safestorms · 3 months
soft yongduri mornings pt ii
Theyd decided after Hyunwoo’s discharge from the hospital that he stay in Yongduri for the first week to recuperate. Theres something about his childhood home that makes him feel at peace. Coming back home has always felt like hes finally surfacing from being submerged underwater, taking in lungfuls of air. Watching the pink sunset over the mountains after eating his umma’s home cooked food has always made him feel at ease, a deep sense of calm settling within his bones. Centering him. Here at home in Yongduri, he feels more grounded, closer to the earth.
He’s sitting on the verandah looking out at the misty morning light spreading out over the mountains when he hears quiet footsteps behind him. They sound like Haeins. He turns and sees her. He loves seeing her in the early mornings like this, soft and sleep woken; rosy.
Haein tsks over his damp freshly washed hair. He’d just bathed but drying his hair was too daunting a task right now. Especially when theres a sunrise to look at. Yongduri sunrises make him feel like nothing else, close to the heart of the world.
“Baek Hyun Woo,” Haein frowns, running her hand through his damp hair. “Youre going to get sick from sitting around with wet hair.” Shes been extra attentive, fussing over him since he’d been shot.
“Haein ah,” he’d said to her at first. “You dont have to do this bscause you feel guilty.”
“Baek Hyun Woo,” she’d said back with steely resolve. “I’m doing this because I want to. Because youre my husband. And youre recovering.”
“I-“ he was about to protest but Haein had stuck the spoon of porridge in his mouth sternly.
“Eat your porridge.”
He cant say though that part of him doesnt bask in all the attention shes showering on him.
Back in the present, Hyunwoo turns wide eyes on her, feigning innocence. “I thought you said I looked like Timothee Chalamet or a young Leonardo Di Caprio with my hair damp.”
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safestorms · 3 months
soft yongduri mornings - Queen of Tears - Baekhong - G
[Set after Hyunwoo gets discharged from hospital. This fic snippet takes place in the same verse as ‘to have and to hold (& be held)’ which diverges from canon in that Haein regained all her memories as a result of the night she gets kidnapped by Eunseong.]
Haein pulls on the pair of boots her mother in law has lent her to collect the eggs from the chicken coop. Just as she’s about to head there, Hyunwoo appears by her side.
“What are you doing, Haein ah?” Hyunwoo asks, peering into the basket she’s holding in her hand.
“None of your business,” she says, playfully. “Collecting eggs for your breakfast, if you must know.”
Hyunwoo’s eyes light up at this. “Have you met our chickens?”
Haein eyes the chickens suspiciously when they get to the chicken enclosure. “They look bigger than I thought they would. Do they…attack humans?”
Hyunwoo bursts out laughing. A small smile tugs at her lips. She hasnt seen him this carefree, hasnt seen him laugh like this in so long. “Theyre not wild animals, Haein ah. Come on, theyre not scary. Chickens arent normally aggressive to people.”
“Im not scared of them!” She protests even though a tiny part of her maybe is but shes not about to let her fear get the better of her. She has her pride to maintain after all. Holding her head up high she follows Hyunwoo into the chicken coop.
One of the hens immediately fixes her with what looks like a death glare before she has even crossed the threshold. Haein hasnt noticed what beady eyes they have before. And their beaks are so pointy. Haein glares at it right back. She can give as good as she gets and as CEO of Queens in the harsh chaebol world of Seoul, she knows a thing or two about intimidating her competition. “I’m watching you,” she warns it.
“Haein ah,” Hyunwoo calls to her, “see this is uri Bingsu.” Haein watches wide eyed as one of the chickens comes running to him, rubbing against his leg and making soft greeting sounds. Hyunwoo picks the chicken up in his arms, cooing at it and petting it. The chicken snuggles into his arms. The sight of him cuddling the chicken is so cute that her heart instantly melts, scary birds be damned. He looks so soft like this, in his familiar worn house clothes with his boyish bangs flopping over his forehead against the pinkening dawn sky. It makes her love him more, if that’s even possible.
