#my fingr hurts
swagglessmoth · 3 months
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Did this on my phone with my finger. What does it mean? Idk. I was just waiting for my headphones to charge
⬇️other versions that are pretty much the same thing (really dark background shit that you can’t even see)
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citrusitonit · 1 year
remembering when i got a ring stuck on my finger for 12 hours and they said they were gonna chop it off raw in the chopping board
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floridamanbbh · 5 months
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my fingr still hurts tumblr. i think i might die. keep calm, flip off ur local bbh with your splinted finger, and play LoL.
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potpiehead · 2 years
My fingr literally hurts so fucking bad
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333near · 1 year
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i hurt my fingr
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tyrannosylasrex · 27 days
I forgot this is my personal blog as well and I can just vent So anyway,
TW//: under the cut are mentions of hospitals, ovaries, blood, surgery, vomit, suicide, whatever.
SO i tried going to bed at like 3 AM last friday. But my mission to eepytown was interrupted drastically by the worst stabbing pain in my lower abdomen that I'd Ever felt in my life. But I'm a stubborn son of a bitch, so I figured Ahhh It'll pass on it's own! Maybe it's just a fart!
it wasn't a fart.
After about two hours of squirming and groaning in pain, I took a buttload of painkillers and called my mom. She came running to my room immediately and called the emergency services. Meanwhile, I was busy spewing out the contents of my stomach. Including the painkillers. So I was back to square one.
Guess What The Emergency Fucking Services told us??
"Yeah nah just take some painkillers lol we can't do much for u now"
We called back.
"Ah ye just try a suppository then!"
I was ready to kill them.
I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. My mom didn't sleep, she stayed with me the whole time, until the hospital opened and then she immediately drove me there.
The car ride was agonising. The waiting room was agonising. Hell, existence was agonising. I had two options in my head at that point. Either someone fucking helps me Right Now or I'll off myself somehow. I was in too much pain.
Finally, our doctor calls us and we go to their room so she can examine me.
Anyway, she told us to rush to the emergency department. So we did. More questions, tests, etc. Sent off to gynaecology after receiving a very relieving injection of morphine (i'm gonna kiss the nurse who gave me that shit thank you so much)
ULTRASOUND :D WITH A ROD :D INSIDE MY [clown noise] more screaming.
They found a large cyst. I was admitted. I finally got a comfy bed and some IV fluids (i still couldn't hold down even one sip of water)
Hours pass. Have you ever been in excruciating pain while also being horribly exhausted? It's so fucking weird. You're writhing in pain yet simultaneously half-falling asleep.
OH and by the way, I hadn't eaten anything yet since dinner the night before. And now I wasn't allowed to, cuz I needed surgery.
I spent a total of 15 hours in agonising pain, some of which were soothed mildly by IV painkillers, until I finally got wheeled into the OR where they put me under for a laparoscopy. Pretty sure I told the surgeons to sleep tight when they put me under..
After only about an hour and a half, I woke up again as they were rolling me back to a room. I was immediately asking questions about the surgery, how it went, what they saw, what my insides look like, man I don't even know I was still out of it from the anaesthesia, but I was clearly Very Interested.
I was finally pain free. Apart from the surgical wounds, but that's a pain I could totally deal with compared to what I had.
Turns out, that large cyst they saw, (a very bloody one apparently) caused an ovarian torsion. My ovary had twisted. That's what hurt so much. What the hell, I didn't even know ovaries could do that. I'd heard about testicular torsion before but not ovarian.
Anyway, I could finally sleep and eat and I no longer had to puke. The next day, at around 2pm, I was discharged. I immediately rented a wheelchair so I could catch a glimpse of the pride parade that was going on in my town lol.
Jesus christ. What a weekend.
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smulnsander · 11 months
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Planned parenthood is evil the hurt my fingr
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klayfruit · 4 years
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u can tell how i slowly started to put less effort into these but. The Lads
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jesus fuck i drew most of tha tpost with my stoopid laptop touchpad my fingr hurts
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reidimagines · 5 years
Could I make a request of you? Maybe Spencer and the reader are fostering a kid who has a disability of some sort, and they really decide they wanna be their parent?
ahh so cute! The child is deaf, and I made you a translator. I hope you like it!
