#my heart goes doki when I look at him
saltsig · 3 months
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Herlock doodles, trying to figure out how I want to draw him♡
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koreanchimchim-blog · 2 years
Our lovely prince, isn't he just beautiful 🤩💓 my heartu
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Credits to the original- derived inspiration from it, politely borrowed from them🫶🏻 thank you 🌼@25shadesoffebruary @laowen
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
Silent Princess
No. The taste of acid burns in his throat, bitter. His stomach sits so upset, he almost throws up, forced to keep a calm, royal demeanor. No. No. It’s not fair. It’s… tears sting burning his eyes as he blinks them away.
He just wants to help…
“Killua. Enough!”
His father never used that tone on him. He was often cold and harsh, but…
He can’t help but flinch in retaliation. Digging his nails into the royal blue sleeves of his gown.
“This can help!”
This technology! He knows it can! It’s so much better than dumb magical powers. A bitter thought.
“You cannot keep shirking your responsibilities! You are the only one who can seal Meruem!“
Shirking? Him? He knows more than anyone…! What he has to do…! The frustration builds in his chest, the tears that well up in his eyes. The uselessness he feels everyday! So he wants to do something to help! He enjoys studying. He’s trying! No one sees it! He tries! He prays and prays! He does anything he can, reading up, attempting, and attempting!
It all fails! Every attempt is like a dagger in his heart.
“I forbid you from studying those machines any longer until you awaken your power, understand?”
Those words draw the air right from his lungs as he looks up into his father’s cold eyes, his frame trembling.
That sword… plunges into his heart more than anything. His frame is taut, breathing panicked, and caught in his throat.
That calm voice is the only thing that can ever anchor him. Press down his anxieties and make him feel better for just a moment.
Killua looks up into those crimson eyes and feels a sense of relief. Kurapika is like a big brother to him. He’s strong, cool-headed, and amazing. Everything he wants to be.
What’s the point of this useless power if he can’t use it?!
“Pika… it’s… it’s not working! I keep trying! Why am I so useless…? Why won’t it awaken for me?!”
Is he that terrible? Why? Why? Why?
When he stands there. His destiny accepting him with open arms so easily…
And here he is… useless!
“Give it time, little bird; everyone learns at their own pace.”
Kurapika doesn’t smile often, but when he does, it eases the trembling in his shoulders a little, as the Kurta places a hand on his shoulder.
Right. Time.
Prickle. Prickle. The feeling runs against his skin. Bitter. Bitter.
He hates him.
Killua hates him. He hates him. Why…? Why is it the gods will ignore him… when he’s tried! And tried… there are still black circles under his eyes, as his skin burns in fury, and sadness and despair threatens to drown him. His personal knight? No! No, he doesn’t want this idiot to be his personal knight!
What? He can just pick up the legendary sword like it’s no problem! Like it’s easy?! And everyone praises him and looks at him with smiles…
And he…
His father…
The whole world…
Bitter. Bitter. Prickle. Prickle.
He has to keep calm when knighting the knight.
When the knight takes his hand kneeling, he stiffens and flinches unwittingly, sucking in a breath.
The knight looks up with these bright amber eyes filled with so much life, and a pure shock of anger and pain runs down his spine as he swallows.
“It’s an honor, your highness. To protect you.”
Smiling at him like that… Killua catches a glimpse of the hilt of that sword, and it makes his head spin.
“Yes. It is a pleasure.”
He speaks as coldly as his father speaks to him.
“Stop following me!”
Brat. Selfish. He knows what they all think. Useless. Failure. Heir to a throne of nothing. Failure. Failure.
So what if he’s a brat?!
They don’t know…!
He’s prayed everyday his whole life!
“But, your highness!”
He doesn’t get this idiot; how can he still follow him! When Killua has been nothing but cold to him everyday.
Maybe he’s hoping… if he’s cold enough, the knight will leave him alone, and he won’t have to see that sword on his back that reminds him of all his failures!
Gon. He’s so full of light, and love, and energy, and-
Killua can’t stand it!
He huffs, stomping off, past Gon.
“I do not care what my father orders! Leave me alone!”
He just wants to study in peace!
“But, your highness!”
He can’t take this anymore! Another failure! Another look of disappointment from everyone he knows!
He whirls around, anger flashing in his deep blue eyes, the edge of his boot catching on a rock. The pain that runs through his legs and behind are nothing compared to the shame that pools in his chest and spreads across his cheeks.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
Gon stares at him dumbfounded before jolting out of it, rushing over, and leaning next to him.
“Your highness? Are you alright?”
He sounds so genuinely concerned that Killua doesn’t know what to feel. A few tears land on his cheeks, and he doesn’t even try to brush them away, letting light wisps of his hair fall into his eyes.
A broken-hearted sob leaves his lips.
He can hear Gon audibly gasp, but he doesn’t care anymore. There is no more shame he can hold. He’s a useless heir with no foreseeable future because he can’t awaken it…
“Your highness-!”
He feels the rough warmth of Gon’s hand grab his own, and Killua tears it away, sniffling and looking toward the ground.
“Leave me alone.”
He was always envious of Gon. He thought he didn’t face any hardships at all.
He was wrong.
He wants to do something for Gon to apologize. More than just the words.
Killua doesn’t know why… when he thinks about him now… his heart won’t stop pounding…
Maybe he’ll make him something.
Gon was always hungry, always scarfing something down with Ikalgo…
His legs burn. Sweat clings everywhere, making the fibers of his blouse stick to his skin as he runs. His feet ache, and his lungs hurt too much. He can’t get another gasp of air in.
The fear is palpating.
He’s an idiot! He knew this was the territory of the Chimera, still he!
He just wants to be of use!
But now…
“Leave me alone!”
He had already told Gon…
What point would Gon have now…
He’s just been cold and harsh to him…
There’s an opening, and he keeps running even when his legs feel like collapsing. Killua skids to a stop, a harsh gasp leaving his lips as more of the Chimera circle around.
He falls backward, the world around him spinning, his heartbeat roaring in his ears.
No. He’s- he’s going to die.
Before he can even-
One of them steps forward, snickering, and he scoots back, his breathing irregular and panicked.
It swings.
Killua closes his eyes, waiting for the inevitable, bringing his arms up to shield his face.
It doesn’t come. No agonizing pain to end his failure of an existence.
“Your highness!”
Killua opens his eyes slowly, lowering his arms just slightly so they rest at his chest, curled up there, trying to protect himself.
Why- why is Gon here… when…?
He looks up toward Gon, a gasp caught in his throat.
Killua doesn’t think he’s ever seen Gon look so serious, determined…
He doesn’t know why, the usual feeling in his stomach that makes him feel sick, annoyed, and agitated. It still feels weird; his chest feels all funny too. But differently. That blade should just make him…
Make him feel such envy…
But he’s just dumbfounded, staring at Gon, watching him slice up the remainder of the Chimera with ease.
“Your highness!”
Gon sheathes his sword, running toward him, worry spilling over in those warm eyes of his as he leans over.
“Are you alright…?”
He pants and Killua looks away, his ears and cheeks burning.
Gon takes his hand so gently that it makes his heart race.
Gon grabs his shoulder, and Killua can’t help but lean in close.
“I am fine.”
He tries to be polite and use the correct etiquette, but it all seems to fall apart when he looks into Gon’s eyes.
Prickle. Prickle.
“Are you hurt?”
“I-I’m sorry.”
For everything.
“Gon, stop! You’re going to die!”
Killua already lost everyone else! Please don’t!
Don’t die, Gon!
He needs you!
“I’m okay, Ki. I’m gonna save you.”
There’s blood and grime all over Gon’s face, but even now, he’s smiling and stands in front of Killua to protect him.
Killua grabs Gon’s arm in desperation.
He doesn’t want-
He doesn’t want Gon to die!
It’s aiming for Gon. It’s aiming for Gon!
No! No! No!
Why, you idiot?! Why, even now, are you so ready to fight? Leave him! He’ll be fine!
It’s- it’s gonna kill Gon…
He steps in front, arm out, praying.
Please- please!
Bright blinding light…
“It’s called a Silent Princess; it’s an endangered species.”
Killua liked flowers, but he liked this one particularly. With the white and blue petals it was like a light and had a gentleness yet strength to it.
It was free, and-
His fingers brush against the petals, and Gon hums, leaning over his shoulder, staring.
Killua raises an eyebrow.
“Don’t you think it’s pretty?”
“Yeah! It’s pretty like you, your highness!”
The air gets caught right in his lungs, the tips of his ears going bright red as he stutters, coughing.
He didn’t speak formally around Gon anymore, but-but what gave this idiot the right to-!
“Wh-what?! Y-you can’t say that stuff, idiot! It’s-it’s ‘mbarrassing…”
He pouts, playing with a strand of his light hair, tucking it behind his ear.
“Oh, you’re right; I’m sorry, your highness!”
That just makes Killua puff out his cheeks more, crossing his arms over his chest and pointing his chin in the air, using his royal presence.
“Don’t call me that; just call me, Killua.”
“Okay, then I will, Ki!”
He looks toward Gon, who is grinning, offering a hand for Killua to take.
Killua grumbles, searching around in the grass for something, grabbing it despite how slimy it is.
“S-stop it, you moron! Eat this! Eat it!”
“You look like a dumb frog with your dumb face, so eat it!”
He tries! He keeps trying! He’s soaked and cold, the bottom of his dress is sopping wet, and a shiver runs down his spine, but he doesn’t stop trying, stop concentrating.
Nothing is happening!
He feels nothing!
Why? Why?
Is he so useless still…
Why! Why! Won’t this cursed power work for him!
“I can’t…”
“What’s wrong with me…?”
Why… why won’t they…
The shame always pours into him, but more so knowing Gon is watching, oddly quiet.
He wraps his arms around himself, letting his tears fall and blend with the water.
“Your highness…”
Gon is calling him that now.
Why?! He just feels so empty…!
He throws his hands down in the water, biting back a scream, choking down a sob.
“Ki. Ki. Ki. Hey, it’s okay.”
He turns around, tears still in his crystalline blue eyes filled with pure pain and sorrow, his lips parted.
Gon’s ever an idiot, his pants now soaked, as he walks closer, placing his hands on Killua’s shoulders. Killua sinks into his touch, grabbing at his tunic and burying his face in his chest.
“I believe in you, Ki. And even if you don’t do it, that’s okay. I promise I’ll protect you.”
He sobs into the chest of the man he’s grown to fall in love with.
It feels so familiar, running away.
The same fear, the same anxiety.
Killua doesn’t know. He doesn’t understand how it could have gone so wrong all at once. Meruem has awakened, the machines have gone rampant, and still! Still, his powers refuse to awaken.
He feels like he’s being crushed.
Gon’s still so brave, running on like- like
Like there’s hope.
Killua can’t-
He can’t keep up.
His hand slips from Gon’s, and he collapses to the floor, dirt in his hands, muddied up in the perfect fabric of his dress, rain pouring down and hitting his bare shoulders.
He looks up at Gon, tears building up in his eyes, mixing with the onslaught of rain pouring down his cheeks.
