#my maternal instincts kicked in instantly the moment I saw him
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Welcome to the world, Morty❤️
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blu-joons · 3 years
When He Holds His Child For The First Time ~ SF9 Reaction
Your hand pointed to Inseong as soon as the midwife turned around with your daughter, ready with the important question. “Who’s going to go first?”
Inseong’s mouth opened to speak, but the midwife was already following the direction of your pointed finger. “No, Y/N, it’s only right that you go first.”
“No, it’s not, I want you to be the first one Inseong.”
Shaky arms stretched out as the midwife began to hang your daughter over. “Am I doing it right?” He instantly asked, terrified of messing something up or causing harm.
“Relax,” you giggled, “you’re doing a good job.”
“But she’s so small,” Inseong whispered, trying to keep calm as the midwife moved her arms away. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to this feeling, being a father already feels so cool.”
“You’re doing great,” you encouraged as Inseong walked across to you, “that little girl has no idea how lucky she is to have you in her life.”
“She’s very lucky,” Inseong agreed, “but not because she has me, but because she has you, an incredible mother.”
“An incredible mother because I’ve got an incredible partner too.”
Your smile grew as Youngbin’s eyes looked to you, barely able to believe the little one in front of him. “It certainly looks as if she’s taken a shine to you.”
His head nodded, unable to quite believe what was happening. “I don’t think I want time to end for a long time, can we stay here, right now, forever?”
“The first hold is always going to be the best hold.”
Youngbin nodded once again, smiling down at her barely open eyes. “If I hold onto her forever then it’s always going to be my first hold of her, and always special too.”
“What about me?” You joked, “I want a hold too.”
“You’ve carried her for nine months, it’s my turn now,” he teased, holding her a little bit tighter, “I’ve laid by her side for months, desperate to be able to have a moment like this with her.”
“At least whilst you hold her, she can’t kick you like she did me in here,” you pointed out to him, tapping against your tummy softly.
“You can hold her soon,” Youngbin assured you, “I just don’t think I’m ready to let her go just yet, not for a while.”
“It’s alright, I’m in no rush, take your time with her properly.”
It all felt surreal as your son was placed against Jaeyoon’s chest, curling up straight away against his skin. “See, you look like a complete natural straightaway.”
Jaeyoon wasn’t quite sure what to do as he looked across at you, “I feel like I’m in a bit of a dream right now having our son here after so long of waiting.”
“We’ve definitely waited a while for this moment to arrive.”
His head nodded in agreement, staring back down at your son. “I can’t believe how innocent he is; he has no idea of the amount of love so many already have for him.”
“Are you getting emotional?” You teased, “is the joker crying?”
“Perhaps,” he chuckled back at you, trying to keep himself together. “I wish I had something funny to say right now, but my heart is too full to even try and ruin this moment that we’re in.”
“You’re doing a good job,” you smiled across at him, “make sure that he enjoys the quiet now before he has to live with all of your stupid dad jokes.”
“They’re not stupid,” Jaeyoon tried to argue, “he’s going to have a great sense of humour just like his daddy does.”
“It already sounds like I’m in trouble with you two.”
Helpless eyes looked across at you as soon as you suggested to Sanghyuk holding your daughter. “There’s no need to look so afraid, it’s easy.”
Sangyuk continued to stare back at you, with a soft shake of his head. “She looks comfortable with you right now, let’s give it a little bit more time first.”
“You can’t put off holding your daughter forever you know.”
He sighed softly, looking down at the sleeping baby that you held. “I’m just scared of doing something wrong, what if I drop her or something like that?”
“That won’t happen,” you smiled, “just don’t stress.”
“Easy for you to say,” he responded, already finding himself moving forwards, as did you too. “How am I even supposed to hold my hands, where do you support a baby when holding them?”
“Calm down,” you assured him, resting your daughter into his extended arms, “just keep her nice and secure and you’ll be absolutely fine with her.”
“Secure,” he repeated, moving her tightly into his chest, “am I doing it right? Do I look the same as when you hold her?”
“You’re doing fine, and she’s still asleep, so it’s perfect.”
Your eyes instantly looked to Juho as you heard him whisper your name. “What is it?” You questioned, naturally feeling yourself panic.
His mouth was wide open, eyes staring down at awe. “He just looked at me and smiled, I’m sure that was a smile, do you think he knows who I am?”
“He’s listened to your voice for nine months; I expect he can.”
“Really?” Juho quizzed, not expecting that to be your response. “But I thought that was just an old fable about babies hearing voices in the bump.”
“It’s true,” you laughed, “but you never believed me.”
“I’m beginning to believe it now with these beautiful eyes staring back up at me,” he admitted, unable to look in your direction. “I just want to stay in this moment with him forever.”
“We’ve got years ahead of us for many moments like this,” you assured him, “with you as his dad, he’s always going to stare at you in awe.”
“I never imagined that anyone could steal my heart as quickly as this, he’s just too cute,” Juho then whispered.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you as soft as this either.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the difference between Seokwoo and your daughter as he held her into your chest. “You make her look so small.”
His eyes looked down at the sleeping bundle that he held in his arms. “I’m too scared to move in case I do anything, she’s so fragile and small Y/N.”
“You won’t hurt her, you’ve just got to be careful, that’s all.”
“I feel like I’m too tall to hold a baby,” he softly laughed, careful not to disturb her sleep. “I don’t want to be the reason that she wakes up too.”
“It’ll be alright,” you assured him, “if she wakes, she wakes.”
“You make it all sound so easy,” he sighed, looking back across the room to you, “I feel like I’ve just been thrown in at the deep end, suddenly I have so much responsibility for this little one.”
“And I know that you’ll do a great job too,” you encouraged, offering Seokwoo a smile. “It’s natural to feel worried at the very start, I am too.”
“Why?” He questioned, “you seem to have everything so under control, and I’m just one big mess right about now.”
“I’m hiding it well, that’s the difference between us.”
Yoo Taeyang:
As soon as the door had closed, your eyes looked to Taeyang as finally the three of you were left alone. “Do you want to hold him for a bit?”
His eyes widened, looking between you and your son. “But the midwife told you to have him for a while, skin to skin contact is good for you both.”
“He should have contact with you too, not just me Tae.”
You were stubborn, which he knew, not even attempting to argue with you. “If she tells us off for this, then I’m definitely putting all the blame on you.”
“That’s fine,” you smiled, “I take full responsibility.”
“Alright,” Taeyang whispered, taking his shirt off, pulling his chair closer towards you. As you leant forwards and placed your son into his arms, a loud gasp came from Taeyang at his first touch.
“Support his bum,” you instructed, reaching across to help Taeyang place his arms in the right place, “he’s so tiny, especially in your strong arms.”
“I can’t believe he’s so small,” Taeyang whispered, staring down at him, “how do we manage to do this?”
“We’re just such a good team, that’s exactly how.”
As you began to stir from your sleep, your heart couldn’t help but sink as you saw Youngkyun in front of you. “They let you hold her?”
His head nodded with a soft smile, “you looked too peaceful asleep to wake up, do you want to hold her for a bit? I’ve had her in my arms for a little while.”
“I wanted to be able to see you hold her for the first time.”
He was helpless as he stared back at you. “I couldn’t say no to the midwife when she handed her over, it all happened a bit too quickly. I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine,” you sighed, “it’s not that big of a deal.”
“It’s more important that you hold her anyway,” he spoke up as he began to approach you, “the midwife did say that it wouldn’t be too long before we could try feeding for the first time.”
“That’s so scary,” you sighed, pushing yourself upright so that Youngkyun could place her against your chest. “What am I supposed to do?”
“Do whatever feels right,” he encouraged, “you’ve always had maternal instincts, so this will be easy for you Y/N.”
“I just don’t want to be the one to mess things up.”
Your eyes instantly looked to Chanhee as the midwife turned around with your son in her arms. “Who’s going to be the first one to step up?”
Chanhee’s eyes flickered down to you, surprised to see you already staring across at him. “It should be you, you’re the one that just gave birth to him Y/N.”
“No, you hold him first, I know how excited you are.”
His head reluctantly nodded, taking a step towards the midwife, “what am I even supposed to do?” He questioned, beginning to feel himself getting quite frantic.
“Take a breath,” you called out to him, “it’s fine.”
“Deep breath,” he spoke to himself, extending his arms out as your son was placed into them, letting go of a sharp intake of breath. “Gosh, he’s beautiful, Y/N we really do make good babies together.”
“Let me see,” you whispered across to him, shuffling along the bed to make room for them both. “He looks so tiny, and you look so big.”
“He’s so delicate,” Chanhee whispered, “I can’t believe we get to be the ones to see such a tiny little human grow.”
“He’s going to grow up being one very spoilt kid.”
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
Can you write how Wakko’s birth and the fact that he even exists effects this AU
“Just one more push, your highness, then this’ll all be over,” the doctor instructed the exhausted princess. 
“Why did we ever agree to have a second child,” Lena panted and lamented her husband. 
“C’mon Lena, you’re almost done. You’re doing wonderfully,” William kissed her head. 
“Easy for you to say, you’re just the observer,” Lena rolled her eyes, but as she felt another contraction crash over her, she did as she was told, and gave one more final push, instantly collapsing back onto her pillows once she was done. 
“Good job, my love,” William smiled and kissed her again, but a deathly silence filled the room. 
“Wh-what’s the matter? Wh-why aren’t they crying? A-are they even breathing?” Lena asked as she saw the doctor rush the baby away. “W-william, what’s happening?” She looked up at him, but he looked just as frightened as she was. He cautiously wrapped an arm around her. 
“A-are they alright? A-answer me, dammit,” she demanded, tears falling down her face. She heard the doctor and nurses whisper a few things as they attempted to fix whatever issue it was (as they clearly weren’t willing to clarify).
This couldn’t be happening. 
“Please...” she whispered aloud. 
There was another long stretch of silence, and then-
The baby cried. 
Everyone in the room let out a sigh of relief, and in a few moments, the new royal baby was in the arms of the princess, now sobbing tears of joy instead. 
“Congratulations, your highnesses. It’s a boy,” the doctor said with a smile, but William and Lena were too happy and crying to really notice what he had said. 
“He’s okay,” Lena said, and William squeezed her a little, and touched the new baby’s face softly. 
“He’s perfect, Lena,” He smiled.  
“I’m never, ever going to let go of him,” She declared. “I’m simply going to hold him for forever and ever and ever and ever.” Nobody argued. 
“I’ll never let anything bad happen to him... he’ll be safe, and with me,” she swore. William nodded, silently taking the vow himself. 
“Do you have a name for the prince?” One of the nurses asked. Lena and William looked at each other. 
“Wakkorotti, like the performer- but we’d call him Wakko for short,” Lena said. 
“With the middle name Alan, like my father,” William added. 
“A perfect name for a perfect prince,” She smiled, and kissed her baby’s forehead. 
However, Lena and William didn’t have too long to themselves, before none other than Angelina and Yakko entered the room, with Yakko immediately running onto the bed. 
“Is that my baby brother?” He asked cheerfully. Lena giggled and nodded. 
“Do be quiet though, he is a baby,” She reminded the four-and-a-half-year-old. 
“He’s a rather tiny thing, isn’t he?” The queen observed. 
“Why are you here, mother?” Lena didn’t have the patience for her mother’s games. 
“Why do you act like my grandchildren aren’t important to me?” she said, placing a hand on Yakko’s shoulder. Yakko didn’t mind, utterly entranced at the sight of his new sibling. William rolled his eyes. 
“Well, it was nice of you to come by,” He wiped his eyes. “You can go now, though.”
“I will do as I please, thank you very much,” Angelina glared at him.  
“He seems weak,” she remarked once more. 
“If all you’re going to do is criticize a newborn, I suggest you leave,” Lena growled. 
“You know I’ve always said it’s good to have backups, but I’m not quite sure this one would even be adequate enough to qualify,” Angelina didn’t stop. 
“That’s enough, mother,” Lena said. 
“I’m just-”
“I said enough,” She snapped. Angelina paused. 
“You’re lucky I feel pity for you and the weakling,” She said, before turning and exiting. 
“Is he okay, mommy?” Yakko asked. 
“He’s perfect,” Lena smiled once more, and looked back at Wakko. 
“Why is he so tiny?” He asked again. 
“All babies are tiny, Yakko. You were once that small too,” William explained. Yakko “ooh”ed in fascination. 
“That’s cool,” he gave his dad a toothy grin. He continued to stare at him for a moment, before pausing and frowning. 
“Are you gonna forget about me?” he asked softly. 
“Of course not honey,” Lena reassured. “We would never forget about you just because we have a baby now.”
“We love you very much Yakko,” William placed a hand on his elder son’s shoulder. Yakko nuzzled his face on it. 
“And it’ll be part of your responsibilities to watch and care for him too, you know,” Lena said with a soft smile. 
“Really?” Yakko gasped. 
“Yep! As big brother, you have to make sure to always have his back and keep him safe when we aren’t around,” William explained. 
“Cool,” Yakko accepted the new responsibility. 
“He’s not a weakling, right?” He asked. 
“Of course not, honey. Your grandmother is wrong about that,” Lena quickly said. That was not something she was going to let her plant into his brain. 
“Okay,” He happily agreed, but Lena and William shared a look, knowing it wouldn’t be too long before he started his lessons and well- if ideas were already starting to take root...
No. Yakko would be fine. He was better than that. He was very sweet, he’d never be outright cruel or mean like his grandmother likely wanted him to be. When the time came, he’d make the right decisions. 
And so the family carried on, and Yakko did eventually start up his lessons with his grandmother, and Lena and William did their best to counteract them as they could, but it wasn’t easy. Angelina was tricky like that. 
And in the meantime, Wakkorotti (or just Wakko) was growing up into quite the wild child. He loved to run around- sometimes on all fours. He loved to chew on things, make mud pies, many other “improper behaviors” according to his grandmother. However, for the most part, Lena and William were good at keeping him away from her, being more protective over him than they were with Yakko. 
Still. That never stopped the little prince from getting into trouble anyway. 
“Wakko, what are you chewing on?” Lena looked up from her book, her maternal instincts kicking in. Wakko didn’t respond. 
“Wakko...” She said in a warning tone, looking at him, before gasping and realizing he was chewing on a book from her mother’s study she had given to Yakko for her or William to read to him. 
“Wakko, drop that now.” she ordered, panicked. Confused at her urgency, he dropped it immediately, and Lena quickly bent over and took the papers from him. 
“Remember what I said? We don’t chew on books. You can chew on your toys instead,” Lena reminded him softly. 
“Sorry mummy,” he apologized. Lena sighed tiredly. 
“It’ll be alright, let’s just get it fixed before-”
A knock on the nursery door interrupted her sentence, and before she knew it, her mother entered the room. 
“Angelina, it turns out I need-” The queen stopped midthought when she noticed Lena was holding the book, which was covered in teeth marks and slobber. 
“You let him get to it?” She gave a look of disgust at her grandson. 
“Wakko, get behind me,” Lena stood from her rocking chair, and Wakko obeyed, scurrying behind the safety of his mother. 
“That ‘son’ of yours is no better than a goat in a barn,” Angelina shook her head. “Though even a lowly goat is more intelligent than him.”
“He’s four, mother, have some mercy,” Lena responded. 
“Mercy is for those who deserve it, not for stupid, filthy animals,” Angelina rolled her eyes. 
“That book was supposed to be for Yakko’s lessons.” she looked at Wakko. “He’s going to be important one day, unlike you. Your job is to simply sit on the sidelines and be civilized, but you can’t even do that, can you?” she glared. 
“That’s enough, mother,” Lena warned, stepping in front of Wakko to block his vision. 
“Don’t act like you’re so tough, Angelina,” she warned. “I know your weaknesses too. The Tower is still plenty functional.” 
Lena didn’t break. 
“Well now... seeing as you’ve ruined a perfectly good book of mine, I suppose I’ll just be leaving this here then,” Angelina rolled her eyes and pulled out a toy bunny from her dress pocket. “I think one of them left it in my study, and I can’t fathom as to why.”
“That’s- that’s Yakko’s bunny. I haven’t seen that in years... why did you have it? He missed it so,” Lena took the toy from her. 
“Toys are for fools, of which Yakko is not,” She remarked. 
“Toys are for children, of which Yakko is,” Lena replied coldly. 
“Of course you’d think that,” The queen sighed. 
“Well... seeing as I have no more use of the two of you, I’ll be taking my leave now,” She nodded and left. Lena rolled her eyes before turning around. 
“Are you alright dear?” Lena asked Wakko. Wakko sniffled, holding back tears. 
“M’fine,” he said. Lena wrapped him in a quick hug. 
“I’m going to give this to Yakko- his sword lesson with his father should be done soon,” Lena looked at the clock in the room. “Will you be okay waiting in here a moment?”
Wakko nodded. 
“Good,” she kissed his forehead. “Yakko will be right here in a moment. I’m afraid I have to go- I’m not feeling well. You’ll stay right in here though, right?” She asked with a soft smile. 
Wakko nodded once more.
“Good,” she gave him another hug. 
“I love you,” She said, and left the playroom in a rush. Wakko didn’t have the slightest clue as to why, but he was fine with waiting in the playroom. It was his favorite place to be. 
However, his grandmother’s words played on repeat in his head, and for some reason, he couldn’t get it out. 
She said he was a wild and filthy animal. That wasn’t true. He took baths, though he did have a tendency to get dirty at times... but that was because it was fun. Fun things aren’t bad... right?
Wakko wasn’t any more an animal than his grandmother was, that’s what Daddo would say. 
Still... Grandmum was scary. She was mean and old and wrinkly and her stares were mean. He didn’t like how it felt when she looked at him. 
Thinking about it made his eyes fill with tears, and before he knew it, he crawled under the playroom table and began to cry. 
He wasn’t stupid... was he?
He had been told several times not to chew on books or things that weren’t his, especially if they were his grandmother’s. He should’ve paid more attention. Stupid people don’t pay attention...
“Wakko? Where are you?” Without Wakko realizing, Yakko had entered the room. Still, Wakko was in the middle of crying and wasn’t going to stop now. 
“Wakko? Are you crying?” Yakko asked, looking around for him, until he eventually found him under the table. 
“Hey... it’s okay,” Yakko said, crawling under the table and joining him, giving him a tight hug. 
“I-I’m not stupid, r-right?” Wakko sniffled. 
“Of course not, Wak,” Yakko reassured. “You’re smart.”
“B-but I don’t read o-or talk like you,” he pouted. 
“Dad said being slow isn’t stupid, so you aren’t stupid,” Yakko let go and pointed out. 
“Did Grandma tell you that?” He asked. Wakko nodded sadly. 
“Grandma is wrong about you,” He said. “She doesn’t like you for no reason, but she should like you. You’re really fun.”
“I am?” Wakko perked up a little. Yakko nodded. 
“You make up the best games and stories,” He grinned. “Plus, you’re pretty cute too. I don’t know many people who can refuse those puppy dog eyes.”
“Thanks Yakko!” Wakko beamed and gave his brother a hug. “You’re a good older sib.”
“No problem, Wak,” he chuckled. “Let’s play now, I have to go to my lesson in a half-hour.”
“But that’s so sooooooooon. I’ll die of boredommmmmm,” He pouted.
“I know, but you know you can’t sit in. I don’t need to remind you of last time...” Yakko said, and Wakko looked at the floor. 
“Okay...” he sighed. Yakko bit his lip. 
“Oh! I have an idea!” He snapped his fingers. Quickly, he crawled out under the table and grabbed his toy bunny and crawled back under. 
“While I’m at my lessons you can have this,” he said, handing it to him. 
“But mum said it’s yours,” Wakko frowned. 
“I don’t mind parting with Bugs if it’ll make you feel better,” Yakko smiled.
“You mean it?” Wakko’s face lit up. 
“Of course. Bugs has brought me a lot of comfort, I’m sure he can do the same for you,” Yakko said. “Plus, Grandma doesn’t like him much, so he’ll need someone to watch over him too. Are you up to the challenge?” 
“Yeah!” Wakko agreed enthusiastically, and Yakko handed him the stuffed bunny. 
“I’ll protect him with my life,” he promised. Yakko snorted. 
“I know you will,” he elbowed him lightly. 
“Now... can we crawl out of here and get to playing? I’m a lot taller than you and it is cramped under here,” he joked. 
Wakko nodded, and together the brothers crawled out from under the table, and began to properly play their silly little games to the fullest they could, and when their thirty minutes was over, Wakko was happy waiting and watching over Yakko’s bunny, Bugs, promising to make sure the bunny didn’t feel lonely and that he always had someone to watch over and protect him, like how he had Yakko. 
Wakko was the luckiest little brother in the world.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
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cakesunflower · 5 years
Reach For You [Dad!Calum AU] Ch. 19
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Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18
Chapter 19
ONCE THE EXCITEMENT of Christmas and New Years passed, it was back to their regular schedules. Luna was back at school, Aspen was working at the clinic, and Calum was in the city making sure his club was up to par and regularly meeting with the staff and vendors and the like. Aspen felt like she hadn’t been to work in so long, easily smiling at the regular patients she often saw, her maternal empathy kicking in every time a kid was trying hard to fight a fever, flu, or the like.
Right when her break was finished, crumbling up the bag she’d brought her sandwich in and throwing it out, her phone began ringing. At the sight of Calum’s name and picture, she instantly picked it up. “What’s up?”
“Sweetheart, hey,” Calum’s breathless voice responded, sounding as though he was either running or panicked. “Listen, shit, is there any way you can pick up Luna? There’s an issue with one of the vendors and I need to sort it out—I don’t think I can make it back to Jersey in time for pick up.”
“Uh—” Aspen’s eyes widened, darting to the clock on the wall. Luna’s school ended in a little less than half an hour, and with her break almost over, she definitely didn’t have the time. Not to mention not a lot of the staff was scheduled for today, and the clinic needed all the help it could get. “No, crap, I can’t,” she stammered, pressing her hand to her hairline in worry.
“Fuck,” Calum cursed, sounding justifiably panicked. Aspen didn’t blame him; things like this happened, neither of them could control life.
She licked her lips. “Hold on, I don’t think Jodie works today. Let me ask if she can pick Luna up.” There was a reason why her best friend was one of her daughter’s emergency contacts.
Calum let out a breath, not entirely relieved until he knew there was something to be relieved about. “Alright, let me know, yeah? I’m sorry, love.”
A soft chuckle escaped Aspen. “It’s okay, Cal. Let me text Jodie.”
He offered a quick goodbye and Aspen immediately went to texting her best friend, chewing on her lower lip and hoping for a miracle. She tapped her foot against the floor impatiently, knowing she had to get back out there in a little bit, watching the three little bubbles appear as Jodie wrote her text.
Yeah, no problem! I gotchu, sis.
A sigh of relief escaped Aspen, hissing out a quiet and victorious, “yes!” before thanking her friend and letting Calum know all was taken care of. He responded asking what Jodie’s favorite wine was as a thank you.
Aspen laughed, pocketing her phone before heading back to the nurse’s station, grabbing the file for the next patient ready to be seen. The next few hours of her shift seemed to fly by, and soon enough she was bidding goodbye to coworkers that still had some hours left and was on her way home. The short drive ended with her pulling into the parking lot of her building, letting out an amused laugh when she glanced to her left and caught sight of Calum’s Range Rover pulling up next to her. He noticed her right away, grinning and throwing up a peace sign from where he sat.
“Hi, baby,” Aspen greeted as they both got out of their cars, her tone a melodic tune as she smiled when he jogged over, arm dropping around her shoulders. “Everything work out with the vendor?”
Calum quickly pecked her lips as they approached the building. “Yeah, ’s all good,” he reassured.
When he opened the door for Aspen, allowing her to walk into the complex, it was then when she saw the bag he was holding and let out a laugh. “You actually got Jodie’s wine?”
Calum scoffed as the elevator opened up immediately, shooting her a bemused look. “Can’t believe you thought I was kidding.”
Reaching the door, Aspen used her keys to unlock it and they stepped inside the apartment as Aspen called out, “We’re home!”
Jodie emerged from the kitchen, smiling at the two as she sipped from a glass of water. “Hey guys; how was work?” Before either of them could answer, her gaze happened to drop, raising her eyebrows as she instinctively asked, “Is that a bottle of red?”
Calum, whose lips were parted to respond to her first question, looked down at the bag before letting out a laugh. “Yeah, it is. For you,” he said, holding it out for a confused Jodie to take. “As a thank you for the last minute baby sitting.”
