#my glove is missing in that pic because my hand was shaking too much for me to pull the prints out of the sleeve lol
rei-inari · 11 days
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Went as Casper to CCE and had the privilege to meet Jonah Scott ❤︎
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straynstay · 4 years
Minho - Hybrid AU! (part II)
Happy Easter, everyone! 🐰♥️
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part I
for the first time in years you skipped class 
all because of your conflicting feelings for Minho
you are still too fragile to see him and Chaewon at school, especially after what happened at the parking lot
seeing them together and so intimate with cute pet names made you realize there’s no room for you anymore
Minho is growing up and becoming an adult, and so are you, and soon society will pressure you both to find a mate
and you know a prey won’t choose a predator to spend the rest of their lives with
so it’s better to end things with Minho now
that’s why you avoided him when he showed up at your house to check up on you after school
you heard him ringing the bell and calling your name, which only made you cry harder, but you remained in bed
he came back when your parents were home, and even with your mom asking you to at least see what he wanted, you fiercely denied
Minho left his class notes with your mom, and at night you cried with the papers pressed onto your chest
you woke up feeling a little better in the morning, despite your eyebags and swollen eyes ruining your face
you placed a cool towel over your eyes 10 minutes before leaving to school and you hoped that would help somehow
walking to school without Minho was weird, but you said to yourself you’d soon get used to it
from today on, Minho would become like any other prey to you
it’s time to remove him completely from your life and you’re ready to do it
school days were dreadful
but ignoring Minho was easier than you had imagined though
after he noticed you were being cold and distancing yourself from him, he took the hint and left you alone right away
and it hurt
a lot
because without you around, Chaewon was even more glued to his side
and even though you tried to avoid certain places you knew they’d be at, you still saw them sometimes
walking around together, holding hands, eating vegetables and feeding each other at the cafeteria, laughing at stupid things, being the damn perfect couple you wish you’d be
but since your pain is your own, you never opened your mouth to complain about it to anyone
you just tried to shrug it off and move on, washing away all the pent up anger on the field
and everyone at school was really impressed at how good you were playing lacrosse lately, making them hope for the victory this year
and before you could dwell even more on your self pity, saturday arrived
the big day
the revenge match
you were nervous, excited, worried, angry, and heartbroken
but you were decided to play like your life depend on it
maybe you could become your school’s star player and get a nice scholarship afterwards if you give your best at the game tonight
so you set your mind to focus only on the game and make your team and school proud of you
since the match would be held at the rival school, you had a small gathering at your own school with your P.E. teacher and teammates
Minho was there with the cheerleaders rehearsing the choreography and chants for tonight’s game
you ignored him like you had been doing since tuesday
you even sat beside your coach on the school bus during the small trip to the rival school
the cheerleaders were too excited for your liking, but you didn’t say a thing, letting their chit chat numb your ears
as soon as you arrived, the team went straight to the designated locker room and got ready for the match
you were doing things automatically, barely paying attention to your surroundings
you put on your equipment, helped some of your teammates with theirs, and were ready to play
you waited with your team to be called to the field and when you got there, you were impressed by the amount of people on the bleachers cheering for your school
and then your eyes captured the place beside the field where the cheerleaders were
Minho looked really good with his tight uniform, and you were sure Chaewon had complimented him lots
you rolled your eyes realizing you were thinking about them again and went to your position
as soon as the judge blew the whistle, it was game on
you were scoring like there’s no tomorrow, fighting hard to turn the game around
pretty much half of your team’s goals were yours
and everyone was going crazy chanting your name
but the one person your eyes quickly looked for was happily hugging someone else
Minho was spinning Chaewon’s small body around as if she was the one who was making the team win
and you couldn’t stand it
you really couldn’t
you wanted to rip them apart, growl as angrily as you could at Chaewon while showing your huge fangs to scare the shit out of her
but you just clenched your fists, letting your claws almost pierce through the thick fabric of your gloves
if it wasn’t for your mouthpiece, you’d probably let out a loud hiss
you shook your head, griped the stick harder, and decided to solely focus on the game
rage was freely flowing through your veins, boiling your blood and blinding your common sense
you’re gonna destroy anyone who stands in your way now
and you’re gonna take that damn trophy home
it felt like waking up from a deep trance being lifted up by your teammates while the crowd chanted your name
it took you awhile to understand what had happened
but when you saw the scoreboard, realization hit you
you won!
you really won!!
it felt amazing raising the trophy up high while all the audience screamed for you
you felt like a celebrity after taking so many pics
a lot of people from your school came to congratulate and thank you for the victory
and it was all too good while it lasted
your heart was roaring inside your chest
you can actually get used to this feeling of being praised for being fierce and untammed
after it all ended, you and your teammates went to the locker room to shower and get changed
you were still being the main topic of their conversation
you heard everything they said you did on the last minutes of the match, but you don’t really remember doing it
you were so blinded by anger that you can’t even recall the rest of the game
but it’s okay cause you won
and that’s all that matters, right?
once you slowly started removing your equipment, you realised how sore you were
your arms felt like jelly, your legs were ugly bruised, your shoulders hurt from all the impact
your ears were ringing from all the screaming and your eyes were sensitive due to the huge spotlights on the field
you just wanted to throw yourself in bed and sleep for three days straight
you put away your equipment in your bag and took your body wash to the shower
it was a quick shower since you couldn't make most of the movements now
so you just washed away the sweat, dried yourself the best your arms allowed you, and started to put on new clothes to go home
“we’re already going to the bus, want us to take your bag?” the captain asked and you agreed
you checked if your equipment was complete in your huge bag, and handed it to your teammates
“I’m finishing, I’ll be out in a sec” you said and heard them telling you to take your time and that they’ll wait for the star of the team to carry the trophy to school
you just laughed at their comments and continued to get dressed
you tried brushing your hair, but your shoulders said no
so you just used water to fix them a little bit
you were so focused on your own pain that you didn’t notice Minho was inside the lockers room staring at you
but once you did, all the emotions you were suppressing came back like a tsunami
and it felt like drowning
“preys aren’t allowed here, go away” you let out an angry growl at him
“you don’t scare me, but nice try” Minho gave you two thumbs up
“LEAVE ME ALONE!” you screamed, tired of having wrong feelings for him
“what happened to you? why are you like this?” Minho took a step closer, but you raised your voice again
“you happened to me, Minho! this is all your fault!”
“what?!” he snared “what did I do?” he crossed his arms staring intensely at you 
you got defeated while looking back at him
four days being apart and nothing changed, it only made you miss him like crazy
he was really clueless, wasn’t he?
“what did you do?” you asked tiredly
“you talked to me, Minho, you became my lab partner” you gave him a bitter smile remembering that fateful day
“why couldn't you just be afraid like everyone else?” you inquired through your tears 
“I know it's my fault falling in love, but please leave me alone until I get over these feelings for you… please” you never sobbed before in your life, but because of Minho now you did
“no” his answer was firm
“Minho, go” you said again using your intimidating tone
any prey would have ran away for dear life, but Minho didn’t even budge
he did, in fact, approached you slowly, but before he was too close, you backed out
Chaewon was coming, you could smell her sweet scent from the distance 
“Minho?” she was calling for him outside the lockers room and she was distressed, you could sense it
“she’s worried about you” you warned, turning your back to him and pretending to still fix your hair
“she has nothing to worry about” Minho replied
“you’re a bunny, I’m an angry lynx, it makes sense to me”
“you're a lynx, yeah, but you're also my best friend and I'm the one who's worried here”
you tried muffling a mewl, but hearing Minho calling you best friend hurt like hell
Chaewon called him louder this time
“go” you closed your eyes, forcing some tears to roll down to your chin
your chest was aching like there was a fire rapidly consuming your heart
and then you heard his footsteps moving away from you
Minho did what you asked him to and left you alone
you sighed loudly, but quickly closed your lips together to avoid sobbing
you were feverish, enraged, sad, disheartened, shaking, ready to lose control
this was all new to you, never in your life your emotions were so over the top
but this is Minho’s effect on you
you just want this feelings to leave you alone, to go away
you rest your head on your locker a little too forcefully, producing a loud bang that echoed through the room
you did it again, hitting your forehead a little bit stronger this time
and again
and again
every time the bang was louder and louder
“you’re gonna get bruised”
“Minho....” you whined hearing him talking to you
he was back, you couldn’t believe it
you turned your head to look at him and tell him to go away again
“I’m not leaving you, don’t even try” he warned reading your intentions in your desperate eyes
“I’m really angry” you said
“I’m not worried about it, I know you’re not gonna hurt me because I trust you and because I know you love me too much to even consider causing me pain”
his words made you cry harder
he was right
Minho noticed you wouldn’t reply, so he got one step closer
he sighed
“but you know... I love you too and I’m hating seeing you like this, so if your pain is because of Chaewon and I, you shouldn’t be suffering”
you scoffed
how dare he say this after all you’ve seen and heard?
“hear me out, ok? I like her, but I don’t like her” Minho quickly explained
“I like her as a bunny, but I don’t like her like romantically even though she’s a bunny and my natural choice of a partner, but who cares about natural selection? we’re made in a lab, there’s nothing natural about it” he shrugged
“I feel like she’s part of my litter. I never met a Mini Lop before, so it’s nice to be around one of my own” he took another step closer
“but not as nice and thrilling like being around you” Minho gave you side smile
“I like living life dangerously, and you keep me high on adrenaline all the time like... will you eat me for breakfast? will you marinate me for dinner instead? should I run now or wait a minute more?” he teased
“shut up” you rolled your eyes
“make me” Minho provoked you, and you moved in the blink of an eye
your lips collided with his in a strong, angry kiss
you felt your entire body buzzing with adrenaline for tasting him after waiting for so long
you pulled him closer and grabbed his neck to deepen the kiss
Minho didn’t fight back and for the first time he actually behaved like a prey with you
you felt yourself getting too excited about it all: his submissive scent, his addicting taste, his soft lips, his hands gripping your hips, his hot body against yours...
and in the heat of the moment you ended up with his lower lip between your sharp teeth 
Minho hissed and you broke the kiss, running your thumb across his lip to see if you had hurt him too much
“sorry” you said “I got carried away”
“I don’t mind some love bites here and there” he winked seductively at you
“Chaewon will try to stab me if I hurt you somehow, she likes you waaay too much” you rolled your eyes smiling a bit, feeling somehow a lot more calmer and at ease than before while caressing his long fluffy ears
“she may like me, but I like you and that’s the only thing that matters” Minho stated
“will you give me a cute nickname now?” you asked
“yeah, mine” he smiled brightly “how does that sound?”
“oddly perfect”
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waywardodysseys · 5 years
Mercy - Oneshot
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Pairing: Ezra x female reader
Warnings: violence, torture, blood, cussing, SMUT, unprotected sex (wrap it up), female oral receiving, angst, begging
Requested?: Yes from this ask - Can we get something, either Ezra or Tovar (they don't get nearly enough love, but you are certainly making up for it with Ezra so thank you) where they've been missing and you find them being slightly tortured. You save them, you work together or at least used to, and when they are fixed it turns NSFW?
Author’s note: special shoutout to @mug-nificent​ (you know why!); pic is from a gif by @lucy-sky; Anon - this turned out differently for various reasons, reasons I am not willing to discuss...
~   ~   ~
Oruf grabs the poker from the burning flame then approaches Ezra.
“Where is she?” Oruf’s voice is filled with anger.
Ezra pants as his eyes watch the iron stick glow orange. “None of your fucking business!”
Oruf presses the poker against Ezra’s side. He smiles as the man with the patch of blond hair screams out in agony.
Ezra pants heavily, “I, I will, never tell you!”
“Then keep enduring the pain digger, and eventually you won’t be able to take it,” Oruf smiles wickedly, “you’ll die from the burns. And she will be left alone on the Green. And my men will claim her!”
Ezra uses the strength he has, to spit in the man’s face. “She won’t let herself be found. She’s too clever for you!”
Oruf returns the poker to the flame. He holds his hand out. He wraps his fingers tightly around the needle nose pliers when he feels them against his skin and kneels in front of Ezra.
Ezra’s chest is heaving as his dark brown eyes look at the worn leathered looking face of the man in charge. Ezra knows he will never tell them where the tent is. He doesn’t want them to have you. Ezra knows what they’ll do to you. You are in his charge, you are under his care, his protection.
Oruf yanks on Ezra’s wounded arm. “You came to us, asked us for help.”
Ezra hisses. The pain is seeping into his bones. He knows the arm must go, will need to go. “Just do it!”
Oruf stabs the open wound on Ezra’s arm. He turns the needle nose pliers slowly, causing blood to flow from the wound and down Ezra’s arm.
Ezra shouts in agony as the pain rolls through his body and into his old bones.
He’s enduring this for you, and he knows you don’t care for him much, practically not at all. But after this, when he makes his way back to you, he hopes you do.
Your mind is playing games on you, or you think it is, because for a split second you hear a scream off in the distance. You freeze as your eyes dart around you in the fading light. Your heartrate progressively revs up as your breathing becomes faster.
Ezra’s been missing for a couple of days. At least two sleeps. You’ve been keeping count. Your mind nags at you to find him but you mustn’t, you can’t. You know they have him.