“I-I! Everyone… everyone is dead… I… I…”
Why? Why? Why!?
“I let everyone down… my kingdom… my friends… my father…”
So this is it… the boulder that’s pressing down on his heart is going to cave.
“This cursed power! I’ve tried! And-and… now…”
He can’t help the quaking of his frame, the trembling of his fingers, as mud gets beneath his nails.
He feels like he’s going to die.
It hurts too much.
It hurts.
It’s tearing him apart. His throat feels like it’s closing in, and he just sobs, his head aching and pounding.
“So I really am just a failure!”
Everyone is dead… because- because of him…
He collapses in Gon’s arms, every ounce of pain leaving his lips as he screams and cries.
“G-Gon, please, I- can’t do it… I can’t. It hurts.”
He feels so safe and warm in Gon’s arms, even with the rain that’s soaked him to the bone, as Gon wraps his arms around him tightly, holding him close.
For a moment, Killua feels alright.
Gon presses the top of his lips to the crown of Killua’s head.
“It’s okay, Ki. I promise. I’ll make everything right.”
“Are you sure?”
He can’t help but be anxious as Gon offers him a hand to ride atop his horse. It’s true, Killua did want to learn to ride his own horse, but now he’s starting to have second thoughts, his stomach churning.
“You’ll be okay, highness; I’m here.”
Gon always called him that when he was trying to reassure him, but Killua didn’t like it. He doesn’t like being reminded.
He takes Gon’s hand hesitantly, and Gon pulls him up gingerly, and Killua bites back a scream that slips out partially.
This doesn’t seem very stable…
He wraps his arms around Gon’s neck, sitting on his lap and screwing his eyes shut.
Gon laughs and Killua feels his face flush.
“You’re really cute, your highness.”
“S-stop making fun of me!”
“I would never, Ki!”
“Please, no! Gon! Please!”
“I’m okay, Ki.”
Don’t die, he shakes the man harder as Gon coughs and uses his last strength to smile.
No! No!
Why! Why! Why when he finally has it!
They’re going to take away the last person left he has!
“No… please…”
“Don’t go!”
He can’t! Lose Gon!
He rests his head on Gon’s chest, begging over and over.
A light sound.
He lifts his head slowly, gasping.
The sword. The sword he once resented…
“H-he can be saved…?”
Gon… Gon can be saved…?
Then it’s his job. His duty. He keeps his head held high even when his legs tremble, even though he feels so weak.
He’s going to do it.
He’s going to seal Meruem and save his kingdom.
So… when you wake up Gon… can you come save him…? Can you come hold him and smile at him once more?
If you do that, he can… Killua can wait decades.
Because a legend is about to begin.
#hxh#Hunter X Hunter#killua#gonkillu#gonkillu supremacy#gon#Gon hxh#Gon Freecss#windy’s stuff#Does this look familiar? Yes and no! Look this is one of my fave works 🥺🙏 so I’m posting it full instead of reblogging the link ahaha eh#get it?#if the twelve reblogs from myself didn’t give that off lol I HAVE NO SHAME ok I I like it🙏🥺#KI IS SO PRETTY 😤😤😤😤🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧#GON SAVING KI GON SAVING KI CHANTS#SLAMS HANDS DOWN ON TABLE GK GK GK GKKKK AND ZELDA MY TWO FAVE THINGS#AHHHHHHH I LOVE THEM! I LOVE KI! I LOVE GON TREATING KI LIKE A PRINCESS AND JUST AHHH SO DELICATELY TAKING HIS HAND#AND COMFORTING HIM AND SAVING HIM 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧  KI DESERVES THE WORLD 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😤🤧#AHHHHH AND JUST AHHHHHH THEM GK MY FAVE AND WITH ZELDA ONE OF MY FAVES IM SO HAPPY#BLESS MYSELF FOR MAKING THIS#My heart goes ahhhh doki doki so much when Ki falls in love with Gon 🥺🥺🥺 it’s like doki when it’s Zelda and Link but I love GK so much it#is like doki doki doki doki and I ahhh! Love it so much must use this trope in future! 🥺😤🙏#THERYE SO CUTE#KI IS SO CUTE MY HEARTTTTTTT I think I’ve done the trope of my Ki playing with his hair and sticking it behind his ear when Gon compliments#him imagine it! 😤😤😤 AHHHHH SO CUT#E I WANTED TO SQEEE AT THE CUTE GK STUFF#AND CRY FOR KI 🥺#I’m#U THOUGHT U ESCAPED IT BUT NO I LOVE IT OK maybe I’m biased cuz I wrote this after a painful writers block but also my first based on smth#au so!
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eddiemunsonhotgf · 2 years
hi! just had a thought about eddie calling you cupcake during sex and i asked if anyone wanted me to elaborate and 2 people said yes ~~ i know! a lot *giggles* but it was enough for me to keep going! so here it is 🎀 enjoy bbs! tw ~~ smut.
"my little cupcake can't take it anymore? aww" eddie says swiftly with a pout forming on his face while he pounds relentlessly into you. the pink, floral-paper room decorated with anything heart-shaped being filled with filthy noises - his cock slamming into you with no mercy, his balls hitting your skin, and also, your whining and crying noises.
"daddy- can't!" "'s too much, can't" eddie lets out a dark but light chuckle out of his gritted teeth.
"look at you, aren't you a big girl? takin' my cock so well- shit. your cunt 'so tight, princess" he never lets his eyes leave yours, the best view for him was to be able to see you face when you actually couldn't take it anymore.
"stay with me, baby. wna see you cum again. i know you've got one more in you. come'on dollface." he nodded while he was deep inside your gaze - and hole -, his pleading look, some sort of magical spell he was getting into. he swore to himself and god that the first time you guys would do anything sexual, he would be gentle ... and there he is: having absolutely no mercy with your tightening cunt that was aching for another orgasm.
"can't- i can't, eds. too much- gotta pee. please" you plead through glassy eyes looking deep into his. cheeks all flushed because even though he's ruining you and stretching you open, maintaining eye contact seems so personal.
"fuck- you're so tight. surprises me that your cunt sucks me in so fucking well after all the times i've fucked her. she's so hungry for me, isn't she cupcake?" he mocks. pouty lips and sweaty bangs sticking to his forehead. his stamina was out of this world, but what truly kept him going was your walls tightening around his girthy cock. he couldn't take it anymore but was willing to pass out if this was the last thing he saw right before he did.
"it tingles, daddy. 's too much." he graverly loved pushing you to the edge, testing your limits. even more when he was inside of you because, even though this was sexual, he profoundly knew that you will submit to him no matter what context - sexually and non-sexual - & let him do whatever he wanted to do to you. he loves you so much and needs to take care of you after all. so that's what he was doing at this moment. taking care of you by being deep inside your guts.
"yes you can, princess. give it t' me" he mumbles something else right after that but you can't really hear him due to the overwhelming sensation of an intense orgasm creeping up. just as he feels you tightening around him, he goes "alright, there's my good girl. knew you could do it, angel. wnna cum?"
as quickly as your orgasm was approaching you, you quickly nodded with your head. after that, he immediately stopped and you were muddled.
"tsk tsk" he clicks his tongue while he denies your actions with his head. "words, baby. good girls use words. or are you a dummie?"
"wnna cum, sir. please- 'm gonna cum" just at the moment that, he returns to his rapid pace and brings the thumb of the hand that was holding your hips down to the mattress to your puffy and sore clit.
"aww, there she is again. such a good and smart girl for daddy." immediately after these words left his mouth, your release was being achieved. but it didn't stop him, although it made him gradually slow down his rhythm until he was satisfied. eddie decided to interrupt your thoughts after giving you a sweet peck on the lips asking about how you were doing to which you replied with a pure smile and tired doe eyes.
"nevermind cupcake, gotta go clean you up. stay with me, okie dokie? i'll just grab a towel and some munchies for you. love you, angel. did s' good for me today." forehead kisses were a big part of eddie's aftercare.
also! this is rly short, hasn't been proofread yet and i made this in a rush so plz bare with me. love u love u!
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theyanderespecialist · 9 months
The Deal (Scenario) Yanderes Asmodeus/Fizzarolli X GN Blitzo Reader (Helluva Boss)
[Hello, I am finally getting around to this one! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter! It is after Fizz quits and How Ozzie and Fizz's relationship changes. Maybe a little of that episode! So good luck! I hope that you all enjoy this. 
Disclaimer: You take the place of a Gender Neutral Listener 
Disclaimer 2: Fizz and Ozzie are a canon couple, they are not yandere in canon. This is just for fun and not to be taken seriously. Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine. Just do not be illegal or gross about it. Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon.
(Yanderes Asmodeus/Fizzarolli) 
(No One's POV) 
Fizz had a crush on (Name) when they were kids. They were just such sweet Imps. Then the accident happened and a huge misunderstanding came from it. For over a decade he has hated one of the loves of his life. He mourned that he could have been with (Name). When Fizz learned the truth, that (Name) had wanted to see. That they do care. It made his heart ache. Also, it reminded him that they were dating Stolas kind of. That left him bitter and angry. 
He gets ready for his date with Ozzie and then hears Ozzie come in. 
"Why are you upset Froggy?" Ozzie asks him. 
"well you know how I used to have feelings for (Name)...?" Fizz asks. "After they saved me... These feelings reared their head again... I love you so much Oz... It is just hard." 
Ozzie pulls Fizz close. "It is okay Fizzy," Ozzie says. "I can tell why you love them, they are quite something." 
Fizz stops and looks at him. "Oz? Are you attracted to them?" Fizz asks curiously. 
"Yes, they are physically attractive, but it is more so that they saved you~ That they would never have hurt you like that, seeing them shoot your stalker~ That was kind of hot~," Ozzie says and kisses down Fizz's neck. "If you want, we could have them~ Keep them as our lovers ~" 
"We could?" Fizz asks, this was the best situation that they could get in. 
"We could, I still have to give them one of my crystals," Ozzie says. "Maybe we can even make a deal with them~ Make them ours, and ours alone~" 
Fizz grins, that would be the best of both worlds. He would have (Name) and Ozzie, both of them being the loves of his life and he would never EVER let go of (Name) again. They belong to them~ 
-Small Time Skip;  Brought to you by: Ozzie being an Evil Little Fuck-
(Name) was eating cheese and having a good time. When their phone rings, they answer it. "Hello?" They ask around a mouthful of cheese. "What do you need?" 
"(Name)!" An excited Fizz says. "Since we are friends again, I thought I could have you over for dinner. You know, just me, you, and Ozzie." 
"Okay?" (Name) draws out. "I mean I will not say no to a free meal, just is it you cooking or the lusty king? Last time I checked you burn water when cooking." 
Fizz blushes. "Yes, Ozzie will be cooking," He confirms. 
"Okay then, I won't say no to a good meal, and my daughter is out with Tex and the Queen Bee. She won't be back until Monday." (Name) says and starts to put on their shoes. "So I guess I am all yours!" 
Fizz smirks happily, Yes, (Name). You are all Mine~ "That is great, we will pick you up in a few." 
"Okie doki!" (Name) says and eats the last bit of cheese. 
