#my first time drawing a handshake so please excuse the quality
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laserbread · 1 year ago
Energon universe spoilers ahead!!!
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Me: I should go to bed
Also me: What if I drew something intensely difficult for a meme
370 notes · View notes
knjnvrland · 5 years ago
Prank Wars - ch. 8
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> pairing | jungkook x reader
> word count | 6.7k
> genre | college!au, fluff, smut, angst
> warnings | swearing, alcohol consumption.
> synopsis | College can be a stressful time in anyone’s life as it is, why don’t we throw a little prank war in the mix to make it harder?
> fic masterlist
> A/N | English is not my first language, I’m sorry for the eventual spelling mistake, please let me know if you find any!
CHAPTER 8 - New Year's
The end of year holidays went by fast. Alice and Yoongi went to her parent’s house for christmas, and the rest of the boys each went back to their homes, including you and your brothers. It was nice to spend a few days with your mother and having everyone home a few times a year was always motive for celebration.
It was a lot of food, some gatherings with family members you only encountered that time of year and a few good gifts amongst the terrible ones Jin and Taehyung gave you -Jin’s being kitchen supplies and Tae’s children's underwear, nudging to your most recent embarrassing moment provided by JK. Namjoon was the only brother who got it right, gifting you a couple books you were eager to read and new running shoes. Amongst all the celebrations, you barely stayed in touch with the rest of your friends, so you didn’t know that no one was excited about New Years when it was approaching.
Christmas with mom, New Year’s with dad. That’s how it always had been, ever since the separation. This year, however, your dad didn’t have plans to come home from America, instead planning a trip to Europe with his new family. The four of you, of course, were not invited. This didn’t came as a surprise, honestly, every year he would menage to royally screw up whatever it was that you planned. The crowning jewel was the year he flew everyone to Florida to spend the day at Disney but instead you commemorated the beginning of the new year stuck in traffic on the way there. He tried his best, you guessed, but it was never quite enough. 
This year he sent you your money-gifts, as always, and no explanation whatsoever about the change of plans. A couple of days before the 31st you and Joon heard your mother on the phone with him. She had planned a trip with a few of her other divorced friends to a spa near by, and would cancel it to spend the day with the four of you. You knew she would do so gladly, but it wasn’t fair, so you came up with something. You would tell her you made plans to take a trip to a ski lodge with your friends, and the four of you would just go back to university a few days sooner then you planned and spend the passage of the year together. She didn’t need to know and it didn’t really matter to you anyway, that date being wasted anyway.
So, on the 29th, the four of you, alongside Jimin who just wanted to scape earlier from his family’s infinite traditions, were driving back to campus on Jin’s old truck. Your mother had made enough food to last you until February and tried not to look excited that she didn’t have to cancel her plans, but you knew better.
She raised all of you, she deserved many years of quiet and relaxation for every few days spent all together. 
You went straight to the boy's place, as three of you lived there already and the rest not bothering going home at all, just crashing there for the next couple of days. What you didn’t expect, however, was to meet Hoseok as soon as you entered the apartment.
“The fuck are you doing here?” Hobi was laying the couch shirtless browsing his phone with the heater all the way up and loud music blaring from the tv speakers.
“I can ask you the same?” Namjoon dropped his bag by the door and went to greet his friend.
“My sister had a job thing and didn’t go home, so I just came up with an excuse as well” he explained while doing a handshake with both Taehyung and Jimin, who took their places by the older boy.
“Families, right?” Jimin hummed, grabbing the control to turn down the volume “at least we won’t spend new year’s alone”
“Speak for yourself” you reappeared from the kitchen, where you were busy helping Jin put the food away “I just want some peace and quiet, change of plans: I’m going back to the dorms” you were just about to grab your bag when Tae stood up and ran towards you, hugging your back and lifting you up to turn you to face the other way.
“No no no, sis, you have to stay here” he wouldn’t let go of you and you hated to admit that Jin dragging his ass to the gym must have started to have some effect “it’s been too long since we had some quality family time”
“I just spent an entire week with you!” You protested, still trying to set yourself free “and I literally see you guys everyday!”
“Please, y/n-ah” Jimin pleaded from his place on the sofa. You rolled your eyes and stopped struggling.
“Fine.” You huffed “but if I’m left to do the dishes alone I’m a hundred per cent not talking to any of you until classes start” Tae letted you go and you dropped back your bag, walking to sit in the middle of Hoseok and Jimin on the couch.
“Nice, now that we’re settled, what should we do?” Namjoon was way too excited for this.
The next day you woke up with loud talking in the living room, and amongst the voices you were hearing, there were a few you were not expecting.
You took a look around Namjoon’s room and saw that he was nowhere near, probably letting you sleep late since you were the last one to fall asleep last night, staying up with Taehyung like when you were teens. You were about to fall asleep on the couch when Namjoon woke up to go to the bathroom and told you to lay on his bed, and you fell asleep playing with his fingers like you always did when you were a kid in need of your older brother's protection against a monster under the bed. And now you could smell Jin’s pancakes, the one’s with cinnamon and butter he did on special no-school days and had you already in a great mood. This was already the best end of the year you had had in a long time.
You could tell, as soon as you left the warmth of the bed, that the day was specially cold, and when you opened the curtains you were surprised with the sight of snow falling down. You ran out of the room to let your current house mates know and was greeted by everyone, including Yoongi, Alice and Jungkook, all gathered in the living room looking outside at the snow filled balcony.
“Maybe if I’m fast it won’t make that big of a mess” Namjoon thought out loud.
“You always make a mess” Yoongi stated, hugging Alice closer to him.
“but I have to get them!” Your brother pointed at his plants, all slowly being covered by the frosty weather.
“Hey, sleeping beauty” Jimin was the first no notice you “I’m glad to see you awake” he came your way and you instinctively opened your arms to be embraced by him.
