#my gorgeous muse turned out to be a gremlin
dutifullylazybread · 8 months
I hope you all are ready.
Tomorrow's chapter is almost 8,000 words long.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Since I've Been Gone
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Request: what if...Platonic fluff things with reader and bench trio?... Like they're all in a flower field chilling then Tommy is like, "You guys wanna make flower crowns?" And reader, ranboo, and tubbo just look at him like 👁👁 what, Turns out Tommy picked up flower crown making from his big brothers techno and Wilbur so now he does it when he's either bored or stressed. Anyways hope this inspires you <3 -🐱 Anon
(Platonic!Bench Trio x Gn!Reader)
The server had been through a lot, Tommy was just recently revived and was coming off of finding out his two best friends were married. The young boy had a white streak in his blonde hair and was still trying to adjust to the life he missed. Especially when it came to his longtime friend and roommate (y/n). Tommy had recently found out they were off living with Karl and Sapnap in the Kinoko Kingdom...the bitch. After Tommy had disappeared after he...died Karl had found them hiding out in his old library. You had scared the time-traveler half to death when he found you camping out in a corner of the room. However, after seeing as you had nothing, no weapons or armor he concluded you weren’t much of a threat, especially after you told him your sob story. You told him you lived with Tommy and you couldn’t go back there now that he was dead, Ranboo and Tubbo were off doing married things and you had felt so alone. Karl decided at that moment he would take you in, no matter what the cost. Sapnap had a bit more trouble adjusting to your presence, but as soon as he saw you had some fire within your belly he began to warm up to you. It only took a few days for Karl to practically adopt you and since he was engaged to Sapnap the fire demon was stuck with you for a child.
Not that he minded, you weren’t a loud kid, very pleasant to be around hell even his dad took a liking to you. Sapnap was baffled when Karl told him you had previously lived with Tommy, the most obnoxious child on the server. The two of you couldn’t be more different, and when Tommy was revived, he and Karl weren’t enthused. Karl was worried he’d lose you to the trouble maker and it was well known Tommy and Sapnap didn’t have the greatest history. Their worries were quelled the moment you introduced them as your dads to Tommy, Karl burst into tears and Sapnap put you in a headlock much to your protest. Tommy stood by awkwardly, he had missed a lot, he hated the fact that he felt like his friends were happier without him in their lives.
He was brought back to the present by the idle chatter of Tubbo and Ranboo by his side Tubbo was on Ranboo’s back declaring walking was way too much work for him. You snickered nudging Ranboo in the ribs, he let out a yelp and glared down at you halfheartedly. Tommy watched you turn towards him a smile on his features,
“What do you think Tommy?” He blinked a few times at you, not wanting to admit he wasn’t listening to the conversation next to him.
“I don’t fucking know,” He scoffed “This conversation is bullshit anyway who cares.” You had a smirk on your lips that he was all too familiar with, he narrowed his eyes at you.
“You weren’t listening were you?”
“Of course I was listening bitch!”
“Oh really? What did she ask then big man?” Tubbo mused resting his chin on his husband’s shoulder. Hair covering his vibrant, green eyes, horns peeking from beneath his shaggy hair. Tommy glared at his long time friend flipping him off eloquently,
“Probably something stupid and useless.”
“She asked if you knew where we were going,” Ranboo piped up with a casual hum, bouncing in his step. “Cause we’ve been walking for a while, I know Tubbo’s tired.”
“Yeah Tommy, I’m tired.”
“You’re not even walking!” You argued as Tubbo stuck his tongue out at you, lifting his hair from his eyes to wink at you. His one eye glowing with a yellow nuclear symbol, “Put that symbol away! You’re not cool.”
“Says the person who doesn’t own nukes,” He mused letting his hair fall back into place while grabbing onto Ranboo’s horns. “Or who doesn’t have any cool powers,”
“Ow! Low blow! Just cause Tommy and I are the only two humans in the group doesn’t mean you can pick on us! Right, Tommy!”
“Yeah! Exactly! Fuck you guys!” Tommy agreed linking your arms together, “Plus, I know exactly where we’re going. We’re almost there, Wilbur used to take me here all the time when I was little.” Tommy said almost in an afterthought, the kids around him grew quiet, each one knew Wilbur was a touchy subject for Tommy especially after his time in the afterlife. Yet, people seemed to forget that Wilbur wasn’t always crazy, wasn’t always a manipulator, once he was an older brother. Once he cared for Tommy and wanted to protect him from some of Phil’s neglect, protect him from Technoblade’s voices. Tommy wanted to remember that Wilbur, not the one stuck in purgatory who blew up the country they all fought so hard to retain. He felt your hand squeeze his arm,
“I’m excited to see where Wilbur decided to take you, hopefully, it’s not a fish pond.”
“Oh gross.” Ranboo groaned pinching the bridge of his nose as Tubbo laughed loudly from above him. Tommy made a disgusted face,
“Stop talking about all the fish who fucked my brother!”
“I didn’t you did.” You hummed skipping ahead of the group feet crunching on the leaves on the ground.
“YOU BASTARD!” Tommy shrieked running after you,
“Onward steed!” Tubbo pointed at his two friends who ran off, Ranboo grumbled but trotted after the duo.
It only took a few more arguments and a few more minutes of walking before the quartet came to the destination Tommy was eager to show them. You stopped on your heels jaw-dropping in awe,
“Holy shit…” You murmured, in front of all of you was a gorgeous field of flowers a giant dark oak tree sat in the middle. It was giant spanning up far into the sky but it created a nice shade to keep all of you cooled off. Tommy had a rare peaceful smile on his lips as he let the sun touch his face, he slid off his boots and ran into the field of flowers.
“Take your shoes off so you don’t crush them or I’ll crush you!” Tommy snickered falling back, letting the flowers tickle his cheeks. He opened his eyes just a crack to see you sliding off your boots and joining him in the field, you didn’t lay beside him instead he watched your form head to the tree. Meanwhile, Tubbo kicked off his boots, Ranboo wasn’t far behind his husband. Tubbo laughed running over and flopping next to Tommy, holding his arm close much to the blonde’s displeasure.
“Ranboo! Help me reach the taller branches!” You called to the tallest member of your friend group. He nodded walking over to you, grabbing your waist gently he lifted you into the air. You grabbed onto the nearest branch and hoisted yourself into the air, Ranboo was always shocked at your upper body strength, but then again you trained on your own for years. Ranboo hovered at the base of the tree nervously, both of his tails flicking side to side.
“Don’t climb too high!” He called watching you slip and cling onto the trunk to steady yourself. “(Y/n) CAREFUL!”
“I’m fine, mom!” You stuck your tongue out at him from above, “I’ve fallen out of taller trees!”
“If you get hurt Sapnap would literally burn me alive! So PLEASE try not to fall!”
“Boo calm down a little!” Tubbo snickered, “if they fall I’ll film it.”
“Tubbo has the right idea,” you agreed as Tommy laughed from beside Tubbo. Ranboo frowned ears twitching in distress, you only continued to climb higher to his dismay. Eventually, you came down falling elegantly into the arms of Ranboo who caught you easily. He was breathing heavily, recovering from the shock of your sudden drop. His long nails dug into your skin as he clutched onto you like a lifeline, “Ranboo let go!” You huffed trying to wiggle out of his tight grip.
“Absolutely not! Are you a lunatic!” His voice broke, “I could’ve missed! You could’ve broken an ankle!”
