#my friend did end up eating the dessert because I repeatedly assured him that would make ME feel better XD
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 1 year ago
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Something that made you cry this year?
I really didn’t cry much! :0 I can think of three and only three different points throughout the year, and that’s it!!
I cried because of a Ghostbur scene :’) The one and only time I have cried over DSMP or Ghostbur. It was during Doomsay (which, Pinestripe, I’m not sure if you know about or not? If you’re curious just let me know and I’d be happy to explain :D) and there’s a specific scene where Phil and Ghostbur have a deeply emotional conversation. I’d only ever watched Ghostbur’s POV of this convo, so seeing Phil’s POV (I was watching Phil’s stream) was… a lot. His facial expressions, his gestures, and just hearing Ghostbur’s heartbroken voice on the other end. It made me really sad and really angry, because Phil was not treating Ghostbur the best :/
I was definitely not expecting to cry though ajsgajsgjagsjsg one moment I was laying on my bed in stunned silence, the next there were tears alsgajsgajgssjg
Talk about a new friend you made this year
OOH WAIT I THINK I MAY HAVE TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS GUY A LITTLE BIT? MAYBE?? A WHILE AGO?? Not completely sure, but I kinda feel like I’ve mentioned him to you :0
Anyways, he’s a guy from my co-op that I’d been wanting to be friends with for a very long time—a year-ish. He’s such a lovely man, with a very unique + endearing personality, and he loves poetry and he’s an amazing writer and he’s sweet and he’s nice and he’s not annoying or immature like a lot of boys his age, and overall he’s just… a very cool, very genuine, very fun guy :)
I kinda wasn’t expecting to become friends with him, because we didn’t interact much last year and also had our own little friend circles that didn’t overlap much.
And he’s so so sweet :’D He called me m’lady once and madam another time, and there was a time where I couldn’t eat a dessert because it contained gluten and he turned to me with such a sad expression and asked if I’d feel better if he didn’t eat the food either 🥺 LIKE. MY GOSHDARNED HEART! HE IS SO NICE LIKE WHAT THE HECK!!
What’re you excited about for next year?
Hopefully finding a job! With all the moves and craziness of the past two years, I haven’t really been able to even think about it, but things are calmer now and I really do want one :) The only issue is figuring out what kind of job…
But yeah, I’m genuinely excited for it!!
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fakeloveaskblog · 4 years ago
I think you. should ask Janus to "slither" over to your house! But also give him options! Like, "would you like to join me for dinner at my house? Or do you prefer to just go on a walk? How about we go to a fancy restaurant~ My treat~. Or maybe just enjoy each other's company at a park? You don't have to of course!"
(Words: 2095)
Logan: "Ah yes wonderful tactics stranger! This will surely be useless in my upcoming attempt!"
It was nearing the end of the day. Janus was closing up. Meanwhile Logan was trying to calm his nerves by reminding himself that he was objectivly very cool. He had on one of his best sweaters to look extra good (it had the tardis on it!).
"Alright. Looks like we can go home and have an existential crisis about the passage of time" Janus said motioning towards the exit.
Logan took a deep breathe before grabbing onto the sleeve of his crush' shirt "Please wait just a moment. How long have we known each other?"
"I guess since I started working here...so around 6 months? Please don't tell me you’re quitting! Work would just become soooo much more enjoyable"
"I was actually wondering if you mayhaps would like to accompany me on a so called 'hang out' during our leisure time...Today...Or some other day! If you want to! You don't have t-"
"No! No I would hate to!- Love! I mean I would love to!" Janus couldn't stop himself from grinning.
Logan flapped his hands in happiness "Good! So would you maybe like to go to the park nearby or-"
"No! Yes! Yes!"
Logan walked out of the library and held the door open for Janus. After quickly locking they walked towards the park. It was a simple small one. Just some trees, lots of grass, lots of people smoking grass, a pond, angry ducks, even angrier swans and exactly 1 ice cream shop.
All Logan wanted to do was take his crush' hand. It would be hard to do even if he tried to because Janus was constantly fiddling with his gloves. He was barely even looking at where he was walking.
"....I'm sorry for the weird way I talk sometimes" Janus quietly confessed "With the backwards talk. I kind of lie when I get nervous? I think?"
"Oh I know" Logan replied.
"You kNOw?" Janus' voice went up a tone.
"It is very noticeable but it is also quite charming if I may say so myself" It took a moment before he carefully added "Besides I have read that compulsive lying and also vitiligo can come from great stress or bad...events so even if I did not find it charming I wouldn't hold it against you either"
A small smile played on the edges of Janus' lips "Thanks"
"No need"
He took an impressively deep breathe before he stopped in the middle of the road and dramatically grabbed onto both of Logan's shoulders to stop him. He stood on his toes to make himself taller and stared into his love's eyes.
"I do not think you are also charming at all!!!" Janus very loudly announced.
Logan let up into a chuckle. He forced himself to keep eye contact "Well thank you"
Janus let go of him and kept walking very very quickly to try and distract from his red cheeks and heavy breathing. That was flirting right??? He had flirted??? He had done it??? He'd flirted??? The little voice in his head that he was starting to think was his self confidence trying to break through to him would be so proud!!!
“So would you perhaps like an ice cream in these trying times?” Logan asked. He was walking with his hands clasped behind his back.
“Oh right I would definitely love something high calorie that would just make me even more gross”
“Somehow your thick layer of sarcasm was the part of that sentence with the least falsehood in it. We can share one? Or if you get uncomfortable eating desserts in front of other people we don’t have-”
“SNAKE!” Janus interrupted him. 
He ran out into the grass of the park and hunched down to gently pick up a slippery snake. It was small enough to keep in one hand. He was repeatedly hitting his other arm against his leg and putting his fingers in uncomfortable positions.
Logan happily sat down next to him. Janus ungraciously shoved the snake right up near his face.
