#my fiancé used to have friends that would complain about me wearing headphones
donnieisaprettyboy · 5 months
nobody says they hate someone because they’re autistic but they’ll hate them for all the traits that make them autistic and still claim it isn’t because of the autism
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Zemo and Sarah’s time in Madripoor
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR EP3, violence, flirting, ect.
Words: 3527
“He’s just through that corridor.” The security guard points to a door down the large hallway. Sarah stand between Sam and Bucky as the guard stops walking.
“Alright. Give us a sec.” Bucky turns to the two as the guard walks off. “I’m gonna go in alone.” Sam and Sarah look at Bucky like he has lost the plot.
“Cause you’re Avengers. You know how he feels about that.”
“Buck it’s not like you two were known for frolickin’ in the sun together.” Sam gestures to where Zemo is.
“This is dangerous Bucky... HE is dangerous.” Sarah states, looking at Bucky, concerned.
“He was obsessed with Hydra... We have a history together. Trust me...” He looks at them. “I got it.” He walks off before they can say anything.
“I hope he’s alright in there...” Sarah says to Sam, after Bucky leaves the pair alone.
“He will be... He’s Bucky.” Sam places his hand on Sarah’s shoulder and gives her a soft smile.
“What are you talking about? You wanna break Zemo outta jail? Where the hell are we, Buck? Have you lost your mind?” Sam shines a torch around the large empty room.
“We have no leads, no moves, nothing.”
“What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars.”
“And we also have eight Super Soldiers that are loose.” Sam covers his eyes as Bucky shines the light at his face.
“Sarah how do you feel about this?” Sam turn to Sarah. Sarah quickly turns to Sam.
“I don’t think it’s safe to break Zemo out... remember what happened last time we dealt with him?” The pair look at Bucky.
“Exactly. Zemo’s gonna mess with our minds. Especially yours. No offence.” Bucky flips a switch and these large lights begin turning on. The three switch their flashlights off.
“Offense.” Bucky glares at Sam. “Super Soldiers go against everything he believes in. He is crazy, but he still has a code.” Bucky walks away from Sam and Sarah.
“I’ve been on the wrong side of that code, Buck, and so have you and Sarah. He blew up the UN, he killed King T’Chaka and framed you for it. Did you forget that? You think the Wakandans forgot about it? It’s a rhetorical question. They didn’t. I know why this matters to you, but c’mon it’s pushing you off the deep end.” Sam takes a step forward as Bucky opens his arms.
“Sam, we don’t know how they’re gettin’ the serum. We don’t even know how many of them there are.” He sighs softly.
“This is a little too crazy Bucky... we will figure it out okay? We don’t need Zemo.” Sarah steps forward and gives him a soft smile and she rests her hand on his arm.
“Look, let me run you through a hypothetical. Can I run you through a hypothetical?”
“Bucky...” Sarah’s smile turns into a frown, as Sam turns to look at him.
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t... do anything...” Bucky loos to the left, refusing to make eye contact.
“The weakest point in the system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element. Now, in this lockup, it’s nine to one, prisoners to guards, and if two prisoners start fighting then the protocol says four guards have to respond.”
“So why would two prisoners start randomly fighting at that moment?”
“Who knows? There could be many reasons...”
“What I’m hearing is that you started it.” Sarah crosses her arms.
“The point is, these things escalate.  Lockdown procedures would have to be initiated, and with all those bodies flying around left and right, it wouldn’t be hard to slip down a hallway or two.” Sarah shakes her head and facepalms, exasperated. Bucky starts up again. “And if the fire alarm got tripped while the prisoners were being separated... someone could use the chair to their advantage.” Bucky does a small shrug.
“I don’t like how causal you’re being about this. This is unnatural. Are you... And where are we, man?” Suddenly, a door loudly opens.
“Bucky, you didn’t...” Sarah gasps at him.
The three look over at a plastic curtain, seeing the silhouette of a man grow smaller the closer he gets, until HE emerges.
“Whoa. Whoa, whoa. hey! What are you doin’ here?”
“No, listen. I didn’t tell you ‘cause I knew neither of you would let this happen.” Bucky looks at Sarah, who is staring at Zemo, eyes wide, knowing memories of what he had done were running through her mind.
“What did you do?!” Sam gets in Bucky’s face.
“We need him, Sam... Sarah.”
“No, Bucky, this is crazy. Even for you!” Sarah growls, a glare plastered to her face.
“You’re going back to prison!” Sam points at Zemo.
“If I may...” The man in question begins.
“NO!” The three yell at him. He looks a little startled by the sudden synchronisation but nods softly and whispers out a small “Apologies.” Bucky turns to Sarah and Sam.
“When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia Accords, you both backed him. You broke the law, and you stuck your necks out for me. I’m asking you both to do it again.”
“I really think I’m invaluable...” Zemo once again interrupts. Sarah groans softly as Sam turns to him, with a glare.
“Shut up.” Zemo squints at him. Sam looks at Bucky and sighs, shaking his head.
“Okay. If we do this, you don’t make a move without our permission.”
Zemo makes a face for a second and nods.
“I don’t like this...” Sarah looks at Bucky and Sam. The pair shrug and turn back to Zemo.
“Okay, Zemo. Where do we start?” The three look at him as he smiles.
“So our first move is grand theft auto?” Sam looks at the large number of cars.
“These are mine. Collected by family over the generations. I spent years hunting people HYDRA recruited to recreate the serum.” Sarah, Sam and Bucky look around at all of his cars. “Because once it’s out there, someone can crate an army of people... Like the Avengers.” Zemo looks at Sam, his eyes flickering over to Sarah who stands beside Sam. “I ended the Winter Soldier program once before. I have no intention to leave my work unfinished.” He grabs a large coat from the top of his car. “To do this we’ll have to scale a ladder of lowlifes.” He begins walking away from the trio and the car.
“Well, join the party. We’ve already started.”
“First still is a woman named Selby. Mid-level fence I still have a line on. From there, we climb.” Sarah looks at Sam and begins to follow Zemo, Bucky and Sam right behind her.
The four walk towards the door of a private jet where an older man stands, waiting.
“So all this time you’ve been rich?”the look of confusion on Sam’s face made Sarah giggle softly, to herself.
“I’m a Baron, Sam. My family was royalty until your friends destroyed my country.” Sarah watches as Zemo and the older man talk in Russian, happiness and comfort evident on the Baron’s face. “Please.” Zemo gestures and leads the three up the stairs of the jet.
Once the four are in the jet, Sarah sitting across from Zemo. The older man explains the fridge is out.
“If it doesn’t pass the smell test... give it to them. But not the beautiful woman.” Zemo smiles as the older man laughs and leaves. Sarah zoned out of the conversation for some time, translating Zemo’s words and tries to figure out if he had actually meant to say beautiful or not. She is only snapped back to reality when she sees Bucky with his hand around Zemo’s throat.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book. Did you hear it? What’d you think?” Sam looks at Bucky expectantly.
“I like ‘40s music, so...” Bucky shrugs.
“You didn’t like it?”
“I liked it..”
“Trouble Man is amazing.” Sarah states.
“It is a masterpiece, James. Complete. Comprehensive. It captures the African-America experience.” Sam and Sarah look at Zemo confused for a second before they turn back to Bucky.
“He does have a point.” Sarah agrees with the Baron.
“He’s out of line, but he’s right. It’s great. Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
“I liked Marvin Gaye.”
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.” Sarah shakes her head softly, takes out her phone and headphones out and puts on some ‘calming’ music by Pan!c at the Disco, trying to delve into her own little world as she looks out the window of the jet.
~~In Madripoor~~
“We have to do something about this. I’m the only one who looks like a pimp.” Sam complains.
“Only an American would assume a fashion-forward black man looks like a pimp. You look exactly like the man you’re supposed to be playing. The sophisticated, charming African rake names Conrad Mack, aka the Smiling Tiger.” Zemo shows Sam a picture of the man he is impersonating on his phone as the four continue walking.
“He even has a bad nickname. Hell, he does look like me, though.”
“Well you aren’t the only one who hates this plan, Sam...” Sarah walks in between Bucky and the Baron, in a small black dress and black heels that Zemo had bought for her to wear. “Do I really have to wear this? And who the fuck am I supposed to be?” She looks at Zemo, an annoyed glare pointed at him.