“But I didn’t,” You poked his nose with a teasing hum. Ranboo groaned louder placing his head in the crook of your neck, you snickered as he finally let you onto the ground. You walked over to Tommy and Tubbo and sat down next to them, you leaned against Tommy’s back who grunted in distaste. “Deal with it gremlin, be my backrest,”
“Fuck you bitch!” He snarled but didn’t move or push them off, you smiled teasingly winking in the direction of Tubbo. He snickered into his palm as Ranboo pulled Tubbo into his lap, and the young goat hybrid got comfortable. The four of you sat in peaceful silence, letting the sun beat down around you all. A nice breeze blew through the area causing the leaves of the nearby trees to shake, a few animals rustled around in the bushes.
“We should make flower crowns,” Tommy spoke up suddenly his nails digging into the dirt. You titled your head in confusion and Raboo looked equally as baffled, the only person who didn’t seem surprised was Tubbo.
“Sure man but you gotta collect the flowers,” Tubbo said tiredly Tommy clicked his tongue stubbornly.
“We’re surrounded by flowers you’re just lazy.”
“Yeah obviously.”
You gave Tubbo a look and sat up on your knees, “What do you need to get started?”
“Can you grab me some of those daisy’s, tulips, and some bluebells?” You nodded standing up and popping your knees before heading off in that direction. Meanwhile, Tommy grabbed some lilacs and began stringing those together, his tongue poked out from his bottom lip as he gave his full concentration to the task in front of him. Ranboo watched curiously ears flicking every time Tommy let out a mumble, you came back and dumped the flowers beside him. He grunted out thanks making the final knot in the crown, “Done!” He declared looking over at Ranboo, he flushed a little under Tommy’s gaze.
“Didn’t mean to stare.” Tommy huffed holding out the crown to the halfling, he pointed at himself and Tommy rolled his eyes.
“Take it. If you don’t want it I’ll just give it to (Y/n)-”
“I want it!” Ranboo reached out to snatch the crown from Tommy, he placed it gently on his head mindful of the horns. Tommy’s eyes widened and he flushed red, he quickly turned back to the pile of flowers. “Teach us how to make them,” Ranboo offered to try to ease the awkward tension. Tommy huffed but nodded, a smile spread across your lips,
“Teach us your ways oh wise one.” You teased picking up the daisy’s spinning the stem between your fingers.
“Yeah! I am wise! Call me master innit!”
“I’d rather choke,”
“Fuck you!”
You snicked as Tommy punched you hard in the shoulder, you doubled over falling into the flowers. Tommy growled pulling you up by the shirt, “Pay attention bitch! I’m only telling you this once!” Sitting back up you nodded and followed his instructions carefully, he ended up taking the daisies and you the tulips. Ranboo grabbed the bluebells reaching over Tubbo to follow Tommy’s instructions as well, by the end Tommy’s was pristine. The one you made was decent but Ranboo’s looked worse for wear considering he was trying to put it together with claws. He put the crown on top of a snoozing Tubbo, he was proud of his work nonetheless, his husband smiled tiredly nuzzling against his chest. You on the other hand placed the tulip crown you made atop of Tommy’s blonde hair, he flushed and rolled his eyes. He brushed his fingers over the daisies and placed them on top of your head, you looked up at the crown and smiled warmly.
“Thank’s Big T,” you hummed falling back into the flowers and Tommy joined you in laying down. Both your fingers interlocked and Ranboo shuffled to the ground as well, although he didn’t reach out to take Tommy’s hand, Tommy reached out to take Tubbo’s. The four of you stayed in that field until your walkie-talkie screeched cutting through the quiet atmosphere, it was the gruff voice of Sapnap’s. One of your fathers
“Earth to (Y/n), come in (y/n). Your dad wants you here for dinner, George is joining us tonight. I grilled!”
“Ugh. Buzzkill,” Tommy sneered kicking the dirt with his barefoot. You shushed him and pressed the button in to speak,
“Yeah papa, I’ll make my way back soon. Give papa a big kiss for me and if you see Quackirty tell him hello!”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. Karl come here honey~” You snickered as Tommy gagged, you heard your dad meow before your walkie cut off then and you sat up. You stretched your arms above your head and popped your arms into place, you kissed your teeth hopping to your feet.
“I gotta head back unless I want dad to beat my ass. Thank you for today boys and Tommy thank you for sharing your place with us. I’m glad we were trusted with this special secret.” You winked wiggling your toes in the long grass, “we should do this again yeah?”
“Yeah!” Ranboo agreed as Tubbo gave a sleepy thumbs up, your smile only widened. Tommy nodded giving a thumbs-up as well, he watched you head off to collect your boots and head back home. Head to a family, a family who cares about your wellbeing, or if you’re staying out too late. Hell, even who cared about who you were hanging out with, Tommy couldn’t help but wonder what that was like, he didn’t think he’d be very good at listening to any parental figures. He didn’t have that, he would never have that, he looked at your retreating figure, then back over at Tubbo and Ranboo. They both were half asleep and he couldn’t help but glance at the golden rings on each one of their fingers.
He missed so much since he’s been gone.
But maybe all wasn’t bad, he touched the tulips on his head, thinking for a moment.
Maybe he didn’t need a normal family with a mom and a dad, or two dads or moms, he had a family right here. He brought his hand to the scarf on his neck and squeezed it in his fist, who needed that shit when he had everyone he loved in this field with him today.
For once in his life, Tommy was happy.
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sleekervae · 3 years
Suck It And See [0.2]
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"So, what's it like?" Rose asked. Jade laid flat out on her bed, staring at the cracks and stains in the ceiling while her best friend was on the phone.
"It's cold," she said, "Even for post-summer in England, it's cold,"
"What do you mean by cold?" Rose asked again, "That don't make no sense,"
"It's just very isolating is all," Jade replied, "None of these cousins have even come over to say 'hi',"
She hummed from the other end in thought, "Well, perhaps they're waiting for you to come out of your room?" she inquired.
"That'd be fine," Jade said, "If they too weren't locked in their own rooms. Rose, the only sounds I hear are the odd car driving by or the birds in the trees. It's eery, there's no life here whatsoever,"
"They're a suburban family, s'pose. Suburbans do things differently," Rose said, "Remember my next door neighbour? The brownstone that always reeked of meat?"
"Rose, that whole neighbourhood smells of deli meat. You're round the corner from the artisan markets," Jade said.
"Don't matter," Rose said, "Fact is that we lived in a suburb and every single person in that bloody square-radius was whacked,"
Jade sighed, "I think I'd rather be in a Newcastle as oppose to this," she said.
"Well, what's this Auntie all about, then?" Rose asked, "You said she was rich?"
"That's the only cool thing about her," Jade mused, "She married into it. Think she's put out a pound for my mum's treatments? Think again, kid,"
"Perhaps taking you in is her way of chipping in?" Rose said, "You know, take the emotionally-distraught-teenager out of the equation?"
Jade rolled onto her side, staring glumly out the foggy window that overlooked the neighbourhood. It looked more like a still-life than a reality, with silent streets, strangled grass, nobody about on the streets. It was depressingly glum, a place that no emotional teenager could possibly withstand in her circumstances.
"As far as I'm concerned, I should be at home instead,"
Right at seven-fifteen in the evening, Jade was refreshed and redressed, this time in a simple white t-shirt and a pair of comfortable jeans. Her long, thick brown hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, showing off her gorgeous, youthful face. The wonderful smell of roast meat and steamed vegetables filled her nose, and it suddenly dawned on Jade that she was starving. She hadn't eaten anything since she had left her house this morning. She had had a cup of coffee and a scone with her dad in a local cafe by the station, a little father-daughter time before she would have to chug off. It wasn't the most pleasant bonding time for Jade, she still had mixed feelings towards her father and his actions.