“It’s a baby northern watersnake! It’s not venomous I promise. It hunts fishes in the water. Isn’t that cool? It’s also one of the few species that doesn’t lay eggs! It can even put out musk to protect itself!! It’s so-”
He realized how much he was ranting and immediately forced himself to stop. He stopped his arm as well. He was so annoying.
“I apologize. Sometimes I just run my mouth and I do these stupid motions”
Logan boped his nose “The only stupid thing about that is you assuming I wouldn’t want to hear you rant. Or see you....stim...? I literally flapped my hands 5 minutes ago. I do not judge”
Janus shrugged at the stim question “My mother did always say that my father has adhd but that was in an insulting way. When I have done research on adhd I relate to a lot of it but it’s not like I have a diagnosis or anything”
“Bitchass mother” Logan mumbled under his breathe “I do not have diagnosed autism either but I do still now I have it.....Besides....Not to brag but I have both a deegre in both psychology and medicine so I can basically diagnose myself anyway”
Jan was already too overwhlemed to ask how the hell he had had the time for 2 bachelors deegre only to end up at a library.
“Anyhow we don’t have to talk about psychology...now...............maybe one day though” Logan did a little robotic evil laugh “For now maybe you can infodump about that snake, then we can get a shared ice cream and then I can infodump about glorious star trek. How’s that for a plan?”
His crush took a deep breathe before nodding. He stood up and cupped the snake in his hands. “You want to go to the pond don’t you little guy? Want to hunt and murder a few fishes don’t you?”
He turned to Logan and shuly said a few more facts while they went to the pond. He patted the snake on it’s head before carefully setting it down among the plants at the water’s edge.
The friends sat in silence for a few minutes, watching the snake as it looked for prey. (Though Logan spent most of the time adoring Janus’).
When the snake caught a small fish and swallowed it whole Janus broke out in happy flaps. He let out a happy squeal while pointing at it. Logan nodded back at him. He mimicked his flapping. 
He’d never seen Janus’ smile that brightly. Logan took his hand. Intertwining their fingers. They stimmed together until Lo pulled in his hand making his crush stumble into him. 
Jan sat with his head leaned against his chest. He looked up at Logan with blushing red cheeks. He forced himself to move back even if he didn’t want to.
“No need” The nerd assured.
He stood up and held out his hand to help Janus up. They didn’t let go of each other’s hands as they walked towards the ice cream shop.
“To piss off homophobes” Janus lied up the explanation while motioning for their hand holding.
“Of course”
They ordered a scoop of lemon ice cream and sat down by the tables outside. Janus had taken off his gloves.  Their hands laid on top of each other. 
“Do you also have that experience where” Logan stopped to take a bite of ice cream “You categorize your life into what you were hyperfixated on at the time? For example I remember that when I met Patty I was into Doctor Who and right before then I was enjoying Sherlock Holmes”
Janus shrugged. He didn’t want to say that he had a hard time even remembering most of his life clearly “I can see the Doctor influence” He nodded towards his tardis sweater.
Logan’s eyes lit up “Oh have you seen it??? The ninth and fifth doctors are my favorite! Though as a bi man I can not ignore David Tennants’ everything”
“I have seen exactly 0″ 
“Well that is not a problem that can not be fixed! When I met Patty she hadn’t either- maybe because we were 12- but I show-”
Janus choked on his ice cream “12? Oh wow. For some reason I had assumed you were older”
“Oh no. She moved towns and started in my class. It was almost love at first sight. I stole flowers from my neighbor and invited her to see the movie everyone in town was talking about....Kung fu panda”
He broke out into a laugh.
“Don’t laugh at me Janny! It was an incredibly tactical decision. You see I knew she liked animals and the kung fu panda is a panda”
Janus doubled over the table while continuing to laugh “Me throwing popcorn at myself during my first hangout almost seems cool in conparison”
“Popcorn is usually hot. Not cooled down” Logan corrected. “Though to be honest the start of our relationship was sort of what you can call a ‘mess’ since as you already know both of us were foolish enough to think Patty was a guy. So suddenly I had to come to terms with liking guys. Until she told me she was a girl. So then I was straight. Until I met Thomas but that is a whole different story. It was like some people say a rollercoaster”
“Am I rude for finding that funny?”
“Yes incredibly and frankly you should be dragged to the guillotines right now”
Janus leaned closer to him with a sly smile on his face “Aw ~darling~ I didn’t know you could be sassy”
Logan did his best to hide how the nearly choked on his own spit “Yes I can indeed be if I want to. Just like how I have been able to have adequate facial expressions and voice tones and also eye contact during our whole hangout. Normally I only have a lot of expressions and tones if I am talking about hyperfixations or my wife”
“You don’t have to do that around me”
“Really? It does take a lot of energy to try and appear ‘normal’ but I was afraid of coming across as rude”
“Darling I find you lovely either way” Janus was going to pour up the biggest glass of fucking wine when he got home. He was a flirting machine!
“Oh okay” Logan relaxed his shoulders and started looking at a point right next to his shoulder instead of at his eyes. “Want to hear about Star trek the next generation? It’s the one with Data in it”
Janus squeezed his hand “I definitely have a very good idea about who that person is. Yes please tell me”
Logan went on a very very long infodump which Janus happily listened to (and did his best to reply to even though he didn’t know much). He was sure he would never get tired of hearing him talk. The ice cream nearly melted because they were both too busy with what he had to say.
“-And that is why the poetry actually have significance” Logan concluded after nearly half an hour.
“Well that sure sounds like an interesting series”
“I can show you it? Soon? I have it all on dvd”
“It’s a date- I uh I mean like planned thing not like romantic I mean-” Janus babbled out.
“I am aware of what you meant” He checked his watch “It is probably a good time for me to depart. It’s my turn on laundry today. I will get to categorize socks!”
“Wow. Sounds like a party”
Logan excitedly nodded. He stood up. Janus did as well. They looked down at their still connected hands. Jan was about to let go and simply leave but to his surprise Logan pulled him into a hug.
He leaned down and moved his arms around Janus’ waist. In return Jan quickly stood up on his toes and buried his head into his love’s shoulder. He breathed in his scent. Coffee and strawberry jam. He closed his eyes, taking in the moment.