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“I can’t believe it’s over,” You couldn’t lie; you were sad, missed him already. ��Isn’t there anything-” 
“Hey,” Spencer said softly, moving closer to you. “You know that he’ll feel his best there. You met them, they’re two lovely ladies, one is always home. Malcolm needs that.” 
As much as you knew he was right, it still hurt. You and Spencer had had that child in your protection, your care, for five months. It was hard to not get attached. You let him wrap his arms around you, slumping in his embrace. “I know.” You sighed finally, closing your eyes. 
“He’ll miss us, too,” You knew he only said it to make you feel better, but it didn’t work. “I mean, a child gets-” 
“Stop, you’re going to make me cry,” You chuckled, holding back tears. You still had Malcolm for another week, but his new guardians were coming in at least three times. “I think I need some air.” Just the thought of that - no matter how lovely they were - made you feel helpless, sad.
You pulled yourself away from Spencer, and soon found yourself sitting on the stairs to your apartment. You hadn’t expected saying goodbye to Malcolm would be so hard. You felt like he needed you, as silly as it was. You’d met the people who’d adopt him. They were good people, both had training in helping people, one even followed some classes around deafness. There was no better place for Malcolm to be, and yet… 
You heard the door behind you, and scooted over to let the person pass. But they didn’t. It was Spencer, he sat down next to you. “You can’t shut me out right now,” 
“I’m not, I just don’t want to talk right now.” You muttered. “I didn’t know it would be this hard.”
Spencer hesitantly put an arm around you, and once again, you let yourself lean into his touch. “I know.”
“Do you think we did well?” You asked, turning your head to face him. “Like, as parents?” 
He glanced at you, seeing the need for him to say the absolute right thing for once. “Yes,” He said. “We did well. We’re good parents. Much to learn, sure-“
You smiled softly, resting your head on his shoulder. “Do you think we could…” you trailed off, sighing deeply. “Start a family, one day?” 
He was quiet, at that. For a moment, you were worried you’d said something he wasn’t ready for, or something he couldn’t answer. You knew he wanted children, it was you who hadn’t been as vocal about it. He wanted children, but did he want them with you?
“I’d love that,” He eventually said. “Not right away, we’re both not in the right space for that, but…” 
“Someday soon?” You asked, almost hopeful. He chuckled, pulling you closer once more. 
“You’re just saying that because Malcolm gave you baby fever.” 
“Hmmm,” You hummed softly, closing your eyes. Now that Spencer was here, the breeze was comforting, and you felt… okay. At peace. “He’s not a baby, though.” 
“Don’t we have to pick him up?” 
“Yeah, wanna join? It’s perfect weather for a milkshake or something.” 
“Is there anything-” You said to the social worker, looking for the right words. “I mean, I know they’re pretty set, but... He’s been with us for the past few months, he’s adapting. I can’t imagine anyone taking better care of him.”
The social worker sighed, taking his glasses off. “I don’t know what you want me to say, they’re going to come in to talk to him, thy signed the paper-”
“There has to be a way,” Spencer jumped in. “He’s old enough to make a choice, right?”
You and Spencer, although a bit impulsively, had decided that you wanted to adopt Malcholm. It would be a bit of a fight, since most of the paperwork was already done by Nina and Ellie, but they had yet to meet the young boy.
“There’s nothing I can do. Unless they don’t like him, it’s a sealed deal. And I wouldn’t count on that.”
Your heart was racing, your eyes moved to Malcholm in the other room instantly. He was playing with cars. You knew there was little chance you could still have a chance, but you had to hope. You couldn’t lose him.
Nina and Ellie came in a few minutes late, you and Spencer watched from behind the window as they spoke with the social worker, as they talked to Malcholm.
“They can’t even sign right,” You huffed, although it was a bit petty. You’d studied it for years, they’d probably learned it a few months ago. “Why’s he crying?”
You grabbed Spencer’s hand, seeing the boy cry. Nina tried, but it didn’t really work. “You can go in, you know that, right?” Spencer said softly.
You didn’t want to, not really. As much as you wanted to adopt Maclcohlm, you knew the chance was small. But he needed you, so you went in with a soft smile. You grabbed his attention, and his arms went for you. 
“Do you mind?” You asked the woman, who shook her head. He couldn’t hear you, but you whispered little comforting nothings, took him in your lap and ran fingrs through his hair. When you looked up, all you saw was Spencer looking at both of you adorningly.
