#my little baby brother Carver??
pulling-a-jowan · 1 month
Romancing Merrill as a mage Hawke is kinda funny because Carver also likes her. Hawke just made their move first
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kirkwallsquad · 3 months
favorite da2 battle lines in no particular order
i'm listening to a compilation by danaduchy on youtube rn so
literally every fenris line bcs everyone else is YELLING and he's just speaking in his regular quiet-ish voice. king what are you saying i can't HEAR YOU
except for when hawke goes down. THEN he's loudly upset.
"hawke's down! time to panic!" (isabela)
"the tame elf is down" (varric - what the fuck omg don't call fenris that)
"your pet elf has fallen" (carver - WHAT THE FUCK OMG DON'T CALL FENRIS THAT)
"that moody mage is down" (aveline)
"ugh, can someone pick up fenris please?" (merrill)
"isabela's on the ground... appropriately" (aveline - HELLO?!?!?!?)
"merrill! oh, blood mages are so dramatic" (isabela)
"aveline has fallen?" (fenris - why is this a question babe)
"they got whatshisname, the mage" (varric - i continue to believe he doesn't know anders' name until act 3)
"the dwarf has dropped a few more feet" (sebastian)
"dear varric, please learn to parry. love, your innards" (varric)
"do you have something for this, because it hurts" (carver)
"even my teeth hurt" (anders)
"i've got so many bruises now they've got names and families" (merrill)
"ugh, i have dirt in my mouth" (sebastian)
"you're going to let me walk around injured?" (carver)
"being close to death is very bad for my morale" (isabela)
sebastian describes his wounds as "oozing" or "seeping" more than once
"i know dalish are meant to be close to the earth, but we don't mean literally" (merrill)
"i'm alright, who needs kidneys anyway" (isabela)
"hawke. varric. i think this is bad." (merrill)
"stop being you and fix me up" (carver - BABY. BABY BROTHER.)
"that really gets the blood flowing" but also "i will fight and pray for forgiveness later" but also "this is much more exciting than the chantry!" (sebastian - what is wrong with you <3)
"my face is not a shield!" (hawke)
"and they say drinking doesn't solve anything" (isabela)
"haawke i can't mooove" (sebastian)
"i'm too far away, what do you want me to do? shout at them?" (isabela)
"i'd have to fly to reach! of course, i've always wanted to learn to fly" (merrill - she's literally the funniest person ever)
"alas, no" (fenris)
"my faith is my armor! my cause is my shield!" (sebastian)
"if we kill them, we get their stuff!" (isabela)
"andraste's knees, it's like herding cats!" (isabela)
"AFRAID YET?!" (anders)
"RUN! WHILE YOU CAN!" (anders - he's so loud i love him)
"another one for me! how many have you gotten, hawke?" (varric)
"ah. a shame that you're going to die, no?" (fenris)
"you. me. and an audience. that's what this is all about!" (carver)
"may the creators have mercy on you! i certainly won't." (merrill)
"destructive forces of nature, coming up!" (anders)
"suck on a fireball!" (anders)
"NEVER TAUNT A MAGE!!!" (anders)
"a thrust, now a parry" (fenris)
"i'm gonna taunt you in elvish now! durgen'len! aravel! vallaslin!" (merrill)
"hello, i'm merrill, and i'll be your distraction." (merrill)
"maker please forgive your children" followed immediately by "DID YOU SEE THAT SHOT" (sebastian)
"I'M RIGHT HERE! HIT ME!" (isabela)
"maker, the idiocy" (bethany)
"my weapon does nothing??" (fenris - he sounds so puzzled help)
"this is SO not working" (anders)
"if the pointy sticks don't work, try the other pointy sticks" (isabela)
"ah, dear. why doesn't anyone ever want to be nice to us?" (merrill)
"is there an end to the people who hate you?" (aveline)
"looks like we've got a few more puppies to kick" (isabela - HELLO?!?)
"take a step, kill, repeat repeat repeat" (carver)
"the hate you inspire is unfortunate" (fenris)
"another twenty steps, another batch of deaths" (anders)
"nobody seems to like you. do you get used to that?" (merrill - ouch. brutal hskfjhgksdjfhg)
"i can't take credit for all of this. hawke helped a little bit" (isabela)
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genshinwomenontop · 8 months
Can you make a cloud retainer x adeptus reader? Like a continuation of the previous fic of yours but Shehe and Ganyu found out soon that their master was pregnant with reader child and want to protect the unborn child
Also keep it spicy if you can
Aww Shenhe and Ganyu's reaction to their master being pregnant 🥹
"Master's child"
☆Prompt: After you impregnated your adeptus wife, Shenhe and Ganyu became very over protective of her and their soon to be little brother/sister.
☆Warnings: G!P Adeptus Reader, smut, fluff, mother-daughters moment.
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"That's it y/n keep hitting that spot ahh~" Xianyun moaned as your enormous cock kept hitting her g-spot. It's been five hours now and you seem to be unable to resist your wife. She looked so beautiful; her legs on your shoulder, her chest and boobs covered with hickies, her hair sprawled out.
You increased your pace, making her eyes roll to the back as her tongue came out, drool leaking out. Xianyun felt her nineth orgasm approaching and without warning, she squirted all over your dick, the force making you groan as you emptied your balls inside her womb. With your Adeptus strength and stamina, you wanted more, however, Xianyun couldn't keep up and you didn't want to break her.
Pulling out your dick, you saw your mixed cum pour out of her and the sight looked truly tempting but you held back, seeing the passed out Xianyun. You cuddled into her side and soon drifted off to sleep.
A few weeks have passed since that steamy night and you've noticed that Xianyun has been avoiding you. It hurt you and left you confused as to why she did that. You even went as far as to ask Shenhe, Ganyu, and Zhongli but didn't find an answer. The only thing left to do was to confront her and that you did. Xianyun and you were seated on Mountain shaper's Mountain. "Well, are you gonna answer me? Why are you avoiding me? If something is bothering you, let me know."
Xianyun sighed and adjusted her glasses. "There has been nothing bothering me but I..." this was the first time you saw her so vulnerable and scared. You gently pulled her into a hug as her eyes widened.
"Something is bothering you, I can tell. Please, what's going in that pretty head of yours? Hmm?"
"One has recently found out that one may be carrying your child." You blinked a few times before your jaw dropped.
"You're pregnant? How? When?"
"It seemed after that night. I wasn't feeling a tad okay, so I asked Moon Carved and Mountain Shaper to help well to basically check if I'm alright. Mountain Carver had felt another presence with us that day, but it wasn't strong. Moon Carver suggested I take a pregnancy test and well... it came back positive." You listened each word attentively, before a smile broke out from your face.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner instead of avoiding me?"
"I was scared. I'm sorry."
"No need to apologise, I'm so happy right now. You're carrying my child, my own flesh and Blood."
"Master is pregnant?!" Two voices shouted from behind you making you scream. Xianyun was startled as well.
Shenhe and Ganyu jumped out from behind a rock. "Master is this true?" Shenhe asked as she approached Xianyun who sighed but nodded.
"It is. I'm going to be a mother, well a mother to a third individual," she smiled as she rubbed her belly. Ganyu approached you and pulled you into a bone crushing hug.
"Congratulations you two! Oh this is wonderful! Oh we need to buy baby clothes! What will we name them? I hope it's a girl," the three of you watched as Ganyu freaked out over the unborn baby.
"I think it's a boy," Shenhe replied with a small smile. She felt extremely happy and suddenly pulled Xianyun into a hug. At first, Xianyun was puzzled but then she relaxed and eventually hugged Shenhe back, a bright smile adorning her face. Shenhe reached and pulled Ganyu into the hug and it became a trio hug. Xianyun couldn't stop smiling as she hugged both of her daughters and kissed each one of them on their foreheads.
"We can't forget the father of the baby," Shenhe smiled and both Ganyu and her embraced you as you did to them.
From then on, Ganyu and Shenhe were always buy Xianyun's side. Sometimes it's just Ganyu alone, then Sometimes it's just Shenhe, and even though you were there, they felt the need to protect their master (mother) and their little sibling.
When the baby was born, you watched as Ganyu and Shenhe got excited and it was the first time that Shenhe expressed alot of emotions. The two of them eventually fell asleep, cradling your son in their arms and you knew that, that boy will be extremely spoiled and you couldn't be more glad to have that little family.
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bellofthemeadow · 1 year
Harrington!reader, Steve’s little sister. Popular, a cheerleader, first time senior and Chrissy’s best friend. But she has a secret that only her best friend knows. She’s had a crush on Eddie Munson since middle school. She’s afraid to tell him, thinking there’s no way he’d be into her. Until one day in the cafeteria, Jason Carver calls Eddie a freak. She confronts him, and punches him in the face, breaking or spraining her hand/wrist. Guess her little secret is out, and she may never be popular again.
OF COURSE MY DEAR ANON! I am so sorry it took forever to address this request! I have just started my final year of Uni, and with four seminars and graduate applications, I have not had any time to write consistently! But this idea was too enticing to pass up, so thank you very much for sharing it! For those waiting on other fics, I am slowly but surely getting back into the groove of writing more consistently so it should all come out sooner rather than later (hopefully) and I always welcome more fics or one shot ideas! Thank you to y'all for bearing with me, I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
No warnings excpet for some violence (against Jason Carver so thats fine I think) and some heavy make out session
Word Count: 5.3K
Hit Me Baby One More Time
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You had gotten your first taste of popularity on your very first day of middle school, a couple of years ago. That entire week leading up to it had been filled with fear and stress about what people would think of you. Overwhelmed, you had spent the last few days of your summer agonizing over your outfit choice, turning your daily fashion show into a reluctant performance for your big brother, Steve. Despite his huffs and puffs, he had reassured you that everything would go smoothly, but you couldn't help to worry. Eventually, you ended up settling on a cute white dress that reached just above your knees, paired with a soft baby pink cardigan. You had hoped it would be enough to get some of the right kind of attention that Steve always talked about.
In hindsight, you realized that you might have been a tad dramatic as when lunchtime had rolled around, a group of girls had approached you, giggling with excitement. "Are you Steve Harrington's sister?" they had asked-whispered with bright envious eyes. You slowly nodded, and with elated giggles, they ushered you over to their table, where the popular crowd was hanging out. It turned out your brother had quite the reputation, and while you knew he was popular, you hadn't fully grasped the extent to which the name Harrington would impact your social life. For you, Steve was just the idiot older brother who used Farah Fawcet's hairspray to keep his dumb hair in place – But to everyone else, it seemed that Steve was a pretty big deal. So, you were, it seemed, a legacy, and the rest, as they say, was history. And that very day, you also ended up meeting your future best friend, Chrissy Cunningham, who you would grow to love with all your heart.
Five years had come and gone, and now, you were finally well-established into your senior year, ready to graduate in the spring. And while it was true that your older brother might have facilitated your initial entry into the realm of popularity, you had since etched out a distinctive name for yourself. As your brother moved on to new chapters in his life (namely an underpaid job at family video), your own journey through high school took a markedly different path. In fact, your popularity had continued to ascend, like a rising star in the night sky.
Though the Harrington name may have laid the foundation, you had meticulously built upon it, brick by brick. You had cultivated your own unique persona, and it had become a force to be reckoned with in the hallways of your school. No longer living in the shadow of your brother's glory days, you had emerged as a charismatic figure in your own right.
You had become The Harrington sibling who truly counted, especially after the dramatic showdown between Steve and Billy Hargrove during his own senior year. In the aftermath of that clash, your brother's social standing had taken a considerable hit, with much of his social credit being seized by the mullet-wearing bad-boy. The Harrington name, which had once been associated with Steve's swagger, now conjured images of a radiant, saccharine smile, cheerleading outfits, and a personality as pinky-sweet as bubblegum.
While Chrissy indisputably reigned as the queen of Hawkins High, some believed it was only because you had no desire to claim that throne—a belief rooted in truth as you had no interest of being the queen of anything, especially Hawkins High as beyond Chrissy, you harboured little affection for the other members of the popular clique. Whether it was Jason Carver and his cronies or the remainder of the cheer squad, you couldn't help but find them increasingly vapid.
Nestled at the popular table right in the heart of the bustling cafeteria, always donning Hawkins’ green cheer outfit, a nagging sensation of inauthenticity always clung to you. Hitching deep into your soul, making you feel like the fraud you’ve always believed yourself to be as although your elevated social status had smoothed your journey through high school, ensuring a constant stream of party invitations, a steadfast companion, and even a few favors from teachers who were drawn to your preppy smile and sunny disposition, it all felt like a facade, far removed from your true self.
You’ve always known how deep inside, there were facets of who you really were that you couldn't openly share with anyone but Chrissy. She alone knew of your profound love for fantasy and science fiction novels. Nothing brought you more joy than retreating home to dive headlong into the mystical realms crafted by H.P. Lovecraft or to lose yourself once more in the pages of your well-worn copy of "Frankenstein." Yet, these passions remained concealed beneath the veneer you projected: the princess of Hawkins High, painted in shades of pink, sweet, and deceptively perfect.
The idea of letting those hidden, nerdy passions of yours see the light of day felt like a risky bet, one that could potentially leave you feeling incredibly alone at Hawkins High. The thought of losing friends and having nowhere to sit during lunch was a constant source of worry. You had faith in Chrissy's unwavering support, regardless of your social standing, but you couldn't bear the idea of burdening her. She was just so kind, always forgiving even to those who didn't deserve it, and you didn't want to be the one responsible for pulling her down.
As a result, the decision to keep these aspects of your identity hidden weighed heavily on your heart. It felt like an unspoken loneliness, a sacrifice you were making to preserve the fragile balance of the life you'd carefully constructed in high school. Hawkins High had its own intricate ecosystem, and you were very much a part of it. Your place within that system was delicate, and you couldn't afford to disrupt it, fearing that it might set off a chain reaction that could destabilize everything. You had no intention of being the one to upset the frail high school biome of Hawkins High.
Now, however, your situation was far from ideal as you found yourself sandwiched between Carly and Tina during lunch, and today, they were even more exasperating than usual. There seemed to be some sort of fallout from Tina's last party, something involving a boy, and now the two girls communicated exclusively through snarky remarks, making the tension rise with every snip from either girl. A brewing headache was beginning to claw at your temples as you were waiting for the explosion to erupt sooner rather than later.
What was happening in front of you wasn’t any better as you were given a front-row seat to the somewhat uncomfortable sight of Jason Carver deeply engrossed in a passionate kiss with Chrissy. She appeared to be on the brink of embarrassment, her attempts to gently push Jason away carried out with shy reluctance. "Jason, please," she implored, her manicured hand finding its way to his chest, a plea in her eyes. "Not in front of everyone..."
In response, Jason merely rolled his eyes dismissively. "Come on, baby," he insisted, his voice low and unconcerned. "No one's even paying attention to us."