“Oh, please, anything for my godchild,” Jodie scoffed before holding the bag close to her chest, grinning. “I’ll still take it. Thanks, Calum.” Aspen chuckled as her boyfriend merely grinned, yet Jodie’s smile quickly faltered as she looked at the two parents worriedly. “But, you guys, something’s up with Luna. She’s been kind of down ever since I picked her up.”
Instantly, both Aspen and Calum went into concerned mode. “Did she say why?” Aspen asked as she put her bag down on the couch, eyebrows drawing together as she looked at her best friend.
Jodie gave a shake of her head and pursed her lips. “No; I tried to get it out of her but she wouldn’t budge. She ate some mac and cheese when we got back and did her homework and now she’s coloring in the dining room but, like, not a word.” Running her fingers through her hair, she added with a regretful sigh, “I would’ve texted you guys but I didn’t want you to worry while at work, and I didn’t expect her to keep it in this long.”
Aspen’s eyes dart to where the dining room was, the wall obstructing her view, as Calum sighed. “It’s okay, Jodie, thanks. We’ll see what’s up—you wanna stay for dinner?”
“Thanks, but I gotta get going,” Jodie denied with a smile, moving to grab her bag. “Lemme know how it goes.”
Aspen hugged her best friend. “Thanks, Jodie,” she said gratefully and once Jodie was gone, Aspen was on her way to the dining room, Calum right behind her.
They walked around to see Luna sitting on a chair, the overhead light bright as she colored away in one of her many books. Color pencils were strewn about on the table, and Aspen felt a worried thud in her chest when Luna didn’t even look up as Calum greeted gently, “Hey, bug.”
Instead, the five year old kept her head down, lazily—sadly—coloring as she responded in the smallest voice, “Hi.”
Aspen looked up at Calum, a silent worry present between them, before the two made their way over to their daughter. She settled to Luna’s right when Calum took the seat on her left, Aspen glancing down to see Duke sitting under the table, before looking at Luna again. Her dark curls sat thickly around her shoulders, not quite allowing Aspen to see the little girl’s face, and so she reached up and gently tucked some of Luna’s curls behind her ears. “Baby.” Her voice was soft, gentle, ducking her head to try and get a look at Luna. “Why are you sad?”
Luna gave a small shake of her head, eyes still on the coloring page. Aspen felt her chest tighten at Luna’s refusal to even look at them, her own eyebrows drawing together in distress. “I’m not sad,” Luna mumbled. Her tone contradicted her words.
Calum rested his left elbow on the table, facing the little girl as he tried gently, “It’s okay if you are. Maybe we can help.”
She was silent for a few moments, continuing her coloring, the worry in both Calum and Aspen increasing by the second. They looked at each other over Luna’s head, both of their gazes nothing but concerned, snapping back to Luna when they heard a sniffle emit from her. They shifted, ducking their heads, and when Aspen pushed some of Luna’s hair out of her face, she felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach when she noticed the pink on Luna’s cheeks and nose, and the wetness from the tears falling from her green eyes.
Aspen’s breath caught in her throat, a panic bubbling in her veins as she softly gasped, “Oh, baby,” before wrapping her arms around Luna. The five year old let go of the coloring pencil, allowing her mother to pull her in with her back pressed against Aspen’s front. She held Luna comfortingly, Calum’s own expression worry and panic stricken as he shuffled forward to sit in Luna’s now vacant chair, facing her as Aspen lowered her head to still take a look at her. “Tell us what’s wrong, bub. Please?”
Luna’s head still hung low and the ache in Aspen’s chest intensified the longer the silence dragged on, especially when it was broken by Luna’s sniffles, and Aspen looked at Calum. He looked just as alarmed, unsettled by the sight of an obviously distressed Luna, and Aspen gently bounced her knee in hopes of calming the little girl.
Luna sucked in a breath before she began speaking, her voice a quiet mumble, too upset to speak up. “B-Brooke gave all the kids cards to her birthday a-and I didn’t get o-one.”
Aspen inhaled sharply at her words, feeling an aggravated fire ignite in her bones, just barely replacing the worry over her daughter. Of fucking course Bailey Clarkson’s daughter would have something to do with Luna’s distressed mood, and despite the anger brimming her veins, Aspen’s heart went out to her daughter. Her jaw clenched, eyes meeting Calum’s, who looked just as indignant as she felt. Though the circumstances were vastly different, Aspen knew what it was like to feel unwanted, and she absolutely despised that her daughter was feeling this way, and that someone had gone out of their way to make her feel so. And while she couldn’t entirely set her anger towards another five year old, she sure as hell could call out her mother.
When it was Luna’s birthday a few months ago, Aspen had made sure to write out invitations to every classmate of Luna’s—including Brooke Clarkson. When Luna had asked her why, Aspen had told her daughter it would be mean to give every kid an invitation and not Brooke, and Luna had understood. She didn’t want the mean girl to feel bad, so she didn’t argue against Aspen. That only left Aspen wondering how she’d gotten such a good little kid. Of course, Brooke didn’t show up to Luna’s party, which was barely noticed given that Luna was surrounded by family and other friends. But at least an invitation had gotten to Brooke; at least she didn’t feel left out when Luna handed hers out to her classmates.
And for it to come around like this pissed Aspen off. She had a good feeling that Luna was probably the only one in their class that Brooke didn’t give an invitation to, and while the little girl probably didn’t know any better, her mother sure as hell did. To go out of their way to make Luna feel like this. . . The rage in Aspen’s veins was unstable.
But she was pulled out of it as Luna cried, and Aspen pushed her anger aside to hug her daughter, pulling Luna’s back into her chest and burying her face in the small crook of Luna’s neck. “Oh, bub, I’m so sorry,” she murmured, one hand coming up to push Luna’s hair out of the way.
Calum leaned forward, his hands grasping Luna’s smaller ones, but before he could offer his own reassurances, Luna hiccuped, “I invi-invited her to my birthday. I was the only one who didn’t get a card for hers.”
Aspen’s jaw clenched. She was about a second away from calling Bailey and cursing that woman out.
“That just means you care more about other people’s feelings, bug,” Calum told her, his voice soft and smooth. It wasn’t his objective, but his tone was calming Aspen down from her rage. She hoped it was helping Luna, too. His dark eyes were warm as he peered at his daughter, and Aspen could see him try to hide his own struggle of pushing aside how upset he was to see Luna so distraught. Bringing Luna’s hands up, he pressed a kiss on her knuckles and said, “Not everyone’s as nice as you are.”
He was good at sugar coating it. Aspen really just wanted to drop the B-word on both Bailey and her snot-nosed brat.
Luna wasn’t shaking as much, her cries dying down as she sniffled through a now stuffy nose, and the tightness in Aspen’s chest had yet to loosen up. The ball in her throat also made it difficult to breathe, her disbelief and indignance over this entire situation wildly unsettling. But appearing calm and comforting for her daughter was her priority.
So Aspen took another breath, head still next to Luna’s as she tried to get her mind off of this. “Come on, baby, do you want dinner? We can order pizza or McDonalds—whatever you want.”
Luna reached up to rub at her eyes to rid of the tears, and Calum reached up to cup her small face in his large hands to wipe away the wetness on her cheeks with his thumbs, offering a gentle smile. A moment later, Luna answered, “McDonalds.”
“Alright; you finish coloring and we’ll order the food, bug,” Calum said, taking Luna from Aspen’s lap as he stood up, placing the five year old back in her chair and kissing the top of her head.
Aspen got up as well, sucking in a sharp breath and walking into the kitchen as Duke hopped up on her chair. Calum was right behind her, and as soon as she knew they were out of Luna’s range of hearing, Aspen hissed out, “I’m gonna fucking break Bailey Clarkson’s fake nose.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Calum’s calm voice spoke up from behind her, hands on Aspen’s rigid shoulders as he came to appear in front of her. He looked down at his girlfriend, took in her tight features and fiery eyes, and added, “Let’s order dinner before Googling how to get rid of a body.”
Aspen grunted incoherently, pulling out her phone and going on the UberEats app as she muttered, “I went to nursing school; I can figure out how to get rid of a body.” She was halfway through putting in their order when she started waving around her phone, her thoughts raging. “I just—I can’t believe this bullshit,” Aspen ranted, a glare forming on her face as she stared at Calum indignantly. “Her daughter bullied Luna and now she’s just feeding into it!”
“Sweetheart,” Calum spoke up, trying to be the more tranquil one in this situation. Aspen knew he was just as disgruntled, offended, outraged as her, but he was trying to be the voice of reason for their benefit. They couldn’t have two murderous parents in this moment. “Even if Luna got invited, would you have let her gone?”
Aspen scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “That’s not the point, Calum. We still invited that little troll to Luna’s party because, as a mother, I wouldn’t want a kid to feel bad. Apparently Bailey doesn’t have the same consideration for Luna.”
“I—wait,” Calum paused, holding up a finger as he blinked under furrowed eyebrows before a scoff that was all too amused escaped him. “Did you just call a five year old a-a troll?”
Not her finest moment, but Aspen stood by it. “She made Luna cry. She’s a troll,” she deadpanned before grunting in annoyance and completing the order. It’d arrive in half an hour. Putting her phone away, Aspen looked up at Calum once more, her shoulders sinking under his touch as she let out a breath. Her expression fell as well as she rolled her lips into her mouth. “A little girl should never feel so. . . Unwanted.” Aspen’s gaze dropped to her feet, and suddenly there was a burning in her eyes she wasn’t aware she had been holding back. More to herself than Calum, Aspen whispered, “I never wanted Luna to feel that way.”
It’s part of why she ran. She had felt unwanted, her own fear and insecurities playing into it, and she didn’t want her baby to feel that way. Ever. And yet, Aspen hadn’t been able to uphold that responsibility.
Calum was not lost as to what Aspen was alluding to, and now his heart ached not just for his daughter, but for his girlfriend, too. And while he wasn’t a mind reader, he knew Aspen all too well, could read her by her facial expressions, and knew exactly what was running through that brain of hers. “We can’t protect her from everything, doll,” Calum murmured, his hands sliding from her shoulders to cup her cheeks, prompting her to lift her head up. “She’ll get past this, yeah?” He smiled softly, thumbs rubbing at Aspen’s cheeks. “She’s tough, just like her mama.”
Aspen let out a breath, lips quirking at Calum’s words as her green eyes remained on his brown. She gave a subtle nod, telling him she acknowledged and was appreciative of what he said. Then, with all seriousness, she added, “Her mama’s gonna fight a bitch, too.”
Calum smirked. “That’s hot.”
“You didn’t have to come too, ya know.”
“I dunno what you’re talking about; I just wanna see my daughter.”
Aspen rolled her eyes until they landed on Calum, standing next to her, waiting for the final bell of the day to ring to let out all the elementary schoolers. “You can see her at home,” she pointed out matter-of-factly.
Calum made it a point not to look at her, comically so, as he kept his gaze, hidden behind sunglasses, on the building ahead and hushed her. It only served to make Aspen scoff with a shake of her head. She knew he was here to make sure she didn’t completely lose it in the courtyard of the school at Bailey Clarkson. Calum’s concern was justified, Aspen knew, but still. She knew better than to—
“Oh! Aspen! There you are!”
She took a deep breath, long and bracing, feeling Calum tense up next to her as she turned her head, sunglasses protecting her from the rays above. The devil herself, Mrs. Bailey Clarkson, was approaching them in heels Aspen kind of hoped she would slip on against the ice. As if he could feel the blood in Aspen’s veins beginning to boil, Calum took a step closer towards her while murmuring quietly, “Please don’t throw any punches.”
Aspen puckered her lips briefly, indignantly. “No promises.” Calum merely sighed. She didn’t even bother plastering on a fake friendly smile as Bailey approached.
“Gosh, I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” she reckoned as she came to a stop in front of them, her laugh couldn’t possibly be sounding more fake if she tried. Her own eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, one arm crossed over her as the strap of her purse hung by the crook of her elbow. Bailey’s eyebrows raised as she continued, “I heard you were in a terrible accident—good to see you back on your feet.”
Next to her, Aspen felt Calum tense at the mention of one of the scariest moments in both of their lives. Aspen, on the other hand, fought to roll her eyes. Many of the other parents had at least called or texted Aspen, giving her their well wishes, some even so far as bringing over food for their little family. Still, Aspen kept a straight face towards Bailey as she responded, “Better than ever.” Taking a small breath, Aspen began, “Actually, Bailey, I wanted to talk to you about—”
Bailey cut her off with her gaze flickering to the sky as she sounded, “Oh,” with a wave of her hand. “I was going to talk to you about that.” Aspen watched as a sympathetic expression washed over her face, one that she knew to be utterly fake and dismissive. Lacing her fingers together, Bailey continued, “I hope you don’t mind about Brooke not inviting Luna to her birthday. With the girls having trouble with each other in class, I figured you’d appreciate me taking the measures of keeping them out of more of it.”
Oh, of course she thought she was doing everyone a favor by alienating Luna.
“It’s not a matter of attending the party, Mrs. Clarkson—it’s a matter of receiving an invitation at all,” Calum said, his own tone hard and void of much emotion. He lifted his chin, looking down at the woman. “Brooke had gotten an invitation to Luna’s birthday.” With his eyebrows drawing together, he asked, “You don’t think it was unfair that Luna was the only kid in their class to not get an invite?”
“Well, I—” Bailey scoffed out a laugh, gaze darting between Calum and Aspen behind her sunglasses. With a shake of her head and a shrug of one shoulder, she surmised, “I didn’t think it’d be such a big deal.”
Aspen’s jaw tightened, skin warming from the anger she could feel brimming. The rage was barely contained in her voice as she shot back, “You didn’t think it’d be a big deal to purposefully make Luna feel bad by leaving her out?”
Bailey’s lips parted, having the gall to appear incredulous as she eyed Aspen up and down before remarking, “No wonder Luna’s such a sensitive kid.”
Aspen felt Calum’s hand on her lower back, grounding her from the anger quickly rising, but she remained calm. She didn’t want to give Bailey Clarkson the satisfaction of getting under her skin. So she offered a smile, completely fake in its sweetness as she returned, “And it looks the rotten apple didn’t fall far from the tree in your family.” With a tilt of her head and a condescending smile, Aspen added, “God knows what kind of woman your daughter will become with you as a mother.”
That had Bailey’s expression falling from behind the shield of her sunglasses, a tightness in her features as she indignantly stammered out, “I-I beg your pardon?”
The woman was rendered speechless, completely bewildered and outraged by Aspen’s comment, which only granted her tremendous satisfaction just as the final bell rang at 11:45, signalling the end of the school day that was actually cut in half for teachers’ workshop. Next to Aspen, Calum piped up dismissively, “School’s out. Excuse us, Mrs. Clarkson.”
With one last smile at Bailey, Aspen followed Calum to take a few steps closer towards the building, feeling Bailey’s heated glare burning at the backs,  as the doors opened and kids began filing out. His arm found Aspen’s shoulders, pulling her into him as he said in a low rasp, “That was way hotter than any ass kicking.”
Aspen let out a short laugh, her right arm going around his waist as they waited for Luna to come out. “I think that was one of the most satisfying moments of my life,” she hummed thoughtfully just as they caught sight of Luna leaving the building, her ponytail bouncing behind her as she approached her parents.
“Hi, bug,” Calum grinned, letting go of Aspen to crouch down and pick up Luna, settling her on his hip. He kissed her cheek, eliciting a smile from the little girl, as he asked, “How was school?”
Luna nodded as Aspen took off her backpack. “Good. We have show and tell next week. Can I bring Duke?”
“Uh,” Calum paused, looking at Aspen for a moment as she raised her eyebrows, and Calum let out a nervous chuckle as he said, “We’ll see, bug. Duke can be a little unfriendly sometimes.”
Lune tilted her head, eyebrows furrowing together in childish confusion. “He’s not unfriendly with me?”
Aspen chuckled as they continued to where the car was parked, looking at Calum as he took this one. He merely grinned, poking Luna’s stomach as he told her truthfully, “That’s ’cause he loves you,” as Luna giggled happily.
They reached the car and Calum opened the backdoor, getting Luna inside and buckling her in before shutting the door. He looked at Aspen over the roof of the Range Rover, raising his eyebrows as he smiled at her. “Ready for today?”
She returned the grin, her excitement bright in her green eyes. “Hell yeah.”
The bumper car collided with Aspen’s, a laughing oof escaping her as the sound of Luna’s giggles reached her ears. “We got you, Mama!” she cheered from where she sat in the yellow bumper car with Calum.
Next to Aspen, Mariam giggled as her aunt huffed, “Traitor!”
They enjoyed themselves, hitting bumper car after bumper car, and Aspen hadn’t really expected herself to have fun in this setting because of what happened. But bumper cars were vastly different than an actual car accident, and Luna’s giggles along with her nieces’, as well as Jodie and the boys’ laughter made for a much lighter experience. Colorful lights surrounded the bumper car arena, as well as the entirety of Bryant Park where Aspen and Calum had decided to bring Luna.
Seeing her so upset the other night had their hearts breaking, so the two of them decided to do something special for her, and since today she had a half day at school and it was the middle of the week, it worked out perfectly. So they called Jodie and the boys, as well as Rich to see if he’d bring the twins, and they all ended up at Bryant Park, which had been transformed into a winter village. Except Rich couldn’t make it, staying back with a pregnant Laila, so Aspen and Calum picked up Nadia and Mariam before taking them to the city.
They’d all stopped at one of the holiday shops and bought hot chocolate with marshmallows to top them with before the girls—and Michael—spotted the bumper cars. Aspen shouldn’t have been surprised when Calum pulled her aside and asked if she was okay to go in them; he’d always been one of the most considerate people she’d ever met, so the fact that his concern for Aspen and whatever trauma she may still have from the car accident tied into her getting into a bumper car had both taken her aback and also melted her heart.
Then she’d proceeded to say she was gonna kick his ass at bumper cars, and the challenge had been set.
“Mama, we beat you!” Luna cheered as they all got out of their cars, grinning up at her mother as she bounced on her feet.
“You beat me?” Aspen repeated in a shocked, disbelieving tone for her benefit. She scoffed, picking up Luna and resting her on her hip as they began walking. “No, no, I think I beat you.” Leaning towards her, Aspen’s eyes flickered to Calum, who was giving Mariam a few quarters so she could play with one of the claw machines to win herself a toy. Loud enough for her boyfriend to hear, Aspen added, “Your dad’s a terrible driver.”
Calum’s gaze met hers, jaw dropping in offense as Jodie and Luke snickered at his expense. Michael, Ashton and Nadia were too busy cheering Mariam on. “I’m a terrible driver?” Calum repeated, walking towards them with a challenging raise of his eyebrows. With a smirk, he added, “Sounds like you’re projecting, love.”
Aspen scoffed as Calum dropped his arm around her shoulders, chuckling when she playfully shoved him away. “Shut up.”
Luna’s lips formed an O, wide green eyes on her mother as she cutely chastised, “Shut up is a bad word, Mama.”
Aspen pressed her lips together, her own eyes widening in childish surprise as Calum met her exaggerated gaze with one of his own, and he gave a shake of his head and clicked his tongue. “Mama’s got a potty mouth,” Calum taunted.
Luna then shifted, and Aspen felt her heart swell when her daughter gave her a kiss to her lips, pulling back with a toothy grin as she declared, “All clean!”
She warmed her parents instantly as Calum’s expression softened at the adorable action, and Luna was oblivious to the effect she had on her mom and dad as she asked, “I wanna see Mariam play.”
Aspen let her down as Luna ran over to where everyone else was cheering on Mariam, and she gave a shake of her head as she looked at Calum, who had yet to look away from their daughter. Aspen let out a sigh as she leaned her head against Calum’s shoulder. “Sometimes it fucking hurts how much I love her.”
She felt Calum let out a gentle, short agreeing chuckle, arm still hooked around her shoulders. Then, with a playful lilt, he stated, “You said a bad word again.” Aspen scoffed, lips quirking, as Calum’s free hand reached up and he gently grasped her chin with his fingers, pulling her face towards him. He closed the distance with his lips capturing hers in a slow, sweet kiss that Aspen instinctively melted into, humming approvingly against the softness of Calum’s lips and the warmth of his touch. He pulled away too soon with one last peck and he murmured through a smile, “All clean.”
Aspen laughed, heart fluttering as they pulled away, and with a teasing grin she said, “That’s kind of gross, when you think about it.”
Calum scoffed, rolling his dark eyes as he chastised jokingly, “Don’t ruin an adorable bit our daughter created.”
She giggled once again. “Sorry, sorry.” Her gaze swept over to the claw machine where everyone was gathered around, cheering as Mariam won herself a little purple hippo. Luke put in some quarters and then proceeded to help Nadia try to win a stuffed animal for herself, and Aspen knew it was only a matter of minutes until it was Luna’s turn. She took in the grin of her daughter as Ashton held her in his arms so she could watch the claw, and Aspen relaxed against Calum. Quietly, she said, “She looks happy.”
“Yeah; all thanks to you, love,” Calum said, rubbing her arm soothingly. When he looked down at her, Aspen could see the delight swimming in his dark eyes, the warmth in his smile as he added proudly, “You’re quite the mama bear.” Then, with his lips just barely brushing the shell of her ear, he added in a low rasp, “She’s lucky to have you.”
Aspen’s grin widened, a warmth in her cheeks, the heat of Calum’s body far more comforting than the layers she had on. He kissed her temple, arm around her giving her a squeeze as he finished earnestly, “We both are.”
tags: @irwinkitten @sweetcherrymike @meetashthere @valentinelrh @softforcal @astroashtonio @hereforlukescruff @novacanecalum @captain-what-is-going-on @angelbbycal @singt0mecalum @hopelessxcynic @lfwallscouldtalk @bodhi-black @findingliam-o @softlrh @calntynes @calumsmermaid @erikamarie41 @quintodosuniversos @longlastingdaydream @babylon-corgis @lukehemmingsunflower @imfuckin10plybud @pastelpapermoons @conquerwhatliesahead92 @rotten-kandy @metangi @neigcthood @ohhmuke @old-zeppelin-shirt @5sos-and-hessa @trustmeimawhalebiologist @vxlentinecal @pettybassists @vaporshawn @lu-my-golden-boi @visualm3nte @isabella-mae13 @dontjinx-it @lifeakaharry @neonweeknds @antisocialbandmate @ixcantxdecidexwhosxmyxfave @calpalbby @grreatgooglymoogly @sunnysidesblog @gorgeouslygrace @cocktail-calum @miahelizaaabeth @madelynerin @dramallamawithsparkles​ @theagenderwhocriedwolf​ @kaytiebug14​ @hoodskillerqueen​ @bitchinbabylon​ @empathycth​ @xhaileyreneex​ @inlovehoodx​ @aestheticrelated​ @bloodlinecal​ @sublimehood​ @madbomb​ @raabiac​ @britnicole11​ @outofmylimitcal​ @fluffsshawn​ @bloodmoonashton​ @vxidhood​ @tea4sykes @lukeinblue​ @mysteriouslycali​ @hoodcentral​ @rosecoloredash​ @hearts-to-the-sky​
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dudeandduchess · 5 years
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As promised, bby, Part 2 of Afflictions of the Heart. Though I am a bit iffy about some parts of this, so I might re-write it later on when I get more inspiration. 🤔
Hope you bbys like it tho! 💜✨
Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Afflictions of the Heart (SFW Scenario, Part 2):
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Demon S/O, Moral Dilemma, Mentions of Death of an Unborn Child, Mentions of Blood, Mild Violence, So Much Drama
Read part 1 here.
No matter how hard Kyōjurō tried to move on with his life, everything always seemed to pull him back to (Y/n). It could be as simple as seeing someone with the same shade of hair as her, and he would be so out of sorts for a while.
Almost every little thing reminded him of her but, even though he tried to stop it, his own conscious wouldn’t cease its efforts in connecting everything to her.
From the way that the stars shone, down to how a hairpin looked on someone— everything always came back to her. Which stood to reason why he never stopped searching for her.
He always held out hope that she had been turned into a demon, and always kept an eye out for any signs of her wherever he went; because she couldn’t have gotten far, what with only two months having passed by since their supposed wedding.
The thought of the ill-fated date sent a pang of hurt coursing through the Flame Hashira’s chest. It was so intense that he had to make a conscious effort to keep on walking, as stopping in the middle of a busy street would only cause an inconvenience for other people.
Still, he couldn’t resist not lifting a hand up to his chest— placing it right over where his heart was. He had to remind himself that, no matter how much pain he felt, he had to keep going.