“Janus, You are so special to me” Logan murmured while holding onto him as hard as he could.
“I- I love- I love being around you” He whispered back. Too afraid to say the truth.
Logan tried to memorise the way it felt to have him this close before letting go and taking a step back “Well I will see you tomorrow then”
“Can’t wait!”
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linyi-is-dreaming · 6 years ago
The Decay of the Blossom 🥀 - 10
Story: BTS x Reader x GOT7
Category: Drama, Friendship, Love
Summary:  Y/N’s life starts to change as her mother gets herself a new man after her father’s passing. A new school, a new life. Everything sounds too good to be true. Apparently, destiny has its own rules and that is something she will learn when destiny gives her some signs along her way.
Chapter 10
“Somebody home?”, Y/N asks as she looks for her parents. Out of breath and in a bad mood, she throws her backpack to the ground.  
“Living room.”, her father answers. The closer she walks towards them the more she wonders if Jaebum had lied to her. “Are you okay? Maybe you should eat something before you want to tell us why you look so upset.”
“Is it true that you two are going on vacation and I will have to stay at a friend’s house?” Her parents look at each other for a few seconds confused. She definitely asked them out of the blue. Her mother’s face expression shows that she seems to be sorry, but it takes another few seconds before her mother even says anything.
“Honey, I thought you talked about it with her on the weekend...”, her mother says quietly as she looks at her father. As he shakes his head as sigh leaves her lips as she looks to the ground for a second. “I am sorry, sweetheart.”, she apologizes as she turns back to her daughter. “There must have been a miscommunication.”
“No one said anything to me until I heard it from Jaebum! Do you have any ideas how that makes me feel? I seriously thought he was joking with me! I am the only one who knew nothing.”
“Sweetheart, I talked with his aunt about our plans and she suggested to ask her sister. She called her right away and she said that it is okay for her if Jaebum is okay with it. You will stay in their guest room, so don’t worry.”
“Of course. Why do you have to discuss our life all the time with his aunt?”
“Y/N, believe it or not. I am not only a mother. I am a person too! Are we not allowed to go on vacation just because we are parents?”
“You are unbelievable! For how long did you plan to go on vacation?”
“Maybe three weeks. But we did not know until last week if we should cancel or if we should ask one of your friend’s parents. We knew that you would not want to come with us since it also includes your father’s business.”
“I cannot believe it.”, Y/N says whilst she is shaking her head before she heads into the kitchen. As soon as she sees the dinner on the kitchen counter, she takes a plate and fills it up with the food her mother had cooked. Y/N places the plate in the microwave and turns the switch to two minutes. The eyes of her mother follow her as she takes the food out of the microwave and as she takes a seat at the dinner table. Her fork moves quickly from the plate to her mouth repeatedly. After watching her daughter for a few seconds, she sits down next to her. “This food tastes really good. I am still mad though!” 
“Maybe I should have asked your father, if he talked with you about it. I just expected that he did either before or after he became emotional about what he told you about.” Her daughter is obviously more focused on the food in front of her as on the words her mother says. Y/N’s hand keeps on moving as she would have not eaten within days. “Slow down or it will get stuck in your throat.” Y/N usually eats only like this when she is mad and hungry at the same time. In those moments she stuffs food quickly into her instead of yelling out her anger. “Are you not alright with it?”
“I would have preferred to stay home alone or to stay with another friend. Then I could come here whenever I need something since he lives closer to our home. Besides, why am I not allowed to stay at home alone? I have proven so many times that I am more mature than other kids my age.”
“I know you are old enough, but... Your father is afraid. What if someone is breaking in and you are on your own? You would not know how to defend yourself.”
“Which could also happen when I leave alone when I am thirty something old.”, she says as she rolls her eyes. Her mother sighs before she looks at her daughter pitiful. “It’s not that I would not look forward to it, I just wished I knew it before a friend breaks this news to me.” Y/N’s mother takes the plate from her when she finished her meal and puts it into the dishwasher. “Maybe I wanted another portion?”
“Then you would not be able to eat the Tiramisu which is waiting for you in the fridge…”, she says as she opens the fridge to take the dessert out. Her mother takes the dessert and shows her how good it looks like. “Still some place left in your tummy?”
“For dessert? Always.” The Tiramisu is placed in front of her on the table. It looks so damn good that it waters her mouth just by the thought of how good it would taste.
“I know it does not make you forgive us right away-” The words get interrupted as Y/N looks up.
“You are right. Maybe tomorrow.” Another spoon with Tiramisu ends up in her mouth. “This is really good. Damn good.”, Y/N comments with a full mouth of Tiramisu. The grin on her mother’s face grows as she watches her eat it all up. The laugh makes Y/N look up as she swallows the last spoon of Tiramisu down in one go. “Let me guess. The Tiramisu I have just eaten is from Jaebum’s aunt?”, Y/N asks as she leans back. Her stomach feels so full that she wonders if she has eaten more than she realized.
“Yep.”, her mother laughs as she watches her daughter placing down the spoon. “Bought us all a portion when I walked past her shop.” Y/N places her palm on the table to push herself up from the chair.
“I’ll take a shower and go straight to bed. I feel exhausted.”
“What about homework?”
“I’ll get up extra early for it.”, she assures as she leaves the room. As she goes to her room, she picks up her backpack which still lies near her shoes untouched. Once in her room she checks her phone. No message, no missed phone call. With a huge sigh she lies down on her bed whilst she thinks what she would even pack to wear as long as she is at Jaebum’s place. Still angry that they will not let her stay alone in the apartment, she gets up and starts to pack a few necessary things. 
The school on Friday was over quickly, almost too quickly. That her parents did not say anything to her until she brought it up herself is still boiling inside of her which is very clear to read from her face. Y/N’s friends only talked about the upcoming party and about the upcoming week. As the school will be closed for a week, her friends already made some plans. That no friend is out of town over the next week, makes her happy as it would mean that there will always be someone around to hang out with. The more they talked about the party, the more she started to daydream in boredom. Apparently, she missed the moment when her friend turned to her directly. “Y/N? Hey! We are talking with you!”, Jimin says annoyed as he waves his hand in front of her face as he leans down to her a little. “Are you still there? Hello?”
