#my mingi day contribution before it ends <3
sanhwaiting · 3 years
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ateez x mingi's birthday rolling paper 👑 ↳ for my fav mingi blogs @mangomingki @songmingki @song-mingi @fixons @songmingkis @songmin-gi
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hockey-player-jeno · 4 years
drunk confession j. yunho
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pairing: yunho x reader
word count: 2,000 (ish)
angst with a little fluff (?)
warnings: alcohol consumption (that’s really it tho)
You sat comfortably next to you boyfriend, your left thigh crossed over your right as your torso leaned slightly into his. His rather large wingspan was settled on the top of the couch, you on his left while Mingi’s head rested on his right thigh. As much as you don’t want to admit it, Yunho and Mingi are rightfully soulmates and who were you to break them up?
Several empty beer and soju bottles were littered around the living room floor while nine used shot glasses sat on the coffee table. All of you were way past tipsy at this point.
Everyone was laughing at something stupid Yeosang just said while you snuggled yourself deeper into Yunho’s chest.
When the laugher dies down, San spoke up, “Okay y/n we’re all dying to know. Who’s your bias?”
You gave a confused look, “What do you mean who’s my bias?” You look up towards you boyfriend. “Isn’t it obvious?”
Yunho gave you a small, blushy smile as he leaned in kissing your temple.
“Ugh, gross,” Jongho muttered under his breathe before he took another swig of his beer.
“Let me rephrase it then. Who was your bias when you first started working for KQ?”
You giggled a bit and without thinking you said, “Wooyoung.”
You weren’t gonna lie. Wooyoung was your first bias when you started working for KQ as a makeup artist. But when you started to get to know all of the members better, Yunho made his way into your heart and stuck himself there. It took him a little while to admit his feelings, but you couldn’t be any happier to be with him.
You don’t work for the company anymore because it became a conflict of interest when the both of you opened up to about your relationship. However, it is still private to the public. There was no bad blood shared, KQ actually ended up helping you find another job at a different entertainment company.
“I was your first bias?” Wooyoung squeaked. “Ah hyung, I was her first bias.” He laughs poking at your boyfriend’s calf muscle as he lied on the floor in front of the both of you.
“Uh huh,” Yunho said half-heartedly taking a rather large swing of his beer.
You almost missed how much Yunho’s muscles tensed up, not knowing where this conversation was heading.
Adding more fuel to the fire, Wooyoung continued, “What made me become your first bias y/n-ie?”
He lays his chin on your knee, trying to get you to explain further. At this point of the night, you were drunk enough to just start spewing nonsense.
“Oh c’mon,” you laugh. “You’re sexy, you drip confidence, you’re an amazing dancer, and your vocals are incredible. I even flirted with you on numerous occasions, you never caught on. Can’t believe you never noticed. I even went as far to convince my coworkers to always let me do your makeup for stages.”
Wooyoung’s face goes red from the compliments you just gave him while everyone continued to laugh. Well, except for Yunho who was feeling awfully hurt, insecure, and taken aback.
The conversation moves away from you and to some other nonsense Mingi went on about. A few minutes later you notice Yunho hasn’t contributed at all to the conversation.
You looked at him, “Are you okay?” Your voice laced with concern, reaching up to cup his chin.
“I’m fine,” he whispered, taking your wrist and placing it back into your lap. You were confused at first but your mind was too clouded by alcohol to see that he was hurting.
Yunho stayed silent the rest of the night.
It was getting late and all of you decided it was time to go to bed. Seongwha insisted you stay the night at the dorm because of all of the alcohol you consumed. San even went out of his way to convince Yeosang to let him sleep in his shared room with Wooyoung to let you and Yunho have your privacy.
As you were getting ready for bed, Yunho still seemed off. He wouldn’t look you in the eye and primarily gave you one worded answers when responding.
“Baby, can I borrow some sweats? I don’t wanna sleep in jeans,” you whined, as you wrapped your arms around his torso.
“Why don’t you go ask Wooyoung?” He mutters under his breath as he sifts through his drawers to find some pajamas for himself.
You giggled, “Now why would I ask Wooyoung-ssi? He’s not my boyfriend.”
He slammed his drawer shut and quite aggressively unraveled your arms from his middle, walking away from you to his closet.
“He might as well be considering you biased him first,” Yunho spits.
You instantly sobered up a bit at his tone of voice and scoffed, “What does that have to do with anything?”
He finally turned to face you, he looked like a kicked puppy with his eyes welling up with tears. Your anger quickly faded.
“You said you flirted with him. Always asked the makeup noonas to specifically do his makeup for stages. You biased him first. You liked him first. When you realized you couldn’t have him, you moved onto me ‘cause I gave you attention.”
“Yunho, you know that’s not true-”
“Don’t lie,” he cut you off.
“I’m not lying,” you pleaded.
You began to regret everything you said a few hours ago and cursing out San in your head for bringing up the subject. Hot tears rolled down his already flushed cheeks. You walked up to him and cupped his face, trying to wipe away his tears.
“Baby,” you start.
He wriggled his way out of your grasp.
“I just want to be alone,” he mutters as he makes his way out of his bedroom.