You couldn't help but scowl, unhappiness etching your delicate features as you watched the uncomfortable display unfold before you. Finally, you couldn't take it any longer. You cleared your throat and loudly exclaimed, "Hey, Chrissy?" All eyes turned to you, and you continued, "Do you think we could slip away from lunch a bit early to go over the routine we've been practicing for the upcoming game? I really want to make sure I've got it down perfectly before tonight's match."
Chrissy's sigh of relief was almost audible, and you could sense her gratitude. In contrast, Jason huffed unhappily, clearly irritated by the interruption. He muttered something about leaving you girls to your conversation before he got up and headed to chat with one of his buddies at the far end of the table.
You and Chrissy shared a quick, wordless girl-to-girl conversation. All the words you needed were conveyed through a bombastic side-eye from you and a subtle nod of your head toward Jason. Chrissy responded with a playful roll of her eyes and a slight shake of her shoulder, silently agreeing with your sentiment.
As your eyes shifted away from Chrissy, they unexpectedly locked onto the deep brown ones of Eddie Munson. Two distinct emotions surged from deep within you. One was a rush of excitement as the warmth of your crush enveloped you, causing your face to flush as red as a ripe apple under his gaze. But in an instant, that crush felt almost crushing when you realized that it wasn't you that Eddie was looking at, but rather Chrissy's high ponytail that had captured his attention.
Eddie and Chrissy. Chrissy and Eddie. ChrissyandEddie. It was an undeniable fact that the guy you had the most enormous crush on happened to be utterly smitten with your best friend. It felt almost tragically comical, if you were being honest with yourself. Throughout high school, countless guys had mustered the courage to ask you out, but you had dismissed them all without a second thought. Football jocks, band nerds, potheads, music fanatics – none of them could hold a candle to Eddie Munson in your eyes.From the very moment you first crossed paths with Eddie during your freshman year, your heart had been irreversibly, completely, and utterly captivated by the charismatic and outspoken boy. You were utterly unprepared for it, not like you were out there seeking Cupid's arrow to pierce your heart. You had simply been an unsuspecting victim of one of its whims, but the exquisite pain that followed was worth it. At least, you hoped so.
Thanks to Eddie's recurring attempts at redoing his senior year and your placement in advanced classes, your worlds intersected more than once. One particularly unforgettable encounter unfolded in Mrs. Allen's math class, where the teacher had a peculiar notion that pairing the class's worst student (Eddie) with its best (you) would somehow work magic. You were left a bit shy and entirely tongue-tied in his presence, but Eddie had an uncanny talent for leaning in close and delivering a barrage of side-splitting, utterly inappropriate observations about Mrs. Allen that left you snorting with laughter. For a glorious three months, Eddie was your math partner in crime, and during that time, you dared to believe that something more could evolve from your interactions. If only you could string together coherent sentences without tripping over your words.
However, as fate would have it, the teacher eventually grew tired of her seating arrangement, deciding it was high time to shake things up. This twist in your high school narrative resulted in you and Eddie being separated, an alteration you weren't particularly thrilled about. The new arrangement effectively put a damper on your burgeoning connection.
It was in the midst of this seating shuffle that Eddie tossed a rather loaded question your way, catching you off guard. "Your friend Chrissy," he began, as you felt yourself shrink under his gaze. "Is she still with that Carver douche?" Your gaze faltered as you met his, a nod escaping your lips as a wave of disappointment surged within you. Inwardly grappling with the sting of unspoken heartache, you found yourself clutching the hem of your cheer skirt almost desperately. Without another word, you retreated to your newly assigned seat, a sense of melancholy lingering like a shadow and bitter disappointment coating your tongue.
Even now, your gaze would involuntarily flicker to Eddie whenever you found yourself in the same room. Often, he'd be engrossed in conversations with his bandmates or his D&D group, leaving you on the outside looking in. It was a conflicting sensation, feeling his presence so near yet so far away. If only you could gather the nerve to strike up a conversation with him, but you hesitated. After all, you were the popular girl, the one who played by the rules, and good girls weren't supposed to mix with people like Eddie, no matter how much you desperately longed for it. Perhaps during math class today, you thought, you might find a plausible excuse to approach him. Maybe something as simple as asking about the homework or...
"And what the hell do you think you're staring at, Freak!?" The sudden hush that swept over the cafeteria was palpable as every head turned toward Jason, who had abandoned your table and was now striding purposefully toward the one where Eddie and his friends were seated. A chill coursed through your veins, causing your face to pale. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the unfolding drama as Eddie rose from his seat. While he appeared outwardly confident, the telltale clenching and unclenching of his hand betrayed the nervousness bubbling beneath the surface. It was clear to you that what he was displaying might just be a facade of bravado.
"Did you dribble that orange ball a few too many times, Carver?" Eddie sarcastically chimed in. His words hung in the air, an open challenge that seemed to stoke the flames of Jason's anger. In a fit of rage, Jason lunged forward, grabbing Eddie by the front of his well-worn jeans jacket. The cafeteria held its breath, anticipation hanging heavy in.
 A gasp escaped your lips, a sharp, involuntary intake of breath as the dramatic confrontation unfolded before your eyes. Abruptly, you shot up from your seat, causing Chrissy to turn around in surprise. She sent you an uncertain look as you started to stride toward the two boys. It was as if you were possessed by a force stronger than yourself, you couldn’t let whatever was happening continue – you had to do something!
"Don't try to bullshit me, freak!" Jason's voice reverberated through the cafeteria, anger and scorn dripping from his words. "I saw you looking at Chrissy. You think you can just lay your eyes on her, you freak? She isn't yours; you're nothing but trailer trash! Don't you ever dare to look at her again, alright? Or I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!" Jason was so close to Eddie's face that his spittle sprayed across the other boy's features. He shoved Eddie backward, and it was at that moment, as you were making your way between the mass of students that had clustered around Jason and Eddie that you felt a surge of red-hot anger like nothing you had ever felt before.
"Do I make myself clear, freak?" Jason continued, his voice dripping with malice. "Or do I need to send my boys to deal with you and your pathetic group of losers?" Eddie looked incensed, but he cowered under Jason's menacing threat.
"I...wasn't...looking," Eddie enunciated each word through gritted teeth, avoiding Jason's eyes. Jason burst into fake laughter, glancing around at the onlookers.
"Does the freak have a crush?" he taunted, his voice cruel and derisive. "That's hilarious. You honestly think you'd have a chance with Chrissy? Be realistic, freak. What is it now, twice repeating your senior year?" Eddie's face turned a deep shade of pink, shame washing over him as Jason's taunts struck at his insecurities. His shoulders sagged with each insult, and he struggled to maintain his composure.
"Everyone knows anyway that the only way a freak like you could ever get close to a girl is when you and your little cult of Satan practice some sacrifices," Jason continued, his words laced with venom. "I'm even surprised they let people like you in here. Everyone knows what kind of trash your dad was, it ain't surprising that the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree…”
You pushed your way through the crowd, determination propelling you forward. Without a second thought, you strode purposefully toward the back of Jason. Eddie's surprised gaze locked onto you as you confidently approached them.
You extended your arm and lightly tapped Jason on the shoulder, effectively cutting off his rant mid-sentence. The abruptness of your action prompted Jason to whirl around to face you, his typically handsome features now contorted into a repulsive mask of anger. It was a stark contrast to the carefully cultivated "cool-guy" image he often projected. But deep down, you knew this enraged countenance was his true face, hidden behind the facade. In fight or flight mode, you recalled your brother Steve's advice about fighting, which you had stored away in your memory, "Sis," Steve's voice echoed in your mind, "when you throw a punch, put your entire body behind it."
And that's precisely what you did. With every ounce of your body weight, you thrust your fist forward directly into Jason's face. The cafeteria was filled with a sharp crack, echoing through the room, followed by a collective gasp from everyone present. An eerie silence descended upon the cafeteria.
Jason lay sprawled on the floor, a violent stream of blood gushing from his nose, while you clutched your hand close to your chest. Tears welled up at the corners of your eyes. No one had ever warned you that hitting someone would hurt like an absolute nightmare! It ] wasn’t like that in the movies!
Your gaze landed on Eddie, and you noticed a peculiar expression take over the young metalhead’s face –  His brown gaze held something unfamiliar, a look you had never seen throughout the time you had been admiring him from afar. I was as though he were seeing you – like he was attempting to decipher the mechanics of your very being. It caught you off guard, this intensity in his stare, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.
“YOU BITCH! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!” Jason roared from his sprawled position on the ground.
Reluctantly tearing your gaze away from Eddie, you redirected it toward the fallen boy who cut a rather pathetic figure at your feet. Curling your lip in disdain, you adopted your most haughty tone and huffed, "You, Jason Carver, are the problem here!"
Jason, still sprawled on the floor with a nosebleed, glared up at you, his anger palpable, "You little—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off with a stern gesture. "Save it, Jason. You had this coming."
A stunned silence blanketed the cafeteria, every eye fixed on the unfolding confrontation. It was as if time had frozen, and the entire room held its breath in rapt attention as Hawkins' princess unleashed her verbal assault on the school's reigning king.
In that moment, you felt like you had the entire cafeteria in a chokehold, and you were determined not to let this opportunity slip away, not after what Jason had put Eddie through. Gathering your resolve, you continued, your voice dripping with disdain, "Do you honestly believe you can bully and belittle people just because they don't conform to your narrow definition of 'normal'? Well, I've had enough of your toxic attitude! You, my dear Jason, are the most insufferable idiot I've ever had the displeasure of encountering in my entire life! And I am done catering to whatever you and your dumb friends say!”
Jason struggled to get up, wiping the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. Turning back to Jason, you crossed your arms and delivered your final message with authority. "Consider this a warning, Jason. Mess with Eddie or anyone else again, and you'll have me to answer to."
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Principal Higgins' thunderous voice pierced through the otherwise eerily silent cafeteria. In an instant, your confidence evaporated, leaving you feeling pale and exposed. You were caught off guard, unable to process what to do or say.
Before you could even react, a familiar, warm hand firmly grabbed yours, yanking you along as they sprinted in the opposite direction, forcefully pushing people out of the way. It was a grip you knew well, and you didn't hesitate to follow Eddie as he practically dragged you toward the exit of the cafeteria.
The scene you left behind was nothing short of chaotic. The entire school stood in a collective stupor, mouths agape in disbelief. Jason Carver, his face an alarming shade of red, appeared on the brink of an aneurysm as he struggled to regain his composure. Principal Higgins, in his authoritative fury, barked orders at the bewildered students, demanding answers and an immediate end to the commotion.
As you reached the exit and the clamor of the cafeteria began to fade, you couldn't help but let out a giggle of exhilaration. Eddie continued to lead you, now behind the school building and into the dense woods that bordered the campus. The farther you ventured into the secluded forest, the more you appreciated the sudden escape from the madness. Eventually, Eddie brought you to a worn-out picnic table, the wood weathered by years of exposure to the elements. Eddie finally managed to catch his breath. He exhaled heavily and asked, "What the hell... hfff... was that?!"
You leaned against the picnic table, still catching your own breath, and grinned at Eddie. "That, Eddie, was me finally giving Jason Carver a taste of his own medicine. That douchebag had it coming!"
Eddie let out a loud surprised laugh while still trying to catch his breath, his eyes still wide from the unexpected turn of events. "Well, I've gotta say, sweetheart, that was quite the show back there. You really let him have it, you got a mean hook princess." A warm flush of pride swept over you as you soaked in Eddie's praises. How long had you waited to hear him say something like that—to acknowledge you and gaze at you as if you were the most wonderful girl in the world? It was a feeling you had been yearning for so long, and if you were to die right now, you would die happy!
Eddie's warm, chocolate-coloured gaze landed on you, and it felt as though it softly swept over every inch of your being. He spoke, his voice filled with curiosity, "I don't think anyone was expecting Hawkins' princess to come to the defence of the 'freak.' You know they won't let you forget this, right? Why would you risk all that for little old me, Harrington?"
You let out a sigh, the weight of his inquisitive gaze pressing on you. As you closed your eyes briefly, you grappled with the emotions that had been swirling within you since the first time you had laid eyes on Eddie. A small smile crept onto your lips as you slowly opened your eyes, fixing them on the boy of your dreams. "You're worth it, Munson."
Eddie drew in a sharp breath, taking three steps closer to you. His large, warm hands, bearing tiny scars from playing the guitar, gently swept across your cheeks as he gazed intently into your eyes. "Do you mean that, Harrington? Because there's no going back if I kiss you right now—it's you and me, the princess and the 'freak.' You won’t climb back from that fall.”
You glanced at your right hand, the knuckles scraped and the skin raw, with a slight swelling on your wrist. "I think it's a little too late for that anyway," you sheepishly admitted. Eddie smiled warmly, his eyes filled with admiration, before gently taking your hand in his two larger ones. He slowly brought your bruised knuckles to his mouth, planting a soft kiss on each of them, causing your breath to hitch.
"Who knew that the princess of Hawkins High was Indiana’s future boxing champion," Eddie softly joked, his voice laced with affection. "I just feel bad for this pretty, soft hand – all bruised and battered to protect me, like the prettiest knight in pink armor coming to my rescue." You couldn't help but swoon at his words as Eddie continued to softly kiss your hand, his gaze slowly lifting to meet yours, his eyes filled with… Love? Tenderness? A girl could dream.
A warm smile curved across Eddie's lips, and he leaned in, capturing your mouth with his in a searing kiss. As you both savored each other, Eddie's hand slowly wrapped around the base of your neck, holding you close to him. As you were trying not to faint from the sheer pleasure this moment was bringing you, a flash of remembrance rushed through you, snapping you back from your trance and causing you to break the kiss and catch your breath. You whispered softly against Eddie's lips, "What about Chrissy?"
Eddie nuzzled your face with his nose, his lips brushing lightly against your skin. "What about her?" he retorted playfully. "I mean... I thought... I thought you had a thing for her," you admitted meekly.
Eddie smirked against your cheek. "If I did, I wouldn't be kissing you right now, right?" His voice held a teasing edge as he continued to shower your neck with tender kisses.
You closed your eyes, feeling a mix of contradicting emotions – wanting to keep going to feel more of him, wishing him to stop playing with your heart because you weren’t sure you could take it anymore. "I mean it, Eddie... I don't want to be your second choice."
Eddie stopped his ministrations and returned to your face, holding your gaze with his. "You were always my first choice, Eddie," you confessed, tears gathering at the corner of your eyes. "And I don't think I could handle being your backup plan."
Eddie's whispers were tender as he wiped away the tears that had begun to roll down your cheeks. "Nononono, sweetheart. Don't cry, please," he implored softly. "You were always my first choice." His words held a reassuring sincerity that began to soothe your racing heart. But you wouldn’t be so easily swayed, as much as you loathed Jason Carver, you had witnessed first hand how Eddie seemed enraptured with Chrissy.
