#my fave season 1 ep probably lol
matan4il · 5 months
911 ep 706 first watch reactions
Buck and Eddie setting up the bachelor party are so funny. They're married to a degree that the bride and groom can only aspire to one day achieve. And Madney are raising a kid together! Then again, so are Buddie, and have been since day 2... (day 1 is forever Buck ogling Eddie at the station, and Eddie strutting his stuff for him, with Buck's now canonically jealou-traction being the, ummm, lubricant)
Oh, Tommy just arrived, Buck and him have done nothing but hug, and Eddie's already bringing on the jealousy jealou-traction. IDK what is the etiquette about bringing your date to a bachelor party, but what's the rule about bringing your hubby who's jealous of your bf?
Oh, and an extra jab at Buck bringing Tommy officially as his date to the wedding. I love me a jealous Eddie. My dude, your closet is shaking so hard, it's about to push you out of itself if you don't make the move already.
Okay, in all seriousness, Tommy not dressing like the 80's, Buck showing that he really cared about that silly party theme, Eddie rolling with it, the two of them being dressed more as a couple than the actual guys dating, Buddie seeing things so much in the same way (down to both seeing themselves as the same character from Miami Vice) while Buck and Tommy are totally out of sync... I love that Tommy is there to help Buck figure himself out, but also, this is the stuff that will forever keep me shipping Buddie.
I know the flashback is mainly to show that the bachelor party is Buck's idea, and goes against Chim's wishes, but Eddie suggests the couple costume? And Buck was so readily on board? Even when he knew Tommy would also be invited? This is my house catching fire, while I sit here, mumbling to myself how fine it all is...
Okay, everyone leaving the bachelor party, even the guy Buck is dating, while Eddie stays, sure is something. And by "something" I mean "a couple." That's a couple. That's Buck's partner in everything, even dumb ass 80's costumes and failed bachelor parties, he's the one who jumps in whatever stupid plan Buck comes up with, and stays to deal with the mess.
LOL And then we got some REAL mess. Again, dumb Buck idea, and Eddie just rolling with it. Making it worse even, by suggesting how to take the party (made up of people who don't even know the groom) to Chimney. These two deserve each other. XD
Buck was behind Eddie while his shirt was being torn? Presumably helping with the tearing? That's it, 911 does not want me to make it to the end of the season with my sanity intact. I guess it's good that I'm not even trying...
I'm glad there was a representation of Chim and Kevin, and a Korean tradition, I just hope it was a truthful one. (do we have Korean viewers in our midst to chime in on this?)
Maddie using her 911 skills to find and help Chim is pretty badass (and a nice gender reversal of the 'damsel in distress needing to be saved a sec before her wedding' tale). Love it!
Maddie and Chim looked so happy during their wedding. Honestly, at the end of the day, my little hopelessly romantic heart doesn't need more than that. <3
Awwww, the Buck and Tommy kiss was nice. I think the most important part of it is we got to see Buck for the first time daring to kiss another guy, rather than wait to be kissed. I may bbe a Buddie shipper, but I think this r/s is important to Buck as well, to his ability to find what he wants, to not be scared of it, to not wait for others to want him as was the case with all the women he'd dated, but rather figure out what he wants in a certain moment, and that it's okay for him to go get it.
(I still don't think Tommy is Buck's endgame, though. Much as his probably my fave Buck r/s so far other than Eddie. Tommy not being there for Buck when the bachelor party flunked, him not being there at the wedding itself, to share this significant moment with Buck, being almost incidental to Buck's coming out to his colleagues and parents, other than being a gay that was obviously kissed by Buck just a short while ago... Again, just not the stuff great love stories are made of)
Hen going, "Finally!" to Karen was funny and cute. Everyone (almost) just smiling at Buck's coming out was nice. But the way his mom reacted in particular felt more realistic, and made me wish that at least with his parents, who we know he has a strained r/s with, the should would have allowed this to be more explored. Hopefully in a future ep if not now.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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rmd-writes · 4 months
Tag Game Tuesday Wednesday: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Tagged by @liminalmemories21 and @freneticfloetry thanks, and good timing! You both caught me on my lunch break
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
I can't remember the exact timing, but I'm pretty sure I watched the first two seasons while s3 was airing and then caught up after - I wanted to start earlier but I had some issues finding a way to watch the show here!
My introduction to the show was via @three-drink-amy telling me to watch it (repeatedly), @clottedcreamfudge's judicious use of gifs from the show in the gc and a bunch of SC mutuals yelling about the gay howdy wee woo show on my dash every week.
Season 4 was the first season that I watched "live" which I did with @welcometololaland, both of us texting and screaming as we watched each episode together hours and hours after everyone else had.
Which season is your favorite?
Season 3, hands down. I don't know that they'll ever beat it?
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?)
Other than Carlos and TK, I think it's Grace. I just adore the her energy and the way that she takes everything in her stride and even when things are hard, she's very practical about it. Also she doesn't take shit from anyone.
Top five episodes. Go!
I don't think I've ever tried to do this? I'm generally very bad at choosing, my SC fave ep list contains three episodes that I insist must be watched together so they only count as one ep hahahaha Anyway, in no particular order, and not necessarily by episode title or number because I can't be arsed looking them up:
Push, my beloved
3 x 13
the one with Lou
Bad Call
the Soulmates one
Bonus: the Marjan ep in s4 which was just so, so good
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Either Nancy because we know nothing about her and I want to know, or Paul because I think he's had such an interesting journey.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season 5?
I love @liminalmemories21's idea of a Halloween ep! It would be so fun!
We probably won't get it because of the shorter season, but I'd love more Lonestar-is-a-comedy-actually episodes like Red vs Blue and the (original) Lou arc.
More realistically, I'd love to see Carlos actually grappling with the consequences of his actions in s4 and also working through his grief and TK helping him do that. And I'd like to see an absence of Owen love interests.
What do you think is going on in this still?
I want it to be something silly like Lou 2 is lost in the loft and Carlos is Not Happy about it (the reason for TK's posture) and then he answers his phone in the middle of all of that, hence the facial expression. The phone call isn't that important, it's Owen asking Carlos for help on a side quest.
We all know about the elusive 5x05 spicy scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
I don't know about a prediction, but I'd love to see them getting distracted from getting ready in the morning. Carlos (in just his underwear) waking TK up with a kiss and TK pulling him back into bed for a good make out session and that turning into more. A very different vibe to 1x02 but hot nonetheless.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
I think it was somewhere close to home - with the accelerated wedding timeline (lol) they didn't have time for a long trip for to somewhere far away, and by all accounts, travelling overseas wasn't on their radar anyway (see: TK's disbelief when Carlos says he wants to go to Tuscany). So a long weekend at a nice resort somewhere. Enzo paid for it as their wedding gift because he couldn't make it to the wedding when they moved the date up.
