#my girlfriend is lambdadelta
cheonmaneechan · 1 year
One of the wonderful things about When They Cry is not only how Ryukishi07 noticably improves as an author and builds upon his themes and ideas from his previous works, but also how each successive work gets more blatantly queer than the last.
Higurashi has quite a bit of plausable deniability on whether its characters are lgbtq. The most obvious ones are Furude Rika and Houjou Satoko for each other, but this can plausibly be denied by someone who doesn't see it without too much of a strech in the original eight episodes. Personally I'd argue that literally the entire main cast of girls are lgbtq of some kind except maybe Hanyuu, but each of those arguments do require interpretation. This is Higurashi from 2002.
Umineko gets more blatant with explicitly queer characters, more often on the magic side but there are some on the human side as well. It's a coinflip on whether Zepar or Furfur is trans (though some clowns will use real life voice actors to try to give a definitive answer). Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are notorious toxic witch lesbians. Furudo Erika and Dlanor are in a less explicit relationship that's a bit dicey at times and coming after Furudo Erika's unpleasant breakup with her boyfriend. Williard seems to be in a relationship with Ushiromiya Lion by the end even as Ushiromiya Lion explicitly states they're unsure of their gender and or don't want to say on the matter and Williard accepts that without hesitation and explicitly states that the audience should too. Ushiromiya Ange has a relationship with Mammon that can be interpreted as romantic as well, and with the open ended ending of her future, one can imagine Ushiromiya Ange as all sorts of sexuality and potentially still in that relationship with Mammon if not closer. And then of course there's Yasuda Sayo or as I'd like to call the queerest and most gender and sexuality character of all time. If I tried to count their potential queer identities, I'd probably miss at least one or two, but they ain't straight and they ain't cis even if their individual personalities might be. There's even more that you could say about the themes of Umineko overall that also tend to involve Yasuda Sayo to some extent, but I'll leave it there. By the latter half of Umineko or the answer arcs, some people reading at the time were wondering basically "Where'd all this gay shit come from?" among other things. Some people couldn't handle it at the time and many still can't, and some are somehow still in denial of Umineko's queerness to this day more than likely. This is Umineko from 2007.
Ciconia even with only one episode out and presumably an eighth of the way done by traditional When They Cry standards manages to be EVEN MORE explicitly queer within said one episode. This time, with no interpretation or any serious level of reading and understanding the text and characters needed, the main protagonists Mitake Miyao and Mitake Meow who share a body are either transgender one way or the other with Mitake Miyao being a boy and Mitake Meow being a girl. To this they're like Yasuda Sayo except they definitely know their sex, and like Ushiromiya Lion they'd rather not say at least yet. Mitake Meow's boyfriend Jayden respects this and that his girlfriend might be trans and that she can tell him and they can work whatever out when she's comfortable about it. There's a whole ass scene or so about this and is impossible to deny. Ciconia also mentions explicitly there being surgery to acquire a penis in the futuristic setting as well, and possibly even artificial wombs if I'm not mistaken too, things that are at the moment still medical hopes and dreams for so many trans people. There's also discussions about the struggles of lgbtq people as well as gay moments mostly among girls but even with a guy as well (not listing them partially because my memory of some of their names is fuzzy, lol). There's a pro yuri nun idol squad even who states that love has no bounds and yuri is the best thing ever essentially, you literally can't get more explicit and in the text than this unless your measure of gayness deems sex to be the epitemy and ideal of gayness at all times. I'm not even sure how you could be a queerphobic When They Cry fan without blatantly ignoring at least one work or malding about it constantly. This is Ciconia from 2019.
This post doesn't say much about Higurashi GouSotsu from 2020 because I haven't watched it myself, but that's pretty explicitly gay too and much more explicit than the original and makes the queer content in the original as well more blunt and obvious. Not necessarily recontexualization so much as a potential fragment that builds upon what was already previously alluded to for nearly two decades by that point.
To people who genuinely think any When They Cry work is definitively and undeniably straight...I really don't know what to tell you lol. Like there's room for intepretation for quite a bit of this including towards a cis or heterosexual explanation at times, but at some point you're just not reading the text very well to think that it's all just cis and straight and that the gays are just delusional somehow, lol.
