery shopping.
He loved loopholes.
Locating the sugar, which for some reason was contained in a clear plastic bag, he tore it opened and filled up the bowl before he headed back into the lounge to find Y/N was still fast asleep. Deciding that a nap wasn’t that bad an idea, after all he’d done a load of laundry, made the bed, cooked a passable attempt at eggs and toast for breakfast (Y/N assuring him the reason she hadn’t eaten a lot was because she felt like crap, not because it tasted bad) and cleared all the dishes, taking extra care to make sure no stray knives slashed his hand to pieces as he loaded the dishwasher.
Yup, he’d earned a rest.
Picking Y/N’s head up once more he placed the cushion against his thigh, his feet resting on the coffee table as he allowed her to sleep, his hand gently rubbing between her shoulder blades as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
**** “What is it?” you asked as he handed you the mug. You peered down at the floating slice of lemon, trying to spot what was in the drink. You’d normally take a sniff but seeing as your nostrils were at the moment about as much use as Donald Trump’s hair stylist you had to settle for using your eyes.
“It’s something my Grammy used to make for me when I was sick.” Ransom explained, sitting back next to you. You looked up and your heart fluttered a little at the boyish hope on his face. “You won’t take anything to help so I called mom to ask what was in that and-“
“You called your mom?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged and you smiled, your hands curling around the mug even more now you knew exactly what he’d done to make you the hot drink, called his mother. Something you knew was a last resort for him, he’d rather stick pins in his eyes. “It’s just lemon, honey, sugar and a tiny pinch of cayenne. It used to work for us as kids.”
“Thank you.” You spoke softly, and you meant it. He smiled, leaning back on the sofa, eyes fixed on the TV as you took a sip, instantly gagging on the drink. You tried not to make it obvious as you took another sip but the liquid assaulted your taste-buds, quite literally, your mouth going instantly dry.
“Shit, Ransom, I…”
“What? Is there too much pepper?” his face fell and you shook your head.
“No, it’s salty!”
“Salty?” he frowned, taking the mug from you and dipping his finger into the liquid. He sucked it off and then gave a grimace, “I don’t understand though, I didn’t put any salt in.”
“Well, maybe something was cross contaminated from breakfast?” you offered and he shook his head as he set the offending drink on the coffee table.
“The kitchen is spotless, sweetheart. I cleared up after breakfast and wiped down the sides again after refilling the sugar bowl, even though I didn’t spill much.”
“Wait…” you stopped him, giving a little cough. “You filled up the sugar bowl?”
“What with?”
“Sugar.” He rolled his eyes.
“You can’t have, we’re out. It’s on the list for the top up shop as I forgot it the other day.”
“No, we have a packet.” He insisted, “I found it.”
“Was it a clear, plastic packet?”
“You dumbass!” you squeaked, breaking out into a hacking cough. “That’s salt!”
“Pretty sure it said sugar on the label, Princess.” Ransom rolled his eyes.
“Okay, go check.” You shrugged at him. He paused for a moment before he stood up and headed into the kitchen. You waited for it, and sure enough…
“Son of a bitch!” came the loud groan and you smirked to yourself, looking up as Ransom walked back into the lounge.
“In my defence,” he raised his hands, “they both begin with an S.”
“True.” You chuckled, as he picked up the mug peering into it, his shoulders slumped as he was crestfallen he’d failed.
“I just wanted to get you something to feel better.” He sighed and you took a deep breath.
“Babe.” You said softly and he looked at you, his blue eyes a little sad and you smiled. “I already feel loads better than I did before, but why don’t you make it again, leave the salt but add an extra little drop of honey. It will be more than sweet enough anyway, you know I don’t like tea when it’s too sweet.”
His lips curled up into a soft smile at one side. It wasn’t a smirk, or a smug grin, it was a genuine smile, one that always melted your heart.
“Sure.” He said, dropping a kiss to your head before he grabbed the mug and moved to leave the room.
“Oh and Ran?”
He paused and stopped in the doorway, looking at you questioningly.
“Empty the sugar bowl. I’d hate for anyone else to get a-salted.” You grinned, as Ransom arched an eyebrow at you “Geddit? Assault, a-salt…”
“Yeah, I get it Y/N.” he rolled his eyes, leaving the room as he shot over his shoulder “I just happen to think your jokes are about as funny as AIDS.”
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
masterpost • main masterlist • taglist & faq
previously on...
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Witchy stuff! Disclaimer: I am not a witch so please do not take my theory of theory seriously. This has been taken off first page of Google, which is where I did my research. First ironstrange x reader interaction & tony being sweet and stephen radiating wife energy.
fun fact: the moodboards are just chapter spoilers without context.
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Whatever protection spell the book had, it was nuclear. Burn cream didn't do much in terms of numbing the pain; I had to wear gloves throughout my shift at the café, self-conscious about the skin peeling off my palms and the light, sensitive fingertips. Saying that the day was hellish would have been too kind.
My spirits were briefly lifted when one of my favourite mad scientists walked in, nose buried in a StarkPad - his chattier, more confident friend nowhere to be seen. Doctor Bruce Banner lifted his eyes from his work only to give a brief, polite smile and mumble his order, immediately resuming the poking of the screen.
"You forgot something last time," I couldn't suppress the grin. Sometimes routine was nice, comfortable. The napkin with unintelligible scribbles and formulas in my hand was transferred to Banner's pocket with a shy smile and a reddish tint to his cheeks, as if he didn't find himself in this very situation more often than not. "Is Mr. Stark okay?" I voiced my concerns, having noticed the recent, acute absence of the rowdy man in the café. Dr. Banner rarely came here alone and it was more of a telling exception than anything.
"Oh, Tony? Yes, he's fine," the scientist nodded absentmindedly. "He's on a small vacation with his boyfriend," the last part was said with puzzlement and incredulity and I had to remind myself that a forty-something scientist was unlikely to possess at least a halfway decent gaydar. I mean, I would have eaten my shoe if Tony Stark was 100% straight.
The fact that Tony having a boyfriend surprised Dr. Banner, who appeared to be one of Mr. Stark's best friends, was quite funny to me. "Good for him, he deserves it after saving the world, like, a bajillion times," I replied honestly, attempting to hide my good-natured snicker at Banner's obliviousness. Scientists, they just are a different breed, man.
The perplexion melted off Banner's face, leaving only supportive contentment. "That is correct," he nodded confidently, exchanging a bill for his matcha. "Thank you. And, uh, congrats on your new job," he added with another one of his not-quite shy smiles.
My cheerfulness vacated the premises shortly afterwards as I struggled to keep up with the endless stream of customers all the while my hands throbbed and burned under the nitrile gloves. I was ready to call it a day and just tell Jeremy I had an accident, but my pride wouldn't let me. I arrived at Odette's feeling less than stellar, running purely on spite and several cups of espresso.
It went about as good as expected, select few customers growing clouds over their heads at the slow pace I was assembling their orders: the fact that even witches had Karens of their kind was a fact that I found both amusing and alarming. It wasn't particular comfortable, knowing that I, or any other wait staff, was always at risk of being cursed for bringing them the wrong kind of cake or messing up their white suburban mom coffee.
"You could have asked, you know," Odette's slow drawl startled me out of the trance I'd put myself in to avoid focusing on the discomfort. "Come here, girl, I'll take care of it."
My face heated up immediately as I realized the tender skin of my grubby little hands was on full display. Odette must've put two and two together, seeing my sins written all over my scarred hands and my guilty face. Not wanting to invoke a negative reaction and get on her scary bad side, I let myself obediently trot into her office.
"I, uh," the eloquence of my speech - spectacular. I was ready to fall through the floor out of of shame.
"It happens sometimes," a round jar of what looked like buckwheat honey landed on the table. Odette massaged the thick gel into my palms with gentle circular motions, shushing my hums of pain in-between. "The book called for me in the same way it called to you. The only difference, it was my grandmother's at the time so the protection wards did not go off because I was family." My eyebrows rose at the calm in Odette's voice. Composed as ever, the witch looked more amused than upset by my little snooping stint.
The pain in my hands disappeared completely, a cool sensation I could only describe as minty enveloping them and spreading throughout my body. The chill was pleasant - I hadn't even realized my body had been running on higher-than-usual temperatures ever since I touched the book. Those protection wards Odette spoke of, they really packed a punch!
"I will teach you," she must've interpreted my stunned silence as curiosity, having made up her own mind in the seconds I was basking in my newfound relief. "We'll start slow. The transition from the material world into the spiritual isn't easy," Odette warned, locking her fingers, her magnetic eyes commandeering mine for utmost attention. "But it is incredibly rewarding. If you follow the rules, you will prosper. Our kind isn't plentiful these days, with people praying to gods that condone greed and selfishness," her lip curled in distaste. "Each one of us can make a large difference in this world. The opportunities you have been given need to be taken seriously."
My lip caught between my teeth as I mulled over the words my boss spoke with so my concern and conviction. Nothing in her speech sounded amiss; sure as she was, I was still mercifully given a choice. Odette's aura, that used to seem suffocating and dense, grew around me into a non-physical hug, a comfort akin to a mother supporting her child taking their first steps.
I eyed the sixty-something year-old, tall, imposing woman, scanning her for any deceitfulness, exhilaration and wariness sitting on my shoulders and whispering into my ears. True to myself, I gave into the side that craved and lived for adventure. "I would love to learn," hoping my voice conveyed the excitement and hopefulness of being a part of something special.
Odette smiled kindly. "I knew that," with a chuckle to herself, she reached into a set of drawers and extracted a few worn, plain notebooks. "Homework," the wink she threw at me instantly took ten years off her face. I couldn't even bring myself to sigh, only the sludge still covering my palms preventing me from making grabby hands in the direction of new information.
The bell rang before I could make another comment and I was let go with the instructions to wash my hands - and that's exactly what I did, having noted the short Asian man impatiently tapping his foot next to the front desk.
The man's name was Wong and he was the sole reason for my uncontrollable flares of temper during my work hours at the bodega. Odette herself avoided him like the plague, and for a good reason: his attitude was nothing short of conceited, as if the weird robes that he wore were some kind of a hall-pass to be a demanding asshole when it came to the store's wares.
Wong could spend up to forty minutes inspecting the baggies containing herbs and other knick-knacks, meticulously picking out what he considered best and curtly insulting the items he found to be lacking in quality. I was made aware he belonged to some sort of a sect or a cult of honest-to-god wizards; as if him looking like a worker of the Ministry of Magic didn't make that fact obvious. I was unpleasantly surprised at the fact that even witches, much like doctors, had elitist pricks among their kind - and Odette had the audacity to simply vanish whenever one of those robed people set foot in the shop, leaving me to use all my mental strength to try and not strangle the wannabe Karens.
I was willing to bet my favourite star-patterned scarf that Wong hexed the waiters who made him wait longer that he considered appropriate. I just knew it.
The anger, the frustration and at times, blind, total rage came in useful - and that was a surprise to me. According to Odette's notebooks, everyone had the potential to master magick - to an extent, each individual's threshold was, well, individual - but the more a witch was in tune with her emotions, her feelings, the higher the success rate of her spells grew.
The notebooks contained enough information for me to understand that Odette was considered a High Priestess (not to be confused with Head of the Coven - not all witches wanted to be a part of those) and the amount of power she held was quite impressive. No, she couldn't turn back time, she couldn't raise the dead; the people she helped and healed were, oftentimes, made well at the expense of her own life energy. It was an endless cycle of emptying a glass and refilling it back up. The deities lended a hand with that.
Some time after I'd gone through the theory, Odette encouraged me to choose a direction I was to study in depth; much like her, I was interested in the defensive rather than the offensive. Healing spells, protection wards and the occasional light hex to deter enemies from reoffending: I was disappointed but not surprised to learn the fact that curses and serious harm done to other people quite often backfired, harming the caster themselves as well as their victim.
I had always believed in karma, to a healthy extent, but these days I was that much more aware of how I treated those around me. That's not to say I became a pushover - I simply chose to smile rather than frown at the world and replaced my longing and envy with a sense of gratitude towards the things I already possessed. Just like Odette had said, layering the spiritual values over my material, earthly ones wasn't easy - it was hard work, and what prevented me from stopping when I felt exhausted was that it actually paid off.
As I got ready to cast my first serious spell, I ran through a mental checklist of things I developed - of sorts. Positive vibes only. Having vengeful intentions when warding off potential harm-doers was not only dangerous, it was counterproductive. Intentions mattered the most when casting a spell and I could end up killing all the innocent, stray cats in the area instead of making a burglar choose the neighbouring building some five months down the line.
The spell, I considered to be a success. The atmosphere in my home lightened, the dingy walls of my rental started radiating comfort and safety I hadn't felt since moving out of my parents' home. A slight tiredness persisted for a few days after the last candle burned out; Odette reassured that it was perfectly normal as I was a baby witch and my energy channels were adapting, growing to accommodate my newfound awareness and flow of cosmic energies that I was training to harness.
Next on my list was a personal protection charm, an antique silver locket adorned with stars I had scavenged in a local pawn shop. Odette had given me instructions on how to cleanse potential magical conductors: the amount of rings and jewelry she wore directly correlated to the power of a singular spell she could cast. There was a fine hairline between charging your accessories and letting them drain you and I learned to walk South of it the hard way, but as all learning processes go, eventually I found my middle ground and was successful.
My daily routine grew small rituals like the forest trees grew moss. Slow and steady, I was transitioning from a curious baby witch into a self-sufficient practitioner of magic. Sounds crazy, I know, coming from someone who could barely believe into aliens until Thor himself had walked into the coffee shop and ordered a latte, but as all things do in life - I changed.
Working the morning shift allowed me to discreetly place a few of the good-luck charms I had made during my most recent creative stint. While they didn't have a direct effect on the customers or their tipping habits, the atmosphere on the cafe's premises had lightened enough that even Jeremy's usually sour face tipped more towards neutral these days.
The smile blossomed on my face without effort as I caught the tell-tale bespoke suit and sunglasses of the man waltzing through the doors of the café as if he owned the place. "Nice to see you, Mr. Stark. Enjoy your vacation?" I asked the smirking man, giving a respectful once-over to the tall, lithe man holding onto his shoulder.
"It's Tony," the happiness was radiating off him in waves. "Missed my favourite coffee shop and the world's nicest barista," he winked at me, causing the man behind him snort, steely blue eyes studying me in turn. "Had to introduce my two favourite people," the engineer took a step back, parting his arms with a flourish gesture. "Stephen, Starlight. Starlight, Stephen," he spoke before rattling off his usual order. And a cake on top.
I gave an amused grin to the man obviously humoring his significant other, as Stephen mock-bowed in my direction. "You're right, how could we be together without the approval of your favourite barista?" Stephen had his wits. I decided I definitely liked him. "Starlight? Is that a nickname or were your parents hippies?" Okay, witty bordering on rude. Was Stephen a lawyer?
"Now, now, honey," the crinkles around Tony's eyes deepened as he barked out a laugh. "No need to be jealous. We're all adults here, we can share. There's enough of me for everyone."
I rolled my eyes, easily slipping into the familiar banter. "Speak for yourself, Mr. Stark. I'm very selfish," I cocked an eyebrow, tilting my head to the side and pretending to size up Stephen. "You've outdone yourself this time," Stephen's eyebrows rose. The line between 'sizing up' and 'checking out' was so very fine and I walked it well, a quiet sort of confidence that had bloomed within me at the recent events in my life letting me be slightly bolder that allowed myself to be before. "I'd have to be the Devil myself to break up such a blessed union. My congratulations," my smirk grew into a warm smile as Tony beamed at me in return, content on showing off his most recent acquisition.
Who, by the way, looked a little bit lost. Evidently, Stephen did not expect such a degree of familiarity between me and Tony; which was, to be honest, most likely what had him returning to the establishment over and over. Come for the coffee, stay for the company. Or how was it?
The energy between Tony and Stephen was electric. There was something undoubtedly attractive, magnetic even, about the tall, steely-eyed man, something similar to Odette's charismatic pull but without the overwhelming ossification of the air around her. Even putting aside the fact that Stephen was a visually stunning person with his sculpted phisique and high, sharp cheekbones, he commandeered the attention to himself without even uttering a word. Definitely a lawyer, with how the type could hold the whole courtroom together with a single look.
The early birds on a Friday were few and in-between; the three of us chatted as the two men sipped their coffees with muted noises of joy. According to Tony, Fiji was delightful this time of the year. Oblivious to everything around him, the engineer rambled about his ventures without a care in the world as his partner looked up to him with earnest happiness and I- well, I wished I could go to Fiji, hot boyfriend optional. The weather in NYC was slowly becoming dreary: I did not look forward to winter sludge and the traffic congestions that it created.
"And I love what you've done with the interior. Those cat statues? Charming," Tony rambled, pointing out the good-luck charms I'd placed all over the café. Small knick-knacks I carefully selected to match the overall vibe of the room. "Tell Jeremy I send my regards. Appreciate the lack of paps, too," he winked at me, looking visibly relieved.
"Huh?" The rag in my hands froze. "I haven't seen a single paparazzi around here, since, like, ever," I admitted, puzzled.
"And I appreciate it. Ever since our thing became public knowledge, they've been hounding me wherever I go," the eyeroll Tony made was truly powerful. "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it," and again, the engineer winked at me, apparently having made some assumptions of his own. "I won't tell if you won't."
The puzzlement persisted within me all throughout my shift. I lived in NYC, for fuck's sake, I wasn't unfamiliar with how things ran around here.
Every establishment I worked in had been swarmed with the annoying, persistent celebrity hunters at some point - and yellow press and paparazzi were, by far, the worst. Some of the greedier ones could go as far as to shove simple folk out of the way or order a cup of coffee with their camera hiding under the tablecloth to sneak in a juicy picture of a celebrity just trying to have their brunch in peace. I hated those vultures with a passion; their negative energy, their lack of morals when it came to hunting for a new scandal that would make them a few hundred bucks.
The only way to even slightly deter them was to repeatedly call the cops on them for public disturbance. I'd done it once or twice, egged on by Jerry and his worry of losing profit - after all, there were establishments known specifically for high rates of celebrity sightings and if any of the superheroes wanted to make an appearance, they would just go there for their cup of overpriced coffee and defrosted sponge cake. Our café was strictly for comfort and leisure - a rare thing me and my boss actually agreed upon.
As I said warm goodbyes to my favourite engineer and his newfound, dashing boyfriend, the cat statues stared at me in mute satisfaction, their hollow eyes radiating smugness and their immobile mouths stretched in what looked like pure, mocking mischief.
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@couldntbedamned @mikariell95 @letsby @sleep-i-ness @toomanyrobins @mostly-marvel-musings @persephonehemingway @schemefrenzy @lillsxd @bluecrazedandbeautiful @slothspaghettiwrites
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
Little Morgan
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Ooc Spencer Reid.
Wordcount : 2727
After filming her latest movie After, overseas for the last year 26 year old Yn Morgan was seen headed to Virginia
I hold my phone in my hand as I pose for pictures with the fans I ran into at the airport even though I look like a literal pile of shit. I work with what I have which is filters and when they are done taking photos on their phone I pull out my phone and I go to my Snapchat and I use my phone to take selfies with fans and I take like 8 before adding them to my Instagram story, getting all of their instagrams so that I can tag them.
"Arrived home to so much love. I love you all 😘💕" I add to my Instagram story as well.
"Thank you so much Yn" one of them says.
"Of course no problem" I say hugging them again before my phone starts going off.
"It was nice meeting you all, I'll follow you when I get home" I say walking off and picking up my phone.
"Hey dad" I say as soon as I pick up.
"Hey baby did you land?" He asks.
"Yeah, are you here?" I ask looking around as I grab my suitcase.
"Yeah, I'm walking up right now. I had to park pretty far" he says.
"Okay, I'm making my way to the entrance" I say putting my suitcase down and wheeling it behind me and when I see him, I run over to him and he catches he, pulling me into a hug and I hug him back.
"Hi daddy" I say kissing his head.
"Hey baby. How was the flight?" He asks and I smile at him.
"To be honest I don't know. I was so excited to see Hank that I slept the whole time because if I didn't I would have exploded" I say and he laughs.
"How long has it been?" He asks.
"I only seen him when he was in the hospital and then I was filming supernatural and then when that wrapped I had to fly out from Canada to London to start filming After" I say.
"It's going to be so good to see him in person and not just over FaceTime" I say and he grabs my suitcase.
"Well he's waiting so let's go" he says leading the way.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he gets in after putting my suitcases in the trunk and I nod.
"Yeah, it's just a little weird if I'm being honest" I say buckling up.
"I haven't seen Savannah in so long and I don't want to feel like I'm intruding" I say and he quickly shakes his head.
"I understand, it's a new place. But take your time it's no rush to get use to things. And it's only two weeks but if it was longer you wouldn't be intruding. She's waiting to get some girl time in with you" he says smiling at me before he drives off.
"A few of my former colleagues are coming over for dinner tonight. So I'm just letting you know so you have time to shower and get ready" he says.
"Thank you for the warning. I need time to get presentable" I say smiling at him.
"Welcome home" he says opening the door and I walk inside happy to finally be here instead of living out of a hotel for the past year and a half.
"You did such a good job with the house, it looks nothing like how it use to look" I say looking around.
"Hey sweetie" I hear and Savannah walks around the corner.
"Hey" I say and she hugs me and I hug her back.
"I just started dinner, so you have time to get ready" she says and I nod and Hank runs around the corner.
"Ynn" he says running over to me hugging me.
"Hi Bubba" I say picking him up.
"You've gotten some big and cute. How old are you now?" I ask kissing his head.
"I'm three" he says holding up four fingers and I put one down, smiling at him.
"That's so crazy. I remember seeing you in the hospital as a little baby" I say.
"You seen me in the hospital?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah, I was one of the first people to hold you" I say brushing his hair out his face.
"Hank, let Yn go shower" Savannah says.
"We'll finish this conversation later" I say putting him down and holding out my fist and he fist bumps me before running off into the kitchen.
"Everything is pretty much exactly where it was it's just updated so you should have no problem finding your way" my dad says and I turn to him nodding.
"Okay" I say going up the stairs to shower and get ready.
I walk down the stairs and I hear a lot of talking and laughing and I tug on my dress before walking around the corner "hey Yn come here" my dad says opening his arms and I walk over and he hugs me, wrapping one arm around my shoulder.
"This is my best friend Penelope, Penelope this is my daughter Yn" he says introducing me to the first person I see.
"You didn't tell me your daughter was the Yn Morgan" she says and I smile at her.
"Well I feel like I'm the only one" I say laughing.
"But it's nice to meet you" I say going to shake her hand but she pulls me into a hug.
"You are so beautiful" she says and I hug her back.
"Thank you" I say smiling at her.
"This is Matt and his wife Kristy, Hotch and his wife Renae, Luke, Tara, Rossi, JJ and her husband Will, Emily and Spencer" he says introducing me to everyone and I shake all of their hands.
"It's really good to meet you all" I say smiling at them.
"I'm with Penelope here. You didn't tell us who your daughter actually was" Luke says and I turn to my dad.
"It never came up" he says and Renae laughs.
"Never came up? We've known you for like 17 years" she says.
"Geez it's almost like you're embarrassed of me" I joke and he laughs rolling his eyes.
"How long are you with your dad?" Matt asks.