Shoutout one of your favorite fan creations.
Just one (1)? Impossible! This Rafa fan art by @ambiguouspenny made me actually say "oh fuck" the first time I saw it. I adore the way @whatsintheboxmh uses light in all of her fan art. I love @howtosingit's Carlos episode edits because they a) let me watch all of the Tarlos scenes on repeat (and before I actually get to the watch the episodes when they air because time zones), b) give me an easy way to check canon dialogue and c) make it easy to convince new people to watch the show when they sneak into my DMs and tell me that the number of Tarlos gifs I am putting on their dash is tempting them. @liminalmemories21's Knave-verse might be my favourite Tarlos AU, everything about it makes me swoon. Okay, cutting myself off now.
Tagging: @welcometololaland @howtosingit @three-drink-amy just so they know my earlier tags in this post were tags to do this and also @lightningboltreader @orchidscript
@danieljradcliffe @guardian-angle22 @reasonandfaithinharmony @alrightbuckaroo
@cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @nancys-braids @heartstringsduet and anyone else who wants to play 💖 PS. if ao3 user olympia2007 is here on tumblr, I'm tagging you too (and please come say hi)
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isthisclever · 3 months
Plaintext version of 39 Days thread
Post-episode Reddit threat on r/Survivor
blowmytorch23143: dude claire skaaaaaaated by that tribal. my heart was pounding omg
/ chrissydontwakeup: Well no way was Jeff gonna let her walk. C+J is  *the* drama this season. They’re not gonna wanna lose that. 
/ / blowmytorch23143: yeah ive beeen convinced for ages that the idols are prolly fixed to keep the faves around. some of these people its like, oh honey you did NOT find that on your own lol
/ / / ReadySurvivorOne [Top Fan]: If not purposefully, then accidentally for sure. Wentworth did a whole video after her second season about paying attention to the cameras to find hidden idols bc they always pan to the hiding spots for the ep. WILD.
damp_dreams69999: Glad they didn’t vote out claire. WHo cares if she’s a hoe shes hot
/ chipper_pippa: Misogynistic much? Do better. 
/ / damp_dreams69999: is it sxist if its true
/ GoldN_Ours: um hello did we even watch the same epp? it showed that she CLEARLY was telling the truth. old dude was creepy af
/ / damp_dreams69999: lmfao chill out its not that serious
/ / / GoldN_Ours: Claire’s convo with the bf was basically proof that she has been telling teh truth. He was dismissive and condescending, and he was WAYYY to excited that gillian and her sister were drooling all over him. mega douche and honestly, perv vibes all the way.
user1930188401: WOWOWOWOWOWWWWWW. Hate to see Phaedre leave but I’m super glad Claire survived tribal. She clearly needed to chat with her alliance tho. She wasted an idol when they had the votes already.
/ hrd2bsft: Yeahhhh that’s gonna cost her with the jury. Guess the important thing is she made it through to day 33. 
Silvvver_ lyon [Top Fan]: am I the only one who was super uncomfortable with that pre-vote convo? like…why did they have to drag her over the coals like that? 
/ user1012912318: for the views dawg
/ / Silvvver_lyon: kinda gross still idk. survivor has a misogyny problem anyway and this reeeeeally didn’t help 
yesimawitch: These suckers dont watch out, Jillian’s gonna win this game. 
/ Outplayaaaa: Right?!?! She is ALWAYS on the right side of the numbers. How???
/ whatsmyrageagain: Wonder if she knew Claire had found the idol. She was like *right there* when Claire snagged it at the challenge. That would make sense why she worked w Jamie and joe to protect her. 
/ / Outplayaaaa: I want her to win for the snark alone. 12/10 comedy.
/ / / yesimawitch: Gillian to Claire: “Fantasies aside, I don’t think the game would be a pleasant one with your two men at my back.” I C O N I C. 
justhereforthekarma12313: Am I the only one who hates J & C not talking?? God I know its all tv and its probably fake anyway but the way that man looks at her…
/ Heiiiidiiiii_isonreddit [Top Fan]: I want it to be real so bad. If they come back after the show and it was all an act imma riot
/ / user12334481: I’ll bring the pitchforks, you bring the torches
/ / / Tooney___lunes: I’ll bring snacks. all good riots needs snacks.
/ Levi_not_the_jeans: The way *he* looks at *her*??? If I had a woman who looked at me the way Claire does to Jamey…well…I’d still be gay af but I’d feel very good about myself ok?
angels__wear_red: *sigh* these two idiots make me believe in love. please for the loVE OF ALL THAT IS BEAUTIFUL AND JOYFUL DON’T CRUSH MY DREAMS!!!1
Read the newest update to 39 Days here.
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lady-phasma · 2 days
Hey! I'm loving chatting with you on these last posts, so now I'm curious about your IWTVerse faves? Season, episode, scene, character, ship, book, chapter, quote. It can be more than one, btw! I know quotes are more specific and it can be hard remembering, so it doesn't need to be your ultimate favorite, but something you love. Also, how should I call you? 🙃💗
I am so excited to answer this! It's been lovely to meet you! You can call me Auntie but not everyone feels comfortable with that. So Phasma works or Phazzie (I've gotten that one before and it's fun).
My IWTVerse faves... hmm... let's see.
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Season 2 is definitely my favorite season for many, many reasons but mostly because Assad got to shine so much more!
Favorite episode of all 15 eps? This is difficult. I love the more dramatic and powerful episodes like 2.05 and 2.07 but I really love the pilot. If I had to choose just one it would be 2.07. The trial is brutal but it showcases all the amazing writing, acting, set design, and camera work even if I watch it with tears running down my cheeks.
My favorite scene from any episode is probably Lestat's "little drink" scene with Louis. That is unbelievably hot and never gets less hot no matter how many times I watch it. But specifically, this shot in the room before they get started. The feelings. oof!
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Picking a favorite character is probably the most difficult. Lestat has always been the love of my life (since I read IWTV & TVL at 10 years old) but I truly adore all of the main characters in the books and series.
I don't really have a favorite ship. I ship them all with whoever. I am incredibly intrigued by all relationships that Armand has, but no ship in Anne's world is more important to me than another. Each pairing helps us understand something about the characters which is why she shipped them all over the place with each other. LoL
The book answer is easy - The Vampire Lestat. Here's a link to a recent post I made about my 30 year old copies of the books. I read TVL until it fell apart multiple times but I still have it on my shelf.
Favorite chapter from my favorite book or from any of the books? Both? LoL My favorite chapter of TVL is chapter 1 of Part 3: Viaticum for the Marquise (when Lestat turns Gabrielle). My favorite chapter from the entire Chronicles is Chapter 4 of The Vampire Armand. Not only did Anne write one of the most beautiful dead doves, but she tossed in a little of her BDSM flavor in that chapter as well. The scene with Marius and Amadeo's brattiness is delicious every time I read it.