“Yes, darling. And you are my fiancée, it would be too suspicious for a new face to show up without a specific reason. No matter what happens, we have to stay in character. Our lives depend on it. There’s no margin for error.” Zemo states as a black car pulls up in front of them. He reached forward and opens the door for Sarah, who nods at him as she climbs into the middle seat, between Sam and Bucky. During the car ride, Zemo’s eyes flicker up to the mirror, watching Sarah. She notices his staring and she looks down, a soft blush covering her face. Suddenly, a group of motorbikes come out of nowhere, surrounding the car.
The car pulls up and Sam, Bucky and Zemo climb out of the car. Sarah turns to climb out after Bucky but an outstretched hand stops her. Specifically Zemo’s hand, waiting for her to take it. She reaches out and places her small hand in his and he helps her out of the car, wrapping his arm around her waist. Sarah tenses and he leans down, lips millimeters away from her ear.
“You’re my girl here, that’s your character.” He whispers huskily. The hand on her waist gives her a soft squeeze. She takes a small breath and leans against him, as the four of them walk along the walk above the large crowd of people.
As the four of them walk into the Princess Bar, Zemo’s grip on her tightens, pressing her close to him. The fur on his coat tickles her cheek and neck. “Here we are... Ready to comply, Winter Soldier?” Zemo asks as he leads Sarah, Sam and Bucky to the bar, still holding the woman’s waist. As the four make it to the bar, the bartender walks over, surprise written all over his face.
“Hello Miss, Gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.”
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” The bartender looks at Zemo with suspicion, then looks at the Sam.
“The usual?” Sam nods.
“Ah... Smiling Tiger, your favourite.” Zemo says, watching the bartender cut open a snake, using it to make the Smiling Tigers usual drink.
“I love these..” Sam says with slight hesitation. Zemo lifts his drink.
“Cheers Conrad.” Zemo drinks his own as Sarah sips on her drink, watching the two. Sam hesitates, then takes the drink like a shot, giving the bartender a thumbs up.
A man walks up behind Zemo and as he turns, moves Sarah out of the way of any possible harm.
“I got word from on high. You ain’t welcome here.”
“I have no business with the Power Broker, but if he insists, he can either come and talk to me...” Zemo gestures to Bucky.
“New haircut?” The man questions Bucky.
“Or bring Selby for a chat.” Zemo watches the man. He looks at Zemo, then at Bucky, then Sam and lastly towards Sarah who is peeking out from behind Zemo’s protective stance.
“A Power Broker? Really?” Bucky looks at Zemo, obviously done with this situation.
“Every kingdom needs its king.” Zemo slides his arm back around Sarah, softly and sneakily massaging the small area on her waist. “Let’s just pray we stay under his radar.”
“Do you know him?” Sam questions.
“Only by reputation.”
“That doesn’t sound to good.” Sarah mumbles, taking another sip of her drink.
“It’s not. In Madripoor, he is judge, jury and executioner.” Zemo looks around the room and then turns back to the bar. “Winter Soldier. Attack.” The moment the man roughly placed his hand on Zemo, Bucky’s metal arm shot out, grabbing his wrist and twisting, pushing the man to the middle of the floor.
Sam, Sarah and Zemo watch as Bucky kicks ass left and right, causing not only damage to the people but to the furniture around him. Zemo leans close to Sarah and Sam.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form.” Zemo states. Bucky slams a man down onto the bar, then the sound of guns cocking. Sam and Zemo look around the bar at everyone and Zemo grabs Sarah, pulling her close, trying to protect her. Sam places a hand on Bucky’s arm.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispers to Sam, then he turns to Bucky. “Well done, Soldier.” The bartender watches as Bucky doesn’t let go of the man.
“Selby will see you now.” Bucky let’s go of the man, slowly.
“Thank you.” Zemo nods and gives Sarah’s waist a squeeze. Sam turns to Bucky.
“You good?” He says softly. Bucky looks at Sam quickly before following Zemo and Sarah. Sam following shortly after.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t just come into my bar and make demands.” The woman, Selby, state as the four enter the room.
“Not a demand. An offer.” Zemo sits down, Sarah sitting down on his lap.
“A lot has changed since you were here last.” Sarah decides at that moment to play the character she was given and rests her head on Zemo’s shoulder, playing with the ends of his hair, sneakily paying attention to the entire conversation. Sarah then slides off the Baron’s lap, he gestures for her to sit back where he was sitting and he walks over to Bucky.
“And I give you him.” He walks around, behind Bucky, who looks like a statue. “Along with the code words to control him, of course. He will do anything you want.” Zemo runs his fingers over Bucky’s chin, softly grabbing and wiggling the end.
“Now that’s the Zemo I remember. I’m glad I decided not to kill you immediately. However, I want something else to go along with him.” She smirks at the two men, slowly turning to look at Sarah, who is still sitting on the chair opposite her. “I want that pretty little thing as well.” Zemo walks away from the soldier and Sarah scoots out of the chair for him to sit, taking her original place in his lap.
“Not this one, she’s mine.” His hand cups Sarah’s butt and squeezes, as a way of staking his claim in front of Selby. Sarah, deciding she didn’t like the way the woman talked about her as though she’s an object, steps in.
“I belong to my Baron.” She runs her fingers through the back of his hair. Selby looks disappointed by gives Zemo the information about the Super Soldier Serum and a man called Dr. Wilfred Nagel.
“You can’t find Nagel without me.” Sam’s phone vibrates suddenly.
“Sam? Who’s Sam? Kill them!” Suddenly Selby is on the floor dead with a bullet wound and then chaos ensues. Bucky and Sam take out two of her bodyguards as Sarah pulls a knife out from under her dress and stabs another in between the eyes. She lets the body fall and hit the ground, turns to look at the three men who came with her, staring at her in shock.
“Did you three REALLY think I was coming HERE, defenceless??” Sarah rolls her eyes. The four move towards the exit.
“They’re gonna pin this on us.” Sam states, leaning against the door. Zemo sighs, as Sarah sheaths her knife, the three men’s eyes lingering on her exposed thigh.
“We have a real problem now, so leave your weapons and follow my lead.”
Bucky, Sam, Sarah and Zemo quickly leave the area, the sound of phones receiving messages going off all around them. Zemo’s arm is once again around Sarah’s waist.
“This is not good...” suddenly the light above them go out and multiple gun shots are heard. The four duck and Zemo turns and drags Sarah off down an alley, leaving Bucky and Sam.
“Zemo wait! I can’t run in the-“
Sarah trips, her eyes closed as she waits for the rough impact but instead feels the soft fur from Zemo’s coat. He caught me... the two stare at each other for a moment before Zemo picks Sarah up and continues running down the alleyway.
Finally they got to the end of the alley and turn the corner to see Sam and Bucky standing there, as a body falls.
“You seem to have a guardian angel.” He points out.
“Well this is too perfect.” The last person the four expected to see was Sharon Carter to walk out of the shadow. “Let go of Sarah and drop it, Zemo.” Zemo puts the gun down and lets of Sarah reluctantly.
“Sharon?” Bucky takes a step forward.
~~~~ skip forward to the party at Sharon’s~~~~
Sarah stands off to the side of the crowd still wearing the dress Zemo bought her. Bucky and Sam are talking as she looks around at the dancing crowd only to see Zemo...
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Sarah let’s put a tiny laugh, shaking her head at the sight. When she looks back up at him, he is gesturing for her to come dance with him. Sarah thinks for a second before a goofy smile appears and she pushes off the bar and joins Zemo in the crowd.
“Those are so great moves!” She calls out to him over the crowd, he grabs her hands and continues dancing.
“Then dance with me!” He calls back, a large goofy smile on his face. The pair end up dancing and looking at some of the artwork together until they meet up with Sam and Bucky, waiting for Sharon.
“Hey, guys. I found him.” Sharon motions for the four to follow her. Sam turns to Bucky.
“Here we go.”