“What's going on?” You let go of him to go and hug Alice and Yoongi, staying in the middle of the two and just nodding Jungkook’s way, acknowledging his presence. 
“We’re stuck here.” Tae was the one who answered you. He was sitting on the floor, distracted drawing faces in the fogged up window.
“What?” You turned to Namjoon and Jin, hoping for a better explanation, but it was Yoongi who answered.
“We got snowed in, the news are warning people to get out of the roads and stay in” you looked at him and he shook his shoulders as if saying ‘what can we do?’
“But what are you doing here” you pointed between the couple and a second later pointed towards Jungkook as well.
“We were just passing by to go to Yoongi’s for the rest of the break” Alice explained “the warnings began when we were close to town, so we just decided to stop here. The boy’s place was closer so we called Hobi to ask him if we could crash here a couple hours” Alice winked at your friend who agreed with his head “and as soon as we got here it got worse and now we’re stuck.” She finished, but then pointed at Jungkook “i don’t know what he’s doing here.”
“He came by earlier” Jin pointed out, coming back with a couple of cups of warm coffee, handing one to you, which you took gladly “he never left town” Jungkook gave a nod, confirming the eldest story, but didn’t add anything, instead nudging Taehyung in front of him to get up and go with him to the kitchen.
You caught Jin and Yoongi sharing a look as soon as the youngest boys left, but it didn’t last long “it’s going to be crowded, but we can menage” your brother stated, and motioned everyone to go to the kitchen as well “breakfast is ready, who’s hungry?”
The second to last day of the year was spent with a lot of chatter and bickering. Your brother’s apartment was big enough for your weekly get togethers, but once all of you had to share the space for more then a couple of hours it got chaotic. Jin would be yelling at someone every couple of minutes about something, and him, Alice and Yoongi ended up stuck at the kitchen for almost the entire day, heating up food or cooking some more for the rest. You and Hoseok would help by every now and then but, admittedly, not in a significant way. The maknaes tried to help out filling up a couple of air mattresses Taehyung had -why he had them no one knew, but after that they did pretty much nothing. Namjoon managed to grab his smallest plants from the balcony and, of course, made a mess as expected, so a good hour of your afternoon was spent cleaning up after him. But after everything, all of you gathered on the floor around the coffee table to eat dinner as the makeshift family you were.
“Can you pass me the ketchup?” Hoseok pointed at the bottle next to you and you grabbed it to give it to him, but Jimin was faster and took it from you “hey!” The older boy complained, but to no avail, as the sauce was then passed to everyone on the table first before getting to him “you’re idiots” he said, when it finally got to him.
“We should play a game later” Alice suggested.
“No thanks” was the answer her boyfriend gave her, finishing up his food and standing up to ego to the kitchen.
“C’mon! It will be fun! I found some board games at Namjoon’s room when I went to shower!” Your brother glared at her but she pretended she didn’t see it.
“I'm down” Taehyung was the first to agree “I’m bored as fuck and there’s no one online to game with” Alice high fived him and eyed the rest of you expectantly. 
Jungkook stood up to also take his dishes to the kitchen and halfway there turned around “I’ll pass” he was in a weird mood all day and, although he participated and wasn’t that closed off, you could tell his chipper disposition was missing. 
“I guess I’ll play as well then” Jimin stole the final sip from your cup and stood up, grabbing your plate as well as his.
“Thank you” you smiled at him and turned to your friends “I guess it can be fun..” Hoseok rolled his eyes but nodded as well, and Jin gave you a thumbs up.
You settled on a game of monopoly -that you lost by a big margin on the two rounds you played. Alice winning the first one and Jin the second. You were smart with money in real life but apparently as soon as you got rich on the game you got cocky and lost it all. Taehyung and Jimin weren’t so chill about losing, specially when you settled that last places would do the dishes. Namjoon and Hoseok, staying in the middle, managed to scape, and settled in front of the tv to play a few rounds of Mario Bros once everyone got annoyed with the board game.
While you were playing Yoongi stayed at the sofa on his computer with his headphones turned so loud you could distinguish the music coming from it as the one’s he was working on, and Jungkook hid away in Namjoon’s room. At first he just went there to shower, but he never got back and everyone must have sensed that there was something off, since no one went after him and just letted him be. 
It was almost 1am when you were done with the cleaning up, Jimin bailing half an hour ago and leaving you and your sibling to finish up. Taehyung went straight to his room to shower and get some sleep -at least that’s what he said, but he was always a night owl and you were sure he would be back to play his videogame a little in no time. Alice and Yoongi took one of the air mattresses to Jimin’s room and you guessed the three of them must already be out as there were no noises coming from his door. Jin was still on the couch, but you could see he was dozing off, so you nudged him to go to bed. He had slept with Tae on his bed the night before, but the younger had the habit of curling himself around whoever he was sleeping with and Jin hated it, so he took the other air mattress this time. Hoseok and Namjoon were also nowhere in sight, so you assumed you were the last one standing and made your way to Joon’s room. As soon as you opened the door you could hear his shower running, that wouldn’t be a problem, you could sleep through almost anything, but this time your place on the bed was already taken by a sleeping Jungkook.
You’ve forgotten for a second he had been hiding there the whole night and seeing him fast asleep you didn’t have the guts to wake him, so you turned around and decided to take the couch. You stayed awake for a little longer, reading a book you borrowed from Namjoon, waiting to see if Tae would be back, but he never was, so you turned out all the lights and made yourself comfortable in the sofa. You dozed off watching the snow fall outside, too lazy to stand up and close the curtains.
It must’ve been the middle of the night when you were woken up by an unwanted presence scooting beside you on the couch.
“Hey what are you doing?” You whispered to the body next to you
“Namjoon hyung is too warm” Jungkook murmured, barely awake, you noticed “and he snores” you chuckled and gave him a little more space.
The both of you stayed silent for a while, uncomfortably trying to keep your distance from each other even in the small space. Jungkook wiggled around and it was starting to annoy you. You turned to your side and pulled his arm over the small of your waist, making him turn as well and spoon you. He froze in place.