My favorite quote from the series is I had powers now and decades of rage to process, and it was both random and unfortunate the man picked that night to dabble in fuckery. - Louis
My favorite quote from the books is probably the opening of TVL: I am the Vampire Lestat. I'm immortal. More or less. The light of the sun, the sustained heat of an intense fire —these things might destroy me. But then again, they might not.
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doe-eyed-sammy · 16 days
it took me nearly 4 and 1/2 months but i finally finished supernatural. NOW WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE? with all this extra time not watching 4 eps a day lol
i didn't hate the ending but i think it was incredibly cruel to make sam live that long without his brother 💔💔💔 i don't believe it. i REFUSE to believe it.
the original 5 seasons are my favorite, the gothic vibes are just too chef's kiss 🤌💋 then followed by 8, 10 and 12. the rest is kinda whatever, i didn't like a lot of the writing towards the end but i also didn't actively dislike the plots of those seasons compared to 7 and 11 so those are my least faves probably.
anyway i'm never going to get over sam and dean winchester and their fucked up, erotic, toxic, codependent relationship 🤭💕 they're in my top 5 for sure 🙂‍↕️
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emeryhiro · 2 months
Thank you so much for answering my questions last week!! Your answers were so insightful and interesting, and have made me even more excited for the book of carol!!
That's awesome to hear that you're more confident about caryl canon after watching ep one. I totally agree with you about how them being alone will open up opportunities for it in a way it never has before. And i agree that if it doesn't happen, it's probably because Melissa & Norman don't want it (which I'd be super disappointed about but would respect their choice). But from everything I've seen, i also think they do want things to go in that direction!
Haha emotional and unhinged are great words to describe caryl in general! And I'm excited for nostalgia. The emojis are intriguing! They're making me think Carol blows up a plane, hopefully once she's safely in France lol! And that's interesting about how the people at the nest treat Daryl, that also frustrated me in s1!
I had a couple of other questions but no worries if you can't answer any of them:
1 Do we see anything specifically relating to Carol from Daryl's pov in this ep? Or is he talking generally about 'people at home'?
2 What did you think of the opening credits?
3 Did you see the ep title? I'm really curious about what that might be!
4 Where would you rank the ep in terms of your fave twd eps?
Thanks again for everything you've shared! I love how you've given us hopeful teasers without spoiling the details!
Hey Anon ♡
You're so welcome!!! I've been having a lot of fun answering your questions, so feel free to let me know if you have any others, and to be honest, I'm happy with any excuse to talk about Caryl 😅
Mild spoiler warning for my response to question 1 ♡
1) No, there was no situation where Daryl directly spoke about Carol. However, I do think there's a good reason for it, which I've spoken about in detail in a previous post [HERE]. It's also important to note the screen time division; episode one is about 85% Carol and 15% Daryl, so we don't get many scenes with him and very little dialogue. The dialogue that we do hear from him sounds very frustrated and resentful as if he's tired of being held back by the Nest and wants to leave as soon as possible (like he's rushing a resolution for the conflict in France).
The line below that we hear in the teaser is actually in episode 1, and it's the only time he references anything about home.
"I don't know if this is the place I'm supposed to be. I've been thinking about all the people I left behind, wondering if they're still thinking about me."
This is then followed by a few other lines where, in no uncertain terms, he says that he doesn't think he'd ever be happy at the nest.
2) I loved the opening credits; there were some really nice animated scenes of Carol that I really liked, and my favourite is the closing shot of the opening credits which is one of Carol and Daryl together. 🥰
3) No, unfortunately, I don't remember seeing or hearing anything about the episode title. But I think they'll announce the title either during San Diego or the following week, but most probably during the next screening of episode one that's being held on the 26th of July (tonight).
4) Honestly, episode 1 is now my favourite episode of TWD. It hit all the right emotional notes and delved deep into Carol's mindset, which is way overdue. It also had the walker action and suspense that left me on the edge of my seat (literally) the entire time. Melissa is incredibly talented and has everything it takes to play a leading character, especially one like Carol, who has so much depth and layers.
I have no doubt that the rest of the episodes will be just as good, if not better, especially the reunion episode!! And I'm confident that this season will be my favourite of all time, from any show.
Thanks again for the questions! Once again, they were a joy to answer😊🩵 I'm sorry if this was a little delayed. I've been very busy with my uni finals during the past couple of weeks, and I wanted to wait until I had enough time to give your questions proper responses.
Also, I can't believe today is the day we finally see the trailer!!! I'm SO EXCITED, and my brain/emotions are already on overdrive. I also apologise in advance 'cause I already know I'm gonna be over analysing it and sharing my thoughts as soon as I can 😅
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(Tale Of The Nine Tailed ep 8 SPOILERS)
Lee Rang And Yeon Discuss Rang In The Future
Damn, what a scene. Where do i even begin.
I’m gonna be 100% honest and say I completely forgot about the fact that Yeon has his phone with the video with him. I think it would’ve been difficult for Rang to ever believe or fathom the situation so him being able to hear himself talk about it is honestly the easiest way.
Not to mention that this video is probably the most candid we ever see Rang in season 1. It’s one of the few times Yeon ever got a peek into Rang’s heart so it’s the easiest way for the Rang of the past to understand his future actions.
That being said, my heart melts at how quickly Rang dropped the topic of his own death to talk about Lee Yeon’s life span. He didn’t miss a beat in inquiring why the hell Yeon is going to die so soon.
And Yeon’s proud older brother moment at the end. For some reason this scene makes me think of the first time Yeon met Rang’s gang. That soft smile he gives whenever he sees the people that he’s going to be leaving his little brother with just warms my heart.
Long story short, although the quality of this video sucks (sorry lol) it’s def one of my fave scene of the season so far.
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nijigasakilove · 9 months
Banger first day of the Winter 2024 season. Every premiere except You Zitsu s3 was great. As usual, Lerche butchered that one 🤦🏽‍♂️ but Mahoako/Gushing Magical Girls and Tomozaki S2 were the clear faves. Ishura could be a dark horse of the season. Really interesting world, post apocalyptic.. we’re eating good.
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I’ll as usual be doing write ups on here for seasonals, but given a lot of my posts don’t really get any love, I won’t be doing EVERY seasonal like I have for the last two seasons. For those you can check out my myanimelist and Reddit posts for. I’ll probably stick to the biggest and most popular shows on here since that’s what people like and reblog. Not worth 20 minutes looking for screenshots of an ep for 1 like lol.
Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel:Elitealice as well for more anime content!
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honorhearted · 1 year
Get to know me: Turn: Washington's Spies Edition!