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bernlcastel · 6 months
I love my dyke girlfriends @deadmeatdyke and @lambdadelta-communism !!! You both make us very happy and we love you dearly keep being dykes forever
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umicatto · 1 year
(Huge Spoiler/EP1) The sixth body in the first Twilight and identification errors
In the official explanation the first Twilight in the first game says there was nothing. Kanon and (the accomplice) Hideyoshi are pretending that Shannon was lying in a dark corner. The sixth corpse doesn't exists. Lambdadelta also confirmed the deaths of all unidentified corpses (which is an actual problem, explained later).
Battler was saying this when he saw the crime scene:
"How many people died…?……You're fucking kidding me! That's more than I can count on one hand! Damn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!!
This is also true in the Japanese version. Retrosprectively, many noticed that it's kinda off. Battler has all his 5 fingers on each hand so I can exlude that one of his hands was missing a finger. Maybe it was exaggeration or assumption, but let's say Battler has a good overview of the scene. Of course he could see 5 very clearly and could described the damage of their faces
A side note of this, Battler was identifying 4 corpse by their clothes. It was briefly discussed by Gretel, Battler and Beatrice in EP4. I saw many people said "Battler is the detective and says X is dead so it's true". This might be true but identifying by clothes is a huge mistake by the detective and Battler intuitively assumed the corpses are the people he know. Thankfully, Beatrice won't use this move anymore. A second note: Any bodies who haven't seen in full shouldn't be declared dead. This is true for later Episodes. In that means the sixth body that Battler "could" see a part of can be dead or alive.
Anyway, back to the sixth corpse. We have a simple problem with the narration because it was George who asked if a sixth person was in the garden shed and the pov narration switched to the unreliable authorial narration. Hideyoshi is really unreliable here because could lie about even seeing the face (as George mentioned Shannon's face Hideyoshi responded accodingly in a wiser manner.
"...Why...? After all, I won't be able to see Shannon's face again, right...? So, why can't I see... her last face...?"
From here, we have more possibilities.
"Illusions to illusions. ...The corpse that cannot return to earth returns to illusions."
(let's forget about the canon culprit for a while) Will's explanation is vague and speaks about faking death. The obvious answer would be lying about the existence of the corpse. Incorporating the previous collected information could also mean that the body (dead or not) was real and was tainted with a false identity and fake blood, Kanon and Hideyoshi failed to identify it and Hideyoshi felt to give George a proper, delicate answer and an excuse not to see his dead girlfriend and lied about the smiling face.
"OMG there are only 16 humans on Rokkenjima! YOU R WRONG!"
If we forget the canoncity for now that can easily means that the sixth body can belong to someone who prepared one of the 4 daceless body with their clothes and a wig, effectly faking their death. Taking into the account that the sixth body belongs a female (breasts) it could be Rosa or Kyrie.
"It's not CANON!"
There's a possibility that a substitute corpse exists. [Gold Truth] The sixth body belongs to Erika Furude who was found dead before by the culprit comitted the crime. Thus, the culprit changed their plan and included the extra corpse in their plan. It was hidden in the dark corner just in case.
If you think about it, in the canon, EP1 was the only Episode where Shannon "dies" first before Kanon and it was avoided to remove her corpse by actively lying about it and place it in the fate of the roulette. In my theory, I think it was strange to create such a crime because Battler was free to go in. If he went in before Hideyoshi made a remark about Shannon's corpse then it would a whole Episode about "is Shannon the killer because she didn't go to her guest house shift?". If Hideyoshi made a remark about Shannon's corpse and Battler disproved this it would Shannon and also Hideyoshi/Eva suspicious. In these cases, it makes more sense, for the culprit's best interest, to change their plan (using another person as the 6th corpse and "killing" Shannon or Kanon in the 2nd Twilight) or using a real substitute with make-up to complete the 1st Twilight. The garden shed is a nice hiding place and Kanon usually tends the garden. This might be a good reason to consider a substitute corpse.
