#my headcanon is that he actually comes from a wealthy background or something and his father bought his way out
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bettsfic · 9 months ago
okay so i saw The Bikeriders today and i knew i wouldn't be normal about this movie and even though my expectations were impossibly high it exceeded them. i was happy for it to just be a cool movie for the sake of being a cool movie, toxic masculinity ultraviolence whatever, and it was but with Jodie Comer's character narrating about what fucking idiots all these macho biker dudes are. it's like if a woman narrated Fight Club while constantly pointing out how stupid Fight Club is
also, most of it was filmed near where i live and it was so exciting seeing places i recognized! it's been all over the news for weeks
things i loved about it:
protective older woman/loose cannon younger man
lowkey romantic stalking
a relationship suspiciously close to a throuple, by which i mean protective older woman goes to war against possessive older man, re: their mutual intense love for loose cannon younger man. and that's not even subtext that's just text
hot sadboy who doesn’t talk much and is so cool he doesn’t know how cool he is
british people doing midwestern accents
NO PLOT, god bless. just stuff happening and a lot of gay tension building
accurate portrayals of the aftermath of the vietnam war
accurate portrayals of mid-century small-town life
accurate portrayals of men being fucking pathetic
things i did not love about it:
for the love of god please wear a helmet
idk man it's just a whole-ass movie about how vietnam changed the very definition of masculinity, and that awkward era between wwii and vietnam when guys were rebellious for the aesthetic, rebel without a cause shit, twinks in leather jackets manhood. the movie even points that out, like they're so against rules but then they make all these rules for their silly little biker gang because they're bored. and then allll these vets come home from a war nobody wanted and they're actually rebelling, full anti-establishment, and there's just no more honor anymore because everybody's broken. which is all to say, somebody please come into my ask and be insane about this movie with me.
anyway i'm seeing it again tomorrow and i have already started an ot3 fic goodbye
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ifishouldvanish · 1 year ago
Some Olrox Analysis & Headcanons
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Have you seen this man? Now you have! 🥰
I have a lot of thoughts about Olrox Castlevania Nocturne and I'm dumping them here.
DISCLAIMER: We know so little about Olrox's past and I am but a humble stan looking at an expressionist painting and projecting my own deranged nonsense onto it. I'm fully prepared for 90% of this to get jossed in season 2, but for now I'm just letting the worms in my brain wiggle and send me beautiful visions of what could be 🥹
1. Olrox Was a Commoner and Does Not Respect Hierarchies
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I've seen people point to his manner of speech and dress as evidence that he must come from a privileged background, but I think he displays too much contempt for the wealthy/nobility to have been one himself. I think these things are just symbols of power he has learned to use to his advantage.
Of course, there's everyone's favorite quote: "I prefer my blood blue." But he also demonstrates virtually no respect for authority or symbols/institutions of power in general:
He refuses the escort sent by the marquis when he arrives in France and insists on staying at the inn because he likes to "keep his ear to the ground". He would rather be around 'the people' than accept anything from the wealthy.
When Drolta is reminiscing about her glory days as a priestess, there's really not any nostalgia or sentimentality when he interrupts and says "and now those temples are half-buried in dust."
For as good as he is at presenting himself as a Gentleman of Status, he cannot bring himself to even pretend to enjoy himself at Erzsebet's lil debutante ball at the chateau.
When Erzsebet insists she is a goddess, his response is "Of course you are, sweetie 🙂"
His whole speech to Mizrak in the morning-after scene is basically a deconstruction of what power means, and how it is only a perceived vs tangible thing, a temporary position vs an immutable one:
"There are petty demon princelings you can haggle with and cheat. There are demon charlatans whose faces you can laugh in, spit in. There are demons who once were gods... And those who still are."
Foucault? In MY anime adaptation of a vampire video game?? It's more likely than u think 🤔
(continued under the cut bc this got long as hell)
2. Olrox was an Adult when Cortés Arrived
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(I don't have a relevant screenshot for this point, so here's Olrox being pretty for no reason)
I've seen it float around some places that if we adhere to historical timelines to a 'T', it would make most sense for him to have been a child, but I'm of the opinion that it's more useful to take what the text itself gives us and fill the gaps with bits and pieces of the actual history where it's convenient. At the end of the day, this is a work of fiction/fantasy. So what does the text tell us?
He lived a long time as human and vampire
As of 1783, he'd been a vampire for approximately 250 years
Now, if we want to take this 250 figure literally, that would put the year of his turning at 1533. But I think we can give ourselves +/-15 years leeway because 250 is just the kind of rounded, even number one would use in natural speech in place of "267" or some shit like that. It's just how believable dialogue is written. So what lies in this +/-15 year window? The invasion by the Spanish, 1519-1521.
Now, he tells Mizrak: "Long ago, when I was still human, I watched men wade ashore from ships..."
I think this is another case of how important dialogue is. Because if he was a boy at the time, this line would likely have been written as "Long ago, when I was just a boy..." or something like "One of my earliest memories is of..." instead. "Still human" implies not only was he a human, but that he had been human for quite some time already. That the events he's describing fall in the stretch of time leading up to "still human" no longer being true.
tl;dr: the Spanish arrival and him becoming a vampire happened within a few years of each other, and if turned vampires stop aging, then he would have had to have been an adult at the time.
3. Olrox Became A Vampire Willingly
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I assume that vampirism is something that was introduced to the Mexica by the Spanish in the same way it was introduced to Haiti by the French, in Annette's case.
However, rather than vampires creating spawn left and right, the persistent lore (in the show at least) is that to be turned is to be accepted into the sort of elite in-group of vampire society. (Carmilla questioning why Lisa was never turned, the Count never turning slaves, etc). Vampires feed on humans, they don't view them as potential spawn to have in thrall or whatever.
The Spanish weren't going around giving natives The Bite, because vampirism is power. So what I think, is that Olrox recognized that power, and decided to take it for himself. Rather than being the passive 'recipient' of the 'gift' of vampirism, he pried it from some Spanish vampire's cold, undead hands. (i.e., he drank their blood)
Do I have any proof of this? No. It's just what the worms in my brain are telling me 🤷 But!!
Do I think it would be a sexy little inversion of the way Erzsebet drank a god's blood to obtain her power? Yes.
Do I think it would be thematically very appropriate for a morally grey character who seems to have a very... Interesting relationship with power (individual power vs institutional powers, the subverting of power, the weaponization of symbols of power, etc)?? Oh absolutely fuck yes!!1!
4. Olrox Was a Priest, But Not Like That.
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Priesthood in the Mexica empire was largely dominated by the nobility, whose children would be sent to the calmecec to learn how to read and write, speak the noble dialect, perform rituals, etc. But if the circumstances were right, the children of commoners could also get in!
Olrox says he's never been much of a believer, but he's highly intelligent and incredibly good at reading people. Even if he was never a man of faith, the priesthood was still a powerful institution where one could climb the ranks and earn influence over the nobility. No doubt someone as sharp and charismatic as Olrox would be able to take advantage of the opportunity to get a good education and maybe try to undermine the system from within/play a bit of political games while he was at it.
Also... Olrox's weapon of choice is the dagger. Obviously a dagger is an appropriate weapon for a character who's kind of rogue-ish, but also consider: Aztec warriors used a lot of weapons in combat: clubs, spears, arrows, axes—but an obsidian dagger? That's something that would have been used by a priest during rituals.
5. Olrox is a Bitch™ Who Knows Just What to Say to Get Under People's Skin
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A common myth is that the Mexica welcomed Cortés at first because they thought he was Quetzalcoatl. But this is a misreading of the way Mexica social conventions/the noble dialect worked, which was kinda ~passive aggressive in a way, such that the more loftily and overly politely you spoke with someone, the more you were actually telling them to go eat shit and die. I think Olrox's dialogue demonstrates this beautifully in the scene where he meets Erzsebet:
"Taker of Souls, Vampire Lioness, She Who Mauls, The Messiah of--" / "Yes, charmed to meet you 😒"
"Her magnificence has heard much about you." / "Flattered. For a god to have heard of me. 🥱"
"I am a goddess!" / "...Of course 🙂"
His words are receptive, respectful, docile, even... but his tone and delivery are completely the opposite. Compare this with the way he speaks with Richter and (in later interactions) Mizrak—which is more informal, open, confrontational. He's more direct with them because he actually respects them.
As far as reading and getting under people's skin with pinpoint precision, I present the following interactions:
When he catches the marquis' severed head in the catacombs, he reads him (and potentially also Drolta) like a book: "This one? He was just an opportunist, following the messiah because she's powerful. But there are those who love her [looks to Drolta]. So I'm told."
When Drolta gives him a verbal slap on the wrist for feeding on the wealthy, he says "mY Ap0LoGiEs, I didn't realize how invested you are in keeping the mortals happy." - To which Drolta goes on to grumble about how their alliance with some of the mortals disgusts her.
When Erzsebet is waxing poetic about how everyone will see her beauty and worship her, he has the balls to—without missing a beat—say "PaRd0n mEe, but you mean to do this through an alliance with a man who will never worship you? ��" right to her fcuuckin face mgod I love him so much (this is the point where she whips out the big guns and yells "I am a goddess!!" while threateningly flashing her orb of darkness btw. Like she did NOT like that)
6. Olrox Has an 'Eye for an Eye' View of Justice
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A prevalent theme in Aztec religion is the idea that like... ain't nothin' in this world for free. Sacrifices to the gods weren't symbolic gestures of devotion, but an act of paying the gods back for providing humanity with the means to survive.
The idea that everything has a price pervades the dialogue he has with Mizrak in the morning-after scene:
"What was the cost? Who pays it? Just him? Or all of you? Will you? Which demon will claim his price when all this is done?"
And it's also present in the very first scene where we are introduced to Olrox:
"You see, your mama took someone from me I loved, just as much as you loved her. So, she had to die."
What's interesting about this scene is also how... calm he is the whole time—before the fight, after the fight. Yes, he's motivated by the murder of the man he loved, but he brings zero of that passion to this confrontation. It's just an execution, something inevitable that must be done.
That he's fine with confronting a terrified Richter immediately afterwards to explain what just happened (and is completely unapologetic about it) is also telling. It suggests that Olrox views this kind of thing as just 'the way of the world'—a hard truth that Richter will be better off for having learned sooner rather than later.