“Kookie, it’s okay, I just want to sleep” you could feel his breath on the back of your head getting back to normal. He stopped wiggling and got a little bit closer, touching his chest on your back.
“I like this” he whispered, before falling asleep. You liked it too, but you weren’t sure if you liked it because before he got here you were feeling a little bit cold and his body next to yours gave you the extra warmth you didn’t know you were missing, or if you liked it because the person next to you was who it was. You tried not to think about it and just fell asleep again.
The next morning you woke up in the same position you fell asleep, facing the sofa with Jungkook all wrapped up around you. It was pretty early and everyone else was still sleeping. You started to move a bit, to see if he would wake up as well, but it didn’t really work.
“Hey” you turned your head as far as you could, and saw his face just a few centimeters away from yours. His bangs were getting long and almost covered his eyes entirely. You moved your body a bit again, and he frowned in his sleep before hugging you closer to him and hiding his forehead on your shoulders. “Wake up, I have to pee” you whined and he chuckled, not giving any other signs he would move. “Dude, please” you tried to untangle yourself from him, but he just held you closer. You got tired of his antics and just stopped moving for a bit, as soon as you felt him relax you pushed yourself as hard as you could and, consequently, him. He fell to the ground with a sound thud but, weirdly, started laughing.
“You’re stronger then you look” he supported himself on his elbows and smiled up at you. You tried to ignore the weird thing your heart did and just stood up, walking towards the bathroom on the hallway.
“Take that as a warning not to mess with me” you said, not looking back. Jungkook laid back on the floor and closed his eyes, opening them again only when he heard you flush.
“I could really use a coffee right now” he said, walking towards the kitchen.
“Same” you went after him and the two of you started preparing breakfast.
It was supposed to be only coffee and toast, but then you were craving the pancakes he made you when you stayed over at his place, and you searched the kitchen for the ingredients. While doing so you found a few pieces of bacon on the back of the fridge and Jungkook gave you the idea of adding bacon and eggs to your toasts. Before you could notice you were making a full breakfast and the smell was invading every inch of the apartment.
“That’s something I like to wake up to” Hoseok anchored in the counter to steal a strip of bacon “please move in” 
You chuckled and made him a plate, soon enough the rest of your friends were all in the kitchen as well, in various stages of awakeness. Namjoon and Jimin were put together, having already showered and changed. Yoongi and Taehyung were half asleep, eating mindless not really paying attention to anything else. Jin was way too awake, cracking jokes about how Jungkook and you learned everything you knew from him and should come help at the cafe. Alice was on the phone with her mother, explaining why you never made it to Yoongi’s. 
Once breakfast was over, everyone scattered to do their own things. You went to Namjoon’s room to take a shower, as the other bathrooms were already taken, and once you came out only Jimin and Jin were at the living room, playing a game you didn’t know.
“Where’s everybody?” Both of them shrugged, not looking at you. You were going to ask again, but came to the conclusion it didn’t matter. You were all still stuck in and, by the sight of the snow falling outside, would be for a little while longer. So you took a place besides Jimin and extended your legs to his lap, grabbing your phone and scrolling mindless.
A few hours went by and every now and again someone would show up, hang for a little and then disappear again into one of the rooms. Everyone ate a lot and had breakfast late, so no one mentioned lunch, but once the sun started to set Taehyung came to find Jin and complain he was hungry again.
“Let’s just heat up mom’s food, it should be enough to feed everyone” Jin didn’t mind shifting his attention from the tv. From the looks of it, a couple more hours and they would beat the game. “y/n, can you do it?” You rolled your eyes but stood up, walking towards the kitchen with Tae right behind you.
“You’re giving me free breakfast for a week” you teased Jin, but he didn’t even budge.
“You wish”.
You found a couple of your mother’s foods and kept your brother as far of everything as possible. Even if Taehyung wasn’t as clumsy as Namjoon, he was still a mess at the kitchen and you wanted to spare yourself the extra work, so it was easier to keep him at bay. At some point Yoongi resurfaced from Jimin’s room and joined you at the kitchen, helping out where he could. Dinner was just finished when all the lights went down and you heard a couple of scrams, distinguishing Jin’s and Jimin’s swears.
Yoongi turned on his flashlight and Taehyung did the same, you left your phone charging so you didn’t have it with you.
“What happened?” Yoongi went to the counter to look at the living room, where you could make a few shadow moving. Alice came from the hallway with her flashlight turned on as well and illuminated the two boys in the couch, completely defeated.
“We were at the final boss” Jimin whined, covering his face with his hands.
“There was no save” Jin added, his body melting into the cushions.
“You’re so dramatic” even if you couldn’t see, you were sure Alice was rolling her eyes at them.
Namjoon and Jungkook emerged from their hiding spots as well.
“Is everyone okay?” Namjoon asked, turning his light around the room to find everybody. You all nodded. “Ok, the power must’ve gone off, it will probably come back soon.”
Jungkook walked to the window to check outside and the buildings and houses in the neighborhood also had their lights out. “I don’t know hyung, it’s pretty dark out there”.
Beside you, Taehyung was browsing the internet to see if he found anything about it, but to no avail. “We just have to wait it out, I’m gonna check on Hobi” he walked out of the kitchen and you looked back at Yoongi, who had put his phone down with the light turned to the ceiling and was opening the oven to check on the food. 
“It’s not boiling hot but it’s cooked, at least we can eat” he took it out and the smell attracted the ones on the living room to come close.
Taehyung came back with Hoseok and everyone set their phones with the lights up so you could at least see what you were eating. 
More than an hour went by and everyone had finished their dinners, but the light was still out. Taehyung’s phone had run out of battery already and the rest of you were taking turns keeping the flashlights on so it would last for as long as possible. Hoseok and Namjoon both had candles in their rooms but keeping them on did not turn out good when the scents started mixing, so you just kept one in the middle of the coffee table so no one would trip.
