#my guy you were nice to me like 2 seconds ago what happened? 😭
bisexualmultifandommess · 6 months
Talking to Shane after giving him a gift in the first few days is so funny because the contrast between the two responses are so different lmao
Like I gave him a gift and he was like “aw Thea how did you know this was my favourite? đŸ„°â€ and then I clicked on him not even a second later and he was basically like “what the fuck do you want?”
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morgana-larkin · 4 months
First of all I live for your writing!!
And second I have a chessy prompt!!!
Basically r is a poet but doesn’t really talk about it and r decides to write a poem to chessy explaining her feeling for her but doesn’t write her name on it on purpose to have a clear state of mind or something idk😭
Anyways chessy find out that it was r from her handwriting and confronts her about it and r starts rambling and chessy shuts her up by kissing her and says something hot after the kiss then r kisses chessy back and you can go on from there!!
Hi! You’re so sweet! Thank you for the compliment đŸ„č❀ . I thought this prompt was so cute. Now, I’m no poet so the poem might be terrible but I tried. I would have had this out earlier but I watched the new episodes of Bridgerton finally and got distracted. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I made Chessy a bottom as I heard someone’s favourite is a bottom Chessy. I’m still taking requests and prompts for every character on my masterlist.
In Writing
Warnings: Smut, Bottom Chessy, Top Reader, lots of fluff
Words: 3.8k
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You glance up from your journal, you’re on one of the lounge chairs in your bikini with a see through cover up robe on. You see Chessy playing pool monster with the twins and it’s adorable. The way they swim away from her in a fit of giggles, and how she spins them around and then throws them in the water when she catches them.
You’ve found yourself admiring Chessy a lot lately, just something about her that grabs your attention. You met Chessy awhile ago when the twins were first born. She watched over you a few times as you were 12 years old when the twins were born and you loved spending time with her then, she’s a lot of fun, and it seems that hasn’t changed. Chessy sees you staring and smiles at you.
“Wanna join us y/n?” She asks and the twins both look at you with big smiles.
“Yes! Join us please?” Hallie begs.
“Yes please! It would be so much fun!” Annie said, agreeing with her sister. You loved watching Annie grow up. They were both your nieces, as you were Elizabeth’s younger sister, but you will always feel closer to Annie. When her and Nick split, you didn’t understand why they separated the twins but you respected their decision, even if you didn’t agree with it. Elizabeth made you and the family swear to never tell Annie that she has a twin sister.
As soon as everyone reunited again, Elizabeth invited you to come and meet Hallie, which you agreed to quickly. Here you are 2 years later and you’ve been living with them for a year now. When Nick and Chessy saw you again, they almost couldn’t believe it, the last time they saw you, you weren’t even a teenager. Now here you are, 24 years old, all grown up.
“Wow, y/n, you’ve grown up.” Nick says, still a bit shocked.
“Ya, time has a way of doing that.” You joked with him. You always liked Nick, he was a good guy and good to your sister.
“Everyone! I made some
” Chessy trails off as she sees you. “Y/n?” She asks and you smile and nod. You then run over and hug her.
“Good to see you again Chessy!” You exclaim when you pull back from the hug.
“Ya, it’s good to see you too. My, how you’ve grown.” She says and looks you up and down. “Are you still a little trouble maker like you were years ago?” She asks and you laugh.
“Not a lot of time for trouble but it seems my nieces are picking up the mantle. My sister told me everything that happened.” You say to everyone and the twins smile. “Btw, it’s nice to meet you, Hallie.” You tell her and she waves at you. “I never understood why you split them up.” You say and the twins look at you.
“Wait, you knew?” Annie says and you nod.
“Of course, chess brought me to the hospital to come meet you guys when you were born.” You say and you don’t see Chessy blushing at the nickname.
You and Chessy spent weeks catching up on what you’ve missed. You were able to bring your work with you as you were a designer like your sister and she hired you as soon as you graduated. You were both happy to have it as a family run company.
Besides designing, you also liked to do poetry. It’s a hobby you took up in high school as a way to get your feelings out. Being someone who liked girls when it wasn’t acceptable was hard. You often felt like there was no one to confide in, to talk about it with, so instead you wrote down your feelings, in the form of poems.
You were usually seen writing down in a journal in your free time. And if you weren’t then you were hanging out with someone in the house. I mean there are 6 people plus Sammy in the house, there was always someone there.
“Y/n?!? Are you gonna come?” Annie asked, breaking you out of your little walk down memory lane.
“Oh alright. I’ll join.” You said getting up and putting your journal down. You took your transparent robe off and then walked to the pool. Unknown to you, Chessy was checking you out the entire time. When Chessy used to watch over you when your family visited the twins, she always thought you were special, an adorable kid with an eye for mischief. You remained that little girl to Chessy for so long that when she saw you again, she was shocked. It took her a little bit to stop seeing you as the 10-12 year old girl she knew all those years ago, and start seeing you as a woman. And when she started seeing you as a woman, feelings started with it.
“Alright, what game are we playing?” You said as you jumped into the pool.
“How about Marco Polo?” Hallie suggested and everyone agreed.
“Alright, who's gonna have their eyes closed first?” You ask and the twins and you look at Chessy.
She sighs and then huffs. “Fine, but y/n is next.” She says and you wink at her. She closes her eyes and counts to 10.
10! Marco!”
“Polo!” You all say in unison. Chessy swings around and walks a little bit, trying to find and catch you guys. You then get an idea, you haven’t played a trick on her in years. You dive under the water and swim to her.
“Polo!” The twins say, very interested in what you’re doing.
Chessy notices that your voice is missing and says it again. “Marco!” She says and you get to the bottom where her feet are and you tickle them and then come to the surface, giggling. “Ahh!” Chessy yells and then hears your giggling a couple seconds later. “I see someone is up to their old tricks again.” Chessy says with a smile.
“Once a trickster, always a trickster.” You say and then dive underneath the water again. You do your best to emerge silently and you're right behind her.
“Polo!” You all say in unison. And Chessy jumps and then spins around and catches you. You tried to flee from being caught but were a second too late. Chessy opens her eyes with a smile and sees your pout and she laughs.