"Two weeks, I'm off from filming for a while so I decided to visit them" I say and he smiles at me and I smile back and Savannah hands me a glass of wine and I sip on it.
"You're an actress right?" Kristy asks and I nod.
"Yeah I am" I say smiling at her.
"What's that like?" She asks.
"When I was younger it was a really hard time for me, I started out on a show and then my mom made me join another cast at the same time and I was doing two shows at once and I wasn't use to it so I was very moody and always tired and then after that I did a season of a show and I was quickly done with that because it sucked so I moved on to movies to let myself relax" I say taking a sip of my wine.
"And you do both now right?" JJ asks.
"Yeah, recently I started doing tv again" I say.
"You were in the Netflix series. I think it was called a Time" Will says and I nod.
"Yeah, that's what made me want to start tv again and then I did a show called euphoria with one of my best friends who is like a little sister to me and then I did supernatural and went to work on a movie" I say.
"My girlfriend and I watched Euphoria" Tara says.
"What did you think?" I ask.
"You were so good. We talked about how you and Zendaya played the roles you got so good that it seemed so real" she says and I laugh awkwardly because for me it is very real.
"She told me the day she started filming that Savannah and I weren't allowed to watch it" my dad says wrapping his arm around Savannah.
"Her parts in the show weren't as bad as others but yeah as her parents I wouldn't watch it" she says and everyone laughs.
"What else are you in?" Spencer asks.
"Im in a new series called the umbrella academy. It came out earlier this year and I occasionally do a show called 9-1-1" I say.
"So you've been busy?" Renae asked and I nod.
"Extremely, but I like it. It helps me stay active so I don’t have rid to start thinking" I say drinking the last of my wine.
"I'm going to get a refill. Does anyone need anything?" I ask and they all shake their head continuing on the conversation and I go into the kitchen and I go to the wine and I pour me a glass and I take the plastic baggie out my bra and I put a little on my finger and I stick the bag back in my bra and I hear the door open so I brush it off and I look up to see Spencer and he smiles at me and I smile back.
"Hey" I say.
"Hi, can you top me off?" He asks setting his cup on the island and I nod pouring him a glass and I sit on the cabinet refilling mine.
"So Spencer" I say smiling at him.
"Yeah?" He asks, awkwardly smiling back.
"What do you like to do in your free time?" I ask.
"I don't really get free time but I guess I would have to say I like to read" he says.
"Oh yeah I can see that" I say and I grab my purse that’s on the far end of the cabinet, pulling the book out.
"You've probably read this but if you haven't you should give it a read and let me know what you thought about it. I just finished reading it on the flight here" I say handing it to him.
"How am I going to do that?" He asks and I pull a pen out and I open the front of the book, quickly writing my number in the top of the front cover.
"There you go. I don't know how fast you read but it took me three days so I'll be waiting on the call" I say.
"It's actually not going to take me that long" he says opening the front page again and he reads the first and second page in like 30 seconds.
"Oh my god I totally forgot you're like a genius" I say and he laughs.
"I'm not a genius" he says.
"Something only a genius would say" I say laughing and he looks up as I'm drinking my wine.
"Are you sure you want to give this to me?" He asks and I nod.
"I mean it's a bit too late, I was trying to be cute and write my number down" I say and he blushes a little.
"Yeah, you're right" he says quietly and I giggle.
"Hey, nothing to be embarrassed about" I say holding up my wine glass and I nod to him and he holds his up.
"Here's to fast friend outside of our careers and good books" I say and he taps his glass against mine at the same time I go to tap mine against his and I fall forward applying too much pressure and I catch myself but I break both glasses and the wine falls out and I instantly start laughing.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry" I say and he laughs with me and I jump down to grab some paper towels so I can clean up and he helps me and I hear the door open and I look up.
"Everything okay in here?" Savannah asks and I look up quickly over the island.
"Mhm" I say.
"All is good" Spencer says and she raises a brow.
"Whatever you heard nothing is broke" I say and she laughs.
"If you need another glass they are in the cabinet beside the stove" she says and the door closes and I finish cleaning and I sit back on the floor, with my back pressed against the island and Spencer grabs us more glasses and refills them and sits beside me handing me one.
"Thank you" I say and he smiles at me.
"Here's to fast friends outside of our careers, good books and extra wine glasses" he says and I snort laughing.
"Here here" I say gently tapping his glass and we both drink at the same time.
"Anyone ever tell you how easy it is to get along with you?" I ask and he quickly shakes his head laughing.
"Never and you only say that because I've had to stop myself from pulling out all the ramblings and unwanted facts" he says and I laugh.
"Don't let me stop you, I'd love to hear some of your best facts" I say and he smiles at me and I smile back and I start to lean in and the door opens and we both quickly pull away.
"And that's when I walked out of the Emmy's" I say and my dad clears his throat and I stand up.
"What's going on in here?" He asks.
"Well I was coming in here to refill my glass" I say.
"20 minutes ago" he says.
"And Spencer came in and we started talking and I gave him a book and then I went to cheers his glass and I broke both of ours and had to clean it up and then savannah came in and told us where the spare glasses were and then we refilled our glasses" I say and Spencer stands up.
"Leave them alone" Savannah says coming in to check dinner and I laugh at my dads face and Spencer's phone goes and he looks at it and he sighs.
"I have to go" he says and my dad nods.
"I'll walk you out" I say.
"You don't have to" he says.
"I know but I want to" I say.
"Be careful and I'll see you Sunday" my dad says hugging Spencer who hugs him back and then he hugs savannah as I walk into the living room.
"There you are Yn" Penelope says and I smile.
"I'll be right back to talk, I'm going to walk Spencer out" I say and she nods and Spencer comes to say bye to everyone and I walk him out.
"It was nice getting to meet you, you are way cooler than what I've heard" I say laughing and he laughs and it dies down and it gets awkward.
"Okay I'm just going to come out and say it because I've learned my whole life to just be bold but I like you, like really like you and the time I've talked to you has been the most fun I've had in like the past year and I know it might be weird because our age gap and the fact that I'm Derek's daughter and you're probably taken because only an idiot would ever turn you down and now I'm regretting even saying anything about liking you but it's true and I'm sorry if things are weird between us now but I thought we were having a moment in the kitchen earlier but I'm an idiot and I don't actually know if it was what I-" he cuts my endless rambling off with a kiss and I kiss him back before he pulls away.
"I'm sorry I don't know why I did that" he says.
"It's okay, I don't mind" I say smiling at him.
"I wouldn't normally do that but there's just something about you" he says and I push his hair out of his face, my smile growing bigger and I clear my throat.
"I should head back inside before they get suspicious but call me when you finish the book" I say and he squeezes my hand and I smile at him running back inside and when I get into the house I watch him pull off and I shut the door.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Real Life Tasks With Ransom Drysdale
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An Advent Calendar of 24 Normal Human Tasks As Performed By A Huge Man Baby. Day 16: A Vicious Assault
 Warnings: Bad Language words, some minor smut (18+, NSFW)
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  As if we are 16 days in already. Only 8 more instalments left of mine @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and @ohthankevans13​ ‘s Real Life Task tales. In today’s episode, our poor reader has a cold…and it falls to Ransom to play Nurse…
Series Masterlist
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“How are you feeling?” Ransom asked, placing his hand on your forehead and you gave a groan, turning awkwardly onto your side on the sofa, head resting on the arm, your right hand laying feebly on your bump.
“How do I look like I feel?” You coughed, irritation lacing your tone and Ransom hesitated.
“Is that a trick question?”
“Well, last time you asked me that and I said ‘like shit’ you slapped me.”
You blinked and then shrugged, he was right, you had. “No, it’s not a trick.” You coughed again.
“Well, if going off how you look is a measure then you must be feeling pretty bad.” He sighed, not an inch of teasing in his tone as his hand brushed down your cheek. “Can I get you anything?”
“I can’t take anything thanks to you impregnating me.” You wheezed, sighing. “This sucks.”
“Why don’t you go back to bed?” Ransom suggested.
“I don’t wanna.” You pouted a little childishly “I’m sick of laying in there.”
With a sigh, Ransom settled on the sofa and guided your head onto his lap, his hand running through your hair. You knew he could tell how sick you felt with the lack of ‘whilst you’re down there’ quips he made.
“Try to get some rest, Princess.” His deep baritone was soft, his fingers running up and down the back of your neck in a soothing manner as you shifted a little, another cough wracking your chest and you let out a groan of frustration. But with Ransom comforting you and the warming heat of the fire, it wasn’t long before you were lulled into sleep.
Ransom felt Y/N’s shoulders relax and he glanced down to see his wife’s eyes were closed, lashes fluttering against her cheeks. He hated seeing his girl sick, she was normally the one soothing him when he was dying of man flu or SARS or some other horrific, tropical disease that he beat normally in a day or so of moaning like a bitch. But he was at a loss. She wouldn’t take Tylenol or anything else for that matter because she was pregnant so other than keep her supplied with water, cuddles and the occasional hot, sweet tea there wasn’t much…
Oh. Oh. Oh. Ransom Drysdale was a fucking genius.
With a little smile he gently lifted Y/N’s head from his lap, placing a cushion where his legs had been, before gently lowering her back down and quietly making his way out of the room, throwing one last glance over his shoulder. Closing the door to keep the heat in the lounge he pulled out his phone and walked into the kitchen.
“Ransom?” his mother’s voice was surprised on the other end of the phone. “Long time no speak.”
Ransom rolled his eyes, he couldn’t be fucked with listening to her moan about his lack of contact “Phones work both ways, Linda.” He drawled and smirked as she gave an annoyed tssk on the other end at his use of her name.
“What can I do for you? I mean I’m assuming that’s why you’ve called, you need something.”
“Not me, Y/N.” he clarified “She’s full of a bug and won’t take anything because of the baby but I was wondering, when I used to get sick and Grammy was around she used to give me a hot drink. What was in it?”
There was a pause and he heard his mom take a deep breath before she spoke again “Yeah, she used to give that to me, Walt and Neil too.” And whilst Ransom couldn’t see her, he could tell she was smiling “It’s just hot water, a good squeeze of lemon, a drop of honey, a tiny pinch of cayenne pepper-although that isn’t necessary, it just helps clear your nose- and a teaspoon of sugar, if needed. Depends how sweet Y/N takes her tea I suppose.”
Ransom crossed to the little blackboard on the wall in the kitchen that was used to list the shopping requirements on and quickly jotted it all down, reading it back to his mom. “Water, lemon, honey, pinch of cayenne and sugar. Got it.”
“Was that everything?”
“Yup.” He said simply, cutting the call without so much as a thank you or goodbye.
He set about looking for the ingredients, and was pleased to discover they had everything. There were a few fresh lemons and a bottle of lemon juice for when those were used up, a jar of honey, a little glass spice shaker of cayenne and even though the sugar bowl was empty he knew there was a replacement packet in the cupboard as he had unpacked the shopping that had been delivered a few days or so ago. He smirked as he remembered Y/N’s face when the truck had shown up, her hands on her hips as he’d turned to her smugly and informed her that she’d told him he needed to DO the grocery shopping, not that he needed to GO DO the Grocery shopping.
He loved loopholes.
Locating the sugar, which for some reason was contained in a clear plastic bag, he tore it opened and filled up the bowl before he headed back into the lounge to find Y/N was still fast asleep. Deciding that a nap wasn’t that bad an idea, after all he’d done a load of laundry, made the bed, cooked a passable attempt at eggs and toast for breakfast (Y/N assuring him the reason she hadn’t eaten a lot was because she felt like crap, not because it tasted bad) and cleared all the dishes, taking extra care to make sure no stray knives slashed his hand to pieces as he loaded the dishwasher.
Yup, he’d earned a rest.
Picking Y/N’s head up once more he placed the cushion against his thigh, his feet resting on the coffee table as he allowed her to sleep, his hand gently rubbing between her shoulder blades as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
**** “What is it?” you asked as he handed you the mug. You peered down at the floating slice of lemon, trying to spot what was in the drink. You’d normally take a sniff but seeing as your nostrils were at the moment about as much use as Donald Trump’s hair stylist you had to settle for using your eyes.
“It’s something my Grammy used to make for me when I was sick.” Ransom explained, sitting back next to you. You looked up and your heart fluttered a little at the boyish hope on his face. “You won’t take anything to help so I called mom to ask what was in that and-“
“You called your mom?”
“Yeah.” He shrugged and you smiled, your hands curling around the mug even more now you knew exactly what he’d done to make you the hot drink, called his mother. Something you knew was a last resort for him, he’d rather stick pins in his eyes. “It’s just lemon, honey, sugar and a tiny pinch of cayenne. It used to work for us as kids.”
“Thank you.” You spoke softly, and you meant it. He smiled, leaning back on the sofa, eyes fixed on the TV as you took a sip, instantly gagging on the drink. You tried not to make it obvious as you took another sip but the liquid assaulted your taste-buds, quite literally, your mouth going instantly dry.
“Shit, Ransom, I…”
“What? Is there too much pepper?” his face fell and you shook your head.
“No, it’s salty!”
“Salty?” he frowned, taking the mug from you and dipping his finger into the liquid. He sucked it off and then gave a grimace, “I don’t understand though, I didn’t put any salt in.”
“Well, maybe something was cross contaminated from breakfast?” you offered and he shook his head as he set the offending drink on the coffee table.
“The kitchen is spotless, sweetheart. I cleared up after breakfast and wiped down the sides again after refilling the sugar bowl, even though I didn’t spill much.”
“Wait…” you stopped him, giving a little cough. “You filled up the sugar bowl?”
“What with?”
“Sugar.” He rolled his eyes.
“You can’t have, we’re out. It’s on the list for the top up shop as I forgot it the other day.”
“No, we have a packet.” He insisted, “I found it.”
“Was it a clear, plastic packet?”
“You dumbass!” you squeaked, breaking out into a hacking cough. “That’s salt!”
“Pretty sure it said sugar on the label, Princess.” Ransom rolled his eyes.
“Okay, go check.” You shrugged at him. He paused for a moment before he stood up and headed into the kitchen. You waited for it, and sure enough…
“Son of a bitch!” came the loud groan and you smirked to yourself, looking up as Ransom walked back into the lounge.
“In my defence,” he raised his hands, “they both begin with an S.”
“True.” You chuckled, as he picked up the mug peering into it, his shoulders slumped as he was crestfallen he’d failed.
“I just wanted to get you something to feel better.” He sighed and you took a deep breath.
“Babe.” You said softly and he looked at you, his blue eyes a little sad and you smiled. “I already feel loads better than I did before, but why don’t you make it again, leave the salt but add an extra little drop of honey. It will be more than sweet enough anyway, you know I don’t like tea when it’s too sweet.”
His lips curled up into a soft smile at one side. It wasn’t a smirk, or a smug grin, it was a genuine smile, one that always melted your heart.
“Sure.” He said, dropping a kiss to your head before he grabbed the mug and moved to leave the room.
“Oh and Ran?”
He paused and stopped in the doorway, looking at you questioningly.
“Empty the sugar bowl. I’d hate for anyone else to get a-salted.” You grinned, as Ransom arched an eyebrow at you “Geddit? Assault, a-salt…”
“Yeah, I get it Y/N.” he rolled his eyes, leaving the room as he shot over his shoulder “I just happen to think your jokes are about as funny as AIDS.”
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patagucci34 · 4 years
Partners for Life~ Tyson Jost
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Warnings: swearing, some playful touching.... 
Word Count: 11k
All you wanted to do was change into comfy sweats, pour a heavy glass of wine, and forget about the awful week you had at work. But of course, there had to be something else to make this day even worse. When you were about 5 minutes away from your apartment it started down pouring. You cursed to yourself and picked up the pace.
Once you were in the comfort of your building, you let out a sigh of relief and made the trek up to your apartment. When you stepped out of the elevator you were met with a smiling face, one that normally would melt all of your worries away, but today, it only helped a little. You forced a smile back when his smile turned into a concerned frown.
"What happened to you?" He asked, stopping in front of you.
"I got caught in the rain on the way back from work."
He nodded and grabbed the bags out of your hands so you could unlock your door.
"Thanks, Tyson." You said with a small smile, hoping he would leave you be now. Normally you would welcome his company, but you really wanted that glass of wine and quiet night in by yourself. But it wasn't looking like that was the case when he strolled over to your fridge making himself at home. But that didn't stop you from wandering down the hall and taking a warm shower. Maybe then he would get the hint?
Nope. When you walked back out to the living room he was cozied up on the couch. A little bit of your annoyance dissipated when you saw the two wine glasses on the coffee table in front of him. So you grabbed one and plopped back into the couch.
"Rough week?" He asked, grabbing the other glass.
"You have no idea."
"I'm sorry, you wanna talk about it?"
"Not really.…" you sighed, "no game tonight?"
"Nah, we're leaving for a road trip tomorrow."
"Ohh nice, where to?"
"We're going to Florida."
"Ugh, I'm so jealous. I would love some nice weather right now."
Tyson chuckled, "yeah it might do you some good. You're looking a little pasty."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him playfully. "I meant mentally, but thank you for that."
"I know, I'm just messing…" he said patting your thigh "…are you sure you're okay?"
You sighed, "yeah, I just had an awful week at work, and my family has been harping on me a lot lately and I'm just over it all."
"I'm sorry, Y/n/N, what's going on at work?"
"My coworkers are just the worst. We had a huge project due this week and it seemed like I was the only one doing anything. And of course they got all of the credit. But it's fine, things should be better next week."
"What about your family?"
"Where do I even start…lately it's just been about me not having a boyfriend. I just don’t understand the fascination with my love life. My cousin is getting married soon and they really want me to bring someone…but like who cares? I'm 23, I don't see the urgency. But I also don't want to get shit for it the whole weekend. I don't know, whatever, it'll be fine, I'm just annoyed right now."
"When is the wedding?"
"A few weeks from now…why?"
"Is it the All Star break?"
"Ummmm…." you said while checking the dates "yes…why?!"
"I could be your date if you wanted…"
"No, Tyson, I can't ask you to do that."
"You're not asking, I'm offering."
"I don't know, Tys…"
"Come on, you'll have good company, you won't have to hear about how single you are…"
"Wait, you want to go as my boyfriend?"
"Well I don't think going as your friend would help…"
"You'd really do that?"
"Yes! I want to."
"Alright.…I don't know if it'll work, I'm not sure my family will even believe me."
"Oh, we can make it believable."
You eyed Tyson suspiciously but then gave in. "Okay…alright. I owe you big time."
"Let's just see how the weekend goes…" Tyson said with a smirk.
The rest of the night was spent watching New Girl. Tyson kept refilling your glass and you ended up pretty tipsy. Before Tyson left he helped you into bed and locked up your apartment on the way out.
The next morning, you woke up with a headache, cursing yourself for getting wine drunk. You loved being wine drunk in the moment but hated the hangover. You also cursed yourself at the thought of the little plan you and Tyson had come up with the night before. It's not that you weren't excited to spend an entire weekend with Tyson, it's just that you were pretty nervous about the whole thing. You had grown very close in your time as neighbors, but it was always just as friends. You'd be lying if you said you didn't have a crush on Tyson, but you always kept it to yourself because you didn't want to ruin their friendship, not to mention you didn't think you were his type. You were also nervous about your family buying their 'relationship'. Not only had you been telling your family that you were still single, but they would never believe that you were dating one of the Colorado Avalanche.
You tried to push it from your mind and focus on getting rid of the hangover. You made your way to the kitchen and guzzled down a glass of water accompanied by a few Tylenol and then rummaged through the fridge to make something to eat.
You posted up on the couch after you ate and watched movies all day. You were able to be a bit more productive on Sunday and cleaned your apartment and went grocery shopping for the week.
You didn't see Tyson until Wednesday night. He had texted you earlier in the day asking if you wanted to get take out. When you got home from work, Tyson was already in your apartment with the take out.
"I could kiss you right now, I'm starving." You said as you dropped your bags on the floor and sat down at the table."
Tyson smirked, "it might be good practice…"
"Oh my god, I actually kind of forgot about that…we should talk about our game plan."
"Yes, I like to excel so I need everything there is to know about your family so I'm fully prepared."
You rolled your eyes, "of course you do…well, I mean how long have we been dating for? I've been telling my family I'm single, but I'm sure I could come up with some excuse why I haven't told them."
"Yeah, it might be kind of weird to take your boyfriend of two weeks to a family wedding…"
"Okay, so how long do you think?"
"6 months?"
"Is that too long?"
Tyson shrugged, "I don't know, I think that's fine."
"Alright, and I think we should stick to saying we met through being neighbors."
"Good idea, less room for slip ups…what are you going to use as an excuse for not telling them?"
"I guess maybe that I wanted to feel things out and also because you're kinda famous?"
"Kinda?! I'm hurt."
You giggled at Tyson's dramatics. "Okay, sorry, you're famous. Fully famous."
"Much better…so let's start with the family lessons. I know you have 3 brothers, Charlie, Ben, and Jack. Your parents are Kate and Steve… but I think that's all I got."
"I'm impressed! Yes, Ben is the oldest, he's a lawyer, he's married to Hailey who is a nurse. Charlie is next, he's a teacher, he's engaged to Casey, who is also a teacher. Then there is Jack, he's in his second year of med school and his girlfriend is Carly, she's a physical therapist. Then my parents, Kate and Steve. My dad is a lawyer, Ben works at his firm. And my mom is a nurse. Do you want me to write this stuff down?"
"No way, I'll get it. Just keep going."
"Alright...the cousin that is getting married is on my dad's side. His name is Tom, his fiancé's name is Lauren. Tom does something with finance, I'm not exactly sure what, and Lauren is a social worker. Tom has one sister, Maddie, she's an aspiring actress…" Tyson stifled a laugh at your face when you said her occupation. "My grandparents are Dave and Shelly, they're both retired, but my grandfather was a lawyer, it’s his firm that my dad and Ben work for. And I think I can just introduce you to everyone else as we go…"
"Alright, got it."
"Do you?" You questioned, not believing him.
"Okay, fine, not yet. But I will."
The next few weeks went by faster than you had wanted. As the wedding grew nearer you became more and more nervous. You had let everyone know that you would be bringing your boyfriend, and of course, the questions rolled in. You told them what you had practiced with Tyson, you weren't sure where things were going to go and didn't want to get their hopes up, and because he's a professional athlete you wanted to make sure everything was sound in their relationship before you went public. Although your mom was upset that you didn’t confide in her earlier, they were happy that you had found a boyfriend. It definitely made you feel guilty for lying, but you were able to get over it.
A few days before you were leaving, you went to Tyson's game. You weren't able to go all of the time, but you had a blast when you did. You had become friends with a few of the WAGs and of course a bunch of the guys.
They were all going out after the game to celebrate the beginning of the All Star break and Tyson had invited you to go so you went down to the locker rooms after the game to wait for him.
"Y/N!" You turned at the familiar voice and smiled and gave Andre a hug.
"Hey, Burky, good game!"
"Thanks, are you coming out with us?"
"I am!!"
"Good, Tys is more fun when you're around." He said, winking. You laughed a bit before a few of the others guys joined and talked about the plans for this evening.
A few minutes later, Tyson came up behind you and wrapped his arm around you.
"Hey, Tys!" You greeted him happily.
"Hey, babe." You rolled your eyes at his choice of words. "What?! I'm just trying to get into character." He defended, which made the guys laugh. They all knew about the arrangement and most of them were hoping this weekend would be the push you needed to actually date.