Aunt Joy looked to have her head in the oven, a cynically amusing concept to Jade as she entered the kitchen. It was twice the size of her kitchen back home, with jade marble counter tops, clean wooden cabinets, a big, beautiful stainless steel fridge, and a state-of-the-art oven and stove-top set. A few feet away was a grand dining table covered in a green and yellow patch table cloth. And in two of the seats were her younger cousins, Charlie and Noah. The boys were fraternal twins, both eleven years of age with dark bowl-cuts, pudgy and pasty faces, with a thick rimmed glasses sitting on both of their noses. They seemed to be fighting over who's turn it was to play with their video game console.
"Charlie, it's my turn!" Noah whined as he tried to make a grab for the gameboy, "Yeh said yeh'd let me play after yeh killed the dragon!"
"Yeah!" Charlie sneered back, "But now I 'ave to kill the mutant lava monster!" he exclaimed. Noah continued to whine at him and kept grabbing for the console. Soon afterwards, a little, wispy-haired boy came running into the kitchen, yelling for his life.
"AAH! Mummy!" the little boy ran and hide behind Aunt Joy. Jade watched with confusion as another boy, taller than she was, came running after the little boy. He had a gremlin mask on over his head, but the young boy wasn't old enough to understand. Alfie, he was. He couldn't have been older than seven or eight.
"Mummy! Oliver's tryna' eat me!" he yelled. The older boy, sixteen-year-old Oliver, ripped off the deformed, ugly mask and started to laugh.
"Oh, take a joke, Alf. I was only kiddin'," Oliver said to him. Aunt Joy refrained from rolling her eyes as she pulled the roast beef out of the of oven and set it on the stove top to cool.
"Boys, did you say hello to your cousin?" She asked in a diminutive sneer.
The shenanigans in the kitchen came to a sudden stop as they all turned around and focused on Jade. She suddenly felt as though she was being glared down by a pack of wild hyenas.
Oliver, being the oldest, made his move first as he slung an arm around his cousin, "Long time, no see, cuz,"
Out of all her cousins, Jade tended to gravitate towards Oliver most. Perhaps because he was older, perhaps because he was good looking? Jade would never have any romantic kindlings towards him, he was her cousin after all. Regardless, Jade could appreciate his high cheek bones, shaggy but combed back hair, and well-chiseled body. He was a top player on the school's lacrosse team after all.
Uncle Cosmo entered the dining room soon after and had the boys set the table for dinner. He kept calling for Flora to come down from her room.
"Flo! Yehr ma 'as dinner on!" He shouted down the hall.
Jade took a seat at the end of the table, unsure of what else to do as Oliver and and Charlie set the table. He had ripped the game boy away from them and placed it on the spice rack whets neither of them could reach. Flora eventually came down and took a seat on the opposing side to Jade, between Oliver and Alfie.
They all sat down and Aunt Joy placed the roast and veggies in the middle of the table. Noah sat to Jade's left and Uncle Cosmo to her right. They both suddenly grabbed her hands. She was confused until she saw the rest of the family join hands and she realised they were going to say Grace.
"Do yeh say Grace before dinner, Jade?" Charlie asked her, clearly sensing get unease.
Aunt Joy replied before Jade could even open her mouth, "No dear, your Aunty Ruth doesn't believe in God," she said.
"So... Do you not believe in God, Jade?" Charlie asked.
"Erm... not really," she replied.
"Why?" he asked, "Yeh're not afraid of Him?"
"Charlie!" Uncle Cosmo suddenly cut in, "It's none of the business wha' Jade believes in. Now 'old yeh brother's 'and,"
Jade let out a small sigh of relief. And with that, Aunt Joy proceeded to say Grace:
"Dear Lord, thank you for this food we are about to eat. We are grateful for your provision. We ask that you would bless this food and continue to guide our family along Your path. In the name of Your son Jesus, amen,"
"Amen," the whole table said. They all suddenly turned to Jade, who had stayed silent up until that point."
"... Oh. Erm -- a-amen,"
Dinner passed as quietly and uncomfortable as possible for Jade. The younger boys kept asking her why she was here, why her mum was sick, why her parents separated. Uncle Cosmo and Aunt Joy steered the conversation away as much as they could, but even Aunt Joy made little attempt to ease Jade into her family. Oliver then went on to tell Jade about the school she would be attending with them -- Stocksbridge High School. Flora meanwhile stayed silent, occasionally throwing a dirty look Jade's way. She couldn't for the life of her understand what her problem was.
Jade helped the five children -- well, four, Flora chose not to help -- clean up afterwards, then they all separated into their own rooms. Jade was at a loss for what to do with herself, so she sat on the couch with Uncle Cosmo as he lit his pipe and watched the evening news.
"Yeh excited for school tomorrow, Jade?" He asked her. Jade nodded slowly, more focused on the puff piece the news channel was doing on a bird sanctuary in Ireland. She had hardly spoken a word all day, and Uncle Cosmo didn't take it lightly. He couldn't begin to imagine what heartbreak was being thrusted upon this young girl.
"Jade, how are yeh doing? Wif all of this?" He asked her. Jade shook her head and looked up at her uncle with those big, sad hazel eyes.
"I'm fine," she replied quietly.
Cosmo sat forward on the couch and looked down the hall, finding the door to the den closed with light flickering from under the door. His wife wouldn't be able to hear him, then.
"Listen, I won' lie to yeh and say 'I know wha' yeh're going through'. I will tell yeh 'owever tha' it will get better. Yehr mum is a lil' fighter, and she will pull through. If anything, she'll do it fer yeh. As fer yeh dad, 'e's gonna 'help yehr mum any way 'e can, yehr ma won' be alone,"
Jade blinked back the tears that were threatening to spill over and wiped her nose on her jumper sleeve, "Jason's in jail, Uncle Cosmo. Jack's living with... Her. And I'm up here. How is she not alone?" she said. One of her older brother, Jason, had been hauled into juvenile detention last year on a drug charge, while her younger brother, Jack, was living with their father's new girlfriend, Winona, for reasons Jade could not see as logical.
Uncle Cosmo shrugged back and sighed, "Well, yehr ma knows she ain't alone because she knows tha' 'er children are thinking of 'er. She don't want yeh to see 'er in her treatments because she don't want yeh to remember 'er like that. Yeh understand wha' I mean, dear?" he said. Jade, again, nodded as a snail's pace, still keeping her eyes trained on the television.
"Things are gonna be strange for the next lil' while, I know. But yeh 'ave us to lean on fer support," he assured her, "Yeh ain't gonna be alone, Jade,"
Jade forced herself to swallow the growing lump in her throat as well as her uncle's articulations. She wanted to believe him, but the homesickness she felt was too fresh in her mind to give in to the ease her uncle was offering. She quickly wiped away the tears that slid down her face before Cosmo could notice and she turned back to the television, not uttering a word for the rest of the evening.
Morning came faster than Jade would have liked.
After a sleepless night of tossing and turning, Jade grimaced as a loud pounding thundered on her bedroom door.
"Wake up, Jade!" Noah called from the other end, "Mum says we 'ave to get readeh fer school!"
Oh yeah, school. As if she weren't having enough troubles.
Jade groaned and shoved the blankets off her frail body. The floor was cold against her feet and she shivered as a draft whipped across her skin. She did a little stretch and went to the suitcase she hadn't yet bothered to unpack. Unlike her school back home, Jade had to wear a uniform to Stocksbridge -- and ugly one at that, consisting of a button down shirt, a black skirt, and a scratchy grey jumper, and an ugly tie.
If her friends back home could see her now, they'd never let her live this down. Jade had gone to a school where if you dressed like you were on your way to a business meeting downtown, you'd be robbed of your lunch money and locked into the janitor's closet within a span of ten minutes. She missed those ugly, drab classroom walls and rusty lockers that would clatter as you would walk by.