“Bingsu ah,” hes singsonging to the chicken like its a baby that can understand Korean. “Theres someone very special I want you to meet. My wife, Hong Haein.”
He holds the chicken out to her but Haein shakes her head at him, refusing to take it in her arms. But fine, she thinks grudgingly, she is curious why Hyunwoo likes the chicken and what exactly is so great about it that has her husband’s eyes lighting up like that? Somehow he looks lighter, less weighed down by the suffering he’s endured these past few months from car crashes and bullet wounds, false imprisonments to a wife who treated him like a criminal because she forgot him. She reaches out tentatively to touch a feather on its back with one finger while Hyunwoo holds it.
“See?” Hyunwoo whispers in his soft voice that he only uses just for her, looking at her tenderly. “She looks fierce but she’s just soft on the inside like you Haein ah.”
Haein can feel herself flushing at this though shes pleased. “Yah, Baek Hyunwoo, dont go around giving away my secret. Should I be jealous of you and these hens?”
“Yah!” Theyre interrupted by the sound of Miseons loud voice. “Hyunwoo yah, youre meant to be collecting the eggs for your breakfast not playing with the chickens!”
“I am getting the eggs, Noona” Hyunwoo yells back. “I just need to ask the chickens permission first.” Haein smiles. Its adorable how he’s the maknae of his family.
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safestorms · 3 months
Ahhh thank you SO much for saying that. It means a lot. You are too kind <3
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 눈물의 여왕 | Queen of Tears (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Baek Hyun Woo/Hong Hae In Characters: Baek Hyun Woo, Hong Hae In Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Male Character, Character Study, Introspection, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Bathing/Washing Summary:
Hyunwoo goes to the carwash after he gets triggered at the Hongs’ old hunting ground and Haein comes to find him.
Set months after Hyunwoo gets shot by Yoon Eunseong but diverges from canon in that Haein regained all her memories as a result of that night.
Introspective hurt/comfort Hyunwoo fic where he gets taken care of by Haein
“He absentmindedly scratches his scar from Eunseong’s bullet. He feels her elegant fingers wrapping around his, stopping him from doing it. She clasps his hand in between hers, just like she’d done at Chairman Hong’s funeral; one hand on top of his and the other beneath so he’s surrounded, encircled by her touch. It makes him feel clasped, embraced, held by her, something he’d once thought he’d never feel again during the stifling days of their marriage, like that long ago day in Yongduri when she’d appeared to him, an angel glowing, shining down at him in a field bursting with sunlight. When she’d caressed his cheek, wiping his tears away and promised not to make him cry.”
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safestorms · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 눈물의 여왕 | Queen of Tears (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Baek Hyun Woo/Hong Hae In Characters: Baek Hyun Woo, Hong Hae In Additional Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Male Character, Character Study, Introspection, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Bathing/Washing Summary:
Hyunwoo goes to the carwash after he gets triggered at the Hongs’ old hunting ground and Haein comes to find him.
Set months after Hyunwoo gets shot by Yoon Eunseong but diverges from canon in that Haein regained all her memories as a result of that night.
Introspective hurt/comfort Hyunwoo fic where he gets taken care of by Haein
“He absentmindedly scratches his scar from Eunseong’s bullet. He feels her elegant fingers wrapping around his, stopping him from doing it. She clasps his hand in between hers, just like she’d done at Chairman Hong’s funeral; one hand on top of his and the other beneath so he’s surrounded, encircled by her touch. It makes him feel clasped, embraced, held by her, something he’d once thought he’d never feel again during the stifling days of their marriage, like that long ago day in Yongduri when she’d appeared to him, an angel glowing, shining down at him in a field bursting with sunlight. When she’d caressed his cheek, wiping his tears away and promised not to make him cry.”
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safestorms · 4 months
Expanse excerpt from the vault:
Julie lives AU
For Julie, living in space means learning new ways of experiencing her body.
How much a body weighs out here, in zero g: weightless.
How much a body matters in spin gravity: it turns out, not very much at all.
She signs up to help with the resettlement of the children who’d been rescued from Io and their reunification with their families. All of them now are not only survivors of a protomolecule experiment just like her but also refugees.