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Yoinked from @cabbxges-and-kings!
Favorite Season: Season 3! *cuts to everyone booing me* I truly don't understand why so many people sh*t on this season, because that whole opening sequence with Bradford and Hickey, as well as Andre's h.anging was some of the show's best writing, IMO. I was riveted throughout both of those episodes. I'm assuming it's partially because of Ben getting a love interest (people went absurdly feral over that (in a bad way)), as well as complaints about Ben's shift in characterization (I love seeing characters struggle with their morals, so sue me), and the biggest strike of all: Ben's wig lol. Season 1 is a close second -- I love Ben's starry-eyed naiveté there! <3
Least Favorite: Season 2. I'm sorry, but I don't give a you-know-what about the A.nnlett/Abe/Simcoe drama, and Ben was featured the least in this season. No season is a bad season, but this is the one I tend to rewatch the least. Aside from Ben's meltdown over Sackett, I don't tend to refer to any of his scenes here for inspiration.
Favorite character(s): Ben (duh lol), though since it's an ensemble cast, I tend to shift back and forth between my favorites. I really grew to love Mary in S3, and Anna in S4, and Peggy was a fave ever since S2. And Sackett! <3
Least Favorite Character: Simcoe, I guess? I loathed both him and Abe during my first watch -- literally couldn't stand either of them -- but now, I have an appreciation for both in regards to what they serve to the plot, so I'm no longer terribly bugged.
Favorite Romantic Relationship: I don't have one. Or at least, I don't have a favorite canon relationship, though I did enjoy some of the Andre/Peggy scenes in S2. In regards to fanon, I have several thanks to RP lol.
Favorite Friendship: Probably Ben and Sackett. The dynamic is hella underrated, and I like the whole crazy!uncle/nephew thing they had going on. I also actually really like Caleb and Abe. I know everyone goes on and on about Caleb and Ben, but Caleb seemed closer to Abe than Ben in the pilot with all their wrestling/goofing off, so I'm actually more partial to that dynamic than the former. It's just too bad we never saw more of them (though I did enjoy their run-ins in S2 and S4 -- both moments were iconic, too, with the j.ail rescue attempt and the bit with L.afayette).
Favorite Episode: I don't have an absolute favorite, but I do tend to rewatch the ep where Ben finds out Samuel died, The Battle of Setauket, 3x1 and 3x10 quite a bit. I rewatch bits of 4x5 and 4x6 a fair amount as well.
Least Favorite Episode: Definitely the GWash-centric ep. Ben wasn't in there, and since I find Turn!W.ashington boring, I found the entire episode boring. Sorry. *shields self from hissing fans*
Favorite Iconic Quote: "I shaved my beard for you, you ungrateful shite!"
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streatfeild · 1 year
@larryrickard and @spineless-lobster tagged me a million years ago, thank you!! <3
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
01. The Thick of it
02. Without a Trace
03. Hap and Leonard
04. Lost
05. Yonderland
Who is your favourite character in 2?
Danny (big surprise lol)
Who is your least favourite character in 1?
It’s hard to tell bc those characters weren’t designed to be liked so uh they all suck in their own way. But in a good way you know? But uhhhhh I‘d say John Duggan I guess?
What’s your favourite episode of 4?
UHHHHHMMMM. OKAY. "Lockdown" is obviously an all-time fave but there are better eps in the later seasons like "Greatest hits", "Dr Linus" and (unpopular opinion) "The End". There are too many to choose :(
What’s your favourite season of 5?
Gotta be season 3 🫡
What’s your favourite relationship in 3?
If we‘re talking platonic then yes. Hap & Leonard. What a duo what a dynamic so well written i‘m actually going insane over them btw
What is your anti-relationship in 2?
MARTIN/SAM just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!! (Martin/Sam/Danny though? Yes please)
How long have you watched 1?
I think i started watching this march, and i haven’t stopped since
How did you become interested in 3?
i‘ve been watching enrique’s entire filmography and. He‘s in it. And BOY am i glad bc i would’ve regretted not seeing this masterpiece of a show. (please watch it if you haven’t)
Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Michael Emerson takes it. BOY does he take it
Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
god. I‘m so sorry but i‘ll have to go with my awful copaganda show :( wat it is
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
23 vs 18 episodes, and i‘ve been rewatching ttoi on loop for months, whereas i‘ve only done a partial rewatch of H&L
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Bernard or Vincent probably lol. Just chillin'
How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
Vex? You want me to murder Vex? Okay. Killed very dramatically by Negatus (they‘re divorced your honour), the whole cliché list: dying in his arms "i always loved you" yadda yadda (sorry)
Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Honestly? It‘d be so epic. Hap & Leonard on The Island. Yes please
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
*points at adam/phil* THEM!!!!!!!!!!
Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
You‘re not making me choose here, right? RIGHT?
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ria-the-camel · 2 years
Negative thoughts on tlovm under the read more, i just wanted to get them out where i know where to find them later, pls don't yell at me
I guess i feel the same as season 1, it's a bit better but the same problems persist
Mostly, the dialogue feels stunted and forced (whenever the twins call each other sister/brother i just cringe, i admit i can't remember if they did it in the broadcast but it doesn't matter that much, it's just one example anyway)
Most of the jokes don't land at all with me (pedobear? Seriously? You dont have to bring that stuff in, leave it in 2015 lol) I think the only legit chuckle i let out was when percy absolutely read zahra about being jealous Osysa told vm instead of them, her reaction had good timing for me lol
I think the biggest issue tho is it really doesn't feel like the team like each other. And it's inevitable with condensing such a large amount of content, but it's really missing the bonds between them, the only ones i really see working are pike and grog, who are adorable. The twins feels forced to me. "Look at them being traumatized together" I see it, but i don't feel it.
Kash and Zahra feel so aggro the whole time and it's a shame this is the path they chose to go on, I'd rather have maybe kash gets friendly faster and drag zahra along, just so they're not assholes the whole time. I guess from the ending it is the path they're choosing but we'll see next ep. Also wonder if pike will do the rez 🤔
And also am not a fan of dropping the back story ON the episode shit goes down, like where's my build up? It's really not as impactful, i really didn't feel anything as vax held his dead sister in his arms (when i watched liam O'Brien describe doing that exact same thing i couldn't stop crying instead)
Aaaand since im being nit picky, the sobbing sounded bad. Sorry, dry sobbing really ain't doing much for me. Would have had way more impactful if the ep ended with him just staring horrified and maybe the classic single tear down his cheek.
The flights were alright, pretty fun, didn't love vex and zahra bitching and everyone getting a chance at almost drowning, it lost meaning sorta. But ep 1 had some pretty neat devastation not gonna lie. Probably my fave ep in the show so far.
