#my main thing is that Id just rly rather go there once I already have the irridecent gem for the archives
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arolesbianism · 1 year ago
The sadness and agony that emerges everytime I start a new oni save and am forced to remember what it's like to have a dupe without a hat only to put them in a hat because I think they'd look cute only to remember hats make half of them look bald but I spent this long maxing out a skill for them so Im too stubborn to back down and remove the hat
#rat rambles#oni posting#it wouldnt be nearly as much of a problem if dupes didnt all have the same like 3 faces that I suck ass at differenciating at a glance#the amount of times Ive mixed up my maes and nikolas makes me sad Im sorry mae no one should be mistaken with nikola#if I knew how to acess the animation files Id be tempted to make a mod to change it but I dont so Im not#but imagine how cute itd be if abe and nikola had their side spikes stiking out from the sides of their hats#couldnt save the super short haired ppl tho sorry ren ari travaldo turner ruby and probably others too#speaking of my ari I keep mistaking my hassan for ari even tho I dont have an ari yet sorry bestie#hes my main storage and cleaning guy which is the role ari is in my other save#anyways the new save is continuing to go well even if things have slowed down a lil#I managed to get my salt water guiser up and running even if its a very lazy approach of basically just cooling it in a tundra biome#but itll work for the time being until I can get plastic from either drekos or by tapping into my oil biome#Im going for drekos rn since I have a lot of them around but if I can get some atmo suits set up quick enough I might just dive for oil#mainly because I want natural gas for a gas range tbh especially since I started farming waterweed as well#along with duskcaps so I already have access to the ingredients for several high quality gas range foods if I can get one running#now that might be a bit hasty but also I havent actually set base on the teleporter planetoid yet and both the transporters are right there#and I managed to find the sender on my main planetoid so I could pretty easily send over high quality food as a nice start up#this mostly tempts me because theres also a distinct lack of particularly easy to farm plants in the immediate vicinity of the teleporter#which doesnt mean there Wont be food but it does mean that quite a bit of digging will likely need to be done#with is also made tricky by the lack of early settlement oxygen sources available#and while I could theoretically send oxygen from the main colony Id rly rather not until I can get a spom or two set up#which leaves oxyferns and rust as the main oxygen options there until reliable water is found#now one thing I could do is fully transition my main base to getting all its oxygen from a spom and then send the rest of my algae over#my main thing is just Im not rly sure where I wanna put my first spom#I just simply dont have as many options as Id like due to being surrounded by mostly swampy and jungle biomes#not that I couldnt build there or dig them out its just Id rly rather have atmo suits first#which since I am very early in my dreko farm will likely take a lil bit#which also brings up the problem of getting my metal refinery up and running so I dont have to keep using the rock crusher#Ill probably just slap one in one of my tundra biomes as a short term solution but long term Ill probably have to take a shot at a proper#industrial sauna once I get plastic
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jackienautism · 2 years ago
If you were able to make your dream team in 3 houses and pluck and pick anyone from any house to make a new one , who would you choose ?
to preface this though im by no means "good" at this game or anything dfgjkdfn i just go with the flow sometimes and choose whatever speaks to me yk... and im certainly not like. competitive or whatever. i mainly play games for enjoyment so please dont hurt me
was there any point in saying all that? no. since based on the ask it seems youre asking more abt creating an ultimate house full of faves rather than a list based on compatibility / playability during battles but. just wanted to make that clear
i also havent played the dlc yet so i dont know any of the ashen wolves ): once i play that this selection maaaay get updated
WITH THAT BEING SAID. SORT OF A BORING ANSWER BUT LIKE? IN TERMS OF DREAM TEAM IN BATTLES. ID DEF HAVE TO SAY ALL THE GIRLS... I THINK THATD JUST BE FUN.... its actually something i plan to do at some point after i finish up this run of azure moon :D
in terms of ultimate faves coming together in one house though? regardless of compatibility in battle? def dorothea marianne and mercedes... and edie. and lysithea. is there a cut off point? ok wait hold on. there's typically 8 per house right? ok. ok. fuck hold on.
DEF dorothea marianne and mercedes. edelgard i suppose as house leader even though claude comes VERY close. unless im able to put 2 house leaders in one? bc id love to do that. ok. so . them and then linhardt . fuck this is hard. uhmmmm.
youa ctually dont understand how difficult that was for me. narrowing it down to only 8 characters? aaauugh im so indecisive. i only recently settled on my top fave from each house. only took me like . 2 years to do so. 3 actually
the other characterss i def still like (i pretty much enjoy all of them) but i dont have like HUGE attachments to them. like raphael and ignatz? i think they are very cool and neat but i wouldn't say theyre at the top of my list by any means, despite me like ..... suuuper respecting them
sylvain is an interesting character (as are pretty much all the blue lions) but i just dont reallt care abt theme ...... exception being mercedes and possibly ingrid. i see a character who puts their "niceness" on full display who also deserves to get angry and i get attached so of course mercedes grew on me. plus i think she's real sweet. not to say mercedes being nice is a facade but her being seen as the "mom friend" all the time must wear her down. like. when has there been a moment where she WASNT coddling someone / saying the nice thing / saying slash doing what the other person expects from her? NOT TO SAY SHES A PEOPLE PLEASER EITHER BUT JUST.... BC I KNOEW SHE WANTS TO SPEND THE REST OF HER LIFE HELPING OTHERS...... I JUST ENJOY CHARACTERS LIKE THAT LOL..... theyre easy to project onto. and i say ingrid bc her timeskip design..... gives me so much gender envy you have no idea. i already sort of talked abt the blue lions in another psot but. yeah! theyre all very interesting but for the most part i just couldn't care less