She’s handing out supplies to the kids when a little Asian girl comes up to her.
“Excuse me, miss, have you seen my Misko and Marisko bag? I already lost it once. I don’t want to lose it again. It’s my favorite cartoon and my dad brought it for me all the way from home.”
Julie smiles. The girl reminds her a little of herself, it’s like staring into a mirror. “Of course, let’s go find it. You know, I used to love them too when I was a kid. I’d watch it together with my sister.”
Mei’s eyes light up. “Really? Which one’s your favorite?”
Julie pauses. “Hmm. Let me think. I don’t know. I don’t think I can choose.”
“You have to choose. Katoa said that everyone chooses who they secretly want to be like. Katoa…” She stops mid-ramble then, her face crumbling. “Sometimes,” she says voice trembling but also defiant even at her age, “I forget that he’s not here anymore. But I don’t want him to be gone. Do you want to hear a secret?”
“I won’t tell anyone,” Julie promises.
Mei nods. “I think I can trust you because you like Misko and Marisko. Anyone who likes them is my friend. The last time I saw Katoa, he wasn’t Katoa anymore.”
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safestorms · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 무인도의 디바 | Castaway Diva (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kang Bogeol | Jung Kiho/Seo Mokha Characters: Kang Bogeol | Jung Kiho, Seo Mokha Additional Tags: Introspection, Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Character Study, Implied/Referenced Abuse Summary:
“Kiho-yah,” she calls his name. She pulls him back like this, out of the shadows hes so used to shrouding himself in for decades. For a long time, he’d believed that shadows were all his life was meant to be. It’s where he’d left Kiho behind, put on Bogeol’s mask to steal the daylight, always with the knowledge that he was on borrowed time.
Introspective character study of Kiho when he and Mokha go on a double date with Daewoong and Youngjoo. Post-finale.
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safestorms · 4 months
It’s Lara Jeans 18th birthday. To celebrate, she has dinner with her dad, Kitty and Margot (via skype) eating Korean food. She has seaweed soup in honour of her mother.
Peter swings by after to pick her up for a late night drive out stargazing and a midnight picnic.
“I wish Mom was here.”
“I think... I think,” Peter says hoarsely, face serious as anything, “that the people we love are never really gone. They’re still with us. Watching over us.”
“You think?” Lara Jean smiles wistfully.
“I know so, Covey,” he says, lacing his fingers through hers and squeezing tightly. “Years from now, even if we’re not in each other’s lives anymore, I’ll still bear traces of you.”
“Yeah?” she says ducking her head shyly and tucking her hair behind her ears.
Lara Jean looks upwards at the stars shrewn in the skies above. “I think that’s what we’re here on earth for. To leave imprints on each other.”
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safestorms · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 달리와 감자탕 | Dali and the Cocky Prince (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jin Moo Hak/ Kim Dali Characters: Jin Moo Hak, Kim Dali Summary:
a scene during the one year time jump
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safestorms · 4 months
Lara Jean cries when she hears that Kitty had gotten her first period, after the fact, the day after it actually happens.
“I’m a woman now,” Kitty announces proudly to her over Skype and Lara Jean can practically feel the miles and miles of distance between them.
Lara Jean had wanted to be there when it happened, just like her mom had for her. She tries to hold back the tears that are choking up her throat because she doesn’t want Kitty to be sad too. She can’t stop thinking about all the little moments of Kitty’s growing up that she’s missing, all the pieces of Mom that Kitty will never get that she, Lara Jean did. It’s like losing Mom all over again.
“Remember to carry a spare around with you always, Kitty, in case you have an accident or it comes early.”
Kitty, rolls her eyes, ever the sharp-witted, precocious one in the family. “Yes, Lara Jean. I researched you know, on that thing we have, called the oh internet. And besides, Dad’s a gynaecologist, remember? He gave me such a long lecture about periods that I nearly fell asleep!”