The men who tried to buy you with a case of colorful gems. You had despised Ezra after that, loathed him was more of a better word. You loathed Ezra, yet deep down you knew, eventually, you’d have to venture out and find him.
Why did you have to be paired with such an asshole?
You hurriedly pack your tools then grab the supply bag. You get as far from where you are as quick as you can. You don’t need to be on the Green in the middle of the night, not able to find your way back to the red tent you and Ezra had been sharing for months on end because the two of you had stuck on this alien moon since the landing pod had malfunctioned upon entering the Green’s atmosphere.
“Well fuck me!” Ezra had boasted when the both of you examined the pod further.
You had sneered at his remark and rolled your eyes.
You had disliked him then and now you loathed him. Next you were going to wish he was burning in hell. Part of you was thinking about him burning in hell even though you had no idea he was being tortured clicks away with heat from burning flames.
Ezra groans as he awakens. He then yelps in pain as another man presses the burning hot poker against his severed arm.
“Fuck!” He screams as his body trembles with pain and beads of sweat roll over his flesh.
“Cauterizing a wound,” the young accented male voice remarks.
“Well it goddamn fucking hurts,” Ezra seethes.
The boy snorts, “no med bays or hospitals old man. Will have to suffice with the old way of doing things.”
“You seem nice enough,” Ezra mumbles out, “you could let me go.”
The boy glances up then back down, “we need the woman. Give us the woman. We let you go.”
Ezra groans as another poker is pressed against the discombobulated flesh of his amputated arm. “Never. You all will abuse her and mishandle her.”
“Like you have?”
“I have never fucking laid a hand on her!” Ezra seethes as pain begins to boil his blood.
He’s wanted you, yes. But he hasn’t touched you even though he craves you. And even though Ezra knows you don’t want him in return, he still thinks about you in the middle of the night when his hand wraps around his cock.
Ezra will not let these men have you, even this boy. This boy wouldn’t even know how to pleasure you like he would be able to.
“Let me go boy,” Ezra grounds out, “tell them I got the upper hand.”
The boy smiles and shakes his head, “you do have a hand. But no, give us the female. Then you can go.”
“Fucking never,” Ezra’s sigh is heavy and full of frustration.
In the morning light you watch men in black uniformed spacesuits walk the perimeter of the tan tented camp. Smoke bellows from circular chimneys as you walk forward through the thicket of grass. Both of your hands are on the rifle. You twist them around the metal in fear, in anxiety.
You still don’t believe you are going to do this. You’re going to rescue Ezra. You are going to rescue the goddamn asshole because last night while sitting in the tent it had been too quiet, and you had actually cussed yourself out when you realize you missed his deep drawl of a voice and those brown eyes giving you looks of bewilderment and eagerness to please.
You had thought about those looks, wondered if Ezra knew you weren’t a fan of his. Yet deep down you knew you had to do something. He wouldn’t let you rot away while these men did unspeakable acts to you.
You grip the rifle tighter and make your approach.
The rifle is pointed against Oruf’s worn leathered face. His eyes look up into yours.
“He doesn’t deserve rescuing,” Oruf sneers.
You grin, “I fucking know he doesn’t but he’s still my partner. I’m the one who has to deal with him.”
“Leave him to die. He’d done the same to you.”
Your finger is pressed lightly against the trigger. You killed three men on the way in here. You aren’t afraid to pull it again to add to the death count.
“Give me the asshole,” you hiss.
Oruf is quiet as he assesses you. He sighs in defeat then points towards his left.
“Bring the man,” Oruf’s voice is deflated.
Silence stretches as Ezra hobbles out from behind a curtain. He’s using a young boy as a crutch.
You take him in.
He’s battered, weak. He’s missing an arm. And you know his body is riddled with bruises.
You walk over to him and take his fragile body from the young boy’s. You wrap his one arm around your shoulders as you keep the rifle on Oruf.
“No one follows us,” you ground out, “I’m sure you don’t need more men dead.”
Oruf moves his hands in a surrendering motion. “Just go.”
You make your way out of the tent with Ezra. Hobbling your way through the greenery of the moon. Your heart is fast, and your breathing is heightened because you need to put distance between the group of men and you and Ezra. You make sure to check your six, making sure no one is following you. Thankfully no one is.
You finally make it back to the red tent. Getting Ezra inside and on a bunk before you zip the tent closed and unhook your helmet. Once you are rid of your helmet and spacesuit, you strip Ezra of his own helmet.
His eyes are closed but you can see the up and down movement of his chest.
You reach for his suit and stop. You must see what they’ve done; you need to see.
You reach for his suit again and begin to slowly roll it down his body. You don’t notice any purple or yellowing bruising. You notice burnt flesh on his side. Your eyes take in the amputated arm. The flesh is mangy yet cauterized.
Ezra’s skin is hot to the touch once you have the suit and boots off his body. You grab the med kit and begin applying a burn salve to Ezra’s burns. You yank your hands back as he groans but keep going as he moans incoherently.
You shouldn’t be giving a shit about him, but you know he needs to heal, needs the med treatment so he doesn’t die of infection or anything else.
“Fucking asshole,” you mumble under your breath as you begin applying another layer of the burn salve on his hot flesh.
“Y/N,” he utters.
“Trying to keep you alive Ezra. Don’t know why though,” you retort as you set aside the burn salve.
You reach for the bacta spray and scissors. Also making sure you have thread and needle in case you need to do any patching on his amputated arm.
“Going to apply bacta spray Ezra.”
Ezra groans, “pain medicine.”
Ezra groans and sighs, “now.”
You roll your eyes and grab the pain medicine. “Naproxen will have to do. Your body is hot. You have a fever.”
“Says the doctor.”
“Says the person saving your fucking life,” you hiss.
You fill a syringe of naproxen, making sure you give him the right dose. You stick the needle in his other arm.
“Goddamn,” Ezra hisses and mumbles.
“Shut up while I try to make sure you don’t die of an infection,” you retort as you take out the needle.
“Yes ma’am,” Ezra drawls as he sighs and feels the pain medicine begin to roll through his body.
You sigh as you begin applying the bacta spray to his amputated arm. While it foams you put on a pair of gloves and rub the foam into the wound, hoping the medicine will seep in and heal him. Hoping it will save him from dying.
You can’t be on this moon alone with no way back to the station.
You spend the next couple of days making sure Ezra stays hydrated and fed. You also make sure to check the burn wounds on his side and his amputated arm. The burn wounds are healing from the burn salve. The flesh on his arm is pink with no signs of infection. Part of you grateful you paid attention in those damn medical classes you had to take aboard the station.
He watches you with his dark brown eyes. He takes in your Y/H/C hair, your tired Y/E/C eyes. He wonders how he became a burden to you because to Ezra you are treating him as though he is one.
“Talk to me,” he whispers.
You look over at him, “about what?”
“Your disdain for me.”
You raise your eyebrows.
Ezra laughs and then coughs, “guess I’m right. You do have disdain for me.”
“Let’s not talk about it,” you whisper.
“I never told them where this tent is,” Ezra hisses.
“I figured as much Ezra. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.”
“Those men would’ve done unspeakable things to you. Passed you around, used you, abused you.”
“You think I don’t fucking know that Ezra?!” You nearly shout at him as you stand.
Ezra musters his strength and stands on his two feet. As he takes a step forward, he stumbles.
You catch him and fall onto a bunk. You groan under his weight. He’s heavy and his shirtless chest is not helping. Your fingers itch to touch his skin but you must resist.
Ezra pins you down against the bunk. He grinds his groin against yours. His mouth turns into a grin as he watches you bite your lip. He knows you felt his hard cock. He was hard the moment he pinned your body under his.
“I need you,” Ezra grounds out as he rolls his hips once more.
“Ezra,” you half moan, half whisper as your core floods with heat.
“Y/N,” Ezra whisper as he leans down and captures your mouth with his. He risked his life, and limb, for you.
His mouth is rough against your soft mouth as the hairs from his mustache and chin scrape against your skin. You reach up and run your hands down his back. Your fingers dig into his flesh as you feel his hard cock against your core through the cloth material of your pants. You moan as you picture him thrusting his cock inside of you.
You hadn’t thought of Ezra as a means of sexual release. You didn’t care for him. You didn’t need him. And now, your body’s betraying you by wanting him.
You pull back and move out from underneath him.
“What have I done?” Ezra frowns.
“I don’t want you,” you hiss as you try to stand as far away as possible.
Ezra smirks, “your body’s telling me otherwise.”
Fuck, your mind screams as you turn away and cross your arms.
“Please,” Ezra begs, “I will do anything for you. Anything to get in your good graces, and between those legs. Anything. Please.”
You keep your back towards him.
“You want me to go back and risk it all for you? I will.” Ezra nearly shouts in his drawl of a deep voice. “Apparently I am not good enough for you!”
“You’ve been a pain in my side Ezra! A pain my ass!” You shout as you turn and face him.
“What have I done besides being your partner? Protecting you?”
“You’ve existed!” You scream at the top of your lungs.
Ezra blinks his eyes slowly at you. He looks down with sadness, hurt. He knew you didn’t care for him, but this? This was pure hatred. He wanted to make you feel better. He needed to make you feel better. You made him weak in the knees and he knows he needs to prove it.
Ezra kneels on the floor of the tent. His voice is shaky as he talks, “please Y/N. I will do anything for you, to you. I will beg on my knees for the rest of my life to have you. I want you; I need you. You make me weak. I am at your will; I am at your mercy.”
Ezra has crawled to where you are standing. He wraps his arms around your waist and presses his head against your stomach.
You’re quiet as Ezra takes one of your arms. He kisses your wrist, making sure he scrapes the hair from his cheeks along your skin. You inwardly moan at the sensation it sends through your body.
Ezra moves his hands around to your front. His fingers move down the front of your pants. He buttons and unzips them. He uses his hand and teeth to pull the fabric down over your hips.
Ezra moans at the sight of the bottom half of your naked body. He pushes your pants down further.
“Sit down,” Ezra’s plea is a whisper.
“Ezra.” Your voice is airy and shaky.
“Please sit down,” he whispers.
You look into his eyes as you sit down on the bunk.
Ezra’s kneels between your legs and removes your pants, throwing them off to the side. He kisses your inner thighs as he makes his way to your core. His eyes remain focused on your eyes as he licks up your folds.
You bite your lip and suck in a breath.
“Anything,” Ezra whispers as he opens your folds and runs his tongue up.
He begins flicking your clit lightly.
One of your hands grasp the bunk while the other hand moves to Ezra’s head. You run your fingers though his short brown hair as his tongue begins circling your clit faster. Your orgasm rises inside of you as pleasure spreads throughout your entire body.
“Ehz—Ezra,” you moan as your toes curl.
Your body trembles under his tongue as your fingers pull on his hair.
Ezra keeps his tongue against your clit as he feels your body tremble under his touch. His cock is rock hard. He’s aching to be inside of you. He needs to be inside of you. He knows he is at your mercy because you are the only one who can give him the release he needs.
Ezra kisses your inner thighs as his hand palms your core. He inserts two fingers inside of you. He moans at your wetness. His cock aches to be buried deep inside of your pussy.
Ezra stands, his eyes are on you. “Watch me Y/N.”
Your eyes roam over his body then watch his hand undo his pants and reveals his hard thick cock to you. Your eyes watch as his fingers rub his cock with your juices.
“Always hard for you,” Ezra moans, “fuck!”
You watch Ezra stroke himself. He arches his back, tilts his head to the side and closes his eyes.
“I need to be inside of you Y/N,” Ezra sucks in a breath.
“Lie down on the bunk,” you whisper as you stand.
You press his hand against his chest, walking him back towards the bunk he had been lying on for days.
Ezra lies back on the bunk and watches as you remove your top. He growls as he sees your naked breasts. He moans loudly as he watches you climb onto the bunk and straddle his body.
You lean down and whisper, “how badly do you need me Ezra?”
“I need you like I need air to breathe. Without you I wouldn’t have survived. You kept me going, you keep me alive. I need you for my very survival. I need you for the rest of my days,” Ezra’s voice is truthful and airy.
You lean back as your hand finds his cock. You raise your body and slowly sink yourself onto his girthy and lengthy cock.
Ezra’s hand moves to your hip, which he squeezes tightly as he feels your pussy wrap around his cock.
“Fuck!” Ezra grounds out.
Your pussy is tight, wet, hot. He’s in pure bliss at finally feeling you wrapped around him. Ezra growls as he feels your pussy clench his cock once you’ve settled onto his entire length.
“Oh, heaven yes,” Ezra whispers as you begin rolling your hips slowly and teasingly.
You splay your hands on Ezra’s chest as you begin riding him. His cock is deep inside of you and your enjoying this, enjoying Ezra. A man you thought you couldn’t find as a means of sexual release. A man you loathed was now giving you pleasure. A man who begged for you. A man who needs you to survive, like you knew you needed him to survive on this alien moon.
Ezra’s orgasm is cresting quickly inside of him as his eyes watch you. He takes in your bouncing breasts, the way you bite your lip as you roll your hips down, the way you move your head as roll your hips up. He knows the next time he takes you; he’s going to have you under him so he’s able to kiss your soft mouth.