So that less people will have to lose their loved ones like he had.
The strong must protect the weak; just as he should have protected (Y/n) and their unborn child with all his might. Should have, but didn’t.
He had been too cocky, too confident, with the wisteria charms that he’d initially put up around her home— that he’d forgotten to switch them out with fresh ones the week before their wedding.
So he only had himself to blame for that— but those feelings of guilt only came at him when he was alone; when there were no reasonable voices around him to keep himself from delving in too deep in his own guilt. They preyed at his subconscious, and they plagued his every thought before the medicine— that Shinobu had made for him— kicked in.
Even he had to admit that he was no longer the same person that he had been before. He still tried to be optimistic, and also made an effort to keep the flame in his heart alive... but everything felt like a lost cause without (Y/n) in his life.
He had lost the only woman he’d ever loved, and he only had himself to blame for it.
So the moment he saw her deep within a mountainous forest, miles away from where she lived, his heart had all but stopped— and his eyes had instantly zeroed in on her figure.
She looked to be the same woman as before, save for the eerie glow in her iridescent, golden eyes— as well as the long mane of fiery red and orange hair. If his eyes weren’t deceiving him, her hair looked to be a play of his own natural hair color.
It flattered him, yet saddened him at the same time— because even as a transformed demon, he still had something about him that was tied to her subconscious.
(Y/n) straightened up from her hunched form to reveal, much to Kyōjurō’s horror, a bloody mouth as well as the body of a dead woman at her feet. His breath had hitched at that, and it took everything in him not to give in to the sobs that threatened to bubble free from his lips.
Because to see her like that... and to know that his own carelessness had been the cause of it; it ate at his conscience deeply.
The rational half of his mind screamed at him to draw his sword— to make things quick and painless for her— but his heart said something completely different. His own personal feelings rendered him immobile; completely unable to draw his weapon on her, even though she had bared her claws at her sides— ready to attack at any given moment.
“(Y/n),” The Flame Hashira called softly, his voice cracking. He wanted to ask her how she’d gotten there, and why she was attacking an innocent woman, but no words came. He didn’t even know where to start.
He could only stare into her iridescent irises, all while trying to keep his tears at bay.
Silence punctuated his call of her name, with nothing but the sound of the air rustling the leaves in the trees emphasizing the eerie standstill that seemed to envelop the world around them.
Still, Kyōjurō tried once more— because maybe if he got to her subconscious, he could talk to her... about what, he wasn’t sure of; since killing a human as a demon was an unforgivable sin. He knew that she had to die, since the gods only knew just how many innocent lives she’d managed to take during the time she was a demon.
The notion of ending (Y/n)’s life by his own hands made him sick to his stomach but, in the end— and with shaky hands— he still found himself drawing his sword on her.
“(Y/n), I’m so sorry,” Kyōjurō whispered, his tone so quiet and thick with unshed tears that it had the aforementioned woman’s eyebrows furrowing together.
Almost all of the instincts inside her body told her to attack while he wasn’t in a proper attacking stance, yet a small part of her— something so small yet so incessant in the back of her mind— told her to let her guard down.
To let him in, and to listen to what he had to say.
“How do you know my name?” The young woman asked softly, all while clenching her fists and fighting everything in her that wanted to harm the blond man.
The Flame Hashira opened his mouth to speak, only to pause when he didn’t know what to say. But when he did find the words, he said, “You were my wife, even though we never officially got married. Please, remember, my love.”
But when only silence answered his words, he tried once more.
“I... we used to go to the shrine near your home and exchange vows in front of the gods.” Kyōjurō’s voice hitched at the last word, as memories of him and (Y/n) pretending to practice for their wedding played in his mind.
And one by one, his tears began to roll down his cheeks in hot rivulets. He couldn’t stop them, not that he even tried to; because his chest felt so tight and painful with all the emotions that he’d been trying to suppress for so long.
He was done pretending to be strong, when all he wanted was to break down and cry; to grieve over the loss of his almost-wife and their unborn child.
Slowly, he dropped the hand that held his sword to his side, before making his way towards the petrified (Y/n).
As if on instinct, the young woman took a step away from the Hashira, and then drew an arm up to her stomach; as if to protect it from him.
The sight of her cowering from him made his heart break even more and, despite himself, made him sheathe his nichirin blade.
“Please don’t hurt me. I was just trying to feed my baby.” Her words felt like a sucker punch to his chest, and it had him roughly biting down on his bottom lip to keep himself from outright sobbing. “Please, she’s the only thing I have left of my human life.”
Regretfully, the Hashira shook his head as more and more tears rolled down his face. There was his formerly enigmatic and bright (Y/n), clutching her stomach and believing that she was still carrying their child— out of her remaining maternal instincts, or as a way of coping, he didn’t know.
All that he was sure of was that it hurt him to see her look so desperate and afraid— of him, no less.
Still, he forced his feet to keep advancing— until he was no more than two feet away from her. Then, with his right hand, he lifted it up and gently touched her face with his fingertips.
Her fangs began to elongate at the action, and a low growl rumbled in her chest, yet he made no move to stop. She could attack him and he would willingly welcome it; because it was his fault that things had turned out the way they did.
To her merit, (Y/n) kept a tight leash on her own defensive urges. She knew that she could easily off the man in front of her, but she held herself back— all because of that small voice inside the back of her head; one that kept telling her to trust him.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/n), for letting this happen to you... for letting our happy ending be taken away,” Kyōjurō uttered softly through his tears, while his hand moved to cup his lover’s face— before wiping the first of her tears away with the pad of his thumb.
She couldn’t put a name to his face, yet every part of her sensed the familiarity in their actions. Her hands had even moved on their own accord, and had reached up to encircle his wrist with the left one— while the right one moved to trace the soft skin of his left cheek with the tips of her right hand’s fingers.
All of it felt like she had done the actions so many times, that she couldn’t help but cry even more.
It, honestly, felt like coming home after such a long time. He felt like home to her.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/n). I’m sorry.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Kyō.” (Y/n)’s own response shocked even herself, as she hadn’t expected his name to go rolling off her tongue so smoothly. And, judging by the way that the blond’s eyes widened, he was surprised as well.
She still couldn’t remember her family— nor any other parts of her human life— but all that rang clear in her mind were her memories with the man in front of her. Hell, if it wasn’t for the paper that she had found tucked into the sash of her yukata, she never would have known that her name was Rengoku (Y/n).
Before she could help it, she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck— hugging him tightly while biting down on her tongue to keep herself from attacking him. Everything inside her screamed at her to hurt him— to devour him— but she ignored those devilish urges in favor of burying her face against his chest.
Because, with the memories of him, came the realization that the child inside her— the one that her remaining maternal instincts tried to protect— had long been gone.
Loud, pained sobs escaped her lips at that— which had Kyōjurō wrapping his own arms tightly around her, all while patting her hair down as gently as he could.
“T-the baby!” (Y/n) wailed against her lover’s chest. “Our baby. I couldn’t protect it, Kyō. I couldn’t-”
She couldn’t even continue, what with how her crying had escalated to loud, wracking sobs that made her whole body tremble. And no matter how she tried to get words out of her mouth, they were all pushed back down by more sobs and hysterical wails from the young woman herself.
Each and every one of her cries was a stab at the Flame Hashira’s heart, yet he could do nothing but hug her closer and provide her the comfort that she desperately needed.
It was the least he could do; because empty words and even emptier promises were not his way of providing comfort. He couldn’t even bring himself to tell her that things will be alright, because he knew just how badly her own realizations were beginning to weigh down on her conscience.
“All of the people I’ve... oh gods,” (Y/n) muttered through much quieter sniffles, after the gods knew how much time had passed. But still, all Kyōjurō could do was hold her tighter and cry with her— because, for the second time in his life, he was at a loss for what to do.
His heart and mind waged war with each other, as he thought of how to solve their predicament. Part of him wanted to keep her safe somewhere where no other slayers can touch her, while the more rational part of him told him to do the right thing.
And the right thing was to kill her.
The mere thought of raising his blade to her— not in self defense, but to slay her— made his stomach churn. He couldn’t bring himself to even want to do it; because, for all it was worth, she was still the woman he loved.
However, she took the decision right out of his hands when she pulled away from him and cupped his face in her hands. Their gazes stayed on each other’s, which had Kyōjurō’s heart pounding erratically inside his chest.
Since the mix of defeat and determination on his lover’s expression only meant that she had made up her mind— and no amount of pleading from him would change it.
“I want to make things right, Kyō.”
He didn’t need to ask her what she’d meant by that, because she knew— as well as anyone else— that the price of taking a life, was also a life; even if she had been doing it out of some twisted perception that it was for her unborn child.
It still hurt her to think that she had succumbed that low; but she didn’t dwell on it too much— because she wanted to spend the last few moments of her life with the one man who’d given meaning to it all.
And so, both of them made the trek up to the highest point of the mountain— never letting go of each other’s hand— to greet the sunrise in all its glory.
Kyōjurō stood there on the peak, with (Y/n) clinging tightly to him; as if she was giving him a lifetime’s worth of hugs, while she buried her face against her lover’s chest.
Slowly, the first few rays of the sun illuminated the horizon; steadily painting the inky sky with bright yellows and oranges that matched the colors in her hair.
“Thank you, Kyō, for making this life of mine worth living.”
The Hashira nodded, as he swallowed past the thick lump in his throat and pressed a kiss to the top of her head— if only to hide the fact that he was crying once more.
“I’ll look for you in our next life... and then we’ll have our happy ending there; us and our baby.”
“I promise, (Y/n).”
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thewitcheress2389 · 5 years
The Most Beautiful Secret
Jaskier x Pregnant!Reader (Part 2)
Summary: After a long time, you, Jaskier, and Geralt are reunited. And it happens to be near the most important event in your life. Fluff. Lots of fluff. More so than my last story.😂
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It has been many months since that incident on the mountain, where the witcher broke your lover's heart. Honestly, you knew Jaskier shouldn't have gone to talk to Geralt. You knew that the witcher would take all his self-afflicted anger and put it on the bard.
But what could you have done?
Jaskier's heart was just too big, and Geralt wasn't use to receiving that kind of love. The love where people actually care for him.
Well, better for you guys to be kicked out now rather than later because now the witcher knew your guy's secret.
That you were pregnant.
Geralt would have dropped you off somewhere. Granted, it probably would've nicer than the way it had gone on the dragon quest.
So that's how you ended up here. Going from tavern to tavern while your lover played for the people, earning as much as he can to support his soon to be small family.
You were nearing the end of this pregnancy. It was quite clear now that you were with child. Your once flat stomach had grown to the point where you missed seeing your feet. Your feet and back ached. The baby moved around so much that you can now see why Geralt wanted to find a djinn. At least they calmed down when Jaskier spoke or sang or just put his hand on your belly.
It was cute really. Jaskier was so in love with the baby before it was even born. Ever since the baby started moving, Jaskier was growing more attached to the baby. He could actually feel his child moving around. Jaskier was also growing more and more anxious as your due date approached. In the evening, you and him would lay in bed with his head in the crook of your neck, and his hand caressing your bump. He would talk about his concerns, his worries that he wouldn't be a good father. You would gently run a hand through his hair and tell him that it was gonna be okay, that he was gonna be amazing. Then he would quietly laugh and say he should be the one comforting you. You would smile and just tell him it's a team effort. He would then quietly sing till you fell asleep.
Now here you were, lying in bed with your eyes closed while the mid-day sun shined through the open window. You were trying to rest while Jaskier was trying to make money. You guys were staying in a small village that was isolated in the north. It was not so closed off that it couldn't provide for the people who lived there, but closed off enough that there's hardly any travelers.
You and Jaskier being exceptions. You were planning on staying there till the baby is born.
Speaking of Jaskier, you can barely hear him from downstairs. After the whole Geralt fiasco plus his impending fatherhood, the poor bard was trying his hardest to keep his cheerful personality that you fell in love with.
You sighed dreamily while putting a hand on your belly. You could feel the not so gentle movements of your unborn child. You could not wait to have your body back. Now that your child was active, sleep seemed impossible. So instead you decided to leave the room and head downstairs to check on Jaskier.
Getting up was hard without help, but somehow you managed and were soon making your way down. You expected to hear your lover's joyful singing, or perhaps the chatter of the people in the tavern, but it was dead silent. You couldn't see what was going on yet, but Jaskier let out one word that cleared it all up.
Sure enough, once you arrived downstairs, you saw the white-haired witcher. He hasn't changed a bit. The people who were in the tavern were quietly talking to one another. Surely they didn't know the past that you three shared?
Jaskier was closest to you, and you could practically see the uncertainty in his eyes. How should he feel? There was no smiling at the sight of him, no nothing. You, on the other hand, felt boiling rage at the sight of the witcher. Your maternal instincts made you want to go right over to Geralt and slap him. However, Jaskier grabbed your hand as if he could sense you're bold desires.
The witcher's cat-like amber eyes flickered over the both of you till they landed on your swollen middle.
"You were telling the truth..." That's it. That's what he says after all this time. All that heartache.
"No," Jaskier retorted. "Said that for the hell of it."
You were shocked at Jaskier's sharp attitude, but hey, the witcher deserves the sass.
"Hmm." Was Geralt's reply. Yeah, he hasn't changed a bit. The stares of the people were beginning to make you uncomfortable. Jaskier could sense this, and started to guide you back upstairs. You could tell that Geralt's presence was starting to disgust him, and there is no way he'll be treated like that again.
"Jaskier." Geralt's voice caused the bard to stop in his tracks. You could tell your lover was at his breaking point. With a flourish of emotion, he spoke.
"Geralt, do me a favor and please leave." The bard gave him a look of intense dislike. "I don't need you to mess up my life while it's at it's most important moment."
Geralt opened his mouth to retort that comment, but Jaskier kept going on his rant. "Do you understand what stress I've been under!? Having to watch over Y/N when she's so close to giving birth! Making sure she's safe while I know I have NO fighting capabilities! Also, let's add to the fact that during the dragon quest she was-"
"I'm sorry."
Geralt's solemn voice cut the bard off. The witcher actually looked apologetic, his eyes gazed at Jaskier as if asking for forgiveness. Jaskier's eyes softend in return. He then nodded slightly as if he was acknowledging the apology. You then saw Geralt smile slightly, and then you looked to see that Jaskier was smiling a toothy grin. You wondered if the witcher would leave again now that his conscience was clear.
Your thoughts were interrupted, however, when back pain suddenly hit you like a bolt. You groaned in pain, and put a hand on your lower back in agony. Jaskier was at your side instantly putting a hand on your back as well. You were shocked to see Geralt was nearby as well, looking at you in concern.
"I'm fine," You gasped out. "Just some back pain."
"Well, that's expected at this stage." Geralt said while staring at your bump in curiosity.
Jaskier soothingly rubbed your back and said, "Maybe a bath will make you feel better."
You winced and nodded.
Later that evening, you were in a tub filled with warm water. The calming scent of lavender filled the air. It was serene and quiet, the earlier pain becoming nothing more than a numbing throb. You closed your eyes and leaned back with your hands coming to rest on your belly. You could feel the child moving and upon opening your eyes, you could actually see them moving. You hummed lightly while trying to sooth the unborn baby, but to no avail. You chuckled slightly.
"Maybe we'll get daddy to sing to you later." You said with a smile. Then you decided to get out of the water before you fell asleep there.
Jaskier showed up just before you put on your top. You expected him to give you privacy and leave, but instead he stood and watched you dress yourself. With red cheeks and a slight smile, you scolded him.
"Jaskier!" You whisper-yelled. "Thought you learned some respect!"
He smirked and walked towards you, gently grabbing your hands in his. "You should know by now that I don't do respect."
Then he kissed you with a heated passion. You returned it, running your hands through his hair and caressing the back of his neck. His hands gingerly rubbed you waist and back before pulling you closer. The baby, however, protested at the sudden scene of passion by kicking vigoursly. It caused you to groan in pain and grab a nearby dresser for support.
Jaskier, who tried not to look so disappointed at the interruption, gently rubbed your shoulder while saying, "Let's get you to bed."
Then he glanced down to where his child was and placed his hand there, smiling when he felt the wild movements of his baby.
"I'll help them sleep as well." Then his blue eyes glanced back at you and with a smile added, "For your sake."
You both layed in bed at the inn you were staying at. You learned from Jaskier that Geralt was staying there as well. Apparently, the witcher got a contract to check out some pack of monsters that were stirring up trouble. So, maybe you all meeting up was destiny's work yet again.
The full moon shone through the window of your room. Jaskier had his head resting on your belly while you gently rubbed his shoulder. Your eyes were closed as he gently sang a song that he wrote just for your child. Soon, you both were asleep.
A dull pain in your lower abdomen woke you up later that night. You sat up, and stared at the wall trying to figure out if what you were feeling was a sign of anything at all. You glanced to your right to see your lover was still sleeping soundly. You were slightly envious that he got to sleep all night while you had to deal with the pain. Speaking of pain, the tightening in your stomach came again. You bit your lip and gripped your stomach to stop yourself from groaning out.
You knew it was time for your baby to come.
When the pain subsided, you began to shake Jaskier's shoulder.
"Jaskier." You whispered. The bard just nuzzled deeper into the pillows. You growled slightly.
"Jaskier!" You tried again, whispering louder. When he still didn't budge, you smacked the back of his head. Now THAT woke him up.
"I'm up. I'm up." He said while tiredly running a hand through his messy hair. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes, he glanced worriedly at you caressing your stomach. "What's wrong?"
You opened your mouth to answer, but a scream interrupted. Both your heads whipped to the window where the high-pitched scream was followed by a guttural growl. Followed by several more guttural growls. Jaskier got out of bed and glanced out the window whole you sat through another contraction.
"Okay," he started while coming back over to you, looking a lot more alert. "We need to go."
"What's going on?" You said, panicked. He hesitantly looked into your eyes.
"Monsters are attacking the town." Was his reply. Your eyes widened and suddenly another contraction hit you. Jaskker noticed this time, and carefully placed his hands on your shoulders.
"Y/N?" He asked. You bit your bottom lip and looked into his blue eyes.
"The baby is coming."
You could see all the color drain from his face. You prayed he wouldn't faint on you, not when you needed him the most. Pain hit you again and you cried out. Jaskier gently rubbed your back. He was being calm, but you could tell that inside he was freaking out.
"Okay. Alright..." He whispered before suddenly your door slammed opened. It was Geralt, sword in hand. His eyes widened when he saw you doubled over in pain.
"The baby's coming..." Jaskier stammered. "I-I don't know what to do?"
"You guys need to leave." Was Geralt's command. "Alghouls have attacked this village."
Jaskier's eyes widened. "But Y/N..."
He glanced at you with concern in his eyes. He knew that in your critical condition, you guys wouldn't make it very far.
"Take Roach." Was all Geralt said before rushing down the stairs and out the door. The sounds of a swishing sword and ripping flesh along with guttural roars could be heard. Jaskier's eyes widened even more if that were possible. The witcher was letting you guys take his beloved horse. Maybe he has changed some.
"I know this is a lot to ask," Jaskier said softly. "But please try to hold it."
You nodded weakly while the bard helped you to your feet, supporting you slightly. You weren't even thinking on how your going to get on the horse. One problem at a time. Once you guys made it out into the crisp night, you saw Geralt slashing at the alghouls who had huge spikes penetrating out of their back. Roach stood calmly a couple feet away, and Jaskier urged you towards her.
However, your body had other plans. You had to wait at least a full minute for the contraction to cease. At that point, most of the monsters were dead with Geralt being covered in blood. Not his own. The bad news being everyone else in the village was dead or dying.
Oh, and your baby decided it was time to come out.
"Jask..." You gasped. "It hurts so bad..."
He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead. "It'll be okay..."
Geralt approached you two and directed his words at Jaskier. "There's no way she can walk to the next town in that condition. Get her on the horse, or she'll be having your baby in the woods."
Geralt and Jaskier then assisted you onto the mare who snorted at the sudden weight.
"I don't think we'll make it to the next town..." You groaned through the pain. Jaskier was fidgeting a lot and was about to grab the reigns of the horse, but Geralt beat him to it.
"Comfort her, Jaskier. She needs you." Geralt then pulled Roach along the path. You weren't going to admit it, but you were scared. However, Jaskier gave you his hand through all the pain and you have never been so grateful for him.
It has felt like hours since you guys left the destroyed town. The pain was near unbearable for you, and you could tell that your baby was going to be born soon. Very soon. It was near evening again when you just had to stop.
The witcher turned to look at you. Jaskier also looked up as he continued to gently rub your knee.
"I can't keep going..." you said miserably. The witcher swore under his breath. He glanced around quickly before tugging on Roach's reigns. You wound up off the beaten path and deeper into the forest. An old, weary hut lay there degraded by the aging forest. However, there was a candle flickering in the window.
Geralt tied Roach to a tree and Jaskier, as gently as he could, helped you back down to solid ground. Jaskier looked to see the witcher banging on the door of the structure. After a few moments with your pained breaths and the life of the forest being the only sounds, and elderly woman opened the door. She leaned against the doorframe, and looked at Geralt with a questioning stare.
"What do you need, witcher?" She asked with crossed arms. The venom in her tone was thick, but that didn't phase Geralt.
"My friend needs your help." He said.
Friend. He used the word friend.
"Friend?" The lady questioned. Geralt turned his body to look at you and Jaskier. The bard was supporting you with both arms as you were near collapsing with pain.
"She's in labor. And neither one of us," He gestured to himself and Jaskier. "Know what to do."
The older lady bit who bottom lip in uncertainty. Geralt gave her a pleading look.
"Please," he said. "If I make you uncomfortable, I will leave. Just please, help them."
She glanced back at you and Jaskier, who was whispering words of comfort to you. Then she sighed through her nose and shrugged.
"Bring her inside." She said. Jaskier took no time in helping you into the house, thanking the lady profusely. Then she glanced back inside and yelled at an older man who gave the young couple a startled look. Jaskier quickly explained, what he was assuming was the lady's husband, the situation.
Now that you guys had help, Geralt turned to leave. He figured they'd all feel better if he left, his presence making things more uncomfortable.
"Oi! Witcher!"
He turned around to see the elderly lady smiling at him. "We'll need an extra pair of hands."
Finally, you were laying on a bed. A cold cloth was constantly being put on your head by Geralt, the witcher who offered to help. However, he didn't expect to end up in the room with you during this experience. Jaskier was almost more anxious than you, constantly holding your hand no matter how numb it got. Turns out, the older woman used to work as a healer. So, she knew exactly what she was doing.
Destiny plays her hand once again.
Turns out you were nearly done with this whole ordeal. So, about a half hour later when you were instructed to push, you did not hold back.
The early morning sun peaked through the window as a newborn baby's cries pierced the atmosphere. You were exhausted, sweaty, but glowing as you held your new daughter. Your smile radiated like the sun. Jaskier was sitting beside you on the bed, trying his hardest not to cry. Geralt stood at the doorway, with the faintest smile on his lips.
"Wow..." Jaskier whispered as he gazed down at his mini-me. She literally looked exactly liked him. Dark whisps of hair could be seen on her head. However, her nose looked like yours. After a couple minutes of giving your daughter, D/N, time to calm down, you handed her to Jaskier.
She squirmed slightly in her father's arms, opening her tiny blue eyes slightly. D/N let out a small cry and gripped onto the collar of his shirt. He swallowed back some tears and smiled wide, gently grabbing her tiny hand in his fingers.
"Hello..." he said. "I'm your father..."
She cracked opened her blue orbs at the voice and cooed slightly. You smiled.
"She recognizes your voice." You said. Then you tried to hide a yawn. Jaskier held D/N closer to him and said, "Sleep. I'll watch over her."
You smiled and fell asleep to the sound of Jaskier lightly singing to your guy's daughter.
Moments after you fell asleep, Geralt stepped more into the room. Jaskier looked up from his now sleeping daughter to meet the witcher's gaze.
"Congratulations Jaskier." He said in a monotone voice. The bard smiled and glanced back down at the baby who was subconsciously gripping his shirt.
"Thank you Geralt." Jaskier glanced back up towards the witcher. "Do...do you want to hold her?"
"No." Geralt deadpanned.
"Oh come on." Jaskier said while gently standing up, making sure not to jostle D/N. "It's not that hard. It's just like holding a lute."
Geralt just stared at the bard with an unfazed look. "Don't compare your newborn daughter to an instrument that you've broken twice."