Jade -- now dressed in her new uniform, went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and comb her hair. However, as she tried to turn the bathroom knob, she found it was locked. A shrill voice hollered from the other end.
"Occupied!" Flora shouted with aggravation.
Jade was overcome with a sense of awkward being, unsure of just what to do. The only other bathroom in the house was her Aunt and Uncle's in their bedroom, and the powder room downstairs. Was it appropriate to brush her teeth in there? In this house especially?
"Erm -- i-it's me," Jade called, "Can I come in? I just wanna brush me teeth!"
There was a long, uncomfortable silence before Flora finally replied with an expected "No!"
Jade was beginning to get annoyed with her attitude, "I'll just be thirty seconds, I promise ya! I just really need the sink!"
She heard Flora groan back, "I'm using the sink! Use the loo downstairs!" she exclaimed. Jade bit on her bottom lip nervously, eyeing the corridor to the flight of grandiose stairs. Reluctantly, she took her toothbrush and toothpaste and skittered down the stairs, then headed right for the powder room. As if my a stroke of misfortune, Aunt Joy had spotted her from the kitchen as she was brewing a fresh pot of coffee, and she called after her.
"Jade, dear!" her voice slithered through the air with the grace of a snake, "I certainly hope you're not planning to use the powder room to brush your teeth!" she said, "It's unbecoming, you know,"
Jade refrained from rolling her eyes. It was the powder room, people use the powder room to freshen up. And she needed to freshen up for school so she wouldn't be mistaken for a zombie on her first day.
"Well... Flora refuses to get out of the bathroom... so what do I do?" she asked.
Joy sighed with exasperation, most likely at how petty and ridiculous her daughter was being. Or so Jade had hoped. But by the look on her face, Jade was weary that some of that exasperation may have been directed at her.
"Alright. You can use the powder room this morning. But I will have a talk with Flora," she said. Jade thanked her graciously and hopped into the powder room, feeling as though she had received an indirect warning from a prison warden as oppose to her 'loving' aunty.
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lynneshobbydomain · 4 years
To Be In Orbit (Day 7 of Momoharu Week)
((Gosh it’s been a journey of two ship weeks and having a lot of fun in trying out new characters. Thank you all so much for your support as I wangled my way through this.))
Prompt: AU/Free Day
Summary: During quarintine Kaito has been spending an awful lot on Animal Crossing before Maki could be invited. Little did she know that her man has a plan.
You can read under the cut or here at my AO3
Maki arrived on Curiosity and she knew right then and there that she was going to have to brace herself for all things that were space. “MakiRoll! You made it!” Kaito’s voice cheered over the discord voice chat they were in. It was easier to talk through a mic than to use the speech bubble. Maki prided herself on being a fast typer, but...Kaito could be a slowpoke. She brought out her NookPhone for a moment to see if her guess was right. “So you’d never guess what the shape of this island is!”
“It’s a rocketship.” Maki confirmed as she put away the NookPhone and decided to leave the airport’s entrance. He...did a remarkable job on crafting the island so that it would look like a space ship. There was a pond at the top of the island to indicate a window, and she saw that he had made some sort of cliff side for the rockets that were underneath the ship. She would have to explore the island to see for herself how he crafted it. She was also amused by all of the red flowers that he planted. Mostly red and purple roses. How he managed to enough purple to cover the majority of the island, she couldn’t guess. “Did you breed these?”
“No Kaede’s and Shuichi’s island has a whole bunch of pink and purple.” Kaito explained. “They let me take some. Kokichi oddly enough made me go to his island to get some too.”
“Was that why you were screaming at your console?” Maki had heard him shout about something or another and she had thought it was Kokichi who managed to sneak onto Kaito’s island or had just decided to “bribe” him into going on his. “Did you do the rocket yourself or did Shuichi help?”
“Of course my sidekick helped! We even got Himiko and Tenko to take part in it too. Come on you’re not going to get all of the nitty gritty standing there.” Kaito’s character spun around in circles around her before racing off. Maki decided not to drag her feet and followed him. He had placed the houses in a way that made sense too. He had tried to make the shops diagonal from each each other to represent wings. On the other side of the island, he did that with the villagers as well. The whole middle of the island, while covered in flowers and fruit trees, also had a goregeous set up of a park. Going further and she could see that he went out of his way to recreate memories. 
There was a restaurant that was on the river side. Their first date had been at a restaurant at a river side. Then there was the house that he made that was...very much like their own house. She didn’t miss that he had managed to find a way to hang a weapon on the walls and that there was artwork of them. Angie must have provided it. She also caught on that there was planets and galaxies that were decorating the non-flowered parts of the island. The Milky Way, the Andromeda, the different planets. She even saw her own constellation for her birthday and right next to that was Kaito’s. 
Small flags were starting to rise up in Maki’s mind. Out of everything that he could have put in his island, it was space and her and flowers. She spoke to some of the villagers, mostly to see if they’d randomly drop a hint as to what was going on. Most of them were just excited to see her, and she got a DIY recipe that she already had. She would have to see if Ryoma or Rantaro needed it since they didn’t play too much. Kaito dragged her everywhere, showing her where he placed the waterfalls for the river, and how he tried only to have a few cliffs. 
It was a very romantic island, and a very him. “That explains the days you decided to lock yourself in your room or playing when you have a nightmare.” Maki said after a moment, taking it in. “It’s really beautiful. You did a good job.”
“Thanks Maki Roll, but the best hasn’t even been shown yet!”
There was more to this island?! “What more can you possibly show me?” She asked as she randomly decided to take out her clothing wand and change her outfit. She always liked the the badassery of the tank top and shorts and it was supposed to be summer. Not that it felt like that due to the quarantine, but...the sentiment should stay the same regardless in the video game. 
“The shooting stars!” Kaito exclaimed, his character emoting the encouraging reaction. Maki reacted using the thinking and he responded playfully with the worried. “Come on.” He pleaded through the mic. “Stay for the stars! We can't really see them in the city.”
That was fair. It also wasn’t like they didn’t do it in the game either. She could also gather material if she timed the wishes correctly. She decided to react with the pleased reaction. “Okay.” She said. “I’m going to assume you have a spot all picked out too.”
“You got it Maki Roll. Come on, follow me.” He lead her up towards the point of the rocket, guiding her up and up inclines. More and more stars and planets on the ground but also...little things that if she only ran through she wouldn’t have caught. There was a place filled with musical instruments that, if one were to visit his island blindly would think he had nowhere to put them. She recognized it as a memory of Kaede’s concerte that they went to. Then they saw Shuichi’s hat, where he had abandoned it a long time ago, growing out of being anxious. Himiko’s magic show that they got to watch. Tenko’s dojo...all little items of punching bags, and magician wands, most of them artwork that was on open display and items that were made using the pro-designer. How long did Angie work on Kaito’s request?! How many of these were borrowed or were given to him through Shuichi and Himiko?
“A path of memories?” Maki questioned.
“Well there’s this American song that Rantaro made me listen to that was called the Staircase to Heaven and I don’t know anything about those lyrics, but the title made me think of what I think.” Kaito explained. “Look it’ll make sense later. We can’t dawdle, the stars don’t wait for anyone!”
She wanted to look through more of the memories, but she decided to press for information later. They got to the third tire and he ran all the way to the tip point of the rocket. A telescope already in place as well as a springtime picnic display.
Those flags of hers were getting louder. “I’m going to get off call.” Kaito said suddenly. “Can I come sit with you?”
“As long as you’re six feet away from me.” Maki wondered if he could even tell that she was joking through the microphone. She could hear him laugh and she felt herself relax. They disconnected on the computer and Kaito took no time in coming and sitting down next to her. “What was with the space?” She asked after a moment as he got settled on their bed.