“You’re good with him,” Nina said with a smile, sitting next to you, moving to take his hand. He pulled back, burying his face in your neck.
“He’s a bit shy,” You said. “He just started to make friends at school. Where’s he going to school?”
“Well, there’s a special school not too far,” Nina said. “We live too far to keep him on the same school.”
You nodded, although you didn’t agree. In his file, it said he had problems with connecting with people, dragging him to another school again couldn’t be good. You knew Spencer had a similair comment on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t speak when you shot him a glare. “Why’d you decide on Malcholm?”
“We didn’t want a baby, we wanted someone full of life-”
You laughed, you didn’t mean to, but you had to laugh. “Then you picked the wrong kid, he’s calm.”
“Wait, what?”
“They backed out,” The social worker said. “I know it’s last minute, but they felt little connection with Malcholm. I know it’s unusual, but if you want, you can come fill in the paperwork.”
You looked at Spencer, surprise evident on your face. “What?” He asked.
“I’ll call you for an appointment, thank you, sir.”
“What?” Spencer repeated. “You’re lookng at me funny.”
“Nina -” You began. “They- we... we can sign to adopt Malcholm.”
He looked as surprise as you’d imagined your own face before grinning and wrapping you in a hug. “Oh my god, we’re going to be parents.”
“I know,” you said, getting a bit teary. “I can’t believe it.”
“I love you,” He said. “We’re going to be amazing parents.”
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You wouldn’t think a single squeeze of hand could break my heart like this. But it sure can. One last squeeze before Aki let go for good.
They had known each other’s hands for years. Aki’s hands were strong and muscular, surprisingly nimble and delicate despite their size. They had grabbed a hold of Ugetsu many times – his forearm, shoulder, hips, ass, back of his neck, a fistful of his hair, back of his thighs. Aki’s hands were sensitive for Ugetsu’s provocations and easily rose to his bait. His slightly thicker and rough fingers had brushed through Ugetsu’s soft locks hundreds of times. They had aimlessly stroked his head while they were laying around in bed, both too lazy to get up just yet. They had tucked especially stubborn curls behind Ugetsu’s ear before his performance. They had played with the curled tips, damp with sweat, while Ugetsu’s head was resting on his chest, listening to Aki’s heartbeat slowing down. The big hands had landed to annoyingly tussle the top of Ugetsu’s head countless times and barely escaped his irritated swat. The wide palms had enveloped his face to capture Ugetsu’s mouth in a kiss. The calloused thumbs had stroked his cheek both in love and comfort. Ugetsu didn’t think there were any parts of him left, both body and soul, where Aki hadn’t touched him with those hands.
Ugetsu’s hands were slimmer and smaller but they were quick. Sometimes he didn’t have the time to think before his hands were already moving and he ended up breaking, shattering, swinging, hurting. He had hurt Aki, both his body and soul, plenty of times with his hands. But they also tried to fix it right after – scoop, cup and hold whatever he had broken back together. Ugetsu’s hands gave away his emotions, they always betrayed him. Anger, impatience, restlessness, pain, loneliness. They fumbled with the lighter, tapped against the dark mahogany of the violin bow, ripped off pages of his notebook in fits of frustration. But they were also quick to tease and play. Cold fingers sneaking under the hem of Aki’s shirt and skittering across his warm skin like quicksilver. Over the years Ugetsu’s hands had gained confidence – they had gone from tentatively wrapping around Aki’s shoulders to demandingly tugging on his hair, fingertips digging into his back. Ugetsu’s hands and fingers were like magic – they drew out the most beautiful sounds when sliding along the violin strings. His hands connected all the emotions welling inside him to the lifeless piece of wood, making it resonate in perfect harmony. It unnerved Ugetsu every time Aki took hold of his hands and pulled them to touch him instead of the violin.
Their hands had so many memories of each other. Their fingres slipping apart was the last one.
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aishos-remade-blog · 7 years
dont u hate it when the boys beat uu up
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inbarfink · 5 years
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That’s right! I’m still thinking about that scene! And I have more to say!
Like I mentioned in my previous post about this scene, if Aziraphale REALLY wanted to ‘lose the gut’, it would’ve probably been as easy for him as snapping his fingres. He looks like a soft, chubby middle-aged man because that’s legit just the way he likes to present himself. 