I think this also helps explain why, years later, Olrox seems to treat Richter with a little more.... Familiarity than we might consider appropriate. He approaches Richter in the catacombs like he's just an old acquaintance, as though Richter should have no reason to be terrified of him. When Drolta mentions the incident later, he seems kind of lightly amused by it. Then, when he drops off the book, he's visibly/audibly frustrated that Richter starts gearing up for a fight. To Olrox, the whole "killed your mom" thing is water under the bridge, nothing personal.
7. Olrox is a Vampire of Prominence in The New World
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Obviously, he has to be kind of a big deal to give a Belmont a run for their money. But let's go deeper into the IMPLICATIONS!!
"In 250 years, do you know how many vampire hunters have promised to slice me in two?"
"Her magnificence has heard much about you."
"You will be her guide into America."
He's enough of a big deal that countless hunters have promised to kill him. Enough of a big deal that Erzsebet has not only heard of him, but sees him as a valuable ally who knows enough about America to guide her as she builds her empire across it.
Olrox wasn't just a powerful vampire who got entangled with the politics of colonial Massachusetts and happened to cross paths with a Belmont. He's presumably had a hand in matters across the continent. Erzsebet refers to the colonists as "American upstarts" but for her, this is a conflict between humans vs vampires. The American colonists aren't allies or even rivals to her—because they're not vampires. They're just more pesky humans to be dealt with. (Also??? 'Protestant Vampires' as a concept is just hilarious to me, I'm so sorry)
What the worms in my brain are telling me is—And this is Big!! This is a Steaming Hot Take!!!
(...seriously, tin foil hat tier headcanon incoming)
Olrox has established a network of indigenous vampires who are resisting the colonial threat. He's been turning them (or at least select individuals who are into it), and thereby redistributing the power he took from the Spanish colonizers to wield against the British colonizers.
(Look I have 0.01% faith in this actually being canon or anything. I just think it would be cool as fuck.)
Thanks for coming 2 my Ted talk or whatever. 😘
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Undertale Yellow Car Headcanons
A while ago, I saw a post concerning what kinda cars the characters of the RGG/Yakuza/Judgement franchise would drive, and I really wanted to do one for Undertale Yellow's characters. Imagine this taking place in some Post-Pacifist scenario or Deltarune-esque AU where Monsters are living on the surface.
Note, if I left someone out, it's because I couldn't think up anything. If you have your own headcanons, feel free to share them!
Dalv: City Car
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Dalv in my HCs gets a smol car. First of all, because it'd just be cute for him to be driving around in one. Second of all, I think something small and low-key would fit his nature. He wants to fit in and not stick out like a sore thumb. He's a calm, responsible driver.
Martlet: Never got her license
I mean, we all know how much of a girl failure Martlet is. Do you seriously trust her behind the wheel of a car? Besides, she can fly so it's hardly a hinderance to her. If she really needs a ride for some reason, I imagine she just hits up Dalv, Starlo, or Ceroba for one.
Starlo: Chopper Motorcycle
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Now Starlo really wanted to own a horse but came to the crushing realization of just how hard it is to get your hands on one in the modern day, so he settled on the closest thing. It took him a bit, but he really grew to love his motorcycle and likes to give Clover and Kanako rides on it. He does his best to follow the road laws, but his tendency to speed has gotten him quite a few tickets.
Ceroba: Red Hummer
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Because. dude, this car kicks ass and she can watch Madagascar while she's driving!
...alright in all seriousness...
Ceroba: Family Sedan
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Ceroba is pretty humble with her choice of vehicles. Despite her fairly wealthy background, she doesn't feel the urge to signify her status with something really flashy. All she needs is something that gets her, Kanako, and anyone else she's driving from point A to point B. Generally cool-headed on the road but has brief moments of rage at points in form of colorful language or flipping the bird...usually while forgetting Clover and Kanako are in the car with her.
Clover and Kanako: Literal Children
Granted, Starlo did want to give them early driving lessons, but Ceroba very quickly shot that idea down. If they need to get anywhere, Kanako has her mom and Clover has whoever's acting as their parental figure that day.
Ed: Some Kinda Jeep
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Or any type of big car really. Ed would probably be the actual Hummer owner of the cast. He needs something big and fearless!...and also something that fits his absolutely gigantic frame comfortably.
Moray: Convertible
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Honestly, dunno where I came up with this one. I think it just fits Moray's style. I imagine they just really like feeling the wind against their face as they drive.
Ace: Porsche
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Again, more something I just kinda came up with for Ace. He was hard to figure out, but I settled on something sleek and expensive. Where would he get the money for something like this? From all the G he and his friend pooled together after Clover got their ass handed to them at Six Shooter! (no, I'm not speaking from experience. What makes you think that?)
Mooch: Nada
Same as Martlet. If she somehow got a license, she ended up doing something that got it revoked within mere days. If she needs a ride, she hits up one of the other members of the Feisty Five.
Dina: Muscle Car
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Tough car for a tough gal! I just have the fun mental imagine of Dina driving fast on an open road while blasting "Beat the Devil's Tattoo" on her radio. Sometimes, Ceroba joins in on it.
And that's all that comes to mind atm. Hope ya guys enjoy this little segment.
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ltwharfy · 1 year ago
Can you tell us some headcanons for older!Chlogan? 👀
Awwww, Pom, your enthusiasm for rare pairs- your own and others- is just the best! So, Chlogan, the relationship between aged-up Chloe Barbash and Logan Bush...
I will admit, it first started as a joke that amused me on a couple of levels, the main ones being "wouldn't it be funny if Louise's nemeses got together?" and "Chlogan is a fun portmanteau ship name- her name flows right into his!"
But when @sailoreuterpe was doing the rare pair ask game last year, I asked her about Chlogan and she gave a thoughtful answer, which included this: "However, considering who Chloe and Logan are, it's just as likely that their parents hate each other for dumb wealthy WASP reasons. If that's the case, Chloe and Logan could very well date specifically to piss of their parents." That sort of inspired the most developed idea I have about the two of them getting together.
I imagine them knowing each other as kids (ie- at their current ages in the show and maybe even longer) because of their parents (who dislike each other) being in the same social circle. They do not get along either. They each find the other annoying- Chloe thinks Logan is gross, Logan thinks Chloe is a spoiled brat. At best case, they ignore each other, at the worst they fight.
However, as they get older, Chloe, to her chagrin, starts finding Logan attractive and thinking of him as a "cool bad boy"- at least, in the context of her privileged social circle. By the time Chloe graduates high school, she is really starting to chafe against her parents and their rules and their expectations- so she seeks Logan out to teach her how to be rebellious- and hoping to eventually get him to date her to annoy their parents (but that's not her only reason..)
Eventually, in romcom fashion, everything resolves as follows: 1. Chloe realizes Logan actually isn't much of a bad boy or rebel after all; 2. But by that point they actually just like each other anyway; 3. It turns out their parents don't actually care if they are together.
That's the main idea I have about the two of them. Here are some jokier alternatives (which could also incorporate the childhood/family animosity background):
-Rudy sets them up. I imagine this being when they are further in adulthood. Rudy and Louise are married; Louise is running the restaurant and Logan also has a store on Ocean Avenue (skateboards or something) and they've become friends (friends who annoy each other, but still). Rudy ends up reconnecting with Chloe (maybe interviewing her for some story he's doing for public radio) and comes up with the idea of setting Chloe and Logan up. Louise mocks him for it and everyone thinks its a bad idea (including Logan and Chloe) but it works out. This idea amuses me, but I doubt I'll do anything with it because it really says more about how I see older Rudy (a romantic who thinks everyone deserves happiness) rather than Logan or Chloe themselves.
-Rewatching "A Few 'Gurt Men" for my episode ranking rewatch led me to think (based on my experience as a lawyer) which "Bob's Burgers" kids would succeed in law school and the practice of law- and honestly Chloe and Logan were two of the top names on my list (along with Tammy- being a lawyer is not about being smart, it's about being confident). I could easily see them going from work rivals (within the same firm or on opposite sides) to lovers.
Thanks for letting me talk Chlogan! I don't know if I'll ever write anything about them. I love Chloe (and have written from her POV once) but I'm not super interested in writing about Logan. I don't hate him (Linda's parents are the only "Bob's Burgers" characters I might say I hate) but I don't find him particularly compelling. That said, "Jade in the Shade" was probably the most I've enjoyed his character- and the first time I ever felt empathy for him- so who knows what the future may hold!
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fxllen-rxse · 1 year ago
New Verse
Guide My Way || Baldur's Gate Verse
Kojiro James Stormfall 
Height: 6’1
Eyes: Emerald and Ruby red (Heterochromia)
Hair: Near shoulder length, Lavender 
Age: 25 (when turned), 125 (current)
Gender: Cis Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Race: Half-elf, Half-human
Class: Rogue
Sub Class: Arcane trickster
Noble to Charlatan, Vampire spawn
Background (Entirely headcanon based and still work in progress)
**Trigger warning for abuse mention below**
Kojiro comes from a noble family with immense wealth and power. He is the only son born to his parents, Jadzia (Human) and Trevalyn (High Elf), making him the sole heir to their empire.
From the beginning, Kojiro had ambitions for other things like art, dancing, and theater, but it was heavily frowned upon by his parents. For as long as he could remember, he was groomed to carry on his family’s empire. He was taught basic fighting skills and learned to use crossbows, which he found that he was actually somewhat decent at and enjoyed. Eventually, he had found that he was able to conjure fire, but kept it secret from his parents. He tried his best to learn how to master it in secret, but only managed to start somewhat major fires. He still has yet to be able to control this ability to its full potential. 
Throughout his life, Kojiro has constantly struggled with his identity. Though he has always identified as male, he does find that he rather enjoys the fact that he has the looks that allow him to pass as female. To the point where he wished he had the choice to choose, but his parents forbid it. Wanting to keep a clear image of strength and power. Anything else was viewed as weakness to them.
Both of his parents were not the most nurturing and caring. In fact, quite the opposite. One misstep could end up painful for Kojiro. Be it by his father's fist or some nearby blunt object he could find. His mother, while not as fierce as her husband, took on a more verbal approach. Berating Kojiro constantly if he so much as breathed a word of resistance. Both of them went to great lengths to ensure that Kojiro would not be an embarrassment to them or anyone else.
To ensure the line continues, his parents arranged for him to marry a woman named Rumika. Being that he knew of no other way of life to live, he remained loyal to his parents and went along with this. 