“No reason.” Kaito mused. “Just thought you’d rather explore than to peek through my screen about what I was doing.”
Kokichi called Shuichi a terrible liar but she wondered if the gremlin ever caught Kaito in one. Then again, that would probably give him too much power. A chime echoed through both of their switches and Kaito cheered as he looked at the screen. Without having to say a word, they both pressed a button and wished on the stars that were coming down. 
It must have been a meteor night. She felt herself relax as they enjoyed the moment, trying to catch and wish. “Hey Maki Roll. What did you think of the island?”
“You put a lot of work into it.” Maki wondered if there was more he was looking for, but Kaito seemed pleased with her answer regardless. “What did you wish for on the stars?” He knew that she wouldn’t actively make a wish. There was no point if the star wasn’t real. Meanwhile, Kaito was an idealist on the best occasion. A false star in a game was just as good as a real star out of it. 
“If you’d marry me.”
“What?” Maki wasn’t sure if she heard right and picked her head up from her screen to see that he was actually holding an open ring box. It was..simplistic and gorgeous and Kaito was grinning as he held it out to her. “I…” She wasn’t used to being stunned stupid. “I knew you were planning something.” 
“That’s not a yes or a no.” Kaito chided lightly, but he turned a little serious. “I’m pretty sure you saw all of the...items that I left in the pathway. Little things that I know that you and I share. I want to do that with you. Share more memories, be with you. You make me happy, Maki and I hope I make you happy too. I love that you call me an idiot sometimes because I know you care and you worry. I love your pout and how you get flustered. I love your smile, your determination to get things done. I just...love you and I want to continue loving you so…” He gently nudged the box towards her. “This is me, asking you, if you’d marry me.”
“Do you want to die?” Maki asked, but she let a hidden smile slip on as she gently held her left hand to him. “You're stuck with me. No one else would put up with you.”
“I wouldn’t want anyone else.” Kaito grinned as he slipped the ring onto her finger.
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
Ryusoulger Raw post #1…
… Will there be a #2? Who knows! Not me!
But I’m rather tired and I got really excited, so here ya go.
Spoilers abound.
In no order, and I apologise for any nonsense that may ensue:
We just go straight into the opening again. How they decide that? Flip a coin?
Recap the previous … Yay, Touwa’s not dead. I’m so shocked. XD
I’m kidding. But I don’t know why we needed Melto to tell us that.
Banba’s doing his arm folding thing again. Oh my god he’s pretty. DX
Kou smile!
Naohisa is back! And I still think I’m spelling that wrong…
Come to think of it… Who the hell did he take that stuff to? Where was he? Are he and the Elder in cahoots?
Actually, that’s… Not impossible.
Already know that it turns out they need a sample to make the antidote, so I presume that’s what he’s telling them.
Oh. Oh, yeah, pretty sure I was right. He looks gorgeous, but Banba is very much in pain right now. I mean, from his point of view, he just got told he destroyed the only way to save his brother. That’s gotta hurt. And he’s probably already blaming himself for letting this happen in the first place…
Ah! My little green gremlin son! DX
I already want to hug Banba, but now I really want to hug him. He looks so upset… All these kids have their own brand of puppy dog eyes, I think.
Poor Kou has spent roughly half of this two parter rushing after Banba whenever Black runs out the door abruptly. XD
Is… Is mushroom crayon man starting his own YouTube channel?
Gods, I really love mook suit actors in Sentai. Can always count on them for comic relief and just going all out in getting dramatically beat up.
Big Brother Mode –– ACTIVATED.
And now, in which, were it not for outside circumstance, Crayon would be dead.
The fact that Kou was like ‘likelihood I find Banba trying to kill something indicates I should transform even before I find him’ is hilarious to me.
I love the fact that Asuna and Ui spend the entire time sitting up and Banba spends it standing. Like, what, we couldn’t let these three lie down, too? I mean, I guess Touwa was the one who was bitten, but… Did no one really think to get Banba a chair?
Then again, would he have sat in it?
Banba is glaring like ‘if I wasn’t in literal agony right now and actually dying, I would so be killing all of you for this humiliation.’ Boy does not like having to be carried. XD
Shocked Kou is really cute and I want to pinch his cheeks. ^^
Banba might be dying of poison, but he still has to be grumpy. It’s his brand.
I hate the ‘poisoned’ Toku makeup, but even it cannot stop Tatsuya from being amazingly beautiful. XD
Hmm… Well, Melto just said something that made Banba think of something. Not sure what though.
Smiley Kou! ^^
Congrats, Melto! You have now been promoted to being directly addressed!
Banba, I’m sure you have something important to say, but… Do you have to almost threateningly lurch over here to say it?
Why are y’all goofing off like this all of a sudden?
Crayon, don’t break the fourth wall, you disturb me.
Okay, given context, what I think Melto says is that Banba told him where he found the Minusaur before.
Context bc the two of them immediately run there.
Crayon says something about ‘otoutou’ but I don’t know if that meant what I thought it meant?
Dude, I know you’re goo, but… Seriously? Don’t put your hand in an untrained animal’s mouth.
You go, boys! ^^
Aaaaand… Melto’s down!
Actually, though, out of all of them, Melto’s the one being most crazy whilst dying of poison… Like he got back up and was fighting untransformed. Yes, Kou let himself get bitten, but let’s give Melto some credit, too.
I really think Banba would have been more inclined to wait and give them more of a chance if it weren’t for Touwa. But Touwa is the most important person to him in the world, and, coupled w/ his other trust issues, he’s scared to rely on, essentially, strangers for this.
But, more importantly, where was he keeping the sword??? In his sleeve?
Same place Akashi kept Zuuban, I suppose.
Yeah, this is a perfect storm of Banba is afraid to trust or have faith in anyone else and the fact that the person he would absolutely sacrifice everything for is at risk.
I really want to know what Banba and Touwa say in this scene… Like, I think I get what Asuna says, she’s saying that she has faith in Kou and Melto, and they should, too, but… I dunno. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s Maybel––wait, no.
But, like… Banba seems like he’s having some sort of dramatic reaction to what Touwa is saying? And whether that’s just floating drama bc they’re all dying of poison and he’s desperate to save his brother or whatnot, or if there’s something big here… I wanna know! DX
Pretty sure he’s saying if they all die there’d be no one to stop the Druidon. But I still think that he’d be more willing (even if only incremently so) to wait it out if it were just him and/or some combination of the others. Touwa being in danger (and him probably blaming himself for part of it) is likely throwing him even more off balance.
So, we all know from the magazine that Banba doesn’t trust anyone but Touwa bc he was betrayed before, and I definitely think this is setting up the path to that being revealed? If that makes sense? Hopefully they do it steadily/don’t wait too long.
Tatsuya still rocking the awful poison makeup like a boss. XD
I feel like you can see the switch flip when Asuna brings up believing/trusting the other two (at least, I presume that’s what she’s saying?). Like, by the end of her speech, Banba almost looks like he’s having war flashbacks or something? Esp when Touwa weighs in… I dunno how to describe it. Maybe after I’ve rested.
Oh, baby… He’s so upset and scared and in pain. Like, no, don’t stab the nice animal lady, but I do get you’re not rational rn…
That took tremendous effort. Like, he’s having to force himself to rely/something sort of like trust others. (I don’t think we can quite call it trust yet)
But he definitely looks like he’s having some sort of trauma reaction to the concept of ‘trust.’
Aaaaaand… Kou is down!
Aaaaaand… Kou has a dumb plan.
Throwing the sword was not necessary. You could have forced it to bite the sword.
