#my flight is in 24 exact hours
pxrxmoore · 2 years
i personally think anxiety can absolutely get fucked but that’s just me
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'ow'
rated t | 926 words | cw: injury, hospitals | tags: established relationship, steddie, famous corroded coffin
Steve woke up to his phone ringing. He wouldn’t normally be too concerned about that happening, especially when it was barely eleven at night and Eddie was known to call when he got offstage for the night, but the ringtone wasn’t Eddie’s.
“Gareth?” Steve answered, heart already racing from the adrenaline of being woken up so quickly.
“Eddie fell!” Gareth’s voice was panicked as he spoke.
“Fell? Where? Is he okay?” Steve started to rush out of bed, mentally calculating what he would need to shove into a carry on bag to get to wherever Eddie was.
Dallas? Las Vegas? He forgot.
“Off the stage. He’s in the ambulance and we’re on our way to the hospital now. He was awake and yelling at us to call you when he left,” Jeff answered. Apparently Gareth had him on speakerphone. “I don’t think he hit his head, but he said his leg and hip hurt. Could have broken something.”
“Shit. Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Steve threw his backpack on the bed, shoving his phone charger in first. “Send me the hospital info so I can try to call.”
“No, no. He said to tell you not to rush here.”
“His exact words were ‘’Tis but a scratch.’” Frankie said through the phone. “Which is code for he’s being very brave.”
“Exactly. I’ll be on the next flight to-“ Steve leaned over to check his printed out schedule of the tour. “Kansas City.”
“See you soon.”
When Steve arrived at the hospital, the entire crew filled the waiting room. A nurse was standing at the reception desk talking to Gareth, Jeff, and Frankie.
Steve rushed over to them.
“How is he?”
“They won’t let any of us see him. He’s been in recovery for two hours now.” Frankie said over his shoulder as he glared at nurse.
“Apparently Eddie doesn’t want to see anyone.” Jeff said as he turned to Steve. “Not until he saw you.”
“Okay, so let me see him.” Steve adjusted his backpack over his shoulder.
“He’s asleep. Nurse said he finally passed out about 15 minutes ago and he needs rest,” Gareth shook his head. “Dramatic bitch.”
“Wait. Recovery?” Steve shook his head. He needed to focus, figure out what was going on exactly. “He had surgery?”
“They had to repair his knee that he shattered. Idiot.” Frankie said before walking towards the crew.
“He’s just mad it took so long to find out anything. He was worried,” Jeff explained. “Glad you’re here now, man. Flight okay?”
“Got stuck in the middle seat between a business man who spent the entire flight calling his wife a bitch and a woman who spent the entire flight crying about leaving her boyfriend. Also anxious as hell. Pretty sure my leg is still numb from not sitting still.” Steve sighed. “Any way I can just go sit in his room?” He asked the nurse.
“Will everyone leave if I let you?” She asked in return.
“I’ll clear ‘em out.” Jeff promised as he patted Steve’s shoulder.
Gareth gave him a quick side hug before following Jeff to the crowded room.
The nurse still didn’t seem pleased, but she must’ve sensed that Steve would put up a hell of a fight. She nodded her head for him to follow her through the double doors to the elevators.
“Room 3186 is where he’ll be for the next 24-48 hours. Then he’ll either get released or moved to the inpatient physical therapy hall,” she explained as they rode up to the third floor. “That’s usually reserved for particularly slow healers and older people, so hopefully he’ll be able to do outpatient PT.”
“How long before he can go on stage?” Steve asked, already scared of the answer.
“I guess it depends on if he plans on falling off another one.”
Any other time, Steve probably would’ve laughed, but right now, he was full of too much anxiety.
“I doubt he planned on falling off of this one,” Steve snapped back.
She apologized when they got to Eddie’s room. “It’s just been rough dealing with that crowd.”
“Well, he’s got a lot of people who care about him.”
She gave him a small smile before leaving him to go into the room on his own.
Eddie was asleep, but Steve could tell it wasn’t a deep sleep. They must not be giving him strong medication.
Steve set his backpack down by the chair and sat down as quietly as possible.
When he looked over to Eddie, his eyes were open and his lips were turned down in a frown. “Ow.”
“Want me to call a nurse?” Steve leaned closer to the bed, worry creasing his brow.
“I broke my knee.”
“I know, baby.”
“Floor got me.”
“Yeah, it did,” Steve barely managed to hold back a laugh as Eddie sighed. “You wanna hold my hand?”
Steve watched as Eddie drifted back to sleep, his hand loose in his grasp.
He sent a text to Gareth to let him know he was with him and he was sleeping somewhat peacefully. He made sure to tell him they could all head back to the buses and vans if they hadn’t already.
Eddie got released two days later with a very intense PT schedule and a restriction on playing on stage standing up for four weeks.
When he got the cast and bandages off, his first stop was a tattoo parlor, where he got the word ‘ow’ tattooed over his kneecap, just above the scar from his surgery.
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jaegeraether · 9 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 50)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (45) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (7)
Masterlist (other parts here)
YFN was very aware of Jordan’s feelings after the bombshell admission the night before. She’d been extra quiet, deep in thought and she couldn’t blame her. She’d be doing the exact same.
Lucy was also extra-sensitive to Jordan, however that didn’t stop her from wolfing down the equivalent food for a small family.
YFN reached over and wiped some sauce off her chin with her thumb. “Slow down, Luce, the food’s not running away.”
Lucy was excited to eat, her stomach had been rumbling since that morning as they waited for Jordan to wake.
She nodded a response through a mouthful and knew she was right. It was never good to eat so quickly.
“Are you thinking a late night drive Sunday for your dinner, or will you stay in town?” YFN asked.
“I was just thinking that, actually. I’m thinking staying in London will be best.”
“My place is always free…” Lucy suggested.
“Oh, right. Thanks, Lucy. I just don’t want to be alone...”
“I agree,” YFN jumped in quickly. “So either I can stay or maybe a night with Katie and Caitlin will be a good idea?”
“Oh that’d be brilliant actually. I was also thinking of bringing Blu down.”
“Just let Carla know and drive down after training,” YFN suggested. “That’s stupid she’s making you drive all the way back for a few hours of practice.”
Jordan scoffed. “Yeah and she probably won’t even play me until late anyways.” Jordan shook her head and messaged the girls in the group chat. “Anything fun planned for Barca? You’d be racking up those air miles now!”
YFN laughed. “Oh yeah, I’m collecting those points. Um, I think the team will be celebrating after El Clasico…” she looked to Lucy who nodded, unsurprisingly mouth full. “And also it’s Ridley’s birthday so I was going to show my face there.”
“It’s Ridley’s birthday?!” Lucy asked, surprised.
“Sunday night, yeah.”
“Is she doing anything for it?”
“Oh, it’s Ridley. She’ll have Javier’s place absolutely packed to the brim with people. All the bells and whistles and celebrating.”
Lucy gave an impressed look and then a shrug. “We can stop by.”
“Just for a hello,” YFN reassured and kissed her on the cheek.
“I should warn Alexia…”
“To avoid Javier’s?”
“Or to go…her choice.”
“Isn’t she going to be at the El Clasico celebrations?”
“Probably but not for long, she’s still injured from the last game so won’t be playing. I doubt she’ll want to celebrate too long. What time is Ridley’s party?”
“Oh her parties are always 24 hours long minimum…” Lucy’s eyes widened and Jordan’s mouth dropped open. “It’s a thing,” she shrugged. She was used to it.
“Okay…well Barca celebrations won’t be until later that night. Alexia will be coming over to mine to get dressed.”
“Yeah…I think she was hoping to talk to you a bit more about Ridley…”
“She is complicated…” YFN admitted.
“And you’re the only one who understands her.”
“Fair. Okay well I’m covering the Villa, Hammers game so I’m hoping to catch that 7:00pm flight but it’ll be close.”
“Need a lift?” Jordan asked.
“Yes, please. Mind driving me to the game also so I can leave Miles at Lucy’s?”
“Of course, mate!”
“So are you staying here or Katie and Caitlin’s tonight?”
“Um… I was thinking here tonight with you and theirs tomorrow…” she checked her phone. “Yeah, they’re happy for me to stay. I’ll leave Blu here and pick him up after the game.”
“How long since Leah’s seen Blu?”
Jordan paused. YFN knew Leah was close to him too. She wondered how long it had been since she’d seen him. “A while,” Jordan sighed. “I think I should cancel the dinner.”
“Not ready to talk?”
“I don’t think so. I just want a hug.”
YFN understood better than anyone.
Jordan sighed. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s not,” Lucy said before YFN could. “I’d fly across the world just to hug YFN.”
YFN softened and reached over to squeeze Lucy’s thigh, resting her hand here. She wouldn’t even attempt to hold her hand, they were too full of food.
Lucy nodded. “100%.”
“Would you like me to talk to her?” YFN asked. She didn’t mind being an intermediary if it meant they had time together to heal.
YFN messaged Leah and put her phone down to take a sip of her apple juice. Her phone buzzed. Jeez, she was quick.
Leah: That’s perfectly fine, we can still have dinner. I won’t talk, I know she’s not ready for that. Will she come over to mine for dinner?
YFN relayed the message and watched Jordan relax when she realised Leah was happy just to have her around.
“She’s not the best cook… she hates it.”
YFN: Jordan is confused as you’re quote “not the best cook.”
Leah: I hate it, but I want us to have our space away from people and I want to try for her. I’ve been learning.
YFN’s heart softened more as she told Jordan. Jordan hesitated, her lower lip trembling. “Can I bring Blu?”
YFN smiled, knowing her suggestion was taken on board. She asked Leah.
Leah: Yes, of course! I miss him. Tell her I’ll be ready anytime from 6pm onwards. The door will be unlocked. Thanks for this, YFN. I really appreciate it.
YFN: You’re welcome, Leah. You both just need the opportunity to heal and I want to help with that. I know you know this already but please step carefully. She’s fragile at the moment and doesn’t know what to think. All she knows is that she wants to be around you.
Leah: I’ll respect her space, I promise. The last thing I want to do is scare her away.
YFN replied with a heart and put her phone back on the table.
“She’ll be ready from 6pm onwards and the door’s going to be unlocked. She’s going to give you your space, Dory,” she gave her a reassuring look and felt Lucy squeeze her hand on her thigh supportively.
Jordan nodded and took a nervous sip of her coffee just as her alarm went off. “Time to go!”
She gave the pair hugs and a good luck for El Clasico, Lucy returning the well wishes. They watched her drive off, and YFN would have been more worried if she didn’t know she’d be seeing her that night.
YFN took Lucy into the new office and showed her around, the footballer being immediately swamped as they arrived. Most tried to be polite and give space, but they were all football fanatics after all. She showed her the conference rooms, main office space and her little desk. She had an office but the idea of using it still felt pretentious. She wanted to feel like she’d earnt it, which she hadn’t just yet. Lucy tried to convince her otherwise.
“You’ve done so much…and you are the boss.”
“I haven’t done enough, not yet.”
“Are you feeling guilty because you’re in Spain so much with me?”
She bit her lip. Lucy understood. That was one of her main reasons of feeling like she hadn’t earnt it. “I’ll move in there when we expand next…”
Lucy put a hand on her waist, still aware they were surrounded by most of the staff. “How about you make it a reward for covering your first round of International women’s games?”
YFN smiled, impressed. She hadn’t thought of that. She put her hand out and Lucy took it, shaking. “Agreed.”
Lucy wandered around talking to people and also spent time watching as YFN worked for a few hours. She loved watching her gather everyone and use them so efficiently and to the best of their abilities. She boosted the morale of her team and made sure they were all completely confident about their roles and what was required of them. Only when she was happy with the progress did they say their goodbyes. On the way out, YFN stopped her.
“Oh…Luce…could you sign the wall?”
Lucy tilted her head in question.
“It’s a new thing I want to start. I’ve had this wall painted our brand of purple and I was thinking it would be a cool idea if we had footballers sign it. I’m hoping to have the wall completely covered… I think it’ll be great motivation for the team to look at.”
Lucy nodded slowly, unable to stop her heart loving her even more. “It’s a great idea, little one.”
YFN smiled and handed her a yellow marker. “Anywhere you want… just leave room for other people.”
Lucy looked at the massive purple wall in front of her and laughed. “I think I can manage.”
“Oh and write your name next to it also, please.”
YFN watched as Lucy did a neat signature with her number 2 for England in it. She wrote her name under it and stepped back, grinning. She was the first, just as YFN had wanted her to be. Lucy loved being first.
Their drive to the airport was full of banter and flirting, both planning another facetime with YFN’s nan and brother, and another catch up with Lucy’s family during the next international break in two weeks’ time. It was all so… natural. The worst part was that they kept having to say goodbye to each other. It was the exact reason that her main goal to aim for was to have Lumos running seamlessly so she could move abroad to Spain to be with Lucy and zoom most of the meetings she needed to. She’d need to build up supervisors and the company first, of course, and she talked to Lucy about that. Lucy was honest about not knowing where she’d end up, and if she was going to stay at Barca. Regardless of where she went, though, YFN’s goal wouldn’t change. It would give her more freedom to work abroad and spend more time with Lucy.
They parked up at the airport and checked Lucy’s bag in. They were running on time; her flight wasn’t for another hour but she needed to get through security.
YFN looked up at Lucy, not able to stop the melancholy look on her face. Lucy stroked her fingers down her cheek, brushing over one of her dimples.
“My plane lands at 10:30pm your time,” YFN reminded her.
“I’ll be there.”
Lucy nodded. “That’s dinner time in Barca, little one. Alexia and I will still be at mine getting ready.”
“Okay,” she whispered and reached up on her toes to plant the softest of kisses on Lucy’s lips as a thank you. She stepped back and saw Lucy’s eyes start to darken. She bit her lip which caught all of her girlfriend’s attention as she freed it with her thumb. Out of the blue, Lucy grabbed her arm and dragged her towards a single bathroom.
“I need you.”
YFN didn’t argue. She needed her just as bad. She let herself be tugged along, her body tingling with excitement.
“This is what you get for bringing up babies,” Lucy said as she locked the bathroom door behind them and guided her backwards, both heaving breathing as Lucy dropped her backpack.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, I’ll be quick,” Lucy said as she pressed her against the wall, her mouth coming down hot and needily. YFN’s hands fisted Lucy’s hair, essentially ruining that perfect low bun of hers. At first Lucy used her hands to tilt YFN’s head where she wanted it for their mouths desperately crashing against one another; Lucy’s tongue finding YFN’s quickly and teasing it. Then, her hands moved down to her pants. Without their mouths breaking apart, Lucy slipped her thumbs under her pants and underwear hanging from her hips and shoved them down just far enough to slip her hand down and feel her. God, she was desperate just to feel her. She looked so sexy in her dress at the awards. All mad at Mark. All protective of her friends and working to help them resolve their issues. Lucy had to cling to all of the strength she had just to not drag her into the bathrooms at the awards and fuck her there. People may have heard but for the first time in her life, she didn’t care. She wanted everyone to know she was hers.
“Fuck, how are you so wet?” She moaned into her mouth as she felt the patch in her underwear against her knuckles and the wet warmth of her little Australian on her fingertips as she teased her clit.
YFN pulled away from Lucy’s mouth. “Maybe it has something to do with our shower this morning.. or the breakfast we had.. or watching you get fan-girled over by my staff in our office. Or maybe it’s because it’s just you, and I love you.” She slipped a hand down Lucy’s pants and found her also in a similar state. She gave a victorious grin.
Lucy didn’t like losing. She pushed two fingers into her little Australian and watched as her body jerked, her mouth opening and eyes shutting as she whimpered. She pulled YFN’s hand out of her pants. “Not me, just you.”
Her fingers began moving, YFN unable to stop her hips rocking into Lucy’s hand as she fingered her. Her fingers gripped tighter in her hair and she pulled Lucy’s head as close as she could get her, until it was buried in her neck. She brought her lips to Lucy’s ear and let her pleasure be heard there; if Lucy wasn’t going to touch her, then YFN was sure as hell going to make sure she heard her. She wanted her own body wet and needy for the plane ride home as a reminder of her.
“F…fuck.. argh fuck Luce you’re so good to me,” she whimpered in her ear. A shiver ran up Lucy’s spine, YFN able to feel it. The footballer used her spare hand to push her pants and underwear down further until they’d slipped to the floor so she was fully naked from the waist down. YFN stepped one foot out to widen Lucy’s access, Lucy going a step further and bending to grab behind her knee and hoist it up over her hip. The wet sound of her fingers pumping in and out of her became louder that way and YFN whined as she became even more worked up, her body needing Lucy the more she had of her.
“I bet you taste so good,” Lucy growled into her neck.
YFN couldn’t help but be turned on at the sight of Lucy’s bicep flexing as she fucked her fingers in and out of her, and she grabbed it, holding onto that large muscle like a lifeline. Her nipples were hard and rubbing up against Lucy’s chest, her breathing ragged as she came close.
“You just had to look fucking gorgeous last night in that dress, didn’t you?”