"You ready?" Tyson asked. You nodded and bid farewells until later.
Tyson drove you back to you building and you split ways to get ready.
"How long do you need?" He asked.
"I'll be ready in like 20??"
"Alright, I'll come over in a half hour." He said chuckling at himself, which caused you to roll your eyes but nod your head and go inside.
An hour later you were making your way through the crowd at the club to find everyone else. Tyson had gone to get them drinks while you sat down next to EJ and Landy. Landy was grilling you about the weekend, him being the number one supporter of you guys actually dating. Luckily he let up a bit on  you when Tyson came back and started in on him.
You kept downing drinks as the night went on and ended up being very drunk. Tyson had to help you through the club and he pretty much carried you to your apartment. He was nervous to leave you alone, so he ran over to his apartment to change and came back to stay with you for the night.
The next morning, you groaned as you peeled your eyes open. You were slightly confused about the arm draped over you because you didn't remember talking to any guys at the club. You relaxed when you looked over and saw that it was Tyson.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He said with a smirk.
"Morning….what are you doing here?"
"You were pretty loaded…I was nervous you might throw up in your sleep so I stayed with you."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to get so drunk…"
"I know, it's all good. You just will really be kicking yourself in the car today!"
"Ugh, don't remind me." You said and rolled back over.
"10 more minutes! Then you need to get up and get ready." Tyson reminded.
"Okay, mom." You muffled into the pillow as you fell back asleep.
An hour later you had the car packed up and were on the way. Thankfully, Tyson offered to drive, knowing your current state and just the fact you didn't love driving anyway. You played the music, luckily you had similar taste, so you jammed out for most of the 4 hour drive. You also quizzed him on your family, and just as he claimed, he remembered it all.
Tyson noticed that you had grown quiet in the last half hour. He reached over and grabbed your hand.
"Hey," he started softly, "it's going to be fine."
"I know, I'm just nervous. Even though they're happy I have a boyfriend, they can be so critical and rude. I'm going to apologize in advance for anything that they say."
"I think I can handle them…I'm used to criticism."
"I know…I just, even though we aren't actually dating, you are one of my best friends and I don't want them to scare you off."
"Don't worry about that…I'm not going anywhere." He said and gave your hand a gentle squeeze before pulling it away. You smiled at him and started to realize that this might not have been the best idea for your sake. You had been able to keep your feelings at bay, but this weekend might change that. You push those thoughts out of your mind as Tyson pulls the car into your driveway. You panicked a bit when you saw all of the cars in the driveway. It had been your understanding that Jack was going to be the only of your brothers home tonight and everyone else would be over tomorrow. Tyson noticed your panic and grabbed your hand again.
"What's wrong?"
"My mom told me Jack and Carly were going to be here tonight, not everyone else…"
"Well that's okay, we'll get it over with."
"I know, I just wasn't prepared for this. I'm sorry, I'll stop freaking out."
Tyson chuckled, "don't apologize. But don't worry either, okay? We got this." He reassured you and kissed your forehead. You blushed at the act, you guys had cuddled before and obviously shared the same bed, but this felt different, and it just made you even more nervous.
You both got out and grabbed your bags before approaching the door. You didn't even have time to put your bag down when it burst open.
"Y/N!!! I've missed you so much!" Your mom exclaimed while giving you a tight hug.
"Hi, mom, I missed you too." Once she let go, she turned to Tyson and you introduced the two. "Mom, this is Tyson, Tys, this is mom, Kate."
"Oh, it's so nice to meet you!!!" Your mom exclaimed again, pulling Tyson in for a hug.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Y/L/N. I've heard so much about you."
"Oh, please, call me Kate." She said as she let go. "Well, come in! Everyone's dying to meet you!"
You glanced at Tyson and he winked in return. You followed your mom inside and you put your bags down and went into the living room where everyone was sitting. Tyson put his arm on the small of your back and you leaned into him as you walked into the room.
Your brothers all shot up and surrounded you in a hug, separating you and Tyson. You rolled your eyes but laughed and welcomed their embrace. Once they finally let you go, your dad stepped up and gave you a hug and kissed your cheek. "Hey, baby girl. It's nice to see you."
"It's good to see you too, dad, I've missed you." He gave you one more quick squeeze and let you go so you could introduce Tyson to everyone.
"Well, everyone, this is Tyson…" At this point your brother's partners had joined them. "…Tyson, this is my dad, Steve, Ben and Hailey, Charlie and Casey, and Jack and Carly."
Tyson shook all of their hands as you went down the line.
"It's nice to meet you all." Tyson said with a smile.
"It's nice to meet you too, we're glad she's finally bringing someone home to us!" Your dad joked, causing you to roll your eyes.
"Okay, well, we're gonna bring our stuff upstairs. See you in a few." You said grabbing Tyson's hand and dragging him back into the hallway.
"No funny business!" Your brother Charlie called, laughing at himself. You heard Casey scold him and smiled to yourself.
You led Tyson to your old room, telling him you'll give him a tour once you put your bags down.
"That wasn't so bad…" He said as you plopped down on the bed.
"Yet…it's been 5 minutes."
Tyson chuckled and cupped your face with hands, "hey, what did I tell you? Stop worrying."
"I know, I know. I just can't help it."
"Come on, let's go. I'm ready for the grand tour." He said taking your hands and pulling you up. You sighed, but obliged and led him out of the room.
"….and this is the kitchen!" You said as you finished the tour. Your mom smiled at the two of you as you entered the room.
"Your home is very beautiful, Kate." Tyson said to your mom.
"Oh, you're too sweet…do you mind helping me finish up dinner, Y/n/N?"
"Sure. Tys do you want to help?" You asked, not really wanting to throw him to the wolves with your brothers in the next room.
"Yeah, I'll help. What do you need us to do?" He asked sweetly.
"Can you two finish putting the salad together? All of the stuff is on the counter over there."
You nodded and went to the sink to wash your hands and then you and Tyson started cutting up vegetables. You actually were having a lot of fun, Tyson was trying out some of his new jokes on your mom, which she loved. The whole scene felt very domestic, and of course you couldn't help but think about your feelings for him. You were brought back to reality when Tyson gave you a questioning look and mouthed "are you okay?" You forced a smile back and nodded and went back to cutting vegetables.
Once the three of you finished up, your mom called everyone into the dining room for dinner. Everyone took their seats and dug right in.
"This is delicious, mom." Jack complimented with his mouth full. Everyone chuckled and agreed, your mom blushing from the compliments.
"Well, I had good helpers." She said acknowledging you and Tyson. You both smiled and went back to eating.
You were starting to get nervous because your brothers hadn't really said much to Tyson. They had always been very overprotective and tried to scare off the guys you brought around and even though Tyson wasn't actually your boyfriend you were really nervous for what they might say. You knew better than to think that maybe they grew out of that stage, so it just made you more and more anxious for when it was going to come.
You caught Jack's gaze and he gave you a devilish grin. You gave him a warning look but he just shook his head. This was it. It was coming and there was nothing you could do to stop it. You looked at Tyson and he gave you a small smile and squeezed your thigh under the table.
"So, Tyson…" Charlie started "…hockey, huh?"
You shot a glare at your brother but he just smiled sweetly.
"Uh, yeah, I've played ever since I was young."
"How reliable is it to play professionally?" Ben asked this time.
"Ben…" Your mom scolded.
"It's okay, that's a fair question." Tyson defended. "I would say it's pretty secure, as long as I'm playing well and staying healthy."
"What happens if you get injured?" Jack asked.
"Well, if it's minor I'll get treatment until it's healed and then start playing again."
"And if it's not?"
"Well, I guess, I'd be done playing hockey."
"Okay, that's enough." You said glaring at all of your brothers.
"We just want to make sure you're in good hands, Y/n/N." Jack said sweetly.
"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself with my own salary, so Tyson's job security shouldn't be of concern." That shut them up for a little, but you knew they weren't done. Not with this dinner and certainly not for the rest of the weekend. Tyson squeezed your thigh again, that definitely being his way of telling you not to get too worked up.
Thankfully, your mom changed the subject to talk about plans for the weekend, but that didn't hold for very long.
"So, Tyson…" Jack started this time "…it must be pretty demanding being a professional athlete, do you even see Y/N that much?" You shot him another glare but he just kept smiling.
"Yeah, it can be, we live across the hall from each other so I pretty much see her whenever I'm home."
"Why does it matter to you how often we see each other?" You asked.
"We're just looking out for you, Y/n/N." Charlie defended.
"Well stop, you're just being rude."
"Alright, let's not fight at the table…" Your mom stated, trying to keep the peace. "Hailey, how are things at the hospital?"
You were thankful she changed the subject again, but you still weren't convinced it would put a total end to the grilling.
And you were right, a few minutes later, Jack spoke up again.
"Tyson, you must have a lot of girls after you, being a professional athlete and all."
You didn't even give Tyson the chance to defend himself before you lost it.
"Are you kidding me right now, Jack?! I cannot believe you would even ask that! Can you not be a dick for like one fucking weekend?!" And you stormed off up the stairs.
Tyson excused himself and followed after you. You sat on the bed, too mad to even cry, which you were thankful for. It was embarrassing enough that Tyson just had to sit through and witness what just happened.
"I'm so sorry, Tys." You apologized as he sat down next to you.
"No need to apologize, Y/n/N. It's not your fault your brother is a dick." You cracked a smile at his comment.
"I just didn't think he'd be like that. They've always been super overprotective, but that was just too much."
"It's really okay. Honestly, I can't say that I wouldn't have asked something similar to my sister's boyfriend. I get it. You're their baby sister, they just want what's best for you. I can take their crap, alright?"
"You're too good." You said with a huff, which made Tyson chuckle.
"Only for you, babe." He said and kissed your forehead. You both settled back on the bed and he tucked you into his side.
A little while later there was a knock on your door. You sat up a little bit and told them to come in. It was your mom.
"Hi, sweetie. How are you doing?"
"I'm fine, I just wish Jack wasn't such an asshole."
"I know, I'm sorry, and I'm sorry Tyson that he was acting that way."
"It's okay, I understand, I have a younger sister."
"Well, I think he feels bad he upset you like that…"
"Good." You stated, causing your mom and Tyson to chuckle.
"Alright, well I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Goodnight, you two."
"Goodnight, mom."
"Goodnight, Kate."
"I, um, don't usually freak out like that so, I'm sure it really made them feel bad…" You stated.
"Yeah, now I know to never piss you off."
You laughed at Tyson and cuddled back into his side. "That kind of freak out is reserved for my brothers. You probably won't ever be on the receiving end."
"Good to know." He said chuckling back. "You wanna watch New Girl?"
"Sure, I'm gonna go get changed first."
The rest of the night was spent watching Netflix, cuddled up in your bed. No apology from Jack but you didn't really expect one. He'll probably half ass one in the morning, and you'll forgive him, you always do.
You were right. When you went downstairs for breakfast, it was just Jack in the kitchen. He looked over at you and held his arms out, signifying a hug. You looked at him and raised your eyebrows, awaiting those magic words.
"Come on, are you really going to make me say it?"
"Yes! You were so awful last night. You really owe an apology to Tyson…"
"Fine, I'm sorry, Y/n/N. I took it too far."
"Yes, you did. But I forgive you…as long as you cool it for the rest of the weekend!"
"I will, I promise."
"Thank you." You beamed and gave him a hug.
"Aww, how sweet!" Charlie cooed as he interrupted you and Jack.
"Hey, I think you and Ben also owe her an apology."
"No way, we didn't take it as far as you did." Charlie defended just as Ben walked in.
"Yeah, I agree, we were pretty mild." Ben agreed.
"Would it really be that bad to apologize to me?" You asked, fully knowing the answer.
"Yes." Ben and Charlie answered at the same time.
You rolled your eyes but went about your business.
"Where is lover boy anyway?" Charlie asked.
You shrugged, "still sleeping."
"Not out for an early morning run?" Jack teased, you rolled your eyes again.
"Stop!! You said you'd cool it!"
"Relax, I'm just teasing."
You rolled your eyes as you sat down at the table and your brothers joined around you.
"But seriously, Y/n/N. Are you happy?"
"Yes, Ben, I'm very happy. He's really good to me."
"Okay good, then we're happy. But as soon as he does something to hurt you…he's done for."
"I know, I know. Although…he is a professional athlete, are you sure you could take him?" You teased.
"Please, it's no contest." Charlie defended which made you laugh.
Just as he was about to throw a grape at you, Tyson walked in the kitchen.
"Good morning, Tys!" You called from the table. He came over and sat next to you and greeted your brothers. "Are you hungry? I can make you some eggs, or we have cereal, I could make pancakes?"
"How come you didn't offer to make any of us that stuff??" Jack whined. You just rolled your eyes and looked back at Tyson.
"I'll have some eggs, but I can help you." He said and the two of you got up and started cooking.
Everyone else ended up joining you in the kitchen so you ended up making breakfast for everyone else too, but you didn't mind. It was fun to hang out with everybody and you were glad that your brothers were done with third degree.
After breakfast you and Tyson went back upstairs to showered for the day. You wanted to show him around your hometown and have a chill day because the next two days were going to be filled with wedding stuff.
When you walked back into your room after your shower, Tyson was lying on the bed looking at his phone. You were just in a towel and while you and Tyson were pretty comfortable with each other, you expected him to go take his shower so you could change. He looked up at you and smirked when he saw your attire.
"You gonna give me a show?"
"Tyson!" You cried. "We're at my parents…and it's 10 in the morning."
"So you're saying you would though?"
"Seriously, that's what you took from that?"
Tyson smirked at you and moved to get off the bed. You watched him as he rummaged through his things and then started to move past you to go to the bathroom. Just as you thought you were safe, he slapped your ass and hurried out of the room. You gasped, though it wasn't very hard, you were not expecting that. You wanted to mad but you couldn't help but smile. If he wanted to play it like that this weekend, you were gonna give it right back.
You decided to only get half-dressed to start…you put on a sexy bra and super cheeky underwear. Once satisfied with your look, you laid down on the bed and waited for Tyson to come back. You didn’t have to wait long, a few minutes later you heard him opening the door.
"Hey, do you know if there is anymore-- whoa." You smirked at the thought of Tyson's face, you couldn't see because you were lying on your stomach so your ass was showing. What you didn't bargain for was for him to be so composed and not let it get to him. So just as you were about to turn around to see what he was doing, you felt a much harder slap to your ass.
"Ow, Tyson! What the hell!"
"Hey, you put your ass out here like that…I can't help it." He smirked and plopped down next to you.
"You're the worst." You grinned as you got up to finish getting dressed.
"You ready?" You asked a little while later after both of you had gotten dressed.
"Yes ma'am, let's get to it. Lots of history to see."
"History? I would hardly call this town historical."
"Yeah, your history." He said with a sweet smile. Your heart melted and you were really starting to wonder if you would make it through this weekend.
You started off by showing him the spot where everyone went to party, you didn't stay long because it was pretty cold, but he thought it was funny that a random spot in the woods was where you used to get drunk. "Hey, you do what you gotta do in a small town." You defended before moving on. You then took him by the high school, you couldn't really spend much time there either because kids were in school. Next you brought him 'downtown'. You walked around going into different little shops and boutiques. Then you brought him to your favorite place to eat for lunch.
The two of you talked a lot about high school and how different it was for both of you. You had never really talked much about your past during your friendship so it was nice to get to know each other a little better.
"So, tell me all about high school Y/N." He said once the two of you had ordered your food.
You sighed, "what do you want to know?"
"I don't know…were you popular? A jock? A nerd?"
"I mean…I guess I was popular…I played sports, I wouldn't identify as a nerd but I did do well in school…"
"Wait you played sports?"
"Yeah, soccer, hockey, and lacrosse."
"I'm sorry, what? You played hockey?? How come you never told me?"
"I don't know…I guess it never came up."
"We talk about hockey all the time…"
"Yeah, you playing hockey…professional hockey…not high school girls hockey. Besides, I really wasn't very good soo..."
"So what?! I can't believe you didn't tell me…I'm taking you skating as soon as we get back to Denver so you can show me your moves."
You shook your head, "nope. No way."
"Why not?!"
"Because I'm really not very good, and that's why I've never mentioned it because I knew that you would make me go skating with you."
"Oh come on, I seriously doubt you're that bad."
"Compared to you, yeah, I am."
Tyson rolled his eyes. "You are so ridiculous…so what else did you do in high school?"
"Well, I was in chorus…and don't ask me to sing for you because I will not be doing that."
"Come on, you're no fun." Tyson whined.
You laughed at him and shook your head, "yeah I guess I left all of it here."
"Anything else that I don't know about you that you want to share with me?? Crazy ex boyfriends?? Girlfriends??"
"I guess I should probably tell you…I do have an ex who will be going to the wedding…we dated for a few years but he was kinda shitty.."
You sighed, not really wanting to get into it but you knew that you should give him an explanation because you really didn't know what would happen this weekend. "It was a pretty unhealthy relationship…of course I didn't really know that at the time. It wasn't until I went off to college that I started realizing that something was wrong. I tried to end things while I was away but he wouldn't really let it happen so I tried again when I went back home for break and he, like, freaked out…and um, hit me, so I called my friend to come get me… I was able to get out of the relationship with some help but nothing ever really happened to him because I guess he was having drinking issues…"
"Wait, he hit you…and your family is still bringing him around?"
"Yeah...my uncle is really good friends with his dad so…"
"I'm so sorry, Y/n/N…are you gonna be okay this weekend?"
"It's okay.…it's been a few years now. I haven't really seen him much, I usually avoid the gatherings he goes to. I'm not really sure what will happen this weekend…"
"Well I won't leave your side the whole time. I'll protect you."
"Thanks, Tys. I'm actually so thankful you came with me this weekend."
"Of course. You do so much for me all the time…it's the least I could do."
Even though he meant that in the best way possible, and despite all of the flirty comments and advances, it just reinforced that he really was just here as your friend.
You spent the rest of lunch talking about random stuff. Tyson took his phone out and started taking a picture of you.
"Stop! What are you doing?" You said covering your face.
"Put your hands down!! This is great lighting. Smile, look cute."
You relented and let him take your picture. "You better not put that anywhere."
Tyson smirked, "too late."
"Tyson! I’m gonna kill you." You checked your phone and sure enough he tagged you in his Instagram story.
"It's fine, you look really pretty!"
"Okay, but you have so many followers! They're going to think we're dating."
"We are...aren't we?"
You rolled your eyes and focused back on your food.
"I can take it down if you really want me to, but that might look extra sus."
"No, it's fine. I just will kill you if you do it again."
There wasn't really much else to show him so after you finished you headed back to your parent's house.
Your parents were the only ones home so you greeted them and headed up to your room. Tyson went to the bathroom so you took the opportunity to change into some comfy clothes and put on Netflix. You didn't acknowledge him when he walked back into your room but he had the same idea you did, he stripped down and put on some sweats before lying next to you in bed. Normally you would snuggle up next to him but you decided you needed to start distancing yourself a bit otherwise you were going to end up getting hurt.
You ended up falling asleep and woke up an hour later and woke up with your head on Tyson's shoulder. Figures, you knew that would happen. You turned your head and noticed that he was asleep too and he had wrapped his arm around your waist. You sighed as you grabbed your phone from your nightstand and settled back into bed, not wanting to wake him up.
You opened Instagram and were met with hundreds of notifications. Luckily, you were private, but you had a ton of follower requests. Thanks, Tyson. You scrolled through them, most of them being random girls, a few cute guys that you took the chance and let them follow you. There were a few people with the little blue check mark, mostly other guys in the NHL, but one in particular caught your eye. Mat Barzal. You knew that Tyson was friends with him, and you'd be lying if you denied thinking he was attractive. You had always had a little crush on him, so you accepted his request and kept scrolling through. A few minutes later, you received a DM from Mat. Your heart started racing as you went to open it.
Tyson didn't tell me his neighbor friend was so cute ;)
Okay, now you were freaking out, you did not expect that. Obviously Tyson had told him that he was going to a wedding with you. But it was also more proof that Tyson thought of you as just a friend. I mean, he would have told Mat that he liked you, right? You were interrupted from your thoughts by Tyson shifting next to you.
"Who's that?" He asked groggily.
"Um, no one." You said quickly exiting out of Instagram.
"Obviously not." He said grabbing your phone from your hand and getting out of bed.
"Tyson! Give me my phone back."
"I just want to see who's DMing you." You tried grabbing it from his hands but he held you back with one arm. "Mat?" He asked, growing serious.
"You're the one who posted the story…I'm getting lots of requests from guys in the NHL."
"But Mat?"
"You're acting as if I have any control over this."
"You know he's my friend right?"
"Tyson, he messaged me, I don't know what you want me to do."
"Are you gonna respond?"
"I don't know, I don't really know what to say back to that."
"Do you want to?"
"Well I don't want to be rude, but if it's going to bother you I guess I won't."
"No, I'm sorry, you can respond. I guess it just caught me off guard." He said giving you your phone and leaving the room.
You huffed and sat down on the bed. You were so confused. Why would Tyson react like that if he just liked you as a friend? This weekend was really messing with your head and you were kind of regretting bringing him with you. You had already accepted that you should get over your feelings for him, but now you were worried that it was going to mess with your friendship.
You contemplated what to say back to Mat. You didn't want to upset Tyson but you also didn't want to leave him on read, it might be kind of awkward if you guys ever met in person.
Tyson came back a few minutes later and seemed to be in a little bit of a better mood.
"Did you respond?" He asked, sitting down next to you.
"Not yet, I don't know what to say…any ideas?"
"You wanna mess with him a bit?" He asked with a smirk.
"I don't know, Tys, I don't know him."
"But I do…he'll think it's funny."
You sighed and handed him your phone, "fine."
Tyson took it happily and started typing away.
"What are you saying?" You asked, trying to look over his shoulder. He moved the phone so you could see it.
You know Tyson?
You looked at Tyson quizzically, "where are you going  with this?"
"I'm gonna make it seem like you don't know who he is."
"Tys, that's just mean."
"Relax, it'll be fine."
You only had to wait a few minutes before he replied again.
Wait, Tys hasn't mentioned me?
Tyson started laughing when he read it and you just rolled your eyes, wishing you had never agreed to this.
No…sorry :( Tyson cackled as he sent back,
"It’s not as funny as you think it is, you know."
"Oh, it's hilarious."
Damn, well then I guess I'm gonna have to get you to fall for me all by myself
You laughed as you watched Tyson react to the response.
"Guess that didn't work as well as you thought it would." You teased, grabbing your phone.
"Wait, let me say one more thing!!"
"No, you've done enough. I'm telling him it was a joke."
"You are absolutely no fun." Tyson whined.
You shrugged, "sorry!"
Hey, I’m so sorry, Tyson saw that you DM'd me and thought that it would be funny to mess with you…
I know who you are haha
Of course he did…what a relief though, you are very pretty I would love to meet you sometime :)
I'm sure we could make that happen…as long as Tyson doesn't get in the way.
"What are you saying?" Tyson asked when he saw you grinning at your phone like a teenager.
"Why must you know everything?"
"Because you're both my friends…"
"Fine." You said and showed him what you said. "Looks like you have to introduce us."
Tyson rolled his eyes, "we'll see."
You chose to just ignore him because you didn't want to argue anymore.