“You tried but I’ve had years of practice with a trickster kid.” She tells you and she beams at you.
It was now your turn to try and catch one of them. “8
10! Marco!” You shout.
“Polo!” They all say in unison. You hear Hallie being close by and you turn around and jump forward and miss her.
“Polo!” They shout back and they’re all at the other end of the pool. You turn around and start walking to the other end.
“Polo!” They shout and they’re all closer but not close enough. You were about to shout it again when all of a sudden, you feel hands pull your arms to your side and then have arms wrap around your waist.
“Omg!” You shout in surprise.
“You’re not the only one who can do tricks!” You hear Chessy say and you can tell she’s smiling.
You end up switching games and you each have a twin on your shoulders, trying to knock the other one off. You have Annie and Chessy has Hallie.
Nick and Elizabeth were watching from the door and they’re smiling. It was so nice watching you all play together. They know Chessy loves having you back after years apart as you two were close. They see that you’ve gotten close with Hallie as you two were trying to find things in common to bond over in the beginning. As it turns out, you and the twins all have quick wit and a sense of humour. Nick, Elizabeth and Chessy love hearing you banter with the girls as it’s often entertaining.
“You and Hallie are going down!” You tell Chessy and she laughs.
“No, it’s you and Annie who are going down.” She retorts back. It turns out that both twins fell at the exact same time and it was a tie.
That night, you write down your feelings, and it all happens to be about Chessy. How you feel about her. You think you might have had a small crush on her back when you were 12 but you weren’t sure. But now you know for sure that you’re attracted to her and have a crush on her.
You rip the piece out of the book, you were about to crinkle it up and throw it away but then decided to keep it instead. You put it in your journal and then you put the journal on your nightstand, and then you go to sleep.
The next morning, you were going to accompany Hallie to see her horse and pamper the horse with her. You walk out of the house with your journal, unknowingly dropping the piece of paper where you declared all of your feelings about Chessy on. The piece of paper fell to the ground and no one noticed until 10 minutes later when Chessy comes back into the house with Sammy and picks it up. She turns the paper over and instantly recognises your handwriting. She then sees that you wrote a poem and she can’t help but read it.
What one could say except I like you
I love everything about you
Who you are, how you look, how you act
How could one not fall for you
In your presence I feel myself wanting more
More than a friendship with you
For I know we are two women
When I’m with you, I simply don’t care
All that occupies my mind is thoughts of you
Of us holding hands in the field
Us cuddling together on the couch or in bed
Going to the market or cooking together
Or to be able to finally know
What it’s like to have your lips on mine
Chessy reads it and smiles. It was beautiful and heartfelt. She had no idea you were good with poems. She wonders who it was about and then she hears you coming back with Hallie. She folds the piece of paper and puts it in a pocket to ask you about later. Then she gets started on lunch.
“Hello girls!” She greets you both and you both smile at her. “I’m just getting started on lunch, hope you’re hungry.” She says.
“Starving.” Hallie says.
“Well how about you go get your sister and bring her over here.” Chessy says and Hallie bolts off to find her sister. You then turn your attention to your journal and notice the piece of paper missing and you look around you. “Something wrong?” Chessy asks when she turns around to face you.
“Um ya. I had a piece of paper in here and now it’s gone. Have you seen a piece of paper on the floor” You tell her. She knows exactly where it is, it’s in her pocket right now.
“Uh no. Didn’t see anything. Was it important?” She asks and you stop in your search for it.
“Oh um, not really. Well yes, important to me anyway.” You say and she smiles at you.
“Well I hope you find it.” She tells you and goes back to making lunch.
That night, Nick, Elizabeth and the twins all go upstairs to get some sleep. You and Chessy remain on the couch and you yawn.
“I should probably get some sleep too.” You tell her and she looks at you.
“Can I ask you something first?” She asks and you look at her.
“Of course, you can ask me anything Chess.” You tell her and she smiles then frowns again. She reaches into her pocket and pulls your poem out.
“I found your poem.” She says as she unfolds it and shows it to you and your eyes widen. “Who’s it about?” She asks you and you snatch it from her.
“Nobody, it’s about nobody.” You say really quickly.
“Really? Cause it seems to be about a woman that you have feelings for.” She tells you and you look at the floor. “Y/n, I already knew you were into women. I figured it out when you were 12.” She tells you and you look at her confused.
“How could you have possibly known then? I was 12. I- I didn’t even know until I was 19.” You tell her.
“I recognize the signs that I saw in myself when I was that age.” She tells you with a shrug.
“Wait? What? Wait, are you
“Into women?” She finishes for you and you nod. “Ya, I am. I was hoping I’d be around for you so you have someone who’s like you, to talk too. While it’s more acceptable now then it was when I came out, I know it’s still frowned upon.” She tells you.
“When you came out? How old are you? You look no more than 35.” You say and she laughs.
“You think I’m only 9 years older than you?” She asks and you shrug. “Hate to break it to you but I’m 39.” She says and starts twirling your hair in her fingers. “You always had such beautiful hair.” She tells you. “So want to tell me more about that poem you wrote?” She asks and you stare at her.
“Well yes it’s about a woman. I may have feelings for someone. I wouldn’t put much thought into it if I were you. Not interesting at all. I mean it is someone you know but still not anything interesting. Just me and a crazy crush on-” and she cuts you off by putting her lips on yours. It takes a second before your brain processes that you’re not talking at the moment and you’re kissing, kissing the person the poem is about. You kiss her back and she smiles into the kiss. She pulls back a few seconds later.
“Was the poem about me?” She asks and you nod. “If I recall correctly, cause I obviously read it multiple times, you wanted to know what it's like to have my lips on yours.” She says and you nod.
“I did say that yes, and I like it.” You tell her and she hums.
“Well would you like to know what it’s like to have my lips on other places of your body?” She asks and you short circuit. You respond by kissing her again. Chessy eagerly kisses you back, wanting to kiss you for a while now but she had no idea if you were out yet. When she read the poem, it gave her hope that you figured it out and she could finally take the chance. She wasn’t blind, she knew about your feelings for her but didn’t want to do anything in case you didn’t know you were into women yet.