You huffed in disbelief, but Eddie insisted, urging you to meet his gaze. "No, it's true. Hey, look at me," he gently encouraged. "I never thought I would ever have a chance with a girl like you. You know, you're like my dream girl, right?" You gave him an uncertain look, still wrestling with your doubts. "You always stare at Chrissy, though. And you did ask me if she was still with Jason, remember?"
Eddie released your cheeks and took a step back, embarrassment tinging his cheeks as he used a piece of his shaggy hair to shield himself from you. "I wasn't looking at Chrissy. You're always with Chrissy, so I was looking at you," he admitted, his voice tinged with shyness. "And I only asked you that because I panicked. I was going to ask you out, but the guys had been teasing me for weeks, telling me I was too much of a coward to do it. I guess they were right because I chickened out."
As Eddie continued, his embarrassment grew, and he took another step back. He held the piece of hair in front of his face, as if to hide himself from you. "I've actually had a crush on you since last year," he confessed, his words shocking you.
"Are you joking?!" you blurted out, astonished.
He shook his head, his warm brown eyes holding your gaze. "Not at all, princess," he began with a soft smile. "It was last year. You were on your way back from cheer practice, and you were in a hurry, holding a huge backpack. It happened so fast that you didn't even realize a book had fallen out."
His eyes sparkled as he continued, his tone becoming more animated. "I saw it lying there, and curiosity got the best of me – I picked it up, and to my surprise, it was a copy of 'The Hobbit.’” He grinned as if sharing a secret. "I was planning to return it to you, honestly, but then, when I opened it, I saw that there was a bunch of notes in the margins." Eddie started grinning even more as he continued “All there in the margins, notes, thoughts, musings. It was like reading your mind with every turn of the page. Your insights, your emotions, your laughter, and even your frustrations were all there in the margins. I knew I had stumbled upon the most precious treasure in the universe – it was a private window into you."
Your breath hitched at his words, and as Eddie spoke, you felt a warmth spreading through you, "It felt like we were close," Eddie continued, his gaze never leaving yours. "I couldn't put the book down. It was like having a conversation with you, even when you weren't around. I realized how much we had in common, how you saw the world, and it fascinated me.”
The thought that Eddie had held onto that copy of 'The Hobbit,' with your notes and thoughts, all this time was both surprising and heartwarming. Damn, he was perfect.
"Fuck, I sound so creepy," Eddie confessed, breaking your reverie. He scratched the back of his head, looking sheepish.
But you weren’t creeped out, far from it. For the first time in your life, you felt completely understood by someone – inside and out. "No, Eddie," you whispered softly, your heart swelling with love. "You don't sound creepy at all. You sound... perfect." A sweet cocky grin got etched on Eddie’s lips “Perfect, eh?”
Getting overwhelmed by his stare, you tried to play it cool and diverted his question by teasingly asking, "So you’ve had a big fat crush on me for a while, right?"
Eddie chuckled, taking a step closer to you, his gaze locked on yours. "Don't get too high and mighty, princess," he said with a warm smile, his voice laced with adoration. "From the looks of it, you've got a pretty big crush on little old me too…"
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you let out a soft giggle, feeling a delightful warmth in the pit of your stomach. "I can neither confirm nor deny that," you replied in a sing-song voice, your eyes never leaving his.
Eddie's smile deepened, his gaze filled with affection. With a tender touch, he placed his hands on your waist, and before you knew it, he had spun you around. You couldn't help but let out a joyful squeak as you twirled together in a sweet, romantic dance. As he gently lowered you back to the ground, his strong arms remained securely wrapped around your back, pulling you close.
In that intimate moment, it felt as though the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you entwined in each other's embrace. Your breaths synchronized, and you lost yourselves in each other's eyes, the unspoken promise of a beautiful future passing between you.
"Hey, Eddie," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath but filled with affection and longing.
Eddie's gaze softened even more, his eyes filled with tenderness as he held you close. "Yeah, princess?"
With a radiant smile, you leaned in closer to him, your heart singing with love. "I've got a big fat crush on you too."
A soft, contented sigh escaped Eddie's lips, and he held you even tighter as if he never wanted to let you go. "Good." And without another word, he pressed his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. Nothing ever tasted sweeter.
“You gonna be alright sitting with the freaks now?” “As long as I sit with you Eddie, I could not care less.”
The fallen princess and the freak," you thought contentedly, "that has the ringing of a love story for the ages.” And all it took was that punch you threw at Jason Carver's face for you and Eddie to find your way to each other.
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artiststarme · 1 year
From Alibi to Reality
A little something different, I hope you guys like it! Title brought to you by @nburkhardt. Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve knew he was going to act as Eddie’s beard for the cops and the town. That was a no-brainer, it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. He discussed it with Hopper, the kids, and Robin. Everyone determined that the shock factor of Steve “The Hair” Harrington dating the town freak was the only thing that was going to change Powell’s mind and make him drop the charges. The thing no one could agree on was how to broach the subject. 
Dustin thought that telling the police directly would be the best way, Robin thought they should build up to the declaration, and Nancy thought it was a stupid idea because no one would believe that lady-killer Steve Harrington was into a guy (little did she know). Regardless, all of his friends thought talking was the best course to take. 
But Steve was a man of action, not words. All of the Party’s plans involved discussing their “relationship” like civilized adults. The problem was though, they weren’t talking to civilized adults. They were talking to his brother, a known dumbass, and the new Chief of Police that wanted to hunt down a bunch of kids because Jason fucking Carver told him to. 
So he was going to handle this the way he handled every shitty situation thrown his way. He was going to wing it. It had worked for him thus far and it hadn’t failed him yet. So, for the rest of the Party’s meeting, Steve zoned out. He thought about how fucked he was going to be when his parents found out about this, how much shit he’d have to take from the rest of the town, and how ostracised he’d be. But it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. 
Eddie had jumped into the lake after him and saved his life before protecting Dustin from demobats. He was a part of the Party now and Steve would do anything to protect the Party. So, he was fine with ruining his reputation and probably being disowned by his parents for  tainting the Harrington name. As long as Eddie was okay in the end, nothing else mattered. 
They neglected to tell Eddie the plan. He hadn’t seen any of the Party members since the police realized he was being treated at the hospital and barred anyone from seeing him until they questioned him. He was just minding his own business, ignoring the two doofus cops trying to question him, and looking forward to whatever the Party came up with to clear his name. Eddie wasn’t sure if whatever their plan was was going to work or even if they meant what they’d said. However, he had hope. Mostly because the only other option would be joining his dad in a cell for murders he didn’t even commit. 
That’s when it happened. Steve stormed into his hospital room with a flourish, slamming the door against the wall and scaring the two cops. 
Eddie watched as the tall one’s eyes narrowed, “Steve, you better have a good explanation for this one-“
He didn’t pay attention to what else was said. One minute, he was looking at an angry Harrington walking into his room and the next, said Harrington was kissing him. On the lips! 
Mother of fuck, Eddie had died and gone to heaven because all of his dreams were coming true. He didn’t know what Steve was playing at but Eddie wasn’t complaining. He just slipped his eyes closed and kissed him back with equal fervor.
He was pulled from their passionate kissing by a loud, “Son of a bitch, Steve! The murderer?! What the fuck? I thought your taste was bad when you were dating the priss but now this? Jesus Fuck, bro!”
“Officer Callahan, please maintain your composure.”
“My composure?!” His voice was shrill as he shrieked in his own defense. “Powell, my brother is macking on fucking Munson! What the fuck? How am I supposed to maintain my composure?!”
Eddie pulled away from Steve, “your brother is Officer Callahan?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did that not come up when you were defiling my baby brother?!” Callahan yelled at him, waving his hands in the air maniacally. 
“No, actually. It didn’t,” Eddie told him. 
Callahan let out a sound of frustration before pointing at Steve, letting out another frustrated noise, and stalking out. Steve and Eddie turned to Powell who just looked tired. 
“I assume this is why you wouldn’t tell us your alibi for the night of the murder, Munson?” He sighed. 
“That’s right, there was no way in hell I was going to out my boyfriend. Apparently he does it himself though,” Eddie gave Steve the side eye. Why had he chosen to do this? He’d known the guy for like two weeks and he was just throwing his life away to protect Eddie. What the hell?
Powell turned to Steve, “is that true? Mr. Munson was with you the night that Chrissy Cunningham was murdered?”
“That’s right. We were watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Alien before going to bed. He stayed the whole night laying in bed next to me, there’s no way he could’ve murdered anybody,” Steve nodded. 
Powell just shook his head at them, “fine, Munson. I’m clearing you but don’t leave town.” 
“I won’t sir, thank you for doing your due diligence. It was at my expense but still, thanks,” Eddie said sarcastically. 
He shot them one last disbelieving look before following his partner. Then all that was left was Eddie and Steve. 
Eddie whipped his head around to Steve. “Now what the hell was that?!”
“Hey! Don’t talk to your boyfriend that way!”
“Seriously Steve-”
“Eddie, I swear to god if you don’t kiss me again in the next twenty seconds, I’ll go get Powell and tell him I changed my mind,” Steve threatened him with narrowed eyes. 
How was Eddie supposed to refuse him after that?
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arrowhawkart · 1 month
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Alright what's up everyone! If you do not follow my personal blog fair warning: I have become very suddenly obsessed with Dragon Age and have been playing thru the games for the first time ever- so expect the next chunk of art from me to be very Dragon Age-centric
So Anyways here's Cedric Hawke, the fun little guy I made for my DA2 playthrough and became incredibly attached to much faster than I expected.
More incoherent rambles and thoughts on my Hawke under the cut- it's very stream of consciousness under there and also very very long you've been warned
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Just like.... wow.... okay so I've now played through Inquisition and finished Trespasser and I've gotta say DA2 really took the cake for me, like by far my favorite of the 3. (Like please don't get me wrong it absolutely had it's issues I'm not saying it was a perfect game or that all the writing choices were amazing) But I just really enjoyed the smaller more personal scale of the conflicts in DA2, I liked that Hawke was even more Just Some Guy, and like yeah the Warden and the Inquisitor aren't like special chosen ones or anything, but they are both tasked with these gigantic world-saving country-spanning quests, and Hawke? Hawke is just a guy trying to do right by his family. Like he doesn't have any world saving mission. He is just trying to Get By and that really made this game hit home more for me than the other two.
I said I was gonna ramble about my Hawke and I just ended up rambling about DA2 itself... whoops. ANYWAYS- Cedric- My Boy Cedric- I recognize that a purple mage Hawke is the most common route people go and I am by no means unique or original, but this game series is very new to me, personally, and I'm having fun anyways. (From here on out I will be talking about my Custom Hawke and not like, Hawke the player character in general)
And gosh I'm such a sucker for complicated and messy family dynamics, and DA2 does that so well. Like the Hawke family is Fucked Up. Bethany gets killed by that ogre while they're fleeing Lothering when she tries to save their mom from said ogre, and Leandra immediately turns and blames Cedric for Bethany's death- and then later in Act 1, Carver, best baby brother Carver, also throws Bethany's death in his face while they're having their own stupid argument which started because Cedric was trying to cheer Carver up and boy did that fail dramatically.
Like Cedric is witty and charming and sarcastic and kind of an asshole sometimes, and comes of as incredibly over confident and cocksure and that's because he's very much been shoved into the role of 'okay you've gotta take care of everything and if you don't everything bad is Your Fault, and since you're in charge of taking care of everything, everything bad is automatically Your Fault No Matter What Anyways.' So he's gotta playact like he has everything all together and under control, because what the fuck is his family gonna do if he doesn't? And underneath all of that he's an incredibly stressed out guy, who does not feel like he can ever let on that he's stressed and making everything up as he goes and just hoping that things work out well.
And like he tries to do the right thing- by god does this man try. He brings Carver with him on the deep roads mission because he and Carver work well together! Carver wants to go! He loves his little brother, there is no one he would rather have by his side than his little brother! There is no one he trusts more than Carver to have his back! Carver and Cedric are incredibly close. Like Carver is the one person who actually recognizes that the way Leandra projects all of her own issues onto them, but like mostly Cedric, is really shitty! He acknowledges that after apologizing for his part in the argument I mentioned above. And then of course Carver ends up getting the Blight during the deep roads mission, because nothing can every go right for them. Thankfully Cedric brought Anders along, so Carver is able to become a Grey Warden instead of DYING, but he has to leave, and Cedric doesn't even find out whether or not Carver survived his joining for months. And of course Leandra blames Cedric for this, she begged him not to bring Carver along with him, and he did anyways and now she's never going to see her youngest son again and it's all Cedric's fault. And that's how Act 1 ends and I just.... Auaghghghghhhh-
And then we've got Act 2, and like mid-way through Act 2 is probably the high point for Cedric. Things peak for him here and then it's all one big snowball downhill from there. So like, Cedric romanced Fenris, because this man is addicted to difficulty, and of course was going to immediately be infatuated with the guy that makes hating mages half his personality. (I mean it wasn't immediate, it was more of a slow build, mutual-trust, to friendship, to lovers thing, especially considering three years pass between Acts 1 and 2) And yeah, Cedric doesn't hide the fact that he's very into Fenris, and Fenris definitely hasn't seemed opposed to this. So after Fenris kills Hadriana and then they get together for one night- Cedric is like, riding the high of what was probably the first positive physical affection he's gotten since Carver let for the Grey Wardens three years ago. And then of course the following morning Fenris immediately breaks things off with Cedric, so what Cedric thought was going to be the start to a romantic relationship, just ends up being an ill-fated one night stand. And like! Cedric does not begrudge Fenris this! He completely understands Fenris's reasons, he is not upset with Fenris at all! He is still just completely crushed though. So yeah, things peaked for Cedric for like one very short night and then start speeding downhill. Because not long after that is when his mom is killed by a fucking serial killer. As if things weren't already fucked enough for Cedric, already having lost his twin younger siblings.
Also side note- I love the fact that DA2 is portrayed as Varric telling the story of Hawke's life to Cassandra, and that we know Varric is an unreliable narrator. Because like Leandra's last words to Hawke being that she's so proud of her strong boy- at least with how Cedric's relationship was with Leandra up to this point- felt so so out of character for Leandra, and I love the headcanon that that's Varric giving his bestie some closure narratively that he never actually got in reality. So like that's canon for Cedric. Because that was Leandra's decapitated head frankensteined onto another woman's body- and magicked into a reanimated corpse that absolutely did not seem like it had any conscious thought- like she was already dead before Cedric showed up. There were no final words. There was no nice narratively satisfying ending to that one. And I like it better that way tbh........
We're just gonna like skip over the whole qunari invasion subplot because I am. Not a fan of how that was handled. Writing wise. Like what the fuck was that. Like I have THOUGHTS about it but they're not gonna go on tumblr. Anyways. Moving on.