"We should probably go socialize…" You said sighing and getting up.
Tyson let out a sigh too and rummaged through his things to find a shirt to put on. Once he put one on the two of you headed downstairs.
Your mom, Casey, and Carly were in the kitchen getting started on dinner. You asked if they needed help but they said no so you went into the living room where your dad, Jack, and Charlie were all watching TV. You took the open loveseat and Tyson put his arm around you and you cuddled into his side. Although things were a little weird between the two of you, you had to keep appearances up. There wasn't much talking going on, although you were glad that your brothers were being pleasant with Tyson.
Tyson was focused on the TV while you were scrolling through Twitter. You hadn't even noticed that Tyson was now looking at your phone with you until he squeezed your shoulder and laughed at the tweet you just liked. You relaxed a little bit more in his arms, glad that things were becoming more comfortable again.
Dinner was much better than it was the night before. Everyone was laughing and making jokes, no one was grilling Tyson…
You helped your mom clean up while everyone else went into the living room to set up for a game of charades.
"So, how are you?" Your mom asked.
"Um, I'm good…why?"
"What? I can't ask how you are?"
"Well, you can, it just seemed a little out of the blue."
"I haven't really had any time alone with you…"
"I know, I'm sorry. I just worry about leaving Tyson alone with them…"
"How come you never told me about him?"
"I told you mom, I didn't know if things were serious or not, and we wanted to keep it kind of private, hockey fans can be crazy."
"I know, but I'm your mother. I want you to feel like you can tell me things like that."
"I do mom, I really do. I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier."
"Things are good with you two?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Things seemed a little tense tonight…"
"We just had a little disagreement earlier, but it's all good."
"Okay...he seems like a really great guy, Y/n/N, and the way he looks at you…it reminds me of how my father looked at my mother…he's really in love with you sweetie. I hope this works out for you two."
You smiled sweetly at your mom and gave her a hug, even though that was the last thing you wanted to hear right now. At this point, you had stopped getting your hopes at little signs because they never ended up meaning anything.  
Once you were finished cleaning up, you and your mom joined everyone else in the living room. You sat down next to Tyson and he put his arm around and kissed the side of your head. You were not looking forward to this game, your family was very competitive, and although you knew Tyson was too, it could get out of hand pretty quickly.
You were split into two teams, thankfully you were with Tyson, Charlie, Casey, and your dad. Jack and Ben are the worst to have on your team because they are the most competitive and they get super pissed when you're not performing well. Your dad and Charlie were also really good at charades so you'd probably win.
It actually ended up being a lot of fun. Thankfully, Jack and Ben didn't get too worked up and of course everyone was drinking so everyone was laughing and having a good time. Your parents called it quits when Ben and Hailey left to go back to their house. The rest of you stayed up and talked for a while before everyone slowly tucked in for the night.
When you and Tyson finally laid down you were exhausted.
"Well tonight went much better than last…" Tyson said, pulling you closer to him.
"Yes...thankfully. I was a little nervous, Jack and Ben can be a little crazy when it comes to games."
Tyson chuckled, "you're one to talk…"
You scoffed, "hey! I am not that competitive."
"Um, I have a monopoly board that would say differently."
"Oh my god, okay, I was really drunk…I don't usually get like that."
"Whatever you say…"
You shook your head and reached over to turn the lamp off.
"Do we have to be up early tomorrow?" Tyson asked.
"No, I don't think so. I think we have to be at the church by 3."
"Perfect, I want to sleep in, I'm exhausted."
"I know, me too."
"Are you gonna sleep in?" He asked, wrapping his arm around your waist.
"I'm gonna try…why?"
"It was hard to keep sleeping once you got up…"
"You want me to stay in bed until you get up?"
"Pretty please?" He asked, sticking his lip out.
You shook your head and chuckled, "yes, I can do that, but not if it's super late!!"
"Okay, deal. Night, Y/n/N."
"Goodnight, Tys."
The next morning you were kicking yourself for the deal you made. You were so tangled up in Tyson it was going to be impossible to even move. You tried to carefully grab your phone so you could see what time it was. 9 am. You relaxed and began checking all of your social media. You were careful to avoid your DMs, you didn't want him to wake up and see anything that would upset him. Although you still wanted to know why he actually cared so much about Mat messaging you.
A little while the arm around your waist tightened and Tyson's head poked up.
"So much better when you're in bed with me." He said groggily. "…just wish we were naked."
"Tyson!" You said shooting up to a sitting position. You looked over at his smug little face. "You are such an asshole."
"You love me." He shrugged, putting an arm around you.
You rolled your eyes, "you disgust me."
You laid there quietly for a few minutes before Tyson spoke up again, "you ready for today?"
"Pretty sure that should be a question for the bride…"
“`Yes but the whole reason I’m here this weekend is to help you get through it.” “Okay, yeah...I’m sure it’ll be fine. Seeing you with me should shut everyone up.”
A smug grin appeared on Tyson’s face, “I can’t argue with you there…”
You shook your head and laughed before growing serious again. “I just am a little nervous about seeing Jake...I don’t know if he’s still drinking and I’m worried he’s going to cause a scene.”
“Well if he does than fuck that. It won’t be your fault either so don’t feel bad if he does.” “I know, it’s just, everyone has always pitied him and let things slide because he’s an alcoholic. I just don’t think my family will see it as his fault...they’ll blame it on me for bringing some new guy around even though that’s all they talk about. I just can’t win with them.”
“Okay, well let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here. Hopefully everything will be fine and we won’t have to worry about it. If it does, we’ll deal with it then, okay? Just try and relax and have fun. Weddings are supposed to be fun.”
“I know...thanks, Tys. I know I keep saying this but I really do appreciate you being here with me.”
“And I will keep telling you that it’s no big deal, sweets.” You smiled as he kissed your forehead. You were quiet for a few moments before he spoke up again. “So...have you heard from Mat at all?”
“Not since last night…” You said softly while Tyson just nodded. “Why?” Tyson shrugged, “just wondering.” You gave him a pointed look. “What? I am!”
“How come you seemed so upset about it last night?” “I didn’t mean to seem upset, I just, I don’t know, it caught me off guard. But I know you think he’s attractive so go for it I guess.” He said enthusiastically.
“Okay, well I don’t care what you say, it clearly bothers you in some way, so I’m not going to talk to him.”
Tyson rolled his eyes but didn’t argue so you figured that meant there was some truth in your statement.
You laid in bed for about another hour talking about random stuff before you got up to shower and start getting ready.
“Alright,” you started as you untangle yourself from Tyson, “I’m gonna get in the shower.” “Wanna save some water and shower together?” He asked with a cheeky grin, grabbing your wrist to keep you in place.
“Absolutely not.” You said as you shrugged his hand off of yours and walked out of the room.
Tyson looked up when you walked back into your room. He opened his mouth but you cut him off before he could even say anything.
“Whatever you’re about to say, the answer is no. Go get in the shower.”
Tyson pouted, but did as he was told, not before grabbing your ass on the way out with a little giggle. You rolled your eyes and went about getting ready.
You couldn’t help but glance over at Tyson as he strolled back through the door a few minutes later. The towel he had wrapped around his waist was starting to fall off of his hips and you had a clear picture of his V line. You hadn’t really noticed that you were staring until you heard Tyson start talking to you.
“Like what you see?”
You blushed and rolled your eyes turning back towards the mirror to finish your makeup.
Once you were finally done with your makeup, Tyson had stepped out of the room so you took the opportunity to put your dress on. You slipped it on and tried your best to zip it up but you couldn’t quite reach. When you heard the door open again you turned to ask Tyson for help.
“Hey Tys can you help me-” You stopped when you saw him staring at you. “Is everything okay? Is there something wrong with my dress?” You asked, starting to panic a bit.
“No, no, not at all. I, um, you just look really beautiful.”
You visibly relaxed and smiled at him. “Thanks, Tys. Could you help me zip up though?” He nodded and stepped towards you and turned back around so he could help you. You could feel Tyson’s breath on the back of your neck. Once he zipped you up you turned around slowly, Tyson not moving a muscle. You looked up at him, his face just inches from yours. He cupped your chin in his hand and he brought your face to his and kissed you softly. You closed your eyes and welcomed his lips on yours.
Tyson pulled away after a few moments and turned away. “Shit, I’m sorry, I…” He trailed off and sat on the bed.
You grew sad at his reaction. Although he initiated the kiss it seems like he also regrets it.
“It’s okay...I, um, I’m gonna go downstairs.” You said and quickly left the room. You ducked into the bathroom and leaned against the counter willing yourself not to cry so you wouldn’t ruin your makeup. You took a few deep breaths to compose yourself and you made your way to the door. Just as you were about to turn the knob there was a knock.
“Y/n/N? Can I come in?” It was Tyson. The tears that you just suppressed were quickly coming back. You opened the door and retreated back to the counter.
“Jesus, are you crying?” You covered your face with your hands because the tears were now rolling. “Please don’t cry Y/N. I didn’t mean to upset you, jesus…” he trailed off as he placed his hands on your shoulders. “Please stop crying...I don’t know why I did that…” “It’s fine, Tys, you got caught up in the moment, it’s fine.” “What? No, not the kiss...the kiss was amazing...I totally meant to do that. I don’t know why I pulled away like that. I guess I just thought maybe that’s not what you wanted and I thought I messed everything up. I guess I did that anyway…” You didn’t say anything and you didn’t move for a few moments. “Will you look at me please?” He asked, softly guiding your chin up to look at him. “I’m sorry, Y/n/N. Please don’t be upset.” “You’re wrong you know…” He gave you a puzzled look but you just kept going. “I’ve wanted you to kiss me so badly...for so long. I just thought maybe you regretted it and that’s why you pulled away…”
“Not at all, babe...not at all.” He said, moving in, grabbing the sides of your face and kissing you tenderly.
This time when he pulled away his hands stayed where they were and he wiped away the remaining tears with his thumbs. “God you are so gorgeous.”
You couldn’t help but laugh a little, “Tyson, I’m crying and my makeup is everywhere.”
“That’s what makes you so beautiful.”
You shook your head and smiled at him, taking his hands in yours and bringing them to your sides.
“Come on, let’s go get you fixed up.” He said, leading you back to your room.
It didn’t take you too long to fix your makeup, and before you knew it you heard your mom yell up the stairs telling you guys to hurry up. You grabbed your shoes and sat on the bed next to Tyson to put them on. You started to open the door to leave and Tyson took your hand to stop you.
“Tys, we need to go what ar-” He stopped you with another kiss that you melted into.
“I know, I’m sorry, I just can’t get enough of your lips right now…”
You chuckled and rolled your eyes, “if we go now you can explore all of my lips later…”
Tyson’s eyes widened and he hurried both of you downstairs where the rest of your family was waiting.
It was a beautiful day, although still pretty cold, the sun was shining and the snow was shimmering. The church looked gorgeous, they had decorated it with tons and tons of flowers, it looked like a garden and it was beautiful.
You held onto Tyson's arm as you followed the rest of your family to sit down. You got there on the earlier side, so there weren't too many people there yet. You found yourself looking back at the doors quite often, waiting for Jake to arrive. Tyson noticed, because you really weren't being very discrete about it, so he took your hand in his and squeezed it gently. You looked at him and smiled. You were so happy and relieved that you two finally shared how you felt and that you could finally be together. You wanted to believe that nothing would ruin such a beautiful day, but if anyone could, it would be Jake.
You were successfully distracted from the door by your brother's ridiculous argument over which of your cousins was going to get the most shitfaced. By the end of it you had placed $20 on who you thought I'd be.
When the ceremony was about to start, you looked to your left and your breath hitched. You grabbed Tyson's hand and looked at you before following your gaze across the room to where Jake was. He looked back and gave you a reassuring smile and kissed the side of your head. Thankfully, the music started to play and your focus was on the wedding party walking in.
The ceremony was beautiful, their vows were adorable, and all of the speakers and passages were very fitting. It wasn't too long either, which was also nice, you couldn't sit still for very long so you liked when things were quick.
Because of all of the people leaving the church, you avoided an encounter with Jake which you were glad about but you knew it was going to happen so the dread just set in. You were able to keep pretty busy throughout the night. Introducing Tyson to everyone and catching up with family you hadn't seen in a while. Tyson stayed by your side pretty much the whole night which was super comforting. You were nervous for him to leave you because you had caught Jake staring at you a few times, and you knew as soon as you were alone he was going to come up to you.
It didn't happen for a little while longer, which you didn't know if it was better or worse because you now had multiple vodka sodas in you. You had been sitting at the table with Tyson, taking a break from the dance floor, when your dad and uncles had come up to you and asked to steal Tyson. You tried to object but your uncles were insistent on spending a little time with him. You rolled your eyes and sat back, trying to push the anxious thoughts away. But that wasn't happening when you saw him approaching you. You tried to stand up but he grabbed your arm before you could take a step.
"Y/N, please. Just let me talk to you."
You sighed and sat down, making a point to shrug your arm out of his grip.
"So, who's the guy?"
"Tyson, my boyfriend." He scoffed at your reply. "What?" You asked.
"Nothing, I'm just surprised is all."
"Word on the street is, he's a professional athlete."
"So, it's probably not going to last long. I wouldn’t say that you’re really his type."
"You don't know anything about me, Jake. We haven't talked in years. And I would really like to keep it that way, so please, leave me alone."
"Oh, come on, Y/n/N. Don't be like that. I wasn't that bad, you blew things way out of proportion."
"Did I? Because I'm pretty sure if your dad wasn't as good of friends with my uncle that you would have been in jail, not rehab. You're lucky you got off as well as you did. Me? I didn't get off that easy. You really fucked me up. I couldn't get near a guy for a year because of you. You were abusive. You were an asshole. And I wish that I hadn't wasted so many years of my life with you." You weren't really sure where you got the nerve to say all that, because as soon as it came out of your mouth you were scared of how he was going to react. He opened his mouth, but before he could get a word out, you heard a voice behind you.
"I believe the lady has spoken, you can go now."
To your surprise, he walked right away. It was probably Tyson towering over him that scared him off.
"Well, I was feeling badly that I left you out in the open but it appears my girlfriend is a total badass and was fine on her own…" He commented, wrapping his arms around you and placing his chin on top of your head.
"Yeah, well I'm surprised too. I have no idea why I thought that would be a good idea. I'm not sure what would have happened if you hadn't come over."
"Well, hopefully we never have to find out…are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm good. It felt good to get that out."
"Good, fuck that guy."
"Yeah, fuck that guy." You said agreeing with him as you let go. "I need another drink…a stiff one."
"Anything for you, my love."
The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, however you downed a few more drinks and were very drunk. Tyson helped you to the car and then up to your room once you got home.
You stripped out of your dress and pounced on Tyson.
"Whoa, easy there killer." He said catching you and placing you gently on the bed.
You kissed for a few minutes before he climbed off of you. "Alright, bedtime."
"What?! Tyson…" you whined. "I've been waiting so long for this."
“Oh have you?!” He asked, quirking his eyebrows.
“Yes, now pleeeeeease.” She whined.
“You’re too drunk, and besides it’s a little weird with your parents down the hall.”
"Ugh, fiiiine." You pouted, taking your bra off and getting comfy in the bed.
"Can you put a shirt on?"
"Oh my god, Tyson, what is wrong with you?"
"I don't know if I can control myself laying with you naked all night. Just please." He said, throwing you one of his shirts.
You sighed and put his shirt over your head. He climbed into bed next to you and wrapped his arms around you.
"I'm so glad you came with me this weekend, Tys."
"Me too, I don't think I could have lasted much longer just as your neighbor."
"Yeah, it was starting to really get to me…"
"What do you mean?"
"I just was thinking that I was going to have to distance myself because I couldn't suppress my feelings anymore…"
"Well, then I'm definitely glad we had this weekend, I would have been really sad if you did that."
"I don't know if I could live with myself if I made you sad…not to mention I'd have Landy on my ass."
"He's been texting me all weekend."
"Really? Why?"
"Updates on if we're together or not."
"Did you tell him?"
"Nah, I want to mess with him a bit."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes, "what are you gonna do?"
"I'm just going to tell him that we had an awful weekend, we got into a huge fight and we're not even friends anymore."
"You're awful."    
"But when I finally tell him that we are together now, he'll be so happy he won't even care."
"Okay, just leave me out of it!"
"Oh you're in it now. We're partners for life."
"For life?"
"I hope so."
"Me too." You said with a small smile. You turned so you were now facing him. "Goodnight, Tys." You said softly, giving him a kiss before snuggling into his chest.
"Goodnight, Y/n/N."
The next day you had a big brunch with your family before everyone went their separate ways again. Now that you and Tyson were actually together you were so much more relaxed. Despite the hangovers, everyone was laughing and joking around. You were actually a little sad that you were leaving. But, you were excited to get out of your parent's house and spend some alone time with Tyson.
After what seemed like a never ending goodbye, you and Tyson were finally on the road back to Denver. The car ride was much more pleasurable. Again, you were more relaxed, the weekend was behind you, and you frankly couldn't wait to get back.
When you pulled into the garage, you grabbed all of your bags and headed upstairs. You parted ways so you could put your bags down. A few minutes later, Tyson strolled through your front door. You were grabbing a glass of water in the kitchen, so you got one for him too and then you went back to your room so you could unpack and start some laundry.
"Do you want to bring your laundry over here?" You asked him as you gathered your dirty clothes.
"It's alright, I can do it later."
"I don't mind, Tys. I'm doing it anyway."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, go get it."
Tyson gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and walked off to go get his laundry.
Once you had a load going the two of you went and sat on the couch. You started off just talking but then ended up making out a bit. Tyson was now lying on top of you and things were starting to get heated when his phone rang. "Shit," he muttered as he rummaged around trying to find it on the couch. "It's Landy, I have to answer, I told him to call me."
You rolled your eyes but sat up next to him as he settled back.
"Hey, man." He greeted solemnly. You mouthed for him to put it on speaker.
"Hey, are you home? What happened?"
"Yeah, I'm home…um, things didn't go so well."
"Oh no...what happened?"
"Well, things with her family weren't good to start with. Then the first night we got into a fight about her brothers, and then we got into another argument the next day and I almost just left…I ended up staying but I don't think we're really even friends anymore…"
"WHAT?! Why wouldn't you be friends anymore? What did you do???"
You had to suppress your laughter at Tyson's face when Gabe insinuated it was something he did and not you.
"Why would you think it was something I did?!" Tyson asked, obviously very offended.
"It's Y/N…she just doesn't do anything wrong."
"Okay, well, I don't know. We need a break from each other."
"What the hell, Tyson? Did you even tell her how you feel?"
"I was going to, but I figured telling her after we just had a screaming match wouldn't be the best idea."
"You screamed at each other??? Jesus, what did you fight about?"
"Mat Barzal."
"Yeah he DM'd her on Instagram and it pissed me off."
"Seriously? You screamed at her?! That's not even her fault, man."
"I know, I shouldn't have gotten upset with her, but I did, and now we're just giving each other some space."
"That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Go over to her place right now and make things right."
"I can't, man."
"You can, and you will."
"No, I really can't."
"And why not?"
"Because I'm already over here."
"I'm just messing with you, Landy. We're dating now."
"Are you kidding me?! Y/N are you there? Were you in on this??"
"I wanted no part in it!!!"
"Ugh, Tyson, I want to be so mad at you right now, but I'm too happy for you!! It's about time, though. We were going to give you guys like another week, tops, before we took matters into our own hands."
You and Tyson both laughed, "who is we?!" You asked.
"Me, Mel, basically the whole team…"
"Well I'm glad we have lots of supporters." You commented as Tyson pursed his lips.
"NO one will be butting into this relationship…I'm serious Landy."
"I'm sorry that's not the way it works, Josty." Tyson rolled his eyes but you just giggled. "Anyway, I'm glad you two love birds finally figured it out. Have a good rest of your day and use protection!!!"
Tyson rolled his eyes again and hung up on Landy. "We're turning our phones off and spending the rest of the day in the bedroom." He commanded as he put his phone down on the coffee table. He looked at you signifying for you to do the same and you obeyed then followed him into your bedroom.
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
25 Days of BeChloe Christmases - 2020
Day 13 - Rescue Me
Author's Prompt: Firefighter!Chloe AU. A follow-up to Day 4 (Not A) Fire and Rescue. Beca and Chloe have been together for 2 years.
Beca and Chloe had been living together in Beca's apartment for almost a year.
Chloe reached over Beca to grab her phone to silence her alarm. She slowly stretched and fell back to the bed.
"You awake?" Beca mumbled.
"Yeah," Chloe mumbled back.
Chloe continued to lay there and Beca slid over and straddled Chloe's hips. She leaned down and started kissing down Choe's neck.
"I'll give you twenty minutes to stop that," Chloe mumbled, stretching her head back to give Beca more access.
"And, if I don't?" Beca asked.
"Mmmmm," Chloe moaned and said, "I can't think of a good punishment, so keep going."
"You're going to be late," Beca said as she moved to kiss across Chloe's chest.
"It will be the third time this a week," Beca said. "And, you know Jesse and Chicago will tease you mercilessly, all day."
"When you wake me up like this," Chloe mumbled, grabbing Beca and flipping her over onto her back. "I don't care."
Beca giggled and pulled Chloe down by the back of her head into a heated kiss.
~~ Day 13 of the 25 Days of BeChloe's Christmases - 2020 ~~
"You're late, Beale," Jesse said with a smile as Chloe walked into the engine bay. "Let me guess, car trouble?"
"Nope," Chloe said, smirking as she pushed past Jesse to enter the station.
"I bet Beca helped her get her motor running this morning," Chicago said, laughing as he and Jesse followed Chloe.
"Jealousy is not a good color on you, Walp," Chloe said as she headed toward the kitchen. "I'm getting coffee. You guys want one?"
"No, thanks," Chicago as he turned to go to his locker.
"I'll go with you," Jesse said. "I just need a refill."
Jesse followed Chloe to the kitchen. Chloe grabbed the coffee pot and poured herself a cup of coffee first before pouring Jesse's.
"Hey, Beale?" Jesse said, looking at the redhead and smirking.
"Yeah?" Chloe said, hesitantly as she replaced the coffee pot on the coffee maker.
Jesse pointed at Chloe's neck and said, "You got a little something there."
Chloe threw her hand up to her neck.
"Shit," Chloe said, setting her cup on the counter. "I'll be right back."
Jesse stood laughing as Chloe hurried away. He laughed harder when she flipped him off over her shoulder.
Chloe grabbed her makeup bag from her locker and stood in front of the mirror, assessing the mark on her neck. She couldn't help but smile as she remembered how she was marked in the first place. She wasn't ashamed or embarrassed by it, but she knew the guys, especially Jesse, wouldn't leave her alone about it.
Chloe had just finished covering the love bite when the alarm went off.
"Engine 27, Engine 15, Rescue 27, Rescue 54. Code 10-50 in the 1500 block of Green Street."
Chloe threw her makeup bag in her locker and rushed to the truck.
~~ Day 13 of the 25 Days of BeChloe's Christmases - 2020 ~~
It was a little over two hours later when Beca went running into the Emergency Room. She looked around and spotted Jesse and ran over to him.
"Where is she? How is she? What happened?"
"She's being examined by the doctors," Jesse said. "We don't know how she is; they had already taken her back when we got here. She was unconscious when they put her in the ambulance. We're waiting for confirmation, but they think she has a concussion."
