#my huion tablet sucked SO much ass
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celestiachan · 4 days ago
the origin of the curse
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strigital · 2 years ago
ayo! long time no see, beanos 🫘 so whilst i'm taking a break from any non-essential for my survival things like social media due to my mental health doing a lil bit of a "fukc u stoopid brain 😠" thingie, so much so that i completely ignored my own b-day this year (your old girl over here is already twenty fucking seven jesuschrist) Huion - who's drawing tablets i've been scoping out for a while now - decides to have a whole ass b-day sale for all of their tablets - a whopping 35% off - as well as free shipping. and lemme tell ya, fellas - never in my life have i made a faster decision to spend the entirety of my monthly wages on a piece of tech and never before did my brain went from suicidal depression to happy puppy on his way to the park mode! ya girl is buying herself an entire Huion Kamvas 16 (2021)!! 🥳✨
TL;DR - my depressed ass who skipped her own b-day is getting a surprise gift from myself as Huion decide to also celebrate their own b-day rn!
EDIT: bought a refurb Kamvas 13 in purple instead cause it's cheaper/smaller/looks cute and so far I'm in love 🥹
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orphans-of-coldfront · 4 years ago
———  BASICS!
Name: Alex
Pronouns: She/her
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Taken or Single: Single
1. I'm addicted to FFXIV. Love that game.
2. I’ve been playing Resident Evil 7 recently, and just started Resident Evil 8, and i’m not gonna spoil anything, but Castle Dimitriscu had me feeling all types of ways. Scared, aroused, frustrated. Love it. This game’s an emotional roller coaster and I love it. I really think it takes the best elements of classic Resident Evil games and combines them with their new first person horror style to make what has, so far, been an incredible game.
3. I'd love to DM my own game of D&D sometime. The books are kind of expensive, but i’m saving up money. I’ll either save up for the books, for a Huion or Wacom tablet with the screen you draw directly on, or for a VR headset. So far I have quite a bit saved up, which is exciting. Can’t wait to pay it all in cash and get to work.
Best idea would probably be the tablet, then maybe draw commissions, make some extra money on the side, and use that to buy other things I want. Big brain time. :)
Platforms used: DIscord, tumblr, used to rp on french forums, my one whole French mutual might know what i’m talking about, those forums all ended with .forumactif. Rp’d on there during my old Naruto weeaboo days. Wish I could go back to these simpler times though, but they really helped me improve my writing. Being told by a few grownups at 12 years old that my writing sucked ass might not be what I wanted to hear, but I eventually learned and became very talented so, merci à vous, putains de connards. J’vous aime du fond du coeur. :)
Gender: Either is fine, Lucas is more about feelings, same with Zoe. Their upbringings wasn’t very traditional, to say the least. They were mostly raised by the streets.
Least Favorite Face(s): Don’t really have one. Had two FCs for Lucas and I love them both, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is stunning, I wouldn’t change Zoe’s FC at all.
Multi or Single: Multi. The muses I ship with all have depth, and so all the ships are incredible to explore. I know that, to some, it might lose meaning to multiship, but this isn’t real life. You should really go for it. It’ll even help inspire you to write your muses in different ways, because they change and grow differently depending on the ship.
I’ve shipped with muses who had kids in their pre-established verse, and Lucas became a bit more fatherly, and then shipped with other muses that were partners in crime. Not all muses hahve the same emotional baggage. Some of them were left scarred by life and it’s a process to pick up the pieces. Hell, one person I shipped with was a femme fatale, and she was very lighthearted, and Lucas kind of caved and became a bit more lighthearted himself. You know, it’s really interested to sit back and think about how someone’s muse can change how your muse feels or acts.
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT: Fluff is nice, angst is good too but I don’t rp it as much as I used to when I was younger. Smut is fine if both muns are 18+ and consenting, but I really don’t write smut that often anymore.
Okay, I don’t write that often anymore either, at least not rp-wise. But i’ll eventually come back more regularly.
Tagged by: @pownan or @slicing-clovers for their rp blogs, thanks for pulling me out of the shadows for a bit. I promise Karen will get her boxing match soon! :)
Tagging: @espion-bleu @thoseblusox @levixthxn-thegirl @thebleuspider @diannabridden @redbritishsniper @arrows-and-illusions
** Repost / Don’t Reblog!
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transmandrake · 3 years ago
Man, I was so lucky to get my original tablet. Before screen tablets were really taking off n fairly cheap, I had my eyes on a surface pro, check it one day and its on sale for barely a grand... i forget how much of that money i had and i guess the real luck is having Well-Offish and Too Generous stepparent but man. If i hadnt convinced them to buy it that day, cuz it was only on sale for one more day, I'd have just never gotten into digital art and I'dve never done my comic. Traditional was jus so Much. Crazy to think about the little decisions you make that change your life...
Going to miss the portability if I do go to college. Both in the 'nice to have portable compuper' sense and 'i can work on stuff when i have a chance' way...