“Y/N,” Ezra growls as he thrusts up deep inside of you. His orgasm rocks his body, making him thrust up again. He wants to empty himself completely inside of you.
“Ezra,” you whisper as your own orgasm consumes you while your fingers dig into his flesh.
Ezra doesn’t mind your fingers marking his flesh. The pain from everything has subsided. All that matters to him is you. To him, you are the air he needs. You are the means for his survival.
Ezra leans up and brushes his mouth against yours and pulls you against him. He lies back against the bunk, keeping his mouth glued to yours.
You return his kiss as your hands cup his cheeks then move one through his hair.
You pull back breathlessly, “I need to move.”
“No!” Ezra hisses as his hand wraps tightly around you. “Stay like this. Please. I don’t mind the pain. I have you.”
“Ezra,” you whisper.
“Stay Y/N,” Ezra whispers as he presses his lips against yours again.
Minutes later you place your head in the crook of his neck as one your hands find a blanket and cover your intertwined bodies.
You know Ezra’s drifting off to sleep as you feel his hand traveling over your skin lightly. He then moves his hand into your hair and kisses your temple.
Ezra sighs contently, and you smile in the darkness.
Knowing Ezra will always be at your mercy.
Tags: @pascalisthepunkest, @kaelyn-lobrutto24, @ezraslittlebirdie, @knight-of-heart44, @jokersdoll, @cosmo-bear, @caitlincat-95, @readsalot73, @random066, @longitud-de-onda, @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead, @stardust-and-starlight, @arrowswithwifi, @bonkybaaarnes, @halefirewarrior​, @earl-01, @x-wingwarriorbbpoe8
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
We got episode 3 “Into the Digital World”! And the good news is we are still Very Much at it with the Taishiro lol
This pic pretty much sums up the whole episode for me:
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Spoilers under the cut...
So let’s knock the most important thing off right away, at the end of the ep they DO go to a real digital world!
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And it looks like a child’s fantasy... a beautiful natural world full of amazing creatures. I have no idea how similar it’s gonna be to the world we know, though! So far everything’s different, even things that seem the same. Keeps me guessing.
The landscape is pretty intriguing. Looks like a planet/moon on the horizon? And I’m sure that interesting island’s gotta mean something...
But back to the beginning.
So last week, I was all boggled because they introduced Omegamon and Jogress so early. It was easy to think that since they’d started this hype wave, they were gonna keep riding it out, especially with Hikari and Takeru seeming to receive magic feathers and all. Well, that’s not really how it goes down.
The battle is very quiet, with few words - none at all from Taichi or Yamato until Koushirou gets their attention. I am not 100% sure about this, but from the way Taichi looks to the side when an attack comes his way and Omegamon then takes it out, I think it might mean Taichi and Yamato have some mental work of their own to do to help Omegamon fight and that’s why they’re so quiet. But that’s just a thought. I do love the idea that the kids’ ties to their Digimon have more of an affect on their ability to battle than just their evolutions.
One thing a Jogress does is make you glow. Yeah yeah, we glowed before too. No, I mean GLOW.
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Like, nonstop.
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Also, I have figured out that Taichi and Yamato must have suction cups on their shoes and that’s how they don’t fall off Omegamon while he’s hurtling all over the place
Cue awesome rock version of the theme song battle music!! Omegamon kills nu!Diaboromon the same way he kills him in Our War Game, with a STAB. But that doesn’t stop the missile. Here I thought would be Koushirou’s turn to shine, but aside from continuing to keep tabs on things, he doesn’t get to join in the fight this time.
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Omegamon is somehow able to detect missiles, I guess?
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And lock on to the infected one, which conveniently shows an actual lock, is red, and even has the monster’s eyeball symbol. We also see a bunch of Digi code before this.
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He absorbs the powers of all the Crests into his sword (!!) ...
(notice they’re still glowing!)
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... and stabs it. Because in Digimon, stabbing is always the answer.
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BOOM shakalaka
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People of Tokyo: Wow that’s bright! I should probably avert my eyes or put on sunglasses. But first, to Instagram!
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Thanks, Kouushirou’s computer.
The missle blows up way up high and no one gets hurt. They also don’t seem to care all that much about what this is either! Seconds later everyone’s devices lose power, including Koushirou’s computer. He is very distressed, but the outage doesn’t last long.
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Yamato and Taichi’s suction cups finally lose their grip and they fall away into a bright light...
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Omegamon became a butterfly!!
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It is now certain, Taichi didn’t pull a Kouichi xD He’s perfectly fine. That’s the RIGHT way to get in and out of the digital world at a train station. Take notes, kids.
OK before we move on I must take a second to appreciate these text messages Koushirou receives from someone named Mr.Unknown (gee I’m sure we’ll never hear from him again!)
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OMG my life is
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“Someone stop it!” Suddenly Japanese (also from Mr.Unkown)
Twenty bucks says this guy is Gennai? Ryou? Wallace? KEN?!
no don’t bet against me please, I have no money.
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Have an adorable Hikari, who didn’t get to do anything with the feather in the end. Who knows if she even really has it. She DOES seem to totally know what happened with her brother though. Takeru might know also? But Hikari definitely does. Our little oracle is back.
So Taichi is fine, Koushirou is fine, Yamato is fine. They all get back to the human world safely. Taichi and Koushirou head home, wondering if all that really happened, talking about what could happen next. More importantly, the Taishiro power returns at full throttle.
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Koushirou: Do you know about this? This? This?
Taichi: Hmm... hmmm... hmmm.. thinking makes my head hurt...
(Like I rag on Taichi for not thinking but tbh he’s quite the thinker and planner... maybe more so in this season than in the original.)
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Gloves returned to pocket. Goggles still at the ready.
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Then Taichi reaches out his hand... Koushirou stares at it like he’s not quite sure what to do with it. And Taichi’s like, “Thank you so much, for everything, you were a huge help!”
Koushirou: “But I didn’t do anything.”
Taichi: “You helped so much by doing all that research! You’re awesome!”
Koushirou: :D “Y-Yeah!!”
He agrees that he’s awesome!! My baby!!
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They shake hands! They’re such good friends now!
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... Then Taichi walks backwards out of the elevator with his hand still outstretched, staring at Koushirou
This show producers aren’t even TRYING to hide their bias hahaha okay that’s the Taishiro fan in me but HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO READ THIS SCENE CMON LIKE!?
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So Taichi’s about to go home, and at this point I’m thinking “I guess Koushirou’s never gonna ask that question about camp...!”
Then Taichi is like, “Oh yeah, didn’t you have a question about camp?”
Fricking. TAICHI.
I am absolutely stunned that it’s him who brings up Koushirou’s original errand xD Koushirou himself has completely forgotten about it! (Too busy basking in the glow of being called awesome about twenty times in what this episode establishes is less than an hour!)
Seriously Taichi is SUCH A DAD!? His mom comes home and tells him about her day. Hikari comes over and he pats her on the head and tells her she was brave and did a good job. All he needs is a newspaper and a tie to reach peak Dad-ness.
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Hikari: “Thanks big brother!”
Taichi: “...? For?”
So about Yamato... on the elevator Taichi realizes he never found out where Yamato lives...
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... It’s Shimane. Grandma’s house in Shimane! Well I mean, they could make it somewhere else, but the point is it’s super inaka countryside. Yamato has a call with Takeru which makes it seem like they indeed don’t live together, as Takeru shyly asks Yamato if he’ll come visit since it’s summer break, and Yamato says he does intend to go to Tokyo and see him. Not sure yet who Yamato’s living with, if it’s still his dad or he lives with his grandparents in this version, or there’s some other reason he’s not in Tokyo...
Yamato also asks if Takeru’s okay, and Takeru replies he was inside all day so he’s fine. That’s what makes me think Takeru knows about Yamato going to the digital world. He might not, but I like the idea that he does. My guess would be he knows because he’s seen Yamato do it or something, whereas Hikari just knows because she’s psychic :P
Then guess what! WE GO TO CAMP!
Only for like, two minutes, though. That was a bummer for me. Camp is just a vehicle to introduce a couple other characters, then they go home. Well, we don’t need two of the exact same show I guess... I’ll just appreciate this as a nod to the original.
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First we see Jou! He’s hancho again and trying to tell other kids how to use a knife. He immediately cuts his finger. Good ole Jou I can’t wait to have him back.
Taichi and Koushirou are walking around camp and Koushirou trips due to Jou yelling and basically throws his laptop straight into the air
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Mr Superior Reflexes AKA Taichi quickly grabs Koushirou and prevents him from smashing face first into the dirt. GOSH THEY JUST WILL NOT STOP WITH THE TAISHIRO. I CANNOT.
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Koushirou: “H-H-Human c-c-contact?!?!?! Is this SKINSHIP”
Like y’all know this isnt my fault right? I wouldn’t have to say these things if the show didn’t make it so durn easy. Bahahahaha.
Guess who catches the laptop! Soooooraaaaa!
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My girl is back! She’s got butterflies!
Koushirou says he knows who she is because the girls in his class always talk about how she’s so cooooool!
This episode establishes that Sora is 1) popular 2) well-liked 3) responsible 4) quick-thinking 5) athletic 6) Taichi’s old friend 7) coooooool in like, thirty seconds.
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Taichi and Koushirou continue to spend aaaaaall their time together. My one complaint here is that all they do is talk about the digital world. And while I know it’s no surprise, the one thing I always loved about old Adventure was that to a certain extent, the kids got to act like kids. Of course they had uncanny adult wisdom and ability to sit still, lol. I understand that. So far in this show, they’re not really acting like children even a little bit. It’s all superheroing. That’s how I feel at the moment though - the only one I expect to really act like a child is Takeru, and probably Mimi, I’d guess. I do hope we get to see a larger range of personality from all of them in the future. It is only episode three.
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Koushirou’s icon is a pineapple <3
So there’s a new threat but it’s not as obvious as the old one. Another power outage happens but they don’t know how important it is right away. Then both Taichi and Koushirou’s digivices start to glow! Taichi runs out, and here we finally got some new personality from him, something beyond friendliness and bravery: He really, really wants to see Agumon again. He’s already feeling the depth of that bond and it’s really been weighing on him that they parted so abruptly. He has so many questions. I would say, Koushirou talked about the digital world non stop because he finds it interesting, but Taichi talked about it because he misses Agumon. (Koushirou after all hasn’t met Tentomon yet.)
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Before he can run out, Taichi runs into Hikari in the living room. She’s worried, and she clearly knows what he’s up to, but all she says is “Itterasshai.” I super appreciate that the set up and lighting is the same as these scenes between the two of them in original Adventure! It’s a total throwback to that hallmark ep of Adventure, episode 21.
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Unable to think about anything but seeing Agumon again, Taichi runs outside to the train station where Koushirou is (I wonder if the train station is going to become like their base point or something). He doesn’t even notice Sora, but she notices him...
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... and in true Sora fashion, immediately turns around and starts chasing after Taichi without a word xD
ugh I will always hate how PINK she is in this
Sora: “Taichi’s running somewhere awful fast... he has that look on his face... he’s going to get into trouble ugh I just know it”
The digivices glow and both Taichi and Koushirou disappear into the digital world. As they go through the vortex, we see a bunch of colored lights...
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So this one is clearly Taichi and Koushirou, and Sora as well. My guess is she gets swallowed up as a result of following Taichi.
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However, over here we have Yamato, Jou, and Mimi, but why would they all be together? Yamato’s fine, but how are the other two getting in?
It doesn’t seem like Takeru’s joining this time, which is interesting. But I might be wrong - only episode 4 will tell.
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Taichi wakes up in the real Digital World and is finally reunited with Agumon. End episode 3 <3
I’m really curious about what’s coming next! I’m still pretty shocked that a Jogress happened so early, but I’m gonna guess now that we might not see it again for a good long while. My prediction is that Yamato’s gonna be more like the lone wolves of other seasons (Ken, Ruki, Kouji, etc) who don’t want to join the main team right away, then suddenly just do. Everyone loves a rogue hero. I am super excited for the whole team to be together though so we can see all those personality dynamics grow! I really want them to not go home for a while and have to live by their wits, but I don’t think that’s the way this show wants to go, it wants the drama of going back and forth between lives... OTOH, we now know for sure that it IS summer break, so I suppose they don’t really have a NEED to go home. Maybe we’ll get a bit of both - they usually go home after, but sometimes end up on a longer stay?
I think what I need most from this show is the rest of the team before it will really feel like Digimon Adventure to me. So looking forward to episode 4!
eta: I totally forgot about the pics I took of the trailer for next week!
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Look how awesome this is! This is exactly what I am hoping sticks around for a good long time! We need the partners to bond and we need to live up to the name of “Adventure”!
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Since the trailer only shows Taichi and Sora, I wonder if that means everyone’s split up. Koushirou’s light seemed a bit distant from the other two in that screencap up there, so maybe he lands somewhere else and they all have to find each other. Makes sense, really. I’d expected that for the other three but figured Koushirou would be with Taichi... but it’ll be awesome if he has to try to get by on his own in the beginning. Also, so excited for Birdramon!
Bonus: I found a vid on youtube that claimed to have English subs and I clicked out of curiosity... this is what it wrote when Taichi says “Koushirou”:
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X’D Koushirou has so many nicknames now. DJ Wiseman, Kou the Bro, Awesome, Taichi’s New God, Godzilla... I love Youtube.