Chessy pulls back after a few seconds. “Is that a yes? Cause as much as I enjoy
you.” She says while giving you little pecks. “I do need a verbal confirmation.” She says and gives you another peck and you hum.
“I want to feel more than just your lips everywhere. I want to feel your lips, tongue and fingers.” You tell her and she smiles. Where did that sudden boost of confidence come from? You’ll never know. She was about to comply when a sudden thought strikes her.
“Wait, y/n. Are you a
 a virgin?” She asks and you shake your head.
“I’ve already had sex with a guy. But never with a girl.” You tell her and she smiles.
“Well I’m going to make it memorable for you. Just not here. Let's go to my room.” She tells you and she gets up and extends her hands to you. You take both of them and she pulls you up and to her room.
She closes the door and starts kissing you again, only this time she deepens it by putting her hands in your hair and doesn’t pull away any time soon. You put your hands on her hips and pull her body closer to yours. You move your hands to the buttons of her shirt and you start undoing them one by one until you are able to yank the shirt off of her. “You wear far too many clothes.” You tell her playfully as you see her in a tank top and pants still.
She looks at you with a soft smile and hums. “Well what are you going to do about it?” She questions and you smile then push her down onto the bed. You quickly take her pants and tank top off and look at her body in just a bra and underwear and you lick your lips. “See something you like?” She teases as she sees your reaction to her body.
“Not something but someone, with an amazing body.” You tell her and straddle her lap as she sits up to hold you.
You kiss each other again and you trail down to her neck and she moans. “Oh god! Y/n.” She moans out as you suck her neck. You unclip her bra and tear it off her and go push her down onto the bed. You then go and suck a nipple and she tries to buck her hips under you, but can’t as you’re straddling her lap.
After you're satisfied you’ve teased her nipples enough you pull back to look at her and put your hands on her boobs and massage them. “Chessy, I just love your breasts, they’re so big and perfect.” You tell her and she smiles at you. She then gets impatient as you’ve teased her quite a bit.
“If you’re done admiring them, could you shift your attention downward.” She tells you and you quirk an eyebrow at her.
“I’ll obey this time but next time you complain then I’ll make you wait longer.” You tell her.
“Already wanting to do this with me again?” She asks cheekily as you slide her underwear off.
“Of course, I’m really enjoying myself, learning about what you like and what sounds I can get out of you.” You say and spread her legs. You climb on top of her and settle yourself on a leg then lean forward so you can kiss her lips. At the same time as you kiss her, you slide a finger inside her and it goes in easily. “Wow, you’re really turned on, it just slipped right in there.” You tell her and then add another one and she gasps out. You then begin pumping in and out of her and she’s moaning and gasping underneath you.
“Oh god! Y/n, I’m so close.” She almost yells and you go to kiss her again so she doesn’t wake anyone up, much less your sister. She then comes a few seconds later and she gasps into the kiss. You pull out of her and then just stay there until she’s ok with you to move.
“Sit on my face.” She tells you and you look at her.
“What?” You ask as she said it quietly.
“Sit on my face, I want to eat you out but I don’t think I can move. You really know how to finger a girl.” She tells you and you smile.
“I still have all my clothes on though so give me a minute.” You say and before you move, she takes your top off and unclips your bra before it goes flying off. She then quickly unbuttons your jeans then she pulls them down as well as your underwear, you then take them off the rest of the way.
“Wow, you really are beautiful.” She tells you and you blush.
“Thank you.” You tell her and then you climb up to her face. “Wait shouldn’t we do this near the headboard in case I have to -” At that moment she pulls you down to her mouth and immediately starts licking you and you get cut off. At one point you fell forward and you stayed leaning on your hands the rest of the time. “Oh god, Chessy. I’m close.” You tell her, trying to stay quiet. When you do come, you accidentally gasp out a bit loud and you hope you didn’t wake anyone up. You take a minute to catch your breath before you get off of her and flop down on the bed.
Chessy goes to clean herself up and when she comes out, you ambush her and pin her to the wall. You get her worked up again and she then just noticed you’re wearing a strap. You then slide it into her and you cover her mouth with your hand when she begins to gasp loudly. You start pumping in and out of her when it’s all the way in and then you go faster and faster. Chessy wants you to go faster when you’re already going as fast as you can in this position. So you pull out of her and bring her to the bed quickly and she gets on her hands and knees so you can pound into her from behind.
She ends up grabbing a pillow so she can muffle her sounds when she’s close. She gasps into the pillow when she comes and you come right after as the strap was rubbing your clit. You pull out of her and take the strap off and you both catch your breath.
“You couldn’t have done that before I cleaned myself up.” She tells you while trying to catch her breath.
“Are you complaining?” You ask her and she giggles.
“Only because I have to clean myself up again.” She tells you and you go to get a cloth for the both of you.
The next morning, she’s making breakfast for everyone when you come up and hug her from behind. She leans into your touch and you begin planting kisses on her neck and she giggles. She turns the stove off then places a hand in your hair as you continue to kiss her neck. You then hear someone clear their throat and you pull away from each other quickly and see everyone standing there.
“Oh, hi guys.” You say and Chessy is too nervous to speak. The twins then go to the table as Chessy begins putting breakfast on plates and Nick and Elizabeth walk over to you both. Elizabeth speaks low enough so the twins won’t hear.
“While I’m happy for you guys, I didn’t want to find out from the noises last night.” She tells you and both your cheeks go red.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader💌
Synopsis: Chris feels like Y/N deserves more. And what better way to show this than to take her to her favorite place.đŸŒ»
Warnings⚠: None at all. This shit is just soooo CUTEEEE😭
Song for the imagine: Nothing Even Matters-Lauryn Hill (feat. D’Angelo)
Enthusiasm or passion
Lately Chris and his brothers have been super busy between creating content and touring, that I hadn’t really had a chance to spend time with my boyfriend. Even though the tour ended, and they were back in LA they immediately started filming for their channel.
Personally I didn’t mind this, yes I missed my boyfriend, but this was his job. He always still made time to text me, call me, send me flowers, take me on a few dates.
However this was bothering Chris as he felt like he hasn’t really been able to sit and spend time with me. No matter how many times I told him I didn’t care he still protested against it.