“Alright, he’s in there. Container four-two-six-one. Sarah and I will keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We’re on borrowed time.” Sharon holds out her palm with five ear pieces for everyone. Sarah, Sam, Bucky and Zemo take theirs and Sharon leads Sarah away from the group, noticing how Zemo watches as the two disappear.
Minutes later, Sharon turns to Sarah.
“So, Zemo seems to have taken a liking to you?” She smirks.
“No he doesn’t.” Sarah shakes her head as she looks around, guarding the shipping container. “It was Allan act. I had to pretend to be his fiancée to get into the club.”
“It’s pretty obvious it wasn’t an act, when I showed up pointing that gun at him, he was being protective.” Sarah rolls her eyes as Sharon nudges her.
The pair are oblivious to the fact that their earpieces were still on and Zemo, Sam and Bucky could hear everything. Sam and Bucky turn slowly to glare at Zemo and if looks could kill, he would have been dead already. However he isn’t paying attention to the two, instead distracted by the voices in his ear and the burnin blush covering his cheeks.
~~~ After the explosion and Zemo’s scene of him kicking ass ~~~
Zemo pulls up in front of the group and shrugs.
Bucky climbs in the passenger seat and Sam climbs in behind him, Sarah walking around the front of the car. Before she opens the passenger door behind Zemo, he opens his door.
“Come here for a second.” Sarah looks at him inquisitively but complies, standing in front of him. Zemo reaches up, grabs her waist and pulls her onto his lap, passionately kissing her for a minute, Sam complaining in the back. He pulls away and smirks, giving her a small wink. She blushes and he pats her ass, for her to climb into her seat. She does so in a daze and once she is buckled in, Zemo takes off.
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deadontheinsidebut · 4 years
The Beauty and the Beast: Part 1
Pairing: Prince!Kei x Reader x Prince!Akiteru
Summary: You’re an energetic and wild princess. Tsukishima Kei is a cold and stoic prince. Sounds like a perfect match right? One problem: you’re engaged to his older brother Tsukishima Akiteru.
Featuring: The third gym squad and co. Chaotic Bokuto and Sly Kuroo
Genre: Royal AU✨fluff, humour, unrequited love perhaps? 🤫 childhood friends
Word Count: 2.1k
a/n: if you read it all, i luv you🥺✨💖
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You’ve been destined to marry the heir of Karasuno, Tsukishima Akiteru since you were children. He was kind enough and was everything you should want in a man. Then why was the younger prince who sought solace in novels written by far away men always appearing in the corners of your mind?
You walked arm in arm with Akiteru as he lead you around their rose garden and explained the different meaning behind each flower. You, being a 10 year old girl had not began seeking interest in flowers yet, and continued to smile in order to not offend him.
As you two rounded the corner to look at the white roses, you were met with a boy around the same age sitting on the bench reading a book.
You did a small trot over to where he sat and looked over at the page he was reading. It was about a beauty and a beast in some far away castle. 
“Whatcha reading?” You say as you drag out your words playfully. 
“Huh?! Who are you?” He asks, startled out of his seat.
“I’m Princess y/n! Nice to meet you!”
~10 Years Later (Present Day)~
You sneak up to Kei with his nose in his book and place your hands in front of his eyes. 
“Guess who?” You ask, giddily anticipating his answer. 
“Hmm, some snake from the Nohebi Kingdom?” he replies and you can feel his smirk without even seeing him. 
You retract your hand and move in front of him. 
“That’s mean you know. You should be nicer to me. I might not show up to your 19th birthday celebration if you keep acting this way,” you jest. 
He lets out a long groan. 
“Do we really have to hold a whole ball for such a measly celebration?”
You gasp jokingly, “How dare you entertain such a preposterous idea?”
You pretend to faint on him but he gently pushes you off.  
“It’s amazing to think you’re the older one,” he grumbles. 
“There you go again being a pompous brat. When I become queen, I’ll have Akiteru behead you. Hmph.”
He returns to his book but a soft smile is apparent on his face. 
You wave him off before going to see Akiteru. There is a slight bounce in your step as you go off to plan Kei’s birthday ball. 
“Good morning your highness,” you say with a curtsy. 
“Ah, how are you y/n? What brings you here so early?” Akiteru asks with a cheery smile on his face.
“We are supposed to meet up at 10am to discuss the plans for your brother’s party?”
“Ah yes, that. Why don’t you come have a seat beside me?”
“Are we inviting the King of Fukurodani and Prince of Nekoma? I think he’d be happy to see his old friends again,” you suggest. 
“Great thinking sweetheart! I’ll call Yamaguchi to send out the invitations.”
You nod and give him a soft smile before looking out the windows.
After excusing yourself from Akiteru’s chamber, you head to the kitchen to munch on some unprincess-like desserts. You were humming a song Kei once showed you on his headphones. 
~5 Years Ago~
“Oh my gooooood. What I wouldn’t do for some two-bite brownies right now,” you complain while rubbing your rumbling stomach. 
“You’re going to get fat if you keep eating sweets, you know,” Tsukishima comments nonchalantly. 
“It’s not my fault that this corset is too damn tight,” you respond with a glare. 
“We’re at a ball, please do refrain from using such foul language.”
You sigh because you knew he was right. Suddenly, you feel a small tug at your hand and a brownie slides into your palm. 
You look up at the scowling prince to see him scanning the ballroom with an unbothered gaze.  
“Thank you,” you whisper before munching on your much-deserved treat. 
~Present Day~
You bump into Tsukishima on your way to the kitchen and almost fall backwards due to you being deep in a daydream about desserts. He grabs onto your wrist to steady you. 
“Dessert time already?” he asks slyly. 
“Don’t be coy with me, sir. Come, let us eat cake!” 
“You’re not cute when you quote an old French queen.”
You take his wrist and lead him to the kitchen with a skip in your step. 
He isn’t known for having a big appetite so he was fine watching you do what you love most while resting his hand on his chin. 
“chomp chomp- you know - munch- we were planning to -munch- have a seven layer cake for your birthday celebration -munch- how does that sound?”
“First of all, don’t talk with your mouth full and second, we both know the cake is for you because nobody is eating that much.”
“Hmm, fine by me!” 
“~Sigh~ you’ve always been childish. When you officially become my sister-in-law, I’ll make it so that you never go anywhere without an escort,” he decides. 
“But why? I’ve never done anything that would require that much assistance!”
“Remember when...”
~2 Years Ago~
“My kite!!!!” You cry as the flying object that Bokuto gifted to you not long ago got caught up in a tree. 
Kei, who was just trying to read his book against said tree facepalmed. 
“I’m going to tell Bokuto that you already lost his gift.”
“It’s not lost!! It’s just stuck. Here, I can retrieve it,” you exclaim as you start to bundle your dress to easily climb the tree. 
“Hey wait! I’ll call a maid or gardener to get it for you. Just don’t do anything stupid!” Tsukishima calls out but you’re already half way up the trunk. 
“Just a little tug,” you mumble “there we go! I got it- AHHH.” 
Now you’re falling out of the tree at high speed and Tsukishima is sweating bullets as he reaches his arms out to catch you. He miscalculated where you would hit the ground and you were left grumbling with a pained ankle. 
“Owww, that hurt,” you whimper as you grab hold of your injured ankle. 
“Idiot!! I knew this would happen! Here, let me see,” he cries out and rushes to your side. 
“Please stop chastising me all the time,” you pout and he could see the genuine pain in your eyes. 
His demeanor softens and he examines your ankle. 
“Don’t worry y/n, it looks like it’s just a sprain okay?” he says reassuringly. 
You sniffle and look up at him with a suspicious glint in your eyes. 
“Carry me back then, Kei.”
He sweat drops and looks at you with a deadpan expression. 
“Did I stutter?” You ask innocently. 
Surprisingly enough, he picks you up onto his back and walks you all the way home despite the tremble in his legs.
~Present Day~
“Well, I was dumb and young!” You try to defend yourself.
“You were 18 you idiot!”
“Hmph, if it ever comes down to it, you could be my escort!” You say and laugh at your own joke.
You didn’t understand why he was blushing at your words.
Akiteru comes in to the sound of you two laughing.
“What are my two favourite people up to?”
Tsukki gets up abruptly and excuses himself.
“~sigh~ even after all these years, we still can’t manage to get along,” Akiteru mutters.