“I’m bored” Jin whined, lying on the floor by the tv. Everyone agreed, all the conversation topics had come to an end and for the past twenty minutes it was a weird, although comfortable, silence.
Suddenly, Jimin stood up, grabbing Taehyung by the hem of his sweater to follow him. Both boys disappeared into a room and came back minutes later carrying six bottles of whine. “Let’s have a drinking game” Jimin exclaimed, excited.
“How the fuck do you keep so much alcohol in your room?” Hoseok asked, amazed “not that I’m complaining, I’m in”
Everyone else agreed and Namjoon went to pick a deck of cards so you could play around with.
The first couple of games made you empty half the bottles already “Chim, I don’t think those would be enough” you were a little bit tipsy already, but could tell half your friends were still pretty sober, and it would take a lot to get them drunk. Jimin rolled his eyes and stood up, his cheeks were a little flushed, but he didn’t lose his balance at all, so you guessed he was part of the sober ones.
“You’re all paying me back later” he sent to his room and came back with a bottle of tequila. Everyone cheered and someone, you’re not sure who, suggested that you played Truth or Dare.
After making Hoseok drink a spoon full of mustard, Jin to go outside into the snowy balcony shirtless and dance, discovering that Tae had sex with girls back at your place in Joon’s bed and then making him chug half a bottle of wine, and Yoongi giving Jimin a pack on the lips, as well as a few other misadventures you couldn’t remember, you were certain everyone was far gone now. That’s when, for the first time, the bottle landed on you.
“Y/n, truth or dare?” It was Taehyung’s time to ask and you knew he was eager to have his revenge, as the ‘chugging half the bottle’ was your suggestion. You wouldn’t give him the pleasure of saying dare.
“Truth” you smiled triumphantly, but his smile grew as well, and you knew you’ve fucked up.
“Who was your first kiss?” Oh the betrayal. He was the only one of your siblings who knew the answer and that has been a well kept secret since it happened when you were sixteen, even with your elder brother constantly bothering you about it.
Your eyes went big and your siblings started laughing hysterically. You had just decided to drink instead of answering, bringing your cup to your lips and turning your head back, when you heard Jimin, sitting across from you “It was me” you choked and Taehyung laughed harder, everyone else following along.
“Yah! What the fuck?” Jin screamed at him, but you could hear the humor in his voice in between your coughs. Alice who was beside you tapped your back while Hobi filled back your cup.
“I have to hear this story” Hobi turned to fill Jimin’s cup as well, and you finally looked at his face, not sure if the blushing was from the alcohol or the secret finally being spilled. He was looking back at you, searching for confirmation, and you nodded your head slightly, knowing it was easier to get it over with while everyone was drunk, maybe they wouldn’t remember it the next day.
“It was at Tae’s 16th birthday” he began “we were playing never have I ever when a couple of our friends began making fun of y/n because she never drank” 
You remembered that night. You were fourteen and your parents had just finished their divorce, even if your dad had moved out more then a year previous. Jin was already at uni and Namjoon was on a trip with a girlfriend he had at the time. Your mother let Taehyung have his party at home as long as he took care of you there and cleaned it all the next day, and went to stay at your grandma’s for the night. The first thing your brother did when you were alone was raid your mother’s liquor cabinet, and that was the first time you would drink. At first you just took sips of your brother’s cup, but then someone gave you one all to yourself. You didn’t drink enough to get drunk, not really enjoying the taste, but all of his friends were just fine enjoying as much as they could the free alcohol. When it was time to play, you were pretty much the only one sober, and also the youngest there. A few people noticed you weren’t drinking, not having done much of what they were suggesting and started to feel bad. Then they started making questions directed at you, lowering the riskiness until the question “never have I ever kissed someone” came up. And you didn’t drink. That’s when the making fun really got to you. They all laughed and so did Taehyung. You didn’t get along at all by then, and he was going through a rebellious phase, so he was of no help. So when you started to tear up and ran away to your room crying, it was Jimin who came to find you.
“Y/n? Can I come in?” He knocked on the door before opening and showing his head, searching for you and finding you hiding under your covers on the bed. You didn’t answer, so he walked in, closing the door after. “They’re assholes, don’t mind what they said” he took a sit by the edge and you pulled your head out of the protection blanket you created. He was specially pretty that night. Your brother and him had dyed their hairs for the first time the month before, Tae’s was a faded orange now and Jimin’s was a faded blue, with the roots starting to show. He was wearing black from head to toe and the earrings you gave him on his birthday.
“I’m so ashamed” you pouted at him, with tears prickling the back of your eyes.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of” he passed his hand through your hair “It’s just a kiss, half of the people their were lying about what they did anyway, don’t pay them attention” he smiled at you and you smiled back on instinct. Truth be told you had a small crush on him. He had always been kind to you, specially when your brother wasn’t, and he always made sure to include you and be by your side when you were left out.
“I’m gonna die alone” you covered back your head, realizing he was way out of your league and you’d probably never find someone you liked as much as you liked him as so you would never be kiss and never have sex and never get married and- you heard him chuckle.
“No you’re not” he pulled back the covers “you’re just being dramatic” he was looking at your soul and you felt like he had read your mind and knew all your deepest secrets. You sniffed and a tear slipped, he dried it before it could even reach your cheek, but instead of breaking the touch, he just kept his hand on your face and started to lean in closer. It wasn’t a deep passionate kiss, just a small one. Once you felt his lips on yours you immediately kissed him back. The butterflies were there, but barely. You liked him, sure, but you expected… more? He was the one who broke the contact. “There, now you’ve been kissed” his smile never wavered, always bright and kind. 
“Thank you” you whispered and smiled shyly “you should go back out there” he stood up and extended his hand to you.
“Only if you come with me” you accepted it and went back to the party.
No one had noticed you were back, having moved on from the game. The music was loud and there were a bunch of drunk teens in your living room. Jimin invited you to dance and so you did all the way through morning.