At the time, Kojiro knew next to nothing of the woman he was to marry. Only that she was also from a wealthy and powerful family. Unbeknownst to him, she was a vampire. A secret he would not discover until it would be much too late.
Rumika has a twin sister named Musashi. The sisters are both vampires. While the secret was kept from Kojiro until he was turned, Rumika desired wealth and power while Musashi simply wanted a better life, to try and live normally, and to finally be happy. 
She was viewed as the weaker of the twins. She enjoyed things that Rumika did not and, if she were the one chosen to marry Kojiro, would have simply given him a choice rather than force him into something he didn’t want. 
Because of her dominant demeanor, Rumika became the one arranged to marry Kojiro, but he actually grew more fond of her twin. In secret, he would spend more time with her and grew to care for her. She made him feel more comfortable with himself and who he actually wanted to be, which was heavily frowned upon by his parents. All in all, Musashi made him feel wanted and like he was actually worth something for the first time in his life. 
Musashi knew of the arrangement for Kojiro and Rumika. There was a part that she was not supposed to know, but overheard one night. Rumika would turn Kojiro to secure her hold on him, ultimately uniting the wealth and power of the two families. So she made a plan to try and prevent this from happening with someone she once considered a friend, Lady Yamato, but she would betray her. Sold her out to her twin, who took full advantage of the situation. Musashi was captured, as was Kojiro. After Rumika turned him, she then managed to slay her twin in front of him. 
Once he was turned, there was a period of time where Kojiro did not remember what happened afterwards. While he did manage to escape from Rumika, he later found out that his family’s estate had been burned and destroyed. Leaving him to wonder if he was the one who did it using the fire ability that he still was not able to control. 
Even though he had escaped, Rumika was alive and still had a powerful grasp on him. Not only could she torment him mentally, but she would always be hunting for him wherever he may end up.
When he was turned, Kojiro’s appearance did not change much except he was a little more pale and that somehow one of his eyes became a blood red color while the other remained emerald. He had little knowledge of vampire spawn to begin with. So he had learned the hard way very quickly that he was not fond of the daylight or that he now had a thirst for blood that he needed to sate. He had also apparently taken a couple weapons from his home before it was destroyed. He had a crossbow and a custom made dagger that once belonged to Musashi, which in his eyes is the only thing he has left of her.
As a side note: Much similar to the normal Team Rocket/Pokemon verse, Kojiro is still a gentle natured person despite years of torment. Though as a vampire spawn, he does exhibit a hint of cynical behavior from time to time. He’s also a thief as a means of survival, but he’s not very good at it. He is, however, good at stealth and can somehow manage to get himself out of complicated situations… usually, anyway.
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mister-eames · 2 years ago
2/? comes from but more to separate arthur BD (Before Dreamshare) from Arthur AD (After Dreamshare).2. Similarly, is Eames from a wealthy background?3. Secret talents or hobbies? (I have a tendency to imagine Arthur as being extremely acrobatic & musically/rhythmically gifted. Thanks, JGL! Also I once read a fic where arthur could do parkour & the brain went BRRR! Good, yes, thank you.)4. Pet names given to arthur by eames that arthur (secretly) likes? Eames' favourite pet names for Arthur?
2. Ahhh Eames, Eames, Eames. Eamsie. I love all headcanons on his background, from wealth, to nobility, to very humble beginnings.
Eames is interesting, that way. When I'm trying to write Eames, in my head I try and justify how he got to where he is and which parts of him are a) parts of his personality that developed as an adult, and b) which are just quintessential, born-this-way 'Eames'. You know, like, he's a self-deprecating, underachieving over-achiever who gladly goes under the radar. Middle child. Has always been a shit-stirrer.
I think he walks and talks like old money and that is not a front or an act he's put on. I also don't necessarily mean that makes his family ostentatiously wealthy, or that he grew up in a mansion or whatever - but I think he grew up, at least for a time, financially comfortable. Middle-class, maybe, or what used to be middle class - could afford hobbies and take-out and movies on the weekend, could take annual vacations without straining the family budget. He learned the value of money the hard way later in life.
3. Secret talents/hobbies: Arthur I can definitely see as being talented vocally, something he doesn't have to work very hard at. He's insanely good at Jeopardy and trivia. Sucks at actual human languages but is a whiz at computer coding and taming machines, like car motors and PASIV's. Hobbies? He loves getting his hands greasy in a motor and making a car purr. Baseball. Loves going to a game at Citi Field and hearing Eames lovingly complain about how cricket is better. Avid collector of knick-knacks and could spend an entire day at yard sales and markets.
Eames - I mean, art is the obvious one, fanon wise and in my heart. I don't think he's an art snob by any means, I think he'd pay a street artist what someone else would pay for a famous painting (that Eames would steal). As the chronic underachieving over-achiever Eames has hundreds, if not thousands of his own paintings that he considers 'incomplete' but can't bring himself to finish. I'm taking this from Tom but has a genuine passion for animals, dogs in particular, not that he lets anyone know, but he's never met a fluffy animal he didn't want to pet. Will watch any animal documentary ever.
4. Look, I am such a sucker for pet names, no matter the fandom/OTP. It doesn't have to be 'babe' or 'pumpkin' it can just be a play/shortening on their actual name---still valid!! Love is STORED in the pet names/nicknames!! And Inception fandom is a bountiful trove for this and it makes me so happy!! Anyway!!! Back to your question!! 😂
Pet names given to arthur by eames that arthur (secretly) likes? - 'Darling', of course. 'Sweetheart' because most people, including Arthur, don't think there is anything sweet about Arthur - but there is at his core, under a lot of hair gel and a surly attitude and strong work ethic, etc. I think Eames favourites are the ones he says when he is least serious, most insincere sounding while trying to annoy Arthur: "my dove, my dear, my beloved" things he says in a bored drawl just to get an eye roll out of Arthur (and to hide the earnest feeling behind them). They always be pulling pigtails these two.
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mrslittletall · 2 years ago
How do you think Laurence got his start in Bergynwerth? Did he come from a poor, middle class, or wealthy background? How did he meet his harem (gehrman, Bardor, mico, Ludwig)? Does he view them as pawns or does he respect them? What does he think of maria? Of kos? I love laurence please tell me all ur thoughts abt him
Ooooh, fun! I have a lot of headcanons about this! Okay, so I headcanon that Laurence was the son of two doctors. They weren't nobles, but they had a small clinic and came along. Unfortunately, one day they tried to save a patient with a deadly and contagious illness and ended up catching the same illness and eventually succumbed from it. That left Laurence orphaned at age 11. It was then when he went to Byrgenwerth, because Master Willem agreed to take him in should something happen to his parents (they were graduates). My Byrgenwerth works a bit differently, the kids can start their educations there around 12 years old and most stay for scholarship. It was where Laurence met Gehrman and Micolash and Maria. Gehrman was two years older than Laurence and the son of the groundskeeper. He was home schooled instead of attending the school and helped his dad with work. Gehrman's mother died when he was six, so he could relate to Laurence' grief about his parents. When Laurence first met Micolash, they got into a big fight. And then had to go to detention together. They came out as friends and nobody really knows what happened in there. They also were rivals since then, always competing for the top space at their current grade. Maria was coming to Byrgenwerth a few years after Laurence and because she was very aloof and Laurence was like "Oh, I should take care of this girl." because he sudddenly had big brother instincts, he went to talk to her and got told to fuck off. They kinda became friends after this... Maria was hanging out a lot with the gang, even allowed in the labyrinths even though she was not eighteen yet. I actually don't know how Laurence met Brador. I have the feeling he once just was there and offered his services to Laurence once he became the vicar. I doubt that Laurence was putting "searching for an assassin" in the newspaper ^^' Ludwig... I am one of the few people who don't have him at Byrgenwerth. He met Laurence actually when they were children, but they went seperate ways. Later, Ludwig became one of the independent hunters under Gehrman and each time Laurence saw him when he visited Gehrman, he felt something, but didn't know what... After Gehrman vanished and the blood moon rised, it was Ludwig who stepped up to get as much people out of Old Yharnam before Laurence decided to burn the place down. Laurence was so impressed that he promoted him to captain of the newly formed church hunters and since then they worked closely together and love bloomed... Laurence clearly respects his friends, but he can be quite an asshole (and doesn't admit to it), so that eventually, his relationship with almost all of his friends did get bad. Especially with Maria, who openly called him out on things the seemed to deny. It led to a clusterfuck of stuff that happened that I don't want to elaborate on now, it's too early in the morning. Kos... it is a great one that Laurence respected and would pray too, but he also went and harvested her corpse for blood, firmly believing that humanity deserved it. I actually think that the blood of Kos was the main blood supply of the church for a while until they found Ebrietas which willingly gave her blood to them. I just... love that the church canonically has a great one in their basement and it is totally peaceful, like she is expecting no harm from humans.
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lovee-infected · 4 years ago
Hello Geo-san, just read your post on Malleus's birthday. It says that his only relative is his grandmother and she still rules the Valley of Thorns. There are theories that his grandmother is none other than Maleficent herself. If that's the case, there are two options here, either she survived her encounter with Prince Phillip or the TW timeline is following the 2014 film. Where she's still alive and ruling the Moors, maybe renamed as the Valley, alongside with Aurora. We'll just wait and see.
I've actually been thinking about this myself, that was much of a shoking reveal!
Aside from revealing the fact that Malleus's parents are dead, this somehow dropped a bomb on "Maleficent being Malleus's grandmother theory"
The main discussion going over the fandom regarding the topic is whether his grandmother is Maleficent or not, which is a really important question!
As someone who strongly supported this theory before this reveal, I can't say I wouldn't be disappointed if Maleficent isn't actually his grandmother, but on the other hand, the possibility of her being Maleficent and still alive would face some strong contradictions in the story:
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First off, let's flash back to where this theory begun in the first place:
In Malleus's personal chats, we can find Sebek complimenting Malleus's performance after the classes, telling him that he'd even surpass the witch of thorns herself one day!
Malleus immediately objects to it, saying his powers barely come close to his grandmother's.
Well, to think that they were actually talking about Maleficent but all of a sudden Malleus mentioned his grandmother instead, left us qith a great possibility of him being Maleficent's grandson, to the point that many, including me, considered this theory as canon! But now I highly doubt this theory, even though I wanted it to be confirmed true so much. But since we have more information to seriously discuss the matter right now, here are my thoughts whether this theory is still acceptable or not, which is mainly explaining what would happen if they're actually using the 2014 and 2019 live action movies as a reference:
1) Maleficent being alive would totally WRECK Silver's character development and design!