"Oh, God," Beca cried, reaching out for Jesse as her knees went weak.
Jesse caught Beca and sat her in the chair next to him.
"So, what the Hell happened?"
"A car careened around our truck," Jesse said, in a monotone voice. "It was heading toward some kids who were watching us work. Chloe was by the truck, returning some equipment, and must have seen the car. She stepped out away from the truck, waving her arms to get the driver to stop. But, for whatever reason, he turned into her. She tried to jump out of the way, but the car caught her leg and flipped her into the air. She landed hard on her back. That must have been when she hit her head."
There was a sudden commotion in one of the examination rooms. Everyone's head turned toward the noise. Beca could see a guy struggling to get off the gurney. Two cops stepped in to help subdue the guy. They got him under control and handcuffed both wrists to the gurney.
"That's the guy who hit Chloe," Jesse said, his voice hard. "He's drunk."
Beca jumped up. "Son of a bitch!"
Jesse grabbed Beca around the waist to keep her from going after the guy. Beca struggled to get out of Jesse's hold.
"Beca, calm down," Jesse said. "He's not worth it. We have to stay focused on Chloe, okay?"
"Beca," Captain Smith said, getting her attention, and calming her down a bit. "He'll get what's coming to him, I promise you that."
Beca relaxed and fell back into her chair. She ran a hand through her hair and looked up at Jesse and Captain Smith.
"Has anyone called her parents?" Beca asked, looking down at her hands. "Are they on their way?"
"I called them," Captain Smith said. "Mr. Beale is sick and Mrs. Beale can't leave him alone. She's going to see if she can get someone to stay with him so she can come here if needed. She'll make her final decision once we know more. I promised I'd call once we heard from the doctor."
"Thank you, Captain," Beca said.
The Captain squeezed her arm and went back to his men.
"Jesse?" Beca said, looking over at him. "Did, um, did any of the kids get hurt?"
"All the kids are fine," Jesse said.
"Thank God," Beca said.
~~ Day 13 of the 25 Days of BeChloe's Christmases - 2020 ~~
Beca jumped up when she heard someone calling her name.
"I'm Beca Mitchell," Beca told the doctor who called for her.
"Ms. Mitchell, I'm Dr. Cooke," the doctor said. "You're listed at Ms. Beale's emergency contact. If you'll come with me I can give you an update on her condition."
"These guys are her family," Beca said. "You can speak freely in front of them. Chloe would insist on it."
"Okay, then," Dr. Cooke said, looking down at some papers. "Ms. Beale suffered a broken left leg and she has a mild concussion. Because of the concussion, we'd like to keep her overnight for observation. She also received six stitches in the back of her head. If all goes well tonight, she should be able to go home tomorrow. Oh, and she'll require crutches for a few weeks while her leg heals and should be put on medical leave until then. Do you have any questions?"
"May I see her?" Beca asked.
"Certainly, she's been asking for you," Dr. Cooke said. "I'll have a nurse show you to her room."
"Thank you, Dr. Cooke," Beca said.
"We need to get back to the station," Captain Smith said. "Tell Chloe we'll come by tomorrow to check on her."
"Thanks, guy," Beca said. "Don't worry Captain. I'll call Mrs. Beale and let her know what the doctor said. And I'll let you know when I can take her home."
"Take care, Beca," Captain Smith said. "Okay, guys, let's go back to work."
"Anything Chloe needs," Jesse said. "Anything you need, just call. And I mean anything."
"Thanks, Jesse," Beca said as a nurse walked toward them.
"Miss Mitchell?" the nurse asked, looking at Beca. At Beca's nod, she said, "If you'll follow me I'll take you to Miss Beale's room."
"I'll talk to you later, Jesse," Beca said as she followed after the nurse.
The nurse knocked on the door and entered when Chloe called out "come in." She stepped aside to let Beca enter the room. She then gently closed the door, leaving Beca alone with Chloe.
Beca stood by the door, taking everything in. Chloe's casted leg was propped up with pillows; she had a bandage around her head. Beca could see some bruises from where she was standing.
"Hey," Beca said as she walked to the side of Chloe's bed.
Beca took Chloe's hand and kissed the knuckles. Chloe smiled at her.
"God, Chloe," Beca said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "When I answered my phone and heard Jesse say you were hurt, I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I've never been so scared in my entire life."
"I'm okay," Chloe said, pulling Beca to her in a hug. "See? I'm still here."
Beca pulled back and leaned in to kiss Chloe. The kiss ended and Beca and Chloe stared into each other's eyes.
"God, I love you," Beca said.
"I love you, too," Chloe said.
Beca pulled away from Chloe and started slapping her arm.
"Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again."
"Ow, ow, ow," Chloe cried out, grabbing Beca's hands and pulling her to her for another kiss.
"I promise I won't," Chloe said, chuckling between kisses.
"I almost forgot," Beca said, pulling away from Chloe. "I promised to call your mom to let her know how you were."
"Do you have your phone?" Chloe asked. "I left mine at the station when the alarm went off."
~~ Day 13 of the 25 Days of BeChloe's Christmases - 2020 ~~
The next day, Jesse, Chicago, and Benji were visiting Chloe before their shifts at the station.
"I can't do it, guys," Chloe said. "We have to come up with a Plan B."
We only have three days until Christmas, Chloe," Chicago said.
"I know," Chloe said and fell back onto her bed. "There's got to be a way to still do this."
Chloe sits up suddenly. "Benji, can I be on the ladder as it's raised?"
"We'd have to secure you even more than normal," Benji said. "And east it up slowly. Slower than normal. But, I think we can do it."
"There's our Plan B," Chloe said, smiling. "You guys can get me up to the ladder. Benji can hook me up, and then easy peasy send me and the ladder up."
"I don't think the Chief is going to like that idea," Jesse said.
"So, let's not ask him," Chloe said. "Let's just do it. I'll take the heat if anyone comes for us."
"You must really love her," Chicago said.
"I do," Chloe said. "I really do."
"I'm still in," Jesse said.
"Me, too," Chicago said. "Benji?"
"I'm in, too."
"You guys are the best," Chloe said, smiling. "Let me call nurse, so she can call Beca to let her know she can pick me up anytime after eleven."
"I'll call her," Jesse said, pulling out his phone.
He placed the call and waited for Beca to answer. "Hey, Beca, it's Jesse."
"Hey, Jesse, what's up?"
"I'm here with Chloe and the doctor said she could go home anytime after eleven today."
"Tell Chloe I'll be there at eleven oh five," Beca said.
"I'll tell her," Jesse said. "We'll see you later."
"Thanks, Jesse," Beca said.
"So, looks like it's a definite go for Plan B," Chicago said. "I'll plan on picking you up at nine o'clock on Christmas Day. Tell Beca that I'm planning on picking you up at nine so she can stay home to wait for whoever is coming to your place."
~~ Day 13 of the 25 Days of BeChloe's Christmases - 2020 ~~
Beca and Chloe were sitting in the living room on Christmas morning, sipping their coffee when there was a knock on the door.
"That's probably Chicago," Chloe said. "I shouldn't be gone long. Just a couple of hours."
"I don't know why I can't drive you to the Station," Beca said as she got up to answer the door.
"I told you," Chloe said. "I helped organize the visit from Santa for the families around the firehouse and I want to see the kid's faces when he shows up on the truck. And, someone needs to be here when our guests arrive."
"Merry Christmas," Beca said, as she opened the door to Chicago.
"Merry Christmas," Chicago said. "Is Chloe ready?"
"Right here," Chloe said, hobbling over on her crutches. "Let's go!"
"Be careful," Beca said as Chloe stopped in front of her for a kiss.
"I will," Chloe said.
"See you later, Beca," Chicago said as he and Chloe left the apartment.
Two hours later, Beca was playing hostess to friends and family.
"When will Chloe be here?" Stacie asked.
"She left at nine and said she'd be back in a couple of hours," Beca said. "So, I'd say any time now, we should be able to hear her clomping down the hallway toward the apartment."
"How is she doing since the accident?" Aubrey asked.
"She's actually doing better than I expected," Beca said. "She walks around on those crutches like the badass I fell in love with."
"Beca, we need some more punch," Mrs. Beale said.
"We have more in the kitchen," Beca said. "I'll be right back."
Stacie heard a noise and looked up. "Oh, my God!"
"What?" Aubrey asked.
"Is that Chloe?"
"Where?" Aubrey asked, looking around.
"In the window," Stacie said, pointing at Chloe holding a sign that read, "Where's Beca?"
Stacie held up a finger at Chloe, mouthing, "Kitchen. I'll call her."
Chloe nodded.
"Beca!" Stacie called out. "There's someone here to see you!"
Beca came out of the kitchen with a punch bowl. She placed the bowl on the table.
"Who's here?" Beca asked.
"Chloe," Aubrey responded with a smile.
"Where is she?" Beca asked, looking around.
Everyone pointed at the window. Beca furrowed her brow and walked around the tree to see what everyone was pointing at.
"What the fuck?!"
Beca ran over to the window and opened it. "Chloe, what the fuck are you doing? Have you lost your mind?"
"I'm recreating the day we met," Chloe said.
"Because I love you."
"I love you, too. But, I'd love you a lot more if you were safely inside. Would you please get in here?"
"I will. But I have a question to ask you first," Chloe said, clearing her throat. "Beca, I think I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. And, I know you're it for me, so will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
Chloe held out a ring box. Beca looked at it and then looked at Chloe.
"Oh, my God," Beca said. "You did all this just to propose to me?"
"Yes," Chloe said. "So? Will you marry me?"
"Yes, you weirdo," Beca said. "I'll marry you. Now get in here so I can kiss you."
"Okay," Chloe said. "I'm going to need a little help, guys."
Chicago came up the last few rungs of the ladder; Stacie was just letting Jesse and Benji in through the door; they hurried over to the window.
"Don't worry, Beca," Jesse said. "We got this."
The three firefighters got Chloe into the apartment without any problems. Once she was inside, Benji handed Chloe her crutches. As soon as she was balanced on her crutches, Beca grabbed her and kissed her. Chloe pulled back from the kiss and grabbed Beca's left hand, placing the engagement ring on Beca's finger.
"Merry Christmas, babe," Chloe said. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Beca said, leaning in to kiss Chloe as their friends and family cheered.
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ohpedromypedro · 4 years
Turning Point
A/N: Okay so this fic is pretty much the turning point for step daddy!Pedro and y/n, hence the name, so future fics will be a little different (unless requested otherwise) and you’ll see why. I hope y’all like this! I’ve had this planned out since the beginning of step daddy, so. 👉🏼👈🏼
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
word count: 2.6+
characters: step daddy!Pedro x f!Reader, best friend oc, reader’s mother (finally lmao)
warnings: angst, mentions of pregnancy, no smut unfortunately sorry 😭, swearing, arguing/fighting, etc
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You’re snapped out of your light slumber from a sudden nauseating feeling, quickly rolling off your best friend’s bed where the two of you spent most of your girl’s night last night before rushing to her bathroom just off of her room, emptying your stomach’s contents into the toilet. She wakes when she hears you puking your guts out and is off the bed and into the bathroom in seconds, quickly rushing to your aid and holding your hair while soothingly rubbing your back.
“Are you alright?” She frowns, using the hair tie on her wrist to tie your hair up into a bun.
“I think so… I haven’t gotten sick in...years.” You sigh, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand while giving your head a shake.
“Maybe you’re pregnant,” she teased, knowing you didn’t have a boyfriend so there’s no way you could be.
“Oh fuck…” Your eyes widen and immediately you whip around to face her, spilling the secret you haven’t told a soul, the secret that’s been between you, Pedro, and God. “I’ve been fucking my mother’s husband.”
“GET OUT. Really?! You’re fucking that 10? You lucky bitch!”
“Besides the point!” You whine, slapping her arm. “This is fucking serious, Stace! What if he got me pregnant?!”
“Don’t jump to such a conclusion, I was fucking with you. My mom has a stash of pregnancy tests in case something like this happens, let me go run and grab one so you can take it and ease your mind with a negative result.”
Stacey rushes to grab a pregnancy test from where her mother keeps them before returning to the bathroom and handing it to you, giving you her best “everything will be okay” smile. You take it with a sigh, motioning with your hand for her to leave the bathroom so you can do your thing. When you finish, you take a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for the possibility of the result. 
The result is almost instantaneous and when you finally glance down to look at it, you almost faint. Positive. But how? You’re on-- Oh shit. You suddenly remember you haven’t taken your birth control in almost two weeks. When you ran out of your most recent pack, you never went to get it refilled. Your blood runs cold and immediately you jump up from the toilet to tell Stacey your result. The look on your face says it all, Stacey looking from your pale features to your trembling hands holding the obviously positive pregnancy test.
“Yeah,” you whisper, almost inaudibly. You’re stunned. What the fuck are you going to do? How are you going to tell your mother you’re pregnant with her husband’s child because you were irresponsible and forgot to pick up your prescription from the pharmacy to prevent such a thing from happening? How are you going to tell Pedro? What will he even think? You already know your mother is going to absolutely snap because you’re sleeping with her husband and now you’re pregnant with his child. Her own daughter. “My mom is going to have a fucking conniption. I mean, God I hate the bitch because she cares more about her career than her own daughter and husband, but???”
“Calm down. Everything will be okay.”
“Will it? Will it though, Stacey? Because I’m pretty sure Pedro didn’t intend on impregnating me. How do you think he’ll handle this shit? He thinks I’ve been taking my birth control!” You’re in tears by this point and you can’t help but to drop to your knees and sob. Stacey’s immediately at your side, holding you against her chest and letting you get your emotions out. “He’s going to fucking hate me.”
“Y/N,” she frowns. “Don’t say that. It’s not true. Obviously he loves you enough to cheat on his own wife for you, her fucking daughter at that.” She tries her best to reassure you, but what she says next makes you shiver. “You have to go tell him. Like...now. No time like the present, yeah?”
“I-I can’t do this alone,” you whisper.
“I’ll come with you. You know I would never make you do something like this alone.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Stacey and you arrive at your house about an hour after leaving hers, seeing as your house is practically miles from civilization just how your mother prefers. Your nerves are all haywire at this point and the closer you get to the front door, the more you feel like passing out.
“I can’t do this,” you whisper, voice cracking.
“Yes, you can. Come on.” She takes your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, turning the doorknob and opening the front door.
Pedro hears this and he can’t help but to smile knowing his favorite girl is home, little does he know you’re not alone.
“Hola, cariño. Have a good girl’s night?” He calls out to you from his spot on the couch in the living room, unaware his entire life is about to change.
“I, uh… Yeah. I guess so...” You mumble kinda miserably. Stacey elbows you, which you let out an “ow!” at and lightly slap her in return. You don’t hear Pedro approaching the front foyer until you hear his voice right beside you.
“You guess so? What happ-- Oh. Hi Stacey.” He smiles at her.
“Hi, Mr Pascal.” She smiles at him in return, a light blush on her cheeks. Man has that effect on every female he encounters.
Pedro looks at you and notices how different your demeanor is than usual, a small frown forming on his face. You look sullen to him, something he’s not used to seeing.
“Bebita, is everything okay?” He asks as his hand gently rubs your shoulder.
“I think you should sit for this, Pedro...” you take in a deep breath, looking up at him with the most broken eyes. You think you’re about to ruin his life, but that’s far from the truth.
“What did you two get up to last night?” He quirks a brow, now thinking that maybe you had gotten into some sort of trouble last night.
“It’s not that,” you whisper, feeling the burn at the back of your eyes signifying the oncoming tears. “Please, let’s go to the living room?” You ask, which he nods at and leads you there by the small of your back, Stacey following close behind. She can see it in Pedro’s eyes how much he truly cares and feels for you, so she knows that what you think is bad news will be good news. Pedro helps you sit down on the couch and after a few moments of a heavy silence, you break it. “I’m so sorry. I’m so fucking stupid and irresponsible and I’ve probably ruined your life forever.”
“Y/N, what in the world are you talking about? What did you do?” He sighs, looking at you with the most confused but concerned eyes.
“It’s what I didn’t do…” You mumble, looking toward your lap with watery eyes.
“What do you mean, hermosa?” Pedro frowns, still having no clue what’s gotten you so upset.
“I...never put in a refill on my birth control when I ran out…” You look back up to meet his gaze, his eyes widening in realization.
“You’re pregnant?”
You nod.
“And obviously I don’t have a boyfriend or sleep with anyone else, so…” You bite down on your lip, fearing his reaction to your sudden news.
Pedro stiffens at that and that’s all it takes for you to break down thinking you’ve truly fucked things up, that he’ll want nothing to do with you or your baby. You don’t even let him get another word out before you’re off the couch and running towards the stairs with a sob, rushing up to your room so you can lock yourself away for the rest of your life.
“Y/N!” Stacey rushes after you, leaving Pedro frozen on the couch.
He’s just as stunned as you were when you saw the result, but is he mad? No. Does he hate you? Hell fucking no. You’re practically his entire world at this point. He’s just worried, not only for you, but how your mother is going to react when she finds out. He knows how cold that woman can be. He doesn’t wait a moment longer before he’s off the couch and rushing right up the stairs after you, wanting to show you that he’s not mad and that he’s going to step up and do what any mature man should do in this situation. When he gets to your room, he finds Stacey cradling your overwhelmed form on the floor, his heart breaking at the sight of you sobbing and in tears.
“Can I have a moment alone with her? Please?” Pedro asks, which Stacey nods at before giving your head a gentle kiss and getting up to head back downstairs. Once he knows it’s just the two of you, he drops to the floor beside you, grabbing your tear stained cheeks in his warm hands and pulling you into him for a deep, reassuring kiss. Immediately you melt into him, your lips like magnets against his. “I love you, cariño. You and now our baby are my whole world and I am willing to change my whole life for the both of you.”
“Pedro…” You whisper.
“Listen to me,” he murmurs, keeping your face in his hands while his gaze is set on your own. “We’ll get through this, okay? We’ll keep this from your mother for as long as we can. She doesn’t have to know who got you pregnant.”
“You’re sure we can keep this a secret? I mean...obviously you got me pregnant while we were quarantined… You don’t think she’ll put two and two together?” You sniffle, leaning into Pedro’s touch as he wipes away your tears.
“I can’t say she won’t put two and two together, but we can try our best to keep her from figuring it out for as long as we can.”
You can only nod, moving to crawl into his lap and bury your face in the crook of his neck, his arms quickly wrapping around your middle and holding you against him.
“I can’t believe I’m going to be a father…” He whispers and you can hear the smile in his voice. You nuzzle his neck, your lips pressing a gentle kiss to his pulse point.
“I can’t believe you actually impregnated me.” You giggle softly, pulling back so you can gaze at him. “I can’t wait to make you a Papá. I bet you never thought you’d ever have a child of your own, huh?”
“Nope,” he smiles sadly, but it soon becomes a genuinely happy smile. “Shocked it took my own step daughter to make it happen.”
“I never planned on having children, but for you I’d do anything.”
“Oh, cariño.”
He kisses you deeply, holding you firm against him before resting his hand on your belly and giving it a small rub.
“I love the two of you so so much.”
Four months into your pregnancy and you’ve already got quite the belly growing, which Pedro absolutely loves to pepper with kisses. He talks to your belly every morning and every night, telling your baby growing inside of you how much he loves them already and how he can’t wait to shower them with all the love in the world.
The two of you are in your bedroom at the moment, Pedro on his knees in front of where you stand with both hands on each side of your baby bump, your own hand carding through his hair as he speaks to and kisses your belly.
“Papá loves you very much, bebé. Mamá and I can’t wait to meet you.” He looks up at you with a smile, his hands gently rubbing the sides of your belly. “I love you, bebita. I truly cannot wait to hold our baby for the first time.”
You gasp when you hear the shrill voice of your mother right in your doorway, your head immediately snapping toward where she’s standing there obviously fuming.
“You knocked up my daughter?!” She’s practically screaming her words and you internally and externally flinch, knowing this outburst of hers may not end well for either of you. “If you’re so into my daughter, why didn’t you marry her instead?!”
Pedro looks from your mother, to you, then back to your mother, mentally preparing himself for the repercussions of your mother’s discovery. She wasn’t supposed to be back from LA so soon, you thought she was supposed to be there for at least another week, but evidently she’s home early.
“Mom, I--”
“You shut your little whore mouth!” She snaps, tears immediately spilling from your eyes at her insulting words.
“Don’t you dare talk to her like that!” Pedro’s on his feet in mere seconds, approaching your mother with fire in his eyes. “You wanna know why I’m sleeping with your daughter? Because she’s actually here for me, she actually shows me love, and she’s a way better lay than you could ever dream to be.”
Pedro is seething by the time he reaches your mother and you’re too stunned to even move an inch from the spot you stand, tears drenching your cheeks while a soft sob wracks through you.
“You are a pathetic excuse of a husband! I cannot believe the audacity from either of you! Screwing around behind my back!”
“Maybe if you actually chose your family over your job, then something like this wouldn’t have happened!” He shouts. “Actually you know what?” He stops, looking over to where you’re standing with your face in your hands, fighting to hold back your sobs. “Yes it would have, because I knew the moment I met Y/N that there’d come a day where I’ll end up divorcing you and leaving you for her instead.”
“What the fuck are you saying, Pedro?” She growls.
“I’m saying, I’m filing for divorce and I’m taking your daughter and our child with me. You can live in this big empty house on your own and think about everything you lost because you’re a pathetic excuse of a mother and wife.”
With that he walks away from her and toward you, gently taking your wrists in his hands and pulling yours from your face.
“We’re leaving. Pack whatever you can and leave whatever you don’t care to part with. I’m not spending another night under a roof with a woman who doesn’t give a goddamn about her own daughter.”
“Okay,” you whimper, burying your face in his chest for a moment so you can hide away from your mother.
She stands there for a few moments longer before throwing her hands up and storming down the hall toward the stairs to go down to the second floor where her bedroom is, the sound of her bedroom door slamming causing you to flinch.
“I’m so sorry,” you sob.
“Bebita, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. I was going to leave her one day either way, whether you were pregnant with my child or not.”
You only nod, overwhelmed beyond belief that your mother found out this way, afraid of what she’ll do now that she knows. Instead of worrying, though, you have some things you need to do and you just can’t wait to finally be out of this house and as far from your mother as possible, finally able to live a peaceful and no longer secret life with the man you fell so hard for.
Everything: @halefirewarrior​ @takemepedropascal​ @wildcard566​ @readsalot73​ @talesfromtheguild​ @snazzyjazzy6​ @oberynispunk​ @whiskeyxinxaxteacup​ @pedrosdoll​
Pedro: @manuphantom​ @unadulterated-neckherolover @luna-longbott0m @hanelijoy​ @anoushkina​ @lireandcampfire
266 notes · View notes
silverarmedassassin · 4 years
Home for the Holidays (2/2)
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Bucky x Reader | Word Count: 5,661 | Warnings: None
A/N: Here is part two! Thank you to those who humored me and read this little mini story! Part 1 can be found on my masterlist, which is conveniently pinned to my blog 😬
This is part 2 to my holiday submission for @wonderlandmind4​‘s fall/winter writing challenge. My prompt was: Character B is very enthusiastic to introduce character A to all their traditions, but tries to be sensitive when A seems like they’re struggling to fit in/enjoy themselves.
