#my love for 2d men 😂
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Well it’s official I am now a fucking Doflamingo simp 😩😬. Y’all should have never allowed me to get into One Piece, I swear to god(I apologize in advance for the inevitable simp posting). A clearly bi-coded villian with a tragic backstory; sign me the fuck up. Time to add another poor precious meow-meow to the fucking books 😂.
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best-underrated-anime · 9 months
Best Underrated Anime Group E Round 2: #E1 vs #E2
#E1: Dead people are revived with souls from the future. Hilarity and angst ensue.
#E2: Psychic girl is adopted by Yakuza. Hijinks ensue.
Details and poll under the cut!
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#E1: Are You Ok (You Yao)
People from the modern world transmigrating (Chinese version of isekai) into the ancient Chinese fantasy world has become a common and everyday occurrence that the royal court in the latter has decided to moderate them. If you’re a transmigrator, you must report your existence to Lou Zhu, the master of Best Tower. Once you pass his test and prove that you are indeed a modern person, you can then be assigned to work in different areas of the government and be given a high salary.
Because of this promised benefit, many impostors have showed up before Lou Zhu. And one day, Zuo Yunqi shows up for this test. Is he an impostor, or is he an actual modern person?
But some transmigrators also choose to hide their existence out of distrust in the government. Where are they? And with their advanced knowledge on science and technology, what are they planning in the dark?
The setting is a genius mix of ancient and modern. Lou Zhu’s tower looks like an ancient Chinese building on the outside, but on the inside it’s like a hotel, complete with different entertainment venues and even a milk tea shop! And of course, what’s a hotel without an elevator? But since electricity isn’t invented yet, it’s just powered by different men (in fancy uniforms) on bicycles.
You’d expect that the locals would have some amount of horror, sadness, and grief over dead people coming back to life and moving and talking as if nothing has happened. Except there isn’t; at least, not much. They’ve gotten used to it. Life still has to go on, so why not enjoy it?
On one hand, You Yao shows us the transmigrators’ lives and how they cope in this unfamiliar world. Often in isekai/transmigration stories, the locals are portrayed as “backward” and “ignorant” to highlight the modern character’s supposed intelligence. But in You Yao, the two parties have an equal relationship. Transmigrators still have to follow the laws set by the Emperor, and their modern knowledge doesn't always prove to be useful. Unless they can invent novel things despite limited materials, their knowledge often fails to set them apart. I mean, what are you gonna do when you’re an art student whose only talent is drawing p*rn but people expect you to cook??? Or how about when you’re literate in Simplified Chinese but can’t read the locals’ Traditional Chinese text? Or what about when your soul ends up in the body of a mosquito instead???
Even with a high salary from the Emperor, being a transmigrator is not that easy. And as the show unfolds, we find that there’s more to them than comedic figures. 
On the other hand, You Yao is also about the locals and how they have to adapt to their fast-changing world. My favorite among them is Lin Kai. He has fully embraced the changes that he’s become akin to a transmigrator in his knowledge of the modern world. He’s not prominent in the novel, but the donghua treated him with a full musical sequence when he was about to confess to his crush 😂. As the only straight character, they probably had to highlight his love story to let the BL go under the radar—Oh, have I mentioned this show is a BL with several pairs?
Chinese censorship won’t allow the gay to be explicit, but they managed to still make it very fruity. The s1 ending song is literally about the second pair, Li Ke and Zhou Rongqi (aka Prince Yu).
Then there’s the animation style, which is a hybrid of 2D and 3D CGI. People not used to 3D anime may wince at this, but it’s actually common in China. You Yao’s style works quite well for it, too, giving it a distinctive flair.
To sum it up, You Yao is a compelling show that deconstructs the isekai/transmigration genre. If you’re after comedy with depth and an overarching plot, this is the show for you. There’s also some gay romantic angst sprinkled throughout, giving you lots of materials for fanfiction 😎
Trigger warnings: Guns, kidnapping, and imprisonment. Nothing too dark, though.
