#my hands are extremely itchy too i want to yell
hellishqueer · 5 months
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villxinmiixx · 1 year
their darling with anger issues and an itching problem hcs
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characters; all for one, shigaraki tomura, gigantomachia, dabi
♡ extreme anger issued reader, the reader itches their body when they get mad
♡ genre; extreme fluff, comfort, sort of cringe, idk i was mad and needed comfort from my villains <;/3
♡ extra; ooc all for one?
♡ note; i got angry from something and now im writing about it, also sorry for not posting fics!! ;( been really unmotivated and didn't know what to write even though i had a lot of drafts and asks with ideas already.
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﹫ ALL FOR ONE; he thinks it's adorable when you get pissed off, and admirable when he sees you letting out your anger on a poor not-so innocent soul. he supports the whole idea of you killing someone (that's actually guilty of something) when you're angry. but he quickly realizes you're similar to tomura when you start itching your neck, your wrists, your arms, your calves, your scalp, etc.
ㅤwhen you start doing that near him he'll come to you and put his large hand on top of your head, pulling you closer when he put his other hand on your waist, and tug you into his embrace. smelling your hair and telling you to breathe slowly.
ㅤhe found out you have this problem when you were itching like crazy over not being able to do your hair right.
ㅤ“sweetheart, are you alright? ” he came up to you with a concerned face ( or a molded face with slightly frowned lips ) while he took your wrist to stop you from itching the side of your face. “huh? oh yeah! im fine, don't worry about it hunny! something just bit the side of my face and it was itchy. hehe ” you made up an excuse.
ㅤhe could practically feel your heartbeat going faster due to the tension. you smile while you grew nervous. you don't wanna make him worry, he's already too busy trying to make plans to end hero society. you don't wanna be a burden to him.
ㅤall for one lifted you up from the chair you sat on and hoisted your butt using his arms while your own was wrapped around his neck, your chin laying on his shoulder.
ㅤ“i know something terrible happened in your past for you to have this issue but i assure you i'll be with you every step of the way, and i want you to be beside me when i put japan onto it's knees. ” he told you in his soothing deep voice, you started tearing up. you pushed your face onto your husband's shoulder, feeling actual care coming from him.
﹫ SHIGARAKI TOMURA; whenever you get frustrated over the smallest things he'd look at you dumb founded before telling you to calm down while he wrapped an arm around your back and rubbing your forearm... as you itched away the skin on your wrists.. ( without him knowing )
ㅤhe only realized that you had an itching problem after dabi pointed out that you have one. “yo, shig. didn't know your bitch has an itching problem like you back then. ” “the fuck are you talking about, dabi. ” “yo ass don't know? she itches her skin each time she gets mad. ” your boyfriend stared at the black haired lieutenant. the fucking hell is this burnt fuck talkin' about?
ㅤhe didn't exactly know what to do; should he trust dabi and talk to you about it or just play it off as some weird joke. again, he didn't know what to do or should do. so he just checked up on you at random, ( surprisingly ) most of the times you weren't angry when he did. so of course he decided to just play it off as a weird joke dabi said.
ㅤbut one day he catched you itching your arm furiously as you screamed at an PLF worker for making an idiotic decision, he screamed at your name and you stopped itching and yelling at the unfortunate worker.
ㅤyou turned back to your normal nature clasping your hands and saying “yes, dear? ” flowers decorating your aura. “follow me. ” he said you gladly followed after shooting a quick glare at the person you were yelling at awhile ago.
ㅤwhen you and tomura were in a more private area you asked him if he needed you to help him with something.. or something - but he shook his head and placed his hands on your shoulder blades. “whenever you get pissed and start itching yell out my name, i'll be here to calm you down. ” “wh- what are you talking about? ” you start laughing off what your dearly beloved boyfriend told you, a sweat dropping from your face.
ㅤ“[your/name], you know what i'm talking about. ” his grip on your shoulders tightened. “hey you don't need to worry i'm fine! i don't have an itching problem! ” you smile warm heartedly. he took your arm and showed the red scratch marks on it. “eh- i swear it only happens sometimes, it's oka- ” before you can countinue your sentence he pulled you into a hug. mumbling comforting words in your ear, telling you it's okay. everything will be okay.
﹫ GIGANTOMACHIA; he didn't notice that quickly since of course, he's large and your height is not that able to compare to his. he found out when you were itching both your arms so strongly to the point you started bleeding, the smell of metallic and the sound of itching made him wonder. he looked around but there was no one there, it was just you and him. he examined you more and realized you're the reason why there's a metallic scent in the air and the sound of itching.
ㅤ“master... what are you doing? ” he asked, you stopped itching. “ah, machia i thought you were still sleeping. ” you smiled up at him rubbing your arms and pulling down the sleeves of your clothing. “master.. ” he frowned, while your sweat dropped. he lifted you up using a finger and laid you on the palm of his large hand.
ㅤ“master, you may always tell me if you have a problem you and master all for one know more than anyone i can defeat your enemies if any of you told me to. ” even when gigantomachia had a terrifying appearance, he's a sweetheart at times.
ㅤyou held his chin with your small hands are kissed his nose “thank you, machia. but i'm alright, really. it's just a small habit, it won't affect me that much. ” you smiled at him, a blush formed on your cheeks knowing he cared about you and would rather die than live alone if you or all for one left him, all alone.
﹫ DABI; “compress stop protesting, my bitch managed to hit more idiots than you. ” your boyfriend smugly smirked at his co-worker, while compress stared at him and sighed.
ㅤyou started itching your knees and legs out of frustration from not being able to full combo a song in pjsk ( project sekai ) a few minutes later you started itching your neck and the side of your face.
ㅤdabi started getting concerned, so he stood up from the comfortable sofa and went towards you. your boyfriend's arms snaked around your waist, placing his hand on your hip before he lead you to his room. dabi entered the room, his hand still on your hip while he turned the dim light on.
ㅤ“you okay, baby?” dabi asked, settling you down on his messy bed. your boyfriend's hands on the sides of your arms awaiting your answer. “i'm fine i just got a bit frustrated is all!” you replied, a sweat dropping down your face. dabi's lazy eyes stare at your face then slowly descended to your neck, he leaned into you and started kissing your neck and collarbone. a small blush appeared on your features, your face still frowning.
ㅤwhen dabi was finished kissing your neck, he pecked on your lips. “let's go to sleep early. how's that sound, doll?” he asked. “okay.. ” you said before dabi fixed your position on his bed. discarding his jacket, shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers. dabi placed himself beside you. you automatically wrap one of your legs on his waist and bundled up on his chest. your head laid on his masculine arm while his hand entangled itself in your hair, he put his free hand on your lower back moving it up and down.
ㅤnight's like these weren't that rare, but it didn't happen all the time either. so you enjoyed every second of it, and so did your lover. he cares, it's obvious. when later that night while you were asleep he put ointment on the places you've been scratching.
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amphiptere-art · 1 year
A aftermath story relating to this art piece with @synthcoyote's Saturn. Although it can be seen as a encounter with any sort of Lord Eclipse.
Suns foot stamped at the ground as he looked up at the hammock that contained his "brother". The dumb ribbons he wore hanging lazily over the side. He had been bothered by moon to go check up on him after one of his escapades to another universe. Apparently the computer had been non-stop asking him about his condition. Not that moon *knew his condition. The computer had been the only one to see him arrive back And apparently had been concerned enough for Moon too drag Sun into this.
Eclipse come down! Computer wants to look at you!
The only response Sun got back was a soft grunt and the subtle movement of the hammock swaying.
This was starting to get annoying. Plus the more he stared at the hammock the more he noticed how dirty it was. Giant black stain was slowly increasing in size in the middle of the hammock. It was repulsive. He swears he just washed that yesterday and now he probably would have to replace it.
Sun grunted and then walked over to a large rope that was connected to the ceiling and the hammock. It was thick and itchy. A robust piece of rope meant to last for a while. He honestly can't remember the last time they replaced it. It was beyond old and now it was also stained with black. He gave the ropes stern tug.
Eclipse come down here now!
He watches with subtle Glee as hammock shock violently. Panicked scream erupting from within. Quick shuffles of Eclipse as he tried to hold on. A clawed hand latches over the edge. The orange and blue hand covered in a black substance. The swing slowed as Sun continued to stare at the hammock.
He waits for response with a cruel smile. Only for it to fade as Eclipse let out a soft growl and all remaining extremities being brought into the hammock including the ribbons that have been hanging. Eclipse seems to vanish into the fabric. The stretched shape of the hammock the only Way to tell he was still in there.
Had Eclipse growled at him? How dare he. he was his older brother. He was meant to be respected. Not growled at like he was some sort of animal. His face contorted into a snarl as he walked underneath the hammock. He eyed the black stain as he searched for a handhold.
Eclipse get down, NOW!
With that he latched onto the side of the hammock, using his weight to turn it around. Eclipse made a strangled sound as he tumbled out. Hiting Sun briefly before he hit the floor with a scream. Sprawling out on the floor as he tried to compose himself.
Now that wasn't hard! Was it~?
Sun turned around to look at Eclipse. He sneered at it for a moment. Eclipse sprawled out in his weird werewolf stance. A arm cradling his chest. Eyes shining in fear up at him. But the sneer quickly vanished as he observed his brother longer. His casings paint was scratched and tarnished. In parts it seemed have to melted and dented. In other places it had been completely torn. Black oil seeping out of the wounds.
E-eclipse? Wha-what happened?
Sun walked forward only for his brother to backup with a pained hiss. Sun froze. Why was he scared? Why was he scared of *him? He shouldn't be scared He's his brother. Someone to be trusted and relied upon. The thoughts brought a burning itch. An anger that was slowly growing. But he shook it off as he observed his brother backing off further. Almost as if he could sense the growing frustration.
His brother was scared of him cuz he has been a jerk seconds prior. He had yelled at him, threw him out of his hammock, Teasing him. God he had been awful. Son observed his brother further. Internally cringing as you realize the arm that had been cradling against his chest was holding a long cut shut. The main perpetrator for the black stain on the hammock. His clothes were torn and his rays pickled with the lack of nano machines to extend them fully.
Yelled out to a twin brother in a whisper. He didn't know what else to do. His brother probably wouldn't let him any closer than what he was right now. But he clearly needed help. Sun silently prayed that he wouldn't run away from Moon.
Sun watched as his brother violently flinched at the volume. Head whipping around to observe the entrance to Moon's room.
Moon Eclipse is hurt! He-hes hurt really bad.
His brother looked back at him. A mix of fear and confusion on his face. The tension of this stance still hung strong. Sun slowly kneeled down next to his brother as close as he would allow. Grabbing a nearby blanket.
What? Hurt how? Where?
He's hurt.. everywhere? He's got a b-bad oil leak on his chest.
His chest! How deep!?
Moon's head quickly popped out of the tube. A toolbox lugged at his side. He froze as he caught sight of his brother. Before continuing forward more vigor.
I-i don't know. Eclipse?
Sun stared into his brother's eyes. His brother seemed frozen in his gaze. His mouth slightly agape. The silence allowed Sun to hear the ragged fans spinning loudly. Overworking to cool the wounded bot. He slow and lifted his hands. The blanket with them has he gently covered his brother. He finally seemed to relax as the fabric covered him.
Th-th-the s-sun's ra-ra-rage-e. F-fal-false l-lig-ht.
The sentence was garbled. Static laced in the words. But Sun understood them all the clearer. The sun's rage. The term his brother usually referred to when talking about a version of his kill code that had somehow extracted itself. Mixed with another. False light. The term he used for a powerful version that extracted kill code.
You fought a False light?!
WHAT! are you crazy Eclipse?
Sun flinched at a the yell. Amplified now that moon was next to him. He watched as moon seemed to scurry through the toolbox. Tools and pieces being quickly thrown out before his hand dove back in.
You know it's a bad idea to fight those weird kill codes! Especially ones with the star! You can't just kill those ones.
Moon seemed to go on and on. Ranting about how fighting a false light was impossible and stupid to do. Sun gently smiled. He-he missed this. As terrible as the situation was he missed this connection. The simple banter bringing a warm sense. I felt like they were a family again. That is brother and him were making little quips and yelling at each other in a playful manner. Even if his younger brother wasn't there during the good days he deeply wish they could share those moments.
Sun turn him off. This is going to take a while.
Sun snapped out of his thoughts as he looked over at his brother. Brother seem to tense at the idea. Sun just gave him a simple gentle smile before reaching over. His brother laid there frozen as he reached his hand behind his head fiddling around briefly before finding the necessary plug. Giving a soft sigh.
Good night Eclipse. We got you.
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96xie · 1 year
keeping myself afloat
the past 8 months have been absolutely terrible, honestly im waiting for this pain to go away. i have cried countless nights unlike before and i have begged god to relieve just a tiny bit of pain of mine. i dont want to be here anymore but i cant grant that wish because i dont want to cause sadness upon my loved ones.
i dont look like myself anymore, my eczema has gotten so much worse to the point where i cannot recognize myself. i grieve every. single. day. i look at my old photos and wish i can go back to what i deem as normal. i feel so sorry to my boyfriend and friends because i look so embarrassing. my skin is on fire, its itchy 25/8, wounds open and scab up and its a cycle. i hate this so much.
i am currently on medical leave (currently unemployed) but i dont think i have benefits therefore i cant keep my financials afloat: i barely have enough saved for my car and its insurance for a month. my return date is in a month and HONESTLY i dont think i can recover until then. my entire body is in physical and mental pain: it hurts to bend my hands, arms, legs, body, i cannot twist my neck, it hurts to open my mouth at times, its like im not living. im literally crying as i type. i probably have like ONE good day every two weeks and i just dont want to live like this anymore.
i am trying my best to keep myself sane. i am trying to play games that i once loved but its difficult because my face is so dry to the point where my eyelids get dry too and my eyesight becomes blurry. when i go out, i become so envious of everyone because they get to wear short sleeved shirts, short skirts and shorts, and i have to cover because of my scars and open wounds. my boyfriend still holds my hands, hugs me, kisses me, but deep inside im crying because i feel so embarrassed that he has to be seen with me. ilove him so much but i feel so burdened because he has to put up with me.
my body is so dry its like scrunched up, its entirely red, i cant stretch, my eyesight is constantly blurry, i have no eyebrows, its been 8 months and no sign of healing. i dont know why i have to go through this. i have always always always tried to remain hopeful but its no use. healing is not linear. i know this very well. but each day has become discouraging. i am physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially in a bad place.
i have visited my dermatologist and she has been extremely condescending each visit. i just want to get better except she has been prescribing the very medicine that has ruined me in the first place. she has no empathy and i teared up in the office because she has given me no hope.
it is the same for my mom, i wish she had been more emphatetic of my situation. yes she understands my situation, she knows very well. i am so grateful she feeds me healthy food and herbal teas but the constant yelling and berating, i feel like im trapped in my child-self. i just want her to tell me it will be ok.
i want to be ok. i want to feel better. i want to look the way i have been. i am pushing myself to stay alive each day but it is very much becoming difficult each day. i love my friends and boyfriend but i feel like my breaking point is near.
this is not a cry for help i promise you! just a place for me to vent.
if you have reached this far, thank you for reading! i am finding ways to keep my mind busy despite the difficulties. if you can spare few dollars towards my car insurance or car, i would be forever grateful! my v3nm0 is @/alexieemreen
i will try to live another day being hopeful!
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mammonology · 4 years
Sweet treat | Satan
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♡Synopsis━ Solomon conducts a little experiment on you, he gives you a piece of chocolate. But what you didn't know was, from eating the chocolate it would make cat ears and a tail appear. Now for Satan, you looked a little too irresistible.
♡Pairing━ Satan x Fem!MC
♡Warnings━ NSFW, face fucking, breeding, choking, master kink, a little bit of anal and double penetration, nothing too extreme ^^;
♡WC━ 1.7k
[!] Lumi's notes; Here's a little something smut before I take a small break, I'll be back on Saturday! It's just I needed a break from tumblr, I won't be posting anything but I'll still be lurking around and you can still talk to me~ See you all on Saturday (。・ω・。)ノ♡
(NSFW under the cut!)
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Solomon's mischievous smile went unnoticed by you as you popped the chocolate into your mouth, "Mm, thanks for the chocolate Solomon. I gotta ask, what was it for anyway? You're acting nicer than usual," You asked, tasting the sweetness on your taste buds. "Oh nothing, just thought you'd like it," He smiled, his eyes squinting. "MC? Oh, Solomon," You heard Satan speak behind you, "I'd like to stay here and talk but.. I have some studying to do," Solomon excused himself.
"So, what was he talking to you about?" Satan asked, looking over your figure. You shrugged, "He gave me chocolate, I don't know he was acting nice for some reason," You said, you clasped your hands together. "Well! Never mind that! We should get back to the house," You said, feeling light headed for some reason, you tried not to be obvious about the sudden wave of sickness you felt. "You're looking pale MC, are you alright?" Satan murmured, placing this hand on-top of your forehead.
"I feel under the weather that's all," you smiled. A stinging pain suddenly erupts within your body, the top of your head felt extremely itchy as your spine and tailbone were aching. "S–Satan, it hurts.." Satan looked alarmed, "What hurts?" He asks, cupping your face. "M–My head, also my back I–I don't know why," You said, hissing at the unbearable pain you were experiencing. "Fuck okay," He said in a panicked haze, smoke suddenly popped out of nowhere. You coughed and tried to wave the gray smoke away from you, when the smoke disappeared, cat ears seemed to appear from the top of your head. As well as a tail was attached on the end of your back bone.
"M–MC?" Satan said, confused at what just happened. "N-Nya? I mean yeah?!" You said, accidentally mewing. Satan's face flushed a little bit, your new form was cute to him. It was getting hard to look at you in the eyes, "Is this Solomon's doing?" He asked, hiding his mouth with the back of his hand. "Mm, probably, it doesn't feel any different though," You said checking out your new set of ears and tail. "Looks cute.." Satan mumbles underneath his breath, "We should go ask Lucifer about this!" You said, grabbing his wrist as you ran to the lamentation house.
Upon entering the house, you saw no one home. It looks like they were all out, "No one's home, that's weird.." he said, Satan shrugged as he headed over to his room with you following him closely behind. "Well at least I can actually call you kitten now right?" He smirked, petting your head. You fake pout at this pet name, you were enjoying it but you didn't want to show him. His room was modern, there were a lot of bookshelves, his bed was king sized with a red velvet duvet thrown over, his pillows were plushed just the way he liked. You threw yourself onto the bed, sprawling as your cat ears twitched.
"Hey Satan, why is it so hot in your room?" You asked, taking off the school's blazer. "What do you mean? It's the perfect temperature," He said, looking over his shoulder as he takes off his uniform. "I mean, it feels hotter, I don't know either.." You said, sitting up, your tail was swaying side to side. "You look so pretty," Satan complimented you, his turquoise eyes checking you up and down. He was literally standing there with only his boxers, when you did realize heat rose up to your face. Satan could only chuckle.
"Kitten, you've seen me naked multiple times," He threw his uniform into a basket as he joined you in bed. "I must say, if you're feeling hot you could always take these off," He started off slowly, unbuttoning your top as you watched his every move, your chest started heaving up and down as your heart anticipating what he was gonna do next. "Already excited kitty? Don't worry, we'll go slow," He smirked, completely removing the top as he throws it behind him. His hands swiftly took your bra off as Satan dips his head down to your nipples, his hot and wet tongue was swirling around your nipple, the other hand playing with your other bud.
"Ahh– Satan please," you gasped out, gripping onto his shoulders, your nipples were completely erect as he stopped his assault, he looked back up at you. "Please what?" He asked, his tone changing completely, "Master, please take care of me," you said, still not used to calling him master. "Where do you need to be taken care of, kitten?" He whispers against your ear as his hand goes to massage your cat ear. Accidentally letting out a moan Satan smirked, "Does it feel good up here? Or do you want it down here," He said as he flips your skirt up, his other hand dipping down your panties.
"Fuck kitten, you're so wet, all from a simple rub?" He chuckled, pressed his thumb onto your clit as his other hand scratched your cat ear. "M–Master..! Please let me pleasure you too," you said, pointing at his obvious bulge, he was extremely turned on by your current state. "Okay kitten, be a good kitty and let master use your throat okay?" He said, your head nodding. He takes his boxers off first before standing up, his hand kneading your hair, his hand was leading you as his hard cock springs up, it was pretty and pale, the tip was deep pink as it leaked pre cum. Opening your mouth obediently as he slowly pushed his cock into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks as your tongue swirled underneath his cock.
"Fucking hell kitten, your good little mouth is for my use only," Satan grunts as he closes his eyes, pushing his cock a little further down, his hand was playing with your ears, it was driving you crazy as you suddenly gagged around his dick. You noticed how his pace was picking up, your throat remained calm as he bunched up your hair into a make-shift ponytail, now he was in control.
"Yeah, gag on my fat cock princess, you look so pretty in this view," he smiled down at you, as he almost felt his release he stops and takes his cock out of your mouth. "I'm gonna breed this little cunt of yours, I'm gonna make you feel like a bitch in heat," He whispered, sending chills down your spine. He flips you onto your stomach, flipping your skirt up as he rips your underwear off. "Master..! Please I'm aching," you begged as you lifted your ass, "Don't worry kitten, I'll give you what you want as you've been a good kitty," he said, "I wonder if your tail's sensitive," He asked himself before stroking it up and down.
