#my mabel gleeful is yandere
star-dusted-cosmos · 4 years
Mabel Gleeful - Paint It Black - NoHomo Triangle CMV
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maleyanderecafe · 5 years
Legit question: is Gideon from Gravita Falls a yandere? I know it's a kis show but he did (considering it's a kids show) extreme stuff.
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Gravity Falls is probably one of my favorite cartoons, which is saying something since I love watching cartoons. 
Anyways to answer your question, yes, I think Gideon Gleeful is a yandere. But I think he’s the yandere in the same way that JD from Heathers is a yandere. I’ll be talking about both of these and what happens so I guess spoilers or something. 
What’s interesting about JD as a yandere is that while he is a yandere (killing off the two bullies that spread rumors about Veronica), he does have other motives like attempting to purge the school by causing it to explode, which is something he does even after he believes Veronica has committed suicide. 
While in the musical, his initial motive for blowing up the school is to get him and Veronica together, it does seem strange that he would still go through with it after he believes that she has died (unless he either knew she was faking it, or it was some sort of revenge towards the school itself for causing Veronica to commit suicide.) This is especially true in the song Dead Girl Walking (Reprise) with the lines: “People are going to look at the ashes of Westerberg and say there’s a school that self-destructed not because society didn’t care, but because that school was society.” Which seems to suggest that he didn’t necessarily do it just because of Veronica (like most yanderes would have), but because of his own morals. This doesn’t suddenly disqualify him as a yandere, just that his two goals, making Veronica love him and his desire of purging the world of evil coincided with each other. 
With Gideon, he is similar in this regard. He also is a yandere (attempting to kill off/remove Dipper and the rest of the Pines family so he can stay with Mabel), but he does have other goals such as destroying the Mystery Shack to get rid of a business rival even before and after he knew about Mabel. Plus, not all of his actions are directed towards getting Mabel to be his bride. Again, he is still a yandere, he just has goals that coincide with one another. 
I usually don’t really see yanderes written like this (pretty much always the goals are directly correlated with getting the s/o, and they don’t really have much outside of wanting the s/o, so maybe it’s just something I’m not used to. 
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tayioart · 6 years
Found some gravity falls asks, I'm doing them:
Stanford Pines: What is something you’re dedicated to?
I dedicate myself to keeping everyone happy. Having anxiety makes it extremely hard for myself, and then the constant need for material or emotional happiness branches to other people.
Stanley Pines: Who is someone you miss?
Emotionally? I miss my family, my best friends, and myself. From those people, I've grown really far from. Physically? A girl I was the bestest of friends with when I was young. One day she left without telling anyone, and she never came back. I still wonder if she's ok...
Mabel Pines: What is something you love about your best friend/s?
She "mom's" me. I'm like a dog on a leash sometimes, looking for loads of new things I really shouldn't do. She makes sure I don't do anything stupid. Plus, we both love splatoon, yandere simulator, and in a way gravity falls. How we met is kinda complicated, so I'll do THAT another day...
Dipper Pines: What is something you’re curious about?
Existence, really. I wonder if I actually matter in this crazy heck hole called life. What's my role? When do I matter and when do I not? The questions are endless...
Wendy Corduroy: What social group do you think you belong to?
DEFINATLY the fandom group. Theres always that one group who focus on fandoms, that is me and my friends.
Gideon Gleeful: If you could get away with only one crime in your life, what would it be?
Murder. Wow that's dark. But it's true. There's just some people who you think DESERVES to die in this world. And I have a lot of methods on my mind about this... sorry what were we saying?
Soos Ramirez: What is one thing that has already been invented that you would like to steal credit for?
Nintendo, no questions asked.
Blendin Blandin: If you could travel to any time period you wanted, when would it be? And where?
I've got many ideas, but I think time, 1980s, and place, New York City. It just sounds so perfect to be in the big city at that time, and all the BROADWAY! I live for a good theatrical performance!
Bill Cipher: What are your major goals in life?
Make a giant discovery I guess. I won't mind anything: psychology mostly. Maybe cure dementia or anxiety. Just something that would make me seem like more than just "the disabled girl in class" and do the same for millions of other kids and people. That's all.
Pacifica Northwest: If you were given one million dollars right now, and you had to spend it all in one weekend, what would it be on?
Spending quite a bit on my Nintendo switch, then imma use the rest to kickstart my own animated tv show with a community of tumblr users. If there's any left over, I'd become Internet famous. Like a sane person.
Grenda: If you could get married to anyone in the world right now who would it be?
Either my childhood best friend (who's a dude), my current best friend (who's a girl), or ford pines at my age. What? You thought I would end on a actual person? Fat chance!
Candy Chiu: How well do you forgive and forget?
I forgive wayy to much, and I never forget. Never forget! Even if I don't want to remember. I just keep remembering it.
Fiddleford McGucket: What is something you would be willing to give up for someone you loved?
Depends. If it's close family, I'd wouldn't give, I'd take. If it was close friends, then I can only say this: i have nothing more to give. I GAVE IT ALL TO THEM.
Robbie Valentino: What is something you get embarrassed about easily?
Doing stuff wrong. I REALLY get stressed out when I screw things up. Cause, ya know, AUTISM. Or, people finding my internet history, which they haven't yet but I still get paranoid!
Waddles: What is something in life you wish came easier to you?
For a joke, followers (jk I'm content with you guys). For reals? Happiness. Materialism is eating people up from the inside.
Well that's all.
Thank whoever started these asks and this was fun.
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