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retrocelly · 5 years
Crash (Brock Boeser)
Requested: yep!
Warning: a car crash, some minor injuries, and a severe lack of knowledge about medical stuff
It took 45 minutes for Brock to get home after you saw the photos. Well, after your friend texted you “look at Brock’s most recent tagged pic. I can cut his balls off if you want.” You tapped quickly over to his Instagram, swiping to his tagged and clicking on the newest one. It was a picture of him with a fan - which shouldn’t have raised any red flags. But then you noticed his hand latched around her waist, his fingers against her bare midriff and your cheeks grew hot. Calm down, you told yourself, it’s just a photo with a fan; Brock probably didn’t even realize. Then you swiped. You swiped and saw a much more candid picture: your boyfriend’s arm still around the girl’s waist, but he was leaned back a bit more and they were looking at each other - laughing. The photo closely resembled the one you had as your phone background and now your heart was beating out of your chest. The caption read “got to meet my favorite player today. thanks for being such a gentleman ;) good luck tonight” And that was all it took for your understanding to boil over.
Taking a photo or two with a fan wasn’t what you cared about. In fact, you’d always encouraged Brock to pose for more pictures. You drew the line at him standing too closely, his arm too comfortable around another woman’s waist, her caption too reminiscent of an inside joke that you weren’t in on. It didn’t help that the girl was gorgeous; with perfectly done beachy-curls in her hair and a button-nose that looked like it was sculpted by Bella Hadid’s surgeon. You even found yourself feeling jealous of the ab definition that was noticeable when the girl laughed.
You stared at the photos for 45 minutes. Read all of the comments from the girl’s friends about how gorgeous she looked and even one about how she and Brock would make a cute couple. For 45 minutes, you felt sick to your stomach as you let your anger stew. For 45 minutes, you tried to justify each aspect of the photos only to grow more confused by them. For 45 minutes, you debated calling Brock and asking about them. But you didn’t. And after 45 minutes of sitting alone in your own frustration, you had lost all of your patience.
He’d walked into the condo in with a smile on his face, presumably from a good lunch out with Bo, but your jealousy was trying to convince you that it was because of his new friend. Brock’s face fell when he noticed your posture: arms crossed and lips pursed, glaring in his direction. He’d given you a nod, the kind that meant “tell me what I did wrong.” You didn’t need to speak - simply handing over your phone and allowing him to see the post. Brock let out a light scoff with a shake of his head as he slid your phone onto the coffee table.
“That’s what you’re upset about?” He asked, kneeling down so you were eye-level.
When you didn’t respond, Brock had his answer. He told you that the photos didn’t mean anything - that he couldn’t even remember the girl’s name. He assured you that he hadn’t intended for them to appear so intimate and that if he’d realized how couple-y they would turn out, he would’ve never even taken the pictures in the first place. But that made you even more mad, and so now you were in a screaming match with your boyfriend about why he decided to put his arm around her waist and whether or not he found her attractive.
The anger had brought out your insecurities and, although you were ashamed of it, you couldn’t help the nagging sensation that he did look good with the girl - that they did look like a couple.
It was 15 minutes later when Brock stormed out - muttering about how he needed to get to the rink for the game. You could tell that he was upset by your implication. Brock was, above anything else, a loyal friend and partner. He would never consider cheating on you - not even when he was piss-drunk. You knew that he was hurt by what you’d said, but it was the weaker part of yourself that fueled the argument in the first place. The insecure, paranoid part of yourself that knew Brock deserved better. The part of yourself that worried he would find better and that when he did, you’d be nothing but a memory to him.
Immediately after he’d left, your anger dissipated and regret set in. You had overreacted to say the least, fueled by your own mind and it’s tendency to speculate. Not even an hour later, your phone buzzed from the coffee table. You picked it up, tears immediately filling your eyes at the notification. Brock had texted you, in typical Brock fashion, “I hope you know I’d never do anything to hurt you. I’m sorry. I hope I’ll see you at the game tonight, love you.”
Your heart broke at the message, the feeling of regret multiplying ten times over and settling in the pit of your stomach. You knew that you had to apologize to your boyfriend, and you had to do it as soon as possible. You figured if you left now, you’d be able to make it to the arena in enough time to talk to Brock before the second period started. So, you quickly ran to your room, throwing on your lucky Boeser jersey (a green one - with his old team name and the number 16 on it) and headed out the door.
As you got into your car, you were buzzing. You could hear your heartbeat loudly in your ears and your hands were shaking slightly. Your driving had never been perfect, but it was even worse now. You consistently sped down the familiar route to the arena, even running a stop sign in your haste. You were nearing your destination, your foot easing off of the gas as your breathing settled slightly. But then, just as you were pulling through the final intersection, you heard the screeching of rubber against road, and then the scraping and crashing of metal. You could feel your car slam sideways, and then onto its side as the large truck collided with you.
Brock came off the ice from his first shift of the second, getting ready to settle on the bench when his coach called him over. He knew that he’d been playing poorly, with his mind still on you and the fight you’d had, but he didn’t think that it was bad enough to warrant a mid-game lecture.
His coach leaned into him, a sorrowful look on his face, and he told Brock that that you’d been in a car crash; that your car had flipped and you were in the hospital. They’d called a car for Brock and it was waiting just outside.
Brock’s blood ran cold. He stood frozen for a moment, trying to decide if this was some cruel joke. But the looks on the faces of the men around him were enough to tell him otherwise. Without another thought, he ran down the tunnel, dropping his stick and gloves carelessly on the floor. He moved as quickly as his legs would take him to the car outside, his mind racing with worst-case possibilities.
As he sat in the back seat of the Uber, or Lyft, or whatever it was, Brock thought he might just pass out. He noticed the driver had to take a detour - he tried not to look down the road, but Brock could see the lights from the police cars and he almost had to tell the driver to pull over so he could throw up.
The only thing that was bringing Brock comfort was the fact that your were in the hospital. You were alive and being cared for by professionals. But just because you weren’t dead didn’t mean you were okay. Brock worried that you would be in a coma, that you may be alive but that he would never see you open your eyes or hear your voice again. That the last you had seen him was when he was leaving you in anger. He worried that maybe you’d be paralyzed or have a severe head injury. All he could do was pray that you’d be okay.
Brock couldn’t think straight on the ride to the hospital. All he could think about was how dearly he loved you and how much he needed you. Even when you were laying right next to him, he would feel physically ill with how much he missed you - with how much you meant to him. He didn’t know if he could live without you. Just as Brock felt himself start to hyperventilate, the driver pulled up to the hospital.
Brock jumped out of the car, running inside and asking the receptionist for your name. He ignored the odd look she gave him - remembering that he was in full game-day gear. Once he knew where you were, he didn’t hear anything else the woman had to say (although he thinks that part of it might have been a warning that only family is allowed to visit at these hours - but Brock didn’t care, he was your family).
When he walked into your room, Brock’s breath was knocked out of him. You were laying in the bed, curled onto your side, asleep. Brock could see the few cuts that littered your face and arms, and his heart clenched at the sight of a large bruise forming along your temple. He took note of the various needles in your arms and the sound of the monitors you were hooked up to. As he stood frozen in the doorway, he could feel someone walk up to him. Brock turned to see a short woman in a white coat.
“Are you family?” The woman asked, “these visiting hours are reserved for close family only.”
Brock nodded dumbly, speaking through a dry mouth and heavy tongue that he was your boyfriend.
The woman gave him a sympathetic smile as she introduced herself as the doctor that’d been tending to you. She then explained your condition to him. You had a mild concussion, which was a miracle, and a couple of bruised ribs. You had fallen asleep due to the morphine and anti-nausea medication that you’d been given. She advised that Brock let you sleep, but that he was allowed to sit with you while you slept. The doctor also told him that they would finalize your discharge paperwork once you were awake and another check-up could be completed.
Brock couldn’t believe how lucky you’d been and as he walked over to you, all of his emotions bubbled over and he started to cry. He sat in the chair next to your bed, running a hand gently over your hair as he fought off full sobs. He’d been so consumed with his own thoughts that Brock didn’t realize his presence had woken you up.
You looked up at him, his eyes clenched shut as he brought his free hand up to wipe his tears. Slowly, you moved a hand up to grab his wrist, ignoring the slight ache in your abdomen from the movement. Brock’s eyes shot open at the feeing, his gaze immediately meeting yours.
He moved quickly then, his hands moving to either side of your face, his thumbs swiping soothingly along your cheeks.
“Oh god, you’re okay. Thank god you’re okay.”
You wrapped your arms around him, and he easily lifted you so that he could reciprocate. Brock needed to have his arms around you in that moment - to really be sure that you were there with him.
“I’m so sorry-” you’d started, but Brock cut you off with a soft “shh” as he buried his head into your shoulder.
He held you for as long as you would let him, until your ribs started to hurt and he gently lowered you back against the pillows beneath you. Brock then laid a kiss to your forehead before leaning back into his chair.
“When they told me what happened I was so worried I’d lost you. I almost collapsed right then and there.”
Brock let out a slight chuckle as he spoke through his tears and you reached out to hold his hand.
“Well, I’m still here, B. It’s gonna take a lot more than a big truck to kill me.”
Brock got serious, then, his eyebrows furrowing as he stared down at you.
“I could kill him, y’know - that guy that hit you. I don’t think I’ve ever hated someone so much before.”
“It’s okay, Brock, accidents happen. Besides, I was trying to drive to the arena so fast that I almost caused a couple myself.”
Your boyfriend didn’t seem to appreciate your attempt at lightening the mood, and you could feel that same lump in your throat that you’d had before you got in your car in the first place.
“I was trying to get to you to apologize in person,” you muttered, looking down to where your hand was linked with his. “I never should’ve gone off on you about that stupid picture. It wasn’t a big deal, but I was just so jealous and I couldn’t help it.”
Brock squeezed your hand, causing you to look up at him.
“I already forgave you, y/n. I can see how those pictures looked and I understand why you were upset, but you have nothing to be jealous about. You’re the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with - I could never even think of being with someone else. I’ll try to be more careful when I take pictures and stuff. I’m sorry, baby, I love you so much.”
Your heart swelled as you looked at the man above you. The sincerity in his blue eyes was enough to make you fall in love all over again.
“I love you so much, too, Brock.”
He leaned down, giving you a chaste kiss. As he pulled away, he planted another peck to your cheek, then to your other one, and then all over your face until you were a giggling mess. When he finally sat back up, his tears had all dried and a smile now crossed his features.
“Now we just need to get you back home so I can take care of you, and we’ll all be okay again.”
A/N: I’m not totally in love with this one, but you guys deserve some actual writing from me. hope you liked it!
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zpetra · 6 years
GP Helsinki Journal - Day 3
The things I do for figure-skating and one special Japanese boy... Wake up at 5am to get ready. Take a tram to the rink at 6am, than wait in a huge line to be let it for a 7am practice though he is in the second group but baby Jun was in the first one. So forget breakfast and coffee, or sleep. I had priorities.
Before we get to me cooing over Jun in practice again I met a Japanese lady at the tram station. Only us waiting at the stop and she was confused which side she needs to stand to get to the ice hall. Broken English vs broken Japanese but we made it work. Drunk Finnish guy trying to ruin the fun but we stuck together. In the tram she asked if I am going to the ice hall too and I said yes, followed up if I like Yuzu and I said yet again yes, showing her my group fan hoodie with chibi Seimei I wore both for SP and FS days. She instantly popped her bag open and handed me some 'not so hard to get clear files' and two 'difficult to get' ones and I stared at her at 6:10am to make sure she was real. She said yes. I died and couldn't thank her enough. Than she tops it off with asking if I was at the parade and said no. She was and showed me pictures. I was so jealous and told her so. To which she asked if I have Line and I do have, we exchanged contacts. She sent me like 40 pictures of hers from the parade and I kept dying, later in the queue more from Rostelecom 2017 - 70 pics in total. We walked together to the ice hall, chatting a little bit. Asking me if I learn Japanese and I confirmed I know a little and she just said 'oh that is more than a little'. So we stood in the crazy line together. Talking here and there but she spotted some people she knows before us so spoke to them too and I kept behind.
As the line started to advance somehow they turned to me as some topic about clear files came up, I gathered and they asked me if I have the newest ones. I shook my head (also confused of which new ones they meant) and to that her friend whipped out a pile of the new Xylitol ones and told me I could pick one. I died again, right before entering the venue. So I got a gorgeous green kimono Yuzu. We separated saying to meet again, me going into a bowing frenzy because wow. As I think back I am pretty sure she is the same lady who gave me the Ghana ones too the day before. 😍
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The one lady sitting next to me arrived too and she handed me two candies with Yuzu (fruit) and Ginger. The inside joke was hilarious and we giggled together and I thanked her. Not too long after a girl sat down in front of me, taking her seat and suddenly turned around giving me two sample chocolates from Ghana (GUYS THAT CHOCOLATE MELTS ON YOUR TONGUE, IT’S SO GOOD). My eyes were probably as big as two plates.