(yeah I know about Eva's hints but it was started by Battler anyway) . Since I mentioned that Hideyoshi lied for George's sake I think it can be explained rationally. After a heated discussion in the parlor Eva tried to convince George to go with them. I'd say it's a 50/50 chance Eva/Hideyoshi were accomplices. The 2nd Twilight can be explained with an assault (cutting the chain/unlocking the room with a master key and rushing the guest room, the chain could be cut afterwards). I read people said they let the culprit in but it doesn't really explain why Eva found lying on the bed.
Well, that's all for today. Happy thinking!
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findurkinfriends · 7 years
hi, i'm battler ushiromiya from umineko no naku koro ni and i'm looking for pretty much everyone, including beatrice. if you remember the sorcerer thing happening and me being in a relationship with beato i'd love to talk! i prefer others close to my age since i'm 24. if any of that sounds familiar or you just wanna chat, hmu
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Original: https://incorrectuminekoquotes.tumblr.com/post/185494234081/lambdadelta-it-took-my-girlfriend-a-while-to
(Screenshots made by @Nucleartrice on Twitter!)
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judedeluca · 5 years
*Sigh* I expect this isn’t gonna get a lot of reblogs but whatever.
This is mainly Lightning Lad centric with a few WG ideas.
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Lightning Lad and Arsenal Are Friends
Art by Phil Jimenez
Despite that Roy and Garth have never really interacted with each other in a published story, I’ve long since believed the two have the potential to be friends because they have a lot in common.
They’re both redheads, both dads, both have lost an arm at some point, have dealt with anger issues, and people underestimate them as the weakest of their respective groups (the Fab Five, the Founders)
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Art by Levy Rasputin
In my main story ideas, the Legionnaires became involved with Roy dealing with Lian being brought back to life and their memories of the real DCU restored. The Legion was forced to witness Cheshire almost killing Roy and Lian, and offered the Harpers a space to recover in the 31st Century as they further tried to determine what was going on in the universe because of Doctor Manhattan’s damage to the timeline.
Roy and Garth just sort of clicked since the Harpers spent a lot of time living on the Ranzz Family’s farm on Winath. Lian even calls Garth “Uncle Sparkhead” since she already HAS an Uncle Garth (Tempest/Uncle Gillhead). Garth calls Lian “Tiger.”
The Legionnaires are super protective of Roy, Lian, and Lian’s baby brother Tommy. Lian’s taught moves by Shadow Lass and Night Girl, and Roy’s slept with a couple of the Legionnaires.
Roy and Garth are sort of the Batman and Superman of my DC Trinity. The WW’s an OC.
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Saturn Queen And Dark Angel Are Allies/Lovers
Art by nanihoo
I mentioned before my love of this version of Eve because she’s a survivor, so I paired her up with another Multiverse survivor, Dark Angel.
The two of them have been acting behind the scenes of the DCU, operating outside of time and space which spared them from Manhattan’s revisions. They’ve been responsible for many of the retcons in the DCU as well as some of the more tragic stories. They made Superboy into a clone of Superman and Lex Luthor. They’re the reason why Mia Dearden left Lian Harper by herself which led to Lian’s death when Star City was destroyed. They brought Jason Todd back to life. They made everyone forget about Mae Kent and Linda Danvers. Why? Because they see it as a game for their enjoyment. They’ve no need for money or ruling the world. They have all the time in the world.
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Art by @empty-b
After Manhattan altered the DCU and replaced numerous heroes and villains with his shoddy knock offs, D.A. and Eve are the ones who pulled them from limbo and have been keeping them in stasis until Manhattan’s been dealt with. They’re the reason why the real Legion’s been missing since the New 52 began, but their endgame is something far worse beyond inflicting psychological torture.
They later establish a new version of Villainy Incorporated, recruiting dozens of villainesses from all throughout the Multiverse as part of their final game. They are, surprisingly, decent bosses to work for as they rely more on getting these women to trust them instead of brainwashing or threatening them.
Truthfully their behavior takes inspiration from Bernkastel and Lambdadelta of the Umineko series.
Kinetix Hates White Witch
After Zoe’s soul is freed from within Mysa when Mordru’s spirit is removed, she develops an unforgiving hatred for the White Witch for not doing anything to help her. Zoe claims Mysa knew Zoe was inside her and suffering all this time, but Mysa was more concerned with quieting Mordru (which, in the process, muted Zoe’s cries for help).