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics​
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“You’re going to love it here,” you announce as you take the exit to your small hometown. The drive out of the city had been relatively quiet, the playlist you’d crafted specifically for the trip was only briefly interrupted a handful of times by you pointing out a landmark or attraction tied to childhood memories. Normally, silence on a road trip would make you uncomfortable, but not with Bucky. In the few months you’ve known him, you’d come to understand he was a man of very few words most of the time, so you rarely felt the need to fill the empty space with senseless words.
You’d gotten to know him a lot better in the few weeks leading up to Christmas. He had been making an effort to spend time outside of his apartment more, which often meant he would come down to yours to share a meal or watch a movie. It was nice, getting to spend so much uninterrupted time with Bucky and, if the offhand comments that Sam had offered the handful of times you’d seen him coming and going, Bucky was enjoying the time too. If anything, it was helping him open up again. And, if that’s all you could offer your neighbor, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
Bucky doesn’t say anything, instead he continues to look at his window at the passing landscape. Driving home has always been one of your favorite things to do, as the concrete jungle of the city slowly tapered off into nothing but dense forest, hills, and nature preserves. As much as you loved where you were in life now, there were always moments in time where you questioned why you’d ever decided to re-root yourself in New York City.
Once off the interstate, it doesn’t take you long to reach town limits, and it’s only a few short minutes of driving to reach your parent’s home. As you pull your car into the drive, you see Bucky tense out of your peripheral. You’d had a feeling the reason he was being so quiet today was because he was nervous, but this subtle action reaffirmed that.
“My dad’s not home yet,” you state nonchalantly in an attempt to ease his anxieties a little. “It’s just my mom home. I told her to be on her best behaviour, so you don’t have to worry about a million questions.”
Bucky glances over at you and the look in his eyes tells you that statement has eased him just a little. The fact he was so nervous to meet you family made you feel bad for even inviting him in the first place. But you knew he didn’t have anyone, as Rebecca’s family was going on a cruise, and Bucky had shared Sam was spending the holiday with his mother out of state. Despite your wanting to help him feel less alone during this awkward time of transition and settling, you felt guilty for bringing him all the way here.
Before you can let that guilt settle uncomfortably in your chest, you pop the trunk and jump out of the car. You’re only going to be home for four days, as Bucky didn’t want to stay away for too long and you wanted to use the extra time off of work to finally finish making your apartment feel like your home. Due to that, you both only had a small duffle of clothing, so unloading your things was quick.
As you lead Bucky up to the front door, you’re suddenly reminded to alert him of one tiny detail that might make him uncomfortable. As you turn to tell him, the front door of flings open and your mom comes barreling out, arms wide open. “I forgot to tell you,” you say, voice slightly muffled by your mother’s arms, “Mom’s a hugger.”
“Oh hush,” your mom says as she pulls away from you, her sights already set on Bucky. “Everyone needs a good hug.”
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That night, Bucky had an easier time falling asleep than he ever imagined. New places, mixed with the fear of having one of his nightmares typically kept him up, if not all night, into the wee hours of the morning. The non-prescription sleeping pills Sam had suggested, mixed with the calming effect you seemed to have on him, were likely to thank for the early night. He isn’t surprised, however, when he startles awake around three in the morning. As he sits up in bed, sweat-drenched hair sticking to the sides of his face, he tries to remember what exactly the dream was about. It was another little something Sam and the others had suggested he do, something about acknowledging the things that hurt us most or something.
After a few minutes of sorting through his brain and trying to pin-point exactly what was the cause of his sudden consciousness, he gives up. Bucky decides that, instead of attempting to fall back to sleep right away, he would refill his glass of water and attempt to clear his mind of any lingering shadows.
Your home is quiet, a kind of peace settles over the entire building that no place in the city could ever harness. He thinks that maybe one day he’ll retire, move someplace quiet like this, maybe have a family of his own. Bucky pauses slightly in his descent of the staircase, caught off-guard by his own thoughts. He’d never been one to think about the future, not since he woke up in it. Just living to see the sunrise over Manhattan another day was enough for him. But his mind hasn’t quite been the same since you came along.
As he rounds the corner into the kitchen, he expects to find it devoid of others, but instead finds your mother sitting at the small kitchen table you’d all been sitting around just hours before, laughing and sharing a lifetime of memories with an outsider.
“Trouble sleeping,” she asks without looking over to where he’s standing. Instead, she raises a steaming mug to her lips and takes a tentative sip.
“Ye-yeah,” Bucky says, voice still thick with sleep and disuse.
Your mom hums as she looks over to him, profile lit effortlessly by the early winter moonlight streaming in from the back door. “That’s nothing a good cup of tea can’t help fix. There’s still water in the kettle if you’d like.”
Bucky watches her a moment longer before accepting her offer. She directs him on where everything he needs is located and, before he knows it, he’s sitting down across from her, his own warm mug full of a lavender and something concoction. If anything, at least it smells good.
“I’m really glad Y/N brought you along, Bucky,” your mom says as she takes another sip of her own tea. There’s a glint in the corner of her eye that Bucky can’t quite place, and it admittedly makes him a little nervous. “I do have to admit that her father and I were a bit shocked when she said she was bringing someone home. And then finding out that someone was a...well, you. I guess you never expect your own kid to get mixed up in the affairs of a superhero,” she chuckles to herself.
Bucky takes a large drink of his tea, instantly regretting it as it burns his throat the entire way down. He doesn’t know how to respond to that. When it had sunk in that he was going to be visiting you home for Christmas, meeting your parents and seeing your hometown, it made him anxious. He remembered that, back when he was still the punk who ran the streets of old-time Brooklyn like he owned the place, when a girl invited you to meet her parents it meant you were going steady, or at least headed in that direction. He knew things had changed a lot in terms of dating and relationships in general between men and women in the eighty-odd years he had been under, but he couldn’t help but wonder if this - spending one-on-one time with his beautiful downstairs neightbor’s mom - still held the same implications as it did in the forties.
“I, uh,” Bucky isn’t sure what to say. He doesn’t want to make it sound like he is disinterested in you, he knew that you talked about him in some capacity with your mother, afterall. But at the same time he didn’t want to sound too overzealous on the off-chance that this entire trip meant nothing other than a friendly visit for the holiday. “I’m really thankful you opened your home for me.”
Your mom takes Bucky off guard when she snorts out a small laugh. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to...Listen, I don’t know exactly what is going on between you and my daughter, but whatever it is, it’s really good for her. Y/N is, as you’ve likely picked up, a giver and a caretaker. She never asks for help when she needs it, and rarely accepts it when it’s offered.
“She took the whole Snap thing pretty hard, harder than she let on I think. That’s when she really threw herself at taking care of others, so much so that she forgot to take care of herself sometimes.” She pauses and looks intently down at her mug. “Y/N needs to be taken care of sometimes, too. And, whether you know it or not, I think you do that. I haven’t seen my daughter this happy in a long time. So of course we would open our home for you. Now and whenever you may need it.”
Bucky’s unsure of how to respond to such a tender sentiment, but the way your mom is looking at him tells him no response is needed. It’s a look, he assumes, only a mother can give. One of knowing and mystery and tender loving. One that she so openly offered to him, a stranger, an intruder in her home and holiday season. He realizes then that, everything he’s gone through, everything he’s ever done both voluntarily and not, doesn’t carry as much as he’s been thinking. That, despite it all, maybe he is more than what HYDRA made him and that he is deserving of the good things that have come to him in recent weeks.
“Well, Bucky,” your mom says as she takes one final sip of her tea. “I’m going to try to get some sleep. I suggest you do the same. Christmas Eve is kind of a big deal around here. You’ll need the energy, especially if you want to keep up with Y/N.”
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Bucky quickly learned that when your mom said that Christmas Eve was a big deal, she meant it. You had come knocking at his door a little past seven this morning, telling him that, if he did not get up, you would not hesitate to grab a handful of snow. Despite the too few hours of sleep he ended up getting and the desire to hide away just a little longer before facing your entire family again, Bucky pulled himself out of bed and plastered a smile on his face.
The morning passes in a flurry of Christmas activity. Cookie dough is beat and patted and molded into festive shapes while various Christmas melodies flowed through the home. It was tradition, you had said as you deposited a fresh batch of snickerdoodles into the oven, that Christmas Eve morning was reserved for baking and eggnog making and singing out-of-tune to Christmas songs. So, you taught him how to use a rolling pin properly, showed him the perfect amount of pressure to put on the cookie cutters, and even scolded him when he took a spoonful of dough all for himself. The uncooked sugary goodness was just as good as he remembered.
As the last of the cookies are placed on a rack to cool, and the eggnog is nestled neatly into the fridge to chill, Bucky feels his back pocket start to vibrate. His heart drops momentarily when he pulls his phone out and sees Sam’s name scrolling across the screen. Sam only called for two reasons: Avengers business or to coax him out of the hole Bucky sometimes digs himself into, and only one was pertinent to the situation at hand.
Bucky excuses himself and steps out onto the back porch where he can talk in private. “Is everything okay,” Bucky asks in place of a proper greeting.
“Merry fuckin’ Christmas to you too, bud,” comes Sam’s witty response. Bucky has never wished to reach through a phone and slap the grin he just knows Sam is wearing right off his face. “I was just calling to see how things were going.”
“They’re fine, Sam,” Bucky huffs out, crossing his metal arm across his chest. “I made cookies for the first time, I think.”
Bucky can’t help but crack a smile when Sam starts to laugh on the other end. “That must have been a scene. I would tell everyone not to eat ‘em, though.”
The easygoing banter continues for a few minutes before the topic shifts to how Bucky is really doing. He shares his past day - because really he’s only been away from the city for a little over twenty-four hours - and Sam updates him on the goings-on at his own family gathering. Bucky listens intently while watching a pair of cardinals take turns pecking at the bird feeder hanging just beyond the porch and the sunset looming just beyond the yard.
“You sound really good, Buck. I’m real happy this neighbor can look past your shitty moods and spend time with you,” Sam says before saying his goodbyes. Bucky would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to hear from him. It was one of those little things that reminded him there were people out there that cared.
Instead of going back inside right away, Bucky decides to stay out on the back porch a little longer to enjoy the view of the setting sun and the tranquility that comes with being out of the city. It was rare that he found himself in a place as quiet as this, with a view unobstructed by skyscrapers. He wanted to savor the moment a little longer, appreciate the things he hadn’t realized he’d been missing for all these years.
“Pretty, isn’t it?” While lost in reverie, Bucky hadn’t heard you join him on the porch. He looks over to find you standing just to his left, already focused on the view. He admires the way the last rays of daylight streak across your face, takes in the way it makes you look like you’re lit from within by some ethereal, otherworldly energy. And maybe you were. After all, you’d somehow found a way to look past his flaws and broken pieces and settle yourself deep within his bones, whether you knew it or not.
“Yea, it is,” Bucky replies without taking his eyes off of your face. He’s not sure if he means the sun or you.
You look at him, then, the softest smile he’s ever seen planted on your face. He notices that under your left eye is a streak of flour that had found a home there at some point throughout the day. Without much thought, Bucky makes to wipe it away. “You have a little...” when he swipes his finger across the soft skin of your cheek, he swears he hears your breath hitch in your throat, but he tries not to think too much into it. He had unintentionally used his left hand, after all.
You both stand there like that for a moment, his thumb still lingering just under your lower lashes and you looking at him like he was the one responsible for this sunrise and sunset every day. The spell is broken, however, when a winter breeze blows through, causing your to shiver and curl in on yourself for warmth.
“Hey, so, if you’re up to it, we still have one more Y/L/N tradition that we have yet to complete.” You wait for a reaction, and Bucky’s not sure what you were looking for, but when he doesn’t say anything, you continue. “The city goes all out with the lights each year, and we usually go downtown to look at them. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. It’s usually kinda busy, and I know it’s cold and-”
“I’d love to,” Bucky smiles, and when he sees the unparalleled joy that spreads across your face, he knows then that he would say or do anything to be the reason for that look over and over again.
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It’s just beginning to flurry when you make it to the main drag of your little hometown. Your parents lived just far enough away to feel like a quiet neighborhood, but close enough that you could easily walk downtown without immediately regretting your decision.
It comes as no surprise when you find the wider-than-normal sidewalks in front of the neat row of old storefronts crowded with other residents bundled up in their winter’s best. Despite the shoulder-to-shoulder situation in some sections of the street, you didn’t mind the crowd one bit. The unique and beautifully decorated window displays and intricately lit buildings and trees made the awkward shuffling and getting elbowed by strangers worth it.
At some point, you get separated from your parents and, when you turn to see Bucky’s reaction to the spectacle, you find he’s a good two couples away from you. You decide then that the only way you’re going to avoid being separated from anyone else is by looping your arm through his. He doesn’t fight it, and there’s only a slight moment of stiff awkwardness before he relaxes his arm and allows you to guide him through the crowd. Your cheeks hurt from the genuine smile on your face, and your throat is already feeling the effects of the amount of talking you’re doing. You have to point everything out to Bucky, though, from the horrifying, oversized light-up tooth the town’s dentist has put on display since you could remember to the ever-changing elegant light show that danced across the courthouse. You’re so enthralled in making sure you share every last detail of this special tradition that you fail to notice the way Bucky has closed in on himself.
Despite the glistening lights and the way the moonlight was catching on the large snowflakes as they fell, the light that usually shown in Bucky’s eyes had dimmed to barely the flicker of a candle. The smile that graced his lips was for your benefit and only appeared when you looked back at him to ensure he was still listening to you. As much as he loved watching your enthusiasm seep out of every pore, and enjoyed hearing the way the pitch of your voice got just a bit higher when you spotted something you especially enjoyed, Bucky wasn’t having a good time. The crowd, despite living in New York City, was making him nauseous. Every time he let you pull him down a side street, each seemingly smaller than the next, you felt the knot that had settled in the bottom of his belly tighten just a little bit more. At least when he was in the city, he felt comfortable, knew his way around most of modern-day Brooklyn, and had identified the perfect escape routes just in case a situation went south. Luckily, he’s never had to utilize such routes. But here? The place you were so excited to show him, share with him was foreign to him. The idea of not knowing what waited beyond each turn of the corner, who stood watching through the windows above the quaint storefronts took him back to his time on the run, back to when his days were filled with strict, careful routine, and he felt he was living on borrowed time.
“Earth to Bucky,” you laughed as you waved a hand in front of his face. He blinked a few times, pulling himself back to the surface before he could drown in his thoughts. You were looking at him, obviously waiting for an answer to a question he didn’t hear. “Where’d you go?” you laughed, blissfully unaware of the demons that were creeping in the shadows of Bucky’s still fucked mind.
“I, uh, got caught up in the lights, I guess,” he replied lamely, flinching when he realized just how stupid the answer sounds. He watches as an array of emotions flick across your eyes; amusement, questioning, concern. He had to look away before you could settle on a look of pity. Bucky couldn’t handle that.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” your probe, pulling him off to the side of the walkway into the entryway of one of the many buildings. “You don’t look so good.”
Bucky felt like kicking himself, wanted to scream at and scold his fragile mind for taking the joy and excitement you had been exuding just moments ago and turning it into worry, pity, anything but what you deserved to be feeling right now. “Bucky, please tell me if something’s wrong.”
He takes a breath before looking down at his snow-covered boots. “The crowds, being in an unfamiliar place...I still have problems with that, I guess.”
Your face falls even more at that. “Why didn’t you say something? We could have gone back home ages ago. Or not come at all. Or, or…”
“Y/N, it’s fine. Really. This is a tradition; I didn’t want to ruin it.”
You cross your arms and pout at that. He’s waiting for you to stomp your foot, much like Becca used to as a child when something didn’t go her way. The thought of his sister stings a little. She would have loved something like this, Bucky thinks, and that makes his uncomfortableness even more of a nuisance. He’s alive and able to see crazy Christmas displays and enjoy the things children growing up when he did couldn’t experience, yet here he is, broken and wishing he was anywhere else.
You pull him from his revere again when you start to tug on his metal arm. “Come on,” you huff, not out of annoyance or anger, but something else he can’t quite put his finger on.
“We’re not going back to your house,” he says, digging his heels into the concrete. This causes you to stumble a little and let go of his arm. “Please, don’t let me ruin this for you. I’ll be fine.”
“The only way you’ll ruin this is if you continue to be miserable while walking around. This is the same display as last year anyway,” you shrug. “I think I can skip one year.”
The two of you stand there for a moment, just looking at each other before Bucky sighs and relents. You loop your arm through his again, this time holding it a bit firmer and closer to your body, and begin to worm your way through the crowd. The further you get from the downtown streets, the quieter and emptier the sidewalks became. It wasn’t long before it was just the two of you walking along in silence. Despite the crowd-less walk, you don’t drop his arm.
“I’m really glad you came with,” you whisper after a few minutes. You’d lead him down the long route to your home, both for the fact it was sparsely traveled by foot and because you weren’t quite ready to lose the closeness of holding Bucky’s arm. “Even if I made you uncomfortable.”
Bucky doesn’t say anything for a moment, and you think he’s retreated back into wherever he goes when he’s feeling stressed, but then he replies. “No, thank you. This is obviously a special holiday for you and your family. And here I am, intruding.”
You snort and bring your free hand up to wrap around his metal forearm. “You could never intrude, Bucky. I enjoy spending time with you.”
Despite the chill in the air, Bucky has never felt as warm as he does when those six words leave your mouth.
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When you return home, boots are quickly shed and coats are hung neatly in the closet. Bucky stands quietly by the door, waiting for your lead. Despite your efforts of making him feel comfortable in your home, his movements were still shy and timid as he glided over the hardwood floors.
“I’m going to finish putting the dishes away,” you say after a moment and nod towards the T.V.. “You’re more than welcome to turn something on, I’ll only be a second.”
Bucky nods his head and watches you disappear into the dark kitchen. He waits until the clatter of pans and ceramic bowls reaches his ears to head up to the guest room. He didn’t feel much like socializing anymore. The day, despite its laid back approach and festive touch, had been both mentally and emotionally draining for him.
Bucky gracelessly flops down onto his back on the borrowed bed. He’s contemplating sending a message to Sam, maybe do that video chatting Wanda enjoyed so much but he loathed. He needed the comfort of home, the familiar to drag him from the hole he could feel himself sinking into. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t even enjoy himself on Christmas fucking Eve. He sighs as he flips onto his side and listens as the faint sounds of you puttering around the kitchen, his enhanced hearing allowing him to hear your humming of a Christmas song he can’t quite place, travel up the stairs and wrap him in a warm embrace.
He’s not sure when he drifted off, or for how long, but you pull him back to the surface of consciousness with three soft knocks on the cracked bedroom door. “Bucky?” you say softly, not daring to enter his space without an invitation. “Is everything alright?”
“Tired, I guess,” Bucky says as he pushes himself to sit up. As he swings his feet over the side, you push the door open a little more so that you can see him.
“There’s a...We have one more tradition that I’d like to share with you, but I wanted to do it separately.” You timidly step further into the room, arms held behind your back. “We usually share one present on Christmas Eve. Typically pajamas, sometimes just a gag gift. And I, uh, I wanted to make sure you were included this year.”
Bucky watches you carefully as you make your way to sit next to him on the bed. As you settle in on the mattress, you rest a neatly wrapped package on your lap. He watches as you run your hands along the paper in a nervous attempt to smooth out the nonexistent impurities. When he finally looks up to your face, he finds that you are already intently watching him, your gaze unwavering as his meets it.
“But I don’t have anything for you,” he nervously blurts out. He can feel the heat of embarrassment as it creeps up the back of his neck when you offer him a soft laugh.
“That’s not the point, Bucky. Just...here.”
You shove the gift into his hands and, as he examines it, he can feel you practically vibrating with the excited but nervous energy you’re not giving off. This was always the worst part of receiving gifts - having to open them in front of the giver. It always made Bucky a little anxious, worried that he wouldn’t deliver the expected or desired reaction. He smooths his hands over the silver paper a moment longer before he digs a finger into a seam in the wrapping. He’s slow to unwrap your gift, a part of him wishing that you hadn’t gifted him anything at all. Bucky didn’t have anything for you, and, the more he thinks about the fact he showed up to a holiday without even a small gift for the one who invited him, it makes him want to leave and never show his face around you or your family again.
When the wrapping is finally discarded, a brown leather book sits firmly in his lap. His name, his full name, is expertly embossed across the front, and the corners decorated with a simply but intricate design. When he flips it open to the first page, a set of familiar faces are smiling back up at him. His ma, dad, and himself with Becca tucked neatly in what he remembers to be a soft yellow blanket - the photo of when they brought her home, the first photo he saw when he visited her just two short months ago.
“I wanted to give you something special, meaningful,” you say when Bucky looks up at you. “Your family helped too. They gave me copies of your old pictures, provided some of their own.”
Bucky looks back to the book as he continues to flip. He watches himself grow older with each turn of the page. Pictures his ma had taken, some from school, even some from his time as a Howling Commando. Articles, magazine clippings, and copies of book pages filled the middle of the book, all about him, praising him for what he did and what they thought he lost his life doing. He can feel tears start to prick at the corners of his eyes as he looks over previously unread words of kindness, admiration, and sadness, all for him.
He doesn’t think he could feel any fuller until he flips to a hand-drawn picture of himself and Bridget, signed sloppily but in the most loving way. He can’t help but let out a watery laugh, and he can hear you add your own chuckle. “She was very excited when I asked her to contribute. That little girl loves you so much already, you know?”
Yes, Bucky knows. He knows his worth in this world now, thinks he’s finally found his misplaced spot in this place in time, and it’s all thanks to you. His chest grows tighter the further he flips in the scrapbook. Pictures of his sister when on her wedding day, when his first niece was born. Graduation photos, birthdays, and family get-togethers just because all were documented for him to see, for him to live through these pictures because he wasn’t around to bear witness in person.
When he gets to the very last pages, he pauses. A face he hadn’t expected to see smiling back at him was tucked neatly in this book, and it filled him with a warmth he thought his poor, frozen bones would never feel again. A picture of you and him on the day of Becca’s funeral, all smiles despite the somber day. It looks like you’re mid-laugh and had only just looked at the camera in time for the photo to capture your face. He’d almost forgotten that a family member - name and relation lost to him at the moment - had insisted on getting pictures of all those in attendance, had mentioned something about never seeing each other outside of things like these so he had to take advantage. He was glad that cousin or nephew or third-something-twice-removed had pestered them into taking it, because, despite not wanting to look at his broken, mismatched self, you were there shining brighter than he thinks he’s ever seen any star.
“Bucky,” you whisper, clearly unsure of what to make of his silence.
“I...I don’t know what to say, Y/N,” Bucky swallows the lump in his throat in an attempt to keep the tears that have begun to swell in his eyes from coming out in his voice. “This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever given me - done for me, actually.”
When he looks up at you, he tries to blink back the tears but it causes them to spill down onto his cheeks instead. “Oh, Bucky,” you gently laugh and raise a hand to wipe away his tears. When your hand makes contact with his cheek, however, you realize what you’re doing and make to pull it back. Bucky, however, is quicker and places his flesh hand on top of yours to hold it firmly to his fuzz-covered cheek.