YFN only responded in moans and whimpers at the feel of Lucy’s fingers curling up into that sensitive spot inside her.
“I didn’t like people staring at you,” she growled again as she nipped her ear.
“I…didn’t like people staring at you, Luce…” she admitted in between whines.
“You want my babies, huh?” Lucy asked dominantly.
YFN shivered as she remembered their conversation that morning in the shower. “L…Luce.. too soon.. ah fuck yes… too soon to be talking a….bout babies.”
Lucy scoffed against her jaw. “We both know how this ends, little one. With you and me. So let’s just start our future now, yeah?” She bit her jaw.
It was YFN’s turn to shiver at those words. Lucy was right, they were both old enough and had been through enough heartbreak and relationships to know that this is how they would end. Together.
Lucy was unsure whether she was whimpering at the feeling or at what she said. “Yes what?”
“Yes I w..want to have your babies, Luce… argh fuck yes please don’t stop….argh…of course I do…”
Lucy groaned into her neck at that admission. “Come, little one, I want to feel you come around my fingers.”
She sped up and at those words it didn’t take long for YFN’s body to find its release, clenching up around Lucy’s fingers so tight that the footballer moaned at the feeling that she’d just fucked into her. Her breaths stopped as she came, her fingernails digging into Lucy’s skin as that bliss overwhelmed her into state of peace.
She slumped again Lucy with a heavy exhale, a little whimper escaping her lips as she removed her fingers and brought them to her mouth, sucking them clean.
“Yeah... you taste good,” she confirmed proudly.
YFN scoffed as she did what she always did; repay kindness with kindness. She kissed Lucy’s face wherever she could reach her, little butterfly kisses to show her love and gratitude for her little desperate orgasm. Lucy hummed happily, eyes closed and accepted, manoeuvring her face so she could reach more spots. Lucy broke her gesture by kissing her on the lips. YFN leaned into the kiss for a second until she pulled back, Lucy noticing a blushing creeping up her cheeks.
“Um… I’m kind of half-naked Luce and… it’s getting cold..”
Lucy chuckled. “The sexiest Winnie the Pooh I’ve ever seen.”
That made YFN blush harder but actually laugh at the similarity as Lucy squatted down to guide her foot back into her pants and underwear and pull them up.
YFN stopped her before they were up all of the way.
“Little one?”
“I need to pee..”
Lucy chucked. “You should always pee after sex. So go.”
YFN bit her lip.
“Oh come on, I’ve had my tongue inside of you before. Pee. Now.”
YFN shuffled over to pee and clean her excited self up while Lucy washed her hands in the sink and fixed her hair.
“Feel better?”
“Much,” she admitted and washed her hands before wrapping her arms around Lucy and sighing into her collarbone. She didn’t want her to go. She never did. “Are you sure I can’t make you feel good too?”
“No, little one, that will hold me over until tomorrow night.”
“Oh, planning on getting lucky tomorrow, are you?”
“After we win El Clasico? Of course.”
YFN slapped her back lightly. “Cocky.”
“You love me cocky,” she whispered and kissed her.
They said their goodbyes just before the security screening, the pair far too used to airport goodbyes. Luckily it wasn’t for long. She watched Lucy walk away, her black backpack hitched on her muscular shoulders, her thick clear framed glasses hidden beneath her cap and hoody. She tilted her head and couldn’t help staring at Lucy’s ass in those track pants she had on so she’d be comfy for the flight. As if she knew, Lucy turned as she walked, smiling when she realised her hunch was right and giving her a wink. YFN had to squeeze her fists tight to stop her from running and wrapping herself around her. One day. Fuck. How had they ever lasted longer?
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pedrito-friskito · 3 months
// track 1 - fortnight //
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-> welcome officially to TTWD! (kay’s version). first on our track list is some sweet, smutty lovin’ from my favourite lover boy, marcus pike🤍
word count: 2.5k
warnings: drinking, meet-cute, unprotected p-in-v (wrap it before u tap it), marcus is a pleasure dom we all know this, kay knows nothing about the FBI LOL
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Marcus has always hated paperwork. Finds it tedious, though he knows it’s necessary, but he loathes it, much preferring to celebrate a job well done than to rehash his assignment alone in his office.
It’s that exact hatred that had him sneaking out of the building, heading in the direction of the bar not far from his temporary workplace, one he’d visited earlier in the week with a few friends.
He’s only here for a few weeks, two to be exact. And with the way things are going, he has a feeling he’ll be heading back to Washington earlier than anticipated. He doesn’t mind the travel, it’s always been a perk of the job, though he knows it’s probably part of the reason he has yet to settle down.
After the fiasco in Austin with Robin, he’d sworn off dating for a while. Washington was a fresh start in every sense, but no sooner had he unpacked his bag, they were sending him to Maine on a job, then to Seattle, then Colorado, then Tulsa, the list went on and on. For a stretch of at least four months, he hadn’t even set foot in his apartment, living out of a bag and becoming far too accustomed to sleeping on those godawful chairs in the airport.
Seattle had been a highlight, however.
You were the commanding officer of your division, as much of an art geek as Marcus, and damn good at your job. Marcus had fallen easily into step beside you, and his week-long visit was shorted to a weekend after your success, but he found himself lingering, hesitant to tell his own CO that the job was done. He knew the news would make its way up the flagpole regardless, but he wanted to stay.
Wanted to know you better.
You let him, the pair of you starting with a dinner that was so full of conversation that you didn’t realize the place was closing until your polite-as-hell waiter gently suggested you head across the street to a 24-hour diner with the best cup of coffee in the city. You’d headed over, Marcus holding an umbrella over you both against the sudden downpour.
He lost count of the cups of coffee, enraptured by the way your hand kept inching closer to his on the tabletop, how your gaze flickered between his mouth and his eyes. On a whim, he reached out, curling his fingers around yours and rubbing his thumb over your knuckles.
The rain outside had thinned to a drizzle, and he leaned across the table. “You wanna get out of here?”
It was you who ended up taking him home, to the small house near the coast you called home. “Much nicer than whatever hotel they have you in, I can guarantee,” you commented as you fumbled with the lock.
The moment you were over the threshold, he had your face in his hands and was brushing his mouth over yours, the taste of coffee lingering on both your tongues, Marcus stepping forward so you would step back, until your shoulders hit the wall and he could press himself against you.
You took him to bed, and called in the next day, more content to spend the day with him. You didn’t leave the bedroom much, and the week progressed like that, wrapped up in sex and conversation and coffee, until Marcus’s phone rang and the bubble popped.
“We need you in Colorado. Your flight leaves in four hours.”
He saw it move through your face, then you shrugged and said, “It’s the job. I get it.”
He didn’t want to leave. But he had to. You said over and over that you understood, and when he asked if you could stay in touch, that maybe this could work, your eyes clouded.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Marcus.”
Crushed, he got himself drunk in the airport bar, and by morning, he had a new assignment, and knew he had to put you behind him.
Fate, however, seems to have another plan in mind.
Stepping into the bar, he sighs, heading toward the same stool he’d occupied a few nights ago, when a familiar face catches his eye. His heart stutters in his chest as he reaches his seat, letting his suit jacket slide off his shoulders.
Your hair is shorter than he remembers — maybe a trim, maybe his mind is playing tricks on him — but the rest is the same. Better, somehow, like a restored painting in his mind as he drinks you in again like it’s the first time. Perched at the bar, your fingers curled around a glass, one heeled foot floating in the air. 
He recognizes those heels. He took you out for dinner another night in Seattle, and when you got home that night, he told you to keep them on. And you did. He felt the marks in his back for weeks, but it was worth it.
He orders a scotch, knowing he’s going to need more than a little courage. But how is he going to play this? What’s the best way to—
You’ve made the decision for him, your excited gaze meeting his across the few stools separating you. There’s a light in your eyes he remembers, knows you’ve probably had more than one drink, and that your next will be water. You had a system, he remembers you telling him.
The bartender slides him his drink, and Marcus takes it over to where you’re sitting, sinking into the stool beside you. “Fancy meeting you here.”
You grin wider. “Of all the gin joints in all the world…”
His heart does that stuttering thing again. “You finally watched Casablanca?”
“I did,” you reply, nodding, looking up at him through your lashes. “Cried like a baby.”
“Told you.” Tossing back some of his scotch, he signals the bartender to bring you a water. “I can’t believe it.”
You’re still smiling, your head cocked slightly to the side. “You know, I had the strangest feeling I was going to run into you? It sounds insane, I’m sure.”
“Not insane,” he shakes his head, setting his glass down inches from yours. If he straightened his fingers, he could brush the tips along yours. “I’m calling it fate.”
He nods, taking a healthy sip of his drink. Liquid courage. “I’ve been wanting to call you since I left Seattle.”
You scoff. “It’s been three months, Marcus.”
He leans forward, contemplating putting his hand on your knee but thinking better of it. “I know, and I feel awful. I just…didn’t know what to say. When I left, it didn’t exactly sound like you wanted to hear from me again.”
“I didn’t,” you say bluntly, sipping your drink and mumbling thank you as the bartender brings you your water. “It wasn’t going to work; we both knew that.”
“And yet, here we are.”
You sigh, shaking your head. “Fate, huh?”
The corner of his mouth tugs up. “Or something like it. I’ve missed you. A week wasn’t nearly long enough.”
Your gaze meets his and lingers, flickering between his mouth and his eyes. “How long are you in town for?”
“Two weeks,” he answers. “Maybe less. I’m on assignment, but I plan to stay right through. Been slacking on my paperwork. Then once I get back to Washington, I’m hoping to stay in one spot for a while. What about you?”
“Two weeks,” you echo, and he grins.
“Fate, I tell you.”
“We shouldn’t do this again,” you say, leaning back slightly, your brow pinching. “Rekindle what we had just to have it pulled away again? It isn’t fair, Marcus.”
Defeat sinks onto him like a weighted blanket around his shoulders, and he tosses back the rest of his drink, the glass feeling like lead in his hand. “You’re right, it’s not—”
“We shouldn’t,” you cut him off, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.”
Before he can get another word out, you’ve got your fingers curled around his tie, tugging him down your level. Your lips are soft, tasting faintly of lime and mint, and Marcus can’t help himself. His free hand dives into your hair, fingers locking around the strands, tugging until your lips part against his and he can kiss you more thoroughly, tongue stroking yours.
You pull back with a soft moan, still gripping his tie. “You wanna get out of here?”
Twenty minutes later, he’s pushing the door of his hotel room open, your fingers linked together. 
“Don’t mind the mess,” he starts, but barely gets the words out as the door shuts behind you. It’s his back that hits the wall, a low grunt falling past his lips as you tug on his tie again, using it as leverage to drag yourself closer, closing the distance between your bodies.
Marcus groans as you fit your face into his neck, teeth scraping his pulse as his hands find homes on your hips. Clothes start to fall away, landing in puddles of fabric on the floor until you’re both bare and falling into his unmade bed together. He lays you out on your back, trails kisses right down the front of you, over each hip and along the inside of your thigh. He doesn’t stop until you’re keening, back arching and one hand locked in his hair.
You’re soaked when he strokes his fingers along you, his name sung like a prayer when he presses them inside you. “Fuck,” he grits, curling up and dragging slow, watching the way your body reacts, the way it shapes to him. “Just as tight as I remember.”
You whimper, head falling back as he pushes deeper, seeking out that rough patch inside you, remembering how it made you fall apart before. The hand not in his hair shoots down, fingers wrapped around his wrist, forcing him deeper.
He lowers himself, kneeling at the edge of the bed, surveying how you’re spread out before him, your knee hooked over his arm. “Look at you,” he purrs, dragging his mouth along your thigh again. He can feel your muscles twitch, see the way your breath chokes out. “What do you need, sweet thing?”
Body writhing, your head lifts just enough for your eyes to meet.
He’s more than happy to oblige, lowering his mouth to your cunt, laving his tongue around the place you’re split around his fingers. You moan loudly, one hand clapping over your mouth a moment later, and he snakes his free hand up your chest, squeezing your breast and pinching your nipple between his knuckles.
“I want to hear you,” he mumbles against you, moving up ever so slightly to suck your clit between his lips. It makes your whole body go tighter than sin, bearing down on his fingers as your breath hitches. He doesn’t stop, swirling his tongue against your clit, releasing it only to lap at you over and over, his fingers never stopping until you go tighter still, every muscle going taut as you cum, his name moaned over and over until your body starts to go lax.
He pulls his fingers from you slowly, still tonguing at your cunt as he does, pulling away only when you push lightly at his head. He stands slowly, cock hard as a rock against his stomach, and watches your eyes roam up his body as he licks his fingers clean.
“Come here,” you beckon as he leans over the bed, planting a hand on either side of you. Your hand curls around the back of his neck, pulling him close. “I still need more, Marcus.”
He doesn’t make you wait long, using his knees to spread your thighs further. His cock taps against your cunt as he lowers his body to yours, and you gasp, finding his mouth with yours. He drinks down your noises as he presses himself inside of you, the pleasure snaking down his spine like a memory.
He’ll be the first to admit that this is what he’s thought of these last three months. You, underneath him, your body soft and pliant and his. It hasn’t been far from his mind, playing like a movie in his mind whenever he’s taken care of himself.
But just like seeing you again in the bar, this is another thing entirely.
Your body accepts everything he has to offer, your heels hooking around his calves, hips rocking up into his. You’re still so fucking tight, and he knows he’s not going to last long, knows that’s why he made sure you came first.
The room fills with the sound of skin-on-skin, with your breathy moans and his quiet grunts. You hook one hand under his ribs, the other finding the back of his head and tugging at his hair, putting your gaze to his. “I want to hear you, too,” you tell him, a sly smile on your face, and he nearly cums on the spot.
He didn’t need the permission, but it unlocks him all the same, the quiet grunts growing louder until he’s all but growling your name in your ear, fitting his face into your neck and biting down as he feels the pleasure coil tighter and tighter until he knows he’s about to cum.
It starts to rip its way through him, and he pulls himself from you, painting the crease of your thigh with his cum, chest heaving. You watch him, eyes darting between his face and his twitching cock. The look on your face tells him you have other plans for him.
Good, because he’s got other plans for you, too.
And fuck the two weeks, he’s not letting you go again.
As you both come down, Marcus having retrieved a cloth from the bathroom to clean you up, both of you sharing. a glass of water, your face turns sheepish as you hand him back the water. “What is it?”
Your mouth opens, closes, and then opens again. “You know how I said I thought I was going to run into you earlier? I think the reason I was feeling that…was because I’ve been meaning to call you, too. Since you left, I wanted to call you, and then something happened and I just…”
“What happened?” he asks, sinking onto the bed beside where you’re laid out, pillow bunched under your arm, head tilted into your hand.
“I got a job offer,” you say, and before he can congratulate you, you lift a hand. “I got a job offer, and you were the first person I wanted to call, but I wasn’t sure if I should. Because it’s been three months and you’re amazing and I kept telling myself you found someone else and that was why you never called. But then I got this job offer, and I…”
You trail off, shaking your head, staring him down. “What’s the job, sweet thing?” he asks, reaching out and putting his hand on your leg, covered by the blanket.
The sheepishness disappears and you grin. “It’s in Washington.”
// TTWD track list //
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multi-purpose-a · 8 days
Is "Gimme More" a Prequel? - JD Theory
I have heard some confusion around if the map for "Gimme More" (Just Dance 2024) is a prequel to the map for "Toxic" (Just Dance 2023) or not.
Let me give you my 5 Arguments for why Gimme More IS NOT a prequel:
Argument 1
In the Toxic (JD23) classic map, Agent D's "real" appearence, at the end of the map (the third costume), has long red hair and in both Gimme More Maps she has a shorter bob cut.
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Fun Fact: The hairstyle seen in Gimme More, is quite similar to one of the disguises she wore in the Toxic map (costume 2)
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The end of Gimme More implies that Agent D immidiately goes to her next mission. If Toxic follows after Gimme More, how did her hair grow that long in what I assume would be less than 24 hours?
Let me also immidiatly counter the wig argument: Yes, it is shown in both maps that, Agent D can drastically change her appearence at will with disguises. - So Agent D could be wearing a disguise during Gimme More. But I ask: Why *would* she be wearing a disguise, when she is in her lair? There's no need for a disguise, if she is in her base - away from all eyes, in complete privacy!
Argument 2
The disguises seen in Gimme More, in sequential order from left to right are... the Flight Attendant from Toxic (JD 2023 remake), the Site Manager from Work Work (JD 2019) the Nurse from Toxic (JD2 Original) the Performer from Circus - Extreme (JD 2016).
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During the map, Agent D donns each of these disguises in this exact order. The Flight Attendant disguise however doesn't get shown in action like the other 3, despite it being first in the sequence. This suggests we don't need to know about the mission associated with it, since it already happened.
Argument 3
The song lyrics (and title) of Gimme More can be interpreted as implying that Agent D wants more missions after the one we see her introduced with (Toxic) and the ones that were retconned to be her during Gimme More. Notice how Agent D actually has 6 disguise pods - and two of theme are empty:
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We can therefore assume Agent D's next mission will use a new costume, that was not shown off during Gimme More.