“Y/N no! I feel like I haven’t been here for you, and we haven’t really spent a good amount of time together” Chris would say as we sat on the couch with his arm slung over my shoulder
“Baby, we’re spending time together right now” I told him
“Yes, but also no. I want to be with you, and only you and just spend every second glued at the hip. I want to stare into your eyes and watch the stars, all that romantic movie shit” he told me kissing me on the forehead
“Chris you hate that corny shit” I said laughing
“I’m a changed man mama” he said laughing
“We should take a trip one of these days. Just go to another state and get away” I told him
“Yeah let’s say fuck it and go to like Vermont or some shit” he said back to me
“Oh my god Vermont is so pretty during this time of the year. With all the orange and yellow leaves” I said getting excited
That was two weeks ago, and within a day Chris was getting everything booked. The flight, the Airbnb, the activities. All while I had no idea. Chris had surprised me one day telling me where we were going.
And that brings it to now. We had just got to a small little house in Vermont surrounded by the beauty of the woods and the orange and yellow leaves falling to the ground.
“Baby this is the best thing you have ever done” I told him as we settled into the house
“Anything for my pretty lady” he told me coming over and grabbing me by the waist, pulling me in for a kiss
“Chris I love you so much” I told him kissing him back
“I love you way more pretty girl” he said kissing me on the forehead
We had got to Vermont at 2, and by the time we settled in we decided we wanted to walk to the nearest town and find something to eat.
There was a small town within a 10 minute walk. Chris and I headed out, and as we got into the town we truly enjoyed how tight knight the community was.
“Man I could live here forever” I said looking at every store we passed
“Could you really?” He asked looking over at me
“100%, it’s so small and pretty, and quiet” I told him
“Maybe we could make that happen in the future” he said kissing my hand that he was holding
We had stopped at a small mom and pop restaurant. We sat, and decided to look at the menu.
“Ouu everything looks good” Chris said
“Chris you’re such a picky eater you better ask for chicken tenders and fries” I told him laughing
“Hey! Not nice, but also not wrong” he said laughing
We were interrupted by the waitress
“Hi guys! How are you my names Ari, and I’ll be your server for today” she said smiling at us
“Could I get you started with drinks?” She asked us
“May I have a Dr. Pepper?” I asked her smiling up at her
“And may I have a pepsi” Chris asked, and I laughed. Him and his Pepsi addiction
After we got our drinks we ordered. And the whole time we were laughing at each other, and he was reminiscing about the tour, and how much he loved meeting his fans.
A little while later the waitress came back with our check
“I’ve never seen you guys around here” she said handing the check to Chris who had his hand out
“Oh we’re visiting!” I told her looking up at her
“Ahhh I see! Thats nice. Are you guys on a honeymoon” she asked
“Oh uh-“ but I was cut off by Chris
“Yeah something like that” he said handing her the check back with cash
“Oh that’s so nice! You guys should check out the little cafe across from here! They sell the best homemade cookie dough!” She said
“Thank you! We will” Chris said, “oh and keep the change” he told her
She thanked him and walked away. We walked over to the cafe and purchased some cookie dough, and decided to walk back hand in hand.
“I can’t thank you enough for doing this for me” I said looking over at Chris
“I’m glad you’re loving it pretty mama” he said kissing me on my temple
We had got back to the house, and decided to make some cookies
“CHRIS THATS TOO BIG” I yelled as he rolled a ginormous ball of a cookie
“HA! That’s what she said” he said pointing his finger at me
you’re such a child” I told him snatching the huge cookie ball out of his hand and breaking it into smaller pieces
“But you love it” he responded looking over at me
“I really do” I said smirking at him
I put the cookies in the oven, and set a 12 minute timer
“Babe! They have a glass lanai” Chris said running back into the kitchen
“They do???” I said excited
“We have to eat our cookies out there” he said, and I agreed
After the cookies were done I took them out and put them on a plate, and we walked out to the lanai
“Holy shit this is beautiful” I said placing the plate down on the coffee table
“Isnt it” he said looking at me
“I’m a whore for glass lanais” I told him sitting down on the couch
“Interesting choice of words, but yes” he said laughing and also sitting down next to me
He grabbed two cookies, and then sat back, wrapping his arm over my shoulder, and pulling me in towards him
“Here you go my love” he said giving me a cookie
“Thank you” I responded taking the cookie from him and biting into it
“I would’ve never thought I’d be sitting here eating cookies with you, and madly in love” he said eating his cookie
“I would’ve never thought either. You were such a player” I said looking at him to see his reaction
“What?” He said with his jaw dropped
“God we used to hate each other so much” I told him finishing my cookie
“We really did. Never understood why. When you’re the best thing to have ever happened to me” he said also finishing his cookie
“I guess I was scared of falling for the “bad” guy” i told him
“And I was so scared of commitment” he told me
“Isn’t it strange? How people can change from strangers to friends, and then friends into lovers” I asked him
“It truly is, and I’m so glad we did. I love you so fucking much. Like I get emotional and shit” he said pretending to wipe a tear
“Chris, I love you so much. I have no idea what I’d do without you” I told him kissing his cheek
“I think I’d die without you” he said looking at me
“I think I’d die too” I said going in to kiss him
When we pulled away we stared into each others eyes just truly enjoying each others company
I leaned my head back and looked up at the night sky
“Look babe, the stars are shining so bright tonight” I told Chris while pointing at the sky
“Fuck this is so beautiful” he said looking up at the sky with me
“You got your wish. To watch the night sky with me” I told him
“And look how bright they’re shining for you” he said back
“I never want to leave this feeling” I responded back to him
“Me neither” he said
“Chris, I love you so much. This is a love I’ve never felt for anyone. My heart just bursts anytime I look at you, and when I’m with you all my problems are just a mere afterthought” I said to him still looking up at the night sky
“Y/N when I’m with you I never want to leave the moment. I want to hold on to you forever and always. I was so scared of loving someone because I felt I couldn’t get that love back, but you
.you showed me new ways to be loved every single day” he said also still looking at the sky
“Out of my mind in love with you” I said back
“I hope in every lifetime you choose me” Chris said back
“Always Chris. I will always choose you” I said snuggling tighter to him
“Good because I will always choose you” he said kissing my head
“It was always you, and it will always be you” I said back to him
Chris let a tear slip out of his eye. Overwhelmed by the immense love he feels for Y/N, and that he’ll always have her no matter what. Chris loved Y/N with every fiber in his body, but most importantly Y/N loved Chris.