“Uh huh, yeah.”, she looks up into his eyes as she wonders which part she must have overheard. She hits the hand in front of her face away lightly.
“How can you do so good in school but not listen to your friends whilst they are talking to you? You are such a riddle.”, he comments as he stands up straight again. Namjoon clears his throat as he steps closer to her.
“We just asked you, if you want to come to the party or not. Do you?”, Namjoon asks so slowly that it sounds like he is pretending to talk as slow as a sloth climbs. She starts to tug on her sleeves again as she looks at her friends. “I don’t want to pressure you, but you still did not answer...”
“I kind of want to but I have never been to a party before. Do I have to bring something?”
“Jackson does not expect us to bring something. Just bring yourself and it will be fine.”
“I told you, we will go there together.”, Jaebum assures. “I will not leave the party without you and you won’t leave without me.”
“Wait, does that mean I have a bodyguard on the party?”
“Isn’t it enough that your boyfriend will be with you at the party?” Y/N’s face starts to red up. Hearing ‘your boyfriend’ being directed at her still feels weird but the good kind of weird. No matter how weird it feels to her, she cannot hide the smile which starts to grow on her face.
“So? Can a girl who’s in a relationship not have a bodyguard?”
“What I am saying is, Jinyoung will watch over you probably all night especially when he had his few drinks.”
“With drinks you mean alcohol?”, she asks. The laughter of the others become so loud that she wonders if she said something funny by accident or if they just try to mess with her. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh my gosh. You are!”, BamBam explains. “Did you never drink alcohol before?” When she turns her head towards BamBam, she sees Jinyoung, Tae, Mark and Youngjae walking towards them.
“No, but we should not be drinking-”
“Guys! Did you hear that? Our innocent friend will finally have her first alcoholic drink. I cannot wait to find out what kind of drunk you are.” Jungkook and Yugyeom look at each other as they try to bite back their laughs as Jin hits the back of BamBam’s head.  
“You ‘97 boys are the worst! Do you have to be this rude to a girl? By the way, I hope you don’t go overboard again.”, Jin complains.
“The last time, I had a bit too much. That might be true. Okay, I will not deny that it happened.”
“What about the time before that? The last party was nothing comparing to the one I am talking about.”
“There was no time before that.” Whilst BamBam answers, Jin crosses his arms in front of his chest as he would wait for him to confess. Jin lowers his head as his eyes stay clued on BamBam’s face. Mark joins Jin with his body movements whilst the others wait for what might come next.
“Boys, am I the only one who remembers him standing on the table dancing and screaming out he is a king? What was his name again... Oh yeah, King Double B.” The embarrassment on BamBam’s face shows that he knows about which party Jin is talking about. The video of him made its round through the school. Some posted mean comments and some just saw it as a funny video. However, it never crossed BamBam’s mind that he would become known in the school as the party boy who cannot get enough of.
“Okay, I guess I know... That time... I mean that one drink was...” As BamBam realizes, that no matter what he would say, it would not be helpful enough. “Who cares right? We all had fun.” Everyone nods whilst Jungkook sends the video to Y/N. She immediately opens the video and watches it on mute. “What’s so funny? Let’s see how fast you will get drunk, Ms. I don’t drink.”, BamBam says as he watches her looking at her phone. She saves the video quickly and closes the messenger app.
“Funny is what you have done. Slut drops? Twerking? What in the hell is alcohol doing to you Mr. Double B.”, Y/N says as she bites her lips to not let a laugh escape her lips.
“Who send her the video? Better tell me before I find out.” Youngjae laughed a little too hard which brought the attention to him. “You did it!”, BamBam blames as he points at Youngjae. “Got ya!”
“It was not me. You got the wrong one here.”, Youngjae says as defense. “But I could imagine who would love to share the video.” BamBam looks at everyone who is standing there with them as his eyes land on Mark.
“Don’t you even dare to accuse me of doing that! You should know me better by now.”
“True...” BamBam waits a few more seconds but no one is confessing to have sent her the video. “Show me your phone.”, he says as he takes the phone from her. “Since when do you have a new passcode?”
“What do you mean with new?” BamBam tries to put some numbers into her phone but he fails. “Did you know my old passcode?”
“Maybe. But only to send me the notes that you had on your phone.”
“What the heck is wrong with you?”
“Too much is wrong with him. Simply too much.”, Jinyoung says as he shakes his head.
“I will go home with you. I’ll help you with the suitcases.”, Jaebum offers as she takes her phone back. She checks the time on the phone whilst she notices that BamBam is still waiting for her to unlock her phone.
“Damn. We have to hurry otherwise they might leave without me having my suitcases.”, she lies loudly. Jaebum nods as both take off to pick up the suitcases. As Jinyoung starts to walk behind both of them, Jaebum holds his hand up to stop Jinyoung from following. Jinyoung stops as Jaebum’s hand is on his chest. Surprised he looks at him.  
“Where do you think you are going?”
“I am coming with you.”
“No, no. You stay here and take the bus.”
“You know that she is my girlfriend and not yours?”
“That is why I am going and that is also the reason why you stay here.”
“What did you just try to say?”
“This look on your face. Yep, that one you are having when you only look pass her and not even direct at her. If they see it, they will know. Especially when you would look at her like you do lately, let me tell you, they will know.”
“I am an actor. I can hide it well if I want to.”
“Okay. Try it then.” Jinyoung takes a deep breath and starts to act. He changes his face expression but for Jaebum it was not good enough. “Nope. Did not work. I see you at the party!”, Jaebum says as he turns over to take her by the wrist to keep on walking but her body does not move.
“Wait. Am I not even allowed to kiss my girl goodbye?”
“No. I don’t want to see that.”
“Can’t you just look away?”