She manages to hold back her tears until she finishes the Skype call. She should call Margot but the wound is still too fresh, too raw. Margot would understand better than anyone else. After Mom died, Margot had tried her hardest to fill Mom’s role, to make sure that Lara Jean would feel her mom’s absence as little as possible. Now it’s Lara Jean’s turn to do it for Kitty.
- an old fic draft excerpt I found! i just thought its so cute. Set in the future when Lara Jean goes off to college
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safestorms · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 눈물의 여왕 | Queen of Tears (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Baek Hyun Woo/Hong Hae In Characters: Baek Hyun Woo, Hong Hae In Additional Tags: Angst, Missing Scene Series: Part 1 of the touches of the disappearing, things Summary:
Hyunwoo’s POV of Haein’s rejection of his re-proposal/request for divorce withdrawal in ep12 and her telling him that she mistook Eunseong for him. + A continuation of the scene.
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safestorms · 4 months
to have and to hold (clasped) - G - Queen of Tears - Baekhong
Summary: a glimpse at Hyunwoo’s POV during the handholding scene at Chairman Hong’s funeral
He turns his face away so she cant see the tears sliding down his cheeks. This funeral should be about her not him.
He’s surprised when she clasps his hand in between hers. It makes him feel clasped, embraced, held by her, (something he’d once thought he’d never feel again during the stifling days of their marriage), like that long ago day in Yongduri when she’d appeared to him, an angel glowing, shining down at him in a field bursting with sunlight. When she’d caressed his cheek, wiping his tears away and promised not to make him cry. The Baek Hyunwoo he’d been then had been so naive and innocent. He hadnt known true tragedy then. Hyunwoo aches for his past self, for his dying wife, for their lost baby, for the time that’s slipping away from them. The past few years have been like traversing an ocean of grief.
The universe around him is mourning too for the sky opens and weeps and everything in him aches with the drip drip drip of the rain.
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safestorms · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 모래에도 꽃이 핀다 | Like Flowers in Sand (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kim Baekdu/Oh Dusik Characters: Kim Baekdu, Oh Dusik Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends Summary:
Post finale snapshots of Baekdu & Dusik’s dating era. (Picks up right after the last scene.)
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safestorms · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 모래에도 꽃이 핀다 | Like Flowers in Sand (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kim Baekdu/Oh Dusik Characters: Kim Baekdu, Oh Dusik Additional Tags: Character Study, Introspection, Friends to Lovers Summary:
Dusik POV after they get together.
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safestorms · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 사랑의 이해 | The Interest of Love (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ha Sang Soo / Ahn Soo Young Characters: Ha Sang Soo, Ahn Soo Young Additional Tags: Missing Scene Summary:
A brief look into Sooyoung's head during their time in Tongyeong including a continuation of the kiss scene.
  He kisses her like that now but more carefully like he's ghosting glass.
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safestorms · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Summer I Turned Pretty (TV 2022), The Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy - Jenny Han Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Isabel "Belly" Conklin/Conrad Fisher Characters: Isabel "Belly" Conklin, Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty) Series: Part 2 of i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart) Summary:
   Conrad rubs Belly’s hair dry for her with a towel and he tells her about his panic attack. A continuation of my fic ‘this is what it’s like to kiss Conrad Fisher’ set right after the kiss scene on the show.
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safestorms · 2 years
of adaptation, evolution and marshmallows - T - to all the boys I’ve loved before - Peter/Lara Jean
(repost of an old peter/Lara jean fic I wrote a few years ago & deleted. Please do not reblog)
As Peter and Lara Jean begin college, they figure out what adaptation and evolution means; that change doesn't always mean ending.
It turns out that you can’t freeze time like Peter wanted.
This is a continuation of the movie so it doesn't take into account the events of the second and third book. But this fic draws upon themes that are in the books as well as Lara Jean's book characterization. She's still movie!Lara Jean but with some of book!Lara Jean. I love them both with my whole heart. Unbeta'ed so all mistakes are mine.
The summer before they begin college, Lara Jean and Peter make a new contract.
“Number one: let’s write each other letters, Peter.”
“Why? You know you can call me anytime, Covey.”