They wonder what prompted this. They shrug, whatever a free meal is a free meal. Soon Ozzie and Fizz are there and (Name) gets in with them. They drove down to Lust, (Name) talked to Fizz, they could tell that he was nervous. Was it because he was on edge because of the dinner? It was his idea, not (Name's). 
They got up to the penthouse and there was a candlelit dinner. Wait what was going on? 
"Were you guys planning a romantic date before inviting me?" (Name) asks. 
"Kind of. The romantic date is for you, (Name)." Fizz says and (Name's) face goes a bright red. Oh boy! 
"Hehe, oh that is a lot!" They laugh. "What does that mean, you two want a threesome." 
Ozzie pulls out a chair for (Name) and they sit down. 
"thank you." 
"Anything for you," Ozzie says. 
Fizz pulls out a box that looks oddly enough like an engagement box. 
"We both want you, (Name)," Fizz says. "We do, really bad, but we know at this time you are bonded to Stolas, Ozzie can break that bind and then you will be free. To be with us." 
(Name) takes the box and opens it, there is a crystal to have access to the human world. "Oh... Frick." They could not even swear, this is a lot. 
They also have feelings for Stolas. 
"Stolas cannot love you like we can," Ozzie says. "He is using you for his gain, he made a contract with you, so you will have to fuck him." 
(Name) bites their lip. 
"But we," Fizz adds. "We love you so much, I always have loved you, from since we were kids. You are just the perfect most wonderful darling." 
"Fizz is right, why be with Stolas, who is not good enough for you, who does not appreciate you and does not stand by your side?" Ozzie asks, both were manipulating (Name's) emotional state. 
"Let us love you." fizz says and kisses them. "Let us show you how much you mean to us~" 
(Name) felt their eyes tear up and they slowly kissed back Fizz. Fuck it was always what they wanted. 
Fizz pulls away, this is it (Name) is almost their Darling. 
"So what do you say, baby?" Ozzie asks. 
"Alright." (Name) agrees it felt nice for someone to say they wanted them, and not ask for anything in return. (Name) felt loved and it made them feel good. 
(Name) made the deal and they did not know that they just swore themselves to the Sin of Lust and His Imp lover, forever! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another Chapter is done! I hope that you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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helenkordart · 5 months
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This was a bit of an insane project! I decided to draw all the designs from the various official arts we have gotten over the years. A bit of an archiving project! I tried to make them as accurate as possible. It involved a lot of guesswork tho, since most of them don′t show the full designs. Let′s just say that only 5 of these (and I mean five figures, not design sets lmao) show any kinds of shoes.
I do love seeing the design elements that carry over between the designs tho. Ququ is a cold boy and has to have some kind of fur or a scarf. Feng-er doesn′t want a speck of dirt to touch him and prefers high collars and bracers and high boots (the boots ARE book canon tho). I also love that there′s only three designs that have Ququ wear some kind of crown, the rest is just ribbons or nothing at all, despite the jade crown being mentioned at least once. Like no, we want the boy to be cozy and prevent headaches...!
Please tell me which designs are your favourite! Mine is the official manhua design, mostly because it′s honestly such a smart design, especially Ququ. Like you can tell the artist looked at Ququ and his specific disabilities and worked from there. Besides the hair ribbon, my favourite small detail is the arm warmers that look like compression gloves used for arthritis 🥹 That one means so much to me. Also the difference in layers between Ququ (I′m cold) and Feng-er (ew no dirt touch me ew). It′s just. So nice 🥹♥️
If you want the corresponding official arts, I′ve posted them in the thread on twitter! Anyway here′s which is which with more commentary lmao sorry I cannot shut up about these so much thought actually went into making them and this is the only place where I can actually talk about them properly 🥹
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The designs from the first discontinued manhua- Some people in the fandom prefer these because they say they feel more adult but no, sorry, sure the art skill might be better but they just. Don′t feel like Fengcuis to me. Like I would′ve learned to love them but I′d never exchange them for the main ones we got. Plus the character designs changed between all the panels, so trying to chase down a specific design was hell. I′m glad Ququ showed up only in one panel so I didn′t have to do that again lmaoo
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The designs from the official manhua- I already explained above why I love them so much. Just. These are THE designs for me. I see these little guys and my heart goes doki doki. If (when) I make lil standees, I′ll very probably use these
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The designs from my favourite of the manhua covers- you don′t understandddddddddddddddddddddddddd I love this cover so much. To say I′m insane about it is an understatement. Just. Look at the cover art. Feng-er staring directly into the camera, challenging. Ququ looking soooo kissable. Their entwined fingers. Ququ wearing a jade bracelet in the colours of Feng-er′s robes. I′m just. Vrrrrrrr bark bark BARK. Also had to make MORE patterns for this one. Still not sure I did it proper justice tho 🥹
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The manhua-canon modern au outfits- I still can′t believe we got a canon modern au where singer-spy Feng-er kidnaps doctor Ququ on a mission-date and has him hold a silly baloon all day and wear a cute little cap with a silly little cockatoo on it and then they wish each other a happy new year during a sunset on top of the ferris wheel AND I′M SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT???????????? Anyway Ququ in his tweed collection is so cute. Mwah. Best boy. Feng-er come on tug on his scarf and kiss him. Do it. Now
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Designs from the covers of the traditional edition- these designs are pretty unique while still feeling in character, which is cool! Ququ is such a fancy lil lad here. And I′m obsessed with his... frog? Mousie? Front clasp. I made it a little fox because of course I did
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Design from the 1st cover of the simplified edition- I don′t have that much to say about these honestly except that they′re very pretty. I love that Feng-er′s top robe is sheer and I love the silver embroidery, even if it took me some time to figure out how tf to draw it
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Design from the 2st cover (Ququ) and 3rd cover (Feng-er) of the simplified edition- that Ququ design drives me crazy. He looks so soft and cozy, you wouldn′t guess that this is the meanest most repressed bitchiest man in all of ye olde Sui dynasty. I want to squeeze him. Cute agression overload. Meanwhile I couldn′t figure out what Feng-er′s belt and hem was doing pattern wise so I just winged it lol.
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Fengcuis cosplaying a married couple with designs from the Thai vol. 1+2 freebie- God. Funniest arc in the entire book. They′re insane. They′re perfect for each other. Peerlessly matched. One day I′ll draw more of unhinged wife Feng-er because seriously. Their idea of heterosexual marriage is SO funny. They′re so real for that. And the og chibi designs are SO cute. Ququ′s sweaty little face. This was your idea gay boy, suffer
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Audio drama designs from first half of season 1- These are so funny bcs the difference of the designs is like. Main covers: beautiful and ethereal. Minisode covers: Ququ is A Tube with a head on top. Slappy fights. Beautiful. No notes. TubeQu is a god′s perfect creature
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Audio drama designs from second half of season 1- I said it before but these just feel too generic to be properly them. While drawing them they did kinda grow on me, at least Feng-er, since his expression is kinda perfectly smug. Im still ehhh on the Ququ tho. He′d look better without the crown.
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Designs from Thai covers 1+2- oh man lol the thai covers. I was joking that I could not save the Feng-er, but he did grow on me. It might be that he looks proper manic with the chibi base I drew 😂 But he′d look so much cuter with bangs. Idk why the artist did him like this. Meanwhile Ququ is the most beautiful man alive. I mean it′s what he deserves, but it′s still very funny. Also LOVE how big and fluffy his collar is.
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Designs from Thai cover 3- besides my other issues with the thai design, the colours on Feng-er just clash lmao I′m sorry, again why did the thai artist have to do him like this 😂 meanwhile the coat on Ququ is not a colour I′ve ever seen him in, but yknow what it works surprisingly well. He continues to be the most beautiful man around. Sorry king is that horrible peacock bothering you
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lord-of-the-ducks · 1 year
Ok so I already made a brief post about the scene about halfway through s5e5 between Guillermo and his mother, and I tacked on an edit about potentially expanding my thoughts into a full length post, but I’m gonna be honest, when I wrote that I did so with the expectation that it would be yet another thing that I would say that I’m totally gonna do without ever getting around to it. Now it’s barely an hour later and I still can’t get it out of my fucking head and so I need to speak my thoughts into the void in hopes of getting validation from strangers on the internet.
I’m gonna put this all below the cut, both because of potential spoilers and some sensitive topics like religious trauma and queerphobia, but also because I know this is going to be long and I don’t want to clog up people’s dashboards.
Okie dokie let’s get into it
I was vague on purpose about The Scene I would be discussing above just in case anyone who hadn’t seen the episode accidentally stumbled on this, but just to clarify, I’m specifically referencing the scene after Guillermo’s family has left and it’s just him and his mom. I hesitate to say that it’s the most emotionally heart wrenching scene in the entire series, but it’s in the top 5 at the very least.
However, I just want to laser focus in on the moment where Sylvia puts the crucifix around Guillermo’s neck. Right after she notices it missing from Guillermo’s neck, she immediately goes to give him another one, because he “needs” it. I wanted to point out that phrase in particular, because it’s not that she would feel better if he wore it, it’s entirely for Guillermo’s benefit.
This reminds me of a particular quote from Dracula, where it’s really beginning to set in that Jonathan is a prisoner, and he thinks back to one of the villagers who gave him a crucifix:
“Bless that good, good woman who hung the crucifix round my neck! for it is a comfort and a strength to me whenever I touch it. It is odd that a thing which I have been taught to regard with disfavour and as idolatrous should in a time of loneliness and trouble be of help. Is it that there is something in the essence of the thing itself, or that it is a medium, a tangible help, in conveying memories of sympathy and comfort?”
I bring this up because in the scene between Sylvia and Guillermo, the crucifix serves less as a Christian symbol, and more as a demonstration of Sylvia’s love for her son. It’s even stated that it used to belong to Guillermo’s grandmother, giving it even more of an explicit connection to familial bonds. Hell, even in Dracula, Jonathan is told to wear the crucifix for his mother’s sake. I didn’t really need to quote Dracula to make this point, but I’m gonna be honest, I thought it was pretty cool how in both of these instances, any specific powers a crucifix might have aren’t ascribed to a divine being, but a more motherly power.
And all of that would be nice and cool, but unfortunately, What We Do In the Shadows has gone with the specific brand of lore where crucifixes are a vampire weakness, meaning that this symbol of motherly love is actually harmful for him. Watching the scene where Sylvia puts it around Guillermo’s neck, I honestly got chills, because you know that Sylvia is doing it for entirely altruistic reasons. However, the way the scene was shot combined with Guillermo’s reaction were a lot more brutal, and I just remember thinking how much it looked like he was being strangled. And then once it’s on his neck, they both turn to look in the mirror, and Sylvia is lovingly rubbing Guillermo’s back, and Guillermo is trying to smile even though he’s very visibly in pain. 
Like I said in my original post, I do kinda wish we got badass dhampir!Guillermo who is immune to crucifixes and other vampire repellents, and I actually thought that the moment Sylvia put the crucifix around Guillermo’s neck would be the moment that this superpower would be revealed to Guillermo and the audience. I’m gonna be honest though, I cannot imagine a better way to visualize the idea of genuinely believing that you are helping someone, when in actuality you’re hurting them. 