Champion of Kirkwall! Yay! Meredith knows he's an apostate mage and is just Waiting for any half-decent excuse to either bring him to the circle, make him tranquil, or kill him? Not yay! Cedric is absolutely good friends with Anders, and has been helping with the mage underground every chance he has. People in the city have been whispering about making him of all people Viscount and he has no idea how to feel about that, like he'd rather not, but who else is gonna do it? And who else would do it and actually give a shit about mages and elves and just like lower class people in general? Like this incredibly stressed out guy does not need more added to his plate, he really doesn't. But he's definitely thinking about it. I mean hey! It's not like he's got any family around to take care of at this point right? Why not just take that eldest daughter syndrome thing he's got going on and use it to fix the city?
The one bright spot for him here is that hey, at least he and Fenris get back together. That one's nice. They both deserve something positive and comforting after all the shit they've been through.
And then Meredith is trying to invoke the right of annulment and Anders blows up the fucking Chantry. And Cedric can't even blame him for it. After 6 or 7 years of painstakingly working to try to find peaceful ways to improve the lives of mages and getting blocked at every turn, with the knowledge that Meredith has been getting worse and worse and worse, and has been actively looking for any excuse to invoke the right of annulment and just kill every single mage in Kirkwall? And Grand Cleric Elthina has been absolutely no help, and has absolutely been subtly on Meredith's side the entire time. Like at a certain point, violence really does feel like the only option left. When you've been backed this far into a corner.
So obviously Cedric takes the side of the mages, doesn't kill Anders, is honestly like 'my dude, my buddy, my guy, my best pal(aside from Varric, and my boyfriend Fenris) why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you on purpose.' He's elated when Carver shows up during that final push to the Gallows, like the whole situation is absolutely shit, and it'd definitely be better if his beloved brother was no where near danger, but he's a Grey Warden now so that's not even an option anyways. So it's just nice to have him around even during such an intensely stressful moment. Honestly everything is so unbelievably fucked at this point that Cedric isn't even stressed anymore. Like things literally cannot get worse. He's kind of riding the high of things not being able to get worse. Or maybe that's just adrenaline. Who knows. Aveline and Sebastian both leave, Cedric is unbothered. Doesn't even try to convince Aveline to side with him later either, like he's never really gotten along with her, and he did not like how she treated Carver. Fenris and everyone else stick around, and that's what matters to Cedric, like all the people he was actually close friends with stick with him in this moment (Fenris, Varric, Isabella, Merrill, Anders, & Carver)
And then yeah, they save the mages, defeat Meredith, leave Kirkwall with the renegade mages. Everyone goes their separate ways due to one reason or another, except Fenris. At least Cedric does get to keep one positive close relationship around.
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vigilskeep · 11 months
More Leandra defense because the anon you got the other day got me thinking and I think a lot of the fandom acts like she's malicious in situations where she's genuinely just being a flawed human who wants the best for her kids and sometimes falls short
While it can be argued that Hawke having to take care of their family after Malcolm dying wasn't fair to them (and in my opinion it wasn't, but I personally view it more as the result of bad circumstances than individual fault), it's not like Leandra just sat back and went "I'm going to put pressure on my oldest because I don't feel like doing anything". She was depressed! Her life was falling apart! That's not her fault, and it makes sense for Hawke to blame her, but there's a difference between a character being mad and the player being mad, you know?
I also think there's this really bad faith reading about her just wanting the estate back and to be noble again to reclaim some lost glory, and that's not at all how I interpreted the situation. To me it always came across as her trying to provide for her kids (possibly to make up for not being able to before) in the only way she knows how. She doesn't want them to feel out of place (and again, Carver's feelings are valid but they're also feelings and he's not a mind reader), she wants them to be safe and cared for
Sorry for the long rant, it's just rare to come across other people who think of Leandra as a person with thoughts and feelings and opinions and not some malicious force trying to ruin Hawke's life
yeah this is super true. of course it wasn’t fair some of the things she said to hawke and the responsibility placed on them, but as someone who deals with depression & whose family members deal with depression, i find it quite uh startling that people are so quick to act like it’s leandra’s fault she’s clearly prone to an illness that she suffers from after a) the death of the love of her life, her husband and partner who she had relied on to build a life with, and b) the death of her child and being forcibly displaced from her home for the second time in her life. i also think that, while there’s definitely implications that there was a fair bit of pressure on hawke as a kid, it’s a little funny to act like hawke grew up as a sole parent in a wet cardboard box with their baby siblings all alone as if malcolm wasn’t fully alive until hawke was 22. and to me it’s very harsh to act like anything prior to that was not also malcolm’s responsibility?? he seems to get away scot free lmao
yeah the estate issue isn’t uncomplicated but like what is wrong with her actual goal here. sorry a woman who was forced to leave for 26 years wants to go home?? sorry it upsets her to see her children forced to do either illegal smuggling or mercenary work. sorry she doesn’t want to live in a dangerous neighbourhood in a small space with her brother who’s constantly mad at her for something that wasn’t her fault. how abnormal of her??? sure the game is a little harsh on gamlen and she is somewhat entitled about the idea of rent and so on, but she doesn’t even hold what gamlen did against him when he literally hid from her that their parents forgave her on their deathbeds in order to avoid consequences for stealing from her
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Eddie gets jealous because of your ex-boyfriend
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Eddie and you decided to go to your place to hang out after you finished school for the day.
You were in your bedroom, Eddie was on your laptop watching YouTube videos, while you were laying on your bed, watching tiktok videos and doing nothing.
"Babe, can I borrow a t-shirt from you? I accidentally spilled water on myself" He turned the chair so he faced you." Sure, there's one of your Hellfire t-shirts in my closet." He stood up and opened the closet.
You noticed after a while that he is still looking for the shirt. " Eddie, I don't have a lot of shirts with the Hellfire logo on them, what's taking you so long? "
he didn't respond .
You got up and walked to the closet, "Eddie? What are you doing- Hey,hey,hey, don't make a mess here!" He was sitting on the floor, looking through your old stuff from junior high school. " Y/n, you used to do well in math, what happened since then? " He laughed holding one of your old math exam that you had kept. " Oh, shut up, at least I'm only going to graduate school once in my life and not twice, unlike someone I know. " "Sensitive topic, baby" he remarked as he threw his Hellfire shirt on you, and you laughed. You sat down next to him and joined him, exploring your old box of memories together.
" Take a look at this small photo album I made " He took the album from your hand and looked at the pictures inside.
" Is that Steve in the picture? Wow, I forgot you guys know each other for so long" he said. " Yeah, he was like a big brother and he still is, I think that was before we all became friends, right? " You tried to remember when you and your friends first became a group like you are now days. like, when did Eddie and Robin start hanging out with us and when we introduced them to the kids… until Eddie cuts your thoughts off. " Y/n… is that… Patrick? " he asked, pointing to the photo he was staring at, it was a picture of you and Patrick hugging. " eh.. yeah, as you can see.. " he looked at you confused. " Why on earth would you hug him? Were you friends back then? Well, that's a bit funny and..weird " he chuckled.
You scratched your head, starting to feel a little weird since you could see where this conversation was going. " Well, more like a couple... we were dating for a little while "
He stared at me, then back to the photo, then back at me again, oh God.. " what…Eddie why are you- " you were cut off by his laughter?
" what is so funny? " you took the photo out of his hands " Y/n baby, you two were dating? in what world ? " He looked at you while pretending that he's wiping away tears from his eyes from laughing. " Eddie, we really dated, I honestly expected you to react differently, but I'm not complaining." He stopped laughing and took the picture from your hand once again " what? are you serious? Y/n- him? out of all the guys in school you dated him? " He got upset, and I understand why. Patrick is one of Jason's friends, and they never really liked Eddie or the Hellfire guys, you know, a typical rich popular kids story is going on here, unfortunately. " Eddie, we weren't even friends when I was dating him, we broke up after I realized that he's not the best person in the world... he even told to me that he wouldn't do anything to anyone but... he's going after Jason like an idiot, just like Angela and her friends." He sighed " Why, you would prefer that I would've dated Jason instead? " You tried to make him laugh, but you just felt like you should stay quiet . " Yeah, that's exactly what I need to hear, my girl used to date Jason Carver, I already prefer Patrick " he laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling " Well, in this case, I prefer you " you said it teasingly. He continued to stare at the ceiling, but you could tell that he was trying not to smile because of your comment. you rest your head on his chest and look up at him.
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( -> https://www.tonywodarck.com/blog/2019/1/16/kevin-amp-britney-rainy-day-in-home-session Hopfully it's okay that I'm using this photo ) " Poor thing, jealous of a guy I was dating in 9th grade for almost five months, do you need a hug? " he looks down at you, and you both laugh " okay, whatever you say, and I'm not damn jealous, he is the one who should be jealous, Why did he even break up with you? Is he stupid? " -" It sounds like you want us to get back together " he hit your head slightly - " And who said that he broke up from me, huh? I broke up from him, and also Steve didn't like him " " good for you and for Steve, great decision, proud of you " he said a bit sarcastically. You sat down and offered him your hand , he looked at your hand confusingly " what..? " he asked quietly " give me a high five " you said, and he actually high fived you " omg not really, come on get up you idiot " He took my hand in his, sat with his knees crossed, and looked at me. " Eddie, I want it to be clear, I love you and only you, okay? exes are from the past. I don't ask about your exes because I don't really care, well yeah maybe I asked about .. you know, so we are tie, but anyways, I know that you love me " he looked down " I know love, I know, I feel so dumb right now..sorry " - " you don't need to apologize, I kept this photo as a small memory of that time, not just because of him, sorry for makinf you feel like that ", he looked at you " it's fine, you don't need to explain it, that's your stuff, you do whatever you want, I'm sorry babe " you gave him his hellfire shirt " stop apologizing and change your shirt already " he takes the shirt "geez I forgot about the shirt" he took his shirt off and change it to the hellfire one "that was a nice view for a few seconds" you winked " Oh yes? Want to see the view again? " he said, not been serious at all " Don't get too carried away sweetie " you laugh.
You both spent the next hour going through your old stuff while listening to music.
Wow, look at what I found, "Y/n's secret diary" aww he opened the diary "Belongs to Y/n, 7th grade, please don't read, this is private" Mmm sounds interesting
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- Yeah okay, now give it back to me I'm not giving it back to you - No, you are going give it back to me right now, Eddie! He raised his hand high that you had to jump to try to take it from him. I have the right to know who you had a crush on in seventh grade. - I can tell you that myself, it was Michael Levi okay, I was madly in love with him, I wrote about him almost every day in this diary... So, what do you care if I read a little bit? He flipped through a few pages in the diary until he found something " Dear diary, today I got just an 88 in math " He closed the diary and looked at you Wow, you got only an 88 in math? what a difficult childhood, my poor thing, are you okay? You giggled from embarrassment as he drew your head closer to his, and he hugged you. " how did you handle this at this young age babe? " - Don't laugh at me, it's a "sensitive topic" You both laughed.
I hope that you enjoyed! yeah, it's not my best, I did'nt know how to end this, but I like the bonus part lol
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skyfallslayer · 8 months
The Black & White Lie || Chapter One
-Modern Day!Eddie Munson x Wheeler!Reader-
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Series Masterlist
🦋Summary: Ah, College. A time where you can finally spread your wings and enjoy a little bit of freedom. And you’re even spending it with your best friend, Jonathan. You shouldn’t get too lonely… right?
🦋Pairings: Slow burn! Eddie Munson x Wheeler!Reader; (Past) Jason Carver x Reader; Platonic! Jonathan Byers x Reader; Jonathan x Nancy
🦋Rating: Teen
🦋Word Count: 3,248
🦋Date: 2/18/24
🦋Warnings: Brief mention of underage drinking; Brief talks of sex - of losing virginity; Slight Reference to a panic attack. Read At Your Own Risk!
🦋 A/N: If you recognized the summary for this story, this is actually inspired by the movie 'Son-In-Law'. When I watched for the first time the other day, for some reason the love interest reminded me of Eddie a lot and- *Ding*Ding*! Lightbulb moment! And then before you know it, every idea came flooding in and then this was born. Hopefully it turns out like it did in my head. Lol. Enjoy!
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In a small rural town in Hawkins, Indiana, is where this strange adventure begins. Born 18 years ago is our main protagonist of the story, Y/N Wheeler. Y/N grew up with a loving family that owns a farm, consisting of her twin sister, Nancy, her younger brother, Mike, and baby sister, Holly; and of course her parents. 
When she wasn’t helping out on her parents’ farm, Y/N was the typical “all american” girl. She dawns lovely clothes, is mindful and full of manners, a cheer captain and top of her classes throughout the school years and earned many straight A’s that steered her in the right direction for a bright future and career. Which leads to her very big day…
Now here you are, dressed in hunter green silk and caps, the seniors waited around on the bleachers of the basketball court, diplomas in hand as they listened to their principal speak from his heart, telling them that he was very proud that you made it this far. When he finishes everyone claps and soon the spotlight falls upon you as the class valedictorian. 
You stood up as your name was called, hearing everyone applaud and your family cheer from you in the stands; You even heard your boyfriend, Jason, shouting your name. You step up to the podium with a smile, proceeding to recite the speech that you’ve replayed thousands of times.
“Today, I would like to talk about change. It’s all around us.” You feel your family’s eyes on you as you begin. “Change. It happens whether we want it or not. Change. Are we ready for it? I think so. We are poised and prepared for the future, ready to embrace new people, places and ideas. In short, we are ready for the challenge of life. Lady and Gentleman, take a good look at us. We are the future. We are the Hawkins Tigers. Here us roar! We did it!”
“I give you the class of 20XX!” Your principal sent just as everyone sent their caps into the air while jumping with joy.
“We fucking did.” Your twin, Nancy, said once everyone was settled down into their friend’s house for the party. She passes you a drink and gives you a wink to silently tell you this was a… special fruit punch.
You laugh quietly. “Thank you Mr. Hopper.” You smile and take a sip before sighing with relief. “Four long years and it’s finally over.”
Nancy hums. “And you’re the one who’s jumping right back into it.”
You quirk your eyebrow up. “Hey, pot-kettle? You’re going to college, too.”
“Not willing…” She sighs. “I wish I could have gone to the same school as you.”
“I know.” You frown a little. It was always hard to not stay attached to your twin, especially when you’ve done pretty much everything together. However, you try to keep both your hopes up by saying, “But, hey… you can’t pass up a scholarship. Indiana’s instate school is still just as great as California’s. Not to mention, Indiana U has the best journalism courses, this is your dream! Your calling! You’ll be great.”
You see your sister smile, happy with the outcome just as someone came up and slung their arms around both your shoulders.
“How are my favorite girls doing?” Jonathan, who was your childhood/best friend, asked, with the biggest grin on his face. Whether that was from drinking or feeling the high of not being in highschool, you were unsure of but glad to see he was enjoying himself.