I re-adjusted in my seat after he shocks, ready for practice and to be slayed by baby Jun. I wasn't all too disappointed even if the practice looked here and there wonky. His short costume makes him look amazing and my seat was at the skater entrance so they nearly sat up their corner right in my face. Queue me taking like 100 pictures of Jun even if half of them were his back or blurry because speed while skating haha.
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Once I survived that one I looked to the side to spot Keiji and since Mr Attention took mine the day prior I jumped on the chance to take pictures of him rink-side. I am happily clicking away when suddenly after a few clicks a certain gorgeous boy walks into the frame and I get a heart-attack. - literally my camera roll as it happened...
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Queue my attention being stolen again - I am sorry Keiji I tried and by the end of the practice I had no more pictures than 4 of you like the day before - and getting so much of Yuzus back (🍑). Yuzu is truly marvelous even in training and while yes he did make mistakes, fell and popped a few jumps, OVERROTATED A FEW AXELS. I was the happiest girl in the world. 
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Also somehow I managed to give Keiji some attention at one point! So good job from my side. Kolyada I apologize I think I watched you for two seconds. Boyang apparently didn't show which I didn't realize until someone else pointed it out during the Pair practice two hours later. Oops? I am truly sorry.
Pairs practice I technically missed as by 10am I needed coffee and by 11 or something I managed to get breakfast too.
Ladies practice was good. Definitely liking Yuna and Kaori from Japan. Hanul from Korea is also pretty good (I walked past her the day before in the corridor and she is so tiny and cute I stared and hurried away because I feel awkward 😂) after the short the day before I was praying for Kaori because that girl deserves the world, her practice looked good so I kept hoping.
I missed Dance practice while sitting there because I spent it to transfer my pictures to my phone. Oops. Also eat and do the necessities before 12:45pm rolled around to slay me with the Men's short.
JUN-FUCKING-HWAN CHA SLAYED ME. He fought like a true champion and the amount of proud I have felt for him was a lot! BOY IS GOOD. And damn he can catch things like a pro, watched him do it with two presents thrown at him. I feel like he is one of the up and coming skaters now, he is slaying this season and I can’t wait to see more of him!
As the time was approaching for Group 2 I spotted Matsuoka-san below our Tribune and I was shocked. HE IS SO TALL AND HANDSOME. And him applying chap-stick is kind of mesmerizing too.
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Obviously they were waiting for a certain Japanese boy showing up with his aggressive lip-syncing, murder gaze and ready to slay and OH BOY DID HE SLAY.
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This was the moment where my heart-rate was so high my fitness tracked thought I was actually exercising??
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Upgraded Otonal is GORGEOUS. I mean I was blown away just seeing it in person because pictures don’t do his costumes justice okay? Took me like a few minutes to see it is different from the ACI one and I love it, the darker tones are so good, the bling is blinding. I was shaking with excitement.
Watching skaters falling apart during their programs is the worst thing ever, and they had such bad ice conditions, everyone was having trouble. My heart ached for Keiji, he did so well in practice and the short was...*sighs* my section was trying to be loud for him.
AND IT WAS TIME FOR THE KING TO ARRIVE. Nothing can describe the kind of atmosphere in the arena, you have to be there to feel how it was electrified throughout his performance or how loud people truly were. During his spins right before the step sequence once he slayed with his jumps (That 4S was as gorgeous at it gets and deserved the +4.3 GOE, WOW) the screams were getting louder and by the start of the sequence IT WAS SO LOUD THE MUSIC COULDN’T BE HEARD. The standing ovation was incredible and the moment he stopped I was on my feet, fighting tears.
My heart exploded, my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard, I was so damn happy and I didn’t mind clocking a photographer with my goat plush because LISTEN MR YUZURU-FUCKING-HANYU CAME AND SNATCHED ALL THE WIGS.
I have witnessed it, I have the privilege to watch him skate clean (yeah I know there were some mistakes but landed all the jumps and you know if he finally does it without any mistakes, it is going to be something nobody can touch, the scores will be higher than ever!) in Helsinki with his Hope & Legacy gloves and get a new WR. I was high on adrenaline for the rest of the day, which was good because I had to prepare for the ladies mentally. 
Somewhere in between I think one Japanese lady tried to pass by me to get to her seat and I stood up, greeted her and she stopped, looked at me and asked if I was a Yuzu fan, I confirmed and showed her my hoodie with chibi Seimei. She asked to take a picture and than dropped her bag and pulled out a clear file with the same Seimei pose and handed it to me. It was filled with commercial from Phiten with Yuzu and a Japanese newspaper. I stared like HUH, asked her in Japanese if I can truly keep it, she nodded all excited about it. Boy, these ladies are true heroes out here providing goodies for International fans like us!
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After the Men’s short I was looking around and spotted NOBU, he was filming with Matsuoka-san and I died, he looked good! I ended up seeing more often later on but I leave these people be, let their do their thing. I do not stalk any of them.
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Coming back up to 3rd from 7th place shows the fighting spirit she has and the standing ovation for her that day was truly well deserved. I saw the crowd stand twice, for Yuzu and Kaori.
Saturday was an emotional roller-coaster but everything and much more I could hope for. Well exhausted and tired, I left before the Dance competition, which I felt truly sorry for but couldn’t stick around, nor the WC for them. It stopped around 11 PM I believe and gosh, I wasn’t able to do that. While I counted with lack of sleep, cold, emotional roller-coaster, tears and heart-break I was way too tired.
Part 3 with Day 4 coming separately because wow... I rambled here even more.
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sad-af1121 · 7 years
Dinner Party (One-shot)
Summary: You hadn’t seen Sebastian since he left to film Infinity Wars and he was coming home tonight so you and your girlfriend decided to have a small dinner with just the three of you. What happened after, was unexpected. Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Bisexual!Reader x Reader’s Girlfriend  Word Count: 3180 Warnings: thigh riding, language, bisexual lovin’ A/N: This was all inspired by Sebastian’s pic with the beard, yeah you know the one. AND because of pride month! Feedback is welcomed 💜
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“Hey babe,” you said to your girlfriend who was sitting on the kitchen counter. “What time does Seb get here?”
“Um, around 5. That’s what he texted me before boarding his flight.” She mumbled as she continued to eat her bowl of freshly cut strawberries.
“Alright, that’s good. It’s almost 4 so I can hurry up and change,” you stated as you were adding the final touches on the lasagna dish you had made for tonight’s dinner along with a light salad and freshly baked rolls. The kitchen was filled with the sweet aroma of tomatoes and basil which pranced around the air as it created a warm home-like essence into the atmosphere.
Your best friend, Sebastian, was flying back from filming Infinity Wars and you hadn’t seen him since. Knowing he would be tired and stressed when he came back, you decided to cook a nice home meal instead of ordering take-out. You called his mother in advance, asking her what Sebastian loved to eat and she gave you one of her recipes that he adored.
Having everything cooked and the table set, you quickly wiped your hands with a towel before setting it on the counter as your girlfriend hopped off and swiftly pulled you in for a kiss. You giggled in surprise and immediately melted into it, tasting the sweetness of the strawberries on her tongue.
“What’s that for?” you hummed as you pulled away, seeing her eyes dilated and her cheeks flushed. You gulped, feeling her hands slide down to your ass and giving it a good firm squeeze before placing her arms on your shoulders, interlocking her hands behind your head.
“Seb’s coming over… you think you can behave?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. You felt your mouth run dry as you tried to form words. She knew your crush on Sebastian was bad and every time he came near you, you’d turn into putty. You couldn’t help but fall for his dreamy blue eyes, chiseled jaw structure, and built physique. He was so caring, humorous, and never let a dull moment get to him. You adored everything about him.
Your girlfriend was fond of Sebastian and liked him too, especially the way he made you weak in the knees. It gave her more leverage when she would tease you every now and then, whispering what you’d want Sebastian to do in the bedroom whenever you two were having sex. It drove you mad but hell, it gave you the most powerful release ever. But since tonight was only the three of you, you were nervous that, like many occasions, things will get out of hand from drinking. So this time, you took the precaution of making sure to open one bottle of wine and no beers whatsoever by hiding the alcohol so that your girlfriend nor Sebastian could find them.
“Y-yeah, don’t worry. But I can’t help it when he flirts back” you warned feeling the familiar butterflies roaming around your stomach.
“Then just don’t look so obvious, yeah?” she smiled before leaning in to peck your lips once more before smacking your ass to go get changed.
You were mentally hating yourself.
Once you were dressed in a simple off the shoulder black dress with your hair up in a messy bun and light makeup, you walked back out into the living room making sure everything was neat and put together. Your girlfriend sat quietly on the couch clad in jeans and a blouse with her hair down as she watched TV when you heard your phone chime. You hurried to it, seeing a message from Seb.
Hey, I’m here. Buzz me in.
Walking over to the intercom, you allowed Sebastian in and waited by the door as Seb made it up to your apartment. Sebastian was exhausted from his flight but he was ecstatic to see you two. He wore a gray t-shirt that clung onto his beefy arms, broad shoulders and chest. His blue jeans fit his thick thighs like a glove as he rocked some Adidas shoes. He had missed you guys and couldn’t wait to see the look on your faces when you saw how different he looked. He’d spent so much time focusing on himself and shaping his body.
Sebastian stood in front of the door, blowing out a sigh before knocking softly on the door with two flower bouquets in his other hand. He knew you had a crush on him and he thought it was the cutest thing ever but he knew you meant well and always put your friendship first above all.
Opening the door, your breath hitched in your throat and your eyes widen seeing Sebastian. He has a big smile displayed on his face seeing your reaction since he now had a full-grown beard. Not wasting any time, you leaped into his arms and he gladly caught you. You felt the vibrations erupting from his chest when he laughed seeing your response and affection towards him.
“Oh my god, Seb! Look at you!” you pulled away and held him at arm’s length, taking in his new appearance. Not only did he have a beard but he had gotten leaner and thick. You felt your cheeks burn bright red when you saw how huge his chest, arms, and thighs had gotten. The last time you saw him like this was when he was filming Civil War, but he had gone overboard with working out and his diet. However, this time around he seemed happier and he didn’t look too beefy. You were glad he wasn’t torturing his body but looking out for it.
“Yeah, well I had to put that work in for the movie.” He smiled as he stepped inside handed you and your girlfriend the bouquet of flowers.
“But the beard? I thought you went to play as Bucky, not Wolverine.” Your girlfriend joked as you walked into the kitchen, grabbing the flowers and putting them into vases.
“That’s a good one. I’ve been told I look like a Romanian lumberjack” he laughed out, shaking his head as he walked over into the dining room, seeing the food laid out on the table. “Holy shit, you made this?” he asked as he took a carrot from the salad bowl and threw it in his mouth.
“Ah, yeah. I’m not always lazy, ya know.” You chuckled, setting down the bottle of wine and glasses on the table. “Let’s eat!”
Two wine bottles and three beers.
That’s how much you all drank during and after dinner. You were so lost into Sebastian that your girlfriend found your stash and started pouring more and more wine into your glass. She wanted you drunk off your ass because according to her you’re “way more fun and relaxed.”
 The alcohol coursed through your blood, heating your body and sending you into a trance as it spun the room. A wave of confidence and playfulness hit you when Sebastian started messing around, recalling old memories of the two of you goofing about before he had become noticed by the media. You always cherished those moments especially since they were with him.
The three of you sat in your living room chatting about Sebastian’s time in Atlanta and how the filming went. Like a little school girl during reading time, you sat close by Sebastian eager to hear about his trip and trying to get any movie spoilers from him.
Even though you’d know he would never say anything.
As you gawked at his beautiful features, you noticed his body inching closer to you but you thought it was just your mind playing tricks on you. Your eyes had become darker than normal carrying a twinkle as you listen to his deep, husky voice get low by the minute. Sebastian draped both of his arms over the back of the couch, feeling the effects of the alcohol. He was laughing and snickering louder as his eyes became heavy. He stared down at you, his breathing picking up as he saw gorgeous you looked tonight.
Your girlfriend sat across from you listening to Sebastian in amusement as she could tell both of you were drunk. Your cheeks remained rosy pink as you basked in the moment, never wanting it to end and sighing in content. As Sebastian was finishing up his story, your girlfriend noticed his hand on your thigh as he stroked your soft smooth skin with his thumb. You felt a shiver course through your body when he turned his head to you, biting down on his plump lips smirking a bit. You felt your panties begin to soak from your slick just by the thought of devouring his lips and fucking his cock as your girlfriend watched and touched herself.
“You alright?” he asked, snapping you out from your thoughts.
“Mhm, yeah. I-I’m good” you coughed out feeling overwhelmed by his lingering stares and touch. Your skin prickled as he continued to soothe your thigh with his calloused rough hand, traveling up a bit higher this time. Your breath hitched feeling your skin burn with desire as you inhaled your sweet arousal emitting from your core, sending you into a dreamy state. A deep throaty groan emitted from Sebastian as he shuts his eyes and swallowed heavily, trying to ground himself as he felt his cock twitch in his jeans.
You turned to look at your girlfriend who had a cheeky grin displayed on her face that confused you. Without a word, she got up and made her way over as she sat down on the other side of Sebastian, placing her delicate hand on his broad chest.