"Haah! Ah– mmph," you moaned as it felt extremely good, "I'll make you feel even better kitten," He said, pumping his cock once before slowly entering you, your whimpers were heard all across the room as his cock entered you. "Satan, please stroke my tail again," you pleaded but Satan didn't seem too pleased, "Kitten, I don't think Satan is my name right now," he stopped entering slowly as he thrusted in his cock in one full thrust. "AH!" Making your scream out in pleasure, his fat dick filled you up. "Shit, your walls are hugging my cock, how many times have I fucked this cunt?" He said as he starts thrusting in and out of your pussy.
"T–Too many, haah" you breathe out as you gripped the sheets underneath you, Satan yanks on your tail. An idea popped into his head, he took your tail and slowly entered it into your ass, you whipped your head back. The feeling felt so foreign, new, and you were nervous and excited at the same time. Satan's hips thrusting into yours distracted you from the fact that you indeed have a tail up your ass, and it felt good. He continued his rapid pace on your pussy as he worked his hand with your tail. "Your pussy just tightened up when I started to move your tail," He said, gritting his teeth, the pleasure was unbearable as you writhed down the bed.
Satan's lips spewed your name out as if it was a prayer, calling you and telling you how good you felt. It was all overwhelming, the familiar coil started to build up as Satan's cock hit a deep part of you, "Master! Please fuck me harder," You yelled, not caring if the brothers were back. Satan only did what you asked as he let go of your tail to grip both sides of your hips. "Fuck I'm almost there MC, I'm gonna spill all of my cum in you, I wanna see you so full and bred. My cum s–seeping out of your pussy.. aah," he said.
Your climax finally hitting you as your cum coated his dick, Satan thrusted a bit more before meeting his high, his cum splattering your walls, you felt so full, pulling his cock out of you, he goes to the bathroom to fetch you a warm wet towel. You dropped your hips down the bed as came back, spreading your legs open to wipe down the cum that was still seeping out. He cleans you up and even got you water. "Are you okay MC? I didn't push you too hard right?" He asked, sheepishly.
"I feel refreshed," You smiled at him, pecking his lip as you wrapped yourself with the duvet. "That's good," he said rubbing your cat ear. You purr out in instinct, he hums at your reaction, 'Just like a real cat' he thinks to himself. Satan joins you under the duvet as he places his arms around your waist, you were now facing his toned chest as he looks down on you.
You two were basking in the afterglow, "I guess I gotta thank Solomon for this," He chuckled, "I gotta say, it was a sweet surprise" He added, you nodded in agreement as you felt your eyelids slowly getting heavier. Satan pulls you closer to him until you completely fall asleep in his arms. "Sleep tight kitten," He whispers not before planting a kiss on the top of your head.
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butteraway · 3 years
when time runs out | i
⋆ summary: A young girl has fallen deeply ill with an unknown disease in her, so with all her free time spent in an empty hospital room, she spends it online playing video games. That's until she meets her cousins friends, one spiking her interest with his extremely vulgare language.
pairing: bakugou katsuki x reader
warnings: nothing much really, mentions of blood
word count: 1.3k
author’s note: Hey guys!! I just wanna let you know I made a few changes here and there in this chapter, nothing too big. Ah but seriously, I’m tired, but I’m having a lot of fun rewriting these huehuehue
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No one saw it coming.
Who would have thought this could happen?
Of all the people who it could’ve been, why her?
L/N Y/N wasn't your average girl. Being related to a clutz like Kaminari Denki was no easy task. Despite them only being cousins, they had a relationship almost as tough as iron. No one would believe that the two were related, both being on different sides of the spectrum.
Quite popular at school, no one really cared much for her quirk, surprisingly, since she never had one to begin with. What made her so cool though, was her bright personality. Though she was quirkless, she had a big heart and was a strong girl. Y/N was ambitious for someone her age and had excellent grades that could rival a high school student's knowledge. In store for a very promising future, for a thirteen year old, she basically had it all. 
Almost had it all.
It was until that unfaithful day, everything came crumbling and crashing down around her. 
Family had only assumed that her light coughing that would come out every now and then was caused by an itchy throat. But when the light coughs turned to violent gasps for air, they were more than concerned. Especially when Y/N began coughing up blood. They took her to every doctor in town only to have the same answer thrown at them. 
"I'm sorry Mrs. L/N, but we can't find any causes for her condition."
"Mr. L/N, test results show that nothing is wrong with your daughter’s health."
Of course, despite all the long trips and visits to hospitals and well known doctors, Denki and Y/N's relationship never once wavered. Having every opportunity when she was forced to stay indoors, she would spend her time playing video games with Denki. 
Of course, when she did have the chance to go outside, she'd most likely be playing with Denki or picking flowers. As they both sat on the swing set in a park near Y/N's home, they cracked jokes trying to make the other laugh. 
"Y'know what's a real good joke?"
"What? Your grades?"
"Pshhh, noooo. Me becoming a hero!" 
Y/N smiled as she let out a loud laugh, sending her to the dirt on her knees as she tried to regain her breath. Her laughing soon turned to her clutching her chest, ragged breaths escaping from her mouth.
"H-hey Y/N, it wasn't that funny."
The harsh breaths turned into coughing as her face turned paler at the second. Soon she was gasping for air to enter her lungs, clawing at her throat, hoping for all the pain to stop. Denki was long on the floor, kneeling with a horror stricken face and shaky hands hovering over Y/N’s body.
"Y-Y/N, what's happening?!"
Of course Y/N never answered, Denki wanted to kick himself for even asking such a dumb question at the moment. He quickly scooped her up from the ground only to struggle with keeping her in his arms. His arms were far too weak to be holding all her body weight, but Denki only prayed he'd make it back home. He ran as fast as he could, yelling for his aunt and uncle to help him. By the time they came out, Y/N’s mother shrieked in terror as she took the poor girl from Denki's arms. Y/N was only gasping for what little air entered her body, blood slowly dripping from the corner of her mouth. Quickly getting inside their car, her father drove at an alarming rate to the hospital. The cries of his aunt only scared Denki even more when Y/N had stopped her struggling. Doctors whisked her away as fast as possible, stabilizing her and drawing out the blood from her lungs. The married couple could only pace in anticipation while they waited for a doctor. Denki, on the other hand, stared blankly at the white wall in front of him. 
Was she going to die? Was it his fault that she was in such a devastating state? Seeing the color quickly drain from her face was the only thing Denki could really think about. It was his fault. Those thoughts plagued his mind, even after his parents raced into the waiting room, hugging his aunt. His mother bent in front of him, staring directly into his sunken eyes. Tears formed and fell down as he looked down to his hands.
"I'm s-sorry, it's m-my fault she's like t-this."
His mother embraced him, reassuring him that none of this was blamed on him. A couple hours passed and a doctor had arrived to inform the family of devastating news. 
"Though your daughter is in critical condition, we have stabilized her enough to where she will be able to survive on what medication we have given her. Even with what tests had shown us, we aren't receiving any type of diseases coming from her. This could mean that she possibly has a newly formed disease in her. There isn't any information on how it could have formed in her, but we could only guess she had formed some germ of a sort and it grew from there. And with the condition she's in now and the lack of information of what we know about this, we won't be able to determine when she will get better, or even if she will get better. So as of now, it is highly recommended that she will have to stay in the hospital for her recovery and to prevent any more events like the one that happened today."
And despite the devastating news happening inside the bleak hospital, the outside world seemed to only flourish with life.
Y/N's parents were devastated and Denki could only stare at the doctor with sadness. As weeks passed, Y/N only got worse, it was a miracle that she was still alive. While doing research, doctors and some scientists had found out that the bacteria in her room worsened her body. They were confused on how this disease worked, but they couldn't complain. They moved the weak, thin girl to a secluded part of the hospital. Spotless, almost dust free, and clean her room was, it barely looked like a normal room to be put in. (Y/N) had little consciousness during the whole situation, not being able to lift her own pinkie, even if she tried. Months passed, and Y/N's body began to strengthen itself back slowly. Though, the only thing that could possibly kill her was having other people around her. So family members would have to look through a window and talk through a microphone in order to communicate with her. 
Y/N honestly felt like a caged bird.
Denki would visit (Y/N) regularly, talking to her as she smiled and laughed. Every now and then, a doctor with a protective suit on would enter her room and quickly shut the door to check up on her. (Y/N) was silent during those times, looking at the doctor, examining the suit with an unreadable look on her face. Two years she had spent in the confined room, and during that time she had gotten her own computer, console, and tv as her form of entertainment. Playing online with strangers and getting to know them brought a smile to the girl's face. She knew she wouldn't be able to go outside anymore, not with how she was now.
Doctors have found out that overtime, her body had been slowly eating away at the medication, but it wasn't too severe at the time.
"Y/N's body has been rejecting the medication we have been giving to her. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything to prevent this and we have estimated she will have a year or so until her body doesn't take any of the medicine. We will need to ask permission to add higher doses of medication to her medicine. We will try our best to find a solution to this, but we can only apologize."
And this was how Y/N was in her position now. Despite the short time allowed for her, she didn't know how many things will happen in just one year. And who she will meet at that fact.
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multimilfs · 4 years
Eda Clawthorne x Fem!Witch Reader: Bad Blood
Summary: You’d only agreed to this charade for Luz’s sake. But you should have known Odalia wouldn’t make this easy for you. 
A/N: An anon sent in the message of “Even though we don’t know much about her, Odalia (Amity’s mom) being the one who cursed reader. When reader hears that one of Luz’s friend in a Blight, she tries to be supportive, but is worried for Luz’s safety when she, Eda and Reader are invited to dinner at the Blight’s Manor as guests. Just imagine the tension between the 4 adults, two of which have bad blood against each other (Odalia and Reader), one being overprotective (Eda), and one trying to keep the peace (Alador, Amity’s father).”
My dearest anon, I hope you enjoy this. It got a bit away from me, I must admit. I loved writing it though. 
Warnings(s): Body Horror Mention, Mild Swearing
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It was taking every bit of your willpower not to launch yourself across the table. The only thing holding you back was knowing how much it would upset Luz. That’s why you’d even accepted this dinner invitation anyway.
Learning that one of Luz’s friends was a Blight had been… upsetting, to say the least. But you hadn’t said anything. Nobody knew that Odalia had been the one to curse you - not even Eda. She hadn’t been there when it happened. Nobody had. It’d just been the two of you, making it oh-so-easy for Odalia to place that curse on you without anyone knowing.
When Eda found out you’d been cursed, it broke her heart, but it also ignited something in her. She’d been so angry that her skin buzzed with electricity. And she had wanted to take care of it, to start what you knew would be an intense fight. She would have won, but you’d just wanted it all to go away. So you told Eda that you didn’t know who cursed you.
Eda had believed you without a second thought. It made you feel horrible. You didn’t want to lie to her about this, but you hadn’t wanted to deal with anything else. And you never expected that it would ever really come up again.
Boy, had you been wrong.
Since Luz had no idea what Odalia had done to you, she’d been extremely excited when the Blight’s extended an invitation to you and Eda. Something about ‘wanting to formally meet Luz’s guardians’ or something like that. The thought of being in the same room as Odalia had parylyzed you, but you couldn’t say no to Luz. It would break your heart to wipe the smile from her face. So you’d accepted.
Now you found yourself sitting across from a devious-looking Odalia Blight, trying so very hard not to let your content mask slip. If she knew that she was getting to you, it would make the rest of dinner even worse.
“So tell me, Y/N, what is it you do now?” Odalia asked, her tone dripping with faux sweetness.
“Eda and I run a stand at the market. We also sell potions.” You said stiffly.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Luz and Eda both look at you. You knew your tone was strained and much colder than normal, but you couldn’t help it. It wasn’t exactly easy creating polite conversation with the person who’d ruined your life. And you desperately hoped that Odalia wouldn’t make any comment about it. You didn’t want Eda and Luz to know. Not now, at least. Not when Luz was sitting at her friend’s dinner table.
“How… quaint,” The woman said with barely hidden disdain, “I must say, that was never the path I expected you to take. You were always going on about grand plans when we were in school.”
“Yes, well, circumstances change. If memory serves me correctly, you also had grand plans. Something about joining the Emperor’s Coven? But Lilith beat you out. Such a pity.”
You could tell it affected her by the way her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed. The whole room was silent, watching the tense exchange with confused glances. Eda put a calming hand on your arm, but you shrugged it off. You couldn’t bear to let anyone touch you right now. Odalia would see it as a weakness. And you could never show weakness in front of her. Not now, not ever.
Focusing on keeping a level head, you missed the hurt that blossomed briefly on Eda’s face. You’d never done something like that before. Luz and Amity were sharing startled glances as well. They had no idea what the heck was going on.
“Does anyone need more tea?” Alador cut in, trying to cut back on the tension in the room. For his sake and for the sake of the children.
“No, thank you, dear,” Odalia said with a sharp smile in his direction, though her eyes never left yours, “How about you, Y/N, would you like more tea?”
“No, thank you, Odalia. I appreciate the offer.”
“Oh, that’s right, you probably require a more… specialized blend, don’t you? To take care of your pesky little ailment.”
There was a twisted sort of glee in her eyes. She knew that of all the things that would get you to crack, it would be a jab about your curse. It was no secret that she was proud of herself for cursing you. For ruining your life, so that you couldn’t fight back. So that you’d be nothing compared to her.
You pressed your nails into your palm. Hard. This is for Luz, you reminded yourself, don’t ruin this for her. Leveling out your breathing, you gave a strained smile. It probably looked more like a grimace. The look in her eyes was bringing back memories you’d forced yourself to forget. It was the same way she’d looked when she’d chanted those words. Those words that had made you into what you are.
A messed up excuse for a witch, your mind sneered at you. You tried to ignore it. You still hadn’t responded to Odalia’s question.
“I do. How… kind of you to remember.” You forced out, but you knew you’d made a mistake the second you said it. Odalia’s mouth curled into an evil smirk and you couldn’t do anything to stop the words that left her mouth.
“Why of course. A witch never forgets her finest work.”
It was so silent you could’ve heard a pin drop.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt Eda look at you. You knew that she knew. That you’d lied to her all this time. That when she vowed to find out who did this to you, you’d known the entire time. But you’d kept it all from her.
At the other end of the table, you heard Alador breathe in sharply. Amity and Luz had both let out startled gasps. If you were to open your eyes, you were sure you’d see them both looking at you. You couldn’t force yourself to look at any of them. Luz would look at you with that sad, pitying look you’d promised yourself to never be on the receiving end of. You were one of her guardians, being strong for her sake was all you’d wanted. She didn’t need someone else to worry about. And Eda, oh Titan, Eda - she’d be furious and disappointed. You had promised to always be honest with her and then you’d kept this.
A deep, startling anger built in the pit of your stomach. You opened your eyes, glaring directly into Odalia’s. She had done this. She’d ruined your life and couldn’t help herself from gloating about it.
“I shouldn’t be surprised. You practically got off on it the first time.” You spit at her, letting your content mask drop. There was no point in keeping it up anymore.
“I still do.” She grinned. You felt like your blood was boiling inside your veins.
“How messed up are you that ruining someone else's life is that satisfying? Though it makes sense, you were never talented at anything else. Lilith tells me it is still a running joke for all of them - Your very public failure to qualify for the Coven. How embarrassing.” You said, allowing yourself a cruel chuckle.
That wiped the smile off of her face.
“You worthless little-”
“Would anyone like a biscuit?” Alador asked, sounding frantic.
“Shut up, Alador!” The both of you yelled, glaring at the startled looking man.
There was a split second of stillness, where your eyes locked on Odalia’s, and you wondered if it was a good idea. But anger overwhelmed your rational thought. So with a sneer, you conjured a particularly nasty ball of fire and threw it right at her face.
She nearly failed to dodge it, her eyes wide. You were never the type to fight back or strike first. In school, you took everything she dished out, until you’d stood up to her. And the both of you knew how that one ended.
“Is that the best you’ve got, Y/L/N?” She taunted.
Then all hell broke loose.
You don’t know what spells you’d both thrown around, but there had been a lot of them. One of you had pushed the other occupants at the table behind a protective field. You may hate each other, but you didn’t want anyone else in the room to get hurt.
Throwing a particularly nasty blast at the other woman, your heart dropped as you felt the itchiness under your skin. You hadn’t taken your elixir today. Feathers were scratching under your flesh, trying to force their way out. To force the transformation.
You couldn’t let that happen, but you had no way of stopping it. The elixir was back at the Owl House and you were using a lot of magic to even block Odalia’s attacks. You put as much energy as you could spare into keeping yourself from transforming. Tears were leaving your eyes as you held it back, trying to breathe through it. If you lost control, you’d probably end up ripping Odalia’s head off. That was the last thing anyone needed - even if she did deserve it.
“What’s wrong, Y/N, can’t keep up?” The woman teased, though she was breathing heavily, sweat dripping from her brow. She was slowing down too.
“In your drea-” Your statement was cut off as a tuft of feathers shot through your skin, forcing a pained noise from your mouth. It felt like your arm was being cut open in a million places. The tears leaking out of your eyes felt like a dam had broken.
Through the blurred vision your tears created, you saw Odalia’s eyes widen slightly, before a satisfied look settled on her features. You were not in fighting condition anymore and she’d relish winning against you. She raised her hand and you closed your eyes against the spell, throwing a hand up, hoping that something would stop the spell.
There was a loud cracking noise as it made contact with something, but it didn’t send a jolt through you like it should have. Looking up, Eda was standing next to you, a bright yellow barrier standing between the two of you and your opponent.
“You did this.” She growled out, eyes full of fire as she looked down on Odalia, “All this time, it was you. You hurt her.”
With the hand that wasn’t holding the barrier steady, Eda pushed a spell away from herself. It moved through the air faster than the speed of light, knocking Odalia into the wall behind her. There was a loud, echoing thud as she made contact. Silence followed.
“Yes,” Odalia forced out between panting breaths, “I did. And you know what? I would do it again. Every ounce of pain she got, she deserves. She is nothing but an over-confident witchling in a witch’s body. She should have known better than to challenge me in the first place!”
Eda’s eyes were stone cold. You’d never seen her so full of anger and hatred before. It would have been attractive if you weren’t in so much pain. You watched as Eda’s magic moved, keeping Odalia bound to the wall, as your girlfriend moved forward.
“Even cursed, she is more of a witch than you will ever dream of,” Eda snarled, nose to nose with the woman, who suddenly looked very scared, “I won’t do any of the things I want to do to you. I won’t lower myself to your level. But remember this one thing, Odalia Blight - if you touch her again, I won’t hesitate to ruin whatever shred of a life you have.”
Odalia’s eyes were wide as she stayed pressed to the wall, parylyzed with fear. With a roll of her eyes, Eda cast a sleep spell, using magic to lower the sleeping woman to the ground. Suddenly realizing something, she turned. You were kneeling on the floor, still doing everything you could to hold back the transformation.
“Luz, my bag!” She said, kneeling next to you, pulling you into her, “You’re going to be okay, sweetheart, just hold on for me.”
The pain was excruciating and you wanted nothing more than to give in. To let yourself transform. But you forced yourself to focus on Eda. How she held you, whispering in your ear so softly, placing little kisses on your head. Your senses were quickly full of nothing but Eda.
You registered a slight shuffling to your side, before Eda tilted your head back, pouring the elixir down your throat. It tasted horrible, but the relief that followed was worth it. The feathers disappeared. And so did that horrible, itchy feeling underneath your skin. You suddenly realized just how exhausted you were, slumping into Eda.
“We need to get her home.” Eda whispered to Luz, who nodded, glancing worriedly at you. She’d never seen you like this. And she didn’t want to ever again.
Taking a look around the room, Eda winced at the mess you and Odalia had made. The table had been sliced in half, the walls were singed. It was not great.
“Send us the bill, kid.” Eda said, ruffling a stunned Amity’s hair as she walked you out of the room, Luz following behind quickly.
You didn’t remember much after that, except for the feeling of Eda’s arms wrapped around you. It was the same feeling that you were enveloped in when you woke up. Blinking the exhaustion from your eyes, you looked directly at Eda’s face. She was watching you wake up with a semi-guarded expression. It was then that you remembered all of what had occurred.
“E-Eda,” You croaked, your throat parched, “I’m s-sorry.”
It wasn’t enough. You knew that. In your current state though, it was all you could offer her. She seemed to understand that, letting out a sigh and pulling you into her arms.
“I know,” Eda whispered into your hair, “It hurts, but I think I understand.”
“No, you don’t.”
She shifted, looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. Her expression wasn’t annoyed or angry, though. But expectant. As if saying ‘well, then explain it to me.’
“You know how Odalia was at Hexside,” You said softly, avoiding her eyes, “She was unrelenting, but I never wanted you to worry, you know? You were dealing with your own issues. So I told myself that I could handle it all myself. But I… I was wrong. She got the best of me. I didn’t want to admit that I was… that I was weak and couldn’t take care of myself.”
The silence that followed your admission wasn’t uncomfortable, but it wasn’t reassuring either. So much was unspoken. You knew that she was hurt you’d kept the truth from her, but you needed her right now, and she wasn’t going to abandon you.
“You’re not weak,” Eda said finally, after letting your admission sit in the air for a while, “I hear you and I understand why you did it. But we promised that we’d be honest with one another. We… We’re okay, but this is something I will need time with, okay?”
You nodded against her chest. You would never expect her to forgive you just because. It had been damaging to the trust of your relationship. The two of you would be okay, it would just take some time. You were more than alright with that.
“I’m proud of you though. You kicked her ass.” Eda said. You could hear her grin, prompting one of your own.
“I did, didn’t I?”
“Hell yeah. It was kinda hot, too.”
