#my hero acidima
phoniex742 · 2 years
Hey everyone gals pals and nobinary people i have a question so I have no watched all of my hero acidmia but I do read fanfics kinda .and you know what's weird almost single one has described shota aziwia as a cat person know I can see this I kinda agree that he would be but ....why though?does anyone actually have evidence ?unless I'm just missing something ?is it just the vibe he gives off?like "oh yeah this guy abouslty has cats"or is it somthing hinted at ???please if somone has an anwser let me know
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phoniex742 · 2 years
Hey I have a fabric idea for my hero acidimida summirzation
The bakusqaud and kirshima hear bakgagko laugh for the first time
It could be romantic or plantoic
Kribaku,plubakusqaud or it could be no relationship and just be pure fluff
If anyone knows of fic ideas or has heard of a fanfic that already let me know so I know to get rid of this idea
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phoniex742 · 2 years
Just thouGhtt if somthing funny
Katski :stay away from me deku!*storms off *
Kirshima :...Izuku don't go after him
Izuku: Kachan!!!*procdes to go after him anyways *
Todorkoi :i see so he does not fear death
Explosions go off in the background everyone sighs.
(The reason I dident uses izuks and kasktis last name is because I can't spell but if it need to be changed I will)
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phoniex742 · 4 years
You know I noticed something a lot of my chachters seam a bit simmaler to sanders sides and my hero academia (just so you know that my hero academia) and sanders sides are not my charchters all credit to Thomas's Sanders and kohei) horikoshi) (the person who made my hero acidima go check out the manga /anime on Crunchyroll /Netflix aslo spoliers for decits) name below )and aslo some of my emtions seem to be simaler to Sanders sides
Terry smith =bakugo katski both have temperament issisues and acts like a brat and picks on the the "weaker " ones like rebebca/midorya
Rebbeca gravewood =izuku midorya they both have a father who kinda wasent really there for them and they both "hide a secert " and are both really shy but supper smart
Griffen claw = ejiro kirshima they both really strong and have a big heart
Aron (no last name yet)=tenya idia both are really strict and come from a line of hard working faimly
Brendan rous =todroki shouto although they don't seem simpler they both have a bad past although Brendan dosent really like his father because he barely sees him but they both got daddy issues and have a lot of admirers
Typhon =Fumike toykoyama because come on think about it both dark birds both very emo
(That's all I couldn't think of but if you find some let me know )
Sanders sides
Patton =shanon rose although shanon is very shy she is very peppy and is very freindly
Logan =Alex ( no last name )both are cold and don't share a lot of there feelings and they are both very smart
Roman =Griffen claw both are strong and may have a bit of a ego but are very loyal and brave but Brendan and roman are bot
Virgil = could be any of these Brendan ,or typhon or Rebbeca or Justin although Brendan is very mysterious and very flirty but he can also be shy like typhon or Rebbeca he could be emo like Justin or typhon (up to you to decided )
Decit /Janus =felix /Tim both at very mistvois
and manilpitive
Remus =Marty ?both are really crazy
Happyness =Patton because come on both are very excited and pure
Calmness=Logan both smart and caculed both are seen as "emtion less "
Fear =vrigil both are seen as the "bad guy " and are very intindated and should not be messed with
Pride or confident = roman although both pride and roman have some simateles like ho both are strong and very liveing confident is all very strong but has a bit of a ego but up to you !
Decit/Janus =decitful because its obvious both manptive and digsues as people they know
insane /diguset =Remus although Remus is not enterly insane he's more like diguest although he's not duguested by much disgusting witch it partly what disguest represents but again you to decide
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phoniex742 · 4 years
Hey sorry I haven't been writing lately but i'v been busy so recently I just starter watching avtar the last airbender but if you watched bhna (my hero acidima )you'll notice something dosent prince zoku seem a lot like todoroki?think about it both have Firepower's and have been burned both kinda have daddy issues althougjt the difference is persnilty prince doku is A bit self centered and has a temper problem witch kinda makes me think he's bakgo and todroki in one 😂
Although I just started watching it so the opion might change over time tell me what you think below
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