“So, I’ve been thinking…” she purred as she raised an eyebrow at you. Your eyes widened, knowing the look she was giving you and it only meant trouble. “As an early birthday gift for Y/N, would you mind if we grind on your thighs?” Her voice held innocence but the smirk on her face and lust blown eyes said otherwise. She bit her lip in anticipation as Sebastian raised his brows, looking at her with amusement and mischief written all over his face.
“Really?” he chuckled, feeling his cheeks grow hot as his ears turned a dark shade of pink. His eyelids stayed hooded holding a smirk as he bit his bottom lip, dragging it with his teeth. He couldn’t tell if he was just hearing things because he was drunk or that he wanted to hear those words coming from her. Whenever he saw the two of you kiss or touch each other affectionately, he’d have to control himself imagining the two of you being intimate. It drove his nuts.
“Do you want that, Y/N?” he turned to you asking as his words linger on. The way your name rolls off his tongue makes you whimper as if he’d been teasing you for hours. You licked your lips rubbing your thighs together in keenness at the thought before nodding lightly.
“Yes,” your voice came out small and shaky as your girlfriend smiled wider before getting up from the couch. She strolled on over.
“Let’s not waste any time, baby.” she said.
“Yeah, c’mon. You’ll enjoy it, I promise you.” Sebastian hummed as he turned his attention back to your girlfriend. She was unbuttoning her jeans, slowly dragging down the zipper before pushing her jeans until they pooled around her ankles. Her panties were next as she hooked her fingers around the waistband and pulled them down.
You gulped feeling sweat forming on your forehead, whimpering as you say how wet her panties were. The sight of her cunt made you want to take her right there, yearning for some sort of release but that wasn’t the case in this situation. As you stood to take off your panties, you felt somewhat embarrassed for being exposed. But fuck it, you couldn’t pass on this opportunity. You were all adults and knew what you were getting yourself into.
You held the flimsy material that was drenched in your heat. A darker shade of blush crept on your cheeks as you looked up at Sebastian who had his legs wide apart, displaying dominance as he stared at you through hooded lids. His eyes held a predatory glare, and couldn’t wait any longer, especially seeing the both of you half naked.
“Jesus Christ… “Sebastian muttered under his breath, smirking as he saw both of squeeze your thighs before walking over. You threw on leg over his thigh, straddling it and moaning softly to the feeling of his muscles contracting underneath you. You scooted up until your knee was placed in front of his growing erection.
Suddenly that wave of confidence returns as your girlfriend straddles his other thigh and you smirked at her as she began to grind against him. Her soft moans made goosebumps rise on your own heated skin as you pushed your knee into Sebastian’s crotch, earning a gasp.
“You said thigh, not cock, dragă mea” he growled and brought his hand to the small of your back as you rubbed your bare cunt on his thigh. You have never heard his voice that low and deep, dropping a few octaves. The rough material of his jeans created a better friction as it nudged your clit with every move.
“Oh fuck” you moaned, fluttering your eyes shut as you grabbed your breast and began kneading it with your free hand as the other was used to steady yourself on Sebastian’s thigh. Your girlfriend started getting rougher, speeding up her pace as she felt her orgasm nearing, however you opened your eyes, quickly pulling her in for a kiss by wrapping your hand around the back of her head. Humming into the kiss, you set a good pace as you grinded on Sebastian.
He stared up at the two of you. His breathing picked up, becoming ragged and short as his cock strained in his jeans. He needed release seeing how you and your girlfriend were in full bliss and using him to get off. He threw his head back as the room was filled with the soft moans and whimpers emitting from the two of you.
Your girlfriend pulled away to lean down and kiss Sebastian. He sucked in a breath, getting caught off guard as so were you. She melted into the kiss like ice cream on a hot summer’s day, groaning when Sebastian gripped her backside, digging his nails into her soft flesh. You felt the heat on your face increase when you saw the two begin to make out.
You quickened your pace, pushing down the sleeves of your dress to expose your breasts that have spilled out of your bra. Placing one hand on the back of the couch and on Sebastian’s chest, you focused on getting off as your closed your eyes and concentrated.
“Oh fuck. I’ve al-always wanted to do this. You f-feel so fucken good. Shit!” You heard a dark deep growl come from Sebastian as he heard what you said and saw how your breasts rhythmically moved with your actions. You felt as his other hand grip your ass as he got lost in your soft round mounds.
Sebastian was intoxicated with the burning desire for this moment never to end, but he felt his cock throb with every movement you two made against him. He stared at your breast as he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood as he tried to stifle his moans. You noticed this and couldn’t help but nudged your knee against his girth making his gasp and moan.
“F-fuck, ah! … that felt good.” he groaned as you continued to rub his groin. He could feel his precum dripping out and staining his boxers, but he didn’t care. He craved for a release. Your clit pulsated on his muscular thigh, swollen from your actions as you felt the familiar tight coil in your stomach. Your jaw went slack, the air from your lungs leaving.
“Y/N” your girlfriend moaned as she felt her orgasm close by. You pulled your focus away from Sebastian and leaned in to kiss her. Your tongues fought for dominance but you won as you suckled on her tongue and bit her bottom lip, drawing it out with your teeth. She groaned deeply as her eyebrows furrowed and she felt the familiar tingling sensation on her cunt before crying out.
“Oh yes yes yes, fuck! Mmm” she whimpered and moaned against your lips as you snaked your hand onto her throbbing clit and rubbing it a few times as shocks of electricity hit her core.  
“Ho-holy shit.” Sebastian breathed out as he goggled at the two of you having your intimate moment. He watched as your girlfriend pressed her lips back with yours as he looked down at your bare pussies and saw how swollen your clits were. He bit down on his plush bottom lip as he took his large hand and lifted your dress high enough to give him the advantage to rub gentle circles on your clit and on your girlfriends.
“Fuck, Sebastian. Keep rubbing my clit, oh fuck, yes!” his name tasted like sweet honey as it ran off your tongue.
“Oh my god” her eyes rolled back as her clit became overstimulated. Both of your minds became hazy, clouded with euphoria as your orgasmed, moaning out loud.
“O-oh yes! Ah, pl-please don’t stop, don’t stop” you chanted that until you came and squirted on Sebastian’s’ thigh, leaving a stain of your sweet juices on his jeans.
Your girlfriend stared at you with wide eyes, seeing that you squirted on Sebastian, muttering holy shit under her breath. She grabbed your chin and pulled you in to devour your luscious lips as you came down from your high. You forgot you were rubbing his hard on with your knee when Sebastian felt his girth throb and release cum “O-oh shiiiiit” he hissed as his cock shot thick white cum in his jeans.
You and your girlfriend pulled away instantly to look down at Sebastian whose face was scrunched up and red. His jaw went slack as he let out short breaths, jutting his hips forward as he emptied his cock of his cum. You looked down and saw it twitch in his jeans, making you blush a deep red.
Hearing a snort, you turned your head to see your girlfriend muffling her giggles as she realized what just happened. You bit your lip, bruising the tender flesh and lightly grazed your hand over his crotch. Sebastian shivered and whined as you smirked.
“Looks like someone enjoyed the show more than we did, huh?”
He fluttered his eyes open and chuckled “S-sorry, I couldn’t help myself. You two are… very vocal” He smirked, darting his tongue out and you giggled.
“As much as we make the perfect sounds… we’re great at cleaning up too” you purr before looking down at his cock. Sebastian swallows thickly, feeling his it hardened again before breathing out,
Oh god
PERMANENT TAGS: @thatawkwardtinyperson @buckybarnesismypreciousplum @jezzula @finallybreathee @plumfondler @atari-writes @angryschnauzer @badassbaker @papi-chulo-bucky @amrita31199 @cumonbucky @soldatbarnes @avengersandlovers @fandomlyawsome @lostinspace33 @feelthemusicfuckwhatheyresaying @rda1989 @hello-sweetie-get-the-salt  @melconnor2007 @feelmyroarrrr @iamsooooohappy
FIC TAGS: @persephone-is-here-omg @thecrownedrose @kittykitty-mewmeww @samuelsbucky @sexylibrarian1 @stevnsbucks
(permanent tag list is open)
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geekprincess26 · 8 years
Prince Charming and the Pencil
Written for Day 10 of Jon x Sansa Fanfiction’s 15 Days of Valentine’s challenge.  Companion fic to “Blue Pencils and Bravery,” which I wrote for Day 8.  I’m sorry for posting it a day late - real life has a funny way of sticking its tongue out at me and preventing me from posting my fics when I want to post them sometimes.
Harry Hardyng was late.
 Sansa swept into the upstairs bathroom she shared with Arya for the fifth time in the past ten minutes to check herself in the mirror.  She had readied herself for Casterly Rock Preparatory High School’s senior class’s Valentine’s Day ball in record time, having spent until nearly five o’clock decorating the school’s community hall with the other students on the ball’s planning committee.  Her makeup was done flawlessly; the blush-colored gown she had so painstakingly sewn for herself fit her like a glove; wonder of wonders, her fresh blush-and-gold manicure had not been scratched as she and the other students had rushed to put the final touches on the community room; her gold jewelry glittered beautifully; and she had finished preparing for the ball a full five minutes before Harry was supposed to pick her up.  Harry was never late, and did not like it when she ran behind.
 Sansa’s phone buzzed, and she lost no time swiping the screen open.  
 Brandon and I r on the way.  
Sansa hung her head in disappointment.  She had certainly hoped it had been Harry, texting her to tell her he was here, but it was only Jeyne Poole, reporting in to the text group Margaery Tyrell had set up for the planning committee members.  They and their dates had agreed to meet at the school half an hour before the ball officially began in order to take photos and iron out last-minute details. Sansa was not particularly looking forward to that half-hour.  She was tired from spending the entire day decorating and still smarting from a spat she’d had earlier that afternoon with Jeyne, who had taken it upon herself to point out how little Sansa understood about decorating for major school events. After all, Jeyne had snidely reminded her, this was the first event that school year at which Sansa had served on the planning committee, whereas she, Margaery, and Beth Cassel were all on their fourth.  “But naturally, you were busy hanging with the weird computer geeks doing stuff for community theater,” she’d continued, and it had been all Sansa could do not to dump a bag of confetti over Jeyne’s head.  Instead, she’d retorted that Jeyne clearly understood little about volunteering at the community theater or about computer geeks.  She had first started doing artwork for the local community theater a year prior at the request of only one computer geek, Jon Snow, and Jon was not weird, simply a bit shy.  But after she saw how much work it took with both computers and other pieces of machinery she didn’t understand just to put on a morning rehearsal, let alone a full evening production, Sansa had also realized just how talented Jon and his buddies on the production crew were.  She had also seen how much help the theater’s owners needed and had gladly agreed to help in the art department, even though it had meant she couldn’t put as much time into planning school activities as she had anticipated.  
 Sansa sighed as another message popped up on her phone screen.  Great.  Sansa, what about you and Harry?
 That message was from Margaery, to whom out of her three best friends Sansa was still the closest. Even Margaery, however, had not hung around Sansa as much during their senior year as she had during their previous years at Casterly Rock.  Sansa supposed it was partly because they both had boyfriends now and partly because Sansa had spent so much of the past several months working hard on the portfolio she had included with each of her college applications.  Sansa had always known that if she wanted to get into a good art therapy program, she would need an excellent portfolio, and Sansa Stark never did anything halfway.  Still, Sansa felt bad about not having time to serve on the other three planning committees with her friends, and it had hurt during the prior weeks as they had all prepared for the ball together to see that they had a better rapport with each other than any of them did with her.
 Sansa sighed again. Once Harry showed up and got her to the school, she would no doubt find that everybody’s tempers had improved with food and showers, and they could all relax (a bit) and enjoy the fruits of their labor.  And she and Harry would dance and put the fight from earlier this week behind them, the fight in which Harry Hardyng, a straight-A-earning trumpet player who had been accepted to four different Ivy League schools, had accused Sansa Stark of being a snob.  The accusation was ridiculous, of course, but that had not stopped Sansa from crying for an hour afterward.  She had tried her best to be a supportive girlfriend.  Despite her work on her art portfolio, she had spent as much time with Harry as she could; and, far from turning up her nose at Harry’s hobbies, she had attended every one of his cross-country meets and band concerts since they had begun dating.  And neither quitting band the prior year nor changing her planned college major from music therapy to art therapy had had anything to do with Sansa’s thinking she was too good for music.  Harry would no doubt understand that after taking a few days to cool off; he always did after one of their disagreements, even if he was never much of a one for apologies.
 So when Sansa’s phone vibrated and produced a text message from Harry saying Sorry, Sansa, she almost dropped it.  He must just be leaving his house, she thought; Harry never texted while driving.
 No problem, she texted him back.  We’ll still get there in time for pics.
 Three dots blinked on the left side of her phone screen for several moments.  Sansa inspected herself in the mirror one last time, then dashed down the stairs.  Her phone buzzed just as one glittering heel met the floor at the bottom of the staircase.
 No, I meant sorry I’m not going w you, the screen informed her. Sansa sat down so suddenly that she began to slide down the remaining stairs on her backside.  She clutched the railing to stop herself with her right hand while frantically swiping at the phone screen with her left.
 Are you OK?  Did you get sick?  she typed frantically.