You couldn’t hold it in, letting out loud laughter. Eda was smiling down at you, fondness written all over her features. Unable to help yourself, you leaned forward, placing a sweet kiss on her lips. A kiss she didn’t hesitate to return. And being mindful of your depleted strength for now, that was as far as it went.
“How is Luz? I didn’t mess things up too royally, did I?” You asked after a while.
“Odalia was going to forbid Amity from spending time with her, but Alador talked her down. So she’s okay. A little shaken up about everything though. I think I heard her planning breakfast with King, as a little ‘pick me up’ for you.”
“She doesn’t have to do that..”
“She knows, but it makes her happy. The kid really cares about you, you know?” Eda said softly, running a soothing hand up and down your back.
“I know. We’re really lucky that we found such a great human.” You agreed with a smile.
The exhaustion that had been temporarily pushed back, was slowly overwhelming you again. Your eyes began to droop as Eda drew soothing shapes on your back with her fingers.
“I love you, Y/N.” She whispered into your hair.
“I love you too, Eda.” You yawned.
You knew that tomorrow you would need to work on fixing things, on making it right again. But for now you were content to fall asleep in the arms of your love. That made all the difference in the world.
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birdwonder · 5 years
Bucci Gang | Body Swap Headcanons
|| i’m just chilling w/ my phone right now and im choosing to do my next request later today so for now super lame pt 5 headcanons inspired by the body swap fiasco but like ... let’s say it was a different stand that did it and no one died/is missing.
WARNING — fem s/o ! it’s not too sexual but sorta ? in a comedic way more than spicy. i guess also pt 5 spoilers too ! 
Bucci Gang | Body Swap Headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati
- When Bruno had stopped stumbling and was no longer disorientated from the enemy’s attack, he was certainly confused as to why no extreme damage had come to him. He was really counting on the sensation of a thousand stab wounds to cover him like a sheet and yet, he felt perfectly fine. Glancing down, he still wanted to check for any externel injuries but his plan was quickly halted when he saw clothing and hands that certainly didn’t belong to him.
- “What... What is this?!” He’s nothing if not confused, much smaller than his own hands patting all around his body until they paused at his ( if he could say that ) chest. In seconds, his face blew into a bright red colour as soon as the realisation of him being in a woman’s body hit. With his clever perception, Bruno had also come to recognise that the clothing he was adorned in was strikingly similar to [F/N]’s, meaning one thing ...
- “Bruno Bucciarati, what the hell are you doing?!” 
God, it gave the man whiplash to see his own face scruched up with anger while his body marched towards him. The small pink tint on his own face had confused him however, if that was you then maybe you were just embarrassed of him being in your body or vice versa? Now that he thought about it, he really hoped you hadn’t done anything scandulous as him, not that he suspected you would.
- When you suddenly slapped Bruno’s, or your’s really, hands away from their position, he was quick to understand your fury. He had just technically groped you in a way. “Wait, wait, it’s not as it seems! I’m sorry, [F/N]—”
- After a rushed explanation and excuse for his actions, and a what his theory of the stand’s power was, the two of you agreed that you should start to look for the enemy and get back to your own bodies soon for both of your sakes. Bruno did appreciate the soft comfort he had to grip on temporarily though.
Leone Abbachio
- The drastic change in perspective that Abbachio had five minutes ago to now left him horribly bewildered. Why was everything so much taller now ? He was certain that he wasn’t lying nor sitting down.
- All he could do was confusingly turn around and look up at everything around him to try and figure out what was happening. Was he shrinking? That was a possible answer but why wasn’t he going down any more?
- The answer to his dilemma was clear when you, in his body, approached him frantically, hands gripping his shoulders and having to lean down so that you could both be face to face, inches away from each other. Had your minds not been switched, Abbachio was sure that he would have been a little more flustered than he was dumbfounded. “Abbachio, look at us! Our minds ... they’ve been swapped and I’m— I’m- so tall, holy shit.”
- Poor Abbachio had to watch you do what he had done earlier, looking around the whole area with wide eyes and total shock. You just couldn’t believe how different things looked! Oh, was this how Abbachio saw you? Jeez, maybe you should be more careful with how you part your hair if he can see too much of it.
- His jaw dropped when you started to check him out, pulling at the strings connecting his v-line while peering down to see his chest and stomach. You let out a low whistle, clearly impressed by what you were seeing, “damn your physique is good. I didn’t know you worked out, Abba!” Please kill him now before the embarrassment does first. Again, if your minds had not been swapped then he would be relishing in your praise but it was incredibly hard, and annoying.
- “Stop that, damn it!” He yelled at you, his shame worsening when he realised that his tone didn’t come off nearly as scary as it did when he was in his own body, in fact you were even laughing a little at him. Well, if you wanted to play it like that... Abbachio moved his hands to have one placed on your body’s backside and another on your breast, his anger momentarily diminishing when he squeezed both. Fuck they were soft—
- “Oh hell no!” You cried, now as equally as bashful as Abbachio was. Sure you got a little bit too curious but you weren’t touching his body up! With a huff, you mimicked his move to the extent that you placed both hands on his ass, suddenly pausing when you came into contact with it. “SIR, wHERE IS YOUR ASS?”
Pannacotta Fugo
- He’s fucking dying on the inside; he can’t do this. Someone please take him out of his misery because he can not handle being in the body of the girl he was  super into.
- Fugo  in all honesty didn’t try anything funny while in your body but the shame of it was too much. On one hand, he was grateful that it gave him a chance to admire the cute little imperfections you had such a scars and small spots on your arms that he hadn’t notice from his usual distance from you, while on the other he was afraid to be stuck like this forever.
- When he finally found you, the idea of you also looking over his body, as he had done with your’s to a respectable extent, flustered him greatly and he struggled to get any words out at first, “we should, uh, really find that enemy stand user. ahem.”
- “Yeah! You’re super cute and all, Panni, but I really want to be back in my own body, it’s more comfortable for me! Plus, your fashion style isn’t really my go to.” You laughed softly at your last comment, taking hold of Fugo’s hand to guide the two of you into a rough guess of a direction to where the enemy stand user could be. Meanwhile, the ‘cute’ comment replayed a thousand times like a broken record in Fugo’s mind, both a faint blush and smile taking over him as he nodded and followed your lead.
- When Mista or Narancia asked him afterwards if he had done any ‘research’ while in your body, he threatened to kill them both as he tried to stab both with cutlery. During that, you were covering your face and internally screaming at the idea of Fugo seeing the more private side of you, especially when you would rather show him on your own accord.
Narancia Ghirga
- Since the situation was a lot less life threatening than the Chariot Requiem one, Narancia was a lot more comedical about it. Sticking his temporary body’s hip out, he placed a hand upon it while another weaved it’s fingers through the hair that could only be called your’s. Narancia batted his eyes exaggeratedly while placing on a high pitch voice, poorly impersonating you.
- “Ooh, Mr Narancia! Please, take me!” He mockingly begged, strutting towards you that in a fashion that made you want to burst out laughing and shrivel up in shame since it was your body that was looking absolutely ridiculous. Wrapping his arms around your neck, it allowed you to notice the height difference that he had to see on a day to day basis but that was hardly a main thought when he started to rub his cheek against your’s. “You’re just so studly and handsome, my body just needs your touch!”
- After a pregnant pause, the two of you erupted into laughter, wheezing and coughing as though you were being choked out. If the stand who had done this to you both wanted you dead, then it was certainly working seeing as you were both soon to die of laughter. Wiping a tear away, your giggles died out and you gently whacked Narancia over the head, which would have been a regret for future you if it was any tougher. “You’re so silly, Narancia, we should be looking for the stand user not messing about!”
- “Yeah, yeah, I know,” he whined, still having to force a few laughs down. “I think my impression of you was pretty good though, right?” He jokingly winked at you only for his expression to falter to surprise when you sent a more flirtatious one back, stroking his cheek faintly while you walked past him to start your search.
- “Oh, it was brilliant, you know what I want so well!~”
Guido Mista
- His actions were incredibly similar to when he realised that he was in Trish’s body, when he instinctively placed his gun into where the front of his pants would be only to realise that it didn’t rest upon his crotch just quite the same.
- After frantically groping at the soft breasts he had seemingly grown and complaining that he was missing the best part of himself, Mista noticed that his own face was looking at him distraught and embarrassed. “Mista... You’re in my body. [F/N]’s.”
- Mista apologised quickly once you said that, now understanding the situation. You both had swapped bodies! How could he have not noticed? Especially when it was your body, something which he had discreetly checked out a few times before, since well c’mon. You were like a goddess. 
Speaking of, Mista was sure this was actually a Heaven of some sorts since he had full control over what he did with your body, which was kind of exciting! At least, it would be if you weren’t there to judge his movements. 
- “Ugh, Mista you stink,” you complained, raising an arm to your nose to take a whiff only to gag instinctively at the scent that violated your senses. Seriously, who wears a cashmere sweater with a wool hat in Italy? The amount he sweats must be ungodly! The hat was seriously starting to get itchy too, leaving you no choice but to take it off dramatically with a cry from Mista.
- “Hey, I’m not that bad!” The gunslinger argued, snatching the hat from your grasp so he could reach up and force it back onto his hair, hiding the thick curls that had momentarily escaped from their woollen captivity. Scoffing, you turned your nose up and looked to the side, refusing to look at him, “it is and you know it. If we’re stuck like this all day then I’m seriously going to have a shower for you.”
- Mista smirked at that. It was a weird look to see on yourself but it still made you fluster at your own words and his overactive imagination. “Oh? I mean, if you wanted to see my body that bad then you could just ask, babe. I wouldn’t mind showing you,” he cooed, snickering when you shoved his face away with a ‘shut up!’
Giorno Giovana 
- Giorno was massively taken back when the situation the both of you were in were clear. He was in your body and you in his. This stand ability ... seemed so incredibly useless. Granted, it left the two of your flabbergasted and frantic for a while but in the end you both adjusted pretty well to the change and were read to take down the stand user.
- You were a little curious though, reaching up to play with the buns in Giorno’s hair and stroking a finger over the lady bugs on his attire. Not to mention is ‘boob window’ as you jokingly called it, much to his dismay. “You’re pretty brave to wear something like this, Giorno,” you told him, glancing into a nearby shop window to look yourself over, even secretly admiring the blond’s good looks. How could he look so good and not even act like a primadonna? “Plus, you make it look good.”
- Giorno hummed in response, arms wrapped over his chest as he stood a feet or two away from you while still being able to side glance the window to see his own reflection. He was certainly flattered by your praise and could easily repay it tenfold seeing as he thought you were stunning both physically and as a person, yet his mind was too focused on finding the enemy. “Mh, grazi, you could make it look good too,” he murmured, not really thinking too hard over his words since he didn’t think it was the time.
- “I would?” You choked out, wheezing a little at what he had said. Wearing an outfit like his in your actual body would give you a very ‘out there’ look, one you’re not sure you could even wear in public. “I mean, I’m glad you think so but I didn’t take you the type to say something so bold so suddenly, Giorno...!”
- That pulled him from his thoughts. “Hm? What do you mean, I just meant you could look good in anything, I mean,” he then made a gesture to the reflection in the window, smiling softly, “I’m not blind, I stand by what I meant.”
- Gulping, you nodded slowly, averting your eyes from his since you were certain he would be able to notice a blush on his own face. “Oh I see, it’s just I thought you meant you wanted me to have the boob window look too,” you laughed, nervously scratching your cheek. 
- “Oh, no, no! I didn’t mean- Well, I’m not saying it’d be a bad look on you but I just meant-” Giorno, a typically well composed person, was stuttering like crazy, unable to even look at you much like you. Really, the both of you were messes.
- “It’s fine, it’s fine. Let’s just get going, yeah?” You reassured, placing a hand onto Giorno’s or uh, your’s shoulder. Nodding, he smiled and agreed, “we should before the user escapes, and you know if I’m right, they must be somewhere around...”
Trish Una
- Trish was just as shocked as you were when she realised what was going on! You both had a screaming session until one of you calmed down, taming the other’s screams until the two of you caught your breathes. 
- “How -?! Did that guy from earlier do this?!” Trish panicked, looking up at your desperately with your own eyes, which was little off putting at first since it was so weird but you looked past it and shrugged. “I mean, that’s the only thing that makes sense, right? Right now we should really be looking for him to swap back.”
- “Yeah, you’re right,” she nodded before immediately marching off to find the stand user, you quickly catching up to her and walking along side her. After a few minutes of awkward silence, Trish spoke up suddenly, your head turning to the side to realise that her hands were moving up and down your hips while her eyes were glued onto your body. 
- “Woah [F/N], you look great! I mean, your hips are so nice and you work these clothes so well!” Her praise made you chuckle a little, the flattery warming your heart. Looking down at yourself, you already knew Trish looked amazing so repaying the compliment was no feat. 
- “Thanks hon, you’re beautiful yourself, y’know? I mean, you’re so slender and pretty after all.” Trish blushed at your words, gently slapping your arm while giggling like a teenage school girl. “Oh stop, I don’t need you to be nice back, I just wanted to tell you what’s been on my mind for ages now!”
- “Is that so?” You asked, surprised that Trish thought so highly of you and even thinking that you were hearing things for a second. Honestly, you were pretty sure you were going to go have a heart attack from how quick your heart was beating - to be praised by someone so pretty, sweet and loveable was something you couldn’t fathom yet it was still happening. “Well I’ve always thought you were pretty anyways, not to forget amazingly kind and badass for sticking through all of this!”
- From there, the two of you spent the rest of your search praising each other and by the time you found the stand user, your bond had grown strong enough to land an amazingly co-ordinated attack, to which you both returned to praising each other over.
- Once you met up with the rest of the Bucci gang, the rest of the boys were pretty much ignored for the day as the two of you either held hands or linked arms together while chatting about similar interests and making plans to one day go shopping or to a cafe together once everything was over. Narancia was allowed to join in every now and then though, to which Mista complained over. 
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oppabimbab · 5 years
your attention | im jaebum
Tumblr media
genre : smut
starring : jaebum x reader
synopsis : jaebum has been ignoring you when he is playing with his video games; the thing is you’re horny for his touch; you find it’s unfair so you try to get his attention, in a sexy way
words count : 2544 words
side note : a quick and horny one.
✻ Fanfics Archive ✻
“Let’s fucking go!!! Goddamn it!!” Jaebeom’s high pitch voice fills the living room along with the sounds from television. He grunts in annoyance—running a hand through his hair, looking frustrated just like few moments ago.
You, who are leaning against the kitchen counter, heave a sigh while sipping a mineral water as you bring your gaze to look at your frustrated boyfriend. It’s been 3 hours since he came to your place where he didn’t go anywhere but playing with the video games he just bought few days ago. Well, it’s not a new thing. You know Jaebeom loves playing games—especially with his favourite PS4 but it’s weekend. He has been really busy with his schedule during weekdays and when it leaves you with only 2 days of weekend, just to see him yelling and cursing when his character died for the entire day. 
How annoying. You scoff at the sight of him yelling and looking frustrated on the sofa, completely ignoring you at the side. 
You don’t mind if you’re not this horny. The thing is he turns you on and this is where you find it’s a little bit annoying for not getting his attention. Putting the glass aside on the counter, slowly, you count the steps to come closer to him before you scoot closer to his side.
The Fifa game looks boring and irritating to you when you see his gaze didn’t move from the screen to even look at you. You pout at him. This is unfair.
“Shit man!! You had one job!! Come on!!,” he curses again, thumping his feet on the floor to ease the tension when the game becomes intense but you know nothing about what is going on. You don’t fucking care about the games. He is too immersed without looking at you beside him. 
Staring at him from head to toe, you can feel something itchy in your core. Jaebeom has been always looking goddamn ethereal but today, why the fuck he looks delicious than ever. 
Short sleeves black t-shirt—compliments his toned and muscular arms. Messy and fluffy hair—exposing such a boyish look that you always love. Skin tight jeans—that thick and toned thigh and calves, oh so fucking sexy. You check him out without noticing the familiar liquid is pooling in your panty. Every part of your skin wants him. Not later, but now. 
As Jaebeom keeps hissing and grunting at his sucks online teammate, you comes closer to his side and bring your lips to trail a soft kisses on his sexy neck. Slow pace, you plant those kisses from under his earlobe to his shoulder—causing him to flinch. Just like that, Jaebeom pulls away from you a bit to look at your needy face.
“Baby? What are you doing?” he asks with furrowed eyebrow—there is a mixture of confused at your gesture and mad at his endless failing games. Both of you exchange eye contacts for a while before you open your mouth.
“I want you,” you squeak softly before trailing your fingers on his torso to his buffy chest. Fuck, your boyfriend looks extremely good when he is ignoring you. Jaebeom shakes his head and pull your hands away, slowly. 
“Not today please? I need to finish this game first. This is important. Baby, later? Okay?” he cocks his eyebrow, trying to convince you not to be a needy fuck when he is clearly busy with his so-called important thing. You whine, of course you’re not going to give in, just like that? How the hell you’re going to hold this desire for another 3 hours? 
“I’m horny,” not giving any fuck to what he said just now, you plant another wet kisses on his neck again while trailing your fingers on his chest—feeling his toned abs. Your favourite place. 
For some reason, he chuckles at your words, making his whole body vibrates which is turning you on even more. He has such a genuine and boyish laughter and when he does that, you want nothing but to be fucked by him. It’s scary you want him this much. 
“If you’re this horny, I can’t say no, can I?” he giggles as he pulls you away, again—making you whine in frustration at his gesture. The next second, you see his boyish smile, checking you up from head to toe. Only tank top and hot pants. He nods in amusement.
“Ride my thigh, baby,” he whispers. God knows how thrilling it sounds like in your ears. 
“Do everything you want,” he adds and the next second, you stand up in front him—quickly taking off the tank top that has been wrapping your body before you unclasp the bra, making your boobs bouncing to his sight. He grins, biting his lower lips as he checks you up from head to toe. Not even once you break the eye contact from his eyes as he looks at you like you’re some kind of masterpiece. 
Taking off your panty, leaving your bare body, you impatiently climb on him and sit on one of his thigh while he still has his jeans on. The thick fabric makes a soft moan leaves your mouth. Jaebeom bites his lower lip while looking up at you.
“Just how sensitive are you now?” he teases before he coils his arms around your waist and using the game console behind your back. You don’t respond to him as your pussy is becoming more sensitive. 
“Move,” he commands with his eyes still on the screen and his hands keep using the game console—as if you’re not there, riding his motherfucking thick thigh. 
Slowly, you move your hips back and forth, just to feel the rough fabric to be rubbing on your wet pussy—increasing the pleasure and desire. The friction feels heavenly good. A trail of moans leave your mouth as you keep grinding on his firm thigh with your hands holding on to both of his shoulders. 
“Jaebeom....” you whine, rubbing the pussy on his jeans more aggresively. 
“What is it baby?” he hums , still looking at the screen before he pulls your hips closer to him—making you yelp and moan like a erotic kitten. 
“So good,” you moan—lifting your chin to the air as you quickened the pace. You don’t know his thigh would feel this good on your pussy but you’re sure you’re ruining his jeans with your wetness. It’s soaking.
He chuckles before looking back your flushed face—enjoying the view so much as he never takes his eyes off from your moaning face. Eye contact. It turns you on even more.
“Fuck, you’re soaking wet. How are you this wet,” he stares at his soaked jeans while your pussy still grinding on him—throbbing clit to his sight. Again, you don’t respond as you busy moaning his name to the air while gripping on his shoulders to get the support. Jaebeom grit his teeth, staring at how red and sensitive your pussy has become. He slaps your jiggly ass—you shudder.
“Jaebeom...!” the next second, he grabs your hips and forces you to keep grinding back and forth with 2 times speed—making your body bounce on his lap. He takes one of your nipples to his mouth before curling it with the tip of his tongue—making you scream even louder. The entire space is filled with moans and whimper from you along with the sound of friction between your swollen pussy and his tight jeans. 
After few more moves, you cum on his jeans before you collapse on his shoulder while consuming air to fill your empty lungs. Jaebeom chuckles while rubbing your ass slowly.
“Was it good?” he whispers to your ears before he resume the game again—leaving you laying on his chest after such orgasm. 
“I’ll make you feel good,” you pull away and kneeling beside him with your face only few inches away from his throbbing dick. Jaebeom looks at you, confused. 
Without letting him to respond or think, you unbuckle the belt around his waist without much efforts , just to pull the jeans to his knees before you bring your fingers around the strap of his underwear and let his throbbing member comes to your sight. 
Jaebeom squeak out of shock at your impatient and quick gesture.
“W-wait. We can-“
“Shut up, Jaebeom. You said I can do anything I want ,” you look up at him with a pout as you wrap your hand around his huge member. A soft whimper comes out from his mouth. You smile.
When he finally shut up, you stroke his length gently from the tip to his balls. A soft smile appears on your lips when you witness the white precum on the head of his dick before you lower your head to lick it. His body jerks at the touch but you push him back to the sofa. 
Jaebeom has always been that huge and big, it almost making your petite hand disappear from wrapping his dick. It’s red and throbbing—like it wants to get the cum out. You chuckle before you quickened the pace—stroking every part of the dick. The slippery sounds start to take over the space along with his soft whimper. You know your boyfriend barely makes sound when you’re pleasing him but today, you can’t let that happen. He needs to scream and moan—just like he always did to you.