Hope that right to repair law changes stuff cuz man literally only the battery was broke. But you cant replace it without taking the whole thing apart by literally melting the screen off...
I'd totally buy another when my huion dies inevitably cuz it was good, but only if it can be reasonably repaired. Its so annoying, im the techie person of the family, and i wouldnt be able to do it. Not to mention the danger of. Yknow. Heating up a tablet with an exploding battery in it.
Though the pen nibs do suck ass price wise, god, €20 for three inch-long cylinders. Dont miss that. Also the keyboard which worked for like. Not even half a year. Even when i got it replaced under warranty. Still kicked it in the same amount of time.
Oh man i forgot, i actually replaced the whole tablet too cuz it had a common defect. Under warranty, baaaarely. Can I just say, another life changing decision that I decided on a whim to put my stuff on Onedrive cuz oh. Man. I would have lost everything again if I hadnt. Please, if you make anything on a computer back it up. On a hard drive, on a cloud, as many places as you can. You dont know when something will fuck up, including a hard drive, they have a lifespan. All my first digital art ill never see again cuz i dropped my old laptop once. My first minecraft worlds i spent hundreds of hours on. Soooo easy lose digital things. Heck if you like any vids or websites keep a copy of em, you never know when theyre gonna go down.
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outofworkderpy · 7 years ago
Broken Tablet
Short Version: Got a new “pen display” tablet but there are technical difficulties & I’m not sure how I like it.  No update today and updates might be on hiatus or I may do some traditional non-story arc stuff while I figure this out. Sorry this sucks right after a cliffhanger.  More details in the read more below the images.  
Drawing with the new tablet:
Tumblr media
Drawing with the old tablet:
Tumblr media
Some bad news everyone, my tablet stopped working on me.  So there is no update today.  :C
That being said I got myself a new tablet.  I got a Ugee 2150 pen display which is a cheap knock off of the wacom cintiq.  There are some pros and cons though...  I’m having trouble with getting it to work right. The tablet’s pressure seems off, and the mapping to the screen randomly jumps to only half the screen or it maps to my other monitor.  It’s super annoying but if I can figure out how to get that situated then that will be a huge issue out of the way. I am hoping (or maybe dreading?) that it is my old tablet driver fighting with the new tablet driver, but I’m reluctant to get rid of the old tablet drivers yet... 
Besides that I have some pros and cons with this thing when I can get it to work right. I’ve only had a few hours with it working so some of the cons might be user error.
There seems to be a minor lag when I draw with this. And it is just enough to drive me nuts. Its not super bad and when I force myself to draw slower I can get it to work but I don’t want to draw slower :/   
Where your pen is and where the cursor shows up is slightly off due to the glass between the screen and the pen.  I knew that this would happen and I think with time I can get used to this, I need to play with it more.
The angle of the screen throws the colors way off.  Like when I was coloring the image above it looked terrible and only when I moved back from the screen a distance or angled myself into the perfect position would the colors look right. Maybe it’s the lighting in my room or maybe there is something I can do for this. Idk.
The screen resolution is tiny.  I didn’t think that would be a huge problem but it makes using the art programs harder cause the tools are cramped and I have less drawing area.  Maybe there is a way to adjust that but I haven’t found it yet.
I don’t think I can change the pen buttons like I could with the old tablet.  I had the transparency or erase set up as my old pen button but I might not be able to do that with this one.  This one has an erase option but it doesn’t seem to work or maybe it doesn’t work with my art program.  
Drawing with this hurt my neck and back.  Maybe its cause I’m looking down at the tablet since it is a screen instead of looking up at the computer screen.  
Screen can get hot but I have a little glove thingy I bought with it that pretty much negates that.  I’ll have to see what a longer drawing session does with that.  
It’s super bulky.  It takes up a ton more space then a regular tablet and unless I figure something else out it is forced to take up a ton of real-estate on my desk.  I can’t tuck it away like I do a regular tablet. 
It’s pretty cool.  There is just something bad ass about using one of these things and despite the above issues I really want to give it a chance.  
I can use it as a 2nd computer screen.  I haven’t yet but my second screen has also been acting up so if it does die I’ll probably use it as a second screen till I can afford to get higher resolution one.
It’s nice to see the drawing come to life under your pen.  the disconnect that you usually get from drawing with a different tablet isn’t there, its much more similar to drawing in real life. 
adjustable angles.  It can be 90 degree to about 45 degree angle. 
the angles force me to move my arms more which although is extra work, it is a better practice.  drawing with your shoulder and arm is far better then wrist drawing.  
I’m going to play with this thing and see what I can do but I may just have to buy my old Huion tablet again.  If I can find work arounds for some of the above issues I might be good but If I have to relearn how to draw using this kind of tablet... I just don’t think I have the time or patience to do that at this time and in the middle of a major story arc to boot.  
Thanks for your patience while I get this all figured out! 