“I lied,” he whispers and you give him a concerned and questioning look. “Earlier. I said I didn’t have a gift for you, but I do.” As he’s speaking, he slowly begins to lean in closer until your face-to-face, only a breath away from one another. “Only if you want it, though.”
You nod and bring your other hand up to fully cup his face as he closes the space between you, gently connecting your lips. It’s a slow, chaste kiss that has him craving more. More of the feel of your soft lips against his, more of your breath catching in your throat, more feeling your eyelashes butterfly across his own as you pull away just enough to rest your forehead against his. He opens his eyes slightly to get a peak of you. You’re already looking at him, a smile spread across your lips.
In that moment, he wishes he had the ability to read minds so that he could know exactly what you were thinking. Before he has the chance to say anything, you’re leaning back, this time pressing your lips more firmly against his own. If it weren’t for the fact he was so enraptured in the essence of you, he would be embarrassed by the low groan that rumbles deep in his chest. He feels your lips perk up into a wider smile before planting another quick peck to his lips before pulling away so that you could look him square in the eyes.
You brush a lock of his hair from his face and tuck it behind his ear before whispering, “Merry Christmas, Bucky.”
40 notes · View notes
Star Treatment - 1
TBHC Alex Turner AU
cowritten with @walkingidler​
description: an escort, a millionaire, a hotel that breaks the boundaries of technology, time, and space, a flashing red light, and a shit ton of cocaine.
word count: 3.5k
warnings: mentions of mental illness, light drug use, and assault. I’d rate this chapter PG-13.
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“We’re just leaving now. Should only be a few minutes. Brielle is very excited to meet you.”
“Lovely. I’ll step outside and wait for her arrival.”
As Alex stepped outside, the warm Los Angeles air hit him like a swift palm to the face. He took off his blazer and waited, not quite knowing who for. He knew she was young and at least somewhat attractive, he had been quite impressed by the pictures that his friend showed him. Who knew, though. Girls in LA never looked like they did in their pictures. 
In only a few moments, a black SUV pulled up to the lavish restaurant. Alex smiled politely when a small brunette girl stepped out. Wow, he thought. She’s actually more attractive than her photos.
“I presume you’re Miss Brielle,” Alex took a step toward her as she strutted up to him, and shook her hand.
“And you must be Alexander,” the girl hummed. The word ‘Alexander’ left her lips like honey, leaving goosebumps down Alex’s spine. She looked up at him with bedroom eyes, her soft green irises twinkling under the moonlight. Alex couldn’t help but stare.
“Come on, Darling. There’s a bottle of wine waiting for us at the table,” Alex muttered, still admiring the petite girl’s beauty. She smiled up at him before putting her hands around his arm and allowing him to guide her to the table.
“So,” Alex pulled out the chair for Brielle. “How old are you, Brielle. You look quite young.”
Brielle thanked him as she sat down, and when Alex returned to his side of the table, she chuckled a bit. “I’m nineteen. I’ve been doing this for almost three years now.”
“Three years? That would have made you sixteen when you started. How did you get caught up in something like this so young?” Alex poured Brielle a glass of wine.
Brielle sighed. “You’re eager, aren’t you? Usually men don’t ask me my life story until at least the third or fourth date.”
Alex’s eyes grew wide and his face flushed. “Oh- I’m sorry. I’ve never actually done anything like this before, I guess I didn’t get the ‘escort manners’ memo.” 
Brielle laughed again. “No, don’t apologize. It’s refreshing to sit down and have dinner with someone who doesn’t just want to talk about their tough day at work or their failing marriage or their kids who are probably all around my age.”
“Right. I guess you’re probably used to married men. I forgot about that.”
“Do you not have a woman in your life, Alexander?”
“I’m actually on this… er - date… by recommendation of a friend to help me get over my most recent ex girlfriend.”
Brielle frowned at Alex and stuck her bottom lip out in pity. “I’m sorry, Alexander. I’m sure it was her loss. You’re a very attractive man and from what my higher-ups said, you’re quite the businessman.”
Alex chuckled. “Businessman. That’s a funny one. But - and just let me know if I’m prying, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable - you never answered my question. I want to know how you got here.”
Brielle exhaled and took a long sip of her wine before tucking her hair behind her ears and looking directly into Alex’s eyes; it was like she could see a universe behind them as they gleaned against the dim lighting. “I’m just going to say this now, Alexander. I don’t want pity. I’m a big girl and I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at, even if you may not see it as the most noble lifestyle.”
Alex nodded. “I understand, and trust me I’m never one to judge your lifestyle. I am the one who hired you, after all.”
Brielle pursed her lips into a small smile before continuing. “When I was fourteen, I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I had been suffering from it for a long time before I was diagnosed, and it really took a toll on my relationships with my family. My parents were never the best people, they’re quite wealthy and are kind of your typical ‘Real Housewives of Los Angeles’ assholes. My mother told me from a very young age that it was more important to be pretty and polite than yourself, and my father never really paid attention to me. So when I was diagnosed, they kind of just wanted to throw me on whatever meds would make me a zombie and would keep me out of their hair, but I wasn’t having it. I deeply understood that I was who I was because of BPD, and even if I was irrational or ‘crazy’ or whatever, that was me. So I never took my meds.”
As Brielle fell into her own little world, painting out the picture of her teenage years for Alex, he watched her. He watched how her soft lips fell when she was speaking about her parents, how her eyes creased in hesitation before going on about her mental illness, how her delicate hands acted out everything she spoke about. He listened to her voice, taking note of the way she giggled through her story and put emphasis on words like crazy and troubled. Alex usually didn’t like American accents, but there was something about hers he couldn’t get enough of. She sounded intelligent, he could tell that there was a lot going on in her brain and it made him want to hear more.
“When I was fifteen, my mom found out I wasn’t taking my meds. She was livid. She screamed at me for hours, that was one of the worst days of my life. She called me a spoiled brat and a fucking psycho and said that having me was one of the worst mistakes she ever made. That day really pushed me over the edge. I couldn’t stand living with her anymore. I told her to take me out of the trust and to never speak to me again, and I left.”
Alex furrowed his brows. “You left when you were fifteen?”
Brielle rolled her eyes. “I know, I know. I was way too young to be on my own. But I had places to go. For that first year or so I stayed with some friends downtown. It was great. I got a job at a decent restaurant, and the friends I was staying with had an in to this club so we were constantly out partying and drinking and all that jazz.”
Alex frowned even more. “You were hanging out in clubs when you were fifteen?”
“Yes, Alexander. Fifteen. I dropped acid for the first time when I was fifteen. I did coke for the first time when I was fifteen. I had sex for the first time when I was fifteen. I was a bad kid.”
“I didn’t call you a bad kid, I just wanted to clarify.”
“Sure you did, Alexander.”
“I mean it.”
“I’m sure you do.”
“Brielle, would you please just continue your story?”
Brielle shot Alex a dirty look before continuing. “One day, I was in the club, and a man came up to me. He told me he liked how I danced. I was like ‘okay?’ And then he told me he’d pay for me to sit with him and keep him company. At first I was like, ‘no, what the fuck?’ because I was a kid and I didn’t realize what he was asking, but I guess one of the guys we knew who ran the club saw and pulled me aside and explained it to me. He told me that if I wanted to pursue that, he could take care of the business side of everything, and promised to keep me safe. At that point I already had no morals for myself so I was just kind of like, ‘fuck it’, you know? Fast forward three years, and I’m still saying fuck it.”
Alex repeated the words to himself. “Fuck it.” 
Brielle bit her bottom lip and raised her glass. “To saying fuck it.”
Alex grinned and put his glass to hers. “To saying fuck it.”
They both laughed after drinking their wine, and a waiter came up to them. “What can I get for you two?”
Brielle looked down at the menu and hummed softly. “I’d love the salmon, please.”
Alex handed the waiter his menu. “I’ll do the filet mignon.”
After the waiter refilled both of their water glasses and walked away, Alex looked back over to Brielle. 
“I must say, Brielle. I’m absolutely enthralled by you.” 
Brielle smirked. “As I am by you.”
Alex cocked an eyebrow. “How so?”
“Well,” Brielle took another sip of her wine. “You’re a lot younger than most of the other men I see. You’re unmarried, extremely wealthy, have a sexy accent, and are insanely attractive. I can’t quite figure out why you decided to hire an escort.” 
Alex bit his lip. “So you think I’ve got a sexy accent?”
“You’re missing the point.”
“Well, maybe I just wanted to be seen out with an attractive young lass.”
Before Brielle could respond, the waiter returned with their meals. 
Brielle let out an excited gasp at the sight of her dinner, making Alex giggle. “That’s a mighty fine lookin’ fish you’ve got there, darling.”
Brielle picked up her fork in a hurry, and let out a little moan as she took her first bite. “Oh my god, this is insane.”
Alex’s eyes grew darker at the sound of her little noises of delight. This girl was driving him absolutely mad, just watching her lips curl around her fork and smile into the salmon was getting him hot and bothered.
Brielle looked up from her meal and scoffed at Alex. “Are you gonna eat your steak or are you just gonna sit there and drool over me?”
“Wow, Brielle. I would’ve thought a girl getting paid to have dinner with me would be a bit less blunt,” Alex chuckled.
“Jeez, sorry that I’m comfortable enough with you to not be perfect,” Brielle blew a raspberry at the man across the table, and then smiled and stuck her fork out to him. “Would you like a taste?”
Alex cleared his throat in order to keep his composure. “I’d love some.”
Brielle stuck her tongue out slightly as she moved the fork toward Alex, and as Alex took the salmon into his mouth, she averted her gaze from the fork to his eyes. He was looking directly at her, so their eye contact was immediate. Both their eyes were dark, the heat of the moment building up between them. Alex had no idea that such a small gesture could get him going so quickly, and Brielle had no idea that she could feel the things she was feeling for a client. As the two of them backed away from each other and leaned back into their seats, they held eye contact.
“That’s absolutely heavenly. I should’ve gotten that instead of the steak,” Alex raved.
“I’m sure your steak is quite good as well, it looks fantastic.”
Alex lowered his voice a bit. If she was going to be bold, so was he. “Well open up then, have a taste.”
Brielle blushed a bit, the apples of her cheeks lifting when the corners of her lips curled into a grin. She leaned forward, resuming her eye contact with Alex as she took the steak into her mouth. She let out a few moans of delight as she sat back in her seat, nodding as she chewed. Alex bit his lip in satisfaction. He’d hand feed her bites of his meal all night if it meant he’d get to hear those noises.
“Holy shit, that’s a really good cut of meat.” Brielle mumbled. Her mouth was still full, and Alex laughed at her poor table manners.
The eccentric couple sat and finished their main courses, making small talk and getting to know each other better. At one point they talked about their favorite films, having a rather riveting conversation about one particular French film, Le Cercel Rouge. Alex practically proposed to Brielle when she had mentioned the movie, it was one of his favorites and he loved a girl who knew French cinema. They also talked about Alex’s two Akitas, Vesta and Vulcan. Brielle gushed over the pictures he showed her of them, she loved dogs and begged Alex to meet them (to which Alex replied something along the lines of “that can be arranged”).
“Alexander,” Brielle purred. 
They were eating dessert now. Alex had ordered a rather decadent chocolate mousse, and Brielle went for banana parfait. 
“Please, Brielle. Call me Alex.”
Brielle simpered. “Alright, Alex. You asked me how I got here, but how did you get here?”
Alex frowned. “I already told you. A friend of mine recommended I see someone to take my mind off of my ex.”
“No, silly. Not here, here. How’d you end up in LA? Where did your wealth come from? What do you do for a living?” Brielle pointed her spoon at Alex to emphasize what she was saying. 
“Well, alright. I’ve lived in the states officially for ten years now, but before that I visited quite often. I grew up in a little town in the UK called Sheffield, but my uncle owned a hotel here in Los Angeles and I often came to visit.”
“Oh, that’s really cool! Which hotel does he own?”
“Well, actually I own it now. It’s the Tranquility Base.”
Brielle’s eyes widened. “You own that thing?” The Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino was a massive building in the heart of Beverly Hills, and just so happened to be one of the most prestigious residencies in California. It was quite elusive. People were rarely seen going in and out, however it was widely known that this was where the most rich and famous stayed. 
“Yes ma’am.”
“So, I’m assuming that’s where your fortune came from?”
“Well, partially. My uncle left me a lot of money, plus the hotel, but I also, um,” Alex paused to find his words. How could he say this without exposing himself? “I’m an entrepreneur.”
Brielle narrowed her eyes at Alex’s last statement. “So you’re a drug dealer?”
Alex’s eyes grew wide. “How did you-“
“Alexan- er, Alex, I’ve been escorting for three years. I know that ‘entrepreneur’ is code for ‘I’m a drug lord’. It’s nothing to be secretive about. I’m trustworthy.” Brielle leaned back in her seat with a sort of cocky look on her face.
“Okay, yes. I’m involved in… that sort of thing. Another gift from my uncle. High standing in one of the most elite drug rings in the country. Both a blessing and a curse, but it is what it is.” Alex let out a breathy laugh and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small bag full of a white powder. “Want some?”
Brielle’s face contorted into a Cheshire Cat smile. “You know, usually I’d decline. I may be dumb but I’m not dumb enough to take anything from a stranger. But I’m feeling lucky tonight, Alex. I trust you.”
“Off to the bathroom we go, then.” 
It was only two more days until Alex arranged another dinner date with Brielle, and a few days after that he called upon her for a quick dog walk with Vesta and Vulcan. Alex didn’t stop thinking about her for days. He thought about her in the shower, while he was working, during meetings, he dreamed about her, he had even asked his driver to follow her around one evening to see what she got up to in her free time. She was driving him mad, making him sick. He wanted her - no, he craved her, and at this point he’d pay her every night if it meant he got to spend time with her. She may have been some dirty fantasy of his at first, but in only a month he felt that he had strong feelings for Brielle.
Luckily for Alex, she thought similarly. Every time her “boss”, Enzo, told her that she’d be accompanying Mister Turner, her eyes lit up. As much as she hated that she liked someone as old as Alex, she was fascinated by him. Brielle had even gone to the extent of asking Enzo for his number, so she could see him outside of work, but that hadn’t gone well.
“Bri, you know the deal. No seeing clients outside of work.”
Enzo and Brielle stood against the club’s back wall, looking out over the sea of people. 
Brielle scoffed after him and took a drag from the blunt the two of them were sharing. “Enzo, please. I’m not going to go behind your back and ask him for more money or anything. I just want to be able to see him outside of work.”
The tall man looked down at Brielle as if she had lost her mind. “Bitch, that’s the problem. You start fucking your clients for free and I’ve lost all my credibility. People will clown us, and I can’t let you cost me clients.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Enzo. You’re absolutely impossible. I’ll just ask him for it the next time I see him,” she whisper-shouted and began to walk away. Enzo chuckled before grabbing Brielle by the hair, slamming her against the wall and gripping her arm violently to keep her in place. She looked up at him with a spiteful look, “What gives, Enzo? Can you let me fucking go?”
“You’re forgetting something, Bri. I own you. You’re caught up with me, and there’s no getting out of it. You knew that the moment you started doing business with me.” Enzo bent down so his face was level with hers. He kissed her cheek before letting her go and taking the blunt from her hands. “You’ve got a date with Mister Turner tomorrow night. I’ll be watching you closely. Don’t do anything fucking stupid.”
Brielle nodded her head in compliance, and when he shoved her away, she stormed outside and kicked off her shoes. “I can’t fucking believe him. I cannot fucking believe him. I’m going to fucking kill him. I fucking- I can’t fucking- I-,” Brielle cried. She was warm to the touch, the tears streaming down her face seemed to be sizzling against her hot cheeks. She couldn’t do anything but sit on the sidewalk and cry, she had no one to call or talk to help her calm down. 
“Need a cigarette, Love?”
A familiar voice reached from behind her.
“Hey, Alex.”
 Brielle sniffled and wiped the tears off of her cheeks before turning around to greet him. Maybe In a different situation she would asked him why are you here, but she was just thankful to have someone there for her - no questions asked.
 Alex sat next to her on the curb, and pulled a carton of Marlboros and a lighter out of his coat pocket. He pulled two cigarettes out of the pack, and handed one to her. “What’s going on, Brielle?” 
“Just work troubles,” Brielle shrugged. She thanked Alex after he lit the cigarette for her, and laid back on the concrete to take her first drag. 
Alex ran his hand over her small arm, a dark bruise was forming from where Enzo had held her against the wall. His voice got quiet. “I can see that.”
Brielle panicked and ripped her arm away from Alex’s soft touch. “Please don’t say anything about this to anyone. Enzo and I just had a bit of an argument. I’m okay.”
“Brielle, I know how Enzo is. If you’re in trouble you can tell me, I’m here for you.” Alex’s voice was low and soft, he seemed genuinely concerned and it made Brielle’s eyes well up once again.
“I can’t escape, Alex. You know how people like that are. If I ever go against his word he’ll kill me,” she mumbled. When Alex put his arm around her and pulled her closer, she burst into tears. “I want out so badly.”
Alex sighed and kissed the top of her head, his beard tickling her forehead. They sat there for a moment, just waiting for Brielle to calm down a bit, before Alex stood up. 
“Come home with me, Brielle. Please. You need someone to keep you company.”
Brielle furrowed her brows and stood up to be more level with Alex. “I can’t.”
“Why not?” Alex stepped closer to her, and Brielle quickly stepped away.
“I just…can’t.” She began to tear up again. As much as she did want to go with Alex, she was terrified of what Enzo would do. “Trust me, I’d love to be with you. I really would.”
Alex looked confused, but he let it go nonetheless. He was sure she had a valid reason. “At least let me drive you home. Please.”
Brielle smiled weakly and nodded her head. “Okay.”
Alex put an arm around Brielle and guided her to his towncar. He opened the door for her, and cleared his throat as the two of them slipped in.
“Brielle, this is my driver, Nick O’Malley. Nick, Brielle Roux.” 
Brielle said a quick hello to Nick, who didn’t say anything, but rather nodded at her. The drive home was quiet, it mostly consisted of Brielle sniffling away her tears and telling Nick how to get to her apartment, and Alex comfortingly rubbing Brielle’s thigh.
“Here we are,” Brielle muttered as they rolled up to her apartment. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Alex.”
She planted a kiss on Alex’s cheek before slipping out of the car.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Love.”
110 notes · View notes
talesfromlissom · 3 years
  A/N: Hey everybody, Omens here. This series is part of my series for the (Y/N)’s. These works are here to establish the backgrounds, personalities, and such of each of my (Y/N)’s, as they’re all separate characters and not a blank slate. 
So far, I’m doing my three most popular requested ones which are; Hanzo, Mcree, and Genji. This is Mcree’s. I’m sure these works will have about 3-4 chapters each, with the first being the beginning of their life, to the last being present time. That being said, you don’t have to default to these (Y/N)’s either. If you have a request that’s specific like 
‘Mcree with an S/O who has a body like Genji?’. I will easily do that. These (Y/N)’s are just the default if you request something vague such as ‘Mcree goes on a date with (Y/N).’ and such. 
However, I do have placeholder names for each of these characters. If you would like a request with this specific (Y/N) you can use (Y/N)!Ambrose. Sorry if this was confusing but :)
                            |  Chapter 2 -  Dirty Shoes|
Chapter Summary: They say your childhood flies by faster than your adulthood. That is true. They say that you should do the things you enjoy while your young. That is also true. 
They also say that there’s no such thing as monsters under your bed. That’s not true. 
!WARNING! This work contains graphic depictions of violence, foul language, and other sensitive topics. Reader discretion is advised. 
Overwatch Masterlist 
Ninjago Masterlist
The Arcana Masterlist
Ask Box (Requests are CLOSED!) 
Wattpad Version
                     “They broke my wings, but forgot I had claws.”
Your entire life, you had spent it being common. You had a 'common' sob story of losing your parents in the omnic crisis. You had the 'common' new blood mark. You wanted to be special, you wanted people to notice you. You didn't know that this wish would cost your humanity, however.
!WARNING! This chapter contains blood, violence, and death. Please proceed with caution. 
Song: Dancing with the devil - Set it off
Tumblr media
                                              ��       +-+
It was 9:30 at night when you had received the call from Holland. You had just gotten home to your small apartment which you shared with your (crappy) roommate. The familiar made you pull the phone from your pocket immediately.
"Hey (Y/N)! It's been a while, huh?"
You chuckle, twirling your car keys on your ring finger. "Yeah." You began, leaning against the door. "College has been busy, how have you been?" You ask, recognizing the voice immediately, your day improving instantly from this call.
"Ah, I've been better," Holland says. "I've been so busy, so I figured I wanted to go down to a bar to loosen up a little. Wanna come?"
"Sure, which one?"
"Lilac Gardens."
"The one that opened up two months ago?"
"Hell yeah, a lot of people are saying their food is good, and apparently most of their staff are nice to look at too."
You roll your eyes, turning around and grabbing the door handle.
You're halfway out the door when you ask; "I'm guessing you want to go now?"
"Hell yeah I do, I wanna pick up some chicks."
You fake a gagging noise, locking the door behind you. "Don't ever say that again, please."
"So, you want me to meet you there?"
"I bet I can beat you." You say.
Holland laughs.
"You're forgetting I can walk really fast."
"And you're forgetting that I own a car." You retort as Holland sputters over the phone before hanging up.
Just as you expected, you showed up at the bar before Holland did. Not that he minded, of course, it would be fun to tease Holland for being late.
Soon, you see a bus roll up across the street, various passengers coming off. There, you see Holland in all his glory, just as you expected.
Same pale skin, with freckles littering his face, same round eyes, flushed cheeks, and bright cyan hair. He's wearing a nice jean jacket, a white and black striped shirt, with jeans and Adidas. His face immediately brightens as he crosses the street and sees you.
"Since when did you drive?" He asks as he wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"Since I got my driver's license back sophomore year of college." You reply, rustling his hair.
You two enter the rustic bar, taking a seat as Holland orders two drinks.
"So, has college been pummeling you into the ground?" Holland asks.
You shrug. "Well...kinda. Speaking in front of the class still makes me nervous...but I'm gonna have to do it if I wanna be an art history teacher."
Holland leans back in the chair, sighing.
"Hm, the exact opposite of me then," He muses. "I've been buried in work, might as well dig my own grave with the papers I still have to finish."
You shake your head as the glasses are passed to you two.
You down the drink in one gulp, as Holland, mimics you. The two of you slam your glasses on the counter, as Holland chuckles.
"So, other than college kicking us in the ass, how have you been?"
You shrug.
"Pretty good I guess. Roommate's nice."
Holland frowns.
"Okay, he sucks ass, but he helps pay rent so, y'know. He stays."
"Thank god he does. If he didn't I would've hauled his ass into the nearest dumpster."
You snort.
"He's three times your size."
"So? No man is safe from a kick in the balls."
This time, you laugh, throwing your head back in the process.
"Have you called your moms yet?"
Holland scoffs. "Have I? No, have they? Yes, every day."
Holland shakes his head.
"I love them really, it's mainly just them showing me their dog doing stupid stuff like barking at the wall." Holland pauses. "What about yours?"
There's hesitance. Holland raises an eyebrow.
Your face contorts. "It's just...Mrs.Parkiston is in the hospital."
Holland's eyes widen. "Oh god. I'm sorry (Y/N). Why didn't you tell me?"
You shrug. "Didn't wanna bother you. She'll be fine, she's tough as nails."