“That’s so cute???” Alice gushed beside you, raising her glass “a toast to Jimin, who’s better then us all!” But no one followed her, so she just chugged back her drink “Love is dead and you’re all hopeless” she whined.
Namjoon slapped Taehyung on the back of his neck “you’re an asshole”
“I was an asshole” he corrected, fixing his hair.
“I ship it” it was Hoseok’s turn to embarrass you, apparently. “what should we call you? MiniMini? You’re both pretty small after all…”
“No one’s shipping anything” Jin turned back his drink as well “and please no more kissing my sister”
From the corner of your eyes you noticed Jungkook gulp, but apparently you were the only one. “Who’s next?” He said, probably trying to change subjects as fast as possible, so Yoongi turned the bottle and the game continued through the night.
The lights never came back and when Namjoon’s phone died, leaving only yours still working, everyone decided to call it a night. You were all pretty drunk anyway, Alice and Tae had fallen asleep hours ago, and the rest of the boys helped them get to bed. Once everyone had retreated to their rooms, you were left to clean a bit, knowing you’d have to sleep on the sofa again. When you were back from cleaning the cups in the dark, you got back to the living room to see that Jungkook had turned the couch towards the window and had opened the curtains, and was just sitting there, barely lit up by the moon outside. 
The town was really pretty, all snowed in with the moon finally back as the skies had cleared up. You took a sit beside him and the both of you stood there quietly.
“I guess we’ll be free by tomorrow” he was the one who broke the silence.
“Yeah, I think so” and you were quiet again. You could tell he wanted to say something. A few minutes went by before he spoke again.
“Do you like Jimin?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “What? It’s a fair question!” He defended himself of your reaction.
“No Kookie, I don’t like Jimin” you turned to him and saw his ears turning red. “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know” he turned away from you “you’re always kind to him… And you hug a lot.” He was embarrassed and you could tell. You had never seen Jungkook like that.
“It’s because he’s always kind to me too” you turned to the window as well.
“Yeah, he’s like that” Jungkook chuckled to himself, realizing how silly he was being. It was quiet again.
Suddenly, at the distance, fireworks started to go off. It went on for a while and you just watched, not saying anything.
“It’s probably new year’s” you finally spoke, still watching the party probably happening on the other side of town “I almost forgot it was today”
“It’s honestly the best new year I had in a while” Jungkook said quietly.
“Same here” you whispered “why didn’t you go home for Christmas?” You finally asked what’s been bothering you since the day before. Jin had told you that Jungkook didn’t have a nice relationship with his family, but when you started to ask more questions he refused to answer you. You found it odd, your brother always being the one you turned to for gossip, so you assumed it was something serious.
Jungkook took a deep breath before answering “I was not up for the drama this year” you turned to him, finally, but he didn’t turn too. Jungkook knew you wanted more, but he was no willing to ruin a pretty fun night with that story “I’ll tell you some other time”. He finally turned your way.
“But are you okay?” You wondered and pondered for a second before nodding his head slightly. You turned back to watch a new set of fireworks that had just begun.
The light on your phone turned off and you picked it up to see it was finally dead. “It’s gone” you sighted. I hope the power comes back by morning” you turned to Jungkook and found him already staring at you.
He scooted closer and you kept staring back at him. He then closed the distance and gave you a peck on the lips. It was really soft and lasted only a second.
“What was that for?” You whispered, not really bothered by the action, but amused.
“New year’s kiss” he smiled with fake innocence all over his face. It was late, you were still a bit drunk, the view from the city was pretty and there were fireworks happening as far as you could see, so you decided to let it slide, just for today.
“Okay” and you kissed him this time. He deepened the kiss before braking it again.
“I like when you call me Kookie” you looked at him puzzled “You called me Kookie last night and again today, I liked it” you smiled at him and pecked his lips again.
“Okay, Kookie.”
And the two of you stayed there, alternating between stealing kisses and watching the night until the sky started to get clear. You don’t remember falling asleep. Amidst the stolen kisses and the soft questions and the unspoken answers, at some point you fell out of consciousness, held by his arms and smelling his scent.
The next morning, you woke up alone. 
The sound of begs being dragged and chatter at the kitchen woke you up. Before anything else, someone extended you a cup of coffee, and you thanked Joon for doing so.
“What’s going on?” Your voice was still hoarse from sleeping, and you didn’t feel so well. It was probably colder then you remembered last night, and you’d probably catch a cold.
“They cleared the roads, Alice and Yoongi hyung are leaving to spend the last days of break with his family” he explained, sitting beside you and sipping on his on coffee. You sniffed and you brother pulled on the blanket you don’t remember getting last night “Jin hyung went out early today to get food and check on the shop and found you here, you fell asleep without a blanket” he explained.
“Is he back?” He then pointed at the kitchen, where although you couldn’t hear, you could see Jin waving his arms around, probably complaining about something the younger guys did.
“Taehyung’s the only one out, he said he was feeling claustrophobic and went for a walk” he rolled his eyes. It was still snowing outside, granted it was minimum compared to the last couple of days, but still “I’ll be pissed if I have to take care of the both of you sicko’s” he played around, giving your shoulder a nudge with his own. “Oh, and no one knows where Jungkook is” he added and you turned to him.
“What do you mean?” You tried to keep you cool but you were really curious. 
“He didn’t sleep here. He had slept in my bed before, but not last night” he took another sip of his coffee “didn’t sleep in anyone else’s room as well, didn’t you see him leave?”
You shook your head. He didn’t ask you if you knew where he slept, so you left that part out, and you really didn’t see him when he got out. “Did someone tried to call him?”
“Yeah, everyone did but he’s not picking up. Yoongi will drop by his place before going out and will check on him, we’ll try no to worry until then” he picked up your now empty mug and stood up.