In a blink of eyes, you lower your head to take his length into your mouth—making it disappear from the sight. A trails of curse left his mouth when your hot mouth is wrapping that veiny dick. Just like how you grind on his thigh, you move your head up and down while rubbing his huge dick with your hand. Jaebeom curse while keeping his eyes on the screen.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath. You chuckle. That’s not enough. With other hand, you spread thigh wider while rubbing it slowly. He moans.
As you bop your head on his dick, you hum to give vibration to his system and just like you imagined, he moans, loudly. Bopping your head, you lick the vein on his length from up to down, not leaving any part before you curl your tongue on the tip of his head, tasting the pre cum. 
“Oh fuck. There, there,” Jaebeom moans as he brings his hand to your hair to make you go deeper but you immediately push his hand away.
“You do your work. I do my work,” you mumbles, taking his ball into your mouth—making the man goes crazy with every touch. 
“Nasty,” he teases, spreading his legs wider to make you hover the dick even better. As you keep sucking the throbbing member, you can feel the juice from your core is starting to pool again as your skin starts to tingle for his touch. You arch your body, making your ass up to air while your head on his lap. 
The next minute, you moan when the cold air touches your inner thigh—reminding you how empty your pussy is and he needs to fill you again. You crave his dick so much. While stroking and licking Jaebeom, you moan out loud—louder than the sound of chaotic games on the screen. 
“Jaebeom....fuck me,” you beg, sucking the tip of head while stroking the balls, making him jerk even more. He grunts as you can feel his muscles starts to stiff and tense up. Before you can taste his cum in your mouth, he pulls you away from him as he stands up. Leaving you breathless.
“Bend down. Show me your pussy,” he commands through gritted teeth while striking his sexy beast eyes to you. The butterflies in your stomach start to build like crazy, making you turn your back at him before you bend down—to make him see the dripping liquid along your inner thigh. With shaky hands, you hold on the sofa. 
He comes closer and brings his hands to palm your pussy. You scream out loud at the warm touch.
“So, you decide to make me this horny when I’m playing the games?” he grunts—rubbing his fingers back and forth. Your body arch. Fucking heavenly good.
“What did you say just now? Repeat it, I didn’t hear you well enough,”
“Fuck me,” you whine in the weakest voice. He hums, not satisfied.
“Louder,” he slaps your ass.
“Fuck me, I want you!” your voice reaches few octaves and thanks god, it makes him satisfied.
“As you wish, baby,” 
Just right after he says the words, he slams his dick into your pussy—making your body to jerk forcefully. You shut your eyes while opening your mouth wide to moan his name over and over again. When you finally adjust to his size, he starts to move back and forth—filling his huge dick inside your tight pussy. 
Fucking good.
“Why is my baby this horny? Do you want me this much?” he grunts in every thrust he pump into you and just like that, your body arch, your mouth let out the endless moans. Just for him. You immediately hold on to the sofa tightly as your legs becomes wobbly. He feels so fucking good inside you. 
“Harder, Jaebeom,” you beg. Jaebeom chuckles before he grips on both of your hips and keeps thrusting and wrecking every part of you. The slapping sound starts to replace the entire space. 
"Damn it, you feel so good around me," he gropes your ass.
Moans and moans. Thrust and thrust. Your boobs bounce along with the thrust. The next second, you peek over your shoulder and meet his eyes. His gaze is fucking sexy and looking at him while he is fucking you, is one of the beautiful thing that happen in your life. He stares at you while gritting his lower lip as he pumping your pussy to let his tip to touch your walls. 
“Scream my name. Cum for me,” he groans.
“Ah! Jaebeom, Jaebeom!” you cry to the air, gropping your breast to increase the pleasure before the knot in your stomach starts to build. 
He pumps harder to stimulate you and the next second, you cum around him, a few seconds earlier before he fills his cum inside your abused pussy. His body twitch as he pumps the cum inside you before it drips along your inner thigh. 
“Ah! yes fuckkk,” he groans.
Jaebeom immediately pulls out from you and brings your body to his chest as he sits on the sofa—back to his earlier position. Both of you pant and breathing hard, to catch the missing air while you sit on his lap and lay your head on his chest. 
You bring your gaze to the screen and he lost the game, again. You crack a soft smile at the sight. Your boyfriend must be mad at you for making him hard and horny—just like you are, which is the reason why he lost the game. You kiss his chest and look up at him. Jaebeom looks back at you—like a puppy while securing your hips inside his arms.
“Baby,” you call him and he cocks his eyebrows, pulling you closer to him.
“Do you want me to help you win?” you grin at him before taking the game console from his side.
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softbluefanfiction · 4 years
When I first started writing this fic, I accidentally deleted the first 2000 words and had to restart, that wasn't very nice, but I pulled through and really I hope you enjoy!
The insults. The accusations. Constantly having to defend himself. Having to play nice. It was all getting to be too much for Janus, but he had no choice but to handle it. He needed to take it in order to help Thomas, and eventually it would stop. Until then though...
"Your slippery sarcasm scale is why we are in this mess in the first place!" Roman yelled, pointing an accusing finger.
"Yeah, for real, Thomas" Virgil spat, "how can you still not see him for what he is?"
"And what would that be, dear Anxiety?" His stomach twisted as he spoke; it was tough to fight with him on a good day, but Virgil had also declared that he wasn't going to use Janus's name and that Janus wasn't allowed to use his. The only reason he agreed was to stop a fight, but in hindsight, it seemed to have not caused any release of tension from the group.
"A monster-"
"Woah! That's a bit strong, don't you think, Verg? Maybe we can take a second-" Thomas tried.
"No, it's not!" Virgil snapped. "he's been lying and deceiving us from the start, and now his advice has cost us a friendship!"
A few weeks ago, Thomas had come to them with a moral dilemma about two acting jobs. One was for a friend's production and would have meant a great deal to said friend if Thomas had taken the part. The other was a more prestigious role that Thomas has been working towards for a long while, alongside that Thomas didn't have much experience with the genre and really wanted to test himself; it also paid more. Janus had gone for the obvious choice with Logan on his side. He then won over Patton; given that other people were lined up to audition, his friend wouldn't have been shorthanded. He knew Roman secretly wanted to do the more challenging thing. It was easy after that.
"I hardly believe that that is a reasonable conclusion, Virgil." Logan slid in next to Janus, much to the latter's relief. A small genuine smile came across his face as Logan began to defend him. It always took him by such surprise; he never thought he'd be on speaking terms with the other after what he did, impersonating him. Now they had begun to quite enjoy each other's company and Logan defended him, often without hesitation: "when was it you said this play was, Thomas?"
"Uh, I went to it last week, but it ran the rest of the week too."
"And when and how frequently have you contacted this person?"
"Once that night and a couple of times today, but he still hasn't responded. He was also weird after the play, I mean we barely spoke!"
"Hence the 'issue' at hand," Janus said with air quotes and Roman positively fumed.
"Wipe that smile off your face, you deceitful dick!" He snapped and everyone in the room seemed as taken aback as Janus was.
"Running out of insults, are we, Roman?" He sneered.
"No, you...you... snake!" he shouted, still pointing an accusatory finger.
Both he and Logan rolled their eyes as Logan continued. "So, based on the fact that you have texted them during and after a busy week and they have not responded as well as being distant during a very busy production, you are concluding that they no longer wish to be your companion? Thomas, you must see that that is a bit of an extreme conclusion?"
Thomas and Vigil took a deep breath together. "Yeah, I'm sorry Logan, you're right. I should wait a minute before ringing the alarm bell."
"The figurative one I assume; although that might be an interesting way to improve the safety of your home, it would be unnecessary as the fire alarms are already operating."
"That doesn't change anything, they could be-" before Virgil could continue, Thomas's phone buzzed.
"Oh, who could that be?" Janus asked.
Thomas spoke sheepishly, looking apologetically at Janus and Logan. "It's them, they're sorry that they haven't been able to talk much and wanna go out to lunch some time."
"Well, then," Logan said with a self satisfied sigh, "if that is all I'll bid you a good night, and Thomas, remember to check your calendar before making plans."
"Okay, Logan, thank you!" Thomas rubbed the back of his neck as Logan sunk out.
"Hmmm, would you look at that, despite my villainous influences on Thomas's decision making everything turned out fine! How could this possibly be?" Janus gasped with mock shock, bringing a gloved hand to his mouth.
"This doesn't change anything, you're still-"
"Virgil," Thomas voice was a bit raised but he took a deep breath and softened, "Virgil, its okay."
The anxious side struggled for a moment, seeming to have more to say, but then simply huffed and sunk out with Roman ready to take his place in the fight.
Before that argument could move any further he held up a hand, and looked at his host. "I will see you later Thomas, don't hesitate to call if you need me." He sunk out with a calm smile from Thomas and fuming rage from Roman.
After he was back in the mindscape's living room, his shoulders slumped and his face fell before he realized that he was not alone and put on his mask once more. Every cell in his body fought against not being able to just relax, but he pushed those feelings away, making his way into the kitchen.
He was no longer going to stay in the room, but was still going to take a bottle of wine up to his bedroom. He felt like he deserved a little help to unwind.
Virgil spoke up as he looped back from the kitchen to make his way up the stairs: "I know what you're doing!" He growled.
"Do you now?" Janus huffed, he'd had too much today already and mostly responded on instinct. He hoped Virgil would just drop it so he could get onto staying in his room the rest of the night.
"I do, and I'm not going to let you hurt him!"
Janus let out an exasperated sigh and spun around at the top of the staircase. "Do you ever think I've tried so hard to get to Thomas because I care for him and want to help him?!" He meant to be snide in order to get Virgil to understand while not being vulnerable, but his voice failed him at the end, cracking.
That gave Virgil pause but he strode on. "It doesn't matter what you think you're doing. You're deceit and all you are going to do is hurt Thomas."
Janus just huffed and walked away, face turning red at his outburst. He had avoided reacting out of pure feeling since his low blow with Roman, but it seemed like they knew just how to get on his nerves and wanted him to fail so badly. He wouldn't have been surprised if that was a genuine scheme of theirs, to hit him where it hurts until he finally shows his true colors or whatever. They'd done worse.
Hot tears burned at the back of his eyes but he swallowed them down. He would not cry because of them. They would not hurt him, he was better than that and if it meant he could have Thomas's attention then they didn't matter.
But this was getting to be exhausting. The punches were coming just as hard as before and seemed to hurt worse and worse. Virgil's always stung, but the attacks were getting more and more personal. Roman was nothing compared to that, but the last few weeks every time it seemed that they were getting somewhere he'd redouble his efforts at getting under Janus' skin.
They were also in cahoots to not let him be alone with Thomas, and for a while, Patton. He actually began to get a stomach ache every time he went to go visit either, even starting to avoid them entirely before they both realized what was up and told the other two off. They could still interrupt if they found a good enough reason and used it as an excuse, which left Janus with much apprehension.
Their efforts also left him with conclusions that he was barely allowing to cross his mind, but he felt them pushing against the edges, threatening to burst out. About how Virgil and Roman are a part of Thomas and what their sentiment means about what Thomas thinks of him.
He shook himself out of his reverie and poured a glass of wine, sitting on his bed to sip at it.
His suit felt itchy and he knew he probably needed a shower. Last week he shed and that was just delightful, as always. He was more than grumpy and expected it to ruin all he had worked for but everyone was actually exceptional about the whole situation. Even Roman. It was another time he thought he might've gotten through to him but absolutely didn't. Either way, he was onto the last of it and one more good soak would do him some good.
He felt like a 60's housewife drinking wine in the bath but usually it could fix almost any issue so he wasn't willing to give it up. This time, he felt himself relax a bit, but instead of his worries washing away he felt them pressing down on him still, as if held at arm's length but ready to pounce at any moment; but in all honesty, it could just be the wine relaxing him.
He got done with a few glasses before he heard a knock on the door. "One second." Janus jumped out of the tub and carefully dried himself off and, for force of habit, assumed Remus would be behind the door, simply wrapping a towel around himself to answer it.
Which is how he caused one Patton Sanders to let out a rather loud "Oh, my!" when he opened the door, turning a shade of red that Janus did not think possible.
"Oh, my...um," Janus echoed, closing the door to cover most of himself peeking his head out. "You'll have to excuse me Patton, I had assumed you were Remus, did you need something?"
Patton was decidedly looking everywhere besides Janus, eyes curiously flitting back to his bare chest every few glances, but he really was doing his best to not look, it made Janus smile and giggle drunkenly, "You can look at me, it's fine."
They had been tipsy together before and Patton had admitted he was mad at Roman and Virgil's behavior and when that topic shifted away, feeling like he should offer something as well, he had admitted that his scales often made him feel foreign and out of place. Patton said he thought they were pretty and Janus couldn't believe that was true, and said as much. That's probably not what the moral side was currently thinking of at that moment, he belatedly realized, but didn't much care.
Patton swallowed and leveled his eyes on his counterpart's face, every few words his eyes would stray for a few moments but snap back up after realizing what had occurred. "Right, um, I just wanted to invite you to movie night at 9, um, and Thomas will be there too!"
And Roman and Virgil. "Don't wait up for me," He said after a minute of thought, he would think about though "sorry, Patton."
"No, no, it's okay!" He could tell it wasn't, but couldn't think of what to say so they just sat there awkwardly for a moment.
"Hey, daddy!" Remus saved them. "if you two wanna fuck I can leave." He laughed as Patton sputtered, walking up to them and placing a hand on each of their shoulders.
"Remus, please, you'll break him," Janus rubbed his face to stop his own laugh, keeping his tone exasperated "my apologies again Patton, have a good night!"
"Yeah, um, see you at the movie Remus" He whispered, running off as fast as possible.
"You're invited?" Janus asked, shocked. He didn't know that any of the others tolerated him, including Thomas, just that they accepted that they couldn't just ignore him.
"Oh, pfft, no!" Remus laughed, pushing into the room and shutting the door behind him, "I just showed up and nobodies told me to fuck off yet, so im still showing up!" Remus wrapped his arms around Janus' waist, leading him to the bed and leaning in for a kiss.
"It seems as though they have come to expect you!" Janus murmurs against Remus' lips. He allows the conversation to drift away when the other doesn't respond, pulling them both down over his bed. They curled up there, Remus laying on top of the other with his head nuzzled into his neck, the towel that Janus was wearing forgotten.
Their relationship had changed drastically in the last while since Virgil left. They had both come to find each other in the dark sides commons one night and opened up about missing Virgil. It was the first time either of them had been so open with the other and it was the start of a beautiful and weird thing between them. It started slowly with just hanging out all the time, but then one night Remus shakily reached over during an anime he was watching and grabbed Janus' hand. It was all fast after that, and a supposed silver lining to Virgil's absence.
"You still..." Remus mumbled, brushing down Janus' arm slowly "have some.." he picked up the snake-like side's appendage. "Janus shreds to remove," and started to slowly take off the rest of his shed. Janus just turns his head over, sighing at the satisfying feeling, content to fall asleep and deal with washing the sheets later.
"Alright, come on!" Janus lets out a whine as Remus pulls him up and takes him back to the bathroom. The other got undressed and Janus removed the water from the tub while the shower turned on, Remus quickly washed off and then walked back to Janus. "Let's get the rest of this off, hmm?"
Janus nodded and settled down on the side of the tub, it was an ornate one with golden legs on the four sides in the shape of snakes and white marble coloring on the rest. "Are you for real not going to movie night?" Janus sighed as Remus carefully took off the rest of his dead skin, if you tried to remove it too soon it burned and might even bleed, but now it was high past time and felt like bliss.
"Although I would just love to be berated all night long, I think I will be content enough to read the night away." Janus felt a little disappointed at the thought, but even Patton was starting to irritate him. He was treating the deceitful side like a hurt puppy rather than confronting the others. He knew that it wouldn't help, but a little effort in the right direction wouldn't kill.
"Buzzkill...that's fair, and if that bottle was full before it got to your room you're also shitfaced." He laughed, picking up the almost empty container and chugging the rest.
The other just nodded. There was certainty a blur around the edges of his mind growing stronger, and he leaned into Remus' touch as he massaged his shoulders far after his shed was gone the rest of the way. "I think I would just like to go to bed, okay?"
"Do you know people spend ⅓ of their life asleep, meaning that people waste 229'961 hours of their life so they can hallucinate while drooling?"
"Logan has been a bad influence on you," Janus mumbles as they both dry off and make it back to Janus' room. "You should still go, if you want."
Remus in response snuggled under the covers with Janus and closed his eyes, shrugging. "I'm good here, boo, at least until you fall asleep."
"Thank you," the yellow side grumbles, it does take awhile for him to actually rest, but Remus pulled out some sort of book Janus knew better than to look at, and seemed content enough to stay.
Janus woke up from a nightmare with a scream and immediately fell into a panic attack. He tried to get the air past his lungs and tore through his hair, his face and arms heavy and numb to him.
Remus was around him a moment later, hugging his shoulders and badly guiding him through a breathing exercise. It took a few minutes but he got back down to where he could speak.
"What if I'm bad for Thomas?" He whispered, hands falling into his lap, he swallowed and almost started to wonder if Remus had heard him. A mantra of monster, monster, monster, monster  was cycling through his head, leftover fragments of the cacophony in his dream that was already becoming hard to remember.
"What? " Remus sounded furious, his voice a low growl and Janus folded in on himself, closing his eyes, arms going around his chest.
"Virgil said...I just...no one ever thinks that they're the bad guy, I was happy to play the part if it meant I could get Thomas to see...but what if I wasn't...?" His voice wavered, he knew he was going to regret telling Remus who exactly caused this particular episode, but maybe he deserved it after all the crap he'd been pulling.
"This has to stop!" Remus spat, voice still low. Another aspect that is opposite from Roman, when Remus gets angry it's a cold, quiet fury  "when are you going get your head out of your ass, Janny? My fuckass brother gets butthurt once and you're just going to let everything slide by from now on?"
"It's not like that, I don't want anything getting in between me and Thomas or hurting him and that situation has clearly has done both, things will smooth over-"
"Will they really stop though," Remus softened. "You have proved yourself already and Thomas has even told them to chill and they are not any closer to being done with their crap!"
They both stayed quiet for awhile after that..."you're right, something has to budge, im sorry".
"You shouldnt be apologizing to me, i'm not mad at you... i'm gonna go get you some of those sleepy bears" Remus jumped off the bed and Janus didn't expect him back for awhile. At least he put pants on.
Laying back down he realized he had only slept for about two hours, and movie night was on downstairs. He burrowed down with a groan, they had to have heard him scream. He begged the universe that Remus would just go and get the melanin gummies from the kitchen and that would be the end of it.
Of course that wasn't the end of it, but at least Janus wasn't aware for a while.
Remus was absolutely fuming when he left the room, intending to break down Virgil's door if it killed him, but when he heard a movie going on downstairs he figured that would work too.
The movie was immediately paused as Remus thundered down the steps. He realized just now that the others probably haven't seen him this truly angry, or even this serious, and Thomas was in the room. That almost changed his mind about whatever he was gonna do when he got to Virgil, but decided that Thomas might need to be privy to the conversation.
"You" He growled, pointing at Virgil who snapped his head up at him from his usual spot. Roman tried to get in the way but Remus summoned some weird handcuff thing and threw it in his direction. It latched onto both his hands and then flew to the wall behind him, connecting to it. It then pulled him back and away. He jumped up on the couch and pulled Virgil up by his hoodie, pushing him against the wall.
"What the-" Virgil started, but Remus shook him.
"You need to put your ducklings in a row before I kill em all!" Remus noted the fear in his eyes and how tight he was holding the other, and loosened his grip.
"What are you talking about?" Virgil said, not moving. Remus was sure he would know why he was here now that it was brought to his attention. Virgil always knew when there was a spike in anxiety somewhere in the mindscape and that much from Janus would have crossed the radar.
"You know damn well what, you pitch black nightmare!" Remus spat, "Do you honestly think that Thomas is better without Janus?"
That stopped him short, and over his shoulder Remus could see everyone's head snap from him to Virgil. "...I didn't say that''
"Well you said something that has him convinced him he's no good for Thomas!"
"He isn't," Virgil insisted, looking like he regretted the words immediately.
"Do you really believe that or are you hiding from the fact that you were wrong and are being an asshole's asshole about it?" That shut him up quick and Remus let him go and walked over to Roman who was as quiet as everyone else was, "Parties over you can go back to your movie". The anger had fizzled when he saw how scared Virgil was, and he had already told Roman off several times. Thomas would most likely have a few words with them, so that would have to be enough. He produced a key and unlocked his twin, with a click the cuffs and key disappeared.
There were a few scattered murmurs from the living room as Remus grabbed a few gummies and ate them, grabbing an extra and heading upstairs with it.
"Hey..." It was Thomas that spoke up, and in a quiet tone that gave Remus pause half-way up, "is everything alright, I mean... what happened?"
Remus opened his mouth to tell him, but closed it again when Logan shifted. "Ask him yourself". Thomas nodded, clearly a bit disappointed with the answer and Remus went to leave.
"He had a panic attack," Virgil mumbled, looking down at his feet numbly.
The others in the room looked mostly shocked but Thomas looked aghast. Before he could say anything else Remus huffed in disgust and walked away to go take care of Janus.
Janus stayed in his room most of the next few days, his panic attack was more than enough to tell him he needed a break, so unless directly called upon he would spend some time doing just that. He did leave a couple of times early in the morning to help Patton with breakfast and chat with Logan, but for a much shorter time and left quickly if anyone other than Remus showed face. Everyone was acting a bit strangely but Janus refused to put much thought into it. They all had nightmares, so hearing him yell yesterday shouldn't be something they are able to hold over his head.