So... like... what he have here in This Scene, is not *just* a character being body-shamed - but a Queer character being told by.... his employer, a family member, a supposed ‘friend’... however you wanna read Aziraphale’s relation to Gabriel: “Hey, I know we tolorated that weird way you present yourself before. But we both now that’s shameful and embarrassing. Come on!  We both know that deep down what you REALLY are is that Other Thing we consider acceptable and cool! (and is like me!) Isn’t that right?” And it HURTS because even though Aziraphale is physically capable of doing what Gabriel asks, that’s not how he wants to present. That’s not who he wants to be.
And if Heaven wins that war, it’s entirely possible he won’t ever get to be who he likes to be be ever again.
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michealharrypotter · 5 years
Clingy and Cows Chapter 5
Sorry about the POV’s, they’re a little choppy. 
Harry POV
The wind whistled in my ears as we ripped down the highway at 45 miles an hour which doesn’t seem too fast but when you’re in an open vehicle it is. Trust me. I watched as we passed pasture after pasture. Each one was unique. Some already had golden hay in neat lines, some fresh green still growing, and others completely different.
I was actually truly amazed by what I saw. 
We took a right onto a dirt road and continued up it until we came to this ring like thing. 
I am not scared. I am not scared. I am not scared……. I’m scared. 
I looked at everyone around me and they all had accumulated sunglasses at some point and I don’t know when. 
“Babe? Should I have a pair of sunnies too?” 
“Probably. That is why I packed yours. It gets really  dusty on the trail if you haven’t noticed already,” Laurie said. 
“Wow, okay. You are really prepared”
“Yep. I mean I spent my childhood here. I know the ins and outs of everything in this damn county”
We set off with us in the lead and everyone else behind us. 
It’s truly beautiful. 
There were sunflowers covering the whole mountain. As we got further up into the mountain, we started seeing huge pine trees. I mean huge. 
I felt extremely bad for not wanting to come here sooner. I assumed it was only going to be dead grass, but boy was I wrong. 
“Laurie. This is just so... “
“Yeah. If that’s even the word to explain it”
“You know, we’re coming up on this part where as a little girl I always imagined getting proposed to”
She pointed to a field to my left that was covered in wildflowers. 
Good Lord. She wasn’t kidding when she said she dreams of wildflowers. I would too if I had grown up here.
Laurie’s POV
We rode past the field of wildflowers that I have dreamed of getting proposed to for years. Jake and I used to talk about how one day he would propose to me. Although Harry didn’t need to know that detail
What would it have been like if I had never met Harry? Would Jake and I actually be married right now? Would I have my books? Would I be going to university to get my Phd? God, Laurie you need to stop. You are happy with him. You wouldn’t change it for the world. 
I snapped out of the trance when Harry said, “I need to pee.”
I nodded then signaled to my fellow riders that we were pulling over. 
Sammy pulled up to my side, “Why are we stopping?”
“My boyfriend has the bladder of a two year old, that’s why,” I said. 
Sammy rolled her eyes.
Jake’s POV
I wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t met that dickwad, Harry? Would we have been married? I mean probably, I love her still. I would have proposed to her in that field,  then   we would get married in my backyard with all of our friends.  We would live in a nice house with our dogs and horses. 
“Hey mate,” said Harry.
“I’m not your mate,” I said bitterly.
“Jesus, I’m just trying to be friendly,” Harry snapped back. 
“Well it ain’t working. So I suggest you move along now and stay out of my way. Okay?”
“Look if this is about Laurie coming over the other night crying, I’m sorry. We made up. We’re okay now,”
“Does it look like I give a fuck whether you made up or not?” I asked.
“Actually no. Let me answer that for you. I don’t care because either way, you made her sad. Men aren’t supposed to hurt their women. You hear me? So if I hear one more damn time that you were treating her wrong, boy you don’t even want to know what I’ll do.”
“God. You know what? I thought you were a cool dude at first but guess I was wrong,” Harry said.
“ Get out of my face,” I said back
“Or what?” 
I took a step forward ready to swing. 
“Jake no! Do you really want to do this? Laurie is less than a mile up the road with Sammy. I know damn well it would hurt her more than anything to see you beating up her boyfriend,” said Evan. 
