#my habit of putting my brainrot here when i havent articulated it well yet
roymusdamn · 3 years
philippine national elections be really throwing the logic out of some people. the mental gymnastics that’s currently happening by blaming the ND/progressives for being divisive even if the one spreading lies and malicious comments is the fascist red-tagger in the liberal bloc. i usually refrain from saying “just touch some grass” bc i know it’s a process for twitter petty bourgeoisie to actually go out and organize in communities but jfc the perspective twitter and social media gives you is so limiting. when we go to urban poor communities and farming communities every week, i dont have people there screaming at my face that progressives enabled duterte or whatever fucking lies pseudo-progressives in that bird app espouse on the daily. first thing people tell me when i go to the communities is how they need financial aid, jobs, and safer houses. they really need resumption of face-to-face classes. they condemn the corruption and human rights violation of the current regime. and twitter petty-b’s primary concerns are who enabled who??? how could something that’s purpose is to connect so much people and widen the information sphere be the thing that lets us limit our perspective on certain matters lmao??? not to mention the waning urgency of current issues as if it’d all go away once duterte’s out (and we’re not even sure if he’s out by next election bc we all know elex is a fraud). 
sometimes comrades need to know when something should be personally handled/answered or when something needs to be ignored. time, effort, and energy are spent on echo chambers when a big chunk of communities and sectors need their anger organized. internet liberal lapdogs dont mean well, urban poor communities, farmers, workers, out of school youth, and the likes mean well
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