The End
I know this is pretty short, but I don’t like to drag out cute stories, but also Idk wtf to say, but I hope you enjoyed❀
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gogz-ee · 3 months
My Wimbledon Champion (2)
Author’s note: this one is a little rushed so sorry for that😭
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After that weird interaction with Carlos, he wouldn’t stop DMing you making sure you were still coming. Every single hour or so he would text you “Are you still coming?” or “You sure?” He couldn’t stop talking about it to you. You didn’t even know if you were friends at this point or just someone he decided to invite .
“Okay, you sure your coming?”
“Okay good.”
“And what would happen if I didn’t come?”
He just left you on read. The nerves of this man. A little later you sent him a picture of you in your dress to see if there was a theme of some sort and if it was fine.
“Is this good?”
Carlitossalcaraz saved an image.
“Did u just save the picture😭?”
“Whatttt noo
“I didn’t save it I swear!!”
“Does that mean my dress was okay?”
“Yes please wear it.”
“Little demanding but okay!”
“Your still coming righ-“ the second you saw that text you turned off your phone, that stupid phrase was starting to get on your nerves.
The sun was starting to set, and it was almost time to go. Instead of waiting for the right time to leave, you leave a little early. You wanted to talk to Carlos before anyone else got there. Again, it wasn’t too far so you decided to just walk there. When you entered you saw Carlos and his family there.
You didn’t want to bother them or be awkward so you try to find you way to the bathroom. Only a couple steps in and someone scares you from behind.
“Hey you made it!”
“WHA- Oh it’s you”
“Yeah you made i-“
As you turned around he was FLABBERGASTED. He liked your outfit and you knew it. “Wow.” he mumbles.
“Like it?”
He nods his head while his eyes are wide, lips apart still staring into the dress.
“Its- uh really nice!”
“Now im having second thoughts..”
“No your bea- Its beautiful I promise!”
“Whatever you say”
He leads you to your seat and its right next to his. Out of all these chairs, it had to be next to his, but you weren’t complaining. After that conversation you had with him, you started feeling something but it was way to early to clarify what it was.
Once all the guests arrived, Carlos left you all alone. He made sure to greet everyone politely to not seem rude. He talked to everyone for what seemed like hours and you couldn’t wait for him to finish and finally come back to you.
Seeing him like this being all polite and kind to everyone, shined a different light on him. The old arrogant and self-centered Carlos thought was slowly fading away and turning into some a little more than that

Finally when he was done talking to everyone, it came your turn to finally have a talk.
“How’s the party?”
“It’s good I’ve been waiting for you to stop talking to everyone.”
“Oh sorry.. I didn’t mean to make you wait” he frowned, you stared at his frown and noticed how cute he is, (even though you noticed that long ago) it was still really cool to be able to talk to him like this and not like he was a celebrity.
“Sooo.. I was wondering how we would keep contact once I go back to Spain” the frown on his face still present but it seemed to get bigger.
“Keep contact? Does this mean were friends?”
“Yeah of course? Weren’t we always?”
“Okay.. I guess I became friends with the world number 2 in just a couple hours.”
“Im just a normal guy pleaseee don’t address me like that.”
“And also I live in Spain as well. I just came here to support Jannik”
His face instantly got serious at the mention of Jannik’s name. Sure they’re great friends, but since YOU were supporting Jannik instead of him, there was a slight problem.
Because he was so blinded by his name that everything started to become a blur.
“Hello? You good?”
“Yeah im fine”
“As I was saying I live in Spain as well so we could meet up sometime!”
His face lit up, almost like someone just brought a lightbulb and stuffed it in his face.
“Yeah I mean I said that a couple times but I don’t think you were listening”
“I’d be more than happy to!”
“Alright well, i have a flight in the morning so im gonna leave okay?”
“Nooo wait.. stay with me a little longer”
You couldn’t tell if he was drunk or something. First he wasn’t listening to anything you were saying and now he’s being all clingy? You listened to him anyways and stayed for 30 more minutes before leaving to go to your room.
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pinkrifle · 1 year
Hello wonderful person!! I’m not sure if your requests are open, if not, just save this for when they are. Could you write hc’s for the main 4 + butters (or just one person if that’s too much) with a Canadian reader? (Except they don’t look like the Canadians in south park, maybe they were born in America but grew up in Canada, or were just adopted or something 💀) And at some point they nonchalantly bring up being Canadian and the group is so confused because they somehow had no clue (even though the reader fits practically all the stereotypes; too nice, says eh, watches hockey religiously, etc.) Just kinda what the aftermath of that would be? This actually happened to me a while ago and I’m still flabbergasted bc idk how my American friends didn’t know I was Canadian 😭 (they now refuse to call me anything other than ‘canuck’, maybe you could incorporate that) Ok this request is getting kinda long so I’ll let you do the rest, have a great day! :)
have no fear! i love long requests, it gives me more to work with ^^ also i’m srry if this isn’t how you wanted it to be i dnt know much about canada and stuffs đŸ«¶ also i’m so sorry this is short, i kinda didn’t know where to go with this <3
— butters + main 4 finding our reader’s canadian!!
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cws/tw’s: none
— Kyle B !
was 100% not surprised, he probably knew it before you even thought abour telling him
but he is a little more confused when you tell him
i mean, you do fit the traits, nice, your a severe hockey lover.. but you don’t look canadian? đŸ€š
but his brother is canadian too, so whenever you come over he always brings ike to you!!
he hates when ppl try to take advantage of you for your kindness, it’s just a perk of being canadian!
“WAIT YOUR.. CANADIAN?? i mean. uh. your canadian? 😙 my brothers canadian!! maybe you guys know eachother
. wanna come over later?!”