Jaskier resented at that response and held his daughter closer with a pout.
"Well," he said. "Your still gonna be her godfather."
Geralt's eyes widened at that. In the time frame of two days, Jaskier went from hating the witcher to wholeheartedly forgiving him and making him godfather to his child. Geralt took a couple small steps forward to peer at the small bundle of life in Jaskier's arms.
He remembered back during the dragon quest where he would always hear a strange sound whenever he was around you. Like a hummingbird beating its wings. He realizes now, that it was D/N's heartbeat. Geralt smiled fondly at his goddaughter, who felt the looming shadow over her and opened her ocean blue eyes. She cooed at Geralt and reached a hand towards him.
"See," Jaskier urged. "She wants you to hold her."
Geralt hesitated. "I've never held anything so...fragile."
Jaskier smiled. A true, confident smile. "I trust you."
Then baby D/N was handed over to the witcher, who was copying Jaskier's position of holding a baby. He said he trusted Geralt, but the witcher could see him fidgeting with hands and anxiously keeping an eye on her. Geralt realized that she fell asleep in his arms and he smiled at that. A true smile.
You opened your eyes slightly to see the tender scene before you. You didn't acknowledge the men with your consciousness and instead closed your eyes again. You heard everything and couldn't agree more with Jaskier. You trusted the witcher with your daughter. If anything happened to you or Jaskier, you knew Geralt would protect her.
I guess he did have Jaskier to thank for this child surprise.
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ladyninjaa · 5 years
Simmer Part 1
Imagine: Being Kai Chisaki’s pregnant experiment and being taken in by the League Of Villains. (Reader’s powers are similar to Scarlet Witch)
Also, this imagine was inspired by a nice song called Simmer sang by Hayley Williams
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Kai called you his girlfriend and perhaps in the beginning, maybe that had been true...perhaps it was just to pacify your thoughts from getting out of control. At first, you weren’t sure why Kai had taken a liking to you but you were flattered by his advances and his charisma; it would eventually cost you. 
It didn’t take long for his curiosity about your quirk to show; it didn’t take long for you to fall in love with a man who only wanted you for your quirk. You were young, stupid, and desperate for a home and Kai gave that to you in order to abuse you, to torture you, and to experiment on you. Before Eri, there had been you. You let it happen because you thought it was love; you let him tear your body apart and put it back together because you loved him.   
How fucking stupid you were; you were a slow learner, yes, but you learned that eventually, he had never loved you. By that time, it was too late to even dare to escape Kai. You pretended to be this lovesick fool in order to survive if Kai had any inkling of your true thoughts...he’d surely kill you. 
It wouldn’t have been a problem...if you hadn’t become pregnant with his child. He was usually careful with sexual intercourse but then Eri came and something sparked in him that scared you. He would stare at you as if you were some rat in his lab; it would unnerve you. Then the night came where he didn’t even bother with a condom and you figured it out. 
He wanted a child; a child to experiment on just like he did on you and Eri. 
Your protective instincts kicked in; no, you wouldn’t bring a child into a world where Kai was alive and when you show resistance, Kai was quick to subdue you and control you by using Eri as bait. Kai knew you cared for the girl; he let you two socialize, he let you get close to that little girl to control you, and vice versa for Eri. 
You were defeated; escape plans were useless. The underground tunnels constantly were changed to ensure escape was futile. 
So, imagine your shock when the raid happened and Kai left you for basically dead. He didn’t give a shit about you; never did and apparently that extended to his child swollen in your belly. He took Eri and that scared you. 
They found you in the deepest parts of the underground tunnel system; almost as if Kai wanted you to disappear from existence, but they found you. You saw there horrified expressions as they entered the room armed to the teeth and came to witness a heavily pregnant young woman in a windowless, almost bare room. It didn’t take a genius to find out what they were thinking, what they were speculating in their minds of what Kai did to you and the baby.
You were free. 
Until they slapped handcuffs on you. 
They reassured it was for their safety--nothing in the system told them about you. Kai had made sure to erase any information about your name, your birth, your parents, and your quirk from the world. There was never a mention of you. You were something unknown and that scared them. 
You didn’t speak; you couldn’t form the words or any words to form to defend yourself. So many years in captivity with Kai left you battered, scared, and almost mute. You only ever spoke to Eri and rarely to Kai. 
So, here you were sitting in the back of a police cruiser being taken to some villain hospital. You weren’t a villain...right? You had never done bad things...You were positive so, why were you being treated like a villain? You guessed it was your fault, you chose to be with Kai, though it was a very manipulated choice enforced by Kai. 
Your eyes focused on the ambulance speeding up ahead on the highway where they were keeping Kai shackled, strapped down, and perhaps medicated. Your hands rubbed your swollen belly as the future for your little one was unknown but it was better than the future Kai had planned for the both of you. You shuddered to think how that cruel man would tear his own child apart and put him back together for his experiments. 
Kai hadn’t done that often while you were pregnant but he liked the challenge because it was easy pulling someone apart and putting them back together when it was just them but it was a challenge to do so when the subject had another human inside of her. He found it riveting and you found it horrifying. Kai did it only a handful of times and when you finally begged him to stop in case it affected the baby’s mental state, he begrudgingly stopped. 
Your arms tightened around your belly as your maternal instincts began to kick in. You wouldn’t let that man live; as long as Kai was alive, your baby wouldn’t be safe, you wouldn’t be safe. 
Then the explosions happened; the police officer jerked the car to avoid hitting the ambulance and swerved into the highway concrete divider. Your eyes widen in horror and activated your quirk for the first time in a very long time; red mist spread instantly as the car made an impact with the concrete divider and you and your baby were cushioned by the violent impact. 
You were momentarily disorientated; so much had already happened that day, too much, that it was overwhelming your brain. You took deep breaths because you didn’t want to stress the baby; you were due in a few weeks. The police officer was knocked out but you could see he was still alive; you heard voices and your tired eyes wandered over to the ambulance that was rolled over on its side.
There was fighting between a man in a trench coat and the pro hero assigned to guard Kai. You watched quietly; eyeing the man in the trench coat. Was this the League of Villains? Hadn’t there been an alliance? Well, it wouldn’t surprise you that they betrayed Kai. Kai wasn’t exactly very likable nowadays. 
The man in the trench coat, his skin was...wrinkled, discolored skin stitched crudely. You gasped at the sight; that poor man! Were those done to him by someone else or self-inflicted? The fight with the pro-hero ended quickly by another man stepping in and trapping the pro-hero in a round capsule. 
Eventually, they were joined by a third man and you knew who he was because Kai talked about him, Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the League of Villains. You swallowed uneasily and in slight fear seeing this man in the flesh. He was horrifying to look at. 
They ripped Kai out of the ambulance and rolled him out on the stretcher, surrounding him like lions circling a wounded gazelle. Were they going to kill him? You watched eagerly as Tomura spoke to Kai in an almost mocking manner. The second man with the compressing quirk took Kai’s arm. 
Your eyes widen with excitement.
Yes, make him suffer! You inwardly cried out. 
Tomura leaned over to grasp Kai’s other arm and you watched as Kai’s arm began to decay and Tomura sliced the lower part of his arm clean off. Blood splattered on the road and for a moment, you felt sick despite your excitement to see Kai suffering although nowhere near what he put you, your baby, and Eri through. 
Tomura was mocking him and laughing. 
Weren’t they going to kill him!? Your mind screamed, No! He needs to be killed! You screamed before realizing you were still in handcuffs. You stared at them and felt the red mist crawling over the handcuffs before the handcuffs were disintegrated. Your roll your wrists and found red, angry ligation marks. You rubbed at them gently before opening the back door but found it locked. 
Irritation spiked in you and without thinking, slammed your hand encased in red mist against the door and it went flying through the air. That caught the attention of the three men; they whirled around to see you, a heavily pregnant woman climbing out of the police cruiser. 
Tomura’s eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, “Who is that?” He asked eyeing your swollen belly. 
“I’m not sure,” The one with the blue eyes and discolored patchy skin answered equally as surprised and confused, “She doesn’t look happy though.” 
“I don’t fight women,” The last one with the compressing quirk quipped in, “Especially pregnant women.” 
“Why haven’t you killed him?” You snarled at them. 
Tomura looked over at Kai momentarily, “Do you want us to?” Tomura asked smoothly without hesitation. You had a powerful quirk otherwise why would Kai keep you? It didn’t take a genius to figure out who you were and why you were there. Your eyes had been to glow red as the red mist began to expand angrily and Tomura felt the pressure hit his body hard. 
Yes, she’s very powerful, Tomura thought quietly, she would fit in with us. 
“I won’t repeat my question,” You replied with a bit more restraint, “Please.” You added hastily feeling tears in your eyes. 
“A swift death would be merciful,” Tomura spoke to you with strange kindness, “And this man certainly doesn’t deserve that, does he?” He asked you with his head tilt to the side. The red mist was descending back to the woman slowly. “I can only imagine what he did to you,” He paused and added in a bit more carefully, “What he did to your baby.”
You flinched and your hands flew to your swollen belly. 
Tomura felt a spike of rage roll through him, “So, instead we make him suffer.” Tomura told you, “He’s a useless man, now. Would you like to see our handy work?” He asked moving to the side and gesturing towards Kai who hadn’t even spoken a word. 
You hesitated and asked quietly, “He won’t hurt us anymore?”
Tomura shook his head, “No, he’ll never hurt anyone anymore.” He answered while his two henchmen stood back; watching the woman with pity in their eyes. You swallowed uneasily and shuffled over to Kai and met his yellow eyes. You flinched but Kai didn’t say anything, he merely stared at you. 
You stared back and you felt the rage in you swirl inside of you frantically. Kai’s eyes widen as your hand slammed on his chest, red mist exploding from your hand and a silent scream came from Kai. His veins protruding against his flesh and then his veins became red and then Kai screamed in agony. 
Your eyes were glowing red; a blood lust red as you stared at the man who made your life hell; who hurt your baby, who hurt Eri. He was beginning to arch his back in agony; you were killing him. 
A gentle hand on your shoulder scared you out of your rage-induced haze, you flinched and suddenly Kai was silent. The red mist was gone and your eyes were no longer red. You saw Tomura standing beside you, “He isn’t worth the blood on your hands.” Tomura spoke quietly, “Let him suffer now.” 
You took a step away from the stretcher and looked hopelessly around unsure what to say or do. “Come with us,” Tomura suggested with a shrug, “We aren’t too bad, at least not as bad as him,” Tomura kicked Kai’s stretcher with a look of disdain, “We’ll take care of you.”
“How?” You asked without thinking. 
Tomura pointed at your stomach, “Once they learn that child is his, you won’t be treated with much kindness. Even if you are his victim, they won’t care. We’ll protect you, we won’t treat you unkindly.” 
“Why?” You dared to ask with a wobbly voice. 
“I don’t particularly like pregnant women being treated wrongly,” Tomura shrugged, “Besides, you kept the baby even knowing who the father was; that makes you strong.” Tomura had wished his own stupid mother had wanted him. Tomura wasn’t completely heartless, he knew that. Besides, her quirk, whatever it was, was incredibly powerful so, that was an added bonus. 
“You don’t have anywhere else to go right now, do you?” Tomura questioned knowingly, “Stay with us for now and if you want to leave then we’ll let you leave without resistance.” 
You glanced at his two companions and they were watching you curiously, “I’m due in a few weeks,” You mumbled going to rub your belly, “I doubt you’ll have much use for me.” 
“I’m not offering you to join our cause,” Tomura replied with annoyance, “I’m offering you a place for you and your baby something you don’t have at the moment,” He sighs and adds, “Besides, if you want to be useful, we can arrange that.” He shrugs. 
“You better decided quickly,” The man with the discolored skin patches drawls, “Our time is running out.” 
You look down at your belly and pray to God these men were better than Kai--though anything or anyone was better than Kai. You gave a faint nod and Tomura offered his hand out to you to take. You eyed it warily and he rolled his eyes, “If I wanted to do that, I would have already done so.” He said snappishly. 
You couldn’t help it but you laugh. 
The three men couldn’t help but stare at the soft smile on your face. 
You took Tomura’s hand, “Thank you.”
Tomura gently began leading you away from the chaos they created with his companions positioning behind the both of you, “What’s your name?” Tomura asked.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.” You responded feeling a little bit about today’s events. 
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Also, so, this isn’t a Tomura pairing, lol. It’s gonna be a Dabi pairing, hehe, so yes, another part!
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phoenixkaizen · 4 years
you said something in your headcanons that piqued my interest. anyways if you’re up for it abo halzek on a call with children? And jays omega instincts come out? also I’ve said this before but absolutely love your writing 🤗
This case was a tough one. No one liked the cases that involved children. Jay especially. It was always like a light switch would flip inside of Jay and everyone would see a completely different side of him.
It wasn’t very often that it happened either. Adam started to notice it whenever a particular case would involve children. Jay’s whole demeanor would change. It was no secret in Intelligence or even the 21st that Jay Halstead was Intelligences resident Omega. People on the outside would automatically assume he was a Beta. He never acted like the traditional Omega would. Ever. All except when children were involved.
Intelligence had managed to bust a child trafficking ring. They had completely stumbled upon the case by accident when Burgess had ran into a child that had been frightened beyond belief. No one could get through to the little girl. That is until Jay stepped into the room.
Adam had watched in complete amazement as the child eyed his mate. He couldn’t even put into words how quick Jay jumped into the “motherly" role. The girl only took a moment before she was letting Jay sit next to her. Adam was almost ashamed to admit that he enjoyed seeing this side to Jay. It wasn’t very often that he would see Jay fret over a child. It wasn’t very often that he saw Jay actually react like an Omega would.
It hadn’t taken long for the girl to open up to Jay. The Omega had taken off the scent blocking bandages off of his scent gland and allowed his natural scent to flood the room. Lavender and vanilla. The girl had calmed almost instantly just by the scent. Jay radiated with soothing and calming pheromones as he talked to the small child. A slight smile on his face as she doodled on one of his notebooks.
By accident, Jay had even growled at Voight when he had walked into the room. Just upon instinct of the demanding Alpha scent coming into the room.
Jay had spent his time nurturing and taking care of the girl. Slowly getting answers out of her until he finally managed to get her to tell him the location she had came from.
What they had found, almost sent Jay into a frenzy. Two little boys and another little girl had been huddled together in a dirty basement in tattered clothing. The smell of the basement was gut wrenching that Adam himself almost lost the contents of his stomach. Jay had jumped into immediate action, rushing over to sooth the children. He ordered the patrolman to fetch blankets, water, and some clothes that Jay always kept in his truck. The only person that the children would even remotely let near them had been Jay. His words calming and gentle as he approached them. They had been skittish around the Alphas of the team but Jay’s words managed to calm them enough that Adam and Atwater could get close.
Jay had remained close to them as the children were loaded up into Ambulance 61. One of the boys clung to Jay, refusing to let go. Jay only muttered to Voight that he was going to the hospital with them but they all knew that he was going to anyway. It was like it on every case with children.
When Adam arrived at the hospital, he had found Jay sitting in the conjoined room that held all four of the children. It had surprised him that Jay was fast asleep on the hospital bed with all the children clinging to him. His arms were wrapped around them protectively. It was clear to him that Jay was in a light sleep and even the slightest movement would wake him up.
Adam smiled softly has he took soft steps into the room and rounded the hospital bed. He reached out, careful of the pups wrapped up in his mate’s protective grasp. His hand landed softly on the side of Jay’s neck, where his bond mark resided, and the Omega stirred. It was the only way Adam knew he could keep Jay from lashing out. Jay’s instincts always went into overdrive whenever it came to a child. Even if that child was not biologically is. “Hey there.” Adam whispered. “How they doing?” the blonde added, motioning towards the children.
Jay made no effort to move but smiled to the Alpha. “Scared. My brother said they are malnourished and dehydrated. Luckily physical injuries were minimum but they are terrified. I couldn’t even leave the room without one of them panicking on my brother.”
Adam only grinned, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. “It’s not like you would of left them anyway.”
Jay gave a soft sigh, shuffling on the bed until he managed to detangle himself from the mass of small limbs. He grabbed his jacket off of the side of the chair and placed it in the middle of the pack of pups before getting up. Stretching, he let out a sigh of relief. His gaze soft as he looked down at the children. “They look peaceful.” He whispered.
Adam’s smile only grew bigger. “They had you.” The Alpha replied, standing up and moving through the room until he was next to his mate. Jay instinctively leaned into the blonde but his eyes never left the pups. Adam could smell the strong protective pheromones radiating off of Jay. “Vanessa and Hailey are getting ahold of their families. They should be here later tonight.” Adam stated.
Four pups. All had been kidnapped from low income families from around Chicago. The little girl, the one who had been found by Burgess, was Sophie Masters. She had been missing for four months. The other little girl was Ariana Harper. She had disappeared around the same time as Sophie. The boys were twin brothers, Kyle and Charlie Benjamin. They had disappeared two months prior. Now thanks to one brave little girl and Jay’s own instincts, four children were going home to their families. The trafficker had been caught and was due to be processed the next morning.
Adam would count this as a win.
The Alpha almost jumped out of his skin as Jay let out a low growl. “Again, Jay?” Willis voice cut through the growls. Jay’s face flushed over causing Will to chuckle for a second. “How long ago did they fall asleep?”
Jay sighed softly, “Maybe an hour ago. They fought it for so long. I had to lay down with them.” In other words, the four pups craved the maternal instincts that kicked in from Jay and the protectiveness that radiated off of him whenever someone would walk by. He made them feel safe.
“I was going to see if they were ready to eat but we can let them sleep for awhile longer.” Will stated. “Let me know when they wake up.”
Jay nodded, his gaze following Will’s form walk out the door. “Going to wait here until the parents arrive?” Adam questioned. The Omega just looked up with a sheepish smile on his face. That smile said it all. “I'll go get you a coffee.” Adam muttered, placing a chaste kiss to Jay’s forehead. “Want anything to eat?”
The Omega shook his head. “I’ll wait until they wake up. It was easiest to get Sophie to eat when I ate with her.”
Adam nodded, giving Jay a quick kiss before excusing himself from the room.
Jay had remained with the children until the second their parents arrived. The Omega had brushed out their hair, getting all the rats and tangles out. He had managed to coax them into taking showers and getting the dirt and grime off of their bodies.
He had made it his personal mission to go to the cafeteria and get each of their favorite foods for them to have as their first meal outside of the horrors that had been their captivity.
They were in fresh clothes that Jay had Adam go out and buy for them, each with their favorite animal. Sophie a cat, Ariana a penquin, and Kyle and Charlie both had dogs on theirs.
Jay stood close by as the parents were brought into the room and reunited with their children, watching on with a soft smile as they embraced their parents for the first time in months.
Adam stood with him, his arm wrapped around Jay’s waist. The Alpha smiled, whispering to Jay, “You were the only person that could of solved this case?”
Jay looked up to him in confusion. “What?”
Adam laughed softly. “Had it not been for you and your instincts to care for them. We would of never gotten Sophie to talk. That was all you, Jay.”
Jay shrugged but a smile still settled on his face. “I suppose so.”
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Any Other Tuesday (ch4, baon)
Summary:   It started the same as any other Tuesday
Tags: Spicyhoney, Original Undertale Characters, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Prejudice Against Monsters, Violence, Injury, Homophobia, Off-Screen Minor Character Death 
part of the ‘by any other name’ series.
Notes: Well, here we are, the concluding chapter, where we get some answers, a lot more questions, tie up some loose ends, and make some new ones. This chapter has a reference to past homophobia, so please be warned. There is also off-screen character death but definitely not of a major player, not even of a minor one. 
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Waking up seemed more difficult than usual, but Jeff tried anyway, prying open his sticky eyes to see an unfamiliar room. It took him a moment to collect his hazy thoughts enough to realize he was in a hospital bed, rails up on either side of him and an IV taped to one arm.
A throb of pain started up warningly in his side when he tried to sit up and Jeff sagged back against the pillows, swallowing hard. Oh, right. Those guys, the blood—
There was no sign of any blood now. His hands were scrubbed pink and clean and his clothes were replaced with a hospital gown. A faint snore caught his attention and that was when he finally noticed the chair pulled up next to the bed. No rickety plastic one but a regular armchair, and Stretch was curled up in it, asleep, a tangle of a blanket partially covering him and legs dangling over the arm. His bony feet were hanging over the untidy pile of his shoes, a different colored sock on each one.
That must’ve made for a rough night, trying to sleep in that little chair. Stretch was a good foot and a half taller than him, Edge only slightly less so. Antwan didn’t tower over him quite as much, but Jeff was definitely the shortest in their group.
Their group.
A quick glance around the room told him that it was only the two of them and a pang of concern overshadowed any discomfort from his gut. Jeff groaned as he struggled to sit up and Stretch’s eye sockets opened instantly.
“hey, kid,” he said, groggily. Stretch stood up, pushing his hands at the small of his back as he straightened his spine with a groan. “the chairs here could definitely use a built-in futon or something.”
“I bet,” Jeff said. His voice sounded raspy, his throat painfully dry. “I think I’m supposed to tell you that you look like shit, but honestly, you kinda always look like that.”
“you can’t be too bad if you’ve got jokes,” Stretch said dryly, then more seriously. “how are you feeling?”
“Thirsty.” There was a styrofoam cup with a bendy straw sitting on a swinging tray attached to the bed, and Jeff reached for it, almost fumbling the cup. Stretch caught it before it could spill all over the sheets and held it while he drank gratefully from the straw. The water was cool and refreshing, and Jeff didn’t think it had ever tasted so good.
“Thanks,” Jeff said, after he’d had his fill, sinking back into the pillows.
"no problem. don't feel too bad, klutz, you're still on the good drugs.” Stretch set the cup back down and stuck his hands in his pockets. “welp, from your expression, you’ve got a shitton questions, so let me see if i can sum up before you fall back asleep. you're in the monster side of the hospital. it's technically a part of the embassy, so even though it’s supposed to be family only, they let me in, and it keeps the police out.”
“Where are Edge and Antwan?” That was his most pressing question, because they had to be together. If they were hurt, he was sure Stretch would have told him that first, but he…he needed to know.
Stretch poked absently at a tray sitting on the table next to the water. It held what looked like breakfast; a box of cereal, some fruit, a carton of orange juice. “still talking to the police, down at the embassy. they’ll be by later.”
He tried to offer Jeff an orange and he shook his head, refusing to be distracted. “Are they in trouble?”
“nah,” Stretch’s smile was careless, almost deliberately so, “edge might’ve been a smidge overzealous putting those shits down,” He held up a hand, thumb and forefinger a bare inch apart, “lil’ bit. but it’s hard to argue it wasn’t deserved when you were laying there doing your best impression of a pincushion. things got a little hairy, but it’s all good now.”
Somehow, Jeff didn’t think that was the entire story. Once, in a moment of rare confidence, Edge mentioned that Stretch, and his own brother, either lied terribly or very, very well. It made it impossible to know for sure which was which, and a bad lie could be a disguise for a better one, partial lies strung together into a necklace of half-truths.
Whatever the actual truth was, he’d have to wait and try to get it out of Edge. He was straightforward, at least. Edge would either tell you or refuse, not bothering with any nuances in between.
The ache in his belly was rising like a dull throb. Jeff set a hand gingerly over it, feeling the heavy padding of bandages, and remembered warmth, eerie green light. “You healed me.”
“yeah.” There was no attempt to dismiss that, at least, nothing but an honest answer.
“I didn’t know Monsters could heal Humans like that.”
“no humans do,” Stretch fiddled with the blanket, picking little lint balls from it and flicking them away. “we didn’t want them to know. asgore is lots of things, but he’s not stupid, and we were afraid of what might happen if the humans in charge got wind of what we can do. hence, the healing shit sans and i were working on. yeah, it takes magic to make it, but a manufactured product puts monsters out of the direct equation. or it would’ve, if it worked.” He coughed a little, his eye lights skittering around the room. “anyway, that’s one of the reasons i couldn’t heal you all the way. couldn’t really explain away that much blood and no one hurt. not like they were going to buy that dracula fumbled a snack or something. i took care of the worst of it, i think. i don’t have a liver or spleen but i’m pretty sure you like having ‘em around.”
Jesus. It left him cold, thinking of what Stretch had risked, healing him. If anyone saw or guessed— “I won’t tell anyone, I swear.”
Stretch finally looked at him, surprised, like it hadn’t even occurred to him to ask a promise of it. “of course you won’t. so, they’re gonna keep you a few days, the doc said, make sure everything is on the up and up before they cut you loose.”