no one asked for this and YOU certainyl didnt ask for this but i wanna go through each house real quick.... i love the black eagles w/ all my heart. theyre def my fave house. im most emotionally attached to dorothea and linhardt i think though.... i just rly rly rly like edelgard. plsu i think all the hate surrounding her is dumb more than half the time. plus she was one of the characters i most had my eyes on back in 2020... when i firtt started playing.... the main reason why i GOT three houses was bc my friend told me i could marry her / marry a girl gkdfkgg so of COURSE shes gonna be held close to my heart..... but anyway. ferdie hubert and petra..... ferdinand and hubert grew on me after getting their A supports w/ byleth. its been a while since i watched the supports / thought abt them individually as characters but . i just remember feeling very ): (positive) after those moments. i rly enjoyed their character development... off the top of my head i love how hubert was like ... we can be the twin eagles flying alongside edelgard.... or some shit. and the whole like. if he had two lives he'd dedicate one to you..... I JUST LOVED THAT SO MUCH...... ferdie's an annoying noble sure but him post timeskip is just ..... idk man i just remember loving him during it soooo much. sucks my thoughts arent incredibly elaborate rn (will probably be so after playing crimson flower again) but. yeah. petra just. i instantly liked her and enjoyed her presence. plus shes a pretty solid unit. i wish i had more i could say but i dont really think about her in depth very often. i just think she's neat :) BERNIE. IA LMOST FORGOT ABT BERNIE. shes def the same as petra in this case but just ranked a bit lower. i dont think abt her much in depth but. yeah. i guess i dont rly think abt ferdie and hubie in depth either? i just think theyre neat. AND CASPAR.... I LOVE HIM TOO..... his A support w/ byleth made me ): but hes also not a character i think abt in depth very often... once again, i just think hes neat
now for the golden deer... marianne and claude and lysithea..... oh maaaan.... ESP MARIANNE....... HER ARC W/ HER DEPRESSION JUST.......... maaaaaan. i already knew i loved her but her A support w/ byleth made me love her so much more than before..... claude is just. him being mixed and him feeling demonized and out of place in both almyra and fodlan despite being BOTH almyran and fod.....lan just..... that's just the everyday feeling of being mixed white. his A support w/ marianne and the little story he shared with her to make her feel better abt her bloodline? abt bearing burdens they didnt ask for? god man.... and i just think lysithea is neat :) plus her whole like.... life being cut short and her working extra hard and CONSTANTLY overworking herself bc of it is jsut .... it makes me so sad. her supports w/ lorenz esp rly made that clear for me.... like how she was like. she doesnt give a fuck abt the future of the alliance bc shes not gonna be there to even see it? how she said that id be better for him to speak to someone (abt this stuff) who has one (a future)? it's so fucked up. she deserves better. also her and marianne's relationship to death..... i may make a separate post abt that, but they make me ACHE. as i said before, raphael and ignatz are my boys but theyre not at the top of my list yk. id be happy if i saw them on my team but theyre not my ultimate faves yk. lorenz is jsut. idk. my opinion on him def changed a bit after going throuhg his supports w/ the golden deer but other than that. ... i just hate how he treats claude LMAO he has a stick shoved up his ass like constantly. but i can respect his more pleasant moments absolutely. almost forgot abt hilda im sos sorry hilda. and leonie. idk theyre okay! theyre def in the same boat as ignatz and raphael. leonie did get on my nerves a bit sometimes though. her whole thing w/ jeralt just got annoying sometimes. she got better post timeskip i think but. yeah
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flingza-roller · 2 years ago
Sorry if this is bad timing, but I just saw your post about lorikeet and I love them! Could you tell me a bit more about them and your other splatoon OCs?
OHO YES! there is no such thing as bad timing to ask about ocs, im just incredibly happy that somebody is interested!! heheh time to Ramble (this is long sorry)
ok so im gonna stick to the bird kids cuz theyre a lot easier to explain GSJFD (maybe someday ill give my other ocs refs and backstory stuff....)
all four of em are very much based off how i play the game as each character, so i pretty much just grab my in-game behaviour and give it to em as a personality.
so, lorikeet! splat3 is still very new but i think ive somehow already solidified their personality lmao. theyre super reckless, pretty much always falling off stages and getting themself splatted by doing stupid things like running headfirst to a tacticooler or trying to challenge the eliter that wont leave them alone (i think mahi-mahi is the absolute worst for this). they like to go a little bit cazy and get as many kills as possible, which is silly when the only mode u play is turf war... (on that, there is not a single splatoon game that has gotten me to like ranked/league. i played it a few times and then swore off it, so now all four of the kids hate ranked lol)
lori fucking ADORES deep cut so theyve got the three earrings in their right ear bc they wanna be like shiver and frye. on deep cut, they love splatfests and all the music n fun stuff that comes with it. theyre weirdly not too competitive when it comes to defending their team, BUT they will go extra feral during splatfest turf wars and go complete beast mode. they still dont have a main weapon? favours brushes but thats pippins thing so they should probably pick something else GDKGS
oh they have the worst adhd brain. if they see something cool happening in the bg of a stage they will just straight up stop in their tracks and watch for a while, completely oblivious to whatever is happening in the match. and of course the moment they hear the tacticooler they will run for it even if theyre literally in the opposite end of the stage.... stupid. favourite stage is yet to be decided, gotta let the game marinate for a while longer
as the new agent 3 lori is pretty good at following orders, they just kinda... die in the dumbest possible ways. trying to jump through walls, walking straight off ledges, accidentally attracting attention to themself by throwing lil buddy right next to them. but theyre pretty good at fighting! also they like annoying the captain, because of course (this doesnt bode well for kiwi)
id like to build more on their character eventually but that requires me playing more splat3 and ive been rly unmotivated to do so >:/ ive barely played any salmon run and still havent touched table turf. augh. lori u will grow as a person i promise
now PIPPIN! (she/they) theyre my kid from octo expansion! shes very silly but surprisingly strong and skilled. never asked for help from OTH and went through every single test multiple times to get every weapon ticked (hell). also enjoys fighting inner agent 3 because ??? clearly a lot more competent than theyre letting on.
so once pip came to the surface they were very much like "id rather NOT do the whole fighting thing again" and jumped into turf wars with the intention of just having fun and messing with people. her gear set is 100% QSJ cuz she likes annoying the enemy team and then jumping away like a coward when theyre cornered (it jumpscares people bc they dont expect an octo to jump THAT fast).
she uses brush so that they can draw love hearts in enemy base :] they think its very cute and gets sad when ppl ink over it. also if an enemy tries to initiate a party they will always join bc make love not war etc. always goes for the highest inkage (highest score excluding win points was over 2000) favourite stage is inkblot art academy!
