#my late grandfather was a fisherman in addition to a farmer and ive heard he was a real snob about fish
bogkeep · 1 day
out of curiosity more than anything is there any specificity in the fish Norway wants you to eat, freshwater fish, seafood fish, is it an industry thing, or is it just a Norwegians are all heading towards rickets thing
the norwegian fish industry is largely sea based, which makes sense considering this country is 90% coast, and salmon is one of our big exports (and also the reason salmon sushi is a thing! salmon on sushi is not traditionally japanese). the fish youre encouraged to eat are fish with healthy fats and omega 3, and i think salmon and cod are like. the two main fish you can get. fish has always been a Big Thing in norway culturally, seeing as it's probably one of the most reliable local food sources in a place that's this much coast this far north. one of the traditional christmas meals in norway is halibut.
my impression that it's always been a Health thing because norwegians are chronically low on vitamin D and other consequences of living this far north haha. we're also encouraged to drink fish oil (tran) or take omega 3 supplements. i'm actually not sure if there's vitamin D in fish? (i know they add vitamin D to low fat milk - norwegians also drink So Much Milk. there's not a lot of milk propaganda though. you don't need to propagandize milk here. edit: there's milk propaganda too)
i also want to say that the most entitled and unpleasant people i've met have been fish industry people. when i worked at the hotel i had so many unpleasant interactions - drunk fisherman on the phone telling me he was super rich and trying to bribe me for sex workers, fisherman telling the receptionists he's serving his country and working a real job unlike us (and then leaving a box of fish in the reception, demanding that we put it in the breakfast fridge even though it would go against health and safety regulations), and of course the dreaded Annual Fishery Convention or whatever it is when all the hotels in town are full of chauvinists getting drunk every night. what the fuck is going on on those boats
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