“Sounds fun.”
“eh, i’ll keep you company. gotta say, it’s kinda nice to be on this side of the hospital bed. trust me, i know what it’s like. we’ll get you netflix and everything in here.” Stretch hesitated, then added, slowly, “edge thought we should wait to let you decide whether or not to call your parents, but he didn't say why.”
He didn't ask, but his expression was gentle, inviting confidence. He’d never judge Jeff if he didn’t tell him, but somehow, he thought he could this time, even if it hurt to say. Today seemed like a day for confessions, may as well lance the wound.
"My parents kicked me out when I was fifteen," Jeff said, tiredly. "When I told them I was gay. I ended up stayed with one of my teachers until I graduated if you can believe it. I don't have any other family, so...anyway, she helped. She was so great and—" His voice broke, old pain rising up, joining the ache in his belly, but this one was a wound that had never really healed.
His parents he was mostly over; sometimes his mom called to check in these days, but whatever maternal instinct that wouldn’t allow her to cut him loose wasn’t enough for her to welcome him back, either. Their stilted phone calls were more relief when they were over than anything else. But Mrs. Stinson. Julia, she’d told him to call her with a laugh, she wasn’t a teacher in her own house. He could still remember her hugs and the light, floral scent of her perfume, comforting him in those dark first days when he couldn’t believe his parents had…he’d never dreamed that—
A hand settled over his, bony, inhuman, Monster, and Jeff gripped it desperately.
“what happened to her?” Stretch asked quietly.
“Cancer happened. My junior year at college. She didn’t tell me for a long time, didn’t want me to worry.” A fine sentiment, but it’d given him no time to prepare himself when she’d died. One day she’d been there, supporting him, the foundation holding him up and the next, he’d been on his own again, adrift. “And ever since then, I’ve been…I don’t know. A little lost. All my friends from college graduated and moved on and I’m still here and—I know you don’t believe it, but I was so, so happy when you wanted to be friends, I…I haven’t had that for such a long time.”
He could taste salt and this time it was tears. There was a box of tissue on the side table and Stretch snagged it, plunking it on the bed so Jeff could grab a few, wiping his face dry, as much as he could with tears still trickling.
He didn’t care. Stretch needed a tissue or two of his own, wiping at his cheek bones, "yeah. me, too. maybe not ever.” Stretch let out another sigh, his bony fingers flexing in Jeff’s grip. “but this wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t friends with me.”
That made Jeff laugh weakly through his tears. “It must be because you’re a scientist.”
“You guys love being technically right. Yeah, I wouldn’t have gotten hurt, but that doesn’t make it your fault.”
Stretch only hummed thoughtfully. There was no telling if he believed Jeff or not.
He squeezed Stretch’s hand; his grip was weaker than he would have liked and he was starting to want to go back to sleep, but he needed to say a few things yet, “If they'd attacked you, they would have killed you."
There was no question of that, Jeff knew. Low HP, Antwan had told him on that first visit, five on a good day. One good swipe of a knife and Stretch would have been gone, dust, and as terrible as it had been, as terrifying, the blood and the fear lingering in the back of his mind, it was easier to accept when he thought of the alternative; Stretch in the lead, trying to sneak a cigarette, and maybe he would have noticed them, noticed the knife. Maybe not.
"they almost killed you,” Stretch took a deep breath, let it out in a shaky rush, “let's not dwell on the almosts and could be's, yeah? bet edge and antwan will do enough for both of us.”
Antwan, the shock on his face when he was kneeling on the ground next to him, the fear, his bloody hands holding his jacket, pushing it down on the wounds. Fuck, he wanted to see him, touch him, make sure he was okay. Jeff tamped down that urge as best he could. They would come when they could and that would have to be enough.
He wasn’t exactly in much condition to storm out and find him.
Nope, now he was here, in the hospital, and with that thought came another cold realization. Fuck, but this was going to be a fortune in debt, a replacement for the student loans he’d gotten rid of. And they would fucking know it, Stretch and Edge, no, no, not this time. “Listen, I need you to not pay my medical bills.”
Stretch only looked startled, without a hint of guilt, but yeah, liar, liar. “what? andy—”
“I mean it,” Jeff said firmly. “You guys already do too much for me. It’s one thing when it’s bus fares and Chinese food but this is too much. I’ll take care of it.” Surely he could set up a payment plan of some sort, hospitals wanted their money but they’d take what they could get.
Since he hadn’t been able to persuade Jeff to try anything from the breakfast tray, Stretch seemed to have decided it was fair game, peeling the orange and munching on the segments. “pretty nice speech, but we weren’t gonna pay your medical bills. since you’re listed as an embassy employee, they get to cover it all under your health care plan.”
What? Jeff sat up too fast, had to sink back into the pillows with a grimace as his side protested vigorously. “I…what? How am I listed as an Embassy employee?”
Stretch only grinned smugly, licking juice from his fingertips. “did you ever take a good look at that permanent badge edge gave you?”
“Past seeing the picture is terrible, no.” It was in his wallet even now, but Jeff never really looked at it, only handed it to the guards at New New Home whenever he was stopping by.
“welp, spoiler alert, you’re listed as an official liaison between humans and monsterkind. pretty sure edge has been trying to discreetly slip you a job for weeks now, but i’ll let him bring that up to you.”
“But…Edge has me listed as an employee?” Jeff sputtered. “He can’t…he’ll get into trouble!”
“why would he get into trouble?”
"He will!” Jeff scowled as Stretch flopped back into his chair and for once, his visible amusement was not damn well funny. “Look, I don’t want him to stick his neck out for me and cause problems for himself at work.”
Stretch propped an elbow on the chair arm, resting his chin in his palm as he asked with polite interest, “do you even know what edge does?"
"Yes!" Jeff said defensively. "He showed me a lot of it once when we were having lunch together."
"uh huh, i bet he did." Stretch blinked once, slowly, and his amusement was shining in his eye lights. "kid, uh, no one is going to be yelling at edge for what he put on your swipe card. or for anything, really. edge is the senior director of operations, he lowkey runs the embassy from behind the scenes."
"What?" Dumbly, the word falling free, because yeah, Edge really had shown him some stuff, spreadsheets and documents, calmly explaining what he did every day, but Jeff hadn’t suspected that.
Stretch shrugged. "that bit ain’t official, but everyone knows it. edge doesn't want to be in the spotlight, so he does everything from the background, all kinds of shit. He handles pr, the legal teams, sets up meetings with heads of state. all of it goes directly through him. embassy would fall apart without him, no one is going to even question handing over a benefits package. come to think of it, there's probably only a couple people over his head who could question it.”
"Like…like who?" Jeff asked weakly.
“well, there's asgore, of course,” Stretch snagged a handful of grapes, popping one into his mouth. “probably janice. if they'd fall apart without him, he falls apart without her. okay, that’s enough, you’re hurting, and you need to go back to sleep.” Stretch wiped his hands carelessly on a napkin and stood, walking over to the IV to fiddle with something.
“Wait.” Jeff caught his hands, stilling him. “Those guys, the ones that…what happened to them?”
“they got out with their souls intact,” Stretch said sourly. “they’re in jail far as I know.”
That sounded weirdly ominous and gave him another question. “Are you sure Humans even have souls?”
That seemed to take Stretch aback. “um, yeah. i’ve seen them.”
“monsters can summon souls," Stretch said, a little impatiently. "it’s a thing, c'mon, kid--”
Today was fraught with information and as much as his side was aching, Jeff couldn’t help asking, “Can you summon mine?”
“well, fuck, you chose a hell of a time to get over your problem asking questions. you’re pretty banged up, kid, i—" Whatever Stretch saw in Jeff’s expression gave him a pause and he stopped with a sigh, “yeah, okay. just…real quick.” He gave the door a wary glance, then settled a hand over Jeff’s chest. “this shouldn’t hurt. tell me if it does.”
His fingers curled inward, almost like he was grabbing something. There was the strangest tugging sensation as if he had a hook caught painlessly in his spine, making his back arch until—
Light coalesced in Stretch’s hand, hovering above the bones and Jeff stared, distantly amazed.
His soul.
Illuminated a pale green, it looked like an actual heart, the same as on a Valentine card. Sort of. It was hard to look at, the edges undefined, wavering between the childish outline and something undefinable, and the light came somehow from within it. “Oh.”
“yeah, you have a nice one,” Stretch didn’t touch it, only let it hover over his outstretched hand. “monster souls are silver, if you don’t have lv, but human souls have a color that matches your dominant trait.”
“What’s my—“
“compassion,” Stretch interrupted softly. “okay, that’s enough.” He let his hand drop and the soul faded, disappeared like it was sliding right through his shirtfront. “don’t try that with just anyone on the street, it’s kinda a big thing.”
“Oh.” He was suddenly terribly sleepy and wondered if it was from pulling out his soul or if Stretch had managed to hit the painkiller pump on his IV when he wasn’t looking. “You seen Edge’s soul?”
“that’s a more complicated question than you think.”
He’d heard that Edge had LV, knew what it was. His mouth seemed to be willing to go on asking questions on its own, uncaring if it was rude or prying. “Has Edge killed someone?”
“yes.” Stretch offered no excuse, no explanation.
“More than one person?”
A long, slow sigh. “yeah, but that’s really his story to tell.”
“He was a soldier.”
“yeah,” Stretch agreed, quietly. “he was.”
Jeff didn’t know why he asked, couldn’t stop it from spilling out, “Have you killed anyone?”
“one person,” So terribly soft, barely audible, “but i killed them a lot. now go to sleep or i’m gonna put your lights out myself.”
“Stretch?” It was getting hard to think, his consonants softened, slurring out.
“what now?” Stretch asked in exasperated amusement.
“I'm glad you're my friend.”
“thanks, andy.” Warmth settled over Jeff, another blanket? He couldn’t tell. “me, too. i’ll be here when you wake up again, kid.”
“Mmkay.” Sleep was too hard to resist anymore, and his questions faded, lost, as he drifted. His last thought was to hope Antwan and Edge would get here soon and then even that faint worry faded, lost in the darkness.
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jolexfanfics · 6 years
Jo gives birth on Valentine’s Day 😂
Alex inhaled with a satisfied smile as he put the finishing touches on the meal he’d prepared for his wife. Usually he and Jo hated Valentine’s Day and considered it a holiday for amateur couples but it was their last holiday together before becoming parents and Alex wanted to do something special.
He had gone full out with the cheesiness: sprinkled rose petals up to the bathroom where he had a hot bubble bath for her, cooked one of her favorite pregnancy dishes for dinner, and got her chocolate covered strawberries with non alcoholic champagne for dessert. He had also set up a prenatal facial and massage for her the next morning since she had officially started her maternity leave.
Alex swiftly multi-tasked, turning off the stove as the timer went off while pouring himself a glass of champagne and lighting a candle on the table. He smiled to himself as he heard the garage door open and Jo’s car pull in.
Jo groaned as she fumbled with the door and her bag, cursing to herself as she felt a tightening pain in her lower abdomen. She ignored it as best as she could and turned the key in the door.
“What a day. It’s like everyone was trying to send me into early labor.” Jo whined, stepping through the door. 
“First, a kid projectile vomited on me, bright and early this morning, then right after—” She paused, suddenly smelling the aroma in the kitchen and noticing Alex had not only cooked a full meal, but was also dressed in an apron covered in hearts.
“Alex Karev…” she dropped her bag on the ground, a smile instantly spreading across her face.
Alex turned around, meeting her gaze and mirroring her smile. “Happy Valentine’s Day. You look beautiful.”
“We never celebrate Valentine’s Day. And I look like a cow.”
“Hey, don’t talk about my wife like that.” Alex set the spoon down on the stove and walked over to where Jo was standing. He pulled her into a hug and she melted into him. She nuzzled her nose against his chest and let out a heavy sigh. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to be home.”
“You’ll be sick of it by the end of the week.” Alex smirked and pressed a kiss to her hair.
Jo laughed in agreement and nodded. “Probably, but right now I can’t wait to eat whatever smells so good and lay in my bed.”
“It’s fettuccine alfredo, and there’s a bath and chocolate covered strawberries waiting for you upstairs too.”
Jo pulled back to look up at him, so happy she could almost cry. “Wow, are you single? I could marry you right now.”
Alex rolled his eyes but smiled, leaning down to kiss Jo. He pulled her tighter, smiling as he felt the baby kick in between them. They stood there for a moment, swaying back and forth as they enjoyed what would be their last moments of silence. “Go upstairs, I’ll bring the food to you.”
Jo grinned as she made her way upstairs, noticing the candles and flower petals that decorated their house. She made it halfway up the stairs when she suddenly felt the twinging pain in her abdomen again. She held onto the railing and took a few deep breaths. A sudden wave of panic washed over her, realizing she still had three weeks to go and wasn’t ready in the slightest. She pushed the thought away as her pain subsided and went into the room to change.
Jo threw on one of Alex’s shirts and her favorite pair of shorts and tied her hair up in a bun. She collapsed on the bed, letting out a sigh of relief as she surrounded herself in their pile of pillows. Alex followed soon after, carrying a tray full of food along with the bottle of non alcoholic champagne and a glass of water. 
“Babe, this looks amazing. You didn’t have to do all of this.” Jo grabbed her plate off the tray and took a bite, nearly moaning at how great the food was. “God, this is too good for words.”
Alex settled in next to her, digging into his own plate. “I know you’ve been stressing about work and the baby, so I just wanted to take your mind off it all for a bit.”
“You really know how to treat a girl, Karev.” Jo took another bite but paused suddenly at the pain that started to build. She tried her best to be discrete, but as it got worse, Alex couldn’t help but notice.
“You okay?”
“Mhm.” Jo took a few small deep breaths, not meeting Alex’s gaze. “That bite was just really hot, that’s all.” 
She looked up at him as the pain subsided and tried her best to put on a reassuring smile. Alex nodded, but watched her for a moment as she went back to eating her food. He kept an eye on her as they finished their dinner, silently making mental notes every time she paused or winced and timing them in his head. He was actually impressed at the amount of excuses she was able to come up with in just a matter of fifteen minutes.
Jo set her plate on the nightstand, gripping the side of the bed with one hand and gently pressing her other hand into the side of her belly. She let out a shaky sigh as she looked up and met Alex’s gaze. “Alex…..I really don’t wanna ruin tonight, but I think -“
“You’re in labor.” Alex finished her sentence. Jo nodded wordlessly in response.
“I’ve been timing your contractions. You can’t really hide those.” Alex smiled and leaned over to press a kiss to her cheek. “Do you wanna go to the hospital?”
Jo quickly shook her head with a frown. “I wanna enjoy the rest of our Valentine’s Day.”
They spent the rest of their night in a limbo. They walked around the house, Jo bounced on the ball Alex had gotten for her just weeks ago, and even ended up doing a couple laps around the neighborhood. All the while Alex stopping to massage her back during contractions, letting Jo lean on him, and even using him as a punching bag during the really difficult ones. Although it wasn’t what either of them had expected or planned for Valentine’s Day, they had both enjoyed just being together.
When they had finally ended up back in their bedroom, Jo was exhausted. She was just on the brink of sleep when she was suddenly jolted awake by the most painful contraction and with that one came the urge to push.
Alex walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. He had hoped that they could finally sleep before probably going to the hospital in the morning but instead, he found his wife doubled over in pain. He threw the towel into the hamper and ran over to her. “Jo? Talk to me.”
He kneeled down by Jo’s side and grabbed her hand. She looked down at him as tears filled her eyes. “The baby’s coming right now.”
Alex’s eyes widened and he tried not to panic. He stood up and attempted to pull Jo up with him. “Let’s go, I’ll call the hospital on the way.”
“No!” Jo tugged on his hand, wincing in anticipation at the contraction that was coming. “I mean right now. I have to—” She let out a low moan as the contraction hit her. At this point, she was playing tug of war with her own body. “Alex….I have to push.”
Alex cursed as he saw the seriousness in Jo’s eyes. He panicked for a moment before jumping into instant doctor mode and let his new father instincts kick in.
“Shit, okay. Look at me.” He took Jo’s chin in his hand and met her eyes. “Don’t push yet. Let me at least call 911 and get some stuff together. Just breathe, give me a few minutes, and then you can push and cry and beat me up as much as you want, okay?”
“I can’t believe this is happening.” Jo nodded with tears in her eyes.
Alex leaned in to kiss her before bending down to kiss her belly. “I can’t either, but we got this. I love you.”
Jo focused on her breathing and tried to remain calm as Alex made a few calls. He grabbed as many towels as he could find and set up the bath tub just in case. He took all the sheets off the bed and replaced them with towels. He ran into the baby’s room to get some things and when he came back, he helped Jo onto the bed and tugged her shorts off.
Alex looked up at Jo and grinned excitedly. He had delivered a good amount of babies in his career, but never thought he’d be delivering his own, especially at home by himself. He reached out with his free hand and Jo laced their fingers together. She squeezed it tightly as the next contraction came. Jo put her chin to her chest and pushed with everything she had in her. Alex kneeled between her legs, coaching her with each push. 
Jo gripped Alex’s hand, not letting go as she took a breath. “This hurts so bad.”
“I know, but you’re doing so well.” Alex reassured her. “I can see the top of her head.”
“I can’t do this.” Jo shook her head, willing herself not to cry. “You’re a surgeon, just knock me out and cut me open.”
Alex tried not to laugh as he rubbed his thumb against the back of her hand. “You’re already doing it. Just a few more pushes and she’ll be here.”
“Ugh, shut up.” Jo squeezed her eyes shut as she got another contraction. She dug her nails into the back of Alex’s hand and he instructed her to push again. 
Jo continued pushing until she couldn’t take it anymore. She yelled, cried, and squeezed Alex’s hand so tightly she was sure she could’ve broken it. Just as she was about to give up, Alex let go of her hand and moved them to catch the baby. Jo gave one final push and out slid the tiny baby right into Alex’s arms.
“She’s here!” Alex lifted the baby up and placed her on Jo’s chest. They both started to sob as the baby let out a small cry. Neither one of them could contain the happiness or relief they felt. 
“I love you so much.” Jo smiled through tears and Alex leaned up to kiss her. “Thank you for everything.”
“I love you more. Thank you for the best Valentine’s gift.” 
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moon-mynxie · 5 years
i’ve reached 200 followers! yay! have some kakasaku fluff to celebrate!
Strawberries and Wildflowers
Rated T
2.7k of tooth-rotting fluff. Enjoy!
Kakashi had barely taken a step past the village gates before he realized something wasn't quite right. The guards on duty had hunched their shoulders and looked away as soon as he'd arrived, and the few people that walked the streets seemed to dive into the shadows when they saw him approaching. For how they were acting, he may as well have come back to an empty village.
Normally, it was impossible for him to avoid the close attentions of the villagers, but now, it was like he didn't even exist. It was a turn of events that usually wouldn't have bothered him were it not for the sinking feeling in his gut.
What exactly was going on?
Picking up the pace, Kakashi headed home as quickly as possible to find the answers for himself. However, when he arrived at the complex he shared with his wife, he was surprised to find it dark and empty. Instantly, his stomach twisted with concern. This wasn't normal.
Where could she be?
It was past midnight, so most of Konoha's businesses were closed. There wasn't really anywhere to go.
Turning on his heels, he charged down the stone path in the front yard and stepped back out onto the street. An eerie silence had fallen over the town like a heavy drape, making him more aware of his own beating heart.
If she were in the hospital, someone would have sent a message to inform him, right?
But instead, he was faced with silence.
Something was definitely wrong.
Just as he rounded a corner, Kakashi felt a familiar chakra signature and stopped. Moments later, a dark fuzzy shape materialized before him.
“Pakkun,” he snapped. “What's going on?”
The dog tilted his head slightly, and in the semi-darkness, Kakashi could see a somewhat frantic look on his face.
“I didn’t think you would be back so soon, boss.”
“That's beside the point. Just tell me what's wrong. Why is everyone hiding from me?”
A pause.
“Well…it's Sakura,” the dog murmured. “She's at the hospital and—well, she's—”
Kakashi didn't wait for him to finish.
Hastily, he formed a hand sign for a transportation jutsu and, in a puff of smoke, materialized inside the waiting room of the hospital. His heart was already beating so hard he was sure it would burst right out of his chest, and he could feel small beads of sweat forming on his forehead.
Is it really happening? Right now?
They had planned so diligently for this moment. The restricted eating plans. The breathing exercises. The bizarre yoga poses. He had been right beside her through all of it. And yet he could barely calm himself enough to make his way to the maternity ward. It was as if some invisible force had pinned him to the floor.
But then he heard it, a shriek—very much Sakura's—and his feet were moving all on their own.
Pushing past a group of panicked-looking medics in the hallway, he flew toward the sound, adrenaline pumping wildly through his veins. He had been through rigorous ANBU training and two brutal wars, yet he couldn't recall a moment in his life when he had felt more terrified. This made everything else seem like child's play.
“Sakura!” he called over the piercing sound of her voice. She didn't seem to hear him.
As he came closer to the noise, he could pick out the sounds of objects being thrown across a room, followed by Sakura's words: “I don't understand why everyone in this hospital is so fucking incompetent!”
He slowed a little. She was in her office.
What was she doing there?
After flash-stepping into the room, Kakashi stopped in his tracks.
Sakura was there shuffling about the space, her round belly framed by the thick fabric of her white medic coat, cheeks flushed with anger. There was a group of nurses around her, bowing and nodding fervently as she spoke while also seeming to try to calm her down.  
“Seriously, how can I trust anyone to run this hospital without me?” Sakura growled, shuffling madly through a filing cabinet in the corner of the room. “I'm gone for a few months and all of a sudden you people think you can just rearrange my entire office?”
“But Sakura-sama, the resident chief medic wanted to—”
“I don't care what he wanted!” Sakura snapped as she whipped around to face the group. “This is my office!”
Given the size of her stomach, her vigorous actions would have appeared comical if Kakashi weren't so concerned for her.
What in the world was she doing at work in her state? Especially in the middle of the night?
Instantly, his protective instincts kicked in and he rushed to grab Sakura by the shoulders as she turned back to the filing cabinet.
“Sakura, what the hell are you doing?”
She didn't even turn around to look at him. Instead, she shoved his hands away and continued to rummage through the files. “You better not touch me, old man! What the hell are you doing here, anyway? I thought you had that important conference to attend.”
Sensing the tension in the air, the nurses offered stunted farewells and scurried out the door, leaving the couple alone.
Sakura continued to angrily shuffle through the papers, huffing and mumbling (seemingly to herself) about how neglectful and cruel her husband was. Feeling like a helpless child, Kakashi could only reach out for her again. She didn't shove him away this time, but he could feel the anger radiating off her in waves as he gripped her ample waist and turned her around to face him.
“Sakura, I told you I would make it back in time for the delivery, and I did. Why are you so mad?”
“Because you left me during the most stressful time of my pregnancy, Kakashi!” she bit back, jade eyes glistening fiercely.
“Hey, I tried everything in my power to get out of it. Trust me. But I'm the Hokage, sweetheart. If there's conflict in allied countries, I have to be there. I can't help that.” He paused to brush a strand of frazzled hair behind her ear. “Besides, I fought tooth and nail to come back this early. Aren't you happy to see me?”
Sakura clenched her jaw. “I am.”
“Doesn't seem like it.”
“Because I'm mad at you!”
“Well, don't be. Please.” Feeling her chakra flare again, Kakashi cupped her face in his hands in an attempt to soothe her. She glared back at him. “It's not healthy for you to get this worked up.”
“Well, you should have thought of that before you left.”
Wrenching herself away, Sakura started to waddle about the room again, shoving papers into stacks as she grumbled to herself. Kakashi flash-stepped to intercept her, pulling the files out of her hands and setting them on her desk.
“Kakashi, you bastard! Let me get my office back in order! I swear, why can't you just—”
“Why are you here, Sakura?” he demanded. “I know this isn't just about your office. Did the contractions start?”
“No.” She puffed hair out of her face and crossed her arms. “I went into false labor and now they're holding me prisoner.”
Kakashi scrunched his eyebrows. “For how long?”
“Just for tonight. They're putting me on bed rest, too,” she pouted.
“Sakura, if you're supposed to be on bed rest, you shouldn't be storming around like a bull in a china shop.”
“Oh, so now you think I look like a bull?”
“No, no, no. It's just an expression,” he corrected before she had a chance to punch him through the wall. “Just calm down, okay?”