He'd also scheduled an early meeting with Dr. Pacini, and he assured Janus that he was handling the situation very well. Taking a step back and avoiding anything that could be triggering for a short time could do some good, although he did ask Janus to lower his alcohol consumption to at least every other day and not fully isolate himself.
He also asked that Janus talk to Thomas about his worries, but was immediately shot down in the meeting. Now that it was in his mind though, Janus felt himself slowly lose the will to not do just that. He would have to explain why he had been absent recently and had made it a point to stop lying to Thomas.
Perhaps he would just explain certain things to his host, that he had wanted to relax a little and that was why he was distant the last few days. Something to sooth the others likely worries and it would be nice to see Thomas, as his company was rather nice.
That's what he told himself as he appeared in Thomas' room late one night, only to find the other on his laptop entranced by Netflix and unaware of his presence.
Janus smiled lightly, happy to see the other enjoying himself, although with the late hour Logan was sure to have a fit. Instead of interrupting he simply started to move about the room, he probably should have gone to bed himself, but a little tidying wouldn't hurt.
He was able to check if Thomas' house plant needed watering, fold some shirts on the floor and straighten up the chair in the corner before he was noticed.
"Oh, hey Janus" Thomas smiled and closed the laptop when he saw the other, "sorry I didn't see you there, um, what are you doing?"
"It's no bother Thomas, it's not like I've taken time out of my very busy schedule of doing nothing to come and check on you at a ridiculous hour only to have you pay me no mind while I clean your room" He waved his hand dismissively and sat next to Thomas, who let out a soft laugh.
"Yeah, I actually wanted to check on you, I haven't seen you in the past few days and figured you might want some space but I was getting worried"
"Whatever would you need to be worried about?" Janus tried, icy trepidation making its way up his spine, "I'm doing well".
Thomas paused, looking a bit guilty "look, Jan, I know that you had a panic attack and you don't have to talk about it now but i'd like to maybe figure out why so I can help"
Janus paused, ready to deny and avoid but Thomas gave him that 'im Thomas and too wholesome and caring for this world look' and he signed quietly to himself, now at a loss for words. He felt panic brewing at being so exposed and a slight anger at himself for letting Thomas worry about him.
"You really don't have to talk about it, I swear, and i'm worried but I know you can take care of yourself and..." Thomas filled the prolonged silence with rushed and nervous words that Janus wanted to interrupt but his mouth just wasn't working.
He could say many things. Something to soften the blow, a half-truth that Thomas wouldn't fall for but would allow given the circumstances. He could lie, say that whatever Remus said was just to throw Thomas off, but Thomas had not mentioned Remus and if Janus did then that would be an easy hole to poke through. He could tell Thomas he wasn't ready to discuss it and be left feeling awkward and guilty, because while that isn't necessarily a lie, he would still be keeping secrets from Thomas.
All of these thoughts swirled through Janus's head as Thomas's rambling became muffled and his breath came in shorter gasps.
"Do you think i'm evil?" It was the first thing on Janus' tongue and the last thing he actually wanted to open up to Thomas about. He didn't know if he would be able to take the answer being yes, but a lie to try and comfort him would tear him to pieces.
After a long silence Thomas finally spoke,"What?". His voice was gentle but alarmed, meant to brush away Janus' worries.
The deceptive side tried to respond but he stopped and took a shaky breath, grounding himself. "It has been on my mind for awhile, I know it is unreasonable to ask you to answer that, I just...its tough being insulted by people you (that Thomas cares) care about and I am concerned as to how their opinions are affecting your own"
"Janus, it's not unreasonable to voice your concerns, and... I can't say with certainty that I don't view you as at least a little bad, but i'm working on unlearning that type of thinking and Virgil and Roman aren't going to make me change my mind on that, okay?"
Janus' body relaxed from the tension he didn't know he was holding and he sighed, leaning heavily on his hands. That was somehow the perfect response and Janus felt some sort of weight leave him. "Woah, hey, its okay", Thomas scrambled forwards to sit next to where Janus was, rubbing circles on his back, "Did I say something wrong?"
Janus shook his head, confused as to what the other meant, until he realized he was shaking and had started crying. Shame and fear rose past his relief, but Thomas had wrapped his arm around the others shoulder and Janus couldn't stop himself from accepting the comfort.
He leaned into Thomas' hug, putting his face onto the others shoulder as he let out the first real sob he'd let happen in months. Thomas, ever patient, simply whispered soothing words and rubbed circles on his back.
It took several minutes for Janus to calm down, but once he did he remained in Thomas' grasp for a while longer. "I didn't mean..." Janus started to pull back not sure what he was going to say and looked down at Thomas' shirt, wet with tears, "to ruin your shirt" he finished lamely.
Thomas just frowned and shook his head, worry creasing his brow. Janus sighed and looked away, rubbing his forehead. Thomas had never seen Janus like this, sure he was less guarded around his host but he still wasn't sure what to tell Thomas now that he had all of a sudden broken down. "I feel...better now" was what eventually came out, along with a shaky laugh.
"That's good" Thomas smiled, patting him awkwardly on the back. "Are the others all busy, or, I mean, do you have someone to be with right now, I guess"
"No, Remus is in the imagination and I believe all others are resting, but I can assure you that I will take care of myself." He winked at the other "self-care and all that".
That earned him a laugh, "Right, yeah...you mean a lot to me Janus, okay, I really hope that I wasn't hurting you by not telling you that sooner"
"No, Thomas, I should have come to you sooner and it's really not as bad as it might seem, I am a professional at bottling up my emotions, as it were"
"Yeah, I guess that makes sense..." They sat in comfortable silence for awhile after that, taking a minute to let everything soak in, "If you wanna stay, I was watching the office?"
"That sounds abhorrent" Janus jibed, as he waved his hand and changed into his pajamas, sitting down next to Thomas as he started up the laptop again.
After a few episodes Janus felt his body get lighter and he fell asleep content and laughing with Thomas.
Thank you so much for reading everyone, I appreciated every like and comment and feel free to critique! I wish you well and goodnight!
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Untamed TAZ Balance AU? Don't have to write anything, just consider that (is Wen Ning Lucretia in this or is he too nice for that)
NHS IS LUCRETIA, NHS IS ABSOLUTELY LUCRETIA, I HAVE THOUGHTS, my girlfriend yelled at me for these thoughts.  Hell this got long, I’ve literally been saving it in my drafts until Tumblr fixed the Read More issue.
WWX is Taako, JC is Magnus, WQ is Merle, JYL is in the umbrella (became a lich to keep her brother from doing it), WN is the Red Robe (became a lich because he thought it seemed reasonable), NHS is Lucretia, XXC is Davenport, LWJ and LXC are mutually Kravitz (LXC sets his bro up with the death criminal wizard), Wen Zhuliu is John Vore, LSZ is Angus but also a baby Reaper
So Wei Wuxian isn’t really a wizard, is the thing.  Like, he does the wizard magic, and apparently he has strong Wizard Vibes because wherever he travels, people ask him if he can solve their magical bullshit problems, but he’s, like, barely a wizard.  He’s an inventor, technically, except that a few years back some stuff went explosively awry while he worked with this traveling show and–yeah.  So he’s working as a wizard because, hey, he can cast Magic Missile and he needs to eat and he’s an Evocation specialist, anyway, so it’s not like he’s out here making food from rocks.  He’s hired on with a couple other random jackasses, a fighter who took a dislike to Wei Wuxian right off the bat and a cleric with a bad temper and an itchy Sacred Flame finger, and they’re doing a job for some dwarf, or whatever.  The dwarf has a guy hired on as muscle, but he doesn’t look like much, all wide eyes and baby face.  He calls himself Qionglin, no last name, and stares at Wen Qing like he’s never seen a cleric before, and Jiang Cheng spends the entire trip to Phandolin messing with his whip, which is the stupidest weapon Wei Wuxian has ever seen.
Well, then everything immediately goes horribly wrong, though, and turns out that Jiang Cheng is pretty okay with that whip.  Qionglin (Wei Wuxian spoke to the man all of one time, but he was sweet, if a little awkward) gets himself kidnapped by a bunch of goblins, and their employer is gods-know-where with whatever a Black Spider is, and suddenly this very boring escort mission is a very not boring rescue mission.
There’s a skeleton in the cave.  Wei Wuxian takes an umbrella from it, and it crumbles into dust beneath its red robe.  There’s a very annoyed man with a sword who calls himself Song Lan and speaks in static, and he’s somehow not the weirdest part of this whole day.
Phandolin doesn’t survive its brush with the Zidian Gauntlet, and neither does Qionglin.  Wen Qing screams when he dies, and Wei Wuxian grabs her under the arms with Jiang Cheng and books it for the empty well in Song Lan’s wake, and they just hide.  
And then they go to the goddamn moon, apparently.
The goddamn moon is run by an older man with hair still a glossy black, toying with a beautifully painted white fan in his hand.  He calls himself the Director and–after some testing–hires them more or less on the spot.  Something flickers over his face when Wen Qing, bemused by her own upset, makes an offhand mention of a man named Qionglin who died when the Gauntlet brought down so much lightning that it turned Phandolin into black glass.  But it’s not Wei Wuxian’s problem, so he doesn’t worry himself over it too much.  He takes the payment offered to him by the Director’s aide, a blindfolded, stunningly handsome man in Bureau blue and white who rests his hand on his own chest and says “Xiao Xingchen” and not another word.
The Bureau is–weird.  They’ve got a giant jellyfish and a store run by–something Wei Wuxian Does Not Trust and a dorm.  Wei Wuxian laughs and kicks Jiang Cheng cheerfully in the ankle and says “Just like college, huh?” and Jiang Cheng gives him a dark look and snaps “I never went to college.”
“Yeah,” Wei Wuxian says, blinking.  “Me neither.”
Whatever.  They go on a train adventure and there’s a kid, a kid who blinks and stares at Wei Wuxian like he’s seen a goddamn ghost and immediately walks up to introduce himself as Lan Sizhui, boy detective.
Wei Wuxian fucking loves this kid.  He’s not sure why this wide-eyed fifteen-year-old latched onto him so hard, but he’s smart, funny, loyal, and extremely easy to pick on.  13/10 child rating, in Wei Wuxian’s book.
(Sizhui, for his part, more or less kicks down the door to his father’s offices in the Astral Plane the second the Reclaimers are gone and shouts “I HAVE A LEAD ON WHAT HAPPENED TO THE WORLD.”)
(His father, Lan Wangji, the Grim Reaper, is very interested to hear all about it–especially when his son casually name-drops three of the biggest bounties that the Raven King, his adoptive elder brother, has ever sent him after, with the exception of that absolutely insufferably sweet-tempered lich Wen Ning.)
So…the Crystal Kingdom.
Is it Wei Wuxian’s finest hour, shouting obscure tentacle-related threats at the second crystal construct they’ve seen in the past twenty minutes?  No, probably not.  But it’s been a stressful day, they’re already down one Regulator and Song Lan is fuck-knows-where with Mianmian and, again, this is the second menacing crystal construct they’ve seen in twenty minutes.  Or maybe it’s the same one? 
Whatever, doesn’t matter.  They’re here to hunt down Meng Yao, a scientist who’s been dicking around with some seriously ill-advised necromancy and also the Philosopher’s Stone, and a crystal construct or two isn’t going to stop them.
Wei Wuxian actually physically cannot help himself, though, when the Reapers appear in the mirror, a matched set of beautiful men, and he grins broadly at the one glaring at him most viciously.  They get let go on a technicality, along with a conduit still containing Meng Shi’s memory of a vision beyond the cosmos, and Meng Yao leaves with his life and not much more.
Later, Lan Wangji is absolutely betrayed by the realization that his brother willfully set him up to be the primary go-between for the completely breathtaking deeply irritating wizard-by-way-of-death-criminal.  And that’s before the whole lich revelation.  (He does get a kiss, though, after he watches his brother pulled under by the Hunger.  That’s nice.  He hopes Wei Wuxian will mitigate the death crimes now that they’re dating.)
The seven Relics are as follows:
The Zidian Gauntlet, which can generate a lightning blast so powerful that it can obliterate an entire city.  (Jiang Cheng–he watched the others try to lay in protections, try to make their Relics harmless, and he knew it wouldn’t work.  All the Gauntlet does is damage.  It can melt a city down to black glass, but it can’t be twisted, it can’t be made into any more of a nightmare than it already is.  He’s a fighter.  He knows all about damage, knew all about what he was making.  That doesn’t mean it didn’t kill him by inches to watch it leave a path of destruction–so much that his beloved jiejie tried to seal it away.)
The Oculus, which can make any construct real.  (Xiao Xingchen–Nie Huaisang didn’t take everything.  He doesn’t remember the mission, or his own past.  Something strange got confused in the process, and he lost most of his speech.  But he remembers how to fight, handles his sword as cleanly and effectively as ever, and he remembers that he doesn’t think much of Nie Huaisang’s combat skills.  Or maybe it’s just really obvious that Nie Huaisang isn’t much of a fighter.  Regardless, Xiao Xingchen insisted on accompanying him, before–before.  Then they went into the Felicity Wilds, and…Xue Yang is honestly delighted.  He’s never managed to ruin someone so badly on the way into Wonderland before.  It’s just a shame that Nie Huaisang sent Xiao Xingchen away before they reached the doors.)
The Healer’s Sash, which can manipulate natural forces like the wind, the tides, and tectonic plates just as easily as it can manipulate a heartbeat or a pair of lungs.  (Wen Qing–she prays to Pelor, the Dawnfather, the healer and Lord of Light, but she’s long since lost her faith in him as anything but a contracted boss.  It’s a shock to everyone including her when she’s granted a right arm made of glass and magic after losing it.  She was so determined to make a Relic that could be used for good, but–well.  She supposes she should have known better.)
The Philosopher’s Stone, which can more or less transform anything into anything.  (Jiang Yanli–she’s a Transmutation wizard, she’s been feeding the crew of the Starblaster for a hundred years on whatever she can pull together.  If the right person found the Stone, it would have ended world hunger.  The wrong person found the stone.  Jiang Yanli tried her damnedest to hunt it down, but she found the Gauntlet first, and, well–she already became a lich to stop one younger brother from doing it.  It’s not a struggle to decide that she’s going to take responsibility for saving Jiang Cheng from his own guilt.  Then things go horribly wrong, and she spends the next twelve years in an umbrella.)
The Temporal Chalice, which offers complete control over time.  (Wen Ning–he was a strict scholar until his sister was contacted about the IPRE’s creation, but he always did want to travel, and his theories about bonds were too good for Xiao Xingchen to pass up having on his crew.  Everything he’s done since they lost their home system has been about trying not to leave his family, about trying for second chances, he became a lich for them, he’s done everything to stay with them, of course his Relic is a second chance generator.)
The Animus Flute, which offers control over the spirits of the dead and, in the hands of a sufficiently competent expert, the living.  (Wei Wuxian–he’s watched his brother, his sister, his friends, die so many times.  He’s terrified of immortality, but he’s most terrified of being alone.  He meant to make something that could keep the dead present, so that they would never have to fear being left behind again.  Watching it rip Jiang Cheng’s soul clean out of his body in Xue Yang’s hands is the worst thing Wei Wuxian can remember, even after everything is over.)
The Bulwark, which Nie Huaisang never did explain to anyone, but took the shape of a hand-painted fan.  (Nie Huaisang lost the only person who mattered to him when the Hunger ate their home, and then as he slowly, painstakingly, rebuilt something like a family, he had to watch them suffer and die for a hundred years.  And then he watched them win, and grieve like dying all over again for the winning.  He’s sorry they suffered for his actions.  He’s not sorry for what he did.)
Wen Zhuliu didn’t mean to make his whole plane give up.  But he had spent his whole life being used, and it all just seemed so pointless.  It all just seemed so pointless.  There was always someone stronger, always something bigger, always a rule he couldn’t break, always something, and he started talking, started telling people as much, and--
Wen Qing is about the farthest thing in the fucking world from a peacemaker by nature, if you ask her, but she’s a healer first, last, and most of all.  And, she thinks as she watches the sun sink with a very tired man crumbling away at her side, she might be the only person in the worlds who ever noticed that Wen Zhuliu needed a healer.
(They aren’t from the same plane, but--some of the others have found distant family, on their new home.  It’s an unanswerable question, if they might have been family, a few dimensions removed.  Wen Ning still thinks about it.)
#the untamed#mdzs#mo dao zu shi#taz balance#taz au#starlight writes stuff#*sprints into the room with this au multiple months late and completely out of breath* H E R E#this has been languishing in my drafts for. mm. ever.#i don't even remotely remember enough of my original thoughts about it to provide a lot of tags#but i do have a case for why wzl is john vore (and it's NOT just that i think he's interesting)#i could've made jgy the hunger BUT the plot of taz requires some...reconciliatory ending structure?#and honestly nhs still being something of a puppet master means that i couldn't justify that with jgy#i needed a villain less close to nhs' heart. so i thought about xue yang but i like him as the wonderland lich TOO MUCH.#so instead i thought about who i should make the parlay person--first instincts were jyl and wn because they're Nice#but then i decided that i didn't actually need Nice nearly so much as i needed Invested#and by god can wen qing Invest#so okay--if she was going to do the parlay then i didn't need someone who could be talked around i needed someone who needed a healer#so: wen zhuliu#i don't have to justify myself to you fools#also jgy is always everyone's biggest bad so he can let someone else have a turn#jyl develops a crush on a completely socially awkward rogue from inside an umbrella by the way!#pour one out for jzx because he is NOT equipped for an ethereal woman of violet fire to blush at him#a queue we will keep and our honor someday avenge#thishazeleyeddemon#asked and answered
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noladyme · 4 years
Chess. Chapter 8.
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Y/N never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. She only took what she needed, or what she felt others needed. She’d stayed out of sight for a long time, avoiding anything that could get her in to too much trouble. But for some reason Rick Flag shows up in her life, and in an instant, everything changes.
TW: Language, sexual themes, harassment, injuries. Rated M.
(Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.)
“Oh yes… Oh God, yes!”.
Ricks nails bore into my skin, scratching: and leaving red and white traces in their wake.
“Please don’t stop”, I gasped.
Looking up at me, he rearranged his body, giving him better access to his target,
I kicked my leg, moaning.
“Lie still”, he mumbled, and used his free hand to hold the leg down.
“Mhmm”, I responded, and sighed.
“You’re enjoying this too much”, Rick said, and pulled his fingers out from under the bandage on my foot.
I whimpered.
“No… please”, I said, grabbing his hand, and pushing it back towards my ankle. “You have no idea how itchy that thing is!”. He chuckled at me.
“Maybe next time, don’t let Harley cover your foot in glitter body lotion, before she wraps it up”.
“She said it was antibacterial. And I thought she was supposed to be a doctor”.
“Of psychiatry”, he smiled.
“Right”, I remembered. “Ironic”.
He laid back, putting his head on the pillow. I rolled over, a piece of paper sticking to my sweaty thigh.
Putting his arm behind my head, I snuggled up to him; our fingers entangled on his chest.
“Flag…”, I began.
“Rick”, he interrupted.
“Rick”, I smirked. “Rick with the amazing dick”.
“That’s… terrible”, he laughed, pulled me in and kissed my forehead. Our legs entwined. “What were you gonna say?”.
“What happens now?”, I asked.
“I don’t know. You don’t belong out there with them… us”, he finished.
“I think I do”, I said, turning my face to look at him. His eyes darkened. “Look; I’m a criminal. I’ve done things, I wish I hadn’t”.
“We all have”, he said quietly. I continued.
“But here, I can do something with this thing that was put on me. I can use it to help people like the ones we saved today”.
Rick sighed.
“That’s great, in theory”, he said.
“What do you mean?”, I wondered.
He looked uncomfortable for a second, pulled his arm out from behind my head, and sat up. I stroked my fingers up and down his back as he spoke.
“Can I say something, without you smacking me across the face again?”, he asked. I rolled my eyes in response. “You’re rash, you take unnecessary risks…”. I interrupted.
“Just like every other person in the squad!”.
“…and you’re not as strong as you think”, he finished.
I sat up. “I was strong enough to give you a run for your money, back when we were wrestling in that alley”, I said, and kissed his shoulder.
He turned to face me, and with a hand on my waist, he pushed me back down on the bed, and got on top of me.
“Maybe I was just enjoying rubbing up against you”, he breathed; and began to place small kisses down my neck.
“Are you trying to distract me?”, I laughed, and struggled against his grip. He chuckled against my neck, and started trailing his hand down my side, placing it on my buttcheek.
“What are you doing?”, I giggled.
“Checking out the asset”, he whispered into my ear, and squeezed my cheek. I squealed and laughed.
His phone buzzed in his pants pocket on the floor. He reached to pull it out; and the display read A. Waller.
“Flag”, he answered, and put a finger to his lips, hushing me.
“You heard. Yes… I know…”. He put his feet on the floor, and looked over his shoulder at me for a second.
“No, that’s not… No. Waller… Wall… Amanda! It’s too soon!”, he said in to the phone. He sighed.
“Yes, I know. I understand. Yeah… see you then”. He hung up. “Bitch!”. He threw the phone across the bed.
“Back to work?”, I asked, sitting up.
He ran his hand down his face, and turned halfway towards me.
“Waller… is coming here, to brief you all personally”.
“What does that mean?”, I asked, worried.
“I don’t know all the details, but it’s probably not good”. He turned all the way towards me, and took my hand, placing it on his cheek.
“There are things I can’t tell you. Not because I don’t want to, but because I wouldn’t even know where to start. The next couple of days you might hear some things…”, he said, and put his hands on either side of my face. “I need you to know, that this is real”.