You hear the bathroom door click shut and the shower turn on. Biting your lower lip, you make your way out of his room and toward the kitchen.
You chewed on your thumbnail as you sat at the kitchen island, trying to fight against your own tears. Lost in your thoughts, you’re not sure how long you’ve been sitting there when a figure emerges from the hallway. It’s Hongjoong.
“Y/n-ie? What are you still doing up? Why aren’t you in Yunho’s room?”
You open your mouth to speak, but as soon as that happened the tears overflow and sobs forced their way out of your throat.
“Hey, hey, hey, what happened?” He ran up to you embracing you, putting your head on his chest.
“Oppa, I messed up,” you sobbed. “I really messed up.”
He looked down at you puzzled, “What do you mean?”
You tried controlling your breathing before answering him.
“The way I talked about me biasing Wooyoungie before Yunho and I got together. I fucking hate San right now. I made my own boyfriend feel so incredibly small and insecure and I embarrassed the hell out of him. Joongie, I don’t know what to do. I love him more than anything and I just broke his heart.”
“Y/n-ssi, please calm down. You’re drunk, you’re not thinking straight,” Hongjoong pleaded. “Please calm down.”
You continued to sob as Hongjoong tried to console you, but you didn’t feel like you deserved it. Yunho needs it more than you do. Hongjoong just let you cry it out in his arms, there wasn’t much he could do or say that’ll make you feel better.
When your sobs became sniffles, he pulls away to look at you, “Y/n, I get why you’re upset but I know he knows how much you love him. How much you care for him. Isn’t that enough?”
You shake your head no as tears start to well up again.
“Hey, hey, hey. No more tears. Please I’m begging you no more tears,” he whispers soothingly, rapidly wipping away your fresh tears. “How about I go in there, get you something to change into, and try to talk to him a bit. That okay?”
You nod your head, sniffled and looked down at your fingers on the countertop, “Thank you.”
Hongjoong poked his head into his younger brother’s room and saw Yunho sprawled out over his bed on his back with his forearm covering his eyes.
“You still awake?” Hongjoong whispered.
Yunho only grunted in response. He walked in closing the door behind him.
“Y/n said that she had an extra pair of sweats in your room from when she stayed over the last time,” Hongjoong said softly.
“Top right drawer,” Yunho croaked out quickly, hoping that this encounter would be over soon so he could go back to sulking by himself.
Hongjoong took long strides towards the younger’s dresser, quickly grabbing the pair of comfy pants before making his way back to the door.
Before leaving, he heard Yunho take a deep sigh.
Hongjoong pursed his lips together now walking in the opposite direction of the door towards his brother’s bunk. He lightly places himself down on the bed and nudges Yunho’s knee a bit.
“Talk to me.”
In a broken voice he answers, “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
Now it’s Hongjoong’s turn to sigh, letting the younger’s words dissipate into the air around them.
“She loves you, a lot, you know that right?” Hongjoong starts and pauses while Yunho stays quiet. “She really loves you,” he repeats in a whisper. “Listen, I’m not trying to fix your relationship for you but when you’re up for it, please just talk to her? It’ll do you both good.”
Yunho continues to stay quiet, still refusing to even look at his hyung.
Hongjoong sighed again getting up from Yunho’s bunk. When he left the younger’s room he sent you into the bathroom to change then stayed with you on the couch until sleep consumed the both of you.
You woke up with an ache in your back and a heaviness in your chest. You refused to open your eyes. You refused to believe that what happened last night actually happened. Memories flooded your mind making your head spin even more than the grueling hangover you’d be nursing for the rest of the day. You fight your swollen eyes open blinking a few times, Hongjoong was nowhere to be seen. Sitting up slowly, you notice an orange post it note with two Advil tablets and a water bottle right next to it on the coffee table. You reach for the objects and pick them up. Downing the pills and half the bottle in a few gulps, you look at the note.
“Had to go to the studio early.
Please try and talk to him.
- <3 H.J.”
You sigh, willing your tears to stay at bay. You hated this.
“Hey,” you heard a voice across the room.
You look up and saw your boyfriend. Yunho was wearing his coat and sneakers, looking like he was about to leave and go somewhere. His state didn’t look any better than what yours felt like.
“Do you um, wanna take a walk? Get some breakfast, maybe?” His voice was wary as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
You smiled slightly and answered a quiet, “Sure.”
After throwing the blanket off of you and putting your hair into a messy bun, you got up to find your shoes and coat. There was no point in looking nice, you were probably just going to the convenience store down the block anyway.
The cold, late fall air whips against your cheeks once you step out of the complex. You walk together silently, both of you with your hands in your pockets. Neither of you bothered to create any type of conversation yet.
About halfway through the walk, Yunho silently takes one of his hands out of his pockets. He walks closer to you and slides his hand into yours, lacing your already cold fingers together.
It was in that moment the both of you knew everything was going to be alright.