“Or what? Are you gonna make me?”
“If I have to.”
She scoffed. “I'd like to see you try.”
“Okay then.”
In one swift movement, Kakashi swept his very pregnant wife into his arms and vanished in a puff of smoke. Moments later, they appeared in one of the rooms of the maternity ward. Luckily, the space wasn't already occupied, so he carried the blustering woman toward the hospital bed.
“Ugh, put me down!” Sakura barked, wriggling against his hold.
“I will once you calm down.”
At that, Sakura reluctantly relaxed, but her eyes continued to stab like knives into his very soul. He knew she was incredibly hormonal, but he had to admit her animosity toward him was understandable. He had gone away to that stupid conference in Amegakure while Sakura had been only a couple of weeks from her due date. Granted, every moment apart from her and their unborn child had been hell for him; he had wanted nothing more than to speed up time to the point where they would finally be together again. It was like a piece of him had been missing, and although these weren't the best circumstances, he was suddenly overwhelmed with affection for the fiery woman in his arms.
Gods, he had missed her.
“What's that look about, old man?” Sakura bit out as he gently lowered her onto the bed. She sat stiffly while he fluffed the pillows, but after he removed his Hokage clothes and settled into place beside her, he felt her slacken some.
“I missed you,” Kakashi sighed against her skin. “A lot.”
She made a small sound of contempt as she reclined against his chest and allowed him to cradle her. He glanced down at the smooth curve of her belly and felt a swell of pride at the thought that his child was growing inside her. Quietly, he placed his hands on the soft globe of her stomach and smiled.
“I missed the baby, too.”
“Yeah, right.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“I know why you really left, Kakashi.”
A pause.
“Oh? Enlighten me.”
She turned slightly to give him a sharp, accusative look—which would have worried him if she hadn't looked so damn sexy. He knew those eyes of hers would be the death of him one day.
“You've got a mistress, don't you?”
Kakashi's thoughts came to a screeching halt as he stared at his wife. It was as if she had taken a bag of bricks and hit him over the head with it. “What?”
“You changed your mind about having the baby and you wanted to get away from me cause I'm fat and ugly now, right?” Her voice wavered as she looked away, and then her shoulders were shaking in a stifled sob. “And you're annoyed by me constantly crying and yelling, right?”
“Sakura, what the hell are you going on about?”
Anger pierced at Kakashi's chest as he bundled his wife in his arms. When she didn't respond, he pulled her chin toward him with his thumb and forefinger. “Look at me, Sakura.”
His heart throbbed at the flood of tears in her eyes. There was nothing in the world that got him more worked up than seeing Sakura cry. It meant he hadn't done his job in keeping her happy. It meant he had failed her. And that thought was just too much to bear.
Brushing her hair out of her face, he kissed her and then pulled back to give her a hard look.
“No offense, baby, but that is the stupidest fucking thing that has ever come out of your mouth.”
Sakura's lips twisted into a frown. “‘Kashi, you ass.”
He sighed and kissed her again, relishing the way her body softened against him. Her warmth, her scent—everything about her was a permanent part of him now, and he couldn't get enough of it. She was indisputably his. And he was hers. The more she understood that, the happier they would both be.
Shifting his lips to her cheek, and then slowly down her neck, he spoke to her between kisses.
“Sakura, there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about how drop-dead gorgeous you are,” he murmured. “You're an amazing woman and you're going to be an amazing mother to our child. You're everything to me, and you always will be.”
Slowly, she placed one of her hands over his and let out a sigh. “I'm sorry.”
He planted one more kiss against her neck as he ran his hands over her swollen belly, savoring the heat of her body against his. She was so goddamn perfect; he still couldn't even fathom how lucky he was to find solace in someone as brilliant as her, and he made sure to thank the gods everyday for it. There was no debate that he was the most fortunate man alive.
“It's okay.”
“No, it's not. I've been really rude to you for no reason at all. You've been nothing but supportive and—”
Kakashi placed a palm over her mouth to cut her off, his lips softly grazing against her ear. She smelled like strawberries and wildflowers—a scent that was now seared into his memory even more than his favorite Icha Icha scenes. He could spend all night laying there, simply soaking her in like the sun. He needed her more than she could ever fathom.
“Sakura, it's fine,” he insisted. “You're carrying my child. You could punch me in the face and I'd still be totally amazed by you. Please don't feel guilty about anything.”
A beat.
Nuzzling her hair, he inhaled the flowery scent of her shampoo as he continued to rub her belly. Gradually, he could feel her sink into his embrace until he was sure she was close to falling asleep. He watched her chest rise and fall with steady, deep breaths and smiled.
This was how she should be. Relaxed and calm as she allowed him to take care of her. Not only did she deserve it, but it helped to put his own mind at ease. For the past nine months, he had been worrying nonstop about her. Of course, Sakura's independent nature had reared up when he tried too hard to coddle her—but he knew he wouldn't be able to rest until she was perfectly safe and happy. For that reason, the past few weeks had been torture for him. Not knowing how his wife was doing or how she was feeling had taken a toll on him, but now that she was here in his arms, he couldn't find a complaint in the world. Everything was perfect.
“Sakura, you've gotta promise me you won't get worked up like that again,” he whispered into her ear. “It worries me.”
He half expected a sharp retort from her, but instead, she merely bobbed her head in a sleepy nod and nestled her face in the crook of his neck.
Rumbling with amusement, Kakashi pressed his lips against the top of her head. “Don't worry,” he murmured. “After the baby's born, you can go back to being my naughty little girl.”
“‘Kashi, you pervert,” she snorted.
He smirked and gently squeezed her, glad to lure some form of a laugh out of her. She had been far too serious lately and he had missed seeing her smile; her happiness was infectious, after all.
“I love you, Sakura.”
She let out a small hum and twisted her head to look at him. By now, all the fire was gone from her eyes and was instead replaced by a soft, glowing warmth.
“I love you too, Kakashi.”
With that, he tightened his embrace, pleased that for once he had managed to tame the wild tigress inside her—and it was only a matter of time before he, too, relaxed into the cozy lull of sleep. His trip had been a long one, but he had been so preoccupied with thoughts of Sakura that any form of rest had evaded him. However, now that they had reunited, even the strongest opiate couldn't have competed with the comfort of her presence. It was like a soft blanket that swaddled him in warmth and affection. Sinking further into the feeling, he was met by dreamy visions of his wife with their beautiful child, and even in his half-conscious state, he felt a stir of excitement as he watched her relish the squirming bundle of joy in her arms.
Soon, that dream would become reality, and he was more than ready to share it with the most amazing woman in the world.
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choiceslife · 6 years
When Worlds Collide: Part Eight (Limited Series)
Disclaimer: Based upon characters in Choices - Endless Summer, It Lives in the Woods, The Royal Romance, #LoveHacks, Home for the Holidays, and The Elementalists series. All characters presented are the property of Pixelberry Studios. I claim no ownership. This story is purely the work of the poster as fanfiction.
Overall Series Rating: 18+
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Content, Sexual Discussions. Future chapters may contain SMUT and Gratuitous Sexual Descriptions
Overall Series Summary: The sisters are together again and Ava Cunningham believes only they can help her.
Author’s Note: This Limited Series is a companion/sequel to Divided By Circumstance. I suggest you at least read that series in order to understand this one. As with most of my stories, this is a crossover and is part of my interconnected Chromatic AU. My MC’s are as follows: Carrissa Monroe (TRR), Abby Bennett (#LH), Scarlett Joy (HFTH), and Taylor Reed (ES). Previous Chapters can be found in my Master List located in my header.
Tag List: @ladynonsense @cinnamonroll-duffy @darley1101 @brightpinkpeppercorn @debramcg1106 @regrettingnathan @katurrade @teamtomsato @luxurylives @akrenich @riseandshinelittleblossom @jlouise88 @thehonorarybeaumont @eileendannie @marshmallow-ortega @littlecrookedheart @i-choose-liam @tmarie82 @bobasheebaby @boneandfur @europeanguy @walkerismychoice @pixieferry @sstee1 @endlessly-searching-for-you
La Huerta
“I’m worried about him, Aleister,” Grace said as she stepped beside her boyfriend. The two looked over to see Lucas meticulously pouring over data in an effort to verify his calculations for the Power Core alterations. “He’s been so focused the past three days and has barely spent any time with his friends.”
Aleister respected the drive. He didn’t understand Grace’s concern at all. Seeing Lucas’ determination reminded Aleister of himself. “I don’t see a problem Grace. He’s a hard worker and on a mission.”
“And he’s completely suppressing that he’s hurting inside. How can you not see it?” Grace watched Aleister stare at her blankly with a shrug. Her boyfriend may be intelligent, but when it came to picking up emotional cues, he was severely lacking in knowledge. “I’m gonna go talk to him.”
“Okay love.” Aleister knew better than to protest Grace when it came to these things. She had much more emotional depth than him.
Grace pulled up the stool beside Lucas as he ran his fingers through his uncharacteriscally unkempt hair. She was sure the frustration of the task before him felt insurmountable because of his unexpressed feelings. “You should take a break Lucas.”
“I can’t Grace. I’ve gotta figure this out.”
Her heart went out to him. Lucas was hurting and Grace could see it plain as day. Sure, he could try to bury himself in work and solving this problem to get the Power Core to calibrate properly, but she knew that until Lucas actually dealt with his pain that progress would come to a grinding halt. “Lucas?” Grace placed a comforting hand over the young man’s own hand. His eyes met hers. “Talk to me.”
Everything about Grace Hall was trustworthy and Lucas knew it with every fiber of his being. That’s all it took for him to let the flood gates open. “He doesn’t love me,” Lucas sobbed as he wrapped his arms around Grace and buried his head into her shoulder. Despite not having any children yet, Grace’s maternal instincts kicked into gear. She pat Lucas’ shoulder and gently caressed the back of his head as he sobbed into the softness of her orange sweater. “I waited too long to tell him how I felt.”
Grace gently rubbed Lucas’ back in soothing circles. “I’m sorry. I know it’s hard when you have such intense feelings for someone, but they don’t feel the same way.” She really did. Grace instantly recalled the one summer in college that she spent in London visiting her mom, when she developed a crush on the one intern in her mom’s office. Paolo was cute beyond her wildest imagination, but his ambitions left little room for him to have feelings for anyone other than himself. It took some time for Grace to deal with her pain, but eventually she began to heal. “You might not think it now, but it will get better. One day you will find someone that loves everything about the man you are inside and out.”
Lucas stepped back from the woman comforting him and nodded his appreciation for her assurances. “Thank you Grace. You’re right. I know you’re right. I just wish I had actually told Dan my feelings instead of making up a lie, but I saw how he looks at your friend and I knew I didn’t have a chance. Dan looks at Jake with the same passion and desire that I have when I look at him. And I think Jake might see that too.”
While Grace had a feeling that Lucas was crushing hard on Dan, the revelation that Dan had feelings for Jake came as quite a surprise. At some point, Grace knew she would have to have a conversation with her friend. Everyone was here for Jake so they could help bring Taylor home and Grace needed to know that his heart was all there. If what Jake had told them upon arriving back to the island was true; that everyone’s love is what kept Taylor from fading from existence, then Grace needed to know if he was having any doubts whatsoever. “Go rest up for a little Lucas. It’ll help you clear your head. You can come back fresh later to tackle the Power Core calibration.”
As soon as Lucas left for his room, Grace excused herself from the lab, intent on finding her pilot friend.
Jake stretched his arms in the air before folding them behind his head as he sat on one of the elongated poolside lounge chairs. He never imagined that he’d be relaxing at The Celestial once again, soaking up the sun’s warm rays, but that’s exactly what he’d been doing for the last few days while the brain trust toiled away in the laboratory. He certainly preferred being poolside compared to being stuck indoors. Jake enjoyed the energy soaking into his skin, hoping it would give him a much needed tan. He watched the others, in various groups, frolicking in the water or conversing at the tiki-style bar, while he just sat back enjoying some alone time.
“He’s quite fetching, isn’t he?” An all too familiar voice asked.
The shaggy haired pilot turned his haze, arms still folded behind his head, to see the most unexpected sight. “B-B-Boy Scout?” He stammered.
Taylor looked at Jake with a playful smile before nodding his head in the direction of the pool towards the subject of his question. Jake’s gaze shifted from his long lost love to the muscular figure extracting himself from the distant side of the pool. Dan’s back muscles flexed as he hoisted himself up. The water rolled down his body, highlighting every definition Sexy Mop Top earned from hard work in the gym. Jake’s eyes instantly traveled to Dan’s tapered waist and, once again, fixated on the lower back dimples situated just above his round bottom.
Forcing himself to break his objectification, Jake turned back to Taylor. “How are you here? We haven’t performed...”
“I’m always here Jake. With you. I’ve never left.”
“But you did Taylor,” Jake challenged. He dropped his hands to his lap and turned to face his husband. Sure, it was an unofficial hand-fasting, but that didn’t make it any less real to Jake. Taylor was his soulmate. The first person to capture his heart and make him want to be a better man. Jake blinked several times fighting back the tears he felt forming. “You left me alone. You made the decision to sacrifice yourself to save us all, but we never really got to talk about it first. One minute you’re with me and the next...” Jake’s voice cracked and he trailed off unable to finish his thought. He lost the battle with the tears as a steady stream rolled down his cheeks.
Taylor reached over and cupped Jake’s face in his hands. He gently ran his thumb across his sobbing husband’s cheek while turning Jake’s face up to look into the pilot’s blue eyes. “If I did Hotness, I never would’ve had the courage to go through with it. I couldn’t stay and let the world burn around us. Rourke had to be stopped. In time, I knew you’d find room in your heart to love again.” Taylor softly turned Jake’s face towards where Dan was sitting and laughing with his friends. “I know you’re feeling something for him Jake. It’s okay. If for some reason this plan with The Sisters doesn’t work; I want you to be happy.”
For a few moments, all Jake could do was look at Dan while pressing his face to Taylor’s palm. “How can I...” Jake began to say turning to face his love, but he was no longer there. “Taylor?” Jake looked around the pool area frantically, but Taylor was nowhere in sight.
Jake opened his eyes to find himself still outstretched and lounging poolside. His hands were still laced behind his head and he realized that he must have dozed off. Jake saw that the others were still enjoying themselves in the pool area. Stacy sat atop Ava’s shoulders in the pool, battling Cade who was perched upon Varyn’s shoulders. Dan sat on the pool’s edge with his feet in the water beside Sean and Craig, the latter of which was animatedly miming football moves during conversation. Michelle sat under a canopied table sipping drinks with Carissa, Abby, and Scarlett, while Raj stood behind a nearby grill, no doubt whipping up something delicious. Meanwhile, Estella and Zahra practiced grappling moves on the nearby beach.
It must have been a dream, but it felt so real, so vivid. Jake turned his head and was immediately startled to see Diego sitting on the lounger beside him just staring. “Jesus Short Stuff. You scared me. How long have you been sitting there?”
“Long enough to see that something bothered you in your sleep. Wanna talk about it?” Diego placed a comforting hand on Jake’s leg.
“It’s nothing Diego. Just... just go back and have fun with the others.” Jake quickly got up from his seat, not wanting to discuss his feelings. He appreciated Diego’s concern, but Jake just needed some alone time. “I’ll catch you later,” he said before walking off towards The Celestial lobby.
From across the pool area, Dan noticed Jake depart, appearing to be upset. He excused himself from Craig and Sean and the football conversation they were having; quickly jogging toward the hotel.
The lobby was empty, as was the bar. Jake wasn’t in The Celestial’s massive fitness center either. Rounding a corner into another long corridor, Dan finally spotted his friend through the windows of the grand hotel’s large game room. He watched as Jake’s shirtless form stretched while rolling billiard balls by hand across the velvet table rather forcefully. Dan couldn’t help involuntarily hitching his breath as his eyes roamed over the pilot’s attractive body. Dan leaned his strong frame against the doorway as he folded his arms across his bare chest. “Hey,” he said lowly, finally exhaling that held breath.
“Hey Dan,” Jake replied without looking up from the pool table. He rolled another billiard ball across the table, sinking it into a corner pocket. “You didn’t have to come find me. I’ll be fine. You can go back and have fun with the others.”
“You’re not fine now though Jake. You didn’t even call me by my nickname.”
Jake glanced up to see his new friend smiling from ear-to-ear. He wanted to be angry, but how could he be when Dan was standing right there looking so damn adorable? Although he tried to fight it, Jake felt the corners of his mouth curl upwards ever so slightly. And he was pretty sure Dan noticed. “Why’d you come looking for me?”
“I can’t sit back and watch someone I care about struggle to cope,” Dan replied. He ran a hand through his slightly damp hair; still wet from his earlier dip in the outdoor pool.
Jake slowly made his way towards where Dan was standing. He got within inches of the younger, taller man who made him have conflicting feelings inside. “Why do you care about me? We barely know each other,” Jake whispered, his hot breath rippling across Dan’s neck causing goose bumps.
“I... uh... I...” Dan swallowed hard causing his Adam’s apple to bob in his throat. He was unable to find the words to express how he felt, but that didn’t stop his body from giving away his lust for the pilot. Dan felt his manhood grow, pressing tightly against the waterproof fabric of his swim trunks as it yearned to be set free. He could practically feel the almost invisible tiny hairs on Jake’s pecs tickling his own smooth, bare chest as he finally found words. “I don’t know why exactly. Something inside me just feels drawn to you. I know it’s wrong. We’re here to get Taylor back, but I don’t know how to make a feeling stop.”
“I’m confused too,” Jake replied. He gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Dan’s forehead before drawing the back of his fingers down the young man’s cheek. Jake brought his lips dangerously close to Dan’s, desperately wanting a taste. “If this were any other time, I’d be bending you over that pool table Sexy Mop Top.” Jake’s finger traveled slowly down Dan’s neck to the muscular divide of his chest eliciting a slight gasp. And then he took a small step back. “But Taylor has my heart. I’m a different man because of him. I’ve waited for him to come back to me and I have to believe he will return.” Jake pulled Dan’s forehead to his own. “I’m sorry.”
The two men stood together, forehead-to-forehead, for a few moments before Dan finally retreated. “You have nothing to be sorry about Jake. I completely understand.” Dan ran his palms down the front of his swim trunks and took a deep breath to regain his composure. While he was disappointed, he also knew chances with Jake were a long shot. “Taylor is a lucky guy and we’re gonna get him back Jake.” Dan gave Jake’s shoulder a comforting squeeze before he exchanged one final nod with the shaggy haired pilot and turned on his heel back towards the pool area.
Standing around the corner, Grace had heard everything. “So Lucas was right. Dan does have feelings for you.” Grace said as she made her presence known after Dan’s departure and approached Jake in the game room doorway. “And you have some feelings for him too?”
Jake was stunned to see Grace appear. “It’s not like that...”
“Just listen Jake,” Grace said raising her hand and cutting him off. “I heard what you said. You really need to be sure, without a scintilla of doubt that Taylor is the one. Everyone is here because we know what losing him meant to you, but if you’re not sure...”
The pilot placed both of his hands onto his friend’s shoulders. “Grace. I’m sure. For a moment my mind tried to tell me that Taylor would want me to find happiness with someone else, but when I saw Dan up here, I realized that it was just my fear that this plan might not work causing me to have doubts. In that moment, I knew I had to stop thinking that way. You all came here and had faith in me and supported me. It’s time that I have that same faith. I love Taylor and I know he will be back.”
Grace wiped the single tear from her cheek, content that Jake’s words were true. She wrapped her arms around his bare torso. “Good cuz if you said something else I would have hurt you.”
The two friends shared a laugh as Grace linked an arm into Jake’s elbow, about to walk towards the lobby when Aleister came running down the hallway.
“Oh good! I found you both,” Aleister panted breathlessly. “I’ve got it. I found the error that Lucas mentioned. I’ll have the Power Core fully recalibrated tonight and we can finally perform the ritual tomorrow.”
(To Be Continued)
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adauntlessangel · 6 years
Revenge Is Sweet | Luke
Emilia’s head was pounding... and she could still hear Grace crying in the distance. Yet when Emilia opened her eyes the poor woman was in an unfamiliar place and her head was killing her. Squinting she could make out a figure in front of her, followed by bright lights...but her conscious state didn’t last very long considering the circumstances. 
It had started out like their normal mornings, Emilia had taken Ryan to school and brought Grace home. She was supposed to see a doctor later on in the day at Luke’s work..portal..place, thing, simply because it had been two months now and Emilia was still throwing up now and again. They assumed it was just her body accommodating Grace and intertwining things with her mind, but Luke and Cassie both seemed to agree it was time to see a doctor to make sure it wasn’t something else. After all, Emilia was human and they didn’t have everything figured out with hybrid babies being adopted and taken in with humans. God knows Emilia was taken with Grace the moment she held that tiny baby, it was just a wonder why she was still...well, acting like she was post-partum at times. Even though Luke assured her it was probably normal, it was just to ease everyone's mind that she see a doctor. 
So after a morning bath, Emilia had just laid Grace down for her morning nap, and she and Hunter were tidying up downstairs. Ryan and Grace’s toys were everywhere and she was loving it. However, Hunter took off running upstairs to her and Luke’s bedroom, and she heard him barking like crazy. Emilia simply assumed her was being a crazier version of himself. After all, Hunter was a dog, dogs barked at things. But the way he was barking made Emilia go up after a couple of minutes...and something wasn’t quite right. Their balcony doors? They were wide open. Yeah, okay, it was windy out... but they had been locked? Luke always locked them at night and Emilia hadn’t gone out, at all.. “What..” She mumbled softly and moved to close the doors, examining the lock, and it seemed fine. Maybe Luke forgot? But... Luke never forgot things like that. Emilia’s mommy senses were tingling and she immediately ran downstairs, Hunter with her everystep and Emilia ran into the kitchen to grab a knife, and she went running to Grace’s bassinet. Only to see her baby was gone.. “Grace?!” Emilia shrieked and she looked around, panic setting in and she felt her heart thundering. She looked down at Hunter who seemed to be sniffing and she followed the dog...and that was when she saw her. The woman who had been causing all of their problems. Holding her daughter. 
“Rachel..” Emilia glared at the pathetic woman and her fingers tightened on the knife, Hunter growling by her side. “Put her down.” She demanded instantly and the woman simply looked at Emilia with nothing but evil in her eyes... and Emilia knew in her gut if she had the chance, she would kill her. There wasn’t a choice now. “She’s just a baby, she hasn’t done anything...put her down.” Emilia pleaded, but Rachel was shaking her head no. 
‘How is it possible...that you two have been married for a little over a year, and you have two children? That look exactly like you?’ Rachel questioned as she looked between Emilia and Grace, and Emilia could feel her blood boiling as she answered. 
“I don’t particularly see how this is any of your business, put my daughter down, now.” She couldn’t do anything, but Grace was sound asleep in this moment, and god forbid if Rachel hurt her, Emilia would kill her, she swore it. “You’re only making this worse for yourself... put her down, and leave...and I won’t call the cops.” Oh but she’d tell Luke and Luke would kill her, Emilia knew it. 
Rachel began laughing, and Emilia could tell that she had some type of mental breakdown... and then without even an indication, poor Grace was tossed to Emilia like a football, and Emilia had no choice but to drop the knife and catch grace, falling back onto the floor as Rachel tried to run away, and Emilia screamed for Hunter to get her. Grace was screaming at the top of her lungs, the poor infant startled awake, but Emilia had caught her safely, and she cradled her baby for a moment before quickly scrambling to put her back in her crib. She could hear Rachel’s screams as Hunter bit her.. But she heard Hunters pain whines and immediately Emilia put Grace back in her bassinet, her anger overthrowing her maternal instincts, and she picked up the knife she dropped and she went to confront Rachel. She wasn’t leaving this apartment alive. No way in hell. 
When Emilia ran to see Hunter curled up on the floor and breathing heavily, Emilia’s heart broke because the bitch apparently stabbed their dog.. “Where are you?!” She screamed, knowing damn well she didn’t leave.. and Emilia turned just in time for Rachel’s boot clad foot to kick her right in the face. Emilia gasped and she rolled on the floor to cup herself.. but she looked at Rachel and she kicked the womans feet out from under her. Emilia crawled over and began punching and slamming the womans head down on the floor. She managed to claw and scratch at Rachel’s face, and the other woman screeched like a cat. 
