#my hero acaddemia bakugo
laceymorganwrites · 5 years
She-Hulk and Explosion Boy pt.3
Word Count: 1,834
Pairing: Bakugo x fem!reader
Warnings: cursing
Summary: You wonder if Bakugo and you reached friend status yet and hang out
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“Hey, (Y/N), wait up!” Bakugo called out for you on your way to school.
“What?” you asked him, stopping in your tracks to wait for him.
“I just wanted to apologize for yesterday, I mean the gym thing, I´ll make it up to you!” he promised.
“I told you it´s fine already” you groaned.
“What´s going on with you lately? You seem on edge” he pointed out and you shot him a death glare.
You hated it how well he could read you, well to be fair, you could read him just as well.
Maybe that´s why you could communicate without using any words, you understood each other like that.
And even though you did, you didn´t seem to grow any closer as friends, you never met outside of school and yes, that bothered you.
It bothered you not knowing anything about him, about Bakugo, the only one who seemed to get you, someone you wanted as a friend.
But he didn´t see you that way, for him you were just his competition and gym partner.
“I´m just pissed lately, that´s all. You can´t tell me you don´t have those days” you glanced at him, hoping the topic would be over.
“I know you´re lying, but whatever, you don´t have to tell me anything” he sounded far more pissed than he intended to and regretted it immediately.
Luckily you didn´t seem to notice it, well you did, but you also decided not to act on it, you were too tired to have a fight right now.
“I´m just not in the mood to talk today, okay?” you sighed heavily, hoping that the conversation would end now.
You didn´t intend to sound so… sad?
“Are you angry at me?” Bakugo asked, but his voice was a mere whisper, as if he was afraid of the answer.
You groaned loudly, stopping and turning around to him.
“Yes! Yes I fucking am!” you yelled, letting all of your frustrations out.
Bakugo just blinked in confusion.
“What the fuck? I didn´t even do anything!” he defended himself, frowning.
In this instance he tried his hardest to think back on what he could´ve done wrong, but nothing came to mind.
“Wait...is it still because of the gym thing?” he asked.
“No, no it´s not. Could you shut up for one second!” you balled your fists in your frustration.
Bakugo stayed silent as you told him to give you some time to breathe.
“Do you want to be my friend?” you asked, sure you said it quietly but the silence that followed the statement made you uneasy.
“That´s a stupid question” Bakugo scoffed, he just didn´t get it.
“Then fucking answer it” you glared at him, was it so hard for him to admit that he didn´t want to spend time with you outside of school? Why couldn´t he understand that you just needed this one answer to know for certain, to leave him alone like he wanted.
“I thought we already were friends...” he mumbled, frowning slightly and pouting.
You blinked a few times, looking at him with an expression a humanoid computer might have if it was restarting, trying to process the information that was just given to you.
“Really?” you squinted at him rather suspiciously, you never knew when people would pull pranks on you, you couldn´t be careful enough.
“Yes, okay?! Don´t make me fucking repeat myself” he growled at you, he didn´t like admitting he actually liked someone and saw them as his equal, especially if it was a pretty girl who could easily crush him.
But you needed to hear it twice because of your trust issues, you just needed some reassurance, was it so hard for Bakugo to do that?
Well, he couldn´t read your mind but you were just too embarrassed to directly address the matter.
“Okay...do you want to hang out later then?” you suggested, trying to say it as causal as possible but you couldn´t hide the nervous way your voice shook.
Bakugo didn´t mind it though, he was really glad you asked him, he was too awkward to say anything in that direction.
First he needed to build up the courage to ask you if you actually achieved friend and hang out status yet, and fuck that would only bruise his ego, luckily you did the asking for him.
But then where would you hang out? If it was at his place it would be super embarrassing because of the polar opposites of his parents and he already knew his mom would think you were more than just friends, which would be way too awkward.
“Yeah sure thing...you wanna do Math together?” he asked, he still needed to finish his homework.
“Alright, I´ll text my mom that you´ll come over” you smiled at him, taking out your cellphone and doing what you said.
The day in school was alright enough, you even sat together with your friend group, that was full of people you didn´t know and you were still uncomfortable and unsure if they actually wanted you there.
But it was nice that Mina and Bakugo were there to reassure you.
“Mom, dad! We´re here” you announced your presence as you opened the door to your apartment.
You only hoped your parents wouldn´t embarrass you too much.
“Hey honey, how was your day?” your dad greeted you, he was watching TV in the living room like usual after his day at work.