 No, just not going, replied the blue text bubble that popped up on the left side of the screen almost immediately.  Sansa stared at the three gray dots that appeared under it a moment later, uncomprehending.
 Better get it over with now.  Would be fake if we went 2gether, said the next bubble.  You can go by yourself if u want.  2 different for each other.  You don’t want what I want.  Done.
 The bubbles stopped coming. Sansa kept staring at the screen, willing there to be more, willing the words to go away, willing Harry to take them back.  But there was not, and they did not, and Harry did not.
 Tears welled in Sansa’s eyes.  She used the railing to push herself upright as fast as she could, so the head rush would help her blink them away.  She did not want Harry Hardyng to have made her cry twice in one week, especially when he did it the second time by dumping her right before the Valentine’s Day ball.
 Sansa pinched the bridge of her nose.  If she could just think clearly enough to type for a moment, she might be able to distract herself long enough to keep the tears at bay, at least for the moment. So she swiped the screen of her phone and punched the cursor furiously.
 And what don’t I want? she typed.  She let out a sigh of relief when she saw the gray dots reappear on the left-hand side of her screen.  As long as she could engage Harry in conversation, she could focus now, even if it would only upset her all the more later on.
 Music, like real fine art stuff, not kids stuff @ com theater. Like music at all.  We don’t have same friends.  You like ur sister’s and J Snow and his friends better lately.
 Sansa pinched the bridge of her nose again.  If she knew Harry at all, he had been planning this since they’d had their fight earlier that week, during the time she’d thought he’d been cooling off. That hurt almost as much as the fact that Harry clearly thought she wasn’t good enough for him.  And he had had the nerve to call her a snob.
 I like doing art 4 “kids stuff @ com theater.” she typed back in a rush, suddenly more furious for the moment than she was hurt.  It’s respectable –volunteer & good 4 my portfolio @ good schools.  And I only missed 1 concert u wanted to take me to 2 hang out w my own sister & friends & u didn’t have a problem with me switching 2 art therapy which is also respectable.  There.  Her grammar was more atrocious than usual, but at least Harry knew he wasn’t the only one who could pride himself on doing “respectable” activities.
 Concert meant a lot 2 me, Harry replied.  U wanted 2 hang out w bunch of computer nerds more than me. & switching majors isn’t stable, what next, fashion design & sewing?
 The heat that had heretofore been confined to Sansa’s face began migrating down her chest and arms. If I did it would still be respectable, she replied.  Sorry if liking 2 make my own clothes isn’t good enough 4 u.  If I’m not good enough 4u you could have said face to face earlier nt left me stranded.  That’s not respectable either.  Goodbye.
 Sansa threw her phone into her purse, buried her face in her hands, and began to shake.  She should have known better than to try to distract herself from crying, she thought as the tears began running down her arms.
 The sound of the back door shutting six feet away startled Sansa bolt upright.  Just as her eyes recognized the familiar form of Jon Snow in front of her, the connecting door to the recreation room swung open, and Arya strode into the room.  Both of them stared with concern at Sansa’s tear-streaked face.
 “What’s the matter?  Jerkface late?” asked Arya, who always called Harry “Jerkface” and other less polite names after Sansa had a fight with him.
 “He’s not coming,” Sansa spat out.  “Happy?”
 “Whoa.”  Jon took a few tentative steps toward Sansa at the exact same time Arya screeched, “What?  Why in the hell not?  He’s still ‘punishing’ you for disagreeing with him, what, last week already?”
 “Arya.”  Jon shot a warning look at the younger girl before turning to Sansa.  “Sansa, what happened?”
 “He broke up with me,” sniffed Sansa.  She began crying again and pawed madly through her purse for a tissue.  
 “Right before the ball? What a cowardly, jerk-faced piece of shit – ” Arya began.
 “Arya.”  This time Jon’s voice came from almost directly above her.  Sansa looked up, startled, to see him holding out one of the handkerchiefs she’d made for him back in their middle school years.  Sansa’s face reddened again.  She’d made him half a dozen handkerchiefs back when she’d still been his secret admirer and made a point of giving him things she knew he’d like.  One of Jon’s odd habits was carrying around a handkerchief – mainly, Sansa supposed, to rub the sweat from his face that was automatically generated by his doing metallurgy in the applied arts lab or running to connect a thousand cords under the harsh lights of the school and community theaters.  She still thought it a strange habit, but now, as she added her tears to the mix on a square of black with music notes embroidered around the edges, Sansa found herself wholeheartedly approving of it.
 “Thank you,” she managed to mumble, too embarrassed to look at either Jon or her sister.  No doubt her makeup was running in ugly streaks all over her face.  
 Sansa’s phone buzzed again. Oh, no.  It had to be Margaery, furious that Sansa and presumably Harry were late, and –
 “Oh, flying heck!” she exclaimed, remembering what else she and Harry were expected to do at the ball. She tried to stand up but tripped over the hem of her dress, and she would have fallen back onto the stairs but for Jon catching her and helping her all the way up.
 “Thanks,” Sansa muttered as Jon stepped back.  Arya rolled her eyes.
 “‘Flying heck?’ Sansa, really.  Rickon’s not exactly around – probably off playing foosball with Dad – ”
 Sansa, who had long since grown accustomed to using slang expressions at home so as to avoid incurring her mother’s ire for using stronger language around her younger brother, waved her sister off.
 “Stuff it, Arya, you’re not the one who’s supposed to dance with her stupid date to open the ball and got dumped by him, and now I can’t – ”  Her phone buzzed again, and she picked up her purse from the ground and began rummaging through it again.
 “Oh.  Right.  Sorry.” Arya turned to Jon.  “Hey, wait, aren’t you supposed to be there too? Running all the music and everything?”
 Jon scratched the back of his head.  “Right, I just came back to get my USB drive with some of my files I need on it.  I left it here with Bran by accident.”  He was interrupted by a sob from Sansa, who could find her phone nowhere in her purse.  Jon bent to retrieve it from one of the stairs and held it out to her.
 “Thanks,” Sansa choked out, rubbing her eyes furiously.  “Sorry, I – oh, you probably want this back, and – ”  She held out the handkerchief to Jon, who waved it away.
 “It’s OK,” he said. “I do have some other ones at home.”
 Sansa managed a weak smile. She had indeed made Jon several other handkerchiefs before they had entered ninth grade and been assigned to different homerooms, by which time Jon had discovered his passion for metallurgy and begun helping out at the community theater, and the other students had stopped making quite so much fun of him, and Sansa had figured he did not need his secret admirer quite so much any more.
 “Bran!”  Arya’s belted exclamation brought Sansa sharply back to the present.  She flushed when she realized she was still holding Jon’s handkerchief out to him.
 “Sansa,” he was saying, “you OK?”
 Sansa nodded at the same time Jon hung his head.  “No, sorry, that was stupid,” he said.  She shook her head, but before she could think of what to say, Jon’s own head snapped back up.  His face had gone pink, but he looked her straight in the eye.
 “I – I – you can say no,” he said, “but I can take you to the ball if – if you want, and you can find a guy to dance with, or – or – I could dance with you for the first one – I mean, I’m not good at it and I’d have to help with the sound later, but you’d – you wouldn’t be left alone that way, and I could take you home after the first dance, or any time later, if you wanted to go, or if you wanted to go out to McDonald’s or wherever for a snack between dances if you just want a break. Sam knows how to do that stuff as well as I do, so I can leave and come back, no problem.  I can even change into my suit, if – if you want me to dance.”
 Sansa merely stared at Jon. She knew he was no Harry when it came to dancing, but she had no Harry or anybody else to dance with, and right now having somebody, whatever his skill level, was infinitely better than having no one to dance with at all – or even having Harry to dance with, at this point.  She and Jon would still get a lot of strange looks and whispers from her friends and everyone else, but then Jon was used to both the whispers and the looks, and Sansa was sure to get them anyway after everyone found out Harry had dumped her. At least she would get neither from Jon.
 “If you don’t want to, that’s fine, Sansa.”  Jon’s voice had lowered, and Sansa thought she could detect a hint of disappointment. She shook her head.
 “No, it’s – ” she began, but was interrupted when Arya, Bran, and Catelyn Stark all entered the room at once.
 “Sansa, honey, Harry’s not here yet?  What happened, sweetheart?”  Catelyn wrapped an arm around her daughter’s shoulders while Bran handed Jon’s USB drive to him.
 Sansa smiled wanly at her mother.  “Harry’s not coming, Mom.  He – he broke up with me, but Jon’s going to take me to the ball and – and do the first dance with me.”
 A devilish grin spread across Arya’s face.  Catelyn, whose back was turned to her, wiped a tear off of her elder daughter’s cheek and drew her in for a hug.
 “Oh, I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” she murmured.  “Are you sure you’re up for going?  You don’t have to go, you know, if you’d rather not, even if you don’t want to talk about it right now.”
 Sansa blew her nose into the handkerchief and gave both her mother and Jon a wobbly smile.  “No, Mom, it’s OK,” she said.  “Jon says he’ll take me home after the first dance if I want to go.” She gave Jon a wobbly smile, and he returned a steady one that reached and filled his dark brown eyes.
 Catelyn gave her daughter a searching look, then nodded and turned to Jon.  “Thank you very much, Jon,” she said.  “I’m sure you know that Sansa is expected to be home before midnight.”
 Jon flushed again and nodded.  “You’re welcome, Mrs. Stark,” he replied.  “We’ll be back before then.”
 Fifteen minutes later Sansa and Jon, she with her makeup reapplied and he sporting the dusty suit and tie he had hastily changed into while waiting for her to tidy up, arrived at school for the pre-ball photo session. Sansa spent the entire ride typing her apologies along with a brief explanation to the text group, but Jeyne Poole still shot her a dirty look when she arrived.  Fortunately, just before Sansa began posing with the others for photos, she caught Jon frantically trying to brush some of the dust bunnies off of his suit with, of all things, the blue pencil he had previously had tucked behind his ear.  The smile she produced for the cameras then was real.  So was the smile she gave Jon when he offered her his arm to escort her onto the dance floor.
 “I really, really appreciate it, Jon,” she said.  “I hope I didn’t make you late for Sam and the others; you can tell them it’s my fault their best sound person wasn’t there on time.”
 “You made Sam late?” said Jon, his expression perfectly deadpan.  Sansa giggled in spite of herself.
 “No,” she replied. “The best sound person there tucks blue pencils behind his ear.”
 Jon reddened and immediately reached behind his ear to pull out the pencil resting there, but Sansa shook her head.
 “I didn’t mean you should take it out,” she said.  “It’s enough that you’re offering to dance with me.  I don’t want to make you do it without the pencil, after all.”  She smiled warmly at him, and Jon smiled back, although his face was still red.
 “You’re not making me dance with you; I offered to do it,” he pointed out.  “Besides, I’m the one who should apologize in advance for stepping on your feet by accident.”
 Sansa opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted by Margaery Tyrell, who swept over with Joffrey next to where Sansa and Jon were standing.
 “One minute, Sansa,” she said.  Sansa did not miss the eyebrow the other girl raised pointedly at the pencil perched behind Jon’s ear.
 Joffrey, however, upstaged his girlfriend with a snort.  “Made hanging with the computer weirdos full-time, huh, Stark?” he said.  Sansa straightened herself up to her full height.
 “Yes, Baratheon, I have,” she replied.  “I find it a step up from my previous company.  I rather admire computer weirdos, in fact.”
 Both Margaery’s shocked look and Joffrey’s reply were cut off by the arrival of Mr. Arryn, who was Casterly Rock’s music director and also the teacher in charge of the ball. A few moments later, he and his wife swept onto the dance floor, and the planning committee members followed with their dates.
 True to his word, Jon spent much of the first dance stumbling and then apologizing to Sansa, but she kept waving away his apologies and redirected him to the correct steps. Teaching him proved a welcome diversion for them both from the strange looks they were getting from the other students, especially Jeyne and Joffrey – so welcome, in fact, that they continued for two more dances before Jon once again apologized, this time for having to take off backstage to help his friends with the sound.
 Sansa shook her head. “No, don’t be sorry,” she said. “And – and thank you, Jon.  I really, really appreciate it a lot.”
 Jon smiled.  “I really appreciate you trying to help me not look like total computer weirdo out there,” he said.  Sansa rolled her eyes.
 “You’re not a weirdo,” she replied.  “You never were.”  She took a deep breath.  “A weirdo wouldn’t have offered to bring me here when I – I didn’t have anyone else to take me, and – and a weirdo definitely wouldn’t have tackled Theon Greyjoy when he was picking on Bran and me on the playground.”  She felt her face flush red.  “Especially since you took the blame for me shoving Theon over it.”
 Jon stared at her, clearly bemused.  “Oh,” he finally said.  “That was a long time ago.  I’m not still mad at you for it or anything.  Besides, Theon deserved it.”
 Sansa nodded.  “I know,” she said.  “I’m still sorry, though.”
 Jon shook his head. “It’s – it’s all right, Sansa. Don’t worry about it,” he said, and after a moment he held out his right hand.  “No hard feelings?  Friends, or – or at least fellow weirdos?”  He gave her the lopsided grin she’d first seen when she had given him the box of pencils and the note apologizing for the detention Mr. Cassel had given him back in sixth grade for defending her and Bran in front of Theon. Sansa gave him her hand at once and smiled back.