Argument 4
Captain Catastropha (the Pilot from Dragostea Din Tei) who has returned for the Agent D Storyline is not on the Plane that takes of at the end of the Gimme More. He remains in the seat at the agent's lair.
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In Toxic however, he appears at the helm of the Plane (tied up).
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Additionally: Agent D had to sneak onto the plane, disguised as a crew Member, and walked through rows of passengers. That means the airplane must have started from an Airport before it was hijacked.
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If Gimme More happened before Toxic... The plane which Agent D boards at the end of Gimme More couldn't have had any crew or passengers on it as it would already be in Agent D's posesstion. Agent D would not have needed a disguise to get on bord either. And most devestatingly: the Pilot could not have been on the plane, since he was shown to stay in Agent D's base when the plane launced.
Argument 5
Info graphics about each of Agent D's disguises can be spotted at various points in Gimme More. They are most easily seen in the extreme Version.
They give the Following information:
Mission Number - A code that referrs to which JD Game the costume comes from.
Operation Name - Neat Info
Agent Alias - the canon "Coach Name" for the costume
Danceverse - Confirms the setting of the map, that the costume is from
here is all of the infographics!
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All the missions and costumes shown in Gimme More are accounted for. While the actual timeline order of them cannot be inferred from the mission numbers, since those referr to the Just Dance game the respective disguise is from, Toxic from JD 2023 cannot be the next mission. What can be seen at the end of the Gimme More - Extreme map is simply the loading screen for a new mission.
Thank you for reading.
Remember to drink Water!
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twostepstyless · 2 years
House Full
Fic Advent Calendar Day 23
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Authors Note: We're opening two doors today, this is for yesterday day 23. Harry and Y/N's families arrive to spend Christmas at their home. Y/N is brave and goes to pick up her family despite being a nervous driver and her brother and his girlfriends baby makes the couple think about Christmas in the future.
As always, reblogs, likes and feedback is forever appreciated. See you in a few hours for day 24 -G xo
Word Count: 2.5k
“Baby, f’you don’t want to do it, we can find a way around it,” Harry soothed Y/N, who was stood at their entryway table. 
“What kind of daughter or sister would I be then? ‘Sorry guys you’ll need to figure your own way to ours because I’m too scared t’drive to the airport, you’ll need to get a taxi,’ doesn’t exactly scream outstanding host or daughter of the year, does it?” 
“Well, I didn’t mean a taxi, I could go pick them up, my mum and her crowd could make their own way here, y’know they wouldn’t mind, or we could send a car service or something?” Harry crossed his arms as he leant on the wall, one leg crossed over the other as Y/N stuffed her feet into her shoes. 
“Okay, first of all, we’re not letting your mum and family traipse across London when y’offered them a lift, secondly a ‘car service’ is just the posh way of saying it’s a taxi, so no. I’ve put my big girl pants on, and I can do it,” she went into the drawer of the entry table and pulled out the keys to the SUV that would manage to fit her mother, father, brother, his partner and their baby as well as all their luggage. 
Harry must’ve been a mind reader because he always knew exactly what she needed, “okay, so I don’t need to leave to go get my mum and that lot from the station for about an hour, so I’ll stay on the phone with you, okay? That should be enough time t’get you there with extra time for traffic.”
“Yes please,” Y/N sighed with relief as she opened the front door to leave to see Harry follow her out as he always did before she set off on a drive and he was at home. The car was stationed in the driveway, ready for her to use, Harry pulled it out of the garage last night for her so she didn’t have to contend with that too. “Will y’check everything for me?” Y/N asked, shyly, she knew in her own head that she would know there was enough petrol, and that her lights were on and the tyre pressure light wasn’t illuminated, but having Harry check over all of that before her journey quelled her anxiety. Harry shuffled out in his slippers, opened the driver’s door and held her hand as she stepped into the car, switching the engine on and checking over everything on the dashboard and turning her lights on as Harry got into the passenger seat.
“Everything looks good to go, doesn’t it?” he asked her as she adjusted her mirrors and her seat, pulling it closer to the steering wheel as she couldn’t reach the peddles when Harry had been the last to drive the car with his giraffe legs.
“Mhm, think so, do I have enough petrol?” she looked at the gauge, as Harry leant over to have a look. 
“More than enough, it’s 10 and a bit miles there and 10 and a bit miles back,” Harry confirmed as he plugged in London City Airport into the built-in Sat Nav in the car. He had made sure Y/N’s families flight was destined for London City Airport when Y/N said she wanted to pick them up as that was the closest airport and his nervous driver girlfriend had made that journey before picking him up so it wouldn’t be massively out her comfort zone having to navigate somewhere brand new. 
“Okay, thank you,” she breathed out. 
“Not a problem, m’heart. Deep breath for me, yeah?” Harry took a deep breath with her to settle her nerves, “you’ve got this, you’ve done the drive before and you were fine, it’s just the exact same,” he coached. 
“Yep, I’ve got it,” Y/N said with an air of self-confidence. 
“That’s m’girl,” Harry praised, leaning over the centre console and placed a sweet kiss to her lips and when he broke away, he had his phone in his hand, making a call. Seconds later, Y/N’s phone began ringing through the car speakers, “y’better answer that and be on your way, could be important,” Harry shrugged with a smirk, holding his phone to his ear as he slipped out the passenger door and closed it behind him, heading back into the house.
Y/N answered the phone by pressing the hands-free button on the steering wheel as she shifted the car into gear to exit their property and be on her way. She heard Harry’s voice crackle through the car speakers, “oh, thank god you answered, I’ve missed y’so much.” 
“Oh my god, H, I can see it,” Y/N bubbled over the phone. 
“See what, gorgeous?” Harry asked, he had his phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear as he pulled his shoes on and went looking for his keys so he could go pick his mum, her partner and his cousin and her boyfriend up from the train station. 
“The sign for the pick-up point, I did it!” Y/N cheered as she switched lanes and slowed down to pull into the pick-up area of the airport. 
Harry smiled to himself as he took his phone back in his hand and grabbed his keys, “I’m so proud of you, Y/N,” he said sincerely. 
“Can’t believe it,” Y/N sighed as she pulled to a stop, still having a little bit of time until her family got through with their bags. “Have y’left yet?” she asked him. 
“I can believe it, knew y’could do it, and I’m just about to, I’ve just set the dog up with a snack to occupy him until we’re back,” Harry peered into the living room to see their dog, Vince, playing around with the toy that had his treats hidden away inside that he had to work out how to get out before he slipped out the front door, locking up behind him and getting into his car. 
“Oh, d’you need me to hang up?” Y/N asked, slightly disappointed. 
“Nope, hang on-” she heard shuffling come from the other end of the phone. “Sorry, was setting up the hands-free in the car, we’re good to go, y’can hang up once you get everyone in the car,” Harry drove onto the main road, waiting for his map to give him the quickest route to the station. “Have y’heard from them yet?”
“Mum just texted actually, they’re jus’ getting of the plane now, by the time they get all their bags, shouldn’t be too long,” Y/N text her mum back that she was waiting at the pick-up for them. 
“Did they say how the flight was?” 
“Said it was fine, baby Mabel screamed the plane down when they first took off apparently,” Y/N giggled at their 10-month-old niece making the entire aeroplane know she was off on her holidays for Christmas.
“Of course, she did, m’excited to see her, she must be so big compared to when we last saw her in person,” Harry mused. 
“Apparently she’s like a proper little person now, crawls at high speed and can walk if she’s holding onto you,” Y/N said, she’s sad she doesn’t get to see these milestones in person as they happen to her brother’s baby, but when she does get to see her, it makes it even more special. The couple chattered back and forth and just as Harry was nearing the station, Y/N piped up, “Oh! I can see them! I’ll go get all their stuff loaded into the car and Mabel’s car seat strapped in and I’ll see y’back at the house, yeah?” She wouldn’t need Harry on the phone to coach her through the drive home once she had the family in the car, but she would have the sat nav on just to be on the safe side. 
The house was loud, a mountain of presents had appeared under the tree since all their families arrived and unpacked their Christmas gifts. Everyone had settled into their rooms and were now having a catch-up in the living room and kitchen. Jackie, Y/N’s mum and Anne, Harry’s mum, were tucked away on one of the couches, giggling and catching up over a glass of wine, the pair got on like a house on fire and were always like two old school friends seeing each other again after a long while. Harry and Y/N had just found out that their two mothers had recently spent a weekend away together on a girlie spa trip just to catch up without their children being there. Richard, Anne’s partner, Steven, Y/N’s Dad as well as her brother Nathan and Harry’s cousin’s boyfriend, Reece were milling around the kitchen having a few drinks and buzzing over the snacks that Y/N and Harry had laid out. Nathan’s girlfriend, Rosie and Harry’s cousin Emma were meeting for the first time and were having a chat about babies over cups of tea, Rosie having a 10-month-old and Emma and Reece had not long announced they were having a baby in March of next year. Harry had all but stolen baby Mabel as soon as she was unstrapped from her car seat and changed by her father. Mabel was obsessed with Harry, her eyes lit up and her little legs kicked wildly as soon as Harry began cooing at her. He was currently toting her around on his hip and Harry was on his knees with Vinnie sat wagging his tail in front of them as Mabel’s tiny little hand pet Vince’s head and let his silky fur run through her chubby little fingers as she giggled gleefully. Y/N had kept Vince on his leash while they introduced Mabel to him to keep him nice and calm and he got a good sniff and the joyful baby as Harry and Y/N praised him for being a good boy. Vince was always great around children but it was better to be safe than sorry but they could already envision Mabel and Vinnie being best friends by the time Christmas over. 
Y/N was watching everything unfold from her position as a fly on the wall as she flitted between the living room and the kitchen to see that everyone was alright. She couldn’t even begin to explain how full of joy and light she was as observed her family. Granted, it wasn’t their entire families, they were waiting on Gemma and Michal appearing at one point during the evening too, but Y/N hoped that their Christmases continued this way and hopefully one year they would be able to have every member of their nearest and dearest spend it with them. As she looked around the room, she couldn’t help it as her eyes kept flickering back to Harry who was chatting away to baby Mabel as if she understood everything he was saying as she babbled back to him nonsensically. As Y/N’s gaze landed back on Harry and the baby again, he caught her. He had a bemused look on his face, silently asking if she was alright as Mabel patted his cheek with her little hand that Harry took in his, as a baby repeatedly slapping you in the face, no matter how cute it is, gets a little sore after a while. Y/N nodded her head with a soft smile painted on her face as Harry stood up from their place in front of the dog. 
“Say bye-bye to Vince, Mabel,” Harry said as he waved Mabel’s little first towards the dog as Vince made his way to sit with Jackie and Anne for a bit of attention from them. “Let’s go see Auntie Y/N/N,” Harry cooed and made his way over to Y/N at the edge of the room. “What’s wrong?” he asked, as Mabel reached for Y/N’s finger to grip in her hand as she giggled at her auntie. 
“Nothing,” Y/N said, “m’just really, really happy,” her thumb rubbed over the back of the baby’s hand.
“Me too, what’s got y’looking all starry eyed though?” He pressed a kiss to Y/N’s temple. 
“I like having a house full, it’s just really nice, as much as I was stressed out about us hosting Christmas this year, m’really glad we did it,” as much as they were surrounded by their family, their conversation was notoriously private, unable to be heard over the raucous laughter and chatter coming from their guests. 
“Is that the only reason?” Harry asked with a smirk, hiking Mabel up his hip. 
“Mhm,” she hummed. 
“Y’sure?” he knew that wasn’t just it. 
“Okay, so maybe I’m really enjoying seeing you with Mabel, makes me… think about stuff,” she let out. 
“What kind of stuff?” he urged as Y/N remained tight-lipped. “Just say it, I could bet I’m thinking the exact same thing, jus’ want to, sorry, need y’to say it,” Harry pressed, wanting verbal confirmation that they were on the same page. 
“I just think, that maybe, one day when if we’re lucky enough, how lovely Christmas is going to be with our own, y’know,” she said shyly, focusing her gaze on baby Mabel, who was distracted by the twinkly lights and baubles on the Christmas tree. 
“Our own what, m’heart?” he asked. 
“Baby,” Y/N whispered. 
“Yeah?” Harry asked, happiness evident in his tone and the widest grin he could muster present on his face, causing a dimple to carve out on both of his cheeks. 
“I think that’s a great idea, I mean, we could get to work on that now f’you really want, have it for next Christmas,” Harry said causing Y/N to look up at him giggling. 
“You’re keen then?” she asked. 
“Nothing I want more, was jus’ hoping you would bring it up at one point, s’your choice at the end of the day,” Harry said sincerely, “baby, you say the word and we’ll give it a go, yeah?” 
Y/N nodded excitedly as she reached up on her tiptoes to press a sweet kiss to Harry’s lips before baby Mabel got jealous and began to squeeze her free hand in between their melded lips as Harry and Y/N giggled against each other. 
Suddenly, the front door burst open and they heard a call from the hallway as Vince went running, barking to see who his new friend could be that arrived. 
“Sorry, m’here, the better child has arrived,” Gemma shouted as she dropped her bag and stripped her coat and scarf off as her boyfriend shut the door behind them and bent down to appease the dog and quieten down his barking. 
“You’re not the better child f’you show up late, Gem!” Harry shouted, as he passed Mabel off to Y/N heading down the hall to greet his sister. 
“Oi! We couldn’t help it,” Gemma retaliated. 
“Y’live a half hour away, you could most definitely help it,” Harry shot back as Anne rolled her eyes at her children’s bickering. Y/N smiled; her heart as full as their house. 
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sathellio · 4 months
for the genloss ep 1 anniversary I'm rewatching the first vod and I have MORE THOUGHTS?? who knew this was even possible
1. hearing the music and watching the Showfall logo appear at the very beginning has me in my feels. this moment a year ago literally changed my life
2. yes, the Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde reference is very good, but Right After that Ranboo goes "ow, my head" AND I- we already know they wake up with their arms still in the crucified position so we know this is a time loop thing and the box ending has happened before, but I haven't heard anyone notice that line?? did we just never pick up on that or am I late to the party?? either way ouch
3. if I had a nickel for every time gl!Ranboo dug into something's/someone's guts for a key I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice (bats in ep 1 and Charlie in ep 2)
5. during the bat cpr moment I never noticed that after Charlie said "to the rough beat of staying alive" he says "I didn't" lmao
6. Charlie's dead stare then the slow pan over to the broken urn is so funny
7. "there's, there's Nothing In the Fridge!" "goo goobie!!"
8. "es splaghebbi"
9. god there's so many good quotes
10. Squiggles says "I can't take any more Loss of these characters" and I know that's just silly goofy referencing the title, but also, all of them were doomed from the start. we know this, and Showfall knows this, but they really told us in the very beginning and we just didn't understand
11. I quote "it's an 8 hour flight" so often
12. I love the soundtrack so much oh my god
13. I also love Sneeg's sass this is fantastic
14. the lights flickering when Charlie pops out of the box is a nice touch
15. why did Ranboo blind himself with a flashlight two (2) separate times
16. *Bat*
17. why does Charlie's room have jello on the shelves
18. the way Ranboo says "I'm gonna go to bed" scratches my brain
19. also how Sneeg says "you would've known ~had you been awake~"
20. do you think gl!Ranboo was confused about finding an exact replica of his jacket in the basement box
21. I love Charlie's fighting idle motions they're so good
22. "what the fuck" *falls off tricycle*
23. man Ranboo really has a record for missing their towel throws (iykyk)
24. ugh seeing the ending of ep 1 for the first time was INSANE
I'll probably do this for ep 2 and 3 on their respective anniversaries! live laugh goo goobie
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heloflor · 7 months
Was thinking a bit about how “The Devil’s Playhouse” has a lot more comedy than people make it out to be, and while especially thinking about “The Penal Zone” I realized this episode is actually very very very very gay. Like, I’m pretty sure it’s the Telltale episode with the highest amount of gay moments (205 is second on this list, what with Sam getting catcalled by a moleman, Max flirting with Mr. Reaperphone, the whole bachelor party, Peppers etc).
I think what I really like about those moments is that it’s a great example of normalization. The characters are incredibly casual about it, talking about gay relationships the exact same way one would talk about straight relationships, it’s really neat to see! Especially considering that this game was made in 2010, a whooping 5 years before gay marriage was legal in the whole US. It's crazy and great how much they were able to get away with!
(Screenshots of all these moments with timestamps (and quotes) under the cut. To have as little pics as possible, only a small section of each dialogue is taken. And to have a limit of two screenshots per pic max, some dialogues that are cut in two parts in-game have the second part pasted under the first. The timestamps puts you at the beginning of each conversation. All footage from NapalmX717 with the screenshots in chronological order of this video)
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Max: “What can I say, Sam? Alien ships love to abduct me. It’s not my fault I look so probe-able.” (9:44)
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Sam: “Nice work, little buddy! Make sure you wait three days to call, or he’ll thing you’re desperate.” (11:47)
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Max: “Well, he IS pretty charismatic, Sam. And he’s from space, which is a plus. But you’re the only hairy, overweight, domineering control freak I need, Sam.” (20:38)
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Sam: “I don’t need to go to another planet for a methane rich environment, as long as I’ve got you, pal.”