As a result, when Zoe is brought back to life and freed, she makes it clear she wants nothing to do with Mysa and has threatened to kill her if Mysa ever speaks to her again.
Considering Zoe already had issues with her universe’s version of Mysa, those didn’t help.
Mysa is very remorseful for how she handled this.
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Chubby Lightning Lad
Art by @empty-b
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Art by Levy Rasputin
I frequently, if not always, commission Garth with a round body type instead of the muscular build he has in the comics. And it’s not just one version of him. As an asexual/autochorissexual/whatever sexual this is my thing, and I wish there was more body diversity in the comics. Anyway...
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Art by Tim Fish
For Pre-Crisis/Retroboot Garth I tend to imagine he gained some weight after all the shit settled and he and Imra moved back to Winath. All of the Legionnaires lost a considerable deal of weight when they were on the run because of the JLE (you can see in Gary Frank’s artwork how malnourished they appear).
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Art by lotusmelon
Alongside Garth’s anger problem calming down and rescuing the boys (Graym and Garridan) after they were kidnapped, Garth felt guilty about the way he treated Imra. Looking back on how his family was denied the basic comforts of a roof over their heads, beds to sleep in, and access to food, he started to experiment with cooking and put himself in charge of meal planning as a way to show he cares. He worries about their health and is making sure Imra and the kids are eating properly.
As a result he put on a few pounds while trying out different recipes and because he’s simply not taking food for granted anymore.
Coupled with all the work he has to do on the farm and you’ve got yourself a big beautiful farm boy.
I’ve had other ideas for two other versions of Garth, mainly Threeboot!Garth and Cartoon!Garth
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Art by lotusmelon
Threeboot!Garth’s a stress eater, which started as a result of him developing anxiety over leading the Legion and his nasty break-up with Saturn Girl. As a result he got a little chubby since he has to spend most of his time seated at Legion HQ overseeing everything.
Eventually Garth decided he needed a vacation in order to relax and figured at one point “Screw it.” If he doesn’t have a girlfriend and has to deal with handling all the Legion’s affairs, he might as well eat and came back from vacation heavier than when he left. Once he stopped worrying about this he proved to be more effective as leader.
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Art by @sewerbetta
Cartoon!Garth I just prefer as heavyset because it bothers how all the male Legionnaires have such narrow waists but broad shoulders. And really I think Garth looks good with some padding.
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Art by Kris Smith
No one really has a problem with it except for Brainy, who keeps complaining about having to update Garth’s robotic arm to match his build. Unfortunately, Brainy’s criticisms became increasingly nastier to the point of body shaming and Garth begins to feel legitimately upset by all this since he didn’t have a problem with his body.
The other Legionnaires aren’t happy with Brainy’s attitude as well. Bouncing Boy in particular is peeved because he finds out Brainy never said anything about HIS weight because “It served a purpose.”
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Art by @peskyshortcake
Imra especially enjoys having a boyfriend with curves.
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akatokuro · 2 years
Thoughts on Satoko essentially joining the 34 gang? And her connection to Lambdadelta?
Satoko being sort of aligned with Lambda in a similar way as Takano and Yasu would be completely fine. I never thought her being literally Lambda was a great route, because I really like Lambda's characterization in her more thoughtful moments like her TIP, and it doesn't seem super compatible with Satoko for me. I honestly am very fond of both characters, but the core of how I see them and what drives them, even in context of Gou/Sotsu-Satoko, is pretty different.
But that's just my own preference! I don't really feel like I'd throw a fit if Ryukishi went out and confirmed it Explicitly, just a little disappointed. At least both versions of Rika, Rika and Bern, can be assured of having very devoted girlfriends, either way.
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canmom · 7 years
Let’s read Umineko! - episode 3 - part 3
[episode 1] [episode 2] | episode 3: [part 1] [part 2]
So, if I’m interpreting this right, Eva probably has Lambdadelta communicating with her subconscious, playing the role of her childhood self, and encouraging her to solve the riddle and become family head.
I’m not sure why it’s in Lambdadelta’s interest to see the riddle be solved - isn’t that her ally Beatrice’s lose condition? It’s possible it’s Bernkastel instead. However, the ‘without fail’ phrasing is a huge arrow pointing at Lambdadelta.