“I know it is”, I said, and ran my thumb over his bottom lip. “I know”.
We got out of the bed, and started to dress. While Rick tied his boots, I picked up the harness, and looked at it.
Rick turned to face me, as I started putting it on.
“I’m sorry”, he said, and looked at the ground in front of him.
I limped over to him, stroke his cheek, and kissed his lips softly. Slipping my hand into his pocket, I pulled out the key he had placed there; and put it in his hand.
“Let’s just get this over with”, I said, and connected the straps to the disc on my chest; so he could lock it.
He did, and then pressed the button on his wrist. A short beep, and the light turned from green to red.
“This thing coming up… it doesn’t sound good. But I’m going to do whatever I have to, to make sure you’re safe”. He put his forehead to mine.
“I’m a big girl, Rick”, I smiled.
“You’re hotheaded and stubborn. And that’s not a compliment”, he said. “To top that of, you’re still injured”.
“Keep going like this, and I will smack you”, I smirked. He put his lips to mine, savoring the feeling.
“Just please… follow my orders, and we’ll get through this”.
I smiled at him.
“Yes, colonel Flag, sir!”.
He smirked, and we went out the door.
I’d had to go back to my cell; but I’d fallen asleep quickly, once Rick had led me there, removed my harness, and left me – after a quick kiss, while no one was watching.
The next morning, we were gathered in the gym.
Digger, as always, looked chronically hung over, but the only other member of the team seeming affected by the “party” the night before, was Harley; who was wearing a pair of oversized sunglasses, and clutching a tiny cup of espresso.
I was sitting in my wheelchair, though I did not need it; it just so happened to be the most comfortable chair in the room. Foot raised on the empty beer crate, I was pretending to read my copy of Alice.
“Mhm”, said a voice from behind me. “Must have been a good one”.
Floyd sat down next to me.
“I’m not sure what you mean”, I said unconvincingly.
“You’ve been reading that same page for the last 20 minutes”, he said.
“It’s my favorite part”, I retorted.
“And,” he continued “you’re holding it upside down”.
My face reddened, and I put down the book.
“Anyone else notice?”, I asked.
“Oh, we all know. You have a hickey the size of Florida on your neck”, he chuckled.
“Fuck”, I gasped, and tried to cover my neck with my hand.
“Too late, girl”, Floyd smiled widely. “Only thing, I can’t figure out which one of these nasty ass guards you’d be willing to knock it with”.
So he didn’t know about Flag. Rick.
“It wasn’t supposed to happen”, I groaned. He laughed and patted my shoulder.
“Hey, you’ll get no shit from me. We all need a little tlc sometimes”, he smiled, and got up to walk away. Turning around, he stopped for a second.
“Did you find your something to live for?”.
“Maybe”, I said honestly. He nodded, and went to join Diablo at the dumbbells.
The metal doors opened, and Griggs came in, followed closely by a dozen of his men. No matter how badass he tried to look, it was clear he was terrified of us; especially when we were grouped together.
“Hey shitheads. Line up!”, he barked. “You had a nice party last night it seems”.
We all got in line, about six feet between us, as we stood next to each other; hands on our heads, and legs spread. Griggs walked up to a grey-faced Digger.
“Crocodile Dundee; stand up straight when I’m talking to you”, he roared in to the poor mans face; as he was doing his best to block out the sound with his hands.
He walked back and forth in front of us, avoiding getting too close to Croc, who was standing at the end of the line.
“You need to clean this shit up!”, he yelled, and kicked at the beer case I’d been resting my foot on earlier.
“I’ve been told you have guests coming in. That woman, Waller, and the colonels samurai”.
I started swaying; my ankle giving in to pain. It was difficult to stand up straight. Griggs sauntered over to me, and put his hands on my waist. I heard mumbling and a growl coming from my friends; but the guards all cocked their guns, and aimed them at our group.
“How’s the foot?”, he said quietly, looking into my eyes, swaying back and forth with me; in a weird slow dance.
“I heard you went to visit colonel Douche last night. You were in there a long time, Puss”, he jeered. “Did ya’ give the soldier boy a little lapdance? You’re good at that, ain’t you? What was that place called you worked at? Scottys’?”.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Floyd sending me a look of confusion.
“Get off me”, I hissed; trying to create distance between us, still keeping my hands on my head.
“Oh, come on”, Griggs smirked, leaning in to me. “You like a man in uniform, don’t you? All someone has to do is flash a bit of rank, and you’ll spread ‘em. Screwing your way out of here…”.
A bright voice interrupted him.
“In my professional experience, slut shaming is usually a sign of extreme insecurity, and pent up sexual frustration, stemming from the aggressing party not interacting in any kind of physical intercourse themselves”, Harley said pointedly. “Blue balls much?”, she finished, smiling brightly.
Griggs stepped away from me, and stormed towards her. He was stopped dead in his tracks, as Digger bent forward in front of him, heaving; and letting out a steady stream of his stomach content; making it land on Griggs’ uniform.
“Shit. You disgusting… Shit!”, Griggs yelped, and stormed towards the door, followed by his guards, who kept aiming their guns at us until the door closed behind them.
“Oops, sorry mate”, Digger burped. We all laughed.
“Come on man, let’s get you cleaned up”, Diablo said, and supported Diggers weight on their way to the bathroom. “Good job”, I heard him laugh, as they walked away.
I went to sit down; my hands shaking, as I arranged myself in the wheelchair.
“You and Flag, huh?”. Floyd was looking down at me. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been with some nasty ass skanks in my day. But… really?”, he looked at me, disbelieving.
I sighed.
“It’s like I said. It wasn’t supposed to happen”. I looked up at him. “But it did”.
Floyd tilted his head.
“I guess he’s got that Ken doll thing going for him. And he’s not a total asshole. Just be careful this doesn’t fuck up your situation in this place. We got it better here than we could have wished for, being who we are”, he said, and crouched in front of me.
“Live, Y/N”, he said quietly, squeezed my knee gently; and left me alone to my thoughts.
“You’re going to Gotham”.
Waller was briefing us in a conference room, connected to hallway outside the gym. We were all sitting around a table that gave off an aroma of stale coffee and cigarette smoke, looking at a slideshow, that would probably be destroyed once this meeting was over.
In a corner of the room stood a masked Asian woman, carrying a sword. Rick had introduced her to me as Katana.
“She’s got his back”, Harley had beemed at me, grabbing Katana in her arms, and giving her a tight squeeze. “I’ve missed you so much!”. Katana had retreated as quickly as she could; and was now scowling at us from her corner.
“A terrorist group has threatened an attack on Midtown, three days from now”, Waller said. “Exactly where has yet to be confirmed; but we suspect it will be going down in the area of Gotham Proper. This makes either Gotham U., Central High School, or Gotham Hospital likely targets. Either way, casualties will be in the thousands”.
She switched the slide, showing us a map of what seemed to be the western part of Gotham.
“It seems the group has gained access to all surveillance footage in the area, meaning they will notice us coming at them, regardless of which direction we decide to take”.
“We?”, Diablo asked.
“Well, you. Obviously”, Waller retorted. “Police and military have been ordered to act as normal; not evacuate or show any sign that we are taking this threat seriously”.
“So basically, you’re letting people die”, Floyd said, trying to control his temper. “Why?”.
“Don’t worry, Deadshot. Your daughter and her mother have been sent on vacation to the west coast, visiting family.
“They ain’t got no family on the west coast”, Floyd growled.
“They do now”, Waller said.
“Get to the point, Waller. What do we need to do?”, Rick asked.
“You need to go in quietly, but well-armed”. She looked at me. “This is where you come in, Chess”.
Ricks eyes were instantly on me; worried and enraged.
“No, she’s not ready.”, he said as calmly as he could. Across the table, Harley was making a heart shape with her hands, winking at me.
“Colonel, you need to go in invisibly. Literally”, Waller said to him.
Rick walked up to her, and lowered his voice.
“She almost died yesterday. Her ankle is messed up; and she might have a couple of fractured ribs; due to the beating you let the guards here give her”. That last part was only half true, as I’d had no trouble with my ribs, when he was holding on to me for dear life, as I rode him the night before.
“I didn’t let the guards do anything. Y/N is a prisoner here at Belle Reve, and whatever treatment she receives from the staff here, is between her and them”. I really don’t like you, I thought.
“Amanda…”, Rick said, but was interrupted.
“Let’s speak in private”, Waller said coldly.
Rick and Katana walked us back to the gym, leaving Waller waiting for them in the conference room.
Once back, and out of sight of the guards, Rick looked at us all, his eyes ending up meeting mine. He lifted his hand, and pressed the button on his wrist. My disc shone green.
Katana grabbed his arm, and angrily said something I couldn’t understand.
“She deserves to know”, Rick said quietly, and walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Remember what I said last night”, he said in a hushed tone. “And be quiet”.
I nodded, and disappeared from view.
Leaving the rest of the group behind, waiting for more instruction; we walked back to the conference room. Katana was grumbling something all the way; the only word I could understand being “stupid”.
Waller was sitting at the end of the table when we came in. I lightly touched Ricks arm, letting him know I was there. He sighed.
“Amanda, this is dangerous”, he said.
“I know”, she answered. “That’s why it’s these people doing it”.
“But her?”, he asked, sitting down in one of the chairs. It seemed he couldn’t sit far enough away from her; such was his aggravation.
“She’s getting to you”, Waller said matter-of-factly. “We’ve been here before, haven’t we?”.
“No. This is not that. She is a member of my team, who just so happens to be completely unprepared for this situation”. I stood against the wall behind him, watching his shoulders move as he spoke.
“This is not your team, Flag”, she said harshly. “These are assets; they’re disposable. You’re not supposed to make friends with them”.
“I am the leader of that squad”, Rick tried, with an authoritative voice.
“You are the babysitter of a bunch of gangbangers and psychopaths; put in this jail to be punished for their deeds. That gym out there was supposed to be a training facility. In stead you’ve let them turn it in to a frat house”.
Rick slammed his fist into the table, making me jump. Katana looked in my direction, letting me know she’d heard me. I needed to be quieter.
“You can’t ask this of them!”, he yelled. “She could die. They could all die!”.
“So?”, Waller said, voice leveled; eyes cold.
“How long have you known about her?”, he asked.
“She’s been on the board for a while; a file I kept in my drawer for when I needed her. When this threat came in, I knew it was time to extract her”.
“This is the one, isn’t it?”, Rick said. “The one you’ve been preparing for months. The one you didn’t want to tell me about. Why?”.
“Because I knew what your reaction would be, and I didn’t have time to deal with your sensitive emotions”, she answered.
Rick sighed. “There is no threat, is there?”.
“There is a threat, but it’s not new. We’ve known about this group for a little over a year”.
“Then why now?”, he wondered.
“Because we caught her”, she answered. “Now we finally have a chance of taking them down; because they won’t be able to see you coming”.
“And the attack? That’s bullshit?”. He was tensing up.
“Not exactly”, Waller said, gathering her papers. “We know they have access to explosives, and that they are able to set them up quickly; causing great damage to a large area. The three targets I mentioned before, are still the most likely to be hit”.
Rick stood up and walked over to her, staring her down menacingly.
“When we finish this one; you and me – we’re done”.
She took her papers and walked towards the door.
“If you say so”, she said, and closed the door behind her.
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m011y-r4wr · 4 years
Insomnia// L. Lawliet (PT. 1+2)
(chapter 0 here)
After getting dressed, I finally went to the memorial for A. The hallways were quieter than usual. The people in the hallways were weeping, and holding each other in sadness. The people acting the most upset were the employees. Not because of A’s death, but because they lost a primary asset. It makes me sick to my stomach. He would not be happy about this. 
I quickly walked out of the hall and into the memorial room. The only people in the room were BB and Quillish, which is good. They’re the only people who really cared about A as a person. BB walked over towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. “Hey, are you gonna be okay?” he asks. I nod, “Are you?” 
He looks at me with sorrow and exits the room, leaving me a Quillish to mourn. They didn’t make it an open casket which was a good call. I don’t know what I would do if I saw him dead again. I wish I never ran to A’s room when I heard the scream. I never wanted the last image I saw of him to be that. After getting lost in my thoughts, Quillish walked towards me and smiled.
“Hello C, how are you today.” he asked. How am I!? “Fine, thanks.” I reply coldly, “How did you even find time to come back here? I thought you were so busy with L and the investigations.” He laughed and waved his hand back and forth, “L isn’t on a case right now, and I simply couldn’t miss the memorial for A. It is my job as a caretaker.” he replied. I scoffed, “What a caretaker you are. You aren’t even here 95% of the time, don’t act like you care about us. All you want is the fame and success of L.” 
All Quillish did was look at me hurt and then exit the room. I never meant to say that to him, I’m just emotional from this mess. I know he tries his hardest to keep us safe and give us the things we need to survive. He’s a caring man and I’m just a jerk. 
“A little harsh there, cupcake.” I hear a voice say. I turn around. Mello. “What do you want.” I harshly replied. “I’m just here to mourn, and you’re here to be a stick in the mud, as always.” he laughs. I ball my fist and get ready to throw a punch, but he stops me. “That temper of yours really needs to be checked on. You’ll get mad if someone looks at you the wrong way.”
“Whatever, Mello. I don’t care.” I spat, and walked out of the room. God, everyone here is so rude. I can’t stand this place. This place could go up in flames for all I care. The only thing I need is BB.
The rest of the day I laid in bed doing nothing. Many of the employees came in and out all day, but I tuned them out and hummed a song in my head. After a few hours, I passed out due to lack of sleep. 
I woke up that night in a cold sweat. Something felt extremely wrong. I couldn’t pinpoint why. “Hey. C.” BB said. “Wh-what?” I asked while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. “I love you, you know that right?” He says. “It’s too early for this, B.” I yawn. “Never forget me okay?” he asks. “How could I forget you, I see you everyday dummy.” I say, now aware of my surroundings. 
He kissed me on the cheek, and then left the room. I’m so confused. What’s going on? “B?” I called out. There was no response. “B!?” I called out again. Still no response. I hopped out of bed and sprinted through the door. Frantically, I searched the building. There was no sign of him. He couldn’t leave me! I already lost A, I can’t lose him. Being all alone was worse than being raised to be a successor. If he leaves I’m all alone, and he’s all alone. “B!” I scream. He’s nowhere to be found. 
I screamed his name over and over and over again, but he wasn’t here. He’s gone. “C! What is all this ruckus for!? It’s 4:00 in the morning!” the lady shouted at me. “He’s gone.” I said. “What on earth are you talking about?” She screeched. “BB! He’s gone.” I shouted back. “He couldn’tve escaped, we have tight security!” she stated. “You bred us to be extremely smart, he found a way to get out!” I cried.  The lady left in a hurry to get backup, but I know he was long gone. 
The morning after BB left, I decided that my only objective right now was to find him. Escape this place, and dedicate my life to finding him. The only question was how. I don’t understand how he got out without anyone noticing. He is very smart, but there are so many guards out front. It would be almost impossible. 
Everyday for 5 months I planned and planned. I thought out every possibility and had multiple backup plans in case anything went wrong. I was fully prepared for anything, and I was ready to find BB, and then live my life happily again.
And it would all start tonight 
After getting myself ready for the night, I faked sleeping so the employees would leave my door, and then my plan went into action. All I had to do was get out without being seen, and run away as far as I could. It seems really simple, but it’s not. I haven't been in the outside world for 6 years. So much has happened and I don’t think I know the geography well. Sure, I studied maps and street names, but it’ll be different in person.
I waited for the time to hit 2:00. That’s usually when everyone in the building is sleeping or on break, which is the perfect time to escape.
Quickly I grabbed my hoodie, and slipped it on. Then I quietly left my room. As I suspected there were no employees out in the halls. I move swiftly and quietly, making sure as to not be seen or heard. I finally made it to the door, and my plan was finally in action. 
The week before, I had stolen one of the female employee’s uniforms. I studied the way they acted and replicated that onto myself. It’s easy to fake being someone else. Opening the front door, I walked out pretending to be worried. 
“Ma’am, what are you doing?” one of the guards asked. “It’s, It’s C! She’s gone! I can't seem to find her! Please help!” I said, being dramatic. “Oh god, call backup! Ma’am, did you see where she last went?” he asked. “Yes! I’m going to head in that direction, but she’s smart so we need to take all possible precautions!” I replied. “Yes, of course. Contact us if you find anything!” he said, and headed out. 
That was scarily easy, I expected him to be suspicious of me. Weird. It doesn’t matter, I started running ahead. I turned into an alley, and took off the itchy uniform. I did it! I finally escaped from the prison. Recalling the maps, I saw that there was a bar 3 blocks over. After a while of walking, I made it.
I opened the door and everyone in the building looked at me. I guess it’s because I’m so young.. Whatever. “You lost there missy?” some drunk guy yelled from the corner. I ignored him and sat at the counter. “Could I have some water please?” I asked, using the best manners I could. The bartender nodded and went to go make my drink. Being out in public again is so weird. Never in a million years did I think I would be out here. “Here you go.” The bartender said, passing my drink. “Thank you, sir.” I replied. I noticed the TV was on the news channel. It didn’t seem important, so I ignored it. “Dang. Those BB murders are terrible. I hope they catch the guy.” Someone said. I spit out my water.
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feel free to ignore this one but since youve given us some beautiful potassium how about some platonic greenflame? just lloyd and kai being bros
oof. this ask gave me a heart attack at first. We really need to come up with a good name for that PLATONIC pairing.
After rolling an idea around in my head like a little marble I’m trying to get through a hole at the end of a maze, I finally got it.
so we’ll celebrate my completion of my Whumptober prompts with some fluff.
“I guess I should pick out some green stuff.” Lloyd mumbled.
“You don’t have to wear green if you don’t want to.” Nya said.
“Nah, it’s not like I look bad in it, and the guys all wear their colors.” Lloyd said, squaring his shoulders.
“I would say it was a coincidence, but I feel like everything about my life was planned out by destiny at this point.” Kai mused.
Nya shot him and odd look, but no one commented on it further as they walked into the store.
“Thanks for lending me some clothes by the way.” Lloyd said, pulling Kai’s jacket closed.
“No problem.” Kai said, ruffling Lloyd’s hair. “But I bet it’ll be nice to get you own.”
“Hello! Welcome in! What are you looking for today?” asked a bubbly salesgirl.
“This guy just had a pretty extreme growth spurt and outgrew his entire closet over night!” Nya said.
Little did the salesgirl know, she wasn’t exaggerating.
“Oh, so we’re here for a lot.” She said, seemingly steeling herself for the challenge.
“It looks nice!” Nya said.
Lloyd continued to fidget with the sleeves of the jacket.
“Leather is a good choice. It’s durable so it’ll take a beating.” Kai said.
Lloyd continued to hum in in decision.
“I don’t…really like how it fits.”
“Come of Lloyd, you need a jacket of some sort!” Nya yelled.
“I just don’t like this one!”
“You didn’t like the sweater either.”
“It was itchy!”
“What about this one?” asked the salesgirl, trying to help.
“Too heavy!”
“This one?”
“The sleeves were too tight.”
“This on-“
“Oh come on Lloyd! You weren’t this picky about anything else!” Nya yelled.
“Well…..I don’t know.”
Kai seemed to be watching the whole exchange thoughtfully before finally getting up and walking out of the store.
“Where are you going!?” Nya asked.
“I got an idea about the jacket, just start looking at shoes.” He yelled over his shoulder.
Nya huffed, but Lloyd was already grabbing some sneakers to try.
By the time they found a few Lloyd felt comfortable in Kai came back in with a bag.
“What’s that?” Lloyd asked.
Kai handed it over.
“There was one jacket you wore today that you didn’t have a problem with.”
Lloyd pulled out a green hoodie from the bag. Nya looked at Kai skeptically while Lloyd carefully tried it on.
“What jacket was that? Cause I heard him complain about everything we gave him.”
“Mine.” Kai said.
Lloyd stood there with the jacket finally on, a smile growing on his face. Nya recognized it know that it was on a body. It was green instead of red, but it was the same hoodie.
“I love it.” Lloyd said, hugging it close.
“So can I have mine back now?” Kai asked, rubbing his arms.
“Oh, yeah, here.” Lloyd said, handing it back.
I’ve long time headcannoned that Lloyd's hoodie is the same type as Kai’s because they look the same. My headcannon was also that Kai lent Lloyd his when he first aged up and Lloyd liked it so much Kai got him his own.
so I have completed one of the prompts that have been sitting in this box for a long time and I need everyone to be proud of me.
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miss-spooky-eyes · 4 years
intersection (a belated OC Kiss Week fic)
Yes, I am extremely late, but in my defense I didn't know OC Kiss Week was happening and it coincided with some insane work.
Author Notes/What to Know:
This is a fic about the (near) kisses of my IA/Cipher Nine, Devinahl, and @sunsetofdoom's Smuggler Teo. I encourage absolutely anybody & everybody to read what she's written about Teo, which you can find the most important & glorious pieces of here, here and here.
'Karia Madeesh' is the alias used by the future Cipher Nine during her adolescence as a schoolgirl spy tasked with befriending the children of important Republic figures. I think that's all you need to know, but Dev's backstory fic Riddle goes into much more detail.
Warnings: Um ... nudity? Mentions of vomiting? Extreme teenage dumbness?
Thank you thank you thank you to Sunset for lending me Teo and letting me get way, way, way too much into my feelings about him, especially his teenage depression. I hope you like it.