Max: “That’s really sweet and obvious, Sam.” (22:46)
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Skun-ka’pe: “Perfect! Just the one I wanted to see ha ha ha ha!”
Sam: “Keep the hands where we can see ‘em, pal.” (23:36)
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Max: “We could just give ourselves tongue-baths, like cats and flight attendants do!” (30:57)
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Sam: “Why do we have jumper cables? Neither of us knows how to use them.”
Max: “It’s simple, Sam: the RED cable goes on the RIGHT nipple, the BLACK cable clamps to the…” (34:42)
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Max: “Oh boy! Now I can finally set up my 24-hours adults-only naked bunny chat line.” (34:58)
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Sam: “Toys...Toys… we must prepare… the toys….”
Max: “Well, that’s just a typical Friday night for YOU, Sam.” (36:45)
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Flint Paper: “Oh. Well yeah, that could be it. I was thinking it was you, Sam!”
Max: “You think you know a guy. I’m not angry, Sam, just very disappointed.” (1:03:49)
(For context they’re talking about who might be Girl Stinky’s secret admirer)
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Max: “I can’t lie to Flint Paper, Sam!” (1:05:20)
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Max: “What kind of pretend mother would I be if I didn’t worry about our imaginary baby?” (1:10:31)
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Momma Bosco: “Oh, it’s not all bad. I’m getting better at apparating. And now I don’t leave a trail of ectoplasmic slime behind every time I leave the room.”
Max: “That’s better than Sam can say.” (1:23:13)
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Sam: “I’m not gonna rest until I find the guy who killed my partner!” (1:43:13)
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Max: “Wow. I feel really very close to you now, Agent Superball.” (1:45:33)
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Sam: “I don’t like the thought of you teleporting off without me, Max.” (1:46:33)
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Max: “Sam, this is all so sudden! I… I don’t know what to say!” (2:07:10)
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Sam: “I think one of us should try to smash through that window with his rock-hard, melon-sized head.”
Max: “And I think one of us should try the door, unless he wants to spend the rest of the day picking plate glass out of his partner’s fluffy white nether regions.” (2:17:00)
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Girl Stinky: “Sam and Max? Don’t tell me Skun-ka’pe wants YOU guys to be his love slaves, too?” (2:24:48)
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Girl Stinky: “Eww. He wishes. He’s SO not my type. You only have to date an evil gorilla once to learn never to make THAT mistake again.”
Max: “We’ve all been there, girlfriend.” (2:25:07)
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Girl Stinky: “Gee, it sounds like YOU two should go out with him. Would you like me to give you guys some privacy?” (2:27:33)
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Max: “You’re my best friend, Sam! I know you’d take a bullet for me!” (2:31:02)
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Sam: “You keep coming up with creepy disaster scenarios that always end with you eating me, Max. It’s getting annoying.”
Max: “If you don’t like it, then stop looking so damn tasty.” (2:38:11)
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Max: “Think of something quick, Sam. I don’t like the way he’s undressing me with his eyes.” (2:53:22)
23 notes · View notes
pinkurbanfictionhaven · 2 months
3- Fuck Me For Forgiveness
Paris, France
Abel's eyes trailed the ass of a passing bottle girl that sashayed past him as he stood with a bottle of liquor in his hands and a lit blunt in his mouth, in the V.I.P section of the club with some of his crew.
Shorty was thick, but her ass was nothing compared to Nicki's that was bouncing back expertly on him as he fucked her relentlessly from the back less than 24 hours ago.
He put her to sleep and left without waking her since he had a flight to catch for his performances in Paris.
Their number one rule was to never stay the night at each other's domain, no matter how late it is or how drunk they are.
They can barely stomach each other when they're in the same room unless they're fucking, so staying the night with each other would just lead to them having a petty argument the next morning.
Their polar opposite personalities always seemed to clash.
Nicki is so animated, brazen, bossy, and defiant and Abel is chill and sensitive, yet dominant, so he liked his women to be submissive which Nicki could never be without a fight.
So after Abel showered, he left there without a trace and headed straight to the airport at around three in the morning.
He had to leave out of a secret entrance to dodge the paparazzi that were hawking outside of Nicki's house to take pictures.
If they would've gotten him on camera sneaking out at the time in the morning, the rumor mill would've been going crazy.
Cash who is partying next to Abel, turns his camera towards him while he's taking a pull from his blunt.
Abel stares into the camera while blowing out a thick cloud of his smoke before dancing a bit and turning up for the video.
He nodded his head and moved his arms to the beat of the trap song that was playing.
The night continued going up for hours, it wasn't until around four o'clock in the morning that Abel felt all of the after-effects of the illegal drugs that he consumed earlier in the night.
He snorted a coke line with, Nav and popped some of the medication that his doctor prescribed for him, he fucked himself up more by mixing it up with some alcohol and doing the same reckless shit that he did when he was underground.
When the night began to wind down to the end, Abel was passed out high on the club's couch, desperately trying to keep his eyes open.
The blinding colorful neon red lights flashing around the club caused Abel to squint a little before shutting his eyes completely.
"Yo fam, you good?" Abel peeks his eyes open to see Belly standing over him with his arm thrown around a thick girl with long black hair.
Abel stares confusedly at the woman before him, his impaired vision examines her dimples and tiny waist before slowly trailing downward towards her thighs, hips, and butt.
"Nicki, what the fuck?" He suddenly spews, reaching out to grab the woman's wrist.
"Excuse me?" The woman responded confusedly and yanked her wrist away from him.
"What is this bullshit you're trying to pull on me and why you got on all of this hoe shit around my niggas huh?" Abel struggles to jump up out of his chair, but Belly grabs a hold of him and pushes him back down so that he doesn't fall.
Abel is furious. He knows Nicki and him aren't in a committed relationship, but he already claimed her and her pussy as his.
He hated even the thought of another nigga getting a sample of what he has been getting for the past year.
"Watch yourself, Abel. You are fucked up right now." Belly says, gripping his friend so that he doesn't fall and hurt himself.
Abel persistently stood to his feet, teetering a bit. He began to see double visions of the woman, but in his incoherent state of mind, she was the exact image of Nicki.
"Come here right now, let me talk to you real quick." Abel motions the woman to him and she shakes her head and backs up.
"I don't know you!" She says, hiding behind Belly out of fear.
"Oh, word so you on some brand new shit now? Now you don't know me? You knew me last night when I was pounding that pussy though, right?" Abel states in a slurred, angered voice.
"Abel, yo what are you doing, fam?" Belly grabs Abel's shoulder, but he shirks away and continues to frown at the woman.
He then turns his frustrations onto, Belly. "What the fuck are you doing with my girl, nigga? You trying to fuck her?" Abel bantered, making the Nicki lookalike and Belly stare at him in confusion.
"Your girl? Since when did you and Blac Chyna hook up?" He asks.
Abel's face transitioned from angered to confused in a matter of seconds.
Nicki's addictive ass had him tripping out hard, now he was seeing her in other women.
"W-who?" He squinted his eyes in confusion, feeling his head thumping as he blinked his eyes repeatedly.
"Blac Chyna, bro! I hired her to star in my upcoming music video that we're recording tomorrow, so I flew her out to Paris."
Abel stood there high as hell and dumbfounded. The look on his face displayed his embarrassment and he knew when he eventually sobered up in a few hours, he would have to explain this shit to Belly somehow.
The ecstasy pill that he popped must have been some sort of super drug because there is absolutely no way in hell that Blac Chyna was passing for Nicki if Abel was sober.
"My fault, bro." Abel could only muster before taking a seat on the leather couch and burying his head into his hands.
"It's cool, bro. We've all been there." Belly brushes it off and heads towards the private bar with Chyna on his arm.
Abel knew his friend better than that to believe that Belly would just drop the subject.
He already figured that the conversation would come up when everyone was sober-minded. He didn't even know how to explain himself and his actions without fully exposing the fact that he's been providing, Nicki with life-changing dick since before he snipped off all of his dreads.
The rest of the evening went by in a total drug-fueled blur.
It wasn't until late the next afternoon when Abel was awoken from his slumber by the sounds of a flushing toilet and shower water running, that he finally came back down from his extreme high and was coherent.
He assumed Nicki was in the bathroom, considering the last memory that he had was fucking her to sleep and wrapping his arms around her.
He pulled back the cotton sheets and sat up with his head buried in his hand on the edge of the California King-sized bed.
The sun shined brightly through the sliding doors of the balcony. Abel's penthouse suite overlooked Paris, with a breathtaking view of the Paris vista as well as the Eiffel Tower.
He took a few minutes to gather himself and waited for the bedroom to stop spinning, before stumbling to his feet and shuffling into the bathroom to relieve himself.
With his eyes barely opened, he stood over the toilet bowl completely nude and sighed in relief.
He paid no attention to the fully nude figure that was standing a short distance away from him underneath the stream of water in the full glass-encased shower.
When he finished, he washed his hands and began to brush his teeth and wash his face.
He ventured back into the bedroom and dug through his luggage until he found some blowfish tablets that he took with water to cure his hangover.
He heard the shower turn off and a gust of hot steam escaped the bathroom when the door opened.
He looked up from his iPhone and dropped it when he saw the brunette woman standing before him in nothing but her towel.
"Who the fuck are you?" He inquired, standing to his feet and squinting at the strange woman.
The woman giggled. "Very funny. I'm Renee silly. Do you not remember me? You brought me back to your hotel from the club last night." The woman spoke in a thick accent.
"I fucked you?" Abel inquired. He already knew that it was a stupid and obvious inquiry, considering they both woke up butt naked, but he held onto the small ounce of hope that he didn't fuck her.
The woman snorted. "No, we played naked charades until we both passed out." She said sarcastically and Abel rolled his eyes, not feeling her fucking sarcasm at all.
Abel plopped on the bed, holding his throbbing head in his hands.
"Fuck, I fucked up." He muttered under his breath, rubbing his hands up and down over his face slowly.
He knew he fucked up, if this shit got back to, Onika there would be hell to pay.
"Are you up for another round? You were a beast last night." The groupie asks him, letting her towel drop to the floor.
Abel couldn't even remember her name although she just told him what it was, that's how insignificant her and the random fuck were to him.
"Nah, put your clothes on." He says dismissively and stood to get dressed. 
"What?" The groupie questioned, annoyance laced in her tone.
"You deaf?" Abel squinted his eyes before turning to glare at her, his expression proved that he was dead serious.
"I said you gotta roll out of here, so get your shit and go." He stated bluntly, not giving a fuck if his words hurt her feelings or not.
"Your driver drove me here with you, how in the hell am I supposed to get back home?" She inquired, her eyes following him in disbelief as he stormed around the bedroom to collect his scattered clothes from the previous day.
"You ever heard of a Uber or Lyft?" He asked smartly as he slipped into his jeans and pulled his shirt over his head.
"My purse and cell phone were left with my friends. I don't have any money on me." She explained, which further frustrated Abel.
"I'll book you one." He tells her, unlocking his phone to go to the app, when the screen suddenly begins to power off.
He huffs. "Where the fuck is my charger, my fucking phone just died?" Abel began to search around for it to no avail.
He knew it was somewhere in the suite, but he didn't want to be around the random groupie for a moment longer.
He snatches his keys off of the nightstand. "Look, I'll drop you off in my car, let's go."
He quickly began to leave the suite, while the woman scrambled to put her clothes on.
They silently stepped into the elevator and exited the Sunset Tower hotel.
They both appeared sluggish and hungover and the dark bruise-colored passion marks that were visibly splotched on both of their necks painted a picture of their wild night together to every stranger that they passed.
He tossed his hood on in a poor attempt to conceal himself from any fans or onlookers, but a strong gust of wind caused it to blow off the second they reached outside.
Abel quickly started speed walking to his waiting car, hurrying the woman along to keep up with him.
He cursed under his breath when he then spotted a small group of paparazzi out of the corner of his eye, they had already started to take pictures of him, and they began approaching.
"Let's go, walk faster, keep up with me." He hurried the groupie, and they finally climbed into his car that the valet pulled up front.
The paparazzi circled the car and began taking even more photos which irritated the fuck out of Abel, but the groupie seemed to be loving the attention.
Abel honked his horn in frustration. "Yo, get the fuck away from my car!" he vexed.
A few stumbled back, giving Abel room to pull away, but continued to flash their cameras. Abel sped away as quickly as he could and decided that he was going to drop this random bitch off at her nearest location and ditch her.
Abel's mind whirled the entire ride with thoughts of Nicki's reaction to the photographs if she saw them, he knew that he had to find a way to make sure that the photos never reached the internet. He decided to contact Cash for help.
He quickly called him through the luxury car's built-in phone system and he could already tell by his low tone that he woke him up when he answered but this was considered an emergency so he didn't give a fuck if he disturbed him.
Cash yawned tiredly into the phone before clearing his throat. "What, bro?" He muttered.
"Bro, there are some photographs that the paparazzi just took of me and some random. I need you to get a hold of them and make them disappear ASAP." I told him while trying to focus on the road.
The random girl's head snapped in Abel's direction in dismay. "Um, excuse me? Random?" she snapped.
"You should clean your fucking ears out." Abel retorts, becoming more and more annoyed with her by the second.
"Bro, what's the big deal here? It's not like paparazzi hasn't snapped pictures of you with other women in the past."
"That was before Cash. I can't be seen out here like that anymore, I'm talking to somebody." Abel admits and this causes the groupie to scoff.
"She wasn't on your mind when you were inside of me." She comments, crossing her legs and arms.
"Look, I'm gonna need you to shut the fuck up about what happened too. I will pay you to sign a NDA if I have to, I don't want you posting anything involving me to your social media or going public with any of this shit. If you do then you're going to have serious problems coming your way." Abel says, hoping that he doesn't have to get lawyers and shit involved with all of this.
"I'll agree to sign your little nondisclosure agreement just cut me a check and I will go away..." The groupie says bluntly.
"Yeah, I knew money was your motive." Abel shakes his head and rolls his eyes. He didn't have a clue how he could be so stupid and careless.
"Cash, we are heading your way right now, please get the lawyer on the phone to fax over an NDA and try to get a hold of those pictures before they go public. If you have to pay the paparazzi then do it, whatever it takes."
"I'm on it." Cash says before hanging up the call and phoning the lawyer.
Abel spent the rest of the day clearing everything up and after handling the groupie, making her take the morning-after pill, and contacting some of the local Parisian blogs for the pictures, he was soon laid back comfortably on his jet on his way back to New York with only one person on his mind.
He desperately needed his weekly dose of Nicki, she was his drug and he craved her.
He knew that it was wrong on many levels to fly into town to fuck with Nicki after slipping up and fucking that random hoe, but he couldn't resist when it came down to her. He needed her.
He licked his lips as he lay with his legs crossed on the reclined seat, he scrolled through his phone and lusted over a new photo that Nicki posted on her IG page just a few hours ago.
"Damn, she looks so fucking sexy, and look at that fat ass. I'm leaving hickeys all over that shit tonight." He mutters under his breath as he continues to lust after her.
When I land I'm tearing that shit up on sight. Abel's lust-filled thoughts of Nicki continued to torture him and soon he found himself hard and in need of some sort of release.
It seemed as if he could never go a full week without being inside of her, her pussy is his weakness.
He couldn't wait for the jet to land, he knew he'd end up texting her before he even got into his driver's car or even left the airport, that's how eager he was to be deep inside of her.
He knew she was a busy woman, Nicki barely stayed in one city for long but he didn't care if he ruined any of her studio sessions, important meetings, or brand deals. When he wanted some of her, he expected her to drop everything for him, because he would do the same for her, no questions asked.
There were countless times in the past year that they have been fucking around that he has left parties, the studio, and even the country just to give Nicki some dick because her spoiled ass wanted it that badly. The sex was just that good.
The way that they were sexually drawn to each other was surreal, but both of them already knew that their secret relationship couldn't surpass sexual intimacy, their personalities are entirely different and it would cause toxicity between them.
Abel's private jet landed in New York approximately eight hours later, and he and his crew stepped off just after midnight and made their way to the black various cars that awaited them.
Abel slid in the back of one with Belly and Lamar to drop off his luggage at his new condo before making his way to Nicki.
He heard Belly chuckle which caused him to look up from his phone.
"What's so funny, bro?" Lamar questioned, glancing up from his phone.
Belly ran his hand over his facial hair and snickered. "I still can't believe that this nigga, Abel got high and thought that he was fucking around with Nicki Minaj. Little nigga knows that he couldn't handle all of that woman." Belly stated which caused Lamar to laugh.
If only his boys knew how well he's already handled Nicki, she's the one that ends up crying and limping when it's over.
He kept quiet though, knowing that he couldn't ever speak on it.
Abel rolls his eyes and focuses back on his cell phone text log, he scrolls down until he finds the name that he was looking for. He begins to type out a message.