zero sense of fashion btw they either wear the QSJ gear or whatever they think will make her look hot (big fan of the octoling armour and marinas crop top). sometimes changes gender to Boy bc why the hell not, gender is arbitrary.
when grouped up with the others, they like teaming up with pigeon to cause chaos and havoc. shes very excited to see lori joining the team cuz theyre equally as insane as the other two! kiwi is the only one carrying a braincell here rip
PIGEON time!! (also she/they) technically my first oc because splatoon 2 was my first game! so she definitely has the most going for them. foil flingza main (my beloved), absolutely a frontliner and goes for the kill as much as possible. very good at sneak attacks! main gear is almost entirely special charge up (sorry. im the og missile spammer) except for ninja squid which they use to scare the shit outta ppl.
pigeon adores the birds u see hanging out on various stages, especially the pigeons (naturally). favourite stage is moray towers! i never said we had good taste. moray is excellent for roller users and allows for fast clean base inking >:]
like the others they love a good squid party but isnt always in the mood, HOWEVER she will never splat an innocent partier bc thats a dick move. if theyre not a threat, theres no need to splat.
outside of turf, pigeon is actually not a very violent person. very sweet to their friends and oh so very lesbian. she sees a pretty girl in the square and goes 😳 (btw this DOES work in battle, be a cute girl and they will be distracted). fucking absolutely obsessed with squid beatz like you have no idea, aims to get gold on every hard mode song. favourite songs to play are frantic aspic, shark bytes, and entropical. she and pippin love playing games like this together, i bet theyd be great dance duo.
in hero mode, pigeon is naturally a completionist and obtained every weapon. fucking loves harassing marie and annoying her as much as possible. adores callie so much <3 their best speedrun time is 40 sec on octo samurai (sadly cant reach the world record of 39)
unlike pippin they actually have a pretty good fashion sense, always coordinating their outfits and ink colour to match. a very stylish squid!
now kiwi is an interesting one. i first played splatoon 1 in beginning of 2018, so sadly i missed out on the splatfests. still got plenty of turf in and played hero mode repeatedly bc i have brainrot!
so kiwi (again. she/they) is really into amiibo challenges, especially the kraken challenge. being a kraken for that long makes em feel powerful, and its lotsa fun. they actually spend far more time on hero missions than anything else, they enjoy turf on the occasion but find it weirdly intimidating (favourite stage is flounder heights!). she feels most at home in the valley, with craig and the squid sisters. theyre far too sympathetic toward octolings (unlike pigeon who just goes fucking ham) and tries her best to just avoid fighting them entirely. because of this, shes pretty good at stealth missions, especially since she rarely makes much noise anyway. theyre definitely the most low-key out of the four agents.
SO!! why do i name them all after birds? because.... i like birds :D yes im a wannabe ornithologist and birds are my main special interest. i also mainly name them after aus/nz birds cuz im just Like That. we have cool birds in australia, and lorikeet was just far too fitting to pass up. (btw pippin is short for peregrine falcon)
despite being so skilled in hero mode missions they do actually get hurt a lot and almost always has some kind of bandaid or gauze on her body from various injuries. is it a lack of skill, or just recklessness? hmmm (its definitely just because she doesnt take enough care of their body lol).
if kiwi were to be captain in splatoon 3, theyd definitely be just constantly scruffing new 3 by the collar to stop them from doing something stupid. is very afraid of a new idiot joining the gang, as if pip n pidge werent bad enough. all 4 as a splatfest team would definitely be the most chaotic thing possible.
also theyre this way because when i draw squirds (tagged on my blog as "wings au") i think its fun to see how different they all look! kiwi would certainly be more fitting as a bird of prey but i think they look so silly with the stubby wings so im not changing my mind. this does mean shes real fast at running! pip and lori are the fastest flyers, pigeon is just kinda in between rip
final note, theyre all at LEAST 18 just so that its not weird. they all use she/they except lori, whos exclusively they/them. they all fucking hate ranked but love hero missions. also all of them have 1 braincell bouncing between them (mainly held by kiwi)
if u managed to read this far, thanks for ur time!! ill eventually draw all these silly bird kids together as squirds, i think itd be fun.
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team-free-will-oneshots · 6 years ago
Figure It Out
Title: Figure It Out (part seven of the ‘Buried Secrets’ series) Summary: Dean wants - nay, needs to apologise to you... right after you and Sam slept together, landing you in the midst of a messy situation and forcing you to make a painful decision. Loosely inspired by ‘Figure it Out’ by Eliott, highly recommend u give her a listen, she’s an incredible artist !!! and not nearly well-known enough !! Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean x Reader (fem pronouns) Warnings: some swearing, !! a n g s t !! Word Count: 3.4k
note; ah, finally, the next part of the buried secrets series... even i don’t rly know what tense i’m writing in anymore just go with it pls lmao, hope u enjoy!!
Buried Secrets Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Your phone was ringing.
You blinked sluggishly as the familiar ringtone echoed throughout the room, and thrust your hand blindly over the nightstand until you finally snagged the device between your fingers. Still half asleep, you didn’t even glance at the caller ID before you held it up to your ear, making a groggy noise of assent.
“Y/N. It’s me. We need to talk.”
And just like that, you were wide awake, mouth falling open as you felt every muscle tense. The warm arm slung over your waist moved, the bed sheets rustling as Sam glanced up at you sleepily, tangled naked against you in the bed. He squinted at you in confusion, and you cleared your throat.
“D-Dean?” you stammered. “What do you want?”
Your words fell with a harsh edge, and you winced at the coldness in your tone. Dean was quiet for a moment, and Sam’s eyes next to you widened at the mention of his brother’s name. He shot you a quizzical glance, and you shook your head quickly, anxiety twisting in your stomach when Dean spoke again.
“Uh- look, Y/N, I fucked up. I really fucked up, and- and I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am… I need to talk to you in person,” he finished, and you clenched your jaw.
“And what makes you think I want to talk to you?” you shot back.
“Because you haven’t hung up,” he said simply. “Please, Y/N. I need to see you.”
Your teeth worried at your lower lip, and eventually you sighed, nodding even though he couldn’t see it. It was rare for you to hear such desperation in his voice, and if you were being honest with yourself, you wanted to get closure on this, too.