Come to think of it, there would be no Silver if Maleficent is still alive! Silver's twisted logo is the sword, and the one and only famous sword in the sleeping beauty classic AND the live action movie is the one which slayed Maleficent.
So... If Maleficent's still alive -> There hasn't ever been a sword which slayed her -> Silver doesn't have any special or specific symbol/ character which he is twisted from!
While his name might have something to do with the live action version, where they strongly used Silver to defeat Maleficent, it can also be referring to the fact that dark fairies would immediately be wounded if touched with Silver, which is most likely because of Yana's studies in the fae mythology field (Like how she chose ice cream as Malleus's favorite food since fairies love cream) which isn't necessarily bound to the live action version. But since the sword is Silver's most important role in the game, we can't really stick with the live action version because not only didn't we have any special swords in the live action version, but there also would be a big confusion if there hasn't ever been a sword which slayed Maleficent and Silver is twisted from!
In summary, I'd be honest and say this out loud: Maleficent HAS TO be dead because we need the Silver sword to exist somewhere in the story!!!
2) History of 'Classic Maleficent' vs 'Live action Maleficent'
one of the main points which needs to be considered in this matter, is how different Classic Maleficent and Live action Maleficent are. Maleficent is the very first Disney live action to present a totally different face of a well-known Disney villain such as Maleficent, which also led to a considerable growth in both "Maleficent" and the classic version of "sleeping beauty"'s popularity at the same time! But while 2014's Maleficent was an absolutely amazing movie (to at least) and nearly turned Maleficent into the most beloved villain of Disney's history, the live action (especially the 2019 version) received some strict critiques regarding how they pictured Maleficent: Many of the fans were familiar and attached to the original Maleficent, the mistress of all evil who had control over the powers of hell itself. A REAL villain and an absolutely perfect one. But the live action Maleficent wasn't meant to be a villain, the live action narrated a totally different story from what the classic was.
Though it didn't really lessen the movie's popularity, there were fans who begun to dislike this version of Maleficent after the 2019 version and their reason for disliking the movie actually made sense, the live action went TOO FAR with creating a second Maleficent, almost to the point of not being anything similar to the original, that strong villainous sense they were expecting to see in Maleficent had disappeared.
Now let's talk about twst, what is twst about? Villains. It's basically the world of villains. We need that evil, menacing and demonic sense of villains to be brought back to life through this twisted vessels, as it's confirmed that this school's students have villainous souls. From the Heartslabyul chapter till now, the Pomefiore chapter, his is all we've dealt with: Absolute villains. Each chapter is about a dorm leader (expect for Kalim) discovering and revealing their villainous spirits, which leads to an overblot. They want them to see just as evil and reckless as the original villains, which is why they put them into a mode such as overblot, where they're controlled by a puppet in the shape of one of the great seven.
Is such a story, where they need to make each of the main characters be as evil as possible, choosing live action Maleficent (who is a half villain, half hero character) not only is debatable but ia also a big contract to the previous chapters as they all followed the original villains' stories!
I guess we can all agree that Diasomnia's quite special compared to the rest of the dorms, but going as far as using a different source in character development and plot design compared to the rest of the characters and dorms seems to be a bit too much- I don't think Diasomnia's design and development is planned to be THAT different.
3) Key points about fhat has been officially mentioned in twst
Personal chats are VERY important to go through while doing a character analysis, they're such a wealthy and perfect source of information regarding each and every of the characters!
As for Diasomnia, each and every of the members mentioned something about the witch of thorns and her background, which directly leads us to how and who is the twst's Maleficent:
Lilia: Explains how Maleficent's Chronicles spent 16 years looking for a baby in a cradle -> This only happened in the classic! Live action Maleficent never sent any of her minions to look after aurora as she never had any!
Silver: Explains how the King of a well-known kingdom forgot to invite Maleficent and offended her with this, he wonders what kind of King would ever do such a disrespectful thing? -> Original Maleficent was offended and mad just because she wasn't invited, while the Live action Maleficent was betrayed by the King Stephan, Aurora's father who intentionally refused to invite Maleficent. Keep this in mind that Silver said forgetting to invite her, which is exactly what happened in the classic and King and Queen seriously forgot to invite Maleficent, not to intentionally avoid and decide to keep her away from baby Aurora like what happened in the live action.
Malleus: In his chats with Lilia, he mentions how The witch of thorns once invited the prince of as enemy Kingdom into her own castle -> This is again, something which only happened in the classic, referring to the scene where Maleficent captured prince Philip and imprisoned him inside her castle. Live action Maleficent didn't even have a castle to begin with, note that all she did was to take Phillip to Stephan's castle to give Aurora a chance to live.
Malleus: He explains how The Witch of thorns could turn into a dragon -> Live action Maleficent never turned into a dragon, she just once turned her crow, diaval, into a dragon (2014 ver.) and turned into a phoenix (2019 ver.). The only Maleficent which could and did transform into a dragon is the one we know from the sleeping beauty classic.
Hitting with the lighting: This is something Malleus is capable of doing, he both did this to Sebek back in the manga anthology and threatened Rook with it -> Again, this is something which the original Maleficent and herself only could do.
There are quite a few of other orginal Maleficent references you can find if you carefully go through the story and voice lines, but I'm not going to mention each and every of them because I believe I've already discussed this enough. Note that while there are tens of original Maleficent references in the story, there hasn't been anything mentioned about the live action Malleus so far expect for fan content and stuff.
Obviously, they're using Original Maleficent as the main reference. The question is whether they're using the live action too as a reference or not.
4) A summary + Existing debates
Aside from all of the current theories and headcanons, I guess this is all we can tell about the canon information revealed so far. But before we end, I'd like to add a few of small notes:
Lilia has never referred to the Witch of thorns as Queen of thorns, it's not quite specific to tell but it seems like Queen of thorns and Witch of thorns are indeed to different people.
But then again, why does Malleus bring his grandmother up in the middle of a discussion about Witch of thorns? Could it be that he just used her mother as an example since her too, is a very powerful magician but not exactly the witch of thorns herself, or...??
There hasn't been any information revealed regarding the great seven's current position in twisted wonderland's history, how long ago has their stories taken place? Could it be that some of them are still alive? Did their stories end just the same as orginal stories or did they decide to twist the endings as well?
The main reason why I think Maleficent cannot be alive now is not becuase she died in the original story, it's becuase of Silver, which has already been explained in part (1)!
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At last, I'd like to add a final note to this piece: Even if the "Grandmother Maleficent" theory turns out to be wrong, many of the fans are already enjoying the eixisting fanon twst content which are using the live action as a reference! The most popular reference is probably with Malleus's back, where many artists decide to add two wounds on as a reference to what happened to Maleficent's wings in the live action. This is personally one of my FAVORITES and I just love it when artists draw the wounds, though the possibility of Malleus actually having wings is pretty low! We can almost call it impossible lol. The thing is, from how the story has gone so far we can assume that they aren't going to use the live action at all, but if they do, that'll be quite amazing and interesting to discuss!!
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simonfarnabyslegs · 4 years ago
for the ask game: Julian, Captain and Humphrey! :)
a song that reminds me of them: a cop out, since this one is canon. any time i hear "i'll make love to you," i think of him singing that at music club (and also mary going "i don't want him toooo" lol). i also feel like he would LOVE britney spears's music.
what they smell like: really expensive but really bad aftershave and too much cologne. also alcohol and sex. but the first thing you notice is the bad aftershave.
an otp: him and robin. there is no other acceptable pairing. i do think it would be funny if he and fanny had a thing though. or him and the captain (alison walks in on them doing something and the captain just yells "WE'RE JUST A COUPLE OF CHAPS IN THE LIBRARY" while julian isn't even trying to keep what they were just doing a secret).
a notp: uhhh him and kitty. she's the only one i would be mad about tbh.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: the way he's like a really awful, bad-influence uncle to alison.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i can't think of one. we all generally agree that he's a hilarious bastard man and come up with stuff accordingly.
the position they sleep in: he sleeps in the exact middle of the bed, or he starts out on one side, since he's used to sharing in life, but gradually spreads out, and if anyone else tried to sleep in the same bed as him they'd be really annoyed because he always manages to hog so much space and leave them barely hanging onto the edge.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: very unoriginal, but i'd love to see a horrible histories stupid deaths segment with him.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: we've seen a couple now actually, unlike some of the other ghosts. but i really do prefer the no trousers look and anything else is slightly unsettling if i'm honest.
the captain
a song that reminds me of them: i really can't think of one. the captain isn't one of my favourite characters so i don't really think a lot about him when i listen to music. sorry.
what they smell like: weirdly, i think he smells like nothing. like. unsettlingly so. you almost want him to smell like something, but he just. doesn't. he's very clean, but he doesn't even smell like soap. it's just. an empty air smell, if you can describe it as such. he smokes, too, so you'd expect a tobacco smell or a smoke smell, but even that isn't there. this man just smells like nothing.
an otp: i don't ship him with any of the other ghosts in the house. i do think him and julian hooking up exactly one (1) time could lead to multiple hilarious comedic possibilities, but i don't want them to be in a relationship.
a notp: i saw someone shipping him with fanny and just... no. that doesn't make any sense.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: i love how he's just got that Dad Instinct. he looked at kitty and alison and went "isn't anyone going to father these young ladies?" and didn't wait for an answer.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i don't like the patcaps ship.
the position they sleep in: series 1 cap slept board-straight in the bed, almost like he was standing at attention. series 3 cap probably sleeps curled up on his side, or on his stomach, or curled up all nice and comfy.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: young wwi era cap in series 2 of downton abbey. i don't know if i'd like to see him turn up as a young man in the trenches or one of the patients at downton, or maybe as a medical officer like thomas barrow, in the lower ranks, helping out in the background.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: *gestures* this?
a song that reminds me of them: "blue caravan" by vienna teng. after all the "mr. cheese" stuff, i got to thinking about how he probably has a lot of time to imagine the different lives he could have had if circumstances had been different, and this song is about imagining the perfect supportive, caring partner, but realising that they're not real and it's just a foolish self delusion. or perhaps a lighter, more hopeful version of the same theme, "jackie and wilson" by hozier, where the narrator once again imagines a partner and an ideal life which they haven't achieved yet, but they're still holding out for.
