#my heart jumped outta my chest when i saw this ngl
fawnchives · 11 months
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‘those girls on tumblr could probably write better honestly’ do i pull a clark kent and tell him or—should i pull a hannah/miley
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 6 years
BTS Maknae Line Asked to Give Crush a Hickey
Summary: this request is mad specific so...see title
Warnings: mass amounts of unresolved sexual tension, cursing, uncomfortable boners, this is SO sexy but also dumb, not exactly smut because I love unresolved sexual tension, this had me sweating tho ngl I kinda wanna write a part 2
Word Count:2157
"You want me to do WHAT?!"
This is the loudest he's ever raised his voice to you in the three years you've been best friends and you're not sure if you've ever seen him blush. You cannot stop laughing at the look on his face.
He's just sitting on your couch, staring at you and frowning when you finally straighten up.
"I'm not asking you to eat me out on the kitchen table, Kook, I just want you to give me a hickey."
He's turned an alarming shade of red. He's sputtering. "Wh-Why? WHY?"
"C'mon, you hate my ex as much as I do I just want to fuck with him. He's bringing that skank he cheated on me with to the party."
"Why me? Why not makeup?" His voice sounds strangled.
"Jesus Christ, Jungkook, do you find me that hideous?"
He swallows hard, darting his eyes away from yours. "Of course not."
"I tried makeup it looks too fake and how desperate would it look if it rubbed off on my shirt, anyway?"
"Because asking your best friend to give you a real one isn't desperate at all," he says dryly, and you hit his shoulder with the heel of your hand.
"He always accused me of fucking you so if we show up together and I have a hickey he'll be so salty."
He looks down at his hands for a moment. "What if I say no?"
You shrug. "I mean I have other friends..."
He shoots his gaze up to yours and sets his jaw. "I'm the one fake dating you at this party so I should do it, right?"
You spread your hands. "That was my way of thinking but I can call somebody else-"
"No!" You jump a little at how loud his protest is. "No," he says more softly, "I'll do it."
He's gone completely stiff, shoulders straightened in an almost straight line.
You smile at him. "Oh, lighten up, Kookie, we've slept in the same bed and nothing happened except you kicking me in the face. What's a little hickey?"
"I said I was sorry about that," he grumbles, looking down at his hands again.
You tap his shoulder to make him look at you and pretend to check and imaginary wristwatch.
"Kook, like sometime this century, maybe? The party is in 3 hours and i gotta shower."
He takes in a deep sigh and leans his head down to your neck hesitantly.
You feel his breath hot on your skin before his open mouth, and it makes you shiver. He latches onto the side of your throat and sucks gently.
When he pulls back you shake your head. "Jesus Christ have you ever given a hickey? You have to get in there, don't be a pussy."
He looks at you for a moment, open mouthed, face still red, and then he grabs your waist and pushes you down onto the couch, pressing his body flush against yours.
He places his hands on your face and your breath goes short because you think he might kiss you but he just tilts your chin up and puts his mouth on your throat again. This time he sucks hard and bites down a little and it almost hurts but you're less alarmed from the pain and more alarmed by the heat rushing through your body.
You can feel that he's hard against your thigh and when he pulls back, looking down at you, breathing harder than he should be, full mouth red and open, you don't know if you are scared he will kiss you or if you want him to.
You push against his chest gently. "Get off me, you pervert."
He goes tomato red again. "I may be your best friend but I'm still a guy, you know."
"Yeah sure whatever! You think I'm hot admit it!" You tease, but you don't wait for him to answer before you run to the mirror.
You exclaim to him that it looks great and close the door, looking at the purplish red mark and trailing it with your fingers.
Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook was sitting shell shocked on the couch, tracing his finger along his bottom lip where it had touched your skin.
Jimin has his head cocked at you like an inquisitive puppy and ok, it's cute. He's cute, but he's also your best friend and had been since you were teenagers.
You trusted him not to read into it, so this is why you'd asked him.
"Let me get this straight," he says slowly, "you want to make your crush jealous...but also appear available, so I'm supposed to give you a hickey and then ignore you at his party?"
You nod, feeling a little defeated because it sounds dumb when he says it out loud. "I know, it's ridiculous but he just never notices me and I hoped-"
"I'll do it," he says, scooting closer to you on the bed where you were both sitting cross legged, facing each other.
You're taken aback a bit. "You...you will?"
Jimin shrugs. "I'm your ride or die, right? I've done dumber things for you, like stealing that cheerleader's One Direction phone case because they were sold out everywhere and you saw her get the last one. She beat the hell outta me with her pom poms."
You're laughing, remembering. "I didn't ask you to steal it, you idiot!"
Jimin is grinning widely at you now, playful puppy mode activated. He's leaning closer and closer to you.
"Yeah but you were crying, so it's your fault. I can't stand you being sad."
He pouts, and your heart hurts by how sweet he is sometimes. He'll make some lucky girl one helluva boyfriend.
He puts his hands on your shoulders and you start. "Now?"
He shrugs again and smirks at you. "No time like the present."
Are you crazy or is he being flirty? You inwardly roll your eyes at yourself. Of course he's being flirty, he's Park Jimin.