“Okay,” you sighed. “Okay, um… I’ll be there soon.”
You hung up before he had a chance to reply, and you tossed your phone haphazardly to the side as you collapsed back against the headboard, exhausted despite it already being noon - judging by the bright sunlight streaking through the window, at least.
“Dean?” Sam asked, voice thick with sleep as he raised an eyebrow. You nodded, pulling up the sheets to preserve your modesty as you swallowed, hard.
“Yeah. I think he- I think he wants to apologise,” you said quietly. Sam mulled over this for a moment, his eyes never leaving yours as he considered your words.
“Do you want to forgive him?” he asked eventually. You bit your lip as you shrugged.
“I want to. Of course I want to. But… do you think I should?” you asked, and Sam gave a sympathetic smile.
“That’s up to you, Y/N. You don’t have to decide now - just hear him out. No one’s expecting you to just let it go,” he said, and you exhaled slowly as you nodded. You felt his arm move from your stomach to prop himself up against the pillow, and your cheeks warmed as the events of last night seemed to come crashing down over you. Sam lowered his gaze, staring at the sheets so firmly you half wondered if he was counting every thread.
“So, if you… if you do decide to forgive him...” he began slowly. “Where does that leave us?”
You sighed, putting your face in your hands as you shook your head and drew your knees to your chest. “I don’t know,” you whispered. “I’m sorry, Sam, I’m so sorry. This is all such a mess, I don’t…”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Sam murmured, pushing himself upright and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. You leaned gratefully against his bare chest, the heat of his body seeming to melt every worry from your mind as you lost yourself in his kind embrace. “Look, you don’t have to- to make any big decisions right now. And… if you wanna cool things down between us, I get it. And it’s okay,” he said, his thumb finding your chin and tilting up your reluctant gaze until it found his.
“I just- I don’t know where I stand, Sam. I care about him, of course I care about him, and I care about you, but I never got closure with him and then us happened and god, I’ve messed everything up, I-”
“Hey, you didn’t mess anything up,” Sam firmly countered. “Last night was… it was great. I- I had a great time, but let’s be honest, we were both a bit drunk. Maybe it’s for the best that we… ease off,” he suggested, though you could see the hurt hiding behind his gentle smile, and it only made your heart ache.
“I’m sorry, Sam,” you whispered, tears pricking at your eyes. “I-I need time to figure everything out. This is so…” You sighed heavily, and he cracked a reassuring smile.
“Complicated?” he offered, and you nodded glumly.
“Yeah,” you mumbled, and he rubbed your back soothingly.
“Well… you know I’m always here for you, right? Any way you need me - best friend or otherwise,” he reminded you, and you managed a tiny smile.
“How are you so perfect?” you whispered, and he chuckled, shaking his head sheepishly.
“I’m far from perfect, Y/N,” he muttered, but as you watched the glow of his tan skin beneath the brilliant sunlight, the understanding selflessness shadowing his hazel eyes, you found his words difficult to believe.
“Well… I guess we should get back,” you whispered. “Apparently, I have an apology to listen to.”
Dean paced.
The idea of sitting still and waiting was abhorrent to him - his mind was racing, mouth full of words he longed to spill, and so, he paced.
His footsteps thudded on the tiled floor of the bunker’s war room, and at the slightest hint of noise, his gaze was drawn upwards to the front door. Each time, he was disappointed; met only with the dulled sheen of metal. Each time, he clenched his jaw, and continued to walk.
He wanted to make this right - needed to make this right. After his… interaction with Amara, you were the only thing on his mind. He’d screwed up with you once, and he wasn’t about to make the same mistake again.
If she even wants to take you back, his brain whispered, and he shook the painful thoughts away despite the truth with which they rang. He couldn’t think about that, not yet, not now. Whether or not you wanted to be with him was irrelevant at the moment - he needed you to know how sorry he was, that he accepted you, that you belonged here, even if it wasn’t with him.
In fact, Dean found himself so engrossed in his own ponderings that he missed the door creaking open, missed the footsteps echoing on the staircase. He missed everything except for the sound of your voice, which had him flying around in an instant.
He turned to see you standing tall, shoulders back and jaw tight as Sam stood somewhat defensively behind you. Dean felt his heart break at the guarded look in your eyes - or rather, at the fact that he was the one to put it there.
“Y/N,” he barely whispered, voice coming out hoarse. He swallowed, licking his lips and trying to moisten his dry mouth as he struggled to find the words. His eyes darted to Sam, and back to you.
“Do you mind if we talk? In private?” he asked eventually. You seemed to hesitate a moment, before sharing a silent exchange with Sam and nodding.
“Okay,” you sighed heavily, and Sam took his leave, disappearing down the corridor. You and Dean both watched him leave, and once the two of you had your privacy, turned back to one another.
“So.” Your voice was hard, expression careful as you studied Dean warily. He sighed, shoulders slumping, but he quickly straightened them and cleared his throat. This wasn’t about him - he didn’t want you feeling sorry for him, not right now.
“Y/N, I…” And just like that, every sorrowful speech he’d found himself practising over the past few days seemed to disintegrate, leaving him with nothing but a leaden tongue and a heart so heavy he wasn’t sure how it hadn’t fallen from his chest. He searched blindly for the right words, and in his frantic search found himself blurting the first thing that came to mind.
“I owe you five bucks,” he stammered. You blinked, startled. Whatever you’d been expecting to hear, it clearly wasn’t that.
“I- you- what?” you asked in surprise. Dean was surprised as you were to hear the words flee his lips, but his expression melted into one of nervous amusement as he chuckled, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
“I-uh…” He swallowed. “That night, before - well, everything… when we went for a walk, I… I said that if I ever met a witch who was good, then I’d owe you five bucks. Seems like I need to pay up,” he said. His smile was anxious, eyes creased in worry that he’d fucked up this, too - but his concerns were eased when he saw you biting back a smile.
“That all?” you asked, raising an eyebrow, and he shook his head fiercely.
“No, it’s- no. God, Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he choked out. “I was- I was angry. And I know that’s not an excuse, but it’s all I’ve got. I… I felt betrayed, but that was no reason to act like - well, like that. And the moment you were gone I regretted it. Seeing you cry, it…” he trailed off, shaking his head. “It was hell. And I wanted to reach out before, but Donna said to give you space, but then I was with Amara and-”
“Wait, you what?” you demanded angrily, and Dean fell silent, perplexed at your reaction.
