#my legal obligation and i am nothing if not a law abiding citizen
silksworn · 1 year
[ cut in ] you look lovely in that dress, by the way.
Consider the dessert fork. A small, unassuming bit of silverware left unattended on several tables that the servants have not gotten to cleaning yet. Iraestra spots one temptingly close out of the corner of her eye. How much damage could she do to the soft of a throat with one? A tongue? An eye?
Longing consumes her utterly; if she could only steer her partner and herself a little closer, she might be able to reach behind her back and seize hold of one...
"...why, the value of electrum decreases by the day! Wars are disastrous for commerce, don't you know? Terrible, terrible business." The lord continues braying like a mule, quite unaware of Iraestra's disinterest, or how murderously her thoughts stray. This is their third turn around the room and she fears that with another she will quite thoroughly prove just how bloodthirsty her people can be. "Not that a lady as lovely as you need worry her head about such things."
Iraestra stiffens with the suddenness of her rage. She stops dancing entirely, making the inept little man stumble over his own feet. Lord or no, his flayed hide will be hers. Let her make a proper drow celebration of this ball.
"Vith'rell," she seethes, stepping dangerously close to her former dance partner. Her hand itches for a dessert fork. "Do you even comprehend with whom you speak? I am not one of your surface women to order around like a dog -"
"Lord Morely. You wouldn't mind overmuch if I were to steal your partner away, would you?" A familiar voice drawls. Though worded as a question, it is more a statement. Enver. He places himself quite thoroughly between the two of them, the only object shielding the cowering lord from her wrath.
The lord remains much too stunned to reply. Enver does not wait for such anyhow, placing a hand on Iraestra's lower back to guide her away. He murmurs the next words for her ears only. "That imbecile only spoke the truth once this entire evening. You do look lovely in that dress."
Iraestra scowls grandly. "I would have it so he never wagged his tongue again, compliments or not. Where have you been?" Watching, no doubt, for the perfect moment to make himself known.
dance magic dance ! / @fatewoven
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mystoriesaboutlife · 2 years
Okay so this post I don't even know what to say.
I for one and getting so past the point of being sick and tired of injustice in what are supposed to be 1st world nations that If given the chance I would join sign up to revolt against the governments of our respective nations.
I guess we can start with the latest nonsense coming put of our "super power" southern neighbors the United States and the decision to overturn roe v wade. What the actual fuck? Who the hell would in good conscience overturn that? Who fucking person or people who are supposedly entrusted to uphold laws that are in place to protect basic human rights actually signed off on that? And not only did it get overturned by a 6-3 vote there is literally nothing anyone can do legally to stop that decision. Those judges should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Their job is to uphold the laws not strike them down because it doesn't coincide with their own belief system. Your beliefs don't fucking matter when you put on those robes. Your personal preferences, your sexual orientation, your political beliefs your fucking anything do not matter. The only thing that matters is the actual law itself. Laws are supposed to be enacted for moral reasons, to protect the law abiding citizens of your so called great nation. And yet here you are. Twisting the laws to suit your small mindedness. Taking away human rights that are not yours to decide. Not one of you should be allowed to serve as a judge in traffic court let alone the Supreme Court.
And this is not limited to the Supreme Court. These injustices are commonplace in every judicial system around the world. Take family Court for instance. If you're a father fighting for your right to have just shared custody of your children not even full custody. With a good job and no history of drug or alcohol abuse, no history of physical or emotional abuse or anything else and the mother has struggled with alcohol, been verbally or physically abusive to the father. She can still be awarded full custody. Not only can she be awarded full custody but she gets half your belongings. Not only does she get half your belongings but you have to pay alimony and child support to equalize her Standard of living. You get pushed below the poverty line so that she can provide a "good home" for your children.