“Then I would hear it and that is even worse. Let’s go!”, Jaebum says as he drags her along. As she keeps walking ahead, she blows him a kiss and waves him goodbye. “You two are just, argh.”
“If you would have a girlfriend it would be different for you too.”, she comments.
“Says who?”
“I do. We also could go on double dates if you had one and whoever she is, could make you see the world even brighter as it already is.” Jaebum shakes his head as he keeps walking.
“You are watching for sure to many tv shows.”
“I actually do not watch this kind of stuff.”
“Uh huh. That is why you say those kind of things…”
“Hey, I read a lot!”
“So do dozens of other people but none of them are saying any of those dreamer stuff.”
“Don’t say you don’t believe in love.”
“Listen, I am happy for both of you. But what if this thing you are having is not there anymore? What happens between us all…?”
“I know it messes up a lot of things if that should happen... I think Jinyoung and I are mature enough to not let it ruin our friendship with you guys.”
“Why does it sound like as you two are our parents who will get a divorce?”
“Does it?”, she questions as she starts to smile as her eyes look into the distance.
“Don’t tell me I gave you some ideas!”
“Ideas for what?”, she asks as she stops walking. Jaebum moves his hand to show her to keep walking. “What kind of idea? Answer me.” Jaebum sighs deeply.
“Nothing, okay? I meant nothing. I thought you wanted to get your suitcases?”
“I just said that to not tell BamBam who sent me the video.”
“It was definitely a brat. Who else would do it?”  
“Ha, yeah. Yeah, he can be one.”, she smiles as she starts to walk.
“You seriously not going to tell me?”
“I would have, if you would have asked for the name.”
“Okay, what’s the brat’s name?”
“Too late.”
“You had the chance as I stood there. But let me tell you one thing, he will tell you anything anyway.”
“Jungkook?”, Jaebum laughs as he looks down. “You know BamBam will make him drink until he throws up as a punishment, right?”
“Jungkook can say no.”
“No one told you? BamBam waits until someone is a little too drunk and then he stars to play any kind of game which no one heard before. Funny trick, he never loses any of the games.”
“He will trick him into drinking?”
“He will try it on you for sure.”
“But he can’t.”
“I have my bodyguard and my boyfriend at the party which means at least one of you will watch over me?”
“I am there to party too. That what you just said is his job. My job is only to bring you to the party and back.”
“Whatever you want to think…” Jaebum shakes his head and stays quiet until they reach the front door of her home. When Y/N unlocks the door, she sees a note on the counter.  
Hello Y/N! We drove a bit earlier than planned because of the traffic. Please behave and be as good as you always are. I asked his mother to give us a call if there is an emergency. Take care! Miss you already. Mom
“Great.”, she says out loud as she drops her bag to the ground. Jaebum looks a bit confused as he wonders what she means. “I’m going to get my stuff. Feel at home.”
“I thought you will only get your suitcases?”
“Yeah, I did not pick everything out yet and if you do not want to tell Jinyoung what I wear underneath, you better stay here.”
“Why did you have to say that? Could you not just say that I should stay out of your room?”
“Well, maybe you would have walked in when I-”
“Don’t you dare to continue!” Y/N starts to laugh as she leaves him alone in the living room. After almost an hour, she comes into the kitchen to find him sitting on the kitchen counter with a bag of chips in his hand.  
“Are you that hungry?”, she wonders when she sees empty snack packages and an empty orange juice bottle. “You could have said something, you know? Maybe I would have found something in the fridge.”
“I could, but I did not want walk in on you packing... Nothing I would have not seen before anyway...”, Jaebum says. Y/N smirks as Jaebum drifts off with his mind.
“Did you just say you saw me-”
“No. Oh god, no! Never. I swear! If I’d ever I-”
“It’s fine. I was just joking.”, she assures. “Uhm, Jaebum. When was the last time that you had a girlfriend?” He looks at her like a cat which saw the thunder.
“I thought you don’t care about your friends love life?”, he stutters.
“Maybe I am curious.”, she answers as she takes a chip from the bag in his hand. “Your mother must be waiting for us, we should hurry.” She tries to change the topic as she sees that he does not want to talk about it.
“She called already. When I told her that you still need to pack, she understood that we won’t be at our house in ten minutes.”
“Uh, good.”
“You will meet her tomorrow, probably. She is about to go to work soon.”
“As long as she is alright with us staying alone at your place.”
“Yeah, yeah... Why do you care so much about me having a girlfriend though?” Y/N clears her throat as she takes one breath. Her eyes move from the ground to him.
“I was a little selfish, sorry. It’s just, I always hang out with you guys and I really would like to talk some girl stuff with someone and I thought if you had a girlfriend, I would have a female friend... I am sorry.”
“That is the reason why? Listen, I might not like to see you do your thing in front of me but if you want to talk about whatever is on your heart, you can talk with us. Believe me, clothes? Talk with BamBam or Tae. Music? Multiple choices. Dance? Do I have to name them?”
“What about if I need advice regarding dating?”, she mumbles as she looks to the ground. “Who could I even talk to about that?”
“Hello? We are boys. Do you really think a female friend can tell you why a guy behaves the way he does? If you need to know anything about dating a boy, you have thirteen possibilities plus me.” Y/N nods as she understands. “Just do not tell us too many information about whatever goes on beyond kissing. I do not need nightmares.”
“What do you think we are doing?”
“You don’t want to know what we spoke about.”
“What? I think I need some kind of information about your conversations...”
“Jinyoung was no part of it, if you wonder. But ask Jungkook or wait until Youngjae is drunk enough.”
“His an honest drunk?”
“Yeah. Need to know the truth about something which involves Youngjae, make him drunk.”
“What kind of drunk are you?”
“A serious drunk.”
“That exists?”
“Yeah. You better watch out that your boyfriend does not get too much to drink though.”
“Why? Does he behave like BamBam in the video?” Jaebum shakes his head as he throws away the empty orange juice bottle.
“No, he becomes very flirtatious and touchy.”