Also, nice save, Tyramigo!
Yes, yes, I see the Gold foreshadowing. But how deep does it go?
Melto’s like ‘I was afraid of you before, but not in that outfit, and not while I’m dying of poison.’
But also, WHY.
Banba can’t do anything w/out looking majestic. It’s in his contract. He’s the Knight of Majesty for a reason. XD
I feel like the other four are giving a speech, and then Banba’s just like ‘I’m only here bc I am thoroughly pissed off!’
I love MirNeedle and his honking noise.
He spin!
Double sword attack, while Banba and Asuna each get their own thing.
Also, only Touwa’s gets a cool name. XD
Touwa gets payback. ^^
Ui’s so perky. God love you, sweetie. Acting like you weren’t dying two minutes ago, too. <3
I feel like the sword is about to eat me…
For a balloon thing, that was pretty tame, actually.
Banba says something, and then Touwa, I think, something like, ‘don’t you mean ‘thank you’?’ and then Banba gets awkward and it’s SO CUTE! DX
Smiley Kou again!
Kou is like ‘we’re friends!’ and Banba is like ‘oh no, he’s adorable’ but then immediately switches back to ‘I’m sorry, you must be a level 4 friend to unlock my tragic backstory.’
Like, he literally stares at him for moment, like… I dunno. I’ll have to think more about what I think that moment means. He looks kinda… Shocked?
Then he, like, has to recollect himself to brush him off.
Did he just say that all in one breath?
Touwa’s shrug there tells me he either doesn’t know anything about the betrayal, or doesn’t know how badly it effected his brother. My guess is the former.
Love how the trio are already getting fond of Banba’s standoffishness.
They’re teasing her, but I can’t figure out about what…
Oh, I’m sorry, mr Elder whose wig doesn’t match? Are my sons not included in your cryptic prophesying? Well fine then. I’ll do it myself. XP
And believe me, they don’t want me doing that, so you’d better include my boys in whatever it is.
Well, the sisters are def suspicious, way frillier than I thought they’d be, and there seems to be a mind control plot? Wonder how the brothers are going to react to the apparent situation?
Sigh. Watching Sentai live is so painful. Now I have to wait until next week. DX
That’s all, folks! Digital chocolate torte for anyone who read all that.
Really tired, don’t have much else to say. Even more curious about Banba’s backstory. Pettily annoyed that whatever dramaticness the Elder was musing on at the end apparently doesn’t include my sons. (Petty, I know, but they’re Ryusoulgers, too, shouldn’t they be part of whatever yours prophesying? XP).
So, anyway. Curious about what these sisters are up to next week. Seems like their voices control people, or maybe I’m misinterpreting. Still loving this series.
Very tired.
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enairu · 6 years
∞ (For Nesi >:3c)
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Send me ∞ and my muse will tell you…
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning
“I almost died when I saw her!! Of a heart attack! She’s like OUT OF THIS WORLD gorgeous! Ten out of ten! Way too good for ANYONE!”
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
“Um... She’s wayyyy outta my league... I’d feel like an ugly weird gremlin next to her HAHA. Maybe I’ll feel less like that in the future. Maybe...”
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
“We work in the same company, and the Court too! And she’s already putting A LOT of effort into making sure things turn out okay for Rairai. And anyone who would try that hard for him has some of my trust too... And... She just feels like that kinda soul, y’know?”
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
“It’s weird to admit it, but I already care about the girl!! I don’t get along with many girls for some reason, but she’s like... I dunno... I’m magnetically drawn to her, strangely! And I have this weird urge to protect her and make sure she’s happy! Am I okay?!”
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW!
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
“I... I wanna cuddle her, ‘cause she looks so soft and comfortable, and I bet she’d smell really nice... But that’s just me being a creep. I tried getting to know her more too, but my stupid attempts failed. I should’ve known better than to take her to the stupid QUICKFUCK OF ALL PLACES... Next time, though...!”
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
“Since we live in the same place, there’s no way she can avoid me, so we’re BOUND to become closer friends, right?... Right? Anyway, I just hope she feels the same way. I don’t want it to be awkward and I hope she’ll understand what kinda person I am and won’t... Hate me.”
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darlingpetao3 · 7 years
Troubled Waters (Barry Allen x Reader)
Rating: G
Summary: After the Particle Accelerator exploded, many unsuspecting people began to show various and odd abilities. Following a vicious attack while night-surfing on that fateful day, you, the Reader, became one of those people. Thankfully, the brilliant minds at S.T.A.R. Labs (and the gorgeous Barry Allen) are willing to help you find your way and shield you from an intimidating organization.
'Come to S.T.A.R. Labs,' they said. 'It'll be fun,' they said.
You hadn't known what to expect when Doctor Harrison Wells contacted you out of the blue one day regarding your incident almost ten months ago. But since there were these strange people stalking you around every corner, you were relieved to have somewhere to hide out. Although, being here in the labs, with three pairs of scientific eyes on you, you feel like an odd specimen. And though the members of S.T.A.R. Labs seemed to have gotten the gist of your current situation, they were still very intrigued to know the full details of your story. To know about your very special ability...
“So let me get this straight,” Cisco Ramon, mechanical engineer, starts. You can sense the judgement in his voice. “You were surfing at night when the Particle Accelerator exploded? In December?” Just then, a breathtaking guy strides into the room. He's tall, has perfect hair, and a face like an artist had sculpted it.
“Who's night surfing in December?” he asks. “That sounds fun.” He actually sounds genuine about it. People usually think you're crazy for doing it. You almost forget to talk because he's so distracting to look at.
“That would be me. And, yes, Mr. Ramon” you say, crossing your arms defensively. “Believe it or not, December is a really good time to surf. The weather gets stormy and stirs up some nice waves. And I do it at night because it's peaceful and you get to see the city all lit up.”
“Okay, I guess that makes sense. And please, call me Cisco. Mr. Ramon is my father. And I only let Doctor Wells call me that because he's already set in his ways.” You make a mental note. But back to the handsome fellow... Wells sees you’re distracted with Barry and makes the introductions.
“Barry Allen, meet (Y/N). Our new case study and friend.” Barry's face lights up in recognition.
“I've heard that name before,” he says, shaking your hand. Then it hits him. “You're Shark Girl! Sorry, I mean, that was the name the paper gave you.” He scratches the back of his neck, looking suddenly very embarrassed. Ah yes, the paper. When CCPN interviewed you about the attack, you didn't know they would give you a horrible nickname that would, unfortunately, catch on.
“The paper didn't cite everything I told them. Let me tell you the full story.”
You launch into the tale of your fateful incident, explaining that with this past winter being warmer than previous years, it was a perfect night to surf. You grabbed your wetsuit, board, and left to catch some late-evening waves thanks to the wind. You loved the quietness of the waterfront when no one was there. That, and the way the lampposts along the walkway and the lights of the city illuminated the waters.
At one point, though, things took a turn.
First, it started to rain. Which was strange, because the weather hadn't called for it.
Something brushed your feet underneath the water. That's too big to be a fish... you had thought. It brushed against you again. You saw a fin pop out of the water and before you had time to panic about the creature, an enormous, bright beam of light exploded from the other side of town. You sat in the water, momentarily transfixed at the sight. The light seemed to create a ripple effect, knocking out all sources of power, leaving the entire city dark.
Except for the erratic lightning flashing in the sky.
A surprise force pulled you off your board and you struggled to keep your head above water. Something had your leg in its mouth. You couldn't see, it was so dark. You were freaking out and screaming for help while accidentally swallowing water. The last thing you saw was a blinding light and the last thing you felt was electrocution...