The animation issss... Not the best, but it feels a bit better that season 1. I really dont like how they make the dragons. Okay they're 3d i get it. But they mesh so bad with the other characters, they should have animated them with a lower frame rate at least imo, if doing cell shading really didn't work for them (which i can understand). Same with osysa of course.
This is the least of the problems, but i still have trouble with some gods remembering who the fuck they are lmao Do get distinct from wotc im just gonna take some time to remember who the lawbearer fuckin is lmao
Anyway it still feels surreal to see this show brought to animation though, and ill continue watching and hoping it gets so much better! Especially cos id love to see both mighty nein and bells hells get animated, and i want the team to have way more solid ground and writing skills under their feet/belt lol
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dengswei · 3 years
Lex babe~ I just saw your have like 28 dramas on your watchlist, how do you keep up? Or do you? 😏
hahahaha not very well most of the time 😅 especially if i've decided to dedicate a day to giffing which has been like my whole weekend ..... 😂😂 ngl i have no life outside of going to work, giffing, and watching dramas so i can be mostly up to date at times 😂😅
what also helps a lot is that for the majority of the ones i'm currently watching subs aren't avaliable straight away (especially the ones i watch on viki or jdramas since they're mostly always fansubbed) so while i'm waiting for those to be subbed i'm catching up on the other stuff i'm behind on 😂🥰
0 notes
yeetlegay · 2 years
Hey! Any wlw recs? Fics movies shows anything
Some personal favorites off the top of my head:
Carol (2015) - Cate Blanchett, period (1950s), absolutely stunning and iconic lesbian cinema
The Handmaiden (2016) - reimagining of Fingersmith by Sarah Waters, set in Japanese-occupied Korea during the 1930s, brilliant and imaginative and lush
Imagine Me and You (2005) - Lena Headey (Cersei from GoT) being a hot florist, love at first sight, cheesy romcom deliciousness, big warning for cheating tho it’s handled very well imo
Rafiki (2018) - coming of age love story, beautiful and ends on a good note but there’s a LOT of homophobia and some violence so be careful, was the first Kenyan film screened at Cannes which is amazing
Vita and Virginia (2018) - based on the real life romance between Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West, the 1920s fashion + delicious sexual tension 🤌🏻🤌🏻 cw for depiction of depression and suicidal ideation
Tv shows:
First Kill (2022) - SUPPORT THIS SHOW, vampire and vampire hunter fall in love, set in one of my fave cities (Savannah), very camp Romeo & Juliet high school romance just with more blood and fangs
Fingersmith (2005) - British miniseries based on the same novel as The Handmaiden but much closer to the source material, Victorian lesbians ft the most magnificently crafted plot and sexual tension galore, holy shit watch it
Killing Eve - okay this one is a little controversial bc of the ending (which I pretend doesn’t exist) but holy fuck if you like VegasPete, Villanelle and Eve are their even more murderous and batshit crazy cousins. Cat and mouse games between a psychopath assassin and a British intelligence officer (altho she’s actually American but whatever) that I was sure would be queerbaiting, but nope they’re in love. Consider looking up how it ends tho if you need HEAs in your stories
Gap the Series - not out yet but when it is, WATCH IT. Currently in production I think, probably out later this year. It’s Thai and will be available on YouTube with subtitles. Office romance, so many lesbians I’ve lost count and like one (1) man total in the cast.
Gentleman Jack - just dropped season 2 unffff. Period British show based on the life of lesbian Anne Lister, who is one half of the first known gay marriage in England. She’s so fucking hot and butch if you’re not in love with her the second she jumps off that carriage in episode 1…and her love story with shy, repressed wallflower Ann Walker is tender and sexy and complex. Cw for depiction of anxiety and suicide attempt in season 1 (lmk if you’d like the exact ep and time stamp)
Portrait of a Marriage (1990) - a little hard to find but worth the hunt. Based on the romance between novelist Vita Sackville-West (yes, who also had an affair with Virginia Woolf) and her socialite lover Violet. I cannot believe more people don’t talk about this miniseries bc holy shit. Vita and Violet are so fucking in love and their chemistry and love scenes had me gripping the edge of my seat despite the abysmal quality of the version I watched on Dailymotion. Cw for a shitload of cheating, some toxic vibes, and an ending that while mostly historically accurate was still a bummer.
Obv I will shamelessly plug my Kinnporsche f/f smut bc I love her and also am desperate for more f/f fic in the ao3 tag so I’m not over here by myself anymore lol
I don’t know what fandoms you’re in but if you’ve watched Word of Honor or read 2ha, holy shit is there some good f/f fic in those tags. Sort by kudos and godspeed friend
You didn’t ask about books lol but here are some faves of mine anyway
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake - hot tatted bi protagonist, very gender, falls in love with cute single mom in her hometown when she comes back for her stepsister’s wedding
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston - Kate and Leopold but gay and good, butch lesbian from the 1970s gets stuck in time on the subway, grumpy bisexual falls in love with her, makes me reconsider my stance on subway sex bc holy shit.
Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson - okay this one is sapphic but in a polyamorous context so if you want, like, zero men then skip this rec. Inspired by the lore around Dracula’s brides, very gothic and queer, Constanta (narrator) is the first bride who’s in love with Dracula but also her fellow brides Magdalena and Alexei. Cw for depictions of emotional abuse and gaslighting, Dracula is a manipulative piece of shit (who would’ve guessed lol)
Hope this helps anon!
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jaehwany · 3 years
thanks for tagging me in this bl tag game @praninlove 🥺️💞
1. your all time favorite bl and why
i told sunset about you. idk what to say that hasn't already been said by quan 😆
it's just.. incredible in every single way. so, so much love and care poured into every aspect of this show. how everything came together perfectly from writing, acting, directing, music, editing, etc., you can just tell everybody put a piece of their heart and soul into this to create something so magical and lasting ✨✨✨✨✨
2. that one bl that scarred you for life
yeah........ definitely ipytm 😣 @mmesutozill and i still talk about it till this day. expectations were high going in but there's just soooo much wasted potential and unexplored storylines that would have made so much more sense than what they eventually went with
3. is there any bl that made you feel very single?
probably deanpharm in uwma and patpran in bb. domestic fluff done well always makes me feel extremely single 😭😭😭
4. if you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be?
so many ways i would rewrite ipytm but the main thing i would do is make ipytm oh-aew focused and also spend longer exploring his switch from acting to marketing.. it's such a key part of his identity and i feel like it was wrapped up so quickly within an ep. oh, also that modc ending ofc!! 💀
6. your top five:
- itsay 11/10 - cherry magic 10/10 - light on me 9.5/10 - kieta hatsukoi 9.5/10 - gsp 9/10
(thai bls rarely do it for me but the way not me is going, it's very likely to crack my top 5 🤪)
7. that trashy bl that you lowkey like
probably why r u lol (even tho i skipped the angsty breakup ep sry not sry) it was a mess but it was OUR mess 😌
8. your favorite korean bl (it’s important we know)
light on me ✨ the serotonin boost that show (and shinwoo) gave me every single week 🥺 (yooseok's gonna be in an upcoming netflix series called black knight with kim woobin and e-som so i'm excited!!!)
