#my mcs name is nour and i love her
lyriumsings · 11 months
my fav feature in the northern passage is just finding increasingly rude ways to wake up lea tbh
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 2 years
A "WIP game" Ask
I was really curious about these two titles in particular:
Nour is a bad person (use this as an excuse to talk/write about your fav OC, cause I know I would lol)
Literal Simping (I just really appreciate the affectiveness of this title: short & simple yet alluring at the same time 🤣)
So "Nour is a bad person" was a ridiculously short entry where he tricks his longtime crush into drinking from his cup. When he points this out to her, it leaves her ridiculously flustered, and she storms off, a little mad at him for finding the whole situation hilarious. (only because she likes him back!)
All this happens while her older brother (mc) is secretly watching and somewhat annoyed out of jealousy. (Classic why is my best friend falling in love with my sister, I don't like it!)
As an excuse to talk about Nour and why I love him so much, here we go! (I will ramble a lot, so this is a warning)
I like his character because there's so much more to him than what meets the eye. He starts out as an emotionally repressed guy with a resting murder face and a tragic backstory. But this is a reflexive defence mechanism that hides his very caring nature.
He has this devil-may-care attitude which is both a blessing and a curse. He pays no heed to people's insults or opinions of him on one hand, but his lack of response to being hurt (accidentally by one of his friends) can cause some problems. Like a subconscious retaliation with words that are somewhat cruel. He's angry and he doesn't know it, not malicious. He struggles with mental health issues, sometimes it can get severe.
But, he generally likes making people he cares about happy, and his love language is gift-giving. This might stem from the fact that he was born and still remains very wealthy, being the only child of two multi-millionaires. Even though the rest of the main cast are middle class! (He doesn't care)
He loves animals and will melt down the tough guy exterior to scream to his friends about his macaw's eggs hatching. He has a lot of pets all with very weird names.( A bird named Spinach, a cat named Hedgehog, a tortoise named Rabbit (based on the fable!) and a fish named Crispy. He might get a husky and name it Nugget).
He's stylish and put-together. His talents include: gymnastics, a wicked aim with long-range weapons, digging up dirt on targets detective-style and he's the best at medical stuff like stitches. (not a doctor yet, but he might be. He's still a teen in the story!)
He eats a lot and never gains weight and he swears farrr tooo muchh (he gets a swear jar from his mum). (there's no swearing in the story, but this is a running joke)
Oh, and the romance! I made my irl bsf go nuts for the romance in a book series I didn't finish. It's not a romance novel, but it has romantic subplots. Nour and his crush start out hating each other's guts despite being on the same team. They have very different personalities, so that's where the conflict comes from. Buuut, smth I don't want to spoil happens and they both reconcile, realising they were being dumb to each other for no good reason. They become friends, realising they have a lot of common interests. That friendship evolves into a hopeless mutual crush and so much pining. Mc is kinda annoyed that his best friend is into his sister (but he secretly ships them together and keeps denying it!) Nour thinks that this girl is literally someone straight out of his wildest dreams and he seriously hopes she likes him back. (Will they end up together? Not revealing yet hehe!)
As for Literal Simping, it's honestly a short self-indulgent piece about mc trying to handle compliments.
He overhears a few girls talking about someone that somewhat fits his description. He waves it off, until they mention his exact eye colour. He experiments with walking up to them casually. One of the girls though, is completely disinterested in him. (No she doesn't end up secretly liking him, she really thinks he's not special, and doesn't simp at all over him)
He pretends to be cool about it, using his outwardly charming personality, but internally, he's absolutely flustered because he's really a huge dork, and he can't handle compliments. He's also not used to this kind of attention despite being generally handsome. (unlike with the incredibly confident Nour, he does care about people's opinions of him somewhat, but his confidence isn't super sucky tbh.)
He gets asked to take off his glasses, and he complies (because he's a sucker for that kind of attention), and he blushes even though he really didn't want to! (He feels better about it when he overhears a girl saying it's cute)
His sister tells him to come with her because the team needs him for something, and she lightly teases him about it.
His two other friends mercilessly tease him about it, and he's veryyy annoyed!
Ironically, his actual crush isn't in the group of girls there. And nothing goes on between any of those girls and him. They only think he's good-looking. It's surface-level attraction and not actual love.
This is one of the rare instances where girls talk together about boys in the story. Because there's a lot of that in fiction anyway. It was mainly a funny scene with a little insight onto what mc is really like. He's good at crafting a persona to hide what's he's really like.
Thanks for asking and sorry for the huge rant! ❤️
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