Here’s the part where you can stop reading if you’d like, because we’re about to enter the territory of “Red starts projecting their own issues onto Guillermo and calling it media analysis”, aka, “the part that is way too long”. I considered making all of this it’s own post, but it felt relevant to the ideas expressed in the scene I just discussed, and also I kinda just don’t feel like it. I hope other people can relate, but it’s purely my subjective feelings, and I’m not gonna pretend that this is universal. And if you’re someone who knows me in real life and you already made it this far uh... you are allowed to keep reading, but if you say anything about this to me in conversation I will actually die of embarrassment.
I found myself wondering a bit about what the crucifix scene was specifically a metaphor for, since Guillermo has already come out of the closet in season 4 (and also admitting that he wants to be a vampire), and his family loved him unconditionally. This is arguably a bit silly on my part, since the entire point of that kind of metaphor is that it doesn’t have to mean anything specific, it can represent a lot of things to a lot of people. 
Which is why I’m gonna spend the rest of this post talking about how I think Guillermo’s vampire transformation is a metaphor for transgenderism because nobody can stop me.
I am not the first person to read Guillermo as a trans adjacent character, and people who are way smarter than me have made some fantastic posts about why he might be particularly relatable to a trans audience. I never particularly related to Guillermo for that reason (actually that’s a big fat lie I absolutely related to Guillermo because of my own angst about being in the closet) and I never thought of Guillermo as a trans character or a trans allegory until the start of the season 5, when I drew a connection between Guillermo going through Changes that would hopefully bring him closer to his ideal form and the fact that I personally just started taking HRT in early June. I never really had a reason to make any posts about it, since most of the connections I was making were pretty flimsy, and it was hard to make any actual arguments besides “it’s my comfort show and I get to choose the coping mechanisms”.
Then episode 5 came in with the steel chair.
My body is changing. A lot of it is barely noticeable, but it’s happening, and I know from hours of research that it’s going to be a lot more difficult to hide as a go along. And as dramatic as it might seem, I’m beginning to ask myself if there are people who I might never speak to again as a result. For the most part, I live my day to day life as Red, but there are people who still know me by my dead name because I purposely haven’t given them any reason to believe otherwise. Sometimes I feel like I’m being unfair by never allowing people to make up their own mind about my transition,  but it’s terrifying to imagine how drastically people’s opinion of me might change if they knew The Truth about me. 
Which is why Guillermo’s interactions with his family hit really close to home, because it’s clear that he loves them and they love him. But he’s turning into a vampire, and they’re vampire hunters. And it’s only a matter of time before that causes some serious problems. It’s entirely possible that he could tell them that he’s a vampire and it goes as well as when he came out the first time, but when the worst case scenario is having a stake driven through your heart, sometimes it’s better to just disappear, and leave them with memories of the person they thought they knew.
The crucifix scene in particular struck a cord with me, because so much of the time, people have done things that hurt me, and they have absolutely no idea how much they’re hurting me, because I don’t want to know how much they’re hurting me. Part of it is because I’ve convinced myself that any suffering I experience is worth it if I’m the only one suffering, but another part is that the only thing that scares me more than the pain is that if I tell them how much it hurts, they’ll do it anyway.
Letting go is hard though. Something I didn’t notice the first time I watched the crucifix scene is that after Guillermo leaves the apartment, Sylvia makes a comment to Miguel about how it’s the third time this month that he’s come to make that grand goodbye, and how he’ll probably be back again next week. I don’t really have anything to add to that to be honest, Guillermo loves his mom and will always love his mom and you just know that he’s gonna come up with any excuse to see her “just one last time”.
OK ANGST OVER. Wow, I honestly didn’t know I was about to get that depressing but that’s what happened so... I hope y’all enjoyed, and maybe it’s time to explain what tumblr is to my therapist
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marvellous1917 · 1 month
Could you do M (sfw) with Bucky Barnes? Thank you!
Okie dokie, here ya go!
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M is motivation (what gets him going) OR mornings (what your mornings with him look like).
So I wasn’t sure if you meant my Icarus!Bucky or regular Bucky so I wrote both hehe.
(Sorry this took so long)
This is not proof-read so apologies for any mistakes.
Mornings with Bucky Barnes are peaceful…most of the time. There’s always a small chance of his nightmares coming back, and when that happens it’s quiet- he’s didn’t want to talk about it and just needs comfort.
“Hey Buck wake up,”you say shaking him lightly, the stressed and scared expression in his sleeping face breaking your heart.
He shoots up, turning so his back is toward you with his feet in the ground, shoulders raising fast as he tries to control his breathing.
You don’t say anything, just slowly raise you hand and place it lightly on his unscarred shoulder (any acknowledgement of his arm could set him off again). He tenses for a second until he realises that it’s you, that he’s safe at home.
Sitting up too you climb carefully to sit behind him, legs either side of his hips, left arm reaching around his shirtless waist, hand resting on his stomach, your other hand reaching over his shoulder and resting flat against his heart.
You take deep breaths hoping his breathing will follow yours, your forehead leaning against the nape of his neck, arms slowly putting more pressure against him to help ground him.
His breathing slows after a while and his right hand comes to rest on top of yours, a sign that he needs more pressure. So you use your whole body, pressing against him fully and hugging him tightly. This works in a few ways, reassuring him that you’re there, that you’re not afraid of him, the pressure helps him to get back into his body and out of his head.
He taps your hand when he’s done, when he’s back to semi normal. You stay quiet and lie back down, watching him for any warning signs. He turns and lies back on his side, his metal arm swinging over your waist and his head coming to rest on your chest.
You kiss the top of his head and he pulls you to him tighter. He falls back to sleep to the feeling of you running your hand gently up and down his back.
But most mornings are significantly less quiet.
You wake to the sound of a mug clinking down him your bedside table, eyes peeling open to see Bucky leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your cheek.
“Good morning doll,” he whispers, brushing the hair gently out of your face.
“Morning love,” your words are muffled by sleep and your pillo, stretching you limbs to wake up.
“Breakfast on the table in five baby,” he says, laughing quietly at your reaction to the word breakfast, eyes popping open fully. You grab his hand and kiss it, holding it to your face while he moves his finger to stoke your cheek.
Then the smoke alarm goes off. The alarm blares through the quiet of the Sunday morning. Bucky quickly runs back to the kitchen to stop the burning bacon (it’s like bacon hates him) as you groan and shove your face in the pillow again.
“It’s all good! I got it, fucking bacon,” he calls down the hall to you.
“Can you get the fucking alarm next please!” You call back, grieving your peaceful morning.
The alarm cuts out, and Bucky comes back to the bedroom, hugging you when he sees you standing and saying, “Sorry sweetheart, the fucking ba-”, you cut him off with a kiss, partly because you want to kiss him, but mostly to stop him cursing out the food.
Mornings with Icarus!Bucky can go one of three ways.
The first is the rarest, the ones you hate the most, is when you wake up alone with a note either on his pillow or stuck to your head from where you gravitated to his side of the bed. The note normally reads something like…
“Morning darlin,
Had to run out, something came up. I’m sorry sweetheart, hoping I’m back before you wake up, but if I’m not, know that I will make it up when I do.
Hope you dreamt of me.
The second is more typical, he wakes you with a kiss, whispering sweet things in your ear.
“What do you want to eat, I’ll get someone to bring it up for us.” He says, sitting up and grabbing his phone to put in the order.
“Pancakes,” you whisper, turning over and leaning into his side, pressing your face against his hip, arm resting over his legs.
“Okay love I’ll get you your pancakes,” he chuckles, his hand resting on the middle of your back. He checks his phone, sends a few texts and emails, and makes a call which you don’t pay attention to, the heat of his body lulling you back to sleep.
He wakes you by waving a piece of pancake under your nose and laughs as you try to bite it out of his hand.
The third tend to be the most common but as this is supposed to be SFW but see this for how the third type typically goes.
Thank you for this ask, I enjoyed writing this!
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mbirnsings-71 · 2 days
okie dokie!! So Alexander is an adopted kid of a wealthy Vampire family tho he was human up until he was 15, he has a heart transplant that failed so his mother made him a vampire, he wasn't a favorite outside of his mother, his older sister and brother in law hate him, he's dad hate him, and his bio parents are hard to find, when he turned 27 (because they age until 50, immortally don't mean he ain't getting gray hair) he got kicked out of the house momma not happy about it and is devoicing her husband fot that but anyways he goes to college to be an architect he meets this werewolf couple Jade and Eric, they're def bi4bi and it is Everyone problems lol but they become best friends that Eric tells Alex he's sterile so he helped them have a baby, little Richard or Richie, but the couple had him in December and driving home they died in a car crash but the baby lives so alex took him ofc and Richard is spoiled and loved by alex and alex mother his grandmother, but alex keep jade and eric memories alive so his kid knows his parents unlike him (shady adoption center) and there's rp alex who happens to find love, Oc world alex who married two humans Elizabeth and James, and there's another alex who doesn't want love just raising his son
And I might change it for other Alex to maybe have his best friends and they all raise the kid queerplatonic (well with Alex because like, I do enjoy a good one of those) but I love my tragic blonde beanpole AND I WILL DRAW HIM BECAUSE I HAVE TO HE'S MY BOY I have to draw a lot of my ocs all..... Looking.... 68 of them and growing lol
OH and he has a major sweet tooth his little sunshine (son) loves sweets but can't finish them so he does and he loves them
Hello??? Your OC lore is insane??? what the hell??? I need you to draw Alexander like Asap so I can draw him please and thank you /hj
BUT NO NO I LOVE THE IDEAS OF VAMPIRES STOPPING AGEING AFTER A CERTAIN AGE like it's something I 100% incorporate into my vampire lore because YEAH-
now I'll give you OC lore back!! Silly Madi OC lore under the cut cause I'm shy
All I can offer you right now is OC lore of my favorite Enby Vida Alegría!! This isn't usually their look but I had their doodle page open so I figured might as well test out a hair cut on them!!
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Here's what they actually look like normally
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but yeah they're my Enby Ace Florist OC who ends up dating my sunshine boy OC Atsushi!! They're a ex-skater kid who got kicked out by their parents when they were in high school and they now run a flower shop with their best friend, cousin, and aunt.
They're Atsushi's soulmate and they are both foolishly smitten for each other it's kinda funny like Atsushi was sooooo nervous to ask them out and to go on the first date that his sister figure had to lock him out of their shared apartment so he wouldn't be late it's so silly.
They're definitely a highlight of Atsushi's life, cause this is Atsushi's first partner after a really bad ex-girlfriend hence the nerves about asking them out and going on a date, but Vida's been really understanding and kind to him that it all works out. It helps he gets a kiss goodnight from them after that date and blue screened for a solid few minutes outside his apartment.
Just they're my sweet couple who I love thinking about while falling asleep because they're so soft and care about each other and RAGGHHHHH-
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chiauve · 1 year
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Quick doodle: Young Volkreg men wear their hair long, and when they hit marriage age, gussy themselves up to show how available they are. Upon marriage, their hair is sheared short and they keep their heads covered.