what they smell like: okay so tudors only bathed like once every six to eight weeks or something like that. they believed baths were bad for them. not only that, wealthy tudors' diets were appalling. so unfortunately he probably doesn't smell great. (but luckily i've never had much of a sense of smell, so.....)
an otp: him and someone who actually likes him and wants to talk to him and spend time with him. so far we haven't seen that, so for now i'll keep making up random ocs to set him up with.
a notp: him and thomas, since thomas is so horrible to him.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: i'd love to see him be yet another dad to alison, or to kitty.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i don't like the whole humphrey and jemima thing because a lot of the stuff is either really fucking uncomfortable, or the people who write it make it weird by babying jemima. she's 11-12 years old and they treat her like she's four years old and that just feels really weird to me. obviously she's a kid and she should be treated like one, but there's also such a thing as age appropriate parenting. also i'm pretty sure jemima is meant to be one of john's kids who also died of the plague so like. acting like she's all alone and hasn't got any parents or anyone at all is so confusing to me because if she's one of john's kids, she's got like twenty parents. we just don't see her with the plague ghosts because like any kid, she probably goes off and plays away from her parents during the day. anyway.
the position they sleep in: when he was alive i feel like he would fall asleep in a normal position, on his back or on his side, but when his valet or whoever went to wake him up in the morning, he was always like, hanging off the bed or laying at a weird angle and they were always like "how the fuck did he even get like that." in death, like. his head just sleeps however it was set down or dropped. and i'm a fan of your headcanon that the body just collapses wherever it is when his head falls asleep.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: forgive me for saying downton abbey again but i'm doing a rewatch with one of my friends. i'm gonna throw him into the edwardian era as some random gentleman cousin and he and lady edith are going to be poor, pitiful, unlucky-in-love besties who bond over all the ridiculously tragic shit that's happened to them and how they always get bullied or left out of things.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: he technically only has one outfit (damn the bbc for putting the whole costuming budget into the georgian episode instead of the tudor one. /j), but i like the dressed down version where he's just in the white shirt and the breeches. he looks. very handsome. in that scene. ahem.
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vivid-wisp · 4 years ago
You know how it be suffering from big brainrot being into FNF so I’ve compiled a list of ideas for the characters. This is more so for myself but thought I'd share some of my ideas. Take this as you will, these headcanons are based on educated guesses, actual lore, or just for fun. I also really like explaining my reasoning for some stuff so be ready for that. Long post. :]
Boyfriend / BF
- Is asian specifically Japanese, based on the idea how the dev team like to agree Hatsune Miku is BF’s canon sibling. Can also be asian American.
- Despite his appearance BF is actually somewhat physically strong and capable. If he can’t rap battle someone he’d be down to beat someone up, based on the idea how PA (Phantom Arcade) says he sucks at FromSoftware games and would rather throw down IRL than in video games.
- Him and Pico were exes, but they dated when they were WAY YOUNGER, and this was before when BF or Pico knew how to handle a relationship properly. Pico was the one to call things off. (more on Pico’s section) They may still get kind of flustered around each other.
- For most of his childhood, BF never really felt like he stood out. It leads into the reason why he likes singing since it ironically feels like he's being heard, despite not really liking to talk a lot. He was a very quiet kid back then. He'd always liked singing and rapping, he just wasn't put into a position of intense judgement until meeting GF's father and mother, rockstar and ex-rockstar. Training arc begins.
- BF took courses/majored in music design or sound design in college, but dropped out to spend more time with Girlfriend and practice his musical talent himself seeing as it felt more natural than doing boring classes.
- Despite what people think, BF doesn’t dye his hair. It WAS a different color but a shade, like a lighter blue color when he was younger. (Based on Ninjamuffin/NM's recent AMA answers)
- BF owns a dog, not specific but definitely a large breed of dog that stays at home and is taken care of by his parents. He loves a lot of pets and animals, especially anything blue.
- It’s no surprise BF isn’t the smartest, but this comes from a place of putting on the “bad boy” act and being told he’d never make it anywhere in life so he never tried. BF is really a soft guy who deep down has a good heart and just wants to show his appreciation to the person (GF) who makes him feel okay knowing you don’t have to be the best.
- BF actually CAN speak, but chooses to be selectively mute. More so because he’s not the best when it comes to words, and he’s never felt the need to talk. Don’t expect much because like in Week 6, it’ll likely just be random noises he makes or his signature “beeps!” He still reacts, just with noises. (we ignore the logic of him singing it just sounds like beeps to us the players while everyone in universe perfectly understands) [just saw NM's recent AMA I GODDAMN CALLED IT LET'S GOOOO]
Girlfriend / GF
- GF unsurprisingly, has a very wealthy background and in turn family too. So she’s no stranger to most expensive things. This doesn’t mean she won’t appreciate anything BF gifts her, in fact she’s more than appreciative of anything if it comes from BF her love.
- May or may not be a demon like her parents but she doesn’t want to scare BF, and also has slight appearance anxieties about it so she chooses to hide it by staying in her “human” form. She's self conscious of appearing like a demon, and doesn't want to scare people away just based on her look.
- So yes GF can and will in fact beat you up, a lot more than BF if she really wanted to. Especially if she went into her demon form.
- Also not the brightest, due to her extravagant background she’s been so spoiled to the point where everything is handed to her on a silver plate. Which also means her intelligence. They're both himbo/bimbo dynamic I don’t make the rules sorry.
- Actually really good at singing herself too, she’s a bit more wonky with rapping but she’s still good. Ties into the fact GF is the first to teach you how to rap/sing in the tutorial. If she really wanted to, she would destroy BF in a singing battle.
- Kinda aloof and can be apathetic, but more in the sense of “oh cool" instead of a "not caring" feeling way. Like moving on from something that was most definitely not cool like oh my god does that monster with bloody human teeth have a lemon for a head-
- Absolutely adores the large height difference between her and BF. She loves picking BF up suddenly and swinging him around. It’s cute and funny to her. (BF likes the height difference dynamic too but he'd never admit it)
- Pico never went to college nor finished, instead he takes up jobs from around the city as a mercenary. He's so skilled to the point it pays well enough he doesn't really need a job. He owns a small apartment.
- He likes spending time when he's not on the job, around BF and GF but this is more so at a distance. He does hang out with them, but don't expect him to show up automatically by their side. Like maybe once a week.
- Despite his original job to kill BF, Pico is very protective of BF and looks out for him albeit distantly. He knows BF can handle himself, but he will risk jumping into a situation if BF needs help. ONLY when he needs help.
- Pico still spends time with Nene and Darnell, but this is more so as an acquaintance thing. They're still friends, but all three of their jobs (as assassin and mercs) make things kind of awkward and distance from one another.
- Pico has a lot of untreated trauma, whether that be PTSD, schizophrenia, OCD, etc, a lot of it is very untreated. While Pico is aware he has some mental health disorders he's not aware of ALL of them. He frankly doesn't care nor does he really feel like dedicating the time to properly help himself, which stems from his upbringing in his childhood, "deal with it" attitude back then. He doesn't think it's a big deal, even though deep down he knows he should seek help. Especially after hanging out with BF and GF who, unsurprisingly, are (relatively) normal in the head unlike his friends Nene and Darnell. His disorders disrupt his everyday life and living routine, he can have a lot of very bad days.
- Pico is a wannabe DJ, he likes to sing and rap but prefers the latter and likes listening to music more rather than doing it itself. When he was a kid he liked BF for his passion for singing and rapping, and admired him in a way.
- BF and Pico went to the same elementary school, and were very much friends. After the events of Pico's School, Pico acted very different than how BF knew him, and somewhere along that path BF and Pico decided to date each other when they were in middle school (at 13-14). This was very much a hasty decision and didn't end well. Pico was the one to break things off due to knowing he couldn't handle the responsibility of another person, especially in a relationship. He had too much on his plate already from the trauma that still haunted him, and also was around the time Pico told BF he would be getting homeschooled instead after many years of decision with Pico's parents. It was best to end things before they'd spiral and get worse.
- While BF was heartbroken, he knew it was for the better even if he was upset for quite a bit. After Pico became homeschooled and left middle school, BF noticeably became more quiet until he'd meet GF near the beginning of high school. Pico and BF tried to keep in contact, but eventually naturally just fell out of touch with each other, both too busy with their own lives now. Pico never really resolved his whole feelings issues, which still show up when he'd meet BF years later again but knows those feelings are best left behind.
- While Pico was very surprised and shocked to see BF again despite being commissioned to kill BF, BF himself was too busy being caught up in seeing an old friend again. Whether that be BF was either too dumb to realize he was being killed or because he was genuinely very happy to see his old friend again, the two had a small reconcile after so many years and decided to rap for old time's sake.
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dishwater-blondie · 3 years ago
hey dish, do you remember if it’s mentioned anywhere in miraculous that gabriel came from a family of money? i guess i just always assumed his family was at least a little wealthy, but the graham de vanilys existing (plus audrey discovering him) seems to imply that he married into/came into money later in life. also, i remember seeing stuff about gabriel, nathalie, and emilie knowing each other as teenagers—did i hallucinate it, or was audrey also included in there somehwere? or is that just a popular headcanon? anyhoo, HYPE HYPE HYPE for your new fic!
There is nothing in the show, I believe, that explicitly indicates that Gabriel came from money. There is one instance of him saying to Adrien, "We Agrestes are soloists", which can be interpreted as hinting that he came from at least some background of prestige only by the way he delivers the line (very pretentiously). But this can also just be Gabriel being Gabriel and mean nothing in regards to his upbringing at all.
Audrey called Gabriel's workspace at the time she discovered him a "dismal, grim studio", which could mean he started out with very little, or this could be Audrey being Audrey. So there's no way to know for sure what socioeconomic background he came from.
I headcanon that he was lower-middle class and didn't come to Paris until his late teens/early twenties. My new fic will expand on his backstory quite a bit 👀(so happy you're excited! I am too!)
And about Gabriel, Nathalie, and Emilie knowing each other as teenagers: Thomas made a tweet in response to somebody asking about Gabenath's relationship, something along the lines of "it's complicated" and that there is a comic that explores Gabriel, Nathalie, and Emilie's backstory in high school that has never been published. I don't believe Audrey has anything to do with it.