Hi. So I never post my own content ‘cause I usually hate whatever I write, but I ended up happy with the outcome of this one. I highly doubt anyone is gonna read this but whoever does, I hope you enjoyed :)
lmk if I should post more. I’d really appreciate some feedback
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ateezmakemeweep · 5 years
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richboy!seonghwa (part 3)
word count: 5k
angst, fluff
(part 2) (series masterlist)
"pop quiz today! clear your desks and take out a pen," your third period teacher announces the next day, groans of protest filling the room and you'd be lying if you said you didn't contribute a quiet one yourself.
because until 10:00 last night, you had already been attempting to catch up on all the new topics you had yet to learn at your old school. 
you went through all of the syllabuses, highlighted some notes, and even read through a few textbooks until you eventually passed out and drooled all over the open book.
and now as you're staring at these ten questions, you quickly discover you exhausted yourself for nothing last night.
because you still don't know shit.
you rewrite and erase and rewrite some answers close to five times before you huff, the boy next to you side-eyeing you as flip your test over in defeat and put your head down on the desk. 
you lay there with your eyes closed for the next few minutes, trying not to let your mind plague itself with worst case scenarios.
but it's hard not to when you're here on a scholarship, when your purpose here is solely dependent on the grades you receive and if you can't hold them up, the money your family doesn't have will be the only way to keep you educated.
you hate that it's only the second day and you're already on the verge of an anxiety attack, eyes squeezed shut, breaths uneven and choppy as you try to clear your mind and remember the good things that are gonna happen today.
like seeing seonghwa next period and your new friend mingi during lunch and then your day is more than halfway over.
those helpful reminders wrack your brain for the rest of class, silent study time as you try to ignore the teacher grading the quizzes just five feet away from you. 
a paper landing on your desk a few minutes later rips you from your attempt at working, your head snapping up to meet your teacher's gaze.
"can you meet me after class for a minute," she asks you, her eyes glaring into yours as you nod your head quickly. 
and it's after the bell rings, with slight judgement in her tone, that she tells you she knows you're here on a scholarship and wants to ensure that, in order to keep your placement, you're serious about working hard in this sort of institute.
"i am, of course i am," you ramble out, "i just...we didn't cover any of this in my old school yet and i was trying to catch up last night but-"
her humming cuts you off and you immediately shut your mouth, a little intimated by her presence and attitude. she stares at you, then down to your paper that reads 4/10, then back to your wide, nervous eyes and she hesitates before beginning to speak.
"this is a one time offer," she tells you sternly, tone cold but eyes holding the smallest bit of compassion, "come to my office during your lunch period. i'll have you meet a student that can help you catch up.”
just as your about to blurt out your gratitude, she then adds, "but it isn't gonna look good if a scholarship student is using a tutor so i'd advise you learn the material fast and not parade that information around."
you feel a twinge of something in your chest, maybe embarrassment or even shame because the way she says scholarship makes it sound like it's a bad thing.
and you know it's not. 
you know you've worked hard and that you're smart and have certainly earned your spot at this institute. 
but it's also hard to ignore the way everyone here looks at you, their disapproving eyes lingering over you any chance they get.
regardless you nod your head, a small smile on your face because even though she's scary, you're grateful for the support. 
"of course, yeah, okay, thank you so much," you tell her. she simply nods, eyes wandering to the door as if she's saying 'get lost' before turning around to face the board.
you scurry out quickly and down the hall to your 4th period class, barreling into the room and heading straight towards the back. 
seonghwa's already in his seat, watching as you bump into two desks and apologize softly. he observes your figure the entire time and can sense within those few seconds that you're uneasy.
because if your slightly messy hair, flushed cheeks and quiz turned outward with a handful of red markings didn't indicate it, the frown on your face and glossy eyes certainly did.
you plop down in your seat with a huff, fumbling with the paper in your hand and feeling your stomach knot from all of the x marks as you read it over again; you know it was a pop quiz but she could've at least hinted that there was gonna be something of the sorts.
overwhelmed by the queasiness in your stomach and racing mind, you don't even realize you're mumbling under your breath until you hear a quiet laugh in front of you.
your head snaps up just as seonghwa turns around, a small innocent smile making its way on your face as he looks at you with a smirk.
his eyes always seem to be twinged with amusement when he looks at you and you're not exactly sure if that's a good or bad thing; but you do know you'll probably never get used to how handsome and intimidating he is.
"hey," he says, his tone calm and cool and you almost forgot how nice his voice was.
"hi, seonghwa," you say softly, a small smile on your face that he notices doesn't reach your eyes.
"any particular reason you're talking to yourself today?" he asks with his deep voice and your cheeks flush in record time.
"oh...i-i didn't even... i was..wait do i-"
"disaster, tutor and stupid rich people?" he quips back with what he was able to gather. his eyebrow is now cocked, smirk widening on his face and you close your eyes in embarrassment.
"yeah, that about sums up my morning," you complain, "i did bad on my first pop quiz and now i need to meet with a tutor but because i'm a scholarship student. i shouldn't even be having one and the way she says scholarship just makes me feel so-"
the words die in your throat when you see him blankly staring at you and your cheeks flush, eyes focusing on the board behind him before shyly meeting his gaze again. 
"and i'm so sorry, you don't wanna hear this, oh god.”
you're usually a babbling mess but his presence just seems to make it 10x worse. the way he stares at you with no real emotion, no clear indication if he wants you to continue or get the hell out of his face.
"no? what makes you think that?" he asks, head turned to the side ever so slightly as his eyes roam over your face.