“Don’t worry your highness, he has good intentions.”
“I really do wish you would call me by my first name, y/n. We’ve been engaged for 10 years now and it still feels like we’ve just met.”
“I’m sorry...” you mumble guiltily.
He chuckles at your response, “don’t trouble yourself if you’re not comfortable. Come, let me escort you back to your chambers so you can get enough rest before the birthday celebration tomorrow.”
You let him lead you by the arm and the walk there was filled with empty silence.
“Happy birthday, Tsukki!” you exclaim while jumping on his bed to wake him.
The sound of clapping and birthday horns from the maids echoed and the streamers and confetti pétaled down throughout the room.
You kneeled excitedly beside him on the bed and he was looking up at you confusedly as he tried to process what was going on.
“Do you know that it’s inappropriate to be in a man’s chambers before waking hours?” He asks with his signature smirk on his face.
You slap him lightly to acknowledge his joke before carrying on to tell him about the plan for tonight.
He makes his way out of his bed and you leave him to get ready.
~At The Ball~
“Here are glasses that hold the future in your palms! Just wearing them will allow you access to the great things that are coming your way!” King Bokuto advertises as he hands Tsukishima his gift.
“They’re just glasses,” Akaashi contradicts with a deadpan expression.
Although Bokuto is the king, it is Akaashi, his adviser, that keeps him in line.
“BUT! They are of the highest caliber of materials that can only be found in the Fukurodani Kingdom!” Bokuto interjects enthusiastically.
Tsukishima shakes his head in annoyance but deep down, he’s grateful for his friends’ gift. After all, it’s not everyday that he’s graced with glasses made of gold and crystals.
As they move on, Kuroo makes his way up the stand to present Tsukki his gift. With him were his jester Lev and scribe Kenma.
“Hey Tsukki boy, happy 19th birthday! We didn’t bring you a gift so take our jester!” Kuroo laughs and pushes Lev towards him.
“Kuroo-sama! Don’t let me go!” Lev cries out.
“Oh right. If I give you to him, you won’t get paid. Alright, sorry Tsukki, I guess you can’t have our jester!”
He laughs as he walks away with Lev trailing behind.
Kenma is scribbling down everything that just happened and wished Tsukishima a happy birthday before catching up with his prince.
Tsukishima sighs to himself as he awaits her entrance.
And lo and behold, she appears.
You appear at the top of the grand staircase in your beautiful ball gown. There was an air of elegance that radiated from you in a way Tsukki had never seen before. Without meaning to, he let out a soft ‘wow’ and kept his eye on you as you took each step down the stairs.
Not far behind you was your fiancé and he was dressed in a white suit to match his bright blond hair. You two looked like angels that descended from heaven and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy erupt in his chest.
It was finally your turn to present your gift to the birthday prince and you were as giddy as ever. You abandon all formalities when you leap into his unsuspecting arms.
“Doesn’t it feel so great to be 19?”
“It honestly feels the same,” he says before seeing you start to frown, “but I suppose there are some credentials to being a year older,” he finishes.
He holds you at an arm’s length before Akiteru breaks the embrace.
“Happy Birthday brother.”
He nods with a smile that looked more like a grimace. They shake hands and Kuroo and Bokuto approach your small group to make small talk.
“It must be nice to have such a huge party for 19! Next year, let’s celebrate my 22 at Nekoma’s pavilion. You’re invited too y/n. It wouldn’t be a party without you!” Kuroo announces to you guys.
“Haha and it definitely wouldn’t be a good party if you weren’t hosting it!” You respond with just as much enthusiasm.
“Man! And maybe after that, we can celebrate y/n and Tsukki’s engagement!” Bokuto laughs lightheartedly.
An awkward silence between the group ripples through the air and the laughter from the other guests are the only thing that’s evident.
“Actually,” Akiteru grumbles through clenched teeth, “I’m her fiance.”
“Oh... ahaha, Tsukki and y/n just get along so well that I totally forgot,” Bokuto responds. 
Kuroo gives Bokuto a playful slap on the back, “Oh Bokuto, you dense fool! Come, let us get some more champagne.”
“You know what? I have a surprise as well,” Akiteru proclaims. 
He makes his way up to center stage and grabs the mic. 
“Hello everybody. Welcome to the Tsukishimas’ birthday ball for my little brother, Prince Kei! Not to steal his thunder or anything, but another celebration is coming soon: me and Princess y/n’s wedding next week!” 
An eruption of applause scatters across the ballroom. Tsukki is clenching his fists and you’re choking on your champagne. You could’ve sworn you saw a glint of victory in Akiteru’s eyes as he stared his brother down...
a/n: WOW that was Part 1 everybody. I had so much fun writing this and fell in love with the characters even more. I hope you all enjoyed the experience and stay for Part 2!! Send me an ask or message if you want to be added to my taglist! 😌🥺✨💗
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noonachronicles · 8 years
Cake By the Ocean
Min Yoongi/ Suga X Reader 
So this is low-key (high-key?) for @fluffygummy-yoonmin who legit asked me for Yoongi/Noona smut a thousand years ago. I’m sorry it took me so long! I just wanted to do it right and I hope you enjoy!
Oh, and it’s just under 8k words. Sooo yeah. 
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When your best friend Nani told you her boyfriend, Hoseok, had proposed to her you were ecstatic. When they decided on a destination wedding with just a few close friends and family you were even more so. And when she told you his CEO father was paying for the wedding party to have a week long vacation at the wedding location before the wedding you were through the roof lounging on cloud nine. About to be lounging on the beaches of Punta Cana. The trip was going to be extravagant from start to finish. You could tell from the first leg of the trip, sitting in the first class lounge sipping champagne with Nani and Mia, her younger sister and Maid of Honor. The airport was also the first time you were introduced to Hoseok’s two best friends Yoongi and Jimin.
“Unnie,” Nani cooed, already buzzed, “You should try and sit next to Jimin on the plane. He’s single, sweet, and he has a bubble butt. Just like you like.”
“Oh my god, Nani. If you don’t stop talking immediately I will cut off your champagne supply.”
She pouted, “I’m just trying to help you out.”
“I don’t need help, I happen to like being alone.” you shrugged, “Plus, he’s a total baby. Look at those cheeks.”
“Which ones?” she winked and you rolled your eyes dramatically.
Looking over your shoulder at him you couldn’t really disagree, he was really good looking. His hair, blonde, was nice. It swept over his eyes emphasizing his innocent, plump lipped, smile. You subconsciously licked your lips. Nani was right, he had a butt as plump as those lips and you were such a sucker for a boy with a bubble butt. Not to mention his drool worthy thighs that peeked out of his torn denim jeans. As your eyes traveled back up you noticed him watching you from underneath his fringe, a sly grin replacing his innocent smile.
When you found your seat on the plane it was not next to Jimin, which you were actually pretty grateful for. He was still in front of you but you felt like you could hide easier behind him than next to him. Instead of Jimin it was Yoongi who sat next to you. You smiled up at him as he stowed his bag away, he did not smile back. When Hoseok introduced him he didn’t smile, he didn’t smile now. You weren’t sure he knew the gesture. You had thought you saw his lips move as he sat down but you already had your headphones on so you pulled out an earbud and looked over at him.
“What was that?”
“I said ‘I’m sorry.”
“What for?” you asked extremely confused.
“That you’re sitting next to me and not Jimin.” he shrugged.
“Why would you be sorry about that?”
“Because it’s going to get annoying after take off when Jimin climbs over his seat to flirt with you for the duration of the flight.”
“I don’t understand…”
He sighed, greatly annoyed by the questioning. “That’s because you assumed the apology was for you. It wasn’t. It was for me. I am the one that will be annoyed.”
You leaned back in your seat, speechless.
Yoongi hated flying. He hated weddings. He hated beaches. He loathed Park Jimin. However, he loved Hoseok. Yoongi would do anything for his best friend, even tolerate everything he hated. Unsurprising to him he found himself annoyed for the entire flight. Mostly because he had been right about Jimin. As soon as the fasten seatbelt sign dimmed he had turned around and flashed you his most charming smile.