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#E2: Hinamatsuri
While reveling in the successful clinching of a prized vase for his collection, Yoshifumi Nitta, a yakuza member, is rudely interrupted when a large, peculiar capsule suddenly materializes and falls on his head. He opens the capsule to reveal a young, blue-haired girl, who doesn't divulge anything about herself but her name—Hina—and the fact that she possesses immense powers. As if things couldn't get any worse, she loses control and unleashes an explosion if her powers remain unused. Faced with no other choice, Nitta finds himself becoming her caregiver.
Propaganda 1:
Hinamatsuri is about…
Hina, who is a psychic metaphor for autism ala Mob but imo better. She’s not only a weirdgirl who’s friends are almost all other strange girls, but she’s also into stuff that is just so either unfitting for her age or she’s just really intense about.
Nitta, who deserves all the fangirls and husbando-ing that every other random guy in anime gets. He’s a bachelor who loves pottery and can cook so well that Hina convinces her friends they have a gourmet chef working for them. He’s also a yakuza and is beloved by the aniki for being incredibly tough and scary. (He is gentle as hell with Hina.)
A bunch of other weird girls (Admin: this part of the propaganda has been cut due to possible spoilers)
Propaganda 2:
Hinamatsuri is an absolutely hilarious anime with some of the best comic timing I’ve ever seen. It’s so funny, the various girls are such nonsense.
Hina starts as a violent blank slate and develops into a lazy greedy horrible little gremlin. Anzu starts as a prideful edgy rival but eventually becomes a wholesome overly grateful insecure mess. Hitomi is forced to become more and more competent, independent, and adult because she can't stand up for herself and say no to people asking her for favors.
Nitta is a fantastic viewpoint character because he outwardly takes so much in stride that it’s easy to forget how annoyed and stressed everything makes him until he snaps.
Trigger Warnings: There is child nudity, but only for a Terminator reference. There is some comedic child neglect and slapstick. There is a child who is homeless, but it’s treated very sensitively.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how they’re presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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fushironi · 9 months
Meet The Author
As promised! I am here to give you a little about me:
Name: Ana
Birthday: 12/05
College: I attend two universities getting two masters so RIP me and my social life 😅🥲
Kids: None, just have a niece and a nephew that I love with my whole being
Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking, baking, binging crime shows, being around friends and family, listening to music/podcasts, and losing my cool over 2D animated men 😂
Pic of me:
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These are two of my favorite pictures!
As always, I love all my moots and I enjoy all requests that come through my inbox! If it takes me a while, it is because of my masters programs!
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adagiospace · 9 months
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(** Art summary template credits: https://twitter.com/IPRGYI2/status/1738987923792646536 )
Rare text entry from this blog!
2023 is my sixth year in Tsukiyami brainrot -- seventh, maybe. But my first comic is from 2018 so let's put it that way. I love Saiyuki from the end of my elementary school that's so.. very long ago. I got interested with Koumyou and Ukoku just "recently" ("Recently" as in relative with my love for the series haha)
I never thought I could be this consistent on drawing, screaming, and crying about them. Thank you friends who stay with me from 2018, I still can't believe that I am persistent enough to draw them for six years straight: 500+ images of any combination of Koumyou and Ukoku, 200 pages of doujinshi rooted from a mini arc named BURIAL . I always see myself as a lazyass in general so.. I'm genuinely surprised by this willpower.
Last year, those two MIRACULOUSLY gets the attention outside Kagekiden, they featured in Saiyuki FESTA 2022, has merchandise from Zeroin, some from 25th anniversary, and I got a chance to fly to Tokyo Exhibition --- not stopping there, A COLLAB CAFE APPEARED - THEY FEATURED AS DRINKS, it was like, they telling me, "Hey Gio, let's celebrate your dream come true in HUB Machida. Love, shameless old men Koumyou & Ukoku xoxo" 😂
Love (even to 2D characters) work in strange ways...
I'll love them forever.