“Fine, Styles. Be grateful I let you go so easy this time,” I said while glaring at him “Next time, I won’t be as forgiving” and with that I walked back to my fourwheeler. 
Laurie’s POV
“Hey we heard what sounded like arguing, everything okay?” I asked Harry? 
“Yeah, no problem here baby”
I was a little suspicious, I knew the boys don’t like each other all too well. 
“Alright, everyone ready?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Okay, do y’all mind if I take the lead with Harry”
“No that’s alright,” said Evan. 
I looked over just in time to see Jake rolling his eyes. 
What the hell was that all about? 
I dismissed it and started up the ATV again. 
Harry’s POV
We had gotten back to the house just over a little bit ago and everyone had gone home. 
“Yes baby?” she asked while hugging me. 
“Do you have any idea as to why Jake wouldn’t like me?”
“Well not really. I’m sure he’s just being over protective. I mean he’s basically family. I’m sure he’s just looking out for me” 
“Okay. Thank you baby” 
“Mhm. Would you like  to take a nap with me. I’m quite tired ?” I asked her. 
“No thank you baby. I think I’ll just head on outside to the porch and read for a bit”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, come and get me if you need anything”
“Mmm” I kissed her lightly then headed upstairs to take a nap. 
Laurie’s POV
I walked to the kitchen to get myself a cup of tea to sip on while reading my book. I chose one of my favorites, gingerbread tea. 
Once the tea was done, I grabbed by book and headed outside. I was currently reading Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan. It is quite lovely, yet amazingly sad. It’s about a young woman who is sold into a marriage but then her husband dies. The poor young girl has to live with her evil mother-in-law. The mother-in-law can’t stand her anymore and abandoned her in a city for widows. 
I had finished by tea and had gotten to the end of my book when I was letting myself indulge in the serenity around me. 
I have been blessed with this beautiful earth, loving boyfriend, and friends. 
I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t hear Jake coming around the house to sit me. 
“Laurie,” Jake whispered. 
I jumped quite high in my chair, “Good lord man, I think you about killed me”
“Sorry, sorry,” he chuckled. 
“What are you doing here Jake?”
“Oh Laurs,” he said while looking at me. 
“Jake, why are you here?” I asked again. 
“You have no idea how much I love you do you?”
“Jake, what are you saying?”
“I’m saying that I love you Laurie! And have since the day we met. I have never stopped loving you. And when I drove past that field today, it just reminded me how much I miss you,” he paused for a second. “Laurie, I love you”.
“Jake don’t do this” I said quietly. 
“Why? Why not? I love you Laurie. Do you not love me?”
“No Jake, I love you, just not like that. I’m not 18 anymore Jake. I’ve grown. I have a new life in Utah. I have a boyfriend of whom I love very much”
“Oh fuck your boyfriend. The guys a dumbass anyway”
“Excuse me? You do NOT have the right to talk about him like that. I love him Jake. Why can’t you just wrap your head around the fact that I love Harry?”
“Because Laurie, it was supposed to be us. We were supposed to be here right now. I was supposed to be the one to call you baby and to ride with you through the canyon. We were supposed to be getting married in the summer of ‘17,” he said while his voice raised. 
“Jake, you can’t tell me that you still think after all these years that we are going to get married. God Jake, we made that promise when we were like 16. For God’s sake let it go. We were innocent. We didn’t think we would ever find love outside of ourselves” I yelled. 
Just then a sleepy Harry opened the door, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing Harry, just please go back inside”
Instead of going inside he walked over to me and stood by my side. 
“No, I want to know why I was awoken by the sound of Jake telling my girlfriend why he loves her and planned to marry her” 
“Baby, it’s nothing” 
Jake interrupted, “Actually, it’s not nothing. I was just about to say that Laurie deserves so much better than you. She deserves a gentleman, like me”
“Oh good Christ, would someone explain to me what I missed?”
I turned towards Harry, “Well baby, when we were younger, Jake and I used to be together. We were together for about 2 ½ years. We were convinced that we were going to get married. But then I got accepted into Uni, started writing my books and met you. I stopped loving Jake like that and loved him more as a brother. Although, Jake here, still loves me in not such a sisterly way”
Harry just stood still for a second then turned to Jake. 