“I- I went looking for Amara, and she-”
“Oh my god, Dean, are you stupid? You went looking for Amara on your own? What if something had happened to you?!” you said in outrage.
“Look, it all worked out, didn’t it? I’m fine!” he said, holding out his arms. He felt pleasantly surprised at the notion that you would have been at all concerned for his wellbeing - god knew he didn’t deserve your worry.
“Anyway, that’s beside the point - the point is, she made me realise that I couldn’t let you just- just keep thinking that I hate you. Because I don’t. I could never hate you, Y/N. And- and I’m so sorry that I could ever make you think that I did.”
You chewed your lower lip, eyes swimming with emotions that Dean couldn’t quite decipher. Eventually, you sighed.
“I owe you an apology, too,” you mumbled, and Dean’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. He shook his head furiously.
“No, Y/N, you absolutely do not-”
“Let me finish,” you interrupted, and Dean obediently fell quiet. You sighed again. “I shouldn’t have made that hex bag without asking you first. It wasn’t cool of me to take that choice away from you, even if I thought I was doing the right thing. And I’m sorry you had to find out about me the way you did. I was just… I was scared,” you admitted, and Dean’s face twisted in pain.
“That’s just it, Y/N. I don’t ever want you to feel scared around me, especially for being you. And- and I get that you were trying to help. I really do, and I appreciate that you care. Cared. Whatever. I guess I’m just… not that great at accepting help.” He chuckled dryly, eyes glued to the floor as the smile died on his lips. “But that doesn’t excuse what I did to you. I’ll spend as long as it takes making it up to you,” he vowed, his eyes finally rising to meet yours. A small, teary smile crossed your face.
“Thanks, Dean,” you whispered, and he opened his arms tentatively, looking at you questioningly. Your smile widened, and when you stepped into his arms, Dean felt complete for the first time since you’d left. You fit perfectly into his embrace, so soft and warm, and when his arms closed protectively around you, he found himself never wanting to let go. It felt so right - like the world could be falling apart around you, but so long as you had one another, everything would somehow work itself out. Even after all that had happened, the press of his body over yours still made your heart race, a pleasant thrill that you momentarily lost yourself in as your buried your face in his shoulder.
You pulled back after a long moment, and Dean cleared his throat. “Look… you have every right to say no to this, okay? But… I would really like to put this behind us and try to pick up where we left off, if that’s… if that’s something you’re open to.”
Your face fell, and Dean quickly backtracked. “Too soon. It’s okay, I get it,” he said quickly, but you shook your head.
“It’s not… well, it is, but… look, Dean. I- I want to make things right here. I really do. But I’ve spent the last week or so thinking that you hated my guts. I… I’ve lost my trust in you,” you admitted, voice tiny, and Dean’s heart broke. He swallowed down his own emotions, and he nodded.
“I get it,” he said quietly, but you weren’t finished.
“And even if we can build that back up again, it’s… things are really complicated,” you continued, and Dean sighed.
“I know - a hunter and a witch, not the most conventional, but-”
“No, no it’s not that,” you interrupted, sparing a glance down the empty corridor that Sam had disappeared down earlier. “Look, Dean, I like you. I do. I have for… for a long time. But… while Sam and I were away, we…” You swallowed hard, and Dean’s stomach dropped.
“You and- you and my brother?” he asked, face contorting as though he had just bitten into something sour. You gave a small nod.
“As much as I care about you - and I do, believe me, I do -, I care about Sam as well. We’ve cooled things down between us, but- but that doesn’t change the fact that I have feelings for him, as well. I just… I can’t make any decisions right now, Dean. I need time to work everything out, to build up our friendship again, to… to work out exactly what it is I feel. Because right now… everything just feels so messy, it’s like my head is so crowded and I just- I don’t know what to do,” you admitted. Dean smiled sympathetically.
“Hey, I get it. Well, not exactly, but- but I get that this is a tricky situation. You take as much time as you need to figure things out, okay? I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, but despite the good face he had plastered on, he couldn’t ignore the devastation weighing in his gut. He’d missed his chance. He’d gone and fucked it up, just like he fucked up everything. Of course you had turned to Sam - he hadn’t gone and blown up at you, had he?
And the worst part was, he couldn’t even be angry about it. The only person he could be angry with was himself - he could never deny you or his brother happiness, even if it left him heartbroken. Perhaps he deserved this - after all, wasn’t it the perfect punishment for his crime? You had moved on, and he had to step aside and deal with that on his own. You and Sam deserved one another - deserved to find happiness together, even at Dean’s expense. And he would never dare to step in the way of that. He’d already messed things up enough.
He wasn’t about to make that mistake again.
Your room was just as messy as you had left it, and so that night, you busied yourself with cleaning. Piles of clothes still littered your bed, untouched and collecting dust during your time away, weighing down the mattress springs with memories of an easier time. Each item you folded brought with it recollections of that night - desperately clawing through your wardrobe in search of an outfit, only to have all thoughts of clothes fleeing your mind the moment Dean’s eyes fell on you… you remembered his smile, the light in his eyes that you hadn’t seen… ever. How safe you felt with him, the gentle brush of his lips on your own... It had only been a week, but it felt so much longer.
And with memories of yours and Dean’s date came those of yours and Sam’s - your little black dress, the buzz of the alcohol, of his mouth on yours, hot and passionate, erasing any other thoughts from your mind and distracting you from the pain of Dean’s rejection still burning in your chest.
Sighing, you fell back onto your bed, soft flannels pressing in at your sides as you stared tiredly at the roof. What a mess you’d found yourself in - you wished you could go back. Back to a time when everything was easier - when you didn’t have to somehow untangle the complicated feelings inside you. When it was just you, Sam and Dean - when the idea of being with either of them was just a distant dream, and not a crushing burden of a decision.
You thought of Sam’s faltering smile if you chose Dean, of the hardness in Dean’s eyes if you chose Sam… of the pain in both of their faces, and in your own heart, if you chose neither of them. No matter which way you spun it, someone was going to get hurt.