"i...uh well...i don't know," you finish lamely, voice quiet and soft before admitting, "you're...incredibly hard to read."
even the way he's smirking at you, pretty pink lips stretched across his face, is so cryptic.
"you think?"
you huff, air deflating out of your chest as your shoulders fall defeatedly and it causes a little laugh to leave his mouth.
"what?" he asks, the innocence in his tone and sparkle in his eyes a complete contrast to the crooked, cocky smile making it's way on his face.
"see, stupid rich people," you mumble, the words falling from your lips before you can stop them and he turns his head to the side to hide the laugh that bubbles out of him.
you smile at the sound of it and it eases some of the knots in your stomach....for all of three seconds.
because then he's reaching his hand out, his fingers running through a knotty strand of hair that frames your face. he smooths it out with a gentleness that doesn't seem to match his aura, watching as you stiffen slightly and hold your breath at his closeness.
you don't even notice the teacher's shoes clacking into the classroom because he's leaning in toward you slowly, inch by painfully slow inch until his face is close enough to yours that you're able to make out the specs of light brown in his eyes.
"careful, new girl, just rich," he says and then you nearly crumble in his hand when he winks at you before pulling back and turning to face the board.
you spend the rest of your class trying to catch your breath, his eyes and voice and the slightest feel of his touch causing your brain to be in yet another frenzy.
when the bell rings for the end of the period, seonghwa stands and turns around to see you fumbling with the books on your desk. 
the corner of your notebook knocks into your pen and you snap your head up just in time to see him catch it, holding the pen between his long fingers and you feel yourself swallow thickly looking at the two black rings adorning them.
you hurriedly throw your books back in your bag, standing up and thanking him before reaching out to grab it. your fingers brush and you know the spark you feel is entirely in your head, your infatuation with a boy you've known for less than two days pathetically consuming your entire being.
you're about to walk passed him when he puts his arm on the desk next to him, blocking your pathway and a little squeak leaves your mouth when you nearly collide into him. you look up at him and the intensity of his gaze would scare you if it wasn't for the smallest of smiles on his face.
"what?" you ask, your heart about to pound out of your chest from your proximity.
he's silent for a few moments, his eyes roaming over every inch of your face before he breaths out, "try to relax, okay?" and those were the last words you were expecting to hear him say.
the look of shock on your face has a laugh threatening to burst from him, your mouth slightly parted and head turned to the side. you told him he was difficult to read but he just thinks you make it too easy, your eyes so easily twinged with emotion.
they were scared and apprehensive when he first saw you, trotting through his yard in slippers and pajamas at six in the morning.
they were full of fascination and submission when he pulled back from whispering his name to you yesterday morning, so wide and innocent but also holding a certain heat.
and now they were completely caught off guard, questioning and soft and he thinks their the sole reason he's quickly becoming enchanted by you.
he watches as you try to formulate some words, anything really, and decides to put you out of your misery by inhaling deeply, then exhaling deeply.
"try that," he commands and you immediately follow what he says, even though you're tense and anxious for completely different reasons now.
he watches as you take breath deeply, your eyes never leaving his and they're all but burning into one another now. his eyes fall down to your lips, watching as you breath out before looking back at your face when the final one passes through.
good girl," he praises and you swear your knees wobble at hearing those words fall from his lips. 
he watches as you swallow, eyes wide and teeth biting into your lower lip ever so slightly. his hand tightens around the desk that's still keeping you barricaded, the heat from both your bodies radiating between the small space.
"stop doing that and get to class," he warns lowly, pulling his arm back and nodding his head down the aisle.
you want to tell him that you planned on it before he blocked you in, want to talk back to get some sort of reaction out of him but you think it's better not to, for the risk of calling him sir is highly likely with how easily you're listening to his commands.
you nod, your cheeks covered with what seems to be a permanent flush as you quickly walk passed him. 
he watches as you turn your head in the doorway, your eyes meeting again for one, two, three, four seconds like you can't physically pull your eyes apart before another student harshly bumps into you in the doorway.
your eyes break away from his as you say what seonghwa can only assume is an apology before scurrying out of the hallway and a shaky exhale finally leaves his lips. he loosens his blue and yellow tie, suddenly feeling very suffocated and hot and he doesn't know what's gotten in to him today.
because as he leaves, he may or may not have made it a point to shoulder bump the boy who knocked into you.
he's at his locker one period later when "yo, seonghwa," booms down the hall, coming from the voice he recognizes as one of his best friends. 
the two have been close since elementary school, their parents' lifelong coworkers who always shipped them off together at company parties or formal gatherings.
"hey, we still going out for lunch?" he asks, his gaze toward his locker causing him to miss his friend's pissed off scowl.
"it appears not," the boy growls and seonghwa closes his locker, turning to see his friend's annoyed face.
"what's got you all pissy?"
"just found out i have to tutor some asshole," his friend says, "who needs tutoring a month into school? just pay off the teacher or some shit."
"the school's top scholar, kang yeosang, ladies and gents," seonghwa quips sarcastically causing the smaller boy to lightly punch him in the arm.
"or do it the park seonghwa way, wink and flirt with 50 year old women. that's a lot better," yeosang says dryly and the boy rolls his eyes, roughly pushing him a few feet.