It made him sick to his stomach. No matter how loud he made his music or how hard he tried to drown out Jimin’s voice, it was still there. Nails down a chalkboard. He was also a little annoyed that you were falling for it. Yoongi had thought you were cute, he’d been interested, even considered making a move. Then he saw you gawking at Jimin in the lounge and the appeal was all but lost.
He groaned thinking about it again as he dropped his bag on the bed of his bungalow. One of five that had been rented out by Hoseok’s parents for the week. He pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed his friend, resting the phone by his ear as he laid down.
“Hey, Yoongi.”
“Seriously? I have to be in this one?” He complained as a greeting.
“Come on hyung, what do you want? Nani wanted to be in the middle, you didn’t want to be next to Jimin… There was no other place.”
“You stuck me right next to Jimin’s newest conquest. Why? So I could hear them banging it out all week? No way.”
Hoseok laughed, “Truth be told, I don’t think she’s going to go for him. He’s a little too…aggressive for her. Nani has big plans for them but Jimin is barking up the wrong tree with that one.”
“She seemed pretty into it on the plane.” He shrugged.
“How would you know? You were asleep the whole time in your little mini Min ball of hate. Y/N was annoyed, you would have been highly amused. Actually, I was going to suggest you make a move on her but she’s too nice for your moody ass.”
Yoongi guffawed, “Thanks, Hobi.”
“You’re welcome, asshole. Now stop complaining and enjoy your free vacation.”
Three days had passed easily and you had forgotten all about the airplane awkwardness with Yoongi thanks to the night clubs and scuba diving taking up most of your days. You had not so much gotten over the awkwardness that had occurred with Jimin. Every. Single. Day. Every chance he got he was in your face, scrounging for attention. He was cute, but he was the type of cute where he knew it. He sat next to you every night at dinner. Found you every morning to spend time together. Went with you outside of the resort area only to complain the whole time that it wasn’t as exciting as the town the resort was in. Even on the night that it was just supposed to be the girls he’d found his way to the nightclub that the three of you had gone to and Bogarted your attention all night.
What you had really wanted from this vacation was a minute of silence. A moment alone to actually enjoy being on an island you would likely never visit again. It was uncertain to you if you would get that chance, between bridesmaid duties and Jimin’s excessive flirting. You half thought you should just fuck him and get it over with so he would maybe give you some space.
When you walked out onto the beach in front of your bungalow everyone was already hanging out. Nani, Hoseok, Mia, and Jimin were playing volleyball near the shore  and Yoongi was on a lounger reading a book a little ways away. Yoongi had been pretty cold all week but you honestly were preferring his cold shoulder to anyone else’s overwhelming personalities right about now. You headed over to the empty lounger next to him adjusting the sarang you hand tied around your waist.
“Can I use this one?” You asked quietly, you didn’t want to bother him but you couldn’t help but be polite.
“I don’t own it.” He didn’t even bother to look up from his book.
You sighed and pulled off your sarang and laid it across the lounger before laying down on your stomach, pulling open your book. You made it through an entire chapter before you felt the rough brush of sand falling against your legs and you knew he had arrived.
“Noona…” Jimin said sitting down next to you.
You bit your lip to keep from screaming before looking over your shoulder with a smile. “Hey, Chim.”
“Come play with us.” He smiled rubbing your calf.
“I don’t think so. You guys already have even teams anyway.”
Jimin pouted, “You don’t want to spend time with me?”
“… I really just wanted to lay out and read a bit today. “
Jimin opened his mouth to complain but Yoongi was quicker to the draw.
“Jimin. Remember that time in high school when you got food poisoning and shit your pants so you hid in the bushes outside the art building until I brought you a change of clothes?” He chuckled lightly, “Then you paid me back by fucking my ex-fiancé two hours after we called off the wedding.”
Jimin was stunned, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull. Your jaw was unashamedly dropped in surprise at the confession.
Shaking himself out of shock Jimin smiled over at Yoongi, “Remember that time you beat the shit out of me and swore you would never speak to me again? I wish you had kept that promise…Y/N, if you change your mind you know where to find me.”
You bit your lip and nodded, watching him walk back to the others. When you turned back to Yoongi he was looking back down at his book, you wanted to say something but you weren’t sure what, “Um, thank you. And before you say anything I’m not assuming that it was for me, just thank you regardless.”
Yoongi sighed and closed his book. “It was. It was for you. Jimin is handsome and charming. He gets whatever he wants whenever he wants it, but he’s not a good guy. He’ll play you. He plays everyone.”
He threw his legs over the side of the lounger as if to stand up but you placed your hand on his knee, “Will you stay? I won’t bother you. Just, if you leave…”
“He’ll come back.” Yoongi nodded and put his legs back up.
You looked back down at your book and smiled before quietly saying, “My hero…”
You didn’t think he’d heard, he didn’t come back with anything witty or sarcastic, but he did keep a small smirk the rest of the afternoon.
He had thought you looked amazing as you were walking over to him on the beach that afternoon. Your black one piece with its open back and criss-crossed string design across the stomach. He thought you were just wearing a fancy two piece. Yoongi couldn’t even look at you when you asked to sit next to him for fear of becoming fully erect.
It had been hard enough when you laid down, your ass on display. All he really wanted to do was touch you. Your smooth back, your round bottom. He couldn’t even read the next lines of his book. When Jimin arrived he could have kissed you right on the mouth when he saw your annoyed expression. He felt obligated to step in when Jimin pressured you to hang out. You were too kind, you weren’t going to be able to say no for too much longer.
He pulled the shirt off the bed, the one that Hoseok gave him and begged him to wear tonight so that they could match. The glare was strong on his face as he looked at the lone island with the palm tree repeated on a sea of blue. There was no way that he could make his move on you tonight, not wearing this tourist shirt like a red flag of shame.
He buttoned it up, repeating his mantra for the week, “For Hobi”. Throwing on a pair of torn black jeans and flip flops his outfit was completed. He looked in the mirror and check his hair once more before leaving the bungalow to head to the restaurant that your group had been occupying all week.
“Hey!” He turned, surprised to see you as you clamored through the sand to catch up with him. “Heading to dinner?”
“Where else would I be going?” He sighed and watched you look away and cursed himself internally for being the way he was. He couldn’t help his snarky comebacks, they just came out. “You look nice.”
He could see the shock on your face, the light blush bloom on your cheeks, “Thanks…I like your shirt.”
He scoffed, “No you don’t. No one could ever like this shirt.”
You looked up and grinned as you reached the restaurant, “Those two did.”
Yoongi looked up to see Hoseok and Jimin in their matching shirts and he ran his hand through his hair. “Oh, Hoseok…”
“If it makes you feel any better, you’re definitely wearing it best.” You said quickly and ran up the walk to meet the rest of your group. Yoongi took a deep breath, you were flirting with him. He was pretty sure you were flirting with him. He smirked, trying to keep his cool the best he could, and made his way up to the group.
He was cute. Min Yoongi. You couldn’t help yourself but to think so and you felt slightly guilty that you hadn’t noticed right away. At first you thought he was just a mean guy, but now his attitude seemed…different, like he was just guarding himself. After his confession to Jimin on the beach you could understand why he would. You eyed him over your pina colada as he sat leaned back in his chair joking about something with Hoseok. The more you drank the more their matching shirts amused you.
“Noona…” Jimin said at your side.
“Mmm.” you hummed putting your coconut on the table.
“You look really good tonight.” he said leaning in close to your neck, his breath kissing your throat. “Maybe after dinner… we could take a walk down the by the water?”
“Maybe, Chim.” you smiled and bit your lip watching the little pale patch of skin that was showing from under Yoongi’s shirt.
Yoongi looked over at you and grinned tipping his beer glass slightly towards you. You couldn’t help but squirm slightly in your seat. You were fine on your own. You hadn’t lied to Nani when you said that you liked being alone. You did. Being alone afforded you the ability to go on adventures like this. To take off wherever you wanted whenever you needed, but as happy as you were, you were thirsty. And the coconut you were sipping out of was not doing the job.
The more rum you drank the harder it became to pry your eyes away from Yoongi’s gummy smile. You wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on yours, to kiss down that throat, to feel his hands on you, his fingers spread over your skin. Clearing your throat you stood up from the table and excused yourself. You were too drunk, you couldn’t stay at the table you would say something, you would mess it all up.
