#my irl favorite colors are indeed pink blue and purple
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angelbitezzz · 1 year ago
What color toothbrushes do you guys use? (very important!!1)
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"It's russian roulette, dude!"
"whoops. sorry, it's hard to keep your human terms straight."
"If that's considered human roulette to you, the hell is monster roulette??"
"normal, non lethal game of chance?"
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mysticsparklewings · 6 years ago
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MakeUp By Artists: Mystic Space Palette
At long last, I have gotten off my lazy bum and participated in my own tag/challenge/whatever   If you'd like to try this #MakeUpByArtists thing to make your own makeup collection, you can download the Premium template that I used with shading and textures and all that here, OR you can download the completely Blank template here. So this is, essentially, what it would look like if I was approached by a brand or suddenly given the funds and means to make my own makeup collection based solely on myself.   I'll be honest, I spent waaaayyyyy too long deciding on some of the color names, but for the most part, the colors themselves were relatively easy to come up with. The lipsticks I just based off of my favorite colors to wear in real life, and the eyeshadows were a mixture of colors I use a lot, colors I wish I had in eyeshadow, and just my favorite colors in general. Even the name of the collection was a little tricky for me since I didn't want it to just be point-blank my name. (But that's definitely an option, I just wasn't feeling it myself.) I started with "Stars and Sparklers," but then as I was trying to name the colors in the collection I felt minorly obligated to make them line up with that as a theme. But that's not what I wanted; I wanted a "theme" that was just me if someone threw my personality in a machine and turned it into a makeup collection. (I can always play with different themes and stuff in other palettes later; this one was just supposed to be about myself.) So I went back and ended up going with "Mystic Space" because it sounds kinda snappy like a typical makeup palette/collection name, but it's also accurate: use these makeup products and you're stepping into my (Mystic) Space. The overall look, likewise, I went with some galaxy stuff for the logo/item theming. I had decided pretty quickly that given the choice, I'd have all the metal portions as that opalescent/holographic-white color that shifts to a kind of pale green or lavender in the light. So I did my best to capture that and going also with that the brush bristles would also be white, both to match and because that way I could more easily see how much color I've actually picked up on it. The lace edging on everything was actually a later addition. My general disposition in terms of style volleys between Pastel and Punk (and often combines the two), and so after some thought I came upon the idea of having white lace accents (IRL, I imagine this would be actual lace somehow tied or otherwise attached to all the different things) against all the stark black. It's pretty nice visual contrast and reflects me pretty well. (I'll also picturing a white bow over the spot where the palette would open/close, and maybe in the store, there were be white bows wrapped around the boxes?) And now I'm going to very quickly run down where each of the color names come from and what they would look like as makeup products, starting with the eyeshadows (order is left-right, top-bottom). I came up with all the colors first, then went back and did names as they came to me: • Sugar Water - A bright white, shimmery shade. Originally the name was going to have something to do with dandelions or Baby's Breath, since I really love those flowers, but more integral to me as a person is definitely that pretty much all I ever drink is soda, and I will often actually put sweetener in plain water when we go out to restaurants. 
• Enchanting - A buildable matte, light seafoam shade. It is a little more cyan than I originally intended, but this still works. Mint/seafoam/robin's egg kind of colors really draw my eye, and I imagine as an eyeshadow with few layers and lots of blending this would work as a lighter mint shade, or the more intense cyan with more layers and less blending, so it hits both of those. The name I derived from "Enchantix," my favorite Winx Club transformation, as this color reminds me a lot of Bloom, the main character from the show, and her Enchantix outfit.
• Mew Know It - A very shimmery/glittery baby pink/rose gold. I use this kind of color a lot when actually doing my makeup, and it happens to remind me of a cat's nose or paw pads, and thus a pun for the name encompassing my love of cats was born. 
• Mummy's Tome - High-Impact, metallic-glitter gold. Also a color I use a lot of IRL. The name here is a 2-in-1. Mummy because I have an inexplicable fascination with Ancient Egypt, and Tome because not only does that make a nice pun on "Mummy's Tomb, but it also references my avid readership. (I was really happy went I came up with this name; I thought it was so clever! ) Cheshire - Another pink, this one more on the matte side and much more intense. I don't use this color a lot, but it is one of my favorites to use in art making (which may or may not be obvious if you know me) and I wish I could use a color like this on my eyes more. Named after the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, naturally.  Specifically from the 1951 version, as it is my favorite Disney movie. 
• Apple of my Iris - A mostly (very subtle shimmer) matte neon purple. I'd use this color if I had it, but I don't! Also one I like to play with in art, though. Originally I was going to call this one "Joker Country" after one arc of my favorite manga, Alice in the Country of, but the next one was also going to have an AiW kind of name originally, and I really didn't want to have three with the same name theme right in a row. I also thought I could do with more puns, so I thought this one up and went with it.
• Faulted Star - An opalescent/holographic electric sapphire blue. My personal favorite out of the palette! I'd find every excuse I could to use this if it was a real thing! Based off of my absolute favorite color in the entire world. The name derives from The Fault in Our Stars, my second favorite John Green book. (It was my #1 before Turtles All the Way Down came out.) And it is also an accurate statement of myself.