Quick ficlet: In which a young Ilana spots a certain engineer and her heart goes doki-doki so she of course has to mess with that, which may or may not have consequences.
When the surveyors came, Ilana ducked behind the low wall that followed the road into their farm with her younger sisters. The small girls giggled into their palms like they were the naughtiest of children, despite the fact that the tradition that deemed women were to return to the home when strange men arrived had grown quite lax over the years. Still, Ilana laughed with them, encouraging their fun, while her older sister, Unyila, rolled her eyes behind them.
"We don't have to hide," she grumbled, "and they're just the surveyors, hardly anything new or exciting."
"Shh, I want to see," Ilana said, peering over the wall. Her sisters mimicked her, their short-cropped, dusty yellow hair looking like dulled grass sticking up in a line.
Their father emerged from the house, arms open wide in welcome as three men stepped off the road-skiff. Asfarig clan, like her, by their malar markings, but of the Re'r line. Plateau folk. The first man was the oldest, then a younger but still mature man beside him, the youngest trailed behind.
"That's Rancher Riner!" Yeana, the youngest, announced with an awkward point over the wall.
Indeed, the oldest man was Re'r, but ran a ranch in the lowlands of Nj'ul and was a distant neighbor. He knew their father, and Ilana had seen him a few times at the markets at the oasis, before it dried up.
Despite that familiarity, the girls all braced themselves for the stuffy introductions all men seemed to need to perform or otherwise perish or something.
Their father bowed to Riner, then again opened his arms in friendly welcome. "Rancher Ushte Riner Vun Re'r! It is a pleasure to see you! The response to my request for aid was prompt indeed!"
Riner bowed in turn. Ilana couldn't tell if he was truly old or merely reflected the hard life of the lowlands in his weathered face. He wore loose robes and a speckled country shemagh over his coif.
"But of course, we are long neighbors and must face our troubles together. I thank you for your hospitality, Farmer Ushte Nagul Eln Nj'ul." He gestured to the other man beside him, his tunic of shorter, more fitting make and a keffiyeh common in the cities over his own coif. "Allow me to introduce my dear brother, Technician Ushte Ryler Vun Re'r, and my beloved nephew, Far-seer Kaio Razer Vun Re'r."
"Kaio?" Unyila peered over the wall, "Ya Founders, he's a breaker!"
"A what?" one of the little girls asked, following her eldest in leaning up over the wall.
"See? That third mark on his chin, it means he was Ushte but broke caste and ascended," she actually sounded impressed, and the other sisters oohed aloud.
Ilana was barely paying attention to them, for once her attention had been put to the youngest man, she couldn't stop looking. He was definitely Asfarig, his tattoos proclaimed it, but he also bore the mark of it in his pale eyes, sharp yet even teeth, and blunt nose. And yet.
Had it not been for his tattoos, she would have sworn him an Azrag. Instead of the pale tan skin and dusty yellow hair of the Asfarig, his skin was white, making his markings stand stark in his face. His hair too was white, his head bare in the fashion of an umarried man and worn long, pulled back into a loose ponytail decorated with chips of metal that gleamed and clinked when he turned his head, marking him eligible.
More than that, his eye mask, rather than being the thick and rounded shape of the Asfarig male, was long and sharp, like a shore bird's wings.
Pale Asfarig eyes set into such an exotic eye mask found only far away on the western peninsula of the Azrag...white hair practically afire under the lowland sun...
Ya Founders...he was beautiful.
Ilana swallowed and buried her cheeks in her hands. Oh no, no no, she considered herself better than that. She was not one to pursue a man for looks or even just for the sake of it. What would be would be but not just because her insides were suddenly a-flutter and her cheeks darkening to a grey.
Yeana peered up at her, confused. "Why are you blushing?"
And now she was under scrutiny of them all, curse it.
"You are blushing! Ilana!"
"Do you...like him?"
"Ilana loves the Re'r!"
"Hush, you! I do not!"
"Ilana wants to maaarrry the Re'r!"
Another denial died before it left her mouth, and Ilana paused. She looked back over the wall at the still-chatting men, particularly at the pretty hybrid breaker. An eyebrow rose and a glint lit in her eye. She stood.
"Ilana, no," Unyila hissed, her tone sharp with warning.
She was ignored as Ilana grabbed her skirt and leapt the wall, loping towards the men in a semi-circle and coming up behind, the beads hanging off the simple band adorning her otherwise bare head clicking as she moved. The men didn't see her coming until it was too late, and she saw her father's eyes widen in confusion before she slid up right next to the young Re'r, looping her arm around his. Ancestors, he was tall.
His head snapped down to look at her, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape in confusion. Before he could say anything, Ilana beamed up at him and batted her lashes in the way of city women.
"I like you," she said, still grinning, "Marry me?"
She distantly heard her father choke but was too focused on those bird-wing eyes, which now shifted from her to elsewhere and, clearly finding no help, moved back to her.
Her eyes lit in delight and she let out a peal of laughter before again grabbing her skirt and sprinting back to the wall, practically diving behind it, cackling the whole way.
Razer watched the young woman run away, laughing.
Ah, of course.
His shocked expression smoothed and he turned back to his father and uncle, who too were staring after the girl in wide-eyed bafflement. Their host, on the other hand, looked after her with a look of horror and dismay. Uh oh.
"Your daughter?" Razer asked slowly.
Farmer Nagul collected himself a bit, looking at his guests with sad eyes. "Yes, my second."
"She is...spirited..." his father and uncle remained silent, forcing Razer to try to fix this. He continued, voice flat and disinterested, "A bit of girlish fun, is all, obviously not binding."
Farmer Nagul's shoulders slumped in relief and Razer tried not to take that personally.
"Thank you...yes, I apologize for her behavior."
"Not at all, she is a lovely girl."
Farmer Nagul nodded and tried to move on with their business. "Please, my friends, this way. We shall eat and drink and then get to work. He gestured to his home, a collection of squat buildings of earth, and waved his guests on. "Friend Riner, Technician Ryler…" he hesitated as he looked to Razer, his eyes falling on the third caste mark, "…my lord Far-seer…"
Razer sighed. "Please don't. While I have received my new mark, until I marry and become a proper member of society, I am still bound to my family."
Again their host looked relieved, and again Razer tried to not take it personally. He followed his father and uncle to the Eln Nj'ul home, glancing back over his shoulder to the wall.
Was he hoping to see the young woman there? She had indeed been lovely, and the way she actually smiled at him…
He sighed. A pity, he supposed.
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In My Heart Is a Christmas Tree Farm
Here’s the ao3 link
Annabeth, Conner, and Travis plan on going home for the holidays, but Annabeth dreads having to face her parents and their opinions on her relationships, work, and just life in general. She intends on getting someone to go with her for the trip to pretend to be her boyfriend so she won’t have to suffer all Christmas vacation listening to her parents complain. That’s when she meets Percy…
-chapter 7
Annabeth wakes up the next morning still wrapped in Percy’s arms. She slowly grabs his arm and gets up. Setting his own arm back on his own body. She grabs her phone to look at the time. It says eight sixteen so she decides to let him sleep a bit longer.
She goes into the bathroom and brushes her teeth and showers. Once she gets done in the bathroom she exits back into the room and sees Percy getting out of bed.
“Morning sleepy head.” She says walking over to her suitcase
“Sleepy head? It’s only eight o’clock.” He says smiling
As he’s walking to the bathroom he grabs her arm and pulls her into a hug.
“You ok?” He says softly as she hugs him back
“Yeah I will be” she says remembering last night. “Thank you. For last night I mean. You really helped” she says looking up at him.
“Do you want to get out of the house this morning? Like get breakfast or something?” He says detaching him self from her.
“Yes please. I don’t think I can deal with any more of Susan’s annoying voice for the rest of my life.” She says laughing
“Okie dokie.” He says walking into the bathroom.
“Should we invite Conner and Travis?” Percy asks as he brushes his teeth.
“Yea I’ll call Conner” she says pulling out her phone.
She tells Conner and Travis to meet them at the diner in thirty minutes.
Annabeth puts on jeans and a black sweater.
Percy and Annabeth head down stairs. Percy grabs Annabeth’s jacket for her and his own then they walk out of the door.
As Percy and Annabeth walk through town it begins to snow again. Annabeth face is read from the cold and her hands are freezing. She puts them into her pockets and starts shivering.
They start walking faster so they can get out of the cold.
Eventually they get to the diner. It was pretty warm and cozy in there but Annabeth was still cold from outside.
As Percy and Annabeth sit down at a booth Percy wraps his own jacket around Annabeth’s shoulders.
She smiles a thanks. They order their drinks and wait for Conner and Travis to come.
They end up getting their drinks just as Conner and Travis come in. They sit down and order their drinks.
“Annabeth remember the last time we came here?” Conner says laughing
“Oh gosh don’t even remind me.” Annabeth says as she remembers.
“Wait what happened?” Percy says interested
“Well Annabeth-“ Conner starts
“Conner! No! It’s embarrassing!” she says laughing
“Annabeth was drinking chocolate milk, and then Lu-“ Conner starts to say again
“Then nothing, Conner. Nothing happened.” Annabeth says suddenly serious.
They sit in an awkward silence for a few seconds until the waiter comes to get their order.
After the waiter walks off, Percy grabs her hand under the table, feeling her anxiety.
Annabeth meets his eye to reassure him that she’s okay then turns her attention to her phone.
She opened Instagram and sees a poster that says “50% off of all items” for a sale at the local mall.
She shows Percy it and says “Wanna go? Maybe we could get some Christmas presents.”
“Sure. As long as you let me buy you something.” He says
“No, you already spent money on your flight over here, and you volunteered to come down here in the first place. Really Percy you’ve done enough.” She says
“Annabeth I didn’t even pay for my flight.” Percy says
“Who did?” She says confused
“My dad.”
“Oh. You never talk about him.” Annabeth realizes.
“There’s not much to talk about. He left before I was born. Only showed up when he wanted to. He turns out to be rich. And to make up for all the years he hasn’t seen me, he gives me money.” Percy says
“That’s terrible Percy. Why didn’t you tell me sooner.” She says suddenly realizing that she’s made this whole trip about her.
“Because you had your own shit going on and I didn’t wanna bother you about it. Plus it’s better with him and me not talking.” He says reassuringly
Annabeth doesn’t know what to say to that so she grabs her drink. Then she remembers that they have an audience.
“What’s been going on Annabeth?” Conner says confused.
“Dad and Susan.” Annabeth says
“Oh, duh.” Conner said
“Anyways me and Percy are going to the mall later if you two wanna come.” She offers
“Well I have a report I have to get done today so it’s a no for me.” Travis says.
“Yeah. And I’ve already done all my Christmas shopping. If I go to the mall I would end up spending too much money on nonsense.” Conner says
Then the waiter appears with their food and they dig in.
Finally they all finish their food and head their separate ways.
“so I figured we could start from left to right sides of the mall.” Annabeth says as they walk into the doors to the mall
“Orrr we could just go with the flow.” Percy says, grabbing her arm and pulling her along to a random store.
They shop around for a while. Running from store to store with arms full of bags, sounds way less fun than it actually is.