Walking down the walk, back to the sand you pulled off your shoes and let your toes dig into the chill granules. The sky looked like cotton candy as the sun set on the horizon and you walked down the beach until the sand between your toes was replaced by salt water. It was refreshing. Your head still incredibly fuzzy but you felt refreshed, and awake, and aroused.  
You turned, shoes swinging from your hand, and smiled as Jimin made his way down to the water next to you.
“Chimin…Jim…Chim…Jimin.” You slurred and chuckled.
“Ah, yeah, I thought you seemed a little out of it.” he laughed, “Let me walk you back to your bungalow. I want to make sure you get there safe.”
Yoongi was bummed that you had left before him and he was even more so when Jimin took off after you. It hadn’t been his idea, Nani had suggested he do it, but Yoongi wished he’d had the idea. By the time he made his way back down the beach he was frustrated by his own thoughts. You had been pretty drunk when you took off. It would have been easy for Jimin to make a move. And loose lipped Nani had let the whole table know how drinking made you… a little loose yourself.
He didn’t notice the any lights on in your bungalow as he opened the door of his own so he assumed, or hoped you had gone to sleep. He unbuttoned his shirt and and threw it on the bed before hopping into the shower. When he got out he opened the window near the bed, he’d been enjoying going to sleep to the sound of the waves crashing in on the sand. He’d been surprised at how much he liked it.
After slipping on a pair of boxers he laid down on the mattress and closed his eyes. It was then that he heard you. It was soft at first just little moans. He almost didn’t hear them over the tide. Then they got louder, or the waves got more quiet. When he realized what he was hearing he sat up in his dark room. His heart fell in his chest. It was over, Jimin had won you over. As your groans got louder he got out of bed to close the window, he couldn’t take it, he didn’t want to hear anything at all from Jimin. With his hands on the window ready to push down is when you said it.
“Yoongi… oh yes.”
He wished he had a rewind button that he could slam his finger against just to be sure he heard it right. Looking out the window he could see that your window was only about a foot away from his. He wondered if he should say something? Go over? He sat back down on the mattress and waited.
It happened again, “Oh Yoongi. Oh Yoongi. Oh. Oh. Fuck Yoongi.”
He felt his dick jump in his boxers. His hands clutched the side of the bed. He wondered if you knew, if you were putting on a show for him. He shook the thought out of his head, it was turning him on far too much. Leaning back on the mattress he ran his hand over the bulge in his boxers considering it. It took him a moment to decide but in the end he slipped his hand under the elastic band and over his semihard member. Sucking in a deep breath as his fingers grasped his cock he could still hear your panting through the window. He bit his lip to keep from moaning. If he could hear you, you would be able to hear him if he wasn’t careful.
As his hand squeezed and pulled on his ever hardening erection he thought about his name on your lips. He thought about how you’d look underneath him or on top of him, he didn’t really care. His imagination ran wild with thoughts about how slick you would feel around him, how wet and needy. Squeezing his hand even tighter around his cock he thought about just how tight you would feel. His memory flashed back to the afternoon on the beach, your ass, your legs, all of the parts he wanted to touch and kiss. He groaned deeply into the night air. He wondered if you had all of the thoughts in your mind that he had in his at this moment.
He couldn’t hear you anymore, he didn’t need to. His momentum was on. Pumping and squeezing his shaft, his thumb rubbing over his sensitive tip. Eyes closed he could see you exactly as you looked sitting across from him at dinner. Your dress cut low, your lip between your teeth as you eyed him hungrily. He hadn’t been completely sure if you were, but after tonight, after right now, he was certain. He gasped and his breathe sputtered as he came, the mess of his orgasm splattered against his belly, but he could not care any less in that moment.
When you woke up the next morning you felt hungover and only half satisfied. You took a quick shower and threw some cutoff shorts and a tank top over your bathing suit just in time for Nani and Mia to show up for the walk over to brunch. As you sat down at the table behind your sunglasses you were more than ready for your mimosa.
“So…” Nani said with a smirk, “What happened last night with Jimin?”
“Nothing.” you chuckled, “He walked me back to my bungalow. That’s it.”
Nani groaned, “What is wrong with you? I can’t push him any more than I already am!”
“Then don’t!” you laughed, “Please don’t. I’d prefer if you didn’t actually.”
“Even Mia met a guy at the bar last night after dinner, you’re the only one not getting any on this trip! It breaks my heart.” she said grasping her chest dramatically.
“Stop worrying about me. I can take care of myself.” you smirked, “literally.”
“Aww, unnie!” Mia said with so much pity you thought you might actually start to feel bad for yourself too. “You didn’t!”
“Why not? I know exactly what needs to be done.” You shrugged pouring yourself a second glass.
“Wait… you what?” Nani’s mouth dropped in excitement, “Who were you thinking about?”
“Who says I was thinking about anyone?”
“The girl that’s been your best friend for twenty years. Specifically, the girl that was your best friend through university. When you got really experimental and chatty about said experiments” Nani scooted to the edge of her seat and hissed, “I know you always have to think of someone specific when you masturbate. Who. Was. It.”
You quickly downed your second glass reminding yourself that you had indeed told Nani all of your dirty little secrets. The blessing and curse of the best friend. “It was…itwasMinYoongi.”
Nani’s mouth fell open and Mia just shrugged, “I thought you were going to say the bartender from last night.”
You cursed yourself for not thinking about saying something like that before looking back at Nani, “Close your mouth before you start catching mosquitoes in that trap.”
“MIN YOONGI!” She screeched causing the entire restaurant to stare.   
Min Yoongi was a little, okay a lot, upset that you hadn’t been to dinner with the group that night. He’d wanted to say something, take the chance to sit next to you or to walk back to the bungalows with you and feel you out. Nani had said that you wanted to go exploring though and had told her not to expect you around for the afternoon. He wished for the briefest moment that he was as intrusive as Jimin. That he had the urge to go out and find you and pretend like it was a casual bumping into, but he just didn’t. Mostly because when he thought about it, if someone tried that with him he’d be more than annoyed.
After dinner he stayed at the bar for a bit with Hoseok and Nani but took off before they did to the bungalow. He laid down in his boxers and tried to let the waves lull him to sleep but he was restless. Yoongi rolled out of bed and put some clothes on. He walked straight out of his bungalow and down the sand until he reached water. He sighed and looked at the moon reflected over the ocean. He didn’t know why he was so restless. He loved rest. He’d rest all day and all night if he could, but he couldn’t stop thinking about you, about what he should do next or if he should do anything at all.
He had half decided to go back up to bed and try to jerk off a while until he was tired when he saw you walking down the beach by yourself. He remained planted by the water. He just wasn’t sure enough about the situation to accost you in the middle of the night. Maybe you were just drunk last night and when you said his name it was nothing. Why did it have to be anything at all?  You were allowed to think about him… while you touched yourself… and have it not mean anything at all for the two of you. Weren’t you? He turned and was surprised to see you a few steps away.
“I thought that was you,” You smiled brightly, swinging a handwoven tote bag at your side.
“Are you just getting back?” he asked and then bit his lip realizing that it sounded a little stalkerish, “Nani had mentioned you were going out exploring.”
“Yeah, I had a blast.” he admired the smile that was spread across your face, he couldn’t help but smile back when you were standing there so happily. “I rented a bike and went to this little village outside of town. It was amazing. There was a little local bar playing live music and I drank too much beer and ate too much shrimp. I spent way too much money.”
“Sounds like you had a really good day.”
“How was dinner? Did I miss anything important.”
“Not really, same as it has been.” he shrugged.
“If you want… tomorrow I could take you to the village I went to tonight.” you let out a nervous breath, “You don’t have to obviously, but if you want to try something new… I wouldn’t mind sharing it with you.”
Yoongi dug his hands in his pockets. “That would be, cool. I’d like it.”
“Great. Awesome.” you were grateful that it was the middle of the night so he couldn’t see the bright red blush on your cheeks, “Um. I’m gonna go to bed, but I will see you tomorrow for our adventure. We can meet by the bikes, noonish?”