I guess we should also distinguish the aims of narrative!Beatrice and meta!Beatrice. Meta!Beatrice wants to force Battler to acknowledge narrative!Beatrice as a witch, but narrative!Beatrice wants to complete the ritual. If the people on the island solve the riddle, that thwarts narrative!Beatrice, but not necessarily meta!Beatrice? But I still don’t see why it would be in Lambdadelta’s interest to see narrative!Beatrice thwarted.
Oh, also, I still don’t get any voices for Rudolf or Kyrie. I thought a file might be corrupted, but I redownloaded and reinstalled all the sound, extra and script files, and it doesn’t seem to fix the problem. I don’t understand this at all, and since I don’t know where in the file structure the appropriate voice files are supposed to be, I can’t verify that they’re present.
Eva wakes up. Rudolf says to get ready.
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Tense up our what now?
After the others leave the boat, Eva starts freaking out after the epiphanies she reached in her dream.
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Hideyoshi does his best to reassure her as she wonders if George hates her. We are told that Eva always gets terrible nightmares around the family conference from the trauma of her relationship with Krauss. She worries that not just George, but Hideyoshi also hates her. Hideyoshi does a good job of helping her calm down.
As she gets off the boat, a mysterious voice - perhaps young!Eva - says ‘welcome back’.
The time advances quickly to 2pm. The next chapter is called My Preparations are Already Complete. I’m glad we’re getting quickly to the point this time.
Perhaps I spoke too soon. Battler is catching up with the other Ushiromiya cousins on the beach. We go through the usual ‘Maria and Battler don’t remember each other because she was three when they last met’, ‘wow you’ve gotten tall’, etc. Sayo has an excellent memory, Battler doesn’t. They all joke about how much of a dork Battler used to be. (Still is.)
This time, Battler doesn’t initially know about George and Sayo’s relationship, but he catches on pretty quickly. Jessica says they’ve been explicitly dating for a year, but into each other for longer. I’m getting the impression there weren’t any deals with witches involved this time around.
Jessica asks if Battler has a girlfriend, and he says no. They talk a little about gender dynamics around dating. All I can say is, I’m so glad I’m gay.
Battler asks if Jessica has a boyfriend in return. Jessica gets all flustered.
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As a woman, I’m always asking questions I can’t answer, like ‘What is forgotten?’, ‘What is due?’ and especially ‘Who is Salt?’.
Jessica admits she tried to ask someone out once, but it went badly. Who could it be? (I mean, almost certainly Kanon. Even if not for the previous episode, Kanon is the only named character Jessica’s age who’s not an Ushiromiya.)
Battler rudely blames it on how she speaks ‘like a man’. Fuck that!
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Battler somehow guesses that it’s one of the servants that Jessica’s into. Well, we got that out of the way.
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The obvious solution is to collectivise the wealth of the Ushiromiyas.
Battler speaks English and people make fun of him. The scene moves on. This time, all the cousins know who is dating who at least. The four of them are getting along well, and plan to see each other outside of the conference.
It’s nice that at least one group of Ushiromiyas don’t have daggers to each others’ throats.
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It’s pleasant... too pleasant.
...and Maria mentions Beatrice, quotes that everyone must believe to gain happiness. George agrees.
They decide to swear together to always be friendly and happy, and believe in that. This probably has significance; I doubt the mention of magic is irrelevant. And I also expect something will happen to test that belief in time.
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Oh, Battler. You’re in the wrong game.
...imagine if this episode was a total fakeout, and the family conference goes off without a hitch and no weird murders? The adults find a mutually agreeable resolution of the inheritance issue... no, better, the kids and the servants force them to collectivise and redistribute the Ushiromiya fortune.
Anyway, Beatrice interrupts.
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She’s had it with this saccharine bullshit, evidently.
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The ‘come to me’ part sounds like an allusion to something; at first I thought The Tempest, but I seem to be imagining it.
The narration suddenly becomes very distant: ‘and so, the tale repeated for tthe third time’. But, it says, there’s no point in counting, because Beatrice is Endless.
The narration very quickly skims to the next familiar point: Maria looking for the marked rose in the garden as the typhoon closes in. Beatrice shows up. This is along the lines in the first episode, as Beatrice brings an umbrella and Rosa isn’t present, but this time we see the scene ourselves.