“Quite alright I guess… we didn´t get much homework, so Katsuki and me will be done soon with that” you said.
Your dad mustered Bakugo a while before saying hello, he tried his best not to give Bakugo the dad talk, but you were his little girl, he couldn´t help himself.
But then he remembered that you could very well take care of yourself and decided a simple greeting would suffice.
Bakugo would never admit that but meeting your dad was very scary for him.
“Your place looks nice” Bakugo said abruptly after thinking too long about what to say and therefore not saying anything, resolving in an awkward silence.
All he came up with was the most standard compliment, great job at fucking up…
He could hit himself right now, why couldn´t he say something like a normal person?
Your parents surely thought he was stupid right now.
“Darling you´re home! How was school? Did you kick some ass?” your mom came out of the kitchen, smiling when she saw you and Bakugo.
She was always so excited when you told her about school.
“Yeah, she kicked mine” Bakugo smirked, making you roll your eyes.
You might have been a bit overexcited in gym class today.
“Oh! You must be Katsuki, (Y/N) told me a lot about you! I´m (Y/M/N), it´s nice to meet you” she smiled brightly, shaking his hand too much, but Bakugo didn´t mind.
Did you really talk about him a lot and why did that thought make him smirk?
“Mom, you´re overwhelming him, calm down a bit” you already were embarrassed by her.
Your mom just smiled apologetically.
“Ah right! Food, I made food! You can eat upstairs if you want, I hope you like it too, Katsuki.” she went  back into the kitchen and brought the food which she handed to you.
“Have fun!” she chirped as you two went upstairs.
“We´re doing math homework, mom” you groaned.
Bakugo followed you into your room awkwardly.
“Alright, let´s get this over with so we can do something more fun. I have some video games, but we can also watch a movie or something, I don´t really mind either way” you stated, sitting down on your floor with the math sheets and pens in front of you.
So he sat down next to you and you two started solving the problems and eating in a comfortable silence.
The food was gone faster than the problems were solved and you went to your old habit of chewing on your lips, frowning in concentration as you desperately tried to figure out what the actual hell you were supposed to do in this last problem.
All of your ideas proved to be wrong after you tired them out, making you groan in frustration.
“For fuck´s sake...why is this so hard?” you mumbled, tapping your pen against the paper.
Bakugo chuckled, he was long done with the work.
“Why, are you stupid?” he smirked, teasing you a bit.
“Yes I fucking am, you asshole. Stop being a dick and help me” you snapped at him, only making him chuckle all the more.
Bakugo moved a bit closer to you so that he could look into your notes and help you.
“You´re an idiot. You´re thinking way too complicated, try to break down all the information that is given and pick out what´s necessary. You should come up with the solution that way” he pointed at the problem to underline his statement.
“Okay….we don´t need the 800 participants, right?” you tried to uncover the necessary bits.
“Those are the most important, stop guessing and think for once” he grumbled.
“I am thinking, you idiot! I just can´t figure it out” you sighed heavily.
“Okay, I´ll explain it to you” he gave in and explained it in a calm and thorough manner and in the end you actually understood it.
“Oh my god, that´s it?! That´s fucking easy” you told him, making him smirk.
“Told ya” he commented.
“Thanks for helping me” you smiled at him, playfully punching his shoulder.
“Yeah, don´t mention it” he returned the smile shyly, normally he didn´t smile at all, he didn´t even notice that he was doing it right now, weird.
“Okay, so what do you wanna do now?” you stretched your arms out, sighing.
“I don´t really care” he said nonchalantly.
“Wait, I got a new video game somewhere” you stood up and went searching through your shelves until you found it.
You triumphantly held it up in the air, smirking widely at him.
“Multiplayer, let´s kick some ass” you said, sitting down next to him on your bed and giving him a controller.
Bakugo returned your smirk, eager to play the game.
As soon as you started, both of you were in concentration mode, completing missions and quests, rising up the levels and most importantly: kick the asses of other players.
Curses left your mouths as naturally as you were breathing, you laughing mean when you won something and ranted when you lost.
It was fun playing with him, you both had the same thoughts and sometimes you said the same thing at the same time.
You had the habit of nudging Bakugo´s elbow when he fucked up somehow, little did you know that his brain needed time to restart whenever you touched him, even if it was an accidental brush of your hand against his.
Time passed quicker than both of you liked and Bakugo had to go home.
“See you in school” he simply said as he left.
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