And you had to decide who.
The growling of your stomach drew you from your thoughts, and you begrudgingly got to your feet and headed towards the kitchen to throw together something for dinner. You were halted just outside the door when you heard Sam and Dean quietly speaking inside, paired with the clinking of cutlery and the splashes of water as someone washed up.
“....thought you said there was nothing between you two,” Dean was saying casually, and you heard Sam’s muffled sigh.
“Well, I didn’t think it was a two-way street,” he confessed. “Besides, once you sent her packing… can you really blame her for coming to me?”
A pause. Then a heavy sigh.
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess you’re right. And now it seems like we’re all stuck between a rock and a hard place,” Dean scoffed.
“Yeah. Feelings for both of us, huh? What are we s’posed to do with that?” Sam muttered. Dean sighed again.
“We let her make her choice. And then, we have to live with it,” he said simply. Another pause, a sullen silence broken only by the clinking of dishes in the sink. You heard the gurgle of water as someone pulled the plug, and you pictured the water draining away, leaving a few stray soap suds behind... and suddenly, you were back there with Dean, his threaded through your wet hair as he crushed his lips to yours...
“I just… I wish she’d get it over with,” Sam admitted, his voice dragging you from your thoughts.
“Yeah, me too.”
“But you know what it’ll mean when she does, right?” Sam pressed. “One of us is gonna have to watch her with the other.”
“You think I don’t know that, Sam?” Dean snapped. “That’s all I’ve thought about since she said…” Dean trailed off, and you could just picture him shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts. “Doesn’t matter. It’s her choice. End of story. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy,” Dean said firmly. “Even if she happens to choose the less handsome Winchester,” he added cheekily, and you could almost hear Sam rolling his eyes, followed by the quick tussle between the two brothers.
“Yeah… yeah, I guess you’re right,” Sam admitted eventually. You heard footsteps approaching the door, but quickly darted back to your room before they could see you - the grumbling of your stomach had passed, and now you felt nauseous as opposed to hungry. Not for the first time, you wished you weren’t a witch - then none of this would have happened.
You felt what you chalked up to another stress headache blooming in your temples, and you winced, sitting back on your bed and resting your head in your hands. You couldn’t let this decision hang over you forever - the longer you waited, the longer they were tormented with not knowing. And they deserved an answer - deserved to know how you felt.
If only you knew how that was.
Read Part Eight Here!
Buried Secrets tags: @clarinette07 @demonsofhunting @carryon-doctor-lock @coupleofgoons @colie87 @non-exclusive-trash @txnii-hxrdyy @spaghettiwoes @supersouthy @bee-happy-buzz-on @lolmkaythen @defenderrosetyler @sammykb1994 @cocklesbelli @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @witch-of-letters @lilasundari @aquaastrid @deathofmissjackson @officialmarvelwhore @imdoingathingmom @thebookisbtr @sideblogsmutting
Forever tags: @babygirloreo @calaofnoldor @lmpala97 @sebastianshoe @81mysteriouslyme @castieliswatchingoverme @kina666 @liviaolivia @simplyxparker @helpmeluci @demonsofhunting @bee-happy-buzz-on @lilulo-12
Dean tags: @polina-93 @justagirlinafandomworld @coupleofgoons @justanotherwinchester
Sam tags: @sammys-dimpless
as always, let me know if u wanna be added to any tag lists !!
138 notes · View notes
ua-himiko · 5 years ago
@ua-touya 12:42 PM
damn, you hero school brats really are sure of yourself, huh?
ua-himiko 12:44 PM
you have no right to try and look down on us when you cant even take five minutes out of your busy schedule to help someone who is supposed to be your FRIEND
ua-touya 12:45 PM
listen, if i could have helped you, i wouldve, alright?
ua-himiko 12:45 PM
ua-touya 12:46 PM
yeah, whatever.
@ua-todoroki 4:14 PM
ua-himiko 4:15 PM
ua-todoroki 4:15 PM
Who are you.
@ua-chargebolt  4:15 PM
What just... happened?
ua-himiko 4:16 PM
lol ypu
ua-todoroki 4:16 PM
Great answer.
@ua-stopwatch 4:16 PM
lots of things happened, kaminari
ua-himiko 4:16 PM
ew ur back
my names miko who r u
ua-todoroki 4:17 PM
Todoroki Shouto.
ua-himiko 4:17 PM
real funny haha joke but like actually tho..
ua-chargebolt  4:17 PM
Well. I figured that, ,Damien... I mean.... new people now? What's goin on?
ua-todoroki 4:17 PM
That's who I am.
ua-stopwatch 4:18 PM
she waltzed in the chat and started degrading people last night.
ua-chargebolt  4:18 PM
ua-himiko 4:18 PM
lol bro... i get it ur edgey lulz but lykeeee im not falling for that i wasnt born yesterday
ua-todoroki 4:18 PM
ua-chargebolt  4:18 PM
Who... are you?
ua-stopwatch 4:19 PM
ua-himiko 4:19 PM
:/ i just said my name was miko... do i need 2 go full name or what
ua-todoroki 4:19 PM
[pic of his ID]
ua-stopwatch 4:19 PM
please. If you don't mind.
ua-chargebolt  4:19 PM
lol, Miko, sounds like the main character for some anime-
ua-himiko 4:19 PM
uh real cool prop i guess I LUV ANIME xD
ua-todoroki 4:20 PM
ua-himiko 4:20 PM
its a cute nickname tho rite???? lololol but yea its short for toga himiko yeah
ok i showed u mine now show me urs edgey weirdo cuz im not fallin for this troll attempt rite here
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
Why's that name ring a bell...
ua-stopwatch 4:21 PM
it does. Doesn't it.
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
What's the big deal tho, he already said his name...
ua-himiko 4:21 PM
eh i was on the news once it aint no thang we dont talk about that lol
ua-todoroki 4:21 PM
I already told you.