"we both know that's not my style."
"oh, right, you much prefer-"
"i want some snack!"
seonghwa and yeosang's head snap up to their friend's loud voice, the boy barreling down the hall and bouncing in front of them excitedly. he joined their friend group in 4th grade, the small, shy new boy with dimples and a kind smile.
"are we going or what," he whines suddenly, "i'm hungry."
"san, you literally just got here," seonghwa says, judgement in his tone and yeosang rolls his eyes before shaking his head.
"count me out, i was just telling him i have to tutor already," yeosang grumbles, "but really, how fucking stupid could this person gonna be."
"coming from the top student who just pays off every teacher in this school," san says and seonghwa nods his head in agreement. 
"don't worry, he already made sure to mention that."
"what a dick," san comments and just as seonghwa laughs in agreement, yeosang grumbles, "okay fuck you both, goodbye."
he hears his friend’s high pitched laughs the whole time he stomps down the hallway to his teacher's office.
meanwhile you've been sitting in the office for close to fifteen minutes now, your teacher picking through her salad and chatting quietly on her phone without a care in the world; you're grateful for the chatter or she would've heard your stomach growling nonstop.
suddenly the door bursts open and someone you can only compare to as a prince waltzes in, his perfect hair and posture and attire that would've wowed you if wasn't for the harsh scowl on his face.
his cold eyes meet yours and his eyebrows furrow together, looking you up and down until his eyes land on your shoes. his top lip raises in disgust and you attempt to give him a small smile but he's already turning around to face your teacher.
"is this her?" he harshly asks and the woman looks up boredly, her eyebrow raised as she pulls her phone away from her ear.
"yes," she says, "like i said, she's a transfer and didn't learn a few topics at her old school. you're still willing to tutor, correct?"
"i guess so," the boy mumbles and the woman looks at him with such sympathy, like he's the one being portrayed as an inconvenience when this wasn't even a service you asked for.
"thank you, mr kang," the teacher says gratefully, "perhaps...the library would be more suited for you both," she says even though it's obvious she wants to get back to the phone call about her upcoming trip to prague.
he doesn't say a word, just turns and walks out the door without sparing you a glance and you get up to quickly follow him, the door nearly slamming in your face. 
you feel nervousness bubble up in you, surprised that you're not to used these hostile attitudes by now. you waddle a touch faster than normal until you're a few feet behind him.
"um...i'm y/n, by the way," you tell him quietly causing him to stop short and you nearly bump into him. 
he turns around, looking at you with a quizzical expression and you swallow the panic rising in your throat. 
"thank you...i know this is probably the last thing you wanna do during your lunch period so i really appreciate-"
"yeah, you're right," he snaps, rolling his eyes, "so why don't you just shut up and follow me?"
he almost feels a little bit bad when your face drops, eyes falling to the floor and your feet retracting back as if you were physically wounded by his harsh tone. 
but then he thinks about the true inconvenience of this, how he could be out with his friends right now but instead has to mull over math he's been able to do since the age of 11 and his annoyance comes back with a vengeance.
so with that, he turns around and continues the walk to the library. you follow behind a few moments later, taking deep breathes in and out and calming slightly when you think back to him and the advice he gave you.
the boy opens the library door, not bothering to hold it for you as you slip through and your eyes immediately search for the large boy with glasses. 
you find him peeking at the entrance of the library, the smallest smile crossing his face when he sees you and then his eyebrows furrowing when he watches you follow yeosang three tables away from him.
you smile back at him before your eyes drop to the floor and take a seat across from mr kang. there's a tense silence for what's probably thirty seconds, you fumbling to get your textbook out and open as he just watches you with stony eyes.
"so i went through the textbook last night and i think i just need some help with-”
"what does a scholarship student need a tutor for anyway?" he interrupts and you turn your head to the side. how does he know that? the teacher acted as if she didn't want anyone to know.
the confusion must be evident on your face because he speaks again, causing your stomach to plummet and palms to sweat.
"it's obvious, no self-respecting girl here would wear those hideous things," he says, gesturing to your feet and your heart pangs just a little because you didn't think they were that ugly to be called out on numerous occasions. 
"it's also rare for anyone to get a tutor,” he continues, “we all just usually pay for an a."
in fear that you'll burst into tears, you try to just focus on explaining your situation.
"well...it's just because i transferred schools and we hadn't covered the topics yet," you explain again, "i just need a little help. i tried to teach it to myself but the textbook was kind of confusing...and as for as the shoes, that seems to be the general consensus here," you say, an attempt at humor that falls flat.
yeosang rolls his eyes and he truthfully doesn't know why he's being so harsh. but he finds himself unable to stop because everything is annoying him now.
"i'm sure it was for someone like you," he mumbles and you snap your head to look at him, hurt clear on your face before he says, "show me the chapters."
despite being insulted, you're willing to shut your mouth and endure it because you just want to learn the work and be over with it. he summarizes the concept of the math formula in layman's terms, something you're actually finding incredibly helpful, before he tells you to attempt one of the problems.
it takes a several minutes but you eventually get it, showing him the paper and he sarcastically claps before telling you to do another. 
it's a shame, you think, because he's probably a good tutor for respectable rich people he deems worthy of standard human kindness. you can tell he's smart, that numbers and mathematics come natural to him.
which is exactly why he gets frustrated with you ten minutes later, the third to last concept you need to learn not wrapping around your brain. you're looking back on the notes you took as he spoke and explained the concept, rereading the equation but it's just...not making sense.