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I hope this doesn't sound strange, but I've noticed you often refer to MC as her own character. I'm curious about your perspective on self-insert and yumejo. What are your thoughts on it?
dw no it’s not a strange question, but i’m also not sure what kind of answer you’re looking for from me haha.
regardless, firstly, note that every time i’m using “you,” i’m referring to the audience as a whole and not just you anon. now, let me get this out. the purpose of live service romance mobages alike Love and Producer, Light and Night, Tears of Themis, For All Time is to give you, the player, the experience of romancing the men. the officials want you to self-insert into the protagonist character, which they have stated clearly as well. hence, the story sets the player up with a solid background and circle for the protagonist to help you immerse yourself better and is written in the first person point of view (yes, CN themis uses the first-person pronouns, unlike the localization). so, if you do self-insert into the player character, please do so unabashedly and proudly, because the character and the game exists for you and because of you haha.
and on that note, might as well mention, majority of the CN player community go hard into the self-insert. so referring to the MC as a separate entity of her own is actually a huge taboo there LOL, and depending on which fandom you’re interacting with, you are sure to face small to massive backlashes if you do so 🫠
regarding my personal thoughts/ preference (however you want to put it) concerning self-insert and yumejo— to each their own you know. if you prefer self-inserting into the character, please go ahead. if you’re more comfortable with imagining a character of your own, please go ahead by all means. i have nothing for/against either of the views and approaches.
now, as for me, yes there are surely moments when the fourth wall breaks and i can imagine myself going through the same incidents as the main protagonists of the games i play or have the same reaction to things as the character, and yes there are moments when the line between reality and 2D world blurs, but i don’t self-insert and prefer reading the story from god’s POV 😂 hence i often refer to the main character as MC/ heroine/ she, or “you” (the audience as a whole) when the subject of discussion is intense and needs more personified emotional investment for a better grasp. however, i do use “we/us” and even “I/ me” on occasions depending on where i’m operating emotionally haha.
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cdmagic1408 · 1 year
CD's Movie Poll #1 Winner
The Road to El Dorado
* fair warning: spoilers ahead *
Kicking off the start of my movie poll/movie watching series is Dreamworks’ The Road to El Dorado!
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ngl this film has been on my watchlist for quite a while, and yet I never got around to actually watching it until now! (or rather, not until the other night lol) I’d heard so many great things about it before like the memorable characters, the kind of 2D animation that you really don’t see in Dreamworks films these days, and of course, the music!
I will say that I really enjoyed all three of those things in some ways and others 🤩
Right off the bat, Kevin Kline and Kenneth Branagh have really great chemistry! In fact, I loved their chemistry so much that I wanted to see footage of them recording their lines. so I legit looked up something like “road to el dorado behind the scenes” on youtube as soon as I finished watching the film and found that not only did they do ALL their voice recording sessions together in the same room but they also used plastic swords and playfully had it at each other!! AHHHHHH! so good!! 😂 ⚔️
but yeah they're hilarious! both on screen and behind it. I also just love the fact that both Kevin and Kenneth come from theater backgrounds cause I think that definitely added to how well they portrayed being con men 🎭
Ofc actors aside, some of you probably know this about me already, but I’m a BIG fan of dynamic duos when it comes to media...
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I loved the straight man-ness that was Tulio, and he was probably my favorite of the two. I tend to like characters that find comfort in strategy, cause I tend to be that kinda person too. I know sometimes the logical and level-headed ones aren't always funny, entertaining, or the people to root for in the slightest. But Tulio definitely isn't one of them. I found myself chuckling at a good number of things he said and did like not believing in fate simply cause he relies on loaded dice for example, plus his sarcasm, and how much he tried to compose his patience as well
Miguel was great too! It was fun how much he loved the city of El Dorado and just wanted to take it all in, and his endless optimism of course! But he definitely needed more guitar playing scenes! idk there’s something about those characters who just have an instrument to play at the ready for dramatics that’s really humorous for me, it’s almost, if not totally, breaking the fourth wall in a way 😆
I also really enjoyed the Chief, I love how it’s implied that he knew all along Miguel and Tulio were humans and not gods and yet he still liked them and let them stay anyway. that said, it's kind of a shame that the pair didn't stay in el dorado cause there genuinely were people there who adored them when clearly the people of Spain didn’t…heck they didn't seem to have a problem that they weren't actually gods!