That decision is made by a judge who has a bias towards mothers being the primary caregiver. Happens all the time. Happened to me so I know this. Making 75k a year I was ordered to pay 2600 a month in child support and alimony. While she did not have to fund a job to support herself, provide for the children. And even if she did get a job there was no obligation for her to earn enough to support them on her own. I however have no choice if she wants to sign them up for hockey or dance classes or lacrosse or piano lessons. I am obligated to earn more so I can afford to pay for those things or she can go through maintenance enforcement, have my license revoked, have my wages garnished, my vehicle reposessed and make it so i cannot maintain a job in the first place. Meanwhile while she can go make minimum wage and never try to improve her own situation.
The judicial system is fucked. It's absolutely fucked. It's purpose is to promote fairness and equality for everyone and like the governments themselves it protects the few.
Imagine living in a world where the government controls everything. Imagine living in a world where you are persecuted simply for being a woman who was raped and got pregnant by her attacker and illegally got an abortion.
Imagine living in a world where the rights of the few elitists supercede the rights and freedoms of 98% of the population. Well look no further than out your front door. We are there people. We are there.
Muslims by and large are good people, peaceful people. They follow their religion and the tenants and do no harm to others. Christians by and large are good people. Peaceful people who love God and serve God and do no harm to others. Catholics, jews, Buddhists, shintos whatever religion you want to talk about or even Atheists whatever you want to cite. Are typically good people who only want to live and let live.
Small groups of extremists, made extreme by acts of war upon their native soil by American soldiers, American bombs missiles planes and tanks. Blow up some buildings in New York and are labeled terrorists. Which they are. They are terrorists and they took innocent lives in the name of their extreme belief systems.
But when the NRA and the US government make it easier for guns to get into the hands of unqualified, unscreened, unsafe and unscrewed individuals they're being hailed as patriotic. Defending the constitution. Those guns kill tens of thousands of people every single year in the US. There are more mass shootings in a year than there are days.
It's fucked. It's absolutely fucked.
Turn your attention to other nations where the governments give tax breaks in the tune of billions to corporations but tax their population into poverty to promote businesses staying in their countries. How is it that inflation averages 4-8% a year which is a made up bs concept in the first place but let's not get into that and profits are up for those companies by 40, 50, 80 even 100%
I do not have an MBA, I'm not a business guru or anything like that. I'm a tradesman. And in my industry it is more likely to earn 4% overall profit to 10%. For most industries I'm guessing this is pretty standard. Either high profit low volume or high volume low profit. Never would you see the record setting levels that oiil companies and pharma companies make. Never.
It's because we're getting screwed. Our governments are selling us out. The people we have elected to protect us, our children and our families are selling us into slavery. That slavery is called debt and inflation. Meanwhile they vote themselves raises. I vet you a billion dollars that if every member of parliament made what a teacher does or a janitor or mechanic that they would not allow this shit to continue. If they had to choose between gas for their car or paying the electricity bill they would not allow this to continue. If their children were shot in these school shootings they would mandate gun control laws in a heartbeat.
We are being manipulated, we are being culled, we are being sold into slavery to corporate greed and its the very people we elect to protect our rights and freedoms that are doing it. At least in nazi Germany the people knew they had no political rights. At least in communist Russia the people knew that they were paying for their common man before they set foot in a factory or field to cultivate crops.
My government is lying to me and every other Canadian. We are being used to make the rich more wealth which in turn gives them more power.
Middle and lower class American citizens are being culled by guns in mass shootings. Women are having their rights stripped away by a government sworn to uphold them.
All of us are being poisoned by big pharmaceutical companies.
Your depressed take this but it causes anxiety so take this to help oh and that causes diarrhea so take this to help oh and that causes heartburn so you'll need these too. Meanwhile you're depressed because you're struggling to make rent, to feed your kids or yourself, all you see on the news is depressing heartbreaking stories and your food is so loaded with chemicals its creating the imbalance in the first place.
We are being taken by those in power and controlled by those who run the world. Those being the people who make bill gates or Elon musk look like the homeless man you passed on your way to work.
WE NEED TO STOP THE MIND FUCK THAT IS OUR LIVES. Stop buying their shit. Stop investing in their businesses. Stop allowing your governments to control everything. They need to be held accountable.