“Mate, let it go, She’s mine”
“I’m not going to let it go” 
“Please, it isn’t worth it” I said. 
“Laurie, please. Tell me you still love me” Jake said desperately. 
“That’s the thing Jake, I can’t”
Jake quickly grew red in the face. 
“This is all your fucking fault, Styes,”He said, pointing a fingre at Harry, “If you hadn’t come along and charmed your way into Laurie’s life she would still be mine! We would be married! We would have kids! We would be living the dream!” He shouted. 
“Mate, you clearly don’t know anything about Laurie. She has told me on many occasions she doesn’t want kids. She told me she didn’t want to live the ranch life” Harry said. 
I looked Jake in the eyes and said, “Jake, please go home. I’m begging you. If you truly want me to be happy, leave me alone”
He looked at me for a while, then turned on his feet and walked back to his truck. 
Just when we were about to back inside, Jake turned back around and swung at Harry. 
“Ah fuck he hit me proper in the nose”
“Jesus Christ, Jake! Get the fuck out of here!” I said. 
And with that, Jake got in the truck and left. 
“I can’t wait to tell the boys about this,” Harry said while holding his nose. 
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lunestival · 6 years
🌟12/18, sean🌟
it’s been..two years since his pseudo suicide. i still think of him so much and miss him all the time. he’s still one of my best friends, i still think of all the good he did for me. the truths of his passing will always be close to my heart. was it weird for a 50+ yr old man to be friends with a young girl??? i was... 21 by the time he died, i think, but in his journal he said i was 18 lol!!! he still saw me as the same kid i was when we met. “frankly, i have love for her” frankly, i loved you too. you’ll always be a huge part of my heart and a big catalyst in my life.
i got a papercut on my middle fingr of my right hand. it hurt a lot when i put on sanitizer today. which i have to do every time i do a piercing. speaking of which a lady and her 19 yr old got mad at me for telling her she probably didn’t want to go through the scarring on her daughter’s ear. it wasn’t a keloid but it felt similar lol bitch see if i care if she’s prone to ache an infection!!! it’s not like i do this or a living. i just smiled and that made them even more angry. that’s how we get shit done.
i drank a Hard Lemonade because it tastes like bubbly lemonade but now i feel a little sick cause i drank it like juice instead of alcohol LOL i’m not at all supposed to be drinking alcohol while taking anti depressants, as i’ve SEEN that it really has an effect on my mood, but i’ve been ok abt it lately. i just......like the taste of fizzy lemonade
i miss my daddy (ONCE AGAIN REAL BIOLOGICAL FATHER) he’s gone past christmas so i’ll be spending christmas alone...... :( at least i’ll have semmy. we’re gonna play kingdom hearts on christmas and/or watch the cinematics. when i was a kid christmas always put me in a kh mood, i remember reading 50k+word fics on christmas break; one year i got the first manga set as a present and spent all day reading it next to the christmas tree. “the window is dyed a nostalgic color”
my tmj has been flaring up again recently and my jaw REALLY hurts. i went to a new dentist but they didn’t at all care about helping me. they just tried to swindle me into their 3000$ hygiene program......told me to get an over the counter mouth guard. the BUTTS
kitty and davey got me monster hunter for christmas, eric got me smash <3 i love all of them......having good friends is so new to me. this time last year my friend group were the type of people to call me sjw when i asked them not to use slurs around me. but being friends with people who actually care about my feelings and think similarly to me is really refreshing. it’s been a long time since i had that, it’s something i really need, this year is so different to he last. being near cute girls helps too. sunshine is cute she painted me a picture of hello kitty for christmas it was so precious
the new kingdom hearts trailer has me really emotional. it’s kinda dawning on me that this huge part of my life is seeing some conclusion soon. sora riku and kairi are all in a polyamorous relationship and dating. i’m really looking forward to lea and kairi’s relationship after seeing this last trailer, i’m pretty sure it’ll be a/the big highlight of 3 for me.
i wonder if my mama misses me i haven’t been able to draw lately lune has been very affectionate
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kaitymccoy123 · 6 years
✿ and Obviously our favorite Scotsman! lol -@Whatif-anImagineblog
Scotty x reader (Academy AU) (not fully gender neutral though I am trying - I just needed him to say ‘lass’)
29. Kisses to bruised skin
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There was a knock at your dormitory door. You threw on your red Academy hoodie and padded barefoot across the thin carpet, not bothering to turn off your study music playing from your PADD. 