— Stan M !
another one who suspected you were Canadian, surprisingly. but didn’t really mention it.
would 100% watch hockey games with you when you hang out even tho he doesn’t know wtf to do in hockey 😭 he jus loves his friends
loves the way your so nice, it makes him feel amazing!! definitely a nice replacement for cartman (kyle agrees, 100000%)
when you go over to his house, your always so nice to shelly even though shes a little bit of an ass, to you and to her turd brother.
his ass loves that maple syurp snow thing and makes it everytime you come over!!!!!!!!! (with ice instead of snow, if y’all don’t feel like going outside)
“CALLED IT. i so called it.. so.. do you know how to make that maple syurp snow thing or not?.. 👀 oh uh my fave hockey team,,uhhh the yankees?—”
(clueless man. i love clueless man.)
— Eric C !
100% ripped on you before you told him. but rips on you even more when you tell him 😈 black air forces energy
pretends to be scared of you when you come over to them in the bus stop, and clings to kyle.
then he realizes kyle is also “part canadian” because of his brother (even tho he’s adopted 💀)
he gives you puppy dog eyes and a weak apology a few hours later. you accept &lt;3
he definitely takes advantage of your kindness, but hes really grateful for it since you don’t beat his ass every 4 seconds because of his recklessness
“i’m sowwywyyđŸ„ș sowwwyyy đŸ„șđŸ„ș so sorrryyy đŸ„ș can we be friends again i like canada đŸ„șđŸ„ș (has a piece of paper with the canada flag on it taped on his shirt)”
— Kenny M !
dirty jokes, doesn’t matter what gender u are 😟.
doesn’t really care what you are, kinda just wants to hang out with you regardless. loves how your super nice too, and super caring when he dies :((( feels bad when he wakes up but he’s glad you don’t remember (surprisingly)
(also forgets your canadian like 2 hours later you tell him, forgive him 💔)
likes watching hockey with you, gets into it just cause of u!! also enjoys that maple syurp snow thing as much as stan, him and stan make it all the damn time!!
“cana-ussy huhuhuhu.. oh yeah. good for you! me and stan uhh we like those maple syrup candy things :3 i think you’ve heard that enough from stan tho.”
— Butters S !
very excited when you tell him!! wants to know ALL about canada and bugs you for days.
you guys are both super duper nice, and he always feels so warm around you knowing you actually care about him &lt;3
doesn’t care that your canadian, but he does find it cool as hell!! tries to like hockey, but it’s too confusing for him ,,,
puts a small picture of the canadian flag in his room and shows it to you when you come over (it’s so precious)
he tells his parents all about canada, whatever you tell him!! they don’t find it interesting but who gives a damn, they suck
“O HAMBURGERS, that’s amazing! how come you didn’t tell me sooner?! do you like hockey? what part of canada are you from? wh—” literally asks 100 questions, but you love ur bestie
once again i’m so sorry this is so short :( i didn’t know how to interpret it, but i hope you do like it!
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okiankeno · 4 months
2 Truths 1 Lie Reveal:
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TDLR: option 3 was my lie! The first love letter I did lose and never opened until 3 years later (funnily enough, this was from the academic rival's best friend btw) but my second letter, from a girl I knew, I opened right away after finding it. Hence, I lied.
If you would like to learn more about me and the stories behind the options I picked for myself, they're under keep reading!
Most of Smoshblr voted for option two, which everyone dubbed Wattpad fanfic adjacent. It happened lol. I have a long explanation in response to @unknownteapot that I will reiterate here with some edits:
The academic rival was a guy I had a 'crush' on in grade 6 (my last year of elementary school in Canada). I say 'crush' in quotations bc I didn't understand the concept of sexual attraction or romance until the year after. Before understanding sexuality and attraction, I thought that picking the smartest person in the class would make me fall in love or something (spoiler alert: not really). We were compared a lot to each other as overachievers because of the extracurriculars like music and sports that we did, but I never thought we were rivals outside of school.
He and I were pretty good friends too, we ended up going to different junior highs (grades 7-9) but we texted and emailed each other every so often to keep in contact. The summer before high school started, he sent me a flurry of texts pretty much saying "Please go to x school with me, if you do we can date each other" (as if that was like a cool reward for going to the same school as him like??)
He is a nice guy but it was weird to me. He knew that I had a 'crush' on him years ago because I either told him or my best friend told him I can't remember tbh. I have no idea if he liked me tbh it just came out of the blue but what do I know, I miss flirtatious cues a lot so 😔😭😣 oh, and if you are wondering, I did not take up his offer because I thought it was really weird, plus I didn't have feelings for him.
Option one, stopping foreplay because of a joke that I never told my girlfriend? This too, is true.
My girlfriend and I took edibles before nightfall and when I'm high is that I get very bubbly and it's super easy for me to laugh. Additionally, it's very easy for me to get locked in on intimacy — so that's how I found myself in my girlfriend's bed, you know, bodies pressed together (there's a slew of other effects, but these are most integral to this story). But as I was touching her I could not stop thinking about how funny yet unsexy it would be if I cracked a joke. And this thought just kept repeating over and over in my head making me giggle and then into full-blown laughter. So naturally, sexytime had to come to a halt. She asked me what was going on and I told her, "I kept thinking about how funny but unsexy it would be if I made a joke right now," to which she asked, "What was the joke?"
There was no joke, just me laughing in anticipation of potentially making one during sex. Really lame, I know. I ended up getting frustrated at myself for a few minutes (my girlfriend comforted me with, "We don't have to do this right now if you're not in the mood") while we paused but then I locked in and got to home base.
Option 3, unopened love letters! This is my lie! These stories have a lot of sadness carried with them, so if you don't like hearing about heartbreak, prepare yourself!
The first letter, Valentine's Day, I'm the only gal that gets one from this guy. I misplaced it in my bedroom in one of my books and didn't find it again until I deep-cleaned my room three years later. I open it, it's a card that tells me about how cool I am and is filled with Naruto drawings (I doodled a lot of anime characters in class) and a $20 bill. $20 is a lot for an elementary school kid! So, yeah, I missed that signal. My best friend at the time even said to me on the bus home, "Oh I think [guy's name] likes you," and I went hm yeah interesting, not interested (I didn't care for or understand romance at the time - this was grade 6).