“Because it’ll be romantic,” she says, wildly gesturing with her hands and he’s looking at her all fond so she knows she’s probably doing one of those things with her face that he thinks is cute. She’s learned to use it to great effect sometimes like when she wants the last donut.
God, she’s going to miss waking up early at the crack of dawn on Monday mornings to get the donut special at the Corner Cafe just before the school week begins. It’d been their thing during senior year. When she’d been stressed out with college admissions, she’d always had their Monday donut time to anchor her, the toasty warmness of the cafe enveloping her like a blanket. It’s funny the rituals you come to have with someone just by doing things with them week after week until it becomes a pattern you’re set in, a habit as natural as breathing.
Now when she smells cinnamon, she’ll always think of the cinnamon donuts Peter’d used to order, the way he’d laughed at how she’d get icing on her face and he’d wiped it off with his finger, licking it clean after, like an indirect kiss, he’d say. Lara Jean’ll ask him for a real one outside later when they’re snuggled in his car, the early morning light leaking over the sky, tingeing it that pale shade of pink like spun sugar and cotton candy floss shading into a brilliant robin’s egg blue. She’ll always remember that Lara Jean fondly, her high school self on the cusp of adulthood, flush with youthfulness and that last bit of teenage girl innocence. Peter had tasted like cinnamon and sugar, promise and possibility all at once.
“Okay,” he relents because he always melts around her and it makes her feel powerful that she can do this to him without even trying.
“Just like when we began.” She doesn’t say because it’ll be familiar and she’ll need every bit of home she can get while she’s away from her family.
He stares at her intently. “I wish we could freeze time. Right here.”
“Number two,” she whispers. “Let’s always promise to be real.”
Peter’s college is a two hour drive away - not insurmountable but still not near. Lara Jean should be glad that her boyfriend isn’t all the way across the country like other girls she knows. But then she doesn’t want to become that girl; the girl who’s always waiting for her boyfriend, that Asian girl who’s defined by her white man. Or that girl who’s too naive to realize that high school relationships don’t survive college and miles of road.
“Let’s add this to the contract,” Lara Jean says the first week of college. “Number seven: Peter will drive down to see Lara Jean every weekend and if he can’t make it he will let her know in advance.”
The thing about long distance she comes to find is that sometimes, in the moments in between, it’s hard to feel like they are real. She misses him like a physical ache and this is another loss to add to her pile.
But then Peter drives up to see her on the weekend and they snuggle up in her dorm bed, her nose buried in his neck and he’s as real as anything, all solid muscle mass and teenage-boy-almost-man-ness. And this between them feels real. Is the real deal. Real love. The way Peter sees the real her and the way he lets her see the real him. He says, “You always smell so good, Lara Jean. You smell like marshmallows. Why do you smell like marshmallows?”
“What?” she laughs. “You say the most ridiculous things sometimes, Peter.”
“ Are there marshmallows here?”
“No. I think you must just be craving them. Should I be jealous?”
He scoffs. “Of marshmallows? You’re sweeter than any marshmallow, Covey.”
“I haven’t had a marshmallow in ages...I don’t think...The last time I ate one was when my dad tried to get us to go camping with him. But I was nine and I held it over the fire for too long and it got so burned it tasted like ashes in my mouth.”
“Woah woah woah. You haven’t had a marshmallow recently, Covey?” he asks, tickling her. “Now this, this is a crisis. Let me introduce you to the wonders of the marshmallow.” He stops, his expression going serious and she brings the tip of her nose to his, both of them breathing each other in and here here in the stillness of her room, under the covers with Peter she imagines that this is what it’s like to be safe and warm, something like marshmallow softness.
Peter insists on bringing her on a hunt for marshmallows later. She eats one and wonders out loud to him how she’d gone so long without eating marshmallows. Peter ducks his head, pleased. He's always so delighted to please her and it makes her feel warm all over because she doesn’t need marshmallows when she can have him, Peter Kavinsky, her marshmallow boy who makes her feel like there’s always sweetness to be found in life even though, despite the bitter things. Like she'll never have to taste ashes in her mouth again.