"what don't you understand? i just told you," he snaps and you feel your own frustration burning in you.
"i'm just confused on what step to do next," you tell him, attempting to stay calm.
he huffs, grabbing your paper out from under your hand causing stray scribbles as you jump at the harsh movement. 
he does the problem in under 30 seconds, silently showing you his work as if that's supposed to help; you look it over nonetheless but, as suspected, still don't understand.
"how was that supposed to help," you mumble sassily, not being able to help your attitude.
"jesus christ, you're a real fucking-" he growls loudly until an loud, singular bang is heard throughout the library.
you both look up, yeosang's head snapping up while yours turns toward mingi; but the boy is just sitting there, headphones in and eyes on his book.
"can you please just explain it to me," you beg quietly and an annoyed sigh leaves his mouth before he starts talking hushly, like he wasn't just about to scream a string of curse words at you.
and alas, all you needed was a verbal explanation because it's like a lightbulb went off and you were able to complete the problem speedily. you're trying to rush through the rest of the material, wanting and hoping and praying that this is the first and last day you ever need to associate with this boy.
"see, all i need are verbal explanations," you say softly to him, wanting him to understand that that's how you learn and how to make this time go faster. but apparently, he doesn't see it that way.
you can tell in the way he stiffens, in the way a scoff leaves his mouth and, most obviously, in the way his words start to rip holes through you.
"oh so now you know more than me? a more proper way on how to teach someone not to be a fucking idiot?"
his words make you halt and tears sting behind your eyes; not because his words are getting to you but because they're so harsh and mean and he doesn't even know you.
"i'm not an idiot," you growl, finally having enough of it despite the fact you're shaking at this confrontation, "i'm telling you so this goes faster."
"you are a bit of an idiot," he says mockingly, "trying to go to a school this expensive and finding a loophole with our academics and not even being able to do that."
more tears prick your eyes and you can't even believe he's really saying this to you. because you don't believe it, you really don't, but it hurts hearing, especially with the marked up paper in your bag that feels like it weighs 200 pounds.
"how does it feel to be a horrible person?" you spit at him, "you don't even know me and you can say this kind of stuff to me."
"how does it feel to be stupid and poor?" he spits right back before observing your face with glossy eyes and pouty lips, "but, hey, you're not ugly, maybe you can use that to your advantage and-"
the loud slam from before echoes through the room again, followed by a chair scuffling against the floor and then a large figure standing over your table. you look up to see mingi and you can see the anger blazing in his eyes even with that glasses on his face.
"enough," his deep voice snaps and the boy in front of you has the audacity to laugh.
"and who are you? another scholarship student?"
he says it just like the teacher did and it makes you wanna claw his eyes out.
"do you wanna sit with me, y/n?" he asks you softly, turning his back to ignore the boy. you blink your eyes rapidly a few times, refusing to let your tears fall in front of that asshole and you nod your head.
"yes, please," you say and the tall boy immediately bends down to grab your backpack as you collect your papers and close the textbook. 
"we don't have to do this again, i'll just tell her we covered everything,” you tell the boy behind you, not wanting to turn around and see the mean, hard look in his eyes.
you don’t see the way he’s watching you with a smirk, leaning back on his chair so cockily as he says, "good idea. make sure you tell her how helpful i was, since i solidified your career as a cheap wh-"
almost on instinct, mingi pushes the chair back and it clatters against the floor. 
yeosang falls back with a yelp, catching himself with his hands before he could smack his head on the floor and rage rips through his chest at the boy looming over him.
"what the fuck is your problem!" he screams as he jumps up, fists clenched despite the obvious size difference, "you could've fucking killed me!"
"good," is all mingi says, attempting to usher you back to his table; but yeosang has other plans because he charges and pushes mingi's back, nearly knocking you down had you not gripped the table last minute.
you hear the deep mumble of "shit," mingi’s large hand grabbing the back of your arm on instinct and steadying you even more. 
"you okay?" he mumbles down by your ear and you nod before the taunts of the other boy start up again.
"hey, asshole, you could've killed me, don't you understand?" he growls and mingi turns around to face him, staring down at him completely unamused as he blocks you from yeosang's view.
"don't you understand that i don't care," mingi says, taking one step closer to the smaller boy, "you were being an asshole and you should apologize."
a bitter laugh leaves the boy, eyeing mingi up and down in shock.
"you're kidding! i should apologize when you nearly cracked my skull? you've got fucking balls, i'll give you that," yeosang says and now it's his turn to take one step closer.