Beatrice tells her to search for the rose with magic, not her eyes. Maria says she did, but was unsuccessful.
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Beatrice determines that Maria’s rose has been uprooted by the wind and rain. Maria resolves to bring it back with magic and asks Beatrice how.
Nah, says Beatrice.
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This is a blatant parallel to the scene at the opening where ‘Beatrice’ helped the ‘princess’ temporarily repair a vase.
Maria gets upset, so Beatrice decides to lend her the power anyway. The words Beatrice tells Maria to use are a direct echo of the ones in opening segment, instructing the rose to ‘remember its form’.
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The narration describes butterflies coalescing into a seed which grows into a rose, but also that Maria isn’t allowed to watch this. Interestingly, this time there are no human witnesses for the sfx, just the narrator. Beatrice finally marks the rose with golden lace to distinguish it.
Of course, as far as Maria knows, Beatrice could have marked any old rose with lace she had in her pocket. But of course Maria is very excited. There’s an allusion to Beatrice once wishing to become a great witch the way Maria does, which gives me more reason to think she’s the ‘princess’.
There’s some brief first-person narration from Beatrice. It doesn’t say much new.
Finally, as before, Beatrice presents Maria the envelope.
We get a short soliloquy from Beatrice. The chapter title is dropped.
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...or perhaps not a soliloquy, since Kinzo responds directly. He says he has also thoroughly prepared ‘both physically and mentally’. Kinzo seems a lot more together this time around - no screaming Beatrice’s name. He offers all he has been given as ante in the game. In a rather melodramatic moment, when he throws his ring out the window, it is struck by lightning, turns into a butterfly, and is caught by an invisible person.
Observation that may be relevant later: if Kinzo throws his ring after Maria gets the envelope, that means Beatrice couldn’t use it to seal that particular envelope.
We are introduced to a new character. They can turn invisible, and wear an Ushiromiya servant uniform.
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We learn this character’s name is Ronove. He looks like he’d fit in better at LARP gathering to be honest.
Apparently he is a somewhat neglected servant of Beatrice.
At this point I got an achievement for 3000 clicks.
Narrative!Beatrice instructs Ronove to introduce himself to meta!Battler, showing that, if we can trust this scene, narrative!Beatrice is fully aware of the overall situation - if she’s even distinct from meta!Beatrice at all. Additionally, Ronove is able to communicate through the internal fourth wall.
Battler is not pleased by this ongoing expansion of the cast.
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Sadly, he can’t resist the objectifying comment.
Beatrice says this is a literal devil’s proof, in that she has brought a demon (whose name is amoung the ‘72′, referring to the 72 goetic demons in the Lesser Key of Solomon) face to face with Battler. He is 27th in the hierarchy, and we can specifically look him up.
In demonology, Ronove is a Marquis and Great Earl of Hell, commanding twenty legions of demons. He teaches art, Rhetoric, languages, and gives good and loyal servants and the favour of friends and foes.
He is depicted as a monster holding a staff, without detailing his appearance. He is also described as taker of old souls; often coming to earth to harvest souls of decrepit humans and animals near death.
Other spellings: Roneve, Ronové, Ronwe.
According to the 19th-century Dictionnaire Infernal, he looks like this:
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This, uh, rather raises a question (and not ‘had that 19th century artist ever taken a biomechanics course’). Beatrice has been performing all sorts of feats of magic around and on meta!Battler, but this doesn’t seem to count, presumably because it’s not in the narrative. But here, Beatrice is acting like it’s meaningful to introduce Ronove to meta!Battler as if it proves something.
Beatrice confirms Ronove is the 27th-highest-ranked Great Demon, who she summoned and enslaved at ‘high cost’. Ronove, it turns out, is now Beatrice’s ‘head furniture’. He describes Beatrice as a ‘vulgar human and Great Witch from whom even demons would flee in fear’.
Beatrice comments on his impudence and Ronove immediately brings up the terms of his contract. Beatrice is like, no. Ronove then offers friendship to Battler.
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Battler rejects it in his characteristic narrative-tropes-obsessed way.