9. but also your top 3 for kbls
1. light on me 2. where your eyes linger 3. to my star
10. season 2? which one?
gsp :(((((((
11. a bunch of dramas will air soon. which ones are you the most excited for?
never let me go - p'jojo's first bl!! the mock trailer was my fave out of all the ones they showed at gmmtv22, and i'm excited to see what pond phuwin can do when the material they're working with is better
kinnporsche - everything i’ve seen so far i loooooove and is right up my alley so expectations are sky high and i know apo and mile will deliver (but also kinda nervous bc of the HUGE cast idk how they’re gonna squeeze 1273294389 storylines into the show)
the eclipse - i wasn't a big fan of the trailer at first bc the directing just seemed a lil messy but after watching not me and 55:15, it makes me excited to see khaotung and first paired up as leads. and khaotung in a completely diff type of role from the sweet boy roles we're used to. i can't wait!! also they've been friends for quite awhile too so i think the chemistry's gonna be gooood 😍
and a couple of others - moonlight chicken, semantic error, to my star s2, cherry magic movie
12. tag them!
i haven't been on my dash as much so idk who's done it but tagging some of my thai drama moots @junghaesin @nanons @taeminie @pranpats @pran-pat @pranparakul @kaonoppakao @itoldsunset @sunsetandthemoon @liyazaki @atots4ever-nevergonnagiveyouup @dramaism @laowen @surii @starfire-s @mark-kit @ohaewpanwa @shinwoonoh @shinjaeha but pls don’t feel pressured if u don't wanna!! 😘
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mejomonster · 3 years
Making a list of some dramas:
Meet You At The Blossom***
4 Minutes
Unknown the Series
Dead Boy Detectives**
Granada Holmes
We Are??
23.5 Degrees
The Spirealm
The Sign
The Expanse
Dark Shadows 1966???
Cherry Magic thai?
Dare Me??
When i have time???
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Be My Favorite
Stay with Me
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
The Eclipse
About Youth
Love Lost Forever
Shows when I get some time rip ;-;:
Young Blood (season 1 and 2)
I feel you linger in the air
The sign
Pit babe (?????)
Love Senior
Young Royals (I heard it's good)
Your Nave Engraved Herein
Red White and Royal Blue (when it comes out)
Three Body Problem (I need to finish!)
Seven Days
Kei X Yaku
Kamen Rider Build
Laws of Attraction
To Sir With Love
Junkyouju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu
Three Body
The Bad Kids
The Longest Night
你好,安怡 (Humans cdrama adaptation)
Look I have no time okay ;-; and when Only Friends and Dangerous Romance dramas come out I'm gonna be swept up by them immediately lol
Shows I wanna watch/rewatch soon:
Hikaru No Go/Qi Hun (all on youtube rn!)
Close your eyes before it's dark
Heroes (when I have time)
An Ancient Love Song
Butterflied Lover
Legend of Yunze
Couple of Mirrors
How to Get Away With Murder (fire Island reminded Me how much I love the actors work)
Orphan Black (I miss it and wanna rewatch and finish)
Guardian (am currently rewatching slowly o3o)
Vice Versa
Mama Gogo
Old Fashioned Cupcake
Monster (anime)
Ranma 1/2 (rewatch)
Death Note (rewatch... and then the jdrama...)
Sherlock Untold (jdrama)
The Great (???)
Interview with the Vampire amc (GREAT)
Misfits (rewatching)
The sandman
Checkmate (aaaaa)
The Eclipse (GREAT)
Lost Track of time
A familiar stranger
Love Between Fairy and Devil (LOVE)
Update, current historical ish dramas I'm giving a shot:
The Rise of The Phoenixes (Chen Kun and Nini are <3)
Story of Yanxi Palace
The Rebel Princess
The Legend of Zhenhuan (at some point, I feel jade palace lock heart or story of yanxi palace will tempt me into checking this one out)
Special notes:
Another priest donghua is out!! Lie Huo Jiao Chou
Couple of mirrors on ep 2
Currently watching: Humans ep 11
Sot3k ep 26
Guardian ep 6
Love and Redemption ep 28
The Devil Judge
Not me the series - excellent I'm in love
F4 boys over flowers - surprisingly loving it so far and a much more suspenseful story than I expected now I want to watch the Japanese drama
Bad and crazy - Lee dong wook back in an action !!
My beautiful man jdrama
Our flag means death loved it! Highly rec!!
Gentleman jack - stopped watching. It's nice as a period romance, but I just do not like a landlord and my favorite character is Mary who is not gonna be the favored character any time soon
What we do in the shadows - loved it, rec if you liked the movie or just like chill vampire comedies
Plus and Minus - new taiwan bl that looks good
49 days with a merman - Taiwan drama
I'm your heart - chinese uncensored bl, cute
thai dramas:
3 Will Be Free (so good!! Rewatching and finishing did I mention enough how much I love this show?)
Lovely Writer (it had a strong beginning but then I dropped it, I wonder if it stayed good?)
A Fish Upon The Sky (like Lovely Writer above it felt like meaningfully heavy stuff/themes at first pretending at Fluff, also a lot like Theory of Love one of my all time faves... but I was waiting for more eps to come out)
Bad buddy - watched it. Recommend if you want a romantic comedy Romeo and Romeo with some depth and heart. Even though it's not my usual genre, I love Ohm and Nanons acting, love P'Aofs direction choices, and it really resonated with me as a first love from high school arc. It's definitely a feel good show with some serious heart in points.
Girl From Nowhere (looks scary and well acted!!)
Manner of Death (this and 3wbf are probably my biggest ‘really want to watch’ shows on here but I want full focus and see they require more attention then half-fluff romance ;-; Manner of Death looks like Exactly My Kinda Thing)
The revenge
The player
F4 thailand
Never too late
The eclipse
Moonlight chicken
Midnight hotel
Dirty laundry
Cupids last wish
Meow Ears Up
War with y
Upcoming I'm curious for: agarwood like crumbs (cheng yi), meet me in your sound (qi ye and princess from gmp), the wind blows from longxi (BAI YU and Chen kun!! Super excited for period drama bai yu)
The lotus casebook (cheng yi Joseph zeng)
Immortal Samsara
The Bad Kids (all on youtube rn)
Hikaru no go/qi hun (rewatch... I miss it)
The Rebel (!!!!!)
Shi xiao yi lang - zhu yilong
Bordertown Prodigal - zhu yilong
Reset (modern sci fi!!)