"i only did that because you were being a dick," mingi replies calmly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
you're standing there unsure of what to do, not wanting them to start fighting and freaking out at the prospect of watching this unfair fight go down before your very eyes. 
you hear yourself beg, "guys, stop," through your pounding, clogged ears but to no avail do they stop; in fact, you think you hear their voices getting louder and then the distinct sound of the library door opening.
your neck twists backward and your eyes widen when seonghwa walks in with another boy, both of them smiling and laughing as they make their way to the table. seonghwa's eyes meet yours first, his smile dropping when he sees you're upset again.
because just like this morning, he's able to tell.
and it's not until his friend hits him in the arm, pointing towards mingi and yeosang, that he breaks eye contact with you and rushes over to the two boys.
san pulls yeosang back by his jacket as seonghwa steps in the middle of the two boys, staring at you over mingi's shoulder with blazing, questioning eyes.
"what the fuck is happening!" you hear the boy seonghwa came in with shout, "are you really trying to fight this guy? he's a literal foot taller than you."
"he nearly cracked my fucking head open! and it's not a foot!"
"it's definitely a foot," mingi mumbles under his breath and an annoyed growl leaves yeosang's mouth.
seonghwa steps back slightly and looks at each of you before his eyes fall to your figure, still being blocked behind mingi's body.
"y/n, what's going on?" he asks you, voice deep and serious and you're very much intimidated right now. you just wanna get the hell out of this library.
"you know this poor idiot?!" yeosang snaps, "how the hell do you know her?"
"i told you to stop calling me that!" you snap just as mingi growls, "stop calling her that."
he then turns to meet your glossy gaze, handing you your backpack and nodding his head toward the door silently.
"thank you, mingi," you tell him softly, your fingertips grazing as you grab your backpack.
seonghwa watches as you give him a small smile and there's a burning feeling he doesn't recognize course through his veins for a second. 
because then your eyes are on him and you're begging yourself to not cry from the stress and humiliation of this disaster.
but he sees it and there's a pang in his heart watching you leave, shoulders slumped and head down as a hand goes to your face and he prays you're not wiping a tear from your eye.
his guarded eyes meet mingi's and the boy just blankly stares at him before seonghwa cranes his neck to look at his friends before going back to the tall boy's and he's unnerved that he's not speaking.
"are you gonna say something?" seonghwa asks, his tone attempting to stay neutral even though he needs to know what the hell happened now.
"ask your friend, he said plenty to her," mingi spits back, shooting a glare at yeosang one more time before going to the table to pick up his stuff and stomping out of the library.
seonghwa watches as he leaves out of the same exit you did and has to resist the urge to follow. to see if he's going to talk or console you in the way he for some reason wants to.
but instead, he turns around, daggers shooting into his friend's eyes as he stares down at him. yeosang's a little thrown off by the anger and is shocked by the venom in seonghwa's tone when he commands,
"tell me what happened. now."
(part 4)
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choisanii · 4 years
wait for the enneagram thing, what are the enneagrams of each type of stans (as you've observed) if you know ? im genuinely curious.
ok so a little disclaimer before i start rambling: i’m by no means an expert on enneagrams i just find them absolutely fascinating and i think they’re really helpful overall! like if you know what type you are and what type someone else in your life is, you are evidently able to better understand yourself, them, and therefore better your relationship with them! also considering i have <15 ateez moots, some of which i unfortunately do not know that well, i’m going to try to keep this pretty vague and i’m also going to mostly base it on what i’ve observed in the members themselves (what types i think they may be, but again, i don’t know them personally so take it with a grain of salt!), as I think that one of the reasons our biases are who they are is because we identify with certain aspects of their personality. 
general note about the enneagram system: there are 9 types––one of them is your “basic personality.” this is your “core”, dominating personality, something predetermined partially by genetics and pre-natal factors, but also by your childhood (parental figures, significant events/experiences, etc.). however, since one’s personality is fluid and cannot be confined to just one “box” or “type”, everyone inevitably identifies with other types as well (this is where “wings” come in but that’s too complicated so i’ll stick with the core type). no type is “better” or “worse” than another; it’s literally just an explanation of why you are the way you are and how that contributes to how you see the world and interact with others. 
hongjoong stans: type 1 (the reformer) or type 3 (the achiever) -> in the most basic sense type 1s are perfectionists. conscientious and ethical. they are set apart from the other types due to the existence of a self-critical “internal voice/monologue”. one may even call them workaholics due to the fact that they’ll often suppress their personal needs/self indulgence in favor of productivity. high standards. a very very strong moral compass. incessant desire to be “right”. fears corruption. type 3s are also known to be workaholics and they struggle with competitiveness. they’re extremely driven and ambitious though they are often overly concerned with their self image. gets wrapped up in their problems; tends to neglect their personal needs and the needs of others. strives to gain love and approval through performance. usually regarded as popular and well-liked among others, the “class president” or “homecoming king/queen/monarch” type. aims to be a role model who inspires others. 
seonghwa stans: type 2 (the helper) or type 9 (the peacemaker) -> type 2s at their best are unselfish, altruistic, and maintain an unconditional love for others. extremely warm-hearted and empathetic. great listeners. kind and nurturing. self-sacrificial and people-pleasing. issues with possessiveness and acknowledging their own needs. bases self worth on what they give to others and what they’ll get back in return. may become overly dependent or manipulative. values relationships above all else. embodiment of the “good parent” everyone wishes they had. type 9s avoid anger and conflict at all costs. the mediator. merges with others and makes sacrifices in order to gain a sense of peace, belonging, and harmony, sometimes at the expense of their own feelings. can be very passive-aggressive when upset. trusting and gets along well with others. tendency to be overly complacent. can be very stubborn. maintains a generally optimistic point of view; likes to see the “bright side” of things. 