 “Friends and fellow weirdos,” she said.  “Deal.”
36 notes · View notes
Story 4:lost
The Louenburg residence 3:14 am February, 14th,2019
The early mornings were always oddly refreshing. I’d flip over to a kid’s tv channel and get to catch some classic cartoons. My top 3 were probably Spiderman, Silver Surfer, and Looney toons. It was always nice to see those and escape the reality of school or “work.” Is this even a job? I honestly never know but it feels like slavery to some magical book. Every single time it opens I feel like an R rated Scooby Doo, getting the gang together to fuck the town up more. Would I be more of a Velma? I got up from the couch and went over to my laptop bag near the wall. It had been a while since Terror Eater, so everyone had started to calm down. It’s not like I INTENDED to disappear for a week, just saw some tree and was like “Oh fuck yeah.” Now that I think about it, that’s kinda sad. Just throw some trees my way and I do whatever you want. God, I love plants. I sat down with my laptop and opened it up, watching Spiderman and taking a which scooby doo character are you quiz because I’m very mature, shut up, when I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. A blinking red light out in the yard. That couldn’t have been right. I got up to get a closer look, pretending to be looking for my laptop charger. It was... a camera. WHAT THE FUCK! I almost screamed, but somehow managed to keep a level head. Was someone watching me? Who? FBI? I didn’t know what to do. I just grabbed my shit and called Mickey, knowing he’d still be up. He was, sure as day. “Hey, it’s a bad time but what’s up?” He said, he probably started his sentence before even answering. Sure enough, he was the team nurse. Took a first aid class during the summer after I broke my arm. “Hey, someone’s outside watching me, can you come get me?” I said. I heard him shoot up half way through the sentence, “What do you mean someone’s watching you?” He blurted out, he was pretty loud, probably so he didn’t have to explain to Mara where he was going. “As in someone’s sitting outside recording me!” I whisper-screamed at him. “Hey, I gotta-” He started, followed by Mara telling him to “Go, it’s an emergency, get moving!” I would’ve laughed in any other situation, but... I was honestly more afraid this person would figure out I saw them. Did they already know? If they did and brought a weapon, I don’t doubt they’d attack Mickey. “Hurry!” I whispered and hung up. I just had to play cool until he got here. Ok, I can do this. By the time my eyes weren’t breaking away from the light I realized how fucked I was. I can’t even talk to a new person without freaking out, much less let them sit in the bushes and record me for their wank collection. DING! I snatched up my phone. “I’m here, let’s go,” Don’t have to tell me twice, I shot for my bag, grabbed it, and ran! Not gonna wait for that guy to get his rocks off to scram! I hopped in the passenger seat and slammed the door. I opened his glove box and grabbed his revolver. “Hey, that’s not a toy!” he yelled. I put it back, sighing. So much for castle doctrine.
The Vallen residence 7:00 am, February 14th, 2019.
You might be wondering why I decided to get up so early. I did too, I had no self-confidence, none at all, in fact I had negative self-confidence. These are things you already probably knew. Unless trees, Beth, or adventure was involved, I’d constantly doubt myself. My Facebook time line reminded me what day it was with a picture I never wanted to see again. Me, in a sparkly red dress, and there, with their arm around me was my former lover Alex. Alex was nonbinary and a real tough lookin folk. Their wardrobe was probably the costume design for The Terminator. The dark hair and biker jacket used to turn me on... now it just hurts. They went missing a while back, no one said anything. That was about three years ago, and every year since Mickey gave me something on Valentine’s Day, the cards always calling me his dearest friend. It was nice but it didn’t change much. They were still gone. Fuck it, this time I’m finally not gonna be sad! I opened the closet and grabbed the same red dress from the photo and threw it on quickly. I ran to the bathroom and flung open the makeup drawer. Digging through it I realized how old most of the stuff was. I grabbed what little wasn’t empty or expired and threw it on. Some black eyeshadow, mascara, and red lipstick never hurt anyone! I looked up in the mirror and felt... good for once! Not because of all the pretty shit, although that never hurt, but because for the first time in a while I was taking control. I grabbed my converse shoes and threw them on quick, stole a granola bar from the pantry and ran out to the bus stop. I leaped in through the door way panting, the other kids from my stop must’ve thought I truly lost it, and maybe I have. I sat down and checked my purse. Card? Check! We were good to go. I threw on “Jessie’s Girl” and watched out the window at everything passing by.  
Big Horn High School, 7:25 am, February 14th, 2019
The bus was late, so there went dropping it in her computer bag early today. Guess I’d have second period, besides, she’s busy with club stuff in the mornings anyways. How does she even do it? “Ms. Vallen!” Mr. Hadison called after me. “I know, I’m late! Trust me, I got some good photos for class-” I started, turning around to see the one, the only special agent/Uber driver Chuck Garrison. “Ms. Vallen what a pleasure-” He stopped mid-sentence, “We’ve met before, haven’t we?” Shit, girl, we’re so dead! Does he know? For now, act like he doesn’t. “No... Nope, no way Jose!” I said, immediately blowing it. “Yep, I gave you a ride! I could tell the moment you opened your mouth.” He said and honestly I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was serious. “I know we talked earlier about somethings but Mr. Hadison here said you knew anything and everything about instant cameras.” He continued. “I do, why are you asking?” My voice was shaking again. He handed me a picture, “I was wondering if you could tell me anything about who took this photo or the camera used for it?” Ha, that’s it? Man, this would be easy. I took a look at it. It was one of mine, but I knew that if I tried to wiggle out or lie, I was as good as dead. “This looks like a Polaroid OneStep, much like the one I have” I held up my camera and gave it a wiggle. “The photographer, whoever they are, knew their tool like the back of their hand, the coloring is a little off but given the date at the bottom this tends to happen with pictures that are left unprotected for a while.” “Could they have also been called a camera expert like yourself?” Garrison asked, trying to trip me up. “Well, I guess with enough time and practice, anyone could be, don’t really see how a title effects an investigation-” I paused. “Hang on!” I held the picture up to a light and a smile ran across my face. It was the cabin but there was something off. “Someone added a window and a mountain! Whoever gave this to you is bullshiting you!” I handed it back to him, “Can I go to class now, officer? Or did you have any more questions?” He looked at the picture, then me, picture again, me again. He nodded and I headed off. “How did she know that?” Chuck asked. “Told you she’d know what you needed.” Mr. Hadison answered with a slight chuckle.
Lunch, 10:45 am, February 14th,2019.
I sat down at the table with Beth, Mickey, and Mara. They had started talking about whatever plans the couple ™ had and kept insisting Beth came along. I plopped a couple pictures down and started eating. The lack of space and pockets was honestly way more annoying than I remembered. I got a jaw drop from Mickey and a “Wowza!” from Beth, so I assumed it was the dress. “Ok pervs, get it all out now!” I joked, hoping they didn’t have any more comments. “Hey, so sorry but I forgot to get you something,” Mickey said. Three years and he’s never forgotten, hell last year I literally caught him buying a card for me in the middle of January! Who even does that? “What do you mean get her something?” Mara asked, and Beth started typing the answer away on her phone. The annoyed expression on Mara’s face changed to one of guilt. “Yeah, I was surprised too when I first saw him do it.” Beth said. I kept quiet for the rest of lunch, zoning out and eating my food, making sure my pics were good and occasionally showing one or two to the table. The one benefit to a magic camera is that you never run out of film! There were maybe two hundred photos there and I loved almost all of them. The bell rang and Beth shot off, as soon as she was out of ear shot was when I remembered I probably should’ve given her the card.
After school, 2:15 pm, February 14th, 2019.
Walking to Mickey’s truck I saw a bush... sit down. The red light from last night was starting to flash. Was this person really so stupid as to try something like this in broad daylight? I walked over, ready to kick this perv in the face for putting his cameras through such abuse as to violate someone’s privacy when I noticed something glowing... my camera. I stood still, who was seeing this? I started to feel weak, so I ran, sprinting towards Mickey. “It’s-” was about all I could force out before collapsing.
Big Horn Memorial County Hospital, 6:23 pm, February 14th,2019
When I came to, I had an IV in my arm and Beth sitting in a chair nearby. “What happened?” I asked, hoping what I remembered was a fever dream. Beth shot up and kneeled down next to my bed “Hey, you’re ok.” She said in her calming voice. “You passed out, doctors think it was dehydration but I told them that wasn’t possible, I literally watched you drink before you collapsed.” I chuckled softly, “Wow, Beth, you watch me drink? Are you sure it wasn’t you outside last night?” Her smile disappeared. “What?” she seemed scared, as was I. “There was...someone outside your place last night, they were recording me all night and-” Beth cut me off by handing the Children’s survival guide to me. “Someone... or something?” Sure as shit, the page in front of me is what little I remembered seeing. A pale, tall, humanoid creature. They don’t just have cameras, the cameras are their head, constantly watching and draining its victims of all life. Rumor has it that they’re people kidnapped by monsters with magical powers turned into a monster themselves and the only way to free them is if they’re recognized by someone. Their targets are usually someone they’re close to but can also be someone who’s just met them. “Oh yes, because I’ll remember M.C. Camera face!” I said, defeated. A hospital cart rolled by, completely unattended. Beth looked over at it, watching it roll past and looking for any signs of it. She gripped my hand, I guess to keep track of me. The door flung open and the thing came in, Beth stood in between us to block it. I kept Staring at it, trying to think of who could possibly be this camera! That’s when I noticed, it was an old camera. Not just any old camera, but the camera I had used to film my first ever dance with... “Beth, move!” She turned around, “Are you insane, it’s going to kill you!” I sigh and smile at it, “No Beth, they aren’t... please just trust me.” She sighed and moved aside. The stalker got close, leaning in maybe an inch from my face. “I thought of you today, Alex.” I said. The stalker started to emit steam, warping into itself, and yet it had this look. Even though it had no face, you could tell it was giving me a “Thank you” look. Beth and I sat there in watched, tears rolling down my face. As the last of it burned, Beth came over and wiped my tears, holding me close. I spent about an hour just crying with Beth there cradling me. It was nice, but eventually I stopped crying. “Hey,” she said reaching into her purse, “I may or may not have planned something out for tonight that didn’t work because you were in the hospital. But we do have an alternative!” she said, pulling a projector out of her bag. I was pleasantly surprised. “Wait, did you stop Mickey from-” I started. “No silly, just wanted to give you mine first” She said, turning off the lights and turning the projector on. It was her, holding some note cards. It was late and she was quietly reading them from her room but you could tell she cared. “Juniper, I’ve told a million lies to a thousand people but today I have to say the hardest words I have ever said before in my life.” A picture of us went up, in place of her as she laid down next to me. “If there was ever someone I would want to be trapped on an island with, it would be you. You are funny, clever, sweet, and more stunning than you ever give yourself credit for. I knew that the first time I ever asked you for a pencil, and every time after that. The adorable way you stammer over your words when you aren’t confident in yourself reminds me I might actually have a chance to say what I want to say in person. Juniper Susan Vallen...” The projector Beth disappeared as the video ended, replaced by me and the real Beth sitting in the darkness. I felt her face turn towards me, the room barely illuminated by the hallway light through the curtains and the monitors behind me. “I...” she paused. She felt like... well like me trying to talk to someone! “I love you” she barely managed to get out. Fireworks went off in my heart. This can’t be real! “Elizabeth Louenburg...” I paused too for dramatic effect. “I may or may not love you too.” She looked at me like I just told her to go fuck herself “May or may not?” I giggled, “Ok, Ok, yes, I love you too, dummy!” She sat in my lap and kissed me. It was amazing, I didn’t want it to end. But sadly, we were interrupted by someone knocking at the door. Beth sighed and got up, checking the door. “Ok, I’ll ask her if she wants to see you now.” she said to whoever it was, them responding back and her snapping “I don’t care if you’re God himself, if Juni doesn’t want to see you, she doesn’t want to see you!” She shut the door on them and whispered to me “Some guy named Chuck is here to see you.” I gave her a thumbs up and she opened the door. “She said you have five minutes.” Beth said, knowing damn well I didn’t but probably just wanted to spend some more time with her new girlfriend. Chuck sat down, his stereotypical suit and tie looking a little less professional the way it was coming apart. “When I heard our only real witness,” he said, gesturing towards me, “was in the hospital I HAD to rush down here. Juniper,” He said, looking at me like he was losing all hope in this weak case, “do you know of anyone who may have attempted to hurt you in anyway?” I shook my head. “Then how did you break your nose? And how did you pass out in the first place?” Beth started to seem annoyed so I tried to answer him quickly, “I have no idea how I collapsed, doctors noticed a lack of nutrients so that might’ve been it, as far as my nose goes I hit the ground pretty hard so that must’ve done the trick.” And with that his faith seemed restored. “If we happened to get any more pictures from the news or wherever, would you still be willing to identify them?” I nodded and he got up. “Thank you so much! We might just have a case against these traitors after all!” He shook my hand, then Beth’s. “It was nice to meet you, ma’am. I’ll let you girls get back to whatever you were doing.” He winked at me and left. It was odd but... reassuring oddly. Beth sighed and layed next to me, refusing to leave me all night.
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