#my little beebleboy
mwahmwahkissesdarling · 4 months
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"Welcome, welcome, welcome! Can everybody see me?"
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sofiatheicequeen · 4 years
Chapter six of Beetlejuice x depressed reader
I get up from my bed and look over to see Beej staring at me "Good morning sweet cakes" he says with a smile on his face. I smile at the nickname he just came up with. "Good morning beebleboy" I say giggling to myself as he gives me a look like what the fuck. I roll out of bed and start to get ready for my day.i hear the bed covers shift as Beej is starting to get up. I turn to him seeing him stretch. I then start to remember what happen yesterday. "Hey Beej" I say looking to him with a look of distress. He turns to look at me seeing my face getting a look of worry. "Did what happen yesterday actually happen" I say in a quiet tone. He looks at me understanding what I am processing. "Yes yesterday did happen but look at the bright side you now have the house to yourself" he says with a slight smile. "I didn't want things to end badly though" I groan to myself. Beej looks at me while getting up "well the things that happen happen your parents are just going through something right now I think they will understand when things start to blow over" he says trying to let what he just said to me sink in. I sigh and shrug "things will only get worse from here is what it seems like" I say quietly to myself. He turns and looks at me shocked from what I said "babe what makes you say that" he says. “Well my grandfather is dying so let’s be honest how are things going to get better anytime soon since he’s dying my mom is probably not going to call me or care about anyone but herself and her dad for right now so I have nothing right now to say things will probably blow over in a few months but before that will happen my mom is going to stay pissed at me till he passes so yeah I don’t really see how things will get any better any time soon when it comes to the relationship with my parents” I say in a huge rant trying to stop tears from falling in my eyes at the broken relationship crumbling before me. Beej sits next to me patting my back gently. “Babe I know things are hard for right now but trust me things will get better eventually just give it a little time can you do that for me love” he says in a soft comforting tone. I lean resting my head against him gently relaxing as I nod my head. “Good now do you want me to get you some ice cream and put on some anime” I smile at his suggestion and nod laying back into bed putting the covers back on me. He kisses my forehead before leaving to get some ice cream and my anime dvds. I take out the blade that I have real quickly as I head into the bathroom and start to slice my arm telling myself that I am a terrible person for hurting my family relationship and that I shouldn’t even exist since I just make everything worse for everyone around me. I look at my arm seeing blood form as I wrap my arm thick in bandages so the blood won’t seep through. I change my clothes into a hoodie and some sweatpants and lay back down in bed waiting for beej to return with the things.
A few minutes later I see he has some cotton candy ice cream and has two of my favorite anime’s with him. He smiles at me as he hands me the ice cream and holds up the two discs “choose” he says smiling at me. I point at F/A. He takes the disc and puts it into the DVD player while laying back in bed with me with one arm behind my head. I take a bite out of my ice cream realizing that he put butterscotch syrup onto my food. I smile and kiss him on the cheek satisfied with the food I have as I lay back and watch the anime.
Authors Note
I’m sorry my children that I have been gone for a while I have just started college and got a new job. So, I’ve been very busy when I came to writing this. I will try to continue this so please don’t give up on me. Sorry this is a short chapter I have also had writers block for a while as well I hope you guys enjoyed this anyways I love you all my ice crystals.
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mwahmwahkissesdarling · 5 months
everyone: oh my gosh i'm so scared of paranormal stuff omgggg you guys eek scaryyyyy
me: *does everything in my power for a moldy rotting lil gay demon boy with mommy issues to find me* oh noooooo hope i don't find a green demon guy in my rook tonight, ahh, crazyyyy
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mwahmwahkissesdarling · 4 months
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lydia and beej art
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mwahmwahkissesdarling · 5 months
yall i just watched the first half of the beetlejuice musical and i am SHOOKETH
also bj being horny for adam is my favorite part
anywaysies i'm off to draw adam x bj art and watch the second half
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mwahmwahkissesdarling · 4 months
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im not normal about him
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