yunho stans: type 4 (the individualist) or type 7 (the enthusiast) -> type 4s want nothing more than to “find themselves” and create their unique sense of self. inspired and creative, they view themselves as unlike any other human being; not in an arrogant way––in a way that makes them focus on their own personal deficiencies as well as hone in on their personal talents. honest and self-reflective. fears abandonment and loss. struggles with negative self image and low self esteem. type 7s epitomize the motto “don’t worry, be happy.” hate being bored; moves towards excitement, freedom, and a variety of interesting experiences. always willing to try something new. difficulty with commitment. extroverted, optimistic, and playful. struggles with impatience and impulsiveness. aims to maintain their freedom and happiness at all costs, never wanting to miss out on worthwhile experiences. spontaneous, agile, and exceptionally fast learners. book smart and impressive mind-body coordination. 
yeosang stans: type 4 (the individualist) or type 6 (the loyalist) -> like i said with yunho, type 4s uniquely talented and expressive. gift for healing and the creative arts. always looking for more meaning in things. intense emotional highs and lows, difficult to find a happy medium. can be moody and self conscious. wishes to connect with people who understand them and their feelings. honest with themselves; do not attempt to rationalize their states, only accept them, which enables them to endure suffering with a quiet strength. easier for them to process painful experiences that may overwhelm other types. type 6s are reliable, trustworthy, and hardworking. when they are internally stable and self reliant, they become able to champion themselves and others. seek security and support from others in order to fight against anxiety and insecurity. friends for life. beliefs sometimes go against the “status quo” but they will defend and fight for them fiercely, more so than they’d do for themselves. 
san stans: type 2 (the helper) or type 3 (the achiever) -> maybe this is me just projecting since i’m a type 2 wing 3 but these two types really stand out to me in terms of my san biased moots as well as san himself. as i said with hwa, type 2s at their best are unselfish, altruistic, and maintain an unconditional love for others. people person and people-pleaser. extremely empathetic and give good advice. self worth depends on the love and approval of others. considerate, generous, helpful. fears becoming worthless. does not want to be taken for granted. may become overly involved in the lives of others. energetic, romantic, and sensitive to other’s needs and feelings. and like i said with hongjoong, type 3s believe that only through performance, achievement, and success will they gain love and approval. can be very self conscious and self critical; wants to appear their best. motivated and motivating, constantly on a journey of self-improvement. their unwavering belief in themselves and desire for self development inspires others to do the same. a role model. 
mingi stans: type 7 (the enthusiast) or type 9 (the peacemaker) -> like i said with yunho, type 7s are constantly seeking out new experiences. playful, optimistic, versatile, and extroverted. can be “scatter-brained” and end up undisciplined or over-extended. become satisfied when they are able to focus their talents on worthwhile goals. approach to life is not unlike “a kid in a candy store”. able to pick up skills and talents with relative ease, though when confronted with too many, they are unable to choose one to focus on. balance is key. like i said with hwa, type 9s are the mediators, the ones to avoid anger and conflict at all costs. passive aggressive under stress. seeks peace through acquiesce and acceptance. able to bring people together and solve conflicts. very in touch with their inner selves. goal-oriented but not aggressive. do not do well under pressure. struggle with finding a strong sense of identity. “spiritual seekers”, yearns for a connection with the cosmos as well as other people. 
wooyoung stans: type 7 (the enthusiast) or type 8 (the challenger) -> like i said with yunho and mingi, type 7s hate being bored; they are constantly seeking excitement, freedom, and a variety of interesting and new experiences. an avoider; they avoid pain and fear by escaping into fun and pleasure. often have difficulty with commitment and following through. easily distracted and can become exhausted from being constantly on the go. do not attempt to control. brain works at a mile a minute, much faster than anyone else is able to comprehend. aims to stay upbeat and look forward to a bright, positive future. type 8s are proud, confident, powerful, and strong. not afraid of confrontation. extremely self assertive and independent, might be intimidating to others. have difficulty with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. quick to anger but easy to appease. fears being harmed or controlled by others. denies weakness or fear. refuse to “give in” to social convention. 
jongho stans: type 5 (the investigator) or type 8 (the challenger) -> type 5s are visionaries, able to see the world in an entirely new way. focus on complex ideas and skills, sometimes to the point of detachment from the real world. relentless in their pursuit for knowledge. believe that they will eventually figure things out from the safety of their minds. hate feeling useless or incapable. compartmentalize people and situations. minimalist lifestyle; holds back strong feelings and desires/needs. like i said with wooyoung, type 8s are confident, impulsive, and aggressive. not afraid to go after what they want. difficulty being vulnerable. courageous, make good leaders, and protective of the weak. feel the need to control their environment (people as well) which may end up coming off as intimidating and domineering. want to be self reliant by proving their strength and resisting weaknesses. seek total independence and do not like being indebted to anyone. exercise an enormous amount of will, endurance, and persistence in their day-to-day lives. 
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