You said your goodbyes to the couple before they went out and half an hour later Yoongi texted the group chat saying that JK was safely home, he was just asleep and never saw the calls because his phone was off. You knew Jungkook never turned off his phone before going to bed, so that was probably a lie, but you letted it slide, you would ask him later anyway.
You spent the next couple of days at the boy’s apartment, but eventually returned to the dorms. Jungkook never showed up again, and didn’t answer any of you calls or texts. It annoyed you to no end and also freaked you out a little bit. He probably regretted everything and the both of you crossed a line you shouldn’t have. There were still a few days before classes began again, but you stopped trying to contact him, deciding to catch up on some reading and help Jin out at the cafe when he reopened it, seeing as Rhina still wasn’t back and he could use a hand there.
You tried not to think about Jungkook, and for the most part you could, but he would still creep his way back into your mind a few times a day.
> A/N | Did you love the fluff? Because I loved writing it. At this point everyone has been so into all the tooth rotting stuff I'm almost afraid to bring in the angst, please don't kill me when I do haha I was going to wait until tomorrow to update but I think everyone can use a little distraction from the countdown to comeback (I know I can!), so I hope this helps a little. Next update will probably take a while longer because the chapters are getting longer and it's getting harder for me to write because of my university schedule, I hope you can understand. Have a nice day, wherever and whoever you are :)
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elizaviento · 6 years ago
Touchez Moi
Special thanks to @w-248 for allowing me to borrow her OC, Rick W-248.  After a few chats with her concerning this unique Rick, I’d become very interested in the concept of ‘touch starvation’ and how one could manipulation another afflicted with such a condition. Madame, please forgive me if I didn’t do him proper justice!  I really did love playing with him, though, while I could.  :)
Touchez Moi
(Rick Sanchez W-248 x Reader)
SFW -- 2300 words.  Lots of touches and not so subtle hints of murder.
I’d first met the man when I’d discovered him doubled over and heaving an in alley with a teenage boy clinging to his side.  Both the man and the boy did not appear, in any way, to be derelict or downtrodden, so I figured it was relatively safe to approach.
“Excuse me,” I hedged, creeping toward them.  My view was partially blocked by a dumpster but I could clearly see the boy whip his head in my direction.  Worry etched his features and he clung to the man even tighter.  “Do you need help?”
Approaching slowly, I was now mere feet away, past the dumpster.  The man remained bent at the waist, breathing heavily, as if he’d just run a marathon and I noticed that he was dressed rather well; his clothing obviously well-kempt and expensive.  However, he also appeared to be painfully thin.  When the man didn’t answer my question, the boy interjected himself.
“W-w-we’re fine,” he replied, his voice taking an edge that lead me to believe it was a lie. The man he clung to seemed to be completely oblivious to my presence, so I tentatively placed a hand on his shoulder as his head continued to hang low.
Only a moment after I’d made contact, we both flinched back simultaneously.  Wrenching my hand to tuck it against my chest, I gasped at the realization that this man was a skeleton draped in designer clothes – his shoulder so bony that even the slight, comforting pressure I’d applied seemed to shift and scrape the fragile plates together like flint.
“Wha – what are you – who the fuck are you?!” the man demanded in a thick, French accent, lifting his head to finally acknowledge me.  Suppressing another gasp, I took a step back as my eyes roved his face; sunken, hollow cheeks and eyes and ashen, gray skin making him appear deranged.  Perhaps I’d completely misinterpreted this situation…
Taking another glance at the boy, I swallowed around the knot in my throat and introduced myself; attempting to keep my tone light as the man stood to his full height before me.  The words ‘Jack Skellington’ flashed in my mind like a neon sign while I forced myself to relax.
“I own the bookstore a few shops down,” I explained, pointing in its direction. “Do you need me to call you an ambulance?”  The words tumbled from my mouth as I instinctively fisted the hand that I’d placed on his bony shoulder moments prior.  This man looked minutes from death and the boy with him looked on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
“Fuck no,” the man replied.  Then, without further ado, he strode down the remainder of the alley and turned the corner with the boy close on his heels.
Several weeks later, I was shuffling through the day’s receipts when I heard the bell above my book store’s front entrance jingle.  Checking my watch, I confirmed it was five minutes until closing and groaned.
“Good evening,” I called, rounding the counter to meet the customer at the door.
It was him – the man from the alley.
Appearance wise, he was just as slender as he’d been previous and was dressed just as nice.  However, his face didn’t look to be just a thin layer of skin stretched over a skull any longer.  It now held more of a flesh tone and the dark bags under his eyes were less pronounced.  Issuing only an audible scoff in greeting, he smoothly brushed past me and disappeared into the stacks.
Heaving an exasperated sigh, I checked my watch again – three minutes until closing. Good thing I have no plans tonight, I thought as I tallied up the remaining receipts.  I couldn’t close the register down until the last customer left, so I just slouched over the counter and picked up a nearby book.
Surprisingly, I became engrossed in the sci-fi thriller and was startled when the thin man slammed a book of his own on the counter.
“Shit!” I exclaimed before I could catch myself.  The man chuckled as I regained my composure.  “Did you find what you were looking for?” I asked on autopilot.
“Your selection is shit, but yes – I managed,” he replied.  Again, his thick French accent drew my attention and I broke my practiced routine to take a good look at him.  His pronounced unibrow was arched in question and he wore a smirk that immediately made me feel a bit antsy.
Taking one last glance at my watch – thirty-six minutes past closing – I quickly rang up his purchase, bagged it and recited his total.  Now avoiding his gaze, I reached for the credit card he extended toward me.  And, when our fingers brushed, his physical reaction was instant – jerking his hand back before I could even grasp the card, causing it to fall to the counter with a soft clatter.
Retrieving the card, my mind and my heart began to race.  Something about this man and his aversion to physical contact suddenly intrigued me.  So, once I’d finished with the transaction, I placed the card back on the counter and scooted it toward him, instead.  Then, as his claw-like fingers landed on the flat rectangle of plastic, I darted forward and captured his wrist.