Eventually they get hungry and head to the food courts. As they wait in line they talk about what other stores they want to go to.
Halfway through the line Annabeth sees something hanging about her and looks up.
Of course out of all the other Christmas decorations in the whole place, they had to be standing here.
Right above them, was mistletoe.
“Hey look, it’s mistletoe. Percy says looking up too.
Annabeth can feel the heat rise into her face.
Somehow the space seems so much smaller than it was moments ago.
Annabeth knew that she wanted to kiss him. It’s just that she couldn’t. Especially not after what happened last time.
Percy slowly inches towards her. Annabeth looks over his shoulder and sees the line scoot up.
“Oh look it’s almost our turn.” Annabeth says quickly moving up.
She tries avoids Percy’s gaze the rest of the time.
They make it to a small jewelry shop on the corner. Percy pulls her into it and starts looking around. Eventually he stops. Looking over his shoulder she searches for what he’s looking at.
She follows his gaze and sees a beautiful coral pendent necklace.
“Can I see that necklace please?” Percy asks the man working at the shop.
When the man brings the necklace out, Annabeth gets a better look.
“That’s beautiful.” Annabeth says amazed.
“You like it?” Percy asks her
“Obviously someone would have to be blind not to like it.” Annabeth says obviously.
“How much?” Percy asks the man
“$150 if you pay right now.” The man says
“I’ll take it.” Percy says
After Percy pays they walk out of the store.
“Hang on a sec” Percy says setting his bags on a bench.
“Yeah?”Annabeth asks
“Come here.” He’s says
She walks towards him and sees what he has in his hands. It’s the coral necklace.
“Turn around” he says unclasping the necklace.
“Percy no. I thought that was for your mom or something. I refuse to let you spend that much money on me.” She says stubbornly
“Annabeth I insist. It’ll look really good on you. Plus didn’t you say it was beautiful?” He says with a smile.
She opens her mouth to refuse, but then Percy shuts her up. With his mouth.
Annabeth is shocked at what’s happening. They’re kissing. Like actually kissing.
As there mouths move against eachother, all her worries fade away. Eventually he pulls away. But only by a few inches. He’s still close enough for Annabeth to feel his breath.
“That’s what I thought wise girl” he says with a smile. Reaching around her to clasp the necklace behind her neck.
She can feel herself growing red. Then she comes back to her senses and rememebers that they are in a fully public place, she should not be acting like this.
“Whatever” she says to Percy smiling. They pick up their bags and walk to another store.
Eventually they finish their shopping trip and head home. Annabeth makes sure not to mention the kiss at all.
When they get to the house they set all the bags down in their room and unload everything.
Annabeth goes and finds the wrapping paper to wrap the gifts.
Once she comes back into the room Percy has all of his gifts and her gifts unloaded.
They start to wrap stuff. Then about halfway through Percy throws a price of scrap paper at Annabeth. Annabeth
“Hey!” She says throwing the paper back at him.
They throw paper back and forth and it turns into an all out dodgeball match on the floor of their bedroom.
Eventually they settle back down and start wrapping gifts again. Annabeth stomach growls and Percy notices.
“You hungry?” He says.
“Kinda.” She says setting down the gift she was wrapping
“I’ll be right back.” Percy says exiting the room.
Minutes later he enters back in with two cups of hot chocolate, a full plate of chicken nuggets with ketchup. And a tub of ice cream from the freezer.
“Thanks Percy” she says digging in.
They share the food and eventually make their way to the tub of ice cream. they eat so much of it that their stomachs hurt.
“Okay remind me never to eat an entire tub of icecream again.” Annabeth says laying on her back on the floor
“I’ll have to remind myself that first.” Percy says laying beside her
They put up all the wrapping paper and get ready for bed. Once they were both in bed Annabeth turns towards Percy, just like the last two nights. She didn’t know what to say to him so she waits for him to say something.
“Annabeth, why didn’t you want to kiss me under the mistletoe?” He says.
“Oh believe me, I wanted to. I just couldn’t” she says embarrassed
“What do you mean. You couldn’t?” He says confused.
“Um it’s really hard for me to talk about, but I guess I can try.” She says.
Percy nods for her to go on.
“Um a few years ago, when I lived here in town, I was good friends with this guy name Luke.” She says starting out slowly.
“He seemed like a really good guy. Something about him made me want to make him proud of me. I don’t know what it was.” She continues.
“He always seemed more into me than he did to anyone else. But it just wasn’t enough. So one day at this party I was flirting with him. I guess at some point he um-“ she says with her voice breaking. She realizes that she’s tearing up and she shakes her head.
Percy wipes a tear from her face and says “hey it’s ok. If you don’t want to talk about it. I don’t want to push you.” Gently
“No it’s ok. I’m anyways, I guess at some point he slipped something in my drink. Because the next thing I know I was waking up in his bedroom.” She says slowly.
“I don’t remember going to his room or even leaving the party at all. To be honest I barely remember that night at all.” She says shaking her head
“He must have done something to me because the next day he couldn’t even look at me. Every time I tried to talk to him he shut me down.” She meets Percy’s eyes
“I realized too late what he had done and there was nothing I could do.” She says finally. A single tear escaping her eyes.
“Hey it’ll be ok.” Percy says pulling her against him and holding her tight.
Annabeth is so overcome by emotion that she can seem to move. They stay like that for seconds, maybe minutes, maybe hours. But somehow Annabeth falls asleep.
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noperopesaredope · 2 years
Doki Doki Precure AU Idea
So I’ve had this AU concept in my head for a while, and I’ve decided to just put it out there.
Basically, in “Searching for a Dream” (my fav episode in Doki Doki), just like in the OG episode, Ira will start having small flashbacks after having hit his head. However, these flashbacks are not just of his life as a Selfish, but…other memories. Memories buried so deep that it seems almost impossible to find them.
When Gula yells at him, all the memories come flooding in. But not just the Selfish ones..................we won’t know what else he remembers until the end of the episode though. He appears to fall into despair (kinda like in Smile Precure) for a moment, but quickly refocuses when Gula shoots the laser thing at him. 
Like in the episode, he knocks is away. But then he turns to the Cures (specifically Diamond) and, with a neutral expression (though more like resting bitch face), says “I remember everything now.” Diamond says that she’s glad, since that means he’s made a full recovery. Then Gula jumps and Ira knocks them out of the way, he leaves, yadda, yadda, yadda, that whole part of the episode continues as normal.
But instead of the scene with Ira on the roof thing, we skip to the scene with Rikka and her parents having dinner together. It’s very nice, very wholesome. BUT THEN we have a new scene.
Rikka goes into her room for the night only to find Ira sitting on her bed, looking a bit like the Shinji chair meme, while also having an existential crisis. Rikka is very much shooketh, and confusingly asks “I-Ira?? Why are you...” but he interrupts. “You know, you’re a better doctor than I thought. Turns out I’ve always had amnesia, even before you found me on the beach.”
He looks up at her, tears streaming down his face, and says “But I remember now. I wasn’t always a Selfish.”
“I used to be a human.”
So yeah, that’s the intro premise to the AU!
Basically, the Selfish weren’t always beings of darkness. They used to be regular people living in Splendorious (I refuse to call it the Trump Kingdom). 
This is how someone turns into a Selfish:
First off, they need to have been exposed to the power of the Mirror Pads in one way or another. Kinda like being exposed to radioactive energy, but it’s actually just good vibes.
They also need to be a relatively selfless person, selfless enough to qualify becoming a Cure (though they don’t need to actually be a Cure, just selfless enough to be qualified).
Then, they must protect someone from a blast of dark energy, sacrificing their own life in the process. But right before that, they must first choose the selfish option, before they change their mind and decide to do the selfless thing.
Right after they die, their body will be taken and consumed by the Darkness.
Their heart will be filled with Darkness, their blood will become infused with Darkness, and their mind will be taken over by the Darkness.
All memories of their past life will be erased, and they will wake up as a Selfish.
They’ll look completely different while also looking the same. They will have light blue hair (just pretend all of them have light blue hair), olive-yellow eyes, unnaturally pale skin (whether or not they were originally pale), and the little black wings behind their ears. They will also be wearing a different outfit.
Their personality will also change. Each of them have a heavenly virtue they represent the most, so the Darkness will take that part of their personality and turn it into its deadly sin.
For example, Human!Ira used to be very calm and patient. As a Selfish, he is instead very anger. Human!Marmo was very generous and giving, now she is very greedy. And Human!Bel...he was a lot of different things, but one of those things was hard-working. Now, he is lazy.
Basically, as a Selfish, you get a bit of a personality swap and become very selfish and mean. However, there are small moments in which their original personalities shine through. It’s incredibly difficult for them to be selfless, but it is less hard for them to be good, at least if they try. And, given the right circumstances, like when Ira had amnesia, they will return to their former personalities (though missing the memories).
If they somehow manage to regain all their memories, they will be in a delicate balance between being good and evil. But if they do a major act of selflessness, then they will overcome the Darkness. Sure, they will always have some selfishness in their heart, everyone does, but it will be balanced.
Now, I have also made some small plans on the past lives of Ira, Marmo, and Bel, and each will have some sort of connection with one of our Splendorious characters.
Ira was once a humble assistant to the knight of Splendorious, kinda like a page boy or a squire, but without actually getting any lessons and instead just helping people out. This gives him a minor connection to Joe, because though they didn’t know each other that well, they were acquaintances. Ira’s past personality was basically the one he had when he had amnesia. I will not get into his whole story/arc because that would be to complicated and take up most of the post.
Though Ira and Bel have their own very interesting stories, Marmo’s backstory is kinda my favorite. Get this: Marmo............................................was a Cure. I know, right? I’m a genius and should win all the awards.
Marmo gives us some interesting insight into what Makoto’s relationship with other Cures was like before the fall of Splendorious. The two weren’t exactly close, but they did fight together a few times, and Marmo (who I will call Cure Deuce) was actually the last Cure who Makoto saw before she had to go to Earth. Their relationship was like that of a student and a teacher, but the student wasn’t in any of that teacher’s classes, so they didn’t really know each other. But the student still trusts the teacher as an adult. 
They actually get to know each other a lot better during the fall of Splendorious when they teamed up to fight together, and got along pretty well. Still deciding whether or not Makoto was there when Deuce died. I’m pretty sure that’s not gonna be the case, but it would cause extra ~trauma~. Then again, it would be also pretty tragic if Deuce told Makoto that “I’ll be fine fighting on my own for now. You go find the princess” and Makoto left, feeling confident that Deuce would be fine. After getting to Earth, she sadly assumed the Deuce had been turned into a Jikochuu like everyone else, but she had hope that she could see all of them again, and only had a certain amount of guilt. But to find out that Deuce died after she left her behind? And that she was then turned into a Selfish? And that the woman she had been fighting this whole time was actually Deuce all along? That would leave some crazy guilt.
On top of this, Makoto and Marmo would have a very interesting rivalry before the big reveal. So it will be a lot of fun. For me. Not for Makoto. Or Marmo.