Further thank you thank you thank yous to @vespertine-legacy for reading various versions, encouraging me and gently correcting me on minor details like the names of my characters 😘
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‘Childhood is long and narrow, like a coffin, and you can’t get out of it on your own.’ - Tove Ditlesen
Part One
New Baxeid, 3652 BBY/1 ATC
Teonine Lunulata didn’t often wish he was somewhere else. Didn’t see the point.
If he closed his eyes and opened them to find he was in a completely different place, it wouldn’t change a thing; he’d still be there.
Right now, though, he would like to be anywhere - back in his room with the door closed, preferably, but a classroom, his form tutor’s office, the gym even - other than here.
A fresh wave of shrill laughter crested over the top of the already too-noisy compartment, and Teonine winced as pain stabbed through his temples again. He huddled further back into his corner, one arm wrapped around his stomach to try to keep the length of plastic tubing from slipping out from underneath the baggy sweatshirt his mother would be furious to find out he still owned because it was so old and shapeless. Winding the tubing around his waist beneath the overlarge garment usually worked well enough to conceal it, as long as he kept his distance from people and it wasn’t like he wasn’t used to that; but he hadn’t done that good a job securing it this time, thanks to the shaky hands and the rush he’d been in, and anyone he bumped up against in the crowded carriage was going to notice something. Even if he was surrounded by idiots.
The shuttle bumped and jolted as it jerked on to the next mag-rail, eliciting more shrieks and squeals from the nearby knot of girls as the passengers swayed and clung on to each other to keep their balance. Teonine splayed the fingers of his free hand out on the wall behind him, and wished he was dead. As if the noise and the stabs of pain it elicited from his head weren’t bad enough, the smell of upwards of fifty people crammed into the compartment was rapidly becoming unignorable, even with the scented bands he wore on his tresses to keep his pheromone receptors from becoming overwhelmed. And he wished he hadn’t thought about that, because half the people in here were miners with all the sweat-and-damp-and-body odours that entailed and someone standing near him was wearing far too much perfume and he had puked up way too much way too recently for that cocktail of smells to be filling his nostrils.
Teonine swallowed down hard on a wave of bile; the dumb kids from his school standing near him might be ignoring him now, but if he threw up his guts over their jacketed backs you could bet they’d start paying attention. Don’t puke, don’t puke, he chanted silently in time with the rumbling of the shuttle on the mag-rails, don’t puke don’t puke don’t puke …
The wave of nausea abated and his insides settled down into a muttering sourness. Shivering, miserable, Teonine huddled into his corner and wished again that he was anywhere but here.
Not that it was anyone’s stupid fault but his own that he was here, of course. One day a month, the students were allowed to leave the carefully-curated grounds of the school, get on the mag-shuttle which was the only means of transport between the various different settlement bubbles on the space station, and visit New Baxeid. New Backside, as the students had inevitably christened it (quite the sophisticated wit, whoever had first thought that one up), lived up to its informal moniker; it was just a hub of offices, warehouses and what passed for upscale residences and shops which catered to the bureaucrats and corporate types who ran the mines on this system’s various lifeless planetoids and asteroids. But to the kids who spent the rest of the month inside the ergonomically-designed buildings and wandering the manicured lawns of the Pantomathia Academy (and you could guess what the students in their infinite wit and creativity did with that name), positively the finest school in Republic space for wealthy parents who wanted their kids to be able to do anything except escape, it represented the only opportunity for a monthly crumb of freedom.
Teonine usually didn’t bother going. He’d been at Pantomathia for three years already, had exhausted the possibilities of New Baxeid - at least, the bits that students were allowed to visit - within the first term, and ‘town’ weekends were usually a good opportunity for him to work on his still in relative privacy. But whatever he’d decided it was a good idea to try fermenting this time had done a number on the pipes, which had made an urgent trip into town imperative. It wouldn’t have been so bad, Teonine thought with the clinicalness of the truly hungover, if he hadn’t tried drinking the results last night despite knowing they’d started to dissolve inert plastic.
His stomach lurched at the very thought, and he pulled the cuffs of his sleeves over his balled fists, shivering. At the tender age of fifteen, Teonine had had some truly miserable hangovers, but the way he’d felt when he’d woken up this morning had taken the prize for sheer awfulness with room to spare. Only the knowledge that this was his only chance for a month to get new tubing and prevent an unthinkable future lapse in his supply could have made him crawl out of bed. Even then it hadn’t been until well after what should have been lunchtime.
Don’t think about lunch.
That was how he’d ended up in a situation he normally avoided like Talaxii foot-rot; the last shuttle to leave New Baxeid in time for the school curfew, crammed into a compartment crowded not just with weary workers and miners headed back to their residential blocks, but with the kids who thought that waiting until the very last minute to get back to the academy made them somehow cool. The ones who liked to hang back and stray down the side streets and talk about staying out past sunset, when school rumour had it that illicit and seedy nightspots catering to the transitory miner population sprang to life and stayed open till dawn. As if they’d ever dare try it.
In the frantic jostle to get on board the shuttle, Teonine had ended up getting swept to the back of the carriage with the absolute worst and dumbest kids from his class; Torsin Fralx, blond and beefy, and his cronies Voka Ginn and Fotze the Gran - all boys Teonine’s mother had gently forbade him from having anything to do with (‘If only I could believe your good influence on them would be stronger than their bad influence on you’) - and the Kel’Dor twins, Aun and Zu, whose father served with Teonine’s mother in the Senate (‘What a quaint family, really quite civilised, such a shame the way those boys play would be much too rough for you, Teonine’). They were all being particularly loud and obnoxious today, vying with each other to impress the girls who were standing next to them in a tight little huddle, Tixia and H’Rukn and the new one, pretending to ignore the boys but shrieking with laughter a little more piercingly every time Fralx did something dumb. Knowing Fralx, the girls’ laughter was going to be audible only to certain aquatic species by the time they got back to school.
None of them had acknowledged Teonine, of course, despite the fact that he was standing within a few feet of them; if Senator Lunulata’s descents upon the school (once when Fotze accidentally gave Teonine a nosebleed in gym, and then when Teonine accidentally let slip that Fralx sometimes called him ‘squid-boy’) hadn’t done the trick, the fact that their parents had absolutely warned them not to do anything to upset the offspring of such an influential politician would have. He’d been safely invisible for the best part of his three years at Pantomathia, and that was exactly how he wanted it. He just wished they wouldn’t be so fucking loud, that was all. Some people had hangovers.
‘Give it back, Voka, you kriffing herder!’ Fralx bellowed nearby, and Teonine closed his eyes, trying to pretend he couldn’t hear that voice rattling through his skull. There was the sound of scuffling feet and grunts, and a Rodian yelp before Fralx was yelling again: ‘Got it! Hey, Karia, did you see that? The skrag tried to nick my kriffing holocard! Kriffing skrag!’
Behind closed eyelids, Teonine rolled his itchy eyes in their sore sockets. Pantomathia liked to bill itself as ‘Polishing the Best and the Brightest’; in Fralx’s case, they were definitely buffing a turd.
‘Dastardly,’ said a girl’s voice, dripping with boredom.
‘Hey, hey, Karia, do you know what time it is? Do you remember I said I’d show you our game? Do you remember?’
‘Kriff’s sake, Fralx, she remembers, don’t tell the whole room,’ drawled another girl; the exaggerated Coruscant accent meant H’Rukn, who liked to pretend she didn’t come from Uphrades.
‘Yeah, it’s supposed to be a secret, you skrag.’
‘You’re the skrag, skragface!’ More scuffling feet.
‘Are we going to show her the game, or are you skrags just going to feel each other up the whole ride?’ H’Rukn again. ‘We’re nearly out of the bubble.’
‘Kriff, you’re right.’ That was Fralx. ‘Where’s the datapad? Tixia, do you have it?’
There was a momentary pause, and then Teonine heard the bored girl say again, ‘Ooh, it’s a circle that flashes. I can’t wait to tell all my friends.’
‘The circle’s just for picking the players,’ Tixia was explaining. Teonine peeked from under half-closed eyelids; the Mirialan girl had her datapad out, and was glancing suspiciously all around her in a way that would have betrayed she was up to something she shouldn’t be if anybody had been paying the slightest attention to the students at the back of the carriage. ‘Well, player, really. Then the person who gets picked, picks their player.’
‘Player for what?’ the bored girl - it was the new girl, Karia something - asked, and Tixia and H’Rukn dissolved into giggles.
‘To go in there with,’ Aun, or maybe Zu, buzzed through his antiox mask, and Teonine heard the other one rap on the back wall of the compartment.
‘The airlock?’ the new girl asked, and Tixia and H’Rukn laughed harder than ever.
‘“Take My Breath Away” is a Panty-mouth tradition,’ Fralx announced pompously. (So were bullying, self-harm and eating disorders, Teonine thought.) ‘You draw lots, and whoever loses has to pick someone to go into the airlock with, and we seal you in.’
‘And you can’t get out while the shuttle is between the bubbles,’ Ginn interjected eagerly.
‘She knows how airlocks work, skrag-for-brains,’ Tixia told him.
‘So how long till the next bubble?’
‘Seven minutes. No getting in or out.’ There was another gust of giggling.
‘So it’s an excuse to make out, except you could also both die.’
‘Someone did die once!’ Tixia exclaimed. ‘There was a power failure at the coils and the rail de-polarised and these two girls were in the airlock and the emergency hatch systems failed too -‘ This station really attracted some incompetent engineers, Teonine thought - ‘and when the repair crew came they didn’t know anybody was in there so they blew the back hatch and the girls got vented into space.’
‘Still with their hands down each other’s pants,’ H’Ruk’n added.
‘Sure, whatever.’
Teonine gave in and opened his eyes. Fralx and his minions had their backs to him, facing the girls; through a gap between their shoulders, Teonine could see Tixia, H’Ruk’n and the new girl, confronting the boys like an opposing team. Tixia and H’Ruk’n had their arms round each other’s waists like they always did, but the new girl had her hands on her hips in a way that would have looked cool and provocative on someone with hips, and which, to be fair to her, she was very nearly pulling off with the equipment at her disposal. All the kids who could grow or buy long hair were wearing it the same way that year, in absurdly long, high pigtails that were meant to imitate lekku, but hers was cut short in a profusion of seemingly careless flicks and spikes, and dyed a violent blood orange. She had on a synthleather jacket like the spacers Teonine had sometimes seen in New Baxeid, and tight pants, and she had enough piercings in her nose and elaborate cuffs on her ears to almost camouflage the cybernetic implants that looped her ears and extended delicate silvery arms almost to the corners of her eyes.
Karia Madeesh, that was her name, and she looked just as cocky and pleased with herself now as she had when the form tutor had introduced her to the class with an injunction to make her feel at home and ease the difficult transition between schools while she stood there running her eyes over them all like she was trying to decide who was cool enough to hang out with her.
Usually that sort of thing would get you eaten alive at the Academy. But because everybody had already heard that the new girl had got kicked out of her last school, and who knew how many before that, they were all agog to find out exactly what she’d done; and when she acted like she didn’t even want to know them, that sealed the deal, because these were some of the smartest, best-educated morons in the galaxy.
‘It did happen,’ Fotze was insisting, braying through his nostrils the way he always did when he was blustering. ‘My brood-uncle Gakze was here twenty years ago and he said -’
‘No, yeah, I’m sure you’re right,’ Karia said, examining the orange-painted fingernails of one hand. ‘I’m sure it’s a really dangerous game of … kissing.’
‘Like you wouldn’t be scared to go in there,’ Fralx scoffed, rapping his knuckles on the emergency hatch in the back wall of the carriage.
Karia shrugged. ‘I think I could just about handle it.’
‘So do it, new girl.’
She raised her eyebrows. ‘Don’t you need your little flashing circle to pick a player?’
‘Usually. But since it’s your first shuttle ride, and since it’s all so tame and juvenile, I think you should go in.’
‘Torsin,’ Voka whined.
‘Shut up.’ Fralx had stepped forward, and Teonine had seen him on the edge of losing his temper enough times to be able to picture the look on his face with perfect clarity. ‘So? Are you going to go in there, or what?’
Karia inspected her fingernails again, flicked some stray lint off her sleeve, tossed her hair out of her eyes and said: ‘Fine, I’ll do it.’ Teonine saw the set of Fralx’s beefy shoulders relax, and was laying his own head back against the wall, losing interest again, when she added: ‘With him.’
Teonine saw every head whip round to follow her pointing finger, and reflexively looked round himself, with the result that his cheek and nose collided with the wall his head was leaning on. There was a hot bloom of pain in his face and a cold lurch of nausea in his stomach and he staggered away from the wall a little, then - idiotically - looked back at the wall again, as if there could somehow be somebody standing behind him.
Fralx’s mouth was open and he was spluttering, apparently lost for words, and a very small, very secret part of Teonine took a mental snapshot of that image. The rest of him was still trying to turn around and look behind him again.
Karia sidestepped Fralx and took two or three steps towards Teonine and the chances that this was some galaxy-sized misunderstanding were further reduced as she looked at him curiously and said, ‘Teonine, right?’
‘Um,’ Teonine said. After a couple of seconds, some neurons kicked into gear in his faltering brain, suggesting that wasn’t enough of an answer, so he added: ‘Er.’
She smiled at him, or at least started to, before she clearly registered the noises he’d made in lieu of words and the smile sort of slid off the side of her mouth. ‘Um … OK?’ She tilted her head to one side, caught somewhere between amusement and confusion. ‘You know about the game, right? So … do you want to?’
Did he want to? Did he want to? Did he want to -? Teonine wasn’t used to being asked what he wanted, except by grown-ups sometimes - visiting professors and more-or-less distant relatives and connections of his mother’s - and that was always ‘What do you want to do when you grow up?’ and that question was always just a cloak for what they really wanted to know, which was ‘Are you going to fall in line or not?’.
Sometimes he thought about wanting, how it worked, what it must feel like: Like a tug inside, a finger hooking itself inside your waistband, pulling you onwards. Sometimes he thought he could sense wanting by its absence, but that wasn’t better, it just left him feeling like a speeder bike with no ignition key.
He might have felt the tug or not, standing there in front of a cool, pretty girl who’d just asked him in front of everyone to make out with her, but he had no idea how he was supposed to know when his whole body was ringing like a bell with the shock and the heat of being spoken to, looked at, picked.
He didn’t know what he wanted.
He knew he didn't want to say no.
So he said: ‘Yeah. OK.’
She smiled and rolled her eyes at him, but not in a mean way, more like she was inviting him to laugh with her at how stupid everything was, and that made him feel another new thing, like something that had been tightly wound in his chest was unspooling, like he might be turning all sorts of colours on the inside. ‘Well, come on then.’
She reached out and took his hand, just like that, like it was a thing anybody could just do; and led him through the centre of the loose knot of kids, pulling him confidently after her, towards the back right corner of the carriage. Teonine heard a few disbelieving mutters and splutters, but for the most part the kids were silent, silent as Fralx, who seemed to have stiffened into statue-like immobility. Not silent because they were avoiding speaking to him in case they upset Senator Lunulata’s precious boy, but silent like they genuinely didn’t know what to say, like they were truly confounded. And to the complex cocktail of emotions Teonine was conscious of experiencing was added a secret squirm of shameful pleasure at how much he was enjoying that.
Voka Ginn hesitated, looking uncertainly over at Fralx, but Karia raised her eyebrows at him and he knelt down by the emergency hatch, connecting his datapad to the controls and tapping in a few commands (slicing, isolating and slaving controls like these was something even the lowest-achieving pupil at Pantomathia’s computer science classes could do). The hatch cover jolted slightly as it sprang free, and Voka moved quickly to catch it before it could fall on to the floor, although it was hardly likely that anyone in the crowded, noisy compartment would hear it if it did, or bother pushing their way through the tightly-packed passengers to investigate.
Karia raised her eyebrows again, at him this time, and feeling like he was lost in a place he was supposed to recognise, Teonine let go of her hand, knelt down and crawled through the hatch.
He had to release his grasp on the tubing hidden underneath his sweatshirt as he did so, and as he made it through the hatch, it started to slip free, one end of it uncoiling and snaking down towards the floor. Hurriedly he grabbed it and tucked it back into place as he got to his feet, just in time as Karia crawled through after him.
Teonine only had time to register a confused impression of the inside of the airlock - grimy metal, a few nets hanging from nails on the wall as if things had once been stored in here and secured in case of ventilation - when the light shining through the entryway was suddenly extinguished as Voka Ginn replaced the hatch after them.
It was … dark. Teonine probably should have been expecting that - why would there be lights inside an airlock? - but in his agitated state the suddenness of it came as a shock which ratcheted his panic up another notch. In a few moments his eyes would have adjusted, but for now all he could make out was the dim movement that was Karia getting to her feet.
‘Cosy,’ he heard her say with casual sarcasm.
It was small - which, of course it was, why would an emergency airlock on a groundside mag-shuttle be big - but the design rationale didn’t make Teonine feel any better about the size of it. It was the same width as the compartment, of course, but in length it was narrow; Teonine reached out with the hand that wasn’t currently keeping the tubing from falling out of his sweatshirt and felt his palm flatten against the back panel of the shuttle. It was rattling faintly, which was not reassuring; right now, if the maglocks that kept it shut were to fail, they would still be able to breathe the air and feel the warmth of New Baxeid’s atmospheric bubble, but in a few seconds …
As if on cue, there was a faint sucking thunk from both the panel at the back and the direction of the hatch, and a familiar shudder ran through the floor.
‘We’re out of the bubble.’ He had tried to speak quietly, to keep it from being startlingly loud in the quiet, but the words came out in more of a terrified whisper.
‘I guess our seven minutes starts now.’ He saw the fugitive gleam of Karia’s implants as she turned her head from side to side as if trying to survey the space.
His own eyes were rapidly adjusting to the darkness, and he looked around him. What he saw was not particularly encouraging. There were big patches of sealant in several places as if covering up places where the metal seams had begun to part, and, worse, none of them seemed particularly fresh. The control panel in the corner, which would instruct the back panel whether or not to open into the hard vacuum of space, had a distinctly jerry-rigged look; Teonine was almost sure there were a couple of loose wires hanging from it, and the floor and walls in the other corner seemed to be darker than the rest of the airlock, as if blackened by fire. Teonine wondered whether he’d been too quick to dismiss the story of the girls who died in here during a game of ‘Take My Breath Away’ as a school legend.
As if reading his mind, Karia said: ‘Wow. We really might die in here.’
He blinked. ‘Wait - you can see?’
‘A bit.’ He saw her hand come up to point at her implants, and a wave of several different perfumes hit him at once, somehow. ‘Magic eyes. Courtesy of Mom and Dad.’
‘Oh. I guess mine are too. From my parents, I mean.’
She giggled as if his weak joke had been a lot funnier than it was. ‘So how much can you see in this light? How many fingers am I holding up?’
Teonine didn’t need to be able to see in the dark for that. ‘One. The middle one.’
‘Oh yeah?’ She thrust her hand in front of his face, trying to cover his eyes with her spread fingers while she waved the other one. ‘How about now?’
Teonine’s senses were suddenly flooded by conflicting chemical scents; he jerked his head away instinctively, choked on a hasty breath.
‘Hey - you OK?’ She drew back, looking concerned.
‘Yeah,’ Teonine said breathlessly, still trying to force down the choke that pinched at each inhalation. ‘Sorry - the perfume -’
‘Huh? Oh. Yeah, we were testing them out at the store, you know, Largxel’s? I guess we put on kind of a lot.’ She tilted her head to one side. ‘I can’t even smell them any more. Is it awful?’
‘No, it’s just - a lot -’
‘Maybe it’ll help if it’s just one scent. Hang on.’ She pushed up her jacket sleeves and sniffed at her wrists and forearms. Teonine saw dark slashes streaking her skin, and thought for a wild second they were wounds, but then realised they were cosmetics of different shades, sampled on her forearms and the backs of her hands. ‘Here - I think this one’s the nicest. Just try to smell that.’
She lifted her right wrist to his face, so close in front of his nose that it almost grazed her skin; his head swam again.
‘Just breathe,’ she told him, her voice carrying such authority that he automatically did what he was told, concentrating on the strongest scent, the perfume she’d told him was the nicest. He knew he knew the different components of it, the creamy notes on top and the earthy, dried body, but he couldn’t put the right names to them; he just concentrated on breathing them in, focusing on that one scent as, slowly, his overwhelmed senses calmed down.
‘Better?’ she asked him, still holding her wrist up to his face.
‘Mmm-hmmm.’ Teonine wanted to nod, but he knew if he did his nose would touch her skin, so he tried to shrug with his body while keeping his head perfectly still. ‘Yeah. How did you know that would work?’
‘When I got my implants …’ She trailed off, and then gave him a wry smile, finally pulling her wrist away from his face. ‘Let’s just say I get it. Being overwhelmed by something other people are barely aware of.’
‘Oh.’ Teonine had heard the other kids circulating some story about how she got the implants; something about needing them to repair damage sustained in some Imperial bombing, some outpost somewhere where her parents were serving, he hadn’t really been listening. ‘Do they - I mean, did it hurt?’
She gave a one-shouldered shrug. ‘You just have to focus on one thing, and shut out everything else. Everything’s fine when you learn to do that.’ She lifted one hand as if to touch his tresses, but stopped short. ‘Aren’t those band-things supposed to filter out … stuff?’
Teonine fought the urge to flick them back over his shoulders. ‘They block. They don’t filter. But sometimes -’
‘I get it. Making a mental note not to wear seven different perfumes next time I go to make out with a Nautolan.’