You'd seen it with girls left and right but it felt a little strange being on the receiving end. Your heart is speeding up.
You turn your head to the side, assuming he'll kiss your neck, but he dips his head lower, kissing just above the swell of your right breast, open mouthed.
A strangled cry comes from your throat because your nipples tighten instantly, your body reacting.
He's moved one hand to your mid back, pressing you into his mouth, and the other on your neck to tilt your head, just below your ear.
You feel hot all over and he's sucking hard at your skin but he doesn't pull back, kissing you over and over and sucking hard, trailing fire across your chest. He lingers for what seems like forever, and when he's made a necklace of small bruises below your collarbone, you have to tug at his hair to get him to pull away.
He looks at you as if he isn't sure where he is for a moment, his full lips wet and red, and your heart skips several beats before he grins at you and shakes his head loose from your grip.
You give him a look, and he shrugs. "You want him to think we're fucking, right? No one will doubt it."
You go to the mirror and you close the door and stand against it for a moment, shaken.
Jimin sits on the edge of your bed, running his hands through his hair over and over, heart racing from your closeness and the sudden need to mark you as his.
"Why are you always so extra, Jimin?" You yell when you burst back into the room after looking in the mirror.
"Hey, you're the one with the hair pulling kink," he says, rubbing the top of his head.
 You punch his arm and everything is back like it was save the flush of Jimin's skin and the way you kept tracing his marks on your chest absentmindedly.
Taehyung (V)
Your best friend of six years, Kim Taehyung, is silent as you explain the situation save for a slight surprised hum in the back of his throat when you finish.
"So you want to make your boyfriend jealous?"
You shake your head. "He's not my boyfriend, but I want him to be, and maybe if he thinks I'm seeing someone else he'll finally ask me to be exclusive."
He nods slowly, but he's frowning. "And at the party, I'm supposed to pretend..."
He trails off waiting for you to elaborate.
"That we are friends with benefits or dating or something. You're a good actor, Tae, just pretend you don't find me repulsive."
He frowns deeper. "You are far from repulsive. I don't want to pretend to be your date."
You don't catch his emphasis. "Look, i know I'm not your type or whatever, but it's just a hickey and one night. I bet some girl will try to take you home, anyway."
He's still so quiet, just looking at you intently.
Then he sighs, as if he's doing you some big favor, and you guess he is but jeez it didn't do much for a girl's self esteem that he found it such a chore.
"Will this make you happy? Getting this guy?" He looks so serious, searching your face.
You nod enthusiastically. "Very happy!" You exclaim, and you swear you see this face fall a little.
"Okay," he says resolutely, "how do we do this?"
You're slightly irritated by how little he seems to want to kiss your neck in spite of him just being a close friend, so your voice is harsh.
"For the love of God, Tae, you've given a hickey before!"
"Not on purpose," he says, voice low as if you've scolded him, and you feel bad.
"I'm sorry, bubs. Here you are doing me a favor and I'm biting your head off. This guy just has me so..." You make a "grr" sound in your throat.
Taehyung smiles at you but you can't help thinking it's a little weak.
"I hope he deserves you." He says, looking at you earnestly, and wow that's sweet coming from your friend who called you a slob and made sweeping motions on your bed last week, calling them "dirty laundry angels."
He leans forward as if to kiss your neck but the angle is weird so you impulsively push him back against the couch and straddle his hips.
He draws in a sharp breath and you chalk it up to surprise.
You sweep your hair to one side and offer him your throat like you're in a goddamn vampire movie.
Taehyung had his arms at his sides but when you bared your throat he made a low hum in the back of his throat again and stared at the long line of your neck.
Slowly, he took his hand and trailed it down your neck, starting at your jawline and ending at your collarbone.
Heat pools in your lower abdomen and your mouth goes dry at the hungry look in his eyes just before he strikes like a snake, latching on to your throat and sucking gently.
You hope you aren't shaking when he pulls back, but he isn't looking at your face, just staring at where he'd kissed with a critical eye. Before you can catch your breath he strikes again and he sucks harder this time, almost enough to hurt.
You have to stifle a moan this time. This was a bad idea, he's too hot for your body not to react, even though you're just friends. You’re aching to grind down into him, because you can feel him hard underneath you.
He’s a guy, you’re a girl...it doesn’t mean anything, right?
He pulls away, looks once more, nodding as if he were happy with the results, but instead of looking up at you or pushing you off of him, he tilts your chin up with one finger and kisses you there again, but just once, wet and open mouthed, not sucking anymore.
You really think your legs might be shaking when you climb off him, touching your neck where a purplish bruise is forming.
He just watches your every move, almost blank faced, but you can see his skin is flushed.
You smile at him. “Thanks, Tae.” 
Then you lean down and kiss the corner of his mouth and he makes that little surprised hum in the back of his throat again.
You can feel his eyes on you as you walk to the bathroom.
You close the toilet lid and sit there for a moment, willing your breath to even.
When you go back into the room, it takes a while for you both to start acting normally, and even when you do, Taehyung’s eyes keep darting to the bruise he’d made on your neck and he’d wet his lips, over and over.
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