Bel is interesting in terms of his relationships to other characters and the role he plays in the grand scheme. He was actually the King’s valet/personal secretary who sometimes acted like a bit of an advisor. This connects him to the Princess reincarnations. Yeah, things get crazy with Bel, and I’m not gonna get into all that insanity right now. In the past, Bel was very hard-working, to the point that he sometimes overworked himself. He was the exact opposite of lazy, and he was a pretty rad dude. He was also loyal to the king and a good support to him who helped him in a lot of ways. He was just generally the perfect man in terms of personality. He gave off DILF energy. I’m not sorry.
So that’s what I have on those guys rn, or at least that’s what I’m willing to type out.
While the Selfish are basically opposites of their past selves, they did keep some of the traits they had in their past lives.
A primary example of this is fighting style. Ira’s fighting style is the most sloppy and frantic. It’s that of someone who doesn’t really know how to fight, but might have seen others fight, which makes sense given Ira’s background. Marmo’s is eerily similar to that of a Cure, but a very experienced one. Bel’s fighting is probably the most intimidating, because though he was mainly the King’s valet, he also served as a bodyguard. Bel is perfectly capable of dealing fatal blows, which is why the Cures are really lucky that he is too lazy to fight most of the time.
A second, smaller trait the Selfish will carry is certain types of knowledge. They can’t recognize people from their past lives and won’t remember anything about said people, and they definitely won’t remember anything about their past selves, but they do have some certain types of knowledge related to their past expertise. 
For example, Ira still knows how to do some of his assistant duties, Marmo still remembers some things about how Cures worked and the system behind that (if she hears Ace say something about the “rules of the Glitter Force” or whatever they call it in the Japanese version, she will probably say something along the lines of “I’ve never heard that rule before. Usually the handbook talks about protocol and stuff”), and Bel is still really good at his job and has knowledge on how the kingdom worked.
And a final trait they will keep is their mannerisms. Bel sits on the couch the same way he’s always sat, only raises one eyebrow in a look that can only be described as parental disappointment whenever he disapproves of something (a trait he’s had for years), and walks very slowly and deliberately, something that will never change.
Marmo puts her hand(s) under her chin a lot, pucks her lips when she’s upset, and makes a very specific facial expression whenever she rolls her eyes, same as she’s always done.
And Ira still slouches when he leans against a wall (his favorite standing position), still says “yo!” as a way to greet people, still has the same cackle-laugh.
These little things will be used as bits of foreshadowing as they use elements of their knowledge and we see little parts of their past selves shine through.
That’s all I really have for now. If I ever make more stuff for this AU, I’ll probably put it under the tag “Former Human Selfish AU”. Actually, that will be the name of the au. You can add your own stuff if you want since it’s an au after all. Credit me if you use my au, but also you can use my au. Use my au. That’s a demand.
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mystic-myrtille · 2 years
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Ich habe 992 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 992 more posts als 2021!
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Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 916 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
Nur 8% meiner Einträge hatten keine Tags
#ml – 525 Einträge
#ml salt – 258 Einträge
#lukanette – 247 Einträge
#ml fanart – 196 Einträge
#pro lukamari – 154 Einträge
#adrien salt – 87 Einträge
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Längstes Tag: 139 characters
#but arguing that lukanette is toxic? when they're so open about their feelings with each other? and completely comfortable with each other?
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
Every once in a while I get flashbacks from the way Luka and Marinette look at each other during Wishmaker and my heart goes all 💞💝💗💘💕doki doki💕💘💗💝💞 because look at them
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They look so madly in love with each other like just kiss already🥺💞
282 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 11. Juli 2022
Ugh are they seriously having THAT conversation now? When Paris is under attack?
And why are they now talking about secret identities? That's your smallest problem right now?
364 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 11. März 2022
I just wanna point out
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Vs this
Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
406 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 21. Juni 2022
They lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
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541 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 1. Oktober 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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Silence me with your kiss~
This is based on a recent fanfiction by @mc-lukanette where Marinette keeps Silencer from doing crime by making out with him:)
Took me forever to finish. I struggle a lot with coloring and shading in general so I took liberty to experiment a little, I'm quite satisfied with the result.
614 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 18. März 2022
Hol dir deinen Tumblr-Jahresrückblick 2022 →
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 2 parts 1&2]
“It’s the same as hitting on someone, keep pushing and pushing” You, stop talking right now
Ah yes the shooting arrows scene, amazing
Talay last time you two spoke he told you he hates you, what makes you think antagonising him on his archery skills is gonna make that any better
“Move, I need space.” Tun: “oh I’ll move. Very very far away”
Looove that Ohm goes back to being Sea as soon as Tun’s left
And when he talks to Tun he’s Ohm again
Given that the whole “Tess dated a girl Tun liked” thing isn’t even true where the hell did people get that idea, especially since marriage is equal in this universe and so I assume/hope people are more accepting
“I’m a screenwriter, I have to believe in anything” Not sure how that works
Crying at how Talay’s wearing a different outfit everytime he talks to Tun in this episode, as if it’s the fault of the clothing
W h a t is the music playing as Talay puts an arm around Tun’s shoulders
The half-hearted hand tap ;;
“Take that stupidity to your grave” I’ve always loved that line, it’s so fucking good
“Can you make the light pinker?” THIS GUY GETS IT
Talay @ the pink light: >:( 
“The reason I broke up with you. The truth is…” I’m a lesbian
Also I get it now, people believe the “stealing Tun’s crush” story because Tess is a piece of shit
Ah yes the first instance of drunk!Talay blurting out universe-swapping stuff
Can’t believe I was such a dumb-dumb the first time watching and didn’t realise Tun was now Puen basically until Jimmy appeared on-screen
Gorgeous transition though
“He loved that cat more than his life apparently” Tbh same and that’s not even a joke, I have three cats and I love cats to death and I’d sooner end up in the hospital than run one over
Puen: “what are you talking about?” *tries to act cool by drowning his anxiety in a drink*
Puen died in a car accident, almost hit a cat, and later in the show gets caught drunk driving, this guy should not be allowed behind the wheel
Puen I get that you won’t tell him your name now but you’ll tell him eventually right? …. RIGHT??
Talay acting so all-knowing about the situation all of a sudden, these dorks are both trying too hard to look cool
“Whom should I go to?” “Me” Puen: *d-doki*
Those cups couldn’t be any emptier if they tried
Okay but what if he HAD been naked under there Talay
Kdfjksdl the drunk kissing scene is so fecking cute, one of my fave scenes tbh
I’m glad Talay didn’t use tongue because his breath must stink like hell
“Me hurting you sounds more like it” At least ASK if he’s into that, god
Those bread cone thingies look delicious ngl
So I loved this from the get-go but I still love that Talay guesses “Rose” and neither of them comments how that’s “weird” because it’s a girl’s name
“Don’t you know the quote from that movie?” Puen: hang on I gotta be as extra about my answer as possible
Is… is the cone in his mouth a metaphor for…….
“Tess didn’t go easy on the car” It looked fine to me when you tried to give Tun a lift
Oh my goddddd I love this girl, I don’t know if she’s a cameo but I’m in love with her energy
Also she’s you when Puen starts kissing Talay asljdfkldd
talay showing up in front of tun with a new outfit every time: that will throw him off his rhythm STREET SMARTS!!!!!!!
yeah the reason why everyone believed that tess dated a girl tun liked is because the asshole actually went around BRAGGING about stealing her from tun to all his friends. that alone already tells me everything i need to know about tess but somehow he's gonna get even worse, if you can believe it. also i know love is blind and all that but tun.... my dude....... you can do SO MUCH BETTER
im gonna take a moment to lose my mind over the lyrics of the song puen decides to sing because "DID IT ACTUALLY HAPPEN OR AM I DREAMING/US MEETING EACH OTHER IN THIS WORLD/DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT IT/BUT WITH ALL MY HEART I BELIEVE THIS IS/A MIRACLE THAT WE MET/IT'S A MIRACLE THAT I LOVE YOU/IT'S THE GREATEST MIRACLE I'VE EVER WITNESSED/OH YOU ARE THE MIRACLE" [FROTHING AT THE MOUTH CLAWING AT THE WALLS GOING RABID] literally the most puentalay song to ever exist they're gonna play it at their wedding and slow dance to it and puen still hums it to talay from time to time when he can't believe he actually gets to spend the rest of his life with talay
DRUNK KISS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!!!! GOD I TRULY ADORE THAT SCENE SO MUCH. i still can't believe talay really tried true love's kiss as a way to bring them back to their universe sfjksgdj he is such an endearing and dramatic drunk!!!! i really wish we could have had at least one more scene with talay being drunk around puen because talay is usually very self-conscious and tends to keep everything to himself, but when he's drunk he's just so openly affectionate and honest!!!!!! i know he would cling to puen the entire time and tell puen all kinds of things he'd be to embarrassed to say while sober and puen would be SO FOND!!!!!! anyway, back to the kiss, i know we all laugh at puen's expressions during that scene, but i love how realistic his reaction is!!!! also episode 2 and 3 are so important to me because you can literally pinpoint every single moment that makes puen fall in love with talay and this is such an important one for both of them!!!!!
“Me hurting you sounds more like it” At least ASK if he’s into that, god <<<<< IM NOT SPEAKING I REFUSE TO SPEAK
Is… is the cone in his mouth a metaphor for……. <<<<< 😏😏😏👀👀👀🤭🤭🤭 (apparently im 12 sfjksgdksg)
Also she’s you when Puen starts kissing Talay asljdfkldd
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WE'RE BOTH SQUEALING WITH DELIGHT KICKING OUR FEET COVERING OUR FACE BLUSHING SHE'S JUST LIKE ME FR (also yeah, she's sadly just a cameo but i really like her as an actress i'd love to see her in a GL)
ending this by saying that im forever mourning THIS archery scene from the mock trailer that didn't make it into the actual show:
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playingforever · 2 months
Do you think mono would ever noncon six? Perhaps in an obsessed crazy melty way? - retrospring ask [link]
[spotlight panning to me, as I am very severe and fingers steepled] [and my head is under a bag] Considering the fact that the whole time loop 🔁 operates on subjecting Six to torment without her consent — more or less personally orchestrating her constantly being abducted and rescued only to be abducted again... Yes, I do think that Mono has this capacity within him. In fact, I firmly believe it,,,
Usually I look to canon to gauge how much duress it would take for a character to cross another's boundaries so extremely... In Mono's case, he's able to get quite far in 'the ends justify the means', even before he has reached his apex of being the Thin Man — what he does to Monster Six is deeply upsetting. As I play it, I sure feel like I'm performing a sort of noncon... Persevering through a girl screaming and belligerently resisting me until the very end.
By contrast, I think actual rape, would be a lot more preferable for the both of them-!? (knows how this sounds, BUT HEAR ME OUT.) It'd just be a lot more direct... Not needing all the convoluted theatre of the environment around them. I think it'd be a pretty good breakthrough if Mono could lower himself enough from his position of Six's noble protector, to enact on her body for his own desires — and it'd be more digestible for Six to process her harm at the hands of her friend. I think the ending of the game leaves Six in turmoil, whiplashed about by the extreme poles of what Mono/Thin Man put her through. She likely, can't even really understand what Mono's intent even is. It might seem wantonly cruel with no goal. And only when alone does Mono perhaps, reflect on his own selfishness.