You met the young couple that saved you from drowning in your hospital room after you finally woke up sometime following that night. They had heard your cries from the water and came running through the dark and sandy shoreline. Central City Picture News made them out as heroes, which they were, but ended up portraying you as the irresponsible dummy. And that is precisely why you don't read the newspaper anymore.
The doctor had disclosed to you that you were unconscious for an abnormal amount of time, plus he had to operate on your leg to extract multiple shark's teeth. Oh God. Thank goodness you were unconscious for all that.
But hey, free shark tooth necklace?
“In your email reply, you mentioned something about 'personal transformational issues.'” Caitlin Snow, bio-engineer, says. “Do you mean to say you have special abilities? Because after what we've seen recently, it wouldn't be abnormal.”
“I suppose you could say that. It all started happening maybe a month ago?” you offer.
“The approximate date does line up with the majority of other appearances of meta-humans in the city,” Wells confirms.
“Wait, what kind of abilities do you have?” asks Barry. Oh no, you don't want to tell him! It's so embarrassing and bizarre. You know you're just going to scare him away.
Maybe even literally.
“I can...” you mumble the rest of your words.
“I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. You can what?”
“I can turn into a shark.” There. The truth is out. Does Barry look... impressed?
“Narly,” Cisco says, biting into a piece of liquorice.
“Wow. That must be a real experience,” Barry muses. “Can you transform on command?”
“No, it doesn't seem to work that way,” you explain. Your head suddenly feels funny. You start feeling woozy and lightheaded, so you stumble, but Barry is extraordinarily quick to catch you.
“Whoa!” His hands grab your waist while yours hang onto his strong shoulders.
“What's wrong?” Caitlin asks, concerned. “What are you feeling right now?” Your head wobbles around and you tell her you need to get to freshwater and fast.
“But I seriously doubt you have a pool of freshwater in this place,” you say weakly.
“Not a pool, but we have a freshwater fish tank down in the lower levels!” Cisco pipes up. “This is gonna be so cool. And you'll be needing a new name for sure. 'Shark Girl' is just so, ugh!” Barry, Caitlin, and Wells give Cisco various dude, there's a time and a place looks.
“Please excuse Mr. Ramon,” Wells says as he turns around in his motorized chair. “If you'll just follow us. Mr. Allen, please help the poor girl.”
“Look at her go.”
“It's fascinating, really.”
“The fact that she needs to re-oxygenate her blood every so often is quite astounding.”
You can hear their distorted voices through the giant freshwater tank that you swim laps around. It feels so good to be back in the water. You can think so much clearer now. You notice Barry is following you around with his eyes while you're in your horrid shark form. You'll never have a chance with him now that he's seen you this in this state.
After you spend an adequate amount of time in the tank, you towel off and prepare to face the comments of your spectators. Your shark form is slowly receding upon being acclimatized once again to the air in the room. Caitlin, Cisco, and Wells confer with each other in a little brainiac huddle. Barry is the one that approaches you at the steps to the tank as you towel dry your hair. You bring the towel in front of your face to hide from him.
“Don't look at me,” you tell him.
“Why would you say that?”
“Because. In there. I was a monster, I was hideous.”
“(Y/N), listen, I don't know what kind of shark attacked you during the explosion, but I’m pretty sure it was a cute shark.”
Oh my god.
“I mean,” he continues, face growing pink, “most sharks are pretty scary looking, right? But there are cute ones out there too, and it would make sense it had to be one of those cute ones that... I'm just gonna stop talking now.”
“Barry, are you calling me cute?” you tease. Before the either of you can say anything else, the rest of the team comes over.
“Do you transform whenever you come in contact with water?” Caitlin inquires, pen and clipboard in hand.
“Like Gremlins...” says Cisco. You point a finger at him.
“Don't even think about nicknaming me 'Gremlin,'” you joke.
He puts his hands up in surrender. “How about 'Madam Shark'?”
You think about it. It's not bad. You go back to answering Caitlin's question. “Only when I come in contact with freshwater specifically, like down where I used to surf.”
At once, all of your heads turn at a clanking sound echoing from the hallways, growing closer. Men in heavy-duty black uniforms burst through the door. It's them. The people who have been following you around, lurking when they don’t think you’ve noticed. They have guns! Duck and cover!
A stone-faced woman walks in after them, in total command of the room. Frankly, she frightens you more than the big men with guns.
“Harrison,” she addresses Wells. “We understand you're harbouring a dangerous, what are they being called again? Meta-humans?”
“Ms. Waller,” he replies professionally. He steers his motorized chair in her direction. “We can assure you and the rest of A.R.G.U.S. that our friend here would cause no harm to anyone.”
“Tell that to hundreds of wounded citizens this city has acquired thanks to these corrupt meta-humans.”
“Not all the meta-humans are corrupt,” Barry says with annoyance in his voice. “Or have you forgot about the Flash?” This Waller woman ignores him and carries on.
“We're taking her in.” You stiffen. Where are they taking you? Who are these A.R.G.U.S. people and what will they do to you?
“Like hell, you are,” Barry says daringly while moving in front of you. You peek out over his shoulder that’s blocking your view. He makes you feel safe and yet you hardly know him. “We know about your organization's questionable methods for bringing peace. For all we know, you'll use her as some sort of human weapon.”
Wells cuts in again. “Amanda, why don't we discuss this elsewhere.” You’re fairly certain he gives Waller scary dagger-eyes as he rolls past her, signalling to follow him. Surprisingly enough, she does. There's something funny about Doctor Wells, but you can't place it.
Barry turns around to you and places his hands on either side of your arms, a comforting action.
“Don't worry. We won't let them take you. I won't let them take you.” The conviction in his words makes you believe him with all your heart.
“Why would you risk your life for me?”
“Because,” he takes a breath. “I know what you're going through.”
“How could you possibly...?” Wells rolls back in the room as the armed A.R.G.U.S. men begin to file out of the room. He wears a winning smirk and jokingly dusts off his hands as if to mean good riddance. “We won't be seeing them anytime soon.” Barry smiles in relief.
“I don't know how I'm going to keep living like this,” you murmur, motioning to yourself. He takes your hands and looks deep in your eyes.
“You'll have me. I will help you through this.”
In this moment you seem to know two things:
You could tell this guy brings trouble wherever he goes.
And you are falling hard for him.
Anonymous Request: Can you do a Barry imagine where on the night of the particle accelerator explosion the reader was surfing. But was attacked by a shark so now she has the ability to turn into a shark. The team finds out and wants to help. When that all meet she tells them about what happened and how she got her powers which is kind of shocking for them and she shows them her abilities and barry helps her deal with it and they grow close and fall in love. Sorry if this is weird.
A/N: I tried my best, Anon! I may not have gotten the full ‘fall in love’ part, but boy if they aren’t growing close! ;)
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dailystarplatinum · 8 years
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We did it.. we made it to the big four digits. I never thought I’d get here, honestly. When I made this blog in May, I never thought I’d get to here. Maybe 2 or 300 followers, at the most?? Never this. 
 Here’s some sappy words to some people, I’ll cut this off because it’s going to be very long. 
 @daily-jojoanimals (I’m putting you at the top in case everything gets too sappy for you) I love your art a lot! The bright colors, the lines... I can’t draw animals for my life, but you? You’re amazing at it! Your blog is great and I hope that it gets more attention because you work really hard on all those drawings!
@dailydiadop nOON WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN�� I love you and you’re probably my best friend. I have absolutely no idea where I’d be without you. Probably very very lost and very very confused. I’d also still be trying to figure out who is the best person at making hamburgers (it’s you). Honestly, if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve never gotten into jojo, or at least I would’ve taken longer to find out about it. 