He attempted to jerk back – half-heartedly – but I gently coaxed him forward across the counter as my other hand slipped into his in the same manner of a handshake. Again, he attempted to snatch his hand away – until I slid the hand I had wrapped around his wrist downward to brush across the back of his.
The skin was surprisingly soft, like silk, but also felt dangerously thin; as if just a slight scrape of my nails would draw blood.  Pronounced veins crisscrossed below the surface and I gently traced them with the pads of my fingers, utterly entranced.
“You’re so cold,” I blurted, finally flicking my eyes upward to catch a look of pure disgust coloring his features.  Coming back to my senses, I released him and he took several steps back from the counter before turning to leave.  “Rick, wait!”
Halting with his hand on the doorknob, he asked, “What – how do you know my name?”
“It’s on your credit card,” I confirmed.  Slowly, he turned – eyes narrowed in suspicion – as I held the bag containing his book toward him across the counter.  While he approached, I also retrieved his card and slipped it inside the bag, as well.  Snatching the bag from my grasp – only making contact with the plastic – he quickly made his way back toward the exit.  Right before he disappeared into the frigid night, I called, “I’m here every day!  Please come again!”
And, he did. Sporadically, at first; always right at closing.  Initially, he attempted to purchase books as a front, but I easily saw right through it and told him, in no uncertain terms, that he was more than welcome to simply visit me.  Of course, he’d scoffed; asserted that my assumption was ridiculous.  I allowed him that reprieve while softly running a hand up and down his forearm, the other threaded through his immaculately smoothed hair as his exhales puffed from his lungs with a shaky quality that was endearing.
Touched starved.  That’s what Rick was.  So much so, that he’d resigned himself to the mercy of a stranger.  And, the more I indulged him, the more palatable he became.  And, the more palatable he became, the more he divulged about his incredible life.
He was touch starved, yes.  But, he was also despicable.  In fact, some of the vile stories that spewed from his mouth while I held his emaciated body in my warm embrace had me catching my breath more than once.  I continued to indulge him, though; silently plotting the moment I’d plant my seed.
Eventually, our ‘touch sessions’ relocated to a more comfortable environment – my bedroom.  Now, instead of turning up at my book store at closing, he’d knock on my front door at the same time each evening.
“Why do you work so fucking much?” he mumbled against my neck as I trailed my fingers down each vertebrae of his spine.  For the millionth time, I suppressed a giggle at the thought that I could play them like a xylophone.  We were comfortably – well, for him, at least – entwined in my bed with the only illumination coming from the cracked door of my en suite bathroom.  Then, recognizing that this was finally my chance, I pressed a chaste kiss to the crown of his head before replying.
“Because, I can’t afford to hire help.  My husband owns half of the business.”  Just as expected, he stiffened in my arms and attempted to pull back, presumably to shift his gaze toward my face.  However, I tightened my hold and lightly brushed the pads of my fingers across the nape of his neck before pushing them upward into his coarse hair.  And, before he could question me further, I continued.  “He left me two years ago and I’ve been running the store by myself since.  There’s really nothing I can do because he moved out of state and I can’t afford to buy him out or divorce him.  So, I’m stuck working my ass off while he sits on his and collects half of the profits.”
“You can – just leave the dump,” he offered, slipping his claw-like hands up the back of my shirt; each digit as cold as ice.  A shiver ran down my spine at not only the sudden shift in temperature, but at his unwitting acceptance of my bait.
“I built that store from the ground up.  It’s mine,” I defended before dipping my head to swipe my lips, to and fro, across his forehead.  He wiggled slightly before tipping his body up and to the side, shifting us so that he was lying directly on top of me.  Even though he was more than eight inches taller than me, I outweighed him by at least twenty-five pounds and he felt no heavier than a down blanket.
“Want me to kill him for you?” he whispered directly into my ear.
Giggling, I grasped his shoulders, taking care not to squeeze too hard when his bones shifted and ground against one another.
“Yeah, would you?” I asked, leaning upward to snake my tongue across his jaw.  Issuing only a deep chuckle in response, he rolled off me, onto his side, and yanked me toward his chest.  Already anticipating his next move, I turned on my side, as well, and allowed him to spoon me until the first rays of sunlight penetrated my bedroom curtains.
The seed had been planted and slowly began to sprout.  With each day – with each minute that Rick couldn’t spend in my arms – it grew and budded and blossomed.  With each day – with each minute that I watered and cared for my precious crop – the closer it came to harvest.
Months since our initial meeting, Rick had become completely dependent on me as his only source of comfort.  Every evening, he’d find some way to bring up my business and his obvious displeasure.
“That place is a shit hole.  I can – you should burn it down for the insurance money.”
“I can buy or steal anything you need.”
“You always reek of moldy books.”
“What do you mean; you can’t take a lunch break?”
Again and again, I’d cite my husband for his inconvenience; reminded Rick that I could afford to hire enough staff to run the place for me at all hours, if my husband would just… well, if he just didn’t exist.
Then, the day finally came when Rick had ceased trying to convince me to just walk away; when he finally realized that I could be just as stubborn as he.  The day finally came that I’d toiled so long and hard for, holding his grossly skeletal body close to mine – enduring his alcohol laced, foul breath and clammy skin – as he seemingly tried to absorb my very essence to mingle with his own.
The day finally came when he showed up at my front door holding a blood soaked brown paper bag, appearing just as worn out and physically distressed as when I’d first met him in the alley.
“It’s done, you conniving bitch,” he sneered, tossing the bloody package through my open door.  It slid across the hardwood floor, leaving a sticky smear of crimson that glistened in the accent lighting adorning my foyer.
“What?” I asked innocently, folding my arms across my chest.  Each breath he took sounded more ragged than the last and I wondered – or, perhaps, hoped – that he’d drop dead right then and there.
“You know damn well what,” he began while crossing the threshold.  “You’re not – you were about as subtle as a gynecologist wearing a gas mask.”