[waves hands...] Of course, this isn't me saying it wouldn't be intense, or alarming or upsetting etc... Just prefacing that I think it's both a logical escalation from their current dynamic (lol.) and that also it would be cathartic.
Now, let's get into the details. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Between the two... well, I do see Mono as closer to processing his feelings as 'a crush'... specificity of, Attracted To Six. I think he's able to identify, when Six is near, heart goes doki doki. Like to look at her, like to touch her. His reactions to her are not incidental; he knows he wouldn't feel this way about anyone else. There's a boyish simplicity to him... which, means I think he also understands, he gets Horny about her as well. He be seeing, ha panty, sometimes, as they're climbing ladders. Lingering gaze, on her bare legs. Compulsively keying into the location of her pussy. And so on. It's not something he shies away from feeling... She's a pretty girl, after all... [quietly stares, from the safe partition of my paper bag.]
As for Six... she is unable to have that kind of awareness for her feelings about Mono. Naturally kind of, doomful, listless girl... not one to think with romantic flourish. It probably feels like a fluke that they were even able to survive this long; keeping each other company is a bonus. It's not that she doesn't care about him — I do think he's able to make her feel things she never has before-!! Six would have her own moments of raw attraction as well, drawn to Mono as something distinctly familiar, in an otherwise hostile & unfamiliar world. Buuut I think she's also a bit wary of emotional intensity too ww, so she would be scared to feel doki doki... She can't quite linger on it, like Mono does.
Generally I think of it as... Six cannot consciously instigate, because she's so far from having expectations of affection (she can't even see herself as craving it...) Meanwhile, Mono is more capable of instigating, but is encumbered by self-hate and overly obsessing about being Six's protector. Mono's love language is like. Dragging Six around violently and bashing things with a pipe. He's, one-track-minded, so I think he's in this rut of seeing rescuing/protecting Six as the ultimate expression of what he can do for her. Fantasizing about kissing her is genuinely too self-indulgent... so he doesn't-!! Even if he would like to. Instead, I think he gets off on the extent his loyalty makes him sacrifice and enduring anything 'for Six's sake'. It's a problem lol.
NOW IMAGINE WE COULD GET PAST THAT BARRIER...!! (And I imagine this would be through the sheer power of looping and accruing 1000 little scant moments with Six. Basting in unmet desire.) Well then Mono could reach the Next Step of trying to Do Something-! Regardless of if it felt, selfish and awful and antithetical to what he is supposed to be doing... No, even so, the feelings just need to well up inside until he can't take it. I think he also needs to be poisoned by how passive and permissive Six is, and how much he's constantly directing her body... A part of him should understand, it's possible to get away with, Something, here...
The atmosphere varies... I could see it being stoic, severe, ahh the mindset of 'I will just Do It. Here I Go.' Harsh low breathing, forceful, crushing Six against his body, pinning her against a surface... (They're often in tight, enclosed spaces together, aren't they?) Or, something more plaintive, trying to shush her, apologetic, 'Please just let me...' petting her, trying to hold hands during, errr but also definitely keeping her restrained and not letting her wiggle away... I've also dwelled on, like a cowardly pathetic attempt at somno, like a kind of Bargaining emotion... scoot pants down, but still be in underwear, press tented boner between her legs... please god, I just want to kind of feel it, for 1 second. [TRYING TO NOT HUFF IN MY PAPER BAG...]
Emotions I envision at the start of such a thing are mostly, lowly, guilty... though I think it could escalate midway into some sort of, entitlement, arrogance, I do so much for you please just let me...!!! and so on. And then of course, her body feels good, to fuck. So there's satisfaction gained from the sheer act. Maybe a childish belief that it can't only feel so good for him. Surely, it feels good for her too... [mentally justifying actions] Six's reflex is to run from things — maybe she just needs him to be persistent. That's how it often is, between them... ⬅ わがまま!!
For Six, on the receiving end, I like it to be genuinely pretty scary and inscrutable, whatever he is initiating with her — like she's not even fully able to grasp the sensations, she can't think 'sex' or 'rape', even. It's more disorienting than that, like, Mono is acting on my body, Mono is forcing himself inside me. Feels like he's created an opening in her, he might as well be stabbing her — just that extreme, of a gap of understanding what is happening.
But ahhh I think, her own attraction and interest in Mono means her body rawly responds to things like his touch, scent... She's already keyed into his voice as a firm anchor, something she's meant to react to, so hearing him haggard, breathing, or babbling at her, slurring, anything would make her brain feel as though it's reverberating in her skull. Draws out unconscious feelings, desperation, aching — terrible awe that she's somehow made him do this? That she isn't running away from it, either? — all this happening internally/physically would make it all feel Crazier. Like oh, Mono's lost his mind, and ig me too. AhhHHH.
For how complicated it is for these two, baseline, I see things as even starting consensual ➡ descending into noncon, midway during interfacing. A consequence of having hazy memories of multiple timelines; a kind of ability to go from 0-1000 easily, with no warning... Alsoo, I kind of, stylistically(? ??) like to imagine they do not talk aloud very much, and have predominantly nonverbal interactions. But it means, they're both often floundering with their own internal perception of things, and unable to bridge a discussion about what the other is feeling or what is happening... or what the other wants. It takes a lot of pressure to reach that event horizon, I think... The great conflict at the end of the game is their discrepancy in perspective, after all.
All that said, I think the scariest rape potential is, well. Bagless Mono at the end of the game who has just usurped power from the Thin Man and is tormenting Monster Six. That guy, I think is like uniquely off his rocker, swangin his axe around and booming HEYYY at a cowering screeching girl. God help Six if he could, just channel enough power to resist being tossed into the abyss or something. I think he could fuck her to death. He really froightens me. She is right to drop him and turn and leave. Seriously get away from him before something bad happens. [laughing...]
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catlover-multifandom · 5 months
I got a 3DS emulator for my computer because I was bored and downloaded the doki doki precure game and tomodachi life.
recently, lots of drama has been unfolding on Cute Kitty Island. Here’s the full drama digest so far, sorted by day.
First day:
- For real life people, I added Mii (me)(haha Mii get it?), my best friend R, my friend L.
- for fictional characters, I added 707 (from mystic messenger), then Ed Al and Winry.
- most people become friends.
- Ed wanted a new outfit like 2 seconds after I made him so I bought him the most interesting looking outfit in the clothes shop: a banana costume. He loved it!
Day 2:
- I get the hat shop. Yay!
- winry requested an interesting hat. I gave her the most interesting one in the store… a strawberry hat. She loved it!
- 707 requested a plain hat. He kinda liked the plain hat I gave him (I can’t even remember what it was called because it was that boring). WHAT DO YOU WANT??
- Mii and 707’s attempt at being friends failed. I clutch my 707 plush in horror… how could this have happened…
- in real life, R came by so I showed her the island while we made udon. it was really good.
- immediately when we looked at the island the R and L miis got into a fight. not a normal fight, I mean the fight where they’re engulfed by flames. Banana boy (that’s Ed, but he’s now banana boy to me) wanted them to reconcile and hosted them at his apartment. It failed and they threw stuff in his apartment. L and R are no longer friends on the island. L laughed about this in real life when we regaled the tale to her over text message.
- R and I made an eren jaeger mii, then also made a mii for our friend C and then You Watanabe from Love Live.
- Eren wanted to be friends with R mii. R wanted me to say no but I overrode her request as overlord of the island.
- R mii and Eren become best friends instantly. R says this is horrid. Eren and R mii are hanging out together after that.
- we play quirky questions and discover that eren jaeger thinks cheese is superior to him. I guess he really did lose it all slip and fall and whatever else
- R leaves. nothing else that interesting happens on the island that day. I play with the comparability tester some though.
Day 3:
- I make Haru. Immediately he’s off at the beach digging a hole in the sand.
- Eren wants to be friends with Mii. It’s a success.
- You and Haru become friends. He’s still at the beach digging a hole.
- Right after those 2 became friends, I see it: the first pink love heart bubble on Cute Kitty Island.
- I text R to let her know that Eren’s got a love heart bubble. She’s horrified when I remind her that her mii was Eren’s only friend until a minute ago when I befriended him.
- I enter Eren’s apartment. He’s in love with MII. Eren and Mii have only interacted once, and that was to become friends. HOW AND WHY?? R laughed because no eren for her.
- I talk to R. We decided to have Eren act desperate at the beach. Mii shows up. He confesses.
- confession gets interrupted by Al. honestly I’m not surprised since Mii and Al are always hanging out and playing with the cat coupons.
- Mii chooses Eren. Al falls into the sand in shock. Me too buddy. I’m shocked.
- usually when confessions happen the new couple will be hanging out together. Where is Eren? With R. I think Eren’s too scared to confront his true feelings for R.
- Meanwhile, Mii is hungry so I feed her, then she’s hanging out with Al. Mii just rejected him, I’m surprised he’s eager to play with cats together so soon.
- I saved before the confession so I restart since I’m not satisfied. I’m the overlord of the island so I feel no shame.
- this time there’s 2 pink bubbles. Eren’s, and now Ed has one. I deal with his first hoping it’s Winry.
- banana boy goes to the beach and acts desperate. R mii rejects him. I click on the bubble and he wants to try again in true banana boy fashion. I tell him no because R said she doesn’t want “the emo banana boy” when I tell her what’s going on.
- I deal with Eren again. This time we have the cafe unlocked so I send him to the cafe to confess his to love Mii. (the cafe confessions are always full of drama. I had to.)
- al is there behind eren, drinking coffee. I see 707 at the bar. Maybe digital boyfriend 707 will also fight for Mii’s affections.
- Eren opens up with a simple confession of “tatakaw” and Al interrupts, as planned, so say he loves Mii. How sweet. 707 doesn’t jump in.
- Mii chooses Al. Eren sulks and leaves the cafe. don’t go rumble all over the island please
- Al is hanging out with Mii right after. See, that’s how it’s done, Eren. Eren is depressed in his apartment. So is banana boy.
- You wants to be friends with Eren. Right after that, I see that Eren’s depression is cured. That was quick. I’m kinda offended he got over Mii so quickly.
- Haru has a problem. It took like 10 seconds to solve Haru’s problem, he wanted me to look in his stomach. Then he was back at the beach digging a hole. When I went to see him at the beach, Eren and R mii were hanging out there. I really think Eren has some deep feelings for R mii.
- two more love bubble appear after that. L is in love 707. it’s a success.
- winry is in love. I cure Ed’s depression so maybe he’ll be the one she wants.
- she wants Al. Internally I say “wrong brother!!” and tell her don’t do it. because he’s taken. she gets sad and I give her food to cure her depression.
- winry and banana boy are hanging out after this. maybe they’ll bond over their rejections together. idk.
- I use the compatibility tester for a few minutes. L and R get 0% aka mortal enemies. I guess that checks out seeing how they cause each other to engulf in flames within 15 hours of meeting.
- all this stuff that happened today happened in the span of an hour and 15 minutes. I save the game and close the computer because I’ve had enough of pink love heart drama on Cute Kitty Island for today.
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