“Pretty amazing, actually.” Nancy replies to her boyfriend (Yeah, her boyfriend. Whom she should thank you for that). “You?”
He lets out a blissful sigh. “Fantastic! The nightmare is finally over.” 
You snorted and teased, “You really didn’t like it?”
“Hell, no. You think there’s room for a nerd like me? I never fit in.”
“Awe.” Nancy said, squeezing his cheek. “You’ll always be our nerd.”
“Hey, hey! Y/N! Jonathan!” You both turned around to spot one of your brothers’ friends, Dustin. He smiles with his goofy toothless grin, making you heart melt (He was always your favorite one. Don’t tell, Mike). “Hey, if you find a cute girl around my age in Cali, send her my way.”
“Dusty!” His mother said, catching his conversation when she walked by.
Jonathan laughs. “We’ll try. I promise.” He said, ruffling the kid’s springy hair.
He holds his hand to his chest, all moved. “What about you Nancy? Any cute girls in Bloomington?” 
“I will definitely try, Dustin.” She promises as well, crossing her heart. It must have been enough for the boy before he ran off with some friends to the backyard.
“What do you think Cali’s like?” Jonathan asked, genuinely curious.
“Hmm, don’t know.” Nancy said, knowing just watching shows from there and reading up about it wasn’t enough information.
“I mean, sun, sand, ocean, uh–” 
“Baywatch, The Hollywood sign, uh, Nickelodeon, um–” You started naming off things and couldn’t hide the fact that you were about to laugh at your own antics. Both your sister and friend were on the verge of doing the same.
“Nickelodeon?” Jonathan muttered, surprised.
“Y-Yeah, uh, Regular Show, San Andreas fault, Chris Pine, Comic Con, Pet Rocks–”
“Pet Rocks?” Nancy asked, confused.
“Hey, they were invented in the state, look it up. Uh, Universal Studios, Barbie, The San Diego Zoo, Alcatraz–”
She chuckles. “Y/N, Stop.”
“Oh, kids!” Jonathan’s mother, Joyce, called out, getting their attention. 
Well, I guess that’s your guys’ cue to take some photos.
You were all packed and ready to go for the next day. Since Nancy didn’t start school till next week, your family decided it would be nice for all of you to pack in the old van and drive to your new school. Your Dad says it was for… safety, but you knew better; They were all going to desperately miss you. Which leads to this conversation that’s been going back and forth for a few moments now.
“-California is a long way off just to go to school. Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider going in state?” Your father, Ted, asked, and just when you were about to ‘go to bed’.
You laugh lightly, trying to calm his nerves. “You know I want to do this. Besides, I won’t be alone. Jonathan will be there with me.” 
“Well– that’s true. But uh, Y/N, I’m not sure if I’ve really prepared you for what you’re gonna run into out there. Uh–” He clears his throat as you raise an eyebrow. “What I mean is… the boys are different from what they are here. They’re uh–”
You smile. “I’ll be fine. You know me.”
He nods. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” He knows you well enough that you won’t do anything too crazy. “Now let’s try to get some shut eye.”
And when the door shut, your closet automatically flew wide open (and you pray that it didn’t make too much noise).
“He’s officially calling it a night?” Nancy asked, dressed in street clothes which you were also wearing under your robe. She was skeptical as she stared at the door wondering if he’ll just waltz back in here without warning.
“Yep.” You reply, shedding your coverage and standing tall.
“Oh, finally! He gave the same talk, and I don’t leave for another week!” She smiles. “Thanks for letting me sneak out.”
“Hey, we both got to see our boyfriends before we leave, right?”
“Just–” She grabs you by your hands. “Be careful, alright?”
“Right back at you, Nance.”
You found yourself in the barn that was far away from your house. Laying on the hay bales, you were kissing Jason passionately, your hands in his hair and slowly moaning his name as he slowly undoes each button on your blouse. But your worriedness got the best of you, making you squirm a bit from his touch.
“Jason.” You whisper, feeling his fingers skim across your bra straps.
“What?” He said back, ghosting your ripe lips.
“Slow down.”
“‘Cause I-I want it to be right.” You reply, a twinge of guilt courses through you as he stops his actions, looking you dead in the eyes with concern and softness.
“Well, when is it going to be right?” He asked, sounding like a lost puppy. “You’re leaving tomorrow.”
You almost laugh at the face he was making. “You act like it’s forever.”
“Well I’m not going to see you for three months. What if everything changes?”
“Nothing is going to change.” You shake your head, cupping his face and stroking his cheeks with your thumb. “I’ll go to school, you’ll work at the co-op, and we’ll see each other every single vacation. And when I’m done–” You smile. “We’ll be together.”
“Okay.” He whispers, fully under your spell. “I guess I can wait.”
You hum in delight. “Now…” You pull him closer again. “Where were we?”
“Dad’s going to blow a fuse if we don’t leave soon!” Nancy says, barging into the bathroom where you were finishing up doing your hair.
“I know, I know. I’m finishing up.” You said, sparing your twin a glance. You can see her button her collared shirt all the way up, making you grin like the cheshire cat. “Oooh… I didn’t know Byers was a biter.”
She blushed and lightly smacked you in the arm. “Do not tease me. I mean he always is.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Always?”
“Yeah.” She locks eyes with you, face still red before realizing. “Wait… You and Jason still haven’t done it?”
Now it was your turn to blush. “W-Well–”
“I thought you surely were going to do it last night?”
“I-I don’t know, I got weird.” You shrug, breaking eye contact. “I told him we should wait, you know, when the time’s right.”
“So you’re going to be like a 40 year old virgin?” Nancy teased, copying your grin from earlier.
“Hey.” You said, smacking her this time. 
“Joking, I think it’s sweet. Y/N Wheeler, the purest of all Wheelers.”
“You know they think you’re pure too.” You said as you followed her out and down the stairs.
“Ha, ha.”
“I’m serious, Nance!” You reply, feeling around your pockets as you do so. “Oh, crap. I forgot my phone.”
“Well hurry up! Dad’s a ticking time bomb.” She yelled back and hustled out of the house. The conversation she foretold was being presented in front of her.
“I don’t get why we’re driving. Flying would be much easier.” Mike complained as he loaded his backpack into the car with a sour expression.
“We’re just trying to spend some quality time with your sister, Okay?” Their mother, Karen said, giving him a look to tell him to stop.
“Oh, good, Holly’s here.” Ted said, as he spotted the four year old climbing into the van. “Mike, where’s your sisters?” 
“I’m here!” Nancy said, while fixing her hair to cover her neck.
“Okay, where’s Y/N then?”
“Maybe she’s still in the barn with–” Mike snickers, before getting whacked in the back of his head by Nancy. “Ow! Mom!”
“Kids, stop fighting!” Karen shouted back.
“Y/N!” Ted called out, upon seeing his daughter still up in her room through her window.
“Coming!” You called back, double checking you have everything before you go (I mean I guess your family could mail anything you need to you but that’ll be a hassle for them; And maybe kind of a dick to do that to them?).
“Well hurry up! Time is of the essence.” He sighs. “I swear, the Byers are going to beat us there.
And sure enough…
They did.
Parking pretty much right next to each other, you stood their basking in front of the school along with Jonathan and his sister. The younger girl was looking at it like she’s never seen such a big building before.
“Bitchin’.” She says, and both you and Jonathan hold back a laugh.
“Language, young lady.” Jim, or who you like to call, Hopper said to his daughter who gave him a strange look.
“You say it all the time.” 
“Think she’s caught you there.” Jonathan said, throwing salt into the wound.
“You’re not helping your sister here.” He points to the car. “Now I’m going to make my kids grab your own bags.”
“What?!” They said, which resulted in some light bickering, which was kind of happening with the other family beside them.
“Y/N! Get your head out of the clouds, and let’s find your dorm.” Ted said, and you hurry over. 
The families grabbed the belongings and headed straight first into the hectic crowd. This was definitely a culture shock for them, especially for the Wheelers. The hallway was crowded with rowdy young adults, cracking jokes, makeout sessions, and even the occasionally streaker. You locked eyes with your sister when it happened, who was trying to hold back a smirk as your eyes just stayed wide. Your dad ushered you to keep moving until you found your dorm, overhearing a conversation while you passed.
“Uh, this was the– uh, opportunity that you wanted for your daughter?” Ted said, as Karen tried to hold back her feelings on her face (Which was hard at this point).
When you finally got to the room at the end of the hall, room 408, you noticed the left side of the room was empty, free for you to use. The other side was already occupied, filled with a few movie posters and cheer pendants. You smiled and wondered what your roommate would be like (and was excited that she likes cheerleading like you. At least you have a good conversation started).
“Hey, why don’t you see where Jonathan’s at?” You tell Nancy who complied and dove back into the crowd.
“Well this is very cozy, sweetie.” Karen said, trying to stay positive.
“It’s a shithole.” Mike replies, plopping on your bed.
“It’s… not bad. I’ll do.” You said, also trying to keep your head up high. But your brother tries to say something else and you were fortunately saved by a cute ginger girl entering the room.
“Hello, there. I’m Chrissy, your roomie.” She said, slightly shy as she gave the family a wave.
“Hi.” You said, waving too. “I’m Y/N.”
“Sorry to bother you, Chrissy, but it seems we forgot the key to her trunk.” Ted said, gesturing to where most of your belongings were. “Do you have any idea where I can get some tools?”
“Oh, yes. Uh, our resident advisor should have something.” She points across the hall. “He’s right across from here.”
“Oh, perfect. Thank you.” He was secretly happy that his precious daughter would be across from the advisor. He pushes himself past some people, knuckles brushing against the door. He knocked a few times afterwards when he didn’t get a response, wondering if maybe it was too loud to even hear it or he’s not in. So, treading carefully, he opens the door to peek inside.
This was not at all what he was expecting.
He was blasted in the face with ‘Iron Maiden’, and a room that screamed heavy metal. Stickers and posters laid across the wall, all consisting of either some kind of band or horror film; A record player-CD combo on the shelf, instruments of every kind, sheet music on the floor, leather jackets and boots hanging off from the windows and ceiling. This was not…
Resident advisor material.
Did he walk into the wrong place or–
“Hello!!” A voice shouts before he dangled upside down in front of the older man. Ted nearly has a heart attack as he startles and falls back against the door. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, I’m just trying to get the creative juices flowing. You know?”
“Uh– s-sure.” Ted said, still trying to process this. He keeps his eyes on him and not the fact that this boy was hanging from a pipe. “Um, I need to borrow a screwdriver.”
The boy, who’s hair was long and curly and orbs of cinnamon, raised an eyebrow. “Sorry, I’m all out of vodka.”
“N-No, I need an actually screwdriver. My daughter’s trunk is–”
“Oh, you have a daughter! Is she cute?”
“I’m just kidding.” He smiles and holds his hand out. “Name’s Eddie. I’m the resident advisor.”
Make that a second heart attack for Mr. Wheeler, who’s face paled as he tried reaching for the doorknob behind him. “Oh, shit. Oh, shit.”
“What? Where are you going?” He asked, with a snort. “Don’t leave me hanging.”
But Ted was already hustling back over to the room where they were still talking to Chrissy, who was getting them up to speed on how this place ran. He comes over to his wife, pulling her aside and discussing what he just witnessed and how he’s not liking this. Meanwhile, Nancy had just returned while stringing along her boyfriend.
“Oh, Chrissy, this is my twin Nancy and my friend Jonathan.” You said, as she waves to them.
“Hi. You guys coming to school too?” Chrissy asked, your sister shaking her head.
“I am.” Jonathan said, before looking at you. “Y/N/N, this is awesome.”
You tilt your head. “Really? I still think this is a bit overwhelming.”
“I admit, it is, but my roommate, Argyle, is a trip.” He smiles. “I’m so going to love this place.”
“See, honey–” Karen said, loudly. “Jonathan’s staying.” She holds her hand up to stop her husband from talking. “And yes, I’m sure Joyce has some words about this place too, but the kids can’t pass this up. They got on a scholarship here.”
“But Karen–” He tries to protest.
“They. Have. A. Scholarship. They’re staying.” Her eyes trailed over to yours. “Right?”
You flash your dad a smile. “Don’t worry, Dad. It’ll be fine. And you know I can always come home.”
“See, Ted?” Your mother points out, finally defeating him. He mumbles an ‘okay’, satisfying her.
“Mom, you’re suffocating me.” Jonathan said, after yet another hug and kiss from his mother. She was holding back some tears at the thought of leaving her oldest child behind in another state. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m really happy for you, I promise.” 
“I know, Mom, I know.” He takes her hands in his. “I promise I’ll be okay.” She opens her mouth to speak. “And I promise I’ll call every once and a while.”
Joyce smiles at the answer. “You’re going to do great.”
The family of five shared a hug afterwards, wishing him the best of luck. Meanwhile, the Wheelers were doing the same, squeezing the life of You and nagging you to make you call, or at least text them here and there. You of course promised them too, which was a good enough answer.
The last person to hug you was your sister, giving you a small squeeze of reassurance, knowing you like the back of her hand.
“I know you’re nervous about fitting it, but don’t sweat it.” She says, pulling away. “You’re going to do fine. If not, you can always go home, or…” She smirks. “You can nag Jonathan.”
You chuckle. “Of course I can nag him. It’s not like I’ll be alone.”
You have Jonathan, and you even have your chill roommate, Chrissy. You shouldn’t get too lonely.
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A/N: I promise the next one will be longer :) - Thanks for reading!
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thorinoakenbutt · 22 days
As the Moth Sees Light
Anders x Hawke Also includes Varric, Carver, and Aveline SFW, pre-relationship, meet cute
“Maker’s Balls, and I thought Uncle’s house smelled bad.”
A sound halfway between a snort and scoff answered Hawke as she bent to pull her dagger free of the corpse with a sickening squelch. Straightening, she twirled the blade in a tight circle, only just managing to resist the temptation to wipe its bloody edge on the sleeve of her father’s old coat. A quick glance down at herself confirmed that the worst of the arterial spray from the poor, dumb sod had missed her. Good. One less argument to have with Carver later that night while she did the washing in the tiny room they shared. Maker forbid she get blood on her clothing, as though she hadn’t spent the last fourteen years having to do that exact task on a near monthly basis. 
“Must be behind on my payments,” Varric muttered beneath his breath, nudging the Coterie thug with his boot. Another half dozen bodies littered the ground behind them, half of which were skewered with crossbow bolts. Hawke had to hand it to the dwarf - he and Bianca were handy in a fight. Without their addition, she likely would have had to find a dank corner of the already dank sewers in order to use her magic to heal their wounds.
“Are we certain that that Lirene woman isn’t giving us the run-around?” she asked idly, glancing back at her brother and Aveline. Carver hovered close to her, his familiar, grouchy presence at her back providing a comfort she could never voice aloud. He had a smear of blood on his cheek that she had to bite down the urge to lick her thumb and smudge away. He’d always hated her fussing, even when they were children. At least it didn’t look like the blood belonged to him. “I know that Grey Wardens like to while away their hours in the Deep Roads, but surely even those don’t reek this much.”