The two of them were rolling around on the floor, knocking things over as they went. Emilia finally broke free to try and search for her weapon, during their scuffle they knocked over a table with their picture frames on it..and Emilia grabbed a big piece of glass and she stabbed Rachel’s calf with it. Emilia’s own blood mixing in because of how hard she was gripping the sharp edges. Rachel kicked Emilia in the ribs, successfully knocking the air out of the young woman. Emilia gasped and she curled up in a ball because she was crippled in pain for a moment. Emilia could hear Grace’s wailing, and she wanted to be able to get up and keep fighting, but she wasn’t trained like Luke, and honestly? She was in so much pain right now. Emilia screamed when Rachel retaliated and sliced Emilia’s arm with the knife she’d been looking for. Hunter growling as he could only lay there helpless. 
Emilia began crawling away from Rachel at this point, trying to find one of the panic buttons hidden in their apartment, but Rachel had other plans. Just before she could reach it and call for help. Rachel had picked up one of their lamps...and she hit Emilia right in the temple, forcing the poor woman unconscious. 
When Emilia finally came to later... she felt her battle wounds all over, cuts from both Rachel and form when they had been rolling around on the glass. Luke would find her...someone would know something happened when she wouldn’t go to pick Ryan up from school.. Oh god, Hunter... poor Hunter. Emilia’s eyes moved to Rachel’s face, and she smirked at the sight of the bruises on that pathetic woman. Yet Rachel didn’t like that and Emilia was immediately back handed, and she let out a small cry. She was tied to a chair..and from what she could tell, there were three cameras set up at different angles. 
‘Now, Emilia, you’re going to tell everyone the truth about you and Luke’s arranged marriage... or I’m going to kill you, and your precious little girl.’ 
Emilia could hear the sound of a baby crying somewhere...and she was so disoriented and confused from her injuries she began struggling against her restraints. “Rachel! I swear to god if you hurt her I will fucking end you..I swear it..” Emilia’s words were cut short as her eyes met the barrel end of a pistol..and Rachel smirked. 
‘Again, last warning, you’re going to sit here and explain to the people how he paid you to be his wife, that fucking pathetic hybrid, and how he made me have an abortion...and how you came into the picture to make him seem like an amazing guy...but he’s not. He’s just a fucking monster, he’s not even human.’ 
If looks could kill, well, Rachel would’ve exploded right then and there...
“Go to hell.” 
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girlonthemoon9 · 6 years
Just Forget the World (E.D.) Pt. 11
:: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8 , Part 9, Part 10 ::
Master List
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Summary: Stella’s world changed the moment she met Ethan on a beach in Australia, but she’ll never know just how much. Life became more vibrant and to say the least, entertaining. But, with the dramatic and fun loving boy came frustrations and complications. Can they be overcome or will the rare turbulent waves finally drag them down?
Word count: 4,163
** 2 Weeks Later **
I was covered in what felt like dust and sweat. I had just finished packing the last moving box and placing it in its respective corner of the small apartment. I walked over to the living room chair to sit down. I looked down at the white fabric and then at myself before rethinking and sitting on the floor.
I pulled out my phone to see texts from Grayson and Bryant...still nothing from Ethan. I hadn’t heard from Ethan since the day I left him there on his one man island of a heart.
The first week I’d gotten back was difficult to say the least. My mind ran with thoughts of him and I wanted to call, just to hear his voice on the other end. Every time I would pick up my phone to send a message or look through the contacts to call him, I would get up and pack a box.
I had been planning on moving into a downtown LA loft before I left on my trip, so my focus on my return was to get everything ready so that I could start over when the place was painted. I didn’t live far from LA, only about 45 minutes south, in Orange County, right near the ocean. But with the success of my lifestyle blog and the subsequent business it had created, I found myself driving up to the large city often. So, before my trip, I found a beautiful loft apartment with large warehouse-style ceilings and rustic exposed brick. My favorite part was the amount of windows that allowed for not only an amazing amount of light to come through, but, it also gave the most breath taking view of Los Angeles and Hollywood in the background. I was in love with it the moment I stepped inside.
Plus it would be nice to not be as far away from Gray and Bryant now that they were back in town.
They had changed their flight and came home only 5 days after I had left. Grayson had called me the day after they got back and told me everything, “Yeah, the people who we were renting the house from told us that the neighbors finally complained enough that it would be better if we found a new place to stay.” I guess after I had left, word from @DolanExposed must have gotten around because girls were showing up in packs to the house again. “We just decided it would be better come home, between that and Ethan not really seeming to be present.” 
I thought about his last comment about Ethan and felt a small pang of guilt, thinking that I had ruined part of their trip. But then I came to my senses and remembered I can’t blame myself.
“Are you talking to Sella?” I heard his familiar voice whispering in the background of the phone. Grayson must have covered the phone and responded because I could hear the sound of something shuffling over the phone and muffled conversation before he returned.
We talked for awhile about how the trip had been after I left, how the flight home was and about how I would be moving. Gray said that he and Bryant would be happy to help me move everything once I was ready and I was so grateful to have them in my life.
A few days later, the time had come, moving day. Gray and Bryant had showed up early with coffee and breakfast and I was more than excited. Not just for the food, but to be reunited with my two friends. 
The knock at the door echoed through the packed up living space as I walked over to open it. The moment I saw them standing there, I jumped up and down like a little girl, hoping from foot to foot. They laughed at the squeal the escaped me and brought me into a big hug. I hadn’t been this happy in what felt like a life time. That was until I saw a very familiar silhouette just down the hall.
“Grayson Bailey...” I said looking at him stonily in a low whisper.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything Stella. Bryant and I were talking about it this morning. We thought it would be easier if we had as many people help as we could.” The color raising up his cheeks.
“You know how I feel. This hasn’t been easy on me.”
“It hasn’t been easy on him either...”
There was a small silence between us as Bryant brought the food into the apartment and placed it on the counter.
“Look Stell, he promised to keep his distance and to stay out of your way. He’s just here to help.”
I took a moment to process his words as I looked down the hall toward the guy that had broken my heart. It hurt to see him, but I found myself fighting the butterflies in my chest at the sight of him. Yes, I was working on forgiveness like Bryant had asked, but that doesn’t mean I was ready. Although, it seemed as though my heart was trying to.
“Fine.” I responded while still keeping my eyes on Ethan. “He’s only here because we can use his strength. Nothing more.” I turned from them as I made my way back into the kitchen, head feeling fuzzy. Gray turned around in the doorway and waved Ethan to him.
“How’d she take it? I knew I shouldn’t have come to help.” Ethan whispered to his brother.
“She’s fine. She knows that it’s logical to have all the help she can and I told her that you would be on your best behavior...right Ethan?”
Ethan looked down at his feet, “Of course.” His heart hurt when he saw her open the door. All the feelings he’d been fighting coming right back to the surface. She looked beautiful he thought, as the sun filled the room she occupied. He knew it was going to be torture being so close to her and not being able to even say ‘Hi’ but he knew he needed to help. He was willing to go through the heartache knowing that he deserved it after what he’d done.
After breakfast we began loading boxes into our cars before putting the rest into the moving truck. I didn’t want to admit it but, having Ethan there really did help. By lunch time we had almost everything in the truck, the only thing left was the couch. I watched as Ethan and Grayson carried it down the stairs, out the front door and up the ramp into the back of the truck.
“Gray, it’s slipping on my end.”
“Give it a second, we’ve almost got it in.”
Just like that, I watched as my couch fell out of Ethan’s hands. I could see his face turn red as he quickly inhaled a lung full of air and held it. Grayson’s face was shocked and scared not knowing how it had happened and if his brother was hurt. Ethan walked out of the truck and I could see a small stream of red liquid rolling down his left leg. He was bleeding.
“Shit Ethan, you’re bleeding. Come with me, I have the first aid kit up there.” I directed him as I reached my arm out to him instinctively. The maternal part of me kicking in, pushing my current feelings toward him to the back of my mind.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about it Stella.” His deep voice said. It was the first time we’d spoken all day and his reluctance to my help agitated me.
“Ethan Grant, come with me, I’m going to fix it.” The stern tone in my voice forcing him to comply. 
‘You’re going to “fix it”? Are you sure you’re just talking about his leg?’
I grabbed his wrist and basically dragged his muscular, sweaty body back up to the apartment as Bryant and Gray finished putting the couch away. His skin was hot under my grasp and the electricity was radiating through my body from our point of contact.
It seemed that no matter how angry I was at him, my body didn’t care. I’d never experienced anything like this, such a strong connection with someone. The guys in my past never had this effect. Once I was done with them, there was no longer a connection. But with Ethan, it seemed never ending.
We made it to my kitchen and he hopped up onto the island tabletop. I grabbed the first aid kit and stood in front of him getting out everything I needed. I could tell that he was doing his best to look everywhere but at me, but there were moments when I could feel him watching my every move.
I pulled out the peroxide and a towel, “This might sting.” I put the peroxide on the towel and then slowly lowered it to the gash on his leg. Instantly his body reacted and I could hear the hiss that fell from his lips. I continued to dab the towel to his leg and then bent down to lightly blow on the areas affected, trying my best to sooth the pain. 
The gash was larger than it looked, but it wouldn’t need stitches. It was times like these where I was glad that I’d taken those medical response classes in school. Once I knew the cut was clean and disinfected, I began to place the bandage on his shin.
Ethan cleared his throat and spoke softly, “Thanks Stella.”
“For what?” I responded, not thinking as I focused on what I was doing, not looking at him.
“For this.” He motioned to his leg and the medical supplies on the table. “I appreciate it...I appreciate you.” The last part was merely a whisper of words, but I heard them clearly.
My body began to heat up at his words. ‘I appreciate you’. It made my mind spin. Did he appreciate me before? Or was this a new revelation from me leaving him half way around the world? 
It was quiet for a long moment before I finally looked up at him. Our eyes met and for a moment it reminded me of the first time I’d seen them. They were bright and reflecting green through the brown I was used to, but behind them I could see his pain. My heart wanted to cry out for him, to hold him and make it better. But, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t. 
“You were bleeding. I wasn’t going to let you bleed on my things.” I tried to joke his comments away to deflect what he’d said. I smirked up at him and he sighed.
“Sure Stella, wouldn’t want to bleed on your boxes.” He mumbled in response.
The new loft was somewhat put together now. The boys had done a great job of getting everything in the correct rooms. I sat down on the living-room couch and pulled out my journal to write. I’d started writing again to try and figure out my feelings and thoughts that seemed to consume me. They had started to subside, but being around Ethan today made them run around chaotically.
Journal Entry 25 Today was a mixture of emotions. Moving was brilliant. It feels amazing to be in a new space and start over. But, seeing Ethan today was hard. I miss him terribly. My heart doesn’t know what it wants. It sides with my brain knowing that we’re no good together, but at the same time it wants nothing more than to hold him. Feel his skin on mine, his lips on my lips. I want to think that things could be different now that we’re back in LA, but at the end of the day, he still doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. And if that’s the case, what stops him from doing the same thing again?
He seems so broken. The bags under his eyes seem like they’ve only gotten darker and deeper. I’ve never seen him disheveled, but thats exactly how he looks. He looks broken, I can feel it. Does that give me hope into thinking things could be different? I don’t know. But I know that I feel like part of me is missing. I can still feel the energy that doesn’t seem to subside when we’re in the same room, the fire that runs through me when our skin makes contact. 
Just when I thought things were getting better, this sexy brown haired boy walks back into my life. A heart I want so badly to call my own, but I can’t when he isn’t willing to give it to me like I was willing to give mine. 
Where do I even go from here?
Only love can hurt like this...
The next two weeks were quite. Gray came over on multiple occasions to help unpack and make this place feel like home. It was nice...until I realized that I had to follow behind him and move things to the spots that I wanted them to be in. He must have noticed because he stopped what he was doing, “Stella, I swear, if you move one more damn thing I’ve unpacked, I WILL...” he stopped to think of his threat, “I don’t know what I’ll do, but I will do SOMETHING!” I couldn’t help the hysterical laughter that fell from my lips as he held a ceramic pineapple in the air as he spoke.
Gray and I spent a lot of time together, it was great, but there were moments when I could see so much of his brother in his face. It broke me a little every time.
Once everything was unpacked and the place finally felt like home, Grayson and Bryant came over. We’d ordered pizza and watched movies and celebrated my new home. I curled up into Gray’s side as we watched some old 80′s throwback movie that Bryant had picked. It was so comforting to still have them in my life, but as I sat there on the couch with Grayson’s arm around me, it reminded me of a similar night in Australia. The arm was different, but so familiar. I closed my eyes and remembered that time, making my heart swell. 
It was so hard to move on from Ethan because I’d loved him more than I’d wanted to admit. It didn’t make it any better that one of my best friends was his identical twin.
I got up from the couch and walked over to the fridge, “You guys want a drink? I have some beers.” They looked up and nodded their heads in acceptance. I brought out the cold bottles and placed them on the living-room table. 
One turned to two, two turned into many and soon the table was strewn with empty bottles as the three of us laughed until we were crying.
“So how have you actually been Stell?” Bryant slurred ever so slightly.
I thought for a moment. ‘Do I tell them the truth? Or do I just continue to pretend like I’ve moved on?’
I decided to go with the truth with a hint of a lie, more to convince myself than to convince them. “I’m doing better than I’d thought I would. It hurts some times, I mean, I loved him.” Both boys stop drinking their beers and looked at me with wide eyes. I’d never said the words out loud to anyone and I think if I hadn’t been drinking, the words would have been left unsaid.
Grayson choked back the beer he held in his mouth, “You loved him? Are you sure? ‘Cuz he’s dumb as shit.” He laughed at his own words, making the rest of us laugh.
I couldn’t help the heat that found its way to my face. I wasn’t sure if it was from the alcohol or if it was for the unsaid words that were finally spoken. Truthfully, it was probably both.
“Gray, you’re oblivious. Anyone looking at them could tell she was in love with his dumbass. Hell, he even knew. You’re blind as shit boy.” Bryant laughed, taking a swig of his beer.
‘If he could see how I felt, why did it seem that in so little words he was saying he didn’t think Ethan loved me?’ My drunken mind ran. ‘Thats because he didn’t “love” you. If he had, don’t you think he would have said something? Or one of the boys would have said something? Exactly. They didn’t, because he doesn’t’
Gray and Bryant pushed each other around jokingly as I pulled my beer to my mouth and took a long sip. “Yeah, well his dumbass must think I’m stupid because he sent those flowers today.” I said nonchalantly as I pointed my beer toward the beautiful bouquet of white and pink roses and white daisies.
The door had rung and I walked over to open it for whoever was on the other side, thinking it would be Grayson or Bryant coming over early. A delivery man stood in front of me holding a large bouquet of flowers in front of him. 
“I’m sorry, you might have the wrong apartment.” I said embarrassed. I didn’t know anyone who would send me flowers. Half of my friends didn’t know my new address yet and those who did weren’t the type to send flowers. “Are you Stella?” I nodded slowly. “Then I have the right place.” The delivery man smiled as he handed over the flowers to a very baffled me.
I took them slowly, thanked him and cautiously closed the door. I walked over to the kitchen island and set them down. They were beautiful and I’m sure WAY to expensive. I looked around them until I found a small envelope. I opened it and found a hand written note:
‘Stella,     Congrats on the new place. Grayson said you’ve finally finished and unpacked the last box! You are officially moved in now. I’m sorry that we’re in a place in which I can’t celebrate that accomplishment with you, but I hope these brighten the space around you. I hope that one day things will be different, until then, I’ll celebrate your accomplishments from afar.
I didn’t know what to do, I was shaking. I braced my back against the wall and slowly slid down it until I felt myself sitting on the floor. Hot, heavy tears flooded my eyes and ran down my cheeks. I didn’t know how to process what he’d done and what he’d written. Was this a friendly gesture or one saying “I love you and I’m sorry.” I wanted it to be the latter, but I couldn’t be sure and I didn’t want to hold hope for something I wasn’t sure was there. 
I was more confused now than I had ever been. What was he doing? He knew how to play games, was this just another one of them? Or was this him being venerable? I wasn’t sure he knew how to be.
After a few minutes of crying, I chose not to dwell on it, not allowing his words to consume my thoughts. I got up and placed the letter into my journal and moved on with my day.
Now I sat on the couch giving the flowers my attention for the second time today. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the boys got whiplash from how fast they’d turned their heads toward where I’d pointed. Both of their jaws fell to the floor when they saw them.
“Woah...” Bryant said, the word on the breath that’d escaped him.
“He-he..., Ethan sent those?” Gray asked with confusion visible on his face.
I could feel my brows knit together as I processed his question, “Yeah, why?”
Gray shook his confused thoughts from his head quickly and returned to his normal carefree look, “No reason really. He just hasn’t really mentioned you much since you left.” He paused a moment as if trying to decide if he wanted to continue, “I mean no offense, but it just seemed like he’d moved on, like he didn’t care anymore. Then he does that...I guess I was wrong?”
“Bro, have you not looked at your brother recently? He’s been trying to get over her. When was the last time he slept? He’s been locked up in his room playing Fortnite and if he’d not there, he’s off with some random gir-...” Bryant quickly caught his words before he finished. The look on Grayson’s face toward him was deadly.
There it was, confirmed in that moment, Ethan had moved on. He was just playing his silly fucking games. I was livid. I was sick of being played by him. I was sick of hurting over him. I was sick of crying over him. I was sick of HIM! I got up quickly and handed my phone over to Bryant, “Here, record this for me?” I asked in the sweetest voice I could muster, though I’m sure it sounded slightly psychotic. Bryant shot Gray on eyebrow as he raised the phone and began to record me. 
“If he can move on and start seeing other people so quickly, then these don’t mean shit...” I pointed to the flowers on the counter, “and he obviously doesn’t give a shit...” I said as I walked over to the flowers, picked them up, “and neither do I.” I said as I threw the flowers to the ground. I was flooded with a strange sense of relief as I watched the bundle explode on the ground. I picked up a rose slowly and stood back up with it in my hand, “Time to update my Tinder.” I winked as Bryant stopped recording. Both boys sat there quietly with slight smirks on their faces.
Once I got back to the couch, phone in hand, Grayson looked at me, “What are you going to do with the video?”
“You’ll see.” I couldn’t help the conviction in my voice as I did my dirty work. Before I knew it, I’d posted it to my twitter. I knew that once it was there, it would find its way to him. The Dolan fandom was quick and before I could even blink, it’d been retweeted hundreds of times. 
Your move Dolan.
Journal Entry 26 I hope my smile can distract you I hope my fists can fight for two So it never has to show And you'll never know I hope my love can blind you I hope my arms can bind you So you'll never have to see What we've grown to be One may think we're alright But we need pills to sleep at night We need lies to make it through the day We're not okay
One may think we're doing fine But if I had to lay it on the line We're losing ground with every passing day We're not okay
But that's one thing I would never That's one thing I would never say to you
The next morning was a blur. My little tweet had flown around social media. It was no longer just on twitter, it was on Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr. And much to my surprise, the response was better then I’d thought. Many of the tweets and replies were telling me to stay strong. 
One even said, @Stella I don’t know what happened, but he’s obviously stupid. Go get your makeover and show him what a mistake he made. Go get you a new MAN.
I giggled to myself as I read that. They were right, I needed to get out of this slump I was in, I needed to put my best foot forward. I wanted him to eat his words. I wanted my happiness to eat him alive and the only way to get back at someone is to show them they didn’t get to you in the first place.
Stella: Grayson! Beach day? Invite whoever. Stella is back and ready to kill it!
GrayOnThe🌙:Even E?
Stella: I don’t care anymore. The beach is a public place. 💁🏼‍♀️
GrayOnThe🌙: Thats my girl! Let’s do it. I’ll swing by your place in an hour and we’ll cruise down to Laguna! I’ll call Bryant and my buddy David (he’s newly single, so it might be nice for him to get out too). BEACH DAY!🙌🏼
I went to my room and put on my cutest black bikini under my short-shorts and a little bit of makeup while blasting my music. This was it, time to move on. If he was going to, then so was I. 
What better way to fix a broken heart then to find someone to mend it for the time being. Right? Probably not, but I was doing what I wanted with reckless abandon. 
A/N: So Ethan is going out with random girls? Way to spill that one Bryant! And Stella seems to be on a war path. Will it end up going well or will it prove to be more problematic? She’s going to be spending time with a newly single David. Will Ethan go to the beach with them? If he does, how will this go down? Even I’m ready to see what’s next.
xoxo, GirlOnTheMoon
Taglist: @spiffydolan @lonelystr @kerilives @dopefreshdolan @beaatf @kobeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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lcclements · 6 years
Bonded Chapter 2
Chapter 2: A Bonding Gone Wrong
Author’s Note: So because I’m working on my personal manuscript, I only can do these updates once a month. Also, I did realize having both Saphira and Link doing sign language in conversation would be annoying, so I thought of a hilarious way of having her learn Hylian quickly. Finally, before anyone points it out, I know that one form of sign language is not the universal language. I also updated the guide. So, enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the Legend of Zelda franchise. It belongs to Nintendo and Shigeru Miyamoto. Please don’t sue! I only create OOCs!
“blah” : sign language
‘blah’: thoughts
[blah]: foreign language
    Prince Sidon paced back and forth as he waited for results from the healer. In the middle of explaining about why she was at the top of a lake, she passed out. As she fell, it seemed like a maternal instinct kicked in, as she held the baby tightly. Currently, Paya was holding said child, and it seemed to take comfort in her arms. “He seems to like you.”Signed Link
“Well, it’s like that for me everywhere.” Said Paya
“It’s a sign you’ll be a great mother. Maybe we should-”
“N-no it’s t-t-too soon!”
Baby Lin began to fuss and Paya began rocking him. Both Link and Sidon snickered and she glared at the both of them, with her husband looking away.
Sidon often wondered what it would be like to be married. There were plenty of marriageable Zora women in the kingdom, but he never really felt one that was right for him. Sure, he had a fan club, but all they saw were things on the surface, but it almost seemed like none of the club members truly know him. His father tried to have him set off on a pilgrimage to other Zora tribes, but he would shrug off the suggestion. With everything that just happened, andthe fact that over twenty percent of the Zora population was severely injured or worse, it was only common sense that the subject of marriage would be placed on the backburner.
He snapped out of his thoughts as the healer emerged from the room. The older Zora rubbed the back of his neck and stretched. “Netto, how is Saphira?”
“She’s, well, she’s suffering from exhaustion and malnutrition. She also seems to have two cracked ribs and what looks like a few burns. Other than that, she’ll make a recovery.”
Sidon gave him a wry smile. Netto was one of the few old Zora that stayed the same over the past 100 years. He was a gruff doctor, and his beside manner was something none left to be desired, but he was good at his job. He was also one of the few Zora that studied Hylians, though Sidon wasn’t sure Saphira and Baby Lin counted as Hylians.
“She needs rest.” Said Netto, “It seems she has been running for days.”
“Running from what?” asked Paya
“Ah, that’s the question. For now, she needs rest, and I should check this young one.”
**Dream Sequence**
Saphira felt as if she were floating. She tried to remember where she was, but when she looked up at the purple sky, she instantly remembered. Her feet felt dry grass as she walked around the garden. As she looked at the dead flowers, she sighed, thinking about the Sols. They were dying, and food was growing scarce. “Priestess Saphira!” yelled a voice
A twili guardsman approached her and bowed. “I am only a Priestess in Training. Please don’t call me that.” “Not according to High Priestess Valya.”
Saphira rolled her eyes and folded her arms. “Why did you call me?”
“King Stil requested a meeting with all the priestess.”
She nodded her head and began walking towards the castle. Various servants and guardsmen bowed as she walked past. Looking around the castle, she remembered when the castle used to be so clean, so beautiful. Now, many of the tapestries were burned, and the portraits of pervious rulers were removed. A loud scream and she froze, and so did many of the inhabitants in the castle. The ceiling shook as dust flew. “Poor Queen Mana.” Mumbled one servant, “Lost to madness.”
The world seemed to shift a bit before she was standing with her fellow warrior priestesses, erecting a barrier. An tall twili, raven-haired with splotches, began directing the few people towards an open, purple portal. Many were the poor citizens of twili with children. The King himself held the young baby. In the distance was the castle, currently on fire. A face of a demon could he seen melding with the flames. Guardsmen stood in a defensive position. “This is it!” yelled King Stil, “We must seek safe pilgrimage in the light realm!”