However, I ignore that tweet, because until we get actual evidence in the show proper that Gabriel, Emilie, and Nathalie met as teenagers, it isn't canon. Which I am grateful for, because I have been very vocal about how much I Do Not Like That.
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kenmashoe · 5 years ago
haikyuu boys as fuckboys
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headcanons including: ushijima wakatoshi, haiba lev, tanaka ryunosuke, kozume kenma, kageyama tobio
warnings: the topic of sex is mentioned
first part:  bokuto kotaro, kuroo tetsuro, akaashi keiji, miya atsumu, oikawa tooru, tsukishima kei
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- BIG very BIG pp energy
- is very popular because of that bodddddddddddddddddddd
- doesn’t know how to flirt, girls usually make him bed invitations and he accepts because he’s nice like that
- would take you to shiratorizawa to fuck if he wasn’t scared of being caught
- if he thinks you’re a little stupid, he’ll ditch you and go for someone smarter this hurt to write bc id probably be ditched
- doesn’t do relationships because he got his heart broken in the past
- always there after a break up
- he cares and doesn’t like seeing you sad but he comes off as cold because him and emotions are not friends
- won’t do anything about you being sad, probably will just sit next to you waiting for you to be in the mood to f word
- is a gentleman
- he keeps snapchat streaks with half of the school’s population
- the confused fuckboy
- doesn’t know that multiple people think they’re dating him because he didn’t ask them out in the first place
- will say stuff like “my legs are strong, you know what that means babe?” but I ASSURE you he himself doesn’t know what that means he’s baby
- will copy kuroo’s confidence and actions and actually SCOres a fuck like that
- he’s also very popular for his body but also because he’s very laid back and will let his partners decide what to do
- he’s an athlete so he hardly runs out of stamina winks
- is popular with older girls and taken girls he’s not the one cheating, so why would he worry about girls being taken
- you’re not the only person on his phone but when you’re on his bed you’re the only one
- he’s a praising god
- the sex is amazing
- he doesn’t think about anyone else but you when he’s with you
- the type of person to say “you want a better one?” when you say you got a partner
- WILL TREAT you better than your partner, but WILL NEVER BE your partner
- he attracts alt individuals bcs of his punk rock vibes
- is touchy feely in public
- breaks hearts because sure, he takes you out to eat and makes you laugh before fucking you senseless but that doesn't mean he wants to be your boyfriend
- if someone you don’t like is bothering you, he’ll be nice enough to defend you “don’t mess with my girl/boy” you’re not though
- this all would happen in an universe where Kiyoko doesn’t exist
- he would attract and go for older people usually
- would also go for people who are emotionally unstable
- he’s a B R A T T Y sub
- he’s a streamer so it would make sense one of his wealthy fangirls/fanboys is his sugar mommy/daddy
- will treat you and buy you stuff with the money he gets from his sugar something
- he’s socially awkward so you have to approach him first
- will play hard to get, but once you get him, he’s all for it
- the type to say he might settle down with you but he always goes back to his sugar m/d because of the money and the sex
- he gets flustered easily
- will get bored and ditch you in no time
- the type to ask you to fuck over text, to avoid facing you and stuttering
- he sends “u up?” at 2 am after being nervous for two hours. “wanna watch a movie?” movie my ass
- his fingers will definitely tremble when he texts you and he'll be all flustered and blushy
- netflix and chill
- you will just “chill” though
- Netflix will be a distant noise in the background
- the one to scratch his neck and say "wanna watch a movie again some other time?" when u leave
- he’s a baby fuckboy, new in the business
- he doesn’t keep more than 3 partners at once. if one doesn’t wanna chill anymore, he gets another but never more than 3
- he acts like a big shot but you catch him cuddling his mom when you go over
- likes innocent girls because he’d get an easier time with them
- is most likely to catch feels
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a/n: IM KINDA BACK from hibernating but ill go back to hibernating right after this post tbh ! anyway AGAIN BIG THANKS TO @sarkzjam​ for keeping up with me and helping me with these hcs bc im too stupid to do all the work myself anyway i hope u like this bc i like it and the original plan was to add sakusa too but he’s postponed because i say so byeeeee ily all! ♥
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nostraightheadcanons · 4 years ago
Can we have some NPC headcannons please?
 You sure can! I love making headcanons for NPCS, they deserve so much more love in my opinion! I may only do two for now because they ended pretty long, but if you’d more don’t be afraid to shoot another ask!
☆ Presumably around 19 to 21 years old. ☆ She comes from a rich family, her parents are both wealthy entrepreneurs and dote on her older brother while she is left more in the shadows. Her parents are the money equals affection type with her, I headcanon her as someone who is generally pretty lonely. Probably struggles with making friends her age that are genuine. ☆ She fell in love with 1010 not because of their ideal perfect boyfriend gimmick but rather the message they spread. 1010 is all about sharing love . She treasures them dearly because no matter who you are or what you look like or your background they’ll always have love to spare. Her adoration for them is not one of a creepy obsessive fangirl because I’m not partially fond of headcanons that depict her that way. ☆ Pretty peppy and bubbly! She’s actually really kind and helpful but most of the time her personality is overshadowed by the fact she’s a fan of 1010. Lost in Metro Divsion, don’t worry Kayane is here to help! She’s the kind of introvert who just adores making friends and will talk to just about anybody! ☆ She adores the community and friends she has found through 1010 and is seen trying to recruit others in the fanclubs because more people means more friends. All the fans gathered together under the same want of love and comfort, and through the boyband they have found friendships and bonds that are unbreakable. ☆ She was reasonably upset after the whole BBJ revolution because Mayday and Zuke destroyed them seemingly without a care. Mayday called herself a fan but she fought them anyway under the guise of revolution and freedom. However the only good thing to come out of the revolution in her eyes is the fact the fans got to see more of the mysterious producer of 1010! Neon J! Something about the fact he was so willing to protect his troops and the city was heartwarming and inspirational; she couldn’t help but make a fanclub for him! He’s super duper cool! ☆ 1010 and Neon J know her personally. She is afterall the head of the fanclub, and I believe she is a major drive in the fanbase as well. She loves to do fan zines and 1010 based fan events along with charity streams, so much so the troops and Captain know her and met her in person multiple times! She even earned the nickname Kayane Pepper from Yellow | Green.
☆ Around 29 - 31 years olds. She is the older sister of Gigi and Joey. Gigi [27] being  the middle kid while Joey [25]  the youngest. All of them share a similar colour palette so honestly I really do see them all as siblings. Celine is the mature older sibling who deals with both of her brother’s shenanigans. ☆ Gigi’s a very fun loving dude, chill and friendly- very giving and such- he tries to see the good and everything and is the one that often cheers and brings out Celines bubbly loving side- her protective and funny side that not a lot of people get to see- he’s the middle who had to watch his big sister give up everything and his little brother struggle in the world- he’s faced hardships and how the world is unfair-  ☆ Joeys uppity to fuck and had “refined” tastes as a music elitist he wants more his fine taste and how artists don’t seem to try in his eyes comes from his Celine worked her absolute ass off for what? Scraps! His bitterness comes from the situation and everything around him. If his sister can work harder than these diluted trashy pop stars can, why do they deserve his praise? ☆ All of them provide comfort for one another, and all can equally be the anchor that can ground the others too. Since they’ve all dealt with loss and pain before, trust and honesty is a really big thing for all of them. 
☆ Both of her parents sadly passed away while she was a teenager so she had to step up to look after her brothers. Taking on two jobs to support them and put money on the table she had to self her own dreams and wants for the time being. She suffers from having to mature so quickly in life she struggles opening up and letting her walls down. She’s so used to having to be the strong figure head she ignores and pushes down her own feelings in return. ☆ Her mother was an aspiring fashion designer albeit their family wasn’t the most wealthy. Her mother used to create clothes from whatever scraps she could find using hand me downs as well. The two always bonded by doing make up and dressing up. So fashion, art and makeup is a big comfort for her, she feels complete and close to her mother in a sense when dolled up in the clothes. It is an art form an extension of who you are. Beauty is pain. Each stitch, each yard of fabric comes with a price. She has a dream and she’ll work herself to the bone to achieve it. She wants to thrive in a world that was pitted against her. Her mother’s creations really inspired her to be the fashionista and designer she is today. ☆  Actually decent friends with Zed, the two met when they were in their late teens! She was a waitress in a small local diner and he was the nerdy guy who was always at the same table, same time of the same day each week with no fail. Celine may seem like a popular preppy girl but it was quite the opposite, she was more of the loner type due to home situation and Zed being the socially awkward nerd. The two despite the odds became good friends, seeing him was always the highlight of her week. ☆ Possibly has the biggest crush on Amal you’ve ever seen and hates it too. Somehow that dorky unicorn man galloped his way into her heart. With his god awful taste in fashion and his embarrassing love for unicorns, somehow she finds it cute and endearing although she’d never admit it out loud.
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everyonewasabird · 4 years ago
Brickclub 1.3.2 ‘Double quartet’
New plan, I switch translations whenever one annoys me too much. Today we’re switching to FMA again because Wilbour’s title for this chapter is “Double Quatuor,” and sometimes Wilbour’s bizarre vocabulary pulls are too much for me.
(Wilbour, I love you, we both know I’ll be back in like a week.)
It’s so striking how the other women put deliberation and art and reputation into their names, and Fantine’s name is just her name, and her only name, at that. “The Blonde” isn’t a nickname the way the others are--not at all. The other women are controlling the narratives around them, protecting themselves, making choices about how they’re perceived. Fantine is 100% what you see in front of you, with two names that seem to have just landed on her, and this is my first time reading with Pilf’s headcanon that she’s autistic, but fuck. The other women are operating about seven levels of subtext deeper than she is, and Tholomyes seems to have zeroed in on that even as he prefers flirting with the others, as we’ll see later.
In their souls that flower of purity which in woman survives the first fall.
It’s like Hugo thought about young women who'd had sex, thought “Actually, they HAVEN’T become radically different and somehow corrupted by that single act! WEIRD!” and instead of coming to any sensible conclusion about the arbitrary and constructed nature of virginity, he landed here.
Thanks for that, Hugo.
There’s something very worth saying about the precariousness of these young women’s position, the inherent power imbalances, and the ways society is encouraging them in these relationships while also lying in wait to punish them brutally. But Hugo’s paternalistic moralizing about how they can’t entirely be blamed for having had more than one lover because they were caught between hunger and the overwhelming temptation of pretty dresses ... is not that thing. There’s a way of talking about students and grisettes that assumes working women have intelligence and agency, and it’s not here. Also, work = purifying and sex = corrupting, and Ugh.