Unable to stop myself, I barked out a laugh as he closed the distance between us and wrapped me in his uncomfortable embrace.  I supposed I should have been concerned with the ensuing aftermath, especially since my cat had decided to take it upon himself to inspect a key piece of the evidence as it sat bloody and motionless on the floor.  But, I also figured that Rick had his ways to ‘take care of it’ and I’d leave that part up to him.
The End.
P.S.  I love inserting lines from my favorite films into my fics.  Bonus points if you can identify them!  :)
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luffysfakebeard · 8 years ago
I am living for your Isak w Aspergers head canons do you think you could do some more?
the first post
this headcanon means so much to me so of course I’ll be continuing it ♥ (this got fucking long oh my god)
one night during exam season they were going to bed and Even saw that Isak’s thigh was all mottled red and bruising and it took him a few days to realise that it was from Isak stimming and hitting his hand repeatedly against his leg while he worked
after that if he saw Isak stimming he’d weave his fingers through Isak’s and pull his hand up and gently dot kisses over Isak’s shaky fingers
when he was younger (read: when he was first coping with being labelled autistic) he tried going to a support group for people with autism because he was kinda struggling with it and while Jonas was so so good about it he didn’t really get it
Isak went to one meeting and never went back because it was too much it made it too real he didn’t want to need a support group like some drug addict just because his brain worked a little differently
(it didn’t help that he felt so different from everyone there, despite the fact they were all there for the same reason)
the first time Even’s parents cook for him they put raw tomato in the salad and Isak’s heart sinks because raw tomato is his ultimate Nope™ texture
he tried so so hard though because he didn’t want to mess up the first dinner with his boyfriend’s parents so he talked the talk and dazzled Even’s parents but when he tried to eat one of those tiny lil baby tomatoes he just couldn’t
when he bit into it his whole body shuddered and he was 90% sure he was going to vomit everywhere and he was spitting it back out before he could consciously think about it
he quickly excused himself to the bathroom and sat against the door and tried not to cry because he was sure he’d just ruined their impression of him and they were going to think he was so rude and everything was ruined and- 
and Even of course came in and wiped the few tears that had squeezed their way out from Isak’s cheeks and reassured Isak that his parents didn’t mind they just felt kinda bad that they didn’t know he hated tomatoes
all subsequent dinners together involved tomato-free salads
sometimes Isak gets bouts of hyposenstivity (nowhere near as often as he gets hypersensitive, but they happen) and his responses are about five seconds slower than usual
sometimes it’s funny, like when Magnus will try to throw shade at him and then a few seconds later Isak drags Magnus even though someone else is talking
sometimes it’s less funny, like the time he was washing his hands and the plumbing fucked up and hot water poured out and Isak didn’t even feel it and finished washing his hands. Even had to put burn cream on his hands and Isak had to talk him out of calling their landlord in a rage about the state of their plumbing
Isak almost never has meltdowns, but when he does they take it right out of him and they’re usually triggered by something that anyone else would deem menial
there was an unfortunate incident when Even was having a manic episode and he reorganised everything in their flat in a way that totally made sense to him at 2.30 in the morning. everything including Isak’s school notes which were meticulously ordered
there was shouting, a lot of struggling to breathe, and the crushing certainty that he was going to fuck up his classes because his notes were a mess
when the episode was over Even apologised for messing with Isak’s system and Isak apologised for losing his shit when he knew Even couldn’t always help it
when Isak was little he was always the child who watched other children rather than engage in the play himself
his parents were always trying to push him to play with the other kids, but Isak was much happier observing them
fun fact: Montessori (one of the most renowned people when it comes to theory about children’s play and learning) noted that some children preferred to observe first before they attempted things themselves, and that adults should not try to force those children to engage before they are ready because children know when they’re ready and will move forwards with their play/learning when they’re ready
Isak wishes more people knew about that because he always felt like grown ups were pushing him to do things before he was ready
Magnus once found out that there was a girl in their class who was also on the spectrum and told Isak and Isak was just like and????? because he wasn’t going to befriend someone just because they were autistic too it didn’t work like that there isn’t a secret handshake or something Mags just drop it
occasionally people will try to use his autism as a weapon. in his maths classes he used to sit in front of a kid who always sneered that Isak was like a shittier version of Rain Man (Mahdi may have sold that guy some high quality shit at a high quality price that was actually just oregano)
Isak hates hates hates when the school chooses an autism charity for events because yeah it’s a great cause but whenever he sees signs encouraging people to ‘raise money for autism’ he feels like such a fucking charity case some pathetic loser who should be pitied because his brain is different
he will also use those times to get the boys do things for him out of spite because he really hates those posters (”you can help people with autism right now by shutting up, Magnus” “you raised money for autism? cool, can I borrow a tenner for some dinner?”)
whenever he hears or sees the words “cure autism” a part of him dies because he hates how misinformed people are but there’s also a part of him that wishes so badly sometimes that he could cure it
most of the time he just doesn’t give a shit tbh it’s just part of his life it’s not like he’s at the other end of the spectrum and he’ll need a carer his whole life he considers himself pretty lucky honestly
he’s never really been good at relating to people emotionally. he doesn’t really get emotional like everyone else seems to so he has no idea how to process it when people start crying on his shoulder. with Even’s help he’s getting better at it though.
as time goes on, Isak gets more and more comfortable with his identity as an autistic gay teen and will be vocal about his limitations in both
”I’m gay, Mahdi, I don’t know if she’d like that position????????”
“I’m having a bad day, please don’t talk to me just let me sit here on the edge without talking or looking at anyone okay”
sometimes Even will draw a jigsaw puzzle piece on his own wrist and then draw the piece that would fit next to it on Isak’s same wrist because they’re both a little bit dysfunctional but together they always make it work (also because a puzzle piece is the logo for autism, as Isak points out, but mostly the cute romantic reason Even insists)
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