The twili looked in fear at the portal and the King nodded at one of his guardsmen, who began escorting the people across. An demonic screeching could be heard and Saphira looked at lizard-like creatures with sharp teeth charging towards them. “Don’t let them through, my children!” yelled High Priestess Valya
The creatures slammed themselves against the shielding, crackling and sizzling as the fell go their deaths. Sheer masses made Saphira dig her heels into the ground. Another priestess shrieked as she was overwhelmed by the horde as her shield broke. “Advanti!” yelled another
“Stand your ground!”
“You dare rebel against your new King?!” bellowed a voice
Saphira could only watch in fear of the flaming demon coming towards them. With a clap of his hands, the shields began to crack. “Hurry!” yelled Saphira, “I don’t know how long we can hold this!”
Twili servants began scrambling for the portal as the creature got closer. “Saphira!” yelled King Stil
She looked back at the King as he approached. “You must go with them.”
“No! My job is here!”
The shield cracked again. “Go my child!” yelled Valya, “Your fate is not here!” When the shield broke, all chaos seemed to ensue. Creatures of dark nature pounced on everyone. She could see her fellow priestesses fighting with their sacred weapons, making them explode. Saphira hit one creature in the neck and it exploded. She then used her silver bell to create a barrier to dissipate shadows. One of her fellow priestesses fell and she went to her aid, destroying the creature that was attacking. But, she was too late, and blood gurgled out of her throat. A sharp pain in her side and a cracking noise made her look as ground crashed into her. Disoriented for a moment, she felt something warm being shoved into her chest. She tried to focus by looking at the King’s face, but she couldn’t hear his voice out of the chaos. In her arms, she could see the baby as it cried. She was shoved in the portal, and as she was pushed, she could see the flaming demon getting close to the King.
**End of Dream Sequence**
Sidon watched as Saphira formed tears in the corner of her eyes as she slept. Her hand clenched into fists as she tossed and turned. He touched her forehead and she seemed to lean into his touch. [Brother…] she murmured
Her eyes popped open and she looked at the prince, who pulled his hand away. Blinking away her tears, she sat him looking around the room. [Where am I?}
Prince Sidon looked at her curiously and she sighed. She winced as she felt her injuries and looked down at her hands. She then looked up at the Zora. “Where am I?”
“The Zora Infirmary.”
Sidon watched as she looked at the floor. Her eyes darted around again before she looked at him. “Where is the prince?”
“He’s currently being cared for.” She narrowed her eyes and winced as she tried to get out of bed. Sidon gently pushed on her shoulder. “You need rest.”
[Prince Lin is my only concern and responsibility. Take me to him!]
Sidon sighed and walked out the room for a second before returning. He could see the determination on her face. It was the same Link gave when he wasn’t going to give up on a particular issue. “I asked one of the servants to bring Paya and Prince…um…”
[Prince Lin]
“Lee?” Saphira shook her head and tried to annunciate. [Lin.]
She huffed, thinking about how she would speak better. Of all the things she learned, Hylian was not her strong suit. “I guess we should at least introduce ourselves. You could just call Lin the prince for right now.” “Right…” said Sidon, “I am Prince Sidon.” Saphira screwed up her lips before speaking. “P..eence..See..doon?” “No, Prince Sidon.”
Saphira bit her lip before trying again. “P..eene See..doom?”
“No, Prince-“
Saphira pointed to herself. “Say…fe…raah.” “Sayfirah?” She shook her head in a negive motion and it was Sidon’s turn to sigh. “I wish there was a way to fix this language barrier.”
“Trust me, I feel your frustration. We can’t just sign here forever. I need to leave and find my people.”
The door opened and Paya appeared with a bright-eyed baby. The child began to whine as it saw Saphira and reached for her. She took the child in her arms at it wrapped it’s tiny hands around her neck. She kissed his head and patted his back [I’m happy to see you too my prince.]
“He cried a lot while you were asleep.” Said Paya
Saphira looked at Link to translate. She merely nodded her head and tried to pry the one-year-old baby to sit upright. “I thank you for caring for him. I’ll find a way to return the favor.”
    Netto came gruffly in the room and at the prince as well as the two Hylians.”Is there any reason why there’s so much commotion in my patient’s room?”
“Sorry Netto, Sayfirah here wanted to see the child.” Said Sidon
Saphira grunted at the pronunciation of her name. Netto squinted his eyes as the baby stood with the help of the woman. She winced, but she let the baby try and find his balance. The older zora rolled his eyes and looked at the visitors. “She needs rest, but I guess that a mother cannot be separated from her child for so long. Still, she needs to get as much rest as she can, plus she needs to get her weight up. I’ll send up one of the nurses with food. The baby can visit, but she needs to stay in bed.”
“I think I can take care of that.” Said Prince Sidon
Netto huffed again and left the room. Saphira seemed totally oblivious to the conversation that took place as Baby Lin tried to walk on her legs. “Sayfira?” asked Prince Sidon
She glared at him, but he got her attention. “Netto says that you need to stay in bed. He’s bringing up food.”He signed
She mere nodded and sat back for a moment before sitting up again, making Baby Lin fall on his butt. “I think I know a way for me to speak your language but…”
The three of the looked at her with inquisitive eyes, indicating for her to keep speaking. Her face flushed a light pink color. “I would have to kiss someone.”
The three of the blushed with Prince Sidon looking away. “Paya and I are married.” Signed Link
“I gathered that when I saw the way you look at each other. I’m a priestess so yeah, marriages are one of the ceremonies we’re required to do. Besides, it would be a disservice to the Warrior of the Sheikah.”
“That would leave…” started Paya
The three humans looked at Prince Sidon, who’s face became as flush as his scales. “I-If that is required…”
“Since when are you so shy?”signed Link
“I’m not, it’s just sudden. It’s strange to be asked something like this out of the blue.” “Don’t princes get kissed by women all the time?” asked Paya
“That’s just stories.” Said Prince Sidon, “In reality, some woman just can’t come up and kiss me.”
    The conversation was interrupted by a Zora nurse holding a try of food. She seemed at shy at first, looking at the woman sitting in bed, but the patient ignored her for the baby. “Healer Netto said that she needs all the food in front of her.” Said the nurse
“Thank you,” said Sidon, “I’ll be sure that she eats it all.” The nurse bowed and left, leaving a deafening silence. Well, as much silence as there can be with a baby makng gurgling noises. Saphira cleared her throat. “Well, the ceremony itself just us saying I will my essence to you and then we both kiss. Of course, my left hand must be bound by someone’s right hand with a scarf. The kiss itself doesn’t need to be passionate. I mean it’s not like I’m getting married or anything, right? Though, I don’t know any side effects to it. I don’t have my notes with me and it’s an old spell used when the Twili had different spells. I have no idea why I was forced to learn it.”
“If it’s not a marriage ceremony, then I could do it.” Signed Link
“No my friend, I’lldo it.” Said Sidon
    After eating, Saphirah played with Baby Lin before letting him go with Paya. She wasn’t sure if it ws right to trust the woman with the Sheikah marking, but she knew she had to. It was her people’s belief that the Sheikah were keepers of order. Resting into the soft water bed provided for her, she wondered if she was making the right decision. Learning another language would take time, but it seemed like for a time she had nothing but that. Her thoughts then settled with the fate of her people. If they were alive, they could end up lost or worse. She specified that could only work at night, since the sun was painful. She could only look at the sunburn and think of how painful the sun was when she first landed. Taking a deep breath, she refused to cry, knowing that this was her duty, her fate in life. With her contentment made, she nestled into bed, letting herself lull to sleep. A soft shake awakened her. Link put a finger up to his lips as he helped her out of bed. Her body felt weak, and she wondered if she could go through with the spell. Link creaked opened the door and motioned for her to wait. After a few moments, he pulled her into the hallway and it was now she noticed how beautiful and intricate this castle was. Silver lining, blue crystal, possibly marble, and flowers stood on every polished table. Leading her out into the main castle, she saw the huge slates with lettering she couldn’t understand. Bright orbs glowed and guardsmen bowed as they passed. She could hear a conversation in the other hall, but couldn’t understand.
    Outside the kingdom, she could only look in amazement at how extensive the kingdom was. Water, clean water, flowed from everywhere. When the wind began to blow, she could smell the sea, and she shivered a bit, remembering she didn’t have her cloak. Her dress was torn in places, and she felt embarrassed. She felt lucky to not run into any other creatures. She could only marveled as the crystal changed colors under the moonlight. The moon itself made her freeze, something she had only seen in books was staring her in the face. Link tugged her a bit to motion her to move along. There was a large pool at the top and a large throne. Balconies surrounded the pool, but the moon glistened into the room. Prince Sidon waited with Paya and Baby Lin. She looked up at the Shark-prince and gave a concerned look. “Are you sure you want to do this?”she sighed
He merely nodded. “Okay, so I already told you the logistics, but there’s one other thing. We have to stand in a way that has our arms reaching for one another as we say it unison. Which means, you’ll probably have to bend down since I can’t really reach you.”
Sidon could only chuckle as he held out a clawed hand. Saphira looked up in his eyes and she could see gentleness to it. For a humanoid creature he was handsome, and then she wondered where this came from. She nodded to Link, who tied a scarf to their wrists as they reached up to their necks. Saying ‘I will my essence to you’, they kissed, and a warming sensation flowed into their bodies. Bright colors swirled around them as they pulled away. “Did it work?” asked Sidon
“Yes…” said Saphira, “I can understand you.”
The two of them chuckled and both looked way blushing. When Saphira tried to walk away, she then felt the yanking from the scarf. “Right,” started Sidon, “we should get this off.”
She chuckled as he did and she handed it to Link. “Thank you warrior.” She said
Link just shrugged. “You have no idea how much this will help me when I travel.” Said Saphira
“Travel?” asked Sidon
“I have to find my people.” Saphira walked up to the railing of the atrium when she felt a tug on her chest. She winced and looked back. When she pulled again, Prince Sidon winced. “What are you doing?” he asked
“I’m trying to see the rest of this room but, why do I feel pain?”
When she tried to move away again, she cluched her chest. “Stop that!” said Sidon
“I’m not doing anything!” said Saphira
“Wait, what’s going on?” asked Paya
“Every time I move, we both feel pain. Saphira tried to see if she had a invisible chain and then something hit her like a pile of stones. “Oh no…” she groaned
“What?” asked Sidon, “What is it?”
“This has to be something to do with the spell. Maybe it’s a tether or something.”
“Aren’t you a priestess?” signed Link, “You know how to reverse it, right?”
“Um…the thing is…one, I’m an newly inducted priestess who just finished training and two, that spell’s so old that nobody really used it. That spell was used for clans when…why can’t I remember?”
Prince Sidon gave a nervous chuckle and got closer. “So I’m guessing we’re stuck like this for a while.”
“Unless we want to have our hearts tugged at, yes. I can’t believe this, I’m so sorry Prince Seedoon.” “It’s Sidon, and I forgive you. I don’t think you did that on purpose.” “To bind us together, no. I just, this complicates things, and my name is Saphira by the way.” “Saphira? Like the Sapphire?” “Yes like the, wait you people have sapphires?” “Yes. Have you never seen one before?” “Only in books. My Prince, I’ll find a way to break this bond. I can’t stay here forever.”
    As this conversation was happening, a portal opened up near Hyrle Castle. Princess Zelda was quick as she saw this, having not gone to bed for the night. She was reading up on her cultural facts of the different tribes in Hyrule when she saw the portal in the sky. A guard got hit in the face as she ran out, pulling out her sword. Her newly formed guards were quick, surrounding what looked like a pale-skinned man in the moonlight with black splotches on his skin. “I am Princess Zelda of Hyrule!” she commanded, “Who are you and why have you invaded my castle?”
The man wobbled, going to one knee, his face, bleeding from his right eye. [My son…my sister, where am I?]
The man passed out and Zelda looked at her men, sheathing her sword. “Take him inside the castle and summon the healer. Keep him under constant guard.”
The guards nodded and did their jobs. She looked up at the moonlight, starry sky, and wondered why a portal suddenly opened up. She would be doing more research in the library very soon.
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epag88 · 7 years
Dragon Treasure Chapter: 17
Summary:  Hiccup is just a little seven year old boy running away from his father’s disappointment and meets a new friend hiding in the woods. Stoic is about to learn that one man’s burden is another man’s treasure.
It had taken a lot of work on behalf of the Night Furies but they were happy to help keep their new friends safe. The Gronkle that Fish Legs had affectionately dubbed Meatlug was hesitant at first to help the humans with their quest. However as soon as the words dragon raid met her ears she took one glance at the adorably chubby lad that she'd come to love and her maternal instincts kicked in instantly. One by one the Vikings slowly approached each dragon and with Eldrid as a negotiator made a deal between human and dragon. It guaranteed their freedom and possible residence if they so choose in exchange for allegiance as well as a promise of no harm coming to the human village or its residents. Everything happened very quickly and it had to since none of them had any idea when the dragon raid would actually take place but they would be ready.
Everyone was currently gathered around the arena. The dragons had eagerly gathered their Viking hosts and hostesses to show them what they had made for them. Only Gobber knew what was going on since he was the one forging them and was excited to see the reaction. Everyone waited impatiently to see what this surprise was all about especially a certain little boy who had wiggled his way to the front of the arena along with some of the other village children to see what the fuss about. Hiccup didn't really like that his friend had kept a secret form him even if it was a surprise but since he was getting a present he decided that he could let it slide just this once.
The royal dragon family and Stoick walked into the middle of the arena where tables with sheets over them were currently standing. The dragons stood by the tables in human disguise smirking at the excitement they could feel around them. Toothless looked over the crowd until he spotted Hiccup waving at him and smiled back at the excited child. Everyone suddenly started shouting upon their arrival demanding to know what was going on and finally Stoick raised his fists into the air and silenced them all without so much as a word.
"I'm not gonna lie to you lot I have no idea why we are here but it seems our guests have something to show us," Stoick explained once everyone had settled down.
"So give them your attention and then we need to discuss the raid. We were lucky last night but they may try tonight so we must be ready," the chief added.
"Quite right Stoick. We need to be ready for tonight," Hàkon replied as he stepped forward to speak to the crowd.
All the Vikings were instantly interested in what this man was going to tell them, they had seen very little of their chief's older brother. To have him suddenly appear in front of them and speak to them was very much a shock. One thing they could not help but notice was how thin this man was and he appeared exhausted. The young man the older Vikings would remember was a brave, bright eyed, handsome lad with a strong body and an even stronger spirit.
"For those of you too young to remember me my name is Hàkon Haddock, or as my father called me after I was exhiled, Hàkon the forgotten. My friends I have come back here to protect my home one last time and thanks to our friends this is possible. With great effort from the Night Furies and our new gronkle friend we have a gift for you," the man explained.
As he finished speaking the dragons removed the cloths from the tables revealing black armor and weapons that gleamed in the light. The Vikings were in awe of what they were seeing and were in such shock that they actually stopped talking and for the first time since before they came to the island it was quiet. Hàkon walked over to one table and grabbed something off of it and brought it over to Stoick and handed it to him. The chief was still surprised by the action and looked over the new gift when he realized it was armor. The protective clothing covered his back and chest as well as the tops of his shoulders and on the outside to the chief's amazement was covered in shining, black scales.
"Scales of a Night Fury can only de damaged by other Night Furies so this village is under their complete protection," Hàkon explained with a hint of a smile.
"Come my friends there is enough for everyone," the man said turning to the Vikings who were more than happy to oblige.
Hiccup darted through the crowd and immediately looked for Toothless but could not find him anywhere. The child yelped in surprise when somebody picked him up from behind and spun him around so that he was face to face with the person he was looking for. Hiccup chuckled at seeing the familiar face.
"Scare you?" Toothless asked amused.
"No way I could smell you all the way from my house," Hiccup teased.
The dragon chuckled as he carried his tiny friend possessively to the table where he had his present waiting. He smiled as he watched Hiccup's face light up at the sight of his new armor which was basically a miniature version of Stoick's armor.
"Do you like it?" he asked the boy as he sat him down.
"Are you kidding? This is amazing I love it," the boy replied in excitement.
Toothless grabbed the armor off the table and began dressing it on the little boy who couldn't have been more excited standing still. After it was on Hiccup stretched his arms in front of him and behind him to make sure the armor fit right before tackling his dragon in a fit of happiness repeating 'thank you' over and over again.
'I love this strange little hatchling' Toothless thought as he chuckled and ruffled the child's hair that was laying on his chest.
Yes, he truly did love his clever, adorable, cuddly human hatchling. As Hiccup smiled at him the dragon wondered for probably the millionth time since he met the child how anyone could possibly not want him around.
"You didn't have to do this you know," Stoick said to his brother as Hàkon inspected the armor on his little brother.
"I didn't do it cause I felt I had to Stoick. I did it because I wanted to protect my home. This is all I can do," the man replied as he finished looking over the armor.
"You can't fight off the dragons can you?" the chief suddenly realized suddenly looking at his brother as if he were seeing him for the first time.
The man that stood before him was weak and his hands were shaking. Although he had the youth of the dragons anyone with eyes could see the fairness of his skin and the darkness under his eyes. In that moment Stoick truly understood that his brother did not have much time left on this Earth and felt a heaviness in his chest at the realization. As a child he adored this man and wanted nothing more than to grow up to be just like him, even after he was exiled it was still Hàkon he was trying to please not his father.
"I can fight just fine as long as I'm breathing," Hàkon replied quickly looking mildly offended before he started chuckling to himself.
"What's so funny?" Stoick asked taken aback by his brother's sudden change of mood.
"I have a disease of the lungs," he explained.
Suddenly both brothers started chukling and as it got louder it turned into hysterical laughter causing Hàkon to lean on Stoick both with tears in their eyes. Everyone else in the arena just stared at them oddly and wondered how the pair went from having such serious expressions to laughing their butts off. Spitelout looked over at his older brothers and shook his head with a chuckle before he continued putting the armor on his son.
The laughter slowly died down and both men were wiping tears from their eyes just as Hàkon started coughing uncontrollably. It didn't take long for the coughing to subside but when Hàkon pulled his hand away from his mouth Stoick saw the blood on it and became worried again.
"Ow, I brought that one on myself," the older man commented more to himself as he rubbed his chest.
"Hàkon, I mean it. Don't be going out there if ya can't fight," Stoick said.
"What kind of wayward son would I be if I followed orders," the man smirked before he walked off to join his family.
Hiccup and Toothless had just landed back in the village after a flight when they started telling everyone that the dragons were coming. Everyone immediately jumped into action and started gathering their armor and weapons. Toothless ran as fast as his legs could carry him to his human's home and nudged the boy in to go grab his armor and weapons. When Hiccup had his things they ran for the arena where they were taking all of the younger children to hide from the raid.
When they arrived, there were already several families guiding their children into the shelter they had made. Several of the walls were opened up and slowly the dragons that were held there were released allowing a great deal of space for the children to enter.
The dragons themselves were incredibly hesitant about being free after they were locked away for so long but they were also determined to fight for their freedom. As they watched the young hatchlings go inside they could feel the fear radiating off them. Being the paternal creatures they were lowered their snouts to the ground and cooed at the upset children to try and comfort them. This was something else that greatly surprised the Vikings especially when some of dragons were even staying behind to protect their children.
Meatlug being one of them was nuzzling children as they sat down on the ground with blankets wrapped around them when she saw Fish Legs. The little boy looked absolutely terrified but seemed to relax when he saw the gronkle and quickly made his way over to her. He immediately wrapped his chubby arms around her and sobbed.
'Hush little one all is well. This will be over soon´ she growled gently to him as she let the child cling to her for comfort.
Yelling caught Meatlug's attention and she looked up and chuckled at the sight of a Nightmare that had agreed to help gather the children. He was currently carrying a scowling child by his vest while his mother walked beside the dragon carrying a bundle of blankets that appeared to be moving.
"Mom I can fight!" he whined before the Nightmare rolled his eyes and gently plopped the boy on his backside.
"You heard your father Snotlout. We are to stay here until after the battle," the woman replied shaking her head at her tuff little Viking.
"Besides I can't fight with your little brother with me. We need you to protect us," she explained.
The boy seemed to consider her words before he finally nodded his head and got up to go sit beside his mother and little brother. The Nightmare couldn't help but chuckle at this human, he wasn't scared at all he was mad and wanted a fight.
'All that muscle covering up such a big heart' he thought as he observed the boy's mother pass him his baby brother. When Snotlout thought nobody was looking he made silly faces and smiled at the smaller human making the baby make funny noises but stopped when he saw anyone walk by.
"Don't worry Gustav I got you. If a dragon tries to get you or mommy I'll kill them with my face," he promised confidently.
'Big heart but no brain' the Nightmare thought before he turned to walk off. As he did he passed a set of twins who were slamming their heads against a zippleback that had offered to stay behind to entertain the head slammers as they were now dubbed by the dragons.
Hiccup clung onto his dragon as he watched all the children and women with babies go into the shelters not wanting to go without his friend.
'Hiccup I have to go. You need to let go' he growled at the child trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
"I want you to stay here with me," he sobbed.
Toothless could feel his resolve breaking at the sight of his human crying for him but he knew he needed to be out there fighting with his kind. With a heavy sigh he licked the human's face and slipped his head out from Hiccup's grasp. With a forceful nudge he made the point that Hiccup needed to go where it was safe and the boy reluctantly started to walk to the shelter when he stopped and looked over his shoulder.
"Toothless promise you'll come back ok" Hiccup said and when the dragon stood up and drew a cross over his heart the little boy smiled and ran off.
Toothless stood there for a moment watching him go when a tiny dragon with big eyes known to the humans as a terrible terror came and sat beside him. The Night Fury growled a command to the dragon and watched it run ahead of him before leaving.
The terror ran through the crowds until it found what it was looking for. He found Hiccup sitting on the floor with Astrid. He scurried up to the boy and climbed in his lap before licking his face and nuzzling his chest remembering his command from the Night Fury.
'Stay with Hiccup till I come for him. Keep his happy and keep him safe'
Toothless flew into the sky hiding in the clouds with the other Night Furies ready for the attack. Tyra found him looking solemn and growled at him to get his attention.
'He's safe Toothless. His scent is covered by the other humans and the arena was lined with eels after we left. I promise you they won't get to him so please focus' she said concerned about the dragon going into battle. He nodded back and his eyes suddenly went into slits indicating he was ready to fight.
On the ground the Vikings were hiding behind houses and other buildings. They had deliberately left out livestock to distract the beasts.
"Here they come," Gobber said as he heard them flying overhead and before they knew it the battle was underway.
Stoick jumped out and immediately began to attack the first dragon he saw, a Nadder to be precise. The blue dragon saw the human and immediately jumped into defensive position. The Viking found this odd from a dragon but what was even stranger was that the beast bowed it's head to him and didn't attack him back.
"The Nadder is with us Stoick, she's been in hiding for some time. She's watching our backs to help us find the queen's spies," Hàkon explained before running off to fight off more dragons. The ground was heavy with battle, the sounds of war cries and dragon screams filled the air along with the blood of human and beast alike.
Up in the sky the dragons fought and it was there that they seemed to find their spies. They took them down ferociously with their blasts and their claws. One found Toothless and dived onto his back clawing into his scales.
'The queen will reward me greatly for bringing her your treasure Night Fury. I look forward to watching her feast on his flesh' the speed stinger mocked.
What the creature didn't realize however is that was probably the worst thing you could've said to the other dragon to get the upper hand against him. Toothless saw red and within seconds the Night Fury had flipped himself so he was face to face with his enemy before he grabbed him with his powerful claws. He turned them so the speed stinger's back was facing the ground and shot a beam right into the dragon's face followed by three more.
'NEVER threaten my human' he hissed before he let the dragon fall to his death.
Toothless watched before a scream rang out through the clouds loud and clear. He quickly rushed over when he recognized it as a Night Fury scream.
"That's right beasts get off my island," Stoick hollered as he watched the remaining dragons fly off into the night.
He turned to see all the dragons lying on the ground amongst Vikings and without another thought yelled, "Alright up ya get the coast is clear."
Suddenly all of the 'dead' dragons and Vikings stood up and brushed themselves off mumbling about how this was the strangest raid in history. Stoick chuckled as he watched them before he heard his younger brother calling for him.
Quickly he ran through the crowd concern growing by the minute for his younger brother until at last he found him looking terrified.
"What is it Spitelout?" he demanded.
"I've called for the healer but there is a lot of blood. One of the spies got to Hàkon...they attacked him from behind and speared him."
Stoick was in shock he hadn't expected this and slowly turned to find his brother on the ground holding onto his wound near his heart. Hàkon smiled at Stoick with blood running down his mouth.
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