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aquariasmoon · 2 years ago
Kinda an oldie here but eh I'll throw my hat in.
Long ass infodump ahead sorry.
I've used these for YEARS! love em. I've had quite a few different ones by a few different companies and I will be outright to tell you that Wacom is overrated and over expensive. Unless you are working in a top industry professional environment you do not need cintiq. industry-standard does not mean it's the best! I see so many new digital artists fall for this!
Nowadays you can get a pretty good tablet for actually rather cheap! I also would say you really don't need one with a screen either. yes, it's nice but its more a luxury than anything. it's a little strange drawing without looking at your hand but honestly, that strangeness goes away pretty quickly. They are actually really comfortable to use as you can sit back and lounge while using them. If you have back problems I very much would recommend getting one without a screen for this reason. 
I currently use a screen tablet (I bought it as I was working as a freelance artist for a while it was a present to myself lol) and I can say while it didn't change my art quality or even my speed much it's just a nice to have if anything. So If you're not wanting to spend the extra $$$ I really recommend getting a standard drawing tablet. Size is also a thing to consider. Honestly, I’m on the side of if you are going all out and getting one with a screen you might as well get one with a good size screen but if you are getting a regular pen tablet then you don't need one that's big, all your doing is making it so you have to move your arm more. This however is down to personal preference, I guess I’m lazy and really I don't like moving my arm a lot lol, so I prefer smaller tablets so I only have to move my hand. But again if you are looking to save some $$$ then getting a medium or a smaller size tablet is perfectly fine.
My current company of choice is HUION they make some pretty good tablets for overall pretty cheap. I've used a lot of Wacom tablets and to be honest, I've always had driver problems with them! Every single one of them. For my Huion tablets however I've never actually only had one problem with specifically Sai2. But overall I've been really impressed by Huions tablets and more importantly their price point.
XP-pens is also meant to be a good competitor I know a few people who use their stuff and they seem to get good reviews. it's not something I can personally speak on however but yeah looking into something that had good reviews it's also best if you look into what program you want to use as some tablets just don't support or interact well with certain programs. (wacom and Sai seem to be mortal enemies at this point lmao)
But yeah overall when it comes to tablets try not to get caught up in all the bells and whistles a standard desk tablet is perfect for drawing! You can pick up a good one for under $100 easy. 
Programs: I see you're using Photoshop ugh. I'll be first to say as someone who actually had to take a course and train to use photoshop to get my degree in interactive media in art and design ...photoshop sucks so bad for drawing. great for editing photos but for making digital art uuuu not so much. here are a few programs I'd actually recommend:
Clipstudio: I personally use clipstudio because of its huge amount of functions, and the amount of free support it has. You can actually get a free trial for this. It's one of those programs that seems overwhelming at first just because of how many things it can do but honestly I've been messing around with digital art programs for about 15 years now and this is my fave so far. it's got everything you would really want I honestly find it better than photoshop. 
Sai: You said you have sai and you use it to line. (the lining tool is great I used to use that all the time back in the day too!) but I think the main reason as to why sai is so popular is because of the brushes it's a great painting program! it feels great to paint but yeah a tablet is pretty much needed for that.
If your wanting a free program here are two:
Medibang Lightweight but does a lot! Has a cloud system and you can even use this on your phone or tablet. If your computer isn't the most powerful this is a good alternative as, unlike most programs, it isn't a system hog.
Krita I know a lot of people who use this! it's also free which is great, personally, I never clicked with it but after playing around with it for a while it definitely is a great program!
I would honestly say to stay away from adobe products mainly because the company is shitty lol. Although if your being a yar har fiddle tee dee pirate then well 😎 godspeed by friend lmao.
seeing that your drawing things by hand then photographing them, lining them in one program then doing the rest in another. That's probably why your workflow is slow, to be honest.
Did you can turn your sketches into transparent digital lineart? it only takes a min to do once you know how to do it. There are like a million tutorials on youtube on how to do this too! Super easy :D Also, I think sticking to one program to both line and colour in would help a lot ( also just using something other than photoshop because honestly, I think using that is probably slowing you down a lot!) Learning a few digital art basics will also help a lot. I’d recommend learning these things if you don't know them already:
Clipping -Both clipping layers and clipping groups Masks -beyond useful for many many situations Layer types -the multiply and add layers types are great time savers Select tool - the select tools seem simple at first but being able to use them to quickly colour flats and fill in areas in seconds can save you literally HOURS of hand colouring. Shortcuts -Learn the shortcuts for undo,redo,cut,copy,paste, colour pick and transform as a minimum. Honestly, even if you have to assign custom buttons for these things it will save you a lot of time. Being able to just scroll through your tools with a button press very much help with workflow rather than having to go through menus! 
Well I think thats enough of me yelling lol, if you have any questions I can do my best to answer them! Sorry if this was just me rambling about random stuff it's like midnight here right now lmao, still I hope some of this was in any way helpful!
hi friends who do digital art, can you help me out?
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