We the people have the right to life. We the people have the right to stand for what's right. And I for one and beyond the point of being okay with accepting this bullshit they keep telling us. Fuck you government. Fuck you big corporations. I'm done. I will only ever buy from local businesses. I will never again vote for any political party. And at the first chance I will raise my hand to bring you bastards down.
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woohooligancomics · 7 years
Sam Roasts the AMA!
No, not the American Music Awards, they rock! Or don't... I think it depends on your category. Anyway, in case you don't know, AMA means "Ask Me Anything". It's a kind of group-interview where questions come from a peanut gallery instead of an individual interviewer. I created an AMA on AMAFeed.com today and then immediately after creating it, I needed help with it, which wasn't forthcoming. There's no help link on the site, no forum, just an FAQ and a contact form, which is kinda weird. (I did later discover a reference to a support email address.)
So since there wasn't any way to revise the details of my AMA or correct any of the mistakes I'd made, I submitted the following on their contact form:
Hey there. So, I signed up today and created my first AMA here:
It's pretty obvious from the description of the AMA that mistakes were made! :P However, there appears to be no way for me to correct those mistakes, including even any way to cancel the AMA and start over. Does AMA Feed intend to cater to a group of perfect, error-proof extraterrestial supercomputers? Or perhaps to nihilistic philosophers who believe that the mistakes of our past must be preserved as a reminder of the meaninglessness of existence?
Sam "the Snark" Dealey
p.s. If the answer here is any of
"we'll correct those mistakes for you this once"
just create a new one
then you don't know how to do your job and I'll just pass on having an AMA with you, including this one I've already created.
It wasn't until after I had sent this message to them that I noticed this ridiculousness in their terms of service.
Unless otherwise stated, AMAFEED LLC and/or it’s licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on AMAFEED LLC All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view and/or print pages from https://amafeed.com/ for your own personal use subject to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.
You want me to hold an AMA on your site, but you reserve exclusive copyright to all my answers? Right, because AMAFeed.com is a business and you're hoping that you can make money off of the AMAs you've hosted in the future. There aren't ads on the site... yet. But then you expressly state in your FAQ that we're not allowed to create AMAs that are "veiled attempts to solicit money." Mixed Messaged much? If you have no intention of making money from these, why try to claim exclusive copyright to the content? "We're just here for the sole benefit of the public, we have no concern for our personal interests. We just want total control over whatever you're going to say, without paying you for it, to make sure everyone else gets a chance to hear it!"
But it doesn't really matter that you've said we can't solicit money, because while your FAQ says we can't do that, your Terms of Service say nothing about it! Nor does your ToS say anything about you having the right to remove that content (although you do anyway). So technically, you've given us no legal obligation there, Sherlock.
Also... you know that facts can't be copyrighted, right? In all likelihood most of the answers I'm going to give you can't have any legal control over because they'll be facts. Like when someone asks "what's your favorite pie" and I answer "the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter." Or when I answer "nine inches" to "how big is... a personal pan pizza." There might be some flair in the way I express them, but they're still facts, they can't be copyrighted. Might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on Twitter's legal battle over content rights as well.
You must not:
Republish material from https://amafeed.com/
Sell, rent or sub-license material from https://amafeed.com/
Reproduce, duplicate or copy material from https://amafeed.com/
Ooops! Too late. Come and get me. I wish you luck in your futile attempts to sue.
Redistribute content from AMAFEED LLC (unless content is specifically made for redistribution).
Need I even mention that you didn't get this into your bullet list? If proofreading a legal document isn't high on the priorities list, was legal advice for a legal document on that list?
... <removed "User Comments" section> ...
Hyperlinking to our Content
The following organizations may link to our Web site without prior written approval:
Government agencies;
Search engines;
News organizations;
Online directory distributors when they list us in the directory may link to our Web site in the same manner as they hyperlink to the Web sites of other listed businesses; and
Systemwide Accredited Businesses except soliciting non-profit organizations, charity shopping malls, and charity fundraising groups which may not hyperlink to our Web site.