and you have to admit, Miguel and Tulio did match the stone art of the gods quite nicely, like the resemblance there was freaky 😳
Chel was great as well, her cleverness and way of sweet talking definitely stood out to me the most about her character, and I also really loved her voice! 😌
and Altivo the horse? I wanna say he was truly Miguel’s companion when compared to Tulio earning the heart of Chel. after all, Miguel was the one who wanted to rescue him and bring him along, and I was genuinely happy when they decided to bring him on their journey cause the horse wasn’t a bad guy, like he not only gave Tulio and Miguel the keys to escape the ship, but he wasn’t spiteful to them or anything. basically what I’m trying to say is he isn’t how Maximus treated Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert initially, horse to con man
As for the villain? well…this is the first of three times I’m gonna be saying, “I got some Aladdin vibes from this movie" 😅 👉👈 which isn’t completely a bad thing by any means! 
But yeah…I immediately got Jafar vibes the minute Tzekel-Kan came on screen (also I had to look up this name cause I didn’t catch it very well while I was watching this film, I just kept calling him “Priest Guy”)
I mean…the fact that he can do sorcery, on top of serving a sweet kind-hearted ruler, tangling with not just one but two thieves, anybody picking up what I’m putting down? Yeah that’s really all I gotta say about that guy 🤷🏻‍♀️
also I swear to god that Jim Cummings is in literally everything that was 2D-animated in the 1990s-2000s! and he's always gotta play that big tough guy. Again, that also reminded me of Aladdin. but then again the conquistador didn’t really have that big of a role in this, at the very least I just hope he gave T-K what he got coming to him
I guess just to get it out of the way, I was admittedly humming "One Jump Ahead" in the beginning when Tulio and Miguel are getting chased through the city, but that’s all there is in terms of Aladdin similarities the way i see it
lastly in terms of the characters and cast, I gotta give credit to Elton John for being part of it too! I mean who doesn't love a singing narrator? and he and Tim Rice did an awesome job crafting the soundtrack for this film. every song was absolutely BEAUTIFUL 🎶 ✨
Needless to say, the animation was 👌 and the opening sequence was definitely one of my favorites throughout the whole film as well as the expressions and the solid movements of the characters, very well done no question there. oh! and how there were just gold objects of anything from butterflies to apples in el dorado! they didn’t call it the city of gold for nothing! ✨✨✨
but in the end, did it really have go the route of the overall goal is get all the gold by the end only to actually lose most, if not all, of it by the end? I just feel like that plot line is done a lot in movies. tho to be fair, this was made in the 2000s so heck, it probably began that trend. But I’ve found in recent years that when it comes to treasure hunting movies, this exact scenario happens just repeatedly and it’s nothing new. I’d say movies like The Goonies and Uncharted are two that come to mind for me that have this happen...
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Now there’s no way I can conclude my thoughts here without saying how AMAZING the “It’s Tough to Be a God” sequence was! I LOVED the “It's Tough to Be a God" sequence from the singing of the two leads to the colors to the everything about it, it was all magnificent! I'd arguably say it was my favorite scene in the whole film! And I'd be lying if I said that Miguel and Tulio’s version hasn't been stuck in my head ever since I watched it, because so help me it HAS and STILL IS and why that version is not on Spotify, I have no clue, but it SHOULD be. Again, props to Elton and Tim for writing this song and the others!!
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So overall, I thought El Dorado was a great movie! It was definitely worth the watch! It's not perfect by any means, I'm not even sure it's my favorite Dreamworks film, but it was still very fun and entertaining all the same and I'm really glad that I finally got to see it after all these years! 🤗
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azurelyy · 2 years
7, 56, 59... 👀
Omg, hiiii~ thank you for the asks! <3
7. What was your life like last year?
Lol… to be honest, my life last year was sort of somber. Had a lot of things happening in my personal life that made me sort of have to grow up very quickly and it was a hard transition. I’m still working every day to get over it, but I’m slowly healing as more time goes on. 🖤
56. Favorite food(s)
I loooooove pasta! Penne vodka is one of my faves.