Hey. I just landed and I'm about to pull up in an hour or so, Are you home?
He hoped that the message didn't make him look too thirsty, but he was willing to put his pride aside just to be inside of her before the sun rises and he has to head back to L.A.
An entire hour passed and Abel found himself laying back on his couch in his condo and watching some 90's cartoons on his flatscreen tv.
He lazily petted his dog, Caesar, while he chewed on a dog toy and laid down next to him.
Abel stared down at his iPhone that rested in his lap in displeasure, he still hadn't received a response at all from Nicki and usually she would have texted him back by now.
He decided to call her up which is something that he rarely did since it went against one of their rules, but at this point, he was desperate for her and it was two in the morning already.
He put the phone on speaker and it rang twice before her voicemail popped up. He angrily sucked his teeth and hung up just as she began to recite her annoying voicemail greeting.
"Where the fuck is she?" Abel muttered to himself as he slowly ran a hand over his hair and down his face, tiredness began to take over him.
Seconds later his phone beeped with a message from her, finally.
Peaches 🍑👅: Sorry, I can't talk right now.
"What the fuck." Abel cursed, going into messages to respond to her. He couldn't believe that she sent him a damn "Respond With Text" message instead of just answering his call or texting him back.
So you couldn't even respond with a message to let me know what's up with you and you sending me to voicemail? What's good with you? Call or text me ASAP.
The message went through to her and minutes later it said that Nicki read it, but Abel still didn't receive a response from her, so he texted again.
Onika... you're pissing me the fuck off. Why are you ignoring me?
Seconds later the bubbles pop up, indicating that she is typing and a text comes through to his phone.
He squints in confusion when he realizes that it is a picture message and when he opens it up he almost pisses himself.
Peaches 🍑👅:
"Fuck!" He curses loudly, causing Caesar to jump at his outburst.
He tosses his phone on the chair beside him and sits there stupefied.
He had no clue how Nicki got a hold of the pictures, but he knew that there would be a massive argument awaiting him and hell to pay for his indiscretions.
Two Weeks Later:
Two long weeks passed by after TMZ somehow got a hold of Abel's leaked photographs and posted them on their website.
Nicki has completely blocked Abel out and has been MIA from all social media since she discovered the photos.
Abel tried everything that he possibly could to get in contact with her, including three random pop-ups at her penthouse in New York and multiple phone calls, messages, and FaceTimes that have all been ignored.
He already knew that she was most likely pissed and needed time to cool off, but he wasn't expecting her to ice him out for two whole weeks without even one message.
After handling his music business out in Los Angeles for a week and visiting with his daughter, Abel found himself flying back to New York for another attempt to smooth things out with Nicki.
He wasn't planning on leaving the city until they got a chance to discuss what happened and find a way to fix it.
Abel felt that they had gone long enough without any communication and he really couldn't shake the fact that he missed the hell out of her.
He found himself sitting outside of her house with a gift and a teddy bear rose bouquet in his passenger seat.
He knew that he looked a bit thirsty camping outside of her house and waiting for her to come back home, but he wanted to catch her before she entered inside and had a chance to ignore him.
He occupied himself by texting and scrolling through his social media when he received a notification that Nicki had posted to her Instagram for the first time in weeks.
Y'all niggas are comedians, just remember that Nicki always gets the last laugh. 😉😜
Abel's blood boiled when he analyzed the picture, he could feel the anger building up inside of him and it took everything inside of him not to drive over to the location that she had pinned and fuck them both up.
He didn't recognize the dude that she was hugged up with from any of the celebrity circles that they both were a part of, so the mystery of it all further added to his stress.
He ended up leaving and heading to a local bar for a few drinks to clear his mind before returning to Nicki's penthouse to confront her.
Two hours passed before Nicki's pink Lamborghini pulled up in front of the location and both Nicki and the guy climbed out of it.
Abel watched in dismay as Nicki and the guy walked into her building hand in hand, trailed by her three monstrous security guards.
Another hour or so passed before the dude exited the penthouse and climbed into a waiting Uber X, giving Abel the green light to head upstairs.
Abel abandoned the fancy gifts in his car and entered the back of the building angry and fueled with liquor and weed.
He got onto the private elevator and punched in her code to gain access to her floor like he had done many times in the past.
His head flooded with thoughts of what he would say to her and what she would say to him. He knew there would be a confrontation and the unknown of it all worried, Abel.
When the elevator dinged at Nicki's penthouse floor he felt his stomach churn as all of the anxiety started to build inside of him.
He apprehensively approached the two double doors feeling a flurry of different emotions inside of him as he rang the doorbell twice.
He waited there impatiently, his hands stuffed inside his jacket and his head hanging low.
One of the doors slowly began to open which caused his eyes to shoot up.
"Did you leave something, baby?" Nicki asked as she scrolled through her gold iPhone, not taking the time to look up at her visitor.
Abel didn't respond right away, he was too pissed off to speak when he noticed that, Nicki had on nothing but a baby pink see-through thong with a matching bra and a pink silk robe that was opened, displaying her body.
In any other situation, he would have had her pinned against the nearest wall right now and would be deep inside of her if she would have answered her door in that sexy shit, but all he could think about is the fact that she had it on for the next nigga and not for him.
He could already tell by the messiness of her straight hair and the hickeys forming on her neck that she let that random dude fuck and it caused him to explode.
"You let that random ass nigga fuck you?" Abel sneered, his tone is as cold as ice.
Nicki's eyes quickly shot up when she heard his deep voice and she almost dropped her phone.
She wasn't expecting him to be in her city, let alone on her doorstep.
"What the hell are you doing here? Are you stalking me now? Get the fuck out of here!" She attempted to slam the door in his face and close her robe, but Abel forced it open and pushed his way inside.
"I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me! What the fuck do you think this is? You have been ignoring me for fucking weeks!" Abel says, slamming her door behind him.
He almost knocks small Nicki off of her feet when he pushes in, but she catches her balance, and before he could utter a word she was right in his face shouting at him.
"Go! Get out! You have some nerve forcing your way in here, and questioning me about what I have been doing when you've been fucking on other bitches all over France, like the bitch nigga that you are!" Nicki snaps.
Abel knew she was right, but he wasn't going to say it because he knew if he walked out of the door, things between him and Nicki would dissolve quickly, and he wouldn't be able to repair it.
Abel rolled his eyes and licked over his lips as Nicki continued to vent, pointing her finger in his face as she went off on him.
"You are a nasty, dirty dick, lying, snake ass nigga! I should have never even let you hit in the first place! You Fucking OP!" Her heels click against the marble floors as she begins to storm away from him, but he grabs onto her arm which causes her to angrily spin around and slap him.
Abel runs his hand over the side of his face that she hit and his jaw clenches. "I suggest that you calm the fuck down and keep your hands off of me before you piss me off, Onika." He seethed in a deepened voice.
Nicki narrowed her eyes. "Or what? I'm supposed to be scared of a nigga from Canada? I'll have my New York niggas run up on you with the quickness! Don't test me!" Nicki threatens, staring up at him with her hand on her hip.
Abel couldn't help but laugh, running his hand over his freshly shaped up beard. Her tiny short ass could barely reach his neck with her high heels off but had all of this mouth.
Nicki seethed when she saw him laughing, the worst thing that you can do when a black woman is pissed off is laugh, she automatically thinks you are taking her as a joke.
Every profanity in the book erupted from her, which caused the argument to intensify. Abel tried his best to calm her down, but she was on one hundred and ten.
Abel grabbed her arms and held them down to stop her from swinging at him.
"Nicki, just calm down and talk to me like an adult. If we continue arguing and yelling, nothing will get resolved." Abel said.
"All of these photos popping up of you leaving out of a hotel with some soccer mom-looking ass bitch and I'm supposed to be calm?" Nicki yelled in Abel's face, causing Abel to sigh.
"You sliding up inside of the next random bitch less than twenty-four hours after fucking me? Fuck I look like, nigga? I am not one of these regular bitches out here and I'm not gonna let you treat me like I'm one of them!"
Nicki struggled with him until she broke free from his hold to mush him and Abel stood there looking stupid.
"I'm not feeling your fucking attitude right now. You won't even let me talk or explain myself." Abel told her, irritated that she wouldn't give him a chance to explain himself.
"I'm not feeling you right now, nigga! You think you can come in here and feed me bullshit to get me back in bed with you, you thought wrong! Get the fuck out of my house!!" Oneika pointed towards the door, but Abel refused to go.
He shook his head no. "I'm not going anywhere until we resolve this, I'm sorry okay? Just hear me out for a minute. Come here..." Abel grabs Nicki by her tiny waist and pulls her forward, but she pulls away from him and crosses her arms.
"You are being so fucking stubborn right now!" Abel was vexed, his nose flaring.
"I don't want to hear anything that you have to say! I know that it's all bullshit! You're the one that fucked up yet you're angry and yelling like I wronged you?! I should be the one pressed right now!" Nicki seethed.
"I'm angry because you won't even let me get a damn word in!" Abel argued as they continued having a full-blown screaming match.
"Because I don't want to hear all the bullshit and lies that are about to come out of your mouth!! What do you have to say?" Nicki crossed her arms and waited to hear him out.
Abel huffed. "You want me to say the shit, then I will say it! I miss your stubborn ass okay! I can't take you shutting me out anymore." Abel lowers his voice and mutters, the desperation clear in his tone.
Nicki's mood suddenly shifted, she went from angry to sad in a matter of minutes and Abel could tell that she didn't want to be near him at the moment.
He didn't stop her when she turned her back to him and quickly walked towards her bedroom for some time alone, he sighed and sat patiently in her living room to give her space.
He knew from past arguments that she would come out and talk when she was ready. He was just happy that she didn't kick him out.
An Hour Later:
Abel's eyes followed Nicki as he sat in her apartment an hour later with a glass of Hennessy straight in his hand.
"I can't believe you are out here moving recklessly like that when we had an agreement." Nicki ranted as she sipped from her glass and paced.
"I always let you fuck me raw because I trusted you, I trusted that you would never infect me with anything but that shit is a dub now, I'm not ever having sexual contact with you again."
Abel sighed and slumped in his seat in exasperation, he had already explained to Nicki that he was fucked up and had no recollection of fucking that girl, but it wasn't enough for her.
Abel knew from their past experience that if he didn't find a way to shut Nicki the fuck up, she would be venting all night long.
"Come over here and climb on my face." He mutters, cutting her off in the middle of her rant.
Nicki stop pacing and turns around to glance back at him to see if he was dead ass.
"Nigga, what? Did you not comprehend what I just said to you?" She questions.
Abel rises to his feet and walks over to her, she stays silent as he lifts her into his strong arms and sits her down on top of her pink grand piano, and settles between her legs to talk to her.
Nicki quickly kicks him back a bit with her toes and crosses her legs to keep him from pressing his hard dick up against her, she knew all of his sneaky moves already.
"Come on, sweetie. Don't be like that with me." Abel playfully grabs Nicki's feet and kisses her pretty pink toes.
"I should make you suck on them." Nicki wiggles her toes in his face, scrunching her adorable face up with an attitude.
"Open your legs and I can suck on something else..." Abel says, causing Nicki's thighs to clench, she tries to play it off, but he notices.
Nicki puts her leg down. "You can't suck on anything on me, go to one of your hoes."
"I can't suck on that pretty pussy of yours, baby?" He turns his head to the side and bites his lip as he asks, in a soft yet deep tone, causing Nicki's already damp thong to become wetter.
"Come on, mama. You know you love wetting up my face... I eat your pussy until your juices are dripping down my chin and you're crying and begging for me to stop..." Abel taunted Nicki.
Flashbacks flashed through her mind of Abel's head between her legs, licking and feasting until multiple orgasms rippled through her and her body couldn't take anymore.
Onika quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of her head and remained stone-faced, she wanted Abel to fuck her but was too pissed and prideful to admit it.
Abel sighed in defeat, realizing his sexual advances couldn't get him out of this mess.
"I know I fucked up, and I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have gotten that fucked up, I should have never done anything with that girl. I don't even remember being inside of her, it meant nothing to me... I showed you the results from my doctor, I'm clean and I promise I won't slip up again." Abel speaks softly.
"All dudes say that shit..." Nicki rolled her eyes, but Abel grabbed onto her chin to make her look at him.
"I never gave you a reason not to trust me before this one childish mistake, don't ruin all that we have with each other for this. You know what you do to me, ma and you know you're the only girl that I've been with since we first started this whole shit." Abel whispers sincerely, gently caressing Nicki's face.
Nicki glances away and breaks eye contact with him, refusing to look into his dark eyes because she could feel herself being slowly drawn in once again and she wanted to be mad at him longer. They both knew she could hold a grudge for years.
"Look at me, baby. Why won't you look at me?" Abel asks, his hand rubbing up and down her thick thigh.
"No!" Nicki says stubbornly, crossing her arms like a brat.
He smiled slightly, low-key loving her bratty attitude and stubbornness because it just made him fuck her harder.
He tried to kiss her pouty lips but she quickly turned away which made his lips land on her cheek.
"How could I even be with anyone else... I love being deep inside of you..." He leaned up and kissed her neck slowly which caused her to tense, he trailed his seductive kisses downward until he reached her soft collarbone.
"You love it when I'm deep inside, don't you, baby?" He whispered against her skin, his hands reaching up to untie her robe.
Nicki didn't stop him, her eyes closed at the contact of his soft lips, she needed some dick badly and they both knew it, especially since she didn't let the dude that she has been seeing for the past two weeks hit at all.
Nicki, bit on her lip to suppress a moan when Abel's hand snaked around her neck and squeezed it gently, she loved that shit, it set something off inside of her.
"You didn't let him fuck did you?" Abel inquired, he could tell by how Nicki was reacting to him that she hadn't been fucked since the last time he fucked her.
Nicki shook her head no slowly, whimpering when she felt Abel's tongue trailing over the sensitive parts of her skin.
"I almost did, but I stopped him before he could slip in." Nicki timidly admits, reopening her eyes to see Abel sexily peering up at her with the sexiest look in his eyes.
"Why'd you stop him?" Abel inquires as he uncrosses Nicki's thick thighs and opens them to pull her close.
"Because I wanted you...." Nicki breathlessly admits to him. "But you were too busy in Paris being a nasty ass nigga."
Nicki felt herself getting annoyed with Abel all over again, but it quickly faded when Abel's tongue began to slowly swirl circles all over her breasts.
He then kissed all over them, causing her nipples to harden.
Nicki whimpered. "Get the fuck away from me! I am still mad at you!" She said, trying and failing to keep her attitude with him. 
Abel paused in the middle of his seductive kisses and peered up at her from in between her supple breasts.
"You can still be mad at me while I'm giving you this dick... Grab onto me." Nicki wraps her arms and legs around him tightly and he lifts her into his arms and begins to carry her towards her bedroom.
They don't even make it inside before Abel has Nicki pressed against the door, kissing her roughly. Onika cups the sides of his face and kisses him back, sliding her tongue into his mouth.
Abel sucks on it, gripping and squeezing her juicy ass as his hands explore underneath her silk robe.
Nicki gasps against his lips when his hand trails over her hip and suddenly cups her fat pussy. He starts to rub on her clit through her panties which causes her to whimper.
He moans when he feels it, his fingers becoming wet in her juices that are soaking through her thin thong.
"You're so fucking wet, I can't wait to be deep inside of this pussy, baby." Abel groans, kissing Nicki as his fingers massaged her clit.
"Why were you doing all of that fronting and shit for, like you didn't want some dick?" Abel asks. "You are dripping for me..."
Nicki moaned, gripping the back of his head and grinding her hips eagerly to meet his fingers. "I-I-I hate you..." Nicki stammered, Abel's fingers causing her to become scatterbrained.
"Show me how much..." Abel responds. He opens the doors of the bedroom and hastily carries her over to the bed.
In seconds her robe is taken off and her tiny thong is ripped from her body.
"Nigga! Don't be ripping up my sh- ugh!!" Abel shuts Nicki up by pushing two of his fingers deep inside her pussy.
"Shut up, I don't want to hear your smart-ass mouth. I just want you to make this pussy cum for me..." He demands.
He uses his free hand to yank her bra down before leaning over and taking her nipple into his mouth.
"Oh my gosh! Fuck!!" Nicki moans, grinding her hips to fuck his fingers while cradling the back of his head as she watches him suck on her nipples.
"You like how my fingers feel in that tight little pussy baby?" He dirty talked.
"Oh fuck, baby! Yes like that!" Nicki moans, grinding her hips in slow circular motions to grind on his long fingers.
"Mmm listen to how wet that pussy is for me, Daddy is making it so wet..." Nicki could see the darkness in Abel's eyes as he pulled away from her nipple to look down at his fingers slipping in and out of her, they were soaked in her juices.
Her pussy was making the sounds that macaroni and cheese makes when you stir it and Abel was obsessed with that sexy shit.
"Make it wetter, baby! Fuck! Ooh!" Nicki moans and begins grinding faster.
Abel watched Nicki intently, loving the faces that she made whenever he pleasured her and the sexy moans and noises that erupted from her.