“Okay,” he nodded and watched you take off towards the bungalows. He turned back to the water once you were inside and gave a little fist pump of excitement, and then groaned feeling embarrassed by himself even though he was alone.
You’d had a late start. After seeing Yoongi on the beach looking so cute and casual in his plain white shirt with the deep v cut, and his swim trunks. Just standing there like he’d been waiting for you, his shaggy hair hanging in his eyes, and his little tongue darting out over his lips when the two of you spoke. You couldn’t help but think about him again, hand under the sheets, between your thighs think about him. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t hope that tonight might be the night you got lucky on this island.
You threw on the red bikini you packed and a short red sundress with a cute floral print over it. Looking yourself over in the mirror you thought it was too much, not casual enough. You didn’t want to seem too eager with him but at the same time you didn’t want to not seem eager. Giving up on your internal outfit argument you grabbed your oversized floppy sun hat and a pair of sunglasses before strapping up your sandals and heading out to wait by the bike rental near the front of the resort.
“Noona?” You groaned before you turned expecting to see Jimin but were surprised to see Yoongi.
“Oh, I forgot…”
“Forgot?” he asked moving next to you.
“That I’m older than you…” you blushed.
“I can call you something else if it bothers you.”
You shook your head adamantly, “Oh, no, I like it. I just forgot.”
“You like it, huh?” He smirked and pulled his wallet out to pay for the bikes.
“You didn’t have to…I umm.” You let out a deep breath you had to get a hold of yourself.
“Relax, noona.” He said pointedly, “Take me on an adventure.”
You biked together to a small village just south of the resort area your group was staying. The day was beautiful. Clear blue skies, light breeze, the smell of different street foods being prepared. You parked your bikes at the edge of the village and he followed you through all the little shops and to admire the different street art.You bought him a chimichurri burger from a street vendor along with an ice cold Presidente. The two of you sat on a old warped, wooden picnic table underneath a palm tree just a few feet away from the ocean waves.
As you sat, letting the food settle, and sipping the rest of your beers, Yoongi told you all about himself. About his ex, how they’d been together since university and how after four years he asked her to marry him. He said that she kept postponing the date, and he didn’t really think too much about it. Then finally about three years of waiting he had had enough. She admitted that she never wanted to marry him. She wasn’t sure she ever wanted to get married at all. She had just wanted someone to be with until she got her career started.
He even told you about how he had come back to their shared apartment after a few hours after their fight to pick up some clothes only to find Jimin and her in their bed. They had been friends, the two of them. Never as good as Yoongi was with Hoseok, but they had known each other just as long.
The beers ran out long before the conversation and the sun was setting before you realized it. You took Yoongi to the tiny dive bar that was already bustling. Only the actual bar was inside the hut, it’s roof made of palm fronds. You bought a couple more beers and then the both of you went out to the patio area. It was really several pieces of plywood puzzle pieced together in the sand on the side of the building lit up with Christmas lights and tiki torches.
The both of you drank and danced to the band that was already playing. The sun had gone down and you were both pretty buzzed. Only having eaten the burgers and snacking on the fried plantains and other bar snack foods they offered. You spun around the dance floor, and he thought you looked like a dream under the dim lighting. Your hair flowing. The skirt of your dress flowing. He was trying not to kiss you, not to ruin the amazing night he was having.
“I’m going to get us some more beer okay?” he said over the band and you nodded, continuing to sway on the dance floor.
The bartender grinned at him as he walked up to the bar, “Is that your girl?”
“Uh,” Yoongi blushed, “No.”
“You want her to be?”
He shrugged, “I don’t… I don’t know. Um. Can I get two cerveza?”
“It’s not cerveza you want.” the bartender said still grinning. He pulled a jug from behind the counter that was filled with what looked like tree bark. He filled up two small glasses and pushed them over to Yoongi. “Trust me. This is what you want. That girl, she is what you want.”
Yoongi brought the chilled glasses over to you and you looked at him curiously, “I think they gave you the wrong drinks.”
“He said we’d really like this.” Yoongi shrugged and you both took a drink. It was good, it tasted like wine and rum.
The mamajuana worked quick. Both of you going from buzzed to trashed in minutes. Nani was right about you, she always was. When you were drunk you were easy, and you had already wanted a shot at Yoongi before you started drinking. Both of you were dripping in sweat, dancing so close your bodies were practically one. Your hands roamed over his chest and shoulders, his shirt sticking to his skin so you could see everything he was hiding. You turned around, his hands on your hips and swayed in sync with the rhythm of the music, your ass grinding gently into his lap, teasing him. 
Finally he couldn’t take it any more. He spun you around and pulled you into his arms, “I’m gonna kiss you.” he panted.
Instead of actually responding to him you just leaned in and pressed your mouth to his. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he teased your tongue with his own. He opened his eyes wide as you moaned. It sounded good when you were in separate rooms but it sounded even better when you were in his arms. His hands dropped under your skirt and he grabbed your ass with his long fingers. He was showing you off to the whole dance floor and you didn’t care in the slightest because his hands were finally on you and his tongue was wet and slick on your own and that’s all you could comprehend.
“We should…” he pulled away from the kiss, “find somewhere?”
“The bungalows?” you asked sucking his bottom lip into your mouth.
He shook his head, “Too far. The beach?”
“No. No way, the sand…”
“Fuck.”  he pulled away and looked around. He nodded towards the tiny portopotty esque bathroom building. “Behind there.”
Your face scrunched with disapproval but what choice did you really have, you really wanted him. “Let’s go.”
Not so subtly the two of you went behind the building, on the other side there was a treeline and not much else. Yoongi had you against the wall instantly. His hands in you hair, his mouth sucking on your lips and then your neck. Your hand slipped passed the elastic of the swim trunks he was wearing and you had him in your grasp. He was already fully erect, and you were already wet.
“Pull the string…” you whimpered as his hands ran up your thighs.
“What?”  he panted.
“The strings on my bottoms, just pull them.” you said before bringing his mouth back to yours.
He grabbed the strings from your bikini bottoms and tugged, they dropped silently into the sand. You lifted your leg up around his hip and lead him to your entrance.
“Fuuuuck.” he gasped as he entered you, filling you, satisfying you. “Noona…”
“Oh Yoongi, oh yeah.” you hissed into his ear as he thrusted, slamming you back against the wall repeatedly.
“Is it as good as you imagined?” he asked kissing your neck.
“Wha- what?”
“When you thought about me in your bed and you touched yourself… did you imagine it would feel this good when I fucked you?”
“Yoongi…oh shit.” you groaned as he slipped his hand between your thighs.
“Did you rub right here when you called out my name?” Your nails dug into his back as you tried your best not to scream. “Right here, noona? Your swollen clit, did you rub it like this?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes.” You bit down hard on his shoulder as you came.
He came soon after. Tiny gasps against your neck as he filled you. When he pulled out the mixed arousal slipped down your thigh and you whimpered. He pressed his sweaty forehead to yours and left several small kisses against your lips.
“Yoongi…” you whispered against his lips, “I don’t think I can take the bike back.”
“I’ll get us a cab. We’ll put the bikes in the trunk.” he chuckled. 
Yoongi went back up to the bar to pay the tab while you slipped into the bathroom to wash up as best you could. When he reached the bar the bartender looked at him with a smug grin.
“Is she your girl now?”
He blushed, “She’s not…mine.”
“She will be.” the bartender chuckled taking the cash, “You’re welcome.”
You felt a little bad for the cab driver. The romp behind the bathroom was just the match hitting the lighter fluid. In the backseat the both of you were feeling the long burn of it. Before the the cab even took off you were tangled together. Your thigh between his legs, his hands tangled in your hair. The driver just turned his music up and let the two of you suck each others lips until they were sore and swollen. 
It was nearing two am by the time you got back to the resort. The streets were silent as you dropped off the bikes and the beach was empty as the two of you giggled your way back to the bungalows. 
“Which one?” he asked as you got closer.
“Mine.” you answered quickly, having already thought about it, “If you can hear me in yours then Hobi and Nani would be able to hear us in yours.”
“Gorgeous and clever.” Yoongi sucked on your neck as the two of you tumbled through the sand to the door of your bungalow. 