59. Why I joined tumblr
So, because of what I mentioned in 7, I sort of started regressing into old hobbies and interests to get my mind off of what I was going through personally, and because of that I decided to finally finish Naruto Shippuden. Then I remembered how hot Shikamaru was and looked up some Seven Minutes in Heaven fics because I used to love them in middle school and was feeling nostalgic 😂. Then I found @tired-biscuit and @delirious-donna on Wattpad, realized it was a trash site, and decided to join tumblr to follow them!
They both inspired me to start writing smut, and now here we are! Like quite literally, I don’t know if I would have fallen back into love with writing if not for Naruto and silly 2D men smut, haha. So I owe this community a lot and am grateful so many people have interacted with and enjoyed my works. This is a hobby, but also a distraction from my grief, so every single one of you are amazing and mean the world to me! 💜
Get to know me?
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Hey, just want to wish you a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 🥳🎉
Your fics made my year a lot better and I wish you, Vynvyn and all people in your life happiness. And that we can be blessed with gacha luck and get Vyn SSRs in the first pull 😂🛐
Thanks! Happy Holidays to you too, and thank you very much for the support!
I'm glad my stuff helped ^^
May we all be blessed by our lovely 2D men and that they will be kind on our gachas
( ´ ▽ ` )
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primojade · 2 years
U ever just… scream gayly about childe and Kuki? For like 5 minutes? Because I am having a bisexual panic. I am not having a good time my heart cannot handle this. THEYRE SO PRETTY WHYY
All I want to do is focus on finals but nOooO pretty women and men got me like
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CAN YOU SEE THE ISSUE? IM GAY. And have to many reaction images to describe my feelings about those eggheads help.
I’ve already dedicated my life to being a Kuki simp, I don’t have time to be a childe simp toooooo 💀💀💀💀💀
To tell u the truth, kuki, during my feral genshin era (read: 2020) i was so freaking obssessed with Childe 😂😂 I have pictures of him on my laptop, phone and even my wall of my bedroom LMAO I WAS SO ADDICTED TO THAT MAN I FORGIVE HIM FOR NOT COMING HOME TO ME ALL HE DAMN TIME SO YES I KNEW THAT FEELING HAHAHAHA
Tho its not too late to be a childe simp ykyk 😏😏 i mean thats why the heart has four chambers yk 😂 YOU CAN FILL THEM WITH MNAY LOVE FOR 2D MEN AND WOMEN AND EVERYTHING
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mochi-coffee · 2 years
I know I might sound like a broken record already, but thank you for being my internet friend 🥰 Thanks for never failing to send me Wakasa brainrots, and for letting me corrupt you sometimes... I- sorry not sorry HAHAHA
Thanks for actively simping with me over men that are either 2D or 3D, and for always making me smile and laugh because of your upbeat and funny messages 🥰 I honestly adore them. I look forward to the Mochi spam everyday 😂
All I really wish for you today is to win the lottery jackpot aka our pocket money for our very-much-desired trip to Wakasa-kuni 😂, or if l'm actually being realistic… I wish you have a loooong and colorful life with your loved ones, especially Manju! (and me! Don't forget about me) And to be more healthy and more blessed than you are now 🥰
Thanks for being born into this world, and for crossing paths (through Wakasa) with me, Mochi 🥰 You made my year brighter 🥰
Thanks for (unknowingly) subscribing to the mochi spam mail where you never know what you'd be getting 🤣🤣, for keyboard mashing with me and providing me with my daily dose of vitamin K(atie) 🥰🥰🥰
Thanks for teaching me all the .... things(? 'Life skills'? 🤣🤣🤣🤣) and thanks for braving through the risk of tr spoiler on tumblr to give me more birthday wishes 🤣🤣🤣
So many things to be thankful about, meeting you definitely is the highlight of my 2022 🥰🥰🥰
And yes, I'll try 🤣 if not I'll use my bday wish for you to win the jackpot and bring us to wakasa-kuni 🥹🥹🥹🥹 (keeping with the trend of thanks, THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR WINNING THE LOTTERY AND BRING US TO WAKASA-KUNI 🤣🤣🤣🤣)
P.S HAHAHHAHA this whole time you've been using 'my internet friend' and I was like 'great, the acronym MIF won't be making an appearance', but of course you'd be saving the best to the last 🤣🤣🤣
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blkkizzat · 4 months
hi there, i'm really happy to be following you and while i can only really speak to you through anon for now, i'm glad you're easy to speak to and appear very friendly!