"You look so fucking sexy grinding on my fingers like that, baby. That's it... Cum for me so I can lick it up." He sexily talks her through her orgasm and begins to roughly rub on her clit with his thumb to add to the pleasure.
"Fuck, yes. Don't stop, rub that pussy!" She moaned, gripping him tight as his fingers twisted and pumped inside of her mercilessly.
Nicki's body began to tremble and her shaken moans became louder, Abel could tell that she was seconds away from reaching her peak, but he suddenly pulled his fingers out.
Nicki's eyes shot open and she was vexed. "What the fuck! Why the hell would you do that? I was so close you dumb ass!" She argued.
Abel just smiled, he was intentionally toying with her and teasing her pussy just because he loved to watch her squirm.
He slapped against Nicki's juicy pussy roughly which made her scream out in ecstasy. "Who you talking to like that?" He inquired, suddenly shoving his fingers back in which caused her to scream and jerk around in the bed.
Nicki didn't respond to him, she was too overcome with lust and all of his teasing was just making her wetter.
"Keep talking to me crazy and I'll never let you cum. I will torture your ass all night." He threatened as he slipped his wet fingers even deeper, and curled them to hit her G spot, making Nicki moan his name.
This sexual torture went on for the next twenty-five minutes, with Abel bringing Nicki right to edge just to stop before she reaches her climax.
When he slowly started spreading her lower set of lips just to tease her again, Nicki was in full-blown tears and couldn't stop shaking.
Nicki whimpered a bit and grabbed onto his wrist to prevent him from toying with her pussy any further, she was past horny and ready for his length, but Abel wanted to play games.
He slapped her hand away. "Don't make me tie your ass up." He warned her.
He suddenly began rubbing his fingers over her tiny hardened clit rapidly, while leaning over to suck on her protruding nipples again.
He stared up at her intensely watching her gorgeous body writhe around underneath him and arch off of the bed.
The harder he rubbed the wetter she became and her moans were turning him on in ways that he couldn't explain.
"Rub it faster! Please!" Nicki gasps, digging her nails deep into the silk sheets underneath her as more hot tears built up in her eyes.
Abel intentionally slowed down which caused, Nicki to want to rip her fucking hair out.
The need to cum was next level, her body convulsed and sweat poured from her as she begged. "P-please. Please let me cum. Rub it faster, Abel! Please!" Nicki whined.
"You can barely even handle this speed baby, you are shaking." He moans against her breasts. "Your pussy is quivering too..."
"You like how daddy is touching you?" He comes up and kisses her deeply before burying his face into her neck to whisper in her ear.
"Yes." She whispers back in a shaken voice, grinding against his fingers.
"You want to cum?" Abel teases, feeling her tremble and whimper underneath him.
"Yes.. please." She whimpers, she's completely under his sexual spell and she can barely speak because her body is quaking in pleasure.
"Please what?" He teases her, easing two long fingers inside her tightness while continuing to stimulate her clit with his thumb.
Nicki bit on her tongue, she hated when he made her call him daddy to stroke his male ego, she felt so right uttering it when she felt like moaning it out but never when he prompted her.
Abel noticed her hesitation which just made his long fingers probe even faster until she was screaming at the top of her lungs and her little pussy couldn't take anymore.
"Ohh fuck! Daddy! Yes! I'm cumming!" She shouted and dug her nails into his shoulder.
He smirked when her pussy started dripping for him and her eyes rolled back into the back of her head as her orgasm ripped through her.
"That shit is so sexy, look at that cum dripping out of that pretty pussy..." Abel moans, slipping his fingers out of her and spreading her lower lips to admire her dripping treasure.
"Mmm shit... that pussy looks so good, baby. Let me lick up that fucking cum." Abel lowered his head and his tongue began to mercilessly lap up Nicki's warm cum.
"A-Abel!" Nicki screamed, grabbing onto Abel's head and sitting up a little in an attempt to stop him from licking, but Abel placed his hands on top of hers that rested on his hair and continued to mercilessly lap at her pearl, swirling his tongue all over it.
"Baby, stop pushing me away. Can I suck on your clit, please? I haven't tasted you in weeks and I just want you to cum all over my tongue... You taste so fucking good, peaches. Damn..." Abel moaned desperately as he spread open her lips to take her hardened clit into his mouth.
"Baby, please stop! Fuck! Ah!! You're gonna kill me!" Nicki started crying like a baby again and her body shuddered intensely as she threw herself back against the bed when he started sucking on her clit hard and fast, his head moving up and down as she grinds against his face.
Abel's mouth, beard, and nose were becoming coated in her sticky white cream, but it didn't stop him from eating. He slurped some of it up and spit it back onto her pussy, doing all of the nasty shit that Nicki loved.
"Baby, can I fuck your face? Please stick your tongue inside of my pussy..." Nicki pleaded and Abel wasted no time slipping his tongue into her tight hole. "Fuck my tongue..." he moaned as he began to slip it in and out.
They quickly got into a sexual rhythm and Nicki was grinding on his tongue like it was his dick.
Abel stuck his tongue deeper every time he slipped it out and he strummed her swollen clit with his finger.
Nicki was so wet that her ass was covered in her juices and Abel's face was dripping in it.
He plunged his warm tongue so deep that, Nicki couldn't see his face anymore, it was buried against her fat pussy and Nicki started convulsing again.
"Shit!! If you keep doing it like that Daddy I'm gonna squirt!" She screamed out as Abel sped up his tongue and rubbed faster.
Abel's fingernails dig into her thighs as she rocked back and forth on him. He finally lifted his head. "Oh, so you wanna squirt on my face, huh?"
He threw her back on the bed when he saw that she was trying to sit up. "Since you wanna squirt so bad, I'm gonna make you squirt."
Abel wipes his mouth and stared at her with a lustful look. He got up and grabbed Nicki's body wand from her drawer.
He was turned on and hellbent on sexually torturing Nicki for ghosting him for these past few weeks, now he was gonna make her cum until she couldn't move.
He got down between her legs. "Wait..." she gasped.
Before she could say anything else, he turned on the vibrator and held it down on her clit.
"Fuck...." she moaned.
"Ss.... fuck yeah, look at that shit dripping for me." Abel stared at her bead as he increased the vibration.
"Ahhh! Wait, baby..." Nicki tried to grab the vibrator, but Abel increased the intensity once again. "Oh fuck, wait! Oh shit..."
"Are you cumming for me? Cum for me, baby." Abel urged her.
Nicki, grabbed onto the sheets tight, breaking one of her acrylic nails in the process, and screamed loud as a powerful orgasm ripped throughout her body, but Abel didn't move the wand.
"Do you forgive me now, mama?" Abel whispered as he watched her pussy and legs quiver.
Her torso moved up and down and she nodded her head to answer him.
"Talk to me. Let me hear you say it, baby." Abel says in a sexy tone as he kissed her clit.
"Yes, Daddy!" She screamed.
Abel smiled and moved the vibrator from her clit. He then took it between his lips and began to suck on it while moving his long fingers in and out of her pussy once again.
"Shit, you're gonna make me squirt. Oh my god! Ah! Ahh!" Nicki placed her hands over her face.
"Make it nasty for me, mama," Abel whispered to her softly, he loved watching her have multiple orgasms.
Pretty soon, Nicki was squirming, squirting, crying, and cumming all over Abel's face.
Her body was laid out on the bed limp and she felt as if she was going to pass out.
Nicki was overwhelmingly turned on, exhausted, and breathless and she just laid in silence while her body continued to shake from her intense orgasm.
"You good, ma?" He asked softly as he climbed up to gently brush back the sweaty stray hairs that stuck to her forehead before kissing it.
"Fuck you..." She panted breathlessly as she shut her eyes. Nicki had never experienced anything like that, her legs were numb, and wouldn't stop shaking, her pussy felt like it had a heartbeat.
Abel laughed and kissed her on her soft lips over and over. "Gladly. Spread those legs, baby."
"Fuck you." She tiredly repeated as she pushed him away. He smiled and laughed.
"You can't take it, can you? If I wore you out mama, I can just carry you to the shower." He joked while he hovered above her, he kissed her addictive lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Nicki rolled her eyes. "Boy, please! If we fuck, you're cumming first. You can't even handle all of this good pussy."
Abel hovers over her and licks his lips. "I think I just handled that shit pretty well if you ask me, I see that, that pussy is still quivering and you damn near woke up the neighborhood with your screams... Just admit that you can't take this long dick." He stated cockily.
"Fuck me then." She stated boldly, running her hand over his beard.
Her slanted eyes landed on Abel as he stood to his feet and kicked off his boots before shrugging off his jacket and unbuckling his pants.
Nicki sat up and unfastened her bra as she watched him, he was so fucking sexy and he doesn't even try hard, the second his shirt slipped over his head she forgot why she was mad.
Her lust-filled eyes wandered down from his chest to his long, hard dick that sprang free from his boxers when he pulled them down.
Her mouth salivated at the sight of it, she motioned for him to come to her. "Bring that dick over here..." she lusted, sitting up on her knees at the head of the bed.
Abel felt his dick twitch just from looking at her, she sat on the bed looking so fucking good and all could envision is covering her in his cum.
Abel began to jerk himself off as he walked over to her naked and stood on the edge of the bed. He bit his lip while watching Nicki run her hands over her naked body, all the while focusing on his dick that throbbed for her.
"Mmm fuck... look at it. I want it inside of me." Nicki moans as she gently grabs onto it and begins to jerk it just like he likes it.
"That's your dick, baby. What are you going to do with it?" Abel moans, his dick throbbing in Nicki's small hands.
"It's my dick, Daddy? Tell me it's mine again." Nicki teases, sticking her tongue out to slowly lick against the swollen head of Abel's dick.
"Fuck, baby... it's yours..." Abel moans, throwing his head back in pleasure when she arches her back and leans over to wrap her soft juicy lips around the head of it and began to suck on it.
Nicki quickly got into a rhythm; jerking and sucking on his dick while he gripped her hair into a ponytail with his fist.
"Shit, baby. That feels so fucking good." He moans as he watches her. "You look so sexy sucking that shit."
"Mm." Nicki moans sexily in response before taking more of him into her mouth. She begins to suck him sloppily as he likes it, moving her head in a circular motion as she gagged on and slurped on his pulsing dick.
"Shit, Nicki... Fuck! You're sucking that dick so good baby." Abel's head dropped back and his eyes closed again.
Abel's eyes rolled back when she slipped it out of her mouth and spit all on it, letting the spit drip down to his balls, she then leaned over and licked all the way down and sucked it off while twisting her little hand around his dick.
Nicki smirks up at him when his hot pre cum begins to erupt from the bulging head of his dick and Abel begins to breathe unevenly, Onika could tell he was trying his hardest not to cum.
"Mmmm, you want to cum down my throat, Daddy?" Nicki teases. "I can feel that dick pulsing, you gonna cum for me?" She jerked it slowly, watching it pulse in her hands.
Abel yanked her ponytail hard, causing her to giggle. "Nicki, stop playing games with my dick... put it back in that pretty mouth of yours and suck it before I make you choke on it. You know I'm not with all that teasing shit." He threatened her.
"Mmm, make me gag on this dick." Nicki moaned as she took it down her throat again as deep as she can take it.
Abel's stomach tightened and his entire body shook and quaked as he watched his dick slowly disappear down Nicki's throat and he began thrusting his hips, fucking her mouth.
"Fuck, yes baby... let me fuck that pretty mouth. Shit, you are gonna make me cum down your throat! Shit! Oh shit!" Abel moaned.
He could steadily feel the intense release that he has been craving building inside of him, his body shook every time she took it down her throat and droplets of sweat popped up on his forehead.
The way, Nicki was sucking she put that bitch on the internet deep-throating on a cucumber to shame, she had Abel screaming and on the verge of cumming in her mouth in seconds.
The sexy sounds of her slurping and sucking drives Abel crazy and her head begins to bob up and down faster, causing curses to fly out of his mouth and his toes to dig into the carpet.
Abel's eyes roll back and he grips on her hair tighter. His moans become louder as she slobbers all over his dick while deep-throating it.
When she boldly takes it down her throat and holds it there, Abel almost cums in her mouth.
"Chill, baby. Chill!" He pulls her head up and shivers as he desperately tries to hold himself together. "You are about to make me cum."
"Mmm. What's wrong, Daddy? You can't handle it?" Nicki giggles as she starts to jerk him off again while sucking his balls and seductively peering up at him.
"Get your ass up here," Abel wraps his hand around Nicki's neck to pull her up before leaning in to kiss her lips passionately and deeply.
Without a word, he pushes her back onto the bed and lifts her legs onto his shoulders.
He then slowly slips his dick inside of her, causing them both to gasp and moan. "Oh shit, baby..." Abel grunted.
"Ooh fuck..." Nicki whimpers, closing her eyes when she feels Abel penetrating her deeper, he grips her hips and fucks her slowly, giving her deep strokes that caused her breasts to bounce with each thrust.
Nicki loved when they fucked in this position, so she could feel him so deep that it hurt.
It was a pleasuring pain and she didn't want him to stop.
Abel leaned over and wrapped his hand around her neck, choking her lightly while continuing to stroke in and out of her tightness slowly, feeling her snug walls wrapped tight around him made him want to cum but he held it.
"Fuck, you feel so good, baby. Your pussy is so good. Grind on my dick." Abel rasps, peering down at her pleasured face and bouncing breasts.
Nicki's eyes watered as she gripped the sheets and looked up at him in a sexual daze, her mouth is slightly gapped and each stroke causes her moans to rise higher in octave.
Abel leaned down and started to kiss her neck slowly as he pumped himself in and out of her slowly. Nicki loved hearing his deep moans.
"This shit is mine..." he grunted in her ear. "You hear me?"
Nicki didn't answer him, she just continued to pant through the pain.
"You gonna fucking answer me," Abel tightened his firm grip around her neck and looked into her eyes. He started to pump into her hard and deep but slowly all at the same time.
"Abel!" She held onto him and scratched his back as he pushed deeper inside of her. She started to moan louder and push against his stomach, but he grabbed her arm and pinned it above her head.
"Move your fucking hand and answer me, ma.." Abel grunted.
"Oh shit! Ahh!" Nicki screamed.
"Answer me," He said in a deep tone as he whispered and moaned in her ear.
"Fuck!! It's yours...ohh shit it's yours, baby..." Onika screamed.
Abel, pulled out slightly to reposition himself and he smiled when he looked down.
"Look at all that cream covering my dick, baby. Fuck I love being inside you." He started to rub her clit as he slid in and out of her.
"Oh fuck..." she said in a high-pitched tone. "Daddy! Your dick is too big!" Nicki whimpered as she grinds underneath him.
"Look at you, taking that dick..." Abel groaned while burying his face against her neck, sexily kissing and sucking all over it.
"Ooh! Shit! You're gonna make me cum again..." she panted and whimpered breathlessly.
Abel began stroking deeper and faster than before, but he suddenly slowed down.
"Shit..." he panted.
Nicki looked up at him and smiled. "Are you about to cum for me, Daddy?" Onika whispered as she stared up at Abel's strained and scrunched-up face with her signature smirk.
She began to grind quickly underneath causing him to strain.
"Fuck, Nicki don't." He whimpered, biting down on his lip.
"Why? I want you to cum for me." Nicki whispered to him seductively.
"Ahhhh.... shit..." Abel moaned and bite down on her shoulder as he began to shake.
"Ooohhh.... you can't handle all this good shit, huh?" Nicki teased Abel as she bounced underneath him.
"You're not about to make me cum first." He moaned in a strained voice.
Before Nicki could protest or stop him her legs were pinned over her head and he was pounding into her G spot, she couldn't move so she was forced to take the gut-rearranging strokes.
"Ahhh!!! Ahhhh!!!" Nicki cried and screamed as she felt her orgasm building and as much as she tried to fight it, she came all over him.
"Mmm... that's it, baby. Cover my dick in that cum." Abel moaned and shook as he started nutting right after her, shooting it deep inside of her.
Nicki whimpered tiredly when she felt the warmness of it, and as debilitated as she was after cumming so many times, she finally gathered enough strength to reach up and slap the shit out of him.
Abel grabbed the side of his face. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?" He gritted as he wiped the sweat from his face and collapsed beside her.
"Who told you, you could cum in me nigga? I'm still mad at you! You're lucky that I'm on birth control or I would have thrown your bitch ass off of that balcony over there!" Nicki spat.
Abel stared over at her in disbelief and just shook his head.
Even after that all he had done to please her, she still had an attitude and used him for his tongue and dick.
He watched as she sighed adorably and curled up in a comfortable ball as she slipped on her bonnet and sleeping mask.
She pulled her pink silk sheets and a white fur blanket over her naked body and loudly said "Alexa, turn off the lights!"
"Drive safe and put on my security system when you leave out, close my bedroom doors too," Nicki said.
"Are you dead serious right now?" Abel inquired, but she was already fast asleep.
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I was 14 when I first met Ziva David and loved her so much that she deeply influenced me.