• Parade - A highly shimmery/glittery black shade. I do use black eyeshadow a lot, but mostly for intense eyeliner and in small doses to bring out other colors. But I've yet to obtain a really nice, super sparkly black to use. This one probably has my favorite name though; Originally I was trying to force a Winx Club Wizards of the Black Circle reference in, but I just couldn't do it. And then the thought appeared to me: It's Black. And what is the most popular song by my favorite band (My Chemical Romance)? Welcome to the Black Parade. From there, the reference/pun was entirely too good to pass up. And I still love it. Comparatively, the lipsticks didn't have quite as much thought put into their names: • Freak du Chic - An opalescent hot pink, satin finish. I actually have a lipstick this color, but I don't wear it much because A. It's a lot, and B. over the years the actual lipstick has gotten kind of beat-up, so I have to be extra careful when I do use it that it goes where I want it to. Originally I had just named it "Blue Rose," but that was so plain and I had entirely too many things with B names. So I went with a Monster High reference instead, since I strongly associate hot pink with the brand. 
• What in Carnation - A highly shimmery baby pink. This is probably the kind of lipstick I wear the most often since it looks pretty inoffensive on my face but still looks like I am indeed wearing lipstick. The name was also the very first pun I came up with for the names and once I thought of it I couldn't bear to let go of it.  I also really love the look of carnation flowers, so that works out.
• Bloody Berry - Deep, almost pinkish matte red. Surprisingly, I will usually go for red lipstick if I'm not wearing the previously mentioned shimmery pink. I'm not really sure what it is, but I like a nice matte, red shade. (My mother doesn't care for the matte look, but they're my lips, right? ) The name is sort of my poking fun at traditional "berry" names and also sort of a distant reference to the interest I've had in vampires that I've had since I was like ten. Also, I like most berries. 
• Beachy Keen - Satin finish, peachy/apricot/pinky-fleshy/nude shade. I'd wear this more often if I could find exactly the right color, but most are usually not quite what I'm looking for in one way or another. Still, I do like the subtle look sometimes. The name is really purely a pun, but it also works since I like the beach but I don't really like eating peaches. ... I think that's everything! Clearly, I had a lot of fun with and put a lot of thought into this, but that was the point from the very beginning, waaaaaayyyy back when I first started toying with the #MakeUpByArtists idea. So I think I've properly come full circle with it. I just really hope I'm not the only one that ever does this, or this is going to look kind of silly.  Oh well, I had fun and did what I originally set out to do, so no harm was done, I suppose. ____ Artwork & Template (c) me, MysticSparkleWings   ____ Where to find me & my artwork: My Website | Commission Info + Prices | Ko-Fi | dA Print Shop | RedBubble |   Twitter | Tumblr | Instagram 
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sakurasangcl · 8 years ago
I was tagged by the lovely @ofthekingsglaive
1. Are you named after someone? Nope! My parents loved the name Julia, and I got my middle name because of the color of my cheeks when I was born. 
2. When is the last time you cried? Gosh, not recently enough. I have a problem where when I need to cry I can’t. Which can be both good and bad, so...
3. Do you like your handwriting? No. I have literally been looking up cursive to find a way to write that better. My print is decent enough, some of you all have seen it! 
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Ummmmm turkey or chicken
5. Do you have kids? Nope! In about 5 or so years I will have my own dog, and then I will! :D
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Hell yeah! I come with a ton of baggage (thanks life) but there aren’t a lot of girls diagnosed with ASD... And I don’t know many more fangirls irl. 
7. Do you use sarcasm? Have you met me? Yes, I do. But I make sure the person knows I am too, so they don’t get confused. :)
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes indeed I do.
9. Would you bungee jump? No. I feel like that cord would snap!
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Cheerios, tbh
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Lol nope. Not unless I have to. 
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? I guess? I would prefer the word resilient though. 
13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Ummmmm mint chocolate chip, chocolate chip, cookie dough, or chocolate. 
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? One of the first things I notice is not exactly physical, but is? I’ll just do my best. It’s a combination of how they hold themselves and how they act. I judge them based of the aura they give off, I suppose you could say. 
15. Red or pink? Red!
16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I have horrid mental health. It’s not that I don’t try to be happy, I just can’t. 
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I’m wearing my jeans and my green and white sneakers. 
18. What was the last thing you ate? ... a milkshake and french fries... 
19. What are you listening to right now? Touch by Little Mix
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? One of those weird ones that either you can’t tell if it’s blue or purple or if it’s blue or green.
21. Favorite smell? Ermm.... Oh! books. Lots of books. 
22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My grandmother who I call Meema because it was her birthday!
23. Favorite sport to watch? Football, of course. The American kind though. Or lacrosse. 
24. Hair color? Dark brown
25. Eye color? brown
26. Do you wear contacts? Nope! I have 20/20 vision! 
27. Favorite food to eat? Something I’m not allergic too? But other than that potatoes. 
28. Scary movies or comedy? Why not both? Just kidding. Comedy. 
29. Last movie you watched? ... Scary Movie V
30. What color shirt are you wearing? hot pink
31. Summer or winter? Summer, because the beach
32. Hugs or kisses? WHY MAKE ME CHOOSE? I SHAN’T! I choose both. 
33. What book are you currently reading? My textbooks tbh
34. Who do you miss right now? My family (especially my doggie) and @ruined-by-destiel
35. What is on your mouse pad? I don’t have one!
36. What is the last tv program you watched? This really great show on Netflix called Dark Matter. 
37. What is the best sound? Puppies or music. 
38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Rolling Stones, I suppose? I don’t have much a preference for either, tbh. 
39. What is the furthest you have ever traveled? I’ve been to Colorado. 
40. Do you have a special talent? Um, I can speed read, sew a bit, sing (kinda), play the clarinet, draw some, write better than Stephanie Meyer (not much of a talent, tbh), I think that’s it? It’s nothing actually special though...
41. Where were you born? Oklahoma, oddly enough.
42. People you expect to participate in this survey? Um well @ruined-by-destiel @teamfreewill-imagine and all my lovlies who want to do it! 
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