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
ua-himiko 4:21 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:21 PM
Miko, what's your quirk if you don't mind my asking
ua-chargebolt  4:21 PM
I'm Kaminari Denki btw but like
what's the hangup about Shouteroki's name?
ua-himiko 4:22 PM
:/... its called TRANSFORM idk why that matters tho
ua-chargebolt  4:22 PM
are you a transformer
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
cuz like??????????? todoroki shoutos been dead for like half a decade or whatever so pretending 2 be some famous dead kid is fuckin weird and dumb like... hello
ua-touya 4:23 PM
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
eveyrone knows that its not new info
ua-todoroki 4:23 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
ua-chargebolt  4:23 PM
ua-himiko 4:23 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
he's not-
ua-touya 4:23 PM
what do you mean he died? how?
ua-stopwatch 4:23 PM
..y'know what...she might be one of the alternates
ua-chargebolt  4:23 PM
lol what kinda AU is this
ua-todoroki 4:23 PM
What the fuck.
ua-himiko 4:24 PM
like it was a while ago but like everyone knows about this so wtf :////
ua-chargebolt  4:24 PM
You uh... a zomble there Todo?
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
Miko, I can assure you, that this todoroki isn't dead
ua-chargebolt  4:24 PM
Physically anyway
ua-todoroki 4:24 PM
What the fuck.
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
like I said. Maybe an alternate?
ua-himiko 4:24 PM
alternate of what
p-mina 4:24 PM
oooh!!!! Like me!!!!
ua-stopwatch 4:24 PM
have you heard of the multiverse theory?
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
it was like a biiiiiiiig case his mom like went crazy and off'd him like bruh
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
the what
ua-touya 4:25 PM
she what??
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
?????? hello
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:25 PM
the multiverse theory.
p-mina 4:25 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:25 PM
or rather, the string theory
ua-todoroki 4:25 PM
ua-himiko 4:25 PM
fuckin google it oh my god cmon its like
h/o i'll just get an article this is so dumb
ua-chargebolt  4:25 PM
YOU google it...
ua-touya 4:26 PM
there's not going to be an article, batsy
ua-himiko 4:26 PM
dont rush me omg im working on it...
ua-todoroki 4:26 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:26 PM
in our string of the multiverse, todoroki isn't dead.
ua-todoroki 4:26 PM
ua-himiko 4:26 PM
u keep sayin multiverse like i kno wtf that is i dont even watch scifi im not a nerd
ua-chargebolt  4:27 PM
There's like multiples of... us
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
nothing is coming up ugh fuck u google
ua-stopwatch 4:27 PM
because in this universe, he's alive.
ua-todoroki 4:27 PM
[Todoroki is offline]
ua-chargebolt  4:27 PM
I mean, have you noticed anything else strange to you lately, Miko?
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
ur fuckin with me lol 'this universe'
ua-stopwatch 4:27 PM
no I'm not. I don't "fuck" with people.
ua-himiko 4:27 PM
not rly????????? kind of been busy havin the worst day evar actually
@ua-syren 4:28 PM
[iris is online]
is she gone yet?
ua-chargebolt  4:29 PM
ua-syren 4:29 PM
that other toga.
I blocked her so I can't tell
ua-himiko 4:30 PM
who what? oh fuck i cant see whats getting sent thats lame
tell whoever she better not be talkin SHIT
ua-chargebolt  4:30 PM
Chillllllll, Mi-channnnn~
ua-syren 4:31 PM
..you're friends with her now aren't you
ua-stopwatch 4:31 PM
it seems so, cohen
ua-touya 4:31 PM
jeez.. you kids really know how to attract drama, huh?
ua-himiko 4:31 PM
michan ^w^
ua-syren 4:31 PM
and who're you?
ua-himiko 4:31 PM
fuckin shut up bitch go away
ua-touya 4:31 PM
ua-syren 4:32 PM
yes you.
ua-touya 4:32 PM
what's it matter to ya, kiddo?
ua-himiko 4:32 PM
lulz i like how poseroki stopped talking once i outed him on his sherade lol
knew he was full of shit
ua-touya 4:33 PM
i doubt he was faking
ua-himiko 4:33 PM
i wasnt askin U bitch
ua-chargebolt 4:33 PM
Who are you, tho?
@ua-kuroiro 4:33 PM
He's not faking, we go to school together
ua-syren 4:33 PM
don't call me that.
ua-himiko 4:33 PM
anyway real talk thats an important part of hero history you guys should reeeeeally know that if you're trying to be heroes....
ua-kuroiro 4:34 PM
I just saw him this morning
@ua-redriot 4:34 PM
hes a pretty cool guy!! Pretty sure hes still alive!
@ua-sakku 4:34 PM
Oh...is the new person a senpai?
ua-kuroiro 4:34 PM
He hangs out with monoma.
ua-syren 4:34 PM
ua-himiko 4:34 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:34 PM
He's definitely alive. Lil dead on the inside maybe but like.... maybe we all are at this stage so, valid
ua-touya 4:34 PM
seriously, why are you kids so curious about me anyways?
ua-syren 4:35 PM
because we don't know you.
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
Oh wait two people.
ua-himiko 4:35 PM
hes a loser forget him
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
ua-himiko 4:35 PM
he shouldnt even be here anyway go get some actual friends hoe
ua-sakku 4:35 PM
Woah, Miko is cool.
ua-touya 4:35 PM
im not surprised you dont know me...
ua-chargebolt 4:35 PM
Why're you so mad at him? What he do?
ua-kuroiro 4:35 PM
His friend isnt here right now.
ua-syren 4:36 PM
of course we don't know you. Are you going to tell us or no?
ua-kuroiro 4:36 PM
Well, one of them
ua-touya 4:36 PM
touya todoroki.
ua-himiko 4:36 PM
i licherally called him ALL NITE cuz i was like stranded in the middle of the road and he completely ghosted me out of NOWHERE like a bitch and then denied it all morning and tried to act like we werent friends so i GUESS we're not FRIENDS ANYMORE
ua-syren 4:36 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:36 PM
Touya what now?
I'm so confuuuuuuused right noowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
[Todoroki is online]
ua-himiko 4:37 PM
which is why its a LITTLE FUNNY that ur sititng here defending ppl licherally trying to rp as your brooooooooooooooooooooo when im licherally rite here like honestly if hes just paying u guys to mess with me its a low fxckin blow
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
You're not Touya.
ua-chargebolt 4:37 PM
Who TF is Touy--
Oh hey Shouteroki.... you OK?
ua-todoroki 4:37 PM
I don't know.
ua-himiko 4:38 PM
real talk im about to f x c k i n scream if you all dont stop MESSING with me GOD
ua-syren 4:38 PM
...I'm gonna believe Todo for now..