“Number eleven,” she murmurs as he presses kisses all over her face, the tip of her nose, her cheeks, her eyelids. “Let’s always be sweet to each other Peter. Let’s always remind each other of the good things even when things are hard.” Even when I don’t get to see you , she thinks.
It turns out that you can’t freeze time like Peter wanted. Time moves on and things change. Both Peter and her know that innately, had felt it in their bones growing up. Loss has marked them both; her with her mom and Peter with his dad. Maybe it’s because they’ve known loss so intimately, that they keep reaching for each other over and over again, transmuting change into evolution, adapting instead of saying goodbye.
They don’t end but instead in college, their relationship shifts, evolves. Metamorphosizes. Not all change means endings. Lara Jean says goodbye to high school them but that doesn’t mean that College PeterandLaraJean can’t be stronger and better.
During Christmas break, they both go back home and on Monday morning, Lara Jean wakes Peter up bright and early for their Monday donut ritual.
The Corner Cafe feels as toasty warm as it always has but this time it feels different, she feels different.
“What’s wrong?” Peter asks when he notices her fiddling with her packets of sugar.
“Nothing,” she says, tucking her hair behind her ear. She goes to tie it up into a ponytail but then she remembers; she’d gotten it cut the last day of class and it’s not long enough now.
“You’re doing that thing,” he says softly. “With your hair when you’re not feeling okay.”
“It’s just,” she says, taking a sip of her drink. “It feels different. Everything’s changed. Well not everything . You know. Kitty’s got a boyfriend now, can you believe? I caught her trying to sneak him into her room!”
“We haven’t changed. We’re still here,” he points out.
“Haven’t we?”
“Okay. Yes. We’re a bit different. But we’re not brand new. It’s still you and me, Covey.”
The way he’s smiling at her like she’s brighter than the sun makes her melt all over. “Yeah?” she asks, scrunching her nose up.
“Yeah,” he says, “you gonna break my heart Covey?” And his smile is no longer that of the most popular boy in school, Peter Kavinsky, but a Peter who’s a man now. But it’s still her Peter echoing what teenage him had said to her on a lacrosse field bathed in sunlight as she’d flung her arms around him and along with them her whole heart. And it’s just for her, all for her.
“So,” he continues. “How’d your story go for your writing class?”
Lara Jean breaks out into her own smile at this. “I’d never thought of being a writer before, Peter. I’d never imagined before college that me, Lara Jean, would be reading my writing out loud in front of other people for them to critique. Margot always used to say that the romance novels I read gave me unrealistic expectations. That they just put fantasies in my head. But I really believe that romance novels can make the world a better place. People need them, Peter. Because we all need to believe that we deserve happy endings.”
“What I’d do to have such a talented girlfriend? Leave some talent for the little people like me, Covey.”
Later outside in the parking lot, Lara Jean kisses him in his car, slow and sweet as he cradles her face with his hand. Kissing Peter here at the Corner Cafe with the ghost of high school them lingering doesn’t feel like a mourning or an elegy to their past selves. Still, after all this time, kissing Peter feels like the world opening up at her feet, the green of a lacrosse field spreading out beneath them endlessly.
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safestorms · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Summer I Turned Pretty (TV 2022), The Summer I Turned Pretty Trilogy - Jenny Han Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Isabel "Belly" Conklin/Conrad Fisher Characters: Isabel "Belly" Conklin, Conrad Fisher (The Summer I Turned Pretty) Summary:
A continuation of the kiss scene through Belly’s POV. Not book compliant as I haven’t read them.
  Kissing Conrad feels like the delicious sense of possibility she gets when she has her first dip in the summer house pool after a whole year away from Cousins, the water embracing her body like she’s made for it; a mermaid transformed.
  With his words, his kiss, everything is washed away but the siren song of his mouth . For a moment nothing else exists in the world except for Conrad - Conrad’s mouth, Conrad’s lips, Conrad’s skin, the breathy noises he makes as he leans into her. This is a Conrad like she’s never seen before, a Conrad who’s been shipwrecked and resurrected. A new-old Conrad.
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