Second letter: An anonymously signed love letter was found in my locker in May, a month before I graduated high school. I opened it immediately because I wasn't gonna have a repeat of missing a confession from someone. It's typed in Times New Roman, and signed with an uppercase 'L'. It's from someone I knew because of the details included in the letter. They wanted to confess to me before we graduated but didn't have the courage to do so in person.
I spent a week trying to figure out who this could be, and unfortunately for me, I pegged down the wrong person, someone I had an ongoing crush on for 5 years since junior high, and wrote a letter to him. He reads it. He says it's not from him and he doesn't like me. I'm heartbroken and baffled.
Almost immediately after conversing with my crush, I knew who it was from: the girl who sat beside me in my physics class for the past year. Her last name started with an L, but I never thought it was her, because her words, to me, in the context of my delusional crush on a guy, sounded like him. So in my heartbreak, I write her an emotional reply letter overnight, bringing the one I wrote for my crush as well, and approach her at lunch break.
It's a sunny day, two weeks have passed since getting the letter in my locker, and I bring her to the end of a busy open hallway. She's sitting on the concrete floor, I'm standing above her, letters in hand; everything is bright, but I know the next thirty minutes will be anything but naught. I opened the conversation by telling her I received her letter and by mistake, thought it was from someone else. I let her read the letters. She starts crying, and I do too — she's a very sweet girl and my friend. A teacher walks by and asks if we are OK, and we both are sobbing, saying, "Yeah." We do not look ok.
I felt soo shitty, having heartbroken her heart from my heartbreak, and she tells me she has to write a math exam after this. I still cringe thinking about this story to this day because it fucked me up emotionally and I couldn't sleep right for the rest of the summer. Anyway, I think about the experience and think I could make a Webtoon about it and it probably would pop off because a high school love triangle that's unrequited on all ends? Pain.
Anyways thanks for coming to my story time đŸ« âœŒïž
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flakytartart · 6 months
Sarah Wiedenheft, my favorite voice actress for Takagi-san?
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Check. She was so sweet when signing my photo, I didn't realize her voice was naturally that high! She has such a beautiful signature and personality.
Keith Silverstein, voice of Mondo-fuckin'-Owada (nice to meet ya)?
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Check. I also got him to sign my Trigger Happy Havoc group print, along with Asahina's VA as well (more on her later). He was hella friendly and told me that he just got that Mondo print like 3 conventions ago. God bless him and the artist for that because I didn't have any merch for him to sign. 😭 A real dope guy, he even asked before hand if it was okay for him to swear in order to quote Mondo lol!
Now on to my grails...
Voiced by the wonderful Johnny Yong Bosch! ✚
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I already spoiled this one with an earlier post but I wanna include it anyway! Despite how awkward the quote sounds (I originally told him to write something about helping me get out of a TV but I backpedaled out of embarassment) I'm quite happy with this. I'm unsure if he realizes how many fans are into Adachi? I can't be the only girl to have admitted that to him.
Voiced by the lovely Cassandra Lee Morris!!! ✚
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AHH she was so nice!!! I was so nervous and had a hard time keeping my cool. I told her I adore Morgana and that he's like a baby to me. I got to show her my ita display, got signatures for my Danganronpa print + an Epic 7 Cecilia print for my bf, then gave her some old (but gold) fanart I drew with a letter on the back. She said I was so sweet for that and I just wanted to scream, it was so-!!! đŸ„č💞
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I gave her my Morg to hold while taking pictures- the second pic is of us button mashing his head. 1000/10 absolute dream come true!!!!! ❀
Voiced by the amazing Kyle Hebert!! ✚
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(Shoutout to @cierv-o-robot-o for this absolutely PERFECT commission!! You're my hero!!!!!! đŸ„č🙏)
Bro when they announced that Kyle Hebert was coming to Kon I literally jumoed out of my chair and started running around the house like a maniac. I was so fucking excited
When it came to the convention I awkwardly got in line, paid for 2 prints (my Mitsuo + a Kazuichi) and a photo and waited. When I went up I told him I loved him as Kazuichi (pretty sure he drew the heart on there because I said I find him handsome) and that his voice sounds wonderful no matter what role he's playing. After that I kind of geeked out on him - I said I was "the fucking biggest Mitsuo Kubo fan ever, I promise you." 😭 I didn't mean to be that intense about it but I was so excited, I just had to let him know that Mitsuo has fans. A couple. At LEAST one (Mitsuo mutuals I'd never forget about you I was just flipping out).
He signed my print and I gave him a little packet that had fanart by me, a note, and 2 of the Mitsuo charms (game + anime versions). He said I was the first person he's ever seen get excited about Mitsuo before. For some reason I felt really proud about that? đŸ„Č💓 I yapped for a little while after about how I also recognized his voice as the creepy stalker in Persona 4 Dancing in the hopes of letting him know that no matter how minor the role, there are fans. We said our thank yous, then I turned around and literally ran to gush about what just happened to my friends who were waiting close by. Which means...
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I ALMOST DIDN'T GET THIS PICTURE. I WAS SO EXCITED THAT I RAN AWAY IN EMBARSSSMENT AND FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE. Luckily my friend is a huge Gohan fan and went up to his booth to get an autograph shortly after I was done freaking out. It was only then did I realize that I paid for a picture. x'V I told his assistant that I didn't get a picture, they worked it out, and I shamefully went back up for a pic. đŸ„č He was nice about it, I appreciate his patience.
Waaahh it was all so cool, I'm so honored to have been able to talk to all of these incredibly talented voice actors!!! đŸ’žđŸ’“đŸ’˜â€ïžđŸ„° I hope to see them again in the future, I'll be sure to be prepared and to come with more gifts. FINAL KAZUICHI FLASHBANG GRAHHHH đŸ’„đŸ’„đŸ’„
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iamiamiam1111 · 2 years
Haiii ok so I read your success story or something in cleostoohot blog, and You said that you manifested some watt pad moments- JUST CURIOUS BUT CAN U SHARE IT WITH US I NEED TO READ SOME ROMANTIC STUFF (or even nsfw stuff ;)) I NEED TO CALM MY TITS-
lmao sure so-
there was this guy
A few weeks ago,i was waiting for a friend at school and he was waiting too so i just decided to start a conversation so that we won’t be bored. then,we talked and talked. We did become close. It was raining heavily and he just ran and shared his umbrella. it was a kind gesture. also,another time was when this one friend just came and called me an ”idiot” (thats what she calls me as a joke lmao) and he got super protective and lecturing the girl for 10 minutes like-😭
i tried to explain to him that shes just my friend and we call each other that as a joke. then,he calmed down. now he calls me “Idiot” 😭 jkjkjk
2. There was this girl in my school who just randomly came to me and gave me a chocolate while complimenting me. After school,there was this grown dude looking at me a bit weirdly
she noticed it and then she wrapped her hands around me while glaring at the guy. another time was when we were at school during recess, We walked down the halls together,then she like suddenly holds my hands for a few seconds. she was gonna say something but the bell rang and we had to rush to class. but later,i did find a note with a little love confession with no name but im guessing its her becuz of the handwriting.