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Battler seems to define himself by narrative tropes a lot. Even the creepy boob-grabbing sexual-harassment thing he framed in terms of playing out a particular kind of almost ritualised anime scene.
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This is pretty damn gay and I ship it now. After all, wasn’t Battler just talking about a romantic partner?
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It got gayer.
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OK, I guess it’s intentional.
...and given Battler’s response is calling him creepy, I fear this is the ‘creepy effeminate gay villain’ thing.
Ronove announces his intention to greet the other furniture; Beatrice says ‘only’ the ‘common goats’ and Seven Sisters ‘have manfiested themselves’, implying we are going to meet more of Beatrice’s furniture later.
Beatrice makes an obvious point about conversation partners.
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Indeed it’s so obvious that I assumed the existence of meta!Beatrice wasn’t in question, merely the exitence of narrative!Beatrice.
Beatrice makes an interesting comment...
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There’s two interpretations here. The first is that meta!Beatrice is a future version of one of the various instances of narrative!Beatrice, so this is a time travel situation. The second is that meta!Beatrice could only sit in meta-space while narrative!Beatrice was trapped on the island, though given meta!Beatrice seems to be able to reset the clock at will, that correspondence seems kind of iffy.
Battler asks to know what Beatrice means when she says only certain servants have manifested themselves. Good point: it’s almost as if Beatrice’s stable of furniture is genuinely growing each game, not that she’s just choosing to use different powers.
Beatrice says she’s in contact with many more ‘nonhuman entities in the netherworld’, and despite Battler’s protests, they’ll keep showing up.
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Battler doesn’t rise to Beatrice’s jabs. He infers that Beatrice is saying she’s able to summon back more and more of her servants as her power builds up from its low when she was imprisoned on Rokkenjima.
Beatrice claims that the ‘wavering’ in Battler’s heart has restored some of her witchy powers. In other words, Ronove appeared because he started to surrender. Interesting...
Meta!Beatrice speaks of the last game as if she is one and the same as narrative!Beatrice, referring to when she rested her feet on him.
It’s time for more chess metaphors!
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She goes on to say that she is taking more and more of Battler’s pieces as the game goes on. What are Battler’s ‘pieces’ that Beatrice is taking? An obvious answer is that Battler’s pieces are hypotheses, and he loses them when Beatrice refutes them.
The scene ends with Beatrice taunting Battler for his big talk in the last game. Where’s Bernkastel got to? I think the boy needs some help right now.
Next: something about the epitaph again, it looks like.
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bernlcastel · 1 year
It/its collectively, plural
@littlbabybun [18+ blogs dni, child blog]
@lovesickangels [vent blog]
@angl-wings [aesthetic blog]
@lobcorpaday [hoping to reboot this..]
I have a nsfw sideblog, mutuals who are 18+ can ask for it.
Go follow my girlfriends:
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bernlcastel · 11 months
Explanations under cut
1. Bernlcastel - the lc is supposed to be a k since bernkastel is taken, just a silly simple name
2. Bernkastel-communism - mimicking the girlfriend lambdadelta-communism. Im not super attached to this but i think its cute
3. Bernkastel-lesbianism - bernkastel lesbianism. Im a lesbian and bernkastel
4. Himejoshi-bernkastel - sorta same stuff but i like the term himejoshi for myself
5. Stay the same - angel-lepus is sorta been my name for a long time so it feels weird changing it but i want berbkastel name. If no one wants me to change it then so be it!
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*About Lambdadelta*
Bernkastel: my girlfriend is a bitch and i like her so much
Bernkastel: she is a dynamite, five-foot, blonde bitch and she’s the best
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Lambdadelta: It took my girlfriend a while to realise that kissing the top of her head was a gesture of affection, but I think she’s finally got it.
Lambdadelta: The downside is that she now thinks the best way to signal that she wants cuddles is to come charging at me and mash the top of her head against my face. It’s like a very affectionate punch in the mouth.
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Beatrice about Battler: this is my beautiful husband he is not very smart but hes such a good kind boy
Lambdadelta about Bernkastel: this is my terrible girlfriend she is very soft and has tiny beans
Ange about Mammon: this is the wretched foul gremlin who lives in my house and screams very loud. i love her
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