You swung the door open to see...
“Monty?” you whispered. “Oh god, what happened?” you gasped. 
Scotty’s head hung, looking more dejected than you’d ever seen him, but you could still make out the dark circle around his cheekbone and eye. It almost looked like a smudge of dirt. But from the way he was standing, the way he was flinching when he moved it, you knew something had happened. 
“Could I... could I come in?” he spoke softly, his voice far from the jovial, excited one you knew so well. 
“Of course,” you said and stepped aside, holding the door so he could enter. 
It was only when you shut the door that you noticed he was also soaking wet. 
“Geez, Monty, were you stuck out in the rain? You must be frozen.” You rushed into your tiny bathroom and retrieved two large towels. 
“Take off your coat and as much as you can underneath,” you instructed. 
He stripped slowly, and you made a small pile of sopping wet clothes on the floor with each layer. Once down to a white undershirt, he stopped, and you quickly wrapped one towel around him. You lead him over to your desk chair, quickly turning down the music and laying the other towel on the chair seat. You took the wet clothes and hung them over your shower curtain rod. 
He was trying to take off his boots when you came back, but his fingers were extremely white and shaking. 
“Here, let me,” you said softly, pushing his freezing fingers out of the way and started undoing the laces. “Will you tell me what happened?” 
You looked up for a moment to meet his eyes. His eyes that were usually so full of light and laughter. Empty. There may have even been tears on his lashes. 
“What happened?” you whispered, touching your fingers to his that were rested on his thigh. 
Scotty’s fingers flinched, but he didn’t pull away, and he exhaled through his nose. “It was so stupid,��� he mumbled. “So bloody stupid.”
He had pulled his gaze from yours so you kept working at his boots, sliding them off once you got them untied and setting them by the door.
“What was stupid?” You asked, settling on the floor just in front of his feet. 
“There were these lads... nae... boys, tha’ were causing trouble a’ the bar down campus. They were real rowdy an’ then...” You could tell he was debating whether or not to tell you the next part.  You reached up and hooked your fingres in his again, giving them a squeeze. He exhaled, squeezed back, and continued. 
“Then I heard yer name.”
“My name?”
He nodded solemnly. “They were talking about how they knew ye from the one science class ye must take wit’ them.”
“Oh my god I know exactly who you are talking about. Idiots. The lot of them.”
Scotty let out a snort of laughter  and your heart skipped hopefully as you looked up at him. 
“The lot o’ them. Now yer really startin’ t’ae sound li’ me.”
“I must be spending too much bloody time with you, then.” You smiled and inched closer on your knees. “Then what happened?” you prompted, placing your free hand on his other knee. 
“They weren’t talking very... nice things abou’ ye; things I don’ want t’a repeat meself; ‘specially not t’a you.” He rested his free hand over yours. “I confronted them...”
“Monty, you didn’t.”
“Aye, I did. I’ll admit I was a wee bit tipsy, bu’ sober enough t’ae know when someone’s takin’ it too far.” His fingers curled over yours tightly. “I took a swing a’ one of ‘em; got in a good hit too, but there were three o’ them and one o’ me. So, this happened.” He gestured with his pointer finger to his cheek, still keeping your hand in his. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed after a moment, processing the whole story. “YOU IDIOT!” you admonished, slapping your connected hands down on his thighs and raising up so you were face to face level with him. “You don’t ever have to resort to violence for me. Ever.”
“Anythin’ for my lass,” he said quietly, not quite meeting your eyes. 
My lass. Your hear skipped a beat. 
“Oh, Monty,” you cooed, taking your hand from him and cupping his cheeks gently. 
Leaning in, you pressed a kiss to his uninjured cheek. You traced his forming bruise with your thumb gently before kissing along the border of the injury. Then, a gentle kiss to the corner of his eye. 
He hissed in a breath, but kept you close by his fingers knotted in the back of your hoodie. 
“I don’t ever want you to get hurt for me again, okay?” you warned, pulling back and looking him firmly in the eyes. 
You kissed him before he could respond, taking your time and showing him how much he meant to you through the kiss. 
“I’d do anythin’ for you, love.”
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