I wonder about these student-grisette dynamics with reference to the Amis later on, too. I’m sure they’re far on the less-bad end of the scale in terms of how they treat individual women they’re dating, just because Not Sucking is kind of thematically their thing. And people having sex isn’t actually a Moral Problem. But Hugo’s moralizing here doesn’t make room for sexual relationships that don’t destroy women, so how does he want us to perceive much more heroic men who engage in this? Should we always feel the shadow of Tholomyes and his ilk because no men exist in this system guilt free? Or something else?
--That said: there are hints at least some of the Amis’ mistresses aren’t in the dangerous straits Fantine and her friends are. It’s conceivable that Musichetta’s “very literary” descriptor implies a career or background that means she doesn’t depend on Joly and Lesgles. Bahorel’s mistress was doing well enough without him that their charter seems to have been more about giving each other space; Pilf has a post somewhere about the evidence that she was actually pretty well-off without him, and I adore it.
But yeah, I don’t know how to unpick all that.
Favourite’s father was a “brutal, boasting old professor of mathematics, never married, and a rake despite his years.” He “fell in love” with a chambermaid whose dress got caught on a fender, and “Favourite was the result.” It doesn’t mention whether that was consensual, but I keep noticing the word “brutal” in the above description.
How does Favourite know her father better than her mother? It must work something like Gillenormand and Magnon and the elder of her original children, whom he took in when the boy was dropped on his doorstep. It’s a good way of establishing that even people who Really, Really, Really Suck still suck less than Tholomyes.
Fantine’s history is fairy-tale-like and baffling. Literally, how did she live? At ten she moves to a farm, but how did a toddler survive on the streets? She’s not savvy like Gavroche, and there were foundling hospitals, but I don’t get a sense of institutionalization from this description of her childhood. We have instances elsewhere in the text of orphans being taken in by other poor people (Combeferre’s dead boy who ate clay), and there may have been some of that.
But the way the practical details are left out invokes the mythic and magical here. Fantine is the daughter of France, and not really of anyone else.
And Tholomyes. His description isn’t all that different from the style of the descriptions of the Friends of the ABC. He’s a wealthy student, good-humored, with memorable foibles, and he seems to be taking a Bahorel-length time to graduate. It’s interesting that we meet the bad version of the student such a long time before we meet the good version.
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albarivas · 4 years ago
ana de armas, cis female, she/her    —    whenever i see alba rivas meandering down agnes street la escalera by pablo alborán starts to play inside my head. maybe it is the vibe they give off. bullet journals, colorful dresses, hairstyles with bandanas ;   you know ? artistic impressions is what keeps them interested in agnes. i heard they are a thirty-three year old teacher at bright future. they look like the kind of person who would make you do a vision board. 
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hi again, it’s ella again. okay so i had cameron (the lily james) but tbh she’s a new muse and right now i don’t have the brain to develop a muse from scratch but i still want to write and that’s why i decided to bring alba, one of my oldest muses. i’m so happy to give her a new home and i can’t wait for her to meet all of your characters.
NAME: alba carolina rivas borges
NICKNAME: al, albie
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: boca raton, florida
DATE OF BIRTH: april 19, 1988
AGE: thirty-thirty
OCCUPATION: teacher at bright future
tw: illness, cheating
her story starts between cuba and spain. her mother, carolina, fled from cuba and her father immigrated from spain with no friends or family and only with a few dollars. the two newcomers were matched by fate and just a year later they welcomed their daughter, alba.
two years later, a son completed the rivas family. they didn’t have much and often had to deal with homesickness and many times they considered moving to spain, but eventually they decided to stay.
it was a big change for both julián and carolina. he used to work as a lawyer back in spain and carolina had almost graduated from med school. now in the united states they both had to start from zero.
her mother traveled an hour from boca raton to palm spring every day where she worked cleaning those luxurious houses.  her father got his credentials to become a spanish teacher and taught in the local high school.
alba always knew she didn’t have much. she grew up going with her mom to those huge houses and from a young age she understood what wealth could buy. however, alba never envied those who had a lot more than her. in fact, her childhood best friend was the girl that lived in the house her mother cleaned. the two were inseparable.
alba excelled as a student. education was something her parents always deemed as important and so she made it her goal to make them proud. 
she earned a spot in a prestigious public high school. as a teenager, she was the model child. always listening to her parents, rarely giving them problems. she had an active social life, she went on a couple of dates and she was part of several groups.
these qualities eventually earned her a place at nyu. moving to new york was something she’d never considered. she liked florida, and her family were there but her parents convinced her that this would be a great opportunity and that she could comeback.
becoming a teacher was her ambition. she admired her father for doing it and she knew from a young age that she wanted to teach children. 
to make ends meet, she got a job as a waitress and she really didn’t have a social life as she worked and studied full time. there was no time for friendship and even less time for dating.
it was during one day at work that she met someone that changed her life. she met another student while she was working who asked her out but she refused, however, he came back and did the same thing every night until one day she finally accepted.
one date turned into two and then three until soon people couldn’t see one without the other. most people thought they wouldn’t last, their personalities and values were too different. he came from a wealthy family, the typical spoiled kid that was set to inherit his parents’ fortune someday, the one that always featured on page six with a different woman every night. meanwhile, alba came from a working-class family, daughter of immigrants who always had to work to get what she had in life. despite the skepticism, they proved everyone wrong.
at twenty-two, alba graduated with a degree in early childhood education and began working as a teacher.
her relationship with this guy (i dont have a name for him lmao) was better than ever and after dating for three years, he proposed and alba said yes as she was convinced she’d found her other half.
however, not everything was perfect. his family didn’t like her and things only got worse after they got engaged. the couple married only a year later. they left new york and moved to florida where they bought one of those houses alba always had dreamed to have and the best part is that they were neighbors with her childhood best friend.
but all good things must come to an end, and soon her fairytale turned into a nightmare. the relationship with her in-laws was awful which eventually caused tension in their marriage. they began to fight more often and he started to spend more time at his office than at home. however, she was determined to make their marriage work, a love like theirs couldn’t end like this, she wouldn’t allow it.
tw cheating: one day, alba returned to their home early and what she saw was heartbreaking. there he was, in bed with none other but her childhood best friend. heartbroken, alba refused to accept any of his excuses and immediately filed for divorce, to the joy of her in-laws. end of tw.
after her divorce, alba moved to california where she started a year course at stanford. she planned to stay there but that when she received news from home.
tw illness: her father was very sick, and her parents had decided to move to islebury, rhode island. without anything holding her back, she packed up her stuff and moved here as well so she could help her mother with her dad. end of tw.
she’s been living here for three years now and works as a teacher at bright future.
She has the ability to see the good in almost anyone or anything and tends to sympathize with even the most unfriendly person. She often hides the extreme depth of feelings from her, even from herself, until circumstances elicit a passionate response. 
She has a deep sense of idealism that comes from a strong personal sense of right and wrong. She sees the world as a place full of possibilities and potentials and is governed by her intuition. She is quite reserved and is not easily manipulated.
She is a good listener and considerate, they try to care for and understand others in a deep way. She can be very calm and intuitive with the people around her, being able to search for hidden meanings in the actions and words of others.
Of course, all of life is not rosy and Alba is not exempt from suffering the same disappointments and frustrations that are common to others. She tends to be a perfectionist and often strives for personal ideals that can be exhausting or very difficult to obtain.
she’s a bookworm. her favorite book is the persuasion by jane austen
she speaks fluent spanish
alba has a beautiful white persian cat named nube
she loves wearing bandanas in her hair
claims she’s allergic to strawberries, she’s not. she just hates them and that’s easier than explaining why
Younger brother: I’m gonna make a wanted connection because I love this dynamic. He is two years younger than her and she adores him. She tries to stay in touch with him and in general, they are close.
Ex-best friend: they met as children and grew up together, they knew everything about the other. alba’s mother worked as a housekeeper and she used to go with her sometimes, that’s how they met. this person came from a different background, she lived in one of those expensive houses alba could only dream to own. their friendship was so strong that they even applied to the same university (although her friend was not accepted). alba considered this person as the sister she never had, but then she did the worst thing in the world, she slept with alba’s husband. they haven’t spoken since she found out.
Ex-husband: They divorced two years ago, after alba found out he had been cheating on her with her best friend. they met while she was a student at NYU and were together for three years before getting engaged and married. he comes from a wealthy family, the typical perfect american family. their relationship was never approved by his parents. she hasn’t spoken to him since the divorce.
Best Friendish: Okay, so this is a tricky one because her actual best friend turned into Judas and slept with her husband, but maybe this person is the closest she has to a best friend. she trusts this person and since her divorce, this is the only person that she has been able to speak without limitations.
Bad influence: Alba has never been one to go to many parties or even to drink, but this person is the only one that can convince her to have a good time.
Co-workers/Parents: She works as a teacher at bright future, maybe your character works there or their kids go/went there.
Neighbor: self-explanatory
Unlikely friendship: The two have different personalities, but somehow, both have managed to get along and form a weird friendship.
Hook ups: She’s not really the relationship kind bc she’s always busy but once in a while she hooks up with people ghdghdhgd (open to everyone)
Flirtationship: they act like friends, but cannot help to throw flirty looks or comments at each other.
Unrequited: It could go either way, I’m fine to plot it out. I’m an angst hoe sooo
Bad tinder date: after her divorce, her friends tried to set her up with someone but it didn’t go well. There was nothing wrong about her date, but she wasn’t ready and in the end it was a very uncomfortable situation for them.
One night stand: she was drunk, he/she was drunk too. They didn’t plan it but happened and now whenever they see each other in town it’s a bit awkward.
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lady-griffin · 5 years ago
Things Got Crazy at a Slumber Party...
I would just like to say the title of this episode is so misleading…nothing crazy happened. False Advertising!
Eat the Rich
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Seeing Anne’s room made me want to talk to her and urge her to revolt against the rich and distribute their wealth.
Spare Katarina, but rise up and revolt.
When I first saw her room, I legit thought Katarina was going to be surprised by Anne’s room and maybe (somehow by the end of the episode) was going to redecorate it and upgrade it for Anne…but nope. That idea quickly faded the second it went into my head.
Revolt against the aristocrats, Anne. 