“Even with the taint?” Aveline scoffed, expression pinched. She lingered at the rear of their party, protective as always, with her hand resting on the pommel of her sword in a white-knuckled grip. The end of their scuffle with the Coterie didn’t put her at ease, gaze shifting quickly around the cistern’s passageways for other threats. The shadow that flitted across her face as she spoke sent a dagger of guilt twinging through Hawke as she remembered the good Ser Wesley. 
The one who threatened to drag the Hawke sisters before the templars for the crime of apostasy. Lips quirking into a wry smile, she shoved the feeling deep down into the mental box where she kept every other troublesome emotion. He was dead, and Bethany was dead, and now her priority was ensuring Carver and their mother had a roof over their heads. Preferably one nicer than their uncle’s.
As they turned a corner, Hawke hop-skipped over the legs of yet another corpse - or perhaps this one was simply sleeping, judging by the snoring - whose legs jutted out into the walkway from an alcove. Varric walked in step with her, drumming his fingers in an off-beat rhythm against Bianca’s wooden stock. He was the only one of them that looked more or less at home in the sewers. His ambling gait brought to mind a casual stroll through Hightown’s Garden rather than the crime-riddled shithole they waded through. “Stink or not, this would be as good a place as any for a mage to hide,” he mused, eyeing the way Hawke sashayed down a flight of stairs in time with his tapping. 
“You hear that, Cat? Maybe you should move down here,” Carver teased, lightly kicking the back of her knee as she reached the bottom step. He laughed when it buckled beneath her, though his hand shot out to catch her elbow before she could pitch face first into the dirt. 
“Ha, you’re hilarious,” Hawke deadpanned, shoving her dagger back into its sheath before she could decide in favor of ‘accidentally’ letting it ‘drop’ straight into her baby brother’s thigh. The little voice in her head that precluded every bad decision she’d ever made tried to reason with her that it wouldn’t be anything she couldn’t heal herself. Probably. They were meeting with a magical healer, anyway. Hopefully. 
They came to a second set of stairs that she took three at a time, bounding up them with renewed energy. A door was set into the wall with a conspicuously lit lantern, just as Lirene had promised. A crowd of refugees gathered around the door in a loose circle, most of them with varying degrees of injuries or illness. Coming to a half, Hawke chewed her lip and considered how best to proceed. 
“Where there’s injured members of the Carta and sick children standing in a queue without it devolving into a brawl, there must be a healer,” she whispered to her companions. Drawing the still wet dagger back from its sheath, she approached her brother. “Quick, Carver - look pathetic.”
He scowled down at her, eyeing the blade warily. “What? Why can’t you play the damsel for once?” Hawke ignored him, plucking the leather away from his skin to stab a hole through it without risk of harming him. Then she smeared the blood down his front, frowning thoughtfully at the end result. It didn’t look bad. Perhaps the dim light filtering through Darktown would hide just how fake it was. Carver hissed angrily at her, but no matter. She’d stitch it together again later in lieu of an apology. 
“Because,” she explained, patting his chest in a pantomime of comfort. His already impressive glower deepened and she huffed. “Listen. When a big, strong man like you goes down, you know it’s bad. They’ll let us through.”
Carver rolled his eyes, placing his hand on her shoulder to shove her away. “Carver,” she whined, drawing his attention back down to her. She pouted, unafraid to pull out all the stops. Add a little quiver to her lip, some mistiness to her eyes, and… “Please?”
He wavered. The stubborn set to his jaw loosened before he clenched his teeth again. Hawke let a single tear roll down her cheek, internally exulting when he sighed in certain defeat. All but collapsing against her, Carver moaned as if in pain for good measure. She wasn’t the only good actor in the family. Varric joined them, drawing Carver’s arm across his broad shoulders for support, leaving Aveline to watch them in reproachful judgment at the lie. 
“Out of the way! The kid needs a healer!” Varric bellowed. Dozens of eyes landed on them at the commotion and Carver let his head loll forward, playing the part to perfection. The crowd parted, faces drawn with worry as they rushed by. Aveline darted ahead of them, propping the door open with her hip as she glanced back to ensure no one moved to stop them. 
The door shut behind them, blocking out the cacophony of Darktown with a thud. Hawke surveyed the interior with interest, breathing deep of the scent of magic and herbs that lingered heavily in the air. It was strangely homey, in a dirty kind of way, strangely reminding her of their father. Fighting back the wave of homesickness, her eyes were drawn to the hunched back of the man who could only be the healer as he bent over the prone form of a child lying on a table. 
His hands wove creation magic like he was born to it, drawing the healing energies into the boy as naturally as breathing. There was a bone-deep weariness in the slope of his shoulders and that made something inside of her ache. Hawke bit her lip hard enough to feel the skin split, the copper tang against her tongue providing enough of a distraction to strengthen her resolve to do something. She’d march straight back to Lirene’s shop once their business was finished to donate some of her meager earnings with strict instructions that it go toward a meal for the man. Maybe a nice sandwich with all the trimmings. 
The magic snuffed out as the boy stirred, his parents rushing to his side as the healer staggered away. Hawke followed him with her eyes, frowning as he caught himself against the wall and swayed on his feet. His blonde hair had half escaped a tie he’d used to hold it back from his face, letting the strands fall into his face and obscuring it from view as he bent to suck in deep breaths. He’d overdrawn on mana, Hawke realized.
Her hand flew to her pack, fingers searching for a lyrium potion before she stopped - another refugee, perhaps an assistant, rushed to his side with one at the ready. He pushed the glass into the healer’s hands and he nodded his thanks before tossing the blue liquid back like a shot. 
Carver’s impatience got the better of him and he cleared his throat, drawing the Warden’s attention. His amber eyes snapped to them, meeting her gaze for the briefest of moments and Hawke froze. He was handsome.
His was a narrow face with shadowed eyes, tired but kind with lines that crinkled at the edges even as he frowned at them. Hawke admired his long nose, her imagination running away from her with thoughts of what it might be like to sit on that lovely face and missed the way he dropped his gaze to the daggers at her waist. She did notice his eyes narrowing, darkening with righteous fury as he looked to Carver, then Varric, and finally Aveline. 
The Warden lunged for his staff, his long, slender fingers wrapping around it like - Hawke snapped out of her daze, inhaling sharply as she realized she’d been holding her breath. She took an instinctive step in front of her brother, laying her hand on his arm as he reached for his own weapon. Heart pounding for a wholly different reason than being faced with a pretty man, she knew she had to diffuse the situation before it got ugly. The other refugees were sure to take poorly to their sole doctor being threatened. 
It was an easy enough task once she got the man talking about his cat. The Grey Warden - Anders - didn’t let his guard down entirely as he ranted about the order he’d left behind, allowing her a moment to examine him more closely. He was thin, painfully so. There were dark circles beneath his golden eyes that spoke to sleepless nights yet there was a fierceness to him that drew her closer like a moth to flame. “Maybe I’ll double it and get him a nap and a sandwich,” she mused quietly, thinking about her impending donation. 
The sharp jab of an elbow to her ribs brought her back to the present, and she stepped on Carver’s foot in retaliation. When she dragged her gaze back to the healer’s face, she flustered as they locked eyes again. “So if you’re not here for healing or to cause trouble for me…what do you want?” he directed at her. He’d clearly decided that she was the leader of their merry band, like so many before. 
‘You,’ is what she absolutely couldn’t say no matter how desperately she wanted to. Anders blinked in surprise before his mouth curled into a warm smile, exhaling a chuckle. And Lirene said he wasn't a smiler. Maker. Her earlier words about marrying him rang in her ears, taunting her. Carver groaned in disgust and she felt her stomach drop into her feet as she realized that she’d said it after all. “Ah,” she said stupidly. Staring at the dirt floor beneath her feet, she willed it to open and swallow her whole to save her from her mortification. 
“Somehow I doubt that’s why you came all this way,” Anders said, his smile turning wry. Hawke felt her face heat at his light-hearted tease and tried to hide the way she faltered by clearing her throat. Carver’s impatient shifting beside her reminded her of the real reason they came. It was no time to flirt with handsome healers. 
Clearing her throat a second time, she decided to try again. “We need to know how to get into the Deep Roads.”
That wiped the smile off Anders’ face, his lips curving into a deep frown the moment she said their intended destination. “No,” came his firm reply, planting his hands against his hips to add to the sternness of it. 
Hawke grimaced at the finality in that single word. "We have good reason for wanting to go," she tried to reason, taking a step toward him with her hands raised palms up. She wasn't above going down on her knees for him to beg, though she'd rather not have an audience for that. Her eyes dipped to his hip region unbidden at the thought, wondering what he'd look like out of his robes. "My mother's an Amell and-"
"Amell?" Anders perked up at the name, as did a small number of the patients still in the clinic. Ah, good. If the family was still known within the city, then perhaps the name still held some leverage after all. Having them in his debt would be a powerful gambit. "I knew an Amell once, back in Kinloch Hold." 
Hawke wracked her brain for the stories Mother used to tell of her family. Magic had shown itself in the bloodline before she ran off with an apostate and had two of them herself. "That must have been our dear cousin…two times removed?" she stated, glancing at Carver for confirmation. He shrugged, shifting from hip to hip in anxiousness at the eyes on them. "Why Anders, that practically makes us family already!" 
The healer pursed his lips at that, fighting back another smile. He gestured for them to follow him further into the clinic, leading them to a far wall that held a few scant boxes filled with bandages and herbs. Reaching into one of the boxes for a bunch of dried embrium, Anders plucked the petals before dropping them into a mortar atop a table a short distance away. "The answer is still no," he said at last, eyes sliding to her face. 
Hawke threw her hands up in exasperation with a huff. That drew a true smile out of him, one that darted across his face before he was able to temper it back into a look of stern neutrality. "I don't know what sort of 'get rich quick' scheme this is, but the Deep Roads are dangerous. They aren't a place to go traipsing around for treasure." 
"That's a rather bold assumption to make, isn't it? What if we're simple sightseers? I happen to have quite the interest in history and Varric here-"
"Is a member of the Merchant's Guild," Anders finished for her. He gave the dwarf an appraising look before turning back to her. "If you're going to lie to me, at least make it believable." 
"It's not a lie," she pouted, not missing the way he glanced at her lips. "I do like history. When it's not boring, at least." 
"We're funding an expedition," Varric butted in, interrupting their banter. He idly tugged on the straps of one of his bracers before looking up at the healer with the same winning smile he gave Hawke when they met. "You know, Blondie, if you provided any assistance at all - even something as simple as a map or two - we'd be more than happy to offer you compensation. Coin. Protection. Supplies for this clinic of yours." 
Anders hesitated. "I'm sorry, but I just can't take that risk," he replied, shaking his head slowly. Pulling out a pestle, he began to grind the red petals into a fine powder. "I may not be with the Grey Wardens any longer, but memories of the Deep Roads and the darkspawn are fresh enough that I can't in good conscience send anyone foolish enough to risk the taint to their doom." 
"We're getting nowhere," Hawke heard Carver complain from behind her. "Listen here, mage-"
She panicked. Flailing for another tactic, whether to calm her brother or convince the Warden, she exclaimed, "Wait!"
Carver ignored her, brushing her aside before she could decide which man to handle. She watched anxiously as her younger brother squared his shoulders and the way Anders tensed his own, not turning away from the poor flower he was in the middle of pulverizing. She saw the electricity crackle over his fingers, though, and her mind went blank. 
"You can tell us how to get there, willing or not," she heard herself say before Carver had the chance to. As her brother spun to look at her in surprise, she went pale. So much for peaceful solutions. Well done, Hawke, you've threatened the healer after all.  
"Hawke," Aveline hissed in both disapproval and warning. Varric simply shut his eyes and gave a long, suffering sigh. 
The troubled expression that had marred Anders' handsome features morphed into one of anger. He spun to face her, stepping into her space to bring himself chest to chest with her and Maker he was tall. Hawke squirmed in the face of his fury, pressing her thighs together and hating that she found that attractive. There was probably something very wrong with her, but she couldn't bring herself to care with him close enough that she could see the golden lashes that framed his eyes. 
"Don't threaten me, little girl," he growled down at her. How was that fair? Hawke pressed her thighs even tighter together as a stab of heat speared her. She was transfixed. 
Oblivious to her internalized shame spiral, Carver scrambled for his sword in a much more normal reaction to the threat. Just as quickly as he'd approached, however, Anders stepped away, breaking the spell. Hawke threw out her hand to keep her brother at bay. 
"You can't imagine what I've gone through to get here," the Warden spat bitterly as he returned to his work table. Bracing his palms against its surface, he slid his gaze between the two siblings. "I'm not about to-"
"I'm sorry," Hawke blurted, desperate to salvage things somehow. She quickly moved to his side, hopping up on the table and ignored the way it creaked precariously beneath her weight. Anders didn't move away, though he watched her warily. Crossing one long leg over the other, she knit her fingers atop her knee and affected a look of contrition. "I think we've gotten off on the wrong foot. We haven't even introduced ourselves!" 
Anders followed the line of her leg with his gaze before exhaling slowly. He turned and leaned against the table, facing away from her. "You already know my name," he pointed out, refusing to look at any of them. 
"So does the whole of Darktown and half of Lowtown, it seems," Hawke replied in a light tone. She dared to reach out and gave his feathered pauldron a ginger pat. "I'm Hawke," she continued brightly, watching some of the surliness melt off of him. 
Emboldened, she gestured to the rest of her companions. "You know Varric by now, of course. That's Aveline - she's a guard here in the city. And the tall glowering fellow is my brother, Carver." 
Her brother's brows impressively furrowed deeper at the change in tactics. "Her name is Cat. We're both Hawke." 
Anders' animosity disappeared entirely at that. "Siblings? That explains the way he's stood over you like a guard dog this whole time, I suppose." He paused. "Your name is Cat?" he asked, granting her a curious look.
"It's short for Catelyn. Mother's sense for irony - I'm a dog person, believe it or not," she breezed past the query, narrowing her eyes at her brother for his big mouth. Two could play at that game. She grinned at the way Anders' nose wrinkled, his interest quickly giving way to disgust. "Regardless, it's not my fault that everyone simply calls me Hawke." 
"Of course not. It's not at all the fact that you never bother correcting them," Carver replied with a roll of his eyes. Hawke stuck her tongue out at him, resulting in a series of rude hand gestures that rapidly flew between them until Aveline broke their line of sight of each other. 
"Enough! You're both worse than children," she barked, pulling them both up short. "The man said no. It's time to find another way."