3. There was this girl

The sunlight was covering my face and this girl just comes to me, takes her cap off and put it on me. It was random but nice. She kept on following me and staring at me during classes. So i was just giving my attendance and right after i said mine,she liked moaned loudly 💀
the teacher was like ”are you okay?”😭
It was so funny. oh yeah another thing i want to mention is that she defended me multiple times and that was rlly nice. 4. There is this tall guy my age from my building
He always asks me the dumbest questions to start a conversation 😭
One time,he shoved to a wall and made eye contact with me for a few seconds and then just walks off as if nothing had happened. another time when my bestie jokingly asks me if we were dating and he was like ”yes,we are” then he pulls me closer as he
wraps his arm around me. my bestie was thinking some other things and was like ”ill leave you guys alone. (my name),make sure to go into a separate room if you wanna do it.” AND I WANTED TO SLAP HER-
He was not fazed at all tho.
“I think we should take her advice“ thats what he said. 😭
He said that as a joke tho so no worries.
5. This is prolly the final moment that im gunna be sharing.
there was this girl who compliments me several times a day. Like one time,she was sharing her food with me and then suddenly goes like ”you’re so pretty“ & im like YEEE.
also,she kept on making jokes about how we are married and i am her gf or sumting-
she also mentioned that she wanted to propose to me uwu.
She offered to drop me home & buys me food ’cause she knows i love eating. she always treats me as if we were an old married couple lmao.
so those are some of the moments i can remember rn. i dont think its too nsfw (only a bit i think) becuz of my preference.
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noro-noro-noro · 2 years
I'm not a huge Ganyu fan, but why do you hate her so much 😭
i'm glad you asked!! this got long so i’m putting it under a readmore
i think she is so boring, & i think she is ugly. the horns are cute. red horns on light blue hair is cute! but the hairstyle sucks. the outfit sucks. i'm sick to death of seeing ganyu art with massive meat globes. it's not even sexy!! i feel uncomfortable for her!!!! and are you seriously wearing a cowbell???? a cowbell over your skintight figure-hugging suit & then some kindd of "skirt" thing if you could even call it that. you're the secretary for the most powerful woman in liyue & you dress like this. there are better looking characters in game you could sexualize & people choose ganyu. and her NA strings show her ass every 3 seconds. to be fair nobody uses her NA but like ....mihoyo recently got yelled at by a group for having characters be too sexy, which is why 4 characters got alt skins that were more conservative. and ganyu is still going to show ass. (to be fair a lot of female characters show ass too just for like...moving and breathing. jumping. NA strings. swimming. & i also hate that. @ ayaka)
i don't like her voice acting either - i'm sure her VAs work very hard!! & that's fine!! but i'm tired of all these unnecessarily high pitched voices. this is a problem with..i guess the industrry?? maybe?? lots of asian media go with the "high pitched voice = cute" kind of thing & i don't like it. anyway it's not a specific problem that ganyu invented, but it's another reason i don't like her.
and there are 10 billion overworked waifu type characters in the game already, & she's like "woe is me...i'm so lonely in the human world...i'm the only adepti in human society (yanfei is right there).....oh no there was a misunderstanding so i'm running away forever without trying to clear it up.." how are you gonna be 200+ years old & act like this. i like seeing her when she's comfortable in situations. it's annoying that the only times i remember seeing her comfortable in positions is when she's working. i hate how her overwhelming fandom characterization a lot of people to characterize her as a stupid shy blushing socially-clueless idiot. i barely remember her story quest.
you may think this is hypocritical bc razor is similar at first glance, with the whole “oh no, i don’t fit into wolf society, & i don’t fit into human society! what’s a little guy to do?” except that ganyu has had her entire life to feel like she doesn’t fit in & hasn’t made any progress towards solving it. razor gets kicked out off wolf society due to his actions protecting humans in his story quest, which i guess happens relatively recently in the timeline of the game. this happens like a week or two ago. he’s also just a kid faced with a hard decision. i’m sure whenever they make his story quest part 2, we’ll see how he deals with it then. also i think razor is cuter & i like his design, his voice acting, his playstyle, etc etc.
& even though she's a great cryo dps, her playstyle is so boring... just go stand on the other side of the room & click & hold & you can only attack once every like 5 seconds!! admittedly if your ganyu is built well you can hit like 20-50k damage on original hit + bloom damage if you crit, but you know who else can do 20-50k damage in 5 seconds? my razor hits for 5-20k on average, & it doesn't take NEARLY as long for him to do so - i think he can do his full NA combo in 5 seconds for ~60k if he crits on every hit. which he might not. to be fair. anyway one Hu Tao crit vape CA on a normal enemy does like 60k & that takes one second. Itto can output like 200k damage during his Q in 5 seconds. ganyu does have AOE on her charged shots, which is nice, but I dislike bow charged attack playstyles sooooo much. i need a cryo dps but i hate her so bad i skipped her for ayaka, who i also really dislike personality-wise but at least she’s fun to play.
thsi doesn't mean i'll flame anyone i run into that uses ganyu. if you like ganyu, good for you! especially if you're playing ganyu & about to carry me in a domain or something. this “barfo-ness” only applies when she appears in story quests. for me, personally, i'm not about any of that. her only appeal to me is her position in the meta. & sometimes when artists draw her in alternate outfits. & also since she’s a few hundred years old, she can probably share a lot of lore with us, or tell me about zhongli. i love grandpa
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