#my favorite headcanons are those in which xl regains his prestige/territory as a god lmao
pesewla · 4 years
Hua Cheng taking care of an injured, exhausted or sick Xie Lian ❤
“What happened?” Hua Cheng growled. Mu Qing’s head whipped over his shoulder in surprise. His expression instantly morphed to barely-concealed disdain.
“Crimson Rain Sought Flower, you can’t just waltz into the Heavenly Capital whenever you like,” he scoffed. Feng Xin was standing at his side, and shot Mu Qing a look that clearly said, you’re fighting a losing battle. 
Hua Cheng glared at them both, then shouldered past to the cot they were looming over. Xie Lian was sprawled out on his back, his long hair fanned out in waves behind him. His features were troubled and stormy, even in slumber. 
 “What happened?” Hua Cheng repeated, his voice sharp. 
Feng Xin exhaled. “It was a stink sprite. From what he told us, he protected a few children from one’s antics, but breathed in too much of the noxious fume. It’s a slow-acting narcotic, so he didn’t fall ill until he returned to the Capital.” 
Hua Cheng’s expression was icy. “When did this happen?” 
“And why wasn’t I notified?” 
Mu Qing shrugged. “His Highness is the martial god of the north. We can care for him in the Heavenly Capital. Besides, it’s not like we had your private communication array password?” 
Hua Cheng’s fist tightened minutely, like he wanted to lash out at Mu Qing, and his eyes were very dark. Suddenly, his anger was wiped away. He stepped forward and carefully swept Xie Lian into his arms. 
“Hey – “ Feng Xin protested as Hua Cheng turned and began walking out of the golden palace. “…He’s always acting like he’s the only one who gives a damn about His Highness…” 
It wasn’t until much later that night that Xie Lian finally stirred from his heavy sleep. He blearily opened his eyes, and was surprised to find himself in a dark jade bedroom, rather than Feng Xin’s golden palace. A feeling of panic surged over him for a moment, before realizing that there was an arm slung over his shoulder and a body pressed up against him. It was Hua Cheng. 
Hua Cheng must’ve noticed him wiggling, because he twitched too. 
“Dianxia?” Hua Cheng whispered. 
“San Lang, how did I get here?” Xie Lian asked in confusion, then winced. His head felt cloudy. The Demon King, having much better night vision than him, seemed to notice his discomfort. Smooth, cold fingers brushed his forehead, sweeping his unkempt hair to the side. Then, the lights in the room were raised on their own, and Xie Lian saw Hua Cheng’s handsome and concerned face staring at him intently. 
Xie Lian quickly schooled his expression, attempting to erase all signs of pain from his features, but Hua Cheng’s brow remained furrowed. 
“Gege was gone on official business for three days and three nights. I got lonely and went to search for him in the heavens, and good thing I did, too. Those stupid servants were hoarding you away.” 
“What happened?” Xie Lian wondered, eyebrows creasing. Even though he was laying down, the room felt like it was moving. He felt nauseous and, above all, felt a permeating sense of dread and sadness for no apparent reason. “Last thing I remember, I was talking to Pei Ming in the Heavenly Capital – ” 
“Dianxia,” Hua Cheng interrupted him, pushing himself into a sitting position. “You’re shaking.” 
Xie Lian looked at his own body in surprise, and indeed, he was trembling like he’d been caught in a snowstorm. “Huh? I…” 
Without another word, Hua Cheng gathered him up into his arms and held him tight. One hand was raised, and began stroking Xie Lian’s hair slowly and rhythmically. 
“You inhaled the fumes of a stink sprite,” Hua Cheng murmured. “It’s not lethal, it only temporarily intensifies some of your most negative emotions. For gege, that’s probably – “ 
“Regret,” Xie Lian whispered ruefully. “Now it makes sense.” 
Hua Cheng tightened his hold on him, and Xie Lian allowed himself to melt in the embrace. They sat in silence for a few beats, and Xie Lian allowed himself to wallow in waves of guilt and fear. It was a familiar feeling. 
Xie Lian’s feelings must’ve showed on his face, because Hua Cheng’s expression tightened. “Gege…” Hua Cheng said, almost as if he wanted to break Xie Lian out of his thoughts. “You don’t have to have territory. I can give you spiritual energy, I can give you anything you need.” 
He hoisted Xie Lian up again so that he was sitting in his lap, rubbing small circles on the small of his back and kissing the hollow of his collarbone. Xie Lian, however, shook his head. 
“It’s not about spiritual energy,” he said slowly, eyes closing slightly when Hua Cheng’s lips pressed against his neck. “Since Pei Ming is leading the Heavenly Capital, they needed a martial god to oversee the north. Plus, I like… fulfilling my duties. Completing requests and prayers. It gives me a sense of purpose.” 
Hua Cheng nodded. “I expected you to say that.” He lifted his head to kiss Xie Lian’s forehead, and then his mouth. “I understand... but don’t be gone for so long. It drives me crazy.”
“You’ve never kissed me so gently before,” Xie Lian teased, but he was grateful for the distraction. Every time Hua Cheng peppered him with another kiss, his exhaustion, nausea, and dread were momentarily displaced from his head. 
“Because Dianxia is sick,” Hua Cheng whispered, dark eyes solemn. He rocked back, pressing Xie Lian more firmly into his chest. “Useless servants. ‘We can care for him in the Heavenly Capital,’ my ass. When only I have the medicine.”
 Xie Lian smiled as Hua Cheng kissed behind his ear, but the smile soon faded. “San Lang, it hurts…” 
Hua Cheng’s gaze shot over to meet his. “What hurts?” he questioned, sounding worried. 
“It’s like… every single feeling of remorse, every single feeling of grief over 800 years has been pulled back to me. There’s no space for happiness. All I feel is doom.” 
Hua Cheng stared at him, eyes murderous. “When you are well again, I’ll go hunt down this stink sprite.” 
“No need, it’s been dealt with,” Xie Lian said quickly. “I’ll survive, don’t worry, San Lang, it’s just… it hurts.” 
The grip on Xie Lian’s body tightened, and Hua Cheng pulled him so close that his face was buried in the other’s chest. Xie Lian shuddered even more violently, and soon his whole body was wracked with convulsions and shivering. 
Hua Cheng resumed stroking his hair with one hand, like he was a scared animal in need of comfort, and with the other hand he clasped Xie Lian’s waist tightly. 
“Dianxia…” Hua Cheng breathed, voice low. 
“Please just stay with me right now,” Xie Lian said, voice small and body still trembling.
“Nothing in the world could convince me to let go of you.”
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