i unfortunately feel like i've chased off some of my mooties with my weirdness so i hope that doesn't happen here either.
Hiii anon! I’m glad you decided to msg me.
Yeah I love talking to people so feel free to drop an ask anytime or even msg me on here! 💕
I mean it could be that your mooties were the weird ones? lol
ngl I’ve had 2 mooties who ended up being very good friends (like texting, calls, planning to meet cause we live close) until they completely flipped the script and blocked everyone without warning over literally the most non-issue things…
So no nonny I really don’t think you the weirdo. I think it’s just a high possibility you were friends with the weirdos😭
Also we all read/write smut and thirst over 2D men on this side of tumblr. None of us completely normal here and no one should be taking themselves that seriously. 😂
You deserve better friends pooks!!! 💕
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decembermoonskz · 1 year
Hahahaha at least it's more tamed YAY LOL manifesting for no sparkly pants on stage for all, pls lol
UNICORN?! SHHSSJDJJDJD I LOVE IT! It's so random but super cute 🥹🥹
I got my niece into enhypen because of their webtoon LMFAOOOO she hasn't been exposed with kpop much besides whatever I listen to when she comes over. So I got her into enha easily because of dark moon. She was more of the anime and webtoon kid while her other cousins were exposed to kpop more. So, my sister and I are making it a mission to get her into kpop hahahah we were like "we'll let your mom know that you like real boys and not only 2Ds!" Lolol
HONESTLY I WILL BE SHOCKED you are to send a screenshot of that to me if it happens one day 😂😂 but honestly I think me losing my shit over everyone in leather pants is enough for them with matching pants 🫠
and ye hehe I’m glad you like it >< idk why I just felt that it fit you don’t ask me but the colors of the emote go with you for me personally hehe
also HAHA honestly I love that I hope that your mission succeeds by also I understand your niece I’ve been literally losing it over marius from tears of themis so ye 2d men really do be hitting diff sometimes 😔👏🏼
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marionette-grice · 2 years
Omg this is the first time I’ll be choosing a different faction 😱 I’m maxed out in Nidhogg’s
Which one do I choose??
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
Hi can I request for an mc who isn't interested in romantic relationship? 😅 I made my aunt (who's around the age of 20+ I guess) addicted to obey me, so I suggested obey me to her and now... I guess I made things worse... She told me that she has new standards, AND IT'S 2D MEN STANDARDS!!! 😱
MC: You're the love of my life. My eros, my king, my forever~ *talking to their 2D anime boyfriend*
Solomon: MC, can I ask you on a date—
MC: Fuck off.
Solomon: ...
Solomon: Sorry.
MC: Look, I will never cheat on my lover.
Beel: You don't have a lover.
Levi: They have, Beel.
Satan: They don't.
MC: I do!
Belphie: 2D doesn't count.
MC and Levi: 2D IS REAL LOVE!!!
MC: *sigh* Did you see my precious man's character development?
Simeon: Like... destroying the whole world for his lover?
MC: Yes. *dreamy*
Simeon: But would you date such a guy in real life?
MC: *frowns* Simeon, as if such guy exists in the real world?
Simeon: ...
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kagejima · 2 years
Miss Rae I see you reblogging the moot ships but what about you?
Have you thought about who you ship your moots with bby?