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
making me feel like im goin fucking crazy its rly not funny i hate this
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
Touya's been gone for years. Idk. There's rumors he killed himself.
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
ua-syren 4:39 PM
ua-touya 4:39 PM
ah, i was wondering about that...
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:39 PM
Michannnnn.... seriously, it seems liek you're from another universe...
ua-todoroki 4:39 PM
What's going on.
ua-kuroiro 4:39 PM
This shit's a lot, I'm gonna go spend time with my lizard.
ua-himiko 4:39 PM
but that makes no sense...
ua-syren 4:39 PM
the multiverse is back at it
ua-chargebolt 4:39 PM
You'renot crazy but damn this is
ua-kuroiro 4:40 PM
[Kuroiro is offline]
ua-stopwatch 4:40 PM
as Cohen said. Multiverse.
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
We've met alternates before....
@ua-ryuu 4:41 PM
whats going on
ua-redriot 4:41 PM
so you're both from a different universal ?
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
Like there's a version of me without a quirk and is in college...
ua-stopwatch 4:41 PM
ry. Have you heard of the multiverse theory?
ua-himiko 4:41 PM
this is unbelievable...
ua-ryuu 4:41 PM
yeah of course
ua-chargebolt 4:41 PM
Which means you're a version of someone we have here.... ig
ua-redriot 4:42 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:42 PM
basically. It's not exactly a theory anymore.
It's fact. And our portion seems to be like the..middle ground of them all
ua-ryuu 4:42 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:42 PM
ua-touya 4:42 PM
well, the version of me from here is dead, obviously
ua-ryuu 4:42 PM
I was reading back, somthing about Todoroki-Sensei?
ua-himiko 4:43 PM
so ur gonna seriously act like this is a real thing, touya???
ua-stopwatch 4:43 PM
these new people are not from out universe. They're from another part of the multiverse respectively.
ua-ryuu 4:43 PM
Huh. Cool. If they weren't so mean I might talk to them more. @ua-himiko  see I can @ bitches
ua-touya 4:44 PM
it's not the worst thing to believe, i guess
ua-himiko 4:44 PM
fuckin congrats dipshit
ua-chargebolt 4:44 PM
I guess that makes Michan outta this world? 😜 👉👉
@p-ashido 4:44 PM
you're like me!!!!! That's so cool!!!!
ua-chargebolt 4:44 PM
ua-himiko 4:44 PM
this is so stupid...
ua-redriot 4:44 PM
this is so COOL
p-mina 4:44 PM
Do you wanna be friends? O:
ua-touya 4:44 PM
sounds like one of shimura's video games, but really it's not that hard to see...
ua-stopwatch 4:45 PM
...this chat is causing a major headache...
ua-himiko 4:45 PM
ten's video games are fucking stupid tho
no i dont wanna be friends with ANY of you cuz you're all dumb weirdos who wanna lie to me about dumb shit
ua-chargebolt 4:45 PM
Who's... Shimura....
ua-touya 4:46 PM
tenko shimura, he's a pro hero i work with
p-mina 4:46 PM
Whats your world like??? Mine is violent!!
ua-touya 4:46 PM
or... worked with
ua-stopwatch 4:46 PM
ua-himiko 4:46 PM
its the same world as everybody's, stfu...
ua-chargebolt 4:47 PM
Well... I've been given to understand that some universes are more violent than others... that's what Miku said...
ua-stopwatch 4:47 PM
sorry for being hostile towards you and Miko. It wasnt "cool" of me 
I'd love to hear more about your respective universes though
p-mina 4:47 PM
That was so mean :( It's okay though!
ua-himiko 4:47 PM
i don't have a respective universe. oh my god.
ua-touya 4:47 PM
obviously you do, considering i supposedly killed myself here and shouto's dead where you're from
ua-himiko 4:48 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:48 PM
I mean, we all have superpowers, is multiverse so hard to believe?
Maybe multiverse is osmeone's quirk idk
ua-himiko 4:49 PM
never heard of a quirk like that...
ua-stopwatch 4:49 PM
that's an interesting theory
p-mina 4:49 PM
that'd be scary!
ua-touya 4:49 PM
there's a lot of quirks we've never heard of before, that's the whole problem with em
ua-himiko 4:49 PM
ua-todoroki 4:52 PM
ua-stopwatch 4:53 PM
ua-chargebolt 4:53 PM
Are you OK, Todo?
ua-todoroki 4:53 PM
I hate this.
ua-himiko 4:54 PM
=_= don't exactly love it either
ua-todoroki 4:54 PM
It's insane.
There's so many...
ua-himiko 4:55 PM
ua-todoroki 4:55 PM
Why couldn't you have gone anywhere else.
ua-syren 4:55 PM
hey...it'll be okay
ua-todoroki 4:55 PM
Yeah, I'm sure a bunch of weird people from alternate universes running around will be okay.
ua-syren 4:56 PM
eventually it will..
ua-todoroki 4:56 PM
ua-himiko 4:56 PM
is2g i'm gonna start stabbing people if i hear the phrase 'alternate universe' again
ua-todoroki 4:57 PM
I'm gonna start stabbing myself if one more person has to make me say it.
ua-himiko 4:57 PM
do it then edgey bitch
ua-syren 4:57 PM
that joke is not allowed
ua-stopwatch 4:57 PM
Miko. Be nice.
ua-chargebolt 4:57 PM
Why does anyone have to stab things....
ua-himiko 4:57 PM
don't tell me what to do
ua-stopwatch 4:57 PM
ua-todoroki 4:58 PM
ua-touya 4:59 PM
it could be worse or whatever
ua-ryuu 4:59 PM
Well, this went off the rails real fast
ua-todoroki 4:59 PM
ua-syren 4:59 PM
it's not the first time
ua-stopwatch 4:59 PM
... yeah..
You're not wrong ry
ua-todoroki 4:59 PM
Message me if you want.
[Todoroki has left the chat]
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arolesbianism · 2 years ago
The things I would do if I had a less shitty laptop (things being streaming dst)
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