You forgot "private citizens" and "any other kind of organization". D'oh! What on earth makes you think you get to control who LINKS to you? Do you get that privilege offline? "No, sorry, only Jeff is allowed to tell people where our store is located. Isn't that right Jeff? He's good at keeping secrets, I'm sure our rocket-launcher store will be in business for a long time, as long as Jeff is in charge!"
These organizations may link to our home page, to publications or to other Web site information so long as the link: (a) is not in any way misleading; (b) does not falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement or approval of the linking party and its products or services; and (c) fits within the context of the linking party's site.
Whew! Well, I sure am glad these links fit within the context of my roast! Wait... why did we start over at 1 again? Did you forget how to internet or did you forget how to outline? If you have a 1, you have to have a 2 following it, that's how these things work.
We may consider and approve in our sole discretion other link requests from the following types of organizations:
commonly-known consumer and/or business information sources such as Chambers of Commerce, American Automobile Association, AARP and Consumers Union;
dot.com community sites;
associations or other groups representing charities, including charity giving sites, online directory distributors;
internet portals;
accounting, law and consulting firms whose primary clients are businesses; and
educational institutions and trade associations.
My site is educational, I should have no problem. ;) At least we finally got to 2.
We will approve link requests from these organizations if we determine that: (a) the link would not reflect unfavorably on us or our accredited businesses (for example, trade associations or other organizations representing inherently suspect types of business, such as work-at-home opportunities, shall not be allowed to link); (b)the organization does not have an unsatisfactory record with us; (c) the benefit to us from the visibility associated with the hyperlink outweighs the absence of AMAFEED LLC; and (d) where the link is in the context of general resource information or is otherwise consistent with editorial content in a newsletter or similar product furthering the mission of the organization.
Look, you can put whatever you want in a contract. Your contract can say that only people with blue skin are allowed to link to you if you want, but that's not going to make a court uphold your desire to only let Andorians, Na'vi, Smurfs and two characters from the X-Men movies link to you. Nor will it protect you from bad press like this. That's just fact. Sue me, I could use the publicity. Also, "the benefit to us from the visibility associated with the hyperlink outweighs the absence of AMAFEED LLC;" ... I dunno, I think the absence of sentence structure is more disturbing.
These organizations may link to our home page, to publications or to other Web site information so long as the link: (a) is not in any way misleading; (b) does not falsely imply sponsorship, endorsement or approval of the linking party and it products or services; and (c) fits within the context of the linking party's site.
Did you just stroke out in the middle of writing your ToS or did you intend to write two similar but subtly distinct versions of the this paragraph?
If you are among the organizations listed in paragraph 2 above and are interested in linking to our website, you must notify us by sending an e-mail to TOS. Please include your name, your organization name, contact information (such as a phone number and/or e-mail address) as well as the URL of your site, a list of any URLs from which you intend to link to our Web site, and a list of the URL(s) on our site to which you would like to link. Allow 2-3 weeks for a response.
Wait, are we talking about the actual paragraph 2 or the second paragraph 1?
Approved organizations may hyperlink to our Web site as follows:
By use of our corporate name; or
By use of the uniform resource locator (Web address) being linked to; or
By use of any other description of our Web site or material being linked to that makes sense within the context and format of content on the linking party's site.
Wait... using the name of someone's company counts as a link?! All this time, I thought it required use of HTML! Well... I guess 20 years in the software engineering industry can only get me so far.... Oh, wait, you meant the content WITHIN the link! Gotcha! Ah, well, I think in this context Truck Nuts might be the most appropriate label. That makes as much sense as this ToS.
Reservation of Rights
We reserve the right at any time and in its sole discretion to request that you remove all links or any particular link to our Web site. You agree to immediately remove all links to our Web site upon such request. We also reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions and its linking policy at any time. By continuing to link to our Web site, you agree to be bound to and abide by these linking terms and conditions.
"By continuing to link... you agree to be bound"... that's a little presumptuous. How do you know I'm into bondage?
Removal of links from our website
If you find any link on our Web site or any linked web site objectionable for any reason, you may contact us about this. We will consider requests to remove links but will have no obligation to do so or to respond directly to you.