Spare Katarina, but rise up and fight.
Eat the rich!
No, but in all seriousness, sometimes I have problems with anime (stories in general) where the affluent and opulent wealth of characters is just the background and it’s never going to be address in all seriousness. Particularly when they show that not everyone is as wealthy…
Why show Anne’s room to be like, if you’re never going to actually talk about it nor resolve the wealth gap. Why show her room to be depressing looking? Why not just give her a nice room? It doesn’t have to be Katarina’s room’s level of finery, but something.
That aside, let’s continue onward to the rest of the episode.
Katarina running off to tell everyone (and to thank them) for her making it to the second year, was adorable. Katarina throughout this episode was so goddamn precious.
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I just…Katarina must be protected at all costs. She is the best girl that ever existed.
I love this beautiful, bisexual-mess of an idiot. She’s perfection.
I’m still mad at Anne for denying Katarina’s original PJ choices. How dare you Anne! How dare you deprive me of that. How dare you!
I’m going to discuss the episode in more detail further down, so we’re going to get into some spoiler territory (I guess?). So, you’ve been warned.
Potential Spoilers Below
Anne’s view on each of the character’s feelings for Katarina was fantastic.
Geordo’s Feelings 
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While we didn’t actually get to see it, which was disappointing, Anne being scared of Geordo for initially telling Katarina that her scar was gone was hilarious. I am disappointed we haven’t seen Geordo at his true level of horrifying, but still…
Just his eyes narrowing may have cut a few years off of Anne’s life alone.
Keith’s Feelings
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Poor Keith. Again, I don’t ship them, but still you still gotta feel bad for him.
What is the purpose of others thinking you’re good-looking, if the one person you want doesn’t?
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I love Keith and his mother. They’re hilarious.
Alan’s Feelings
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OMG Alan, how have you not figured it out, yet. You’re playing the violin for vegetation at the request of Katarina…I just.
Alan sweetheart, you are in love with this woman.
I do like how he actually did it for Katarina. That’s so fucking funny.
But also, just look at this face, how could he not.
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It’s a good thing Katarina doesn’t want any actual political power or anything like that, she would be unstoppable.
Mary’s Feelings
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Mary is several levels above everyone else. No comparison. 
She is subtly convincing Katarina that Katarina won’t do well as a Princess-Consort and has already figured out a way for them to leave and probably already has a manor set up by the sea, with a field already to go for the two of them (and Anne).
Mary is a bit scary in all honesty.
Nicol’s Feelings
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Nicol’s cute smile was just adorable. Nicol x Katarina aren’t really one of my main ships, but I do love the contrast between these two.
Katarina this bright and bubbly ball of energy and sunshine and Nicol, a stoic statue who has trouble expressing himself, but can’t help but smile when he’s in Katarina’s presence.
Sophia’s Feelings
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Sophia wanting Katarina to get with Nicol, even though she also loves Katarina is everything. Her listing off her brother’s good qualities (at random times) is hilarious to me. Always has been.
Sophia is just so damn cute.
Maria’s Feelings
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Maria is giving Katarina all the treats. Smart Lady! She may have come late into the race for Katarina’s heart, but she’s playing to win.
In general, I like how we got quick snippets of everyone’s feelings for Katarina. I also love how the anime, legit just says the girls are in love with Katarina. I’ll always appreciate that.
Anne and Katarina
Anne’s POV in this episode was just everything. I’m so glad the anime adapted it from the Light Novel, seeing as the Manga just ignored it. I’m so very happy.
When she lifted up her sleeve to reveal the burn marks, I gasped.
I wasn’t sure if the Anime was going to actually include that part (the Manga did skip over it), so I’m very happy the anime chose to include Anne’s full backstory. 
It makes me sad, but it’s good angst.
It’s not the same as the Light Novel, but Anne’s backstory and her relationship with Katarina was everything. That little montage of Anne and Katarina… my heart can’t handle such cuteness.
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Also, I genuinely really love how when Katarina asked Anne’s father to not take Anne away, she had a bit of a bratty vibe to her. Very similar to Katarina before she regained her memories.
Even though she has her memories, Katarina is still a kid. And I just love that.
Anne refusing her father’s order. Mwah!
I really appreciate how the anime changed that scene from the Light Novel to Anne standing up for herself and actually speaking up.
Well Done! Good Choice!
Also, Luigi Claes stepping in to talk to the Baron himself was just nice to see. 
It was great seeing him being intimidating and such. While Katarina sees him as her dopey, doting father, there is more to him.
In the LN, it’s made clear that he learned about the man Anne’s father wanted to marry her off to and was not happy with that and came to Anne’s defense. 
But I also just like how a part of it, is probably because Katarina wanted Anne to stay with her (and Anne wanted the same thing) and Luigi can’t deny his daughter anything.
Luigi Claes doing the right thing (because it’s the right thing) but also, because he’s the kind of father, who will give his daughter anything. There’s a reason why OG Katarina was so spoiled. 
The fact that Katarina knew Anne would come into her room in the middle of the night to put her covers back on her, was just so sweet. 
Because Anne probably thought Katarina never knew she even did that, but of course Katarina knew.
Katarina giving gifts to Anne and being the first person to ever give her a birthday present…I swear I’m not crying, you’re crying.
I guess while it’s never stated, I presume all the other stuff in the box were gifts from Katarina or objects related to a fond memory Anne has of Katarina.
Which gives me a headcanon.
Headcanon – Everyone has kept all the gifts they’ve ever received from Katarina as well as certain items they associate with a specific time or event they shared with Katarina.
We know from the Light Novels, that Keith has kept all the birthday presents he’s ever received from Katarina. And I thought it was said he kept the remnants of the door Katarina broke down, but I couldn’t confirm that. But now that’s a headcanon of mine as well.
More specifically, I now have the headcanon that either Geordo or Alan kept the snake toy that Katarina first threw at Geordo all those years ago. 
Probably Alan, as that memory is 100% positive one for him. While for Geordo, that memory probably mixed at best.
There is something cute about Geordo being scared of that toy, telling on Katarina and getting her in trouble, but nonetheless keeping that dreaded fake snake.
Anne and Katarina and their whole relationship was just everything. They were truly and absolutely the highlight of this episode. My heart was ready to burst.
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Overall, it was very cute. It was nice seeing the girl’s hang out and be in their pajamas. 
Katarina saving Anne from the girls’ question about marriage, was just very nice and does show Katarina is not as dense as we may think. She’s aware.
I will say, though, it was a bit lacking in comparison to the bonus Manga chapter in Vol. 5 (LN).
Particularly in regards to Mary. I mean just look at Mary in the Light Novel for comparison. It almost feels like a different scene. 
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Also, while I did realize this last week. 
Sophia’s wish in romance and how over-the-top, pure fantasy, based on romance novels her ideas actually are, really makes her fantasy in last week’s episode (I became Engulfed by Desire) feel way more off. 
And just not accurate to Sophia’s character.
You’re telling me that Nicol in his amplified fantasy is basically Tuxedo Mask jumping around Venice with Katarina, but Sophia’s amplified fantasy is just her being in her family’s library with Katarina.
I call bullshit.
Sophia’s desire book fantasy, should’ve been the most crazy and over top thing ever. 100%. And this episode confirms that.
Both Maria and Katarina wanting to cook for their partner is very lovely and shows their compatibility.
I am a bit disappointed that we didn’t get to see the boys’ sleepover, but Nicol’s eyes sparkling when he heard that the sleepover would include boy’s talk was just too precious.
His thoughts are definitely much more innocent in comparison to what Sophia was thinking when she heard about Boy’s Talk…I love Sophia.
Geordo and Katarina
I was really looking forward to seeing Ch.17.5 be adapted to the anime, but unfortunately, I was thoroughly disappointed by it.
It was much less sweet, cute and funny then it was in the Manga. Seeing the scene in the anime just made me want to read the Manga chapter again. 
Seriously, you don’t have to read the whole Manga (you should though), but do yourself a favor and read Ch. 17.5. It’s amazing!
Just look at this dork
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This was a golden opportunity for the anime, to really show Geordo’s feelings and relationship with Katarina from his perspective. And just endear the audience to him. 
They completely dropped the ball.
I feel like the anime doesn’t understand or even like Geordo’s character. He seems less dynamic, engaging and interesting in the anime. And the aspects that make very endearing and heartfelt, are basically taken out.
He hardly comes across as the leading male…which is disappointing for me, since I really love Geordo and Geordo x Katarina.
I am very disappointed with the treatment of Geordo. The anime is doing a disservice to him, in my opinion. Especially in comparison to Alan who the anime has added extra moments for.
I do appreciate those extra Alan moments, but I would appreciate them a lot more if it didn’t feel like Geordo was being left out. 
Nonetheless, Geordo’s face when he saw everyone else and when saw that they all got Katarina gardening shears as well was fantastic!
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Katarina Speaks Two Languages Headcanon
I mean this episode basically confirmed that. With Katarina writing the letter to Geordo, but writing everyone’s name in Kanji (?) on their gardening uniforms.
While we do have Keith’s and Duchess Claes’ signs not being written in the country’s language, that’s more for comedy sake as those signs don’t exist in reality.
But did anyone in the Harem wonder, why Katarina wrote their names in an entirely different language? I just love the idea of everyone being shocked to learn that Katarina can speak and write fluently in two languages.
I overall enjoyed this episode. 
Some scenes I found a bit lacking (or more than a bit) in comparison to what they were based off of from the Manga or Light Novel. I will say I liked how this episode did take its material from the Light Novels and the bonus chapter in the Manga, as well as adding their own bits and pieces.
It was well done.
I’m definitely salty over how wrong they got Ch. 17.5. I just…at times it feels like the anime gets the core of certain scenes and characters (without doing the exact same thing from the LN or Manga or adding their own scenes) just right, but for Geordo they just seem to miss the mark.
Also, the material from Ch. 17.5 just felt like it was added onto the end, it didn’t really go with the rest of the episode…
And in relation to that, Mary being subdued in the sleepover scene was disappointing as well.
I understand there are budgets and restrictions, so I’m hoping they’re saving it for the last three episodes.
Anne and Katarina were the clear highlight of this episode. Without them being the focus of the episode, I would’ve found it less enjoyable, even with all the cute and precious moments we got to see.
But overall, a lovely episode with so many precious moments and it gave me so many feels in regards to Anne and her relationship with Katarina. So many!
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