I was 19 when I had to say goodbye to her and felt like i was saying goodbye to someone i loved. Like i was saying goodbye to someone who helped me through hard times, who gave me comfort and safety when i had nothing else.
I was 25 when i first felt hope that maybe Ziva was going to come back to me.... and experienced true disbelief when I got home after a almost 24 hour flight and saw that my Ziva was back....
I was 26 (three days after my birthday to be exact) when I watched Ziva step back onto that elevator and wondered once again if i would ever see her again.
I am 30 now... and i feel like I'm fourteen again. I feel like a friend is returning to me, and that everything is going to be okay.... I can't be normal about this. My Ziva is coming back to me, and i feel hope that i am going to finally get the Tiva i have been hoping for so long.
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taylorsburningred · 1 year
after a very impromptu flight and a costume made in a little less than 24 hours, i was lucky enough to see my favorite person again last night. my mom surprised me with tickets to the show in philly last night and they were the same exact seats we sat in during the speak now world tour back in 2011. it was a crazy full circle moment and a very emotional one for me. taylor, you have been my guiding light for the past 17 years and being able to experience this tour is something that will be a core memory for me. when taylor spoke about marjorie last night, it hit me harder than ever before. all the best memories i have with my grandmother are in taylor’s hometown, which makes this song 100000000x more special to me. when i say forever and always, i mean it💜🦋
thank you for the past 17 years @taylorswift they mean more to me than you will ever know💕
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jaydoronila · 2 years
Home will never be the same
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“You only realize the worth of something when it’s gone”, that quote plays an important role behind the meaning of the various painful happenings in my life. I was raised in a privileged setting, not everyone can say they were born and raised abroad and I do believe that I had opportunities people are willing to die for. My parents sacrificed a lot just to be able to make a living outside of the Philippines. Hong Kong an “Asian tiger”, an outstanding city that homes many people with many dreams was what I called home. I lived in Hong Kong for about 13 years. I adapted the Chinese culture, I learnt the basics in Cantonese language, and I had access to a lot of convenience. Before I moved to the Philippines. I used to live a mindset that nothing drastic could change my life because I was so contented, I didn’t want change, I didn’t need change and I was genuinely happy with my life. But when my parents mouthed the words “Jay, we’re moving back to the Philippines.” I felt like time had stopped.
It was hard, I couldn’t accept the fact that I had to leave the comfort of home I have had for 13 years yet alone be separated with the people that I love. I can say that was the lowest point of my life at the time, but lesson learned. Time moves fast and we learn how to grow with the scars that make us who we are. I met new people and I had a grip of life again but deep down inside me a part of my soul remained home sick for years. Without the support of my friends here in polomolok, I would’ve probably been the same Jay crying oceans wondering why my life had to turn upside down. I owe my recover to my best friends. I owe my healing to them. As a resident in Hong Kong, a requirement has to be fulfilled for all residents residing outside of Hong Kong. You must be Able to travel back in Hk within a 3-year window or else your residency would be cut off. It was around April 2022, my stay in Philippines would be near its third anniversary which dates on July 26 2022, the same date I left Hong Kong in 2019. The pandemic was at a rampage. The travel restrictions, the rise in cases and the fact that I had to travel alone made those months the most stressful moment I had ever encountered as a 16-year-old. The stress was unbearable but worth it because the excitement of getting to travel back and heal my home sickness would pay up for it so to me it was worth everything but yet again the universe had tested my patience. I was diagnosed positive with the covid virus before the day of my flight. I remember it all so clearly like it had just happened yesterday. It was a travel requirement to have a pcr test done within 24 hours before my flight and I didn’t feel sick at all and I had no symptoms so of course I felt sure that the results would come out negative. I experienced what you call Deja vu, a familiar feeling with a familiar happening. It reminded me of the exact time my parents told me 3 years ago that I had to say bye to the life I loved. I felt my blood rushed down to my knees when the nurse told me I was positive for covid. I can still picture the face of worry my mom had and it surely made me question why the universe had played me so dirty. Now at 16, I can say that, it really did win first place as the lowest point in my life. I silently cried in the car as we drove back home, I downplayed my worth a lot and blamed myself for the things I had no control over. The ignited excitement I had, diminished into nothing but disappointment. I felt so bad for my parents, they did so much to make this possible for me and I felt like the biggest black sheep in the family for causing them so much trouble. But with the reassurance that my mom gave me, I felt comforted in a way that reminded me of what I needed to do and that was draw strength in order to revive an optimistic mindset. It was hard but I focused on what made me happy in order to heal from all the pain that these mishaps had caused me. I studied hard, I read books, and I found happiness in the presence of my own company. And as the days went by, I had healed from the pit of sadness I was being buried in but no matter how much I tried to be optimistic the day I feared came by once again, it was a rematch between me and my trauma. I got tested again for covid before I could fly back and with glee, I received negative results. The luggage I had was already collecting dust as my trip was delayed by a month but I am proud to say I travelled alone at 16 during a pandemic.
With full honesty, that was truly the highlight of 2022 for me and I live life today remembering the values of being patient and resilient because if I didn’t work on my own healing, I wouldn’t learn the importance of all those hardships that molded me to be the person I am today. At times we forget how crucial it is for us to accept our fallbacks and because of that we tend to victimize ourselves for the things that we completely have no control over. There is always a bigger picture, there is always a tomorrow filled with obstacles, and if we don’t learn to embrace our pain, we won’t grow to be better versions of ourselves. I can now say that I’m proficient in being patient. My story reminds us all that our desires will come to us in the right time.
。・°°・End of blog ・°°・。
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The Weekend Update: February Weekends!
The past few weekends have been really fun and exciting. I want to take you guys weekend by weekend to show how easy it is not only to travel around Europe, but also the benefits of staying in your home away from home for a weekend. 
My first weekend was actually a pretty unexpected travel weekend. I was in Prague for less than a week but remembered my mom was going to London on a work trip. I knew since we were so close, I had to visit! On Saturday morning I found a flight that would leave to London Sunday morning, with a return flight to Prague the following day (Monday) in the afternoon. Even though it was only 24 hours I was in London, we had an amazing time together and I would not trade the experience for the world. I have been to London once before with my family 7 years ago and being back made me realize how much I remembered from my previous trip. 
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When I arrived in London, we went and grabbed some fish and chips, then went on our own walking tour of the classic London attractions: Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye, and finished up at a Pub watching a football game, yes that’s soccer :) 
By the following morning, it was already time to go on the hour Uber ride to the airport. Even though it was for one real day, I would not want to change it for the world. Having my mom for a little bit, really helped me adjust completely to my abroad lifestyle and I am so fortunate to have the opportunity to see her so soon after going abroad. 
The following weekend was also a last minute type of trip. Ashley and I were looking at inexpensive locations near Prague for both travel and accommodations once arriving in the city. We realized that the best location would be in Berlin, Germany.
To preface, I was excited to see Berlin but also had an underlying eeriness to it since I am Jewish and Berlin was the center of the Nazi Party during WWII. Additionally, I was excited to go because when my grandfather was in the Soviet army, he was stationed throughout East Germany, specifically Berlin and Dresden, which was pretty much the exact bus route I took. 
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Once arriving in Berlin, I already had unwritten “beef” with the city, but I tried not to let it influence my opinion of my trip there. We got to our hostel and ended up becoming good friends with our roommate, her name was Paula and from Argentina. She gave us recommendations throughout the city and we started exploring!
We got to see the Brandenburg Gate, the Jewish memorial in Berlin, as well as the main Cathedral.
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I wish we could have gotten to see more (including the wall) but it was pouring rain the full day we had there and it was impossible to get around. Definitely have to go back for another trip.
Additionally, nightlife and techno is something that is a part of Berlin culture. We went to a bar and ended up also making friends with some girls from Berlin as well as Ukraine.  
Side note: in Prague too, there are a lot of Ukranians, it is absolutely horrific what is going on two countries away from me too. 
On our walk though, we passed by the Russian embassy in Berlin. They had a recreation of Alexi Navalny’s jail cell as well as a Ukrainian memorial. Walking around Berlin made me realize how close I am to the conflict and how some of the amazing people I am meeting are completely displaced from their homes with war terrorizing their homeland. 
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This weekend was a really special weekend for me. One of my closest childhood friends, Gianna, was coming to visit! She is studying abroad in Edinburgh this semester and came to Prague for the weekend…. thus, tour guide Hannah came out!!!!
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We went to Prague Castle, the top of the clock tower, and honestly I went to more tourist places during this weekend than before. We went to different markets and would not trade the experience.
I felt like walking around the city with Gianna helped me gain a new perspective of how amazing Prague really is. It is a truly hidden gem in Europe and everyday here I learn something new about the city and the Czech culture. 
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Having her here was also like another piece of home was with me. Seeing how much she is thriving in Scotland prompted me to book a flight to visit her!!
Last weekend in February calls for the monthly CEA excursion, these excursions are included in our study abroad tuition which is really nice to have! This weekend we went to Cesky Krumlov, the whole town is a UNESCO World Heritage site! 
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It is a two and a half hour bus ride and I got to be able to go with my entire program. It was a really nice way to get introduced to those in my program whom I do not have classes with. 
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When arriving we went around the town to explore and then had tours of the castle tower and the theater there that is in complete Baroque style. 
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At night, we went to a cafe and then a typical Czech restaurant, where I had the goulash :) 
The next day was really cool… we didn’t know the weekend that we were there, Cesky Krumlov had their annual pig slaughtering event. No pigs were harmed during the event but an entire street had tables and had a whole pig roast and the pig that was used was made into many different traditional Czech food items, my favorite being the pate given
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 I felt really fortunate to be able to experience this cultural celebration and it was a great way to finish off the weekend!!
This next month is also filled with a lot of travel… Current travel plans for March include:
London again (for 12 hours this time!)
Lake Como and Venice, Italy
Dublin, Ireland
Salzburg and Hallstatt, Austria
Edinburgh, Scotland
See you in the next blog!
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joinmytrip0 · 6 months
9 Tips How To Find The Best Accommodation in USA
The right place to stay for all your needs, requirements and budget is among the main steps for you are planning your trip by yourself.
Once you've decided on your destination to go to and completed the transportation, the next step is to make reservations for your accommodations. In this regard, I've put together in this post some tips for finding the ideal accommodation for your needs.
Where can I get the best hotel?
1. Make reservations on Airbnb or Booking
Make use of one of these platforms to look up and reserve accommodation. On Booking, you will locate a wide range of hotels, hostels and guesthouses, as well as apartments While Airbnb concentrates on apartment-style rentals.
I would recommend these sites I would recommend using them, particularly Booking because of the protection they give you as well as the ongoing assistance you are able to contact. When you leave, you have the confidence that whatever may happen, Booking will not leave your vehicle and offer alternatives in the event of an unexpected incident within the hotel booked. Examples: There were instances where hotel or guesthouse proprietors informed guests that they would not be able to receive guests on the day of their arrival due to numerous reasons. The booking service is available in these situations, and offers options to move in other places.
It is also possible that, following the discovery of an accommodation that you like on Booking You can call the owner or hotel direct, in order to obtain an improved rate. If you do get that money back however, this isn't an option for travel that I suggest due to the security issues an online platform such as Booking provides. Sometimes, tranquility of the peace of mind is well worth the cash.
Additionally, to Airbnb or Booking, there is also Agoda that is well-known for places within Asia.
Hostels, hotels, resorts and other
Find the lowest prices on over 2,000,000 properties around the globe.
2. Determine the kind of accommodations you're looking for
Before booking anything it is essential to determine the exact type of lodging you require, and start by addressing these questions:
What is the number of people you are traveling with?
In relation to the number of guests, you'll be able to choose the best option for your needs. In the case of example, if you have a group of six, a house with 1-2 rooms is less costly than three rooms in the hotel. If there are just two people, perhaps you don't need to pay to rent a room for four individuals.
Are you a car-dependent traveler?
If you're traveling with a vehicle or plan to lease an automobile at the destination the chances are you'll likely require a hotel that has parking space.
Are you required to drop your baggage at the hotel?
In many cases, if you are flying early and you arrive at your hotel prior to check-in or if you are on returned flights that are late, you'll need to put your baggage somewhere to ensure that you do not have to wander around city and carry them around all day. In such situations I will always search for hotels that have storage space for luggage.
Do you arrive late to your hotel?
If you're certain you'll be arriving late to the lodging, search for an accommodation that has a 24-hour front desk or a hotel with self-check-in. There are many hotels that, particularly the privately owned ones, which don't allow early check-in.
Are you in need of breakfast?
Do you need internet with wireless?
3. Stay in a hotel with free cancellation
A key thing I'd strongly recommend to make reservations with no cancellation fees.
Although it may be more practical to reserve an accommodation that is not refundable due to the cost difference it is my recommendation to opt for a free cancellation as often as is possible.
Unforeseen incidents can happen in any moment and it's regrettable to forfeit all of the cash if you don't arrive at your accommodation.
4. Read the reviews
Be sure to read reviews prior to selecting a hotel (on Booking.com or Google Maps). In my opinion review reviews provide the highest quality of a label an accommodation could have. You can learn relevant details through the experience of guests who have stayed in the unit: how tidy the place is, whether there was peace, whether the hosts were polite as well as what's in the vicinity (shops or restaurants, methods of transportation) as well as. It is crucial that a hotel has sufficient reviews so that they are as definitive as it is.
5. Try to find a place that is as close to the centre as is possible.
I would suggest that you find lodging as close to central area as is possible and at a minimum, close to the public transportation system and the railway station. While the price of a place to stay located in the city center is greater than the ones in the outskirts or out of the city I believe that the amount of time and cash that you save on transportation to the city center is well much more worth the extra cost. In addition, you'll experience peace and are likely to enjoy your experience better if you choose to stay close to all tourist destinations. Additionally, within the region you won't have a shortage of food and restaurants.
6. Filter the filter and select the most suitable option for your accommodation.
Make sure to set the filters for search in Booking, and select the ideal accommodation to suit you and your preferences, it should also be the most practical for your money.
If I am looking for accommodation through Booking these criteria are required for me to use:
Based upon our requirements I'll also add different options such as breakfast, reception at the front desk for those occasions when I'm late to check-in, parking if I am traveling by car and swimming pool.
I categorize the results by the price increase and take a look at accommodation with at most 20 reviews. I also consider it essential to locate supermarkets in the vicinity however, if you are staying located in central areas the issue is not an issue. Based on this arranged list I pick the most comfortable accommodation for the best price and under my requirements.
7. Check out the cost on mobile phones.
When I book the hotel Prior to booking, I review the rate in the browser to those of the mobile application. Sometimes, additional prices were listed on mobile phones and sometimes, much less.
8. Pre-book your tickets early
As with purchasing plane tickets, if you reserve your hotel ahead of time, you'll surely find more affordable and superior alternatives.
9. The cheapest does not necessarily mean the top
At the end of the day I'd like to highlight something, and that is the cheapest accommodation may not always the ideal choice for you. Avoid the most affordable accommodation, as there are often issues like heat, cleanliness or building construction. It could also be issues with unfriendly owners.
Make sure you find the best accommodation that meets your preferences, and then use the filters available on booking sites. Be sure to read reviews about the units of accommodation, so that you understand what to expect when you reach them.
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flyustravelscom · 8 months
What to do if USA to India Flights get delayed?
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Bad weather, air crew strikes, and other unplanned events can make your trip plans impossible, causing flights to be delayed or cancelled. What should you do in this situation, and what are your rights? Find out what happens if your direct flights to India from USA is delayed or cancelled in this Skyscanner India help. It also tells you if, how, and when you can get money back.
What happens if my USA to India Flights is delayed?
There are different ways that delayed direct flights to India from USA situations can happen, and your rights will depend on what you are going through. The DGCA has put together the following guidelines on customer rights. However, travellers should always check with their USA to India flights or travel planner for exact rules and deadlines, as these can change depending on the situation and how they booked their trip.
If your direct flights to India from USA is delayed for two hours or more, you may be able to get free food or drinks, based on how long you had to wait.
If you have been waiting for a domestic USA to India flights for more than 6 hours, the company has to give you a new departure time more than 24 hours before the original one. The company will also have to give you a different trip within 6 hours or return your whole ticket for free.
If your direct flights to India from USA is delayed by more than 24 hours (or more than 6 hours for planes leaving between midnight and 3:00), and you were told about the delay more than 24 hours before the original departure time, you are entitled to free hotel accommodations.
What happens if my USA to India Flights is cancelled?
If an airline cancels a flight, they should usually let you know at least two weeks before the planned departure time. This is because cancelled flights can mess up your trip plans. Also, they should either find you another USA to India flights or give you your money back. But this doesn't always happen, so travelers should check with their direct flights to India from USA or an online ticket service because rules and conditions can change.
If you find out about the cancellation less than two weeks before your USA to India flights but more than twenty-four hours before your flight, the airline should either give you a different ticket or return your original ticket.
If you weren't told what to do or missed a connecting direct flight to India from USA that was planned under the same ticket number, the airline should either give you another flight that works for you or give you money back in full.