Killer and Healer
Empress Ki
Marvelous Women (I need to look into reviews first)
Legend of Yunqian
Legend of Yunze, and it's special
Master Wait a Moment
Dear Diary (teen fiction come to life!)
My Girlfriends Boyfriend (wu xie tlt2 2 comedy)
The Bond (intense, bai yu leads)
My Roommates a Detective (need to finish)
Ice Fantasy (which I'm loving), and Ice Fantasy Destiny (sequel)
Fall in love (guy from Goodbye My princess)
Our times (I'm on ep 4, bromance with wu xie and li cus actors??)
Crime crackdown
Ice fantasy (ma tianyu!!!) - UPDATE I'm mid watching this and it's not perfect, but I kind of love it and it's specific way of doing stuff I love. And I prefer it eons over Eternal Love. So many plot setups in this that are my personal favorites, combined with a slightly original take on immortals/realms etc.
Ultimate Note: TLT3 (I have like 10 eps left its my usual ‘can’t get myself to finish anything I like a ton’ lol)
The Lost Tomb 2 part 2
The Lost Tomb Reboot (see above - but positive is its on youtube now so its easier for me to watch and finish)
Killer and Healer (see above - I’m 1/3 through this baby, was waiting for it to finish airing and well IT IS NOW)
Granting You a Dreamlike Life (trash reasons, I just love Zhu Yilong and wanna see the hot mess tbh)
Fairyland Lovers (UPDATE: ep 26, I started this as another ‘practice’ show like gyadl, turns out I actually LOVE this thing with my only critique being I’d have picked much hotter clothes for Bai Yu to wear. This is very much Guardian/Rattan kind of story, I like it a LOT better than Goblin, its mini arcs keep making me cry, its ‘alien’ premise has a much more ‘metaphor for Love and Redemption style heavenly realm/demons’ which while it makes the sci fi kind of ‘handwave’ does make the whole story feel VERY much modern setting fantasy, like Shadowhunters or Buffy which I love, with the flavor of characters with pasts to the kind of degree LaR tended to have with some many centuries/millenia old players and potentially reincarnation involved which is interesting to see executed in a modern-fantasy cdrama. In short I didn’t expect to love this but I am binging now it so).
Rattan (I love Si Teng, I love both the leads, its mutants/aliens on earth, its very Guardian-esque but with better budget/photography, its clearly my kinda thing I just need time)
Love Me If You Dare (author who wrote the book was recced, and I want to see Wallace Huo act, and I love Sandra Ma)
Journey Across the Night (maybe* - its got Wu Xie from tlt3, I’ve seen it recced as a ‘bromance’ surprisingly, its short?)
Listening Snow Tower
Princess Agents
Princess Silver (Luo Yunxi)
Anti Fraud League (this has no subs so watching practice, but also its actually a bromance a la Killer and Healer vibes, and Xiao Yuliang is in it, its crime solving with some action/matrix vibes and I do appreciate that)
Goodbye My Princess (I miss it, I was halfway through it last time ;-; )
The Wolf (I just... miss them tbh...)
SCI (I hear its kinda a fun hot mess and that is my kinda thing)
Winter Begonia (some... day.... someday... probably not soon - i just realized now this is both historical and lovers from different backgrounds which i’m craving rn, but i remember how sad i was for the wife so...)
Nirvana in Fire (same as above, its just... when can my brain focus on a serious plot that long)
The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty (same as above... it sure is long, can I focus that much...)
Forward Forever (looks gay to the extent maybe hikaru no go was? looks my aesthetic? i’m guessing i will love or hate it)
Mystic Nine (SHOULD be on the list, we will SEE lol)
Secret of the Three Kingdoms (UPDATE: ep 18 and I love this show)
Demon Girl (i’m re-adding this to the list because like Fairyland Lovers, it looks very much ‘my niche preferred story setup’ and as such i’m either going to love it or feel its a fun ‘easy practice’ show)
Three Kingdoms (daddy looking lead >o>, also 95 episodes dang?)
Empresses in the Palace/The Legend of Zhen Huan (been on my to watch forever...)
Novolands Tribes and Empires (more grizzled male lead, maybe like GMP in terms of setting feel?
Novoland Eagle Flag (concubine’s son/princess, maybe more realistic setting feel?)
Jade Palace Lock Heart (update: ep 22, not crack at all tbh?? Its got comedy, political intrigue, terror, suspense, romance, genuinely great characterization and arcs throughout, it is Great - and while its mostly more grounded in its storytelling sometimes it does some wacky stuff or dream sequences which is a fun way to break the tension/seriousness/groundedness for a little while)
The Scarlet Heart (now i want to compare this to jplh, but also hella confused because its like... the same time period and time traveller too... was jplh a rip off at first?? lol)
Legend of Fragrance (honestly just the fact it might be lovers from different backgrounds, and has 3 actors i adore??? 3???!!)
Wu Xin The Monster Killer (immortal/human, lovers from different bgs, totally my kind of thing, Elvis... need I say more?)
The Myth (time traveler)
Sound of the Desert (nomad girl and prince)
The Eternal Love (Update: ep 10, trying it out, getting a Go Princess Go and Romance of Tiger and Rose vibe so far, so its a silly time)
Legend of the Condor Heroes
Love in Between
Siege in Fog (starcrossed lovers)
Love is Science (update: on the newest episode and its fairly good, i like the subplots but not the main plot much though i appreciate the main lead is divorced because i rarely see that)
the imperial coroner
New Face (my dude from monarch industry!!)
Song of Youth
Lost in 1949* (fu shous actress wan qian with chen kun!!)
Romance of a twin flower (peng xiao ran, novel adaptation)
The Long Night
humans (Update: look idk if this will be everyone’s thing but Ma Tianyi leads it along with a full on superb cast, its so fucking good to me ToT ma tianyi in modern sci fi, constant whump, my fave tropes in sci fi of androids who feel and have shit going on, kick ass women who terrify and are beloved, well Written Sci Fi??? In my Cdrama??? Its less common than it should be but god it finally EXISTS here - and as always, I recommend Bureau of Transformer for those who want excellently written Sci Fi with a Twilight Zone vibe that’s short and sweet and absolutely beloved by me. My point is - please give me more genuine sci fi cdramas T-T)
You are my Glory (diliraba and Yang Yang)
Couple of Mirrors (ITS GREAT)
The Longest Day in Chang’an (hot man)
Novoland pearl eclipse (recced)
Monarch Industry/The Rebel Princess (recced!)
The Killer is Also Romantic
Her Royal Highness
My Sassy Princess (crystal yuan)
Who Rules the World (yang yang)
Story of Yanxi Palace (recced!)