Chastened, Hawke ducked her head while Carver crossed his arms and glared at the wall. She shot Anders an apologetic look and hopped off the table. "No hard feelings, I hope," she sighed. "My own grasp of creation magic is…shaky at best, and you never know when you might need a healer in a place like Kirkwall." 
"Cat," her brother gasped, voice strained beneath the special kind of angry he became when he was scared. He grabbed her arm to haul her away from the Warden, fingers pressing painfully through the fabric of her sleeve. "Shout it from the rooftops next time, why don't you? I'll watch Mother cry while the templars drag you away."
Anders had gone deathly still, eyes rounding in a surprise that brought a giggle bubbling up out of Hawke's chest. "You're a mage?" he asked in a voice that was little more than a whisper. His hands fluttered like he wanted to draw her back to him then wrapped around his middle. 
"As my father before me," she confirmed airily. Carver shook her for her foolishness, scowling as she wriggled out of his grasp. Once free, she stepped closer to the healer. Close enough that he could reach out for her if he really wanted to. She wanted him to. 
No. Bad Hawke, her brother was already furious with her. She batted away her sudden desire to be held by a near stranger and wrestled it into her mental box alongside the other Bad Thoughts. When Carver pulled her away the second time, she let him, quirking her lips at the way he placed himself between them as though Anders himself wasn’t an apostate. But he was stubborn, like their pet mabari. The Warden gave an oddly wistful look at the two of them that made her heart ache anew. 
“Carver, it’s alright. He’s hiding from the templars too, so he’s not likely to turn me in.”
“Never,” Anders affirmed with a vengeance, a steel edge curling along his voice. His eyes took on a strange light, almost looking blue for a moment. Hawke frowned but he was turning away from them to pace agitatedly, muttering to himself beneath his breath. Glancing at the others, Varric caught her eye and shrugged. ‘Mages, right?’ his expression read. She gave a half shrug back. She liked to talk to herself sometimes too, so she had no room to judge. 
Taking the Warden’s distraction as their cue to leave, Hawke gave an awkward wave of her hand. “Alright, well…very sorry for disturbing you, Anders.” He paused in his pacing to look at them, eyes widening again. “If you ever need some muscle, or a sandwich, or a night off…well, we spend most evenings at the Hanged Man.” She turned to go, gesturing for the others to follow when his voice stopped her. 
Hawke half-turned, twisting at the waist with her lopsided grin already in place. “Missing us already?” she teased, faltering when he retained his serious expression. Not so much as a smirk or an amused snort in response. Her smile slipped in turn. 
“You can have my maps, though not for free,” Anders said in a rush. He took a step towards them, and then another. “A favor for a favor. Does that sound like a fair deal? You help me, I’ll help you?”
The sudden shift put Hawke on edge. He’d refused when offered payment, protection, and supplies, so what would make the man change his mind? “I don���t do anything involving children or animals,” she replied reflexively. 
His lovely lips turned down at the edges in confusion. “What?”
She shrugged in response. “We also had to go through a lot to reach this shithole of a city, including selling ourselves to a mercenary company for a year. I found that it’s good to have standards for jobs you might take.”
“Ah. It’s nothing quite so dire, I assure you. Compared to traveling into the Deep Roads, it shouldn’t pose an issue,” Anders continued, edging ever closer. Hawke inclined her head in acknowledgement, indicating for him to continue. He locked eyes with her and she knew she’d agree to anything he asked. 
“I came to Kirkwall to aid a friend.”
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
Fic request: Evelyn introduces her parents to Caleb and kid Philip.
Evelyn's Parents
"Caleb, there's no need to worry," Evelyn voiced softly to her boyfriend as they, along with his gremlin little brother, arrived at a front door. "My parents are gonna love you."
"How can you be so sure, Evie?" Caleb asked his girlfriend nervously, chewing on his lip while wringing his hands.
Meeting Evelyn's mother and father for the first time was a tense situation for the teen, as his biggest worry was them learning about his previous work as a witch hunter.
Evelyn could sense this as she smiled supportingly, taking hold of his worried hand and squeezing it gently.
"Well, for starters, I love you, silly," she giggled lightly as she continued.
"And also because there's so much more to you than your past, Caleb. You're a person who chose kindess and change despite the witch hating environment you were raised in."
She starts to rub circles in his palm with her right thumb.
"If I'm capable of seeing that, I'm certain my parents will too."
'Her smile was so infectious...' Caleb thought as he felt his worry slowly melt away with her tender touch.
He sent Evie a smile of his own and nodded. "You're right."
Meanwhile, Little Pip stuck out his tongue in utter disgust as he watched the two teenagers display their dumb lovey-doveyness in front of him, making gag noises.
Caleb chuckled at this while Evelyn gave a playful roll of her golden eyes at the small brunette boy before knocking on the door.
When Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne answer, Evelyn is extremely elated to see them.
"Mom! Dad!" she exclaimed, joyfully hugging both her parents.
"Witchlet!" Both Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne exclaim in sync as they return their daughter's affection.
"How's our lovely little girl doing?" Mr. Clawthorne asked with a chuckle, ruffling Evelyn's wild red hair.
"I'm doing just fine, dad," she answered.
Miss. Clawthorne soon took notice of the boys beside her daughter. "Oh, sweetheart, is this the company you were talking about inviting over for dinner?"
Evelyn gleefully nodded. "Mm-hmm." She took a breath. "Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend, Caleb Wittebane. He's the best thing since diced bread."
Caleb sends Evelyn's parents a shy and kind smile, offering his hand for them to shake.
"Hello, Mr. And Miss. Clawthorne. It's a pleasure to meet you both."
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Caleb," Mr. Clawthorne said with a smile, shaking his hand.
"Evelyn's told us all about you," Miss. Clawthorne states, shaking his hand right after while smiling. "It's a great honor to be meeting another fellow carver."
Caleb's eyes immediately lit up when he heard that. "Wait, you both carve?" He gasped.
Both parents nod. "It's what the Clawthornes are most known for," Mr. Clawthorne reveals with a chuckle.
"Yup! We're pros in the Palisman making game," Evelyn adds with a grin.
"If you're ever comfortable sharing your work, we'd love to see it someday," Miss. Clawthorne told him gently.
"I would be honored!" Caleb beamed, brimming with joy.
Sharing a common interest with his girlfriend's parents was something he felt extremely happy about.
Philip proceeds to LOUDLY clear his throat, feeling totally ignored.
"Oh!" Evelyn went, almost forgetting. "Mom, dad, this is Philip. He's Caleb's baby brother--"
"Little brother," Philip corrected her with a huff.
He's not a baby.
Evelyn, along with her parents and Caleb, chuckled as she continued introducing him.
"He's basically a baby griffin with really sharp razor claws and fire axe breath."
"I'm NOT a baby!" He protested once again with a stomp of his foot, which made the teens and adults laugh at his cuteness a second time.
"Why don't we all head inside?" Miss Clawthorne suggested with a light hum as her husband and everyone else followed her inside.
"The dinner I made is almost done baking in the oven."
"See, goldilocks?" Evelyn whispers to Caleb, playfully elbowing his shoulder. "My name and dad totally like you. You're a natural at being likeable."
She winks.
This caused Caleb to chuckle at her as he smiled, slight blush on his cheeks.
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theluckywizard · 8 months
Hey Lucky, happy Friday! How about a prompt for Hawke and one of the twins for pre-Blight/DA2 shenanigans? "Grabbing their shoulder to stop them from doing something they would regret." Happy writing!
Thank you Ocean! This has been in my box since June! 👀 Here's a little Hawke Sibling Fluff for you this evening for @dadrunkwriting
Characters: Garrett Hawke, Bethany, Carver and Isabela WC: 486 Rating: Gen
Hawke extends both hands delicately to his sides and digs the toe of his boot into the dirt of the street.
Carver watches him from where he’s leaning against the railing as they wait for the next ferry back to Kirkwall’s docks, the stinking, cluttered water of the bay sloshing behind him. “What are you doing?” he asks, brotherly disgust hanging on his words.
Hawke smiles coyly at his brother behind him and then brushes away an imaginary bit of dust from his shoulder with his pinky. “What?” 
“That. Whatever you’re doing. Stop that.”
“Stop what?” asks Hawke, settling with his hip jutting to one side, his hand set upon it. Few things gave him greater joy than provoking his siblings.
Bethany stares, a veritable storm cloud brewing behind her tawny eyes. “I see it too.”
Finished with their business in the Gallows and more than a little entertained by his sister’s preening and posing before the newly minted Knight-Lieutenant Cullen, there was little option but to roast her for it. Even Hawke could admit the man was damnably handsome, but as one who would lock her in the clink at the first reasonable opportunity, the absurdity of it was unparalleled.
“That is not how I stand, Garrett,” protests Bethany, crossing her arms and settling with her hip to one side.
“Is there some way you stand?” he says, his composure failing. “I hadn’t noticed.” 
Unable to resist, Hawke flounces toward a merchant mixing up fresh shikanji for Templars in too much armor for this Justinian heat. He makes it approximately four steps before Carver arrests him by the shoulder. 
“Andraste’s tits, Gar, don’t be a moron. Like we need more attention on us while we’re here.”
“We can’t all be lumbering brutes, Pup,” calls Isabela from where she’s sitting in a sliver of shade against a crate. “Perhaps Hawke is trying to turn over a new leaf.”
Hawke waves off his little brother and carries on to the shop to buy drinks.
“I don’t walk like that either,” Bethany protests loudly.
“It’s fine, Bethany,” says Isabela. “He might have a veritable tiller up his backside but there’s no denying he’s hot.”
“Who?” demands Carver, his disgust with the whole affair plain.
“Knight-Lieutenant Stick-in-the-Arse,” explains Isabela.
Carver slumps as he turns to his sister, sky colored eyes indignant. “You can’t be serious, Beth,” he moans and then drops his voice to a hiss. “He’s a sodding Templar.”
“What!? I’m not anything! I wasn’t doing anything!” Bethany protests, the whole of her face betraying her.
“Well I think it’s sweet,” says Isabela, standing to collect a drink from Hawke, which he offers with a pinky extended.
“Eugch, don’t encourage her,” sulks Carver.
“You’re all mad. I’m just standing. And walking!”
“Yes like a little baby coquette,” Isabela smiles and then settles into one of Bethany’s darling, ridiculous poses. Hawke joins her. Bethany stares daggers at them both. 
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
Fan: So we know the Carver Edlund books are in the show, I mean, obviously in the episode they were like skimming one of the books. I was curious, do you think the brothers actually read every single one to kind of find out what their brother was thinking, or did they make a pact not to read them?
Jared: Sam read them, because Sam reads and reads and reads and reads. Well, he's dead now, but [pause for reaction] - too soon? When he was alive, maybe in heaven he just [gestures] has a bunch of books, it's all Carver Edlund.
Jensen: Sam probably was like, "Dean, you gotta read this" and Dean was like, "I don't read books, books read me!" That's probably how that went. He's like, "Why would I read it, I'm living it!"
Jared: [laughs] I don't want a recap!
Jensen: [laughs] Yeah, I don't know that Dean would have read one. Although I think I've got one of the prop books -
Jared: I think I do, too. I don't know which one I have -
Jensen: Yeah, we were full kleptomaniacs on the set of Supernatural. And I can admit that now, because I have not been served legal papers and it's been years.
Jared: What's your favorite thing that you have?
Jensen: My favorite theft? [Jared: Yeah?] Well, I mean, Baby's not really a theft because that one we actually got permission. That would have been awkward. "Guys, guys! Where are they going?" It's just this [points to banner of the Impala driving away], just tail lights, "Okay, I guess we're done with the year."
Jared: We got a little gift - so outside of our own kleptos? We got little gift packages from ? and the props department. And so there were some fun things.
Jensen: I will say this is not something that I got in our little, like - listen we're just getting rid of this stuff anyway because we're scraping all the sets and WB did give a list of 'these are the things that we actually want to obtain and retain'. And there were a lot of just kind of left over things that probably didn't seem relevant or special but were kind of special to us. Or it was like, you know, a broken angel blade something like that - oh, this was broken doing this stunt, it means something to me but it may not mean something to the studio, but. I will say one of the things that I just - that found its way into my pocket, I don't know how [Jared: Accident!] was years before we ended. It was when I knew that they were going to destroy Bobby Singer's house. [Jared taps his arm and points excitedly] On his desk, on Bobby's desk was this little antique brass calendar, that was like one of those things where you roll to turn the date and the day? And I don't know why, but on set I just always was playing with that while we were setting up our scenes or - and I just thought it was the coolest little vintage calendar thing. Yeah, it went missing, I don't know where it went.
Jared: All I know is that explains why Jensen always calls, "Dude, can you believe it's 1996?" "What?"
Jensen: "It's Tuesday, December 1996!" "Bro, stop messing with Bobby's calendar."
Jared: That's really funny, man! I stole two things - uh two things went missing from Bobby Singer's place - on the last day. One was a flask, Bobby Singer's flask, and one was the little owl figurine that was probably about this big [gestures], really heavy, it's a paperweight or something? And they went missing and then Jim was like [does gruff impression] "Aw, man, I was hopin' to get that owl, I don't know what happened to it." And I was like, "shit" and so I went to my trailer and got it and was like, "Here, Jim." But I still have the flask somewhere. From post-show, I think one of the little army men from the car [Jensen: Yeah], some of the Legos, uh, Samulet. Yeah. I know there were several of each - like hotel room cards, and then I got sent, like, three of the burner phones? I was like what the fuck am I gonna do with -
Jensen: Yeah, what am I gonna do with this?
Jared: From like, circa 2005.
Jensen: I just, yeah, it was like - when they were like, "Okay this is our last day in Bobby Singer's set, we're tearing it down tomorrow" Jared and I were like [Jared mimes shoving things in various pockets] full cat burglar. Like, snuck in to the stage - we went full Sam & Dean.
Jared: Crew guys would walk by, and be like, "Hey, what's going on?" and we're like, [looks obviously guilty] "Nothing! Nothing, man, how you doin'? It's good, it's good."
Jensen: The boys are acting really cagey today, I don't know what's going on -
Jared: Like stuff rolled up in our shirts -
Jensen: I'd have taken the couch if I could have fit it in my shirt.
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jqmalikhsgib · 4 months
eddie smiles as he pushes his son on the swing. eddie got back home last night with some huge news. the album had been released while they were doing press conferences, gigs, meet and greets, and more and it was a success!
with the album already topping the charts, their record label told them they’d be even more busy than before and talking opening for metallica themselves. with that huge news, the large family celebrated with their friends and family. after celebrating all eddie wanted was to cuddle up to his baby boy and all six of his girls.
now he’s enjoying being at the park with his children while his fiancé was sitting reading a book with the twins sleeping in their stroller.