He tore your dress from you as soon as the door shut behind you. He couldn’t wait to see all of you, to do this properly. 
“Do you want anything? Water or…anything?”
He laughed, dragging you to the bed, “Just you.” 
“Oh.” you bit your lip as he sat you down on the mattress. He pulled his shirt off and knelt down between your legs, “Ohhh.” 
Yoongi draped your legs over his shoulders and pulled the strings on your bikini bottoms once more. You wanted to tell him he didn’t have to do this, that there was no way he would get you to cum like that. No guy had ever been successful at it, but you stayed quiet wanting this moment with him. He sucked gently on the skin of your thighs, making his way up. He slipped his tongue between your lips, just a teaser, sucking them into his mouth. He already had your eyes rolling back. His two longest fingers slipped inside of your wet walls, massaging you until you hips rolled into his face, begging him to go deeper. 
“Yoongi…” your thighs trembled, his tongue was doing quick work and his fingers matched the pace. He didn’t stop, he only hummed against you and continued on. Your moans and gasps grew louder, your back arched against the mattress. He was good, he was brilliant. Min Yoongi was destroying you with every second that past. “You’re going to make me cum.” 
“I know.” he said lazily licking this glistening lips and digging back into you. 
Clapping your hands over your face you called out his name with a shuttering moan. Your eyelids were heavy as you looked at him. He stood up and licked his lips and sucked his fingers clean. You were so exhausted you didn’t think you could go anymore. Yoongi didn’t seem to want anything from you though and you were a little surprised. He only climbed up on the bed next to you. He kissed your sweaty forehead. 
“Let’s go to bed.” he said simply and waited for you to get on the bed completely with him. 
“You don’t want…”
“I want to go to bed.” he smiled. 
Yoongi woke with a groan. The sun came up directly into your room, through the window and stabbed him in the eye. It was a sensation that he hadn’t experienced all week since your bungalow blocked his bungalow from the sunrise. His groan only stirred you slightly, enough for you to curl up even further into his side. 
He stretched out his legs and arms and looked down at your sleeping form. He brushed your hair out of your face and admired the way you looked in the glow of the morning sun. He already didn’t want to do anything for the rest of the day, he just wanted to lay like this.  
“What are you staring at?” you murmured, eyes closed. 
“You.” he answered simply. 
You blushed and pressed your lips against his closest bit of skin, which was his side. He chuckled as his body reacted to the tickling sensation. “What do you want to do today?” 
“What? You asked. I answered.” he said trailing his fingers over your back. 
“There is really nothing you want to do? We won’t get the chance tomorrow or the next.” you said finally looked up at him. 
He answered honestly. “I want to lay here and get to know you better.”
“Yoongi, I’m hungry!” you whined. 
“Ugh, a whiner. I changed my mind.” he joked sitting up.
“Let’s go get breakfast…” you said turning and grabbing your phone from the nightstand. “…or lunch I guess.” 
“But then you have to get dressed and that would just ruin my whole morning.” 
“Room service?” you grinned, and he finally laid back down and pulled you in for a kiss.
Between the two of you, you ordered the entire menu. Yoongi made you stay in bed when he opened the door, having been very serious about you not putting on any clothes. You ate your breakfast, at noon, and stayed in bed all day long. Mostly the two of you talked, and laughed. He made you laugh until your stomach hurt. There was a lot of kissing as well and hands that knew no boundaries. 
Yoongi was sweet and funny and kind. Getting to know him was shocking to you as he was everything you never expected from him. He liked you a lot. He liked your smile and the way you listened to him so intently even when he thought what he was saying wasn’t interesting. He loved to hear you laugh and loved the way your cheeks plumped up like a chipmunk when you ate. He liked the way your skin tasted, no matter where he kissed or licked it was soft and salty, with this natural sweetness. 
The only time you left the bed was to share a shower. The shower was technically outside. Three brick walls covered in tile with a shower head and a drain. He took you in there as well. He’d have you everywhere if he could, and you weren’t stopping him. His hands massaged the shampoo through your hair as his tongue massaged yours. You immediately didn’t want to shower any other way than with Yoongi. 
He left you at around midnight, much to your dismay to go back to his bungalow knowing that Nani would have you up bright and early to start pre-wedding preparations, but he promised that he would text you all day if you wanted, and you definitely wanted. 
The next two days were going to be crazy busy. The parents were flying in for the rehearsal dinner and the wedding. You were spending nearly every waking moment with Nani and Mia, which meant you barely had time to meet with Yoongi the next day to talk or do much else, but he made sure that you found a moment.
Sitting next to you at the rehearsal dinner he slipped his hand up your dress and rubbed your thigh. You’d tried to be discrete since you hadn’t wanted to bother Nani with the news that you and Yoongi were doing…whatever it was you were doing. When you couldn’t take his fingers trailing over your skin anymore you told him to follow you and he took you in the bathroom at the restaurant between the main dish and dessert.
“What are we… Yoongi?” You asked as he fit himself back into his jeans.
“What do you mean?” he asked looking up at you, eyebrows furrowed.
“Are we just fucking? Do you want to date me?” You asked, “After the wedding when we get off the plane back home was this all…nothing?”
He cupped your cheeks in his hands and pressed a kiss to your lips. “What do you want?”
“I like you, a lot.”
“I like you too.” he smirked, “I want to see where this goes.”
“So…” you grinned, “We’re dating?”
“We’re dating.” He grabbed your hand and you walked out of the bathroom together and back to the table. Nani watched wide eyed as Yoongi pulled out your chair for you, and you shared your desserts with each other but no one else seemed to notice.
It wasn’t until later that night, after dinner, when she barged into your bungalow in a bathrobe and slippers that she attacked you.
“What the fuck!” she yelled slamming the door shut behind her, “When did that happen?”
“The day before yesterday.” you said offering her a glass of champagne.
She shoved the glass aside and grabbed the bottle. “When were you going to tell me?”
“We’ve been a little preoccupied, have we not? With… I don’t know, your wedding?”
“Well…” she said walking over to the bed and taking a seat, “Spill.”
“We went to the village that I visited the night before last and we drank… and we…”
“Fucked? You fucked? Say it, like a grown up.”
“Okay, we fucked and it was good, and then we spent all day together yesterday, and then I spent all day today with you and then we fucked again in the bathroom at dinner and now we’re dating.”
“You fucked at dinner!” She squealed and jumped up wrapping her arms around you, “I am so proud of you!”  
You rolled your eyes.
“Wait, you’re dating?” she said processing the rest of what you had said.
The two of you hadn’t seen each other all morning. You texted back and forth when you could but it was much easier for him to get to his phone than it had been for you. Getting your hair and makeup done, making sure that Nani had everything, and was totally prepared. He understood but he still was missing your smile. Hoseok was so easy as a groom. He was in great spirits that morning, as he was all the time. The three of them, Hoseok, Jimin, and him, got fresh shaves and had a big breakfast. You’d texted him and told him how jealous you were.
Yoongi thought you looked so beautiful as you stood across from him at the ceremony. Standing on the beach in a bright teal dress, your hair perfectly primped and makeup professionally done. He barely paid enough attention to the ceremony itself almost forgetting to hand Hoseok the rings when he’d asked for them. He grinned as you laughed silently at him. He was glad the ceremony was over quick. When it came time to take the wedding photos he couldn’t take his hands off of you.
As the two of you waited for the bride and groom to take their pictures together he slipped his arms around you in a back hug and kissed the back of your neck. You blushed and grabbed his hands in yours.
“You’re more affectionate than I had pegged you for.” you said quietly.
“I can’t help myself with you.” he rested his chin on your shoulder, “You’re so soft and you taste so sweet…like cake.”
“I’m just glad Jimin doesn’t seem so bothered.” You chuckled lightly watching Jimin flirt with the photographer’s assistant.
“Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?”
“I kind of have this dinner I’m going to.”  you turned around his arms.
“Yeah, me too. I was just sort of hoping you’d be my date.”
“In that case I would love to be your date.” you grinned happily.
“Good, because I went back to that village last night after dinner and I got some of this for us,” he smiled pulling a glass flask from inside his jacket and showed off the magic liquor you had shared on the beach. Your core melted at the sight of it.  
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