Unforgettable Love (wei zheming qi ye from word of honor)
Under the skin - tan jianci, started and love it so far.
The Guest (when will I have time to finish!!!??? Exactly my kinda thing!!)
Psychopath Diary (same as above: when will I have the time to finish I have 4 eps left ;-; )
Hotel Del Luna (recced to me, I trust y’all when u tell me this will be my kinda thing, also its got supernatural stuff which I’m into - watching now, very much my kind of thing!)
Its Ok to Not Be Ok (looks? like my kind of thing?)
Crash Landing On You (UPDATE: FINISHED, ok I GET why this scriptwriter is so loved? I am absolutely craving love stories about people from very different backgrounds, Especially if its also got historical or realism elements, and I love how this show really establishes settings as distinct and their own, as part of a character’s background, and the plot itself so far is so good???)
You Who Came From The Stars (probably the only ‘fluff’ romance on here, because it was recced so I wanna give it a chance, and aliens is a plus)
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (so was it good? who’s seen it???)
To My Star (heard good things, but also heard its a romantic comedy and idk how much fluff i can handle)
Color Rush (hard to find to watch? cool concept)
My Country the new age
Beyond Evil (update: finished this and it was AMAZING I’m still processing)
Mr Sunshine (just added to my list because its historical and a tale of people from different backgrounds falling in love which is what I’m craving rn)
The Sweet Blood (on youtube now, vampires, we’ll see? maybe??)
Chicago Typewriter (past lifes and present?! Yes sign me up)
Arthdal chronicles (it’s on Netflix, a few seasons? The meaningless art’s vids on YouTube are 100% why I want to see it, also it’s historical fantasy!!)
Mr Queen (scared about the ending but... but...IT HAS MY BOY FROM CRASH LANDING ON YOU)
Sell your haunted house (recced)
The Crowned Clown (recced, my boy from beyond evil) - started and don't know if I'll finish. The acting was good but the plot is very traditional in a way.
Scholar that walks the night (hot vampire??)
The kings affection - stopped watching, acting was great but plot was not doing anything special.
Tomorrow - LOVE it so far.
Some upcoming bl historical...
Semantic Error
Kieta Hatsukoi (I just started and already recommend it!)
Death Note Musical (a play not a show but I need to witness this as a death note fan)
Death Note drama (UPDATE: ep 3. It is... like watching an au...)
Nier: Automata Stage Play (there’s actually a few, and i love nier automata ;-; )
Life as a Girl (recced)
Cherry Magic (I need. to finish this)
A Man Who Defies the World of BL (UPDATE: so this was amazing, was pure joy to watch, the lead really was great at carrying the feel, short and just fun)
Ossan’s Love (recced)
Alice in Borderlands (my dude is in it!!)
Rinsho Hanzai Gakusha Himura Hideo no Suiri (UPDATE: ep 2, this is pretty good so far? also it has a very distinct aesthetic it really reminds me of like... almost an 80s-90s Detective show with some noir vibes)
Miss Sherlock (1 i forgot this was a thing!!!)
Pornographer, Mood Indigo (i believe these two are connected? i’ve heard good things about them)
Rurouni Kenshin (2012), Kyoto Inferno (2014), The Legend Ends (2014), The Final, The Beginning.
Junkyouju Takatsuki Akira no Suisatsu (recced, vaguely reminds me of Guardian so it's definitely a to watch!!)
Mini Movie Rec List:
Happy together wong kar-wai
East Palace, West Palace 1996
The Lover 1992
The Bride With White Hair (i feel like i’ve been recced this before)
A Chinese Ghost Story
A frozen flower
The Night Beyond the Tricordered Window
On Drakon
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userlaylivia · 2 years
5 shows
tagged by: @itwasepic tysm bb <3
rules: pick 5 shows then answer the following questions. don't cheat. then tag 10 (or however many) people.
my shows:
the secret circle
the vampire diaries
the originals
one tree hill
1, who is your favorite character in 2?
hope mikaelson always and forever!! she's the one I would defend until my dying breath no matter what!!
2. who is your least favorite character in 1?
John Blackwell, I love every character on the show except him and it's not just because he messed with my otp either!
3. what is your favorite episode of 4?
it's a mix between the s1 finale and 1x08 I loved both episodes so much but I love so many eps of the show so lol
4. what is your favorite season of 5?
season 2 always!! I loved it so much and everything was so on point and the brucas/jeyton/naley stuff was just perfection!! s1-3 were AMAZING!!
5. who is your favorite couple in 3?
Damon/Elena of course!!, they are my otp of all otps and always will be!!
6. who is your favorite couple in 2?
handon always!! I ship hope with everyone on the show but handon is my otp and always will be!!
7. what is your favorite season of 1?
well tsc only has one season so that's the only one that can be my fave lol it DESERVED BETTER!!
8. what is your favorite episode of 5?
it's hard to choose an episode for the show but the shooting episode even though it's heartbreaking and keith dies which I'm still mad about but the writing and acting made that episode my fave!!
9. what is your favorite episode of 2?
It is a tie between 1x13 and 4x03!! both episodes were emotional and intense and just overall AMAZING OMG!!
10. how long have you watched 1?
I started the show when it premiered in 2011 and watched it till the end and I've rewatched several times since!!
11. how did you become interested in 3?
well i read the books not long before the show then I saw commercials for the show and started it and that's how I got interested!
12. who is your favorite actor in 4?
phoebe tonkin!! she's the reason I started the show and she's my favorite character on the show and I've loved her for YEARS!!
13. which do you prefer? 1, 2 or 5?
I can't choose between them tbh their all 3 my favorite shows!! but tsc is without a doubt one of my all time faves and I'm bitter it got cancelled! legacies is my current fave though!!
14. which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
well 3 because tsc only has one season and tvd has 8 lol
15. if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Hayley or davina!! I would love to have super strength and be that fast but I'd hate to drink blood lol and being a witch would be so cool omg!!
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
well considering they have crossed over numerous time and one is a spinoff of the other I'd say so lol
17. pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
adam and faye!!! they were my guilty pleasure ship on tsc and I think they would've been so great together if only we got a second season ugh
18. overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
um probably 5 since I liked it more past s4 than I did tvd and I genuinely love a lot of the characters and ships and the storylines are so powerful on oth and I love it more in general!
19. which has the better theme music, 2 or 4??
neither since neither one has much of a theme, just the title card with blood dripping down lmao
20. what is your favorite episode of 3??
I can't choose just one episode but 1x11, 1x14, 1x19, 1x22, pretty much every ep of s2 because it's my favorite season and I could go on and on but nobody wants that lmao
tagging: @ravipanikar, @annacoleman, @tabithatate, @lizzimcguire, @lizzies, @miriammaisel, @mseloisebridgerton, @bettycoops, @forbescaroline, @emmanelson
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