Holland frowns. "Are you sure...you don't wanna talk about it?"
You nod slightly, swirl your drink around in your hand, watching the ice swim in circles.
Holland nods his head slowly and asks for a refill.
"Woah there, don't wanna make yourself drunk, Holls."
"Hey now, I'm a grown man. I can handle a drink or two."
This time, it's you who shakes your head.
"Damn, it's almost midnight," Holland mutters, gesturing to his watch. "Think we should call it a night?"
"Depends. Do you have classes tomorrow?"
"Only one, but it's at 5ish."
"Ha! I have no classes, so why don't we go somewhere else?"
"Like a movie?"
"With you and your loud mouth? We'd get kicked out during the movie trailers." You tease, and Holland huffs. You place your card on the counter, and spin around, surveying the rest of the bar. It's mostly empty, minus the small frail woman on the couch in the far corner of the room.
You raise an eyebrow, upon seeing the woman being approached by a man. Your nose crinkles as the man practically forces the woman to her feet and begins to walk out the door with the man.
\You pause, as the man turns to you, and for a second you feel your heart drop to your stomach, your skin turning cold. The man's eyes are wide, the lighting surely makes them red, and the blood veins are bright as ever. The minute this man looks away, that feeling is gone.
"Hey Holland, are you done yet?" You ask, trying to not stumble over your words, as you take your card back from the barista.
Holland turns to you. "Yeah, why?"
"Did that woman enter the bar with anyone?"
Holland pauses, as you gesture to the woman who's giggling and nearly falling to her feet, just outside the door.
The woman is pulled away and the two begin to walk down the street, past the window. Holland turns to you.
"I know that look (Y/N)."
You're already out the door as Holland races to catch up with you, as you walk down the street, eyes peeled.
"(Y/N), she probably called someone to pick her up-"
"I don't know, Holland. That guy looked at me, and his eyes were all...all bloodshot! I felt so cold, you don't get like that looking at somebody-"
"(Y/N), you're probably just a bit tipsy-"
"I had two drinks-"
The two of you pause before you hear a shout escape through the air. Holland freezes, exchanging a look with you.
"Don't you dare-!"
Before he finishes you take off running towards the sound of the scream. Holland is shouting behind you, but you don't hear it as you slide to a stop on the outside of the alleyway.
You feel your jaw become slacked, your gaze fixated on the black heels on a woman's legs. The legs twitch once. The figure above the body making smacking noises as they lay hunched over her upper body.
"H-hey!" You shout.
The man turns around, and your eyes go wide. Red drips down the man's mouth, and you know damn well that the man's teeth is much longer than normal. His eyes are beet red, pupils blown wide, and his skin is so pale, it's practically white and glittering off of the flickering street light above you.
You slowly peer down at the woman's face, your heart pounding in your chest. Two holes are in the woman's neck, more blood pooling down the wounds and onto the concrete below. Her eyes are wide and glossed over.
"W-what the hell did you do!" You shout, the man doesn't move.
You hear footsteps behind you.
"(Y/N)? Seriously, just-Holy shit!"
Holland stumbles at the scene before you. As the man slowly stands up.
He's muttering under his breath as Holland grips your shoulder.
"Y-Y/N, we should...we should get outta here-!"
The man screeches before launching at you two. One hand coming forward to grasp your plaid shirt, and the other grabbing Holland by his hair. The two of you are thrown into the alleyway, and Holland screeches as he lands on the woman's body.
He scrambles, practically on top of you.
"Oh god, we're gonna die...(Y/N) we're gonna die-" Holland trembled.
"We're not gonna die, Holland." You hiss.
The man, who has blood dripping onto his t-shirt, hisses.
You shove Holland to the side, and the man slams face-first into the dumpster. There are two holes where his teeth were, and you look around the area.
Your hands dart across the ground, scrambling to find something of use, and your fingertips brush against something. You pull out a....bag...from under the dumpster?
"Look out-!"
The man screeches and dives at Holland this time, Holland cries out as he's wrestled onto the floor. His legs kick out, and all over the place, trying to kick the man off. Holland has his arms on the man's shoulders, who lashes out and snaps at him like a dog.
"Call the cops (Y/N) holy shit!"
You reach into your pocket, but don't feel your phone nor your car keys. "They're gone!"
Holland screams as the man snaps at his face.
"Then just do something!" Holland yells.
You tear open the bag and with that, your eyes widen.
"What the hell..." You mutter, grabbing the piece of wood and grasping it in your hand. There's a strange symbol on the top of it. You don't recognize any of it.
The man stops, snapping his head towards you so harshly that you hear it. You make eye contact with the man, but this time you don't freeze. The wood feels hot in your hand, almost driving away the cold, and your entire body seems to get a rush from this.
The man jumps at you, your eyes flicker to the wood.
You're slammed into the wall by the man, who shouts when you plunge the wood directly into his shoulder. You pull it out again as he staggers back. His eyes go fully red, and you hear cracking noises.
The man- no, this thing attacks you again, grabbing your wrist and twisting.
You shout out as the wood drops from your hands, and the man wrestles you to the ground. Jaw snapping.
"Ah! Holland do something!"
There isn't a response from Holland at first, but the man pauses for a second, sputtering. You cry out as you see the pierced end of the stake go through the man's chest, forcing blood onto your clothes.
You shove the man's body off of you. This thing sputters, his eyes slowly meeting your own.
He reaches a frail hand out before you hear the blood drip onto the concrete, and his bloody hands smear finger marks on your cheek. The man collapses onto the ground.
Holland breathes out heavily.
"Holy...did...did I just kill that guy!"
"You...You didn't mean to! Right?"
"Of-of course not! He kept moving too much and I just went for it I-" Holland grabs fistfuls of his hair. "Holy fuck (Y/N)! Now we're screwed, we're so screwed!"
For a moment, you're stunned. There's blood on you, you know there's blood on you.
"We...We should call someone." You quavered, feeling your body tremble as you step back into the wall.
"And tell them what? 'Hey my friend and I just got back from a bar and killed a guy who killed a woman! Ooh! And we also killed him with a fucking stake from Home Depot!"
You make a face at Holland, who gestures wildly at the wood.
"I don't know (Y/N)! I could go to jail for this, we're ruined-! So ruined-"
"Holland calm down."
"Calm down!" Holland roars. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down-!"
Holland pauses, the anger turning to shock, eyes going wide.
You raise an eyebrow and slowly turn towards the bodies. The man's body slowly becomes bright, before it fades to dust, leaving his destroyed clothes behind. Just as the man's body disappears, the woman does as well. Not leaving any trace of evidence behind. The concrete is clean of any blood.
"What. the. Fuck." Holland mutters. "This is some supernatural type shit."
There's a tense silence shared between you two. You grab the stake, and the bag, and swing it over your shoulder.
"We're leaving, now."
Holland's eyes widen.
"Holland, let's go!"
You harshly grab his wrist as you two run down the street, you see Holland's gaze never leave the alleyway as you two run. Before he faces the ground, his lower lip is bitten. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was on the verge of tears.
You slam the front door to your apartment, and let out heavy breaths.
"Now...now what." Holland whispers. "Are we going insane or something? Maybe...Maybe we had too much to drink?"
While Holland tries to rationalize what just happened, you sigh and shut your eyes.
You softly guide Holland to the couch right to the door. He sits down, hands over his mouth, eyes flicking left and right.
You place the bag on the coffee table before you.
Holland puts his head in his hands as you turn to the bag. Curiosity gets the better of you, and you slowly unzip the bag.
"Jesus, what the hell is all of this?" You ask, slowly grabbing the large wooden cross with your left hand, and a smaller stake with your right.
Holland slowly uncovers his face.
Holland shoves past you, whilst you shout out a 'Hey!'. You reach into the bag and pull out a white bottle, as well as a rolled-up piece of paper.
"Holy water?" Holland mutters, as he places it on the coffee table and unravels the paper.
He snickers. "Jeez, d&d nerd much?"
He nudges you in the side, as you raise an eyebrow.
"Why is that guy on a wanted poster."
You crinkle your nose. "Jeez, they really did him wrong. Look at his nose."
Holland smiles. "look...his teeth too."
"Cain Soloman." Holland reads. "Vampire lord....19 grand for live...capture..."
Holland tosses the paper onto the coffee table.
"I'd say that was a load o' bull, but...you know I'd be lying."
You place the stake and the cross down.
"Is there anything else in there?" Holland began. You shrug, opening the bag wide.
"Nope, that's it."
Holland shakes his head.
"Who would leave a backpack with all of this stuff under a dumpster anyways though?"
"It's not a backpack."
"Then why does it look like one?"
You let out an exasperated sigh.
"Do you...really think that thing was a vampire?" You ask, hesitantly.
"Probably." Holland leans back, head aimed towards the ceiling. "Makes sense. The eyes, teeth, super strength, dead woman with the two holes in her neck."
"But Holland-"
"He turned into dust after you stabbed him, that woman disappeared too, blood and all!" Holland adds. "Holy crap we're in deep!"
"I always wanted to be a sorcerer when I was a kid and fight monsters, but I didn't think that'd actually happen," Holland mutters.
Holland groans and puts his hands on his face again, as you turn to the bag. You pick it up and zip it up again, fingers lightly brushing the stitched symbol on the top.
"Hey, Holland. Recognize this?"
Holland sits up and stares at the golden stitch and shrugs. "I'm a doctor (Y/N). Isn't this up to your alley?"
You scoff.
"I was just asking for a second opinion," You reply. "It's not Egyptian. I can tell you that. Definitely not kanji either."
"Then what the hell is it?"
You analyze for a moment, your eyes going wide.
"Latin maybe?"
"It looks like a really straight 'M'."
You pout as Holland throws his hands in front of his chest.
"What! It does?"
You shake your head, opening the bag again.
"C'mon, let's put this stuff away."
"And then what?"
"I'll just toss it in the trash tomorrow."
"Alright." Holland whispers. "Then what?"
You sigh.
"I...we should just pretend it didn't happen?"
There's a silence shared between the two of you, as Holland fidgets, but slowly nods his head.
"yeah...I...I guess so."
Silence again.
"You uh...wanna stay over?" You ask, hesitantly.
"Yeah, I...I'd like that. Don't wanna get attacked by any uh..vengeful vampires right?"
It's about 6:50 in the morning, and you still haven't gotten any sleep. You hear Holland tossing and turning in the sleeping bag on the floor next to your bed. You aren't sure if he's asleep or not, but don't want to bother him and risk waking him up if you do ask.
Instead, you stare at the ceiling, eyes never leaving the fan that blows a soft, cool breeze onto your face.
You put a hand over your eyes as the sun peaks through the cracks of your curtains. It seems that sleep is escaping you tonight. So, you sit up, stretch and swear you hear your back crack as you do so.
You carefully roll out of bed, tip-toeing over Holland. Making your way towards the bathroom, you turn the light on.
You make eye contact with yourself in the mirror before letting out a shout and stumbling backward.
Holland bursts upright as you make contact with the floor.
"Wh-what! I'm up!"
"Why do I have a tattoo?"
"What are you talking about-HOLY SHIT!"
Holland makes eye contact with your chest, seeing the three large, black rings plastered on your left pec.
"Uh, okay then," Holland mutters. "Did you have...have that last night?"
"No." You cry out, sitting up and turning to him. "And I- oh Jesus you have one too-!"
"I'm sorry wh-holy hell I do-!"
You gesture to the very large eye tattoo on Holland's shoulder.
"Did-did you feel anything strange before you went to bed?" Holland mutters.
"No! No I didn't...did you?"
"No! I fell right asleep!"
Your fingers softly trace the eye on Holland's shoulder.
"This...could this be from last night?"
"Unless there's a boogeyman who likes to give random strangers weird tattoos while they're sleeping, I-"
The two of you freeze as you hear the doorbell ring. You make eye contact as you scramble to get to your feet. You pull on a pair of sweatpants and an undershirt, while Holland looks out the window.
"Oh shit, are those the cops."
Your eyes widen.
"Oh fuck me! Those are the cops!" Holland yells. "Well, it's been nice knowing you, pal. Hopefully, we'll be roommates in prison!"
You roll your eyes as you open the bedroom door, and make your way down the stairs. You hear another set of footsteps behind you.
However, as your hand ghosts over the doorknob, you see Holland in the hallway, hands over his mouth. He motions for you to go forward as he hides behind the wall further.
You scoff, muttering 'pussy' under your breath before you open the door.
The man and the woman turn to you, eyes widen.
"You're (Y/N) Parkinston? Correct?"
You nod. "Yes, I am."
"Good...Good. Can we come in?"
You step aside, letting the two enter the apartment.
The woman smiles.
"Ah! There's your bag!" She chippers as she races towards the bag and lifts it up.
She then pauses.
"Who opened this?"
You freeze, as the two people turn to you.
"I did it!" Holland calls out. "He-he had nothing to do with it I swear!"
The man and woman pause. The woman opens the bag and immediately pulls out the stake, eyes widening at the dried blood on the tip.
"You did this?"
Holland hesitantly nods, before the man narrows his gaze at Holland.
The woman turns to the man. "I can't find the contract."
"Means it's been completed. By civilians nonetheless."
The woman scoffs. "This is gonna be a tone of paperwork, Jason."
Jason grins.
The woman frowns.
"Jason. No."
"What? He's got a marking anyways."
The woman pauses, turning to Holland, and nearly drops the bag in shock. She shoves past you, rather rudely at that, and you narrow your gaze at this.
She grabs Holland by the arms and examines the eye tattoo.
"This is! This is the eye! Oh my gosh, it's been so long since I've seen a new blood with one of these!"
Holland raises an eyebrow.
The woman turns to you.
"Did you...get one by any chance?"
You hesitantly nod, pulling your undershirt down to show the rings. However, the woman frowns.
"Aw." But her grin comes back again.
"New bloods! It's been so long since there have been new bloods?"
Holland raises an eyebrow as you fidget.
The woman giggles. "You see, we are monster hunters!"
Silence goes through the apartment.
Jason groans. "And, whenever a new monster hunter or hunters, in this case, is chosen, they are given a marking that explains their best abilities."
He gestures to Holland. "You, have the eye symbol. It means your powerful, confident, independent. It's rare to see a new blood be gifted one of those."
He then turns to you. You fidget slightly.y
"You have the rings. Fairly common, typically means teamwork, marriage, and all that jazz."
"Wait wait wait. Backup a minute." You interrupt. "So, monsters are real?"
"Yes," Tassy said.
"And we just killed one. So that makes us monster hunters."
Jason nods.
"Holy crap." You mutter.
"Congratulations! Pack your stuff boys, and make sure to travel lightly, because it's safer for you to stay on base!"
"Why's that?"
"You could get mauled by a werewolf...sacrificed to a vengeful god by an evil cult...made into a thrall by a vampire, the list goes on and on," Tassy says.
"Jesus Christ," Holland mutters.
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o-pandora-o · 4 years
Cat MC
Please bear in mind some spoilers in the game and in the event (The Devil’s Riddle).
You were looking for a book Satan asked you to find inside his room and accidentally you were tripped on a big book with a cat cover and suddenly….. You turned into a cat……How would the demon boys react?
Please bear with my writing this is the first shit I’ve done I’m so sorry if it’s bad.
 You were going outside Satan’s room to find help and you saw Luci roaming in the hallway. You made a small cry and he noticed you.
“Did Satan keep a cat? no worries I shall just open this matter to him” he said with a serious look on his face.
He was going to go away until you put a paw to his shoe. He made a glare and you fought his glare with a louder cry and so he replied “This cat got nerves”
“No can do, I do not own you nor I do not want any problems with any of my brothers so go back to Satan’s room now” When he left, you followed him to his room “this cat really got nerves to follow me here” he said.
Suddenly he got a call from Diavolo asking for an urgent meeting with him.
“If you really want to be with me then so be it, it seems you like me more than my brother, but I have matters to attend to.” he pats your head and you let out a small cry (saying like a goodbye or something).
 You decided to sleep on his bed while waiting for him.
 He came back when it’s already midnight.
 He saw you on his bed curled up like a ball (you were turned back to normal)
He put a blanket to cover you up and placed a small peck on your forehead.
 “Being a cat was fun” he heard a small mumble from you as you turn on the other side.
All right, you tumbled on this boi while he was looking for goods inside his house to sell.
You made a loud meow as you are stopping him from stealing goods
“D----AAAAAH!” Mammon screamed the top of his lungs.
“Who dare meows at THE GREAT MAMMON!” he says as you rolled your eyes at him. “Ooooh maybe I can sell this ca—OUUUCH!“ you hissed and lightly bit his hand as he picked you up “I was joking! Joking I tell you! Sheesh this cat” he put you down.
“So where is yer owner cat?” he asked, you rubbed your fur onto him and put your paw on his foot.
“That’s right! No one can stand THE GREAT MAMMON! Look you are already fascinated by my greatness” he said while you rolled you eyes.
“I have an idea!!” He took you and put you on top of his bed “Stay there till I get back!” he took a picture of you using his D.D.D.
You didn’t know he posted a picture of you while with the description “LOST CAT CONTACT MAMMON THE GREAT p.s give 10000 Grimm as reward”.
Yep, Mammon will be Mammon.
He came back late, it seems he had gone to the casino “TODAY’S MY LUCKY DAY! I WON THE JACKPOT WOHOO NOW I CAN BUY THOSE SHOES AND SUIT, it seems you are a lucky cat after all!”.
 When he was busy counting Grimms, it was already midnight. Suddenly pink smoke was covering you and he saw it “Wait what’s happening?!”he said as the smoke was cleared he saw you. 
“MC! You were the cat?!”
“Yeah it was me! Thanks for letting me stay in your room though” you said
“That’s right! Haha! The GREAT MAMMON always to the rescue haha” sweat drops
“I gtg to my room, I’m so sleepy cya Mammon thanks again!” you said as you left.
Early in the morning you came to Mammon’s room while you said “Mammon! Why did you post me being lost in exchange for grimm?!”
“Uh I can explain you see, I forgot to delete it and bye!” he said as he run off of bed.
“Is that what I think it is?” he mumbled as he was supposed to be going out to refill his rations
Sucre Frenzy’s lead member recently had a jet black cat, which was similar to the color of your fur.
“Nah maybe it’s just lost, wandering in the house” he said while he left to buy 2 months’ worth of food.
You saw and heard what he said so you decided to go to his room and wait for him.
You were looking around the place until-
When he came back he saw you looking at Henry 2.0 and he thought you were going to eat him “NONONONO! Don’t eat my one and true friend!” whilst you gave him a quizzical cat look.
“AHHH! I got no time for this, I should open up the new Multiplayer game I bought aaaaah where is MC? Damn I need to play it now” he said while preparing his newly bought game, he messaged you in his D.D.D waiting for an answer. You went to the other controller and pressed play.
“Wait what that was for MC! I should restart this” when he was reaching for the menu button, you put your paw on his arm. ”Wait are you telling me not to restart?” you cried out a meow.
You played the new game with him and he was amazed, “Woah this cat is amazing it can play games! I’m gonna name you Henry 3.0!” and you gave him a doubtful look while you continue to play the new game he bought until midnight.
You landed the final blow to the last boss on the game and when Levi turned around pink smoke was covering you.
 You were turned back into human! “OMG MC you were a cat? lolol so cool”
“This is my magical power! Lunaria, Wisteria, Primrose, Peony! Through the power of the flower I’m pretty as can be! I’m the magical mysterious MC!” you said as you pecked his cheeks.
“Watch out! I might steal your heart!” you wink leaving him flustered.
He was looking for you inside his room, he was going to tell you that he found the book that you were helping him find.
“MC?? Hey MC? That’s weird, I swore she said that she was inside my ro—“Satan couldn’t finish his sentence when he found a small black cat lying around with his books.
“How did you get in here. Are you hungry? Do you want some food?”
Satan was excited he looked like a smol boi waiting for his Birthday present.
After a day full of feeding you, taking care of you and even took pictures of you like a cat mom flexing he decided that it’s time to set you free.
“If you stay here for too long your owner might be missing you”
You brushed your fur against his leg and he knelt down and brushed his hand on your head.
 “Well I guess you could stay it’s pretty dark anyways”.
Satan carefully picked you up and took you to his bedroom and he put you down beside his pillow and let you fall asleep.
Not that he totally forgot about you though
When you both woke up it seems like you were back to normal and you saw Satan smirked.
“Good morning my lil kitten” definitely knows that you were the cat.
You went out of Satan’s room hoping to get help from someone and suddenly Asmodeus hurryingly going out of his room.
You followed Asmodeus while crying out a small meow. Apparently, he didn’t heard your cry for help.
He went to your room (as you followed him there) “MC! We need to go to the ma—oh she isn’t here” when he stopped you let out a loud cry and he finally noticed you.
“Awh what are you doing here? Were you lured here by my charm?” he said
“My, my, you have such a nice fur compared to other kitties seems like you also got the charm! And it doesn’t look like you don’t shed too much fur! I have a great idea! I’ll take you to the mall with me, you will be my new pet! Let’s share our charm to the entire world!” he said as he picked you up and took you outside.
After a day full of shopping, salon, taking pictures, and buying more stuff, you both went home before curfew.
He went to have some dinner while you run off to your room.
After dinner he was busy taking his stuff out of the bags you two bought
On midnight he noticed you were not in his bedroom, he went to search for you and seen you on your room “Oh little princess why are you in MC’s room? Speaking of MC I didn’t even see her during dinner and she isn’t even here.” and suddenly pink smoke was covering your body and suddenly you were turned back to normal.
“I never knew you could be a majestic cat MC,waaaah I really missed you” he said that while cuddling you.
“Now that I’m here why don’t we sleep in your bed?” you saw him smirk.
“No funny business alright? Being a cat is really tiring!” you said to him.
“Alright, alright! Just let me hug you” he said. “Fine” you replied while he pecked your lips and went to bed.
You hid from everyone until it was late night. You were hungry so you went to the kitchen hoping to find some food on the table but you were unlucky enough to find none.
You saw some unopened chips on the countertop so you jumped and grabbed it using your mouth. You tried to open the chips with your claws and your mouth but you failed.
Beel saw you in the kitchen and said “Do you want this? Hmm I don’t really know if chips are good for cats though”.
You nod and he opened the chips for you, you thanked him by crying out a meow.
When the chips was open you bite some and gave it to Beel, “Oh thanks” he replied as he pats your head.
As you two were eating, the clocked reached midnight.
A magical pink smoke appeared around you. You were turned back to normal.
“Wha- MC I didn’t know you have the power to turn into a cat!” Beel said as he kept eating chips.
“No wait I don---ah why bother btw thanks for the chips“ you pecked his cheek while you went upstairs to sleep.
You were in shock of what happened and decided to ask your S/O, Belphie for help. You went to his bedroom to see himself napping as usual.
You did everything you can, meowing, hissing, carefully scratching his bedside, pouncing on him, putting your paw on his nose, and still nothing.
Nothing can wake up this boi
You gave up and tried to wait for him to wake up but you fell asleep beside him instead.
Cue Beel going to his room and found you two sleeping “Cute” he said.
After 2 hours Belphie woke up and saw a cat beside him. At first he was shocked but eventually he stroked the cat’s fur lightly not waking it up and soon began to sleep again.
You both woke up the next day with you lying down on the cold floor well at least you ain’t a cat anymore eh?
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