If you planned your trip through an OTA, the rules may be different. Because each agency is different, you should call customer service or look at the websites of the major online travel agencies to find out when, how, and if you can get a return for a canceled trip. Not sure how to begin? The help page for Flyus travel might be able to help you.
How much compensation for USA to India Flights can I claim?
As required by law, the company must let you know about the cancellation at least two weeks in advance, or they must pay you directly. This amount also changes based on who you planned your trip with, such as a direct flight to India from USA or an online ticket company. These are the rules that the DGCA has given.
If the USA to India flights has a block time of up to and including one hour, the fee is INR 5,000 or the one-way booked basic fare plus fuel charge, whichever is less. If the direct flights to India from USA has a block time of more than one hour and up to and including two hours, the fee is INR 10,000 or the one-way booked basic fare plus fuel charge, whichever is less. If the USA to India flights has a block time of more than two hours, the fee is INR 10,000 or the one-way booked basic fare plus fuel charge, whichever is less.
According to the DGCA, the airline must also give you free food and drinks while you wait for your new flight. However, this only applies if you have already checked in for your original flight. Besides getting you to a different airport or station if the new direct flights to India from USA needs it, the airline will also pay for it if they tell you about the change less than 6 hours before the flight. But keep in mind that you will only get money back if you gave the right contact information when you booked.
Please keep in mind that payout rules can be different. There may be a fee for using online travel companies (OTAs), and airlines may have special rules about how to book flights. Before you book, you should always check the USA to India flights or OTA's rules.
How long before I get my refund?
The time it takes to process a refund will depend on the situation, so be patient. If everything goes as planned, you should get your return right away if you paid cash or within 7 days if you paid by credit card and from the travel company if you booked through them. But if there are a lot of cases, wait times may get longer. When you make a claim, make sure you ask your direct flights to India from USA or OTA how long the process should take.
Can I get a refund if I miss connecting direct flights to India from USA?
It is very unlikely that you will get your money back if the first direct flights to India from USA is canceled or delayed and you miss your connecting flight. This is especially true if the USA to India flights is a different company. This means that planning linking trips with the same company, even if it costs more, is a good idea.
How can travellers get a compensation?
If you want to get paid, you can talk to the contact officer of the company in question. Remember that you have one month to settle any disagreements. Also, remember that when you file your claim, you need to share all the papers the company asks for so the process goes smoothly. These include your name, address, phone number, the credit card number you used to buy the ticket, the number of the ticket, the direct flights to India from USA number, the date of your trip, and your mailing address. If the problem still can't be fixed with the central officer, you can take it to the airline's supreme authority. Firms like RefundMe can help you make the claim if you are having trouble doing it on your own. When airlines in India, like IndiGo Airlines and GoAir, get settlement claims because of delays or cancellations, they follow the rules set by the DGCA. Check out your airline's website to find out how they handle cases if you're not sure.
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tasnimulblog · 9 months
For Anyone Looking To Start, Scale, and Grow A Digital Business In 2024
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"New Book Reveals How I Built A 7-Figure Online Business Using Nothing But Ethical Email Marketing To Drive Revenue, Sales and Commissions...”
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Without Ever Creating a Product, Without Fulfilling Services, Without Running Ads, or Ever Doing Customer Service – And Best of All Only Working 30 Minutes A Day, All While Automatically Generating Sales 24/7
Introduce Vendor
Matt Bacak's book "The Ultimate Lead Generation Plan" became a "#1 Best Selling Book" in just a few short hours using the secret power of leads and big lists. He has helped several clients target his specialty, opt-in email direct marketing systems. He is not only a sought-after digital marketer but has also marketed for some of the world's top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their email marketing strategies. In fact, he has been in email marketing since 1997. He put up his first optin page in 2001 He has mailed up to 4.1 million emails a day for over a year He split-tests every day & he buys solo ads every day too. He co-runs the List-building club with over 18,000 members. His lists are growing by up to 10,978 subscribers a DAY! ... And just recently had the most affiliates ever signed up for a JV Giveaway launch... 2,656.
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What is the Secret Email System?
The Secret Email System is a counterintuitive approach to creating and running an online business, specifically the freedom lifestyle business model, that allows you to build a sustainable and profitable long-term business that gives you freedom, fun, and adventure.
We achieve this by creating a “business machine” that works for you 24/7 where your only job is to oversee the system, not to create products, or services where you have to chase new clients or deliver to them.
As a result…this frees you up to live and enjoy your life while the business works for you – this is the Secret Email System
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The Secret Email System is a shortcut. 
Before I created the  BMG10 Method – I was struggling with my online business for years and was on the verge of giving up.
I was working 60-80 hour weeks, chasing and talking to clients at all hours of the day – including weekends.
I built myself a job I never signed up for.
Which led me to questioning everything and eventually turning the entire online business model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of “running a business”
After several years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way – without anyone guiding me I’ve finally reached a point where I turned my online business into a machine that operates without me.
Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire Secret Email System I built by downloading a $5.60 ebook called The Secret Email System.
Get Instant Access>>>>>
Bonus #1: Irresistible Offer Video Guide ($97 Value)  
How to find a pick high converting offers that work.
Bonus #2: Secret Email System Checklist ($47 Value)  
Step-by-step flight checklist that makes sure you implement the system in the right order so you can get results.
Bonus #3: 3x Formula Calculator ($97 Value)  
The profit equation I use that breaks down subscribers, clicks, and EPC to help you maximize your sales.
Bonus #4: 2.1 Mill Email Swipe File (1,000 Emails) ($497 value)  
My own private email swipe files of 1,000 emails that’s responsible for $2.1 million in sales
Bonus #5: My Secret 357,582 Lead Gen Template ($297 Value)  
The same exact lead gen template I used to generate 357,582 leads!
Bonus #6: 10,978 New Leads—Daily Masterclass ($197 value)
How to generate high quality leads each and every day.
Bonus #7: Secret Of Millionaire Mind Book ($19 Value)  
9 Common characteristics of internet millionaires and how to adopt them for your own success.
Bonus #8: Gigantic Swipe File Book ($297 value)  
Words, phrases, sentences, attention grabbing headlines that you can use in your emails and for ideas and promotions that trigger leads to open emails which lead to sales.
Bonus #9: Free Breakthrough Session With My Team ($97 Value)  
A free 45-minutes strategy session with my team to help you get clarity and figure out how to implement the secret email system
Bonus #10: My Private Facebook Community (Priceless)  
Access to a private group of 20,000+ email marketers where you can learn, share, and network with some of the top email marketers in the world.
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Here's How I Went From Working 60-80 Hour Weeks To Only 5 Hours Per Week By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Digital Business Model Upside Down
This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before – Read The Story Below To Discover The Secret Email System…
From: the desk of Matt Bacak
Re: Your Freedom (and why this is your only way out)
Dear Future Email Marketer,
Surprised to see a $5.60 book on a sales page built to sell a $500 product?
I thought you might be…
Would it surprise you, even more, to learn that I sold over $23,480,824 worth of digital, physical, low-ticket, and high-ticket products & services….
Affiliate products
Flash Drives
$20,000 Coaching Programs
Strategy Sessions
T-Shirts & Hats
Mobile Apps
Audio Courses
$15-$50k Masterminds
Domain Names
Promotional Mailings
Home Study Courses
Group Coaching
Virtual Events
Live Events
Hand Written Notes
I sold all that using the same exact email marketing system which this new $5.60 book reveals.
You should be.
After all, you can’t believe everything you read online
Selling other people’s high-ticket products and earning up to $500-$5,000 / a sale.
he fastest way to make a million is to sell higher-ticket products. Which is why one of the greatest things about what I will share with you in this ebook and exactly what I told Anthony McCarthy…. You don’t have to sell low-ticket things, you can sell big-ticket items too!
With the information in this ebook and those words above he ended up breaking $100,000 in one month.
And you can BET… This Secret Email System is unlike any method you heard of before… …This is something completely different, because…
We don’t focus on free traffic strategies - because the reality is NOTHING is free and usually when something is FREE, the payment in the end is a lot bigger.
We don’t focus on Facebook, Google, or YouTube Ads - because the algorithm changes weekly and sometimes daily - making it near impossible to build a long-term sustainable business.
We don’t focus on creating our own products or services - because creating the product first is a surefire way to fail. How do you know anyone is going to buy your product in the first place?
We don’t focus on building blogs, Instagram, Snapchat, or any type of social media - because anyone, anywhere at any time can do it which means if it’s easily done, then it’s not valuable or sustainable.
We don’t do any content marketing - because content is useless without selling something. Who wants to create content for likes, followers, or freebie seekers
Instead, We Setup A Semi-Automated Money Making Machine Called The Secret Email System That One Thing And One Thing Only – Turn Leads Into Sales
Like I said… This is something completely different and it has the power to change everything for you……and I know that’s true… Because it changed everything for me.
The Secret Email System allowed me to get rid of 99% of all the BS that I hated in my online business…
Like having to manage 3 companies and 157 employees...
Like having to go to work every single day and wonder where the next sales are coming from to cover our overhead...
Like having to constantly create and sell new products and services - not knowing which are going to work and which won’t...
Like having to fight advertising networks like Google, Facebook, and YouTube to get the customers that we needed...
Like having to pay $30,000+ a month in overhead to support the business...like web hosting, software, phone services, office rent, etc...
Just like you or anyone else who’s ever tried to create a successful business online.
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The business is working – while I’m not.
Unlike most other online business owners out there – who work far more than their business works for them…
You see, most online businesses will spend time, energy, and money trying to figure out where their next customers are coming from because they can’t afford not to…
… After all, no customers means no sales and no sales means no revenue and no business.
Instead of focusing on the business, they want to have.
They’re focused on figuring out how to get it to the point where they even like their business.
I did this for years, and it not only drove me crazy…
It drove me to the point where I was spending more time working than enjoying the money I did make.
Instead of me owning my business – the business owned me.
Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The Secret Email System And That“Old Way” Of Doing Things?
I really don’t work, because I love what I do.
Instead of dealing with employees, creating products, taking care of customer service or focusing on if the ads are bringing in sales or not… I do one thing and one thing only – I send an email at 11 am and I send another email at 11 pm. I send these emails to a list that I built by leveraging other people’s products and services. We do this by creating lead feeder websites because the truth is – 99% of online businesses don’t even know where to begin when it comes to monetizing their email leads. So here’s what my business looks like:
It’s Actually A Lifestyle-Building Machine That Generates Cash Every Month, Month After Month, Year After Year…
How many online business models have you seen come and go through the years?People starting Shopify stores and being out of business after 2 months because 48 other people started selling the same product that was carrying their whole business. Or others starting private labeling products and selling them on Amazon only to find out their private label suppliers are now competing with them… My online business has been alive and highly profitable for 15 years straight.That’s a solid cash machine if you ask me.
But the best part is I try not to get too involved in my business. The “system” behind it does everything for me. Now, speaking of longevity and the system… I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you. Here it goes: I am LEAVING MONEY on the table by showing you this. And the other gurus out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach.
We Go For Selling Other people's Products and services, Collecting 50%-100% Off The Sale While Building Systems That Are Repeatable And Automated
So we generate sales and get paid. They do everything else and generate sales. So I could show you how to create your own products, write sales copy, run ads, and all that, but the reality is – you wouldn’t want to… …Because the chances of you actually doing that are near zero. Or I could show you how to build a machine that works not once or twice, but every single month – without any of that. So remember this:The next time you hear someone selling you a course on how to start, grow or scale a digital business…
Consider this: Are they teaching you to create a complex business where you ultimately lack most of the skills to make it work only to make the entire product sound sexy or are they teaching you how to successfully sell things online where you only need to do one thing and one thing only? Which is generate sales.There’s no hope in that… …But here’s what there’s hope in and it’s found in this Secret Email System Book, which explains everything.
Because I Promise You…and I Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise.
You can build a stress-free lifestyle business of your dreams…
Whether that means making a few hundred extra dollars a month all the way to a 7-figure online business.
And once you start using this secret email system.
Making money online isn’t something you ever need to worry about again – or even think about.
It’s something that system does for you.
Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now – set it to two weeks from today.
Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Secret Email System book, that’s when you’ll start seeing your first sales roll into your business…
I guarantee it.That’s how easy this is.
I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…
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Affiliate Marketing Using Email As A Sales Tool Is One Of The Oldest, Time Tested, and Most Legitimate And Easy-to-start Online Businesses There Are
They typically have 2-4 times higher profit margins than eCommerce, and there is an endlessly hungry and ever-growing audience out there.
Just think about it:
How many people actually have an email account they check every single day? Or even multiple times a day?
How many companies need more sales? Hundreds of thousands.
How many people are actually buying through email? A LOT! I did $23 million in sales using email marketing.
How many companies out there are desperate to find new sales avenues that are not crowded? All of them!
How many companies out there would line up to pay you 50% to 100% to help them generate sales? Hundreds of thousands including Amazon, eBay, and a few other big ones.
You see, there is an endless list of products & services that companies would gladly have you promote for a percentage of sales.
Step 1. Build a list by using other people's leads that are not being monetized.
Step 2: Find and promote products & services that are related to those leads.
Step 3: Collect money.
The Secret Email System is an eBook, but more importantly, it is an approach to online business for the person who seeks freedom from a boss, the ability to live anywhere, and the choice to spend your time on things that you want.
Get Instant Access>>>>
Here’s What It Teaches You:
Pick A Market Where There Is Huge Demand.
Pick An Irresistible Offer That Someone Else Created.
Irresistible Affiliate Offer, Sign Up For The Program.
Buy Your Domain And Make Sure It's Related To The Irresistible Offer
Get An Autoresponder
Create Your Opt-in Page To Also Function As A Pre-frame Page To An Irresistible Offer
Send Traffic To Your Pre-frame Page/Opt-in Page To Build Your List Of Hot And Hungry Subscribers
Create A "Welcome Mat" Per The Book
Set Up An Autoresponder Sequence To Automatically Mail That Irresistible Offer Out To The New Subscriber Three Times.
Pick One of My Top Seven Traffic Sources To Get Subscribers (Or Follow The Instructions In The Ultimate Email Marketing Package)
Send Traffic To Your Pre-frame Page/Opt-in Page
Find An Offer, Mail An Offer
Uncover The Motherlode
10x It
We’ll also show you how to turn your business into a machine that can run without you so that if you want to you can actually sell the entire business since it is no longer depending on YOU!
If freedom and profit from the internet are what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.
And Before You Download The Secret Email System Book…
I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…
And you’re probably wondering:
“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…
So there has to be a “catch”…
And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.
This isn’t one of them. There’s NO hidden “continuity program” you have to try or anything even remotely like that.I’m literally giving you this entire book, for $5.60, as a means of “putting my best foot forward” and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you’ll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.
But, with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World
n Here’s the world’s best guarantee.
I know that before I get into anything…
…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.
And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.
And even though it’s only $5.60 – you worked for that money and it counts.
Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…
So here’s what I’ve arranged:
Download the eBook, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.
And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.
Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.
We’ll refund you your $5.60 and let you keep the secret email system book free of charge.
How’s that for the world’s best money-back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!
And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind…
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
This is for that person who wants to go to your laptop and finally make money online. It is also for the person who wants to build a list of people who want to buy over and over again so you can enjoy it.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
The Secret Email System offer is really fabulous. We want to make it so good that you’d feel like an idiot if you let it pass you by especially if you want to easily generate an income working a few hours a week. What you will get in this fabulous offer is the Secret Email System ebook and you’ll also get an advanced 90-minute training that will walk you through exactly how I get up to 10,978 leads a day. Plus, on top of all that you’ll get 10 amazing bonuses valued at $1,645. 
Do you offer more in-depth help?
Yes, nothing was held back from writing, this however, for the people that want further assistance with things I do proven to work, I do have opportunities to add upgrades to your purchase.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee in the strange case you don’t think it’s for you. I’ll even let you keep the book.
What is the Secret Email System?
The Secret Email System is a counterintuitive approach to creating and running an online business, specifically the freedom lifestyle business model, that allows you to build a sustainable and profitable long-term business that gives you freedom, fun, and adventure. 
How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Most people teaching this stuff don’t make as much money as me or they have only been around for a few years. The things that I’m going to share with you have all been proven super successful. There is no theory here. Anyone can blatantly copy this method. It will work for people just starting, people who want to quit their jobs, people who want to retire early, for people who just want to make a lot of money and have their own freedom business. You’ve probably seen this strategy in action several times in one way or another. But I’d venture to guess you haven’t started using it or making it work.  A large number of people have tried to use this method, BUT,  Most get it all Wrong. Each of them left out one or more key elements (which I reveal in this book) that make the strategy so effective. Leave one of these out and at best, you spend WAY TOO MUCH money, and at worst, your whole strategy crumbles into millions of pieces. Make sure you use each of the simple secrets, and you might not be able to keep up with the amount of money flooding into your bank account. 
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Final Opinion: Finally, I want to say that I have discussed the product in detail and given detailed information so that you can buy the product and try it out, it will not be bad, it will be good, and there is a 100% money-back guarantee, so use the product and earn money.
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