 @dailynonbinaryukako eli I remember when we first started talking and it was kinda awkward but then I was like ‘oh hey I made a blog’ and you were like 'oh hey I should make one too’ and now look at us. You’re a huge nerd and I love talking to you about ocs and memes and my 1000+ year old hawk son and I think our muses need to interact more but you’re probably another big reason for why I’ve stayed in this community so long... I mean heck you’re the reason I joined Daily Discord Hell!
 @dailyhierophantgreen S C R E A M S ILY RAY I can’t believe you looked up to me once… I mean first of all I’m like 5 foot 4 there isn’t much to look up to and second I can’t believe my art is of the quality and skill for someone as amazing as you to look up to it…. anyways you’re an amazing person and I love all of your hierophant doodles and I hope that we can draw more stargreen ship stuff and memes this year! 
 @daily-caesar Adam, you’re hilarious and really nice, and I love all of your Caesar and Torq and Capt doodles (how do you even doodle them so fast??? Ho w)! You always enjoy my Fresh Memes ™, and you always manage to put a smile on my face. 
 @dailysmolnareff  I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but you were one of my favorite daily blogs that I was scared and/or unsure of how to interact with. If only my oblivious past self could see us now. You are number one, Cami. Never forget that.
 @dailystoneplatinum you’re definitely another huge reason why I’ve been inspired to try so hard with art on this blog and art in general. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, a huge inspiration, and I also always enjoy talking with you (ah yes one in the morning talks about Jolyne’s stand and how it’s unfair that Pucci got Made in Heaven and Jolyne got silly string with sunglasses). I’m really happy we get to talk, and I hope to see more of your beautiful art!
 @daily-giogio L E A D E R O F M U T E C R E W ok that’s obviously not enough, let me write more I love your Gio art so much it’s just so pretty?? side note Reset Gio’s design is also gorgeous and you just manage to kill me every time I see your art??? You’re also just a really funny person and I love talking with you! Or just listening to the void with you too that’s great as well
 @dailyrobertspeedwagon peri, you’re super sweet and you’ve got great ideas and OCs, and I love all of them! To be honest, you’re much much better at art than I was when I was your age *visibly shudders thinking about old art*… keep up the great work! 
 @weeklyheavendio laVA WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN you deserve a medal for the amount you’ve helped my art style change like I draw something for the reset au and you manage to one up me with amazing art so I draw something else then you make a beautiful giF SO I HAVE TO MAKE AN EVEN BETTER GIF AND IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS BUT IT WAS WORTH IT AND I LOVE ALL YOUR ART AND YOURE JUST A GREAT PERSON AAAAAA 11/10 would rewrite existence out of possibly canon game history again 
 @dailyshadowdio Cake I can’t believe I was once scared of you with your beautiful art.. I was scared to talk to you and the big wry man himself… Now I know. I know that I must believe in gravy. Always believe in gravy. Gremlin Dio and pretty much all your art gives me life. I don’t know what it is about how you draw Dio, but he just looks??? So good?????? Long story short you’re great cake 
@dailyhamonpires we didn’t talk too much before the space au, but now that we’ve talked more, i’ve really enjoyed seeing you and your art! SOLU is a very sweet goop boy and deserves only the best. Keep up the amazing work!
 @dailyavdol you’re one of the sweetest people I know! Your art style is also super unique and beautiful, and I love seeing different characters in it! Also seeing you and Cami talk is really sweet too :> 
 @marinebiologistjotaro whERE DO I EVEN START You are an absolute blessing. Do you even know how much I love marine life. Like I really love cephalopods the most but all marine life is just really cool and if I wasn’t sure I wanted to do something with animation in the future I’d want to do something with marine biology and so when I found your blog some couple of months ago I died of happiness I’ve also enjoyed all the little inside jokes we’ve made over the past few months. I still miss Barbara… 
@badlydrawnmekandmoney !!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD OCS! GREAT PERSON! It’s always a lot of fun to talk to ya! You put up with all my shitty memes and actually genuinely seem to like them, too!
 @dailyyoungmrskujo *insert good shit meme but in french* I love Jolyne’s mom/Jotaro’s wife, so when I found that someone had taken her character and turned her into a fully capable headstrong young woman, I was so excited! You’re really sweet, and I wish you luck with your new job and I hope we sometime get time to talk (despite timezones >_<). 
 @badlydrawnjotarocean we don’t talk much but I kind of admire you from a distance because you’re pretty cool and I’m also madly in love with Joji from the reset au I mean sweet ocs you got there friend I mean um how much water do you need to quench your thirst
@badlydrawn-p4nareff a quality baguette… a handsome baguette… a good baguette… have I ever said how much I love pol and how good your pol art is I mean sometimes he’s just a piece of string cheese but you still manage to make him look beautiful???? What are your secrets I'm also sorry I'm a huge nerd you probably are wondering why I tagged you right I mean uh I should stop aaaa
@dailypisscop You’re an amazing artist and I’m so happy you like my art! It was a lot of fun seeing your progress on the johnny and gyro print and seeing other things you’ve drawn :>
@notsodailystarplatinum aaaaaAAAAA you’re so cool! I love all of your star doodles and it’s always fun to interact with you and the other star blogs! Also I still can’t believe you drew me
Tumblr media
it me bubbles 
@dailyghiaccio we've talked a couple of times, but I absolutely love your art! Keep it up!
@weeklyesidisi (i’m not tagging all 1837472 of your blogs) vince you’re very funny and great and, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you about the space au and other things!
@dailyjosukeandokuyasu !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude you are great I really love your art and designs a lot, also you definitely put up with all my terrible memes. The only complaint I have is no shiny
@daily-goldexperiencerequiem KICK ME INTO SPACE PLEASE I mean you're super fun tot talk to, and I love your GER art ^_^
@otamer kinda different than a lot of the other blogs here since you aren't a daily/bd blog that does much (yet) but you're super nice and fun to talk to and I know you can make that blog and join us in the deep dark realms of daily discord hell ;D
@dailyyoung-jonathan YOU ARE GREAT OK?? Anyways thank you for taking celeste to the ball and also just for being really nice on kirb’s server. 
@regularlyscheduledjolynemom We talk occasionally, but it’s always fun to talk to you! Thank you for the history jokes :>
@kindofdailyoingo GOOD BLOG BOOD GLOG 10/10 I love your oingos also thank you for always listening to me talk about my hawk son you’re just really fun to talk to and be around and I hope you remember that! 
@poorlydrawnjosephjoestar I always secretly admired your art and your bad spaghetti jokes from afar, but since the space au, it’s been a ton of fun talking to you and the others onboard the Hayloft! (blease don’t kill off jovani)
@dailykakyoin I know you get this a lot but you're one of the reasons (I think you and dailypol maybe?) I started this (haha if you want go find the first ask I sent it was from my main blog it's terrible) and you're such an amazing member of this community! I mean, you answer tons of asks, draw really cute kaks, and you’re just really nice :>
 Here's a big ol pile of people that I'd love to talk to/interact more with and/or am too scared to interact with:
@dailyjonajba | @askdailymiraschon | @dailygwess | @miumiusdailybizarrehell (the unholy trinity is here) (i love you guys) | @daily-jojovillians | @dailyabba | @dailyteenshizuka | @daily-holhorse-and-maybe-boingo | @dailymoodyblues | @badlydrawn-lisalisa | @badlydrawnheartpompadour | @badlydrawn-vinegardoppio | @dailyjoshu | @daily-jouta | @badlydrawnventopolnareff | @poorlydrawnjosukeh | @dailychibimikitaka | @poorly-drawn-fem-koichi | @badlydrawnyuyafungami | @dailybrandio
Once again, thank you!
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