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also i only did mutuals off the top of my head (my brain is fried bc of this work week but I know a bunch are missing fjejfnndjfj, i am so sorry 🙇🏻‍♀️) so if any other mutuals want to be shipped, I would be happy to!!!!! 🥰
@northofneverland - a one Mister Osamu Miya. But he's gonna have to fight me for her because she and I have the same brain and are so in sync that Osamu WISHES he could be on our sync level and I'll challenge him to a cooking contest for her hand. 🥺
@mrskodzuken - Kenma. Kenma kenma kenma. Kenella is the dream!! The cuteness that all relationships should aspire to be! Look at her username, she's already his wife. My work here is done.
@discordkittenjoestar - either her babygirl Geto or her babygirl Jotaro. Actually you know what? Her babygirl Geto. Final answer.
@nanamis-wifey-reye - REYE!! Darling sweet Reye, I ship you with Katakuri because you introduced me to him and the size kink in me went brrrrrrrr heheheheh 😂
@the-moons-raes - *starts banging fists on table* Na-na-mi! Na-na-mi!
@meloomi - Sakusa!! but like Osamu, Sakusa will also have to fight me for Mizu. I will lose because Sakusa can outwit me, I'm sure of it, but I'm gonna try 🧍🏻‍♀️
@sanomnjiro - MIKEEEEY! the ultimate power couple!!!! hello???? they're so cute together????? thanks for coming to my tedtalk! 🎤
@utahimeow - torn between tobio and ushijima tbh...... hmm. actually, why not both? you get them both, baby.
@crescentkaze - kaze gets kita because. because she knows. 👀
@clovcly - look i dont play genshin, but i read ONE alhaitham story by her and she's already got me whipped for the guy, so I ship her with Alhaitham and they can impact some genshins. I dunno, i've never played the game 🤷🏻‍♀️
@ushiwhacka - i feel... gojo. i feel gojo because you're very kick-ass and i feel like you could put him in his place when he gets too full of himself, he needs it 😂
@jotatetsuken - jotaroooo! is there any other?? of course not! jotaro the only one for you, baby! 🥳
@katsucream - mother. fucking. katsuki! or daichi. NO you know what?? you also get two. katsuki AND daichi 😚
@yuutakittie - her little meow meow yuta. duh. obviously. obviously yuta. next question.
@ohtokki - ushijima!! you guys would be so cute being plant parents 😭😭😭😭😭
@hyeque - my resident tsukishima girl! *finger guns* can see y'all in dinosaur kigurumis together tbh 🥺
@luvkun4 - she gets sukuna bc she goes as feral about sukuna as i do, she understands me 😌
@ofallthingswhythis gojo. sorry, i meant gojo. sorry, i meant gojo. sorry, i meant gojo. sorry, i meant g-
@mattsunkawa - lovely mattsun for the lovely echo! 🥰🥰
@noriken - NFJSNFJDNXNS twin dragons girl gets the twin dragons mitsuya and draken (no im not jealous im definitely not biting my fist in jealousy)
@nanamoonie - kuroo! i! hehxnwj! hold on i need a second, my heart gave out picturing how cute you two would be 😭
@134340am - shoto! no, shinso! shoto shinso? shoto shinso 😌
@ceo-of-daichi - lydz and i may be sisterwives to meian, but obviously i gotta give it to daichi. meian takes a backseat to daichi and i dont blame her. like... hello?? have you SEEN daichi?????
tbh, i would fight all these 2d men for my moots hands, is it the leo sun in me talking bc im a little feral goblin who doesn't wanna share?? yeah. yeah it is. 😂
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broken-freedom · 2 years
on the contrary, i love hearing about my nieces' anime crushes! especially when they were younger and crushing on Naruto characters 😂
plus, they have impeccible tastes. my oldest niece (SHE JUST TURNED 18 HELP-) likes HQ characters, my youngest likes Aizawa from BNHA, and my middle niece loves dragging anime characters 😭
I love that! 🥲
If it was any other character I’d even buy her stuff.
I buy my nephew female characters stuff all the time and listen to him babbling about them for hours. And I am like yea sure go ahead.
(that reminds me of a time he caught me staring at shirtless 2D men and he mocked me but that’s a story for another time)
But Eren? Out off all people? Who I read and write smut for?
That’s just *gags*
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