“Jinyoung? No way.”
“You will see. Let’s go, I guess you have more than one suitcase.” Y/N laughs loudly as Jaebum finishes his sentence.
“You are right. I have three.” Jaebum tilts his head a little.
“You are only staying for a week!”, he notes as he starts to move his hands as he talks.
“Yeah, I need some stuff. Somewhere I needed to fit my computer into as well as my headphones and I also needed my makeup and styling products-”
“Got it.”, he intervenes. “If I ever ask that question again, just stop me.”
“Your home is looks very nice!”, Y/N says as she looks around. It looks like the furniture were picked by a woman for sure. It is kind of modern but it still has a touch of landscape to it. 
“Thanks.”, Jaebum answers with a smile as he brings the suitcase to their guest room. “So, that would be your room.” He stops in front of the open door. 
“A reason you don’t walk in?” 
“No, let’s just leave the suitcases here for now.” He walks to towards the other rooms to show where which room is. “And that one would be mine. It’s not like you are unwelcomed in there but just don’t rip the door open and say ‘Here I am’.” 
“Why should I do it?” 
“Well, so far you don’t behave like the other ‘97 brats. I hope it stays that way.” 
“Wait, who did that before?” 
“Yugyeom. I wanted to kill him that night.” 
“Everyone else slept at each other houses?” 
“Yeah. After parties... After fights or just because they felt like it.” Y/N nods as she notices that this room does not look like a typical athlete room. It’s a simple room with barely posters on the wall. Some books are lying on his desk. 
“I expected to see a dirty boy room, but it so does not look like that...” 
“As much as I appreciate your honesty, sometimes you could keep it to yourself. But you are right, my mother made me clean up my room. Uh, now I remember what I wanted to give you.” Her eyes follow him to his desk from where he picks a book up. “That is one of the books Jinyoung gave me when I asked him for a recommendation for school when I had to write an essay. He meant that this is an easy book to write about. But maybe you want to read into a book which your boyfriend likes.” 
“How thoughtful. Thanks.” 
“I am so hungry. Aren’t you?”, he asks as they walk to the kitchen. Jaebum takes two water bottles and puts them on the kitchen counter as he turns to the fridge. 
“You have just eaten snacks at my place! You are hungry already again?”, she questions as he looks through the fridge. 
“No, still. I am still hungry.” Jaebum’s phone starts to ring as Y/N takes a water bottle to drink a sip. “We were just about to. Why?” Jaebum takes the open water bottle from her to drink a sip as well. She laughs about it before she places the bottle on the kitchen counter next to him whilst he repeats saying yes on the phone. “Y/N, do you want to meet up with Hoseok and Yugyeom before we head to the party?” 
“Then I need to get ready now!” 
“Well, maybe it’s better to bring the food to my place. She wants to get ready first.” Jaebum starts to laugh loudly as he touches his stomach. “Yeah, right. See you then.” 
“May you want to tell me why you are laughing so hard?” 
“Hoseok asked if you said that it will only take ten minutes, if so, they will bring the food in an hour.” 
“That is not funny at all. Girls just need longer and I never had to style up for a party...” 
“Ugh. This is why I am happy to be a single child. Jeans and a t-shirt that is all you need.” 
“But what if he expects his girlfriend to look totally amazing?” 
“We are talking about Jinyoung! If I would not know better, I would say he liked you since you came to our school. Why would he now start to care what you are wearing, huh? If he says something bad, your bodyguard is here.” Y/N laughs as she sighs. 
“I hope that was meant honestly.” 
“Do you want me to lie to you?” 
“No! Fine. I will start to get ready. Do you need something from the bathroom before I take a shower if that is okay?” 
“No, go ahead. I wait for the boys. I hope they hurry up...” Y/N nods as she walks back to her suitcases. Quickly she takes everything she needs from the smaller suitcase and brings it into the bathroom. After showering she looks through the tutorials she has saved on her phone for hair and makeup.  
“Why are they so complicated?”, she asks herself as she plugs the hair straightener in. Another deep sigh leaves her lips as she starts the makeup tutorial. She turns on the tutorial to continue step by step. “Covering up my whole face? Do I have such a bad skin?”, she wonders as she checks her skin in the mirror. “Wait, what kind of product is that? Wait a minute, a sponge? I don’t have that kind of stuff! I cannot go shopping now...” She wants to scream her frustration out but she does not want to make Jaebum think that a crazy person is staying over at his house. “Okay, let’s play this video forward so that we only do the eyes.” She watches the tutorial twice before she attempts to do it. “No! No! It does not look like in this tutorial! I look like a monster. A real ugly one!”, she yells at herself as she takes the makeup remover. She removes the makeup she had on already and thinks about what Jaebum told her. “Maybe he is right. He knows me as a not typical girly girl. Mascara and a little make for my eye brows must be enough. It must be enough.” She applies the makeup quickly as she is used to wear this look daily. Sometimes, when she had enough of straight hair, she uses he straightener to make some curls. Y/N takes the straightener and starts to curl her hair a little. She never walked around the boys with that kind of hairstyle. When she thought that she was ready, she walked into the living room, but there is nobody in sight. The smell of pizza hits her like a thunder as she thinks if Jaebum is in the kitchen. She wants to greet to Hoseok and Yugyeom but Hoseok is faster. 
“It must be enough.”, he says quietly as he starts to laugh as the others look at each with their best to not laugh. “Don’t look at me like that Y/N. I could not overhear you when I walked back from the toilet. You look good by the way.” 
“I actually wanted to say hello but I guess I will start with something else. Jaebum, do you have a plate for me?” 
“Only if you will not kill somebody with it.”, Jaebum says as he places a plate on the empty seat next to Yugyeom. 
“Well, if you don’t want any murder to happen, keep the knives on your side of the table.” Hoseok immediately takes the knives and puts them into the sink. 
“Sit down! Let’s eat together before we walk over to Jackson’s house.”, Hoseok suggests. 
“Do I get two extra securities to get there safely?” 