“higher, daddy!” aster yells. eddie chuckles as he pushes his son a little higher.
he watches as lunaria builds a sand castle while lily and jasmine take turns on the slide. he enjoyed his family! his kids meant so much to him. eddie never thought he’d be here. with the way he was raised and how kids treated him in school, he felt insecure. eddie didn’t think he’d ever be loved, let alone by the most beautiful woman in hawkins, hell the most beautiful woman in the world! yn had been popular, a cheerleader, on the debate team, school president, the list goes on. she’s smart, beautiful, kind, funny, the whole goddamn package. eddie felt lucky she wanted to be his friend, let alone his life partner. now he gets to marry her, spend the rest of his fucking life cherishing her and their six beautiful babies.
“if it isn’t munson.” eddie frowns when he hears the voice of jason carver. he tried to ignore the asshole, focusing on his son, but knowing carver he would try and get under eddie’s skin.
“come on, munson! why don’t you introduce me to the little guy, hmm?”
“im here spending time with my kids, jason. i do not have time for you right now.”
jason scoffs. “i still can’t believe you pulled yn of all people. i mean, i still think she’s under some cult spell or something. it’s no way a guy like you could ever be with a girl like that.” he points to yn.
eddie rolls his eyes. “buddy, why don’t you go make a sandcastle with your sister, huh? daddy will be there in a bit.”
“okay, daddy.” aster didn’t know who the man was but by the look in his dad face he knew he wasn’t very nice.
eddie pulls out a cigarette before lighting it. he rolls his eyes as he looks at jason before blowing smoke in the man’s face.
“we’re not kids anymore carver. if you wanna act like a little bitch, fine! but i got a family to feed. if you don’t have anything important to say, get the fuck out of my face, yeah? and while you’re at it, tell your little brother to leave my sister in law alone, huh?”
jason steps closer to eddie. he was shorter than the boy so he tried to make himself look taller. “or what?”
eddie smirks. “you remember what happened to you and your friends when steve and i kicked your ass the night we graduated? i hate for your brother to be the next victim, huh?”
jason glares at him. “that was an unfair fight!”
“was it, tough guy?” eddie takes another drag out of his cigarette before throwing it on the ground and stepping on it.
“eddie!” yn walks over to them.
“hi, yn. been awhile. miss me baby?”
“he’s not worth it eds.” eddie looks down at his fiancé and sees their twins sleeping peacefully in their stroller.
“you’re right, baby. how bout we get our babies and head home, yeah?”
yn nods her head as she glares at jason. “have fun living the trailer park life, yn! you could have had a nice house, car, designer bags, everything you’ve ever wanted. too bad you chose the trailer trash satanist.” jason calls out as they grab their kids and head to the car.
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“you know he’s wrong, right?” yn runs her hands up and down eddie’s chest. eddie was in their bathroom brushing his teeth.
“not now, baby.” eddie sighs as he turns off the bathroom light and gets on his side of the bed. yn frown as she climbs on the other side. “eddie, you can’t let him ruin your good mood! you’re gonna be a successful rockstar. hell, you already are! why are you still letting guys like jason carver get to you about your future.”
“it’s not that.”
“what is it baby. talk to me.” yn runs her hands up and down his chest.
“he’s right about you. by now you could have had that big house, a bigger engagement ring, the newest car, designer clothes, your own fucking chef. instead you settled for me because what? we got knocked up?!”
yn shakes her head. “i didn’t settle for you eddie! i love you and i wouldn’t want anyone else. why is it so hard for you to see that?” she scoffs.
yn could see right through him though. his insecurities from his past. his father calling him a loser who would never amount to anything after giving him a black eye, his mother not even sticking around leaving him with his abusive father, the kids in school being so cruel, picking on him for the holes in his clothes, even grown ass adults who use to tell him he’d end up just like his father. he felt like a worthless piece of shit. yn hated every single person who’s doubted eddie. it made him doubt himself. even with the success he’s achieved and how much of an amazing partner, son, and father he’s been.
“eddie munson, the moment i got to know you, i fell in love. you were the sweetest boy in the whole school. i had to make you mine. when i finally got the chance i never wanted to look back. i knew from that every moment that we’d get married someday, have a few kids, and grow old together. no amount of money or jewelry or designer clothes is worth my love for you. you gave me six beautiful babies and you’re one hell of a lover,” yn smirks while he chuckles and holds her tightly before she continues. “i love you mister munson, and no one can take that away!”
he kisses her passionately. “i love you too misses munson. and im gonna give you everything and more. you and the kids deserve that!”
“lets start by setting a date to our wedding, huh?!”
“whatever you want, darling.
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kingofpopmj · 3 months
A little explanation of the baby names chosen for my latest story.
I’m The Light Of The World, I’ll Feel Grand
Naila-Michael Frances Jackson &
Carver-Y/N Spencer Jackson
~The meaning behind the name Naila, is one who accomplishes things in life. Carver means one who is gifted, in control of shaping their own future.
~For the first born children, I thought I’d be nice to honor someone Michael cares for deeply, so their middle names came from Princess Diana’s middle and maiden name.
Kya-Michael Rosemond Jackson
~Kya is a name fit for a graceful child, whom is laced with elegance.
~Her middle name was selected from Michael’s close friend, Elizabeth Taylor, it’s her middle name.
Idris-Y/N Macaulay Jackson
~Idris means fiery leader.
~His middle name was taken from Michael’s longtime friend Macaulay Culkin.
Khari-Y/N Brandon Jackson
~Khari means king-like and praiseworthy.
~His middle name was chosen to honor his uncle who passed away. (Marlon’s twin brother.)
Mavis-Michael Elizabeth Jackson &
Sade-Michael Katherine Jackson
~Mavis means songbird, but I also chose this name after Mavis Staples. Sade means rule or lead with nobility. Named after the artist Sade.
~Their middle names come from two important women in Michaels life, Elizabeth Taylor and his mother, Katherine Jackson.
Johan-Y/N Christopher Jackson
~The name Johan means god is gracious.
~His middle name was chosen to after another of Michael’s true friends, Chris Tucker.
Michael & Y/N
~I thought I’d be cute to pass on the names of mom & dad to all the children, so the girls have Michaels’ name and the boys have Y/Ns’ name.
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Hope you enjoy!
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gayhawkelatehomicide · 6 months
Updated Protagonist List
I'm going to add images to this, so it's going beneath a readmore for length reasons
Aridhel Mahariel - bow rogue, romanced Zevran, straightforward dalish who neither understands nor cares about shemlen (or durgenlen) politics, blood magic is probably fine as long as you use it responsibly, anxious and blunt. "Let's focus on stopping the world-ending plague of darkspawn first, and worry about the rest of this bullshit later, hm?"
Saffron Cousland - sword and shield warrior, romanced Alistair, noble in every sense of the word but cheerful and friendly, Queen of Ferelden, Arlessa of Amaranthine (and Highever), killed Rendon Howe with her father's sword, fixated on duty. "Because it's the right thing to do."
Theodore Amell - arcane warrior mage, romanced Morrigan, bastardization arc powered by Morrigan whispering bad ideas in his ear, loves his terrible witch girlfriend, blood magic is fine and the chantry is oppressive, ambitious. "I am no longer baby, now I want power."
Renan Tabris - dagger rogue, romanced Leliana, exactly zero patience for shem politics, raised Andrastian (derogatory), canonically kind of a bitch, evil sense of humor, loves her stupid new shem baby brother, harden everyone, distrustful. "Like dogs, Shianni."
Valda Aeducan - two handed warrior, romanced Leliana, honorable and serious, trusts no one, girl raised in harsh political nonsense learns to trust her found family and forgive her bio family while unlearning bad lessons simulator, sneaky/quiet sense of humor, intense loyalty to her people, values tradition but values compassion more, genuinely regrets what happened with Trian. "For the honor of my house, though I myself have neither house nor honor."
Emmaera Surana - blood mage spirit healer, romanced Alistair, fey and strange, sweet but a little out of it, she and Merrill would get along so well because they both just say what they mean, falls for Ali like a ton of bricks after trusting him exactly 0% at first, has a council of spirits that advise her, definitely more than a little possessed, Templars aggro on sight, besties with Morrigan. "The Chantry won't tell you anything useful about the Fade, but I could. If you want."
Ashaterylen Mahariel - champion fighter, loves Morrigan but it's complicated, aggressive and no-nonsense, adopts Alistair as her comic relief to fill Tamlen's shoes, Not Okay™ but doing a good job regardless, my only warden who straight up dies, but we still get Kieran because magic, rather laconic, probably my most heavily headcanoned origins character. "Duty trumps sentiment. Every time."
Iris Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Anders, diplomatic but also way too intense for her own good, loves mages so much, circle mage Bethany, will do anything to protect what's left of her family, noble impulses but awful sense of humor, fanatic, very angry underneath her shell of politeness, diplomacy as a tool. "Why don't we try asking the Arishok nicely?"
Ian Hawke - elemental mage, romanced Fenris, sarcastic, sided with the templars because magic is an essential part of him but it's brought nothing but grief to him and his family, templar Carver, quip for every situation, never loses his positive outlook for long, self-loathing but doing his best not to make that everyone's problem. "Dad did WHAT for the Wardens? Why am I not surprised."
Kiera Hawke - two-handed warrior, romanced Isabella, sarcastic → aggressive, sad bastard warrior Hawke, everyone who gets close to her dies, Bethany dies, good attitude wrecked by the wear and tear of life, loves her buddies who are also terrible, angry and broken. "You tell me where Bartrand is, I'll help you wring his fucking neck"
Alice Hawke - knife rogue, romanced Merrill, circle mage Bethany, p much pure diplomatic, diplomacy as a way of life, mom friend central, no one is irredeemable, far too trusting, kind of a busybody, always thinks she knows best. "Clean your blades, watch your purse strings, don't be a dick."
Delilah Hawke - entropy mage, in love with Varric, pure sarcasm, sends Carver to the wardens, adores her stupid chaotic bisexual family, beat down by this world but stubbornly clinging to joy, flat refuses to talk about her problems. "Where would I be without my trusty dwarf?"
Quinn Hawke - blood mage, romances Anders, red from the beginning, low-key an asshole but also high-key he just doesn't know how to communicate, oldest sibling syndrome turned up to 11, inspired by Harker Zevsurana's Kier, fuck you mage rights. "Well, shit."
Andy Hawke - force mage, romances Anders and Fenris (it's complicated), strong purple laugh-or-cry type, so many canon alterations but the twins both live, grows a lot over the course of the campaign, big fuck the chantry, uses their staff as a polearm bc they're not great at magic, easily my most headcanoned Hawke. "Have any of you guys considered having a normal reaction to anything? Ever? Didn't think so."
Miriani Lavellan - assassin bow rogue, romanced Solas, confused hardass Dalish girl doing her very best to navigate suddenly being in charge of all of this stuff, cares so much about everyone all the time, terrified but resigned to her responsibilities, self-sacrificing, sense of humor buried under all that sincerity. "I am the Inquisitor, through no virtue of my own. Vir suledin nadas."
Asher Adaar - two-handed warrior, romanced Sera/nobody (bc I meant to romance Sera but didn't know the right dialogue options so I kept waiting for it to pan out and it just sorta didn't), blunt and direct Tal-Vashoth mercenary who gets persuaded that maybe she actually is the herald of andraste, but honestly just wants to handle the things with as little religious and/or political nonsense as possible, blunt and violent. "We save Thedas TWICE, my hand wants to kill me, we save the exalted council specifically, and this is what we get?"
Stephan Trevelyan - rift mage, romanced Cassandra, a good sweet Andrastian boy, true prophet who has a meltdown when he finds out about Solas, best friends with Dorian, keeps the inquisition and wants to really save the world, a genuine idealist, stubborn AF. "Faith is a choice. The Maker set these events in motion so long ago we can no longer see His hand in them."
Samahl Lavellan - tempest knife rogue, romances Dorian, cheerful, sarcastic, and overwhelmed, insanely competent but good at hiding it, terrible little bastard, hates responsibilities, laughs in the face of danger (and Cassandra), keeps insisting he's not the Herald, kinda lazy. "I guess I'm learning now, aren't I, Mother?"
Riska Cadash - artificer knife rogue, romances Sera, direct and sometimes brutal but ultimately caring, criminal upbringing noble fashion sense, besties with Blackwall, andrastian and confused, consistently astonished by how easy it is to get things when you're the most important person in the world, one of my younger inquisitors but she doesn't act like it very often, really only when she's with Sera. "What's the worst that could happen?"
Dahlia Trevelyan - mortalitasi lightning mage, romances Blackwall, cheerfully irreverent young noblewoman flexing the edges of what she's allowed in this new role, filled with chaos and violence and entitlement. Fully does not believe in the Maker. Classically beautiful but with blue-gold eyes that go past "striking" into "genuinely unsettling" and, she caught some shrapnel from a spell gone wrong with her face a few years back so she's got distinctive scars. "Hey, look, at least dragons are real."
The Trio (all of whom have individual playthroughs but also come as a set)
Isene Lavellan - fire/rift mage, romances Iron Bull, primarily jokes and asks questions, basically a horrible mix of Miriani and Samahl. Sweet and a bit of a brat but ultimately up to the challenge. A disaster at the winter palace. Her general response to her workload getting heavier is to adjust the straps that hold the world on her back and carry on with a smile. "Bull, remind me why I accepted this job? Oh, right."
Harea Lavellan - knight enchanter and ice mage, romances Cullen, open minded and sweet, a bit naive but genuinely wants to make the world better, distressed by the mark and the everything but willing to bear it to keep others from suffering. Self sacrifice is a big theme here. Just a little (read: protected like Wynne) possessed by the actual spirit (of Wrath) who was attendant upon andraste, so she is quite literally the Herald. "No one is irredeemable!"
Rogelan Lavellan - sword and shield warrior, romances Josephine, kind of a hard-ass but willing to be romantic, would rather talk than fight but won't give up his ideals, careful and deliberate in everything he does but bold when he's made a decision. Stoic and pithy, but can be eloquent if he needs to. Understands shem bullshit better than most, because he's the kind of guy who studies the things that scare him. "Tell me how to help."
Primary "Cannon" Continuity - Aridhel, Ian (or Iris), and Miriani - Protector, Catalyst, Survivor
Strong code of honor - Saffron, Iris, and Asher - Shield, Dagger, Sword
Fucked Up Andrastians - Theodore, Kiera, Stephan - Ambition, Sorrow, Faith
Terrible Senses of Humor - Renan, Alice, Samahl - Vengeance, Kindness, Laughter
Wrongest Choices - King, Viscount, Divine (I haven't actually made this playthrough but is a male rogue cousland, probably a guy Hawke as well and obviously not a mage but idk what class, and fem warrior Trevelyan)
Dwarf Run - Valda, Delilah, and Riska - Honor, Love, Trust
Definitely Not Possessed - Emmaera, Quinn, and Harea - Council, Temptation, Authority
Three Inkies - Ashaterylen, Andy, Rogelan/Harea/Isene - Sacrifice, Victory, Vigilance
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