Teonine had almost been starting to, if not relax, then unwind slightly, but at the mention of making out his hearts jumped so hard he felt as if he’d been punched in both sides of his chest simultaneously.
‘I haven’t, you know. Made out with a Nautolan before.’ She was definitely standing closer to him than she had been before. ‘Have you? Made out with a human?’
‘Uh -’ Teonine felt like distant areas of his brain were fusing together. ‘I - um -’
‘But you’ve, you know. You’ve done this before.’ Karia laid it out like a statement, but it was unmistakably a question.
The air was definitely getting thinner in here. ‘I don’t -’ He didn’t know how to explain that he avoided the dumb kids that played this game, avoided being on this shuttle, avoided everything. ‘I never got picked before.’
‘Yeah, but you don’t have to go into a dark airlock to kiss someone. You can just, you know, kiss them.’
When she made it sound so simple it was difficult to point out that maybe she could, but he couldn’t. Teonine floundered, trying to figure out what he could say that would convey how hopelessly out of his depth he was without betraying, well, how hopelessly out of his depth he was.
He got as far as ‘Um -’
‘So you’ve never kissed anyone. That’s cute.’ She adjusted her stance, shifting closer into him; he felt her torso brush against the arm he still had wrapped around his front, clutching on to the tubing concealed beneath his shirt. ‘Do you want to?’
There was that question again.
He felt the faintest tug as Karia curled her fingers into the front of his sweatshirt, not pulling, just resting there. Now he couldn’t smell anything but the perfume she’d got him to focus on; it seemed to envelop them both like a cloud, cutting them off from the rest of the galaxy. She was looking up at him, her head tilted back and her expression soft, and she was -
She was really pretty.
The thought took hold of him so suddenly he felt as if the ground had dropped away from beneath his feet; maybe he could do what she obviously expected him to, just bend down and kiss her, just as easily as she had taken his hand before. Maybe he could just lean down and put his lips on hers and let whatever happened, happen. Maybe it really could be that simple …
He didn’t know how long he’d been standing there, definitely almost about to do it, when she tilted her head to one side, looked up at him through her eyelashes, and said, ‘You know, I bet your mom would hate it if she knew you were in here with me.’
Just like that, whatever Teonine had been tentatively feeling was erased as if it had never been. ‘What?’ he said, too loudly.
‘Isn’t she some big-time senator? I bet she’d hate it if she knew her son was alone in a little dark airlock with me.’ Karia’s hand in his sweatshirt tugged lightly, teasing. ‘Did she warn you to stay away from me?’
In point of fact, Senator Lunulata had called before Karia even arrived at the school to warn Teonine to avoid her (‘She’s the kind of misguided young woman who could seriously impede the pursuit of your goals, sweetheart’). But Teonine didn’t feel the smallest desire to tell Karia that. His hangover had suddenly returned in full force, hammering in his temples and lurching in his stomach and hot little prickles breaking out all over his skin, and all he wanted was to crawl into his bed, or at least out of this airlock.
Karia’s hand released its grip on his sweatshirt; numbly, he could feel it travelling slowly up his chest. ‘Did she tell you I was a bad girl?’
There was a distant lurch of the shuttle on the rails, and Teonine’s stomach heaved in tandem; he squeezed his eyes shut for a brief second and managed not to be sick, but it made him feel like he was falling backwards. He opened his eyes, but the falling continued.
Her hand was sliding around his collar now, towards the back of his neck, and her face seemed closer, somehow. ‘Do you know why they call me a bad girl, little fish?’
He shook his head, unable to open his mouth for fear he’d be sick. The floor of the airlock seemed to be sliding out from under his feet, tipping him backwards, and there was a faint whistling sound like air was escaping somewhere.
Her hand was pushing against the back of his neck, tugging his head downwards, and he felt her breath against his jaw as she whispered: ‘Wouldn’t you like to?’
The shuttle swayed again, and his stomach was yanked out from under him, and Teonine fell.
There was something cold and metal behind his head, and a raised voice. ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled automatically.
‘What?’ A girl’s voice. Panicked. ‘What did you say? Are you OK?’
‘Sorry,’ Teonine said again. There was cold metal underneath his legs and butt too, and it seemed to be rumbling and jolting. He put out a hand, and felt more metal, vibrating under his hand with an unmistakable rhythm.
Shuttle. The word set up a train of associations in Teonine’s mind. Shuttle. Airlock. Dark. Cramped. And …
‘Oh fuck.’ He put both hands on his face, and felt how cold and clammy his skin was. ‘Oh fuck.’
‘Dude, you have got to tell me if you’re OK.’
Teonine opened his eyes. He was half-sitting, half-leaning against the bulkhead which had been behind him, his legs sprawled out on the floor in front of him; and kneeling between them, looking scared, was Karia.
‘Are you all right?’ she demanded.
He’d fainted. A girl had tried to kiss him, and he’d fainted.
‘I’m OK. I’m fine.’ He pushed himself backwards, or tried to, but his hands slipped, too damp to get a purchase on the grimy metal floor. ‘Sorry.’
‘You just went down.’ She was pale, and the darkness of the airlock drained the colour from her virulently orange hair. ‘I was just - and then I saw all these colours go off on your, your things -’ She gestured to his shoulder. ‘And then you just went really green and you - you passed out.’
Clearly, his protective colouration had kicked in, a display to warn away predators. Teonine didn’t even have the energy to feel embarrassed about that, even though to another Nautolan it would be the equivalent of pissing his pants. He shifted. No, at least he hadn’t done that. ‘I’m OK.’
‘Are you sure?’ She reached a hand towards his head. ‘You still look pale -’
Teonine flinched away; he thought he might actually die on the spot if she touched him right now. ‘It’s OK, it’s just - I was -’ He sought wildly for an excuse. ‘I’m - I guess I panicked. I’m claustrophobic.’
In the half-light, he thought she gave him a strange look, but what she said was: ‘Oh. Oh shit.’ She scooted backwards towards the other end of the airlock, giving him as much space as she could. ‘I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.’
‘Don’t worry.’ Teonine passed a hand over his clammy forehead; the pain in his temples had subsided to a dull but persistent throbbing. ‘I mean, you didn’t know.’
‘Yeah, but I ask you to come in here, I put you on the spot in front of everybody -’ She waved her hand at the wall adjoining the rest of the compartment.
Teonine wouldn’t have believed his spirits could sink any lower, but at the reminder that the rest of the kids from their class were on the other side of the partition, waiting with bated breath to hear what had happened on this side, they slipped another few notches.
Karia clearly picked up that she wasn’t helping, because she cut herself off in mid-sentence, eyed him warily for a second. ‘Don’t worry. Just breathe, OK?’ She checked her wrist chronometer. ‘We’ll be inside the school’s bubble in a couple of minutes, and then you can get out.’
Get out and begin the rest of his academic career as the freak Nautolan who fainted when a girl tried to kiss him. And to think that this morning he’d genuinely believed his life couldn’t get any worse.
Karia was rooting in her shoulder bag. ‘I really thought I had some water in here. Do you have any? You should have some water.’
‘Huh? No. I don’t have any.’
‘That’s ironic,’ she said nervously. ‘You’re, like, a fish out of water. A fish out of -’ She caught his eye. ‘Never mind.’ She sat back against the wall, hugging her knees, mirroring Teonine’s posture. ‘Are you sure you’re OK? You really don’t look so good.’
‘I’m fine.’ Seeing her sit like that made Teonine suddenly realise he was missing something. He bolted upright, patting down the front of his sweatshirt -
‘Looking for this?’ Karia held up one end of the plastic tubing. It had clearly come loose and slithered out onto the floor.
‘Uh - yeah.’
‘I nearly had a heart attack when I saw it coming out from underneath your sweatshirt. I thought it was, like, your weird Nautolan intestines or something. Or your dick.’
Teonine, caught mid-inhalation, spluttered. His head throbbed again. ‘Thanks.’ He yanked the tubing towards him. ‘It’s - uh - I need it for class - it's a science project -’
She rolled her eyes. ‘Just tell me if you’re building a bomb to blow up the school. I’ll help.’
Teonine smiled weakly. ‘It’s nothing. I - well - I’ll show you sometime.’
‘Sure you will, little fish.’ Karia glanced at her wrist again. ‘We really are nearly out, I promise.’
‘No, it’s OK, I just -’ Teonine broke off, biting his lip.
She looked concerned again. ‘What? What’s up?’
Could you maybe not tell everyone - not tell anyone - about that thing where I fainted on you? He couldn’t even muster up the energy to try to form the words, despite the growing knot in his stomach when he thought about the looks on Fralx and Fotze’s faces. ‘Nothing.’ He leaned his head back against the wall and longed for his bed.
Distantly he heard her say, ‘It’s OK, you know. I’m not going to say anything.’
‘It doesn’t matter,’ Teonine mumbled.
‘I mean it,’ she insisted. ‘We just won’t say anything about what we did.’
‘Then they’ll assume I freaked out or did something weird,’ Teonine said wearily. ‘It’s fine. It doesn’t matter.’
‘You know what? You’re right. It is fine. Because I’m going to fix it.’ She clapped her hands, startling Teonine out of his daze, and jumped to her feet. ‘Give me a sec.’
Puzzled, he watched as she ran her hands violently through her short blood-orange hair until it lost its carefully-defined flicks and stood out from her head in a fuzzy sort of way. Then she undid the second-to-top button on her shirt. Lastly, she did a weird sort of dance on the spot, jumping up and down vigorously and slapping her cheeks.
‘What are you doing?’ Teonine asked.
‘Trust me.’ She stood stock still for a minute, and Teonine thought she was mouthing something at him, until he realised she was trapping her bottom lip between her teeth and scraping her top teeth over it.
Then she dug in her bag and pulled out a shiny tube of something - lipstick, Teonine realised, as she opened it and scrutinised the colour. She smudged some on her thumb and carefully dabbed her lips with it, then turned to Teonine. ‘Up.’
He pulled his feet in and slid his back up the wall until he was standing; his head swum a little, but he stayed upright. ‘What are you doing?’
‘Making you look the right kind of mess.’ She painted more lipstick on her thumb, reached out to touch him and then hesitated. ‘May I?’
Teonine still didn’t know what she was doing, but he nodded anyway.
She reached out and carefully brushed her thumb against the corner of his mouth, then, seemingly as an afterthought, smudged it against the collar of his sweatshirt. She scrutinised him narrowly, then, apparently satisfied, nodded and put the lipstick into her pocket.
‘Now,’ she instructed, ‘when we get out there, just wipe it off with the back of your hand and look embarrassed.’
Teonine touched the corner of his mouth gingerly with his fingertip. ‘That part’s not going to be a problem.’
‘If somebody asks you what we did in here -’
‘They won’t.’
‘- Just don’t say anything and act like you’re too cool to talk about it. I’ll handle the rest. Trust me, I know just what to say.’
Karia looked down at the tubing he was still holding. ‘Should we try and stash this? Or fit it in my bag? No,’ she decided, ‘stick it back up your sweatshirt. If anybody looks, they’ll just think you’re trying to cover up a boner.’
Teonine, trying to wrap the tubing back around his midriff, choked again and dropped one end.
Karia rolled her eyes and stooped to pick it up. ‘Oh, come here.’
‘Thanks,’ Teonine mumbled, head swimming again as she turned him around with a hand on his shoulder, then back to face her again, wrapping the tubing around his abdomen where it could be concealed by his baggy sweatshirt. ‘You don’t have to … Thanks.’
‘One thing about me, little fish? I might get my friends into trouble, but I always get them out of it.’ She tucked the end of the tube underneath the coils. ‘There. That should be OK until you get back to your room. I’d tell you to go straight back there, but you always do.’
Teonine knew she was trying to make him smile. He knew he should want to smile. Instead, he said, too loudly: ‘You don’t have to be nice to me, you know.’
She laughed, picking up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder. ‘Yes, I do,’ she said, briskly. ‘If only because I triggered your … claustrophobia.’
A shudder passed through the floor and walls, and Teonine heard the faint thunk of seals relaxing, pressure equalising, as the shuttle passed through the atmospheric shield and into the school’s bubble.
Karia was already kneeling by the hatch. She turned to look back at him over her shoulder. ‘There’s another reason, of course,’ she said provocatively. ‘For being nice to you.’
Teonine tensed. ‘What?’
‘Well, you owe me one now, little fish.’ She winked at him. ‘Don’t forget, will you? I know I won’t.’
Teonine knew she was teasing, but as he squatted down beside her and waited for Voka Ginn to unseal the hatch, he felt the familiar, leaden weight of obligation settling into his stomach.
Part Two here.
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jiamour · 4 years
christmas in july
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pairing: johnny x reader 
genre: fluff
word count: 2k
summary: domestic christmas dad johnny, that’s it, that’s the summary
a/n: i wrote this two years ago so its not great and its bullet point which is annoying but im posting it because i was thinking about domestic dad johnny
・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ ・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ . 。・
“suh soojin stop throwing snow at your brother we have to go!” you spoke loud and stern trying to get everyone in order because you were already late
you were going to the christmas concert in the park that started 10 minutes ago
you had everything perfectly planned out
or at least you did until your son, hyungsik, refused to leave the house without hot chocolate
or your daughter somehow breaking all of your thermoses the night before while having a tea party
or your fucking husband johnny who existed only to wreak havoc and start a seemingly endless snowball fight
you felt johnny’s arms wrap around your waist and his head rest on your shoulder
“come on yn they’re kids let them play” he hummed into your ear his tone smooth and sweet
“no” you shook him off and walked towards your kids clapping your hands as you spoke “we have to go i am not missing the concert for the fifth year in a row because of you guys”
finally they listened, swishing their mittens together to get rid of the snow and running off in front of you with their infinite supply of energy
you lived in a small town so the concert was about a 10 minute walk away if your family didn’t decide to take any detours
something of which was inevitable
you were stopped first to buy santa hats for the whole family which johnny said we’re absolutely essential
then obviously you needed candy canes
and of course marshmallows for the hot chocolate
but other than that it was a no distractions walk
you walked into the park and to your relief the band was still playing christmas music that you’ve already heard 1000 times that month
you and johnny sat on a hay bale set out as seats at the very back while your kids played in the snow right behind you
you listened intently as a loud rock version of deck the halls blasted from the speakers on the small stage
for about 3 minutes
and then the song ended
the lead singer took the mic off the stand and began to speak once the scattered applause from the frozen people in front of you ended
“that’s the end of our show thank you so much for coming. merry christmas everyone”
they left the stage
your head dropped into your hands
you had missed another year
at this point you don’t know why you kept trying
johnny softly moved your hands away from your face and lifted your chin so your eyes met his
“next year okay” he said in a soft mutter, his nose and cheeks tinted pink from the cold
you nodded with a sigh and went to get up and walk all the way back home
before you could move johnny grabbed the ends of your scarfs and pulled you into him
he kissed you softly trying to cheer you up
and of course it was working
even though it was happening while you were sitting on itchy cold hay and groups of loud people were leaving around you
it was nice
or at least it was until your daughter chucked a snowball at the both of you
when you turned to look at her she was glaring a hand on her hips “there’s children around, y’know! no one wants to see that!”
ah the homemade cock blocks strike again
johnny leaned down and rolled up a snowball with his bare hands tossing it back at your daughter
“this means war soojin” he said in a over expressive triumphant voice making your daughter laugh and begin to stock pile snow balls into her pockets so she could have quick ammo
johnny got up from the hay bale and ran towards your son getting an “alliance” as he called it before picking him up on his shoulders handing him snowballs so he could throw at both you and soojin
one badly aimed snowball by johnny went flying past you and hit an old lady in the distance who glared back in surprise
when her eyes met his he ran.
child on his shoulders and all
“sorry” you waved to her hearing an angry mutter in response
your head fell into you hands again
once again your childish husband embarrassed you in front of the whole town
・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ ・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ . 。・
it was 9pm when you got off work and driving home in the snow was a pain
it was almost pitch black when you pulled up to your house, you sighed as you got out of your car hating the extreme cold
you hit your boots against the edge of the door to get the snow off before opening the door and entering your warm cozy house
while you were gone johnny and the kids had decorated it
which is why it looked a little bit of a mess
but you still loved it
shivering from the chill of the cold you shrugged of your jacket and took off your boots
quiet christmas music played in the front room where you assumed johnny was still decorating
a box sat on the stairs filled with decoration so you decided to help
you were about half way through the box when you heard johnny’s angelic voice begin to sing
outshining the song on the radio
“oh holy night, the stars are brightly shining”
his voice made your heart skip a beat
it was so peaceful and beautiful that you didn’t want to interrupt
you continued decorating swaying to the music as you went along
“fall on your knees, oh hear the angels voices. o night divine, o night when christ was born”
how did you get so lucky
eventually his voice brought you closer to him wanting to hear more
he was hanging the last of the decorations on the tree not hearing you come in
quietly you walked over and hugged him from behind, arms around his waist and cheek against his back
he jumped a little but relaxed into your touch
to your dismay his singing stopped leaving only the quiet radio
“hey baby” he hummed turning around so he could hug you back and rest his head on top of yours
“keep singing” your voice was slightly muffled from the sweater on his chest “you’re going to make me a christian”
he laughed and paused for a second listening to the song before singing again
“chains shall he break for the slave is our brother and in his name all oppression shall cease” he sung beautifully swaying both of you slowly back and forth
“fall on your knees, oh hear the angel voices o night divine, o night when christ was born o night divine, o night, o night divine” the calm aura and his honey smooth voice made your eyes droop and his arms tighten around you pulling you even closer
he kissed the top of your head before singing again until the song ended
“i love you a lot” you hummed into his chest and you felt his heart speed up as well as his small loving chuckle
“i love you too”
・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ ・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ . 。・
johnny took a sip of coffee adjusting his over sized and useless glasses as if they actually helped him see (he claimed they made him look like an intellectual) as he looked through the flyers
he shifted the flyer over to you pointing to a robot at the top “don’t you think hyungsik would love that”
“johnny we got all their gifts, we still need to get something for your parents and we’re already over budget” you yawned out rubbing your tired eyes and taking a sip of your own coffee to try to wake you more
“but yn~” he whined, even though he was a grown adult and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes “okay, i don’t appreciate the sass”
“you’re such a child” you scolded playfully and kissed his pouting lips
“don’t you want our creations to be happy baby” he asked still pouting despite the the kiss, holding the flyer right in front of your face
“oh my god fine” you huffed grabbing the flyer and folding it up, he did a silent cheer “but you have to find something under $50 for your parents”
“that’s fine my mom just knitted you an ugly sweater” he said laughing at the end and your mouth fell open in a shocked oh
“MY MOM KNITTED YOU AN UGLY SWEATER TOO” you yelled out happily, hoping you didn’t wake the kids
“we’re going to look so awful this christmas” johnny laughed out “this is amazing”
“i can’t believe your mom hates me that much” you laughed as well, taking a bite of toast
“what? no. she doesn’t hate you, she just loves knitting” johnny stole the toast out of your hands and took a bite but after a second he choked “wait a minute..”
“does that mean your mom hates me?” he cried out a frown gracing his face “i thought we had something special”
you shook your head in response “she doesn’t hate you she’s just pretty sure you’re an alien and she doesn’t trust you”
“yn what the fuck”
・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ ・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ . 。・
he had strategically planned this out
watching your patterns when you walked through the house
analyzing trends and odds to figure out where to put it
well actually he just placed mistletoe everywhere
obnoxious christmas music blasted through your house 
people were everywhere with mugs of eggnog and hot chocolate
his plan was perfect
and yet he couldn’t find you
“what are you doing man?” mark came up to johnny who was standing alone placing his left hand on johnny's shoulder, a mug in his other
“searching,” johnny answered immediately his eyes refusing to stop scanning the room to look at mark
mark hummed in response then took his hand away from johnny’s shoulder “wait, why?” 
“i had a perfect plan and it’s getting ruined” johnny muttered frustrated watching another couple kiss under the mistletoe he had set up for you
finally he spotted you happily talking to some friends a small smile grew on his face now that he could go through with his plan
he watched you move around the room from friend to friend beautifully smiling and laughing making his heart skip a beat
“dad,” soojin whined, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention but he didn’t break his eyes away from you
“not now soojin, daddy is plotting” he said a mischievous smile on his face
“you’re so weird” she mumbled before walking away a wave of her hand over her shoulder
it took a few minutes for mark to catch on to what was happening
“you are aware she’s your wife, and this plan is stupid, right?” mark teased
“and your opinion is unwanted” johnny responded
just when he did, your head turned to him having felt eyes on you
you met his eyes and smiled softly, waving, making his knees feel weak, still not used to your charms after all these years
as soon as you stopped talking to the guests johnny walked over to you and tried to gesture you into directions were mistletoe hung but each time you turned and went the wrong way
he didn’t know what he did wrong
he thought he planned this perfectly
but nothing was working out
you noticed johnny’s plan after the first few small pushes in the direction of the mistletoe and from that point on you tried to tease him
you saw his frustration and pout growing as well as him trying to hide his disappointment at the same time
you made sure to avoid the mistletoe the entire time
by the end of the night johnny had given up and stuck to just holding your hand sadly
together you said goodbye to the guest as the all left
mark patting johnny on the back saying a “better luck next time buddy” before leaving
johnny sighed when everyone was gone and began to walk back into the house to clean up
“hey johnny” you spoke quickly before he could walk away gaining his attention
on your tip toes you attempted to hold mistletoe that you had stolen from the walls over his head
he smiled so brightly when he saw immediately falling into a kiss with you
you couldn’t have wished for a better christmas
・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ ・。.❆.・。❅.・。❉ . 。・
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