“Shut it and eat if you cannot even say thank you to us for bringing you food.”, Yugyeom says slightly aggressive. 
“Sorry. I would have said thank you before I would have taken my first piece. Something seems off with you...” 
“Nothing. Not important at all.” 
“You sure about it? You look more like you would go to the funeral as to a party.” 
“You want to know? Fine, there was this girl I went out a few times. Turns out she only used me to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. Are you happy now?” 
“Oh. I did not even know that you went on dates with someone. Was it someone I have sport with? I could throw a basketball into her face to make her nose bleed. Accidentally of course...” The boys look at her stunned as she finishes her sentence. “What? Would not be the first time.” 
“Why are you so angry? He should be this angry.”, Hoseok asks. 
“My friend is sad and that makes me mad. Yugyeomie is such a cutie pie. I mean most of the time and he is a great dancer, what else could a girl ask for?” 
“You have not forgotten that you are dating Jinyoung?” 
“Oh, come on. Shut up! I don’t want to see any of my friends like that. Would be the same if it would be you or you.”, she explains as she points at Hoseok and Jaebum. 
“Good to know. Thanks.”, Yugyeom says with a pressured smile on his face.  
“I can still throw a drink at her and pretend that she offended me. If that is what you prefer.” 
“I hope Jackson did not invite her ex-boyfriend. I mean her ‘again’ boyfriend.” 
“Well, is he a football player? I guess he will be invited then if we all were not informed...”, Hoseok asks. 
“I heard a team mate speaking about getting back with his ex. He spoke something about jealousy...”, Jaebum tells. “If he is the guy you talked about, then he will come with her.” 
“I don’t even want to go anymore. Y/N, do you mind and study with me instead?”, Yugyeom asks with a depressed face. 
“I finally got ready... I mean, I was at least busy for twenty minutes to get ready. Now I should stay? I don’t want to be selfish but it’s my first party with Jinyoung.” 
“Forget it. I’ll go home when you guys go to the party. By the way, much longer than just twenty minutes.” 
“Twenty minutes, thirty minutes. What’s the difference? Look, you won’t skip this party! You want to study? Fine, you will study the drinks with me!” 
“What did you just suggest?” 
“I have never been drunk before and you drank obviously before. Which means we could make some drinking games together and realize what gets me drunk quickly. That means we will study what I should never drink again, deal?” 
���You take this honor from BamBam? That sounds like fun.” 
“Not for Bam.”, Hoseok adds. “Whatever let’s finish this and then we should get going before Yugyeom changes his mind again.”
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tyranttortoise · 8 years ago
Hi there!!~ Today's my birthday and that just gives me the question: How would the UT/UF/US/SF bros surprise S/O for their birthday?? :)
He forgot.
The entire day, you think that you've got some kind of big date planned, but all he does is take you to the movies and casually falls asleep with his head resting on your shoulder and your fingers entwined.  He doesn't mention your birthday, and it's a shame.. because you got dressed up.  You've known that he was super laid-back and never really made a big deal about anything, but you also expected him to not forget something like this.  Even if he had just wished you a happy birthday, it would have been nice.
Or if he had even stayed awake during the movie.
You're frustrated, but you're still holding onto hope that he's going to remember.  You start casually dropping hints about cake, but he just makes a few jokes that normally draw a laugh from you, but this time, just leave you irritated.  By the time you get back to his house, you're hurt.
... And then, when you open the door, all of your friends pop out and Papyrus and Undyne are collectively holding the biggest cake you've ever seen.  You start to tear up and turn toward Sans, who shrugs and winks at you.  "what?  you didn't think i was really going to forget something like your birthday, right?  give me a little cred here, kiddo."  He chuckles and slips an arm around your waist, pressing his teeth to your cheek.  He's pulled out all the stops; all your favorite foods are there, your favorite music is playing, and your favorite people have gathered.  A bulk of the presents are also from him, and they're all things that you've never out-right verbalized that you've wanted; he pays attention to the little details when he's out with you.
After everyone's gone, he's going to fall asleep with you in his arms.
Sans always makes a huge deal about Papyrus's birthday, so it's only natural that he should want to do the same for yours!  Papyrus has spent weeks learning how to bake a cake just for you (it's still going to taste questionable, and the crunchy bits are eggshells, but he tried really hard, so if you could stomach a piece that'd be great), but before you get to taste it, he wants to take you to all your favorite date spots.  That restaurant you love going to?  You're there.  Have you ever mentioned roller skating before?  Well, he's game to try it.  The entire day is devoted to making you happy, and he's so active that it's going to be difficult keeping up with him.  
He keeps assuring you that "THIS IS THE GREATEST DATE BECAUSE IT'S ON THE DAY OF YOUR BIRTH!  WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE APPROPRIATELY TO MARK SUCH A MONUMENTAL OCCASION!"  Whatever you suggest, he's all over with a passion.  He's going to sing to you when you go back to his house, and he's especially excited over your wish, but "BUT DON'T ME WHAT IT WAS OR IT WON'T COME TRUE!  BUT I HOPE THAT.. THAT I'LL BE ABLE TO GRANT IT FOR YOU!"
His gift is a hand-made scarf to match his in your favorite color.
Feel free to spend the night cuddled up to him in his race car bed because that's frankly the best way to end any birthday celebration.
You wake up to a selfie of Red shirtless and halfway covered up by his crimson bed sheets, a devious smirk on his face.  The body of the message reads:  "happy birthday, sweetheart."
It's going to be a good day.
He's bought you a cake, sure, but he's also gotten his hands on quite a few chocolate-covered strawberries--because he heard they were sensual.  He wants to hand-feed you the strawberries, and the intensity of his eyelights on your face as you eat them incites a blush that he finds adorable.  The day is going to be spent in his house, either on the couch or in his room, though if you insist on going out, he'll end up complying.  He'd prefer to just stay inside and keep you to himself, however.  He wants you wrapped up in his arms, and yeah, he's going to be a little handsy.  