Our demands for link removal must be met IMMEDIATELY and without question! Your demands for link removal will go on our pile for review. Don't be surprised if we tell you to talk to the hand because the face ain't listenin'.
Whilst we endeavour to ensure that the information on this website is correct, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy; nor do we commit to ensuring that the website remains available or that the material on the website is kept up to date.
In particular, we do not warrant that this ToS will contain English sentence structures or bear any resemblance to any existing legal precedent. THE AMAFEED HAS SPOKEN!
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties and conditions relating to our website and the use of this website (including, without limitation, any warranties implied by law in respect of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and/or the use of reasonable care and skill).
... up to and including any reasonable care or skill not used in the creation of the legal document you're currently reading.
Nothing in this disclaimer will:
limit or exclude our or your liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence;
limit or exclude our or your liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation;
limit any of our or your liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law; or
exclude any of our or your liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.
Are you just stating the obvious, or did you think it was actually necessary to state that this contract can't break the law? "Be it known that this contract shall not permit extortion, robbery or murder! Furthermore, in the state of Alabama... do you have some place to be? This might take a while..."
To the extent that the website and the information and services on the website are provided free of charge, we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.
Speaking of which, if you are planning to sue me for linking to you, I'd like to direct you to my site's Terms of Service, which plainly state that, since my roasting services here are provided free of charge, I will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature.
So, given that I'm publishing this roast of their ToS which seems a bit hypocritical and overly handsy with their demands that we not speak negatively about the AMA Feed, it seems unlikely they'll let me host any AMAs with them now. Not that I'm complaining too much. I thought it could be a fun way to talk with some folks, but they're certainly not the only way to hold an AMA. If you have a recommendation for a place to hold an AMA (I know reddit is an option), leave a comment. Or if you think Reddit's the best place, leave that comment too.
I'll be publshing my Laughtifesto this week, explaining why I say Laughter is a Moral Imperative. :D If you'd like to keep up with my comedy, subscribe to the mailing list on our site or you can follow our Patreon, with or without pledging. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Don't let your racist uncles get you down. ;P
Update! Nov 21, 2017
So it turns out that the folks at AMA Feed are actually pretty nice people. They replied to me right away (though to be fair, I'm pretty sure they haven't seen this roast yet, and I haven't mentioned it to them). So we'll see. Maybe the'll have a good sense of humor about this too, or maybe they'll can my AMA before it starts in March. :P
Hello Samuel
Thank you for getting in touch and I am pleased to say there is a way to edit AMAs. When designing the UI we went for minimalistic and I guess one could argue we have gone over the top, hey. To edit your AMA https://comicsama.com/sam-dealey-roasts-himself-an-ama-on-comedy-comics-and-why-laughter-is-a-467977/ make sure you are logged in with the account you created it (it is a common mistake I've noticed to try edit an AMA when not logged in or logged into another account), then click the 3 dots next to the countdown and you will see a drop down with options, edit is there.
Hope that helps, let me know how you get on.
P.S. Maybe 100 days is a tad too long?:)
Tatiana Bonneau
*Marketing Director*
So props to Tatiana for being a good sport! I think she handled my snarky comment form beautifully, and fast.
I suspect they have some kind of bug in their software. And I told Tatiana, I had actually already tried those dots, immediately after creating the AMA, so I assume I was still logged in with the same account, given that only a second or two had elapsed. At the time, the only item in that menu was "report" (for content that violates their terms). That seemed a bit odd in itself that the menu ony had one entry.
Yes, the 100 days is a bit long. :P I set the date out a ways to get us past the holidays and to be about the time of our Kickstarter. I'm not certain actually if the date will stay on the 1st of March or if I'll change it to another day that week, but it gives me about a month after my first endocrinologist appointment. I'm hoping that by then the blood-sugar roller coaster I've been on will be a little better as it's been draining a lot of my time in recent months and a lot of my work has been behind schedule due to that and other errands and doctor appointments. Plus, we've got holidays between now and then.
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