For your present, he's gotten you a bracelet.  It's simple, with a little skull-and-crossbones charm hanging from it, but the idea of you wearing something that makes you think of him every time you look down at your arm makes him really pleased.  
Red sings happy birthday to you, and with all the lights out and the flickering candles on the cake dancing across his features, you feel like it's the best part of the night.  His voice is deep and rough, but he's got a surprisingly good singing voice, and with his arms around your waist and his mouth close to your ear, it's enough to make you melt.  
You'd better dress up for this one.  Papyrus is taking you to the fanciest restaurant (how in the world did he ever get reservations?  You decide not to question this one), and afterward, you're going dancing with him. A little known fact about Edgy is that he's a fantastic dancer, and even if you're not, it doesn't matter when he leads you through the steps so expertly.  His usual scowl even softens a little when he dips you back, and by the time you're finished dancing, he's smirking at you triumphantly.  "ARE YOU HAVING THE BEST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFE YET?"  
Back home, his gift is going to be a stylish leather jacket that somehow fits you perfectly.  You're pretty sure he added a few studs to it himself to make it look a little edgier, but it only makes you appreciate the gift more.  He tried to bake you a cake, but it turned into an oozing, gloopy mess, so he disposed of it and was forced to buy you one from the store.  He mumbled the happy birthday song under his breath while avoiding eye contact and then urges you to "USE YOUR OPPORTUNITY FOR A WISH WISELY!  ..AND THEN TELL ME WHAT YOU WISHED FOR!"  
Blueberry wakes you up at your house-- even if he doesn't have a key or didn't stay the night, he's there.  He pounces on your bed and straddles you so he can lean down in your face.  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!  I WANTED TO MAKE SURE I WAS THE FIRST ONE TO TELL YOU!"
..He says this despite the fact that he called you last night/this morning at precisely midnight and sang happy birthday to you.
The day is spent much like the one with UT!Papyrus; he takes you wherever you want to go, only dinner's at his place.  He's cooked tacos (with heaps of glitter) and baked a lop-sided cake.  Both of these creations aren't going to be pleasant, but he's so excited for you to try it that you can't refuse.  He's going to get Stretch downstairs to help him sing happy birthday to you, and then the three of you can watch movies on the couch while Blueberry cuddles into your side.  
Ultimately, you fall asleep on the couch with him gathered in your arms and your turned with you back resting against Stretch's shoulder.  
For a gift, Sans got you a rather large plushie because he wants you to sleep with something that reminds you of him when he's not sleeping over in your bed or vice-versa.    
Stretch had a cake made for you at Muffet's, and while he'd rather spend the day just chilling and watching TV on the couch with you, he's going to make an effort to make the day special.
That means you get a picnic in the park.  
Stretch is actually a decent cook, though he's whipped up a few different sandwiches and snacks to bring.  He's scouted out the best place in the park to roll out a blanket, and after your lunch, he's going to just pull you back to rest your head against his chest and enjoy staring up at the clouds rolling by.  
When you're finished with that, he takes you to a bar that's got a live band playing that's just your kind of music.  Whether or not you drink, you still end up seated in the back, listening to the band while being tucked beneath Papyrus's arm.  If he's had a few drinks, you'll be able to coax him into dancing, but otherwise, he's just going to tap his foot along with the beat.  
Afterward, he gives you a gift pertaining to your biggest interest.  If you're an artist, you get a sketchpad or new watercolors/colored pencils.  If writing/reading is more your thing, you get a book you've been lowkey wanting.  If you happen to collect glass figurines of crying clowns, well he has a whole shitload of those in a box just for you.  Papyrus is way more perceptive than others give him credit for.
He sings to you, his voice low and mellow, standing behind you with his hands resting on your waist and his face right beside yours.  
That means.. you're going to a theme park!
Did I mention Sans's brother is coming, too?  Yeah, Papy's coming because there's no way in hell that Sans is going to stand in all of those lines, so he wants some back-up intimidating the crowds of humans.  Two skeletons that look as rough and sharp-edged as they do happen to be the ticket to the front of the line, and no one dares to say anything.  At this point, you're used to receiving some dirty stares from things Sans may say/do, so you're not even phased.  The three of you ride everything--twice--and on your way back home, Sans pulls over to eat at a nice restaurant.  Papyrus takes a shortcut home.
Since Blackberry failed miserably when he attempted to make you a cake, he relies on the free dessert your waitress brings out when he tells her it's your birthday.  Embarrassingly enough, a giant group of the staff comes out to sing you happy birthday, and Sans jumps on the opportunity to mouth the words of the song along with them.  Yeah, he doesn't sing; his face is flushed with the mere thought of it.  
After dinner, he drives you back to his house, where he gives you a collar like Papyrus's as a gift.  Then, he spends the rest of the night clung to you, repeatedly asking you if you had a memorable birthday and then DEMANDING to know what you wished for when you blew out your candles.  
Papyrus doesn't want to really go anywhere for your birthday; he'd much rather spend it at your house.  So, he brings over a cake he bought, candles, a gift, a stack of movies, and sets everything up while you're still asleep.  When you wake up, he's napping next to you on your bed, his arm lazily thrown across your waist.
"happy birthday, sweetie," he mumbles when you wake up, pulling you against his chest and nuzzling his face into your neck.  He takes his time getting out of bed with you--and hey, if you decide to grab a quick shower, he's going to ask if you want company with a sharp smirk.  Once you're ready to start the party, he's going to order a pizza and spend the day watching movies with you in bed/on the couch.  If you've ever wondered what a massage would feel like with skeleton hands, well you're in luck because you're about to find out!  He pampers you, and when it comes time for the gift, it turns out that he's gotten you something pertaining to your hobbies as well as a simple necklace--with a heart the color of your SOUL.  After all, that's the part he always finds the most beautiful of all when it comes to you.
He sings you happy birthday in a low, smooth baritone, his fingertips trailing along the skin of your lower back, just beneath the hem of your shirt.  When he's done, he leans in until his fangs are close enough to skim your earlobe and says, "make a wish~."
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